
    This Sublease (the "Sublease") is entered into by HEWLETT-PACKARD
COMPANY, a California corporation ("Sublessor"), as successor by merger
to Apollo Computer Inc., and THE TIMBERLAND COMPANY, a Delaware
corporation ("Sublessee"), as of the      day of              , 1994.

1.  PROPERTY SUBLEASED.  Sublessor hereby subleases to Sublessee, and
    Sublessee hereby subleases from Sublessor, upon the terms and
    conditions set forth herein, a certain building (the "Building")
    situated on certain land described in Exhibit "A" hereto attached and
    incorporated herein by this reference, commonly referred to as 200
    Domain Drive, Stratham, New Hampshire containing approximately
    246,000 rentable square feet of space (determined in accordance with
    the BOMA Standard Method for Measuring Floor Area in Office
    Buildings), together with the exclusive right to use the "common
    areas" (as hereinafter defined) located upon said land (the Building
    and the land upon which it is located as described in said
    Exhibit "A", including, without limitation, the "common areas" (as
    hereinafter defined) are sometimes hereinafter referred to as the
    "Premises").  The term "common areas", as herein used, shall mean all
    areas, sidewalks, parking areas, access roads and drives, driveways,
    landscaped areas, truck serviceways, docks, and pedestrian walkways,
    facilities, equipment and signs situated on said land.  Only
    Sublessee and those claiming under Sublessee shall have the right to
    use the common areas, which common areas shall be deemed a part of
    the Premises for purposes of this Sublease; provided, however, that
    Sublessee acknowledges and agrees that Master Lessor (as defined in
    Paragraph 3 of this Sublease) has reserved the right in the Master
    Lease (as defined in said Paragraph 3) to grant for itself and for
    others drainage and/or utilities easements in, upon and over the
    common areas so long as such easements and the facilities installed
    pursuant thereto shall not materially interfere with Sublessee's use
    of the common areas.  To the best of Sublessor's knowledge, the
    Premises include all appurtenant easements and other rights that are
    needed by Sublessee to use the Premises for the purposes herein


2.  PARKING.  Sublessee shall have the exclusive use of the existing
    parking spaces delineated on the Premises.  Sublessor shall have no
    obligation to patrol, enforce, or supervise the use of such parking
    spaces.  Sublessee shall have the right to mark any parking spaces on
    the Premises as reserved by signage or otherwise.  Without having
    made any investigation or inquiry, Sublessor has no reason to believe
    that the number of parking spaces on the Premises does not comply
    with the applicable requirements of the zoning regulations of the
    Town of Stratham, New Hampshire.

3.  MASTER LEASE AND MASTER LESSOR.  The Premises are presently leased by
    Sublessor from the trustees of First Altex Realty Trust ("Master
    Lessor").  Sublessor and Master Lessor entered into a lease for the
    Premises on June 19, 1984, as amended by a certain Amendment A, dated
        December 21, 1984, as further amended by a certain Stratham Lease
    Amendment, dated as of May 21, 1986, as affected by a certain letter,
    dated September 26, 1990, from Sublessor to the Master Lessor and as
    further amended by a certain Amendment to Lease of even date herewith
    (said lease, as amended and affected by the above-listed documents,
    is hereinafter referred to as the "Master Lease").  A copy of the
    Master Lease is attached hereto as Exhibit "B".


    Sublease is subject to, and Sublessee shall be bound with respect to
    the Premises and this Sublease by, all of the terms, covenants and
    conditions of Articles V; VIII; XVI through XIX; XXVIII; and
    Exhibit "A" of the Master Lease, which are incorporated herein by
    this reference.

    Notwithstanding any obligations of the Sublessor, as the "Tenant"
    under the Master Lease, to the contrary, it is expressly understood
    and agreed that the following provisions of the Master Lease are not
    incorporated herein by reference and are entirely superseded and of
    no force or effect, as between the Sublessee, on the one hand, and
    the Sublessor, Master Lessor and its mortgagee, as applicable, on the
    other, by the provisions of this Sublease:  Articles I through IV; VI
    and VII; IX through XV; XX through XXVII; XXIX; and Exhibit "B".

    To the extent that there are any inconsistencies between the terms
    and provisions of this Sublease and the terms and provisions of the
    Master Lease that are incorporated herein by reference, the terms and
    provisions of this Sublease shall control.  Any obligations of the
    Sublessor, as the "Tenant" under the Master Lease, that are not
    expressly set forth herein as an obligation of the Sublessee under
    this Sublease shall remain the obligation of the Sublessor under the
    Master Lease.  Sublessor agrees that it shall comply with the terms,
    covenants and conditions of the Master Lease and not act or suffer or
    permit anything to be done which would result in a default under the
    Master Lease beyond any applicable notice and cure period.

    In the event that the Master Lessor succeeds to the Sublessor's
    interest under this Sublease, Sublessee acknowledges and agrees that
    any obligation under this Sublease on the part of Sublessee to pay
    over to Sublessor any amount that Sublessor is obligated under the
    Master Lease to pay over to the Master Lessor shall thereupon become
    the direct obligation of Sublessee to pay over such amount to the
    Master Lessor.

    Sublessor agrees that it will not terminate the Master Lease without
    Sublessee's prior written consent, except as provided in Paragraph 14
    of this Sublease.  Except as provided in said Paragraph 14, if
    Sublessor desires to terminate the Master Lease, Sublessor shall
    notify Sublessee of its desire so to do, whereupon Sublessee shall
    either consent or not consent to such termination by giving written
    notice to Sublessor within twenty (20) business days after receipt of
    Sublessor's notice.  Failure by Sublessee to give such notice within
    such twenty (20) business day period shall constitute irrevocable and


    conclusive consent to such termination on the part of Sublessee.  In
    the event that Sublessor thereafter elects to terminate the Master
    Lease as aforesaid, Sublessor shall notify Sublessee of such
    termination and this Sublease shall likewise terminate as of the
    effective date of the termination of the Master Lease.

5.  TERM.  The term of this Sublease (the "Sublease Term") shall commence
    on April 1, 1994 ("Commencement Date") and end on July 14, 1999
    ("Expiration Date"), subject to Sublessee's right to extend the term
    as hereinafter provided.  The Sublessee shall be entitled to install
    fixtures and other equipment, and do other work, prior to the
    Commencement Date, provided, however, that all of Sublessee's
    obligations hereunder (except the obligations to pay Base Rent and
    Operating Expenses) shall commence on the date Sublessee first enters
    upon the Premises to perform any such work.  If this Sublease is
    still in full force and effect, and if Sublessee is not then in
    default hereunder beyond any applicable grace period, Sublessee shall
    have the right to exercise any one of the following options of

         (a)  the option to extend the term of this Sublease until
              September 30, 2000 (the "First Extension Option"), provided
              that Sublessee shall send written notice of its election to
              exercise such option to Sublessor on or before January 15,
              1999, in which event the term of this Sublease shall be
              automatically extended until September 30, 2000, without
              the requirement of any further instrument, upon all of the
              same terms, provisions and conditions set forth in this
              Sublease; or

         (b)  the option to extend the term of this Sublease until any
              date between and including October 14, 1999, at a minimum,
              and September 30, 2000, at a maximum (the "Second Extension
              Option"), provided that Sublessee shall send written notice
              of its election to exercise such option (which notice shall
              specify the term of the extension period) to Sublessor on
              or before April 15, 1999, in which event the term of this
              Sublease shall be automatically extended for the period of
              time specified in such notice (which shall in no event be
              for an extension period ending earlier than October 14,
              1999 or later than September 30, 2000), without the
              requirement of any further instrument, upon all of the same
              terms, provisions and conditions set forth in this
              Sublease; or

         (c)  the option to extend the term of this Sublease until any
              date between and including October 14, 1999, at a minimum,
              and September 30, 2000, at a maximum (the "Third Extension
              Option"), provided that Sublessee shall send written notice
              of its election to exercise such option (which notice shall
              specify the term of the extension period) to Sublessor on
              or before May 15, 1999, in which event the term of this
              Sublease shall be automatically extended for the period of

              time specified in such notice (which shall in no event be
              for an extension period ending earlier than October 14,
              1999 or later than September 30, 2000), without the
              requirement of any further instrument, upon all of the same
              terms, provisions and conditions set forth in this Sublease.

    Except with respect to the aforesaid options of extension, Sublessee
    shall have no right to extend its occupancy beyond the Expiration
    Date (or, if any of said options of extension is duly exercised by
    Sublessee, beyond the expiration of the applicable extension period)
    or to purchase all or any portion of the Premises except as may be
    agreed upon between the Sublessee and Master Lessor.  Sublessor shall
    have no liability to Sublessee as a result of any lease entered into
    between Sublessee and Master Lessor, nor shall Sublessor have any
    liability to Master Lessor beyond that set forth in the Master Lease.

6.  RENT.  For and with respect to the period from July 15, 1994 through
    July 14, 1999, Sublessee shall pay Sublessor, as an absolute net rent
    for the Premises ("Base Rent"), a fixed annual rental at the rate of
    Six Hundred Seventy-Six Thousand Five Hundred and 00/100 Dollars
    ($676,500.00), which is the product arrived at by multiplying the
    approximate rentable area of the Premises by Two and 75/100 Dollars
    ($2.75), in equal monthly installments of Fifty-Six Thousand Three
    Hundred Seventy-Five and 00/100 Dollars ($56,375.00) each.  Sublessee
    shall pay all the estimated Operating Expenses (as hereinafter
    defined) for the Premises on a monthly basis commencing on April 1,
    1994 and continuing through the end of the term hereof, initial or
    extended.  Sublessee shall pay all utilities and services associated
    with Sublessee's use of the Premises, including, without limitation,
    the share attributable to the Premises of the costs of water and
    sewer service provided to the Industrial Park of which the Premises
    are a part and of the cost of repairs and maintenance (but not the
    cost of replacements which are capital in nature, as determined in
    accordance with generally accepted accounting principles,
    consistently applied, which shall be Sublessor's responsibility) of
    the water and sewer lines serving the Premises and other portions of
    said Industrial Park (such utilities and services, together with
    Operating Expenses, are hereinafter referred to as "Additional Rent")
    commencing on the date Sublessee first enters upon the Premises.

    If Sublessee duly and timely exercises the First Extension Option,
    then Sublessee shall pay to Sublessor, as Base Rent for and with
    respect to the period from July 15, 1999 through September 30, 2000,
    a fixed annual rental at the rate of Seven Hundred Thirty-Eight
    Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($738,000.00), which is the product
    arrived at by multiplying the approximate rentable area of the
    Premises by Three and 00/100 Dollars ($3.00), in equal monthly
    installments of Sixty-One Thousand Five Hundred and 00/100 Dollars
    ($61,500.00) each, together with Additional Rent.

    If Sublessee duly and timely exercises the Second Extension Option,
    then Sublessee shall pay to Sublessor, as Base Rent for and with
    respect to the applicable extension period, a fixed annual rental at
    the rate of One Million Four Hundred Seventy-Six Thousand and 00/100
    Dollars ($1,476,000.00), which is the product arrived at by
    multiplying the approximate rentable area of the Premises by Six and
    00/100 Dollars ($6.00), in equal monthly installments of One Hundred
    Twenty-Three Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($123,000.00) each, together
    with Additional Rent.

    If Sublessee duly and timely exercises the Third Extension Option,


    then Sublessee shall pay to Sublessor, as Base Rent for and with
    respect to the applicable extension period, a fixed annual rental at
    the rate of One Million Eight Hundred Forty-Five Thousand and 00/100
    Dollars ($1,845,000.00), which is the product arrived at by
    multiplying the approximate rentable area of the Premises by Seven
    and 50/100 Dollars ($7.50), in equal monthly installments of One
    Hundred Fifty-Three Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty and 00/100 Dollars
    ($153,750.00) each, together with Additional Rent.

    All rents hereunder shall be payable in advance on the first day of
    each month, without deduction or offset and without prior notice or
    demand.  Any rents more than 10 days past due shall bear interest at
    the rate of ten percent (10%) per annum or the Wall Street Journal
    prime rate plus one and one-half percent (1#%), whichever is
    greater.  Rents shall be payable to the order of Sublessor and shall
    be tendered to Sublessor at 3000 Hanover Street, Palo Alto,
    California 94304, Attention:  Mr. Keith Mehl, Mail Stop 20DF.


    Building Services:  Sublessee shall provide, and/or shall retain a
    property manager and/or contractor to provide, at Sublessee's sole
    cost and expense, services for the Premises as are required to be
    provided by the "Tenant" under the Master Lease.

    Operating Expenses:  The term "Operating Expenses" as used in this
    Sublease, means:

    (a)  Real property taxes which accrue against the Premises during the
         term hereof, initial or extended.  Real property taxes shall be
         deemed to include any ad valorem tax, levy, charge or assessment
         charged against the Premises; any tax or charge for maintenance
         or services provided to the Premises, or any tax that may be
         imposed on Sublessor's income from the Premises in lieu of ad
         valorem or other tax on the Premises (excluding federal or state
         income, franchise, inheritance or estate taxes); and

    (b)  Insurance premiums Sublessor is required to pay or deems necessary
         to pay with respect to the Premises

    Sublessor agrees, during the term of this Sublease, initial or extended, to
    pay said real property taxes directly to the taxing authority of the Town
    of Stratham, New

    Hampshire, and to provide Sublessee with evidence of such payment
    reasonably satisfactory to Sublessee (such as, for example, a copy of the
    tax bill stamped "paid" by said taxing authority) so that it is received on
    or before the date which is ten (10) days prior to the date when any
    payment of same would become delinquent.  If Sublessor fails to pay said
    real property taxes and to provide Sublessee with such evidence of payment
    within such time, then, unless and until Sublessor actually pays said  real
    property taxes to such taxing authority, Sublessee shall have the right,
    but not the obligation, to pay said real property taxes directly to such
    taxing authority, in which event Sublessee shall have the right to set-off
    the amount of such payment against any monthly payment(s) of or on account
    of any or all of fixed rent, Additional Rent and the Contributed Amount
    (as defined in Paragraph 21 hereof) otherwise due and payable from
    Sublessee to Sublessor under the terms of this Sublease, until the amount
    of such real property tax payment is fully recouped by Sublessee.
    Sublessee shall have the right to file an application for an abatement of
    real property taxes in accordance with and subject to the following terms
    and conditions.  If at least thirty (30) days prior to the last day  for
    filing application for such an abatement for any tax year, Sublessor shall
    receive notice from Sublessee that it desires to file an application for
    such an abatement for said tax year and, if within  twenty (20) days after
    the receipt of said notice Sublessor shall not give notice to Sublessee
    that Sublessor or Master Lessor shall file such application, Sublessee
    shall have the right either in its own name or in the name of Sublessor,
    but at its own cost and expense, to file such application.  If within
    twenty (20) days after receipt by Sublessor of such notice from Sublessee,
    Sublessor shall give Sublessee notice that it shall file such application,
    Sublessor shall file the same prior to the expiration of the time for the
    filing of the same at its own cost and expense.  In any event,
    notwithstanding the foregoing, if any abatement by whomever prosecuted
    shall be obtained, the cost and expense of obtaining the same shall be a
    first  charge upon said abatement.  If Sublessee shall file an application
    for abatement pursuant to the provisions hereof, Sublessee will  prosecute
    the same to final determination with due diligence and  shall not, without
    Sublessor's written consent (which consent will  not be unreasonably
    withheld or delayed), settle, compromise or  discontinue the same except,
    however, that Sublessee may discontinue  the prosecution of the same at any
    time after giving Sublessor and  Master Lessor notice thereof and an
    opportunity to take over  prosecution of the same.  If Sublessor or Master
    Lessor shall file an  application for an abatement for any tax year after
    having received  notice from Sublessee that Sublessee desires to file an
    application  for abatement for said tax year, Sublessor or Master Lessor
    shall  prosecute the same to final determination with due diligence and
    shall not, without Sublessee's written consent (which consent will  not be
    unreasonably withheld or delayed), settle, compromise or  discontinue the
    same except, however, that Sublessor or Master Lessor  may discontinue the
    prosecution of the same at any time after giving  Sublessee notice thereof
    and an opportunity to take over the  prosecution of the same.  If any party
    shall prosecute an application  for an abatement, the other parties will
    cooperate and furnish any  pertinent information in either of their
    respective files reasonably  required by the prosecuting party.


    Adjustments to Additional Rent:  A statement of current estimated
    Operating Expenses is attached hereto as Exhibit "C" and incorporated
    herein by this reference.  Sublessor shall, within 180 days following
    the end of each calendar year of the Sublease Term, and within 180
    days following the expiration of the term hereof, initial or
    extended, notify the Sublessee of any increases or decreases to the
    Additional Rent for the prior calendar year.  Such notice shall
    include, in reasonable detail, all computations of the Additional
    Rent and appropriate documentation evidencing the reason for any
    increase or decrease thereto.  In the event of an increase, Sublessee
    shall pay the Additional Rent due within thirty (30) days following
    receipt of the applicable notice and adjust the monthly payment on
    account of Additional Rent as reasonably estimated by Sublessor for
    the next calendar year.  In the event of a decrease, any overpayment
    shall be (i) credited against Additional Rent thereafter due under
    this Sublease, or (ii) if no such Additional Rent is thereafter due,
    promptly refunded to Sublessee.

    "Operating Expenses" shall not include any legal fees or legal
    expenses payable to Master Lessor under the terms of the Master
    Lease, except to the extent that such fees or expenses are incurred
    by Master Lessor as a result of the acts or omissions of Sublessee.

8.  USE.  Sublessee shall use the Premises only for general office, light
    manufacture, research and development and related uses and such other
    uses as are from time to time approved in writing by Sublessor and
    Master Lessor.  It is specifically understood and agreed that
    Sublessee shall have the right to use the Premises for the purposes
    indicated in the Sublessee's Plans (as defined in Paragraph 11 of
    this Sublease), including, without limitation, the use of a portion
    of the Premises as an employee store, provided that Sublessee obtains
    any and all governmental permits, licenses and other approvals as may
    be required under applicable law for any and all such uses.
    Sublessee shall not discontinue occupancy of or abandon the
    Premises.  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this
    Sublease, Sublessee agrees that nothing shall be done upon the land
    described in Exhibit A which shall violate those certain Protective
    Covenants applicable to said land, a copy of which Sublessee
    acknowledges is in Sublessee's possession.  Without having made any
    investigation or inquiry, Sublessor is unaware of any reason why
    Sublessee may not use the Premises for purposes of office, research
    and development and light manufacturing.  Further, Sublessee
    covenants and agrees as follows:

    (a)  Not to injure or deface the Premises; not to permit on the
         Premises any auction, sale, nuisance, objectionable vibration,
         noise or odor; not to permit the use of the Premises for any
         purpose other than those set forth herein or any use which is
         contrary to law or ordinance, or liable to invalidate or
         increase the premiums for any insurance carried by Sublessor or
         Master Lessor on the Premises, or liable to render necessary any
         structural alterations or additions to the Premises; and if such
         insurance premiums are increased as a result of the use or
         occupancy of the Premises by Sublessee, Sublessee shall pay for
         such increase, the responsibility for the payment of which
         increase shall apply during each and every year of the term of
         this Sublease; and to use the sewer system for normal discharge
         of sanitary waste and not to introduce any chemical fluid,
         cooling water or any other substance, liquid or material into
         such system which may be harmful or destructive to such system;

    (b)  Not to obstruct in any manner any portion of the common areas;
         and to conform to all reasonable rules and regulations now or
         hereafter made by Master Lessor and provided in writing to
         Sublessee for the care and use of the Premises, its facilities
         and approaches and common areas;

    (c)  Not to store any goods, equipment or any other items outside of
         the Building, and not to place or empty any trash or rubbish
         outside of the Building (except in enclosed dumpsters), and to
         provide for its own rubbish or trash removal;

    (d)  Not to move any heavy equipment or fixtures in or out of or
         within the Building except in such manner as Sublessor and
         Master Lessor shall designate after written request from
         Sublessee, and not to place a load on any floor of the Building
         which would be in violation of what is allowed by law;

    (e)  That Sublessor, Master Lessor, or their respective agents, may
         enter the Premises after prior written notice to Sublessee
         (except in case of emergency, when no such notice need be given)
         to make any repairs either or both of such parties may deem
         necessary or any addition or alteration required to comply with
         governmental regulations, and with prior oral or written notice
         and at Sublessee's expense, to remove any alterations, signs or
         the like for which the prior written consent of either or both
         of such parties was required hereunder but not obtained by
         Sublessee; it being understood and agreed that such entry shall
         be made in such a way as to minimize interference with
         Sublessee's use of the Premises;

    (f)  Subject to Sublessor's obligations to repair and maintain as set
         forth herein, neither Sublessor nor Master Lessor shall be
         responsible or liable for any defect, latent or otherwise, in
         the Premises or any of the equipment, machinery, utilities,
         appurtenances therein, nor shall Sublessor or Master Lessor be
         responsible or liable for any injury, loss or damage to any
         person or to any property of Sublessee or any other person
         caused by or resulting from rain, snow, ice, wind, frost, water,
         fire or by the bursting or leakage of windows, doors, walls,
         ceilings, floors, pipes, gutters or other fixtures, or the
         overflow of water or sewage in any part of the Premises or for
         any injury or damage caused by or resulting from acts of God or
         the elements, or for any injury or damage caused by or resulting
         from any defect or negligence in the occupancy, construction,

         operation or use of the Premises, except to the extent caused by
         the negligence of Sublessor or Master Lessor.  Sublessee shall
         give prompt notice to Sublessor and Master Lessor in case of
         fire or accidents in the Premises or of defects therein or in
         any fixtures or equipment;

    (g)  To hold all personal property of Sublessee, including trade
         fixtures, furniture, equipment and the like of Sublessee, or of
         any other owner situated at the Premises, at Sublessee's own
         risk, and that neither Sublessor nor Master Lessor shall be
         liable for theft thereof or any damage thereto occasioned from
         any acts of any other person, except to the extent caused by the
         negligence of Sublessor or Master Lessor, as the case may be,
         and to pay when due all taxes assessed against any such personal
         property or leasehold interest;

    (h)  To permit Master Lessor and its agents at reasonable times to
         show the Premises to prospective purchasers and mortgagees and
         to permit Master Lessor and Sublessor and their respective
         agents at reasonable times to show the Premises to prospective
         tenants and subtenants during the one hundred eighty (180) days
         preceding the expiration of the term of the Master Lease or the
         Sublease, as the case may be;

    (i)  Not to suffer or permit any lien of any nature or description to
         be placed against the Premises or any portion thereof, and in
         the case of any said lien attaching by reason of the conduct of
         Sublessee, to immediately pay and discharge the same of record
         (provided, however, that Sublessee may contest the same in good
         faith so long as it provides a sufficient and recordable lien
         bond or other adequate security with respect to such lien);
         provided, however, that this provision shall not be interpreted
         as meaning that the Sublessee has any authority or power to
         permit any lien of any nature or description to attach to or be
         placed upon the title or interest of the Master Lessor or the
         Sublessor in the Premises or any portion thereof;

    (j)  That the rights and remedies to which the Sublessor may be
         entitled under the terms of this Sublease are cumulative and are
         not intended to be exclusive of any other rights or remedies to
         which the Sublessor may be properly entitled in case of any
         breach or threatened breach by Sublessee of any term or
         provision of this Sublease;

    (k)  That no failure of either party to exercise any power conferred
         to it in this Sublease or to insist upon strict compliance by
         the other party of any obligation, covenant or agreement and no
         custom or practice of the parties at variance with the terms
         hereof shall constitute a waiver of such party's right to demand
         an exact compliance with the terms hereof;

    (l)  That, without limitation of anything else herein or in the
         Master Lease


         contained, the Sublessor and the Master Lessor may enter upon the
         Premises and exercise and perform any and all of Sublessor's and
         Master Lessor's respective rights without being deemed guilty of an
         eviction or disturbance of Sublessee's use or possession, and
         without being liable in any manner to Sublessee; provided, however,
         that such entry shall be made in such a way as to minimize
         interference with Sublessee's use of the Premises;

    (m)  To promptly comply, at the expense of Sublessee (except to the
         extent that Sublessor is otherwise responsible for compliance
         and the cost thereof as set forth in Paragraph 9 hereof), with
         all requirements of any governmental agency, whether the same be
         local, state or federal, having competent jurisdiction, which
         requirements are made necessary by reason of Sublessee's
         occupancy and use of the Premises as permitted under this
         Sublease (provided, however, that Sublessee may contest the same
         in good faith in accordance with, subject to and to the extent
         permitted by applicable law);

    (n)  That if the Sublessee shall at any time breach or default in the
         performance of any of the obligations, covenants or agreements
         of Sublessee under this Sublease, and if such breach or default
         continues beyond the applicable grace period set forth in
         Paragraph 16 hereof, then Sublessor and Master Lessor shall each
         have the right to enter upon the Premises and to perform such
         obligations of the Sublessee, including the payment of money and
         the performance of any other act; all sums so paid by the
         Sublessor and/or the Master Lessor, as the case may be, and all
         necessary and reasonable incidental costs and expenses in
         connection therewith shall be deemed to be additional rent under
         this Sublease which shall be payable to Sublessor or Master
         Lessor, as the case may be, immediately upon demand; and

    (o)  To insure the contents, equipment and improvements of Sublessee
         against standard extended coverage risks, in such amounts as
         Sublessor and Master Lessor shall reasonably approve, under a
         policy or policies of insurance which shall provide that such
         insurance shall not be cancelled without at least ten (10) days'
         prior written notice to Sublessor and Master Lessor.  Copies of
         such insurance policy or policies or certificates of insurance
         evidencing such coverage, together with evidence of payment of
         premiums, shall be furnished to Sublessor and Master Lessor.

9.  CONDITION OF THE PREMISES; MAINTENANCE.  Sublessee has inspected the
    Premises prior to executing this Sublease. Upon delivery of
    possession of the Premises by Sublessor to Sublessee on the
    Commencement Date, Sublessee shall conclusively be deemed to have
    accepted the Premises in "as-is" condition and to have acknowledged
    that (a) the same are in good condition and satisfactory to Sublessee
    in all respects and (b) Sublessor has no obligation to make any
    improvements to the Premises.  After receiving notice from Sublessee
    of any failure by Master Lessor to perform any of its obligations to
    maintain the Premises, as set


    forth in the Master Lease, Sublessor agrees to use reasonable efforts to
    enforce any right Sublessor may have under the Master Lease to cause
    Master Lessor to perform any  such obligation.

    Sublessee agrees that from and after the date that possession of the
    Premises is delivered to Sublessee, and until the end of the term
    hereof, initial or extended, it will keep neat and clean and maintain
    in good order, condition and repair, the Premises and every part
    thereof, including, without limitation, the exterior and interior
    portions of all doors, windows and plate glass in the Premises, all
    plumbing, sewage, septic, heating, air conditioning systems and
    mechanical equipment which serve the Premises, including all rooftop
    units, fixtures and interior walls, floors, ceilings, signs
    (including exterior signs where permitted), and all wiring,
    electrical systems, interior building appliances, and similar
    equipment within the Premises, reasonable wear and tear and damage by
    casualties excepted.  Sublessee further agrees that the Premises
    shall be kept in a clean, sanitary and safe condition in accordance
    with the laws of the State of New Hampshire and by-laws of the Town
    of Stratham, and in accordance with all directions, rules and
    regulations of the Health Officer, Fire Marshal, Building Inspector
    and other proper officers of the governmental agencies having
    jurisdiction thereover.  Sublessee shall not permit or commit any
    waste.  Sublessee shall provide and pay for its own janitorial and
    cleaning services.  Sublessee further agrees that it will obtain and
    maintain in full force and effect a heating and air conditioning
    equipment service contract which shall provide for the periodic
    maintenance of the heating and air conditioning equipment serving the
    Building.  Said contract shall be made with a reputable contractor
    and shall be subject to Sublessor's and Master Lessor's approval,
    which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.  Copies
    of said contract and any renewals and/or replacements thereof shall
    be delivered to Sublessor and Master Lessor.  Sublessee further
    agrees that it will obtain and maintain in full force and effect a
    service contract which shall provide for the periodic inspection and
    maintenance of each elevator within the Building.  Said contract
    shall be made with a reputable contractor and shall be subject to
    Sublessor's and Master Lessor's approval, which approval shall not be
    unreasonably withheld or delayed.  Copies of said contract and any
    renewals and/or replacements thereof shall be delivered to Sublessor
    and Master Lessor.  In addition, Sublessee agrees to keep the inlets
    and outlets of all storm retention and drainage facilities in the
    common areas free of obstruction and to keep, maintain and repair all
    of the common areas (including, without limitation, any required
    patching and other maintenance of the parking lot, but excluding any
    replacement or repaving thereof (which shall be Sublessor's
    responsibility), and also excluding the maintenance, repair and
    replacement of water and sewer lines, for which provision is made
    below) in as good order, repair and condition as they were in at the
    commencement of the term of this Sublease, reasonable wear and tear
    and damage by casualty excepted, free and clear of snow, ice, refuse
    and obstructions and lighted at least during such hours of darkness
    as may be required by applicable law and/or by the requirements of


    any insurance company which issues any policy of insurance upon the
    Premises.  In addition, Sublessee shall be responsible for paying to
    Sublessor any amounts which Sublessor is obligated to pay to Master
    Lessor under Article VI of the Master Lease, for the cost of making
    any reasonable, necessary repairs to the roof of the Building (but
    not for the cost of replacing said roof, unless such replacement is
    required as a result of any negligent or willful act or omission of
    Sublessee).  Such cost shall include any amount on account of the
    administrative and management charge payable by Sublessor to Master
    Lessor under said Article VI.  Any amount required to be paid by
    Sublessee to Sublessor pursuant to this Paragraph shall be paid
    within fifteen (15) days after receipt by Sublessee of a written
    request from Sublessor, each such request to be accompanied by copies
    of bills, invoices or similar supporting data with respect to the
    work covered thereby.  In addition, Sublessee shall pay to Sublessor
    any amount that Sublessor is obligated to pay to Master Lessor on
    account of any assessments made by the Association described in
    Article V of the Master Lease for the cost of maintaining the water
    and sewer lines which serve the Premises.  Further, with respect to
    any obligations imposed on Sublessee by this Sublease to comply with
    requirements of governmental agencies or other lawful authorities
    having jurisdiction, Sublessor agrees that if any such requirements
    relate to the removal, replacement or modification of items or
    materials that are present in or on the Premises as of the date of
    this Sublease and if such removal, replacement or modification would
    be required even if the Premises were unused and vacant, that is to
    say, irrespective of the use and occupancy of the Premises by
    Sublessee as permitted under this Sublease, then Sublessor shall be
    responsible for such removal, replacement or modification and
    Sublessee shall have no responsibility therefor.  Sublessee shall
    have no right or obligation to make any structural or roof repairs
    to, or to replace or modify any structural portion or the roof of,
    the Building, except as may be done in connection with the
    performance of the Sublessee's Work, as approved by Master Lessor and
    Sublessor.  Except as aforesaid, said structural or roof repairs to,
    or replacements or modifications of structural portions or the roof
    of, the Building shall be the responsibility of the Master Lessor or
    the Sublessor as provided in the Master Lease or the Sublease.

10. UTILITIES.  Sublessee agrees to pay when due, directly to the
    appropriate utility companies, the cost of all water, gas,
    electricity and other utilities used by Sublessee at the Premises,
    including, without limitation, all utilities necessary for heating
    and air conditioning the Premises and to pay the share attributable
    to the Premises of the costs of water and sewer service provided to
    the Industrial Park of which the Premises are a part and of the cost
    of repairs and maintenance of the water and sewer lines serving the
    Premises and other portions of said Industrial Park (but not the cost
    of any replacement of said water and sewer lines which is capital in
    nature, as determined in accordance with generally accepted
    accounting principles consistently applied, which shall be
    Sublessor's responsibility).  Sublessee agrees that it will only
    discharge into the sewer system serving the Premises so-called


    "domestic" sewage from employee washrooms and employee food service
    operations, and that no industrial waste will be discharged into said
    sewer system.  Sublessee further agrees that not more than twenty
    thousand (20,000) gallons of water will be used by the Premises each
    day, and not more than twenty thousand (20,000) gallons of effluent
    will be discharged each day by the Premises into said sewer system.
    Sublessee shall provide adequate heat to the Premises to prevent the
    freezing and/or bursting of any pipes or duct work in the Premises.

11. CONSTRUCTION; SIGNAGE.  Sublessee agrees that it will, at its sole
    cost and expense (subject to payment by Sublessor of Sublessor's
    Construction Allowance as provided in Paragraph 21 hereof) prior to
    commencing Sublessee's remodeling work (the "Sublessee's Work"),
    prepare and submit to Sublessor and Master Lessor for their
    respective approvals, plans and specifications for such work (the
    "Plans and Specifications").  Sublessor hereby approves the general
    scope of Sublessee's Work shown on those certain plans consisting of
    one "study plan" for each of the floors, dated November 15, 1993 and
    stamped November 18, 1993, as updated by two floor plans dated
    March 4, 1994; two plans (one floor and one elevation) for the front
    lobby entrance, stamped November 18, 1993; and a plan of the
    employee/cafe entrance, unstamped and undated; all of which were
    prepared by Schwartz/Silver Architects Inc., have been reviewed by
    Sublessor and are herein referred to as the "Sublessee's Plans";
    provided, however, that Sublessor and Master Lessor shall each have
    the opportunity to review the details of the Plans and Specifications
    with respect thereto.  Sublessee agrees to perform, at the
    Sublessee's sole cost and expense (subject to payment by Sublessor of
    Sublessor's Construction Allowance as provided in Paragraph 21
    hereof), all of the Sublessee's Work described in the Plans and
    Specifications.  All of the Sublessee's Work shall be performed in
    accordance with the Plans and Specifications as approved by Sublessor
    and Master Lessor, and shall be governed in all respects by, and be
    subject to, the following:

    A.   The Sublessee's Work shall be performed in a good and
         workmanlike manner and shall be in good and usable condition at
         the date of completion thereof.

    B.   Compliance with Laws:  All the Sublessee's Work shall be
         performed in full compliance with and shall conform to all
         applicable federal, state and local laws, codes, regulations
         and ordinances, including, without limitation, the Americans
         with Disabilities Act, all applicable building and zoning
         codes and laws relating to the use, storage, removal,
         transportation or disposal of hazardous or toxic materials
         or oil, and all directions, rules and regulations of the
         Health Officer, Fire Marshal, Building Inspector and other
         proper officers of the governmental agencies having jurisdiction
         thereover, and all reasonable requirements of the Sublessor's
         and Master Lessor's underwriters, if any.  Sublessor's and
         Master Lessor's approval of the Plans and Specifications shall
         not constitute an acknowledgment that work done in conformity
         therewith will so comply and conform, it being expressly


         understood and agreed that Sublessee shall be solely responsible
         for ensuring such compliance and conformity and for any
         modifications to or corrections in the Sublessee's Work required
         by any governmental agency or insurance underwriters.  Sublessee
         shall obtain and furnish to Sublessor approvals from all
         agencies with jurisdiction over matters relative to the
         performance of the Sublessee's Work, including, without
         limitation, electrical, gas, water, heating and cooling, and
         telephone work, and shall secure its own building and occupancy
         permits.  Sublessor reserves the right to require changes in the
         Sublessee's Work when necessary by reason of code requirements
         or directives of governmental authorities having jurisdiction
         over the Premises.  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary
         contained in this subparagraph B of Paragraph 11, Sublessee
         shall have the right to appeal adverse decisions relative to
         state, local or other land use laws in good faith, so long as
         any risk to Sublessor or Master Lessor is adequately provided
         against by bond or other security reasonably acceptable to
         Sublessor or Master Lessor or both, as the case may be.

    C.   Insurance:  Prior to commencement of the Sublessee's Work and
         until completion thereof, the Sublessee shall maintain, or cause
         to be maintained, casualty insurance in builder's risk form,
         covering Sublessor, Master Lessor and its mortgagee and their
         respective agents, employees and beneficiaries, Sublessee and
         Sublessee's contractor as their interests may appear, against
         loss or damage by fire, vandalism and malicious mischief, and
         such other risks as are customarily covered by the so-called
         "extended coverage endorsement" upon all the Sublessee's Work in
         place, and all materials stored at the site of the Sublessee's
         Work and all materials, equipment, supplies and temporary
         structures of all kinds incident to the Sublessee's Work and
         builder's machinery, tools and equipment, all while forming a
         part of, or contained in, such improvements or temporary
         structures while on the Premises or when adjacent thereto while
         on sidewalks, streets or alleys, all in the full insurable value
         thereof at all times.  In addition, the Sublessee agrees to
         require all contractors and subcontractors engaged in the
         performance of the Sublessee's Work to effect and maintain and
         deliver to Sublessee, Sublessor and Master Lessor certificates
         evidencing the existence of, prior to the commencement of the
         Sublessee's Work and until completion thereof, the following
         insurance coverages:

         1.   Workmen's Compensation Insurance - In accordance with the
              laws of the State of New Hampshire, including Employer's
              Liability Insurance, to the limit of $100,000 each accident.

         2.   Comprehensive General Liability Insurance against bodily
              injury, including death resulting therefrom, to the limit
              of $3,000,000 for any one person or more than one person in
              any one accident and against property damage to the limit
              of $250,000 in each occurrence and $500,000 aggregate.

         Prior to the commencement of the Sublessee's Work, the Sublessee
         shall deliver to Sublessor, Master Lessor and its mortgagee (if
         applicable) certificates of all required insurance, and evidence
         of the payment of premiums thereon (and certificates of renewal,
         and evidence of premium payments with reference thereto, where
         appropriate).  All such insurance shall provide, and certificates
         thereof shall state, that the same is non-cancellable and materially
         non-amendable without ten (10) days' prior written notice to
         Sublessor, Master Lessor and its mortgagee (if applicable),

    D.   Within ten (10) business days after receipt by Sublessor and
         Master Lessor of the Plans and Specifications from Sublessee,
         such parties agree to review the same, approve or disapprove the
         same in writing (Sublessor and Master Lessor both agreeing that
         such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed
         (except, with respect to Master Lessor's approval only, as to
         structural, exterior and/or roof work) and that any disapproval
         shall specify in reasonable detail the reasons therefor), and
         specify by written notice to Sublessee all fixtures and other
         leasehold improvements to be removed by Sublessee at the
         expiration or earlier termination of the Sublease Term.  Master
         Lessor and Sublessor agree to act reasonably in designating such
         fixtures and leasehold improvements for removal as aforesaid.
         Sublessee agrees to remove the same at such time in accordance
         with the provisions of Paragraph 18 hereof.  Failure to give
         such notice within such ten (10) business day period approving
         or disapproving the Plans and Specifications and specifying such
         items to be removed shall constitute approval thereof and
         agreement that all such items may remain in the Premises at the
         time of surrender thereof.

    Sublessee shall be entitled to install or display advertising
    devices, signs or other things upon the exterior walls or the
    windows, together with monument signs on the land portion of the
    Premises, as long as the same comply with applicable requirements of
    the zoning regulations of the Town of Stratham, New Hampshire or any
    other applicable laws or regulations, do not constitute a nuisance
    and are consistent with the exterior architectural and aesthetic
    appearance of the improvements located on the Premises.

12. ALTERATIONS.  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in
    the Master Lease, Sublessee shall make no alteration, addition or
    improvement to the Premises without the prior written consent of
    the Sublessor and Master Lessor, which consent shall not be
    unreasonably withheld or delayed (except, with respect to Master
    Lessor's consent only, as to structural, exterior and/or roof work).
    Any and all such alterations shall be made in accordance with all
    applicable laws and regulations, in accordance with plans and
    specifications therefor subject to review and approval by Master
    Lessor and Sublessor (Sublessor and Master Lessor both agreeing
    that such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed
    (except, with respect to Master Lessor's approval only, as to
    structural, exterior and/or roof work) and that any disapproval of
    which shall specify in reasonable detail the reasons therefor),


    and in a good and workmanlike manner.  Any request for Sublessor's
    and Master Lessor's consent to such alterations shall specify the
    commencement date and the approximate completion date thereof, and
    shall include the plans and specifications therefor.

    Notwithstanding the foregoing, Sublessor and Master Lessor agree that
    Sublessee may make interior, non-structural alterations within the
    Premises that do not affect the utility or mechanical systems
    thereof, without having to obtain their prior written consent,
    provided that, in each instance, (i) Sublessee shall first give
    written notice to Sublessor and Master Lessor specifying the proposed
    alterations, the commencement and approximate completion dates
    thereof and a list of all contractors who will be performing work in
    connection therewith, (ii) upon Sublessor's or Master Lessor's
    request therefor, Sublessee shall provide to such requesting party
    copies of plans and specifications for such alterations, (iii) such
    alterations shall be made in accordance with all applicable laws and
    regulations and in a good and workmanlike manner by licensed and
    insured contractors experienced in the kind and scope of the proposed
    work and in accordance with all of the applicable provisions of this
    Sublease relating to construction of improvements by Sublessee, and
    (iv) Sublessee shall provide Sublessor and Master Lessor with a
    certificate in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to
    Sublessor and Master Lessor stating that such alterations were
    constructed substantially in accordance with the plans and
    specifications therefor.  Notwithstanding the requirement that any
    such alteration work not involve utility or mechanical systems, it is
    expressly understood and agreed that Sublessee shall have the right
    to alter duct work and redistribute utilities within the Premises so
    as to adapt the same to any alterations in the location of interior
    partitions and non-structural walls that are permitted by the
    provisions of the immediately preceding sentence.  Sublessor and
    Master Lessor shall have the right to impose reasonable conditions
    upon the nature, scope or conduct of such alteration work to insure
    that the structure or support of the Building is not impaired and
    that the purposes and quality of the Building are not adversely
    affected.  Within ten (10) business days after receipt by such
    parties of such notice and plans and specifications from Sublessee,
    such parties agree to review the same and specify by written notice
    to Sublessee all fixtures and other leasehold improvements to be
    removed by Sublessee at the expiration or earlier termination of the
    Sublease Term.  Master Lessor and Sublessor agree to act reasonably
    in designating such fixtures and leasehold improvements for removal
    as aforesaid.  Sublessee agrees to remove the same at such time in
    accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 18 hereof.  Failure to
    give such notice within such ten (10) business day period specifying
    such items to be removed shall constitute agreement that all such
    items may remain in the Premises at the time of surrender thereof.

    Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Paragraph
    12, if Sublessor fails to approve or disapprove the plans and
    specifications for any alteration work requiring Sublessor's approval
    hereunder within ten (10) business days after Sublessor receives a


    complete set thereof, such plans and specifications shall
    conclusively be deemed to have been approved by Sublessor.

13. INDEMNITY AND INSURANCE.  Sublessee agrees to indemnify and hold
    harmless Sublessor, Master Lessor and its mortgagee from and against
    all claims arising from any accident, injury or damage whatsoever
    caused to any person, or to the property of any person occurring
    during the term hereof in or about the Premises, where such accident,
    damage or injury results or is claimed to have resulted from
    negligence or willful misconduct on the part of Sublessee or
    Sublessee's contractors, licensees, agents, servants or employees,
    except that Sublessee shall not indemnify and hold harmless any of
    Sublessor, Master Lessor or its mortgagee, respectively, to the
    extent that any such accident, damage or injury results from the
    negligence or willful misconduct of such party or its contractors,
    licensees, agents, servants or employees.  This indemnity and hold
    harmless agreement shall include indemnity against all reasonable
    costs, expenses and liabilities incurred in or in connection with any
    such claim or proceeding brought thereon, including, without
    limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees incurred in connection with
    the defense thereof.

    Sublessor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Sublessee from and
    against all claims arising from any accident, injury or damage
    whatsoever caused to any person, or to the property of any person
    occurring during the term hereof in or about the Premises, where such
    accident, damage or injury results or is claimed to have resulted
    from negligence or willful misconduct on the part of Sublessor or
    Sublessor's contractors, licensees, agents, servants or employees,
    except to the extent that any such accident, damage or injury results
    from the negligence or willful misconduct of Sublessee or its
    contractors, licensees, agents, servants or employees.  This
    indemnity and hold harmless agreement shall include indemnity against
    all reasonable costs, expenses and liabilities incurred in or in
    connection with any such claim or proceeding brought thereon,
    including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees incurred in
    connection with the defense thereof.

    Sublessee agrees to maintain policies of comprehensive public
    liability insurance and insurance covering its leasehold improvements
    and its own fixtures, merchandise, equipment and other property
    contained in the Premises in such amounts as Sublessor and Master
    Lessor shall reasonably approve, and otherwise in accordance with and
    subject to the applicable provisions of the Master Lease, all as if
    Sublessee were the Lessee therein named.  Such policies of comprehensive
    general liability insurance shall name Sublessor and Master Lessor and,
    if requested by Master Lessor, all holders of mortgages on the Premises
    as additional insured parties.  Certificates of insurance evidencing
    such coverage shall be delivered to Sublessor and Master Lessor at the
    commencement of the Sublease Term and if any such policy requires renewal,
    not less than ten (10) days prior to the expiration of such policy.


    Sublessee waives, as long as it may be permitted by Sublessee's
    insurer, without payment of extra premiums, and shall cause its
    insurance carrier to waive, its right of recovery against Sublessor,
    Master Lessor, all holders of mortgages on the Premises, and their
    employees, agents, successors and assigns, for any fire and extended
    coverage losses occurring to Sublessee's leasehold improvements and
    to property belonging to Sublessee which may be placed in or on the
    Premises.  In consideration thereof, so long as it may be permitted
    by Sublessor's insurer, without payment of extra premiums, Sublessor
    hereby agrees to waive, and to cause its insurance carrier to waive,
    its right of recovery against Sublessee, its successors or assigns,
    for any fire and extended coverage losses to the Premises.  If either
    party's insurance carrier shall charge extra premiums for the
    incorporation of the above-described waiver of subrogation in its
    policies, then such party shall give prompt written notice to the
    other of the amount of such extra premiums and shall provide evidence
    thereof reasonably satisfactory to the other party (such notice and
    evidence are hereinafter referred to as the "Extra Premium Notice").
    In that event, the other party shall have the right, but not the
    obligation, to request that such waiver be provided by giving written
    notice to the other party within fifteen (15) business days after
    receiving the Extra Premium Notice and by paying such extra premiums
    to the other party upon demand.  If the party requesting such waiver
    shall fail to pay such extra premiums as aforesaid, then the other
    party shall be released from its obligation to provide such waiver.


    A.   CASUALTY.  If all or a substantial part of the Premises is
         destroyed or damaged by fire or other casualty (a substantial
         part of the Premises for the purposes of this Paragraph shall be
         deemed to be fifty percent (50%) or more of its insurable
         value), and if, as a result thereof, Master Lessor elects to
         terminate the Master Lease pursuant to the provisions of Article
         X thereof, then Sublessor shall notify Sublessee of such
         termination and this Sublease shall likewise terminate as of the
         effective date of the termination of the Master Lease.  If
         Master Lessor elects under said Article X of the Master Lease to
         restore all or the damaged portion of the Premises, but such
         restoration is not substantially completed with the result that
         use and occupancy of substantially all of the Premises are not
         granted to Sublessee within one hundred eighty (180) days after
         the time the Premises are destroyed or damaged, Sublessee shall
         have the right to terminate this Sublease by giving twenty (20)
         business days' notice to Sublessor, unless Master Lessor
         substantially completes such restoration as aforesaid within
         such twenty (20) business day period, in which event such
         termination shall be null and void and of no force or effect.
         Sublessor agrees that it will not terminate the Master Lease
         pursuant to Article X thereof without Sublessee's prior written
         consent; except that no such consent shall be necessary if
         Master Lessor has failed to restore the Premises as aforesaid
         within three hundred sixty (360) days after the Premises are

         destroyed or damaged and Sublessor elects to terminate the
         Master Lease after the expiration of such 360-day period.  In
         such event, Sublessor shall notify Sublessee of such termination
         and this Sublease shall likewise terminate as of the effective
         date of the termination of the Master Lease.  If Sublessor
         desires to terminate the Master Lease pursuant to the provisions
         of Article X thereof prior to the expiration of such 360-day
         period, then Sublessor shall notify Sublessee of its desire so
         to do, whereupon Sublessee shall either consent or not consent
         to such termination by giving written notice to Sublessor within
         twenty (20) business days after receipt of Sublessor's notice.
         Failure by Sublessee to give such notice within such twenty (20)
         business day period shall constitute irrevocable and conclusive
         consent to such termination on the part of Sublessee.  In the
         event that Sublessor thereafter elects to terminate the Master
         Lease as aforesaid, Sublessor shall notify Sublessee of such
         termination and this Sublease shall likewise terminate as of the
         effective date of the termination of the Master Lease.  Neither
         Master Lessor nor Sublessor shall have any obligation to
         Sublessee to restore the Premises or to repair or replace
         Sublessee's furniture, furnishings and equipment after the same
         are destroyed or damaged by any such fire or other casualty.  If
         this Sublease is not terminated as aforesaid, a just proportion
         of the Base Rent, Additional Rent and Contributed Amount,
         according to the nature and extent of the damage, shall be
         abated until use and occupancy of substantially all of the
         Premises shall have been granted to Sublessee as aforesaid.

    B.   EMINENT DOMAIN.  If the Premises shall be completely taken by
         exercise of eminent domain, then this Sublease shall terminate
         as of the date of such taking.  If any substantial part of the
         Premises shall be taken by the exercise of eminent domain or by
         action of any public or other authority (a substantial part of
         the Premises for the purposes of this Paragraph shall be deemed
         to be fifty percent (50%) or more of its insurable value), and
         if, as a result thereof, Master Lessor elects to terminate the
         Master Lease pursuant to the provisions of Article XI thereof,
         then Sublessor shall notify Sublessee of such termination and
         this Sublease shall likewise terminate as of the effective date
         of the termination of the Master Lease.  If Master Lessor elects
         under said Article XI of the Master Lease to restore any
         remaining portion of the Premises, but such restoration is not
         substantially completed with the result that use and occupancy
         of substantially all of such remaining portion are not granted
         to Sublessee within one hundred eighty (180) days after the time
         of such taking, Sublessee shall have the right to terminate this
         Sublease by giving twenty (20) business days' notice to
         Sublessor, unless Master Lessor substantially completes such
         restoration as aforesaid within such twenty (20) business day
         period, in which event such termination shall be null and void
         and of no force or effect.  Sublessor agrees that it will not
         terminate the Master Lease pursuant to Article XI thereof

         without Sublessee's prior written consent.  If Sublessor desires
         to terminate the Master Lease pursuant to the provisions of
         Article XI thereof, then Sublessor shall notify Sublessee of its
         desire so to do, whereupon Sublessee shall either consent or not
         consent to such termination by giving written notice to Sublessor
         within twenty (20) business days after receipt of Sublessor's
         notice.  Failure by Sublessee to give such notice within such
         twenty (20) business day period shall constitute irrevocable
         and conclusive consent to such termination on the part of
         Sublessee.  In the event that Sublessor thereafter elects to
         terminate the Master Lease as aforesaid, Sublessor shall notify
         Sublessee of such termination and this Sublease shall likewise
         terminate as of the effective date of the termination of the Master
         Lease.  If this Sublease is not terminated as aforesaid, a just
         proportion of the Base Rent,  Additional Rent and Contributed Amount,
         according to the nature and extent of the portion of the Premises
         rendered untenantable, shall be abated until use and occupancy of
         substantially all of the remaining portion of the Premises shall have
         been granted to Sublessee as aforesaid, and thereafter a just
         proportion of the Base Rent, according to the nature and extent of the
         portion of the Premises so taken, shall be abated for the balance
         of the term of this Sublease.  Master Lessor reserves and excepts all
         rights to damages to the Premises, including, without limitation, the
         Building and the leasehold improvements therein, accrued or
         subsequently accruing by reason of anything lawfully done in
         pursuance of any public or other authority; and, by way of
         confirmation, Sublessee grants to Master Lessor all of Sublessee's
         rights to such damages, except for damages to trade fixtures and other
         property which Sublessee may remove from the Premises pursuant to the
         provisions of this Sublease, relocation expenses and any other award
         which would not diminish the amount of Master Lessor's said award
         pursuant to Article XI of the Master Lease, and covenants to execute
         and deliver such further instruments or assignments thereof as Master
         Lessor may from time to time request.

15. NOTICES.  Any notice given under this Sublease shall be in writing
    and shall be hand-delivered or mailed (by certified or registered
    mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid) or by a national
    overnight courier service that provides for a return receipt,
    addressed as follows (or addressed as directed in writing by any of
    the following parties by subsequent notice to the other parties given
    in the same manner):

    Sublessee:          THE TIMBERLAND COMPANY
                        200 Domain Drive
                        Stratham, New Hampshire  03885
                        Attn:  Chief Financial Officer

    with a copy to:     THE TIMBERLAND COMPANY
                        200 Domain Drive
                        Stratham, New Hampshire  03885
                        Attn:  General Counsel


    Sublessor:          HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY
                        2101 Gaither Road
                        Rockville, Maryland  20850
                        Attn:  Corporate Real Estate Manager

                        c/o Altid Properties
                        17 Monsignor O'Brien Highway
                        Cambridge, Massachusetts  02141-1817

    Master Lessor's
                          ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA
                        730 Third Avenue
                        New York, New York  10017

    Any notice shall be deemed to have been given upon the earlier to
    occur of (a) when hand-delivered; or, if mailed, upon receipt; or, if
    sent by overnight courier, when delivered by such courier; or (b)
    whether hand-delivered, mailed or sent by overnight courier, upon the
    first business day on which delivery of such notice is attempted.

16. REMEDIES OF SUBLESSOR UPON DEFAULT.  Any one of the following shall
    be deemed to be an "Event of Default" under this Sublease:

    A.   Failure on the part of the Sublessee to make payment of or on
         account of Base Rent, Additional Rent, the Contributed Amount or
         any other monetary amount due under this Sublease within ten
         (10) days after the Sublessor has sent to the Sublessee notice
         of such default.

    B.   With respect to a non-monetary default under this Sublease,
         failure of the Sublessee to cure the same within thirty (30)
         days after the Sublessor has sent to the Sublessee notice of
         such default.

    C.   The commencement of any of the following proceedings, with such
         proceeding not being dismissed within sixty (60) days after it
         has begun:  (i) the estate hereby created being taken on
         execution or by other process of law; (ii) the Sublessee being
         judicially declared bankrupt or insolvent according to law;
         (iii) an assignment being made of the property of the Sublessee
         for the benefit of creditors; (iv) a receiver, guardian,
         conservator, trustee in involuntary bankruptcy or other similar
         officer being appointed to take charge of all or any substantial
         part of the Sublessee's property by a court of competent
         jurisdiction; or (v) a petition being filed for the
         reorganization of the Sublessee under any provisions of the
         Bankruptcy Code or any federal or state law now or hereafter


    D.   The Sublessee filing a petition for reorganization or for
         rearrangement under, or otherwise availing itself of any
         provisions of, the Bankruptcy Code or any federal or state law
         now or hereafter enacted providing a plan or other means for a
         debtor to settle, satisfy or extend the time for the payment of

    Should any Event of Default occur then, notwithstanding any license
    of any former breach of covenant or waiver of the benefit hereof or
    consent in a former instance, the Sublessor lawfully may, in addition
    to any remedies available to the Sublessor under applicable statutes
    or case law, or otherwise, immediately or at any time thereafter,
    and, to the maximum extent permitted by law, without demand or notice
    (and the Sublessee hereby expressly waives any notice to quit
    possession of the Premises), enter into and upon the Premises or any
    part thereof in the name of the whole and repossess the same as of
    the Sublessor's former estate, and expel the Sublessee and those
    claiming through or under it and remove its or their effects without
    being deemed guilty of any manner of trespass, and without prejudice
    to any remedies which might otherwise be used for arrears of rent or
    preceding breach of covenant and/or the Sublessor may send written
    notice to the Sublessee terminating the term of this Sublease; and
    upon the first to occur of:  (i) entry as aforesaid; or (ii) the
    fifth (5th) day following the sending of such notice of termination,
    the term of this Sublease shall terminate.

    The Sublessee covenants and agrees, notwithstanding any termination
    of this Sublease as aforesaid or any entry or re-entry by the
    Sublessor, whether by summary proceedings, termination, or otherwise,
    to pay and be liable for on the days originally fixed herein for the
    payment thereof, amounts equal to the several installments of Base
    Rent, Additional Rent, the Contributed Amount and other charges
    reserved as they would, under the terms of this Sublease, become due
    if this Sublease had not been terminated or if the Sublessor had not
    entered or re-entered, as aforesaid, and whether the Premises be
    relet or remain vacant, in whole or in part, or for a period less
    than the remainder of the term, and for the whole thereof; but in the
    event the Premises be relet by the Sublessor, the Sublessee shall be
    entitled to a credit in the net amount of rent received by the
    Sublessor in reletting, after deduction of all reasonable expenses
    incurred in reletting the Premises (including, without limitation,
    remodelling costs, brokerage fees, and the like) and in collecting
    the rent in connection therewith.  It is specifically understood and
    agreed that the Sublessor shall be entitled to take into account in
    connection with any reletting of the Premises all relevant factors
    which would be taken into account by a sophisticated tenant in
    securing a replacement subtenant for the Premises, such as, but not
    limited to, the type of operation proposed to be conducted by any
    such replacement subtenant, and the financial responsibility of any
    such replacement subtenant.  Sublessor agrees to use reasonable
    efforts to relet the Premises in the event that this Sublease is
    terminated as aforesaid.  As an alternative, at the election of the
    Sublessor (such election to be made within ninety (90) days of entry,

    re-entry or termination), the Sublessee will upon such termination
    pay to the Sublessor, as full and complete, final, agreed upon
    liquidated damages for Sublessee's liability hereunder for failure to
    pay the Base Rent, Additional Rent and Contributed Amount from and
    after the date of termination (but not as such liquidated damages for
    any liability of Sublessee under this Sublease for failure to perform
    any of its other obligations specifically set forth in this Sublease,
    including, without limitation, liability for Sublessor's attorneys'
    fees and expenses and environmental and holdover liability), such a
    sum as at the time of such termination represents the amount of the
    excess, if any, of the then present value of the total Base Rent,
    Additional Rent, Contributed Amount and other benefits which would
    have accrued to the Sublessor under this Sublease for the remainder
    of the Sublease term if the Sublease terms had been fully complied
    with by the Sublessee (calculated using a discount rate of six
    percent (6%) over and above the then fair market cash rental value
    (in advance) of the Premises for the balance of the term (calculated
    using the same discount rate).

17. NONASSIGNMENT.  Sublessee's interest in this Sublease is not
    assignable, whether by operation of law or otherwise.  Sublessee
    shall have no right to sublet the Premises or to transfer any
    interest of Sublessee therein.  As between Sublessor and Sublessee,
    Sublessor shall have the right to assign its interest in the Master
    Lease, this Sublease or both without Sublessee's consent.

    The provisions of this Paragraph shall not, however, be applicable to
    an assignment of this Sublease or subletting of the entire Premises
    by Sublessee to its wholly owned subsidiary or immediate controlling
    corporation or to a corporation or other entity under common control
    with Sublessee (for such period of time as such corporation remains
    such a subsidiary or such a controlling corporation or such a
    corporation or other entity under common control, respectively, it
    being agreed that the subsequent sale or transfer of stock or other
    legal or beneficial ownership interest resulting in a change in
    voting control, or any other transaction(s) having the overall effect
    that such corporation ceases to be such a subsidiary or such a
    controlling corporation or such a corporation or other entity under
    common control, respectively, of Sublessee, shall be treated as if
    such sale or transfer or transaction(s) were, for all purposes, an
    assignment of this Sublease governed by the provisions of this
    Paragraph), or to a corporation or other entity which acquires all or
    substantially all of the assets of Sublessee, provided (and it shall
    be a condition of the validity of any such assignment) that such
    wholly owned subsidiary or such immediate controlling corporation or
    such a corporation or other entity under common control or such
    acquiring corporation or entity first agree directly with the
    Sublessor and/or the Master Lessor, as the case may be, to be
    primarily liable for performing all of the obligations of Sublessee
    hereunder, including, without limitation, the obligation to pay the
    rent and other amounts provided for under this Sublease, the covenant
    to use the Premises only for the purposes specifically permitted
    under this Sublease and the covenant against further assignment and


    subletting; but such assignment shall not relieve the Sublessee
    herein named of any of its obligations hereunder, and Sublessee shall
    remain fully and primarily liable therefor.

18. SURRENDER OF THE PREMISES.  Upon the expiration of the Sublease Term
    or earlier termination of this Sublease, Sublessee shall remove its
    furniture, trade fixtures, equipment and other goods and effects, and
    shall also remove any of its fixtures that Sublessor or Master Lessor
    shall have required to be so removed in accordance with the terms and
    provisions of Paragraph 11 and/or 12 of this Sublease, and shall
    peaceably yield up the Premises, clean and in as good order, repair
    and condition as Sublessee is required to maintain same during the
    term of this Sublease, reasonable wear and tear and damage by
    casualties excepted, and Sublessor's or Master Lessor's failure to
    perform their respective repair, maintenance and replacement
    obligations under this Sublease or the Master Lease also excepted;
    and Sublessee shall repair any injury done to the Premises by the
    installation or removal of the Sublessee's fixtures or other
    property.  Prior to the expiration or earlier termination of this
    Sublease, Sublessee shall remove any of the fixtures and other
    leasehold improvements originally installed and/or constructed by
    Sublessee that are specified for removal by any written notice given
    by Sublessor or Master Lessor to Sublessee pursuant to Paragraphs 11
    and/or 12 hereof.

19. ATTORNEYS' FEES.  Should either party commence any legal action or
    proceeding against the other based on this Sublease, the prevailing
    party shall be entitled to an award of reasonable attorneys' fees, in
    addition to any other relief to which such party would be entitled.

20. REAL ESTATE COMMISSION.  Except for the Kane Company and Hunneman
    Commercial Company (the "Brokers"), whose entire commission shall be
    paid by Sublessor pursuant to separate written agreements between
    each of the Brokers, respectively, and Sublessor, each party
    represents and warrants to the other that it has not had any dealings
    with any real estate broker or other person in respect to this
    Sublease.  Each party shall indemnify and hold harmless the other
    from all damages or claims that may be asserted by any person with
    whom the indemnifying party has purportedly dealt.

21. SUBLESSOR'S CONSTRUCTION ALLOWANCE.  Sublessor agrees to contribute
    up to Three Million Five Hundred Thousand and 00/l00 Dollars
    ($3,500,000.00), as Sublessor's construction allowance ("Sublessor's
    Construction Allowance") toward the cost of Sublessee's Work
    ("Sublessee's Costs"), it being understood and agreed that the
    payment of Sublessor's Construction Allowance shall be made subject
    to the following conditions and according to the following schedule:

    (a)  If there then exists no Event of Default under this Sublease,
         during the time between the date on which Sublessee commences
         Sublessee's Work and the date on which Sublessee's Work has been
         substantially completed, Sublessor agrees to make an initial
         partial payment (the "Initial Payment") to Sublessee of

         Sublessor's Construction Allowance within fifteen (15) days
         after Sublessor's receipt of the Initial Requisition (as herein
         defined) and the other documents specified in clauses (ii)
         through (iv) of this subparagraph (a).  The Initial Payment
         shall be paid to Sublessee or, at Sublessor's election, directly
         to Sublessee's contractors, subcontractors and/or vendors
         specified in the Initial Requisition, and shall be equal to
         eighty-five percent (85%) of the amount of the Initial
         Requisition; provided, however, that in no event shall the
         Initial Payment exceed fifty percent (50%) of the full amount of
         Sublessor's Construction Allowance.  Sublessor's obligation to
         make the Initial Payment shall be contingent upon Sublessee's
         first having furnished to Sublessor the following:  (i) a
         statement in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to
         Sublessor (the "Initial Requisition"), certified to be true,
         accurate and complete by an executive officer of Sublessee,
         stating the amount that has actually been paid out and that will
         be paid out from the proceeds of the Initial Payment on account
         of Sublessee's Costs actually incurred as of the date thereof
         (excluding reasonable retainage amounts), (ii) invoices,
         including receipted invoices for amounts already paid out,
         substantiating any and all such payments made and to be made by
         Sublessee on account of Sublessee's Costs actually incurred as
         of the date of the Initial Requisition, (iii) an affidavit of
         Sublessee's general contractor, in form and substance reasonably
         satisfactory to Sublessor, dated no later than the date of the
         Initial Requisition, stating that any and all amounts then due
         to said general contractor and all subcontractors and other
         parties attributable to labor and materials furnished in
         connection with Sublessee's Work have been paid in full or will
         be paid in full from the proceeds of the Initial Payment
         (subject to applicable retainage amounts), and (iv) executed
         lien waivers from said general contractor and said
         subcontractors and other parties, in form and substance
         reasonably satisfactory to Sublessor, waiving any and all liens
         attributable to labor and materials theretofore furnished by
         such parties in connection with Sublessee's Work.

    (b)  If there then exists no Event of Default under this Sublease,
         after the date on which Sublessor makes the Initial Payment, but
         before Sublessee's Work has been finally completed, Sublessor
         agrees to make additional payments of Sublessor's Construction
         Allowance (each such payment being hereinafter referred to as an
         "Additional Payment"), no more frequently than once every thirty
         (30) days.  Sublessor agrees to make each Additional Payment
         within fifteen (15) days after Sublessor's receipt of the
         applicable Additional Requisition (as herein defined) and the
         other documents specified in clauses (ii) through (iv) of this
         subparagraph (b).  Each Additional Payment shall be paid to
         Sublessee or, at Sublessor's option, to the contractors,
         subcontractors and/or vendors specified in the applicable
         Additional Requisition, and shall be equal to eighty-five
         percent (85%) of Sublessee's Costs as shall have actually been


         paid or as are payable as of the date of such Additional
         Requisition, less the amount of Sublessee's Costs theretofore
         paid by Sublessor on account of Sublessor's Construction
         Allowance; provided, however, that in no event shall the sum of
         any Additional Payment, plus the Initial Payment and all prior
         Additional Payments, exceed eighty-five percent (85%) of the
         full amount of Sublessor's Construction Allowance.  Sublessor's
         obligation to make any Additional Payment shall be contingent
         upon Sublessee's furnishing to Sublessor the following: (i) a
         statement in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to
         Sublessor (an "Additional Requisition") certified to be true,
         accurate and complete by an executive officer of Sublessee
         stating the amount that Sublessee has paid out and that will be
         paid out from the proceeds of such Additional Payment on account
         of Sublessee's Costs actually incurred after the date of the
         Initial Requisition or the last previous Additional Requisition,
         as the case may be (excluding reasonable retainage amounts),
         (ii) invoices, including receipted invoices for amounts already
         paid out, substantiating any and all such payments made or to be
         made on account of Sublessee's Costs actually incurred after the
         date of the Initial Requisition or the last previous Additional
         Requisition, as the case may be, (iii) an affidavit of
         Sublessee's general contractor, in form and substance reasonably
         satisfactory to Sublessor, dated no later than the date of the
         applicable Additional Requisition, stating that any and all
         amounts then due to said general contractor and all
         subcontractors and other parties attributable to labor and
         materials furnished in connection with Sublessee's Work have
         been paid in full or will be paid in full from the proceeds of
         the applicable Additional Payment (subject to applicable
         retainage amounts), and (iv) executed lien waivers from said
         general contractor and said subcontractors and other parties, in
         form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Sublessor, waiving
         any and all liens attributable to labor and materials
         theretofore furnished by such parties in connection with
         Sublessee's Work.

    (c)  If there then exists no Event of Default under this Sublease,
         upon or after the date on which Sublessee's Work has been
         finally completed, Sublessor agrees to make the final payment on
         account of Sublessor's Construction Allowance (the "Final
         Payment") within fifteen (15) days after Sublessor's receipt of
         the Final Requisition (as herein defined) and the other
         documents specified below in clauses (ii) through (vii) of this
         subparagraph (c).  The Final Payment shall be paid to Sublessee
         or, at Sublessor's option, to the contractors, subcontractors
         and/or vendors specified in the Final Requisition, and shall be
         equal to so much of Sublessee's Costs as shall have actually
         been paid or as are payable as of the date of the Final
         Requisition, less the amount of Sublessee's Costs theretofore
         paid by Sublessor on account of Sublessor's Construction
         Allowance; provided, however, that in no event shall the Final
         Payment exceed the then balance of Sublessor's Construction

         Allowance.  Sublessor's obligation to make the Final Payment
         shall be contingent upon Sublessee's furnishing to Sublessor the
         following:  (i) a statement in form and substance reasonably
         satisfactory to Sublessor (the "Final Requisition") certified to
         be true, accurate and complete by an executive officer of
         Sublessee stating the amount that Sublessee has paid out and
         that will be paid out from the proceeds of the Final Payment on
         account of Sublessee's Costs actually incurred after the date of
         the last previous Additional Requisition, (ii) invoices,
         including receipted invoices for amounts already paid out,
         substantiating any and all such payments made or to be made on
         account of Sublessee's Costs actually incurred after the date of
         the last previous Additional Requisition, (iii) an affidavit of
         Sublessee's general contractor, in form and substance reasonably
         satisfactory to Sublessor, stating that any and all amounts due
         to said general contractor and all subcontractors and other
         parties attributable to labor and materials furnished in
         connection with Sublessee's Work have been paid in full or will
         be paid in full from the proceeds of the Final Requisition, (iv)
         executed lien waivers from said general contractor and said
         subcontractors and other parties, in form and substance
         reasonably satisfactory to Sublessor, waiving any and all liens
         attributable to labor and materials theretofore furnished by
         such parties in connection with Sublessee's Work, (v) evidence
         reasonably satisfactory to Sublessor that all of Sublessee's
         Work and all of Sublessee's obligations with respect thereto as
         contained in this Sublease shall have been finally completed in
         all respects in accordance therewith, and (vi) copies of all
         governmental approvals, including, without limitation,
         certificate(s) of occupancy, necessary for Sublessee to occupy
         the Premises.

         Sublessee shall pay to Sublessor the total amount of all funds
         contributed by Sublessor on account of Sublessor's Construction
         Allowance as hereinabove provided (which funds shall in no event
         exceed Three Million Five Hundred Thousand and 00/100 Dollars
         ($3,500,000.00) in the aggregate and are hereinafter referred to as
         the "Contributed Amount"), with interest at the rate of six percent
         (6%) per annum, payable in sixty (60) consecutive, equal monthly
         payments of principal and interest commencing on July 15, 1994 and
         continuing on the first day of every month thereafter through and
         including the month of July, 1999 (the "Payment Period").  The amount
         of each monthly payment on account of the Contributed Amount shall be
         calculated so as to result in the full repayment by Sublessee of the
         Contributed Amount, with interest at the aforesaid rate, after
         payment of all such monthly payments over the aforesaid sixty (60)
         month period.

         Promptly after the amount of each monthly payment on account of the
         Contributed Amount shall have been determined as aforesaid, Sublessor
         shall prepare and the parties shall execute and deliver to each other
         an agreement memorializing the amount of each such payment payable by
         Sublessee during the Payment Period.  Sublessor shall have the same


    remedies hereunder for any failure by Sublessee to pay any payment on
    account of the Contributed Amount when due as Sublessor has hereunder
    for any failure by Sublessee to pay Base Rent and Additional Rent
    when due, including, without limitation, the right to terminate this

22. PROVISIONS BINDING, ETC.  Except as herein otherwise expressly
    provided, the terms hereof shall run with the land, be binding upon
    and inure to the benefit of those claiming under, by and through,
    respectively, Sublessor and Sublessee, including, without limitation,
    their respective successors and assigns.  The reference contained in
    the preceding sentence to successors and assigns of Sublessee is not
    intended to and does not constitute a consent to assignment by
    Sublessee.  As between Sublessee and Sublessor, Sublessor shall have
    the right to sell, assign, transfer or otherwise alienate its
    interest in the Premises, and upon such sale, assignment, transfer or
    alienation, the new holder of such interest shall succeed to and
    thereby assume all of Sublessor's obligations hereunder, except that
    Sublessor and each new holder shall only be liable for obligations
    accruing during its respective period of ownership, and Sublessee
    shall be bound to the new holder to the same extent as it was bound
    to Sublessor.  Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, as
    between Sublessee and Sublessor, Sublessor shall be entirely freed
    and relieved of any obligation or responsibility accruing under this
    Sublease from and after any such sale, assignment, transfer or other
    alienation by Sublessor of its interest in the Premises.

23. APPLICABLE LAWS.  This Sublease shall be construed and interpreted in
    accordance with the laws of the State of New Hampshire.

24. ENTIRE AGREEMENT.  This Sublease contains the entire agreement of the
    parties.  No representations, inducements, promises or agreements,
    oral or otherwise, not embodied herein shall be of any force or
    effect.  Nothing in this Sublease shall relieve Sublessor of its
    primary liability for its obligations to Master Lessor under the
    Master Lease.  Master Lessor's consent to this Sublease does not
    constitute consent to any future subletting or assignment, except as
    expressly permitted in Paragraph 17 hereof with respect to an
    assignment of this Sublease or subletting of the entire Premises by
    Sublessee to its wholly owned subsidiary or immediate controlling
    corporation or to a corporation or other entity under common control
    with Sublessee or to a corporation or other entity which acquires all
    or substantially all of the assets of Sublessee.


25.1     Sublessee's Use of Hazardous Material.

    Sublessee shall not cause or permit any hazardous material or oil to
    be used, stored, generated, or disposed of by Sublessee or its agents
    on, in or from the Premises or in connection with Sublessee's use of
    the Premises, except those used, stored, generated, or disposed of by
    Sublessee in the ordinary course of its business activities at the

    Premises, without first obtaining Sublessor's and Master Lessor's
    written consent, which consent may be withheld by either party in
    such party's sole and absolute discretion.  Any request by Sublessee
    for such consent by Sublessor and Master Lessor shall be in writing.
    Prior to the full execution and delivery of this Sublease, Sublessee
    shall deliver to Sublessor and Master Lessor, for their respective
    review and approval, which approval may be withheld by either party
    in such party's sole and absolute discretion, a list of all hazardous
    material or oil that Sublessee intends to use, store, generate, or
    dispose of in the ordinary course of its business activities at the

25.2     General Standards of Compliance.

    Sublessee shall inspect, use, store, generate, transport and dispose
    of all hazardous material or oil in compliance with the Environmental
    Requirements and shall cause its agents, employees, contractors,
    licensees and invitees to so comply.  Sublessee shall not release, or
    permit to be released by its agents, on, in or from the Premises or
    in connection with Sublessee's use of the Premises any hazardous
    material or oil in violation of the Environmental Requirements.

25.3     Specific Standards of Compliance.

    Without limiting Sublessee's obligations under Paragraph 25.2,
    Sublessee shall comply, and cause its agents to comply, with the
    specific requirements set forth in this Paragraph 25.3.

    (a)  Transformers.  For all transformers installed by Sublessee on
         the Premises, Sublessee shall comply with 40 CFR Part 761.

    (b)  Discharges to Sanitary Sewer.  If required by applicable law,
         Sublessee shall obtain permit(s) from all governmental
         authorities having jurisdiction with respect to discharges to
         sanitary sewers and shall comply with the Federal Clean Water
         Act and any pretreatment or other conditions contained in the
         applicable sewer permit and shall cause its agents to so comply.

    (c)  Asbestos.  [Intentionally Omitted]

    (d)  Handling Hazardous Wastes.  Sublessee shall comply, and shall
         cause its agents to comply, with all applicable laws and
         regulations relating to the handling, storage, generation,
         transportation, and disposal of hazardous waste.

    If Sublessee or its agents generate hazardous waste, upon request of
    Sublessor or Master Lessor, Sublessee shall provide any information
    and copies of permits required under applicable state laws and
    regulations to Sublessor and Master Lessor, and shall make available
    upon written request of Sublessor or Master Lessor within thirty (30)
    days of the date of such request, copies of all manifests used for
    the transportation and disposal of hazardous waste.

    (e)  Inventories of Hazardous Material.  Sublessee shall make
         available to Sublessor and Master Lessor within seven (7) days
         of the date of written request:  (a) copies of all inventories
         of hazardous materials and safety plans filed with the Fire
         Department under the Emergency Planning and Community
         Right-To-Know Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 11001 et seq. and
         applicable New Hampshire laws, (b) copies of material safety
         data sheets ("MSDS") that accompany any product used or stored
         at the Premises, pursuant to the hazard communications standard
         under the Occupational Safety and Health Act ("OSHA") and
         evidence that the MSDSs have been made available to Sublessee's
         employees, and (c) all other plans and reports required to be
         prepared pursuant to the Environmental Requirements.

25.4     Notices.

    Sublessor and Sublessee shall promptly deliver to the other and to
    Master Lessor any notices, orders or similar documents received from
    any governmental agency or official affecting the Premises and
    concerning the alleged violation of the Environmental Requirements.
    Sublessee shall give notice to the Sublessor and Master Lessor of any
    violation or potential violation of the Environmental Requirements
    immediately upon becoming aware of same.  Sublessor shall give notice
    to Sublessee and Master Lessor, within a reasonable time after
    receipt thereof, of any official notice received by Sublessor from
    any governmental agency or official affecting the Premises and
    concerning the alleged violation of the Environmental Requirements.

25.5     Sublessee's Obligation to pay Costs and Fines.

    Sublessee shall bear the full cost of, and be solely responsible for,
    carrying out its obligations under this Paragraph 25.  Sublessee
    shall pay forthwith any fine assessed for any violation by Sublessee
    or its agents of the Environmental Requirements or shall diligently
    proceed to contest the same.

    Any cost or fine required under this Paragraph 25 to be borne by
    Sublessee may be paid by Sublessor or Master Lessor, at the election
    of either party (provided that Sublessor or Master Lessor shall not
    pay any such amount if Sublessee is contesting the imposition of the
    same, unless such payment is required under the terms of any mortgage
    covering the Premises, in which event payment may be made by any such
    party if accompanied by an acknowledgement of such contest and a
    statement that payment is being made without any waiver of
    Sublessee's rights in connection therewith), after at least thirty
    (30) days' notice to Sublessee, except that, in cases where such
    payment is necessary in order to avoid a lien against or other
    material adverse effect on or with respect to the Premises, such
    payment may be made immediately after notice, and such payment shall
    be reimbursed by Sublessee to Sublessor or Master Lessor, as the case
    may be, within 30 days of written demand therefor and may at
    Sublessor's election, be treated as additional rent hereunder; and
    Sublessor shall have the same rights and remedies for the nonpayment
    thereof as for the nonpayment of rent.


    During the investigation and cleanup of any release that is the
    responsibility of Sublessee under this Paragraph 25 or under
    applicable Environmental Requirements and during any restoration,
    maintenance, or repair work that is the responsibility of Sublessee
    under this Paragraph 25 or under applicable Environmental
    Requirements, Sublessee shall continue to pay rent even though part
    or all of the Premises may be unusable.

25.6     Sublessee's Responsibility to Clean Up Any Release.

    Upon written demand by Sublessor or Master Lessor, if hazardous
    material or oil has been released in or on the Premises or has
    migrated to or off the Premises, by acts or negligence of Sublessee,
    Sublessee shall take all actions which are necessary to attain
    cleanup levels in accordance with the Environmental Requirements and
    to mitigate Environmental Damages, provided, however, to the extent
    the same has been expressly permitted by Sublessor and Master Lessor
    in writing pursuant to Paragraph 25.1 above, such actions may be
    postponed provided they are taken and completed prior to the
    expiration of the term of this Sublease and there is no violation of
    the Environmental Requirements.  These actions include, without
    limitation, investigation and cleanup as may be required under
    CERCLA, RCRA, or applicable state laws and regulations, whichever is
    applicable.  All such investigation and remedial work shall be
    performed by contractors reasonably acceptable to Sublessor and
    Master Lessor in accordance with the Environmental Requirements.  Any
    such action shall be performed in a good, safe and workmanlike
    manner.  Upon payment of the reasonable cost of copies thereof,
    Sublessee shall promptly provide to Sublessor and Master Lessor
    copies of testing results and all other reports.

    Following such cleanup, Sublessee shall promptly take all actions as
    are necessary to return the Premises and any areas outside the
    Premises to the condition existing prior to the release or migration
    of any such hazardous material or oil including the repair of any
    damage caused by the investigation or remediation.

25.7     Removal.

    Sublessee shall remove all hazardous material or oil used, stored,
    generated, discharged, released or disposed of by Sublessee and the
    containers in which such substances were ever packaged or stored from
    the Premises prior to the termination of this Sublease and prior to
    vacating; and such removal and disposal of such substances and
    containers shall be performed in accordance with all applicable laws
    and regulations.

25.8     Inspection.

    Upon the written request of Sublessor and/or Master Lessor,
    Sublessee, through a duly authorized officer and any employee
    responsible for the proper handling and disposal of hazardous


    material and oil, shall give an annual certification, and a
    certification prior to the termination of this Sublease and prior to
    vacating, to the effect that the requirements in Paragraphs 25.1
    through 25.8, inclusive, and any other of the Environmental
    Requirements for which Sublessor or Master Lessor has requested a
    certification have been satisfied.

    Sublessee grants Sublessor and Master Lessor, upon reasonable written
    notice, the right to inspect the Premises throughout the term of this
    Sublease to determine whether Sublessee is in compliance with the
    provisions in this Paragraph 25; and Sublessee shall provide
    Sublessor and Master Lessor with all information retained by
    Sublessee in the ordinary course of its business, or required to be
    retained by the Environmental Requirements, deemed by Sublessor and
    Master Lessor necessary for Sublessor and Master Lessor to ascertain
    whether Sublessee so complies.

25.9     Default.

    A breach of the obligations contained in this Paragraph 25 shall be
    deemed a breach of a material obligation of Sublessee under this
    Sublease which breach shall entitle Sublessor to enforce all remedies
    against Sublessee for breach and default.  Provided, however, the
    notice and grace periods set forth in Paragraph 16 of this Sublease
    shall apply to any such breach.

25.10    Self Help.

    If Sublessor or Master Lessor determines that Sublessee has not
    proceeded diligently to cure any default within a reasonable time
    period, as reasonably determined by Sublessor and Master Lessor as
    the case may be, or in the event of an emergency as determined by
    Sublessor or Master Lessor in its reasonable judgment, Sublessor or
    Master Lessor, in addition to any other remedy under this Sublease,
    shall have the right, if such default continues for ten (10) days
    after written notice (or at any time after such notice in the event
    of an emergency) but not the obligation, to enter upon the Premises
    and to perform Sublessee's obligations hereunder, including the
    payment of money and the performance of any other act.  All sums so
    paid by Sublessor or Master Lessor, as the case may be, and all
    reasonable incidental costs and expenses in connection therewith
    shall be reimbursed by Sublessee as additional rent to Sublessor
    within fifteen (15) days after written request from Sublessor or to
    Master Lessor (such written request to include invoices and other
    documentation evidencing in reasonable detail all costs paid by
    Sublessor or Master Lessor).  Notwithstanding any such performances
    by Sublessor or Master Lessor, Sublessee shall remain liable for any
    violation of the provisions in this Paragraph 25.

25.11    Sublessee's and Sublessor's Indemnification.

    Sublessee and its successors, assigns and guarantors shall release,
    defend (with an attorney reasonably acceptable to Sublessor and


    Master Lessor), indemnify and hold harmless Sublessor and Master
    Lessor and their respective successors and assigns and the officers,
    directors, stockholders, partners, beneficial owners, trustees,
    employees, agents, contractors and attorneys, of Sublessor and Master
    Lessor, or of the successors and assigns of any of the foregoing,
    from and against all Environmental Damages which may be asserted by
    Sublessee, any other person or entity, or government agency on
    account of the release of any hazardous material or oil upon, in or
    from the Premises by Sublessee or its agents, or on account of other
    action by Sublessee or its agents in violation of the Environmental
    Requirements or on account of breach of any of Sublessee's
    obligations under this Paragraph 25, except to the extent that any
    such Environmental Damages are caused by the indemnified party.  The
    provisions of this Paragraph 25.11 shall not apply to hazardous
    materials or oil upon or in the Premises on the date hereof or to any
    migration of same upon or to the Premises from other property or
    caused by third parties, except to the extent caused by Sublessee or
    its agents, and Sublessor and its successors, assigns and guarantors
    shall release, defend (with an attorney reasonably acceptable to
    Sublessee), indemnify and hold harmless Sublessee and its successors
    and assigns and the officers, directors, stockholders, partners,
    beneficial owners, trustees, employees, agents, contractors and
    attorneys of Sublessee, or the successors and assigns of any of the
    foregoing, from and against all Environmental Damages which may be
    asserted by Sublessor or Master Lessor, any other person or entity,
    or government agency on account of the release of any hazardous
    material or oil upon, in or from the Premises by Sublessor or Master
    Lessor or their respective agents, or on account of other action by
    Sublessor, Master Lessor or their respective agents in violation of
    the Environmental Requirements, except to the extent that any such
    Environmental Damages are caused by Sublessee.  In the event that the
    Master Lessor succeeds to the interest of the Sublessor under this
    Sublease, it is understood and agreed that (a) Master Lessor shall be
    liable to Sublessee under the foregoing indemnity only for
    Environmental Damages which may be asserted as aforesaid on account
    of the release of any hazardous material or oil upon, in or from the
    Premises by Master Lessor or its agents that first occurs from and
    after the date on which Master Lessor first succeeds to Sublessor's
    interest hereunder, or on account of other action by Master Lessor or
    its agents in violation of the Environmental Requirements that first
    occurs from and after such date (such Environmental Damages are
    hereinafter referred to as "After-Occurring Damages"), and (b)
    Sublessor shall not be liable to Sublessee under the foregoing
    indemnity for any After-Occurring Damages.

25.12    Definitions.

    The following terms as used herein shall have the meanings set forth

    "Hazardous material or oil" shall mean any substance (i) which is
    toxic, explosive, corrosive, flammable, infectious, radioactive,
    carcinogenic, mutagenic or otherwise hazardous substance which is or


    becomes regulated by any governmental authority, agency, commission
    or instrumentality of the United States, the State of New Hampshire
    or any political subdivision thereof including city or town; or (ii)
    which is or becomes defined as a "hazardous substance" pursuant to
    Section 101 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation
    and Liability Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 9601 et seq. ("CERCLA") or the
    Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, 42 U.S.C. Section 6901
    et seq. ("RCRA"); as well as any material or substance which is or
    becomes defined as hazardous material or oil under applicable state
    laws and regulations; or (iii) which is or becomes a pollutant regulated
    under the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 7401 et seq. and 40 CFR Parts
    50 to 85 or applicable state laws and regulations; or (iv) which is or
    becomes defined as "hazardous waste" below; or (v) the presence of which
    requires investigation or remediation under any present or future federal,
    state or local statute, regulation, ordinance, by-law, order, action,
    policy or common law; or (vi) which contains gasoline, diesel fuel, oil
    or other petroleum hydrocarbons.

    "Hazardous waste" shall mean any material designated as such under
    any applicable federal, state or local law, regulation, ordinance or

    "Environmental Damages" shall mean liabilities, injuries, losses,
    claims, damages, settlements, reasonable attorneys' and consultants'
    fees, penalties, interest and expenses, and costs of environmental
    site investigations, reports and cleanup.  The costs of environmental
    site investigations, reports and cleanup include costs incurred in
    connection with any investigation or assessment of site conditions or
    health of Sublessee's agents or other persons using the Premises,
    risk assessment, monitoring, or any cleanup, remedial, removal or
    restoration work required by any federal, state or local governmental
    agency or political subdivision or recommended by Sublessor's or
    Master Lessor's environmental consultant (or Sublessee's
    environmental consultant in the event Sublessor or Master Lessor
    elect not to employ their own consultant) in the exercise of its
    reasonable professional judgment.

    "Environmental Requirements" shall mean all applicable laws, rules
    and regulations (including without limitation the laws and
    regulations referenced in Paragraphs 25.2 through 25.8, inclusive),
    and the orders of any governmental authority having jurisdiction with
    respect thereto, insofar as such laws, rules and regulations and
    orders relate to the release, maintenance, use, keeping in place, or
    disposal of hazardous material or oil, including those pertaining to
    reporting, licensing, permitting, housekeeping, upgrading of
    equipment, health and safety of tenant's agents and other persons,
    investigation, remediation, and disposal; and shall include both
    present and future laws and regulations and orders.

    "Release" shall mean any release, spill, emission, discharge or other
    disposal into the environment including the atmosphere, ground,
    building materials, sewer system, storm drainage system, or body of


25.13    Other.

    (a)  The provisions of this Paragraph 25 shall be in addition to any
         other obligations and liabilities Sublessee may have to
         Sublessor under this Sublease or at law or in equity.

    (b)  In the case of conflict between this Paragraph 25 and other
         provisions of this Sublease, the provisions imposing the most
         stringent requirement as to Sublessee shall control.

    (c)  The obligations of Sublessee and Sublessor under this Paragraph
         25 shall survive the expiration or termination of this Sublease
         and the transfer of title to the Premises.

    (d)  Sublessee's liabilities and obligations under this Paragraph 25,
         including, without limitation, Sublessee's indemnification
         obligations, shall include liability for and obligations
         relating to the acts and omissions of Sublessee, anyone claiming
         by, through or under the Sublessee, and any and all employees,
         agents, contractors and subcontractors of Sublessee or any such
         party.  Sublessor's indemnification obligations under this
         Paragraph 25 shall include liability for and obligations
         relating to the acts and omissions of Sublessor, anyone claiming
         by, through or under the Sublessor, and any and all employees,
         agents, contractors and subcontractors of Sublessor or any such

26. HOLDING OVER.  If Sublessee remains in possession of the Premises or
    any part thereof beyond the Expiration Date (or, if Sublessee shall
    duly exercise any of the options of extension set forth in Paragraph
    5 of this Sublease, beyond the expiration of the applicable extension
    period), Sublessee shall be deemed to be occupying the Premises from
    month to month, subject to such occupancy being terminated by either
    party upon at least thirty (30) days' written notice (except that
    such occupancy shall in any event automatically terminate on
    September 30, 2000 without the need of any such notice), at a monthly
    rental equal to One Hundred Eighty-Four Thousand Five Hundred and
    00/100 Dollars ($184,500.00), together with Additional Rent, and
    subject to all of the same terms, provisions, and conditions set
    forth in this Sublease; it being understood and agreed that Sublessee
    shall have no right to and shall in no event remain in occupancy of
    the Premises or any part thereof beyond September 30, 2000 without
    having first entered into a new lease agreement relative to the
    Premises with Master Lessor.  Sublessee shall indemnify and hold
    harmless Sublessor from and against any and all liability, loss,
    cost, damage and expense suffered by Sublessor arising out of or
    resulting from any failure on the part of Sublessee to yield up the
    Premises when and as required under this Sublease.

27. QUIET ENJOYMENT.  Sublessee, subject to the terms and provisions of
    this Sublease, on payment of the rent and observing, keeping and
    performing all of the terms and provisions of this Sublease on its


    part to be observed, kept and performed, shall lawfully, peaceably
    and quietly have, hold, occupy and enjoy the Premises during the term
    hereof without hindrance or ejection by any persons lawfully claiming
    under Sublessor.  To the best of Sublessor's knowledge, there is no
    pending or overtly threatened litigation or administrative action
    involving the Premises that would adversely affect Sublessee's
    ability to lawfully, peaceably and quietly have, hold, occupy and
    enjoy the Premises as aforesaid.

28. OPTION TO PURCHASE.  Sublessor hereby assigns to Sublessee
    Sublessor's option to purchase the Premises and certain other real
    property, as set forth in, and subject to and in accordance with the
    terms and conditions of, Article XXIV of the Master Lease.  In the
    event that Sublessee exercises such option to purchase and acquires
    record title to the Premises and such other property, then this
    Sublease shall thereupon cease and determine and be of no further
    force and effect, without recourse to either of Sublessor or
    Sublessee as to matters accruing from and after the date on which
    Sublessee acquires record title to the Premises and such other

29. FORCE MAJEURE.  In the event that any party hereto shall be delayed,
    hindered in or prevented from the performance of any act (other than
    the payment of Base Rent, Additional Rent or the Contributed Amount
    by Sublessee and the performance of restoration work by the Master
    Lessor in the event of a casualty or taking as provided in Paragraph
    14 of this Sublease) required hereunder by reason of strikes,
    lock-outs, labor troubles, inability to procure materials, fuel or
    gas, failure of power, riots, insurrection, the act, failure to act
    or default of the other party, war, accidents or any other reason
    beyond such party's control, then performance of such act shall be
    excused for the period of the delay and the period for the
    performance of any such act shall be extended for a period equivalent
    to the period of such delay.

    Master Lessor shall in no event be in default in the performance of
    any of their respective obligations hereunder unless and until
    Sublessor or Master Lessor, as the case may be, shall have failed to
    perform such obligations within thirty (30) days or such additional
    time as is reasonably required to correct any such default after
    notice by Sublessee to such party properly specifying wherein such
    party has failed to perform any such obligation.  Notwithstanding
    anything contained herein to the contrary, in the event that any
    failure by Sublessor or Master Lessor to perform their respective
    obligations under this Sublease or the Master Lease shall prevent
    Sublessee from using all or a portion of the Premises for the
    purposes permitted under this Sublease for any period of five (5)
    consecutive business days or longer after the date on which Sublessor
    receives notice of such failure specifying in reasonable detail the
    particulars thereof, and if there then exists no Event of Default
    under this Sublease, then a just proportion of the Base Rent,
    Additional Rent, Contributed Amount, according to the nature and

    extent of the portion of the Premises rendered untenantable, shall be
    abated until use and occupancy of substantially all of the Premises
    shall be restored.  In the event that the Sublessee shall be prevented
    from using all of the Premises for the purposes permitted under this
    Sublease by reason of any such failure by Sublessor or Master Lessor
    for a period of thirty (30) consecutive days or longer after the date
    on which Sublessor receives notice of such failure specifying in
    reasonable detail the particulars thereof, and if there then exists no
    Event of Default under this Sublease, then Sublessee  shall have the right
    to terminate this Sublease upon twenty (20) business days' written notice
    to Sublessor, in which event this Sublease shall terminate with the same
    effect as if the date set forth in such notice were the expiration date
    set forth in this  Sublease.  Notwithstanding anything contained herein to
    the contrary,  Sublessee agrees that Master Lessor shall have no personal
    liability  with respect to any of the provisions of this Sublease at any
    time, whether before or after Master Lessor succeeds, if at all, to
    Sublessor's interest hereunder, and Sublessee shall look solely to  the
    estate and property of the Master Lessor in the Premises for the
    satisfaction of any of Sublessee's remedies, including, without
    limitation, the collection of any judgment or the enforcement of any other
    judicial process requiring the payment or expenditure of money by Master
    Lessor in the event of any default or breach by Master Lessor with respect
    to any of the terms and provisions of this Sublease to be observed and/or
    performed by Master Lessor, subject, however, to the prior rights of any
    holder of any mortgage covering all or part of the Premises, and no other
    assets of Master Lessor or any principal of Master Lessor shall be subject
    to levy, execution or other judicial process for the satisfaction of
    Sublessee's claim and in the event Sublessee obtains a judgment against
    Master Lessor, the judgment docket shall be so noted.  Without in any way
    limiting the foregoing, Sublessee reserves the right to seek judicial
    injunctive relief to enforce any obligations of Master Lessor which have
    not been complied with.

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Sublease, under
seal, as of the date first written above.

SUBLESSOR:                        SUBLESSEE:


By:                               By:
    Its                               Its
    Hereunto duly authorized          Hereunto duly authorized



                            CONSENT OF MASTER LESSOR

    Pursuant to Article IX of the Master Lease, the undersigned Master
Lessor under the Master Lease hereby consents to the subletting of the
Premises in accordance with the terms and conditions of the foregoing
Sublease but does not consent to any future subletting or assignment,
notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in Sections 17 and 22
of said Sublease.

    In connection with its consent to the Sublease, the Master Lessor
hereby agrees as follows:

    1.  The Master Lessor hereby confirms, to the best of its knowledge,
that there exists no default under the Master Lease nor any event which
with the giving of notice or passage of time or both could constitute a
default under the Master Lease and the Master Lessor hereby waives all
rights to claim a default (a) under Article XII(f) of the Master Lease
relating to any discontinuance of occupancy or abandonment of the
Premises accrued or occurring prior to the date hereof or (b) under
Article IX of the Master Lease relating to any assignment of the Master
Lease in connection with the transfer of all of the outstanding shares of
Apollo Computer, Inc. to Sublessor;

    2.  As between the Master Lessor and the Sublessee, to the extent
there are any inconsistencies between the terms and provisions of the
Sublease and the terms and provisions of the Master Lease, the terms and
provisions of the Sublease shall control;

    3.  The Master Lessor agrees to be bound by the obligations of the
Master Lessor to the Sublessee set forth in the following provisions of
the Sublease: (i) Master Lessor's obligation under Paragraph 7 to
prosecute tax abatement proceedings once commenced and to notify
Sublessee of the discontinuance thereof; (ii) Master Lessor's obligation
under Paragraph 8(e) to minimize interference with Sublessee's use of the
Premises in connection with the exercise by the Master Lessor of its
rights thereunder; (iii) Master Lessor's obligations under Paragraphs
8(f) and 8(g) to be liable to Sublessee for damages caused by its
negligence; (iv) Master Lessor's obligation under Paragraph 8(o) to act
reasonably in approving or disapproving insurance amounts; (v) Master
Lessor's obligation under Paragraph 9 to act reasonably in approving or
disapproving maintenance contracts; (vi) Master Lessor's obligations
under Paragraph 11 to act reasonably in approving or disapproving Plans
and Specifications (except as to structural, exterior and/or roof work),
in designating fixtures and leasehold improvements for removal from the
Premises at the expiration or earlier termination of the Sublease Term,
and in acting to approve or disapprove Plans and Specifications within
ten (10) business days after receipt thereof and failing such action, in
being bound by the provisions thereof relative to the consequences of
such failure; (vii) Master Lessor's obligations under Paragraph 12 to act
reasonably in approving or disapproving subsequent alterations and the
plans and specifications therefor (except as to structural, exterior
and/or roof work), in designating fixtures and leasehold improvements for


removal from the Premises at the expiration or earlier termination of the
Sublease Term, and in acting to approve or disapprove such plans and
specifications within ten (10) business days after receipt thereof and
failing such action, to be bound by the provisions thereof relative to
the consequences of such failure; (viii) Master Lessor's obligation under
Paragraph 17 to permit, without the need for Master Lessor's consent, any
assignment of the Sublease or subletting of the Premises expressly therein
permitted; and (ix) Master Lessor's obligation under Paragraph 25.11 to act
reasonably in approving or disapproving an attorney designated by Sublessee
in connection with any matter that is the subject of the indemnity therein

    The Master Lessor hereby certifies as of the date hereof as follows:

    A.  The Master Lease represents the entire agreement between the
Master Lessor and the Sublessor, is in full force and effect and has not
been assigned, modified, supplemented or amended in any way (except that
Master Lessor has assigned the Master Lease to its mortgagee); a true,
correct and complete copy of the Master Lease, including any and all
amendments thereto (which documents consist of a lease dated June 19,
1984, as amended by a certain Amendment A, dated December 21, 1984, as
further amended by a certain Stratham Lease Amendment, dated as of May
21, 1986, as affected by a certain letter, dated September 26, 1990, from
Sublessor to the Master Lessor and as further amended by a certain
Amendment to Lease of even date herewith), is attached as Exhibit "B" to
the Sublease of which this consent is a part; and

    B.  Rental payments under the Master Lease are being made on a
current basis and have been paid through the month of April, 1994.

    The undersigned hereby agrees to enter into a subordination,
non-disturbance and attornment agreement with Sublessee, in the form
attached to the Sublease of which this consent is a part as Exhibit
"SNDA", concurrently with the full execution and delivery of said

    As between Master Lessor and Sublessor, nothing herein or in said
Sublease shall relieve Sublessor of its obligations to Master Lessor
under said Master Lease or modify any of the terms of said Master Lease.

    Executed under seal this       day of                      , 1994.

                                  FIRST ALTEX REALTY TRUST

                                      Hereunto duly authorized, as
                                      Trustee and not individually

                                  (Signatures continued on next page)


                                      Hereunto duly authorized, as
                                      Trustee and not individually

                                      Hereunto duly authorized, as
                                      Trustee and not individually

                                                              EXHIBIT NOT FILED
                                  EXHIBIT "A"

                                PLAN OF PREMISES

                                                              EXHIBIT NOT FILED
                                  EXHIBIT "B"

                                  MASTER LEASE

                                  EXHIBIT "C"


                                200 DOMAIN DRIVE
                                  STRATHAM, NH

              Estimated 1994 Operating Expenses:

                   Real Property Taxes                $0.796/r.s.f.

                   Insurance                          $0.147/r.s.f.

                   TOTAL                              $0.943/r.s.f.


                                 EXHIBIT "SNDA"


    THIS AGREEMENT is made as of the      day of March, 1994 by and
between the TRUSTEES of FIRST ALTEX REALTY TRUST, u/d/t dated as of
May 15, 1984 and recorded with the Rockingham County Registry of Deeds in
Book 2499, Page 1348, as amended (the "Master Lessor"), having a business
address in care of Altid Properties, 17 Monsignor O'Brien Highway,
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02141-1817, and THE TIMBERLAND COMPANY, a
Delaware corporation ("Sublessee"), having a business address of 11
Merrill Industrial Drive, P.O. Box 5050, Hampton, New Hampshire

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

    WHEREAS, Master Lessor holds the lessor's interest in and to a
certain lease, dated June 19, 1984, the lessee's interest in which is
held by Hewlett-Packard Company (the "Sublessor"), relating to certain
premises located at 200 Domain Drive in Stratham, Rockingham County, New
Hampshire, as more particularly therein described (the "Premises"), as
amended by a certain Amendment A, dated December 21, 1984, as further
amended by a certain Stratham Lease Amendment, dated as of May 21, 1986,
as affected by a certain letter, dated September 26, 1990, from Sublessor
to the Master Lessor and as further amended by a certain Amendment to
Lease dated March    , 1994 (said lease, as amended and affected by the
above-listed documents, is hereinafter referred to as the "Master Lease");

    WHEREAS, Sublessor holds the sublessor's interest in and to a certain
sublease, dated March    , 1994, the sublessee's interest in which is
held by Sublessee, relating to the Master Lease and the Premises; and

    WHEREAS, Master Lessor has been requested by Sublessor and Sublessee
to enter into this agreement with Sublessee;

    NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the Premises and the mutual
covenants herein contained, the parties hereto mutually covenant and
agree as follows:

    1.   Subject to the terms and provisions of this agreement, the
         Sublease and all of the right, title and interest of Sublessee
         thereunder in and to the Premises are and shall be subject and
         subordinate to the Master Lease.

    2.   In the event that Master Lessor comes into possession of the
         Premises as a result of the termination or other enforcement of
         lessor's rights under the Master Lease as the result of a
         default by the Sublessor thereunder, as long as Sublessee is not
         then in default under the Sublease beyond any applicable notice

         and cure period provided to Sublessee under the Sublease, Master
         Lessor will recognize Sublessee and will not disturb Sublessee
         in its possession of the Premises for the full term of years in
         the Sublease provided subject to the terms, covenants and
         conditions of the Sublease for any reason other than one which
         would entitle Sublessor to terminate the Sublease under its
         terms or would entitle Sublessor to dispossess Sublessee from
         the Premises.

    3.   Sublessee agrees with Master Lessor that if the interest of
         Sublessor in the Premises shall be held by Master Lessor by
         reason of termination or other proceedings brought by Master
         Lessor, Sublessee shall be bound to Master Lessor and Master
         Lessor shall be bound to Sublessee under all of the terms,
         covenants and conditions of the Sublease for the then balance of
         the term thereof and any extensions or renewals thereof which
         may be effected in accordance with any option therefor in the
         Sublease, with the same force and effect as if Master Lessor
         were the original holder of the sublessor's interest in and to
         the Sublease (except that Master Lessor shall in no event be
         liable for or bound by the obligations of Sublessor under
         Paragraph 21 of the Sublease), and the Sublease shall be a
         direct lease between the Master Lessor and the Sublessee, and
         Sublessee shall attorn to Master Lessor as its lessor, said
         attornment to be effective and self-operative without the
         execution of any further instruments on the part of Sublessor
         and Master Lessor immediately upon Master Lessor's succeeding to
         the interest of Sublessor in the Premises.

    4.   Sublessee agrees with Master Lessor that if Master Lessor shall
         succeed to the interest of Sublessor under the Sublease, Master
         Lessor shall not be (a) liable for any action or omission of
         Sublessor under the Sublease prior to such succession, or (b)
         subject to any offsets or defenses which Sublessee might have
         against Sublessor, or (c) bound by any rent or additional rent
         which Sublessee might have paid for more than the then current
         month to Sublessor, or (d) bound by any amendment or
         modification of the Sublease made without Master Lessor's and
         its mortgagee's written consent, or (e) personally liable with
         respect to any of the provisions of the Sublease and Sublessee
         shall look solely to the estate and property of the Master
         Lessor in the Premises for the satisfaction of any of
         Sublessee's remedies, including, without limitation, the
         collection of any judgment or the enforcement of any other
         judicial process requiring the payment or expenditure of money
         by Master Lessor in the event of any default or breach by Master
         Lessor with respect to any of the terms and provisions of the
         Sublease to be observed and/or performed by Master Lessor,
         subject, however, to the prior rights of any holder of any
         mortgage covering all or part of the Premises, and no other
         assets of Master Lessor or any principal of Master Lessor shall
         be subject to levy, execution or other judicial process for the
         satisfaction of Sublessee's claim and in the event Sublessee
         obtains a judgment against Master Lessor, the judgment docket
         shall be so noted.


    5.   This Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of Master
         Lessor and Sublessee and their respective successors and assigns.

    6.   This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance
         with the laws of the State of New Hampshire.

    Executed under seal as of the date first above written.

WITNESS:                          FIRST ALTEX REALTY TRUST

                                      Hereunto duly authorized, as
                                      Trustee and not individually

                                  [SIGN IN BLACK INK]

                                      Hereunto duly authorized, as
                                      Trustee and not individually

                                  [SIGN IN BLACK INK]

                                      Hereunto duly authorized, as
                                      Trustee and not individually

                                  [SIGN IN BLACK INK]

ATTEST:                           THE TIMBERLAND COMPANY

                                  By:      Secretary
                                        Hereunto duly authorized

                                  [SIGN IN BLACK INK]


STATE OF                     )
                             ) ss.
COUNTY OF                    )

    On this        day of                   , 1994, before me personally
appeared                       , who, being by me duly sworn, did say
that he/she is                     of The Timberland Company, a Delaware
corporation, that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said
corporation by authority of its Board of Directors; and said
                      acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and
deed of said corporation.

                                  Notary Public
                                  My Commission Expires:

                                                [COMPLETE AND SIGN IN BLACK INK]

STATE OF                     )
                             ) ss.
COUNTY OF                    )

    On this        day of                   , 1994, before me personally
appeared                                , Trustee of First Altex Realty
Trust as aforesaid, and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be
his/her free act and deed, as said Trustee.

                                  Notary Public
                                  My Commission Expires:

                                                [COMPLETE AND SIGN IN BLACK INK]

STATE OF                     )
                             ) ss.
COUNTY OF                    )

    On this        day of                   , 1994, before me personally
appeared                                 , Trustee of First Altex Realty
Trust as aforesaid, and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be
his/her free act and deed, as said Trustee.

                                  Notary Public
                                  My Commission Expires:

                                                [COMPLETE AND SIGN IN BLACK INK]


STATE OF                     )
                             ) ss.
COUNTY OF                    )

    On this        day of                   , 1994, before me personally
appeared                                 , Trustee of First Altex Realty
Trust as aforesaid, and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be
his/her free act and deed, as said Trustee.

                                  Notary Public
                                  My Commission Expires:

                                                [COMPLETE AND SIGN IN BLACK INK]