[GEAC LOGO]

4100 Yonge Street, Suite 601
Toronto, Ontario  M2P 2G2
Tel: (416) 642-1960
Fax: (416) 642-1961

                                                              September 29, 2000

Ms Hema Anganu
1154 Wilson Ave. Apt. 1214
Downsview, ON  M3M 1J6

Dear Hema:

As you are aware Geac Computer Corporation Limited ("Geac") has initiated a
process whereby various strategic options for the Company are being considered.
As such, the Company has agreed to provide you with the following arrangements
in consideration of your value towards this process during this period.

You will be provided with the following arrangements:

1.       (a) Subject to any necessary regulatory approval, Geac has granted to
         you effective as of September 25, 2000 (the "Effective Date") options
         to purchase 35,000 common shares of the Company (the "New Options")
         pursuant to Stock Option Plan VI with such New Options to vest as

- -------------              -------------             ------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SEPTEMBER 25, 2000         35,000                    $9.32
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

NUMBER OF                  DATE FOR                  LAST DATE
OPTIONED SHARES            VESTING                   FOR EXERCISE
- ---------------            --------                  ------------

8,750                      SEPTEMBER 25, 2000        SEPTEMBER 25, 2010
8,750                      SEPTEMBER 25, 2001        SEPTEMBER 25, 2010
8,750                      SEPTEMBER 25, 2002        SEPTEMBER 25, 2010
8,750                      SEPTEMBER 25, 2003        SEPTEMBER 25, 2010

         (b)      In the event of a Change in Control these New Options shall
                  vest as follows:

                  (i)        Fifty percent (50%) of the unvested outstanding New
                             Options in each tranche referred to above shall
                             vest immediately upon a Change in Control; and

                  (ii)       The balance of the unvested outstanding New Options
                             shall vest immediately on the date of a Change in
                             Control and either a Change Affecting Your
                             Employment within 12 months of a Change in Control

                                     - 2 -

                             the termination of your employment for reasons
                             other than cause within 12 months of a Change in

         (c)      In the event of a Change in Control, all unvested outstanding
                  options previously granted to you by Geac prior to September
                  25, 2000 ("Previous Options") shall vest as follows:

                  (i)        In the case of Previous Options granted under the
                             terms of Geac's Stock Option Plan V, all unvested
                             outstanding Previous Options shall vest upon a
                             Change in Control in accordance with the terms of
                             Plan V; and

                  (ii)       In the case of Previous Options granted under the
                             terms of Geac's Stock Option Plan VI, all unvested
                             outstanding Previous Options shall vest immediately
                             on the date of a Change in Control and either a
                             Change Affecting Your Employment within 12 months
                             of a Change in Control or the termination of your
                             employment for reasons other than cause within 12
                             months of a Change in Control.

2.       In the event of a Change in Control and either a Change Affecting
         Your Employment within 12 months of a Change in Control or the
         termination of your employment for reasons other than cause within 12
         months of a Change in Control you will immediately receive a lump sum
         payment equal to 125% of your aggregate annual compensation (measured
         by reference to then current annual salary, the current annual car
         allowance payments and bonus which shall be the greater of the actual
         bonus amount paid to you for the immediately preceding fiscal year or
         the amount of the targeted bonus for the current fiscal year). You
         will also be paid, credited or reimbursed as the case may be for all
         unpaid salary (including credit for any vacation earned but not
         taken), all unpaid bonuses and expenses incurred up to the date of
         termination. You will also be provided with company medical and dental
         benefits for the 15 month period following the date of termination or
         until such time as you find alternate employment.

3.       For the purposes of this letter agreement "Change in Control" and
         "Change Affecting Your Employment" are defined as set out in
         Schedule "A".

The payments described in this agreement are in full and final satisfaction of
any and all claims or possible claims, including claims pursuant to your
existing employment agreement arising as a result of a Change in Control and
either a Change Affecting Your Employment within 12 months of a Change in
Control or the termination of your employment for reasons other than cause
within 12 months of a Change in Control.

If after having reviewed this letter and having had the opportunity to obtain
independent legal advice you agree, please sign both copies of this letter
signifying your acceptance and return one copy to me.

Yours truly,

                                     - 3 -

Geac Computer Corporation Limited

         "Bruce Hannah"

Bruce Hannah, Vice President
Human Resources

I have considered the above proposal and confirm that I am accepting same this
3rd day of November, 2000.

                                                        "H. Anganu"
                                               Hema Anganu

                                  SCHEDULE "A"

"Change in Control" means the occurrence of one or more of the following events:

1.       The sale, lease or transfer, in one or a series of related
         transactions, of all or substantially all of the Company's assets to
         any person or company or combination of persons or companies other
         than to a wholly owned subsidiary of Geac;

2.       The adoption of a plan relating to the liquidation or dissolution of

3.       The acquisition by any person or company or combination of persons or
         companies acting jointly or in concert of a direct or indirect interest
         in more than 50 percent of the ownership of Geac or the voting power of
         the voting shares of Geac by way of a purchase, merger or consolidation
         or otherwise (other than a creation of a holding company that does not
         involve a change in the beneficial ownership of Geac as a result of
         such transaction); or

4.       The amalgamation, merger or consolidation of Geac with or into another
         corporation or the amalgamation or merger of another corporation into
         Geac with the effect that immediately after such transaction the
         shareholders of Geac immediately prior to such transaction hold less
         than 50 percent of the total voting power of all securities generally
         entitled to vote in the election of directors, managers or trustees of
         the person surviving such amalgamation, merger or consolidation.

"Change Affecting Your Employment" means any of the following circumstances
which are not accepted by the Executive during the 90 day period immediately
following the date on which the Executive becomes aware of such circumstances:

1.       Any change to the Executive's employment conditions which would
         significantly reduce the nature or status of the Executive's

2.       A reduction by the Company in the Executive's annual compensation as
         of the date of the Change in Control;

3.       The failure by the Company to continue in effect for the Executive's
         benefit any perquisites or participation in any employee benefit plan
         to which other employees of the Company are entitled, to the same
         extent to which any other employees enjoy such benefits; or

4.       Any other change which would constitute "constructive dismissal" under
         applicable law.