MANAGING DIRECTOR'S AGREEMENT


                           BLACK SUN INTERACTIVE GMBH

with its seat in

                                Schillerstrasse 5
                                  80336 Munchen

                        -hereafter called "the Company"-


                            BERND-MICHAEL HABERMEYER


                              Herzogstandstrasse 21
                                 82362 Weilheim

                     -hereafter called "Managing Director"-

Managing Director's Agreement
between Black Sun Interactive GmbH
and Bernd-Michael Habermeyer


                                     ART. I
                           Duties and Responsibilities

1.      The Managing Director shall act as Managing Director (Geschaftsfuhrer
        bzw. Vorstand) of the Company. He shall represent the Company in
        accordance with the provisions of the Company's Articles of Association
        and the Shareholders' Resolutions and the Management-By-Laws of the

2.      The Shareholders shall have the right to appoint additional Managing
        Directors. The Shareholders shall determine the allocation of functions
        among the Managing Directors from time to time.

3.      The Managing Director shall conduct the Company's business in compliance
        with the provisions of the pertinent laws, the Articles of Association,
        the Company's Management Procedures ('Geschaftsordnung der
        Geschaftsfuhrer bzw. des Vorstandes'), if any, and the Shareholder's

        He will act as the Company's Chief Financial Officer ('CFO'). He will be
        especially responsible for finance and administration.

        The Managing Director shall adopt the Company's Management Procedures.

4.      The Managing Director shall devote his energy and experience exclusively
        to the Company. He shall not engage in any other occupation, gainful or
        otherwise taking up a substantial amount of his time, or act as a member
        of a supervisory or advisory board or in a similar capacity, without
        prior approval of the Shareholder.

5.      The Managing Director shall not have the right to bestow advantages of
        any kind on himself, to Shareholders or affiliated persons or affiliated
        companies by contract or by unilateral declaration outside a duly made
        profit distribution resolution taken in the Shareholders' meeting.

6.      According to the Articles of Association, article 7, the Managing
        Director must obtain the prior consent of the Board for the following

         a)       the adoption of the annual budget,

         b)       the conclusion and termination of any rental, tenancy and
                  lease agreements as far as they concern liabilities of more
                  than DM 100,000.00 p.a. and as far as they are not within the
                  frame of the annual budget as resolved by the Board,

         c)       the purchase or sale of economic goods of the fixed and
                  current assets, as far as the respective investments are
                  higher than DM 100,000.00 and as far as they are not within
                  the frame of the annual budget as resolved by the Board,

Managing Director's Agreement
between Black Sun Interactive GmbH
and Bernd-Michael Habermeyer


         d)       the assumption of any obligations of any kind of more than DM
                  100,000.00 as far as these exceed the current business and as
                  far as these obligations are not covered by the annual budget
                  as resolved by the Board,

         e)       any measures for the procurement of capital by holding
                  companies or the allocation of own resources to holding
                  companies in a different way; the assumption of guarantees and
                  the Managing Director's Agreement between Black Sun
                  Interactive assumption of liabilities on bills as well as the
                  granting of loans, the granting of loans to and the assumption
                  of liabilities for holding companies, if an amount of DM
                  200,000.00 is exceeded in the specific case,

         f)       taking up of loans from DM 500,000.00 onwards as far as they
                  are not covered by the annual budget as resolved by the Board;
                  the issuance of bonds and participating certificates,

         g)       the appointment and recall of Managing Directors of
                  subsidiaries as well as the conclusion, the termination or the
                  substantial alteration of employment agreements of the Company
                  and/or the holding companies for Managing Directors with an
                  annual salary of more than DM 200,000.00,

         h)       the new determination of the salary of the Managing

         i)       the appointment and withdrawal of "Prokuren" (full power of
                  attorney) and commercial powers of attorney.

7.      According to the Articles of Association, article 9, paragraph 9, the
        Managing Director shall be subject to the prior approval of 90 % of the
        votes of the Shareholders for the following transactions:

         a)       the purchase and sale of direct or indirect participation in
                  other companies, the establishing of other companies as well
                  as the exclusion and merging of company functions to other
                  companies, the purchase, the sale and the creation of
                  encumbrances on real property and equivalent rights and/or any
                  kind of liabilities coordinated on such measures,

         b)       liquidation of the Company

         c)       increase of the Company's capital and changes of the articles
                  of association of the Company.

         It is the Shareholders' meeting's intent to achieve agreement between
         the Shareholders as broad as possible for all important businesses. In
         the event no majority can be achieved,

Managing Director's Agreement
between Black Sun Interactive GmbH
and Bernd-Michael Habermeyer


         the Board shall be competent to decide according to the Articles of
         Association article 8 no. 1.

8.       The list of actions the execution of which requires the prior approval
         of the Shareholders can be extended at any time or reduced by means of
         a Shareholder's resolution.

9.       The Managing Director is committed to present to the Shareholders'
         meeting, by the end of a fiscal year at the latest, a budget and
         investment plan for the following fiscal year, showing the
         to-be-expected current expenses classified by subjects, the planned
         investments and the financing proposed to cover the expenses.

                                     ART. 2
                            Commencement and Duration

1.       This contract shall become effective on November 1, 1995.

2.       Notwithstanding mandatory periods of notice set forth by German law
         either party may terminate the contract by giving 3 (three) months
         written notice to the end of the calendar month.

3.       The right to termination without notice for good cause (Art. 626 German
         Civil Code) is not affected.

                                     ART. 3
                             Remuneration, Expenses

1.       The Managing Director will receive a base gross salary of DM 11,250 per
         month (payable 12 times a year). The remuneration is to be paid at the
         end of each month.

2.       Additionally, the Managing Director shall receive bonus payments. The
         bonus will be agreed in July of each year for the following year
         between the parties.

         Bonus payments for 1995/96 are as described in the attachment to this

3.       Expenses of the Managing Director in performing his duties under the
         contract, including travel and entertainment expenses, will be
         reimbursed in accordance with the German wage tax regulations

                                     ART. 4
                 Payment of Remuneration in the Event of Illness

In the event of the Managing Director's temporary incapacity due to illness or
of any other reasons for which the Managing Director is not responsible, the
remuneration according to Article 3 above will be continued to be paid for a
period of six weeks. The Company's payments

Managing Director's Agreement
between Black Sun Interactive GmbH
and Bernd-Michael Habermeyer


will not be continued beyond a period of six weeks or beyond the date of
termination of this contract.

                                     ART. 5
                                  Annual Leave

1.       The Managing Director shall be entitled to a paid annual leave of 30
         working days.

2.       If the Managing Director is not employed for the entire calendar year,
         then he shall only be entitled to the corresponding portion of the
         leave mentioned in paragraph 1.

3.       Vacation periods shall be agreed upon with the other Managing Directors
         bearing in mind the interest of the Company. If no further Managing
         Director was appointed, vacation has to be stipulated with the

                                     ART. 6
           Non-Disclosure, Non-Competition and Developments Agreements

The Managing Director undertakes to observe utmost secrecy vis-5-vis third
parties regarding all matters pertaining to the Company's business. This
obligation continues after the termination of this agreement. The Managing
Director agrees to the Company's Non-Disclosure, Non-Competition and
Developments Agreements attached to this Manager's Employment Agreement and is
to sign said attachment.

                                     ART. 7
                               General Provisions

1.       Should any provisions of this contract be invalid, the remaining
         provisions shall nevertheless continue to be fully effective. It shall
         be the responsibility of the parties to replace the invalid provisions
         by a valid one which comes as near as possible to the parties' intended

2.       Modifications of this contract and supplements to this contract shall
         not be valid unless in writing. This shall also apply to any
         modification of the foregoing sentence.

3.       This contract is subject to German law.

August 7, 1995

                            Bernd-Michael Habermeyer

Managing Director's Agreement
between Black Sun Interactive GmbH
and Bernd-Michael Habermeyer


                           Black Sun Interactive GmbH

Approved by the Members of the Board:

                              Chairman of the Board
                           Black Sun Interactive GmbH


1.       Non-Disclosure, Non-Competition and Developments Agreement