ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION


                              WEBCO ENGINEERING CO.

      KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That I, the undersigned, being a natural
person of the age of twenty-one years or more and desiring to form a corporation
under "The General and Business Corporation Law of Missouri" do hereby adopt the
following Articles of Incorporation:

                                   ARTICLE I

      The name of the corporation shall be WEBCO ENGINEERING CO.

                                   ARTICLE II

      The address of its initial registered office in the State of Missouri is
2315 East Trafficway, Springfield, Missouri 65802, and the name of its
registered agent at such address is William E. Bennett.

                                  ARTICLE III

      The aggregate number of shares which the corporation shall have authority
to issue shall be One Hundred Thousand (100,000), all of which shares shall have
a par value of One Dollar ($1.00), amounting in the aggregate to One Hundred
Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00).

      There are no preferences, qualifications, limitations or restrictions upon
said shares with the exception that no stockholder of the corporation shall have
any preemptive rights or preferential rights of subscription to any shares of
the corporation, whether now or hereafter authorized, or to any obligations
convertible into stock of the corporation, issued or sold, or any right of
subscription to any thereof other than such, if any, and at such price as the
Board of Directors, in its discretion from time to time may determine, pursuant
to the authority hereby conferred by this Certificate of Incorporation, and the
Board of Directors may issue stock of the

corporation or obligations convertible into stock without offering such issue of
stock either in whole or in part to the other stockholders of the corporation.
Should the Board of Directors as to any portion of the stock of the corporation
whether now or hereafter authorized, or to any obligation convertible into stock
of the corporation, offer the same to the stockholders of any class thereof,
such offer shall not in any way constitute a waiver or release of the right of
the Board of Directors subsequently to dispose of other portions of such stock
or obligations without so offering the same to the stockholders. The acceptance
of stock in the corporation shall be a waiver of any such preemptive or
preferential rights which in the absence of this provision might otherwise be
asserted by stockholders of the corporation, or any of them.

                                   ARTICLE IV

      The number of shares to be issued before the corporation shall commence
business is Five Thousand (5,000), all of which shares are of a par value of One
Dollar ($1.00) each, and the consideration to be paid therefor and the capital
with which the corporation shall commence business is Five Thousand Dollars

      All of said Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) has been paid in lawful
money of the United States at the time of the execution of these Articles.

                                   ARTICLE V

      The name and place of residence and the number of shares subscribed for
and paid for by the organizer of the corporation is as follows:

NAME                          RESIDENCE                     OF SHARES
- ----                          ---------                     ---------
William E. Bennett            2315 East Trafficway          5,000
                              Springfield, MO 65802


                                   ARTICLE VI

      The number of Directors to be elected at the first meeting of the
shareholders is three (3). The Directors of the corporation may, by a majority
vote, amend the bylaws of the corporation at any meeting of the Board of
Directors provided, however, that the Board of Directors shall take no such
action contrary to the provisions of any regulation of the shareholders
directing them not to do so.

                                  ARTICLE VII

      The duration of the corporation shall be perpetual.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

      The corporation is formed for the following purposes:

            To make estimates for itself and for others, and to bid upon, enter
      into, and carry out the contracts for the construction of buildings,
      heating units, cooling units, power plants, fortifications, developments,
      transmission lines, and general building and renovation of buildings.

            To do building, structural, construction, erection, surveying,
      dredging, shoring, wrecking, salvage and general building work of every
      kind in every part of the world.

            To manufacture or otherwise produce, assemble, buy, sell, and deal
      in all types of building materials and equipment, and all kinds of
      supplies and equipment for builders, electricians, engineers, and

            To acquire, use, employ, sell and deal in all suitable means,
      apparatus, machinery, contrivances, equipment, and facilities for the
      prosecution of such contracting business.

            To carry on the business of a professional engineer for
      construction, manufacturing and design facilities of all kinds and nature.

            To do a general commission business and to accept consignments of
      merchandise for sale upon commission; to act as selling agents for
      manufacturers merchants, and others; to purchase accounts, to finance
      products of manufacturing plants, mills, or merchants, and to finance
      accounts and sales; provide office and sales forces for manufacturers,
      mills and others; to buy and sell all kinds of merchandise; and to act as
      a factor generally.


            To purchase or otherwise acquire any lands, houses, offices,
      workshops, buildings and the premises, and any fixed and movable
      machinery, tools, engines, plant, implements, patterns, stock in trade,
      patents, and patent rights, convenient to be used in or about the trade or
      business of engineering and construction. To enter into any contracts in
      relation thereto, and to erect, construct, maintain, alter, repair, pull
      down and restore, either alone or jointly with other companies or persons,
      works of all descriptions including wharfs, docks, piers, railways,
      waterways, roads, bridges, warehouses, factories, mills, engines,
      highways, ships and vessels of every description, gas works, electric
      works, water works, drainage and sewer works, and buildings of every

            To engage in the business of erecting, designing, planning,
      constructing, altering, under contract or otherwise, trailer parks,
      shopping centers, rental centers, sales centers, utility services, plants,
      buildings and all other structures or construction, of whatever kind or
      nature, to make estimates, on and bid for the construction of buildings,
      structures or improvements and to do every act and thing commonly done by
      building contractors; and, to buy and sell building materials and to enter
      into contracts for the services of others in all types of construction

            To enter into the business of supplying any town, city, village,
      district or neighborhood with gas, electricity or water and to enter into
      the operations and business of a public utility company, with full power
      to manufacture, buy, sell, obtain for resale and to furnish such
      quantities of gas, electricity or water as may be required by any city,
      town, village, district or neighborhood wherever located for public or
      private buildings or for other purposes; to purchase and sell or procure
      such goods, wares, merchandise, machinery, equipment, materials and
      supplies of all kinds necessary to such utility operation; to furnish,
      perform, negotiate and secure engineering and contracting services, and to
      do and perform construction work therefor; to lay, install, maintain and
      provide conductors for conveying gas, electricity or water through
      streets, alleys and squares of any city, town, village or unpopulated area
      with the consent of municipal authorities therefor under such reasonable
      regulations as such authorities may prescribe, and to set poles, pipes,
      abutments, wires and other fixtures, along, across or under any public
      roads, streets and lands of this state in such manner as not to incommode
      the public in the use of such roads, streets and waters, all in accordance
      with the laws of the State of Missouri in such cases made and provided.

            To own, lease, operate and manage shopping centers, rental sales
      outlets, trailer parks, trailer sales centers, repair facilities,
      equipment and all types of accessories and construction apparatus,
      supplies, tools, equipment and all other types of machinery and personal
      property of every kind and description related to mobile homes, mobile
      home parks, mobile home rentals and sales, and the furnishing,
      constructing and maintaining


      of utility services to trailer parks and mobile home sites in any state in
      the United States of America or any of its possessions, or in any foreign

            To apply for and obtain or cause to be obtained from the Federal
      Housing Administration and its Commissioner, hereinafter called the
      "Commissioner", a contract or contracts of mortgage insurance pursuant to
      the provisions of the National Housing Act, as amended, under any of its
      various sections, covering bonds, notes and other evidences of
      indebtedness issued by this corporation and any indenture of mortgage or
      deed of trust securing the same; and not withstanding any other provision
      herein contained the corporation is authorized to enter into any contract
      or regulatory agreement with the Federal Housing Administration, and its
      duly appointed Commissioner, and it shall be bound by the terms thereof so
      as to enable the Commissioner to carry out the provisions of the National
      Housing Act, as amended; and, upon execution, the contract or regulatory
      agreement shall be binding upon the corporation, its successors and
      assigns, so long as a mortgage or deed of trust is outstanding, unpaid and
      insured or held by the Federal Housing Commissioner.

            To act as a manufacturer's representative for all types of
      equipment, accessories and supplies of all kinds and description in places
      where the corporation may be authorized now or hereafter to do business.

            To purchase, hold, sell and transfer the shares of its own capital
      stock; provided it, shall not use its funds or property for the purchase
      of its own shares of capital stock when such use would cause any
      impairment of its capital except as otherwise permitted by law; and
      providing further that shares of its own capital stock belonging to it
      shall not be voted either directly or indirectly.

            To borrow money, issue notes, bonds, debentures, or other
      obligations of the corporation, and to secure the payment of same by
      mortgage, pledge, deed of trust, or other instruments of writing.

            To acquire hold, use, sell, assign, lease, grant licenses in respect
      of, mortgage, or otherwise dispose of Letters Patent of the United States
      or any foreign country, Patent rights, licenses and privileges,
      inventions, improvements and processes, copyrights, trademarks and trade
      names, relating to or useful in connection with any business of this

            To acquire, and to pay in cash, stock or bonds of this corporation
      or otherwise, the goodwill, rights, assets and property, and to undertake
      or assume the whole or any part of the obligations or liabilities of any
      person, firm, association or incorporation engaged in the same or similar


            To purchase, hold, sell, assign, transfer, mortgage, pledge or
      otherwise dispose of shares of the capital stock of, or any bonds,
      securities or evidences of indebtedness created by any other corporation
      or corporations organized under the laws of this state or any other state,
      country, nation or government, and while the owner thereof to exercise all
      the rights, powers and privileges of said ownership.

            To purchase, lease, hire or otherwise acquire real and personal
      property, improved or unimproved, of every kind and description, including
      franchises, easements, permits, licenses and rights in property of every
      nature, and to hold, sell, dispose of, convey, mortgage, pledge, manage,
      lease, operate, develop, contract, build, erect, maintain, construct and
      reconstruct such property; to act as escrow agent in all types of
      transactions; to abstract and certify titles to real estate; and to buy,
      handle and sell all kinds of property, develop shopping centers, rent all
      kinds of property, collect rents, loan money, locate and lay out town
      sites and city additions; act as agents or brokers for others in said
      endeavors; and to deal, transact and carry on any and all such business as
      may arise out of or be connected with the carrying on of the
      above-mentioned purposes of the corporation.

            To do and perform or to cause to be done or performed any and every
      act and thing necessary, proper or convenient to be done or performed in
      order to carry out the purposes of this corporation; the foregoing
      enumeration of specific powers shall not be construed to limit or restrict
      the exercise of all the legal rights, privileges and powers of such
      corporation which it shall be permitted to do and shall be permitted to do
      any and all kinds of business not otherwise prohibited by law.

      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, these Articles of Incorporation have been duly
executed this 21st day of January, 1977.

                                       /s/ William E. Bennett
                                      William E. Bennett

                     ) SS.

      I, D. Nadine Sellers, Notary Public, do hereby certify that on the 21st
day of January, 1977, personally appeared before me WILLIAM E. BENNETT, who
being by me duly sworn,


declared that he is the person who signed the foregoing document as
incorporator, and that the statements therein contained are true and correct.

                                        /s/ D. Nadine Sellers
                                      Notary Public

My Commission expires:


                                STATE OF MISSOURI
                     Judith K. Moriarty, Secretary of State
                     P.O. Box 778, Jefferson City, Mo. 65102
                              Corporation Division

                         (TO BE SUBMITTED IN DUPLICATE)

Pursuant to the provisions of The General and Business Corporation Law of
Missouri, the undersigned Corporation certifies the following:

The present name of the Corporation is Webco Engineering Co.

            The name under which it was originally organized was Webco
Engineering Co.

An Amendment to the Corporation's Articles of Incorporation was adopted by the
    shareholders on November 1, 1994.

Article Number VI is amended to read as follows:

      The first sentence of Article VI is amended, and shall now read:

              "The number of Directors to constitute the Board of Directors is
              one (1)."

      (See attached fly sheet.)

Of the 22,000 shares outstanding, 22,000 of such shares were entitled to vote on
   such amendment.

      The number of outstanding shares of any class ENTITLED TO VOTE THEREON AS
      A CLASS were as follows:

            Class                        Number of Outstanding Shares

            Common                                  22,000

The number of shares voted for and against the amendment was as follows:

            Class              No. Voted For            No. Voted Against


            Common                22,000                        -0-

If the amendment changed the number or par value of authorized shares having a
   par value, the amount in dollars of authorized shares having a par value as
   changed is:

                                 Not applicable

   If the amendment changed the number of authorized shares without par value,
   the authorized number of shares without par value as changed and the
   consideration proposed to be received for such increased authorized shares
   without par value as are to be presently issued are:

                                 Not applicable

If the amendment provides for an exchange, reclassification, or cancellation of
   issued shares, or a reduction of the number of authorized shares of any class
   below the number of issued shares of that class, the following is a statement
   of the manner in which such reduction shall be effected:

                                 Not applicable

      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, Robert J. Carter, President has
executed this instrument and its Secretary, Robert J. Carter has affixed its
corporate seal hereto and attested said seal on the 6th day of December, 1994.

                                      WEBCO ENGINEERING CO.


  /s/ Robert J. Carter                By  /s/ Robert J. Carter
- ---------------------------             -----------------------------
Secretary or Assistant Secretary         President or Vice President

State of Missouri    )
                     ) ss.
County of Greene     )

I, B. Lee Lilly, a Notary Public, do hereby certify that on this 6th day of
December, 1994, personally appeared before me Robert J. Carter who, being by me
first duly sworn, declared that


he is the President of Webco Engineering Co. that he signed the foregoing
documents as President of the Corporation, and that the statements therein
contained are true.

                                          /s/ B. Lee Lilly
                                      Notary Public

                                      My Commission Expires ____________

      3.a. Article Number I is amended to read as follows:

            The first sentence of Article I is amended, and shall now read:

            "The name of the corporation shall be Webco, Inc."


                                  AMENDMENT OF
                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION
                              WEBCO ENGINEERING CO.

      Pursuant to the provisions of The General and Business Corporation Law of
Missouri, the undersigned Corporation certifies the following:

The present name of the Corporation Is WEBCO ENGINEERING CO. The name under
which it was originally organized was WEBCO ENGINEERING CO.

An amendment to the Corporation's Articles of Incorporation was adopted by the
shareholders on November 2, 1989.

Article VI is amended to read as follows:

                                   "ARTICLE VI

            Two (2) directors shall constitute the Board of Directors.
            Thereafter, the number of directors shall be fixed by, or in the
            manner provided in, the Bylaws of the corporation, and any change in
            the number of directors shall be reported to the Secretary of State
            within thirty (30) days of such change. The property and business of
            the corporation shall be controlled and managed by the Board of
            Directors. In addition to the other powers and duties from time to
            time delegated to it by the stockholders, the Board of Directors
            shall have the power to make, alter, amend or repeal the Bylaws of
            the corporation."

Of the 22,000 shares outstanding, 22,000 of such shares were entitled to vote on
such amendment. The number of outstanding shares of any class entitled to vote
thereon as a class were as follows:

                                          Number of
Class                                Outstanding Shares
- -----                                ------------------
Common                                     22,000

The number of shares voted for and against the amendment was as follows:

Class             No. Voted For                No. Voted Against
- -----             -------------                -----------------
Common               22,000                            0


      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned President has executed this instrument
and its Secretary has affixed its corporate seal hereto and attested said seal
on the 2nd day of November, 1989.

                                      WEBCO ENGINEERING CO.

                                      By:  /s/ Robert J. Carter
                                         Robert J. Carter, President

(Corporate Seal)


  /s/ Lynette Carter
- ----------------------------
Lynette Carter, Secretary

                     ) ss.

      I, Garry E. Champion, a Notary Public, do hereby certify that on this 2nd
day of November, 1989, personally appeared before me ROBERT J. CARTER, who,
being by me first duly sworn, declared that he is the President of WEBCO
ENGINEERING CO., that he signed the foregoing document as President of the
corporation, and that the statements therein contained are true.

                                        /s/ Garry E. Champion
                                      Notary Public

My Commission Expires:


                                STATE OF MISSOURI
                         Matt Blunt, Secretary of State
                     P.O. Box 778, Jefferson City, Mo. 65102
                              Corporation Division



Pursuant to the provisions of the General and Business Corporation Law of
Missouri, the undersigned Corporation certifies the following:

1.    The present name of the Corporation is Webco, Inc.

         The name under which it was originally organized was Webco Engineering

2.    An Amendment to the Corporation's Articles of Incorporation was adopted by
      the shareholders on September 27, 2004.

3.    Article Number VI is amended to read as follows:

         The first sentence of Article VI is amended, and shall now read: "The
number of Directors to constitute the Board of Directors is two (2)."

         (If more than one article is to be amended or more space is needed
         attach additional pages)

4.    Of the 22,000 shares outstanding, 22,000 of such shares were entitled to
      vote on such amendment.

         The number of outstanding shares of any class ENTITLED TO VOTE THEREON
         AS A CLASS were as follows:

                    Class                    Number of Outstanding Shares
                   Common                               22,000

5.    The number of shares voted for and against the amendment was as follows:

                    Class         No. Voted For         No. Voted Against
                   Common            22,000                     0

6.    If the amendment provides for an exchange, reclassification, or
      cancellation of issued shares, or a reduction of the number of authorized
      shares of any class below the number of issued shares of that class, the
      following is a statement of the manner in which such reduction shall be

7.    If the effective date of the amendment is to be a date other than the date
      of filing of the certificate of amendment with the Secretary of State,
      then the effective date, which shall be no more than 90 days following the
      filing date, shall be specified: _____________

        In Affirmation thereof, the facts stated above are true and correct:
        (The undersigned understands that false statements made in this filing
        are subject to

the penalties provided under Section 575.040 RSMo)

/s/ Edward Cooney            Edward Cooney       VP & Treasurer         9/30/04
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Authorized Signature         Printed Name           Title                 Date