Exhibit 1.A.5(c)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rider: Guaranteed Death Benefit

The Policy to which this Rider is attached is issued by the Company subject to
the provisions of this Rider.

On the first day of each policy month until age 100 of the younger Insured the
Company will determine if the No Lapse Guarantee Benefit (called "the Benefit")
is in effect. If the Benefit is in effect, the Policy will not lapse even if the
Net Cash Value of the Policy on the first day of the policy month is not enough
to cover the full Monthly Deduction for that month.

The Guaranteed Death Benefit Premium is shown in the Policy Schedule. This
Premium will be recalculated when: the Face Amount is decreased; the amount
provided by riders attached to the Policy is increased or decreased; a partial
surrender which results in a decrease in Face Amount is made; a correction is
made in the insurance age of either Insured; or the underwriting class of the
Policy and its riders is changed to a more favorable underwriting class. When
this Premium is recalculated: the new Premium will be shown in Section 1 of the
Policy; and a new Guaranteed Death Benefit Fund Table will be sent to you.

The Benefit will be in effect if (a) is equal to or greater than (b) where: (a)
equals the total of the premiums paid to date; less every partial surrender made
to date; less any Cash Value paid to you to allow the Policy to continue to
qualify as life insurance; less the Policy Loan Balance; and (b) equals the sum
of: the Guaranteed Death Benefit Fund value for the prior year (shown in the
attached Table) plus 1/12 of the Guaranteed Death Benefit Premium shown in
Section 1; times one plus the number of completed policy months in the current
policy year.

If the Benefit is not in effect, the amount of premium required to put the
Benefit in force is (a) minus (b) where: (a) equals the sum of: the Guaranteed
Death Benefit Fund value for the prior year (shown in the attached Table) plus
1/12 of the Guaranteed Death Benefit Premium shown in Section 1; times one plus
the number of completed policy months in the current policy year; and (b) equals
the total amount of premium which has already been paid into the Policy; less
every partial surrender made to date; less any Cash Value paid to you to allow
the Policy to continue to qualify as life insurance; less the Policy Loan

If the Last Death occurs prior to age 100 of the younger Insured, the Death
Benefit of the Policy will be based on the Death Benefit Option in effect on the
date of death.

If the Last Death occurs on or after age 100 of the younger Insured and the
Benefit was in effect at age 100 of the younger Insured, the Death Benefit will
equal the greater of: the Cash Value on the date of the Last Death; and the Face
Amount of the Policy.

If the Last Death occurs on or after age 100 of the younger Insured and the
Benefit was not in effect at age 100 of the younger Insured, the Death Benefit
will equal: the Cash Value on the date of the Last Death; or, if the Policy has
an Expanded Death Benefit Rider, the smallest Face Amount that has been in
effect since the younger Insured's age 80, or since the Policy Date if the
younger Insured was older than age 80 on that Date if greater.

Whether or not the Benefit is in effect, the cost for this Rider is charged as
part of the Monthly Deductions. The monthly premium for this Rider is shown on
the Policy Schedule page.

This Rider is made part of the Policy to which it is attached if the Rider is
listed in the Policy Schedule. (See Section 1 of the Policy.) This Rider has no
cash value.

NEL-42                                                               (Continued)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This Rider will terminate upon the earliest of:

*    A change in Death Benefit Option;
*    Addition of a Survivorship Level Term Insurance Rider with Outside Term;
*    A change from Inside Term to Outside Term if a Survivorship Level Term
     Insurance Rider is attached to the Policy;
*    Termination of the Policy;
*    The Last Death; or
*    Receipt by the Company at its Home Office of written election signed by the
     Owner of the Policy to terminate the Rider.

If you elect to terminate this Rider, you cannot apply for this Rider later.

501 Boylston Street, Boston, Massachusetts

   ABCD                             ABCD
 President                        Secretary

NEL-42                                                      (See attached Table)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Guaranteed Death Benefit Fund Table
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Guaranteed Death Benefit Fund is used to determine if the No Lapse Guarantee
Benefit is in effect.

             YEAR                                     YEAR

               1                 $1,367.88             36           $49,243.68
               2                  2,735.76             37            50,611.56
               3                  4,103.64             38            51,979.44
               4                  5,471.52             39            53,347.32
               5                  6,839.40             40            54,715.20
               6                  8,207.28             41            56,083.08
               7                  9,575.16             42            57,450.96
               8                 10,943.04             43            58,818.84
               9                 12,310.92             44            60,186.72
              10                 13,678.80             45            61,554.60
              11                 15,046.68             46            62,922.48
              12                 16,414.56             47            64,290.36
              13                 17,782.44             48            65,658.24
              14                 19,150.32             49            67,026.12
              15                 20,518.20             50            68,394.00
              16                 21,886.08             51            69,761.88
              17                 23,253.96             52            71,129.76
              18                 24,621.84             53            72,497.64
              19                 25,989.72             54            73,865.52
              20                 27,357.60             55            75,233.40
              21                 28,725.48             56            76,601.28
              22                 30,093.36             57            77,969.16
              23                 31,461.24             58            79,337.04
              24                 32,829.12             59            80,704.92
              25                 34,197.00             60            82,072.80
              26                 35,564.88             61            83,440.68
              27                 36,932.76             62            84,808.56
              28                 38,300.64             63            86,176.44
              29                 39,668.52             64            87,544.32
              30                 41,036.40             65            88,912.20
              31                 42,404.28
              32                 43,772.16
              33                 45,140.04
              34                 46,507.92
              35                 47,875.80

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rider:  Expanded Death Benefit

The Policy to which this Rider is attached is issued by the Company subject to
the provisions of this Rider.

The cost for this Rider is charged as part of the Monthly Deductions. The
monthly premium is shown in the Policy Schedule.

The Death Benefit on or after age 100 of the younger Insured equals:

*    If the Policy has a Guaranteed Death Benefit Rider attached and the No
     Lapse Guarantee Benefit was in effect at age 100 of the younger Insured,
     the greater of: the Cash Value on the date of the Last Death; and the Face
     Amount of the Policy; otherwise
*    The greater of: the Cash Value on the date of the Last Death; and the
     smallest Face Amount that has been in effect since the younger Insured's
     age 80, or since the Policy Date if the younger Insured was older than age
     80 on that Date.

This Rider is made part of the Policy to which it is attached if the Rider is
listed in the Policy Schedule. (See Section 1 of the Policy.) This Rider has no
cash value.

This Rider will terminate upon the earliest of:

*    Termination of the Policy;
*    The Last Death; or
*    Receipt by the Company at its Home Office of written election signed by the
     Owner of the Policy to terminate the Rider.

501 Boylston Street, Boston, Massachusetts

   ABCD                             ABCD
 President                        Secretary

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rider: Decreasing Term Insurance

THE COMPANY agrees that if the Insured dies while this Rider is in force, the
applicable Amount Insured shown in the attached Table of Decreasing Term
Insurance Provided By Rider will be paid.

The Rider will be renewed automatically for successive periods of one year from
the Expiry Date to a new expiry date one year later by payment of the monthly
deduction for the Rider. It cannot be renewed beyond the Final Expiry Date shown
in the Policy Schedule.

The amount of insurance during any rider year is shown in the Table of
Decreasing Term Insurance Provided By Rider. If any insurance provided by this
Rider is exchanged for a new policy, you will be given a new Table of Decreasing
Term Insurance Provided By Rider.

The cost of this Rider is charged as part of the Monthly Deductions. The rates
will be set by the Company each year on the policy anniversary based on the
expectations of the Company as to future experience. The rates are guaranteed
for one year. The rates for the Rider will never be more than the rates shown in
the Table of Guaranteed Monthly Insurance Rates per $1,000 of Decreasing Term

The Date of Issue of this Rider is the same as the Date of Issue of the Policy
unless a later Date of Issue is shown for the Rider in the Policy Schedule.
Rider years will coincide with policy years. If this Rider is issued after the
Date of Issue of the Policy, the first rider year will begin on the policy
anniversary on or next following the Date of Issue of the Rider. The term
insurance provided by this Rider will be in force from the Date of Issue of the
Rider. The effective date of this Rider is its Date of Issue.

This Rider will not be contestable after it has been in force during the life of
the Insured for two years from its Date of Issue.


If the Insured dies by suicide while sane or insane within two years from the
Date of Issue of this Rider: the amount of term insurance will not be paid; and
the amount payable under the Rider will be limited to the monthly deductions
made to pay for the Rider.

A copy of the application for this Rider is attached to and made a part of the
Rider. This Rider is made a part of the Policy to which it is attached if the
Rider is listed in the Policy Schedule. This Rider has no cash value.

The Owner, before the policy anniversary on which the Insured is 85, can from
time to time exchange any portion of the insurance then in force under this
Rider for a new policy. The new policy will be issued:

*    Without proof that the Insured is insurable;
*    With a Face Amount equal to the amount of term insurance exchanged;
*    With the same Insured as this Rider;
*    Based on the actual underwriting class to which the Insured was assigned by
     the Company on the Date of Issue of this Rider;
*    On any plan of single life Variable Life insurance, with a level face
     amount, issued by the Company on the Policy Date of the new policy;
*    On a policy form and at rates in use by the Company on the Policy Date of
     the new policy;
*    With a current Policy Date and Age of Insured; and
*    Subject to any assignments and limitations to which this Rider is subject,
     and to the payment of the first premium for the new policy.

The exchange may be made only with the consent of the Company if:

*    The amount exchanged or the amount of term insurance to be continued under
     this Rider is less than the Company's published minimum limits of issue; or
*    Any rider is to be attached to the new policy.

The Contestable and Suicide periods of the new policy will be measured from the
Date of Issue of this Rider.

NEV-45-1                                                             (Continued)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This Rider will terminate upon the earliest of:
*    Termination or maturity of the Policy;
*    Exchange of the entire amount of insurance provided under the Rider for a
     new policy;
*    Receipt by the Company at its Home Office of written request signed by the
     Owner of the Policy to terminate the Rider; and
*    The end of the Final Expiry Date shown for the Rider in the Policy

501 Boylston Street, Boston, Massachusetts

   ABCD                             ABCD
 President                        Secretary


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table of Decreasing Term Insurance Provided By Rider

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

POLICY NUMBER:  Specimen                        INSURED:  John Alden
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                  RIDER                                        AMOUNT INSURED
                   YEAR                                      DURING RIDER YEAR

                    1                                             $25,000
                    2                                              23,750
                    3                                              22,500
                    4                                              21,250

                    5                                              20,000
                    6                                              18,750
                    7                                              17,500
                    8                                              16,250
                    9                                              15,000
                    10                                             13,750

                    11                                             12,500
                    12                                             11,250
                    13                                             10,000
                    14                                             8,750
                    15                                             7,500

                    16                                             6,250
                    17                                             5,000
                    18                                             3,750
                    19                                             2,500
                    20                                             1,250

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Daniel D. Jordan


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table of Guaranteed Monthly Insurance Rates Per $1,000 of Decreasing
Term Insurance
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

POLICY NUMBER:  Specimen                      INSURED:  John Alden
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   YEAR                                          RATE
                    1                                           0.2192
                    2                                           0.2342
                    3                                           0.2533
                    4                                           0.2750
                    5                                           0.3000

                    6                                           0.3283
                    7                                           0.3617
                    8                                           0.3958
                    9                                           0.4350
                    10                                          0.4758

                    11                                          0.5225
                    12                                          0.5692
                    13                                          0.6200
                    14                                          0.6733
                    15                                          0.7333

                    16                                          0.7967
                    17                                          0.8700
                    18                                          0.9517
                    19                                          1.0450
                    20                                          1.1500

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Daniel D. Jordan

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rider: Level Term Insurance

THE COMPANY agrees that if the Insured dies while this Rider is in force, the
amount of level term insurance under this Rider will be paid.

The Rider will be renewed automatically for successive periods of one year from
the Expiry Date to a new expiry date one year later by payment of the monthly
deduction for the Rider. It cannot be renewed beyond the Final Expiry Date shown
in the Policy Schedule.

The cost for this Rider is charged as part of the Monthly Deductions. The rates
will be set by the Company each year on the policy anniversary based on the
expectations of the Company as to future experience. The rates are guaranteed
for one year. The rates for the Rider will never be more than the rates shown in
the Table of Guaranteed Monthly Insurance Rates per $1,000 of Level Term

After the first policy year, the Term Amount can be decreased on the first day
of any policy month by written application to the Company; but only if the Term
Amount which will remain after a decrease is at least $10,000, except with the
consent of the Company. The application for a decrease will be made a part of
the Rider.

The Date of Issue of this Rider is the same as the Date of Issue of the Policy
unless a later Date of Issue is shown for the Rider in the Policy Schedule.
Rider years will coincide with policy years. If this Rider is issued after the
Date of Issue of the Policy, the first rider year will begin on the policy
anniversary on or next following the Date of Issue of the Rider. The term
insurance provided by this Rider will be in force from the Date of Issue of the
Rider. The effective date of this Rider is its Date of Issue.

This Rider will not be contestable after it has been in force during the life of
the Insured for two years from its Date of Issue.


If the Insured dies by suicide while sane or insane within two years from the
Date of Issue of this Rider: the amount of level term insurance will not be
paid; and the amount payable under the Rider will be limited to the monthly
deductions made to pay for the Rider.

A copy of the application for this Rider is attached to and made a part of the
Rider. This Rider is made a part of the Policy to which it is attached if the
Rider is listed in the Policy Schedule. This Rider has no cash value.

The Owner, before the policy anniversary on which the Insured is 85, can
exchange this Rider for a new policy. The new policy will be issued:

*    Without proof that the Insured is insurable;
*    With a Face Amount equal to the amount of term insurance then provided by
     this Rider;
*    With the same Insured as this Rider;
*    Based on the actual underwriting class to which the Insured was assigned by
     the Company on the Date of Issue of this Rider;
*    On any plan of single life Variable Life insurance, with a level face
     amount, issued by the Company on the Policy Date of the new policy;
*    On a policy form and at rates in use by the Company on the Policy Date of
     the new policy;
*    With a current Policy Date and Age of Insured; and
*    Subject to any assignments and limitations to which this Rider is subject,
     and to the payment of the first premium for the new policy.

The exchange may be made only with the consent of the Company if:

*    The amount exchanged under this Rider is less than the Company's published
     minimum limits of issue; or
*    Any rider is to be attached to the new policy.

The Contestable and Suicide periods of the new policy will be measured from the
Date of Issue of this Rider.

NEV-46-1                                                             (Continued)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This Rider will terminate upon the earliest of:
*    Termination or maturity of the Policy;
*    Exchange of the Rider for a new policy;
*    Receipt by the Company at its Home Office of written request signed by the
     Owner of the Policy to terminate the Rider; and
*    The end of the Final Expiry Date shown for the Rider in the Policy

501 Boylston Street, Boston, Massachusetts

   ABCD                             ABCD
 President                        Secretary


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table of Guaranteed Monthly Insurance Rates Per $1,000 of Level Term
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
POLICY NUMBER:  Specimen                      INSURED:  John Alden
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   YEAR                                    RATE
                    1                                     0.2192
                    2                                     0.2342
                    3                                     0.2533
                    4                                     0.2750
                    5                                     0.3000

                    6                                     0.3283
                    7                                     0.3617
                    8                                     0.3958
                    9                                     0.4350
                    10                                    0.4758

                    11                                    0.5225
                    12                                    0.5692
                    13                                    0.6200
                    14                                    0.6733
                    15                                    0.7333

                    16                                    0.7967
                    17                                    0.8700
                    18                                    0.9517
                    19                                    1.0450
                    20                                    1.1500

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Daniel D. Jordan

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rider: Survivorship Four Year Level Term Insurance

THE COMPANY agrees that if the Last Death occurs while this Rider is in force,
the amount of Level Term Insurance will be paid as a part of the policy

The cost for this Rider is charged as part of the Monthly Deductions. The rates
will be set by the Company each year on the policy anniversary based on the
expectations of the Company as to future experience. The rates are guaranteed
for one year. The rates for the Rider will never be more than the rates shown in
the Table of Guaranteed Monthly Insurance Rates Per $1,000 of Survivorship Four
Year Level Term Insurance.

The Date of Issue of this Rider is the same as the Date of Issue of the Policy
unless a later Date of Issue is shown for the Rider in the Policy Schedule.
Rider years will coincide with policy years. If this Rider is issued after the
Date of Issue of the Policy, the first rider year will begin on the policy
anniversary on or next following the Date of Issue of the Rider. The term
insurance provided by this Rider will be in force from the Date of Issue of the
Rider. The effective date of this Rider is its Date of Issue.

With respect to statements made in the application, this Rider will not be
contestable after it has been in force, for statements regarding: Insured 1,
during the life of Insured 1 for two years from its Date of Issue; and Insured
2, during the life of Insured 2 for two years from its Date of Issue.

If either of the Insureds dies by suicide while sane or insane within two years
from the Date of Issue of this Rider: the amount of Level Term Insurance will
not be paid; and the amount payable under the Rider will be limited to the
monthly deductions made to pay for the Rider.

A copy of the application for this Rider is attached to and made a part of the
Rider. This Rider is made a part of the Policy to which it is attached if the
Rider is listed in the Policy Schedule. This Rider has no cash value.

This Rider will terminate upon the earliest of: (a) termination or maturity of
the Policy; (b) receipt by the Company at its Home Office of written request
signed by the Owner of the Policy to terminate the Rider; and (c) the end of the
Expiry Date shown for the Rider in the Policy Schedule.

501 Boylston Street, Boston, Massachusetts

   ABCD                             ABCD
 President                        Secretary

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rider: Benefits for Disability of Covered Insured

THE COMPANY agrees to provide Premium Benefits for the Policy and to waive the
cost of this Rider on receipt of proof that total disability of a Covered
Insured (see Section 1):

*    Started while this Rider was in force; and
*    Has continued for at least six months.

If there are two Covered Insureds under this Rider and both are totally
disabled, only one benefit under the Rider will be paid.

"Total disability" means disability of a Covered Insured:

*    Which results from sickness or accidental bodily injury; and
*    Which continuously prevents the Covered Insured from working for pay or

During the first 36 months of disability, "working" means engaging in the
occupation which was the regular occupation of that Insured when total
disability started; and thereafter means engaging in any occupation for which
that Covered Insured is or becomes fit by education, training or experience.

Total disability may be the result of a sickness which began or an injury which
occurred either before or after this Rider was issued.

"Working for pay or profit" includes attending school or college as a full time
student, if that was the main occupation of the Covered Insured when the
disability started.

Total disability will be presumed if, as the result of a sickness or an
accidental bodily injury, the Covered Insured has a total loss, which begins
while this Rider is in force, of:

*    Speech; or sight in both eyes; or hearing in both ears; or
*    Use of both hands; or use of both feet; or use of one hand and one foot.

Total disability will be presumed as long as the loss continues, even if the
Covered Insured is working for pay or profit.

This Rider does not provide benefits for total disability which results from a
sickness or an injury caused by war or an act of war after the Date of Issue of
this Rider.

After total disability of a Covered Insured has continued for at least six
months, Premium Benefits will be provided and the cost of this Rider will be
waived for the period:

*    Which starts on the first day of the policy month in which total disability
     started; and
*    Which ends at the end of the second full policy month after total
     disability ends.

No benefits will be provided beyond the policy anniversary on which that
disabled Covered Insured is age 65, unless: total disability of that Covered
Insured has been continuous for the full five year period which ends on that
anniversary; or another Insured is a Covered Insured under this Rider and
qualifies for benefits under this Rider.

Benefits will not be provided for any period more than one year before proof of
total disability for that Covered Insured is received by the Company at its Home

When the Company approves a claim, the amount of all Net Premium Benefits will
be added to the Cash Value based on the premium allocation in effect on the date
the claim is approved. When a claim is approved, the amount of all costs for
this Rider made as part of the Monthly Deduction after the start of total
disability but before the Company approves the claim under this Rider will be
added by the Company to the Cash Value based on the premium allocation in effect
on the date the claim is approved.

The Policy to which this Rider is attached is intended to qualify as a flexible
premium adjustable life insurance contract under the Internal Revenue Code or
any interpretive regulation or rulings by the Internal Revenue Service. To that
end, premiums on the Policy are limited to an amount no greater than that
allowing the Policy to continue to qualify. Therefore, the portion of any
Premium Benefit that would disqualify the Policy will be paid to you in cash.

The amount of the Premium Benefit will be one-twelfth of the Specified Amount
for the Rider shown in the Policy as issued or later endorsed.

NEL-51                                                               (Continued)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The amount of the Net Premium Benefit is equal to: the Premium Benefit; less no
more than the Maximum Premium Expense Charge at the rates shown in Section 1 of
the Policy.

Proof of total disability must be furnished:

*    During the life of a disabled Covered Insured; and
*    During the period of total disability; and
*    Not more than one year after: (a) the date total disability started; or (b)
     the policy anniversary on which that Covered Insured is age 65; or (c) the
     surrender or maturity of the Policy.

The Company has the right to require proof that total disability continues to
exist. This right will be exercised at reasonable times; but after total
disability of that Covered Insured has continued for two years, proof will not
be required more often than once a year.

Failure to furnish proof of total disability within the time required will not
void or reduce a claim for benefits if it is shown that: o It was not reasonably
possible to furnish proof within that time; and o Proof was furnished as soon as
reasonably possible.

Premiums for this Rider are charged as part of the monthly deductions. The
factors for calculating the premiums for the Rider are shown in the Table of
Premium Factors for Benefits for Disability of Covered Insured Rider.

The Date of Issue of this Rider is the same as the Date of Issue of the Policy
unless a later Date of Issue is shown for the Rider in the Policy Schedule. The
effective date of this Rider is its Date of Issue.

With respect to statements made in the Application, this Rider will not be
contestable after it has been in force, for statements regarding a Covered
Insured, during the life of that Covered Insured, and without the occurrence of
total disability of that Covered Insured for two years from its Date of Issue.

CONTRACT A copy of the application for this Rider is attached to and made a part
of the Rider. This Rider is made a part of the Policy to which it is attached if
the Rider is listed in the Policy Schedule.

This Rider will terminate upon the earliest of:

*    Termination of the Policy;
*    Death of the Covered Insureds;
*    Receipt of the Company at its Home Office of written election signed by the
     Owner of the Policy to terminate the Rider; and
*    Addition of a Waiver of Monthly Deductions - Disability of Insured Rider to
     the Policy.

501 Boylston Street, Boston, Massachusetts

   ABCD                             ABCD
 President                        Secretary


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table of Premium Factors for Benefits for Disability of Covered Insured

The monthly premium for this rider is equal to: the Premium Benefit for the
policy year; times the factor from this Table for the policy year. This premium
is part of the Policy's Monthly Deduction.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         POLICY YEAR                FACTOR           POLICY YEAR         FACTOR

              1                     .0108                23              .0277
              2                     .0114                24              .0297
              3                     .0119                25              .0319
              4                     .0123                26              .0344
              5                     .0128                27              .0372
              6                     .0133                28              .0407
              7                     .0136                29              .0449
              8                     .0141                30              .0503
              9                     .0145                31              .0571
              10                    .0150                32              .0657
              11                    .0155                33              .0765
              12                    .0160                34              .0899
              13                    .0166                35              .1065
              14                    .0172                36              .1266
              15                    .0178                37              .1522
              16                    .0186                38              .1742
              17                    .0195                39              .1987
              18                    .0205                40              .2259
              19                    .0216                41              .1273
              20                    .0229                42              .1026
              21                    .0244                43              .0760
              22                    .0259                44              .0472
                                                         45              .0177

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Daniel D. Jordan

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rider: Survivorship Level Term Insurance

THE COMPANY agrees that if the Last Death occurs while this Rider is in force,
the amount of Level Term Insurance (called "Term Amount") will be paid as part
of the Policy's Death Benefit if you choose Inside Term (see below); or
otherwise, will be added to the policy proceeds.

When you apply for this Rider, you can choose:

*    To have the Term Amount of the Rider added to the Face Amount of the Policy
     for purposes of calculating the Death Benefit (called "Inside Term"); or
*    To not have the Term Amount of the Rider added to the Face Amount of the
     Policy for purposes of calculating the Death Benefit (called "Outside

With the consent of the Company, you can change your choice at any time.
Evidence of insurability will be required to change from Inside Term to Outside

The cost for this Rider is charged as part of the Monthly Deductions. The rates
will be set by the Company each year on the policy anniversary based on the
expectations of the Company as to future experience. The rates for the Rider
will never be more than the rates shown in the Table of Guaranteed Monthly
Insurance Rates Per $1,000 of Survivorship Level Term Insurance.

After the first policy year, the Term Amount can be decreased on the first day
of any policy month by written application to the Company; but only if the Term
Amount which will remain after a decrease is at least $10,000, except with the
consent of the Company. A decrease in Term Amount will be effective on the
Adjustment Date shown in the new Policy Schedule.

The Policy Schedule must reflect a decrease in the Term Amount. The new Policy
Schedule and the Application for the adjustment will be made part of the Policy
when the Company, at its option:

*    Sends you a new Policy Schedule and a copy of the Application for the
     adjustment for you to attach to the Policy; or
*    Requires that the Policy be returned to have the new Policy Schedule and a
     copy of the Application for the adjustment attached to the Policy by
     the Company; or
*    Sends you an adjusted policy to take the place of this Policy.

Upon adjustment, the Policy will be in force only as adjusted.

If Outside Term is in effect, you can, before the policy anniversary on which
the older Insured is 85, exchange any portion of the insurance then in force
under this Rider for a new Policy:

*    If the ages of the Insureds meet the Company's issue age requirements on
     the Policy Date of the new policy;
*    If the Company's underwriting class requirements on the Policy Date of the
     new policy can be met; and
*    If both Insureds under this Rider are living on the Date of Issue of the
     new policy.

The new policy will be issued:

*    Without proof that the Insureds are insurable;
*    With a Face Amount equal to the amount of term insurance being exchanged;
*    With the same Insureds as this Rider;
*    Based on the actual underwriting class to which each Insured was assigned
     by the Company on the Date of Issue of this Rider;

NEL-58                                                               (Continued)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*    On any plan of Variable Survivorship Life insurance with a level face
     amount issued by the Company on the Policy Date of the new policy;
*    On a policy form and at rates in use by the Company on the Policy Date of
     the new policy;
*    With a current Policy Date and current insurance ages of Insureds; and
*    Subject to any assignments and limitations to which this Rider is subject,
     and to the exchange cost described below.

The exchange can be made only with the consent of the Company if:

*    The amount of term insurance you want to exchange is less than the
     Company's published minimum limits of issue; or
*    Any rider is to be attached to the new policy.

The Contestable and Suicide periods of the new policy will be measured from the
Date of Issue of this Rider.

The exchange is subject to payment of the first premium for the new policy.

The Date of Issue of this Rider is the same as the Date of Issue of the Policy
unless a later Date of Issue is shown for the Rider in the Policy Schedule.
Rider years will coincide with policy years. If this Rider is issued after the
Date of Issue of the Policy, the first rider year will begin on the policy
anniversary on or next following the Date of Issue of the Rider. The term
insurance provided by this Rider will be in force from the Date of Issue of the
Rider. The effective date of this Rider is its Date of Issue.

The insurance issued under this Rider will not be contestable after it has been
in force during the life of either Insured for two years from the Date of Issue
of this Rider.

If either of the Insureds dies by suicide while sane or insane within two years
from the Date of Issue of this Rider: the amount of Level Term Insurance will
not be paid; and the amount payable under the Rider will be limited to the
monthly deductions made to pay for the Rider.

A copy of the application for this Rider is attached to and made part of the
Rider. This Rider is made a part of the Policy to which it is attached if the
Rider is listed in the Policy Schedule. This Rider has no cash value.

This Rider will terminate upon the earliest of:

*    Termination of the Policy;
*    Receipt by the Company at its Home Office of written request signed by the
     Owner of the Policy to terminate the Rider; o Exchange of the Level Term
     Insurance for a new policy;
*    A decrease in Term Amount to zero; and
*    Age 100 of the younger Insured.

501 Boylston Street, Boston, Massachusetts

   ABCD                             ABCD
 President                        Secretary

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rider: Waiver of Monthly Deductions - Disability of Insured

THE COMPANY agrees to waive the monthly deductions for the Policy and all Riders
on receipt of proof that total disability of the Insured:

*    Started while this Rider was in force; and
*    Has continued for at least six months.

"Total disability" means disability of the Insured:

*    Which results from sickness or accidental bodily injury; and
*    Which continuously prevents the Insured from working for pay or profit.

During the first 36 months of disability, "working" means engaging in the
occupation which was the regular occupation of the Insured when total disability
started; and thereafter means engaging in any occupation for which the Insured
is or becomes fit by education, training or experience.

Total disability may be the result of a sickness which began or an injury which
occurred either before or after this Rider was issued.

"Working for pay or profit" includes attending school or college as a full time
student, if that was the main occupation of the Insured when the disability

Total disability will be presumed if, as the result of a sickness or an
accidental bodily injury, the Insured has a total loss, which begins while this
Rider is in force, of:

*    Speech; or sight in both eyes; or hearing in both ears; or
*    Use of both hands; or use of both feet; or use of one hand and one foot.

Total disability will be presumed as long as the loss continues, even if the
Insured is working for pay or profit.


This Rider does not provide benefits for total disability which results from a
sickness or an injury caused by war or an act of war after the Date of Issue of
this Rider.


After total disability has continued for at least six months, monthly deductions
will be waived for the period:

*    Which  starts  on the  first  day of the  policy  month  in  which  total
     disability started; and
*    Which ends at the end of the second full policy month after total
     disability ends.

No monthly deductions will be waived beyond the policy anniversary on which the
Insured is age 65, unless total disability has been continuous for the full five
year period which ends on that anniversary.

Monthly deductions will not be waived for any period more than one year before
proof of total disability is received by the Company at its Home Office.

The amount of all monthly deductions made after the start of total disability
but before the Company approves a claim for waiver will be added to the cash
value by the Company when a claim is approved.

NEV-71                                                               (continued)

Proof of total disability must be furnished:

*    During the life of the Insured; and
*    During the period of total disability; and
*    Not more than one year after (a) the due date of a premium in default; or
     (b) the policy anniversary on which the Insured is age 65; or (c) the
     surrender or maturity of the Policy.

The Company has the right to require proof that total disability continues to
exist. This right will be exercised at reasonable times; but after total
disability has continued for two years, proof will not be required more often
than once a year.

Failure to furnish proof of total disability within the time required will not
void or reduce a claim for benefits if it is shown that:

*    It was not reasonably possible to furnish proof within that time; and
*    Proof was furnished as soon as reasonably possible.

The Policy proceeds will be the same while Monthly Deductions are being waived
as they would be if each Monthly Deduction were paid in cash on the first day of
the policy month.

Premiums for this Rider are charged as part of the monthly deductions. The
factors for calculating the premiums for the Rider are shown in the Table of
Premium Factors for Waiver of Monthly Deductions.

The Date of Issue of this Rider is the same as the Date of Issue of the Policy
unless a later Date of Issue is shown for the Rider in the Policy Schedule. The
effective date of this Rider is its Date of Issue.

This Rider will not be contestable after it has been in force during the life of
the Insured, and without the occurrence of total disability of the Insured, for
two years from its Date of Issue.

A copy of the application for this Rider is attached to and made a part of the
Rider. This Rider is made a part of the Policy to which it is attached if the
Rider is listed in the Policy Schedule.

This Rider will terminate upon the earliest of:
*    Termination of the Policy;
*    Death of the Insured;
*    Receipt of the  Company at its Home  Office of written  election
     signed by the Owner of the Policy to terminate the Rider; and
*    Addition of a Benefit for Disability of Covered Insured Rider to the

501 Boylston Street, Boston, Massachusetts

  [Signature]                      [Signature]
   President                        Secretary

NEV-71                                                               (continued)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rider: Aviation Limitation

The Policy to which this Rider is attached is issued by the Company subject to
the provisions of this Rider.

If the death of the Insured is an Aviation Death, as defined below, the Death
Benefit of the Policy will not be paid; and the amount of any insurance benefit
provided by other riders upon the death of the Insured will not be paid. The
policy proceeds will be limited to the Aviation Death Benefit.

The death of the Insured will be an "Aviation Death" if death results from, or
is contributed to by, flight in or descent from or with any kind of aircraft or
spacecraft. However, it will not be an "Aviation Death" if the Insured was only
a passenger, with no duties in connection with the flight or descent, and the
flight or descent was not for a training or experimental purpose.

If the death of the Insured is an Aviation Death, the policy proceeds payable at
the death of the Insured will be limited to the following amounts as of the date
of death:

*    The reserve for the Policy; plus
*    The reserve for any other riders which provide an insurance benefit upon
     the death of the Insured; less
*    Any Policy Loan Balance.


If the death of the Insured is within five years after the Date of Issue of the
Policy, the Aviation Death Benefit will be not less than the following amounts
as of the date of death:

*    The total premiums paid for the Policy; plus
*    The total of any unscheduled payments made for the Policy; and less
*    The total amount of partial surrenders and partial withdrawals; and less
*    Any Policy Loan Balance. In no event will the Aviation Death Benefit be
     greater than the policy proceeds which would be payable in the absence of
     this Aviation Limitation Rider.

This Rider is made part of the Policy to which it is attached if the Rider is
listed in the Policy Schedule. (See Section 1 of the Policy.) This Rider has no
cash value.

501 Boylston Street, Boston, Massachusetts

  [Signature]                      [Signature]
   President                        Secretary

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rider: Military and Naval Aviation Limitation

The Policy to which this Rider is attached is issued by the Company subject to
the provisions of this Rider.

If the death of the Insured is an Aviation Death, as defined below, the Death
Benefit of the Policy will not be paid; and the amount of any insurance benefit
provided by other riders upon the death of the Insured will not be paid. The
policy proceeds will be limited to the Aviation Death Benefit.

The death of the Insured will be an "Aviation Death" if death results from, or
is contributed to by, flight in or descent from or with any kind of military or
naval aircraft or spacecraft. However, it will not be an "Aviation Death" if the
Insured was only a passenger, with no duties in connection with the flight or
descent, and the flight or descent was not for a training or experimental

If the death of the Insured is an Aviation Death, the policy proceeds payable at
the death of the Insured will be limited to the following amounts as of the date
of death:

*    The reserve for the Policy; plus
*    The reserve for any other riders which provide an insurance benefit upon
     the death of the Insured; less
*    Any Policy Loan Balance.


If the death of the Insured is within five years after the Date of Issue of the
Policy, the Aviation Death Benefit will be not less than the following amounts
as of the date of death:

*    The total premiums paid for the Policy; plus
*    The total of any unscheduled payments made for the Policy; and less
*    The total amount of partial surrenders and partial withdrawals; and less
*    Any Policy Loan Balance.

In no event will the Aviation Death Benefit be greater than the policy proceeds
which would be payable in the absence of this Aviation Limitation Rider.

This Rider is made a part of the Policy to which it is attached if the Rider is
listed in the Policy Schedule. (See Section 1 of the Policy.) This Rider has no
cash value.

501 Boylston Street, Boston, Massachusetts

  [Signature]                      [Signature]
   President                        Secretary

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rider: Exclusion from Benefits

Any rider which provides a benefit upon total disability of __________________,
that is attached to Policy Number ___________________ is issued subject to
the terms of this Rider (NEV-93-1).

Any rider which provides a benefit upon total disability excludes certain risks.
By means of this Rider (NEV-93-1), the Company also excludes the risk and will
not provide benefits if total disability results from:

This Rider (NEV-93-1) is issued with and made a part of any rider which provides
a benefit upon total disability. None of the provisions of any rider which
provides a benefit upon total disability are changed except as provided in this

The Owner accepts any rider attached to the Policy which provides a benefit upon
total disability with full knowledge and understanding of the effect of this
Rider (NEV-93-1).

                                      Date                                 Owner
- --------------------------------------    ---------------------------------

501 Boylston Street, Boston, Massachusetts

  [Signature]                      [Signature]
   President                        Secretary

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rider: Exclusion from Benefits

Any rider which provides a benefit upon total disability of ___________________,
that is attached to Policy Number ________________ is reinstated subject to the
terms of this Rider (NEV-94-1).

Any rider which provides a benefit upon total disability excludes certain risks.
By means of this Rider (NEV-94-1), the Company also excludes the risk and will
not provide benefits if total disability results from:

This Rider (NEV-94-1) is issued with and made a part of any rider which provides
a benefit upon total disability. None of the provisions of any rider which
provides a benefit upon total disability are changed except as provided in this

The Owner accepts any rider attached to the Policy which provides a benefit upon
total disability with full knowledge and understanding of the effect of this
Rider (NEV-94-1).

                                  Date                                     Owner
- ----------------------------------    -------------------------------------

501 Boylston Street, Boston, Massachusetts

  [Signature]                      [Signature]
   President                        Secretary
