WASHINGTON, D.C.  20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                        SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

Date of Report:  December 4, 1996

Commission File Number:  33-57342

             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                      Colorado                              84-1158484  
           ----------------------------------             --------------
           (State or other jurisdiction of                (I.R.S. Employer
           incorporation or organization)                Identification No.)

           2060 Broadway, Suite 400
           Boulder, Colorado                                     80302  
           ------------------------------------------          ---------
           (Address of principal executive offices)            (Zip Code)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code:    (303) 444-0240
Item 5.  Other Events.

         On November 12, 1996, Black Hawk Gaming & Development Company, Inc.
(the "Company") entered into or became a party to several agreements with
Diversified Opportunities Group Ltd. ("Diversified") and BH Entertainment Ltd.
("BH"), both affiliated with Jacobs Entertainment, Ltd. and certain other
persons either affiliated with Diversified, BH or the Company.  The essential
terms of all agreements are set forth below.

         1.      Amended and Restated Purchase Agreement.  This agreement,
between the Company and Diversified, provided, among other things, as follows:

                 (a)      The Company issued to Diversified 190,476 shares of
                          its $.001 par value Common Stock at a price of $5.25
                          per share (an aggregate consideration of $1,000,000).
                          In addition, Diversified loaned the Company the sum
                          of $1,500,000 under the terms of a convertible note
                          due November 11, 1998 and bearing interest at LIBOR
                          plus 2%.  An annual facility fee equal to one-quarter
                          of 1% of the amount of principal outstanding is also
                          payable by the Company.

                 (b)      The foregoing note is convertible into shares of the
                          Company's Common Stock at the price of $5.25 per
                          share at any time upon the election of Diversified
                          (after shareholder approval described in (d) below is
                          obtained) or such note will automatically be
                          converted into shares at such time as (i) Diversified
                          has acquired or received all necessary and
                          appropriate regulatory, licensing and other approvals
                          from the Colorado Division of Gaming (the
                          "Division"), the Colorado Limited Gaming Control
                          Commission (the "Commission") and the state and local
                          liquor licensing authorities; and (ii) the Commission
                          approves the issuance to Black Hawk/Jacobs
                          Entertainment LLC (the "LLC") of a retail gaming

                 (c)      The note is secured by a first priority lien on the
                          Company's membership interest and share of capital
                          and profits in the LLC.  The LLC was formed for the
                          purpose of continuing the development of a hotel and
                          casino in Black Hawk, Colorado on properties
                          contributed to the LLC by the Company and

                 (d)      Subject to obtaining approval from the Company's
                          shareholders in accordance with its listing
                          requirements on the NASDAQ/NMS trading market, the
                          Company will issue and deliver to Diversified, and
                          Diversified shall acquire an additional convertible
                          note in the principal amount of $6,000,000, and the
                          first note described in (a) above shall be canceled.
                          The second note shall contain all of the terms and
                          conditions of the first note and shall be secured in
                          the same manner

                          and is convertible into an aggregate of 1,142,857 
                          shares of the Company's Common Stock.

                 (e)      The second convertible note is convertible on the
                          same terms and conditions and under the same
                          circumstances as is set forth in (b) above, assuming
                          approval of shareholders for NASDAQ listing purposes.
                          Such shareholder approval is expected to be obtained
                          in early January 1997.

                 (f)      If approval for NASDAQ listing purposes is not
                          obtained, the first note in the amount of $1,500,000
                          shall be deemed canceled and the shares acquired by
                          Diversified, as set forth in subsection (a) above,
                          shall be considered to have been redeemed and
                          Diversified will be deemed to have made a $2,500,000
                          capital contribution to the LLC and the parties'
                          interests in the LLC shall be adjusted from 75/25 in
                          favor of the Company to 50/50.

                 (g)      The proceeds received and to be received by the
                          Company from the issuance of the shares and
                          convertible notes are to be used to fund the
                          Company's required capital contributions to the LLC.

                 (h)      At such time as shareholder approval is obtained and
                          Diversified loans the additional $4,500,000 to the
                          Company, three officers and directors of the Company
                          (i.e., Messrs. Robert D.  Greenlee, Frank B. Day and
                          Stephen R. Roark) are obligated to loan $750,000 to
                          the Company, essentially on the same terms and
                          conditions, including interest rates, maturity dates
                          and conversion features as are set forth in the
                          convertible notes issued and to be issued to

                 (i)      The Company, Diversified and Messrs. Greenlee and Day
                          entered into a Shareholders' Agreement which provided
                          that Messrs. Greenlee and Day would vote their shares
                          for the purposes of expanding the Company's Board of
                          Directors from 7 to 9 members, providing for a
                          classified (staggered) Board of Directors, and
                          approving the conversion feature of the notes issued
                          or to be issued to Diversified.  Further, at such
                          time as Diversified has acquired at least 820,000
                          shares of the Company's Common Stock, Messrs.
                          Greenlee and Day have agreed to vote their shares for
                          five of the nine persons nominated to the Board of
                          Directors and designated by Diversified.  The
                          Shareholders' Agreement also contains certain
                          customary buy-sell arrangements between and among the
                          Company, Diversified and Messrs. Greenlee and Day.
                          The Shareholders' Agreement further provided that on
                          closing, two of the Company's present six member
                          Board of Directors would resign and, pursuant
                          thereto, Messrs. Lamm and Politano resigned.  The

                          previously had one existing Board vacancy.  The
                          Shareholders' Agreement then provided that the three
                          vacancies would be filled by nominees of Diversified
                          which were filled with the election of Jeffrey P.
                          Jacobs, Robert H. Hughes and Martin S. Winick to the
                          Board of Directors.  In addition, Mr. Jeffrey P.
                          Jacobs was elected Chief Executive Officer of the
                          Company replacing Robert D. Greenlee and was elected
                          Co-Chairman of the Board of Directors to serve along
                          with Mr. Greenlee.

                 (j)      Finally, the agreement provided that the parties
                          would enter into the  Shareholders' Agreement, a
                          Registration Rights Agreement, a Master Joint Venture
                          Agreement, certain Subscription Agreements,
                          Employment Agreements and Option Agreements, all of
                          which are discussed below.

                 (k)      For further details, reference is made to the
                          Restated and Amended Purchase Agreement, which is
                          attached hereto as Exhibit 1 and incorporated herein
                          by reference.

         2.      Operating Agreement Among the Company and BH and Diversified
Relating to the Formation and Operation of Black Hawk/Jacobs Entertainment,

                 (a)      This agreement was entered into for the purpose of
                          organizing a limited liability company under the laws
                          of the State of Colorado and to pursue the continued
                          development of a hotel and casino on certain
                          properties in Black Hawk, Colorado contributed to the
                          LLC by the parties.  A description of the proposed
                          project has been included in reports filed by the
                          Company with the Securities and Exchange Commission
                          under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and in
                          reports and other information provided to

                 (b)      The agreement provides that the membership interests
                          are as follows:

                                  The Company                       75%
                                  BH                                24%
                                  Diversified                        1%

                 (c)      The term of the LLC shall expire on December 31,
                          2036, or such other later date as may be fixed by
                          amendment to the agreement.

                 (d)      The LLC is to be managed by BH subject to certain
                          limitations on transactions which are controlled by,
                          and must be approved in advance, by a Policy Board
                          consisting of five persons, three of whom have been
                          appointed by BH and two of whom who are appointed by
                          the Company.  Upon conversion of the notes held by
                          Diversified and

                          described above in the section "Amended and Restated
                          Purchase Agreement", the Policy Board will shift with
                          three members being appointed by the Company and two
                          members being appointed by BH.

                 (e)      The agreement contemplates that the Company's total
                          capital contribution will be approximately
                          $15,000,000 and that the capital contribution of BH
                          will be approximately $5,000,000 reflecting the 75/25
                          membership interest ratio.  It is further
                          contemplated that approximately $40,000,000 of third
                          party financing will be required to complete the
                          project, which amount will be personally guaranteed
                          by affiliates of BH, who will receive in
                          consideration therefor a fee of approximately 2% per
                          year for the amount subject to guarantee, payable by
                          the LLC.  The financing arrangements contemplated by
                          the agreement are expected to be finalized in the
                          form of a loan agreement within the next 60 days.

                 (f)      The agreement contains certain buy out provisions
                          stemming largely from an investigation, which is
                          being conducted with respect to certain activities at
                          the Gilpin Hotel Casino ("Casino") of which the
                          Company is the manager.  The Casino has been made
                          aware that the Division is conducting an
                          investigation into certain check cashing and bad
                          check collection practices of the Casino or certain
                          of its personnel and agents since the date of its
                          opening.  No proceedings have been initiated against
                          the Casino in any judicial or administrative forum as
                          of this date, although financial penalties and/or
                          license suspension or revocation could result if
                          material charges, such as extending credit by the
                          Casino, are established.  The Casino would vigorously
                          contest any remedial actions brought by the Division,
                          but the outcome of the matter is not presently
                          determinable.  The agreement, therefore, provides,
                          among other things, as follows:

                          (i)     if any license, registration, application or
                                  other form of required governmental filing
                                  for the LLC project or otherwise is denied,
                                  revoked, reserved or suspended for any
                                  reason, including the participation of a
                                  person unacceptable or unsuitable to the
                                  Division or the Commission or any other
                                  governmental authority, the Company, BH and
                                  Diversified have agreed to take all measures
                                  necessary to remedy or correct the
                                  deficiency, including expelling any persons
                                  associated with such company found
                                  unacceptable or unsuitable by the Division,
                                  the Commission or other governmental

                          (ii)    in the event that on or before January 1,
                                  1998 the Commission has not approved the
                                  retail gaming license for the LLC project
                                  casino and on or before such date BH, in its
                                  sole but

                                  reasonable discretion, has reason to believe
                                  that the LLC casino will not receive such
                                  approval and such failure to obtain such
                                  approval is attributable to the Casino
                                  investigation, BH will have the right and
                                  option to acquire all of the Company's
                                  interest in the LLC by canceling the notes
                                  then outstanding in return for a 30% interest
                                  (thereby reducing the Company's interest to
                                  45% in the LLC) and purchasing the remaining
                                  45% at an amount equal to 90% of the fair
                                  market value of such interest determined by
                                  appraisal.  The purchase price shall be
                                  payable pursuant to a note over a ten year
                                  period bearing interest at a rate equal to 2%
                                  in excess of the prime rate unless an earlier
                                  payoff is required under Colorado gaming

                 (g)      If BH has exercised the foregoing purchase right,
                          within two years after opening the LLC casino, the
                          Company has the right to reacquire:  (i) its 30%
                          interest in the LLC for 1,142,857 shares of its
                          Common Stock (which would have been issued to
                          Diversified pursuant to conversion of the notes
                          described above), and (ii) its 45% interest in the
                          LLC for the same amount of cash which BH paid for the
                          Company's 45% interest in the LLC.  The intent of the
                          repurchase provision is to put the parties in the
                          same position had the purchase and repurchase not

                 (h)      In addition to the right to purchase set forth above,
                          the agreement calls for automatic divestiture of a
                          member's interest in the LLC if certain events occur
                          with respect to that member of the LLC (the "Affected
                          Member").  The divestiture events are generally as

                          1.      The Affected Member is charged with or
                                  convicted of any criminal offense, if a
                                  conviction of the offense in question would,
                                  pursuant to the Colorado gaming laws
                                  ("Colorado Gaming Laws"), disqualify the
                                  Affected member from obtaining a gaming
                                  license.  However, where a member is only
                                  charged with a criminal offense and not
                                  convicted, and where the Commission and the
                                  Division upon request have agreed to defer
                                  pursuing any action based upon such charges
                                  against the Company's application for a
                                  gaming license, or where any such actions of
                                  the Division or Commission are subject to a
                                  stay order, then the Affected Member's
                                  interest shall not be subject to divestiture
                                  under this subsection.

                          2.      The Affected Member, or any entity that it
                                  owns or controls, incurs a revocation of any
                                  Colorado gaming or alcohol beverage license,
                                  and it is determined through arbitration that

                                  such revocation has a material adverse affect
                                  upon the issuance to the LLC of a gaming or
                                  alcohol beverage license.

                          3.      The Division issues a formal recommendation
                                  against the issuance to the LLC of an
                                  operator or retail gaming license, which
                                  recommendation cites the participation of the
                                  Affected Member as a material factor in the

                          4.      The Commission denies the issuance to the LLC
                                  of an operator or retail gaming license,
                                  citing the participation of the Affected
                                  Member as a factor in the decision, or the
                                  Commission conditions the issuance of a
                                  retail gaming license on the Company removing
                                  the Affected Member in the LLC or its casino

                          5.      The LLC's alcoholic beverage license
                                  applications are denied by either the state
                                  or local licensing authority, citing the
                                  participation of the Affected Member as a
                                  material factor in the decision.

                          6.      The Affected Member is found to be an
                                  "unsuitable person" within the meaning of the
                                  Colorado Gaming Laws.

                          7.      The Commission or the Division advise the LLC
                                  in writing, or it is otherwise determined
                                  through arbitration under the agreement, that
                                  a decision on the LLC's gaming license
                                  application is being delayed beyond the later
                                  of (x) one year following the filing of the
                                  LLC's application for a retail gaming license
                                  or (y) January 1, 1998, and the LLC is
                                  advised before or after said date that the
                                  sole reason for such delay is the
                                  participation of or concerns about the
                                  Affected Member.

                 (i)      The divestiture provisions operate similar to the buy
                          out provisions above in (f).  In addition, the
                          repurchase provision operates in a fashion similar to
                          that provided above in (g) but is effective for a 
                          period of two years from the event causing the 

                 (j)      For further details, reference is made to the
                          Operating Agreement, which is attached hereto as
                          Exhibit 2 and incorporated herein by reference.

         3.      Shareholders' Agreement.

                 (a)      This Agreement was entered into by and among the
                          Company, Diversified and Robert D. Greenlee and Frank
                          B. Day, who are two of

                          the seven person members of the Company's Board of
                          Directors.  The Shareholders' Agreement provides that
                          Messrs. Greenlee and Day agree to vote all of their
                          shares for the matters set forth in Section 1(i)

                 (b)      The Shareholders' Agreement also contains
                          restrictions on transfer of shares and a right of
                          first refusal on behalf of the Company and the other
                          shareholders should any shareholder wish to sell his

                 (c)      For further details, reference is made to a copy of
                          the Shareholders' Agreement attached hereto as
                          Exhibit 3 and incorporated herein by reference.

         4.      Registration Agreement.

                 (a)      The Company, Diversified and Messrs. Robert D.
                          Greenlee and Frank B. Day, two directors of the
                          Company, entered into a Registration Rights Agreement
                          which provides that upon the request of holders of
                          15% or more of the Company's Common Stock that the
                          Company would undertake to file, at its expense, a
                          registration statement under the Securities Act of
                          1933.  The Agreement also provides for a demand
                          registration right at the shareholders expense and
                          for various piggyback registration rights should the
                          Company elect to file a registration statement under
                          that Act for other purposes.

                 (b)      For further details, reference is made to a copy of
                          the Registration Rights Agreement attached hereto as
                          Exhibit 4 and incorporated herein by reference.

         5.      Understanding As To Master Joint Venture Agreement.

                 (a)      The Company and Diversified entered into this
                          understanding pursuant to which every gaming activity
                          now or in the future owned or controlled by
                          Diversified and/or its affiliates and assignees will
                          be offered to a joint venture, and the Company will
                          have the right to obtain an ownership interest of up
                          to 51% therein; provided however, that Diversified or
                          its affiliate's or assignee's present or future
                          interests in any gaming opportunity located at the
                          Nautica Entertainment Complex in Cleveland, Ohio or
                          the Colonial Downs Racetrack in Virginia or the
                          Boardwalk Casino, Inc. in Las Vegas are excepted from
                          the agreement.

                 (b)      Likewise, every gaming opportunity, now or in the
                          future owned or controlled by the Company and/or its
                          affiliates and assignees, will be offered to a joint
                          venture in which Diversified will have the right to

                          obtain an ownership interest of up to 49% therein;
                          provided however, that the Company or its affiliate's
                          or assignee's present or future interest in the
                          Gilpin Hotel Casino, or the Cross Border transaction
                          presently being pursued by Robert D. Greenlee, or the
                          Oklahoma City, Oklahoma project with the SAC and FOX
                          Indian Nation shall be excepted from the agreement.

                 (c)      For further details, reference is made to a copy of
                          the Understanding As To Master Joint Venture
                          Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit 5 and
                          incorporated herein by reference.

         6.      Assignment, Pledge and Security Agreement.

                 (a)      The Company entered into this agreement with
                          Diversified pursuant to which its entire interest in
                          the LLC was pledged on a nonrecourse basis to secure
                          the initial $1,500,000 convertible note issued to
                          Diversified and which is intended to secure the
                          $4,500,000 convertible note to be issued to
                          Diversified by the Company, assuming shareholder
                          approval for NASDAQ/NMS purposes is obtained as
                          discussed above.

                 (b)      For further details, reference is made to a copy of
                          the Assignment, Pledge and Security Agreement
                          attached hereto as Exhibit 6 and incorporated herein
                          by reference.

         7.      Subscription Agreements.

                 (a)      The Company entered into subscription agreements with
                          Messrs. Robert D. Greenlee, Frank B. Day and Stephen
                          R. Roark, who are directors of the Company.  The
                          subscription agreements require Messrs. Greenlee, Day
                          and Roark to loan $300,000, $300,000 and $150,000,
                          respectively, to the Company after Diversified has
                          loaned the Company a total of $6,000,000 pursuant to
                          the notes described above.  These loans to the
                          Company will be made on the same basis as the notes
                          issued to Diversified (i.e., such loans will be bear
                          interest at the same rate and will be convertible on
                          the same terms and conditions as Diversified's
                          notes).  It is anticipated that funding for these
                          loans will be required of these individuals in early

                 (b)      Reference is made to copies of the Subscription
                          Agreements between the Company and Messrs.  Greenlee,
                          Day and Roark attached hereto as Exhibits 7, 8 and 9
                          and incorporated herein by reference.

         8.      Employment Agreements.

                 (a)      The Company entered into employment agreements with
                          Jeffrey P. Jacobs, its Chief Executive Officer and
                          Co-Chairman, Stephen R. Roark, President of the
                          Company, and Stanley Politano, Vice President of the

                 (b)      Each employment agreement is for a term of three
                          years and provides for a base compensation for
                          Messrs. Jacobs, Roark and Politano of $150,000
                          $125,000 and $87,000, respectively.  Bonuses may be
                          payable in the discretion of the Board of Directors.

                 (c)      With respect to Mr. Jacobs' employment agreement and
                          in addition to the base salary of $150,000 provided
                          therein, when Mr. Jacobs or his affiliates acquire
                          820,000 or more shares of the Common Stock of the
                          Company, he shall be entitled to a bonus in the
                          amount of 2.5% of the Company's pre-tax net income in
                          excess of $2,880,000 in each fiscal year determined
                          in accordance with generally accepted accounting
                          principles and determined for each calendar year
                          (including the year  of requisite share ownership) on
                          or before March 31 of the succeeding year.

                 (d)      For further details, reference is made to copies of
                          the Employment Agreements attached hereto as Exhibits
                          10, 11 and 12 and incorporated herein by reference.

         9.      Option Agreements.

                 (a)      At closing of the various agreements described above,
                          the Company issued stock options under its 1996
                          Incentive Stock Option Plan to certain of its
                          officers, directors and other persons associated with
                          the Company's business, including officers, directors
                          and consultants to Diversified, BH and their
                          affiliates.  Options were granted to purchase 300,000
                          underlying shares of the Company's Common Stock at
                          prices having a weighted average of approximately
                          $5.71 per share.  One third of the options vest upon
                          conversion of the notes held by Diversified (as
                          described above) and 1/3 and 1/3 vest, respectively,
                          on the second and third anniversaries of such
                          conversion.  As part of the agreement, 317,500
                          options which had been previously granted by the
                          Company to its officers and directors, with exercise
                          prices ranging from $6.75 per share to $11.00 per
                          share were reduced to $5.62 per share (or $6.17 per
                          share for certain holders).

Item 7.  Financial Statements and Exhibits.

         (a)     Financial Statements:  None.

         (b)     Exhibits:  The following are filed herewith:

Exhibit No.                                Description
- -----------                                -----------
96-10-1                   Amended and Restated Purchase Agreement with 
                          Convertible Note attached.

96-10-2                   Operating Agreement of BH/Jacobs Entertainment, LLC.

96-10-3                   Shareholders' Agreement.

96-10-4                   Registration Rights Agreement.

96-10-5                   Understanding as to Master Joint Venture Agreement

96-10-6                   Assignment, Pledge and Security Agreement.

96-10-7                   Subscription Agreement--Greenlee

96-10-8                   Subscription Agreement--Day

96-10-9                   Subscription Agreement--Roark

96-10-10                  Employment Agreement--Jacobs

96-10-11                  Employment Agreement--Roark

96-10-12                  Employment Agreement--Politano


         Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                         BLACK HAWK GAMING &
                                          DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, INC.

Date:  December 4, 1996               By:  /s/ Stephen R. Roark 
                                           Stephen R. Roark, President

                                 EXHIBIT INDEX

Exhibit No.                                Description                           Page
- -----------                                -----------                           ----
96-10-1                   Amended and Restated Purchase Agreement with 
                          Convertible Note attached.

96-10-2                   Operating Agreement of BH/Jacobs Entertainment, LLC.

96-10-3                   Shareholders' Agreement.

96-10-4                   Registration Rights Agreement.

96-10-5                   Understanding as to Master Joint Venture Agreement

96-10-6                   Assignment, Pledge and Security Agreement.

96-10-7                   Subscription Agreement--Greenlee

96-10-8                   Subscription Agreement--Day

96-10-9                   Subscription Agreement--Roark

96-10-10                  Employment Agreement--Jacobs

96-10-11                  Employment Agreement--Roark

96-10-12                  Employment Agreement--Politano