THIS ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF LEASE (this "Assignment") is made this
18th day of October, 2001 from STACK PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., having an office at
5 Sylvan Way, Parsippany, New Jersey 07054 ("Assignor") to THE MEDICINES
COMPANY, having an office at 5 Sylvan Way, Parsippany, New Jersey 07054


      WHEREAS, Assignor is the tenant under a lease dated February 28, 2000 (the
"Lease"), between Assignor and MACK-CALI MORRIS REALTY, L.L.C., whose address is
11 Commerce Drive, Cranford, New Jersey 07016 ("Landlord") for certain property
consisting of approximately 2,358 rentable square feet of second floor space in
the office building located at 5 Sylvan Way, Parsippany, New Jersey and further
identified on Schedule A attached hereto (the "Premises"); and

      WHEREAS, Assignor has agreed to assign and Assignee has agreed to assume
all of Assignor's right, title and interest, as tenant, in and to the Lease and
the Premises.

      NOW, THEREFORE, for valuable consideration, the receipt, adequacy and
sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, it is agreed:

      1.  ASSIGNMENT BY ASSIGNOR.  Assignor hereby assigns to Assignee, its
heirs, successors and assigns, all of Assignor's right, title and interest in
and to the Lease and Premises, effective as of  November 1, 2001 (the
"Effective Date").

      2. ASSUMPTION BY ASSIGNEE. As of the Effective Date, Assignee hereby
assumes the Lease and all conditions, covenants, and obligations thereunder
imposed on Assignor and agrees to keep and perform all such conditions,
covenants and obligations in the manner and within the time periods set forth in
the Lease.

      3.  USE.  Assignee shall use the Premises for general office purposes
in accordance with the Lease.

      4.  NOTICES.  As of the Effective Date, all notices to the tenant
required by the Lease shall be forwarded to The Medicines Company, 5 Sylvan
Way, Parsippany, New Jersey 07054, attention: Mr. David Stack.

      INTENDING TO BE LEGALLY BOUND, this Assignment has been duly executed as
of the date first above appearing.

WITNESS:                                 ASSIGNOR:
                                         STACK PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.

/S/ MELINDA POPOLLA                      BY: /S/ DAVID STACK
- ------------------------                     ------------------------------
                                         NAME:  DAVID STACK
                                         TITLE: PRESIDENT

                                         THE MEDICINES COMPANY

/S/ KAREN A. WEBER                       BY: /S/ GLENN SBLENDORIO
- ------------------------                     ------------------------------
                                         NAME:  GLENN SBLENDORIO
                                         TITLE: SVP BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT



                         MACK-CALI MORRIS REALTY L.L.C.



                           STACK PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.



                                  5 SYLVAN WAY
                             PARSIPPANY, NEW JERSEY

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.    DESCRIPTION...........................................................   4
2.    TERM..................................................................   4
3.    BASIC RENT............................................................   4
4.    USE AND OCCUPANCY.....................................................   4
5.    CARE AND REPAIR OF PREMISES/ENVIRONMENTAL.............................   4
6.    ALTERATIONS, ADDITIONS OR IMPROVEMENTS................................   7
7.    ACTIVITIES INCREASING FIRE INSURANCE RATES............................   7
8.    ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLEASE...............................................   7
9.    COMPLIANCE WITH RULES AND REGULATIONS.................................  10
10.   DAMAGES TO BUILDING...................................................  10
11.   EMINENT DOMAIN........................................................  11
12.   INSOLVENCY OF LESSEE..................................................  11
13.   LESSOR'S REMEDIES ON DEFAULT..........................................  12
14.   DEFICIENCY............................................................  12
15.   SUBORDINATION OF LEASE................................................  13
16.   SECURITY DEPOSIT......................................................  13
17.   RIGHT TO CURE LESSEE'S BREACH.........................................  14
18.   MECHANIC'S LIENS......................................................  14
19.   RIGHT TO INSPECT AND REPAIR...........................................  14
21.   INTERRUPTION OF SERVICES OR USE.......................................  15
22.   BUILDING STANDARD OFFICE ELECTRICAL SERVICE...........................  15
23.   ADDITIONAL RENT.......................................................  16
24.   LESSEE'S ESTOPPEL.....................................................  19
25.   HOLDOVER TENANCY......................................................  19
26.   RIGHT TO SHOW PREMISES................................................  19
27.   LESSOR'S WORK - LESSEE'S DRAWINGS.....................................  19
28.   WAIVER OF TRIAL BY JURY...............................................  20
29.   LATE CHARGE...........................................................  20
30.   LESSEE'S INSURANCE....................................................  20


31.   NO OTHER REPRESENTATIONS..............................................  22
32.   QUIET ENJOYMENT.......................................................  22
33.   INDEMNITY.............................................................  22
34.   ARTICLE HEADINGS......................................................  22
35.   APPLICABILITY TO HEIRS AND ASSIGNS....................................  22
36.   OUTSIDE PARKING SPACES................................................  23
37.   LESSOR'S LIABILITY FOR LOSS OF PROPERTY...............................  23
38.   PARTIAL INVALIDITY....................................................  23
39.   LESSEE'S BROKER.......................................................  23
40.   PERSONAL LIABILITY....................................................  23
41.   NO OPTION.............................................................  24
42.   DEFINITIONS...........................................................  24
43.   LEASE COMMENCEMENT....................................................  25
44.   NOTICES...............................................................  25
45.   ACCORD AND SATISFACTION...............................................  25
46.   EFFECT OF WAIVERS.....................................................  25
47.   LEASE CONDITION.......................................................  25
48.   MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE AND OPPORTUNITY TO CURE............................  25
49.   LESSOR'S RESERVED RIGHT...............................................  26
50.   CORPORATE AUTHORITY...................................................  26
51.   AFTER-HOURS USE.......................................................  26
52.   LESSEE'S EXPANSION/RELOCATION.........................................  26
53.   BUILDING PERMIT.......................................................  27


      LEASE, is made the 28th day of February, 2000 between Mack-Cali Morris
Realty L.L.C. ("Lessor") whose address is c/o Mack-Cali Realty Corporation, 11
Commerce Drive, Cranford, New Jersey 07016 and STACK PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.
("Lessee") with an office at 1 Robin Drive, Oak Ridge NJ 07438.



In addition to other terms elsewhere defined in this Lease, the following terms
whenever used in this Lease shall have only the meanings set forth in this
section, unless such meanings are expressly modified, limited or expanded
elsewhere herein.

1.    ADDITIONAL RENT shall mean all sums in addition to Fixed Basic Rent
      payable by Lessee to Lessor pursuant to the provisions of the Lease.

2.    BASE PERIOD COSTS shall mean the following:

      A.    Base Operating Costs: Those Operating Costs incurred during Calendar
            Year 2000.

      B.    Base Real Estate Taxes: Those Real Estate Taxes incurred during
            Calendar Year 2000.

      C.    Base Utility and Energy Costs: Those Utility and Energy Costs
            incurred during Calendar Year 2000.

3.    BUILDING shall mean 5 Sylvan Way, Parsippany, New Jersey.

4.    BUILDING HOLIDAYS shall be those shown on Exhibit E.

5.    BUILDING HOURS shall be Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., but
      excluding those holidays as set forth on Exhibit E attached hereto and
      made a part hereof, except that Common Facilities, lighting in the
      Building and Office Building Area shall be maintained for such additional
      hours as, in Lessor's sole judgment, is necessary or desirable to insure
      proper operating of the Building and Office Building Area.

6.    COMMENCEMENT DATE is that date which is the earlier of (i) the date upon
      which Lessee, or anyone claiming under or through Lessee, commences using
      the Premises for the conduct of business or (ii) the date which is
      thirty-one (31) days after the date of this Lease.

7.    DEMISED PREMISES OR PREMISES shall be deemed to be 2,358 gross rentable
      square feet on the second (2nd) floor as shown on Exhibit A hereto, which
      includes an allocable share of the Common Facilities as defined in Article

8.    EXHIBITS shall be the following, attached to this Lease and
      incorporated herein and made a part hereof.

                      Exhibit A      Location of Premises
                      Exhibit A-1    Office Building Area
                      Exhibit B      Rules and Regulations
                      Exhibit C      Lessee's Work
                      Exhibit C-1    Air Conditioning & Heating Design Standards
                      Exhibit D      Cleaning Services
                      Exhibit E      Building Holidays
                      Exhibit F      Tenant Estoppel Certificate
                      Exhibit G      Commencement Date Agreement
                      Exhibit H      Letter of Credit Form


9.    EXPIRATION DATE shall be the last day of the month in which the day before
      the fifth (5th) anniversary of the Commencement Date occurs.

      HUNDRED FIVE AND 0/100 DOLLARS ($347,805.00) for the Term payable as

      A.    Yearly Rate:         $69,561.00

      B.    Monthly Installment: $ 5,796.75

11.   LESSEE'S BROKER shall mean Peter Elliot New Jersey L.L.C.

12.   LESSEE'S PERCENTAGE shall be 1.6% subject to adjustment as provided for
      in Article 42(d).

13.   OFFICE BUILDING AREA is as set forth on Exhibit A-1.

14.   PARKING SPACES shall mean a total of nine (9) unassigned surface
      parking spaces.

15.   PERMITTED USE shall be general office use and for no other purpose.

16.   POSSESSION DATE shall be the date of this Lease.  At anytime after the
      Possession Date and prior to the Commencement Date, Lessee and its
      agents, servants, employees and contractors may enter the Premises for
      purposes of performing Lessee's work and alterations in compliance with
      Exhibit C attached hereto.  Such entry shall constitute the agreement
      of Lessee that none of such parties nor their work, equipment, or
      materials will interfere with the work of Lessor in the Premises.  All
      terms and conditions, other than the obligation to pay Basic Rent,
      shall be in full force and effect from the Possession Date to the
      Commencement Date.

17.   SECURITY DEPOSIT shall be in the amount of THIRTY-FIVE THOUSAND
      SEVENTY-FIVE AND 25/100 DOLLARS ($35,075.25).  Lessee may deliver to
      Lessor, in lieu of the cash deposit set forth in this paragraph an
      irrevocable negotiable letter of credit issued by and drawn upon such
      commercial bank selected by Lessee and acceptable to Lessor (at its
      sole discretion) and in form and content acceptable to Lessor (also at
      its sole discretion) (the form attached hereto as Exhibit H shall be
      deemed acceptable to Lessor) for the account of Lessor, in the amount of
      letter of credit shall be for a term of not less than 1 year and shall be
      renewed by Lessee (without notice from Lessor) no later than 45 days prior
      to its expiration, and the expiration of each replacement thereof, until
      Lessor shall be required to return the security to Lessee pursuant to the
      terms of this Lease but in no event earlier than 90 days after the
      Expiration Date, and each such renewed letter of credit shall be delivered
      to Lessor no later than 45 days prior to the expiration of the letter of
      credit then held by Lessor. If any portion of the security deposit shall
      be utilized by Lessor in the manner permitted by this Lease, Lessee shall,
      within five (5) days after request by Lessor, replenish the security
      account by depositing with Lessor, in cash or by letter of credit, an
      amount equal to that utilized by Lessor. Failure of Lessee to comply
      strictly with the provisions of this paragraph shall constitute a material
      breach of this Lease and Lessor shall be entitled to present the letter of
      credit then held by it for payment (without notice to Lessee). If the cash
      security is converted into a letter of credit, the provisions with respect
      to letters of credit shall apply (with the necessary changes in points of
      detail) to such letter of credit deposit. In the event of a bank failure
      or insolvency affecting the letter of credit, Lessee shall replace same
      within 20 days after being requested to do so by Lessor.

      Provided that this Lease is in full force and effect, Lessee has complied
      with each of its obligations under this Lease and the net worth of Lessee
      on each of the Reduction Dates (as such term is defined below) is not less
      than the net worth of Lessee on the date of this Lease, then on the last
      day of each of the first three Lease Years (each such date being a
      "Reduction Date"), the security deposit shall be reduced by SEVEN THOUSAND
      EIGHT HUNDRED TWENTY-SEVEN AND 25/100 DOLLARS ($7,827.25), so that the
      security deposit for the last two (2) Lease Years shall be ELEVEN THOUSAND
      FIVE HUNDRED NINETY-THREE AND 50/100 ($11,593.50).


18.   TERM shall mean five (5) years from the Commencement Date, plus the number
      of days, if any, to have the lease expire on the last day of a calendar
      month, unless extended pursuant to any option contained herein.


                               W I T N E S S E T H

      For and in consideration of the covenants herein contained, and upon the
terms and conditions herein set forth, Lessor and Lessee agree as follows:


      Lessor hereby leases to Lessee, and Lessee hereby hires from Lessor, the
      Premises as defined in the Preamble which includes an allocable share of
      the Common Facilities, as shown on the plan or plans, initialed by the
      parties hereto, marked Exhibit A attached hereto and made part of this
      Lease in the Building as defined in the Preamble, (hereinafter called the
      "Building") which is situated on that certain parcel of land (hereinafter
      called "Office Building Area") as described on Exhibit A-1 attached hereto
      and made part of this Lease, together, with the right to use in common
      with other lessees of the Building, their invitees, customers and
      employees, those public areas of the Common Facilities as hereinafter

2.    TERM:

      The Premises are leased for a term to commence on the Commencement Date,
      and to end at 12:00 midnight on the Expiration Date, all as defined in the


      The Lessee shall pay to the Lessor during the Term, the Fixed Basic Rent
      as defined in the Preamble (hereinafter called "Fixed Basic Rent") payable
      in such coin or currency of the United States of America as at the time of
      payment shall be legal tender for the payment of public and private debts.
      The Fixed Basic Rent shall accrue at the Yearly Rate as defined in the
      Preamble and shall be payable, in advance, on the first day of each
      calendar month during the Term at the Monthly Installments as defined in
      the Preamble, except that a proportionately lesser sum may be paid for the
      first and last months of the Term of this Lease if the Term commences on a
      day other than the first day of the month, in accordance with the
      provisions of this Lease herein set forth. Lessor acknowledges receipt
      from Lessee of the first monthly installment by check, subject to
      collection, for Fixed Basic Rent for the first month of the Lease Term.
      Lessee shall pay Fixed Basic Rent, and any Additional Rent as hereinafter
      provided, to Lessor at Lessor's above stated address, or at such other
      place as Lessor may designate in writing, without demand and without
      counterclaim, deduction or set off.


      Lessee shall use and occupy the Premises for the Permitted Use as defined
      in the Preamble.

      If at any time during the Term of this Lease, Lessee adopts a policy
      prohibiting Lessee, its employees, agents or invitees from smoking within
      the Premises, Lessee shall establish a designated area within the Premises
      where Lessee shall permit smoking. Lessee shall establish such designated
      area at Lessee's sole expense in accordance with Article 6 of this Lease.
      Such designated area shall include, among other things, adequate area,
      ventilation and fire safety equipment. Lessee hereby acknowledges that
      such designated area is necessary and reasonable to prevent smoking by
      Lessee, Lessee's employees, agents and invitees in unauthorized areas of
      the Building or Common Facilities in violation of relevant fire and safety
      laws and regulations and to prevent fire hazards within the Premises.


      (a)   Lessee shall commit no act of waste and shall take good care of the
            Premises and the fixtures and appurtenances therein, and shall, in
            the use and occupancy of the Premises,


            conform to all laws, orders and regulations of the federal, state
            and municipal governments or any of their departments affecting the
            Premises and with any and all environmental requirements resulting
            from the Lessee's particular use of the Premises, this covenant to
            survive the expiration or sooner termination of the Lease.
            Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Lease,
            Lessee shall not be required to make any repairs, alterations or
            modifications to the Premises as a result of any laws, orders and
            regulations of the federal, state and municipal governments or any
            of their departments affecting the Premises unless the need for such
            repairs, alterations or modifications arises from the particular
            manner in which Lessee uses the Premises, and repairs, alterations
            or modifications to the Premises as a result of any laws, orders and
            regulations of the federal, state and municipal governments or any
            of their departments affecting the Premises which are required of
            all owners and tenants generally, and do not arise from the
            particular manner in which an owner or tenant uses its premises,
            shall be undertaken by and at the sole cost and expense of Lessor
            and same may be included in Operating Costs pursuant to Article 23
            of this Lease. Lessor shall, subject to the same being included in
            Operating Costs (except as expressly excluded in the immediately
            preceding sentence), make all necessary repairs to the Premises,
            Common Facilities and to the assigned parking areas, if any, except
            where the repair has been made necessary by misuse or neglect by
            Lessee or Lessee's agents, servants, visitors or licensees, in which
            event Lessor shall nevertheless make the repair but Lessee shall pay
            to Lessor, as Additional Rent, immediately upon demand, the costs
            therefor. All improvements made by Lessee to the Premises, which are
            so attached to the Premises, shall become the property of Lessor
            upon installation. Not later than the last day of the Term, Lessee
            shall, at Lessee's expense, remove all Lessee's personal property
            and those improvements made by Lessee which have not become the
            property of Lessor, including trade fixtures, cabinetwork, movable
            paneling, partitions and the like; repair all injury done by or in
            connection with the installation or removal of said property and
            improvements; and surrender the Premises in as good condition as
            they were at the beginning of the Term, reasonable wear and damage
            by fire, the elements, casualty or other cause not due to the misuse
            or neglect by Lessee, Lessee's agents, servants, visitors or
            licensees excepted. All other property of Lessee remaining on the
            Premises after the last day of the Term of this Lease shall
            be conclusively deemed abandoned and may be removed by Lessor, and
            Lessee shall reimburse Lessor for the cost of such removal. Lessor
            may have any such property stored at Lessee's risk and expense.


      (b)   COMPLIANCE WITH ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS. Lessee shall, at Lessee's own
            expense, promptly comply with each and every federal, state, county
            and municipal environmental law, ordinance, rule, regulation, order,
            directive and requirement, now or hereafter existing ("Environmental
            Laws"), applicable to the Premises, Lessee, Lessee's operations at
            the Premises, or all of them, except if there is any violation of
            Environmental Laws with regard to the Premises existing at the date
            of this Lease, Lessor shall comply therewith at its sole cost and
            expense, which shall not be included in Operating Costs.

      (c)   ISRA COMPLIANCE. Lessee shall, at Lessee's own expense, comply with
            the Industrial Site Recovery Act, N.J. S.A. 13:1K-6 et seq., the
            regulations promulgated thereunder and any amending and successor
            legislation and regulations ("ISRA"), if and to the extent the need
            for such compliance is triggered by Lessee having become an
            Industrial Establishment (as defined in ISRA) with respect to its
            use of the Premises.

      (d)   INFORMATION TO LESSOR. At no expense to Lessor, Lessee shall
            promptly provide all information and sign all documents reasonably
            requested by Lessor with respect to compliance with Environmental

      (e)   LESSOR AUDIT. Lessee shall permit Lessor and its representatives
            access to the Premises, from time to time, to conduct an
            environmental assessment, investigation and sampling, all at
            Lessee's own expense.

      (f)   LESSEE REMEDIATION. Should any assessment, investigation or sampling
            reveal the existence of any spill, discharge or placement of
            Contaminants in, on, under, or


            about, or migrating from or onto the Premises, the Building or the
            Office Building Area, as a result of the action or omission of
            Lessee or a "Lessee Representative," then, in addition to being in
            default under this Lease and Lessor having all rights available to
            Lessor under this Lease and by law by reason of such default, Lessee
            shall, at Lessee's own expense, in accordance with Environmental
            Laws, undertake all action required by Lessor and any governmental
            authority, including, without limitation, promptly obtaining and
            delivering to Lessor an unconditional No Further Action Letter. For
            purposes of this Article, the term "Lessee's Representative" shall
            mean any shareholder, officer, director, member, partner, employee,
            agent, licensee, assignee, sublessee or invitee of Lessee, or any
            third party for whom Lessee is legally responsible. In no event
            shall any of Lessee's remedial action involve engineering or
            institutional controls, a groundwater classification exception area
            or well restriction area, and Lessee's remedial action shall meet
            the most stringent published or unpublished remediation standards
            for soil, surface water, groundwater and drinking water.
            Promptly upon completion of all required investigatory and remedial
            activities, Lessee shall, at Lessee's own expense, to Lessor's
            satisfaction, restore the affected areas of the Premises, the
            Building or the Office Building Area, as the case may be, from any
            damage or condition caused by the investigatory or remedial work.

      (g)   ENVIRONMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE. Upon Lessor's request,
            contemporaneously with the signing and delivery of this Lease, and
            thereafter upon renewal of the lease, if at all, Lessee shall
            complete, execute and deliver to Lessor an environmental
            questionnaire in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to

      (h)   ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTS AND CONDITIONS. For purposes of this
            Article, the term "Environmental Documents" shall mean all
            environmental documentation concerning the Building or the Office
            Building Area, of which the Premises is a part, or its environs, in
            the possession or under the control of Lessee, including, without
            limitation, plans, reports, correspondence and submissions. During
            the term of this Lease and subsequently, promptly upon receipt by
            Lessee or Lessee's Representatives, Lessee shall deliver to Lessor
            all Environmental Documents concerning or generated by or on behalf
            of Lessee, whether currently or hereafter existing. In addition,
            Lessee shall promptly notify Lessor of any environmental condition
            of which Lessee has knowledge, which may exist in, on, under, or
            about, or may be migrating from or onto the Building or the Office
            Building Area.

            anything to the contrary set forth in this Lease, in the event,
            pursuant to this Lease, Lessee is required to undertake any
            sampling, assessment, investigation or remediation with respect to
            the Premises, the Building or the Office Building Area, as the case
            may be, then, at Lessor's discretion, Lessor shall have the right,
            upon notice to Lessee, from time to time, to perform such activities
            at Lessee's expense if Lessee has failed to do so with reasonable
            promptness, and all sums reasonably incurred by Lessor shall be paid
            by Lessee, as Additional Rent, upon demand.

      (j)   INDEMNITY. Lessee shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Lessor,
            Lessor's officers, directors, shareholders, employees and personal
            or legal representatives from and against any and all claims,
            liabilities, losses, damages, penalties and costs, foreseen or
            unforeseen, including, without limitation, counsel, engineering and
            other professional or expert fees, which an indemnified party may
            incur resulting directly or indirectly, wholly or partly from
            Lessee's actions or omissions with regard to Lessee's obligations
            under this Article.

      (k)   SURVIVAL. This Article shall survive the expiration or earlier
            termination of this lease. Lessee's failure to abide by the terms of
            this Article shall be restrainable or enforceable, as the case may
            be, by injunction.

      (l)   INTERPRETATION. The obligations imposed upon Lessee under
            subparagraphs (a) through (j) above are in addition to and are not
            intended to limit, but to expand upon, the obligations imposed upon
            Lessee under this Article 5. As used in this Article, the term
            "Contaminants" shall include, without limitation, any regulated
            substance, toxic substance, hazardous substance, hazardous waste,
            pollution, pollutant, contaminant,


            petroleum, asbestos or polychlorinated biphenyls, as defined or
            referred to in any Environmental Laws. Where a law or regulation
            defines any of these terms more broadly then another, the broader
            definition shall apply.


      Lessee shall not, without first obtaining the written consent of Lessor,
      make any alterations, additions or improvements in, to or about the


      Lessee shall not do or suffer anything to be done on the Premises which
      will increase the rate of fire insurance on the Building.


      Provided Lessee is not in default of this Lease beyond notice and
      expiration of applicable grace periods, Lessee may assign or sublease the
      within Lease to any party subject to the following:

      a.    In the event Lessee desires to assign this Lease or sublease all or
            part of the Premises to any other party, the terms and conditions of
            such assignment or sublease shall be communicated to the Lessor in
            writing no less than sixty (60) days prior to the effective date of
            any such sublease or assignment, and, prior to such effective date,
            the Lessor shall have the option, exercisable in writing to the
            Lessee, to: (i) sublease such space from Lessee at the lower rate of
            (a) the rental rate per rentable square foot of Fixed Basic Rent and
            Additional Rent then payable pursuant to this Lease or (b) the terms
            set forth in the proposed sublease, (ii) recapture in the case of
            subletting, that portion of the Premises to be sublet or all of the
            Premises in the case of an assignment ("Recapture Space") so that
            such prospective sublessee or assignee shall then become the sole
            Lessee of Lessor hereunder, or (iii) recapture the Recapture Space
            for Lessor's own use and the within Lessee shall be fully released
            from any and all obligations hereunder with respect to the Recapture

      b.    In the event that the Lessor elects not to recapture the Lease or
            relet the Premises as hereinabove provided, the Lessee may
            nevertheless assign this Lease or sublet the whole or any portion of
            the Premises, subject to the Lessor's prior written consent, which
            consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed, on the basis
            of the following terms and conditions:

            i.    The Lessee shall provide to the Lessor the name and address of
                  the assignee or sublessee.

            ii.   The assignee shall assume, by written instrument, all of the
                  obligations of this Lease, and a copy of such assumption
                  agreement shall be furnished to
                  the Lessor within ten (10) days of its execution. Any sublease
                  shall expressly acknowledge that said sublessee's rights
                  against Lessor shall be no greater than those of Lessee.
                  Lessee further agrees that notwithstanding any such
                  subletting, no other and further subletting of the Premises by
                  Lessee or any person claiming through or under Lessee shall or
                  will be made except upon compliance with and subject to the
                  provisions of this Article 8.

            iii.  Each sublease shall provide that it is subject and subordinate
                  to this Lease and to the matters to which this Lease is or
                  shall be subordinate, and that in the event of default by
                  Lessee under this Lease, Lessor may, at its option, take over
                  all of the right, title and interest of Lessee, as sublessor,
                  under such sublease, and such sublessee shall, at Lessor's
                  option, attorn to Lessor pursuant to the then executory
                  provisions of such sublease, except that Lessor shall not (i)
                  be liable for any previous act or omission of Lessee under


                  sublease or, (ii) be subject to any offset not expressly
                  provided in such sublease which theretofore accrued to such
                  sublease to which Lessor has not specifically consented in
                  writing or by any previous prepayment of more than one month's

            iv.   The Lessee and each assignee shall be and remain liable for
                  the observance of all the covenants and provisions of this
                  Lease, including, but not limited to, the payment of Fixed
                  Basic Rent and Additional Rent reserved herein, through the
                  entire Term of this Lease, as the same may be renewed,
                  extended or otherwise modified.

            v.    The Lessee and any assignee shall promptly pay to Lessor any
                  consideration received for any assignment and/or all of the
                  rent, as and when received, in excess of the Rent required to
                  be paid by Lessee for the area sublet computed on the basis of
                  an average square foot rent for the gross square footage
                  Lessee has leased.

            vi.   In any event, the acceptance by the Lessor of any rent from
                  the assignee or from any of the subtenants or the failure of
                  the Lessor to insist upon a strict performance of any of the
                  terms, conditions and covenants herein shall not release the
                  Lessee herein, nor any assignee assuming this Lease, from any
                  and all of the obligations herein during and for the entire
                  Term of this Lease.

            vii.  In Lessor's reasonable judgment, the proposed assignee or
                  subtenant is engaged in a business or activity, and the
                  Premises, or the relevant part thereof, will be used in a
                  manner, which (a) is in keeping with the then standard of the
                  Building and (b) is limited to the use of the Premises as
                  general offices.

            viii. The proposed assignee or subtenant shall be an entity which
                  has existed for at least one (1) year and is not then an
                  occupant of any part of the
                  Building or any other building then owned by Lessor within a
                  five-mile radius of the Building.

            ix.   The proposed assignee or subtenant is not an entity or a
                  person with whom Lessor is or has been, within the preceding
                  twelve (12) month period, negotiating to lease space in the

            x.    There shall not be more than one (1) subtenant in the

            xi.   Lessee shall not advertise the subtenancy for less than the
                  then current market rent per rentable square foot for the
                  Premises as though the Premises were vacant.

            xii.  Lessee shall not have (a) publicly advertised the availability
                  of the Premises without prior notice to and approval by
                  Lessor, nor shall any advertisement state the name (as
                  distinguished from the address) of the Building or (b) listed
                  the Premises for subletting or assignment with other than a
                  broker, agent or representative who waives any entitlement to
                  a commission or other fee from Lessor in the event of a
                  recapturing of the Premises;

            xiii. The proposed occupancy shall not, in Lessor's reasonable
                  opinion, increase the density of population using the Demised
                  Premises to exceed one (1) person per 250 gross rentable
                  square feet of space or exceed the parking allocation
                  presently provided for in this Lease;

            xiv.  The proposed assignee or subtenant shall only use the Premises
                  for general offices and shall not be engaged in any of the

                  (a)   educational, including but not limited to, instructional
                        facilities and correspondence schools;

                  (b)   employment agencies;


                  (c)   model agencies;

                  (d)   photographic studios or laboratories;

                  (e)   spas, health, physical fitness or exercise salons;

                  (f)   small loan offices,

                  (g)   real estate brokerage or real estate sales offices open
                        to the general public or construction offices;

                  (h)   medical or dental facilities, including professional
                        offices, treatment facilities, dispensaries or

                  (i)   federal, state or local government offices;

                  (j)   so-called boiler room operations;

                  (k)   retail stock brokerage offices; and

                  (l)   religious organizations making facilities available to
                        congregations for uses other than business purposes.

            xv.   The proposed assignee or subtenant shall not be entitled,
                  directly or indirectly, to diplomatic or sovereign immunity
                  and shall be subject to the service of process in, and the
                  jurisdiction of, the state courts of New Jersey.

            xvi.  Lessor shall require a FIVE HUNDRED AND 00/100 DOLLAR
                  ($500.00) payment to cover its handling charges for each
                  request for consent to any sublet or assignment prior to its
                  consideration of the same. Lessee acknowledges that its sole
                  remedy with respect to any assertion that Lessor's failure to
                  consent to any sublet or assignment is unreasonable shall be
                  the remedy of specific performance and Lessee shall have no
                  other claim or cause of action against Lessor as a result of
                  Lessor's actions in refusing to consent thereto.

[See Following Page 9A]

      c.    If Lessee is a corporation other than a corporation whose stock is
            listed and traded on a nationally recognized stock exchange, the
            provisions of Subsection a. shall apply to a transfer (however
            accomplished, whether in a single transaction or in a series of
            related or unrelated transactions) of stock (or any other mechanism
            such as, by way of example, the issuance of additional stock, a
            stock voting agreement or change in class(es) of stock) which
            results in a change of control of Lessee as if such transfer of
            stock (or other mechanism) which results in a change of control of
            Lessee were an assignment of this Lease, and if Lessee is a
            partnership or joint venture, said provisions shall apply with
            respect to a transfer (by one or more transfers) of an interest in
            the distributions of profits and losses of such partnership or joint
            venture (or other mechanism, such as, by way of example, the
            creation of additional general partnership or limited partnership
            interests) which results in a change of control of such a
            partnership or joint venture, as if such transfer of an interest in
            the distributions of profits and losses of such partnership or joint
            venture which results in a change of control of such partnership or
            joint venture were an assignment of this Lease; but said provisions
            shall not apply to transactions with a corporation or other entity
            into or with which Lessee is merged or consolidated or to which all
            or substantially all of Lessee's assets are transferred or to any
            corporation or other entity which controls or is controlled by
            Lessee or is under common control with Lessee, provided that in the
            event of such merger, consolidation or transfer of all or
            substantially all of Lessee's assets (i) the successor to Lessee has
            a net worth computed in accordance with generally accepted
            accounting principles at least equal to the greater of (1) the net
            worth of Lessee immediately prior to such merger, consolidation or
            transfer, or (2) the net worth of Lessee herein named on the date of
            this Lease, and (ii) proof satisfactory to Lessor of such net worth
            shall have been delivered to Lessor at least 10 days prior to the
            effective date of any such transaction.

      d.    In the event that any or all of Lessee's interest in the Premises
            and/or this Lease is transferred by operation of law to any trustee,
            receiver, or other representative or agent of Lessee, or to Lessee
            as a debtor in possession, and subsequently any or all of Lessee's
            interest in the Premises and/or this Lease is offered or to be
            offered by Lessee or any trustee, receiver, or other representative
            or agent of Lessee as to its estate or property (such person, firm
            or entity being hereinafter referred to as the "Grantor"), for
            assignment, conveyance, lease, or other disposition to a person,


The following shall be deemed added to Section 8(b)(xvi) of this Lease:

      Notwithstanding the foregoing, if it is judicially determined that Lessor
has acted in bad faith, Lessee's remedies shall not be limited to specific
performance as set forth above.


            or entity other than Lessor (each such transaction being
            hereinafter referred to as a "Disposition"), it is agreed that
            Lessor has and shall have a right of first refusal to purchase,
            take, or otherwise acquire, the same upon the same terms and
            conditions as the Grantor thereof shall accept upon such Disposition
            to such other person, firm, or entity; and as to each such
            Disposition the Grantor shall give written notice to Lessor in
            reasonable detail of all of the terms and conditions of such
            Disposition within twenty (20) days next following its determination
            to accept the same but prior to accepting the same, and Grantor
            shall not make the Disposition until and unless Lessor has failed or
            refused to accept such right of first refusal as to the Disposition,
            as set forth herein.

            Lessor shall have sixty (60) days next following its receipt of the
            written notice as to such Disposition in which to exercise the
            option to acquire Lessee's interest by such Disposition, and the
            exercise of the option by Lessor shall be effected by notice to that
            effect sent to the Grantor; but nothing herein shall require Lessor
            to accept a particular Disposition or any Disposition, nor does the
            rejection of any one such offer of first refusal constitute a waiver
            or release of the obligation of the Grantor to submit other offers
            hereunder to Lessor. In the event Lessor accepts such offer of first
            refusal, the transaction shall be consummated pursuant to the terms
            and conditions of the Disposition described in the notice to Lessor.
            In the event Lessor rejects such offer of first refusal, Grantor may
            consummate the Disposition with such other person, firm, or entity;
            but any decrease in price of more than two percent (2%) of the price
            sought from Lessor or any change in the terms of payment for such
            Disposition shall constitute a new transaction requiring a further
            option of first refusal to be given to Lessor hereunder.

      e.    Without limiting any of the provisions of Articles 12 and 13, if
            pursuant to the Federal Bankruptcy Code (herein referred to as the
            "Code"), or any similar law hereafter enacted having the same
            general purpose, Lessee is permitted to assign this Lease
            notwithstanding the restrictions contained in this Lease, adequate
            assurance of future performance by an assignee expressly permitted
            under such Code shall be deemed to mean the deposit of cash security
            in an amount equal to the sum of one year's Fixed Basic Rent plus an
            amount equal to the Additional Rent for the calendar year preceding
            the year in which such assignment is intended to become effective,
            which deposit shall be held by Lessor for the balance of the Term,
            without interest, as security for the full performance of all of
            Lessee's obligations under this Lease, to be held and applied in the
            manner specified for security in Article 16.

      f.    Except as specifically set forth above, no portion of the Premises
            or of Lessee's interest in this Lease may be acquired by any other
            person or entity, whether by assignment, mortgage, sublease,
            transfer, operation of law or act of the Lessee, nor shall Lessee
            pledge its interest in this Lease or in any security deposit
            required hereunder.


      Lessee shall observe and comply with the rules and regulations hereinafter
      set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof and with
      such further reasonable rules and regulations as Lessor may prescribe, on
      written notice to the Lessee, for the safety, care and cleanliness of the
      Building and the comfort, quiet and convenience of other occupants of the
      Building. Lessee shall not place a load upon any floor of the Premises
      exceeding the floor load per square foot area which it was designed to
      carry and which is allowed by law. Lessor reserves the right to prescribe
      the weight and position of all safes, business machines and mechanical
      equipment. Such installations shall be placed and maintained by Lessee, at
      Lessee's expense, in settings sufficient, in Lessor's judgement, to absorb
      and prevent vibration, noise and annoyance.


      If the Building is damaged by fire or any other cause to such extent the
      cost of restoration, as reasonably estimated by Lessor, will equal or
      exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the


      replacement value of the Building (exclusive of foundations) just prior to
      the occurrence of the damage, then Lessor may, no later than the sixtieth
      (60th) day following the date of damage, give Lessee a notice of election
      to terminate this Lease, or if the cost of restoration will equal or
      exceed fifty percent (50%) of such replacement value and if the Premises
      shall not be reasonably usable for the purpose for which they are leased
      hereunder, or if restoration of the damage will require more than one
      hundred eighty (180) days to complete or if such damage is not fully
      repaired and reasonable access to the Premises restored within one hundred
      eighty (180) days from the date of damage, subject, however, to Force
      Majeure, then, in any such event, Lessee may, no later than the sixtieth
      (60th) day following the date of damage or following the end of said one
      hundred eighty (180) day period, give Lessor a notice of election to
      terminate this Lease. In either said event of election, this Lease shall
      be deemed to terminate on the thirtieth (30th) day after the giving of
      said notice, and Lessee shall surrender possession of the Premises within
      a reasonable time thereafter, and the Fixed Basic Rent, and any Additional
      Rent, shall be apportioned as of the date of said surrender and any Fixed
      Basic Rent or Additional Rent paid for any period beyond said date shall
      be repaid to Lessee, If the cost of restoration shall not entitle Lessor
      to terminate this Lease, or if, despite the cost, Lessor does not elect to
      terminate this Lease, Lessor shall restore the Building and the Premises
      with reasonable promptness, subject to Force Majeure, and Lessee shall
      have no right to terminate this Lease. Lessor need not restore fixtures
      and improvements owned by Lessee.

      In any case in which use of the Premises is affected by any damage to the
      Building, there shall be either an abatement or an equitable reduction in
      Fixed Basic Rent, depending on the period for which and the extent to
      which the Premises are not reasonably usable for the purpose for which
      they are leased hereunder. The words "restoration" and "restore" as used
      in this Article 10 shall include repairs. If the damage results from the
      fault of the Lessee, Lessee's agents, servants, visitors or licensees,
      Lessee shall not be entitled to any abatement or reduction in Fixed Basic
      Rent, except to the extent of any rent insurance received by Lessor.


      If Lessee's use of the Premises is materially affected due to the taking
      by eminent domain of (a) the Premises or any part thereof or any estate
      therein; or (b) any other part of the Building; then, in either event,
      this Lease shall terminate on the date when title vests pursuant to such
      taking. The Fixed Basic Rent, and any Additional Rent, shall be
      apportioned as of said termination date and any Fixed Basic Rent or
      Additional Rent paid for any period beyond said date, shall be repaid to
      Lessee. Lessee shall not be entitled to any part of the award for such
      taking or any payment in lieu thereof, but Lessee may file a separate
      claim for any taking of fixtures and improvements owned by Lessee which
      have not become the Lessor's property, and for moving expenses, provided
      the same shall, in no way, affect or diminish Lessor's award. In the event
      of a partial taking which does not effect a termination of this Lease but
      does deprive Lessee of the use of a portion of the Premises, there shall
      either be an abatement or an equitable reduction of the Fixed Basic Rent,
      and an equitable adjustment reducing the Base Period Costs as hereinafter
      defined depending on the period for which and the extent to which the
      Premises so taken are not reasonably usable for the purpose for which they
      are leased hereunder.


      Either (a) the appointment of a receiver to take possession of all or
      substantially all of the assets of Lessee, or, (b) a general assignment by
      Lessee for the benefit of creditors, or, (c) any action taken or suffered
      by Lessee under any insolvency or bankruptcy act, shall constitute a
      default of this Lease by Lessee, and Lessor may terminate this Lease
      forthwith and upon notice of such termination Lessee's right to possession
      of the Premises shall cease, and Lessee shall then quit and surrender the
      Premises to Lessor but Lessee shall remain liable as hereinafter provided
      in Article 14 hereof.


      If Lessee defaults in the payment of Fixed Basic Rent, or any Additional
      Rent, or default in the performance of any of the other covenants and
      conditions hereof or permits the Premises to become deserted, abandoned or
      vacated, Lessor may give Lessee notice of such default, and if Lessee does
      not cure any Fixed Basic Rent or Additional Rent default within five (5)
      days or other default within fifteen (15) days after giving of such notice
      (or if such other default is of such nature that it cannot be completely
      cured within such period, Lessee does not commence such curing within
      such fifteen (15) days and thereafter proceed with reasonable diligence
      and in good faith to cure such default), then Lessor may terminate this
      Lease on not less than ten (10) days notice to Lessee, and on the date
      specified in said notice, Lessee's right to possession of the Premises
      shall cease but Lessee shall remain liable as hereinafter provided. If
      this Lease shall have been so terminated by Lessor pursuant to Articles 12
      or 13 hereof, Lessor may at any time thereafter resume possession of the
      Premises by any lawful means and remove Lessee or other occupants and
      their effects. Lessee shall pay to Lessor, on demand, such expenses as
      Lessor may incur, including, without limitation, court costs and
      reasonable attorney's fees and disbursements, in enforcing the performance
      of any obligation of Lessee under this Lease.


      In any case where Lessor has recovered possession of the Premises by
      reason of Lessee's default, Lessor may, at Lessor's option, occupy the
      Premises or cause the Premises to be redecorated, altered, divided,
      consolidated with other adjoining premises or otherwise changed or
      prepared for reletting, and may relet the Premises or any part thereof, as
      agent of Lessee or otherwise, for a term or terms to expire prior to, at
      the same time as or subsequent to, the original Expiration Date of this
      Lease, at Lessor's option and receive the rent therefor. Rent so received
      shall be applied first to the payment of such expenses as Lessor may have
      incurred in connection with the recovery of possession, redecorating,
      altering, dividing, consolidating with other adjoining premises, or
      otherwise changing or preparing for reletting, and the reletting,
      including brokerage and reasonable attorney's fees, and then to the
      payment of damages in amounts equal to the Fixed Basic Rent and Additional
      Rent hereunder and to the costs and expenses of performance of the other
      covenants of Lessee as herein provided. Lessee agrees, in any such case,
      whether or not Lessor has relet, to pay to Lessor damages equal to the
      Fixed Basic Rent and Additional Rent from the date of such default to the
      date of expiration of the term demised and other sums herein agreed to be
      paid by Lessee, less the net proceeds of the reletting, if any, received
      by Lessor during the remainder of the unexpired term hereof, as
      ascertained from time to time, and the same shall be payable by Lessee on
      the several rent days above specified. Lessee shall not be entitled to any
      surplus accruing as a result of any such reletting. In reletting the
      Premises as aforesaid, Lessor may grant rent concessions, and Lessee shall
      not be credited therewith. No such reletting shall constitute a surrender
      and acceptance or be deemed evidence thereof. If Lessor elects, pursuant
      hereto, actually to occupy and use the Premises or any part thereof during
      any part of the balance of the Term as originally fixed or since extended,
      there shall be allowed against Lessee's obligation for rent or damages as
      herein defined, during the period of Lessor's occupancy, the reasonable
      value of such occupancy, not to exceed, in any event, the Fixed Basic Rent
      and Additional Rent herein reserved and such occupancy shall not be
      construed as a release of Lessee's liability hereunder.

      Alternatively, in any case where Lessor has recovered possession of the
      Premises by reason of Lessee's default, Lessor may at Lessor's option, and
      at any time thereafter, and without notice or other action by Lessor, and
      without prejudice to any other rights or remedies it might have hereunder
      or at law or equity, become entitled to recover from Lessee, as Damages
      for such breach, in addition to such other sums herein agreed to be paid
      by Lessee, to the date of re-entry, expiration and/or dispossess, an
      amount equal to the difference between the Fixed Basic Rent and Additional
      Rent reserved in this Lease from the date of such default to the date of
      Expiration of the original Term demised and the then fair and reasonable
      rental value of the Premises for the same period. Said Damages shall
      become due and payable to Lessor immediately upon such breach of this
      Lease and without regard to whether this Lease be terminated or not, and
      if this Lease be terminated, without regard to the manner in which it is
      terminated. In the computation of such Damages, the difference


      between an installment of Fixed Basic Rent and Additional Rent thereafter
      becoming due and the fair and reasonable rental value of the Premises for
      the period for which such installment was payable shall be discounted to
      the date of such default at the rate of not more than six percent (6%) per

      Lessee hereby waives all right of redemption to which Lessee or any person
      under Lessee might be entitled by any law now or hereafter in force.

      Lessor's remedies hereunder are in addition to any remedy allowed by law.


      This Lease shall, at Lessor's option, or at the option of any holder of
      any underlying lease or holder of any mortgages or trust deed, be subject
      and subordinate to any such underlying leases and to any such mortgages or
      trust deed which may now or hereafter affect the real property of which
      the Premises form a part, and also to all renewals, modifications,
      consolidations and replacements of said underlying leases and said
      mortgages or trust deed. Although no instrument or act on the part of
      Lessee shall be necessary to effectuate such subordination, Lessee will,
      nevertheless, execute and deliver such further instruments confirming such
      subordination of this Lease as may be desired by the holders of said
      mortgages or trust deed or by any of the lessors under such underlying
      leases. Lessee hereby appoints Lessor attorney-in-fact, irrevocably, to
      execute and deliver any such instrument for Lessee. If any underlying
      lease to which this Lease is subject terminates, Lessee shall, on timely
      request, attorn to the owner of the reversion.


      In the event of the insolvency of Lessee, or in the event of the entry of
      a judgment in any court against Lessee which is not discharged within
      thirty (30) days after entry, or in the event a petition is filed by or
      against Lessee under any chapter of the bankruptcy laws of the State of
      New Jersey or the United States of America, then in such event, Lessor may
      require the Lessee to deposit Security Deposit in an amount which in
      Lessor's sole judgment would be sufficient to adequately assure Lessee's
      performance of all of its obligations under this Lease including all
      payments subsequently accruing. Failure of Lessee to deposit the security
      required by this Article 16 within ten (10) days after Lessor's written
      demand shall constitute a material breach of this Lease by Lessee.

      If Lessor applies any part of said Security Deposit to cure any default of
      Lessee, Lessee shall, on demand, deposit with Lessor the amount so applied
      so that Lessor shall have the full Security Deposit on hand at all times
      during the Term of this Lease. In the event of a bona fide sale, subject
      to this Lease, Lessor shall have the right to transfer the Security
      Deposit to the vendee, and Lessor shall be considered released by Lessee
      from all liability for the return of the Security Deposit; and lessee
      agrees to look solely to the new lessor for the return of the Security
      Deposit, and it is agreed that this shall apply to every transfer or
      assignment made of the Security Deposit to the new lessor. Provided this
      Lease is not in default, the Security Deposit (less any portions thereof
      used, applied or retained by Lessor in accordance with the provisions of
      this Article 16), shall be returned to Lessee after the expiration or
      sooner termination of this Lease and after delivery of the entire Premises
      to Lessor in accordance with the provisions of this Lease. Lessee
      covenants that it will not assign or encumber or attempt to assign or
      encumber the Security Deposit and Lessor shall not be bound by any such
      assignment, encumbrance or attempt thereof.

      Lessee may deliver to Lessor, in lieu of the cash deposit set forth in
      this Article an irrevocable negotiable letter of credit in the form and
      amount set forth in Paragraph 16 of the Preamble. Said letter of credit
      shall be for a term of not less than 1 year and shall be renewed by Lessee
      (without notice from Lessor) no later than 45 days prior to its
      expiration, and the expiration of each replacement thereof, until Lessor
      shall be required to return the security to Lessee pursuant to the terms
      of this lease but in no event earlier than 90 days after the Expiration
      Date, and each such renewed letter of credit shall be delivered to Lessor
      no later than 45 days prior to the expiration of the letter of credit then
      held by Lessor. If any portion of the security deposit shall be utilized
      by Lessor in the manner permitted by this lease, Lessee shall, within 5
      days after


      request by Lessor, replenish the security account by depositing with
      Lessor, in cash or by letter of credit, an amount equal to that utilized
      by Lessor. Failure of Lessee to comply strictly with the provisions of
      this Article shall constitute a material breach of this lease and Lessor
      shall be entitled to present the letter of credit then held by it for
      payment (without notice to Lessee). If the cash security is converted into
      a letter of credit, the provisions with respect to letters of credit shall
      apply (with the necessary changes in points of detail) to such letter of
      credit deposit. In the event of a bank failure or insolvency affecting the
      letter of credit, Lessee shall replace same within 20 days after being
      requested to do so by Lessor.


      If Lessee breaches any covenant or condition of this Lease, Lessor may, on
      reasonable notice to Lessee (except that no notice need be given in case
      of emergency), cure such breach at the expense of Lessee and the
      reasonable amount of all expenses, including attorney's fees, incurred by
      Lessor in so doing (whether paid by Lessor or not) shall be deemed
      Additional Rent payable on demand.


      Lessee shall, within fifteen (15) days after notice from Lessor, discharge
      or satisfy by bonding or otherwise any mechanic liens for materials or
      labor claimed to have been furnished to the Premises on Lessee's behalf.


      Lessor may enter the Premises but shall not be obligated to do so (except
      as required by any specific provision of this Lease) at any reasonable
      time on reasonable notice to Lessee (except that no notice need be given
      in case of emergency) for the purpose of inspection or the making of such
      repairs, replacement or additions in, to, on and about the Premises or the
      Building, as Lessor deems necessary or desirable. Lessee shall have no
      claims or cause of action against Lessor by reason thereof. In no event
      shall Lessee have any claim against Lessor for interruption of Lessee's
      business, however occurring, including but not limited to that arising
      from the negligence of Lessor, its agents, servants or invitees, or from
      defects, errors or omissions in the construction or design of the Premises
      and/or the Building, including the structural and non-structural portions


      Subject to intervening laws, ordinances, regulations and executive orders,
      while Lessee is not in default under any of the provisions of this Lease,
      Lessor agrees to furnish, except on holidays, as set forth on Exhibit E
      attached hereto and made a part hereof:

      a.    The cleaning services, as set forth on Exhibit D attached hereto and
            made a part hereof, and subject to the conditions therein stated.
            Except as set forth on Exhibit D, Lessee shall pay the cost of all
            other cleaning services required by Lessee.

      b.    Heating, ventilating and air conditioning (herein "HVAC") as
            appropriate for the season, and as set forth on Exhibit C-l,
            attached hereto and made a part hereof, together with Common
            Facilities lighting and electric energy all during Building Hours,
            as defined in the Preamble.

      c.    Cold and hot water for drinking and lavatory purposes.

      d.    Elevator service during Building Hours (if the Building contains an
            elevator or elevators for the use of the occupants thereof).

      e.    Restroom supplies and exterior window cleaning when reasonably


      f.    Notwithstanding the requirements of Exhibit C-1 (as to HVAC) or D or
            any other provision of this Lease, Lessor shall not be liable for
            failure to furnish any of the aforesaid services when such failure
            is due to Force Majeure, as hereinafter defined. Lessor shall not be
            liable, under any circumstances, including, but not limited to, that
            arising from the negligence of Lessor, its agents, servants or
            invitees, or from defects, errors or omissions in the construction
            or design of the Premises and/or the Building, including the
            structural and non-structural portions thereof, for loss of or
            injury to Lessee or to property, however occurring, through or in
            connection with or incidental to the furnishings of, or failure to
            furnish, any of the aforesaid services or for any interruption to
            Lessee's business, however occurring.


      Interruption or curtailment of any service maintained in the Building or
      at the Office Building Area, if caused by Force Majeure, as hereinafter
      defined, shall not entitle Lessee to any claim against Lessor or to any
      abatement in rent, and shall not constitute a constructive or partial
      eviction, unless Lessor fails to take measures as may be reasonable under
      the circumstances to restore the service without undue delay. If the
      Premises are rendered untenantable in whole or in part, for a period of
      ten (10) consecutive business days, by the making of repairs, replacements
      or additions, other than those made with Lessee's consent or caused by
      misuse or neglect by Lessee, or Lessee's agents, servants, visitors or
      licensees, there shall be a proportionate abatement of Rent from and after
      said tenth (10th) consecutive business day and continuing for the period
      of such untenantability. In no event shall Lessee be entitled to claim a
      constructive eviction from the Premises unless Lessee shall first have
      notified Lessor in writing of the condition or conditions giving rise
      thereto, and if the complaints be justified, unless Lessor shall have
      failed, within a reasonable time after receipt of such notice, to remedy,
      or commence and proceed with due diligence to remedy such condition or
      conditions, all subject to Force Majeure as hereinafter defined.


      The cost of electric current which is supplied by the Lessor for use by
      the Lessee in the Premises, other than for heating or air conditioning
      purposes, shall be reimbursed to the Lessor at terms, classification and
      rates normally charged by the public utilities corporation serving that
      part of the municipality where the subject Premises are located.

      a.    From and after the Commencement Date, Lessee agrees to pay as
            Additional Rent an estimated electrical charge of $.10 per square
            foot per month, payable on the first day of each and every month,
            until such time as an electrical survey can be performed pursuant to
            Article 22(b) below.

      b.    Lessee agrees that an independent electrical engineering consultant
            shall make a survey of electric power demand of the electric
            lighting fixtures and the electric equipment of Lessee used in the
            Premises to determine the average monthly electric consumption
            thereof, and the costs of said survey shall be borne by Lessee. The
            cost of such survey shall not exceed $350.00. The findings of said
            consultant as to the average monthly electric consumption of Lessee
            shall, unless objected to by Lessee within forty-five (45) days, be
            conclusive and binding on Lessor and Lessee. After Lessor's
            consultant has submitted its report, Lessee shall pay to Lessor,
            within ten (10) days after demand therefor by Lessor, the amount
            (based on the monthly consumption found by such consultant) as owing
            from the Lease Term's Commencement Date, and the then expired
            months, to include the then current month and thereafter adjusted
            for the estimated electrical charges already paid pursuant to
            Article 22(a), on the first day of every month, in advance, the
            amount set forth as the monthly consumption in said report. Said
            amounts shall be treated as Additional Rent due hereunder.
            Proportionate sums shall be payable for periods of less than a full
            month if the Term commences or ends on any other than the first or
            last day of the month. If Lessee objects to said findings, Lessee
            shall nevertheless pay and continue to pay the amount determined by
            Lessor's consultant until the issue is finally resolved, but Lessee
            may, at its expense, seek the services of an independent electrical
            consultant who shall make a survey as provided above. If Lessor's

            Lessee's consultant cannot agree as to Lessee's consumption within
            thirty (30) days of Lessee's consultant's findings either Lessor or
            Lessee may request the American Arbitration Association in Somerset,
            New Jersey to appoint an electrical engineering consultant whose
            decision shall be final and binding on Lessor and Lessee, and whose
            cost shall be shared equally. Upon the issue being finally resolved,
            any overpayment made by Lessee shall be promptly refunded.

      c.    In the event that there shall be an increase or decrease in the rate
            schedule (including surcharges or demand adjustments), of the public
            utility for the supply of Building Standard Office Electrical
            Service, or the imposition of any tax with respect to such service
            or increase in any such tax following the Lease Term's commencement,
            the Additional Rent payable hereunder shall be adjusted equitably to
            reflect the increase or decrease in rate or imposition or increase
            in the aforesaid tax. All computations shall be made on the basis of
            Lessee's surveyed usage as if a meter exclusively measuring such
            usage to the Premises was in place.

      d.    Lessee covenants that it shall notify Lessor immediately upon the
            introduction of any office equipment or lighting different from that
            on the Premises as of Lessor's electrical survey or in addition to
            the aforesaid equipment or lighting on the Premises as of said
            survey. The introduction of any new or different equipment or
            lighting shall be cause for, at Lessor's election, a resurveying of
            the Premises at Lessee's expense. Lessor reserves the right to
            inspect the Premises to insure compliance with this provision.

      e.    Lessor shall not be liable in any way to Lessee for any loss, damage
            or expense which Lessee may sustain or incur as a result of any
            failure, defect or change in the quantity or character of electrical
            energy available for redistribution to the Premises pursuant to this
            Article 22 nor for any interruption in the supply, and Lessee agrees
            that such supply may be interrupted for inspection, repairs and
            replacement and in emergencies. In any event, the full measure of
            Lessor's liability for any interruption in the supply due to
            Lessor's acts or omissions shall be an abatement of Fixed Basic Rent
            and Additional Rent, unless Lessor fails to take such measures as
            may be reasonable under the circumstances to restore such service
            without undue delay. In no event shall Lessor be liable for any
            business interruption suffered by Lessee.

      f.    Lessor, at Lessee's expense, shall furnish and install all
            replacement lighting tubes, lamps, ballasts and bulbs required in
            the Premises. Lessee, however, shall have the right to furnish
            and/or install any or all of the items mentioned in this Article

      g.    Lessee's use of electrical service as contemplated herein shall be
            during Building Hours, and any use in excess of said Building Hours
            shall result in an adjustment as set forth in Article 22(a) hereof
            to reflect such additional consumption.


      It is expressly agreed that Lessee will pay in addition to the Fixed Basic
      Rent provided in Article 3 hereof, an Additional Rent to cover Lessee's
      Percentage as defined in the Preamble, of the increased cost to Lessor,
      for each of the categories enumerated herein, over the "Base Period
      Costs," as defined in the Preamble for said categories.

      a.    OPERATING COST ESCALATION -- If the Operating Costs incurred for the
            Building in which the Premises are located and Office Building Area
            for any Lease Year or Partial Lease Year during the Lease Term shall
            be greater than the Base Operating Costs (adjusted proportionately
            for periods less than a Lease Year), then Lessee shall pay to
            Lessor, as Additional Rent, Lessee's Percentage of all such excess
            Operating Costs. Operating Costs shall include, by way of
            illustration and not of limitation: personal property taxes;
            management fees; labor, including all wages and salaries; social
            security taxes, and other taxes which may be levied against
            Lessor upon such wages and salaries; supplies; repairs and
            maintenance; maintenance and service contracts; painting; wall and
            window washing; laundry and towel service; tools and equipment
            (which are not required to be capitalized for federal income tax


            fire and other insurance; trash removal; lawn care; snow
            removal and all other items properly constituting direct operating
            costs according to standard accounting practices (hereinafter
            collectively referred to as the "Operating Costs"), but not
            including depreciation of Building or equipment; interest; income or
            excess profits taxes; wages, salaries and other compensation, to
            employees above the level of property manager; alterations or
            improvements for any other tenant; services furnished to other
            tenants and not to Lessee; costs reimbursed by insurance; expenses
            relating to the leasing of space in the Building including
            advertising, real estate brokerage and leasing commissions; legal,
            accounting and professional fees incurred for solicitation,
            negotiation and enforcement of leases; expenditures for financing
            and refinancing; any fee or expenditure paid to a related party in
            excess of the amount which would be paid in an arm's length
            transaction for materials or services of comparable quality; costs
            of maintaining the Lessor's corporate existence or Lessor's general
            corporate overhead or general administrative expenses; franchise
            taxes; any expenditures required to be capitalized for federal
            income tax purposes, unless said expenditures are for the purpose of
            reducing Operating Costs within the Building and Office Building
            Area, or those which under generally applied real estate practice
            are expensed or regarded as deferred expenses or are required under
            any governmental or quasi-governmental law, statute, ordinance,
            rule, order, requirements or regulation, in which event the costs
            thereof shall be included. The Base Operating Costs shall as be as
            defined in the Preamble.

      b.    FUEL, UTILITIES AND ELECTRIC COST ESCALATION (hereinafter referred
            to as "Utility and Energy Costs") -- If the Utility and Energy
            Costs, including any fuel surcharges or adjustments with respect
            thereto, incurred for water, sewer, gas, electric, other utilities
            and heating, ventilating and air conditioning for the Building, to
            include all leased and leasable areas (not separately billed or
            metered within the Building) and Common Facilities electric,
            lighting, water, sewer and other utilities for the Building and
            Office Building Area, for any Lease Year or Partial Lease Year,
            during the Term, shall be greater than the Base Utility and Energy
            Costs (adjusted proportionately for periods less than a Lease Year),
            then Lessee shall pay to Lessor as Additional Rent, Lessee's
            Percentage as hereinafter defined, of all such excess Utility and
            Energy Costs. As used in this Article 23, the Base Utility and
            Energy Costs shall be as defined in the Preamble.

      c.    TAX ESCALATION -- If the Real Estate Taxes for the Building and
            Office Building Area at which the Premises are located for any Lease
            Year or Partial Lease Year, during the Lease Term, shall be greater
            than the Base Real Estate Taxes (adjusted proportionately for
            periods less than a Lease Year), then Lessee shall pay to Lessor as
            Additional Rent, Lessee's Percentage as hereinafter defined, of all
            such excess Real Estate Taxes.

            As used in this Article 23(c), the words and terms which follow mean
            and include the following:

            i.    "Base Real Estate Taxes" shall be as defined in the Preamble.

            ii.   "Real Estate Taxes" shall mean the property taxes and
                  assessments imposed upon the Building and Office Building
                  Area, or upon the rent, as such, payable to the Lessor,
                  including, but not limited to, real estate, city, county,
                  village, school and transit taxes, or taxes, assessments, or
                  charges levied, imposed or assessed against the Building and
                  Office Building Area by any other taxing authority, whether
                  general or specific, ordinary or extraordinary, foreseen or
                  unforeseen. If due to a future change in the method of
                  taxation, any franchise, income or profit tax shall be levied
                  against Lessor in substitution for, or in lieu of, or in
                  addition to, any tax which would otherwise constitute a Real
                  Estate Tax, such franchise, income or profit tax shall be
                  deemed to be a Real Estate Tax for the purposes hereof;
                  conversely, any additional real estate tax hereafter imposed
                  in substitution for, or in lieu of, any franchise, income or
                  profit tax (which is not in substitution for, or in lieu of,
                  or in addition to, a Real Estate Tax as hereinbefore provided)
                  shall not be deemed a Real Estate Tax for the purposes hereof.


      d.    LEASE YEAR -- As used in this Article 23, Lease Year shall mean a
            calendar year. Any portion of the Term which is less than a Lease
            Year as hereinbefore defined, that is, from the Commencement Date
            through the following December 31, and from the last January 1,
            falling within the Term to the end of the Term, shall be deemed a
            "Partial Lease Year." Any reference in this Lease to a Lease Year
            shall, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, be deemed to
            be a reference to a Partial Lease Year if the period in question
            involves a Partial Lease Year.

      e.    PAYMENT -- At any time, and from time to time, after the
            establishment of the Base Period Costs for each of the categories
            referred to above, Lessor shall advise Lessee in writing of Lessee's
            Percentage share with respect to each of the categories as
            reasonably estimated for the next twelve (12) month period (or
            proportionate part thereof if the last period prior to the Lease's
            expiration is less than twelve (12) months) as then known to the
            Lessor, and thereafter, the Lessee shall pay as Additional Rent,
            Lessee's Percentage share of these costs for the then current period
            affected by such advice (as the same may be periodically reasonably
            revised by Lessor as additional costs are incurred) in equal monthly
            installments, such new rates being applied to any months, for which
            the Fixed Basic Rent shall have already been paid which are affected
            by the Operating Cost Escalation and/or Utility and Energy Cost
            Escalation and/or Tax Escalation Costs above referred to, as well as
            the unexpired months of the current period, the adjustment for the
            then expired months to be made at the payment of the next succeeding
            monthly rental, all subject to final adjustment at the expiration of
            each Lease Year as defined in Article 23(d) hereof (or Partial Lease
            Year if the last period prior to the Lease's termination is less
            than twelve (12) months). However, Lessor shall be reimbursed by
            Lessee monthly during the first year of the Term for additional
            Utility and Energy Cost Escalations resulting from an increase in
            the monthly rate over the Base Utility Rate.

            In the event the last period prior to the Lease's termination is
            less than twelve (12) months, the Base Period Costs during said
            period shall be proportionately reduced to correspond to the
            duration of said final period.

      f.    BOOKS AND REPORTS -- For the protection of Lessee, Lessor shall
            maintain books of account which shall be open to Lessee and its
            representatives at all reasonable times so that Lessee can determine
            that such Operating, Utility and Energy and Real Estate Tax Costs
            have, in fact, been paid or incurred. Lessee's representatives shall
            mean only (i) Lessee's employees or (ii) a Certified Public
            Accounting firm. At Lessor's request, Lessee shall execute a
            confidentiality agreement reasonably acceptable to Lessor prior to
            any examination of Lessor's books and records. In the event Lessee
            disputes any one or more of said charges, Lessee shall attempt to
            resolve such dispute with Lessor, provided that if such dispute
            shall not be satisfactorily settled between Lessor and Lessee, the
            dispute shall be referred by either party to an independent
            certified public accountant to be mutually agreed upon, and if such
            an accountant cannot be agreed upon, The American Arbitration
            Association may be asked by either party to select an arbitrator,
            whose decision on the dispute will be final and binding upon both
            parties, who shall jointly share any cost of such arbitration.
            Pending resolution of said dispute the Lessee shall pay to Lessor
            the sum so billed by Lessor subject to its ultimate resolution as

      g.    RIGHT OF REVIEW -- Once Lessor shall have finally determined said
            Operating, Utility and Energy or Real Estate Tax Costs at the
            expiration of a Lease Year, then as to the item so established,
            Lessee shall only be entitled to dispute said charge as finally
            established for a period of six (6) months after such charge is
            finally established, and Lessee specifically waives any right to
            dispute any such charge at the expiration of said six (6) month

      h.    OCCUPANCY ADJUSTMENT -- If, with respect to Operating Cost
            Escalation, as established in Article 23(a) hereof, and Utility and
            Energy Cost Escalation, as established in Article 23(b) hereof, the
            Building is less than ninety-five percent (95%) occupied during the
            establishment of the respective Base Periods, then the Base Costs
            incurred with respect to said Operating Cost or Utility and Energy


            shall be adjusted during any such period within the Base Period so
            as to reflect ninety-five percent (95%) occupancy. Similarly, if
            during any Lease Year or Partial Lease Year, subsequent to the Base
            Period the Building is less than ninety-five percent (95%) occupied,
            then the actual costs incurred for Operating Cost and Utility and
            Energy Cost shall be increased during any such period to reflect
            ninety-five percent (95%) occupancy so that at all times after the
            Base Period the Operating Cost or Utility and Energy Cost shall be
            actual costs, but in the event less than ninety-five percent (95%)
            of the Building is occupied during all or part of the Lease Year
            involved, the Operating Cost or Utility and Energy Cost shall not be
            less than that which would have been incurred had ninety-five
            percent (95%) of the Building been occupied. The aforesaid
            adjustment shall only be made with respect to those items that are
            in fact affected by variations in occupancy levels.


      Lessee shall, from time to time, on not less that ten (10) days prior
      written request by Lessor, execute, acknowledge and deliver to Lessor a
      written statement certifying that the Lease is unmodified and in full
      force and effect, or that the Lease is in full force and effect as
      modified and listing the instruments of modification; the dates to which
      the rents and charges have been paid; and, to the best of Lessee's
      knowledge, whether or not Lessor is in default hereunder, and if so,
      specifying the nature of the default. It is intended that any such
      statement delivered pursuant to this Article 24 may be relied on by a
      prospective purchaser of Lessor's interest or mortgagee of Lessor's
      interest or assignee of any mortgage of Lessor's interest. Lessee shall
      also execute and deliver the form "Lessee Estoppel Certificate" attached
      hereto as Exhibit F. Upon request from Lessee, Lessor shall execute and
      deliver to Lessee an estoppel certificate reasonably satisfactory to


      If Lessee holds possession of the Premises after the Expiration Date of
      this Lease, Lessee shall (i) become a tenant from month to month under the
      provisions herein provided, but at one hundred and fifty percent (150%) of
      the monthly Fixed Basic Rental for the last month of the Term, plus the
      Additional Rent, for the first month of Lessee's holding over and two
      hundred percent (200%) of the monthly Fixed Basic Rent for the last month
      of the Term, plus the Additional Rent, thereafter, which shall continue as
      provided in the Lease which sum shall be payable in advance on the first
      day of each month, and without the requirement for demand or notice by
      Lessor to Lessee demanding delivery of possession of said Premises, and
      such tenancy shall continue until terminated by Lessor, or until Lessee
      shall have given to Lessor, at least sixty (60) days prior to the intended
      date of termination, a written notice of intent to terminate such tenancy,
      which termination date must be as of the end of a calendar month; and (ii)
      indemnify Lessor against loss or liability resulting from the delay by
      Lessee in so surrendering the Premises including, without limitation, any
      claims made by any succeeding occupant founded on such delay. Lessee's
      obligations under this Section shall survive the expiration or sooner
      termination of the Lease. The time limitations described in this Section
      25 shall not be subject to extension for Force Majeure.


      Lessor may show the Premises to prospective purchasers and mortgagees; and
      during the twelve (12) months prior to termination of this Lease, to
      prospective tenants, during Building Hours on reasonable notice to Lessee.


      Lessor shall deliver, and Lessee shall accept, the Premises in its "AS-IS"
      condition. All work to be performed by Lessee hereunder shall be performed
      in accordance with Exhibit C attached hereto and made a part hereof.



      To the extent such waiver is permitted by law, the parties waive trial by
      jury in any action or proceeding brought in connection with this Lease or
      the Premises.


      Anything in this Lease to the contrary notwithstanding, at Lessor's
      option, Lessee shall pay a "Late Charge" of eight percent (8%) of any
      installment of Fixed Basic Rent or Additional Rent paid more than five (5)
      days after the due date thereof, to cover the extra expense involved in
      handling delinquent payments, said Late Charge to be considered Additional
      Rent. The amount of the Late Charge to be paid by Lessee shall be
      reassessed and added to Lessee's obligations for each successive monthly
      period until paid.

      Notwithstanding anything in this Section to the contrary, Lessor shall
      waive a Late Charge one time during each Lease Year provided, however, the
      installment of Fixed Basic Rent or Additional Rent so due is paid by the
      fifteenth (15th) day of the month. Payment received subsequent to the
      fifteenth (15th) of the month during these grace periods shall require a
      Late Charge to be reassessed and added to Lessee's obligations hereunder.


      a.    Lessee covenants to provide at Lessee's cost and expense on or
            before the earlier of (i) the Commencement Date, or (ii) Lessee's
            taking actual possession for the purpose of completing any
            improvement work, and to keep in full force and effect during the
            entire Term and so long thereafter as Lessee, or anyone claiming by,
            through or under Lessee, shall occupy the Premises, insurance
            coverage as follows:

            i.    Commercial General Liability insurance with contractual
                  liability endorsements with respect to the Premises and the
                  business of Lessee in which Lessee shall be adequately covered
                  under limits of liability of not less than THREE MILLION AND
                  00/100 DOLLARS ($3,000,000.00) combined single limit per
                  occurrence for bodily or personal injury (including death) and
                  property damage. Such insurance may be carried (x) under a
                  blanket policy covering the Premises and other locations of
                  Lessee, if any, provided that each such policy shall in all
                  respects comply with this Article and shall specify that the
                  portion of the total coverage of such policy that is allocated
                  to the Premises is in the amounts required pursuant to this
                  Article 30 and (y) under a primary liability policy of not
                  less than ONE MILLION AND 00/100 DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00) and
                  the balance under an umbrella policy. Notwithstanding anything
                  to the contrary contained in this Lease, the carrying of
                  insurance by Lessee in compliance with this Article 30 shall
                  not modify, reduce, limit or impair Lessee's obligations and
                  liability under Article 33 hereof.

            ii.   Fire and Extended Coverage, Vandalism, Malicious Mischief,
                  Sprinkler Leakage and Special Extended Coverage Insurance in
                  an amount adequate to cover the cost of replacement of all
                  personal property, decoration, trade fixtures, furnishings,
                  equipment in the Premises and all contents therein. Lessor
                  shall not be liable for any damage to such property of Lessee
                  by fire or other peril includable in the coverage afforded by
                  the standard form of fire insurance policy with extended
                  coverage endorsement attached (whether or not such coverage is
                  in effect), no matter how caused, it being understood that the
                  Lessee will look solely to its insurer for reimbursement.

            iii.  Worker's Compensation Insurance in the minimum statutory
                  amount covering all persons employed by Lessee.

            iv.   Said limits shall be subject to periodic review and Lessor
                  reserves the right to increase said coverage limits if, in the
                  reasonable opinion of Lessor, said


                  coverage becomes inadequate and is less than that commonly
                  maintained by tenants in similar buildings in the area by
                  tenants making similar uses. On or before the Commencement
                  Date, and thereafter at Lessor's request, Lessee shall provide
                  Lessor evidence of the insurance coverage required herein in
                  the form of a duplicate original insurance policy, an
                  insurance binder (countersigned by the insurer), or Evidence
                  of Insurance (in form ACORD 27 with respect to property
                  insurance and ACORD 25-S with respect to liability insurance)
                  for each of the insurance policies Lessee is required to carry
                  in compliance with its obligations under this Lease.

      b.    All of the aforesaid insurance under subparagraph (a)(i) above shall
            (i) name Lessor as an additional insured; (ii) be written by one or
            more responsible insurance companies licensed in the State of New
            Jersey satisfactory to Lessor and in form satisfactory to Lessor;
            (iii) contain endorsements substantially as follows: "It is
            understood and agreed that the insurer will give to Lessor, or any
            successor lessor, c/o Mack-Cali Realty Corporation, 11 Commerce
            Drive, Cranford, New Jersey, thirty (30) days prior written notice
            of any material change in or cancellation of this policy."; (iv)
            shall be written on an "occurrence" basis and not on a "claims made"

      c.    Lessee shall be solely responsible for payment of premium and Lessor
            (or its designee) shall not be required to pay any premium for such
            insurance. Lessee shall deliver to Lessor at least fifteen (15) days
            prior to the expiration of such policy, either a duplicate original
            or a certificate it being the intention of the parties hereto that
            the insurance required under the terms hereof shall be continuous
            during the entire Term of this Lease and any other period of time
            during which pursuant to the Term hereof, said insurance is
            required. Any insurance carried by Lessee shall be in excess of and
            will not contribute with the insurance carried by Lessor for
            injuries or damage arising out of the Premises.

      d.    Lessee agrees, at its own cost and expense, to comply with all rules
            and regulations of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
            National Fire Code. If, at any time or from time to time, as a
            result of or in connection with any failure by Lessee to comply with
            the foregoing sentence or any act or omission or commission by
            Lessee, its employees, agents, contractors or licensees, or a result
            of or in connection with the use to which the Premises are put
            (notwithstanding that such use may be for the purposes hereinbefore
            permitted or that such use may have been consented to by Lessor),
            the fire insurance rate(s) applicable to the Premises shall be
            higher than that which would be applicable for a business office
            legally permitted therein, Lessee agrees that it will pay to Lessor
            as Additional Rent, such portion of the premiums for all Lessor's
            fire insurance policies in force with respect to the building and
            the contents of any occupant thereof as shall be attributable to
            such higher rate(s).

      e.    Lessor makes no representation that the limits of liability
            specified to be carried by Lessee or Lessor under the terms of this
            Lease are adequate to protect Lessee against Lessee's undertaking
            under this Article 30, and in the event Lessee believes that any
            such insurance coverage called for under this Lease is insufficient,
            Lessee shall provide, at is own expense, such additional insurance
            as Lessee deems adequate.

      f.    In the event the Premises or its contents are damaged or destroyed
            by fire or other insured casualty, (i) Lessor, to the extent of the
            coverage of Lessor's policies of fire insurance, hereby waives its
            rights, if any, against Lessee with respect to such damage or
            destruction, even if said fire or other casualty shall have been
            caused, in whole or in part, by the negligence of the Lessee, and
            (ii) Lessee, to the extent of the coverage of Lessee's policies of
            fire insurance with extended coverage, hereby waives its rights, if
            any, against Lessor with respect to such damage, or destruction,
            even if said fire or other casualty shall have been caused, in whole
            or in part, by the negligence of Lessor; provided, however, such
            waivers of subrogation shall only be effective with respect to loss
            or damage occurring during such time as Lessor's or Lessee's
            policies of fire insurance (as the case may be) shall contain a
            clause or endorsement providing in substance that the aforesaid
            waiver of subrogation shall not prejudice the type and amount of
            coverage under such policies or the right of Lessor


            or Lessee (as the case may be) to recover thereunder. If, at any
            time, Lessor's or Lessee's insurance carrier refuses to write
            insurance which contains a consent to the foregoing waiver of
            subrogation, Lessor or Lessee, as the case may be, shall notify the
            party thereof in writing, and upon the giving of such notice, the
            provisions of this Section shall be null and void as to any casualty
            which occurs after such notice. If Lessor's or Lessee's insurance
            carrier shall make a charge for the incorporation of the aforesaid
            waiver of subrogation in its policies, then the party requesting the
            waiver shall promptly pay such charge to the other party upon
            demand. In the event the party requesting their waiver fails to pay
            such charge upon demand, the other party shall be released of its
            obligation to supply such waiver.

[See following page 22]

      g.    Should Lessee fail to maintain the insurance coverage as set forth
            in this Article 30, then Lessee shall be in default hereunder and
            shall be deemed to have breached its covenants as set forth herein.


      No representations or promises shall be binding on the parties hereto
      except those representations and promises contained herein or in some
      future writing signed by the party making such representation(s) or


      Lessor covenants that if, and so long as, Lessee pays Fixed Basic Rent,
      and any Additional Rent as herein provided, and performs Lessee's
      covenants hereof, Lessor shall do nothing to affect Lessee's right to
      peaceably and quietly have, hold and enjoy the Premises for the Term
      herein mentioned, subject to the provisions of this Lease.


      Lessee shall defend, indemnify and save harmless Lessor and its agents
      against and from: (a) any and all claims (i) arising from (x) the conduct
      or management by Lessee, its subtenants, licensees, its or their
      employees, agents, contractors or invitees on the Premises or of any
      business therein, or (y) any work or thing whatsoever done, or any
      condition created (other than by Lessor, its agents or contractors for
      Lessor's or Lessee's account) in or about the Premises during the Term of
      this Lease, or during the period of time, if any, prior to the
      Commencement Date that Lessee may have been given access to the Premises,
      (z) any default by Lessee under the terms, covenants and conditions of
      this Lease or (ii) arising from any negligent or otherwise wrongful act or
      omission of Lessee or any of its subtenants or licensees or its or their
      employees, agents, contractors or invitees, and (b) all costs, expenses
      and liabilities including attorneys fees and disbursements incurred in or
      in connection with each such claim, action or proceeding brought thereon.
      In case any action or proceeding be brought against Lessor by reason of
      any such claim, Lessee, upon notice from Lessor, shall resist and defend
      such action or proceeding.


      The article headings in this Lease and position of its provisions are
      intended for convenience only and shall not be taken into consideration in
      any construction or interpretation of this Lease or any of its provisions.


      The provisions of this Lease shall apply to, bind and inure to the benefit
      of Lessor and Lessee, and their respective heirs, successors, legal
      representatives and assigns. It is understood that the term "Lessor" as
      used in this Lease means only the owner, a mortgagee in possession or a
      term lessee of the Building, so that in the event of any sale of the


Section 30(f) of this Lease shall be deemed deleted in its entirety and the
following substituted in place thereof:

Lessor and Lessee shall procure a clause in, or endorsement on, each of their
policies for fire or extended coverage insurance covering the Premises or
personal property, fixtures or equipment located therein, pursuant to which the
insurance company waives subrogation or consents to a waiver of right of
recovery against the other party. Lessor and Lessee agree not to make claims
against, or seek to recover from, the other party for loss or damage to its
property or property of others covered by such insurance. To the extent Lessee
shall be a self-insurer, Lessee waives the right of recovery, if any, against
Lessor, its agents and employees, for loss, damages or destruction of Lessee's


      or of any lease thereof, or if a mortgagee shall take possession of the
      Premises, the Lessor herein shall be and hereby is entirely freed and
      relieved of all covenants and obligations of Lessor hereunder accruing
      thereafter, and it shall be deemed without further agreement that the
      purchaser, the term lessee of the Building, or the mortgagee in possession
      has assumed and agreed to carry out any and all covenants and obligations
      of Lessor hereunder.


      Lessee's occupancy of the Premises shall include the use of the number of
      outside parking spaces as set forth in the Preamble, all of which will be
      unassigned. Lessor shall not be responsible for any damage or theft of any
      vehicle in the parking area and shall not be required to keep parking
      spaces clear of unauthorized vehicles or to otherwise supervise the use of
      the parking area. Lessee shall, upon request, promptly furnish to Lessor
      the license numbers of the cars operated by Lessee and its subtenants,
      licensees, invitees, concessionaires, officers and employees. If any
      vehicle of the Lessee, or of any subtenant, licensee, concessionaire, or
      of their respective officers, agents or employees, is parked in any part
      of the Common Facilities other than the employee parking areas) designated
      therefor by Lessor, Lessee shall pay to Lessor such penalty as may be
      fixed by Lessor from time to time. All amounts due under the provisions of
      this Article 36 shall be deemed to be Additional Rent.


      Lessor shall not be liable for any loss of property from any cause
      whatsoever, including but not limited to theft or burglary from the
      Premises, and any such loss arising from the negligence of Lessor, its
      agents, servants or invitees, or from defects, errors or omissions in the
      construction or design of the Premises and/or the Building, including the
      structural and non-structural portions thereof, and Lessee covenants and
      agrees to make no claim for any such loss at any time.


      If any of the provisions of this Lease, or the application thereof to any
      person or circumstances, shall to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable,
      the remainder of this Lease, or the application of such provision or
      provisions to persons or circumstances other than those as to whom or
      which it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby,
      and every provision of this Lease shall be valid and enforceable to the
      fullest extent permitted by law.


      Lessee represents and warrants to Lessor that its broker, as defined in
      the Preamble, is the sole broker with whom Lessee has negotiated in
      bringing about this Lease and Lessee agrees to indemnify and hold Lessor
      and its mortgagees) harmless from any and all claims of other brokers and
      expenses in connection therewith arising out of or in connection with the
      negotiation of or the entering into this Lease by Lessor and Lessee.
      In no event shall Lessor's mortgagees) have any obligation to any broker
      involved in this transaction. In the event that no broker was involved as
      aforesaid, then Lessee represents and warrants to the Lessor that no
      broker brought about this transaction, and Lessee agrees to indemnify and
      hold Lessor harmless from any and all claims of any broker arising out of
      or in connection with the negotiations of, or entering into of, this Lease
      by Lessee and Lessor.


      Notwithstanding anything to the contrary provided in this Lease, it is
      specifically understood and agreed, such agreement being a primary
      consideration for the execution of this Lease by Lessor, that there shall
      be absolutely no personal liability on the part of Lessor, its


      constituent members (to include but not be limited to, officers,
      directors, partners and trustees) their respective successors, assigns or
      any mortgagee in possession (for the purposes of this Article,
      collectively referred to as "Lessor"), with respect to any of the terms,
      covenants and conditions of this Lease, and that Lessee shall look solely
      to the equity of Lessor in the Building for the satisfaction of each and
      every remedy of Lessee in the event of any breach by Lessor of any of the
      terms, covenants and conditions of this Lease to be performed by Lessor,
      such exculpation of liability to be absolute and without any exceptions

41.   NO OPTION:

      The submission of this Lease Agreement for examination does not constitute
      a reservation of, or option for, the Premises, and this Lease Agreement
      becomes effective as a Lease Agreement only upon execution and delivery
      thereof by Lessor and Lessee.


      a.    AFFILIATE -- Affiliate shall mean any corporation related to Lessee
            as a parent, subsidiary or brother-sister corporation so that such
            corporation and such party and other corporations constitute a
            controlled group as determined under Section 1563 of the Internal
            Revenue Code of 1986, as amended and as elaborated by the Treasury
            Regulations promulgated thereunder or any business entity in which
            Lessee has more than a fifty percent (50%) interest.

      b.    COMMON FACILITIES -- Common Facilities shall mean the non-assigned
            parking areas; lobby; elevator(s); fire stairs; public hallways;
            public lavatories; all other general Building facilities that
            service all Building tenants; air conditioning rooms; fan rooms;
            janitors' closets; electrical closets; telephone closets; elevator
            shafts and machine rooms; flues; stacks; pipe shafts and vertical
            ducts with their enclosing walls. Lessor may at any time close
            temporarily any Common Facilities to make repairs or changes therein
            or to effect construction, repairs or changes within the Building,
            or to discourage non-tenant parking, and may do such other acts in
            and to the Common Facilities as in its judgement may be desirable to
            improve the convenience thereof, but shall always in connection
            therewith, endeavor to minimize any inconvenience to Lessee.

      c.    FORCE MAJEURE -- Force Majeure shall mean and include those
            situations beyond Lessor's reasonable control, including by way of
            example and not by way of limitation, acts of God; accidents;
            repairs; strikes; shortages of labor, supplies or materials;
            inclement weather; or, where applicable, the passage of time while
            waiting for an adjustment or insurance proceeds. Any time limits
            required to be met by either party hereunder, whether specifically
            made subject to Force Majeure or not, except those related to the
            payment of Fixed Basic Rent or Additional Rent, shall, unless
            specifically stated to the contrary elsewhere in this Lease, be
            automatically extended by the number of days by which any
            performance called for is delayed due to Force Majeure.

      d.    LESSEE'S PERCENTAGE -- The parties agree that Lessee's Percentage,
            as defined in the Preamble, reflects and will be continually
            adjusted to reflect the ratio of the gross square feet of the area
            rented to Lessee (including an allocable share of all Common
            Facilities) [the numerator] as compared with the total number of
            gross square feet of the entire Building (or additional buildings
            that may be constructed within the Office Building Area) [the
            denominator] measured outside wall to outside wall, but excluding
            therefrom any storage areas. Lessor shall have the right to make
            changes or revisions in the Common Facilities of the Building so as
            to provide additional leasing area. Lessor shall also have the right
            to construct additional buildings in the Office Building Area for
            such purposes as Lessor may deem appropriate, and subdivide the
            lands for that purpose if necessary, and upon so doing, the Office
            Building Area shall become the subdivided lot on which the Building
            in which the Premises is located. However, if any service provided
            for in Article 23(a) or any


            utility provided for in Article 23(b) is separately billed or
            separately metered within the Building, then the square footage so
            billed or metered shall be subtracted from the denominator and the
            Lessee's proportionate share for such service and/or utility shall
            be separately computed, and the Base Costs for such item shall not
            include any charges attributable to said square footage. Lessee
            understands that as a result of changes in the layout of the Common
            Facilities from time to time occurring due to, by way of example and
            not by way of limitation, the rearrangement of corridors, the
            aggregate of all Building tenant proportionate shares may be equal
            to, less than or greater than one hundred percent (100%).


      The Commencement Date of this Lease, as defined in the Preamble to this
      Lease, shall occur regardless of Lessee's failure to complete the tenant
      improvement work pursuant to Exhibit C attached hereto.

44.   NOTICES:

      Any notice by either party to the other shall be in writing and shall be
      deemed to have been duly given only if (i) delivered personally or (ii)
      sent by registered mail or certified mail return receipt requested in a
      postage paid envelope addressed or (iii) sent by nationally recognized
      overnight delivery service, if to Lessee, at the above described
      Building; if to Lessor, at Lessor's address as set forth above; or, to
      either at such other address as Lessee or Lessor, respectively, may
      designate in writing. Notice shall be deemed to have been duly given, if
      delivered personally, on delivery thereof, if mailed, upon the tenth
      (10th) day after the mailing thereof or if sent by overnight delivery
      service, the next business day.


      No payment by Lessee or receipt by Lessor of a lesser amount than the rent
      and additional charges payable hereunder shall be deemed to be other than
      a payment on account of the earliest stipulated Fixed Basic Rent and
      Additional Rent, nor shall any endorsement or statement on any check or
      any letter accompanying any check or payment for Fixed Basic Rent or
      Additional Rent be deemed an accord and satisfaction, and Lessor may
      accept such check or payment without prejudice to Lessor's right to
      recover the balance of such Fixed Basic Rent and Additional Rent or pursue
      any other remedy provided herein or by law.


      No failure by Lessor to insist upon the strict performance of any
      covenant, agreement, term or condition of this Lease, or to exercise any
      right or remedy consequent upon a breach thereof, and no acceptance of
      full or partial rent during the continuance of any such breach, shall
      constitute a waiver of any such breach or of such covenant, agreement,
      term or condition. No consent, or waiver, express or implied, by Lessor to
      or of any breach of any covenant, condition or duty of Lessee shall be
      construed as a consent or waiver to or of any other breach of the same or
      any other covenant, condition or duty, unless in writing signed by Lessor.


      Intentionally Omitted.


      Lessee agrees to give any mortgagees and/or trust deed holders, by
      registered mail, a copy of any notice of default served upon Lessor,
      provided that, prior to such notice, Lessee has


      been notified in writing (by way of notice of assignment of rents and
      leases or otherwise) of the address of such mortgagees and/or trust deed
      holders. Lessee further agrees that, if Lessor shall have failed to cure
      such default within the time provided for in this Lease, then the
      mortgagees and/or trust deed holders shall have an additional thirty (30)
      days within which to cure such default, or if such default cannot be cured
      within that time, then such additional time as may be necessary, if within
      such thirty (30) days, any mortgagee and/or trust deed holder has
      commenced and is diligently pursuing the remedies necessary to cure such
      default (including but not limited to commencement of foreclosure
      proceedings if necessary to effect such cure), in which event this Lease
      shall not be terminated while such remedies are being so diligently


      Lessor and Lessee acknowledge that the Premises are in a Building which is
      not open to the general public. Access to the Building is restricted to
      Lessor, Lessee, their agents, employees and contractors and to their
      invited visitors. In the event of a labor dispute including a strike,
      picketing, informational or associational activities directed at Lessee or
      any other tenant, Lessor reserves the right unilaterally to alter Lessee's
      ingress and egress to the Building or make any change in operating
      conditions to restrict pedestrian, vehicular or delivery ingress and
      egress to a particular location.


      If Lessee is a corporation, Lessee represents and warrants that this Lease
      has been duly authorized and approved by the corporation's Board of
      Directors. The undersigned officers and representatives of the corporation
      represent and warrant that they are officers of the corporation with
      authority to execute this Lease on behalf of the corporation, and within
      fifteen (15) days of execution hereof, Lessee will provide Lessor with a
      corporate resolution confirming the aforesaid.


      Lessee shall be entitled to make use of said Standard Electric Service and
      HVAC beyond the Building Hours, at Lessee's sole cost and expense,
      provided Lessee shall notify the Lessor by 3:00 p.m. on the day that
      Lessee shall require said overtime use if said overtime use is required on
      any weekday, and by 3:00 p.m. on Friday for Saturday and/or Sunday
      overtime use. It is understood and agreed that Lessee shall pay the sum of
      SIXTY AND 00/100 DOLLARS ($60.00) per hour for air-conditioning service
      and FORTY-FIVE AND 00/100 DOLLARS ($45.00) per hour for heating services,
      plus such additional percentage increase of the aforesaid hourly sum
      computed by measuring the percentage increase between the rate in effect
      (including fuel surcharges or adjustments) during the month for which such
      overtime use is requested and the Base Rate. The Base Rate for purposes
      hereof shall be the average of the rates in effect (including surcharges
      and/or adjustments) during Calendar Year 2000.

      In no event shall the Lessee pay less than the sum of SIXTY AND 00/100
      DOLLARS ($60.00) per hour for such overtime air-conditioning service or
      less than FORTY-FIVE AND 00/100 DOLLARS ($45.00) per hour for such
      overtime heating service.


      The Lessor, in its sole discretion, shall have the right one time during
      the initial term of this Lease to change the location of the Premises to
      other space (the "Substituted Leased Premises") within the Building,
      subject to the terms and conditions set forth below.

      a.    The Substituted Leased Premises shall contain a minimum floor area
            of approximately the same number of square feet as are contained in
            the Premises; and the square footage of any Common Facilities
            attributable to the Substituted Leased


            Premises shall be approximately the same as that of the Common
            Facilities attributable to the Premises.

      b.    If the total square footage comprised by the Substituted Leased
            Premises and its attributable Common Facilities exceed the total of
            the Premises and its attributable Common Facilities, the Lessee
            shall not be required to pay any increase in the Fixed Basic Rent
            and Lessee's Percentage shall not be increased. If, however, such
            total square footage shall be less, Lessee's Fixed Basic Rent and
            Lessee's Percentage shall be decreased proportionately.

      c.    The Lessor shall give the Lessee not less than forty-five (45) days
            prior notice of Lessor's decision to relocate the Lessee; and the
            Lessee agrees that no later than forty-five (45) days from the date
            of its receipt of such notice it shall relocate to the Substituted
            Leased Premises.

      d.    The Lessor shall bear and pay for the cost and expense of any such
            relocation; provided, however, that the Lessee shall not be entitled
            to any compensation for damages for any interference with or
            interruption of its business during or resulting from such
            relocation. The Lessor shall make reasonable efforts to minimize
            such interference.

      e.    In connection with any such relocation, the Lessor shall, at its own
            cost and expense, furnish and install in (or, if practicable,
            relocate to) the Substituted Leased Premises all walls, partitions,
            floors, floor coverings, ceilings, fixtures, wiring and plumbing, if
            any, (as distinguished from trade fixtures, equipment, furniture,
            furnishings and other personal property belonging to Lessee)
            required for the Lessee's proper use and occupancy thereof, all of
            which items shall be comparable in quality to those situated in the

      f.    The payments of new monthly minimum rent shall commence on the
            earlier of ten (10) days after Lessor has completed the physical
            relocation and installation of permanent improvements in the
            Substituted Leased Premises or the date that Lessee first opens for
            business in the Substituted Leased Premises.

      g.    Lessor and Lessee shall promptly execute an amendment to this Lease
            reciting the relocation of the Premises and any changes in the
            monthly minimum rent payable hereunder.


      Intentionally Omitted.


      During the Term, Lessor shall maintain the following insurance, insuring
      Lessor and any mortgagee, as their respective interests may appear: (x)
      insurance against damage to the Building and Office Building Area by all
      risks of direct physical loss in an amount equivalent to the full
      replacement cost thereof; (y) comprehensive general liability insurance
      against claims for bodily injury and property damage occurring in or about
      the Common Facilities in amounts customarily carried by owners of similar
      buildings in the Morris County, New Jersey area; and (z) insurance against
      such other hazards as, from time to time, are then commonly insured
      against for buildings similarly situated in amounts normally carried with
      respect thereto. All insurance maintained pursuant to this Article 54 may
      be effected by blanket insurance policies.

      EACH PARTY AGREES that it will not raise or assert as a defense to any
obligation under the Lease or this Agreement or make any claim that the Lease or
this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable due to any failure of this document
to comply with ministerial requirements including, but not limited to,
requirements for corporate seals, attestations, witnesses, notarizations, or
other similar requirements, and each party hereby waives the right to assert any
such defense or make any claim of invalidity or unenforceability due to any of
the foregoing.


      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and
seals the day and year first above written.

LESSOR:                                    LESSEE:

By:   Parsippany Office Associates L.L.C.

By:   Mack-Cali Realty, L.P.,
      managing member

By:   Mack-Cali Realty Corporation,
      its general partner

By: /s/ John Jay Crandall                  By: /s/ David Stack
   -----------------------------              --------------------------------
   John Jay Crandall                          Name: David Stack
   Vice President, Leasing NJ/PA              Title: President


                                    EXHIBIT A

                              LOCATION OF PREMISES
                           STACK PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.

[Drawing of Second Floor of Morris County Financial Center indicating location
of Stack Pharmaceuticals, Inc.]

                               Exhibit A - Page 1

                                   EXHIBIT A-1

                              OFFICE BUILDING AREA

BEGINNING at a concrete monument found on the southerly right of way line of
Sylvan Way, at the northeasterly corner of Lot 4.02, Block 202 as shown on the
present tax map of Parsippany Troy Hills (said Lot 4.02 being lands now or
formerly of Dun's Marketing Services, Inc.).

And from said point running; thence:

1.    Along the southwesterly line of Sylvan Way, South 66 degrees 11 minutes 14
      seconds East, 6.74 feet to an angle point in same; thence

2.    Continuing along said line, South 81 degrees 13 minutes 00 seconds East,
      342.21 feet to a concrete monument; thence

3.    Along the northwesterly line of Lot 3.04, Block 202, South 25 degrees 47
      minutes 00 seconds West, 805.84 feet to a concrete monument found buried
      1.2 feet below the surface on the northeasterly line of Lot 3.03, Block
      202; thence

4.    Along said line, North 81 degrees 13 minutes 00 seconds West, 238.74 feet
      to an iron pipe found; thence

5.    Continuing along said line, North 65 degrees 28 minutes 00 seconds West,
      105.72 feet to a concrete monument found; thence

6.    Along the division line between Lot 4.02 and 4.03, Block 202, North 25
      degrees 47 minutes 00 seconds East, 777.66 feet to the point or place of

BEING COMMONLY KNOWN AS Lot 4.03, Block 202 on the Tax Map of the Township of
Parsippany - Troy Hills.

                              Exhibit A-1 - Page 1

                                    EXHIBIT B

                              RULES AND REGULATIONS

1.    OBSTRUCTION OF PASSAGEWAYS: The sidewalks, entrance, passages, courts,
      elevators, vestibules, stairways, corridors and public parts of the
      Building shall not be obstructed or encumbered by Lessee or used by Lessee
      for any purpose other than ingress and egress. If the Premises are
      situated on the ground floor with direct access to the street, then Lessor
      shall, at Lessor's expense, keep the sidewalks and curbs directly in front
      of the Premises clean and free from ice, snow and refuse.

2.    WINDOWS: Windows in the Premises shall not be covered or obstructed by
      Lessee. No bottles, parcels or other articles shall be placed on the
      window sills, in the halls, or in any other part of the Building other
      than the Premises. No article shall be thrown out of the doors or windows
      of the Premises.

3.    PROJECTIONS FROM BUILDING: No awnings, air-conditioning units, or other
      fixtures shall be attached to the outside walls or the window sills of the
      Building or otherwise affixed so as to project from the Building, without
      prior written consent of Lessor.

4.    SIGNS: No sign or lettering shall be affixed by Lessee to any part of the
      outside of the Premises, or any part of the inside of the Premises so as
      to be clearly visible from the outside of the Premises, without the prior
      written consent of Lessor, which shall not be unreasonably withheld.
      However, Lessee shall have the right to place its name on any door leading
      into the Premises the size, color and style thereof to be subject to the
      Lessor's approval. Lessee shall not have the right to have additional
      names placed on the Building directory without Lessor's prior written

5.    FLOOR COVERING: Lessee shall not lay linoleum or other similar floor
      covering so that the same shall come in direct contact with the floor of
      the Premises. If linoleum or other similar floor covering is desired to be
      used, an interlining of builder's deadening felt shall first be fixed to
      the floor by a paste or other material that may easily be removed with
      water, the use of cement or other similar adhesive material being
      expressly prohibited.

6.    INTERFERENCE WITH OCCUPANTS OF BUILDING: Lessee shall not make, or permit
      to be made, any unseemly or disturbing noises or odors and shall not
      interfere with other tenants or those having business with them. Lessee
      will keep all mechanical apparatus in the Premises free of vibration and
      noise which may be transmitted beyond the limits of the Premises.

7.    LOCK KEYS: No additional locks or bolts of any kind shall be placed on any
      of the doors or windows by Lessee. Lessee shall, on the termination of
      Lessee's tenancy, deliver to Lessor all keys to any space within the
      Building either furnished to or otherwise procured by Lessee, and in the
      event of the loss of any keys finished, Lessee shall pay to Lessor the
      cost thereof. Lessee, before closing and leaving the Premises, shall
      ensure that all windows are closed and entrance doors locked. Nothing in
      this Paragraph 7 shall be deemed to prohibit Lessee from installing a
      burglar alarm within the Premises, provided; (1) Lessee obtain's Lessor's
      consent which will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed; (2) Lessee
      supplies Lessor with copies of the plans and specifications of the system;
      (3) such installation shall not damage the Building; and (4) all costs of
      installation shall be borne solely by Lessee.

8.    CONTRACTORS: No contract of any kind with any supplier of towels, water,
      toilet articles, waxing, rug shampooing, venetian blind washing, furniture
      polishing, lamp servicing, cleaning of electrical fixtures, removal of
      waste paper, rubbish, garbage, or other like service shall be entered into
      by Lessee, nor shall any machine of any kind be installed in the Building
      or the Office Building Area, other than ordinary office business machines,
      without the prior written consent of the Lessor. Lessee shall not employ
      any persons other than Lessor's janitors for the purpose of cleaning the
      Premises without prior written consent of Lessor. Lessor shall not be
      responsible to Lessee for any loss of property from the Premises however
      occurring, or for any damage to the effects of Lessee by such janitors or
      any of its employees, or by any other person or any other cause.

                               Exhibit B - Page 1

9.    PROHIBITED ON PREMISES: Lessee shall not conduct, or permit any other
      person to conduct, any auction upon the Premises, manufacture or store
      goods, wares or merchandise upon the Premises without the prior written
      approval of Lessor, except the storage of usual supplies and inventory to
      be used by Lessee in the conduct of his business, permit the Premises to
      be used for gambling, make any unusual noises in the Building, permit to
      be played musical instrument on the Premises, permit any radio to be
      played, or television, recorded or wired music in such loud manner as to
      disturb or annoy other tenants, or permit any unusual odors to be produced
      on the Premises. Lessee shall not permit any portion of the Premises to be
      occupied as an office for a public stenographer or typewriter, or for the
      storage, manufacture, or sale of intoxicating beverages, narcotics,
      tobacco in any form or as a barber or manicure shop. Canvassing,
      soliciting and peddling in the Building and the Office Building Area are
      prohibited and Lessee shall cooperate to prevent the same. No bicycles,
      vehicles or animals of any kind shall be brought into or kept in or about
      the Premises.

10.   PLUMBING ELECTRIC AND TELEPHONE WORK: Plumbing facilities shall not be
      used for any purpose other than those for which they were constructed; and
      no sweepings, rubbish, ashes, newspaper or other substances of any kind
      shall be thrown into them. Waste and excessive or unusual amounts of
      electricity or water is prohibited. When electric wiring of any kind is
      introduced, it must be connected as directed by Lessor, and no stringing
      or cutting of wires will be allowed, except by prior written consent of
      Lessor, and shall be done by contractors approved by Lessor. The number
      and locations of telephones, telegraph instruments, electrical appliances,
      call boxes, etc. shall be subject to Lessor's approval.

      freight, furniture or bulky matter of any description must take place
      during such hours as Lessor may from time to time reasonably determine and
      only after advance notice to the superintendent of the Building. The
      persons employed by Lessee for such work must be reasonably acceptable to
      the Lessor. Lessee may, subject to these provisions, move freight,
      furniture, bulky matter, and other material into or out of the Premises on
      Saturdays between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., provided Lessee
      pays additional costs, if any, incurred by Lessor for elevator operators
      or security guards, and for any other expenses occasioned by such activity
      of Lessee. If, at least three (3) days prior to such activity, Lessor
      requests that Lessee deposit with Lessor, as security of Lessee's
      obligations to pay such additional costs, a sum of which Lessor reasonably
      estimates to be the amount of such additional cost, the Lessee shall
      deposit such sum with Lessor as security of such cost. There shall not be
      used in the Building or Premises, either by Lessee or by others in the
      delivery or receipt of merchandise, any hand trucks except those equipped
      with rubber tires and side guards, and no hand trucks will be allowed in
      the elevators without the consent of the superintendent of the Building.

12.   SAFES AND OTHER HEAVY EQUIPMENT: Lessor reserves the right to prescribe
      the weight and position of all safes and other heavy equipment so as to
      distribute properly the weight thereof and to prevent any unsafe condition
      from arising.

13.   ADVERTISING: Lessor shall have the right to prohibit any advertising by
      Lessee which in Lessor's reasonable opinion tends to impair the reputation
      of the Building or its desirability as a building for offices, and upon
      written notice from Lessor, Lessee shall refrain from or discontinue such

      responsible to Lessee for non-observance or violation of any of these
      rules and regulations by any other tenant.

15.   AFTER HOURS USE: Lessor reserves the right to exclude from the Building
      between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. and at all hours on
      Saturdays, Sundays and Building Holidays, all persons who do not present a
      pass to the Building signed by the Lessee. Each Lessee shall be
      responsible for all persons for whom such a pass is issued and shall be
      liable to the Lessor for the acts of such persons.

16.   PARKING: Lessee and its employees shall park their cars only in those
      portions of the parking area designated by Lessor.

                               Exhibit B - Page 2

17.   Lessor hereby reserves to itself any and all rights not granted to Lessee
      hereunder, including, but not limited to, the following rights which are
      reserved to Lessor for its purposes in operating the Building:

      a) the exclusive right to the use of the name of the Building for all
         purposes, except that Lessee may use the name as its business address
         and for no other purposes; and

      b) the right to change the name or address of the Building, without
         incurring any liability to Lessee for doing so; and

      c) the right to install and maintain a sign on the exterior of the
         Building; and

      d) the exclusive right to use or dispose of the use of the roof of the
         Building; and

      e) the right to limit the space on the directory of the Building to be
         allotted to Lessee; and

      f) the right to grant to anyone the right to conduct any particular
         business or undertaking in the Building.

18.   The Lessee shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining and
      supervising all health and safety precautions and/or programs required by
      Law in connection with the Lessee's use and occupancy of the Premises.

19.   The Lessee shall not store, introduce or otherwise permit any material
      known to be hazardous within the Premises, other than normal office
      cleaners and substances used in ordinary office machines. Any material
      within the Premises which is determined to be hazardous shall be removed
      and properly disposed of by the Lessee at the Lessee's sole expense.

                                    -- END --

                               Exhibit B - Page 3

                                    EXHIBIT C

                          LESSEE'S WORK AND ALTERATIONS

1. Lessee may make the alterations required for Lessee's use of the Premises
   (hereinafter the ("Work") after the Possession Date subject to the following:

      a.    Lessee, at its sole cost and expense, shall prepare and submit to
            Lessor, for Lessor's and governmental approval, the following
            descriptive information, detailed architectural and engineering
            drawings and specifications (hereinafter the "Plans") for the Work.
            The Plans shall be as complete and finished as required to
            completely describe the Work and shall include, but not be limited
            to, the following:

            i.    Demolition Plans (if required for Lessor's approval and/or by
                  any applicable governmental authority) depicting all existing
                  conditions to be removed, abandoned or cut patched.

            ii.   Architectural floor plans (if required for Lessor's approval
                  and/or by any applicable governmental authority) depicting
                  partition locations and types; door location, size, and
                  hardware types.

            iii.  Structural plans (if required for Lessor's approval and/or by
                  any applicable governmental authority) depicting new
                  structural components and their connections to existing

            iv.   Electrical plans (if required for Lessor's approval and/or by
                  any applicable governmental authority) depicting all new and
                  existing electrical wiring, devices, fixtures and equipment.

            v.    Mechanical plans (if required for Lessor's approval and/or by
                  any applicable governmental authority) depicting all new
                  plumbing, piping, heating, ventilating, air conditioning
                  equipment, and duct work and its connections to existing

            vi.   Life Safety System plans (if required for Lessor's approval
                  and/or by any applicable governmental authority) depicting all
                  new or altered alarm system fixtures, devices, detectors and
                  wiring within the Premises and their connection to existing

            vii.  Coordinated reflected ceiling plan (if required for Lessor's
                  approval and/or by any applicable governmental authority)
                  showing ceiling systems and materials and all of the above
                  items and their proximity to one another.

            viii. Finish plans showing locations and types of all interior
                  finishes with a schedule of all proposed materials and

            The Plans shall provide for all systems and construction components
            complying with the requirements of all governmental authorities and
            insurance bodies having jurisdiction over the Building.

      b.    The Plans for the Work are subject to Lessor's prior written
            approval which shall not be unreasonably withheld, provided,
            however, that Lessor may in any event disapprove the Plans if they
            are incomplete, inadequate or inconsistent with the terms of the
            Lease or with the quality and architecture of the Building. Lessor
            agrees to approve or disapprove the Plans within three (3) business
            days of receipt of same (the "Lessor's Approval Period"). If Lessor
            disapproves the Plans or any portion thereof, Lessor shall promptly
            notify Lessee thereof and of the revisions which Lessor reasonably
            requires in order to obtain Lessor's approval Lessee shall, at its
            sole cost and expense, submit the Plans, in such form as may be
            necessary, with the appropriate governmental agencies for obtaining
            required permits and certificates. Any changes required by any
            governmental agency affecting the Work or the Plans

                               Exhibit C - Page 1

   shall be complied with by Lessee in completing said Work at Lessee's sole
   cost and expense. Lessee shall submit completed Plans to Lessor
   simultaneously with Lessee's submission of said plans to the local building

2. Lessor shall permit Lessee to solicit competitive pricing and select its own
   general and/or individual subcontractors to perform the Work in its sole cost
   subject to the following:

      a.    All general contractors shall be subject to Lessor's prior written
            approval, which shall not be unreasonably withheld.

      b.    Lessor's general contractor shall be requested, but not required, to
            submit a price for the Work.

      c.    Lessee shall instruct all approved general contractors to
            exclusively use Lessor's Base Building Sub-Contractors for heating,
            ventilation, air conditioning, electrical, fire suppression and life
            safety systems (hereinafter "Building Systems"). Other
            subcontractors may be used only when specifically approved in
            writing by Lessor, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld
            or delayed.

      d.    The Base Building Sub-Contractors and their respective trades are
            set forth in Paragraph 7 below.

      e.    Lessee notifies Lessor in writing of Lessee's selection of general
            and subcontractors.

      f.    All costs associated with the bidding process soliciting competitive
            pricing will be at the sole cost and expense of the Lessee.

3. If Lessee accepts the pricing of Lessor's general contractor and elects to
   use Lessor's general contractor to perform the Work, (i) Lessee and Lessor's
   general contractor will enter into a separate agreement, substantially
   similar to AIA Document A101, and Lessor's general contractor shall become
   Lessee's agent and (ii) Lessor shall waive all supervisory fees. Lessor
   hereby agrees that change orders shall be on the basis of cost plus ten
   percent (10%) for supervision services plus ten percent (10%) for overhead.

4. If Lessee does not accept the pricing of Lessor's general contractor and
   subject to this Paragraph 4, elects to engage another general contractor, or
   individual sub-contractors, Lessee shall, at its sole cost and expense,
   complete the Work. Lessee shall complete such Work through its own
   contractors in accordance with the following terms and conditions:

      a.    Lessee's workmen and mechanics shall work in harmony and not
            interfere with the labor employed by Lessor, Lessor's mechanics or
            contractors or by any other Lessee or their mechanic or contractors,
            if any. If at any time Lessee and/or its contractors cause
            disharmony or interference with the operation of the Building,
            Lessor shall give forty-eight (48) hours written notice to Lessee
            and within twenty-four (24) hours Lessee shall resolve any dispute
            so that the tenor of the construction process and the operation of
            the Building is returned to that which existed prior to Lessor s
            notice. Such entry by Lessee's contractors shall be deemed
            controlled by all of the terms, covenants, provisions and conditions
            of the Lease.

      b.    Prior to the commencement of the Work, Lessee shall provide Lessor
            with evidence of Lessee's contractors and sub-contractors carrying
            such worker's compensation, general liability, personal and property
            insurance required by law and in amounts no less than the amounts
            set forth in Paragraph 8 herein. Lessor shall not be liable in any
            way for any injury, loss or damage which may occur to any portion of
            the Work, Lessee's decorations, or installments so made, the same
            being solely at Lessee's risk,

      c.    In the event Lessor approves the use of subcontractors other than
            Lessor's Base Building sub-contractors, all proposed Building System
            work, including the preparation of the plans and specifications
            identified herein, shall be approved by Lessor's engineers (the
            "Engineering Review"), and any cost thereof shall be Lessee's

                               Exhibit C - Page 2

      d.    Lessor shall afford Lessee and its contractors the opportunity to
            use the Building facilities at reasonable cost in order to enable
            Lessee and its contractors to perform the Work, provided however,
            that Lessee and its contractors shall remain responsible for the
            scheduling and transportation of materials and equipment used in the
            performance of such work. Lessee shall give Lessor adequate prior
            notice with regard to the scheduling and transportation of materials
            in and out of the Building. Lessor shall furnish water, electricity,
            heat and ventilation during the performance of the Work during
            regular construction trade hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday
            through Friday, exclusive of trade holidays. Scavenger service shall
            be provided by Lessor at Lessee's expense.

      e.    All plans, changes to the plans and work installed by Lessee and its
            sub- contractors shall require inspections to be made by Lessor's
            Base Building Sub- Contractors at Lessee's or Lessee's contractors
            expense (the "Inspection Fees"). The Base Building Sub-Contractors
            shall supply Lessor with certification that work so preformed has
            been completed in accordance with the Plans which have been
            previously approved by Lessor. If a Base Building Sub-Contractor is
            selected and actually installs the work, the Inspection Fees
            described in this paragraph with respect to such work shall not be

      f.    Lessee shall be responsible for all cleaning and removal of debris
            necessitated by the performance of the Work. If Lessee fails to
            provide such cleaning and removal, the same may be performed by
            Lessor on Lessee's behalf and Lessee will pay Lessor an amount equal
            to the contractor's charge therefore, plus twenty percent (20%)

      g.    Neither the outside appearance nor the strength of the Building or
            of any of its structural parts shall be affected by the Work.

      h.    The proper functioning of any of the Building Systems shall not be
            adversely affected or the usage of such systems by Lessee shall not
            be materially increased above the projected usage of such systems
            indicated by the current plans and specifications of the Building.

      i.    Lessee and its general and sub-contractors shall be bound by and
            observe all of the conditions and covenants contained in the Lease
            and this Exhibit A.

      j.    Lessor shall designate a "Project Manager" as its representative in
            the Building who shall be responsible for coordination and
            supervision of the Work as it pertains to the daily operation of the
            Building. The Project Manager and his subordinates shall be granted
            access to the Premises at all times during the construction period.
            Lessee shall pay to Lessor, within ten (10) business days of
            billing, all reasonable costs applicable to Lessor's supervisory and
            coordination work during the construction period.

      k.    Lessee agrees to pay Lessor five percent (5%) of the contract
            awarded to Lessee's general contractor and/or any subcontractors to
            reimburse Lessor for coordination, supervision, and utility costs.

5.    Any part of the Work within the Premises shall become the property of
      the Lessor upon installation.  Furthermore, with respect to any
      material and installation which is part of the Work, Lessee shall not
      be entitled to remove, pledge or sell same unless otherwise agreed to
      in writing by Lessor and Lessee.  No refund, credit, or removal of said
      items shall be permitted at the termination of the Lease.  Items
      installed that are not integrated in any such way with other common
      building materials do not fall under this provision (Example:
      shelving, furniture, trade fixtures).

6.    Lessor shall provide a cash contribution of SEVENTEEN THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED
      EIGHTY-FIVE AND 00/100 DOLLARS ($17,685.00) ("Lessor's Construction
      Allowance") for payment of the costs associated with the completion of The
      Work. Lessor's Construction Allowance shall be payable within fifteen (15)
      days of Lessor's receipt of the following:

      a.    Copy of the Certificate of Occupancy (temporary and permanent)
            issued by the local

                               Exhibit C - Page 3

            construction official, if required by any applicable authority;

      b.    AIA Document G704, Certificate of substantial completion issued and
            signed by Lessee's Architect, if Lessee is required to prepare the
            Plans discussed in Section 1 hereof;

      c.    Release of Lien statements from the general and all sub-contractors
            associated with the Work; and

      d.    Lessee shall provide Lessor a set of reproducible drawings of the
            Plans and a "CAD" file (in DWG or DXF format) of the "As-Built"
            Plans, if Lessee is required to prepare the Plans discussed in
            Section 1 hereof.

7.    The Base Building Sub-Contractors are:

      "To be provided by Lessor upon request from Lessee."

      "To be provided by Lessor upon request from Lessee."

      "To be provided by Lessor upon request from Lessee."

      "To be provided by Lessor upon request from Lessee."

8.    Lessee's Contractor's Insurance:

      a.    The Lessee shall require any and all contractors of the Lessee
            performing work on or about the Premises to obtain and/or maintain
            specific insurance coverage for events which could occur while
            operations are being performed and which could occur after the
            completion of the work. The insurance coverage of the contractor
            shall be at least equal to the coverage required by Article 30 of
            the Lease and the contractor shall name Lessor and, if requested,
            Mortgagee as additional insureds on all policies of liability

      b.    The contractor shall purchase and maintain such insurance as will
            protect itself and Lessor and Lessee from claims set forth below
            which may arise out of or result from its operations under the
            contract and after contract completion with Lessee, whether such
            operations are performed by the contractor or by any subcontractor
            or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or by
            anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable. The insurance
            coverage shall include but not be limited to protection for:

            i.    Claims under Workers or Workmens Compensation, Disability
                  Benefits, and other Employee Benefit Acts;

            ii.   Claims for damages because of bodily injury, occupational
                  sickness, disease or death of its employees;

            iii.  Claims for damages because of bodily injury, sickness,
                  disease, or death of any person other than its employees;

            iv.   Claims for damages insured by the usual personal injury
                  liability coverages which are sustained by (i) any person as a
                  result of an offense directly or indirectly related to the
                  employment of such person by the contractor, or (ii) by any
                  other person;

            v.    Claims for damages, other than to the work itself, because of
                  injury to or destruction of tangible property, including loss
                  of use resulting therefrom;

            vi.   Claims for damages because of bodily injury or death of any
                  person and/or

                               Exhibit C - Page 4

                  property damage arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or
                  use of any motor vehicle; and

            vii.  Claims which include the foregoing, but not limited thereto,
                  which may occur while operations are being performed and
                  claims which may occur after operations are completed.

      c.    Lessee shall secure evidence of Lessee's contractor's insurance
            coverage adequate to protect Lessor and Lessee.

      d.    The contract between the Lessee and its contractor shall require
            that the Lessee's contractor hold the Lessor harmless in a form and
            manner equal to the indemnity agreement in Article 12,
            "Indemnification" of the Lease agreement.

      e.    Lessee shall cause to be executed a waiver of all rights their
            contractors have or may have against Lessor and any Mortgagee
            involved in the Premises in any way, for damages caused by fire or
            other perils so insured.

      f.    If request by Lessor, Lessee shall obtain and furnish surety in a
            form satisfactory to Lessor, covering the faithful performance of
            the work and the payment of all obligations arising thereunder.


                               Exhibit C - Page 5

                                  EXHIBIT C - 1


The following are design standards for the building air-conditioning system for
cooling and heating in the air in the subject building:

1.    During the normal heating season to maintain an average indoor dry bulb
      temperature of not less than 70 degrees F (21 degrees C) or more than 76
      degrees (24.4 degrees C) when the outdoor dry bulb temperature is lower
      than 65 degrees F (18 degrees C) but not lower than 0 degrees F (-13
      degrees C).

2.    To maintain comfort cooling for an average indoor dry bulb temperature of
      not more than 78 degrees F when the outside dry bulb temperature is 95
      degrees F (24 degrees C).

3.    During the intermediate seasons, when the outside dry bulb temperature is
      below 55 degrees (13 degrees C), cooling will be provided by outside air
      usage in conjunction with operating of return air, outside air and exhaust
      air dampers.

4.    To furnish not less than .10 cubic foot of fresh air per minute per square
      foot of rentable area, and between .20 and 1.0 cubic feet of total air per
      minute, per square foot of rentable occupied space.

5.    Lessor will not be responsible for the failure of the air-conditioning
      system if such failure results from (i) the occupancy of the Premises
      with more than an average of one (1) person for each one hundred (100)
      usable square feet of floor area (ii) the installation or operation by
      Lessee of machines and appliances, the installed electrical load of
      which when combined with the load of all lighting fixtures exceeds five
      (5) watts per square foot of floor area and in any manner exceeding the
      aforementioned occupancy and electrical load criteria, or (iii)
      rearrangement of partitioning after the initial preparation of the
      Premises.  If interference with normal operation of the
      air-conditioning system in the Premises results, necessitating changes
      in the air conditioning system servicing the Premises, such changes
      shall be made by Lessor upon written notice to Lessee at Lessee's sole
      cost and expense.  Lessee agrees to lower and close window coverings
      when necessary because of the sun's position whenever the air
      conditioning system is in operation, and Lessee agrees at all times to
      cooperate fully with Lessor and to abide by all the Rules and
      Regulations attached hereto as well as reasonable rules and regulations
      which Lessor may hereafter prescribe involving the air-conditioning

                                    -- END --

                              Exhibit C-1 - Page 1

                                    EXHIBIT D

                               CLEANING SERVICES
                             (FIVE NIGHTS PER WEEK)


1.    Vacuum clean all carpeted areas.

2.    Sweep and dust mop all non-carpeted areas.  Wet mop whenever necessary.

3.    All office furniture such as desks, chairs, files, filing cabinets, etc.
      shall be dusted with a clean treated dust cloth whenever necessary and
      only if such surfaces are clear of Lessee's personal property including
      but not limited to plants.

4.    Empty and wash ashtrays.

5.    Empty wastepaper baskets and remove waste to the designated areas.

6.    All vertical surfaces within arms reach shall be spot cleaned to remove
      finger marks and smudges. Baseboard and window sills are to be spot
      cleaned whenever necessary.

7.    All cleaning of cafeterias, vending areas, kitchen facilities are
      excluded. Lessee may make necessary arrangements for same directly with
      Lessor's cleaning maintenance company.

8.    Cleaning hours shall be Monday through Friday between 5:30 p.m. and
      11:00 p.m.

9.    No cleaning service is provided on Saturday, Sunday and Building

10.   Cartons or refuse in excess which can not be placed in wastebaskets
      will not be removed.  Lessee is responsible to place such unusual
      refuse in trash dumpster.

11.   Cleaning maintenance company will not remove nor clean tea, office cups or
      similar containers. If such liquids are spilled in waste baskets, the
      waste baskets will be emptied but not otherwise cleaned. Lessor will not
      be responsible for any stained carpet caused from liquids leaking or
      spilling from Lessee's wastepaper receptacles.

12.   Upon completion of cleaning, all lights will be turned off and doors
      locked leaving the Premises in an orderly condition.

13.   Glass entrance doors will be cleaned nightly. Interior glass doors or
      glass partitions are excluded. Lessee may make arrangements for same with
      Lessor's cleaning maintenance company.


1.    Vacuum all carpeting in entrance lobbies, outdoor mats and all

2.    Wash glass doors in entrance lobby with a clean damp cloth and dry

3.    Clean cigarette urns.  Sweep and/or wet mop all resilient tile
      flooring.  Hard surface floors such as quarry tile, etc., shall be
      cleaned nightly.

4.    Wash, clean and disinfect water fountains.

5.    Clean all elevators and stairwells.

6.    Lavatories -- Men and Women.

      a.    Floors in all lavatories shall be wet mopped each evening with a
            germicidal detergent to ensure a clean and germ free surface.

      b.    Wash and polish all mirrors, shelves, bright work including any
            piping and toilet seats.

      c.    Wash and disinfect wash basins and sinks using a germicidal

      d.    Wash and disinfect toilet bowls and urinals.

      e.    Keep lavatory partitions, tiled walls, dispensers and receptacles in
            a clean condition using a germicidal detergent when necessary.

      f.    Empty and sanitize sanitary disposal receptacles.

      g.    Fill toilet tissue holders, towel dispensers and soap dispensers.
            Refills to be supplied by Lessor.

7.    Clean all air ventilation grill work in ceilings.

                               Exhibit D - Page 1

                                    EXHIBIT E

                                BUILDING HOLIDAYS
                                 BUILDING CLOSED

                                * NEW YEAR'S DAY

                                 * MEMORIAL DAY

                               * INDEPENDENCE DAY

                                   * LABOR DAY

                               * THANKSGIVING DAY

                                 * CHRISTMAS DAY

                                    -- END --

                               Exhibit E - Page 1

                                    EXHIBIT F

                           TENANT ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATE

TO:  MORTGAGEE and/or its affiliates and/or whom else it may concern:

1.    The undersigned is the Lessee (Tenant) under that certain Lease dated
      _______________ by and between ______________ as Lessor (Landlord) and as
      Lessee, covering those certain premises commonly known and designated as
      ____ r.s.f, on the _____( ) floor of ______________________,NJ.

2.    The Lease has not been modified, changed, altered or amended in any
      respect (except as indicated following this sentence) and is the only
      Lease or agreement between the undersigned and the Lessor affecting said
      premises. If none, state "none."

3.    The undersigned has made no agreements with Lessor or its agents or
      employees concerning free rent, partial rent, rebate of rental payments or
      any other type of rental concession (except as indicated following this
      sentence). If none, state "none."

4.    The undersigned has accepted and now occupies the premises, and is and
      has been open for business since ______________, 2000.  The Lease term
      began _____________, 2000, and the rent for said premises has been paid
      to and including ______________, 2000 in conformity with this Lease
      agreement.  No rent has been prepaid for more than two (2) months.  The
      fixed minimum rent being paid as above is $___________ per month.  If
      Lessee is not in full possession, whether Lessee has assigned the
      Lease, sublet all or any portion of the Premises, or otherwise
      transferred any interest in the Lease or the Premises, Lessee agrees to
      provide a copy of such assignment, sublease, or transfer upon request.

5.    The Lease is not in default and is in full force and effect. As of the
      date hereof, the undersigned is entitled to no credit, no free rent and no
      offset or deduction in rent.

6.    All alterations, improvements, additions, build-outs, or construction
      required to be performed under the Lease have been completed in accordance
      with the terms of the Workletter attached to Lease as Exhibit C.

7.    The Lease does not contain and the undersigned does not have any
      outstanding options or rights of first refusal to purchase the premises or
      any part thereof or the real property of which the premises are a part.

8.    No actions, whether voluntary or otherwise, are pending against the
      undersigned under the bankruptcy laws of the United States or any State

9.    There are currently no valid defenses, counterclaims, off-sets, credits,
      deductions in rent, or claims against the enforcement of any of the
      agreements, terms, or conditions of the Lease.

10.   The undersigned acknowledges that all the interest of Lessor in and to
      the above-mentioned Lease is being duly assigned to MORTGAGEE or one of
      its affiliates hereunder and that pursuant to the terms thereof (i) all
      rental payments under said Lease shall continue to be paid to Lessor in
      accordance with the terms of the Lease unless and until you are otherwise
      notified in writing by MORTGAGEE, or its successor or assigns and (ii) no
      modification, revision, or cancellation of the Lease or amendments thereto
      shall be effective unless a written consent thereto of such mortgagee is
      first obtained.

11.   The undersigned is authorized to execute this Tenant Estoppel
      Certificate on behalf of the Lessee.

Dated this ______________day of _____________________, 2000



                               Exhibit F - Page 1

                                    EXHIBIT G

                           COMMENCEMENT DATE AGREEMENT


      THIS AGREEMENT made the ____________day of _________________, 2000 is by
      and between ________________________________________ (hereinafter
      "Lessor") whose address is c/o Mack-Cali Realty Corporation, 11 Commerce
      Drive, Cranford, New Jersey 07016 and ___________________________
      (hereinafter "Lessee") whose address is ____________________.


      2.1   Lessor and Lessee entered into a Lease dated _________________, 2000
            (hereinafter "Lease") setting forth the terms of occupancy by Lessee
            of approximately ________________________ rentable square feet on
            the ___________________(__) floor (hereinafter "Premises") at
            ____________________________________ (hereinafter "Building"); and

      2.2   The Term of the Lease is for ________________________ (__) months
            with the Commencement Date of the initial Term being defined in the
            Preamble to the Lease as being subject to change under Articles 27
            and 43 thereof; and

      2.3   It has been determined in accordance with the provisions of Articles
            27 and 43 of the Lease that ____________________________, 2000 is
            the Commencement Date of the Term of the Lease.


      NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the Premises and the covenants
hereinafter set forth, it is agreed:

      3.1   The Commencement Date of the Term of the Lease is
            __________________, 2000 and the Expiration Date thereof is
            _____________________, 2000 and the Lease Preamble Articles 6 and
            9 shall be deemed modified accordingly.

      3.2   Article 10 of the Preamble shall be deemed modified as follows:

      3.3   This Agreement is executed by the parties hereto for the purpose of
            providing a record of the Commencement and Expiration Dates of the
            Lease, adjust the Term of the Lease and Fixed Basic Rent amount

      3.4   Except as modified herein, the Lease covering the Premises shall
            remain in full force and effect as if the same were set forth in
            full herein and Lessor and Lessee hereby ratify and confirm all the
            terms and conditions thereof.

      3.5   This agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the
            parties hereto and their respective legal representatives,
            successors and permitted assigns.

      3.6   Each party agrees that it will not raise or assert as a defense to
            any obligation under the Lease or this Agreement or make any claim
            that the Lease or this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable due to
            any failure of this document to comply with ministerial requirements
            including, but not limited to, requirements for corporate seals,
            attestations, witnesses, notarizations, or other similar
            requirements, and each party hereby waives the right to assert any
            such defense or make any claim of invalidity or unenforceability due
            to any of the foregoing.

      IN WITNESS THEREOF, Lessor and Lessee have hereunto set their hands and
seals the date and year first above written and acknowledge one to the other
they possess the requisite authority to enter into this transaction and to sign
this Agreement.

LESSOR:                                  LESSEE:


By:   Parsippany Office Associates L.L.C.

By:   Mack-Cali Realty, L.P., managing member

By    Mack-Cali Realty Corporation, its general partner

By:_____________________________         By:_____________________________
   John Jay Crandall                        Name:
   Vice President, Leasing NJ/PA            Title:

                               Exhibit G - Page 1

                                    EXHIBIT H

                              LETTER OF CREDIT FORM

Bank: Date:

c/o Mack-Cali Realty Corporation 11 Commerce Drive

Cranford, New Jersey 07016

RE: Irrevocable, Clean Letter of Credit No.


At the request of ___________(herein the "Company") we, as drawee, hereby
establish our Irrevocable Letter of Credit No. ______ in your favor and
authorize you to draw on us up to an aggregate sum of ______________, available
by your drafts at sight as of

All drafts must be presented at our office at our close of business not later
than ______ together with a statement signed by a duly authorized representative
of (or duly authorized designee of any subsequent holder of this credit) (herein
the "Beneficiary") certifying that the Beneficiary is entitled to draw such
draft pursuant to a Lease Agreement between it and the Company dated
_____________. Reference in this credit to a Lease Agreement dated ____________
is for identification purposes only, and the terms and conditions of same are
not incorporated in nor made part of this credit. We hereby engage with you (and
any subsequent holder of this credit) that we shall accept said statement as
binding, correct and conclusive without verification or investigation as to the
accuracy, veracity, correctness, genuineness or validity of the same.

If this credit is not renewed on or before the last date for presentation of
drafts for an additional period not less than twelve (12) months on an ongoing
basis throughout the term of the Lease Agreement, the amount of this credit
shall be paid to the Beneficiary upon demand, notwithstanding that such demand
may be made up to thirty (30) days after the last date for presentation of

Should the Beneficiary not make demand for payment within the specified period,
then the Letter of Credit shall be automatically renewed for an additional
twelve (12) month period for each succeeding year until or thirty (30) days
after the expiration or sooner termination of the aforesaid Lease Agreement,
whichever occurs later.

No charges are payable by the Beneficiary. All charges are for the account of
the Company.

We hereby engage with the drawers, endorsers and bona fide holders of all drafts
drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this Letter of Credit that such
drafts will be duly honored upon presentation to the drawee.

This Letter of Credit is subject to the "Uniform Customs and Practice for
Documentary Credits" International Chamber of Commerce Brochure,

Address all drafts, documents and correspondence regarding this Letter of Credit
to at the above address, mentioning specifically our Letter of Credit No.

Very truly yours,

                               Exhibit H - Page 1