EXECUTIVE OFFICER 2006 SALARIES

      On December 5, 2005, the Leadership and Compensation Committee of the
Board of Directors of Nashua Corporation approved the following 2006 annual base
salaries for the Company's named executive officers (as defined in Item
402(a)(3) of Regulation S-K):

Name and Position                                             2006 Base Salary
- ----------------------------------------------------------    ----------------
Andrew B. Albert .........................................       $  450,000
   Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer

John L. Patenaude ........................................       $  225,000
   Vice President - Finance, Chief Financial Officer
   and Treasurer

Thomas R. Pagel ..........................................       $  215,000
   Vice President
   President, Label Products Division

Donna J. DiGiovine .......................................       $  220,000
   Vice President
   President, Coated Paper Division
   President, Toner Products Division

Margaret S. Adams ........................................       $  220,000
   Vice President, Chief Information Officer
   President, Converted Paper Division