Exhibit 4(b)(ii)

[JOHN HANCOCK LOGO]  Life Insurance Company of New York  [100 Summit Lake Drive
                                                       Valhalla, New York 10595]


      CONTRACT NUMBER    [12345]

                                  GROUP ANNUITY

The John Hancock Life Insurance Company of New York ("the Company", "we", "our")
agrees, subject to the conditions and provisions of the certificate, to provide
the benefits, rights and privileges as stated in the certificate. A certificate
evidencing participation under this contract will be issued to each member of
the eligible group from which we received the required premium contribution.

This contract is issued in consideration of the master application for this

Signed for the Company at Boston, Massachusetts:

[SPECIMEN]                                          [SPECIMEN]
President                                           Secretary

Group Annuity
Nonparticipating - Not eligible for dividends

                               ADMISTRATIVE OFFICE
                              [601 Congress Street
                          Boston, Massachusetts 02210]

            09GRPMAST-NY                              GP0101

                               CONTRACT PROVISIONS


  1.    Eligibility/Cessation of Participation

  2.    Certificates

  3.    Incorporation

  4.    Termination

                                        2                                 GP0201


A person who is a customer of the contractholder to which this contract is
issued may become a Certificate Owner upon Our approval and receipt of the
required premium contribution.


We will issue an individual certificate to each Certificate Owner. The
certificate will state the terms, conditions, and benefits of this contract. We
may credit interest to Certificate Owners at rates that vary by certificate
issue date, premium amount, or eligible class.


A sample certificate attached hereto is made a part of this contract. Any
provisions of this contract which are inconsistent with provisions of the
certificate are waived and superseded by the certificate provisions.


This contract will terminate when the contractholder requests termination in
writing to us or when no Certificate Owners hold any certificate issued under
this contract.

Any certificates in force when the contract terminates will continue to be in
force in accordance with our administrative rules in effect, until terminated by
the Certificate Owner.

                                        3                                 GP0301


                       Life Insurance Company of New York

[JOHN HANCOCK LOGO]                                       [100 Summit Lake Drive
                                                       Valhalla, New York 10595]

                                                           Administrative Office
                                                            [601 Congress Street
                                                    Boston, Massachusetts 02210]


Application is made for group master policy form [09GRPMAST] to which this
application shall be attached and made a part. The terms and conditions of the
annuity applied for will be subject to and in accordance with the group master
policy issued by John Hancock Life Insurance Company of New York.

Applicant Corporation:      _________________________________________________

Address of Corporation:     _________________________________________________

Name and Title of
Corporate Officer:          _________________________________________________

Tax ID Number:              ________________________

Applicant's Signature:      _________________________________________________

Print Name:                 _________________________________________________

Date:  _______________          [Witness:  __________________________________ ]