Exhibit 3.6



                                     OF THE

                                STATE OF MONTANA

                            CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT
                         TO CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION

I, FRANK MURRAY, Secretary of State of the State of Montana, do hereby certify
that duplicate originals of Articles of Amendment to the Articles of
Incorporation of

                           GOLD RESERVE MINING COMPANY

duly executed pursuant to the provisions of Section 15-2255 of the Revised Codes
of Montana, 1947, have been received in my office and found to conform to law.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, FRANK MURRAY, as such Secretary of State, by virtue of the
authority vested in me by law, hereby issue this Certificate of Amendment to the
Certificate of Incorporation of

                            GOLD RESERVE CORPORATION
                           GOLD RESERVE MINING COMPANY

and attach hereto a duplicate original of the Articles of Amendment to the
Articles of Incorporation.

                                       IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto
                                       set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of
                                       the State of Montana, at Helena, the
                                       Capital, this 5th day of September A. D.
              (GREAT SEAL)

                                       FRANK MURRAY
                                       Secretary of State

                                By     GAIL M. DeWALT
                                       Chief Deputy



                              ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT
                                     to the
                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION
                           GOLD RESERVE MINING COMPANY

            Pursuant to the provisions of Section 55 of the Montana Business
Corporation Act, the undersigned corporation adopts the following Articles of
Amendment to its Articles of Incorporation:

            FIRST:  The name of the corporation is "GOLD RESERVE MINING

            SECOND: The following amendments of the Articles of Incorporation
were adopted by the shareholders of the corporation on May 22, 1973, and July 9,
1973, in the manner prescribed by the Montana Business Corporation Act.
            (A)     Article I of the Articles of Incorporation have been amended
                    to read:

                    The name of the corporation shall be changed to: "GOLD

            (B)     Article V of the Articles of Incorporation of the company
                    shall be amended to read as follows:

                    "The number of directors who shall manage the business
                    affairs of the corporation shall be no less than three (3)
                    and no more than seven (7) who shall be elected annually by
                    the stockholders for a period of one year and shall serve
                    until the election and acceptance of their duly qualified
                    successors. Any vacancies may be filled by the Board of
                    Directors for the unexpired term of a director."

            (C)     Article VI of the Articles of Incorporation shall be amended
                    to read as follows:

                    The capital stock of said corporation shall be reverse split
                    from 30,000,000 shares to 6,000,000 shares which is a
                    reverse split of five (5) present shares for one (1) new

                    There shall be 6,000,000 shares of authorized stock and said
                    6,000,000 shares of authorized stock shall have No Par

            THIRD:  The number of shares of the corporation outstanding at the
time of such adoption was 12,709,924; and the number of shares entitled to vote
thereon was 12,709,924.

            FOURTH: The number of shares voted for such amendment was 9,450,009;
and the number of shares voted against such amendment was (NONE).

            FIFTH:  The manner in which any exchange or cancellation of issued
shares provided for in the amendment [FIRST (C)] shall be effected is as

            Each stockholder shall turn in his present stock (of the 12,709,924
shares outstanding) and will have the stock reverse split at a ratio of 5 shares
of the old stock for one share of the new stock in "Gold Reserve Corporation".
At such time all stockholders have done this, there will be 2,541,985 shares
issued in Gold Reserve Corporation from the authorized 6,000,000 shares as
authorized in the amendment set out above. There shall be no charge for a
stockholder exchanging his stock in Gold Reserve Mining Company for new stock
issued in the name change of the company namely "Gold Reserve Corporation".

            SIXTH:  The manner in which such amendments effects a change in the
amount of stated capital, and the amount of stated capital as changed by such
amendments, are as follows:

                                         No Change
            Dated this 31st day of August, 1973.

                                       Gold Reserve Mining Company a/k/a
                                       GOLD RESERVE CORPORATION.

                                       By:  /s/ Frank Duval



                                       By:  /s/ John Kantjas

                          )  ss.
County of Spokane         )

            I, William B. Bantz, a notary public, do hereby certify that on this
31st day of August, 1973, personally appeared before me Frank Duval and John
Kantjas, who, being by me first duly sworn, declared that they were the
president and secretary, respectively, of the Gold Reserve Mining Company a/k/a
GOLD RESERVE CORPORATION, that they signed the foregoing document as president
and secretary, respectively, of the corporation, and that the statements therein
contained are true.

                                       /s/ William B. Bantz
                                       Notary Public for State of
                                       Washington, Residing at Spokane
