Exhibit 10.03
                               NASHUA CORPORATION

                         (as amended February 24, 1994)


    1.01     Name and Purpose.  The Plan set forth herein shall be known as the
             "Nashua Corporation Supplemental Compensation Plan." The Plan is
             established and shall be maintained solely for the purpose of
             providing deferred compensation benefits to Eligible Employees in
             consideration of services rendered and to be rendered to Nashua

    1.02     Effective Date.   The Plan became effective as of January 1, l987.
             The Plan applies only to Eligible Employees who retire or
             terminate employment with the Corporation on or after the
             Effective Date.


    Wherever used in this Plan, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise,
    the following terms shall have the following meanings:

    2.01     "Beneficiary" shall mean the person or persons designated by an
             Eligible Employee to receive benefits under this Plan in the event
             of the death of the Eligible Employee.

    2.02     "Executive Salary Committee" shall mean the Executive Salary
             Committee of the Board of Directors of Nashua Corporation.

    2.03     "Corporation" shall mean Nashua Corporation, a Delaware

    2.04     "Disability" means disability within the meaning of the Social
             Security Act.

    2.05     "Eligible Employee" means any person employed by the Corporation
             who is included in Appendix A, which is updated as of January 1 of
             each year.

    2.06     "Retirement" means termination of employment after age 55 with 10
             or more years of service with the Corporation.  Years of service
             with any direct or indirect subsidiary while owned or controlled
             by the Corporation shall count as years of service of the

    2.07     "Supplemental Compensation Account" means the individual account
             established for an Eligible Employee by the Corporation,
             reflecting all additions thereto on behalf of the Eligible
             Employee pursuant to Article 3.

    2.08     "Supplemental Compensation Benefit" means the benefit payable to
             an Eligible Employee upon termination of employment, as provided
             in Section 4.01.

    2.09     "Supplemental Compensation Plan Committee" means the Committee
             established to administer the Plan, made up of the Secretary of
             the Corporation and the Treasurer of the Corporation and such
             other individuals as may be designated from time to time by the
             Executive Salary Committee.

    Wherever used in this instrument, a masculine pronoun shall be deemed to
    include the masculine and feminine gender, and a singular word shall be
    deemed to include the singular and plural, in all cases where the context


    3.01     Supplemental Compensation Account.   The Corporation shall credit
             to each Eligible Employee's Supplemental Compensation Account, as
             of the last day of each fiscal year of the Corporation occurring
             prior to or coinciding with (if applicable) that Eligible
             Employee's termination of employment, an amount equal to the
             amount approved for that year by the Executive Salary Committee
             set opposite that Eligible Employee's name on Appendix A for that
             year as the current addition.  No provision of the Plan shall be
             construed as indicating that the Corporation has purchased life
             insurance to fund the Plan or has otherwise funded the Plan.


    4.01     Termination of Employment.   At Retirement or Disability an
             Eligible Employee's Supplemental Compensation Benefit shall be
             based upon the amount then credited to the Eligible Employee's
             Supplemental Compensation Account.  No benefit shall be payable
             under this Plan if an Eligible Employee dies while still in the
             service of the Corporation.  If an Eligible Employee terminates
             employment with the Corporation for any reason other than
             Retirement, Disability or death after completing at least five (5)
             consecutive years of employment, he shall be entitled to a
             Supplemental Compensation Benefit based upon the amount credited
             to his Supplemental Compensation Account as of the date his
             employment terminates.

    4.02     Form of Payment.   Any amounts payable to an Eligible Employee
             hereunder shall be payable in the form of an immediate or deferred
             annuity on the sole life of the Eligible Employee or on the joint
             lives of the Employee and any Beneficiary, but the Corporation in
             its discretion will determine whether to purchase an annuity
             contract to fund the amounts so payable.
                                     - 3 -

    4.03     Death Benefit After Retirement.   In the event that an Eligible
             Employee dies after Retirement, a death benefit shall be paid
             under this Plan to the Eligible Employee's Beneficiary.  The death
             benefit shall be equal to two (2) times the base rate of annual
             compensation payable to the Eligible Employee immediately prior to
             Retirement and shall be paid in a lump sum to the Beneficiary as
             soon as practicable.  The death benefit payable under this Section
             4.03 is independent of any survivor annuity payable under Section


    5.01     Funding.   There is no fund associated with this Plan.  The
             Corporation shall be required to make payments only as benefits
             become due and payable.  No person shall have any right, other
             than the right of an unsecured general creditor, against the
             Corporation with respect to the benefits payable hereunder.  If
             the Corporation, acting in its sole discretion, establishes a
             reserve or other fund associated with this Plan, no person shall
             have any right to or interest in any specific amount or asset of
             such reserve or fund.  The assets in any such reserve or funds
             shall be subject to the control of the Corporation and need not be
             used to pay benefits hereunder.


    6.01     Non-Guarantee of Employment.   Nothing contained in this Plan
             shall be construed as a contract of employment between the
             Corporation and any Eligible Employee or as a limitation on the
             right of the Corporation to deal with an Eligible Employee, as to
             hiring, discharge, layoff, compensation, and all other conditions
             of employment, in all respects as though this Plan did not exist.

    6.02     Rights Under Plan.   Nothing in this Plan shall be construed to
             limit, broaden, restrict, or grant any right to any Eligible
             Employee or any Beneficiary under any other plan sponsored by the
             Corporation, nor to grant any additional rights to any Eligible
             Employee or Beneficiary under any other such plan, nor in any way
             to limit, modify, repeal or otherwise affect the Corporation's
             right to amend or modify any other such plan.

    6.03     Nonassignability.   The Supplemental Compensation Benefit payable
             under this Plan shall not be subject to alienation, assignment,
             garnishment, execution of levy of any kind, and any attempt to
             cause any Supplemental Compensation Benefit to be so subjected
             shall not be recognized, except to the extent required by
             applicable law.

    6.04     Plan Administration.  The Plan shall be operated and administered
             by the Supplemental Compensation Plan Committee (or its duly
             authorized representative) whose decision on all matters involving
             the interpretation and administration of the Plan shall be final
             and binding.  The Executive Salary Committee shall retain the
             right to amend or terminate the Plan.
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    6.05     Successor Corporation.   In the event of the dissolution, merger,
             consolidation or reorganization of the Corporation, provision may
             be made by which a successor to all or a major portion of the
             Corporation's property or business shall continue the Plan, and
             the successor shall have all of the power, duties and
             responsibilities of the Corporation under the Plan.

    6.06     Governing Law.   This Plan shall be construed and enforced in
             accordance with, and governed by, the laws of the State of New

                                           NASHUA CORPORATION

                                        By        Paul Buffum
                                                Paul Buffum
                                                Secretary and Counsel