AMENDMENTS TO THE
                             NOBLE AFFILIATES, INC.

         Pursuant to the provisions of Section 15 thereof, the Noble

Affiliates, Inc. 1992 Stock Option and Restricted Stock Plan, as amended and

restated effective as of December 10, 1996, is hereby amended as follows:

         1.      The second sentence of Section 8 is hereby amended by
restating it in its entirety to read as follows:

                 "The option price for each Share covered by a Nonqualified
                 Option shall not be less than the greater of (a) the par value
                 of such Share or (b) 100 percent of the Fair Market Value of
                 such Share at the time the Option is granted, except that the
                 minimum option price may be equal to or greater than 85 percent
                 of the Fair Market Value of such Share at the time the Option
                 is granted if and to the extent the discount from Fair Market
                 Value is expressly granted in lieu of a reasonable amount of
                 salary or cash bonus."

         2.      Section 15 is hereby amended by (i) deleting the word "or"
before the words "(b) reduce the option price" and (ii) adding the clause "or
(c) permit the "repricing" of Options and any SARs that relate to such new
Options in contravention of Section 18 of the Plan" after the words "in Section
8 of the Plan" and before the semicolon.

         3.      Section 18 is hereby amended by restating it in its entirety
to read as follows:

                 "Subject to the terms and conditions of and within the
                 limitations of the Plan, the Committee may modify, extend or
                 renew outstanding Options and any SARs that relate to such
                 Options granted under the Plan.  The Committee shall not have
                 authority to accept the surrender or cancellation of any
                 Options and any SARs that relate to such Options outstanding
                 hereunder (to the extent not theretofore exercised) and grant
                 new Options and any SARs that relate to such new Options
                 hereunder in substitution therefor (to the extent not
                 theretofore exercised) at an Option Price that is less than the
                 Option Price of the Options surrendered or cancelled.
                 Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Section 18, no
                 modification of an outstanding Option and any SARs that relate
                 to such Option granted hereunder shall, without the consent of
                 the Optionee, alter or impair any rights or obligations under
                 any Option and any SARs that relate to such Option theretofore
                 granted hereunder to such Optionee, except as may be necessary,
                 with respect to Incentive Options, to satisfy the requirements
                 of Section 422(b) of the Code."

         4.      The first sentence of Section 20(b) of the Plan is hereby
amended by adding the following to the end thereof:

                 "; provided, however, that the minimum restriction period shall
                 be three years from the date of award (one year in the case of
                 Shares of Restricted Stock awarded with performance-based

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, these Amendments have been executed this 22nd day
 of April, 1997.  
                                      NOBLE AFFILIATES, INC.
                                      Name: Robert Kelley
                                      Title: Chairman, President and Chief
                                             Executive Officer