ADDENDUM A (to EXHIBIT 10.3)

                           MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING



The initial lease shall be for a term of five years and shall be automatically
renewable at the end of the initial five year lease. Terms and conditions for
the renewal period will be negotiated at the end of the third year of the
initial lease period. Lease payments shall be made monthly in advance.


The monthly lease rate for the initial lease term (5 years) will include
construction costs, property taxes, and property insurance as described below:

o    Construction cost of FWT's lease space and equipment shall include
     building, drive, crane, new gate, warehouse and manager's office but
     excluding press-brake foundation costs and fencing. The construction cost
     is based on the contractor's final invoice to Delta Steel which will
     include such costs as contractor's overhead, permit costs, etc... The total
     construction cost attributable to FWT shall be amortized over 60 months
     plus interest at an annual rate of 8%. The resulting amount shall form the
     construction cost component of the monthly lease payment. Additional
     capital additions which both Delta Steel and FWT agree need to be made
     during the lease term (e.g., more cranes, equipment, etc ... ) and for
     which FWT is the direct beneficiary, shall be amortized over the remainder
     of the lease term with interest at 8%.

o    Property taxes shall be 1/12 of the actual annual property taxes assessed
     on the leased space and equipment. The billable amount shall be based on
     the previous year and then adjusted to the actual tax amount once the final
     assessment is received; and

o    Property insurance on the leased portion of the building and the crane in
     the estimated amount of $125 per month. This does not include FWT contents.

After the initial lease term of five years, the lease rate will be set at a
mutually agreeable market rate for comparable space, equipment and terms but in
no case shall the new lease rate exceed 80% of the current lease rate unless
capital improvements are made or more equipment is added at the request of FWT.
The capital improvements will be amortized over the new lease period.

In no case shall payments on the initial five year lease begin until the new
building is completed and the inventory, burning table, press-brake, and cranes
are all available and fully operational.

                                     Page 1

Moreover, the facilities provided by Delta Steel for FWT shall be complete and
fully operational. Delta Steel will diligently work with the contractors to be
fully operational by 2/1/97. Any cash penalties collected by Delta from the
contractors for delays to the project which postpone the operational date past
2/1/97 will be shared equally with FWT.

If FWT is unable to use its leased space due to Delta's inability to provide
broken plate for poles, there will be no lease payment for that "period."
Instead, this "period" shall be added to the end of the initial lease term with
the same terms and conditions, including lease rate, as for the initial lease
period. The "period" is to be mutually defined by Delta Steel and FWT.


FWT will be responsible for its own electrical service. A separate meter for
electrical services shall be provided by Delta Steel for FWT's leased space. FWT
shall be billed directly by the Texas Utility.


FWT shall have full access and egress to its leased facility 24 hours per day
via a dedicated entrance to the property and leased production area.


Delta Steel shall provide parking for 8 to 10 FWT employees at no charge.


FWT shall be responsible for maintenance and repairs associated with normal wear
on the crane which is covered by FWT's lease. FWT shall also be responsible for
any damage to the crane due to misuse or abuse. FWT shall not be responsible for
items covered under the crane manufacturer's warranty. FWT shall follow Delta
Steel's inspection and maintenance procedures.


As part of FWT's lease, Delta Steel agrees to place an FWT logo (approximately
4' x 8') at the entrance to FWT's leased facility as well as paint an FWT logo
(approximately 15' x 25') on the top, northwest corner of the FWT-leased



Delta Steel shall be the exclusive supplier of FWT's broken-shaft monopoles with
only the following exceptions:

o    Union Metals shall continue to furnish monopoles to FWT for heights of 100'
     or less with base shaft diameters that are less than 28.5 inches;

                                     Page 2

o    FWT shall have the right to purchase steel and/or monopoles from other
     sources if Delta Steel is unable, for any reason, to meet FWT's demand for
     broken steel shafts and base plates. Once Delta Steel is able to resume
     meeting FWT's demand, FWT shall revert to purchasing from Delta on an
     exclusive basis.


FWT will have the right to schedule its orders first on the designated Delta
Steel burning and press-braking equipment. If FWT is not using the equipment to
capacity, Delta Steel has the right to schedule orders for other customers after
first giving FWT the "right of first refusal" to place orders on the equipment.
After orders for other customers are scheduled, new FWT orders will not displace
the other customers' orders.


As a condition of the lease, Delta Steel agrees not to directly brake monopole
sections for firms competing with FWT. Current competitors include: Thomas and
Betts, Valmont Industries, ROHN Corporation, Comsat, Andrew Corporation, Sabre,
Stellar, Summit Manufacturing, LeBlanc and Royle, PiRod, Falcon Steel, North
American Pole, Engineered Endeavors, GEM Engineering, Allied Corporation, Union
Metals, or other companies that may compete or enter into the communications,
utility, lighting, or highway-safety broken-shaft markets. This does not,
however, preclude Delta Steel from providing other services for these companies.


FWT shall provide a shop/floor manager that is acceptable to Delta Steel. This
employee shall be employed and insured by FWT. Delta Steel will contract with
FWT for 50% of the manager's salary and financial incentives. The fee shall be
deducted monthly from the lease payment due to Delta Steel. Both FWT and Delta
Steel shall designate one person in each organization to whom the manager shall
report. Both FWT and Delta Steel shall review the manager and agree on base
salary, salary adjustments and financial incentives.



Those employed by FWT shall follow FWT'S normal policies and procedures (see
attached), while Delta Steel employees shall follow Delta Steel's normal
policies and procedures. The only modifications shall be regarding Holidays, and
that all employees of FWT at the Delta facility shall follow the Delta Steel
Safety Policy and Substance Abuse Policy.


FWT shall follow the Delta Steel Safety Policy and Delta Steel Substance Abuse

                                     Page 3


FWT and Delta Steel shall develop a mutually agreeable quality control program.


FWT and Delta Steel shall mutually discuss all base wage rates and incentives
(if any) for employees who work in the burning, braking, and seaming areas of
the plant.


Prior to beginning the pole plant operation, FWT and Delta Steel shall agree on
the Holidays which will be offered to the pole plant employees.



FWT is responsible for furnishing Delta Steel specific sizes, grades, and
quantities of steel to be held in inventory for FWT's exclusive use. The
inventory held on site at Delta Steel in Ft. Worth, Texas is estimated to be
valued at approximately $2,000,000 to $2,500,000. Once the operation has been in
operation for six to nine months, the dollar value of inventory may be changed
based on the mutual agreement of Delta Steel and FWT. The shared objective is to
develop an inventory turnover of at least four times per year.


Once a piece of steel is removed from inventory, the piece shall be
automatically re-ordered by Delta Steel unless an alternate size, grade, or
quantity of steel is requested by FWT.


At the termination of this lease agreement, FWT agrees to buy the remaining
plate steel inventory held by Delta Steel for FWT's exclusive use during a
period not to exceed twelve months following the termination of the agreement.
The steel shall be provided at the steel cost (as defined in this agreement)
plus $.01 per pound.


Delta Steel shall furnish FWT with at least daily access to inventory
information which includes but is not limited to: size, grade, quantity, and
steel cost. In addition, FWT in cooperation with Delta Steel shall develop a
means by which inventory can be reserved for quoting purposes and then purchased


Delta Steel's participation in the fabrication process of FWT monopoles is as
follows: plate steel is drawn from Delta Steel's inventory according to the
plate selected by FWT engineers (referred

                                     Page 4

to as Plate Inventory), the plate steel is burned by Delta Steel according to
drafting details supplied by FWT (referred to as Burning), the newly burned
steel is then placed in a press-brake and formed into a multi-sided shell or
round by Delta Steel according to FWT-supplied drafting details (referred to as

In addition, the following price schedule shall also apply to items sold by FWT
for products other than monopoles.


Delta Steel's "steel cost" shall be Delta's average cost determined for each
item using the invoice prices of the steel less any discounts or allowances plus
the inbound freight. This steel cost shall be reflected in an electronic
database in which FWT shall have access.


Delta Steel agrees to perform the previously described fabrication processes
according to the following price schedule:

o    Inventory/Plate Provision: Steel cost plus $.045 per pound on the gross
                                Scrap from burning and braking belongs to FWT.

o    Burning: $.04 per pound on the net weight of the finished product

o    Braking: $.115 per pound on the net weight of the finished product
     (adjusted based on incentive pricing). The weight is determined based on
     the plate weight actually broken. Thus, the weight will be less than the
     weight logged at the burning stage.


To encourage FWT to build total steel volume, the below incentive schedule shall
apply only to the Braking process. The incentive discount is not available on
broken pole business for FWT competitors that Delta Steel cannot sell including
those previously named in this memorandum.

   -----------------                  ----------------------
o         0                                0 - 1,000 Tons
o       $10                            1,001 - 1,250 Tons
o       $15                            1,251 - 1,500 Tons
o       $20                            1,500 + Tons

The discount shall be calculated on a quarterly basis (i.e., at the end of
March, June, September and December) by taking the average tonnage broken during
the previous three months. A credit shall be issued for the incentive discount.

                                     Page 5

For example, on March 31, assume that 4,800 Tons have been broken by Delta
Steel for FWT (excluding other Delta Steel customers and FWT competitors for
which there is no incentive discount). The incentive discount amount would be
calculated as follows:

o    The average tonnage is 1,600 Tons per month (4,800 Tons divided by three

o    The respective incentive discount due per month for the braking operation
     would equal $8,250 computed as (250 tons * $10) + (250 tons * $15) + (100
     tons * $20).


1% / 10 days, net forty days from date of invoice.


This section is to be completed by FWT and Delta Steel. The intent is that each
company would be responsible for its actions and/or negligence.


To be completed after discussion between FWT and Delta Steel.

Executed this 26 day of June, 1996

/s/ THOMAS W. MOORE                      /s/ ROBERT A. EMBRY
- ---------------------------------------  --------------------------------------
Thomas W. Moore, President, FWT C.E.O.   Robert A. Embry, President Delta Steel

/s/ BETTY MOORE                          /s/ V. THOMAS RUDD
- ---------------------------------------  --------------------------------------
Betty Moore, Treasurer, FWT              V. Thomas Rudd, VP-Finance

/s/ FRED MOORE                           /s/ NICK WALKER
- ---------------------------------------  --------------------------------------
Fred Moore, Vice President, FWT          Nick Walker, Division Manager
                                         Ft. Worth Division

- ---------------------------------------
Carl Moore, Vice President FWT

- ---------------------------------------
Roy Moore, Vice President, FWT

                                     Page 6

                                                    ADDENDUM B (to EXHIBIT 10.3)


This agreement is effective as of March 10, 1997 by and between Delta Steel,
Inc., a Texas corporation, hereafter referred to as "Delta" or "party", and FWT,
Inc., a Texas corporation, hereafter referred to as "FWT" or "party".


1.0   Both parties understand the nature and character of this Agreement, and
intend for this to be a fully binding agreement. The parties may use all legal
means at their disposal to enforce this Agreement. Reference to Delta and FWT
includes any subsidiary, affiliated or parent companies, and the directors,
officers, employees, agents, representatives and contractors of the respective

1.1   "Period of Affiliation", as used below, refers to the period of the
business relationship between the parties under the Cooperative Production
Agreement dated March 10, 1997.

1.2   Consideration for compliance with this Agreement is the opportunity to
work under the aforementioned Cooperative Production Agreement and any
remuneration in any form agreed to by the parties. This Agreement is intended to
extend beyond the Period of Affiliation.

2.0   Both parties agree that its representatives and employees will not at any
time, either during or subsequent to the Period of Affiliation, either directly
or indirectly, disclose to others or use any secret, confidential or proprietary
information and know-how of the other party (whether or not developed by the
other party) without that party's written consent. The term "secret,
confidential or proprietary information and know-how" shall include, but shall
not be limited to, company plans, customers, costs, programs, prices, computer
programs and methods used, developed, investigated, made or sold, at any time,
either before or during the parties' Period of Affiliation.

2.1   Salary and compensation information is considered confidential and
proprietary information, and is fully subject to the disclosure restrictions of
this Agreement.

3.0   The rights and obligations of the parties hereto shall be construed under
the laws of the State of Texas and shall be binding upon the heirs, legal
representatives and assigns with respect to the subject matter thereof. No
changes to this Agreement shall be effective unless made in writing and executed
by both parties.

DELTA STEEL, INC.                       FWT, Inc.
P.O. Box 2289                           P.O. Box 8597
Houston, TX 77252                       Fort Worth, TX 76124

BY: /s/ R. A. EMBRY                     BY: /s/ T. W. MOORE                 
   -----------------------                 --------------------------
TITLE: PRESIDENT                        TITLE: PRESIDENT
      --------------------                    -----------------------
DATE: 3/10/97                           DATE: 3/31/97
     ---------------------                   ------------------------