This first amendment (the "Amendment") to the employment agreement
dated as of October 1, 1996 (the "Agreement") among StaffMark, Inc.
("StaffMark"), HRA, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of StaffMark and W. David
Bartholomew ("Employee"), is made and entered as of September 17, 1999 by and
between StaffMark and Employee.

         WHEREAS, the terms of Employee's overall executive compensation
package and the terms of this Amendment have been the subject of deliberation
by the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors of StaffMark (the
"Compensation Committee") at meetings held on March 11, 1999, May 7, 1999, June
17, 1999, August 2, 1999, August 12, 1999, September 15, 1999 and September 17,
1999; and

         WHEREAS, the Compensation Committee has been delegated authority, by
the Board of Directors of StaffMark at its meeting on August 12, 1999, to
determine the terms of, and approve, the Amendment;

         WHEREAS, StaffMark believes that its interests would best be served by
securing Employee's continued employment; and

         WHEREAS, StaffMark believes that, to achieve this goal, it is
necessary to extend the term of the Agreement, to revise the Agreement to
reflect certain modifications to the terms of the Employee's employment, to
provide severance benefits in additional specified circumstances, and to
provide certain benefits in the event of a change in control of StaffMark; and


         WHEREAS, the Compensation Committee has determined that the Amendment
is in the best interests of StaffMark and has approved the Amendment on
September 17, 1999.

         NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual
covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows:

         1. Section 1 of the Agreement is amended by deleting "September 30,
2001" in the second line thereof and replacing it with "April 1, 2002."

         2. Effective January 1, 1999, the second sentence of Section 1 of the
Agreement is deleted and replaced with the following provision:

                  "During the term of this Agreement, the calendar year shall
                  be referred to herein as a "Compensation Year.""

         3. Section 2(a) of the Agreement is amended by deleting (i) ", the
Board of Directors of the Company" in the fourth and fifth lines thereof and
(ii) "the Board of Directors or" in the fifth and sixth lines thereof.

         4. Section 3 of the Agreement is amended by deleting "$125,000 per
annum through the expiration of the term of the Agreement," and is replacing it
with "$145,000 per year through September 30, 1999, and thereafter throughout
the term of this Agreement, $225,000 per year, in each case."

         5. Section 5(b) of the Agreement is amended by inserting "Except as
provided in Section 6 hereof" (as renumbered) at the beginning of the initial
clause thereof.

         6. Section 5(b)(i) of the Agreement is amended by adding "(excluding
circumstances involving Good Reason, as defined below)" immediately following
the word "Employee" in the second line thereof.

         7. Section 5(b)(iii) of the Agreement is amended


                  (a)  by inserting "or by Employee for Good Reason (as defined
                  below)," immediately following the comma in the second line
                  thereof, and

                  (b)  by deleting the words "continue to" on the third line
                  thereof and inserting after the word "pay" on the third line
                  thereof the phrase ", in such amount as is determined by
                  reference to clauses (A) and (B) below and on such payment
                  terms set forth in the last sentence of this paragraph
                  (iii)," and by deleting the word "to" on the fifth line
                  thereof, and

                  (c)  by inserting "the lesser of two (2) years or" at the
                  beginning of clause 5(b)(iii)(B), and

                  (d)  by adding the following provision to the end thereof:

                       ""Good Reason" shall mean any of the following
                       circumstances unless remedied by StaffMark within thirty
                       (30) days after receipt of written notification by
                       Employee that such circumstances exist or have occurred:
                       (A) assignment to Employee of any duties inconsistent
                       with Employee's position, authority, duties or
                       responsibilities as contemplated by paragraph 2 of the
                       Agreement, or any other action by StaffMark that results
                       in diminution of such position, authority, duties or
                       responsibilities; or (B) any material failure by
                       StaffMark to comply with any of the material provisions
                       of the Agreement. The continuation of health insurance
                       benefits referenced above in this Section 5(b)(iii)
                       shall extend to (i) Employee and his eligible dependants
                       under the terms of the applicable StaffMark sponsored
                       health care plan by which he was covered at the time of
                       such termination of employment, as such plan may be in
                       effect or may be modified from time to time, in
                       consideration for Employee's payment of such premiums as
                       may be required to be paid by active employees of
                       StaffMark from time to time ("Required Premium
                       Payments") or (ii) if such StaffMark sponsored health
                       care plan does not by its terms allow Employee's
                       participation or continued


                       participation, StaffMark shall obtain (in return for
                       Required Premium Payments) insurance coverage on behalf
                       of Employee and/or Employee's eligible dependents that
                       provides all benefits otherwise provided under such
                       StaffMark sponsored health care plan or, at StaffMark's
                       election (in return for Required Premium Payments) shall
                       provide such benefits from its own assets (collectively,
                       "Continued Health Care Coverage"). The payment of
                       Employee's base salary amount under the circumstances
                       set forth in the first sentence of this paragraph shall
                       be made in two equal payments (equal to one-half of such
                       aggregate amount) on each of the effective date of
                       termination and ninety days after the effective date of

         8. The following new Section 6 is inserted immediately following
Section 5 of the Agreement, and subsequent Sections of the Agreement and all
references thereto are renumbered accordingly:

                       "6.  CHANGE IN CONTROL

                            (a) If Employee's employment with StaffMark is
                            terminated within two years following a Change in
                            Control either by StaffMark for any reason or no
                            reason or by the Employee for Good Reason only,
                            StaffMark shall pay Employee a lump sum in the
                            amount of two (2) times Employee's base salary then
                            in effect and his bonus for the year in which the
                            termination of his employment occurs, such lump sum
                            payment shall be due on the effective date of the
                            termination of Employee's employment. In addition,
                            in the case of any such termination, Employee shall
                            be permitted to receive Continued Health Care
                            Coverage for the period described in clause

                            (b) A "Change in Control" shall be deemed to have
                            occurred if: (i) any person, other than StaffMark
                            or an employee benefit plan of StaffMark, acquires
                            directly or indirectly the "beneficial ownership"
                            (as defined in

                            Section 13(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of
                            1934, as amended, "Beneficial Ownership") of any
                            voting security of StaffMark and immediately after
                            such acquisition such person is, directly or
                            indirectly, the Beneficial Owner of voting
                            securities representing 50% or more of the total
                            voting power of all of the then-outstanding
                            StaffMark voting securities of StaffMark; (ii) the
                            individuals (A) who, as of the effective date of
                            StaffMark's registration statement with respect to
                            its initial public offering, constitute the Board
                            of Directors of StaffMark (the "Original
                            Directors") or (B) who thereafter are elected to
                            the Board of Directors of StaffMark and whose
                            election, or nomination for election to the Board
                            of Directors of StaffMark was approved by vote of
                            at least two-thirds (2/3) of the Original Directors
                            then still in office (such directors becoming
                            "Additional Original Directors" immediately
                            following their election) or (C) who are elected to
                            the Board of Directors of StaffMark and whose
                            election, or nomination for election, to the Board
                            of Directors of StaffMark was approved by a vote of
                            at least two-thirds (2/3) of the Original Directors
                            and Additional Original Directors then still in
                            office (such directors also becoming Additional
                            Original Directors immediately following their
                            election), cease for any reason to constitute a
                            majority of the members of the Board of Directors
                            of StaffMark; (iii) the stockholders of StaffMark
                            shall approve a merger or merger agreement
                            involving StaffMark, a consolidation transaction
                            involving StaffMark, a recapitalization or
                            reorganization of StaffMark, a reverse stock split
                            of outstanding StaffMark voting securities,

                            or the consummation of any such transaction if
                            stockholder approval is not sought nor obtained,
                            provided, however, that the foregoing referenced
                            transactions or events in this clause (iii) shall
                            not constitute a "Change of Control" if such
                            transaction or event would result in at least 75%
                            of the total voting power represented by
                            outstanding securities of the surviving or
                            resulting entity (immediately after such
                            transaction or event after giving effect to the
                            consideration issued or transferred in such
                            transaction or event on an as-converted or
                            fully-diluted basis) being Beneficially Owned by at
                            least 75% of the holders of outstanding voting
                            securities of StaffMark immediately prior to the
                            transaction, with the voting power of each such
                            continuing holder relative to other such continuing
                            holders not altered in the transaction in any
                            material way; or (iv) the stockholders of StaffMark
                            shall approve a plan of complete liquidation of
                            StaffMark or an agreement for the sale or
                            disposition by StaffMark of all or a substantial
                            portion of StaffMark's assets (i.e., 50% or more of
                            the total assets of StaffMark).

                            (c) (i) Anything in this Agreement to the contrary
                            notwithstanding, in the event that it shall be
                            determined that any payment or distribution by
                            StaffMark to or for the benefit of Employee,
                            whether paid or payable or distributed or
                            distributable pursuant to the terms of this
                            Agreement or otherwise (a "Payment"), would
                            constitute an "excess parachute payment" within the
                            meaning of section 280G of the Internal Revenue
                            Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), the
                            aggregate present value of amounts payable or
                            distributable to or for the benefit of the Employee
                            pursuant to this Agreement (such payments or
                            distributions pursuant to this Agreement are
                            hereinafter referred to as "Agreement Payments")
                            shall be reduced (but not below zero) to the
                            Reduced Amount. The "Reduced Amount" shall be an
                            amount expressed in present value which maximizes
                            the aggregate

                            present value of Agreement Payments without causing
                            any Payment to be subject to the taxation under
                            section 4999 of the Code. For purposes of this
                            Section 6, present value shall be determined in
                            accordance with section 280G(d)(4) of the Code.

                                    (ii) All determinations to be made under
                            this Section 6 shall be made by StaffMark's
                            independent public accountant immediately prior to
                            the Change of Control (the "Accounting Firm"),
                            which firm shall provide its determinations and any
                            supporting calculations both to StaffMark and
                            Employee within 10 days of the effective date of
                            the termination of Employee's employment. Any such
                            determination by the Accounting Firm shall be
                            binding upon StaffMark and Employee.

                                    (iii) As a result of the uncertainty
                            in the application of section 280G of the Code at
                            the time of the initial determination by the
                            Accounting Firm hereunder, it is possible that
                            Agreement Payments, as the case may be, will have
                            been made by StaffMark which should not have been
                            made ("Overpayment") or that additional Agreement
                            Payments which have not been made by StaffMark
                            could have been made ("Underpayment"), in each
                            case, consistent with the calculations required to
                            be made hereunder. Within two years after the
                            effective date of the termination of Employee's
                            employment, the Accounting Firm shall review the
                            determination made by it pursuant to paragraph (i),
                            above. In the event that the Accounting Firm
                            determines that an Overpayment has been made, any
                            such Overpayment shall be treated for all purposes
                            as a loan to Employee which Employee shall repay to
                            StaffMark together with interest at the applicable
                            Federal rate provided for in section 7872(f)(2) of
                            the Code (the "Federal Rate"); provided, however,
                            that no amount shall be payable by Employee to
                            StaffMark if and to the extent such payment would
                            not reduce the amount which is subject to taxation
                            under section 4999 of the Code. In the event that
                            the Accounting Firm determines that an Underpayment
                            has occurred, any such Underpayment shall be
                            promptly paid by StaffMark to or for the benefit of
                            Employee together with interest at the Federal

                                    (iv) All of the fees and expenses of the
                            Accounting Firm in performing the determinations
                            referred to in paragraphs (ii) and (iii) above
                            shall be borne solely by StaffMark. StaffMark
                            agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the
                            Accounting Firm of and from any and all claims,
                            damages and expenses resulting from or relating to
                            its determinations pursuant to paragraphs (ii) and
                            (iii) above,

                            except for claims, damages or expenses resulting
                            from the negligence or misconduct of the Accounting

         8. The provisions of Section 10 (formerly Section 9) of the Agreement
shall be effective as of the date hereof.

         9. Except as otherwise set forth herein, the Agreement shall remain in
full force and effect in accordance with its terms from and after the date
hereof. All references to the Agreement from and after the date hereof shall be
deemed to include the Agreement as amended by the terms hereof.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment to
be executed as of the day and year first above written.

EMPLOYEE:                              STAFFMARK, INC.:
         W. David Bartholomew          By: /s/ CLETE T. BREWER

WITNESS: /s/ KATHY S. McNEELEY         Title:  Chief Executive Officer
         ---------------------------          ---------------------------
