Exhibit 14.50





I.   Introduction..........................................................    1
II.  Administration of the Guidelines......................................    2
III. Ethics  Hotline.......................................................    3
IV.  Our  Standards........................................................    3
     1.  Commitment to Employees...........................................    3
     2.  Conflicts of Interest.............................................    4
     3.  Compliance with the Law and This Policy...........................    5
         a. Employment Laws................................................    5
         b. Antitrust/Competition Laws.....................................    5
         c. Fair Dealing...................................................    6
         d. Dealing in Securities and Confidential Information.............    6
         e. Copyrights and Computer Software...............................    7
         f. Unauthorized Payments to Obtain Business.......................    7
         g. Export Control Laws............................................    9
         h. Customs, Embargo and Boycotts..................................    9
         i. Anti-Money Laundering Laws.....................................    9
         j. Environmental Laws.............................................    9
         k. Safety and Health..............................................    9
         l. Contributions..................................................   10
         m. Questions on Laws..............................................   10
         n. Quality of Products............................................   10
         o. U.S. Food and Drug Administration Laws and Regulations.........   10
     4.  Dealings with Government Officials and Payment Practice...........   11
     5.  Protecting Company Assets.........................................   11
     6.  Media Contact and Public Discussion...............................   12
     7.  Unauthorized Use of Company Property or Services..................   12
     8.  Business and Accounting Practices.................................   12
     9.  Financial Records.................................................   12
     10. Disparagement.....................................................   13
     11. Drug Free Workplace...............................................   13
     12. Certifications....................................................   13
V.   Index.................................................................   14


     These Business Conduct Guidelines (the "Guidelines") are designed to help
     you make the right choices/decisions when/if confronted with difficult
     situations. The intention is to remind us of the legal and ethical
     obligations which are in many ways good judgment and common sense. They
     reaffirm our commitment to integrity as the cornerstone of our business
     behavior. All employees, directors, contract workers, consultants and
     others who act on behalf of the Company, including all members of
     management and employees of our non-U.S. subsidiaries are expected to abide
     by and uphold these guidelines.

     We have a firmly established policy of conducting our affairs in compliance
     with the letter and spirit of the law and adhering to the principles of
     business ethics. By utilizing the Guidelines, you will help ensure that the
     Company conducts its business for the benefit of all our stakeholders - our
     fellow Colleagues, customers, our shareholders, suppliers, and host

     However, the Guidelines are only a guide, and cannot answer all legal or
     ethical questions that may arise. You are always free to consult your
     supervisor or, if additional guidance is needed, the Human Resources or
     Legal Departments, the Ethics Officer, or the Ethics Hotline at the number
     that is listed below for your geographical region.

     US            866-398-0010
     AUSTRALIA     1800-987-636
     CANADA        888-789-6627
     CHINA-NORTH   10-800-713-0906
     CHINA-SOUTH   10-800-130-0879
     FRANCE        0800-909-260
     GERMANY       0800-182-4524
     ISRAEL        180-942-9050
     JAPAN         0053-113-0898
     SPAIN         900-977-663
     SWEDEN        020-793-185
     UK            0800-032-5546

     There may be times however, where you are left to depend on your own
     individual judgment in deciding on the correct course of action. As you
     consider a particular situation, contemplating the following factors may
     help you arrive at a satisfactory answer:

     -    Is my action consistent with approved Company practices?

     -    Does my action give the appearance of impropriety?

     -    Will the action bring discredit to me or the Company if disclosed?

     -    Can I defend my action to my supervisor, other Colleagues and to the

     -    Does my action meet my personal code of behavior?

     -    Does my action conform to the spirit of the Guidelines?

                                     Page 1

     The willingness of each of us to raise ethical concerns is important. Any
     Colleague who becomes aware of acts contrary to the Guidelines should
     inform their supervisor, the Human Resources or Legal Departments, the
     Ethics Officer or the Ethics Hotline. It is our policy that no person will
     suffer any adverse effects to their job or career as a result of raising an
     ethical concern. The section of the Guidelines entitled "Administration"
     provides instructions on how to act in this situation.

                                     Page 2


     Our goal is to integrate the Guidelines into our daily business activities.

     As a Colleague of the Company, you have a responsibility to understand and
     comply with the Guidelines.

- -    All Colleagues who become aware of any acts contrary to the Guidelines
     should give this information to his or her supervisor, the Human Resources
     or Legal Departments, the Ethics Officer, or the Ethics Hotline at the
     number that is listed below for your geographical region.

     US            866-398-0010
     AUSTRALIA     1800-987-636
     CANADA        888-789-6627
     CHINA-NORTH   10-800-713-0906
     CHINA-SOUTH   10-800-130-0879
     FRANCE        0800-909-260
     GERMANY       0800-182-4524
     ISRAEL        180-942-9050
     JAPAN         0053-113-0898
     SPAIN         900-977-663
     SWEDEN        020-793-185
     UK            0800-032-5546

     If for any reason you feel uncomfortable reporting such incidents or issues
     to your supervisor, the Human Resources or Legal Departments, you may
     inform any member of Executive Management. You may also submit your report
     anonymously through the Ethics Hotline.

- -    The Company will investigate all reports made as set forth above. In any
     such investigation, the Company will respect the rights of all parties
     concerned and principles of fairness and dignity will be applied.

- -    If a violation of the expressed terms or spirit of this policy is found,
     the Company will take appropriate disciplinary action. Such action could
     include immediate termination and filing of criminal charges. In addition,
     disciplinary action will be taken against any supervisor or other Colleague
     who retaliates, directly or indirectly, or encourages others to do so,
     against a Colleague who reports a violation of the Guidelines. A Colleague
     has the right to raise concerns or to report misconduct without fear of

- -    In the event a Colleague is uncertain about whether or not an action is
     permitted by this policy, that issue should be raised with the Colleague's
     supervisor, the Human Resource or the Legal Departments, the Ethics Officer
     or the Ethics Hotline. The Company encourages inquiries and will make no
     negative implications because of them.

- -    In the event that any Colleague, including a member of management or a
     director, feels that it is appropriate to receive a waiver from one or more
     of the standards set out in this policy, that Colleague must present a
     written request for a waiver to the Board of Directors. This policy

                                     Page 3

     has been prepared and adopted by the Board of Directors and, except as
     expressly set out in this policy, only the Board of Directors has authority
     to waive provisions of it.

- -    The Board of Directors has designated Paul Hempel as the Company's Ethics
     Officer. You may reach the Ethics Officer by telephone, +1-781-314-4028, or
     by electronic mail, paul.hempel@invmed.com. In addition, the Board of
     Directors has established an Ethics Committee consisting of the Ethics
     Officer, the Chief Financial Officer, and the Company's Internal Auditor.
     The Ethics Committee's principal functions are to provide guidance to the
     Ethics Officer as and when requested by the Ethics Officer.

                                     Page 4


     The Ethics Hotline is a toll-free number that is available to you
     twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, to report any concerns about
     violations of the Company's Business Conduct Guidelines.

     The Ethics Hotline is operated by specially trained third-party
     representatives. Calls to the Hotline will not be traced or recorded, and
     callers can choose to remain anonymous if they wish. Ethics Hotline
     representatives will listen to your concerns, ask questions, and review the
     information provided. They will then forward your concerns to the Company's
     Ethics Officer, who will take appropriate action.

     You may also contact the Ethics Hotline through:



     By phone:

     US            866-398-0010
     AUSTRALIA     1800-987-636
     CANADA        888-789-6627
     CHINA-NORTH   10-800-713-0906
     CHINA-SOUTH   10-800-130-0879
     FRANCE        0800-909-260
     GERMANY       0800-182-4524
     ISRAEL        180-942-9050
     JAPAN         0053-113-0898
     SPAIN         900-977-663
     SWEDEN        020-793-185
     UK            0800-032-5546


     1.   COMMITMENT TO EMPLOYEES. Inverness Medical Innovations is committed to
          maintaining an environment that respects the dignity of each person.
          Gambling, fighting, assault, disorderly conduct, or behavior that
          violates common decency or morality will not be tolerated.
          Discriminatory harassment in any form will not be tolerated. This also
          includes sexual harassment and any other harassment based on an
          individual's race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national
          origin, age, physical or mental disability or status as a special
          veteran, military service, or application for military services or
          membership in any other category protected under the law.

                                     Page 5

          We will maintain a strict policy to deal with offenders. If you feel
          you are a victim of discriminatory harassment, you should report the
          incident. Any employee found to have harassed or discriminated against
          another company employee or an employee of a supplier, contractor,
          customer, competitor, or regulator will be subject to disciplinary
          action, including termination. If you suspect or know that another
          company employee is harassing someone, talk with your supervisor, the
          Human Resources or Legal Departments, Ethics Officer, Ethics Hotline,
          or any member of the Executive Management team immediately. We will
          ensure that any allegations reported under this policy will be handled
          with the utmost professionalism and confidentiality. Retaliation is a
          serious violation of this policy and should be reported immediately.
          Any employee found to have retaliated against another individual for
          reporting discriminatory harassment or participating in an
          investigation of allegations of such conduct would be subject to
          appropriate disciplinary action.

     2.   CONFLICTS OF INTEREST. You should avoid situations where the private
          interests of you, your relatives, or your friends conflict with the
          interests of the Company. Both the fact and the appearance of a
          conflict of interest should be avoided. This applies in a business
          sense, as described throughout this document, and is not meant to and
          does not apply to work/family issues.

          For purposes of this policy, a "relative" is any person who is related
          by blood or marriage or whose relationship is similar to that of
          persons who are related by blood or marriage (including but not
          limited to members of an employee's household). "Members of an
          employee's household" include an employee's spouse, children, parents,
          and any other persons who reside with such employee. While certain of
          the provisions below are made expressly applicable to members of an
          employee's household, the provisions also apply to relatives or
          friends where the nature of the relationship is such that divided
          loyalties are likely to result from the conduct in question.

          Note that this policy does not attempt to describe all possible
          conflicts of interest that could develop, although some of the more
          common considerations and conflicts from which employees must refrain
          are set out below:

               -    You should not have any business or financial relationship
                    with customers, suppliers, contractors, regulators, or
                    competitors that could influence or appear to influence you
                    in carrying out your responsibilities. This would include
                    the ownership of stock in these companies. However,
                    ownership of a nominal amount of stock in a publicly owned
                    company would not be considered a conflict unless the amount
                    was large enough to influence you.

          -    You may not engage in any conduct or activity that is
               inconsistent with the Company's best interests or that in any
               manner disrupts, undermines, or impairs the Company's
               relationships with any person or entity with which the Company
               has or proposes to enter into an arrangement, agreement, or
               contractual relationship of any kind.

                                     Page 6

               -    While employed by the Company, you may not market products
                    or services that compete with or whose interests may
                    conflict with ours. Nor may you work for a customer,
                    supplier, contractor, regulator, or competitor, or member of
                    its board of directors without approval.

               -    While employed by the Company, you are prohibited from
                    taking, or directing to a third party, a business
                    opportunity that is discovered through the use of Company
                    property, information or position, unless the Company has
                    determined not to pursue such business opportunity, such
                    business opportunity does not otherwise violate these
                    Guidelines or any other policy of, or agreement with, the
                    Company, and the Ethics Officer, or the Audit Committee of
                    the Board of Directors, in the case of executive officers to
                    the Company, has authorized you to pursue such business
                    opportunity on your own time and at your expense.

          -    You must disclose any potential conflict of interest to your
               supervisor, the Human Resources or Legal Departments or the
               Ethics Officer so that it may be resolved.

          -    If you are unsure if your situation or relationship with another
               organization might conflict with your job performance or our
               Company's interests, you should discuss it with your supervisor,
               Human Resources or Legal Departments or the Ethics Officer. Most
               potential conflict situations are resolved and it is always best
               for you to raise your concern.

          Innovations' policy is to comply with all laws and regulations of each
          state and country in which Inverness Medical Innovations conducts
          business, whether or not specifically mentioned above. Each of
          Inverness Medical Innovations' employees, contract workers,
          consultants or other persons acting on behalf of Inverness Medical
          Innovations shall comply with such laws and this policy. If you have
          any questions concerning the legality or propriety of any course of
          conduct, you must seek guidance from the Human Resources or Legal
          Departments, Executive Management or the Ethics Officer. If you become
          aware of any illegal or improper conduct, you must report it to your
          Supervisor or to the Human Resources or Legal Departments, Executive
          Management, the Ethics Officer or the Ethics Hotline. If the illegal
          or improper conduct involves Executive Management or if Executive
          Management fails to respond appropriately to any report of illegal or
          improper conduct, you must report it to a member of Inverness Medical
          Innovations' Board of Directors.

               a)   Employment Laws. The employment laws make it unlawful to
                    discriminate in the hiring or discharge of employees, or
                    with respect to their compensation, conditions or privileges
                    of employment, on the basis of race, color, religion, sex,
                    sexual orientation, national origin, age, physical or mental
                    disability or status as a special veteran, military service
                    or application for military services or membership in any
                    other category protected under the law. It is our policy to
                    provide equal employment opportunity for all employees and
                    applicants for employment in accordance with the employment
                    laws without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual
                    orientation, national origin, age, physical or mental
                    disability or status as a special veteran military

                                     Page 7

                    service or application for military services or membership
                    in any other category protected under the law.

               b)   Antitrust/Competition Laws. The antitrust/competition laws
                    are intended to preserve competition by prohibiting actions
                    that could unreasonably restrain the functioning of a free
                    and competitive marketplace. Violations of these laws (which
                    can result in severe penalties to both the Company and to
                    the persons participating in the violation) can occur:

               -    If you have communications or agreements with competitors on
                    prices, terms, services, sales policies or customer
                    selection or classification (except for usual credit

                         -    If you attempt to suggest or agree with a
                              competitor, supplier or customer on how he or she
                              should deal with others;

                         -    In any arrangements or understandings with
                              particular competitors or customers so as not to
                              deal with a particular customer or supplier;

                         -    In any joint ventures or projects among
                              competitive organizations where discussions are
                              not strictly limited to the joint transactions

                         -    In any participation in trade associations,
                              seminars, or other groups where there is even the
                              appearance of being an occasion for discussion of
                              competitive policies and practices.

               c)   Fair Dealing. We endeavor to obtain advantages over our
                    competitors through superior products and services, not
                    through unethical or illegal business practices. To further
                    this aim, you are expected to deal fairly with our
                    customers, suppliers, competitors, employees of the Company
                    and anyone else with whom you have contact in the course of
                    performing your job.

               d)   Dealing in Securities and Confidential Information. In the
                    course of your employment, you may become aware of sensitive
                    information that is confidential, private, or proprietary
                    and which is valuable and material to the Company and has
                    not been made public. The use of such non-public material
                    information about Inverness Medical Innovations or another
                    company (that you may obtain information about due to a
                    proposed or actual transaction or relationship with
                    Inverness Medical Innovations) for your own financial
                    benefit not only is unethical, but also may be a violation
                    of law. We are all responsible for protecting the
                    confidentiality of all such information. Both U.S. and
                    international laws prohibit insider trading and deceptive
                    practices in stocks and securities. The Company will not
                    tolerate the improper use of inside information.

                         -    Use or disclosure of Company sensitive information
                              will be for company purposes only.

                                     Page 8

                         -    To preserve confidentiality, the disclosure of
                              such Company information within the Company should
                              be limited to those who have a need to know.

                         -    Your responsibility to keep Company information
                              confidential continues after you discontinue your
                              employment with the Company.

                         -    Giving the Company pass or other Company
                              identification material to any unauthorized person
                              is prohibited.

                    If you have received confidential information from those we
                    do business with, you must protect the confidentiality of
                    any such information in accordance with any written
                    agreement which may apply to such information, or if none
                    exists, in accordance with the protection given to our own

               e)   Copyrights and Computer Software. The unlawful duplication
                    or removal or attempting to remove from the Company's
                    premises or restricted areas copyrighted materials,
                    including periodicals, magazines, trade journals, designs,
                    computer software, tools, and equipment is a violation of
                    copyright laws and is strictly prohibited. See Electronic
                    Communication Media Use Policy and Nondisclosure,
                    Noncompetition and Developments Agreement. (hyperlink)

               f)   Unauthorized Payments to Obtain Business. The policy of the
                    Company is to not, directly or indirectly, offer, solicit or
                    accept any kind of payment, gift, bribe, kickback, or
                    contribution for personal gain of the employee or members of
                    an employee's household for the purposes of:

                         -    Influencing customers, suppliers, or governmental
                              entities including their officials or employees.

                         -    Obtaining, giving, or keeping business.

                         -    Persuading any officials or employees of another
                              company to fail to perform, or to improperly
                              perform their duties.

                         -    Employees and members of an employee's household
                              may not accept money, personal gifts, trips,
                              services, entertainment, or anything of value free
                              or at a discounted rate from any person or entity
                              that is an actual or potential competitor of
                              Inverness Medical Innovations.

                         -    Employees may not offer, provide or accept money,
                              personal gifts, trips, services, entertainment, or
                              anything of value, free or at a discounted rate to
                              any actual or potential purchaser, actual or
                              potential supplier or actual or potential customer
                              of Inverness Medical Innovations, except as
                              approved by Executive Management. In all instances
                              when an offering is made, the offering, providing
                              or acceptance of such gifts or services must be
                              confirmed by Executive Management to be in
                              compliance with the business policies of the
                              recipient's or donor's employer or the person or
                              entity that the recipient represents and must be
                              within the normal business practices of the
                              industry as a whole. This section does not

                                     Page 9

                              payment or acceptance of small costs (e.g., taxi
                              fares, reasonable business meals, parking
                              validations, etc.), Company emblem paraphernalia
                              (mugs, shirts, etc.) provided in the ordinary
                              course of business, gifts valued at less than $100
                              or up to one (1) ticket per year from any actual
                              or potential purchaser, actual or potential
                              supplier or actual or potential customer of
                              Inverness Medical Innovations to sports events,
                              concerts, theatre or similar functions between
                              business persons dealing at arm's length where
                              such items are within the normal business
                              practices of the industry of the party making the
                              gift. If an employee receives a gift from a
                              business partner which is not permitted by this
                              section, the employee must report that gift to the
                              Legal Department and either a) return the gift to
                              the donor or b) donate the gift to a charitable
                              cause and, in either case, advise the donor in
                              writing of the Company's policy.

                         Violation of this policy will be grounds for immediate
                         dismissal. However, except when dealing with
                         representatives of a government (including government
                         agencies), you may receive or give customary business
                         amenities such as meals, provided they are associated
                         with a business purpose, reasonable in cost,
                         appropriate as to time and place and are such as not to
                         influence or give the appearance of influencing the
                         recipient. If you feel that it would be detrimental to
                         Inverness Medical Innovations to turn down such a gift,
                         you should discuss the matter with Executive
                         Management, who may authorize exceptions to this
                         prohibition. Excessive business related gifts and
                         entertainment are inherently compromising and do not
                         belong in our business relationships, whether giving or
                         receiving. See Dealings with Government Officials and
                         Payments Practice section (hyperlink).

                         Any employee who is unsure whether a certain
                         transaction, activity, or relationship constitutes a
                         conflict of interest must discuss such issue with the
                         Legal Department or Executive Management to obtain
                         clarification. Exceptions to this policy may only be
                         approved by Legal Counsel or Executive Management.
                         Inverness Medical Innovations reserves the right to
                         determine, in its sole discretion, whether
                         circumstances not listed above represent actual or
                         potential conflicts of interest. See Conflicts of
                         Interest Policy (hyperlink).

               g)   Export Control Laws. Export control laws govern all exports
                    of commodities and technical data, including items that are
                    hand-carried as samples. Failure to comply with such laws
                    could result in the loss or restriction of the Company's
                    export privileges. As a result, no Colleague will cause the
                    Company to export or re-export any goods or intellectual
                    property unless the Company has received the appropriate
                    express or implied export license. Colleagues should note
                    that this also applies to Colleagues of the Company's
                    foreign subsidiaries.

                                     Page 10

               h)   Customs, Embargo and Boycotts. The United States and other
                    countries where our Company does business have laws that
                    restrict or prohibit transactions in goods, funds, services
                    or technology with certain persons, companies, and countries
                    based on national security and policy interests. You must
                    comply with all applicable customs, antiboycott and embargo
                    laws while importing and exporting products, funds,
                    services, information or technology. In addition, the U.S.
                    has laws that regulate how companies must respond to
                    boycotts enforced by one set of countries against another.
                    No Colleague will cause the Company or its affiliates to
                    participate in any international economic boycott in which
                    the United States does not participate. Employees
                    responsible for our Company's international operations must
                    be aware of these laws, and direct questions to the Legal

               i)   Anti-Money Laundering Laws. Anti-money laundering laws
                    prohibit you from engaging in a transaction if you know that
                    the funds involved were derived from illegal activities. If
                    you believe that the funds in a transaction may be derived
                    from illegal activity you must contact the Legal Department.

               j)   Environmental Laws. As a good corporate citizen of the
                    communities in which we operate, the Company is committed to
                    a safe environment and sound environmental actions. We will
                    comply fully with all applicable environmental laws and
                    regulations. Intentional violation of environmental laws
                    will be a breach of this policy.

               k)   Safety and Health. The Company is committed to maintaining a
                    safe and healthful work environment. We will comply fully
                    with all applicable safety and health laws and regulations.

                         -    Bringing or attempting to bring into Company
                              premises, or into any Company gathering off of
                              Company premises, any firearm, dangerous weapon,
                              explosive material, or instrument designed to
                              inflict bodily injury is forbidden and a violation
                              of this policy.

                         -    Creation of fire, safety or health hazards,
                              failure to use safety devices, or failure to
                              comply with procedures provided for employee and
                              public protection is forbidden and a violation of
                              this policy.

               l)   Contributions to Political, Religious and Other
                    Organizations. Any financial support, time commitments, and
                    any other contributions and involvements with political,
                    religious or other group or activity that is not related to
                    the Company's business should be made on the employee's time
                    and at the employee's own expense and must in no way
                    indicate Inverness Medical Innovations' endorsement of such

                                     Page 11

               m)   Questions on Laws. If you have questions on specific laws or
                    regulations, contact the Company's Legal Department.

               n)   Quality. The Company is committed to providing the highest
                    quality goods and services to our customers to meet and
                    exceed their expectations. We will strive to continuously
                    monitor our progress and improve our processes to achieve
                    this goal within the spirit and letter of all applicable
                    laws. The knowing and intentional provision to our customers
                    of goods which are of a material inferior quality to the
                    goods as described in the specifications and/or product
                    literature for those goods is a violation of this policy.

               o)   U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) Laws and Regulations.
                    The laws and regulations enforced by the FDA are intended to
                    ensure that medical devices are safe and effective and that
                    these products are honestly, accurately and informatively
                    represented to the public. The FDA laws and regulations
                    cover, among other things, premarket approval of new medical
                    devices, manufacturing and performance standards, and
                    tracking of reports of device malfunctioning and serious
                    adverse reactions. Failure to comply with all such laws and
                    regulations could result in serious consequences for the
                    Company, including product recall. We will comply fully with
                    all applicable FDA laws and regulations, and with all
                    internal procedures designed for compliance purposes.

          rules and regulations that govern the professional relationships
          between Inverness Medical Innovations' employees and government
          officials are complicated and numerous. Inverness Medical Innovations'
          employees are obligated to contact the Legal Department or Executive
          Management with any questions, issues, complaints, or concerns about
          all matters concerning relationships and interactions with government

          With the exception of certain regulatory fees set by governments and
          lawful "expediting payments" in foreign countries, all payments,
          promises to pay and offers of payment or anything of value to any
          government official, political party, or official thereof either from
          Inverness Medical Innovations or in furtherance of Inverness Medical
          Innovations' business are strictly prohibited. In some countries
          outside the U.S., tips and gratuities of a minor nature are
          customarily required by low-level governmental representatives
          performing routine governmental action (e.g., processing visas,
          permits to do business, providing of police protection or phone
          service). Where payments of this nature are lawful and unavoidable,
          they are permitted only to facilitate the correct performance of the
          foreign government representative's routine duties. Such "expediting
          payments" may not be made to induce foreign officials to fail to
          perform their duties or perform them in an incorrect manner. Executive
          Management of Inverness Medical Innovations shall be responsible for
          determining the propriety, need, and amount of such expediting
          payments, which may be

                                     Page 12

          made only with their prior approval and only after consultation with
          Legal Counsel of Inverness Medical Innovations.

     5.   PROTECTING COMPANY ASSETS. Each of us is responsible for protecting
          Company assets, which include the Company's investment in trade
          secrets, technology and other proprietary property as well as physical
          property of guests, visitors, vendors, customers and employee

               -    You should be alert to any situations or incidents that
                    could lead to the loss, misuse, or theft of Company
                    property. In addition, you should report all such situations
                    to your supervisor, the Human Resources or Legal
                    Departments, Executive Management, the Ethics Officer, or
                    the Ethics Hotline at the number that is listed below for
                    your geographical region.

     US            866-398-0010
     AUSTRALIA     1800-987-636
     CANADA        888-789-6627
     CHINA-NORTH   10-800-713-0906
     CHINA-SOUTH   10-800-130-0879
     FRANCE        0800-909-260
     GERMANY       0800-182-4524
     ISRAEL        180-942-9050
     JAPAN         0053-113-0898
     SPAIN         900-977-663
     SWEDEN        020-793-185
     UK            0800-032-5546

               -    Each employee is required to enter into an obligation of
                    confidentiality to protect the Company's trade secrets and
                    confidential information. Depending on the particular
                    country and practice, this obligation may be fulfilled by a
                    written undertaking, a contract or, in the case of certain
                    executive officers, by a fiduciary duty imposed by law in
                    countries where this may be applicable.

     6.   MEDIA CONTACT AND PUBLIC DISCUSSION. News media contact, responses,
          and public discussion of Company business should only be made through
          authorized spokespersons of the Company.

          -    Compliance with Public Disclosure Laws: The Company will comply
               with all laws governing the public disclosure of business
               information. These laws are generally designed to assure that
               material business information about the Company is disseminated
               fairly and in clear, accurate and non-misleading terms without
               material omissions. As a result, all public statements disclosing
               material Company business information, including to individual
               investors or analysts, whether oral or written, must be
               disseminated through a means which assures broad dissemination of
               the information to the public in a fair

                                     Page 13

               manor and in terms that are accurate and clear with no material
               omissions. Colleagues should consult with the Legal Department
               before making any such statements. In the event that a Colleague
               makes such a statement inadvertently, the Colleague should
               immediately contact the Legal Department to determine how best to
               comply with the law in such a situation.

          -    If you are questioned by news reporters, you should refer them to
               an appropriate Company representative--the CEO, COO, CFO, or
               General Counsel.

          -    We must exercise particular care when considering release of
               information of a sensitive nature.

          -    Failure to observe this policy can cause tremendous harm to the
               Company and spread misinformation. We are all responsible for
               protecting all such information

          relatives many not use Inverness Medical Innovations assets, services
          or labor for personal use unless the use has been properly approved.

     8.   BUSINESS AND ACCOUNTING PRACTICES. Compliance with accepted accounting
          rules and controls, as established by the FASB, U.S. and other taxing
          authorities as well as accounting controls established by the Audit
          Committee, independent auditors and Chief Financial Officer is
          necessary at all times. The Company has established a separate set of
          accounting policies and guidelines. Intentional failure to comply with
          these policies and guidelines is a violation of this policy.

     9.   FINANCIAL RECORDS. All financial records of the Company must
          accurately reflect and properly describe the transactions they record.
          All financial transactions are to be recorded in a timely fashion.

     10.  DISPARAGEMENT. No one should ever make false, misleading, or
          disparaging remarks about individuals, organizations or their products
          or services.

          -    Do not disparage our competitors or their products or employees.
               We should sell our products and services on their merits.

          -    Always check with our General Counsel before you make comparisons
               between our products and those of a competitor in written
               materials or advertising. In some countries this is illegal and
               in many others, including the United States, it may be grounds
               for a competitor to bring an unfair competition suit against the

                                     Page 14

     11.  DRUGS. The use, sale, possession, manufacture, dispensation, or
          distribution of any unauthorized drugs or controlled substances at any
          time on Company premises or at Company gatherings is prohibited. Being
          under the influence of intoxicants or drugs is prohibited by law and
          by the Company. See our Policy to Maintain a Drug Free Workplace

     12.  CERTIFICATIONS. The Company may require Colleagues to certify
          compliance with the Policy on an annual basis. Failure or Refusal of a
          Colleague to certify compliance may be grounds for discipline up to
          and including dismissal.

/s/ RON ZWANZIGER                       /s/ PAUL HEMPEL
- -------------------------------------   ----------------------------------------
Ron Zwanziger,                          Paul Hempel,
President and CEO                       Senior Vice President Leadership
                                        Development & Legal Affairs

                                     Page 15


Accepted accounting rules, 12
Administration of the guidelines, 2
Advertising, 13
Antitrust laws, 5
Assets, company, 11

Boycott, 9
Bribe, 7
Business meals, 8
Business opportunity, 5

Certifications, 13
Commitment to employees, 3
Computer software, 7
Confidential information, 6, 7, 11
Conflicts of Interest, 4, 8
Contributions, 10
Copyright, 7
Customs, 9

Discriminatory harassment, 3, 4
Disparagement, 13
Drugs, 13

Embargo, 9
Employment laws, 5
Entertainment, 7, 8
Ethics Officer, 1, 2, 3, 4, 11
Ethics Hotline, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11
Expediting payments, 11
Export, 9

Fair dealing, 6
FDA, 10
Financial records, 12
Foreign government, 11

Gifts, 7, 8
Government officials, 8, 11

Harassment, 3, 4
Hotline, 1, 2, 3, 5, 11

Illegal drugs, 13
   business, 12
   company, 7
   confidential, 6, 7, 11
   credit, 6
   inside, 6
   material, 6
   non-public, 6
Inside Information, 7
Insider trading, 6, 7
Intoxicants, 13

Material omission, 12
Media contact and public discussion, 12
Money laundering, 9

Political, 10, 11
Public disclosure, 12

Quality of products, 10

Retaliation, 4

Securities, 6

Technology, 9, 11
Tickets, 8

Waiver, 2

                                     Page 16