24 Prime Parkway
                                Natick, MA 01760

                                                              August 16, 2000

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Securities and Exchange Commission
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Judiciary Plaza
Washington, DC 20549
Attn:  James M. Daly, Esq.

       Re:  Connected Corporation Registration Statement on Form S1
            (Registration Number 333-33840) (the "Registration Statement")

Ladies and Gentlemen:

         Pursuant to Rule 477 of the Rules and Regulations promulgated under the
Securities Act of 1993, as amended (the "Act"), Connected Corporation (the
"Company") hereby respectfully requests the withdrawal of the above-captioned
Registration Statement. No securities have been issued or sold under the
Registration Statement.

         The Company requests that the Commission consent to this application on
the grounds that the withdrawal of the Registration Statement is consistent with
the public interest and the protection of investors, as contemplated by
paragraph (a) of Rule 477.

         Please provide the Company with a copy of the order granting withdrawal
of the Registration Statement as soon as it is available.

         If you have any questions regarding this request for withdrawal, please
contact Samuel P. Williams of Brown Rudnick Freed & Gesmer, counsel for the
Company, at (617) 856-8200.

                                  Very truly yours,

                                  CONNECTED CORPORATION

                                  By: /s/ Glenn D. Bolduc
                                      Glenn D. Bolduc, Chief Financial Officer

cc: Samuel P. Williams, Esquire