Exhibit 1.1

blaxxun interactive, Inc.
1550 Bryant Street
Suite 770
San Francisco, CA 94103


Franz Buchenberger
(acting in his individual capacity as the Chief Executive Officer
and on behalf of his wife; Ingrid Buchenberger, as one of the
Lenders named in Schedule 2 to this Agreement)

Bernd-Michael Habermeyer
(in his individual capacity as the Chief Financial Officer of
blaxxun interactive, Inc., and on behalf of his wife, Heike
Habermeyer as one of the Lenders named in Schedule 2 to this

                                                           August [   ], 2000
                                                           Frankfurt am Main

"COMPANY") 2000

Dear Madams and Sirs:

With reference to our previous discussions, we would like to express our
pleasure with your decision to conduct the initial public offering (the
"Offering") of common stock of the Company (the "Shares") under the lead
management of DG BANK Deutsche Genossenschaftsbank AG ("DG" or the "Lead

The Company proposes to sell an aggregate of

                      5,750,000 SHARES (THE "OFFER SHARES")

of the Company's Common Stock, par value $ 0.005 per share (the "Common Stock")
having been newly issued for this purpose from the Company's authorized capital.

Pursuant to separate share option agreements in the form attached hereto as
Annex D (the "Share Option Agreements"), certain shareholders of the Company
named in Schedule 1 (the "Selling Shareholders") furthermore propose to grant to
the Lead Manager an option to purchase up to an additional 750,000 shares of the
Common Stock on the terms and for the purposes set forth in Section 5 hereof
(the "Greenshoe Shares"). In addition, those Selling Shareholders listed in
Schedule 2 (the "Lenders") shall grant, pursuant to Section 5 below, the Lead
Manager a Borrowing Option (as defined under Section 5 hereof) to borrow Shares
from such Lenders and


to enter into a securities loan upon the exercise of the option.

The Company and the Selling Shareholders have caused the Offer Shares and the
Greenshoe Shares to be registered (the "Registration") with the United States
Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") under the United States
Securities Act (the "United States Securities Act") pursuant to a registration
statement on Form S-1 (the "Registration Statement") to permit the Offering to
be made in compliance with U.S. securities laws. The Company and the Lead Manger
have furthermore jointly made application for the listing of all Shares of
Common Stock of the Company on the Neuer Markt trading segment of the Frankfurt
Stock Exchange ("FSE").

This underwriting agreement (the "Agreement") is, however, conditioned upon the
conditions precedent set out under Section 9 hereof as well as subject to the
exercise of termination rights by either DG or the Company under Section 13


     Pursuant to the Offering, the Lead Manager shall (i) offer newly issued
     Shares of the Company (the "Offer Shares") to private and institutional
     investors in Germany as well as, by way of a private placement, to
     institutional investors outside Germany (excluding the United States,
     Canada and Japan) (the "Investors"), (ii) receive such Offer Shares from
     the Company at least two business days prior to such Shares' allocation to
     Investors as contemplated under Section 5 hereof, (iii) pay the Offer
     Purchase Price (as defined in Section 3 hereof) to the Company and
     Greenshoe Purchase Price (as defined in Section 3 hereof) to the Selling
     Shareholders on the Settlement Date (as defined in Section 6 hereof) as
     contemplated under Section 6 hereof, and (iv) effect, together with the
     Company, listing (the "Listing") of the entirety of the Company's issued
     and outstanding Common Stock on the FSE's Neuer Markt trading segment as
     contemplated under Section 9 hereof.


     Immediately prior to the sale of the Offer Shares to the Lead Manager, the
     Company shall have [      ] Shares outstanding of Common Stock and
     [     ] Shares authorized.

     As of the date hereof, the amount of the Company's share capital owned by
     each current shareholder (each such current shareholder hereinafter
     referred to as a "Shareholder" and the entirety of such current
     shareholders collectively referred to as the "Shareholders") is as set
     forth Schedule 3.


     On the basis of the representations and warranties contained in, and
     subject to the terms and conditions of, this Agreement, the Company agrees
     to sell up to 5,750,000 Offer Shares to the Managers (as defined below),
     and each of the Managers, severally and not jointly, agrees to subscribe,
     at the purchase price determined as set forth below (in no event, however,
     shall the purchase price be less than the par value) to that number of
     Offer Shares which represents the following



     DG BANK                            Lead Manager         85%
     Merck Finck & Co.                  Co-Manager           10%
     VEM Virtuelles Emissionshaus AG    Co-Manager            5%
     -------------------------------    ----------           ---
     Total                                                   100%

     The Lead Manager and the Co-Managers are collectively referred to as the
     "Managers". The Managers shall have the right to agree among themselves to
     modify the foregoing quotas.

     The Lead Manager has presented the Company with a list of Investors to whom
     it intends to allocate Shares in the Offering, and the Company has approved
     this list.

     The respective purchase obligations of the Managers with respect to the
     Offer Shares shall be rounded among the Managers to avoid fractional
     Shares, as the Lead Manager may determine.

     In all publications and advertisements relating to the Offering, the
     Managers' names shall be listed in the following order: (i) the Lead
     Manager's name shall appear first under the heading "Lead Manager", (ii)
     the names of the Co-Managers shall appear under the Lead Manager's name in
     declining order of each Co-Manager's quota.

     In addition, the Selling Shareholders, pursuant to the Share Option
     Agreements, grant to the Lead Manager an option ("the Over-Allotment
     Option") to purchase up to 750,000 further Shares (the "Greenshoe Shares")
     at the same purchase price per Share as the Offer Shares from their
     holdings upon exercise of this Over-Allotment Option by the Lead Manager.
     Each Selling Shareholder has indicated its willingness to sell the number
     of Greenshoe Shares set next to his name in Schedule 1 hereof. Such
     Over-Allotment Option is granted for the purpose of covering
     over-allotments in the sale of Offer Shares and is exercisable as provided
     in Section 5 hereof. Greenshoe Shares shall be purchased severally for the
     account of the Managers pro rata based on the number of Offer Shares
     purchasable by such Managers hereunder.

     The Managers shall neither be co-owners (Miteigentumer nach Bruchteilen)
     nor joint-owners (Gesamthandseigentumer) of the Offer Shares or the
     Greenshoe Shares purchasable by the Managers pursuant to this Agreement.

     The purchase price payable by the Lead Manager (on behalf of the Managers)
     to the Company and the Selling Shareholders for the Offer Shares or the
     Greenshoe Shares (the "Offer Purchase Price" or the "Greenshoe Purchase
     Price", as the case may be) shall be equal to the Placement Price per
     share, multiplied by the number of Offer Shares or Greenshoe Shares, as the
     case may be, to be purchased by the Managers, from which product the amount
     of costs and commissions payable by each of the Company and each respective
     Selling Shareholder pursuant to Section 8 hereof shall be deducted.




     The price at which the Offer Shares and the Greenshoe Shares, if any, are
     sold (the "Placement Price") is hereby determined to be:

                 [     ] per Share (the "Placement Price").

     The date hereof shall henceforth be referred to as the "Pricing Date".


     The Designated Sponsors shall be entitled to retain 5% of the Offer Shares
     for their own account against payment of the Placement Price less
     commissions as contemplated by Section 7.

     Up to 350,000 of the Offer Shares shall be reserved for preferential
     allotment to employees of the Company and persons having business
     relationships with the Company (the "Preferential Allotment"). The persons
     eligible for Preferential Allotment (the "Beneficiaries") shall receive an
     allotment of shares at the Placement Price and on the general terms and
     conditions of the Offering according to a list of the Beneficiaries
     produced by the Company (the "Beneficiary List"), which has been presented
     to the Lead Manager.

     The Lead Manager is neither obliged nor entitled to inquire as to whether
     Preferential Allotments to the Beneficiaries included in the Beneficiary
     List contravene any statutory or contractual rules. The Company shall be
     liable for any damages incurred by the Lead Manager as a result of a
     failure of Beneficiaries who do not request to have the Offer Shares
     delivered to a securities account in Germany, to pay for Offer Shares for
     which they have subscribed.

     Under no circumstances shall the arrangement described in this Section 5
     constitute a third-party beneficiary contract for the benefit of the
     Beneficiaries within the meaning of Section 328 of the German Civil Code,
     nor will any Manager be liable to the Company or to any Beneficiary for any
     action taken or omitted to be taken by such Manager in good faith in
     connection with the Preferential Allotment to the Beneficiaries.

     The Over-Allotment Option will begin on the first day on which the
     Company's Shares are traded on the FSE and will expire 45 calendar days
     thereafter (the "Option Period"). The Over-Allotment Option may be
     exercised during such period by the Lead Manager, in whole or in part from
     time to time, by written notice given to the Company, which will, in turn,
     inform the Selling Shareholders of such notice without undue delay. Such
     notice shall set forth the aggregate number of Greenshoe Shares as to which
     the Over-Allotment Option is being exercised.

     Each Lender hereby agrees to grant the Lead Manager an option to borrow up
     to the number of Shares set opposite that Shareholder's name in Schedule 2
     hereof (the "Borrowing Option"). The Borrowing Option shall be exercisable
     by DG no later



     than the Pricing Date by giving written notice to the relevant
     Shareholders. The exercise of the Borrowing Option shall create a
     securities loan (the "Securities Loan") between the respective Lender and
     the Lead Manager for the account of the Managers for the number of shares
     for which the Borrowing Option has been exercised (the "Borrowed Shares").
     The Securities Loan shall be free of charge to the Lead Manager and have
     the duration of the period commencing with the sale of the Offer Shares to
     the Lead Manager and expiring upon the expiration of the Option Period.
     Upon any exercise of the Over-Allotment Option by the Lead Manager, the
     Lead Manager shall be obliged to pay the Selling Shareholders the Greenshoe
     Purchase Price for all Shares for which the Over-Allotment Option has been
     exercised upon the receipt of the Greenshoe Shares from such Selling
     Shareholders and shall return the Borrowed Shares to the Lenders as soon as
     DG Bank has received the Greenshoe Shares from the Selling Shareholders If
     the Lead Manager shall not have exercised the Over-Allotment Option in full
     at the end of the Option Period, the Lead Manager shall transfer the number
     of Shares for which the Over-Allotment Option has not been exercised to the
     Lenders upon the expiration of the Option Period.

     The Company shall undertake to ensure that the Borrowed Shares and the
     Greenshoe Shares will comply with the laws of each jurisdiction where such
     compliance is required, including, without limitation, the United States.


     On August 10, 2000, the Company and the Lenders gave the Company's
     registrar and transfer agent (the "Registrar and Transfer Agent")
     instructions to transfer the Offer Shares and the Borrowed Shares to a
     custody account on behalf of the Company and the Lenders (the "Custody
     Account") held with the DG (the "Custodian") in Frankfurt am Main, which
     Offer Shares and Borrowed Shares were received in such Custody Account on
     or before the Pricing Date. DG, in its capacity as the Custodian, agreed
     that until such Offer Shares and Borrowed Shares are delivered to DG as
     contemplated in the following sentence, (i) such Shares are held expressly
     for the benefit of the Company and the Lenders, respectively, and (ii) the
     Custodian shall take no action with respect to the Shares without written
     authorization from the Company and the Lenders or as contemplated in this
     Agreement. The Company and the Lenders hereby authorize the Custodian to
     deliver the Offer Shares and any Borrowed Shares which the Lead Manager has
     informed the Lenders that it wishes to borrow to an account in the name of
     DG. The parties agree that title to the Offer Shares and the Borrowed
     Shares shall pass to the Lead Manager and may be withdrawn for the Custody
     Account on the Settlement Date in exchange for (Zug um Zug) release of the
     Offer Purchase Price by DG as contemplated under Section 6 hereof.

     For the period of time between the instruction to the Registrar and
     Transfer Agent to transfer the Offer Shares and the Borrowed Shares, if
     any, to the Custody Account, until the Settlement Date (as defined in this
     Section 6), the Company and the Lenders hereby waive their right to
     instruct the Custodian to transfer the Offer Shares and the Borrowed Shares
     to any person other than the Lead Manager as contemplated hereby. In the
     event that the Offer Purchase Price is not paid to the



     Company on the Settlement Date as contemplated under this Section 6, the
     Custodian shall immediately return the Offer Shares and Borrowed Shares to
     the Company and the Lenders, respectively.

     The Managers undertake to deliver the Offer Shares that the Lead Manager
     has received from the Company and that have been allocated to Investors to
     such Investors, against payment to the Managers by such Investors of the
     applicable Placement Price, on August 16, 2000 or such other time as the
     Lead Manager and the Company may agree (the "Settlement Date"). However,
     the Settlement Date shall in any event be the business day directly
     following the business day on which the price for the Shares is first
     quoted on the FSE.

     On the Settlement Date, the Lead Manager shall credit a cash account of the
     Company with DG in Frankfurt am Main (the "Sonderkonto Kapitalerhohung
     blaxxun interactive, Inc.") with the Offer Purchase Price in euros
     allocable to the Offer Shares as calculated pursuant to Section 4 hereof.

     Subject to the terms of the Share Option Agreements, in the event that the
     Lead Manager exercises all or a portion of the Over-Allotment Option, the
     Greenshoe Shares shall be delivered to the Lead Manager in the same manner
     as the Offer Shares have been delivered two business days after exercise of
     the Over-Allotment Option against payment of the Greenshoe Purchase Price
     to the Selling Shareholders' designated accounts. The Greenshoe Shares
     shall be sold ratably by the Selling Stockholders


     The Lead Manager and Merck Finck & Co. have agreed to serve as "Designated
     Sponsors" within the meaning of the Rules and Regulations of the Neuer
     Markt. The services of the Designated Sponsors are subject to separate
     agreements which have been executed between the Company and the Designated


     The Company shall pay to the Lead Manager on behalf of the Co-Managers a
     fee of up to 5.0% of the proceeds of the issue (the "Placement Fee"). This
     Placement Fee is made up of a fixed component of 4.5% and the following two
     variable components: 0.25% upon achievement of a placement price that is
     within the upper third of the Price Range as well as an additional 0.25%
     for the satisfactory handling of the IPO process by the Managers as
     determined in good faith by the Company . Shares that are placed by a
     Manager as part of the Preferential Allotment scheme are not subject to the
     aforementioned fee regime. Pursuant to the Share Option Agreements, a fee
     of 3.0% shall be charged to the Selling Shareholders for the placement of
     the Greenshoe Shares, assuming the Over-Allotment Option is excercised.
     Fees shall be deducted by the Lead Manager out of the proceeds payable to
     the Company and the Selling Shareholders, as the case may be.



     Each individual Manager's share in the fees shall be calculated by DG and
     settled with the respective Manager. DG shall determine the details of the
     allocation of the Placement Fee among the Managers in accordance with the
     following criteria .

     -    Management Fee: 20% of the Placement Fee to the Lead Manager;

     -    Underwriting Fee: 20% of the Placement Fee to be allocated between the
          Managers pro rata based on the amount of Offer Shares purchased by
          each Managers; and

     -    Selling Fee: 60% of the Placement Fee to be allocated between the
          Managers pro rata based on their respective allotments as determined
          by the allotment decisions at the end of the Book-building Period.

     Notwithstanding the foregoing, DG shall receive a praecipuum of 50% of the
     Management Fee.

     The Company shall furthermore pay to the Lead Manager a listing fee (the
     "Listing Fee") in the amount of [Euro]150,000 as consideration for the Lead
     Manager's efforts in assisting the Company to effect the listing of the
     Shares on the FSE and for the assumption of the liability arising pursuant
     to the German Stock Exchange Act.

     All costs associated with the Offering, the Listing and the Registration
     Statement, including, but not limited to, the costs of (i) setting,
     printing, distributing and translating the Offering Documents (including
     financial statements and exhibits thereto); (ii) the Offer Invitation,
     publication of the Price Range and the production of tombstones; (iii) the
     preparation, printing, authentication, issuance and delivery of
     certificates for the Shares, including any stamp or transfer taxes in
     connection with the original issuance and sale of the Shares; (iv) the
     printing (or reproduction) and delivery of all agreements and documents
     printed (or reproduced) and delivered in connection with the Offering, the
     Listing or the Registration; (v) fees relating to the Registration and the
     Listing; and (vi) preparing and carrying out the roadshow, including travel
     costs, and all other costs and expenses incident to the performance by the
     Company and the Selling Shareholders of their obligations hereunder, will
     be borne by the Company; provided, however, that the Lead Manager will pay
     for its own out-of-pocket expenses (such as travel expenses and the hotel
     costs of bank employees) incurred in respect of the roadshow.

     The Company will also pay the costs and expenses of the Listing and the
     Registration, including the costs and expenses of (i) Pollath & Partner for
     its legal due diligence and (ii) Hutchins, Wheeler & Dittmar, a
     Professional Corporation. The Lead Manager will pay the costs and expenses
     of (i) Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer for legal services rendered in
     connection with the drafting and negotiation of this Agreement and other
     services relating to Offering (other than pursuant to the following
     sentence), (ii) PriceWaterhouseCooper, and (iii) VDI/VDE-Technologiezentrum
     Informationstechnik GmbH. The Company and the Lead Manager will share, on a
     fifty-fifty basis, the costs and expenses of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
     for the Listing and the Registration.



     In the event that the Offering is not consummated or completed on or prior
     to September 30, 2000, as contemplated in this Agreement, the Company shall
     reimburse the Lead Manager for all costs incurred in connection with the
     preparation of the Offering, the Listing and the Registration Statement if
     (i) the Lead Manager has terminated the Offering for one of the reasons set
     forth in Section 13.1 hereof or (ii) the Company has terminated the
     Offering pursuant to Section 13.2 hereof and the reason for the Company's
     termination is not a reason for which DG is responsible within the meaning
     of Section 13.2 hereof.


     The respective obligations of Managers hereunder are subject to the
     accuracy, when made and on each of the Pricing Date, the Settlement Date
     and the First and the Second Transfer Dates, of the representations and
     warranties of the Company, Franz Buchenberger, Bernd-Michael Habermeyer,
     and the Lenders contained herein, to the performance by the Company Franz
     Buchenberger, Bernd-Michael Habermeyer, and the Lenders of their respective
     obligations hereunder, and to each of the following additional terms and

     9.1  The Company and the Shareholders shall have taken all necessary
          action, corporate or otherwise, required to authorize the issuance of
          the Offer Shares, the Borrowed Shares, and the Greenshoe Shares
          necessary to complete the Offering.

     9.2  The Lead Manager shall have received by 6.30 p.m. Central European
          time on the Pricing Date satisfactory evidence of the issuance and the
          transfer of the Offer Sharesand Borrowed Shares necessary in the form
          of (i) a certificate of the Company's registrar and transfer agent
          stating the issuance and (ii) a certificate of an officer of the
          Company substantially as attached hereto as Annex A.

     9.3  The Company and the Shareholders, as of the Pricing Date, shall have
          authorized the automatic conversion of any preferred shares remaining
          after the Pricing Date into shares of Common Stock prior to or on the
          Settlement Date as contemplated by the Offering Documents. The Lead
          Manager shall have received by 6.30 p.m. Central European time on the
          Settlement Date satisfactory evidence of such conversion and
          re-designation in the form of the accepted filing of a certificate of
          amendment to the Company's Certificate of Incorporation by the
          Secretary of State of the State of Delaware.

     9.4  The Company and the Selling Shareholders shall have used all
          commercially reasonable efforts to provide any other evidence
          requested by the FSE to effect listing of the Shares.

     9.5  The Company and the Shareholders shall have taken all actions
          necessary to have all of the Offer Shares and any other Shares
          deliverable to the Lead Manager pursuant to this Agreement
          certificated in one or more share certificates (the "Certificates")
          and such Certificates shall have been



          registered in the Company's share register in the name of The
          Depository Trust Company of New York ("DTC") or a nominee of DTC.

     9.6  The Offer Shares and the Borrowed Shares shall have been accepted for
          deposit by DTC and shall be eligible for clearance and settlement
          through the facilities of DTC. Upon depositing the Certificates with
          DTC for the benefit of Clearstream Banking AG's ("Clearstream")
          securities account with DTC, Clearstream shall have been instructed to
          transfer the Offer Shares in book-entry form to DG's account with
          Clearstream and DG shall have been instructed to transfer the Offer
          Shares to the Custody Account on or prior to the Pricing Date and such
          transfer to the Custody Account shall have occurred on or prior to the
          Pricing Date.

     9.7  The English language preliminary and final selling prospectus/company
          report as well as all amendments thereto (collectively the "German
          Prospectus") shall have been filed with the FSE by the Company and the
          Lead Manager and the Registration Statement and all amendments thereto
          shall have been filed with the SEC (such German Prospectus and
          Registration Statement as well as their respective amendments and
          translations into German, if any, collectively hereinafter referred to
          as the "Offering Documents"). The Offering Documents shall comply with
          all applicable German and US rules and regulations, respectively. The
          Company shall have assumed responsibility for the correctness and
          completeness of the Offering Documents under the German Stock Exchange
          Act and the United States Securities Act. The Company shall
          furthermore have undertaken to comply with all rules and regulations
          of Neuer Markt pertaining to the admission of the Shares to trading on
          Neuer Markt and have undertaken to comply with all rules and
          regulations of the SEC pertaining to the registration of the Shares
          with the SEC.

     9.8  The Registration Statement shall have been declared effective by the
          SEC and no stop order or other order issued by a governmental agency,
          domestic or foreign, suspending the effectiveness of the Registration
          Statement or preventing the completion of the Listing or the Offering
          shall have been issued and no proceedings for that purpose shall have
          been instituted or threatened. The FSE shall have approved the
          preliminary German Prospectus for publication.

     9.9  The Company and the Shareholders shall have executed and provided to
          the Lead Manager undertakings not to dispose of Shares for a period of
          six months from the date of admission of the shares to Neuer Markt.

     9.10 The Company shall have undertaken to FSE to observe the Rules and
          Regulations Neuer Markt and to adhere to the provisions of the German
          Take-Over Code.

     9.11 The FSE shall have admitted all of the Company's Shares to the
          regulated market (Geregelter Markt) with quotation in the Neuer Markt
          trading segment of FSE and reasonably satisfactory evidence of such
          actions shall



          have been provided to the Lead Manager.

     9.12 The Company shall have authorized the Lead Manager to publish the
          announcement of the proposed Offering of Offer Shares (the "Offer
          Invitation" Verkaufsangebot) on behalf of the Company on the first day
          of the book-building Period. The Offer Invitation shall comply with
          Rule 134 of the United States Securities Act and shall have been
          published in at least one FSE-approved daily newspaper with national
          circulation in Germany. The publication of the Offering Documents in
          Germany shall have been effectuated either (i) by making such Offering
          Documents available at the offices of specified banks, accompanied by
          a notice one day prior to the Invitation Offer in at least one
          FSE-approved newspaper (Schalterpublizitat) with national circulation
          in Germany or (ii) by publication of such Offering Documents in at
          least one FSE-approved newspaper with national circulation in Germany.

     9.13 On the Pricing Date, as well as on the Settlement Date, the Company's
          auditors shall have confirmed to the Lead Manager in a comfort letter
          substantially in the form attached hereto as Appendix B that there
          have not been any material adverse changes in the financial position
          of the Company or any of its subsidiaries between the date of issuance
          of the audit certificate in respect of the latest financial statements
          and the date of such comfort letter. The auditors of the Company shall
          submit to the Lead Manager a further confirmation to the same effect
          on the day prior to the Second Transfer Date.

     9.14 Hutchins Wheeler & Dittmar, a Professional Corporation, US counsel to
          the Company, shall have delivered a legal opinion addressed to the
          Lead Manager dated the Pricing Date and shall deliver a second legal
          opinion dated the Settlement Date, to the effect set forth in Annex C
          attached hereto.

     9.15 On the Settlement Date, there shall not have occurred, (i) since the
          date hereof or since the respective dates as of which information is
          given in the Prospectus, any material adverse change in the condition,
          financial or otherwise, or in the earnings, business affairs or
          business prospects of the Company and its subsidiaries considered as
          one enterprise, whether or not arising in the ordinary course of
          business, and the Lead Manager shall have received a certificate of
          the President or a Vice President of the Company and of the chief
          financial or chief accounting officer of the Company, dated as of the
          Pricing Date and again as of the Settlement Date, to the effect that
          (w) there has been no such material adverse change, (x) the
          representations and warranties in Section 12 hereof are true and
          correct with the same force and effect in all respects as though
          expressly made on and as of the Pricing Date and the Settlement Date
          respectively, (y) the Company has complied with all agreements and
          satisfied all conditions of its part to be performed or satisfied on
          or prior to the Pricing Date and (z) no stop order suspending the
          effectiveness of the Registration Statement has been issued and no
          proceedings for that purpose have been instituted or, to the Company's
          knowledge, threatened, or (ii) since the date hereof, such a change in



          national or international financial, political or economic conditions
          or currency exchange rates or exchange controls as to, in the
          reasonable judgement of the Lead Manager, materially prejudice the
          success of the Offering and distribution of the Shares or dealings in
          the Shares in the secondary market; or (iii) a general suspension or
          material limitation of trading on or by, as the case may be, the FSE.

     9.16 Each Selling Shareholder shall have executed a Share Option Agreement
          with the Lead Manger substantially in the form attached hereto as
          Annex E and shall have delivered such Share Option Agreement to DG.
          Each Selling Shareholder shall also have executed the Custody
          Agreement with Hutchins, Wheeler & Dittmar attached to the Share
          Option Agreement and shall have delivered such Custody Agreement to
          Hutchins, Wheeler & Dittmar..

     9.17 On the Pricing Date and on the Settlement Date, the Lead Manager shall
          have received a certificate of, or on behalf of, Franz Buchenberger,
          Bernd-Michael Habermeyer, and each Lender, dated as of such date, to
          the effect that each of Franz Buchenberger, Bernd-Michael Habermeyer,
          and each Lender has complied, in all material respects, with all
          agreements and all conditions on its part to be performed under this
          Agreement at or prior to such date.


     10.1 For as long as the Lead Manager acts as designated sponsor for the
          Company's Shares on Neuer Markt, the Company undertakes to keep the
          Lead Manager informed of material issuances of capital stock, options
          and warrants to receive capital stock and capital decreases (including
          the repurchase of Shares). For as long as the Lead Manager acts as
          designated sponsors for the Company's Shares on Neuer Markt, the
          Company shall keep DG informed of all events of material economic
          and/or legal significance in relation to the Shares on an ongoing
          basis to the extent permitted by applicable laws, including the United
          States securities laws.

     10.2 The Company undertakes to (i) furnish to the Lead Manager for six
          months following the expiry of the Option Period copies of the
          Offering Documents in such quantities as the Lead Manager may from
          time to time reasonably request, and, (ii) in case that at any time
          prior to the completion of the initial distribution of the Offer
          Shares and the Borrowed Shares, if any, or up to six months
          thereafter, any event shall have occurred as a result of which any
          Offering Document as then amended or supplemented would include an
          untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state any material fact
          necessary to make the statements therein, in the light of the
          circumstances under which they were made, not misleading, or, if for
          any other reason it shall be required under applicable law during such
          period to update the information contained in any Offering Document,
          it will notify the Lead Manager promptly and confirm such notice in
          writing, and will prepare and furnish to the Lead Manager, without
          charge to the Lead Manager, as many copies as the Lead Manager may,
          from time to time, reasonably request of



          such documents which update such Offering Documents in compliance with
          the respective laws and regulations on prospectus liability such
          statement or omission or effect such compliance;

     10.3 For as long as the Lead Manager acts as designated sponsor for the
          Company's Shares on Neuer Markt, the Company undertakes to observe the
          requirements of all applicable securities laws, including, without
          limitation, U.S. federal securities laws, in connection with the

     10.4 For as long as the Lead Manager acts as designated sponsor for the
          Company's Shares on Neuer Markt, the Company undertakes to observe and
          fulfill all regulations, legal provisions and requirements of the
          Neuer Markt, as well as to make available in the future all necessary
          documents. In addition, the Company undertakes to comply with all
          rules and regulations of the United States Securities Act applicable
          to it as a result of the Registration. In addition, the Company

          -    to comply with the German Take Over Code of the German Federal
               Finance Ministry's Stock Exchange Expert Committee;

          -    to complete the timely production and publication of a Company
               calendar giving details of the dates of the general shareholders'

          -    to carry out at least one briefing of financial analysts per

          -    to complete the timely production and publication of quarterly
               reports with details of business trends and important financial
               figures in German and English;

          -    to prepare the Company's financial statements according to
               US-GAAP in German and English and to publish such statements no
               later than four months after the end of the financial year; and

          -    to disclose annually the number of securities in the Company held
               by members of the Board of Directors.


       11.1   Each of Lenders, severally and not jointly represents, warrants
              and undertakes to the Lead Manager that:

       11.1.1 Such Lender, if a corporation, is duly organized, validly existing
              and in good standing under the laws of its jurisdiction of
              incorporation, and has the power and authority to own its
              properties and assets.

       11.1.2 Such Lender has the full right, power and authority to enter into



              Agreement and to transfer and deliver the Borrowed Shares to DG.
              The execution and delivery of this Agreement and the sale and
              delivery of the Borrowed Shares by such Lender and the
              consummation of the transactions contemplated herein and
              compliance by such Lender with its obligations hereunder have been
              duly authorized by such Lender and do not and will not, whether
              with or without the giving of notice or passage of time or both,
              conflict with or constitute a breach of, or default under, or
              result in the creation or imposition of any tax, lien, charge or
              encumbrance upon the Borrowed Shares to be loaned by such Lender
              or any property or assets of such Lender pursuant to any contract,
              indenture, mortgage, deed of trust, loan or credit agreement,
              note, license, lease or other agreement or instrument to which
              such Lender is a party or to which such Lender is subject, nor
              will such action result in any violation of the provisions of the
              charter or by-laws or other organizational instrument of such
              Lender, if applicable, or any applicable treaty, law, statute,
              rule, regulation, judgement, order, writ or decree of any
              government, government instrumentality or court, domestic or
              foreign, having jurisdiction over such Lender or any of its

       11.1.3 Such Lender has complied, and will comply, in all respects, with
              the provisions of U.S. law and the articles of incorporation of
              the Company concerning the requirements for holding or disposing
              of certain percentages of the share capital of the Company,
              together with all applicable U.S. stock exchange and regulatory
              authority rules and regulations.

       11.1.4 Such Selling Shareholder has good, valid and marketable title to
              the Borrowed Shares to be transferred by such Lender hereunder
              (such Borrowed Shares being fully paid), free and clear of any
              security interest, mortgage, pledge, lien, charge, claim, equity
              or encumbrance of any kind, other than pursuant to this Agreement;
              and upon delivery of such Borrowed Shares, assuming that the Lead
              Manager has no notice of any adverse claim, the Lead Manager will
              receive good, valid and marketable title to the Borrowed Shares
              lent to it by such Lender, free and clear of any security



              interest, mortgage, pledge, lien, charge, claim, equity or
              encumbrance of any kind; and there is no other conflicting right,
              contingent or otherwise, of any person to purchase or be offered
              for purchase any of the Borrowed Shares to be delivered by such
              Lender in connection with this Agreement.

       11.1.5 This Agreement has been duly authorized, executed and delivered by
              such Lender and constitutes the legal, valid and binding
              obligation of such Lender enforceable in accordance with its
              terms, subject to the application of applicable bankruptcy,
              fraudulent conveyance and similar laws.

       11.1.6 The Borrowed Shares will be transferred to Lead Manager, together
              with all rights, dividends, distributions and other benefits
              attaching to them on such date of transfer, with full title
              guarantee and free from, and not in breach of, any charges, liens
              or other encumbrances or any pre-emptive or other rights limiting
              their transferability.

       11.1.7 No filing with, or consent, approval, authorization, order,
              registration, qualification or decree of, any court or
              governmental authorization or agency, domestic or foreign, is
              necessary or required for the performance by such Lender of its
              obligations hereunder or in connection with the delivery of the
              Borrowed Shares hereunder or the consummation of the transactions
              contemplated by this Agreement, except such as may have previously
              been made or obtained.

       11.2   The commitments of the Managers hereunder are being made on the
              basis of the representations, warranties and undertakings set out
              above. Each Lender undertakes that each of them will fully
              indemnify the Managers against any and all losses, liabilities,
              costs, claims, charges, actions, proceedings, damages, expenses or
              demands which may incur for it or which may be made against the
              Managers as a result of, or in connection with, any breach or
              alleged breach by such Lender of any of its representations,
              warranties and undertakings set out above.



       11.3   The warranties, representations and undertakings set out in this
              Section 11 shall be deemed to be repeated on the Pricing Date, the
              Payment Date and each Transfer Date.


       12.1   The Company warrants, represents and undertakes to the Lead
              Manager that:

       12.1.1 The Company has been duly organized and is validly existing as a
              corporation in good standing under the laws of the State of
              Delaware and has corporate power and authority to own, lease and
              operate its properties and to conduct its business and to enter
              into and perform its obligations under this Agreement; and the
              Company is duly qualified as a foreign corporation to transact
              business and is in good standing in each other jurisdiction in
              which such qualification is required, whether by reason of the
              ownership or leasing of property or the conduct of business,
              except where the failure so to qualify or to be in good standing
              would not have a material adverse effect on the condition,
              financial or otherwise, or on the earnings, business affairs or
              business prospects of the Company and its subsidiaries considered
              as one enterprise, whether or not arising in the ordinary course
              of business (a "Material Adverse Effect").

       12.1.2 blaxxun interactive AG has been duly organized and is validly
              existing as a corporation in good standing under the laws of
              Germany, has corporate power and authority to own, lease and
              operate its properties and to conduct its business and is duly
              qualified as a foreign corporation to transact business and is in
              good standing in each jurisdiction in which such qualification is
              required, whether by reason of the ownership or leasing of
              property or the conduct of business, except where the failure so
              to qualify or to be in good standing would not result in a
              Material Adverse Effect; all of the issued and outstanding capital
              stock of blaxxun interactive AG has been duly authorized and
              validly issued, is fully paid and non-assessable and is owned by
              the Company free and clear of any security interest, mortgage,
              pledge, lien, encumbrance, claim or equity; none of the
              outstanding shares of capital stock of blaxxun interactive AG was
              issued in violation of the preemptive or similar rights of any
              security-holder of the blaxxun interactive AG.

       12.1.3 Cybertown, Inc. has been duly organized and is validly existing as
              a corporation in good standing under the laws of Delaware, has
              corporate power and authority to own, lease and operate its
              properties and to conduct its business and is duly qualified as a
              foreign corporation to transact business and is in good standing
              in each jurisdiction in which such qualification is required,
              whether by reason of the ownership or leasing



              of property or the conduct of business, except where the failure
              so to qualify or to be in good standing would not result in a
              Material Adverse Effect; all of the issued and outstanding capital
              stock of Cybertown, Inc. has been duly authorized and validly
              issued, is fully paid and non-assessable and is owned by the
              Company free and clear of any security interest, mortgage, pledge,
              lien, encumbrance, claim or equity; none of the outstanding shares
              of capital stock of Cybertown, Inc. was issued in violation of the
              preemptive or similar rights of any security-holder of Cybertown,

       12.1.4 The shares of issued and outstanding capital stock of the Company,
              including the Borrowed Shares and the Greenshoe Shares, have been
              duly authorized and validly issued and are fully paid and
              non-assessable; none of the outstanding Shares, including the
              Borrowed Shares and Greenshoe Shares, was issued in violation of
              the preemptive or other similar rights of any security-holder of
              the Company.

       12.1.5 Except as set forth in the Registration Statement or otherwise
              disclosed to the Lead Manager, the Company has not sold or issued,
              and will not sell or issue, any securities during the six-month
              period preceding the date of the Prospectus, including any sales
              pursuant to Rule 144A under, or Regulations D or S of, the United
              States Securities Act.

       12.1.6 The Company has full power and authority to enter into, and
              perform its obligations under, this Agreement and such entry into,
              and performance of its obligations under, this Agreement has been
              duly authorized by all necessary corporate or other action.

       12.1.7 This Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by the Company
              and constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of the
              Company enforceable against it in accordance with its terms,
              subject to the application of applicable bankruptcy, fraudulent
              conveyance and similar laws.

       12.1.8 Except as set forth in the Registration Statement, there are no
              contracts, agreements, or understandings between the Company and
              any person or entity granting such person or entity the right to
              require the Company to file a registration statement under the
              United States Securities Act with respect to any securities of the
              Company owned or to be owned by such person or entity or to
              require the Company to include such securities in the securities
              registered pursuant to the Registration Statement or in any
              securities being registered pursuant to any other registration
              statement filed by the Company under the United States Securities

       12.1.9 The Company has consulted and will continue to consult the Lead
              Manager in relation to the terms of, the timetable for, and the
              manner of publication of, any announcement of, or other public
              disclosure regarding, the Offering, the Listing and the
              Registration except as required by law and any applicable rules of
              any relevant stock exchange. The Company will not make any such
              announcement or disclosure without the Lead Managers's



              prior written consent. Any public announcement of the sale of the
              Offer Shares will refer to the Lead Manager.

      12.1.10  The Offer Shares will, on or before the Transfer Date, have been
              duly authorized for issuance and sale to the Lead Manager pursuant
              to this Agreement and, when issued and delivered by the Company
              pursuant to this Agreement against payment of the consideration
              set forth herein, will be validly issued and fully paid and

      12.1.11  Neither the Company nor blaxxun interactive AG and Cybertown,
              Inc., the key direct subsidiaries of the Company (collectively the
              "Subsidiaries"), is in violation of its charter or by-laws or in
              default in the performance or observance of any obligation,
              agreement or condition contained in any contract, indenture,
              mortgage, deed of trust, loan or credit agreement, note, lease or
              other agreement or instrument to which the Company or its
              Subsidiaries are a party or by which it or any of them may be
              bound, or to which any of the property or assets of the Company or
              the Subsidiaries are subject (collectively, "Agreements and
              Instruments") except for such defaults that would not result in a
              Material Adverse Effect, and the execution, delivery and
              performance of this Agreement and the consummation of the
              transactions contemplated herein (including the issuance and sale
              of the Offer Shares and the use of the proceeds from the sale of
              the Offer Shares) and compliance by the Company with its
              obligations hereunder have been duly authorized by all necessary
              corporate action and do not and will not, whether with or without
              the giving of notice or passage of time or both, conflict with or
              constitute a breach of, or default or Repayment Event (as defined
              below) under, or result in the creation or imposition of any lien,
              charge or encumbrance upon any property or assets of the Company
              or its Subsidiaries pursuant to, the Agreements and Instruments
              (except for such conflicts, breaches or defaults or liens that
              would not result in a Material Adverse Effect), nor will such
              action result in any violation of the provisions of the articles
              of incorporation or by-laws of the Company or its Subsidiaries or
              any applicable law, statute, rule, regulation, judgement, order,
              writ or decree of any government, government instrumentality or
              court, domestic or foreign, having jurisdiction over the Company
              or its Subsidiaries or any of their assets, properties or
              operations (except for such violations that would not result in a
              Material Adverse Effect). As used herein, a "Repayment Event"
              means any event or condition which gives the holder of any note,
              debenture or other evidence of indebtedness (or any person action
              on such holder's behalf) the right to require the repurchase,
              redemption or repayment of all or a portion of such indebtedness
              by the Company or its Subsidiaries.

      12.1.12  There is no action, suit, proceeding, inquiry or investigation
              before or brought by any court or governmental agency or body,
              domestic or foreign, now pending, or, to the knowledge of the
              Company, threatened, against or affecting the Company or its
              Subsidiaries, which is required to be disclosed in the Prospectus,
              or which might reasonably be expected to result in a Material
              Adverse Effect, or which might reasonably be expected to



              materially and adversely affect the properties or assets t hereof
              or the consummation of the transactions contemplated in this
              Agreement or the performance by the Company of its obligations
              hereunder; the aggregate of all pending legal or governmental
              proceedings to which the Company or its Subsidiaries are a party
              or of which any of their respective property or assets is the
              subject, including ordinary routine litigation incidental to the
              business, not reasonably be expected to result in a Material
              Adverse Effect.

              To the extent there are any exceptions to the foregoing existing
              on the date of the Prospectus (or any supplement thereto), the
              Company undertakes to disclose such proceedings in the Prospectus
              or supplement, as the case may be.

      12.1.13  To the best knowledge of the Company and its subsidiaries, the
              Company and its Subsidiaries own, possess, can acquire on
              reasonable terms or have the benefit or use of all material
              patents, licenses, trade secrets, trademarks, trade names and
              other rights to inventions, know-how, copyrights, confidential
              information and other intellectual property (collectively,
              "intellectual property rights") currently employed by them in
              connection with the conduct of the businesses now operated by
              them, and there are no unresolved assertions that the Company or
              its Subsidiaries have infringed the intellectual property rights
              of others that, if determined adversely to the Company or its
              Subsidiaries, could, individually or in the aggregate, have a
              Material Adverse Effect.

      12.1.14  No filing with, or authorization, approval, consent, license,
              order, registration, qualification or decree of, any court or
              governmental authority or agency, either in the United States,
              Germany or elsewhere, is necessary or required for the performance
              by the Company of its obligations hereunder, in connection with
              the Offering (including the Preferential Allotment), the Listing,
              the Registration, issuance or sale of the Shares hereunder or the
              consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement,
              except such as have been already obtained or will be obtained
              prior to the Offering (including the Preferential Allotment),
              Listing or Registration, as the case may be.

      12.1.15  The Company and its Subsidiaries possess such permits, licenses,
              approvals, consents and other authorizations (collectively,
              "Governmental Licenses") issued by the appropriate federal, state,
              local or foreign regulatory agencies or bodies necessary to
              conduct the business now operated by them, except where the
              failure so to comply would not, singly or in the aggregate, have a
              Material Adverse Effect; the Company and its Subsidiaries are in
              compliance with the terms and conditions of all such Governmental
              Licenses, except where the failure so to comply would not, singly
              or in the aggregate, have a Material Adverse Effect; all of the
              Governmental Licenses are in full force and effect except for
              those Governmental Licenses the failure of which to be in full
              force and effect would not have a Material Adverse Effect; and
              neither the Company nor its Subsidiaries has received any notice
              of proceedings relating to the



              revocation or modification of any such Governmental Licenses
              which, singly or in the aggregate, if the subject of an
              unfavorable decision, ruling or finding, would result in a
              Material Adverse Effect.

      12.1.16  The Company and its Subsidiaries have good title to all
              properties owned by them, in each case, free and clear of all
              mortgages, pledges, liens, security interest, claims, restrictions
              or encumbrances of any kind (other than customary retention of
              title) except such as do not, singly or in the aggregate,
              materially affect the value of such property and do not interfere
              with the use made and proposed to be made of such property by the
              Company or its Subsidiaries; and all of the leases and subleases
              material to the business, the Company and its Subsidiaries,
              considered as one enterprise, and under which the Company or its
              Subsidiaries holds properties described in the Prospectus, are in
              full force and effect, and neither the Company nor its
              Subsidiaries has any notice of any material claim of any sort that
              has been asserted by anyone adverse to the rights of the Company
              or its Subsidiaries under any of the leases or subleases mentioned
              above, or affecting or questioning the rights of the Company or
              its Subsidiaries to the continued possession of the leased or
              subleased premises under any such lease or sublease.

      12.1.17  KPMG Deutsche Treuhandgesellschaft, who have audited or will
              audit certain financial statements of the Company and its
              consolidated subsidiaries, are independent accountants as required
              by the United States Securities Act and the rules and regulations

      12.1.18  The Company makes and keeps accurate books and records and
              maintains internal accounting controls which provide reasonable
              assurance that (i) transactions are executed in accordance with
              management's authorization, (ii) transactions are recorded as
              necessary to permit preparation of its financial statements and to
              maintain accountability for its assets, (iii) access to its assets
              is permitted only in accordance with management's authorization
              and (iv) the reported accountability for its assets is compared
              with existing assets at reasonable intervals.

      12.1.19  Neither the Company nor its Subsidiaries, nor to the knowledge of
              the Company or its Subsidiaries, any director, officer, agent,
              employee or other person associated with or acting on behalf of
              the Company or its Subsidiaries, have used any corporate funds for
              any unlawful contribution, gift, entertainment or other unlawful
              expense relating to political activity; made any direct or
              indirect unlawful payment to any foreign or domestic government
              official or employee from corporate funds; or violated or is in
              violation of any provision of the United States Foreign Corrupt
              Practices Act of 1977.

      12.1.20  The Company and its Subsidiaries carry, or are covered by,
              insurance in such amounts and covering such risks as is, in the
              opinion of the Company, adequate for the conduct of their
              respective businesses and the value of their respective properties
              and assets, and as is customary for companies engaged



              in similar businesses in similar industries or as required by law
              or pursuant to agreements to which the Company or its Subsidiaries
              are a party or by which the Company or its Subsidiary are bound.

      12.1.21  The Company is not an "investment company" under, and as such
              term is defined in, the U.S. Investment Company Act of 1940.

      12.1.22  The Company is not a passive foreign investment company ("PFIC")
              as defined in Section 1297(a) of the United States Internal
              Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), for its current
              taxable year and does not expect to be a PFIC for future taxable

      12.1.23  Neither the Company, nor any person acting on its behalf, has
              taken or will take, directly or indirectly, any action designed to
              cause or to result in, or that has constituted or which might
              reasonably be expected to cause or result in, the stabilization in
              violation of applicable laws or manipulation of the price of any
              security of the Company to facilitate the sale or resale of the

      12.1.24  The Company has filed all foreign, federal, state and local tax
              returns that are required to be filed or has requested extensions
              thereof (except in any case in which the failure so to file would
              not have a Material Adverse Effect) and has paid all taxes
              required to be paid by it and any other assessment, fine or
              penalty levied against it, to the extent that any of the foregoing
              is due and payable, except for any such assessment, fine or
              penalty that is currently being contested in good faith or as
              would not have a Material Adverse Effect.

      12.1.25  The Company has not included any persons in the Beneficiary List
              who, to its knowledge, are journalists, financial analysts or
              public servants.

       12.2   The Company has filed with the SEC a Registration Statement on
              Form S-1, including a related preliminary prospectus, for the
              registration under the United States Securities Act of the Shares
              and to the Registration Statement has become effective. The
              Company will file with the SEC after the Effective Date of the
              Registration Statement, a final prospectus in accordance with
              Rules 430A and 424(b). The Registration Statement, as amended, and
              prior to the date hereof, includes all information (other than
              Rule 430A information) required by the United States Securities
              Act and the rules thereunder to be included in such Registration
              Statement and the Prospectus. As filed, such amendment and form of
              final prospectus, or such final prospectus, shall contain all Rule
              430A information, together with all other such required
              information, and, except to the extent the Lead Manager shall
              agree in writing to a modification, shall be in all substantive
              respects in the form furnished to the Lead Manager prior to the
              Pricing Date or, to the extent not completed at the Pricing Date,
              shall contain only such specific additional information and other
              changes (beyond that contained in the latest preliminary
              prospectus) as the Company has advised the Lead Manager, prior to
              the Pricing Date, will be included or made therein. "Preliminary



              Prospectus" means each prospectus included in such Registration
              Statement, or amendments thereof, before it becomes effective
              under the United States Securities Act and any prospectus filed by
              the Company with the consent of the Lead Manager pursuant to Rule
              424(a) of the rules and regulations under the United States
              Securities Act, and "Prospectus" means such final prospectus, with
              any changes thereto made by the Company with the consent of the
              Lead Manager, which consent shall not be unreasonably held.

              On the Effective Date, the Registration Statement will conform in
              all material respects to the applicable requirements of the United
              States Securities Act and the rules and regulations thereunder and
              will not include any untrue statement of a material fact or omit
              to state any material fact required to be stated therein or
              necessary in order to make the statements therein not misleading.
              At the time of filing of the Prospectus pursuant to Rule 424(b) or
              (if no such filing is required) at the Effective Date of the
              Registration Statement in which the final Prospectus is included,
              the Registration Statement and the final Prospectus will conform
              in all material respects to the requirements of the United States
              Securities Act and the rules and regulations thereunder, and none
              of such documents will include any untrue statement of a material
              fact or omit to state a material fact necessary in order to make
              the statements therein not misleading; provided, however, that the
              Company makes no undertaking as to the information contained in or
              omitted from the Registration Statement or the Prospectus in
              reliance upon and in conformity with information furnished herein
              or in writing to the Company by or on behalf of the Lead Manager
              specifically for inclusion in the Registration Statement or the

       12.3   The Company will comply with the requirements of Rule 430A or Rule
              424, as applicable, and will notify the Lead Manager immediately,
              and confirm the notice in writing, (i) when any post-effective
              amendment to the Registration Statement shall become effective, or
              any supplement to the Prospectus or any amended Prospectus shall
              have been filed, (ii) of the receipt of any comments from the SEC,
              (iii) of any request by the SEC for any amendment to the
              Registration Statement or any amendment or supplement to the
              Prospectus or for additional information, and (iv) of the issuance
              by the SEC of any stop order suspending the effectiveness of the
              Registration Statement or of any order preventing or suspending
              the use of any preliminary prospectus, or of the suspension of the
              qualification of the Shares for offering or sale in any
              jurisdiction, or of the initiation or threatening of any
              proceedings for any of such purposes. The Company will promptly
              effect the filings necessary pursuant to Rule 424(b) and will take
              such steps as it deems necessary to ascertain promptly whether the
              form of prospectus transmitted for filing under Rule 424(b) was
              received for filing by the SEC and, in the event that it was not,
              it will promptly file such prospectus. The Company will make every
              reasonable effort to prevent the issuance of any stop order and,
              if any stop order is issued, to obtain the lifting thereof at the
              earliest possible moment.



       12.4   The Company has prepared and filed, together with the Lead
              Manager, with the FSE the preliminary and final German prospectus
              to obtain listing of the Shares on the FSE as required by
              applicable German law.

              On the date on which such preliminary and final German Prospectus
              and any amendment thereto is published, such published German
              Prospectus and amendments thereto conformed in all material
              respects to the applicable requirements of German law, provided,
              however, that the Company makes no undertaking as to the
              information contained in or omitted from the German Prospectus and
              the amendments thereto in reliance upon and in conformity with
              information furnished herein or in writing to the Company by or on
              behalf of the Lead Manager specifically for inclusion in such

       12.5   The Company undertakes that the consolidated historical financial
              statements and schedules of the Company and its consolidated
              subsidiaries included in the Prospectus and the Registration
              Statement present fairly in all material respects the financial
              condition, results of operations and cash flows of the Company and
              its consolidated subsidiaries as of the dates and for the periods
              indicated, comply as to form with the applicable accounting
              requirements of the United States Securities Act and the Neuer
              Markt and were prepared in conformity with U.S. generally accepted
              accounting principles ("US-GAAP") applied on a consistent basis
              throughout the periods involved (except as otherwise noted
              therein). The selected financial data set forth in the Prospectus
              and Registration Statement fairly present, on the basis stated in
              the Prospectus and the Registration Statement, the information
              included therein.

       12.6   As soon as practicable, but not later than the Availability Date
              (as defined below), the Company will make generally available to
              its Shareholders an earnings statement covering a period of at
              least 12 months beginning after the Effective Date of the
              Registration Statement which will satisfy the provisions of
              Section 11(a) of the United States Securities Act. For the purpose
              of the preceding sentence, "Availability Date" means the 45th day
              after the end of the fourth fiscal quarter following the fiscal
              quarter that includes the Effective Date, except that, if such
              fourth fiscal quarter is the last quarter of the Company's fiscal
              year, "Availability Date" means the 90th day after the end of such
              fourth fiscal quarter.

       12.7   The Company will furnish to the Lead Manager and to counsel to the
              Lead Manager copies of the Registration Statement (two of which
              will be signed and will include all exhibits), the Preliminary
              Prospectus, and, so long as delivery of a prospectus relating to
              the Offer Shares is required to be delivered under the United
              States Securities Act in connection with sales by the Lead Manager
              or dealer, the Prospectus, and all amendments and supplements to
              such documents, in each case in such quantities as the Lead
              Manager may reasonably request. The Prospectus shall be so
              furnished on or prior to 3:00 P.M., German time, on the business
              day following the later of the Pricing Date or the Effective Date
              of the Registration Statement, or at



              such other time as the Lead Manager shall consent. All other such
              documents shall be so furnished as soon as available. The Company
              and the Selling Shareholders will pay the expenses of printing and
              distributing to the Lead Manager all such documents.

       12.8   The Company shall use the proceeds from the Offering of Offer
              Shares payable to it in the manner described under the heading
              "Use of Proceeds" in the Prospectus.

       12.9   The Company undertakes that it will notify the Lead Manager
              immediately of any adverse change in, or affecting, the general
              affairs, management, financial position, shareholders equity or
              results of operation of the Company and its Subsidiaries taken as
              a whole, which would be likely to prejudice materially the
              proposed sale of the Shares in the Offering by the Managers.

              The representations, undertakings and warranties set out in this
              Section 12 shall be deemed to be repeated on the Pricing Date, the
              Transfer Date, and the Settlement Date.

       12.10  The commitment of the Lead Manager hereunder is being made on the
              basis of the representations, warranties and undertakings set out
              above. The Company undertakes that it will fully indemnify each of
              the Managers against any and all losses, liabilities, costs,
              claims, charges, actions, proceedings, damages, expenses or
              demands which any of the Managers may incur or which may be made
              against any Manager as a result of, or in connection with, any
              breach or alleged breach by the Company or any of its
              representations, warranties and undertakings set out above; the
              Company will further indemnify and hold harmless the Managers
              against any documentary, stamp or similar issuance or transfer
              tax, including any interest and penalties, on the creation,
              issuance and sale of the Shares and on the execution and delivery
              of this Agreement.

       12.11  The Company's obligations in respect of the above representations,
              warranties, undertakings and indemnity will continue in full force
              and effect after the Payment Date notwithstanding the performance
              of this Agreement, the completion of the sale of the Offer Shares,
              the completion of the Registration or any investigation of the
              matters to which they relate by the Managers or on the Managers's


       13.1   The Lead Manager reserves the right to terminate this Agreement if
              (i) any of the Conditions Precedent set forth in Section 9 fail to
              occur as contemplated herein or (ii), in the Lead Manager's
              reasonable opinion, the circumstances set forth below threaten the
              success of the Offering or the placement of the Shares:



              -      a deterioration after the date hereof of the economic
                     situation of the Company or its Subsidiaries occurs or is
                     probable that the Lead Manager reasonably believes will
                     materially affect the market price of its shares, or

              -      any material adverse change in the German, U.S., or
                     international financial markets or stock markets occurs
                     that the Lead Manager believes will materially affect the
                     market price of the Company's shares.

              Should the above mentioned circumstances occur after the Transfer
              Date but prior to the Settlement Date, the Company and the Selling
              Shareholders shall not be entitled to receive the applicable
              Purchase Price from the Lead Manager and the Lead Manager shall
              promptly transfer the Shares transferred to it by the Company and
              the Selling Shareholders back to the Company and each such Selling

       13.2   The Company has the right to terminate this Agreement for
              compelling reason (einen wichtigen Grund) at any time with effect
              as of the receipt of a corresponding written notification by DG.
              If the Agreement is terminated for a reason for which DG is not
              responsible, the Company will reimburse DG of all incurred costs.
              If the Agreement is terminated for a reason for which DG is
              responsible, then all claims held by DG to compensation for its
              services shall lapse.


       Except as provided in Section 18, the liability of the Lead Manager under
       this Agreement shall be limited to ill intent and gross negligence.


       The Selling Shareholders and the current shareholders listed in Schedule
       3 (the "Current Shareholders") have undertaken, pursuant to Rule 7.2.9.
       of the Rules and Regulations Neuer Markt, for a period of six months from
       the date of admission of the Shares to the Neuer Markt (the "Admission
       Date"), not to (i) directly or indirectly offer for sale, pledge,
       transfer or otherwise dispose of or enter into any transaction or device
       which is designed to, or could be expected to, result in the disposal by
       any person at any time in the future of any Shares (other than the Shares
       included in the Offering) or securities convertible into or exchangeable
       for Shares, (ii) exercise any warrants or options convertible into
       Shares, (iii) take other measures equivalent to a sale, or (iv) announce
       any such measures, without the prior written consent of the FSE and the
       Lead Manager to be obtained in each case prior to taking any such

       The Selling Shareholders and all significant Current Shareholders have
       undertaken for an additional period of six months from the Admission Date
       (i.e., for a period of twelve months in total) not to take any of the
       above-mentioned measures without the prior written consent of the Lead



       The Selling Shareholders and the Current Shareholders furthermore have
       undertaken to cause any third party to which they sell, pledge, transfer
       or otherwise dispose of Shares prior to the Admission Date to assume
       their obligations hereunder.

       The Company undertakes pursuant to Rule 7.2.9 of the Rules and
       Regulations Neuer Markt, for a period of six months from the Admission
       Date, to refrain from offering or selling Shares directly or indirectly,
       or announcing such action, or taking other measures economically
       equivalent to a sale, without the prior written consent of the FSE and
       the Lead Manager.

       The Company undertakes for an additional period of six months from the
       Admission Date (i.e., for a period of twelve months in total) not to take
       any of the above-mentioned measures, without express written consent by
       the Lead Manager to be obtained in each case prior to taking any such

       The Company undertakes to instruct the registrar and transfer agent not
       to effect any transfer of Shares by the Selling Shareholders and the
       Current Shareholders in the Company's share register within the above
       twelve months periods. The Company furthermore undertakes to cause the
       registrar and transfer Agent to confirm to the Lead Manager and the FSE
       that it has been instructed accordingly.

       The issuance of the Greenshoe Shares to the Lead Manager are excluded
       from the restrictions contained in this Section 15. In addition, the
       Company's issuance of shares under the Company's ESOP are excluded form
       the restrictions contained in this Section 15, provided, however, that
       any shareholder receiving such shares shall not dispose of them for a
       period of three months following their receipt.


       All declarations and communications of the Lead Manager relating to this
       Agreement shall only be valid for and against all other parties to this
       Agreement if made by DG as representative of the Managers to the Company.
       DG is released from the restrictions of Section 181 of the German Civil

       Further, in order for the parties to fulfil their obligations hereunder,
       DG is authorized to deliver declarations or information in the name of
       the Company, the Selling Shareholders and the Managers.


       In connection with the Offering, the Company and each of the Selling
       Shareholders have appointed blaxxun interactive AG as agent for the
       service of process (Zustellungsbevollmachtigter) in Germany for any
       services of process regarding contractual or other obligations of the
       Company and the Selling Shareholders in relation to the Managers.




       18.1   The Company shall indemnify and hold harmless each Manager, its
              officers and employees and each person, if any, who controls any
              Manager within the meaning of the United States Securities Act,
              from and against any loss, claim, damage or liability, joint or
              several, or any action in respect thereof (including, but not
              limited to, any loss, claim, damage, liability or action relating
              to purchases and sales of Shares), to which that Manager, officer,
              employee or controlling person may become subject, under the
              United States Securities Act or otherwise, insofar as such loss,
              claim, damage, liability or action arises out of, or is based
              upon, any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of a
              material fact contained (A) in any Preliminary Prospectus, the
              Registration Statement or the Prospectus, or in any amendment or
              supplement thereto, or (B) in any blue sky application or other
              document prepared or executed by the Company (or based upon (i)
              any written information furnished by the Company specifically for
              the purpose of qualifying any or all of the Shares under the
              securities laws of any state or other jurisdiction (any such
              application, document or information being hereinafter called a
              "Blue Sky Application"); (ii) the omission or alleged omission to
              state in any Preliminary Prospectus, the Registration Statement or
              the Prospectus, or in any amendment or supplement thereto, or in
              any Blue Sky Application any material fact required to be stated
              therein or necessary to make the statements therein not
              misleading; or (iii) any act or failure to act, or any alleged act
              or failure to act, by any Manager in connection with, or relating
              in any manner to, the Shares or the Offering contemplated hereby,
              and which is included as part of or referred to in any loss,
              claim, damage, liability or action arising out of or based upon
              matters covered by clause (i) or (ii) above (provided that the
              Company shall not be liable in the case of any matter covered by
              this clause (iii) to the extent that it is determined in a final
              judgement by a court of competent jurisdiction that such loss,
              claim, damage, liability or action resulted directly from any such
              act or failure to act undertaken or omitted to be taken by such
              Manager through its gross negligence or willful misconduct), and
              shall reimburse each Lead Manager and each such officer, employee
              and controlling person promptly upon demand for any legal or other
              expenses reasonably incurred by that Manager, officer, employee or
              controlling person in connection with investigating or defending
              or preparing to defend against any such loss, claim, damage,
              liability or action as such expenses are incurred; provided,
              however, that the Company shall not be liable in any such case to
              the extent that any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action
              arises out of, or is based upon, any untrue statement or alleged
              untrue statement or omission or alleged omission made in any
              Preliminary Prospectus, the Registration Statement or the
              Prospectus, or in any such amendment or supplement, or in any Blue
              Sky Application in reliance upon and in conformity with the
              written information furnished to the Company by or on behalf of
              any Manager specifically for inclusion therein and described in
              Section 18.6. The foregoing indemnity agreement is in addition to
              any liability which the Company may otherwise have to any Manager
              or to any officer, employee or controlling person of that Manager.



       18.2   Each Manager, severally and not jointly, shall indemnify and hold
              harmless the Company and the Selling Shareholders, their officers
              and employees, each of their directors and each person, if any,
              who controls the Company or the Selling Shareholder within the
              meaning of the United States Securities Act, from and against any
              loss, claim, damage or liability, joint or several, or any action
              in respect thereof, to which the Company or any such director,
              officer or controlling person may become subject, under the United
              States Securities Act or otherwise, insofar as such loss, claim,
              damage, liability or action arises out of, or is based upon, (i)
              any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of a material
              fact contained (A) in any Preliminary Prospectus, the Registration
              Statement or the Prospectus, or in any amendment or supplement
              thereto or (ii) the omission or alleged omission to state in any
              Preliminary Prospectus, the Registration Statement or the
              Prospectus, or in any amendment or supplement thereto, or in any
              Blue Sky Application any material fact required to be stated
              therein or necessary to make the statements therein not
              misleading, but in each case only to the extent that the untrue
              statement or alleged untrue statement or omission or alleged
              omission was made in reliance upon and in conformity with the
              written information furnished to the Company by or on behalf of
              that Manager specifically for inclusion therein and described in
              Section 18.6, and shall reimburse the Company and any such
              director, officer or controlling person for any legal or other
              expenses reasonably incurred by the Company and the Selling
              Shareholder or any such director, officer or controlling person in
              connection with investigating or defending or preparing to defend
              against any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action as such
              expenses are incurred. The foregoing indemnity agreement is in
              addition to any liability which any Manager may otherwise have to
              the Company or any such director, officer or controlling person.

       18.3   Promptly after receipt by an indemnified party under this Section
              18 of notice of any claim or the commencement of any action, the
              indemnified party shall, if a claim in respect thereof is to be
              made against the indemnifying party under this Section 18, notify
              the indemnifying party in writing of the claim or the commencement
              of that action; provided, however, that the failure to notify the
              indemnifying party shall not relieve it from any liability which
              it may have under this Section 18 except to the extent it has been
              materially prejudiced by such failure and, provided further, that
              the failure to notify the indemnifying party shall not relieve it
              from any liability which it may have to an indemnified party
              otherwise than under this Section 18. If any such claim or action
              shall be brought against an indemnified party, and it shall notify
              the indemnifying party thereof, the indemnifying party shall be
              entitled to participate therein and, to the extent that it wishes,
              jointly with any other similarly notified indemnifying party, to
              assume the defense thereof with counsel reasonably satisfactory to
              the indemnified party. After notice from the indemnifying party to
              the indemnified party of its election to assume the defense of
              such claim or action, the indemnifying party shall not be liable
              to the indemnified party under this Section 18 for any legal or
              other expenses subsequently incurred


              by the indemnified party in connection with the defense thereof
              other than reasonable costs of investigation; provided, however,
              that the Lead Manager shall have the right to employ counsel to
              represent jointly the Managers and their respective officers,
              employees and controlling persons who may be subject to liability
              arising out of any claim in respect of which indemnity may be
              sought by the Managers against the Company or any Selling
              Shareholders under this Section 18 if, in the reasonable judgement
              of the Managers, it is advisable for the Managers, officers,
              employees and controlling persons to be jointly represented by
              separate counsel, and in that event the fees and expenses of such
              separate counsel shall be paid by the Company and the Selling
              Shareholders. No indemnifying party shall (i) without the prior
              written consent of the indemnified parties (which consent shall
              not be unreasonably withheld), settle or compromise or consent to
              the entry of any judgement with respect to any pending or
              threatened claim, action, suit or proceeding in respect of which
              indemnification or contribution may be sought hereunder (whether
              or not the indemnified parties are actual or potential parties to
              such claim or action) unless such settlement, compromise or
              consent includes an unconditional release of each indemnified
              party from all liability arising out of such claim, action, suit
              or proceeding, or (ii) be liable for any settlement of any such
              action effected without its written consent (which consent shall
              not be unreasonably withheld), but if settled with its written
              consent or if there be a final judgement of the plaintiff in any
              such action, the indemnifying party agrees to indemnify and hold
              harmless any indemnified party from and against any loss of
              liability by reason of such settlement or judgement.

       18.4   If the indemnification provided for in this Section 18 shall for
              any reason be unavailable to or insufficient to hold harmless an
              indemnified party under Sections 18.1 or 18.2 in respect of any
              loss, claim, damage or liability, or any action in respect
              thereof, referred to therein, then each indemnifying party shall,
              in lieu of indemnifying such indemnified party, contribute to the
              amount paid or payable by such indemnified party as a result of
              such loss, claim, damage or liability, or action in respect
              thereof, (i) in such proportion as shall be appropriate to reflect
              the relative benefits received by the Company and the Selling
              Shareholders on the one hand and the Managers on the other from
              the Offering of the Shares or (ii) if the allocation provided by
              clause (i) above is not permitted by applicable law, in such
              proportion as is appropriate to reflect not only the relative
              benefits referred to in clause (i) above but also the relative
              fault of the Company and the Selling Shareholders on the one hand
              and the Managers on the other with respect to the statements or
              omissions which resulted in such loss, claim, damage or liability,
              or action in respect thereof, as well as any other relevant
              equitable considerations. The relative benefits received by the
              one hand and the Managers on the other with respect to such
              Offering shall be deemed to be in the same proportion as the total
              net proceeds from the offering of the Shares purchased under this
              Agreement (before deducting expenses) received by the Company,
              Franz BUCHENBERGER AND BERND-MICHAEL HABERMEYER, on the one hand,
              and the total underwriting discounts and



              commissions received by the Managers with respect to the Shares
              purchased under this Agreement, on the other hand, bear to the
              total gross proceeds from the offering of the Shares under this
              Agreement, in each case as set forth in the table on the cover
              page of the Prospectus. The relative fault shall be determined by
              reference to whether the untrue or alleged untrue statement of a
              material fact or omission or alleged omission to state a material
              fact relates to information supplied by the Company, Franz
              BUCHENBERGER, BERND-MICHAEL HABERMEYER or the Managers, the intent
              of the parties and their relative knowledge, access to information
              and opportunity to correct or prevent such statement or omission.
              The Company, Franz BUCHENBERGER, BERND-MICHAEL HABERMEYER, and the
              Managers agree that it would not be just and equitable if
              contributions pursuant to this Section 18.4 were to be determined
              by pro rata allocation or by any other method of allocation which
              does not take into account the equitable considerations referred
              to herein. The amount paid or payable by an indemnified party as a
              result of the loss, claim, damage or liability, or action in
              respect thereof, referred to above in this Section 18.4 shall be
              deemed to include, for purposes of this Section 18.4, any legal or
              other expenses reasonably incurred by such indemnified party in
              connection with investigating or defending any such action or
              claim. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section 18.4, no
              Manager shall be required to contribute any amount in excess of
              the amount by which the total price at which the Shares
              underwritten by it and distributed to the public was offered to
              the public exceeds the amount of any damages which such Manager
              has otherwise paid or become liable to pay by reason of any untrue
              or alleged untrue statement or omission or alleged omission. No
              person guilty of fraudulent misrepresentation (within the meaning
              of Section 11(f) of the United States Securities Act) shall be
              entitled to contribution from any person who was not guilty of
              such fraudulent misrepresentation. The Managers' obligations to
              contribute as provided in this Section 18.4 are several in
              proportion to their respective underwriting obligations and not

       18.5   The Managers severally confirm that the statements with respect to
              the Offering of the Shares set forth on the cover page of, and
              under the caption "Underwriting" in, the Prospectus are correct
              and constitute the only information furnished in writing to the
              Company by or on behalf of the Managers specifically for inclusion
              in the Registration Statement and the Prospectus.


       19.1   The parties hereto agree that DG is entitled to transfer all its
              rights and obligations under this Agreement to an associated
              company in the overall scheme of transferring its investment
              banking activities to such associated company.

       19.2   The parties hereto shall keep information relating to the proposed
              Offering and the Registration strictly confidential except to the
              extent publication of



              such information is required by applicable law or the rules and
              regulations of the SEC, FSE or other governmental agency.

       19.3   Modifications and amendments of this Agreement must be in writing
              unless there is another statutory form requirement. The foregoing
              applies also to the modification or deletion of this provision.

       19.4   Should any of the terms of this Agreement be entirely or partially
              invalid or become invalid, this shall not effect the validity of
              any other terms of the Agreement. The parties will be deemed to
              have agreed upon a term or condition that reflects as closely as
              possible the economic objectives aimed at by the parties when
              entering into the invalid term or condition.

       19.5   This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance
              with the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany excluding the
              UNCISG. Place of performance and, as far as permitted by
              applicable statute, forum for all disputes arising in connection
              with this agreement shall be Frankfurt am Main.



We would request you to countersign the second copy of this underwriting
agreement as a sign of your agreement.

Yours sincerely,

- ---------------------------------        --------------------------
DG BANK                                  MERCK FINCK & CO.

- ----------------------------------       --------------------------

- ---------------------------------        --------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(acting in his individual capacity as    (acting in his individual capacity as
the Chief Executive Officer of blaxxun   the Chief Financial Officer of Blaxxun
interactive, Inc. and on behalf of his   interactive, Inc., and on behalf of his
wife; Ingrid Buchenberger, as one of     wife, Heike Habermeyer, as one of the
the Lenders named in Schedule 2 to this  Lenders named in Schedule 2 to this
Agreement)                               Agreement)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ---------------------------------
blaxxun interactive, Inc.






                                                                         Annex D
                              [DG BANK LETTERHEAD]

                                                      [Date], 2000
                                                      Investment Banking
                                                      Tel. (+44 69) 7447-*
                                                      Fax (+44 69)-*
                                                      [     ]@dgbank.de

[Name of Selling Shareholder]


Dear [Name]:

blaxxun interactive, Inc. (the "Company"), has engaged DG BANK Deutsche
Genossenschaftsbank AG to act as the lead manager (the "Lead Manager" or "DG
BANK") for the initial public offering (the "Offering") of 5,750,000 newly
issued Class A common shares of the Company (the "Offer Shares") and, subject to
the Lead Manager's exercise of its over-allotment option (the "Over-Allotment
Option), up to an additional 750,000 outstanding Class A common shares of the
Company (the "Greenshoe Shares"). It has been agreed between DG BANK and the
Company that you and other current shareholders (the "Selling Shareholders"),
subject to the entering into this agreement, shall be given the opportunity to
provide the Lead Manger with Greenshoe Shares from your shareholdings and, in
turn, receive the proceeds from the sale of your shares less underwriting

We are pleased to offer you, as a Selling Shareholder, the opportunity to place
up to [  *  ] of your common shares of the Company in the Offering (after
giving effect to the stock split to be effected as part of the Offering)
pursuant to the Lead Manger's exercise of its Over-Allotment Option. Your
acceptance of this offer will create a Share Option Agreement among DG BANK and


       The Offer Shares and the Greenshoe Shares, if any, will be offered for
       sale by the Lead Manager, VEM Virtuelles Emissionshaus AG and Merck Finck
       & Co. (the "Underwriting Consortium") nationally and internationally
       (outside the United States, Canada and Japan) to investors utilizing a
       book-building process customary for initial public offerings in Germany.
       The book-building period is currently expected to occur from August 8, to
       August 11, 2000 (the "Book-building Period"). The Book-building Period
       may be abbreviated or lengthened at the Lead Manager's discretion.




       The price at which the Offer Shares and the Greenshoe Shares, if any, are
       sold to Investors having offered to purchase such Shares (the "Placement
       Price") will be jointly determined by the Lead Manager (in the name of
       the Underwriting Consortium) and the Company after completion of the
       book-building on the basis of purchase offers received by the Lead
       Manager. The date on which the price is determined, which is currently
       expected to be August 14, 2000, is referred to as the "Pricing Date".


       You hereby grant to the Lead Manager an option to purchase up to [fill in
       from Schedule 1] Shares (after giving effect to the stock split to be
       effected as part of the Offering) at the Purchase Price from your
       holdings to satisfy the Lead Manager's request for Greenshoe Shares upon
       its exercise of the Over-Allotment Option. Such Over-Allotment Option is
       granted for the purpose of covering over-allotments in the sale of Offer

       The Over-Allotment Option will begin on the first day on which the
       Company's shares are traded on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, which is
       currently expected to be August 15, 2000 (the "Admission Date"), and will
       expire 45 calendar days thereafter (the "Option Period"). The
       Over-Allotment Option may be exercised during such period by the Lead
       Manager, in whole or in part from time to time, by written notice given
       to the Company, which you have authorized to receive such notice on your
       behalf. Such notice shall be substantially in the form attached to the
       custody agreement (attached hereto as Exhibit 1).

       It will be left to the Lead Manager's sole discretion to decide whether
       the Over-Allotment Option shall be exercised. If the Lead Manager does
       not exercise the Over-Allotment Option, none of your shares will be sold
       in the Offering.


       In order to ensure timely delivery of the Greenshoe Shares upon the
       exercise of the Greenshoe Option, you undertake to enter into a custody
       agreement with, and executed a Power of Attorney in favour of Hutchins,
       Wheeler & Dittmar, Boston, (the "Custodian") in the form attached hereto
       as EXHIBIT 1 (the "Custody Agreement"). If DG BANK has not received
       confirmation by Hutchins, Wheeler & Dittmar that you have entered into
       the Custody Agreement prior to August 3, 2000, DG BANK shall not be
       obliged to purchase any Greenshoe Shares from you.

       The Custodian will deliver the Greenshoe Shares to DG BANK two business
       days following DG BANK's exercise of the Over-Allotment Option (such day
       of delivery defined as the "Transfer Date").




       The purchase price payable by the Lead Manager (on behalf of the
       Underwriting Consortium) to you for the Greenshoe Shares (the " Purchase
       Price") shall be equal to the Placement Price per share, multiplied by
       the number of Greenshoe Shares, as the case may be, to be purchased by
       the Underwriting Consortium, from which product a commission for the
       Underwriters in the amount of 3% will be deducted.

       Upon any exercise of the Over-Allotment Option by the Lead Manager, the
       Lead Manager will pay you the Purchase Price for the portion of your
       Greenshoes Shares for which the Over-Allotment Option has been exercised
       upon The Lead Manager's receipt of such Greenshoe Shares (the "Transfer
       Date"). Pending the Lead Manager's receipt of such Greenshoe Shares, the
       Lead Manager will not be obligated to release the Purchase Price to you.

       You hereby irrevocably instruct DG BANK to release the Purchase Price to
       the account identified in the Custody Agreement attached as EXHIBIT 1 OR


       You hereby represent, warrant and undertake to the Lead Manager and the
       other members of the Underwriting Consortium that:

       -      You, if a corporation, are duly organized, validly existing and in
              good standing under the laws of your jurisdiction of
              incorporation, and have the power and authority to own your
              properties and assets.

       -      You have the full right, power and authority to enter into this
              Agreement and to sell, transfer and deliver the Greenshoe Shares
              to be sold by you hereunder. The execution and delivery of this
              Agreement and the sale and delivery of the Greenshoe Shares to be
              sold by you and the consummation of the transactions contemplated
              herein and compliance by you with your obligations hereunder have
              been duly authorized by you and do not and will not, whether with
              or without the giving of notice or passage of time or both,
              conflict with or constitute a breach of, or default under, or
              result in the creation or imposition of any tax, lien, charge or
              encumbrance upon the Greenshoe Shares to be sold by you or any
              property or assets of you pursuant to any contract, indenture,
              mortgage, deed of trust, loan or credit agreement, note, license,
              lease or other agreement or instrument to you Shareholder are a
              party or to which you are subject, nor will such action result in
              any violation of the provisions your charter or by-laws or other
              organizational instrument, if applicable, or any applicable
              treaty, law, statute, rule, regulation, judgement, order, writ or
              decree of any government, government instrumentality or court,
              domestic or foreign, having jurisdiction over such Selling
              Shareholder or any of your properties.

       -      You have complied, and will comply for the one-year period
              following the Pricing Date, in all respects, with the provisions
              of United States law and the articles of incorporation of the
              Company concerning the requirements for holding or disposing of
              certain percentages of the share capital of the Company, together
              with all applicable United States stock exchange and regulatory
              authority rules and



              regulations relating thereto.

       -      You have, and will at the Transfer Date have, good, valid and
              marketable title to the Greenshoe Shares to be sold by you
              hereunder (such Greenshoe Shares being fully paid), free and clear
              of any security interest, mortgage, pledge, lien, charge, claim,
              equity or encumbrance of any kind, other than pursuant to this
              Agreement; and upon delivery of such Greenshoe Shares, assuming
              the Lead Manger has no notice of any adverse claim, the Lead
              Manager will receive good, valid and marketable title to the
              Greenshoe Shares purchased by it from you, free and clear of any
              security interest, mortgage, pledge, lien, charge, claim, equity
              or encumbrance of any kind; and there is no other conflicting
              right, contingent or otherwise, of any person to purchase or be
              offered for purchase any of the Greenshoe Shares to be delivered
              by you in connection with this Agreement.

       -      This Agreement has been duly authorized, executed and delivered by
              you and constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation by your
              enforceable in accordance with its terms, subject to the
              application of applicable bankruptcy, fraudulent conveyance and
              similar laws.

       -      Your Greenshoe Shares, if any, will be transferred to Lead Manager
              (the date on which the Greenshoe Shares are transferred to the
              Lead Managers referred to as the "Transfer Date"), together with
              all rights, dividends, distributions and other benefits attaching
              to them on the Transfer Date, with full title guarantee and free
              from, and not in breach of, any charges, liens or other
              encumbrances or any pre-emptive or other rights limiting their

       -      You will consult the Lead Manager in relation to the terms of, the
              timetable for, and the manner of publication of, any announcement
              of, or other public disclosure regarding, the sale of the
              Greenshoe Shares except as required by law and any applicable
              rules of any relevant stock exchange. You will not make any such
              announcement or disclosure without the lead manager's prior
              written consent.

       -      You agree that the Greenshoe Shares owned by you are subject to
              the interests of the Lead Manager hereunder; your obligations
              hereunder shall not be terminated by operation of law, whether in
              the case of a partnership or corporation, by the dissolution of
              such partnership or corporation, or by the occurrence of any other
              event; and if you should be dissolved, or if any other such event
              should occur, before the delivery of the Greenshoe Shares
              hereunder, the Greenshoe Shares shall be delivered by or on your
              behalf in accordance with the terms and conditions of this

       -      Neither you, nor any of your affiliates (which shall not include
              the Company), nor any person acting on your behalf, has taken or
              will take, directly or indirectly, any action designed to cause or
              to result in, or that has constituted or which might reasonably be
              expected to cause or result in, the stabilization in violation of
              applicable laws or manipulation of the price of any security of
              the Company to facilitate the sale or the resale of the Offer
              Shares and the Greenshoe Shares.

       -      No filing with, or consent, approval, authorization, order,
              registration, qualification



              or decree of, any court or governmental authorization or agency,
              domestic or foreign, is necessary or required for the performance
              by you or your obligations hereunder or in connection with the
              sale and delivery of the Greenshoe Shares hereunder or the
              consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement,
              except such as may have previously been made or obtained.

       The commitments of the Underwriting Consortium are being made on the
       basis of the representations, warranties and undertakings set out above.
       You undertake that you will fully indemnify the Managers against any and
       all losses, liabilities, costs, claims, charges, actions, proceedings,
       damages, expenses or demands which may incur for it or which may be made
       against the Managers as a result of, or in connection with, any breach or
       alleged breach by you of any of your representations, warranties and
       undertakings set out above.

       Your liability in respect of the above representations, warranties,
       undertakings and indemnity will continue in full force and effect after
       the Payment Date notwithstanding the performance of this Agreement.

       You agree to deliver to the Lead Manager's attention: DG Bank Deutsche
       Genossenschaftsbank AG, attention: Ms. Gase, Department F/IBSA, DG BANK,
       Am Platz der Republik, 60265 Frankfurt am Main, on or prior to the
       Transfer Date, if required, a properly completed and executed United
       States Treasury Department Form W-8 or W-9 (or other applicable form or
       statement specified by Treasury Department regulations in lieu thereof).

       The warranties, representations and undertakings set above shall be
       deemed to be repeated on the Pricing Date, the Payment Date and each
       Transfer Date.


       You acknowledge that you have entered into a lock-up agreement with the
       Frankfurt Stock Exchage authorities, which is required in order to effect
       any listing of the Company's shares on the Neuer Markt. You undertake,
       pursuant to Rule 7.2.9. of the Rules and Regulations Neuer Markt, for a
       period of six months from the date of admission of the Shares to the
       Neuer Markt (the "Admission Date"), which is currently expected to occur
       on August 16, 2000, not to (i) directly or indirectly offer for sale,
       pledge, transfer or otherwise dispose of or enter into any transaction or
       device which is designed to, or could be expected to, result in the
       disposal by any person at any time in the future of any Shares (other
       than the Shares included in the Offering) or securities convertible into
       or exchangeable for Shares, (ii) exercise any warrants or options
       convertible into Shares, (iii) take other measures equivalent to a sale,
       or (iv) announce any such measures, without the prior written consent of
       the FSE and the Lead Manager to be obtained in each case prior to taking
       any such measures.

       You also undertake for an additional period of six months from the
       Admission Date (i.e., for a period of twelve months in total) not to take
       any of the above-mentioned measures without the prior written consent of
       the Lead Manager.

       You furthermore undertake to cause any third party to which you sell,
       pledge, transfer



       or otherwise dispose of Shares prior to the Admission Date to assume your
       obligations hereunder.

       The Company will instruct the registrar and transfer agent not to effect
       any transfer of your Shares in the Company's share register within the
       above twelve months periods.

       Your sale and transfer of the Greenshoe Shares to the Lead Manager are
       excluded from the restrictions contained in the previous four paragraphs.

       If you receive any shares under the Company's employee stock option plan,
       you will not dispose of them for (i) a period of three months following
       their receipt and (ii) for a period of twelve months from the Admission


       You shall indemnify and hold harmless the Company and each Manager, its
       officers and employees and each person, if any, who controls any Manager
       within the meaning of the United States Securities Act, from and against
       any loss, claim, damage or liability, joint or several, or any action in
       respect thereof (including, but not limited to, any loss, claim, damage,
       liability or action relating to purchases and sales of Shares), to which
       that Manager, officer, employee or controlling person may become subject,
       under the United States Securities Act or otherwise, insofar as such
       loss, claim, damage, liability or action arises out of, or is based upon,
       any untrue statement or alleged untrue statement of a fact contained in
       any of the representations contained herein.


       The Lead Manager reserves the right to terminate this Agreement if:

       -      the representations and warranties given by you are not fulfilled
              or will not be fulfilled;

       -      the Underwriting Consortium, Company, and the Lenders fail to
              execute an underwriting agreement governing the Offering; or

       -      if the Underwriting Consortium, Company, and the Lenders fail to
              execute an underwriting agreement governing the Offering, or if
              this Offering is terminated under and in accord with the terms of
              the underwriting agreement;

       Should the above mentioned circumstances occur after the Transfer Date
       but prior to the Settlement Date, you will not be entitled to receive the
       applicable Purchase Price from the Lead Manager and the Lead Manager
       shall promptly transfer the Shares transferred to it by you back to you.


       In connection with the Offering, you have appointed blaxxun interactive
       AG as agent for the service of process (Zustellungsbevollmachtigter) in
       Germany for any service of



       process regarding your contractual or other obligations in relation to
       the Managers.


       You agree that DG BANK is entitled to transfer all its rights and
       obligations under this Agreement to an associated company in the overall
       scheme of transferring its investment banking activities to such
       associated company.


       You shall keep all confidential information relating to the proposed
       Offering strictly confidential except to the extent publication of such
       information is required by applicable law.


       The Company shall be deemed to be a third person beneficiary of this
       agreement and each party's representations, warranties, covenants and
       agreements, contained herein are made for the benefit of the Company.


       Modifications and amendments of this Agreement must be in writing signed
       by you, the Lead Manager and the Company. The foregoing applies also to
       the modification or deletion of this provision.

       Notwithstanding the foregoing paragraph, the Lead Manager, subject to the
       consent of the Company, reserves the right to adjust the Book-Building
       Period, the Pricing Date, and the Admission Date.


       Should any of the terms of this Agreement be entirely or partially
       invalid or become invalid, this shall not effect the validity of any
       other terms of the Agreement. The parties will be deemed to have agreed
       upon a term or condition that reflects as closely as possible the
       economic objectives aimed at by the parties when entering into the
       invalid term or condition.




       This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the
       laws of the Federal Republic of Germany; the rules of EGBGB on conflict
       of laws shall not apply. Place of performance and, as far as permitted by
       applicable statute, forum for all disputes arising in connection with
       this agreement shall be Frankfurt am Main.

We would request you to countersign the second copy of this offer as a sign of
your agreement with the terms of this offer.

Yours sincerely,

Deutsche Genossenschaftsbank AG

I hereby declare my acceptance of the terms of this agreement.

- -------------------------
