DOVER SADDLERY, INC.



         Dover Saddlery, Inc. (the "Company") strives to apply high ethical,
moral and legal principles in every aspect of its business conduct. This Code of
Business Conduct and Ethics (the "Code") is a guide for each of the Company's
employees, executive officers and directors (each, a "Company Party" and
collectively, the "Company Parties") to follow in meeting these principles. The
Company shall make this Code available on its website at www.doversaddlery.com
and shall disclose such availability in its Annual Report on Form l0-K.

         This Code describes certain ethical principles that the Company has
 established for the conduct of its business, and outlines certain key legal
 requirements of which all Company Parties must be generally aware and with
 which all Company Parties must comply. While this Code does not cover every
 issue that may arise, it sets out basic principles to guide Company Parties in
 the course of performing their duties and responsibilities to the Company.

         This Code is designed to deter wrongdoing and promote the following:

         -  honest and ethical conduct, including the ethical handling of actual
            or apparent conflicts of interest between personal and professional

         -  full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosure in
            reports and documents that the Company files with, or submits to,
            the Securities and Exchange Commission and in other public
            communications made by the Company;

         -  compliance with applicable governmental laws, rules and regulations;

         -  prompt internal reporting to an appropriate person or persons
            identified herein of violations of this Code; and

         -  accountability for adherence to this Code.

          If a Company Party is concerned about a possible ethical or illegal
 situation or any violation of this Code or is not sure whether specific conduct
 meets applicable Company standards, he or she should discuss the situation with
 an immediate supervisor or contact the Company's Chief Financial Officer.
 Company Parties who are executive officers or members of the Company's board of
 directors (the "Board") should discuss the situation with the Board or the
 Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee of the Board, or an Independent
 Director. Any Company Party who violates the standards contained in this Code
 will be subject to disciplinary action, which may include termination. The
 Company will treat as confidential, to the extent possible, all information
 received from a Company Party with respect to a possible ethical or illegal
 situation and will not take any retributive or retaliatory action by reason of
 such disclosure against any Company Party who discloses such information in
 good faith.

          1.       CONFLICTS OF INTEREST

                    A "conflict of interest" exists when a Company Party's
           private interest interferes in any way or appears to interfere with
           the interests of the Company. A conflict of interest can arise when a
           Company Party acts in a matter, or has interests,

         that may make it difficult for him or her to objectively and
         effectively perform his or her work for the Company. Conflicts of
         interest also can arise when a Company Party, or members of his or
         her family, receives improper personal benefits because of his or her
         position in the Company.

                  Unless approved by the Board or an appropriate Committee of
         the Board, no Company Party or any member of his or her immediate
         family can acquire a financial interest in, or accept employment
         with, any entity doing business with the Company if the interest or
         employment could conflict with his or her duties to the Company and
         the performance of such duties. It is usually a conflict of interest
         for a Company Party to work simultaneously, even on a part-time or
         temporary basis, for a competitor, customer or supplier of the
         Company. A Company Party cannot work for a competitor as an employee,
         consultant, contractor or board member.

                 In addition, a Company Party and his or her immediate family
         embers cannot accept material gifts or favors that could create the
         ppearance that such Company Party's business judgment could be
         ffected by the receipt of such gifts or favors. A Company Party and
         embers of his or her immediate family can accept gifts of nominal
         alue from existing sources, prospective sources and persons, firms or
         ompanies with whom the Company does or might do business.

                  The purpose of business entertainment and gifts in a
         commercial setting is to create good will and sound working
         relationships, not to gain unfair advantage with customers. Company
         Parties cannot offer gifts or favors to any employee of a competitor,
         supplier or customer of the Company, or a member of such employee's
         immediate family, if the gifts or favors might place the recipient
         under any obligation to a Company Party or to the Company.

                  Conflicts of interest are prohibited as a matter of Company
         policy. Conflicts of interest may not always be apparent so, if a
         Company Party has a question regarding whether a particular situation
         is a conflict of interest, he or she should consult with his or her
         immediate supervisor or contact the Company's Chief Financial
         Officer. Company Parties who are executive officers or members of the
         Board should consult with the Board or Nominating and Corporate
         Governance Committee of the Board, or an Independent Director. A
         Company Party must bring any conflict of interest or potential
         conflict of interest to the attention of his or her immediate
         supervisor or the Company's Chief Financial Officer or follow the
         procedures described in Section 14 herein.


                  A Company Party cannot personally take for himself or
         herself business opportunities discovered using Company property,
         information or position. A Company Party cannot use Company property,
         information or position for personal gain, and cannot compete with
         the Company directly or indirectly. It is the duty and responsibility
         of each Company Party to advance the Company's legitimate interests
         when the opportunity to do so arises.

         3.      CONFIDENTIALITY

                A Company Party must maintain the confidentiality of all
         confidential and non-

         public information entrusted to him or her by the Company and its
         customers and suppliers, except when disclosure is authorized by an
         executive officer of the Company or required by applicable laws or
         regulations. Confidential information includes all information that, if
         disclosed, might be of use to competitors of the Company or harmful to
         the Company or its customers or suppliers. It also includes information
         that Company customers and suppliers have entrusted to the Company. For
         example, confidential information includes customer lists, financial
         documents, pricing, manufacturer and vendor information, corporate
         development materials, the cost of goods, personnel files, manuals and
         procedures, proprietary information (as discussed below), computer
         software, design documents, videos and internal reports and memoranda.
         Information that the Company has made public, such as information
         presented in press releases, advertisements or documents filed with
         governmental regulatory authorities, is not confidential information.
         The obligation to preserve confidential information extends beyond the
         term of employment with, or service to, the Company.

          4.      FAIR DEALING

                  The Company seeks to outperform its competition fairly and
         honestly through superior performance and not through unethical or
         illegal business practices. Company Parties must endeavor to deal
         fairly with their colleagues and customers, suppliers and competitors
         of the Company. Company Parties cannot steal proprietary information,
         possess trade secret information obtained without the owner's consent
         or induce such disclosures by past or present employees of other
         companies. No Company Party may take unfair advantage of anyone through
         manipulation, concealment, abuse of confidential information,
         misrepresentation of material facts or any other unfair-dealing
         practice. The knowing or deliberate falsification of any documents or
         data by a Company Party may be the basis for immediate discharge and
         may subject such Company Party to civil and/or criminal penalties.


                  Company Parties must endeavor to protect the Company's assets
         and property and ensure their efficient use. Theft, carelessness and
         waste have a direct impact on the Company's profitability. Company
         Parties must report any suspected incident of fraud or theft
         immediately for investigation to their immediate supervisor or the
         Company's Chief Financial Officer. Company Parties who are executive
         officers or members of the Board must report such fraud or theft to the
         Board or a committee of the Board. Company Parties must use all assets
         and property of the Company for legitimate business purposes only.

                  The obligation of a Company Party to protect the Company's
         assets includes its proprietary information. Proprietary information
         includes intellectual property such as trade secrets, patents, patent
         applications, trademarks and copyrights, as well as business, marketing
         and service plans, engineering and manufacturing ideas, designs,
         databases, consumer and customer information, records, salary
         information and any unpublished financial data and reports.
         Unauthorized use or distribution of this information violates Company
         policy and may subject Company Parties to civil and/or criminal


                  All Company Parties must respect and obey the laws, rules and
         regulations of the cities, states and countries in which the Company
         operates. Company Parties must contact the Company's [chief financial
         officer] with any questions as to the applicability of any law, rule or
         regulation or the appropriate manner of compliance therewith.

         7.       INSIDER TRADING

                  Company Parties who have access to confidential information
         cannot use or share such information for stock trading purposes or for
         any other purpose except the proper conduct of the Company's business.
         All Company Parties are subject to the Company's Insider Trading Policy
         then in effect. The Company will deal firmly with all instances of
         insider trading. If a Company Party has any questions regarding
         non-public information and the use of such information or the Company's
         Insider Trading Policy then in effect, he or she should contact the
         Company's Chief Financial Officer.


                  The Company requires strict adherence to its policies and
         applicable laws regarding equal employment opportunities and
         discrimination in the workplace. The Company will not tolerate any
         illegal discrimination or harassment of any kind. Relationships with
         colleagues and business relationships with competitors, suppliers and
         customers always must be conducted free of any discrimination,
         including based on race, color, creed, religion, age, sex, sexual
         preference, national origin, marital status, veteran status, handicap
         or disability. Examples of illegal discrimination or harassment include
         derogatory comments based on any of the preceding characteristics and
         unwelcome sexual advances.

          9.      HEALTH AND SAFETY

                  The Company strives to provide each employee with a safe and
         healthful work environment. Each Company Party is responsible for
         maintaining a safe and healthy workplace for their colleagues by
         following safety and health rules and practices and reporting
         accidents, injuries and unsafe equipment, practices or conditions.

                  The Company will not tolerate violence or threatening behavior
         in the workplace.

                  Company Parties are required to report to work in condition to
         perform their duties, free from the influence of illegal drugs or
         alcohol. The Company will not tolerate the use of illegal drugs in the
         workplace or on any Company property.

         10.      RECORD-KEEPING

                  The Company requires honest and accurate recording and
         reporting of information in order to make responsible business
         decisions. Company Parties must document and record accurately all
         business expense accounts they use. If a Company Party is unsure
         whether a certain expense is legitimate, such Company Party should ask

         his or her immediate supervisor or the Company's Chief Financial
         Officer. Company Parties who are executive officers or members of the
         Board should confer with the Board or Nominating and Corporate
         Governance Committee of the Board, or an Independent Director. Rules
         and guidelines regarding business expenses are available from the
         Company's accounting department.

                  All of the Company's books, records, accounts and financial
         statements must be maintained in reasonable detail, must appropriately
         reflect the Company's transactions and must conform both to applicable
         legal requirements and to the Company's system of internal controls.
         Unrecorded or "off the books" funds or assets cannot be maintained
         unless permitted by applicable laws or regulations. All Company Parties
         are subject to the Company's Document Retention Policy. Any questions
         concerning the Company's Document Retention Policy should be directed
         to the Company's [chief financial officer].

                  Company Parties must avoid exaggeration, derogatory remarks,
         guesswork or inappropriate characterizations of people and companies in
         business records and communications. This prohibition applies equally
         to e-mail, internal memos and formal reports.


                  All Company Parties must comply with the Foreign Corrupt
         Practices Act, which prohibits giving anything of value, directly or
         indirectly, to officials of foreign governments or foreign political
         parties or candidates to obtain or retain business and prohibits making
         payments to government officials of any country. No Company Party may
         give to, or receive from, any government official kickbacks, bribes,
         rebates or other illegal consideration. All Company Parties dealing
         with government agencies must be aware of, and comply with, any agency
         rules limiting or prohibiting gifts or other favors.

                  The Company cannot contribute, directly or indirectly, to any
         political campaign or party.

                 Company Parties cannot use expense accounts to pay for any
         personal political contributions or seek any other form of
         reimbursement from the Company for such contributions. Of course,
         Company Parties are free to engage in political activity with their own
         resources on their own time.


                  Any waiver of this Code for executive officers or directors
         requires the approval of the Board and must be disclosed promptly as
         required by applicable law, rules or regulations.


                  Company Parties are encouraged to talk to immediate
         supervisors or the Company's Chief Financial Officer about observed
         illegal or unethical behavior when unsure about the best course of
         action to take in a particular situation. Company Parties who are
         executive officers or members of the Board should discuss such behavior
         with the Board or a committee of the Board. In addition, Company
         Parties must report

         violations of laws, rules, regulations or this Code to immediate
         supervisors or the Company's Chief Financial Officer. Company Parties
         who are executive officers or members of the Board must report such
         matters to the Board or a committee of the Board. The Company prohibits
         retaliation for reports of ethical misconduct made by Company Parties
         in good faith. If a situation requires that the identity of a Company
         Party reporting any such misconduct not be disclosed, the Company will
         protect the anonymity of such Company Party to the extent legally
         possible. The Company will not permit retaliation of any kind against
         any reporting Company Party for good faith reports of ethical

         14.      Compliance Procedures

                  This Code broadly describes the ethical standards by which the
         Company conducts its business. If a Company Party is uncertain as to
         the applicability of any of these standards to a particular situation
         or the propriety of any contemplated course of action, the Company
         encourages such Company Party to discuss the potential situation with
         his or her immediate supervisor or the Company's [chief financial
         officer]. Company Parties who are executive officers or members of the
         Board should discuss the potential situation with the Board or a
         committee of the Board. In any case where a Company Party feels that it
         is not appropriate to discuss an issue with an immediate supervisor, or
         where he or she does not feel comfortable approaching an immediate
         supervisor with a question, such Company Party is encouraged to discuss
         the question with Company's Chief Financial Officer or report the
         matter directly to the Board or Nominating and Corporate Governance
         Committee of the Board, or an Independent Director.

         15.      Amendments

                  This Code may be amended by the Board. The Company must report
         promptly any amendments pertaining to executive officers or senior
         financial officers as required by applicable laws, rules or