EXHIBIT (3)(ii)



                                   BY-LAWS OF

                            GEM SOURCE, INCORPORATED

                                    ARTICLE I


     Section 1.01 Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the shareholders shall
be held at such date and time as shall be designated by the board of directors
and stated in the notice of the meeting or in a duly-executed waiver of notice
thereof. If the corporation shall fail to provide notice of the annual meeting
of the shareholders as set forth above, the annual meeting of the shareholders
of the corporation shall be held during the month of November or December of
each year as determined by the Board of Directors, for the purpose of electing
directors of the corporation to serve during the ensuing year and for the
transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting. If
the election of the directors is not held on the day designated herein for any
annual meeting of the shareholders, or at any adjournment thereof, the president
shall cause the election to be held at a special meeting of the shareholders as
soon thereafter as is convenient.

     Section 1.02 Special Meetings. Special meetings of the shareholders may be
called by the president or the Board of Directors and shall be called by the
president at the written request of the holders of not less than 51% of the
issued and outstanding shares of capital stock of the corporation.

     All business lawfully to be transacted by the shareholders may be
transacted at any special meeting at any adjournment thereof. However, no
business shall be acted upon at a special meeting, except that referred to in
the notice calling the meeting, unless all of the outstanding capital stock of
the corporation is represented either in person or by proxy. Where all of the
capital stock is represented, any lawful business may be transacted and the
meeting shall be valid for all purposes.

     Section 1.03 Place of Meetings. Any meeting of the shareholders of the
corporation may be held at its principal office in the State of Nevada or such
other place in or out of the United States as the Board of Directors may
designate. A waiver of notice signed by the shareholders entitled to vote may
designate any place for the holding of such meeting.


     Section 1.04 Notice of Meetings.

         (a) The secretary shall sign and deliver to all shareholders of record
     written or printed notice of any meeting at least ten (10) days, but not
     more than sixty (60) days, before the date of such meeting; which notice
     shall state the place, date and time of the meeting, the general nature of
     the business to be transacted, and, in the case of any meeting at which
     directors are to be elected, the names of nominees, if any, to be presented
     for election.

         (b) In the case of any meeting, any proper business may be presented
     for action, except that the following items shall be valid only if the
     general nature of the proposal is stated in the notice or written waiver of

             (1) Action with respect to any contract or transaction between the
         corporation and one or more of its directors or another firm,
         association, or corporation in which one or more of its directors has a
         material financial interest;

             (2) Adoption of amendments to the Articles of Incorporation; or

             (3) Action with respect to the merger, consolidation,
         reorganization, partial or complete liquidation, or dissolution of the

         (c) The notice shall be personally delivered or mailed by first class
     mail to each shareholder of record at the last known address thereof, as
     the same appears on the books of the corporation, and the giving of such
     notice shall be deemed delivered the date the same is deposited in the
     United States mail, postage prepaid. If the address of any shareholder does
     not appear upon the books of the corporation, it will be sufficient to
     address any notice to such shareholder at the principal office of the

         (d) The written certificate of the person calling any meeting, duly
     sworn, setting forth the substance of the notice, the time and place the
     notice was mailed or personally delivered to the several shareholders, and
     the addresses to which the notice was mailed shall be prima facie evidence
     of the manner and fact of giving such notice.

     Section 1.05 Waiver of Notice. If all of the shareholders of the
corporation shall waive notice of a meeting, no notice shall be required, and,
whenever all of the shareholders shall meet in

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person or by proxy, such meeting shall be valid for or all purposes without call
or notice, and at such meeting any corporate action may be taken.

     Section 1.06 Determination of Shareholders of Record.

         (a) The Board of Directors may at any time fix a future date as a
     record date for the determination of the shareholders entitled to notice of
     any meeting or to vote or entitled to receive payment of any dividend or
     other distribution or allotment of any rights or entitled to exercise any
     rights in respect of any other lawful action. The record date so fixed
     shall not be more than sixty (60) days prior to the date of such meeting
     nor more than sixty (60) days prior to any other action. When a record date
     is so fixed, only shareholders of record on that date are entitled to
     notice of and to vote at the meeting or to receive the dividend,
     distribution or allotment of rights, or to exercise their rights, as the
     case may be, notwithstanding any transfer of any shares on the books of the
     corporation after the record date.

         (b) If no record date is fixed by the Board of Directors, then (1) the
     record date for determining shareholders entitled to notice of or to vote
     at a meeting of shareholders shall be at the close of business on the
     business day next preceding the day on which notice is given or, if notice
     is waived, at the close of business on the day next preceding the day on
     which the meeting is held; (2) the record date for determining shareholders
     entitled to give consent to corporate action in writing without a meeting,
     when no prior action by the Board of Directors is necessary, shall be the
     day on which written consent is given; and (3) the record date for
     determining shareholders for any other purpose shall be at the close of
     business on the day on which the Board of Directors adopts the resolution
     relating thereto, or the sixtieth (60th) day prior to the date of such
     other action, whichever is later.

     Section 1.07 Quorum: Adjourned Meetings.

         (a) At any meeting of the shareholders, a majority of the issued and
     outstanding shares of the corporation represented in person or by proxy,
     shall constitute a quorum.

         (b) If less than a majority of the issued and outstanding shares are
     represented, a majority of shares so represented may adjourn from time to
     time at the meeting, until holders of the amount of stock required to
     constitute a quorum shall be in attendance. At any such adjourned meeting

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     at which a quorum shall be present, any business may be transacted which
     might have been transacted as originally called. When a shareholders'
     meeting is adjourned to another time or place, notice need not be given of
     the adjourned meeting if the time and place thereof are announced at the
     meeting at which the adjournment is taken, unless the adjournment is for
     more than ten (10) days in which event notice thereof shall be given.

     Section 1.08 Voting.

         (a) Each shareholder of record, such shareholder's duly authorized
     proxy or attorney-in-fact act shall be entitled to one (1) vote for each
     share of stock standing registered in such shareholder's name on the books
     of the corporation on the record date.

         (b) Except as otherwise provided herein, all votes with respect to
     shares standing in the name of an individual on the record date (included
     pledged shares) shall be cast only by that individual or such individual's
     duly authorized proxy or attorney-in-fact. With respect to shares held by a
     representative of the estate of a deceased shareholder, guardian,
     conservator, custodian or trustee, votes may be cast by such holder upon
     proof of capacity, even though the shares do not stand in the name of such
     holder. In the case of shares under the control of a receiver, the receiver
     may cast votes carried by such shares even though the shares do not stand
     in the name of the receiver provided that the order of the court of
     competent jurisdiction which appoints the receiver contains the authority
     to cast votes carried by such shares. If shares stand in the name of a
     minor, votes may be cast only by the duly-appointed guardian of the estate
     of such minor if such guardian has provided the corporation with written
     notice and proof of such appointment.

         (c) With respect to shares standing in the name of a corporation on the
     record date, votes may be cast by such officer or agents as the by-laws of
     such corporation prescribe or, in the absence of an applicable by-law
     provision, by such person as may be appointed by resolution of the Board of
     Directors of such corporation. In the event no person is so appointed, such
     votes of the corporation may be cast by any person (including the officer
     making the authorization) authorized to do so by the Chairman of the Board
     of Directors, President or any Vice President of such corporation.

         (d) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein contained, no votes
     may be cast by shares owned by this corporation or its subsidiaries, if
     any. If shares are held by this corporation or its subsidiaries, if any, in

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     fiduciary capacity, no votes shall be cast with respect thereto on any
     matter except to the extent that the beneficial owner thereof possesses
     and exercises either a right to vote or to give the corporation holding the
     same binding instructions on how to vote.

         (e) With respect to shares standing in the name of two or more persons,
     whether fiduciaries, members of a partnership, joint tenants, tenants in
     common, husband and wife as community property, tenants by the entirety,
     voting trustees, persons entitled to vote under a shareholder voting
     agreement or otherwise and shares held by two or more persons (including
     proxy holders) having the same fiduciary relationship respect in the same
     shares, votes may be cast in the following manner:

             (1) If only one such person votes, the votes of such person binds

             (2) If more than one person casts votes, the act of the majority so
         voting binds all.

             (3) If more than one person casts votes, but the vote is evenly
         split on a particular matter, the votes shall be deemed cast
         proportionately as split.

         (f) Any holder of shares entitled to vote on any matter may cast a
     portion of the votes in favor of such matter and refrain from casting the
     remaining votes or cast the same against the proposal, except in the case
     of elections of directors. If such holder entitled to vote fails to specify
     the number of affirmative votes, it will be conclusively presumed that the
     holder is casting affirmative votes with respect to all shares held.

         (g) If a quorum is present, the affirmative vote of holders of a
     majority of the shares represented at the meeting and entitled to vote on
     any matter shall be the act of the shareholders, unless a vote of greater
     number or voting by classes is required by the laws of the State of Nevada,
     the Articles of Incorporation and these ByLaws.

     Section 1.09 Proxies. At any meeting of shareholders, any holder of shares
entitled to vote may authorize another person or persons to vote by proxy with
respect to the shares held by an instrument in writing and subscribed to by the
holder of such shares entitled to vote. No proxy shall be valid after the
expiration of six (6) months from the date of execution thereof, unless coupled
with an interest or unless otherwise specified in the proxy. In no event shall
the term of a proxy exceed seven (7) years from the date of its execution. Every
proxy shall continue

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in full force and effect until its expiration or revocation. Revocation may be
effected by filing an instrument revoking the same or a duly-executed proxy
bearing a later date with the secretary of the corporation.

     Section 1.10 Order of Business. At the annual shareholders meeting, the
regular order of business shall be as follows:

             (1) Determination of shareholders present and existence of quorum;

             (2) Reading and approval of the minutes of the previous meeting or

             (3) Reports of the Board of Directors, the president, treasurer and
         Secretary of the corporation, in the order named;

             (4) Reports of committee;

             (5) Election of directors;

             (6) Unfinished business;

             (7) New business;

             (8) Adjournment.

     Section 1. 11 Absentees Consent to Meetings. Transactions of any meeting of
the shareholders are as valid as though had at a meeting duly-held after regular
call and notice if a quorum is present, either in person or by proxy, and if,
either before or after the meeting, each of the persons entitled to vote, not
present in person or by proxy (and those who, although present, either object at
the beginning of the meeting to the transaction of any business because the
meeting has not been lawfully called or convened or expressly object at the
meeting to the consideration of matters not included in the notice which are
legally required to be included therein), signs a written waiver of notice
and/or consent to the holding of the meeting or an approval of the minutes
thereof. All such waivers, consents, and approvals shall be filed with the
corporate records and made a part of the minutes of the meeting. Attendance of a
person at a meeting shall constitute a waiver of notice of such meeting, except
when the person objects at the beginning of the meeting to the transaction of
any business because the meeting is not lawfully called or convened and except
that attendance at a meeting is not a waiver of any right to object to the
consideration of matters not included in the notice if such objection is
expressly made at the beginning. Neither the business to be transacted at nor
the purpose of any regular or special

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meeting of shareholders need be specified in any written waiver of notice,
except as otherwise provided in Section 1.04(b) of these ByLaws.

     Section 1.12 Action Without Meeting. Any action which may be taken by the
vote of the shareholders at a meeting may be taken without a meeting if
consented to by the holders of a majority of the shares entitled to vote or such
greater proportion as may be required by the laws of the State of Nevada, the
Articles of Incorporation, or these Bylaws. Whenever action is taken by written
consent, a meeting of shareholders needs not be called or noticed.

                                   ARTICLE II


     Section 2.01 Number, Tenure and Qualification. Except as otherwise
provided herein, the Board of Directors of the corporation shall consist of at
least one (1) but no more than nine (9) persons, who shall be elected at the
annual meeting of the shareholders of the corporation and who shall hold office
for one (1) year or until their successors are elected and qualify.

     Section 2.02 Resignation. Any director may resign effective upon giving
written notice to the chairman of the Board of Directors, the president, or the
secretary of the corporation, unless the notice specifies a later time for
effectiveness of such resignation. If the Board of Directors accepts the
resignation of a director tendered to take effect at a future date, the Board or
the shareholders may elect a successor to take office when the resignation
becomes effective.

     Section 2.03 Reduction in Number. No reduction of the number of directors
shall have the effect of removing any director prior to the expiration of his
term of office.

     Section 2.04 Removal.

         (a) The Board of Directors or the shareholders of the corporation, by a
     majority vote, may declare vacant the office of a director who has been
     declared incompetent by an order of a court of competent jurisdiction or
     convicted of a felony.

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     Section 2.05 Vacancies.

         (a) A vacancy in the Board of Directors because of death, resignation,
     removal, change in number of directors, or otherwise may be filled by the
     shareholders at any regular or special meeting or any adjourned meeting
     thereof or the remaining directors(s) by the affirmative vote of a majority
     thereof. A Board of Directors consisting of less than the maximum number
     authorized in section 2.01 of ARTICLE II constitutes vacancies on the Board
     of Directors for purposes of this paragraph and may be filled as set forth
     above including by the election of a majority of the remaining directors.
     Each successor so elected shall hold office until the next annual meeting
     of shareholders or until a successor shall have been duly-elected and

         (b) If, after the filling of any vacancy by the directors, the
     directors then in office who have been elected by the shareholders shall
     constitute less than a majority of the directors then in office, any holder
     or holders of an aggregate of five percent (5%) or more of the total number
     of shares entitled to vote may call a special meeting of shareholders to be
     held to elect the entire Board of Directors. The term of office of any
     director shall terminate upon such election of a successor.

     Section 2.06 Regular Meetings. Immediately following the adjournment of,
and at the same place as, the annual meeting of the shareholders, the Board of
Directors, including directors newly elected, shall hold its annual meeting
without notice, other than this provision, to elect officers of the corporation
and to transact such further business as may be necessary or appropriate. The
Board of Directors may provide by resolution the place, date and hour for
holding additional regular meetings.

     Section 2.07 Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Board of Directors
may be called by the chairman and shall be called by the chairman upon the
request of any two (2) directors or the president of the corporation.

     Section 2.08 Place of Meetings. Any meeting of the directors of the
corporation may be held at its principal office in the State of Nevada, or at
such other place in or out of the United States as the Board of Directors may
designate. A waiver or notice signed by the directors may designate any place
for the holding of such meeting.

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     Section 2.09 Notice of Meetings. Except as otherwise provided in Section
2.06, the chairman shall deliver to all directors written or printed notice
of any special meeting, at least three (3) days before the date of such meeting,
by delivery of such notice personally or mailing such notice first class mail,
or by telegram. If mailed, the notice shall be deemed delivered two (2) business
days following the date the same is deposited in the United States mail, postage
prepaid. Any director may waive notice of any meeting, and the attendance of a
director at a meeting shall constitute a waiver of notice of such meeting,
unless such attendance is for the express purpose of objecting to the
transaction of business threat because the meeting is not properly called or

     Section 2.10 Quorum: Adjourned Meetings.

         (a) A majority of the Board of Directors in office shall constitute a

         (b) At any meeting of the Board of Directors where a quorum is not
     present, a majority of those present may adjourn, from time to time, until
     a quorum is present, and no notice of such adjournment shall be required.
     At any adjourned meeting where a quorum is present, any business may be
     transacted which could have been transacted at the meeting originally

     Section 2.11 Action Without Meeting. Any action required or permitted to be
taken at any meeting of the Board of Directors or any committee thereof may be
taken without a meeting if a written consent thereto is signed by all of the
members of the Board of Directors or of such committee. Such written consent or
consents shall be filed with the minutes of the proceedings of the Board of
Directors or committee. Such action by written consent shall have the same force
and effect as the unanimous vote of the Board of Directors or committee.

     Section 2.12 Telephonic Meetings. Meetings of the Board of Directors may be
held through the use of a conference telephone or similar communications
equipment so long as all members participating in such meeting can hear one
another at the time of such meeting. Participation in such a meeting constitutes
presence in person at such meeting.

     Section 2.13 Board Decisions. The affirmative vote of a majority of the
directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of
the Board of Directors.

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     Section 2.14 Powers and Duties.

         (a) Except as otherwise provided in the Articles of Incorporation or
     the laws of the State of Nevada, the Board of Directors is invested with
     the complete and unrestrained authority to manage the affairs of the
     corporation, and is authorized to exercise for such purpose as the general
     agent of the corporation, its entire corporate authority in such manner as
     it sees fit. The Board of Directors may delegate any of its authority to
     manage, control or conduct the current business of the corporation to any
     standing or special committee or to any officer or agent and to appoint any
     persons to be agents of the corporation with such powers, including the
     power to sub-delegate, and upon such terms as may be deemed fit.

         (b) The Board of Directors shall present to the shareholders at annual
     meetings of the shareholders, and when called for by a majority vote of the
     shareholders at a special meeting of the shareholders, a full and clear
     statement of the condition of the corporation, and shall, at request,
     furnish each of the shareholders with a true copy thereof.

         (c) The Board of Directors, in its discretion, may submit any contract
     or act for approval or ratification at any annual meeting of the
     shareholders or any special meeting properly called for the purpose of
     considering any such contract or act, provided a quorum is present. The
     contract or act shall be valid and binding upon the corporation and upon
     all the shareholders thereof, if approved and ratified by the affirmative
     vote of a majority of the shareholders at such meeting.

         (d) In furtherance and not in limitation of the powers conferred by the
     laws of the State of Nevada, the Board of Directors is expressly authorized
     and empowered to issue stock of the Corporation for money, property,
     services rendered, labor performed, cash advanced, acquisitions for other
     corporations or for or any other assets of value in accordance with the
     action of the Board of Directors without vote or consent of the
     shareholders and the judgment of the Board of Directors as to the value
     received and in return therefore shall be conclusive and said stock, when
     issued, shall be fully-paid and non-assessable.

     Section 2.15 Compensation. The directors shall be allowed and paid all
necessary expenses incurred in attending any meetings of the Board, but shall
not receive any compensation for or their services as directors until such time
as the corporation is able to declare and pay dividends on its capital stock.

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     Section 2.16 Board Officers.

         (a) At its annual meeting, the Board of Directors shall elect, from
     among its members, a chairman to preside at the meetings of the Board of
     Directors. The Board of Directors may also elect such other board officers
     and for such term as it may, from time to time, determine advisable.

         (b) Any vacancy in any board office because of death, resignation,
     removal or otherwise may be filled by the Board of Directors for the
     unexpired portion of the term of such office.

     Section 2.17 Order of Business. The order of business at any meeting of the
Board of Directors shall be as follows:

            (1) Determination of members present and existence of quorum;

            (2) Reading and approval of the minutes of any previous meeting or

            (3) Reports of officers and committeemen;

            (4) Election of officers;

            (5) Unfinished business;

            (6) New business;

            (7) Adjournment.

                                   ARTICLE III


     Section 3.01 Election. The Board of Directors, at its first meeting
following the annual meeting of shareholders, shall elect a president, a
secretary and a treasurer to hold office for one (1) year next coming and until
their successors are elected and qualify. Any person may hold two or more
offices. The Board of Directors may, from time to time, by resolution, appoint
one or more vice presidents, assistant secretaries, assistant treasurers and
transfer agents of the corporation as it may deem advisable; prescribe their
duties; and fix their compensation.


     Section 3.02 Removal; Resignation. Any officer or agent elected or
appointed by the Board of Directors may be removed by it whenever, in its
judgment, the best interest of the corporation would be served thereby. Any
officer may resign at any time upon written notice to the corporation without
prejudice to the rights, if any, of the corporation under any contract to which
the resigning officer is a party.

     Section 3.03 Vacancies. Any vacancy in any office because of death,
resignation, removal, or otherwise may be filled by the Board of Directors for
the unexpired portion of the term of such office.

     Section 3.04 President. The president shall be the general manager and
executive officer of the corporation, subject to the supervision and control of
the Board of Directors, and shall direct the corporate affairs, with full power
to execute all resolutions and orders of the Board of Directors not especially
entrusted to some other officer of the corporation. The president shall preside
at all meetings of the shareholders and shall sign the certificates of stock
issued by the corporation, and shall perform such other duties as shall be
prescribed by the Board of Directors.

     Unless otherwise ordered by the Board of Directors, the president shall
have full power and authority on behalf of the corporation to attend and to act
and to vote at any meetings of the shareholders of any corporation in which the
corporation may hold stock and, at any such meetings, shall possess and may
exercise any and all rights and powers incident to the ownership of such stock.
The Board of Directors, by resolution from time to time, may confer like powers
on any person or persons in place of the president to represent the corporation
for these purposes.

     Section 3.05 Vice President. The Board of Directors may elect one or more
vice presidents who shall be vested with all the powers and perform all the
duties of the president whenever the president is absent or unable to act,
including the signing of the certificates of stock issued by the corporation,
and the vice president shall perform such other duties as shall be prescribed by
the Board of Directors.

     Section 3.06 Secretary. The secretary shall keep the minutes of all
meetings of the shareholders and the Board of Directors in books provided for
that purpose. The secretary shall attend to the giving and service of all
notices of the corporation, may sign with the president in the name of the
corporation all contracts authorized by the Board of Directors or appropriate
committee, shall have the custody of the corporate seal, shall affix the

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corporate seal to all certificates of stock duly issued by the corporation,
shall have charge of stock certificate books, transfer books and stock ledgers,
and such other books and papers as the Board of Directors or appropriate
committee may direct, and shall, in general perform all duties incident to the
office of the secretary. All corporate books kept by the secretary shall be open
for examination by any director at any reasonable time.

     Section 3.07 Assistant Secretary. The Board of Directors may appoint an
assistant secretary who shall have such powers and perform such duties as may be
prescribed for him by the secretary of the corporation or by the Board of

     Section 3.08 Treasurer. The treasurer shall be the chief financial officer
of the corporation, subject to the supervision and control of the Board of
Directors, and shall have custody of all the funds and securities of the
corporation. When necessary or proper, the treasurer shall endorse on behalf of
the corporation for collection checks, notes and other obligations, and shall
deposit all monies to the credit of the corporation in such bank or banks or
other depository as the Board of Directors may designate, and shall sign all
receipts and vouchers for payments made by the corporation. Unless otherwise
specified by the Board of Directors, the treasurer shall sign with the president
all bills of exchange and promissory notes of the corporation, shall also have
the care and custody of the stocks, bonds, certificates, vouchers, evidence of
debts, securities and such other property belonging to the corporation as the
Board of Directors shall designate, and shall sign all papers required by law,
by these By-laws or by the Board of Directors to be signed by the treasurer. The
treasurer shall enter regularly in the books of the corporation, to be kept for
that purpose, full and accurate accounts of all monies received and paid on
account of the corporation and whenever required by the Board of Directors, the
treasurer shall render a statement of any or all accounts. The treasurer shall
at all reasonable times exhibit the books of account to any directors of the
corporation and shall perform all acts incident to the position of treasurer
subject to the control of the Board of Directors. The treasurer shall, if
required by the Board of Directors, given a bond to the corporation in such sum
and with such security as shall be approved by the Board of Directors for the
faithful performance of all the duties of the treasurer and for restoration to
the corporation in the event of the treasurer's death, resignation, retirement,
or removal from office, of all books, records, papers, vouchers, money and other
property belonging to the corporation. The expense of such bond shall be borne
by the corporation.

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     Section 3.09 Assistant Treasurer. The Board of Directors may appoint an
assistant treasurer who shall have such powers and perform such duties as may be
prescribed by the treasurer of the corporation or by the Board of Directors, and
the Board of Directors may require the assistant treasurer to give a bond to the
corporation in such sum and with such security as it may approve, for the
faithful performance of the duties of assistant treasurer, and for the
restoration to the corporation, in the event of the assistant treasurer's death,
resignation, retirement or removal from office, of all books, records, papers,
vouchers, money and other property belonging to the corporation. The expense of
such bond shall be borne by the corporation.

                                   ARTICLE IV

                                  CAPITAL STOCK

     Section 4.01 Issuance. Shares of capital stock of the corporation shall be
issued in such manner and at such times and upon such conditions as shall be
prescribed by the Board of Directors.

     Section 4.02 Certificates. Ownership in the corporation shall be evidenced
by certificates for shares of stock in such form as shall be prescribed by the
Board of Directors, shall be under the seal of the corporation and shall be
signed by the president or the vice president and also by the secretary or an
assistant secretary. Each certificate shall contain the name of the record
holder, the number, designation, if any, class or series of shares represented,
a statement of summary of any applicable rights, preferences, privileges, or
restrictions thereon, and a statement that the shares are assessable, if
applicable. All certificates shall be consecutively numbered. The name and
address of the shareholder, the number of shares, and the date of issue shall be
entered on the stock transfer books of the corporation.

     Section 4.03 Surrender: Lost or Destroyed Certificates. All certificates
surrendered to the corporation, except those representing shares of treasury
stock, shall be canceled and no new certificates shall be issued until the
former certificate for a like number of shares shall have been canceled, except
that in case of a lost, stolen, destroyed or mutilated certificate, a new one
may be issued therefor. However, any shareholder applying for the issuance of a
stock certificate in lieu of one alleged to have been lost, stolen, destroyed or
mutilated shall, prior to the issuance of a replacement, provide the corporation
with his, her or its affidavit of the facts surrounding the loss, theft,
destruction or mutilation and an indemnity bond in an amount and upon such terms

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as the treasurer, or the Board of Directors, shall require. In no case shall the
bond be in amount less than twice the current market value of the stock and it
shall indemnify the corporation against any loss, damage, cost or inconvenience
arising as a consequence of the issuance of a replacement certificate.

     Section 4.04 Replacement Certificate. When the Articles of Incorporation
are amended in any way affecting the statements contained in the certificates
for outstanding shares of capital stock of the corporation or it becomes
desirable for any reason, including, without limitation, the merger or
consolidation of the corporation with another corporation or the reorganization
of the corporation, to cancel any outstanding certificate for shares and issue a
new certificate therefor conforming to the rights of the holder, the Board of
Directors may order any holders of outstanding certificates for shares to
surrender and exchange the same for new certificates within a reasonable time to
be fixed by the Board of Directors. The order may provide that a holder of any
certificate(s) ordered to be surrendered shall not be entitled to vote, receive
dividends or exercise any other rights of shareholders until the holder has
complied with the order provided that such order operates to suspend such rights
only after notice and until compliance.

     Section 4.05 Transfer of Shares. No transfer of stock shall be valid as
against the corporation except on surrender and cancellation by the certificate
therefor, accompanied by an assignment or transfer by the registered owner made
either in person or under assignment. Whenever any transfer shall be expressly
made for collateral security and not absolutely, the collateral nature of the
transfer shall be reflected in the entry of transfer on the books of the

     Section 4.06 Transfer Agent. The Board of Directors may appoint one or more
transfer agents and registrars of transfer and may require all certificates for
shares of stock to bear the signature of such transfer agent and such registrar
of transfer.

     Section 4.07 Stock Transfer Books. The stock transfer books shall be closed
for or a period of ten (10) days prior to all meetings of the shareholders and
shall be closed for the payment of dividends as provided in Article V hereof and
during such periods as, from time to time, may be fixed by the Board of
Directors, and, during such periods, no stock shall be transferable.

                                     - 15 -


     Section 4.08 Miscellaneous. The Board of Directors shall have the power and
authority to make such rules and regulations not inconsistent herewith as it
may deem expedient concerning the issue, transfer and registration of
certificates for shares of the capital stock of the corporation.

                                    ARTICLE V


     Section 5.01 Dividends may be declared, subject to the provisions of the
laws of the State of Nevada and the Articles of Incorporation, by the Board of
Directors at any regular or special meeting and may be paid in cash, property,
shares of corporate stock, or any other medium. The Board of Directors may fix
in advance a record date, as provided in Section 1.06 of these By-laws, prior to
the dividend payment for the purpose of determining shareholders entitled to
receive payment of any dividend. The Board of Directors may close the stock
transfer books for such purpose for a period of not more than ten (10) days
prior to the payment date of such dividend.

                                   ARTICLE VI


     Section 6.01 Principal Office. The principal office of the corporation in
the State of Nevada shall be the Law offices of Max C. Tanner, 2950 East
Flamingo Road, Suite G, Las Vegas, Nevada 89121, and the corporation may have an
office in any other state or territory as the Board of Directors may designate.

     Section 6.02 Records. The stock transfer books and a certified copy of the
By-laws, Articles of Incorporation, any amendments thereto, and the minutes of
the proceedings of the shareholders, the Board of Directors, and committees of
the Board of Directors shall be kept at the principal office of the corporation
for the inspection of all who have the right to see the same and for the
transfer of stock. All other books of the corporation shall be kept at such
places as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors.

                                     - 16 -


     Section 6.03 Financial Report on Request. Any shareholder or shareholders
holding at least five percent (5%) of the outstanding shares of any class of
stock may make a written request for an income statement of the corporation for
the three (3) month, six (6) month, or nine (9) month period of the current
fiscal year ended more than thirty (30) days prior to the date of the request
and a balance sheet of the corporation as of the end of such period. In
addition, if no annual report for the last fiscal year has been sent to
shareholders, such shareholder or shareholders may make a request for a balance
sheet as of the end of such fiscal year and an income statement and statement of
changes in financial position for such fiscal year. The statement shall be
delivered or mailed to the person making the request within thirty (30) days
thereafter. A copy of the statements shall be kept on file in the principal
office of the corporation for twelve (12) months, and such copies shall be
exhibited at all reasonable times to any shareholder demanding an examination of
them or a copy shall be mailed to each shareholder. Upon request by any
shareholder, there shall be mailed to the shareholder a copy of the last annual,
semiannual or quarterly income statement which it has prepared and a balance
sheet as of the end of the period. The financial statements referred to in this
Section 6.03 shall be accompanied by the report thereon, if any, of any
independent accountants engaged by the corporation or the certificate of an
authorized officer of the corporation that such financial statements were
prepared without audit from the books and records of the corporation.

     Section 6.04 Right of Inspection.

         (a) The accounting books and records and minutes of proceedings of the
     shareholders and the Board of Directors and committees of the Board of
     Directors shall be open to inspection upon the written demand of any
     shareholder or holder of a voting trust certificate at any reasonable time
     during usual business hours for a purpose reasonably related to such
     holder's interest as a shareholder or as the holder of such voting trust
     certificate. This right of inspection shall extend to the records of the
     subsidiaries, if any, of the corporation. Such inspection may be made in
     person or by agent or attorney, and the right of inspection includes the
     right to copy and make extracts.

         (b) Every director shall have the absolute right at any reasonable time
     to inspect and copy all books, records and documents of every kind and to
     inspect the physical properties of the corporation and/or its subsidiary
     corporations. Such inspection may be made in person or by agent or
     attorney, and the right of inspection includes the right to copy and make

                                     - 17 -


     Section 6.05 Corporate Seal. The Board of Directors may, by resolution,
authorize a seal, and the seal may be used by causing it, or a facsimile, to
be impressed or affixed or reproduced or otherwise. Except when otherwise
specifically provided herein, any officer of the corporation shall have the
authority to affix the seal to any document requiring it.

     Section 6.06 Fiscal Year. The fiscal year-end of the corporation shall be
the calendar year or such other term as may be fixed by resolution of the Board
of Directors.

     Section 6.07 Reserves. The Board of Directors may create, by resolution,
out of the earned surplus of the corporation such reserves as the directors may,
from time to time, in their discretion, think proper to provide for
contingencies, or to equalize dividends or to repair or maintain any property of
the corporation, or for such other purpose as the Board of Directors may deem
beneficial to the corporation, and the directors may modify or abolish any such
reserves in the manner in which they were created.

                                   ARTICLE VII


     Section 7.01 Indemnification. The corporation shall, unless prohibited by
Nevada Law, indemnify any person (an "Indemnitee") who is or was involved in any
manner (including, without limitation, as a party or a witness) or is threatened
to be so involved in any threatened, pending or completed action suit or
proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative, arbitrative or
investigative, including without limitation, any action, suit or proceeding
brought by or in the right of the corporation to procure a judgment in its favor
(collectively, a "Proceeding") by reason of the fact that he is or was a
director, officer, employee or agent of the corporation, or is or was serving at
the request of the corporation as a director, officer, employee or agent of
another corporation, partnership, joint venture, trust, employee benefit plan or
other entity or enterprise, against all Expenses and Liabilities actually and
reasonably incurred by him in connection with such Proceeding. The right to
indemnification conferred in this Article shall be presumed to have been relied
upon by the directors, officers, employees and agents of the corporation and
shall be enforceable as a contract right and inure to the benefit of heirs,
executors and administrators of such individuals.

                                     - 18 -


     Section 7.02 Indemnification Contracts. The Board of Directors is
authorized on behalf of the corporation, to enter into, deliver and perform
agreements or other arrangements to provide any Indemnitee with specific rights
of indemnification in addition to the rights provided hereunder to the fullest
extent permitted by Nevada Law. Such agreements or arrangements may provide (i)
that the Expenses of officers and directors incurred in defending a civil or
criminal action, suit or proceeding, must be paid by the corporation as they are
incurred and in advance of the final disposition of any such action, suit or
proceeding provided that, if required by Nevada Law at the time of such advance,
the officer or director provides an undertaking to repay such amounts if it is
ultimately determined by a court of competent jurisdiction that such individual
is not entitled to be indemnified against such expenses, (iii) that the
Indemnitee shall be presumed to be entitled to indemnification under this
Article or such agreement or arrangement and the corporation shall have the
burden of proof to overcome that presumption, (iii) for procedures to be
followed by the corporation and the Indemnitee in making any determination of
entitlement to indemnification or for appeals therefrom and (iv) for insurance
or such other Financial Arrangements described in Paragraph 7.02 of this
Article, all as may be deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors at the time
of execution of such agreement or arrangement.

     Section 7.03 Insurance and Financial Arrangements. The corporation may,
unless prohibited by Nevada Law, purchase and maintain insurance or make other
financial arrangements ("Financial Arrangements") on behalf of any Indemnitee
for any liability asserted against him and liability and expenses incurred by
him in his capacity as a director, officer, employee or agent, or arising out of
his status as such, whether or not the corporation has the authority to
indemnify him against such liability and expenses. Such other Financial
Arrangements may include (i) the creation of a trust fund, (ii) the
establishment of a program of self-insurance, (iii) the securing of the
corporation's obligation of indemnification by granting a security interest or
other lien on any assets of the corporation, or (iv) the establishment of a
letter of credit, guaranty or surety.

     Section 7.04 Definitions. For purposes of this Article:

         Expenses. The word "Expenses" shall be broadly construed and, without
     limitation, means (i) all direct and indirect costs incurred, paid or
     accrued, (ii) all attorneys' fees, retainers, court costs, transcripts,
     fees of experts, witness fees, travel expenses, food and lodging expenses
     while traveling, duplicating costs, printing and binding costs, telephone
     charges, postage, delivery service, freight or other transportation fees
     and expenses, (iii) all other

                                     - 19 -


     disbursements and out-of-pocket expenses, (iv) amounts paid in settlement,
     to the extent permitted by Nevada Law, and (v) reasonable compensation for
     time spent by the Indemnitee for which he is otherwise not compensated by
     the corporation or any third party, actually and reasonably incurred in
     connection with either the appearance at or investigation, defense,
     settlement or appeal of a Proceeding or establishing or enforcing a right
     to indemnification under any agreement or arrangement, this Article, the
     Nevada Law or otherwise; provided, however, that "Expenses" shall not
     include any judgments or fines or excise taxes or penalties imposed under
     the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended ("ERISA")
     or other excise taxes or penalties.

          Liabilities. "Liabilities" means liabilities of any type whatsoever,
     including, but not limited to, judgments or fines, ERISA or other excise
     taxes and penalties, and amounts paid in settlement.

          Nevada Law. "Nevada Law" means Chapter 78 of the Nevada Revised
     Statutes as amended and in effect from time to time or any successor or
     other statutes of Nevada having similar import and effect.

          This Article. "This Article" means Paragraphs 7.01 through 7.04 of
     these bylaws or any portion of them.

          Power of Stockholders. Paragraphs 7.01 through 7.04, including this
     Paragraph, of these Bylaws may be amended by the stockholders only by vote
     of the holders of sixty-six and two-thirds percent (66 2/3%) of the entire
     number of shares of each class, voting separately, of the outstanding
     capital stock of the corporation (even though the right of any class to
     vote is otherwise restricted or denied); provided, however, no amendment
     or repeal of this Article shall adversely affect any right of any
     Indemnitee existing at the time such amendment or repeal becomes effective.

         Power of Directors. Paragraphs 7.01 through 7.04 and this Paragraph of
    these Bylaws may be amended or repealed by the Board of Directors only by
    vote of eighty percent (80%) of the total number of Directors and the
    holders of sixty-six and two-thirds percent (66 2/3) of the entire number of
    shares of each class, voting separately, of the outstanding capital stock of
    the corporation (even though the right of any class to vote is otherwise
    restricted or denied); provided, however, no amendment or repeal of this
    Article shall adversely affect any right of any Indemnitee existing at the
    time such amendment or repeal becomes effective.

                                     - 20 -


                                  ARTICLE VIII


     Section 8.01 Amendment. Amendments and changes of these By-Laws may be made
at any regular or special meeting of the Board of Directors by a vote of not
less than all of the entire Board, or may be made by a vote of, or a consent in
writing signed by the holders of a majority of the issued and outstanding
capital stock.

     Section 8.02 Additional By-Laws. Additional by-laws not inconsistent
herewith may be adopted by the Board of Directors at any meeting of the Board of
Directors at which a quorum is present by an affirmative vote of a majority of
the directors present or by the unanimous consent of the Board of Directors in
accordance with Section 2.11 of these By-laws.


     I, the undersigned, being the duly elected secretary of the Corporation, do
hereby certify that the foregoing By-laws were adopted by the Board of Directors
on the 2nd day of December, 1994.

                                               /s/ MARCI EVANS
                                               Marci Evans, Secretary

                                     - 21 -


                                   EXHIBIT "D"

                            FORM OF STOCK CERTIFICATE
                                STATE OF NEVADA

NUMBER                             [GRAPHIC]                           SHARES

                                GEM SOURCE, INC.

        This Corporation is authorized to Issue 25,000,000 Common Shares
                               at $    Par Value

THIS CERTIFIES THAT __________________________________ is the owner of
____________________________ fully paid and nonassessable shares of the above
Corporation transferable only on the books of the Corporation by the holder
hereof in person or by duly authorized Attorney upon surrender of this
Certificate properly endorsed.
  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Corporation has caused this Certificate to be
signed by its duly authorized officers and its Corporate Seal to be hereunto
affixed this ______ day of ___________ A.D. 19 ______

- ---------------------------------         (SEAL)  ------------------------------
PRESIDENT                                         SECRETARY/TREASURER