Exhibit 10.4

                              STOCK OPTION PLAN VI

                                  ARTICLE ONE

Section 1.01 DEFINITIONS: For purposes of the Plan, unless such word or term is
otherwise defined herein or the context in which such word or term is used
herein otherwise requires, the following words and terms with the initial letter
or letters thereof capitalized shall have the following meanings:

      (a)   "Act" means the Canada Business Corporations Act or its successor,
            as amended from time to time;

      (b)   "Committee" means the Directors or, if the Directors so determine in
            accordance with Section 2.03 of the Plan, the committee of the
            Directors authorized to administer the Plan;

      (c)   "Corporation" means Geac Computer Corporation Limited, a corporation
            incorporated under the Act;

      (d)   "Designated Subsidiary" means all of the subsidiaries of the
            Corporation as they exist from time to time unless otherwise
            designated by the Committee;

      (e)   "Directors" means the board of directors of the Corporation from
            time to time;

      (f)   "Eligible Consultants" means a person or corporation engaged to
            provide ongoing management or consulting services for the
            Corporation or a Designated Subsidiary;

      (g)   "Eligible Directors" means the Directors or the directors of any
            Designated Subsidiary;

      (h)   "Eligible Employees" means employees and officers, whether Directors
            or not, and including both full-time and part-time employees, of the
            Corporation or any Designated Subsidiary;

      (i)   "Employment Contract" means any contract between the Corporation or
            any Designated Subsidiary and (i) any Eligible Employee relating to,
            or entered into in connection with, the employment or termination of
            employment of the Eligible Employee (ii) any Eligible Director in
            connection with the appointment or resignation of such Director or
            (iii) any Eligible Consultant relating to, or entered into in
            connection with, the engagement or termination of engagement of the
            Eligible Consultant;

      (j)   "Insider" has the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 627 of the
            Company Manual of The Toronto Stock Exchange;

                                     - 2 -

      (k)   "Option" means an option to purchase Shares granted pursuant to, or
            governed by, the Plan;

      (l)   "Optionee" means a Plan Member to whom an Option has been granted
            pursuant to the Plan;

      (m)   "Option Period" means the period of time during which the particular
            Option may be exercised;

      (n)   "Plan" means this share option plan to be known as Geac Computer
            Corporation Limited Stock Option Plan VI;

      (o)   "Plan Member" means each Eligible Employee, Eligible Director or
            Eligible Consultant;

      (p)   "Service Provider" means an employee or Insider of the Corporation
            or any of its subsidiaries and any other person or corporation
            engaged to provide ongoing management or consulting services for the
            Corporation or any entity controlled by the Corporation;

      (q)   "Share Compensation Arrangement" means a stock option, stock option
            plan, employee stock purchase plan or any other compensation or
            incentive mechanism involving the issuance or potential issuance of
            securities of the Corporation to one or more Service Providers,
            including a share purchase from treasury which is financially
            assisted by the Corporation by way of a loan, guaranty or otherwise;

      (r)   "Shares" means the common shares of the Corporation, as adjusted in
            accordance with the provisions of Article 5 of the Plan; and

      (s)   "Stock Exchange" means The Toronto Stock Exchange or any other
            exchange upon which the Shares are listed and posted for trading
            with the greatest volume of trading in the Shares.

Section 1.02 SECURITIES DEFINITIONS: In the Plan, the terms "affiliate",
"associate" and "subsidiary" shall have the meanings given to such terms in the
Securities Act (Ontario).

Section 1.03 HEADINGS: The headings of all articles, sections, and paragraphs in
the Plan are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the
construction or interpretation of the Plan.

Section 1.04 CONTEXT, CONSTRUCTION: Whenever the singular or masculine are used
in the Plan, the same shall be construed as being the plural or feminine or
neuter or vice versa where the context so requires.

Section 1.05 REFERENCES TO THIS PLAN: The words "herein", "hereby", "hereunder",
"hereof" and similar expressions mean or refer to the Plan as a whole and not to
any particular article, section, paragraph or other part hereof.

                                     - 3 -

Section 1.06 CANADIAN FUNDS: Unless otherwise specifically provided, all
references to dollar amounts in the Plan are references to lawful money of

                                  ARTICLE TWO

Section 2.01 PURPOSE OF THE PLAN: The Plan provides for the acquisition of
Shares by Plan Members for the purpose of advancing the interests of the
Corporation through the motivation, attraction and retention of employees and
consultants of the Corporation and the Designated Subsidiaries and to secure for
the Corporation and the shareholders of the Corporation the benefits inherent in
the ownership of Shares by key employees, directors and consultants of the
Corporation and Designated Subsidiaries.

Section 2.02 ADMINISTRATION OF THE PLAN: The Plan shall be administered by the
Committee and the Committee shall have full authority to administer the Plan
including the authority to interpret and construe any provision of the Plan and
to adopt, amend and rescind such rules and regulations for administering the
Plan as the Committee may deem necessary in order to comply with the
requirements of the Plan. All actions taken and all interpretations and
determinations made by the Committee in good faith shall be final and conclusive
and shall be binding on the Plan Members and the Corporation. No member of the
Committee shall be personally liable for any action taken or determination or
interpretation made in good faith in connection with the Plan and all members of
the Committee shall, in addition to their rights as Directors, be fully
protected, indemnified and held harmless by the Corporation with respect to any
such action taken or determination or interpretation made. The appropriate
officers of the Corporation are hereby authorized and empowered to do all things
and execute and deliver all instruments, undertakings and applications and
writings as they, in their absolute discretion, consider necessary for the
implementation of the Plan and of the rules and regulations established for
administering the Plan. All costs incurred in connection with the Plan shall be
for the account of the Corporation.

Section 2.03 DELEGATION TO COMMITTEE: All of the powers exercisable hereunder by
the Directors may, to the extent permitted by applicable law and as determined
by resolution of the Directors, be exercised by a committee of the Directors
comprised of not less than three Directors.

Section 2.04 RECORD KEEPING: The Corporation shall maintain a register in which
shall be recorded:

      (a)   the name and address of each Optionee;

      (b)   the number of Shares subject to Options granted to each Optionee;

      (c)   the aggregate number of Shares subject to Options.

shall from time to time determine the Plan Members who may participate in the
Plan. The Committee shall

                                     - 4 -

from time to time determine the number of shares to be issued to any Plan Member
under the Plan, the Plan Members to whom Options shall be granted, the number of
Shares to be made subject to and the expiry date of each Option granted to each
Plan Member and the other terms of each Option granted to each Plan Member, all
such determinations to be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of
the Plan, and the Committee may take into consideration the present and
potential contributions of and the services rendered by the particular Plan
Member to the success of the Corporation and any other factors which the
Committee deems appropriate and relevant.

Section 2.06 MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SHARES: The maximum number of Shares issuable
under the Plan shall be determined from time to time by the Committee but, in
any case, the maximum number of Shares issuable under:

      (a)   the Plan;

      (b)   the Geac Computer Corporation Limited Employee Stock Ownership Plan
            II, the Geac Computer Corporation Limited Stock Option Plan IV and
            the Geac Computer Corporation Limited Stock Option Plan V
            (collectively the "Prior Plans"); and

      (c)   any additional options granted outside such Prior Plans,

shall not exceed 9,200,000 Shares which number includes:

            (i)   the 865,888 Shares available for issuance under Prior Plans
                  which will now be available for issue upon exercise of Options
                  granted under the Plan;

            (ii)  the 3,262,530 Shares issuable upon exercise of options
                  previously granted under Prior Plans which options will
                  continue to be subject to such Prior Plans unless such options
                  are surrendered in accordance with the terms of such Prior
                  Plans, terminate or expire without being exercised in whole or
                  in part in which case new Options may be granted under the
                  Plan covering the Shares not purchased under such surrendered,
                  terminated or expired options;

            (iii) 500,000 Shares issuable upon exercise of options granted to an
                  officer and director of the Corporation on April 26, 1999
                  which options will continue to be subject to the terms of such
                  options unless such options are surrendered in accordance with
                  the terms thereof, terminate or expire without being exercised
                  in whole or in part in which case new Options may be granted
                  under the Plan covering the Shares not purchased under such
                  surrendered, terminated or expired options; and

                                     - 5 -

            (iv)  an additional 4,571,582 Shares not previously available under
                  the Prior Plans or upon exercise of any previously granted
                  options and which are now available for issue upon exercise of
                  Options granted under the Plan.

      In addition, the maximum aggregate number of shares reserved for issue at
      any time upon the exercise of Options granted to Insiders shall not exceed
      10% of the total number of Shares then outstanding. The aggregate number
      of Shares reserved for issue to any one person upon the exercise of
      Options shall not exceed 5% of the total number of Shares then
      outstanding. In addition, the maximum number of Shares issuable to
      Insiders pursuant to the Plan and any other Share Compensation
      Arrangement, within a one-year period, shall not exceed 10% of the total
      number of Shares then outstanding. The maximum number of Shares issuable
      to any one Insider and the associates of such Insider pursuant to the Plan
      and any other Share Compensation Arrangement, within a one-year period,
      shall not exceed 5% of the total number of Shares outstanding. For
      purposes of this Section 2.06 the number of Shares then outstanding shall
      mean the number of Shares outstanding on a non-diluted basis immediately
      prior to the proposed grant of the applicable Option or issue of Shares,
      as the case may be, excluding Shares issued pursuant to Share Compensation
      Arrangements over the preceding one-year period. If the Corporation
      repurchases for cancellation Shares such that any of the foregoing
      percentage tests are not met following such repurchase, this shall not
      constitute non-compliance under the Plan for any Options then outstanding.

Section 2.07 GRANT OF OPTIONS TO ELIGIBLE DIRECTORS: The aggregate number of
Options which may be granted under this Plan to Eligible Directors who are not
employees or officers of the Corporation or a Designated Subsidiary as a group
shall not exceed 360,000, provided that, subject to regulatory approval, such
number may be increased to a number equal to the product of 40,000 multiplied by
the number of Eligible Directors who are not employees or officers of the
Corporation or a Designated Subsidiary. To the extent that Options are exercised
by Eligible Directors who are not employees or officers of the Corporation or a
Designated Subsidiary, the aggregate number of Options available will be reduced
by the number of Options so exercised.

                                 ARTICLE THREE
                                SHARE OPTION PLAN

Section 3.01 THE PLAN AND PLAN MEMBERS: A share option plan is hereby
established for Eligible Employees, Eligible Directors and Eligible Consultants.

Section 3.02 EXERCISE PRICE: The price per share at which any Share which is the
subject of an Option may be purchased shall be determined by the Committee at
the time the Option is granted, provided that such price shall be not less than
the arithmetic average of the high and low board lot prices of the Shares on the
Stock Exchange on the five trading days immediately preceding the date of grant.

Section 3.03 TERM OF OPTION: The Option Period for each Option shall be such
period of time as shall be determined by the Committee, provided that no Option
Period shall exceed 10 years.

                                     - 6 -

Section 3.04 LAPSED OPTIONS: If Options granted under the Plan are surrendered
in accordance with the terms of the Plan, terminate or expire without being
exercised in whole or in part, new Options may be granted covering the Shares
not purchased under such surrendered, terminated or expired Options.

Section 3.05 LIMIT ON OPTIONS TO BE EXERCISED: Subject to Sections 3.08, 3.09
and 3.10 hereof, Options may be exercised during the Option Period after the
first year thereof only in accordance with the vesting schedule determined by
the Committee at the time of the grant of the Option, which vesting schedule may
include performance vesting or acceleration of vesting in certain circumstances
and which may be amended by the Committee from time to time with respect to a
particular Option.

Section 3.06 ELIGIBLE PLAN MEMBERS ON EXERCISE: An Option may be exercised by
the Optionee in whole at any time, or in part from time to time, during the
Option Period as specified in Section 3.05, provided however that, except as
otherwise specifically provided in Sections 3.08, 3.09 or 3.10 hereof, no Option
may be exercised unless the Optionee at the time of exercise thereof is:

      (a)   in the case of an Eligible Employee, an officer of the Corporation
            or a Designated Subsidiary or in the employment of the Corporation
            or a Designated Subsidiary and has been continuously an officer or
            so employed since the date of grant of such Option, provided however
            that a leave of absence with the approval of the Corporation or such
            Designated Subsidiary shall not be considered an interruption of
            employment for purposes of the Plan;

      (b)   in the case of an Eligible Director, a Director or a director of a
            Designated Subsidiary and has been such a director since the date of
            grant of such Option; and

      (c)   in the case of an Eligible Consultant, engaged to provide services
            to the Corporation or any of its Designated Subsidiary and has been
            continuously so engaged since the date of grant of such Option.

Section 3.07 PAYMENT OF EXERCISE PRICE: The issue of Shares on exercise of any
Option shall be contingent upon receipt by the Corporation of payment of the
aggregate purchase price for the Shares in respect of which the Option has been
exercised by cash or certified cheque delivered to the registered office of the
Corporation together with a validly completed notice of exercise substantially
in the form attached hereto. No Optionee or legal representative, legatee or
distributee of any Optionee will be, or will be deemed to be, a holder of any
Shares with respect to which such Optionee was granted an Option, unless and
until certificates for such Shares are issued to such Optionee, or legal
representative, legatee or distributee of any Optionee, under the terms of the
Plan. Subject to Section 3.11 hereof, upon an Optionee exercising an Option and
paying the Corporation the aggregate purchase price for the Shares in respect of
which the Option has been exercised, the Corporation shall as soon as
practicable issue and deliver a certificate representing the Shares so

                                     - 7 -

Section 3.08 ACCELERATION ON TAKE-OVER BID: If there is a take-over bid (within
the meaning of the Securities Act (Ontario)) made for all or any of the issued
and outstanding Shares then the Committee may, by resolution, permit all Options
outstanding to become immediately exercisable, notwithstanding Section 3.05
hereof, in order to permit Shares issuable under such Options to be tendered to
such bid.

Section 3.09 EFFECT OF DEATH: If a Plan Member dies while an Optionee, any
Option held by such Optionee at the date of death shall become immediately
exercisable notwithstanding Section 3.05 hereof, and shall be exercisable in
whole or in part only by the person or persons to whom the rights of the
Optionee under the Option shall pass by the will of the Optionee or the laws of
descent and distribution for a period of twelve months after the date of death
of the Optionee or prior to the expiration of the Option Period in respect of
the Option, whichever is sooner.

Section 3.10 EFFECT OF TERMINATION OR RETIREMENT: If a Plan Member shall:

      (a)   cease to be a Director or a director of any Designated Subsidiary
            (and is not or does not continue to be an employee thereof); or

      (b)   cease to be employed by, or provide services to, or be an officer of
            the Corporation or any of its Designated Subsidiaries (and is not or
            does not continue to be a director or senior officer thereof), or
            any corporation engaged to provide services to the Corporation or
            any of its Designated Subsidiaries, for any reason (other than
            death, Termination for cause or Retirement (as defined below)), or
            shall receive notice from the Corporation or any of its Designated
            Subsidiaries of the termination of his or her Employment Contract;

(collectively, "Termination") such Plan Member may, but only within 30 days next
succeeding such Termination, exercise his or her Options to the extent that such
Plan Member was entitled to exercise such options at the date of such
Termination unless otherwise determined by the Committee, provided that in no
event shall such right extend beyond the Option Period.

Notwithstanding the foregoing:

      (a)   in the event of a Termination of an Eligible Employee for "cause",
            such Plan Member's Options shall expire and terminate immediately
            upon the date of such Termination; and

      (b)   in the event an Eligible Employee retires from service to the
            Corporation or a Designated Subsidiary in accordance with the
            retirement policy of the Corporation as it may exist from time to
            time ("Retirement"), such Plan Member may for a period of one year
            following such Retirement, exercise his or her Options which have
            vested or shall vest within such one year period following
            Retirement, provided that in no event shall such right extend beyond
            the Option Period.

                                     - 8 -

This section 3.10 is subject to any Employment Contract and, in such case, any
necessary regulatory approval, including the approval of The Toronto Stock

Section 3.11 NECESSARY APPROVALS: The obligation of the Corporation to issue and
deliver any Shares in accordance with the Plan shall be subject to receipt of
any necessary approval of any stock exchange or regulatory authority having
jurisdiction over the securities of the Corporation and compliance with other
applicable corporate legislation. If any Shares cannot be issued to any Plan
Member for whatever reason, the obligation of the Corporation to issue such
Shares shall terminate and any Option exercise price paid to the Corporation
shall be returned to the Plan Member.

                                  ARTICLE FOUR
                         OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

Section 4.01 NON-QUALIFYING PLAN: The Plan is not meant to qualify as an
incentive stock option plan pursuant to section 422 of the Internal Revenue

Section 4.02 WITHHOLDING TAXES: The Corporation or any Designated Subsidiary may
take such steps as are considered necessary or appropriate for the withholding
of any taxes which the Corporation or any Designated Subsidiary is required by
any law or regulation of any governmental authority whatsoever to withhold in
connection with any Option or Share including, without limiting the generality
of the foregoing, the withholding of all or any portion of any payment or the
withholding of the issue of Shares to be issued upon the exercise of any Option,
until such time as the Plan Member has paid the Corporation or any Designated
Subsidiary for any amount which the Corporation or Designated Subsidiary is
required to withhold with respect to such taxes.

Options which may be granted pursuant to the provisions of the Plan nor the
Shares which may be acquired pursuant to the exercise of Options have been
registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "U.S.
Securities Act"), or under any securities law of any state of the United States
of America. Accordingly, any Plan Member who is a U.S. person and is issued
Shares or granted an Option in a transaction which is subject to the U.S.
Securities Act or the securities laws of any state of the United States of
America may be required to represent, warrant, acknowledge and agree that:

      (a)   the Plan Member is acquiring the Option and/or any Shares as
            principal and for the account of the Plan Member;

      (b)   in granting the Option and/or issuing the Shares to the Plan Member,
            the Corporation is relying on the representations and warranties of
            the Plan Member to support the conclusion of the Corporation that
            the granting of the Option and/or the issue of Shares do not require
            registration under the U.S. Securities Act or to be qualified under
            the securities laws of any state of the United States of America;

                                     - 9 -

      (c)   each certificate representing Shares issued may be required to have
            the following legend:


            provided that if such Shares are being sold outside the United
            States of America in compliance with the requirements of Rule 904 of
            Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act, and in compliance with
            applicable local laws and regulations, the foregoing legend may be
            removed by providing a declaration addressed to the Corporation and
            the registrar and transfer agent for the Shares to the following

            "The undersigned (a) acknowledges that the sale of the
            _____________________ Shares, represented by certificate numbers
            _______________, to which this declaration relates is being made in
            reliance on Rule 904 of Regulation S under the United States
            Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "U.S. Securities Act"), and
            (b) certifies that (1) it is not an "affiliate" (as defined in Rule
            405 under the U.S. Securities Act) of Geac Computer Corporation
            Limited, (2) the offer of such Shares was not made to a person in
            the United States and either (a) at the time the buy order was
            originated, the buyer was outside the United States, or the seller
            and any person acting on its behalf reasonably believe that the
            buyer was outside the United States or (b) the transaction was
            executed on or through facilities of The Toronto Stock Exchange and
            neither the seller nor any person acting on its behalf knows that
            the transaction has been prearranged with a buyer in the United
            States, and (3) neither the seller nor any person acting on its
            behalf engaged in any directed selling efforts in connection with
            the offer and sale of such Shares. Terms used herein have the
            meanings given to them by Regulation S.";

            and provided further that if such Shares are being sold pursuant to
            an exemption from registration under the U.S. Securities Act
            provided by Rule 144 thereunder, the foregoing legend may be removed
            by delivery to the registrar and transfer agent for the Shares of an
            opinion of counsel, of recognized standing reasonably satisfactory
            to the Corporation, to the effect that such legend is no longer
            required under applicable requirement of the U.S. Securities Act or
            state securities laws;

                                     - 10 -

      (d)   other than as contemplated by Subsection 4.03(c) hereof, prior to
            making any disposition of any Shares acquired pursuant to the Plan
            which might be subject to the registration requirements of the U.S.
            Securities Act, the Plan Member shall give written notice to the
            Corporation describing the manner of the proposed disposition and
            containing such other information as is necessary to enable counsel
            for the Corporation to determine whether registration under the U.S.
            Securities Act or qualification under any securities laws of any
            state of the United States of America is required in connection with
            the proposed disposition and whether the proposed disposition is
            otherwise in compliance with such legislation and the regulations

      (e)   other than as contemplated by Subsection 4.03(c) hereof, the Plan
            Member will not attempt to effect any disposition of the Shares
            owned by the Plan Member and acquired pursuant to the Plan or of any
            interest therein which might be subject to the registration
            requirements of the U.S. Securities Act in the absence of an
            effective registration statement relating thereto under the U.S.
            Securities Act or an opinion of counsel satisfactory in form and
            substance to counsel for the Corporation that such disposition would
            not constitute a violation of the U.S. Securities Act and then will
            only dispose of such Shares in the manner so proposed;

      (f)   the Corporation may place a notation on the records of the
            Corporation to the effect that none of the Shares acquired by the
            Plan Member pursuant to the Plan shall be transferred unless the
            provisions of the Plan have been complied with; and

      (g)   the effect of these restrictions on the disposition of the Shares
            acquired by the Plan Member pursuant to the Plan is such that the
            Plan Member may not be able to sell or otherwise dispose of such
            Shares for a considerable length of time in a transaction which is
            subject to the provisions of the U.S. Securities Act other than as
            contemplated by Subsection 4.03(c) hereof.

                                  ARTICLE FIVE

Section 5.01 EFFECTIVE TIME OF PLAN: The Plan shall become effective upon a date
to be determined by the Directors.

Section 5.02 AMENDMENT OF PLAN: The Committee may from time to time in the
absolute discretion of the Committee amend, modify and change the provisions of
the Plan or any Options granted pursuant to the Plan, provided that any
amendment, modification or change to the provisions of the Plan or any Options
granted pursuant to the Plan which would:

      (a)   materially increase the benefits under the Plan or any Options
            granted pursuant to the Plan;

                                     - 11 -

      (b)   increase the number of Shares, other than by virtue of Sections 5.06
            and 5.07 of the Plan, which may be issued pursuant to the Plan; or

      (c)   materially modify the requirements as to eligibility for
            participation in the Plan;

shall only be effective upon such amendment, modification or change being
approved by the shareholders of the Corporation if required by the Stock
Exchange and any other regulatory authority having jurisdiction over the
securities of the Corporation. Any amendment, modification or change of any
provision of the Plan or any Options granted pursuant to the Plan shall be
subject to approval, if required, by any regulatory authority having
jurisdiction over the securities of the Corporation. Notwithstanding the above,
any amendment, modification or change to the provisions of the Plan or any
Options granted pursuant to the Plan which would result or effectively result in
a reduction in the exercise price or an extension of the expiry date of Options
beyond a period of 10 years from the date of grant granted to Insiders shall
only be effective upon such amendment, modification or change being approved by
the shareholders of the Corporation.

Section 5.03 NON-ASSIGNABLE: No rights under the Plan and no Option awarded
pursuant to the provisions of the Plan are assignable or transferable by any
Plan Member other than pursuant to a will or by the laws of descent and
distribution or, upon receipt of all necessary regulatory approvals, as may be
approved by the Committee.

Section 5.04 RIGHTS AS A SHAREHOLDER: No Optionee shall have any rights as a
shareholder of the Corporation with respect to any Shares which are the subject
of an Option. No Optionee shall be entitled to receive, and no adjustment shall
be made for, any dividends, distributions or other rights declared for
shareholders of the Corporation for which the record date is prior to the date
of exercise of any Option.

Section 5.05 NO CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT: Nothing contained in the Plan shall
confer or be deemed to confer upon any Plan Member the right to continue in the
employment of, or to provide services to, the Corporation or any Designated
Subsidiary nor interfere or be deemed to interfere in any way with any right of
the Corporation or any Designated Subsidiary to discharge any Plan Member at any
time for any reason whatsoever, with or without cause. Participation in the Plan
by a Plan Member shall be voluntary.

Section 5.06 CONSOLIDATION, MERGER, ETC.: If there is a consolidation, merger or
statutory amalgamation or arrangement of the Corporation with or into another
corporation, a separation of the business of the Corporation into two or more
entities or a transfer of all or substantially all of the assets of the
Corporation to another entity, upon the exercise of an Option under the Plan,
the holder thereof shall be entitled to receive the securities, property or cash
which the holder would have received upon such consolidation, merger,
amalgamation, arrangement, separation or transfer if the holder had exercised
the Option immediately prior to such event, unless the Directors otherwise
determine the basis upon which such Option shall be exercisable, which may
include permitting all Options outstanding at the time of such event to become
immediately exercisable, notwithstanding Section 3.05 hereof.

                                     - 12 -

there is any change in the Shares, whether by reason of a stock dividend,
consolidation, subdivision, reclassification or otherwise, an appropriate
adjustment shall be made by the Committee in:

      (a)   the number of Shares available under the Plan;

      (b)   the number of Shares subject to any Option; and

      (c)   the exercise price of the Shares subject to Options.

If the foregoing adjustment shall result in a fractional Share, the fraction
shall be disregarded. All such adjustments shall be conclusive, final and
binding for all purposes of the Plan.

Section 5.08 SECURITIES EXCHANGE TAKE-OVER BID: In the event that the
Corporation becomes the subject of a take-over bid (within the meaning of the
Securities Act (Ontario)) pursuant to which 100% of the issued and outstanding
Shares are acquired by the offeror either directly or as a result of the
compulsory acquisition provisions of the Act, and where consideration is paid in
whole or in part in equity securities of the offeror, the Committee may send
notice to all Optionees requiring them to surrender their Options within 10 days
of the mailing of such notice, and the Optionees shall be deemed to have
surrendered such Options on the tenth day after the mailing of such notice
without further formality, provided that:

      (a)   the offeror delivers with such notice an irrevocable and
            unconditional offer to grant replacement options to the Optionees on
            the equity securities offered as consideration;

      (b)   the Committee has determined, in good faith, that such replacement
            options have substantially the same economic value as the Options
            being surrendered; and

      (c)   the surrender of Options and the granting of replacement options can
            be effected on a tax free roll-over basis under the Income Tax Act

Section 5.09 NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY: The Corporation makes no
representation or warranty as to the future market value of any Shares issued in
accordance with the provisions of the Plan.

Section 5.10 COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAW: If any provision of the' Plan or
any Option contravenes any law or any order, policy, by-law or regulation of any
regulatory body having jurisdiction, then such provision shall be deemed to be
amended to the extent necessary to bring such provision into compliance

Section 5.11 INTERPRETATION: This Plan shall be governed by and construed in
accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario.

As at December 2002.

                                     - 13 -


                               NOTICE OF EXERCISE

To:   Geac Computer Corporation Limited (the "Corporation")
      11 Allstate Parkway, Suite 300
      Markham, Ontario
      L3R 9T8

            The undersigned hereby notifies the Corporation pursuant to Section
3.07 of the Geac Computer Corporation Limited Stock Option Plan VI (the "Plan")
that the undersigned is hereby exercising Options to acquire common shares of
the Corporation granted pursuant to the Plan. The particulars of such exercise
are as follows:

      (a)   Number of Options to be exercised:    ______________________________

      (b)   Exercise Price per Option:            ______________________________

      (c)   Expiry date of Option:                ______________________________

      (d)   Aggregate purchase price (tendered
            in cash or by certified cheque):      ___________________ ((a) x(b))

Dated this ____________ day of _________________, ____________.


                                         Name of Optionee (Please print)

