Exhibit 10.9(n)



organized and existing under Dominican laws, with main offices at
the  section of Ingenio Abajo, Santiago, duly represented  herein
by  Engineer Federico Idelfonso Dominguez Aristy, a Dominican, of
legal  age,  marital  status married, an  agricultural  engineer,
domiciled  and residing in Santiago de los Caballeros, bearer  of
Personal  ID  Card  No. 108239 Series 31, duly  renewed,  in  his
capacity as Chairman of the Board of Directors, to be referred to
hereinafter as "PISANO", Party of the First Part;  and

COMPONENT  FOOTWEAR DOMINICANA, S. A., a company  duly  organized
under the laws of the Dominican Republic, with offices at No.  52
Mustaf   Kemal  Ataturk  Street in the  city  of  Santo  Domingo,
National District, duly represented herein by Mister David  Brett
Gunn   an American, of legal age, marital status married,  bearer
of U.S. Passport No. 130418425, in virtue of Resolution passed by
the  Board of Directors of the Corporation on December 15,  1993,
to  be  referred to hereinafter as "LESSEE", Party of the  Second

Before  formulating  the  lease herein,  the  parties  state  the

     a.  PISANO is in charge of the technical and operational
management  of  a  Free Exportation Zone at  Km.  7  1/2  of  the
Santiago-Navarrete Highway which operates under the name of "Zona
Franca Santiago-Navarrete", and is ruled by the provisions of Law
8-90 of January 15, l990 to promote the establishment of new free
zones  and the growth of existing ones, the organization of which
was  duly  approved by virtue of Executive Decree  No.  27-92  of
January 17, l992; and ratified by virtue of an agreement executed
with the Dominican State on December 17, l992.

      b.   LESSEE  has requested PISANO before the  corresponding
proceeding the lease of an additional building to expand business
operations in the Santiago Norte Industrial Park (to be  referred
to  hereinafter as THE PARK), all of which shall be ruled by  the
provisions of Law 8-90 above cited, by the provisions herein  and
the  Regulations  that are attached hereto as Schedule  A  to  be
deemed as an integral part hereof;

Therefore, and in the understanding that the above preamble is to


be deemed an integral part hereof,


FIRST:   PISANO leases LESSEE hereby, and LESSEE agrees to  lease
the real estate described below for the price, term and under the
conditions provided hereunder:

     A  one story type A-1 building marked as number 5 located on
     Lot   No. 60-Ref-A-15 of  Cadaster  District No. 161 in  the
     Munici-pality of Santiago, having a height of 20 feet on the
     sides  and 25  feet  in the  center, concrete  block  walls,
     reinforced  concrete  flooring to  bear  a  strength  of  up
     to 15 PSI  (feet per square inch)  a steel  frame  supported
     by  reinforced  concrete  columns, gauge  26  aluzinc  sheet
     roofing, aluminum windows, a pinewood and glass door at  the
     entrance , and a loading and unloading ramp in the front  of
     the  building,  which building includes the following  inner
     areas,  according  to  the  blueprints  attached  hereto  as
     Schedule B to be deemed as an integral part hereof, to wit:

     Work Area                : 13,893.82 square feet
     Rest Rooms Area          :    380.30 square feet
     Office Area              :  1,328.86 square feet
     Emergency Plant Housing  :    376.60 square feet
     Mess room Area           :  1,883.00 square feet

     TOTAL                    : 17,862.60 Square feet

Paragraph:  The parties herein agree hereby that formal  delivery
and  reception  of premises took place on January 15,  1994.  The
sixty (60)  day period of grace that has been given to LESSEE  to
set up the equipment and machinery , a period during which LESSEE
shall  pay  no  rent at all, but the maintenance  fees  indicated
herein  above,  began to count as of the date of  said  delivery;
During  the 60 day period of grace above stated, PISANO shall  by
mutual  agreement with the LESSEE carry out any additional  works
requested according to its needs as indicated in Exhibit C of the
agreement. Furthermore, any construction details which could  not
be  completed  before  delivery due to their  being  directly  or
indirectly related to the above mentioned additional works  shall
then be completed.

Consequently, the first payment on account of monthly rent is  to
be made on March 15, 1994, according to the provisions of Article
Third   hereinbelow.  Therefore,  all  payments   of   rent   and
maintenance fees shall be made every fifteenth day of each month.


Furthermore,  the  parties herein agree hereby  that  during  the
first three (3) years of this lease, LESSEE shall pay no rent  at
all  on  account of the area provided for the construction  of  a
mezzanine   allowing  for  the  expansion  of  the  manufacturing
operations in the leased premises.

In  the event LESSEE decided to expand business operations to the
mezzanine area during the term hereof, LESSEE shall effect PISANO
an  additional rental payment equal to seventy percent  (70%)  of
the  basic  initial  rental paid for the productive  area,  which
measures 13,893.82 square feet.

SECOND:  The lease herein shall be for a term of three (3)  years
as  of  the date of the satisfactory delivery to LESSEE   of  the
building leased hereunder, which is to take place on January  15,
1994,  and  shall end automatically on January 15,  1997,  LESSEE
undertaking hereby to pay the monthly rental price until delivery
of premises to PISANO, were said delivery to take place after the
term agreed hereunder.

Notwithstanding  the  above stated, LESSEE may  renew  the  lease
herein  for an additional two (2) year period, provided  however,
that  a) in the event LESSEE had not expanded operations  to  the
mezzanine  area  during the initial term of this  agreement,  and
agrees  to  pay an amount equal to thirty percent  (30%)  of  the
monthly  rental  price paid by the enterprise for the  productive
area, measuring 13,893.82 square feet; and b) LESSEE shall advise
PISANO  its  desire to renew the lease at least one  hundred  and
eighty  (180)  days before the expiration of the three  (3)  year
period above stated. In such a case the amout of the monthly rent
shall  be determined following the procedure provided in  Article
Third herein below".

In  the  eventual  case LESSEE were compelled  to  terminate  the
agreement thorugh no fault of  PISANO's before the expiration  of
the term agreed on, a penalty amounting to six (6) months' rental
price  shall be paid to PISANO.  Sixty (60) days' advance  notice
of  any  such termination shall be given to PISANO.  In any  such
case the provisions in article fourth herein shall be applied  to
the guarantee deposit.

It  is expressly agreed by the parties that LESSEE may not assign
or  sub-lease  in  whole or in part its rights  over  the  rented
premises  as  provided hereunder without the  prior  and  written
consent  of  PISANO, except when assignee or sub-lessee  were  an
affiliate or subsidiary of the parent company of LESSEE, in which


case  LESSEE shall advise PISANO its intent to assign  the  lease
and shall submit

PISANO  all  relevant documentation evidencing the  affiliate  or
subsidiary  character of any such new lessee.  PISANO  shall,  if
appropriate, execute within a term not to exceed thirty (30) days
a  new  lease  with  the  new lessee under  the  same  terms  and
conditions herein and for the remaining period of its term.

Respecting  the assignment of the rights of LESSEE hereunder  and
except in the event above foreseen concerning an assignee or sub-
lessee  which  were  an  affiliate or subsidiary  of  the  parent
company  of LESSEE prior due authorization by PISANO,  the  terms
and conditions  of the  new  lease shall be  those applicable  to
new  lessees   at  the   time of  the  execution   of   the   new
lease.  Likewise, in the event the LESSEE transfers a substantial
part  of its assets to a new entity authorized by PISANO to be  a
transferee  of  LESSEE's rights under this Lease, the  terms  and
conditions  of  the  new lease shall be those applicable  to  new
lessees  at  the  time of the execution of the  new  lease.   Any
assignees  shall  be duly authorized to operate at  the  Santiago
Norte  Industrial Park and must have been rated accordingly under
Law  No. 8-90 on free zones. In no case shall LESSEE claim to  be
entitled  to any rights acquired over the building or on  account
of any goodwill gained.

THIRD:   The basic price agreed on under this lease is of US$0.23
(twenty-three cents of a dollar) per square foot per month,  that
is  to  say, a monthly rental price of FOUR THOUSAND ONE  HUNDRED
EIGHT  U. S. DOLLARS AND FOURTY CENTS (U$4,108.40) to be paid  in
advance  at  the  offices of PISANO with no  need  of  any  prior
requirement at all.

It  is hereby agreed, however, that said basic price shall remain
subject  to  an  annual increase conmensurate with  the  rate  of
inflation in the United States of America on the basis of each
calendar year, i.e., from January to December each year as of the
year  l995,  using  the  official report  of  the  Department  of
Commerce of the United States as source for the determination  of
said inflation rate.

Therefore,  in order to enforce the above stated increase,  every
month of January of each year, the contract's lease price will be
increased  in  advance taking a four percent (4%) as  the  annual
increase average on the inflation rate, and such percentage  will
be  adjusted when the Department of Commerce of the United States
officially  informs  the inflation rate of that  country  in  the
former year. The adjustments can be positive or negative. In  the
first  case, the resulting surplus will be inmediately demandable


by  PISANO  to LESSEE, in the event the adjustment were negative,
PISANO   shall  credit  THE  LESSE's  account  for   the   amount

In  order  to  precisely determine the adjustment increase  above
stated  and  its application hereto, an illustrative  example  is
given in the Internal Regulations.

PISANO  accepts,  states and acknowledges  that  LESSEE,  in  its
capacity  as  free  zone enterprise is under  the  obligation  to
exchange  foreign currency through commercial banks to cover  the
price  of  the  lease  and  the cost  of  services,  PISANO  thus
undertaking to exchange any considerations paid in dollars of the
United  States  of  America  (US$)  that  were  received  through
commercial banks hereunder, and to deliver LESSEE such  documents
as  evidence  that any such exchange has been made on  behalf  of
LESSEE  within a term not to exceed thirty (30) days  as  of  the
date  each  payment were made.  The parties  herein agree  hereby
that  were Law 8-90 of l990 and law 26l of l964 to be amended  so
as  to allow payment in United States dollars (US$) and free zone
enterprises  were relased from their dollar exchange  obligation,
the provisions herein shall remain without effect.

Paragraph.  In case of failure to effect a monthly rental payment
on   the   date  provided  herein  or  were  any  other  monetary
obligations to become overdue, interest shall accrue  thereon  at
the  rate  of one percent (l%) per month and/or fraction thereof,
such  interest to be charged to LESSEE automatically and  without
need of any prior advice thereof.

FOURTH:    LESSEE  shall  deliver  PISANO  a  guarantee   deposit
amounting  to  three  (3)  months'  rental  payment,  or   TWELVE
CENTS (US$12,325.20) to be delivered to PISANO in U.S. dollars
at the execution hereof.

The  exchange  obligation foreseen in article  third  hereinabove
shall  apply to such considerations as were delivered as deposit;
thus,  LESSEE  expressly acknowledges hereby  that  any  eventual
reimbursement  of  any considerations delivered  as  deposit,  if
appropriate,  shall  be necessarily made in Dominican  pesos  for
such  amounts  as  were  evidenced by  the  appropriate  exchange
receipts delivered on account of the two installments provided in
this article.

Such deposit as is provided herein shall be returned to LESSEE as
above  stated not later than sixty (60) days as of   delivery  by
LESSEE and reception by PISANO of the leased premises, except for
any  deductions that may be applied to said deposit, which  would


be the following:

     A.  Any maintenance repairs that had not been made by LESSEE
     during the term hereof or any repairs that needed to be made
     because of damages to the rented premises resulting from the
     fault of LESSEE.

     B.  Any  considerations owed by LESSEE on account of any  of
     the services listed in article fifth hereof.

     C.  Any interest accruing over any considerations owed.

It  is understood that LESSEE shall not be entitled to offset any
amounts  given  in  deposit against any rental payments  owed  by
LESSEE  and any such  considerations or  fractions thereof  shall
remain  for  the benefit of PISANO in the event  LESSEE  did  not
begin its business operations within the term of one hundred  and
twenty  (120)  days following its solicitude before the  National
Council  of Free Zones for the ampliation of is Free Zone License
as  stated  in  article sixth hereof, except  in  case  of  force
majeure duly verified by the parties or for causes which were not
the  fault  of  LESSEE, in which event the above  term  shall  be
suspended  but in no case shall LESSEE be released from complying
with  each  and every one of its obligations hereunder, specially
as to the monthly payment of the rental and the maintenance fees.

It  is further understood that the deposit obligation provided in
article fourth hereinabove is not to be deemed as a limitation of
the  liability of LESSEE and that, consequently, in the event  of
default  by LESSEE  damages  may be  claimed  by PISANO for
a  consideration in excess of said deposit, PISANO being entitled
to claim any additional values for any direct or indirect damages
that may have been caused by LESSEE.

FIFTH:   PISANO  shall  provide LESSEE the  direct  and  indirect
services listed below:

     Direct services

     a. Admission Control
     b. Garbage collection
     c. Water supply
     d. Van parking.
     e. Sewer and drainage.

     Indirect services:

     a. Street lighting
     b. Health Clinic


     c. Cafeteria- Messroom.
     d. Firemen Service.
     e. Audio and data communications network; and
     f. Electric Power networks.
     g. Security Service Facilities

LESSEE  acknowledges hereby respecting the above  basic  services
that  same shall be provided as stated in the Regulations  ruling
leases in the PARK which are attached hereto as an integral  part

Paragraph  I.    It  is expressly agreed that PISANO  shall  make
LESSEE  a monthly charge which LESSEE accepts, amounting  to  ten
(10%)  of  the monthly rental price of the lease as  provided  in
article  third  hereinabove, on account of providing  the  direct
services   of  Admission  Control,  garbage  collection,   street
lighting,  sewer  and drainage and the payment of  the  personnel
working  as firemen, PISANO undertaking hereby to pay  the  above
services  on  a  monthly  basis with no delay  whatever,  in  the
understanding that such rates as shall rule these services may be
subject to revision by mutual agreement. Direct water supply  and
container  parking  services shall be collected  as  provided  in
Section  IV-A,  letters  c)  and  d)  of  the  attached  Internal

Paragraph  II.   Any considerations due and remaining  unpaid  on
account  of the above services shall accrue interest at the  rate
of  one  (l%)  percent per month and/or fraction thereof,and  any
such amounts overdue shall be deemed to be a breach hereto.

SIXTH:   LESSEE herein shall be solely authorized to set  up  and
operate  in the PARK such business as were provided in  its  Free
Zone  License  or  in the ammendments to such License,  and  that
industrial  operations shall be started  within  a  term  not  to
exceed one hundred and twenty (120) days as of securing said Free
Zone  License or in its ammendments, except in the event of force
majeure  duly verified or for causes that were not the  fault  of
LESSEE,  in which event such a term shall be suspended;  however,
LESSEE  shall in no event be released from compliance  with  each
and  every  one  of  its obligations hereunder, specifically  the
obligation to pay the monthly rental and maintenance fees.

Paragraph I.  In the event LESSEE were unable to secure within  a
term  of  one  hundred and twenty (120) days as of  the  date  of
delivery  of  the  leased  premises  its  rating  as  free   zone
enterprise  due  to force majeure or without   fault,  the  lease
herein  shall  be automatically terminated with no liability  for
the  parties,  and LESSEE shall effect delivery of  the  premises


within   a  term  of  thirty  (30)  days.   The  parties   herein
acknowledge  hereby that in the event foreseen in this  paragraph
LESSEE shall pay PISANO such rental price and manintenance  fees,
as   shall  cover  the  time  during  which  LESSEE  shall   have
effectively  occupied such premises, while  PISANO  shall  effect
delivery  of  the  deposit  amount  provided  in  article  fourth
hereinabove   after  duly  effecting  whatever  deductions   were

Paragraph  II.   It is expressly agreed that were  LESSEE  to  be
cancelled  its free zone rating under Law 8-90 due to  its  fault
duly  proven, LESSEE shall be under the obligation to vacate  and
deliver  PISANO the rented premises within a term of ninety  (90)
days  as  of the date of any such cancellation, LESSEE  therefore
losing  its  right  to  reimbursement of  the  guarantee  deposit
provided in article 4 hereinabove and being compelled to pay  the
penalty  foreseen in article second hereinabove, as well  as  the
monthly  rental price up until the time it were to  actually  and
effectively   vacate  and  deliver the rented  premises,  without
prejudice of any other damages as appropriate.

Paragraph III.  It is understood by the parties that LESSEE shall
as  soon  as possible deposit in the offices of PISANO a copy  of
such documentation as was used in support of its free zone rating
application, or its solicitude for the ammendement  of  its  Free
Zone License intended to enlarge its operations and a copy of the
Resolution by the National Free Exportation Council within a term
of thirty (30) days as of the date of said Resolution.

SEVENTH:   LESSEE  hereing shall be entitled to withdraw  at  the
expiration   hereof,  all  and  any  machinery   and   equipment,
electrical installations in general, air conditioners, furniture,
and  in general, any goods of any kind which were owned by LESSEE
and had been installed by LESSEE in the rented premises prior due
authorization  by  the  General  Customs  Directorate,   provided
however,  the premises were left in the same condition they  were
found.  However, any improvements thereto shall  remain  for  the
benefit  of  PISANO  with  no compensation  whatever;  this  will
include   any   additional  doors,  windows  or  bathrooms,   air
extractors,  inside partitions, any annexities constructed  after
due prior approval, any alterations to the structure of the roof,

EIGHTH:   LESSEE  shall at its own expense  maintain  the  rented
premises  in  good state  of  upkeep, thus  undertaking all  such
maintenance repairs as were required therefor, as well as such as
were necessary to repair any damages resulting from the fault  of


It  is  understood  that  LESSEE shall  not  be  responsible  for
repairing any damages resulting from hidden or structural defects
in the rented premises.

Twelve   (12)   months   after  delivery  of  the  premises,  all
expenditures  on  account of disrepairs to floorings,  doors  and
windows shall be covered by LESSEE.

NINTH:   LESSEE  undertakes  to  secure  insurance  policies  and
maintain them in force so as to cover the rented premises against
risks,  such policies to name PISANO as beneficiary, securing  as
well  third  party liability insurance covering both  individuals
and   property  inside   the   premises  as   provided   in   the
Regulations attached hereto.

LESSEE  further acknowledges the convenience for its business  of
securing   insurance  against  any  losses  involving  machinery,
equipment,  raw materials, finished goods and other items  making
up the assets of the business.

TENTH:   Except for the two (2) year renewal option  provided  in
Article  Second (2) hereinabove, the parties herein agree  hereby
that this lease may not be tacitly extended.  In the event LESSEE
desired  to renew the lease after its agreed three (3) year  term
of   duration    and   the   two  (2)  year  extension   provided
hereinabaove,  PISANO shall be given written advice  thereof  one
hundred and eighty (180) days before the time of said expiration.
Any such renewal shall be approved through an agreement signed by
both parties herein.

ELEVENTH:   It  is  expressly agreed that the working  conditions
prevailing  in  the  leased  premises  shall  abide  by  all such
regulations and rules on health, industrial safety and others  as
have been provided by the Departments of Labor, Public Health and
other interested agencies.

TWELFTH:   It  is  expressly agreed hereunder that  the  business
operations  of LESSEE shall be of a continuous nature; therefore,
any  temporary  suspension of business in  excess  of  seven  (7)
working  days  shall be advised in writing to PISANO  within  the
next  twenty-four (24) hours after any such suspension.  In  such
cases,  LESSEE  shall  comply  with all  local  labor  provisions
currently  in  force  in  the Dominican Republic.  Likewise,  the
parties herein agree that closing of LESSEE'S operations  due  to
collective vacations shall not be previously notified  by  LESSEE

LESSEE  herein  acknowledges hereby that  in  the  event  of  any


suspension of business as above stated in no case shall LESSEE be
released  from  complying  with  each  and  every  one   of   its
obligations hereunder. Similarly, LESSEE herein acknowledges that
the  basic  aim of Law 8-90 on industrial free zones under  which
terms  it  is operating in the Dominican Republic is the creation
of  permanent  sources of work.  In the event of  any  suspension
lasting  for  more than six (6) months in a given calendar  year,
PISANO will be entitled to file for the termination hereof.

THIRTEENTH:   In  the  event  of incompliance  with  any  of  the
obligations  of LESSEE hereunder, PISANO shall advise  LESSEE  of
any   such   incompliance   through   certified   letter   return
requested  or through bailiff's notice, therein giving  LESSEE  a
thirty (30) day term to remedy any such incompliance.

Were  LESSEE  to ignore any such communication, PISANO  shall  be
entitled  to demand the termination hereof further claiming  such
damages as might result from any such incompliance.

FOURTEENTH:    LESSEE  shall  repay  PISANO  all   administrative
expenditures  incurred in drawing, executing and  notarizing  the
lease  herein,  such  expenses amounting  to  ONE  THOUSAND,  TWO

Paragraph.   In  the event PISANO had to retain the  professional
services of an office of attorneys due to incompliance by  LESSEE
with  any  of  its obligations hereunder, LESSEE shall  reimburse
PISANO all  expenses and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred.

FIFTEENTH:  The parties herein expressly agree hereby that in the
event  of  any  disagreements or lawsuits  respecting  the  lease
herein,  same  shall be submitted to Dominican courts,  waivering
their  right to resort to any other courts that may be  empowered
to  hear  said  disagreements or lawsuits.   Furthermore,  it  is
agreed  that for anything not specially contemplated herein,  the
parties shall abide by the provisions of Dominican laws.

SIXTEENTH:   For  all  the purposes and consequences  hereof  the
parties  elect their domiciles as follows: PISANO,  at  its  main
offices at Parque Industrial Santiago Norte, and LESSEE,  at  the
law  offices   of  PEREYRA  &  BIAGGI, located  at   52   Mustafa
Kemal  Ataturk   St. in  the  city of  Santo  Domingo,   National
District,  Dominican Republic, where LESSEE shall be  served  any
legal or extra legal documents concerning the execution hereof.

SEVENTEENTH:   The  parties  herein  agree  hereby  to   adscribe
territorial  jurisdiction to any of the following courts  in  the
event of any differences between then:

      A)   For  any  matters  falling under the  jurisdiction  or
ratione  materiae of a court of peace, to the Court of  Peace  of
the Third Circumscription of the Municipality of Santiago.

      B)   For  any  matters  falling under the  jurisdiction  or
ratione  materiae of a Court of First Instance, to the Civil  and
Commercial Chamber  of the  Second  Circumscription of the  Court
of  First Instance of the Judicial District of Santiago.

EIGHTEENTH:  This   agreement  has  been  executed  in  both  the
Spanish  and  English  languages.  The parties  herein  expressly
agree that in case of any interpretation controversy, the Spanish
version will prevail.

Executed  and signed in two originals having the same  tenor  and
effect,  one for each one of the parties, in the city of Santiago
de  los Caballeros, Dominican Republic, on the Sixteenth (16) day
of  the month of December, year nineteen hundred and ninety-three


        /s/ Federico Idelfonso Dominguez Aristy

          (by) Eng. Federico Idelfonso Dominguez Aristy
               Chairman of the Board of Directors


                    /s/ David Brett Gunn

                    (by) Mr. David Brett Gunn