Exhibit 13.1

21      Five-Year Financial Summary

22      Managment's Discussion and Analysis

27      Consolidated Statements of Operations

28      Consolidated Balance Sheets

29      Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity

30      Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

31      Notes of Consolidated Financial Statements

39      Report of Independent Accountants

40      Quarterly Financial Data

41      Board of Directors and Corporate Officers

42      Corporate Headquarters and Information for Shareholders


                                                                                          FIVE-YEAR FINANCIAL SUMMARY

Dollars in thousands, except per-share data             1994           1993          1992         1991          1990
- - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Results of Operations
Revenue                                                $   196,104  $   233,453  $   257,996  $   270,628  $   261,927 
Income (loss) from operations (1)                      $    (8,444) $   (32,323) $     6,878  $     5,137  $   (38,357)
Interest and other income (expense), net                       620           59       (2,725)       4,065          729
Income (loss) before income taxes 
   and extraordinary item                                   (7,824)     (32,264)       4,153        9,202      (37,628)
Provision (benefit) for income taxes                                                                  151       (2,824)
Income (loss) before extraordinary item                     (7,824)     (32,264)       4,153        9,051      (34,804)
Extraordinary item (2)                                                                 3,648          467
Net income (loss)                                      $    (7,824) $   (32,264) $     7,801  $     9,518  $   (34,804)
Per-share amounts:
   Income (loss) before extraordinary item             $      (.48) $     (2.05) $       .24  $       .49  $     (1.91)
   Extraordinary item (2)                                                                .22          .03
   Net income (loss)                                   $      (.48) $     (2.05) $       .46  $       .52  $     (1.91)
Cash dividends declared per share                                                $      0.06  $      0.06  $      0.06
Shares used in per-share calculations                   16,179,000   15,705,000   16,504,000   18,314,000   18,246,000

Financial Position
Cash and temporary investments                         $    67,115  $    56,835  $    45,769  $    66,933  $    61,828 
Working capital                                             60,337       57,990       78,662       88,665       80,916 
Property, plant and equipment, net                          19,658       20,861       30,152       33,654       40,601 
Total assets                                               135,940      140,645      162,619      182,616      186,171 
Convertible debentures                                      73,510       73,510       73,510       83,355       84,700 
Shareholders' equity, net of treasury shares                 7,271       10,042       41,887       44,473       43,164 

General Information and Ratios
Additions to property, plant and equipment             $     6,938  $     7,942  $    11,668  $    10,825  $    11,241 
Revenue per average number of employees                        117          125          118          116          101
Employees at year-end                                        1,694        1,663        2,086        2,284        2,367 
Shareholders of record at year-end                           2,225        2,709        3,108        3,340        3,302 
Current ratio                                                  2.1          2.0          2.7          2.7          2.4
Debt to equity ratio                                          10.1          7.3          1.8          1.9          2.0
- - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 Results for fiscal year 1993 included a restructuring charge of $20.5 million,
  or $1.30 per share, associated with employee severance and related facilities
  costs.  Results for fiscal year 1990 included a restructuring charge of $20.4
  million, or $1.12 per share, for costs in connection with the downsizing of
  BBN Advanced Computers, consolidation of certain of the company's leased
  facilities, and severance and other costs.

2 Results for fiscal years 1992 and 1991 included an extraordinary gain of $3.6
  million, or $.22 per share, and $.5 million, or $.03 per share,       
  respectively, from the purchase and early retirement of $9.8 million and $1.3
  million, respectively, of the company's 6% convertible subordinated


                          BOLT BERANEK AND NEWMAN INC.

- - -------------------------

        In FY1994, the company consisted of three operating units, the Systems
and Technologies Division, BBN Software Products Corporation and LightStream
Corporation.  The Systems and Technologies Division ("Systems and
Technologies") includes internetworking services and products, collaborative
systems and acoustic technologies.  BBN Software Products Corporation
("Software Products"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, develops,
markets and supports data analysis software products designed primarily for
manufacturing, engineering and health industry applications. LightStream
Corporation ("LightStream"), an 80%-owned subsidiary of the company, develops,
markets and supports networking products based on Asynchronous Transfer Mode
("ATM") technology.

        For the year ended June 30, 1994, the company had a loss of $7.8
million, or $.48 per share, on revenue of $196.1 million, compared to a loss of
$32.3 million, or $2.05 per share, on revenue of $233.4 million for FY1993.
Results for the prior year included a restructuring charge of $20.5 million, or
$1.30 per share, and a gain of $3.2 million, or $.20 per share, resulting from
the sale of the company's Advanced Simulation business in April 1993.  The
reduction in revenue from the prior year reflects the sale of the Advanced
Simulation business and reduced defense communications systems revenue.  The
company's losses continue to reflect significant expenditures on its LightStream
ATM switch, T/10[TM] Integrated Access Device and BBN/Cornerstone[TM] software
while revenue from these new products remains financially insignificant.  These
losses were partially offset by operating income at Systems and Technologies.

        The company's objective is to achieve revenue growth in FY1995 and a
return to profitability during the second half of the fiscal year.  However,
this outlook is strongly dependent upon achieving a significant increase in new
product and services revenue.  There can be no assurance that such an increase
will be realized.  The outlook could also be affected by further expenditures on
commercial business opportunities available to the company.

        The company's overall strategy is to capitalize upon its technical
expertise and problem solving experience in the internetworking, data analysis,
collaborative and acoustic systems areas.  This strategy is being implemented
through five distinct and complementary business units.  In addition to the
established Systems and Technologies and Software Products operating units, the
company in the past year has organized three early stage companies.  LightStream
Corporation was organized in October 1993 to develop and market ATM products,
and in July 1994 the company formed BBN HARK Systems Corporation to develop and
market speech recognition products.  Computer speech recognition is an emerging
market, and the company intends to increase its sales and marketing investment
in this area.  The company is also investing in the expansion of its Internet
services business by organizing a new subsidiary, BBN Internet Services
Corporation, which is being established to provide Internet services on a
worldwide basis.  The company's anticipated revenue growth is dependent upon its
ability to continue to recruit entrepreneurial marketing and sales leadership,
develop a support infrastructure and establish productive customer
relationships, particularly in the commercial marketplace.  The implementation
of this strategy will require significant investment in sales and marketing.

        On August 19, 1994, BBN Internet Services Corporation acquired, from
Stanford University, the Bay Area Regional Research Network ("BARRNET"), a
leading provider of Internet services in the San Francisco Bay area, for
approximately $6.5 million consisting principally of $2.0 million of cash,
270,270 shares of BBN's common stock and 200,000 shares of BBN Internet Services
Corporation's common stock.  The company may accelerate its plans to invest in
expanding its Internet services activities. Such investments may include
additional acquisitions and increased spending which could adversely affect the
company's financial results for FY1995.


        Revenue decreased $37.3 million, or 16%, in FY1994 compared to FY1993. 
The reduction reflects approximately $25.3 million in FY1993 revenue provided
by the company's former simulation unit as well as

                                        MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF

declines in the company's defense communications systems business and lower 
revenue in FY1994 from its mature X.25 network products and RS/Series[TM] 

        The company, like other companies doing business with the Department of
Defense, has been adversely affected by reduced defense spending and expects
this general decline and attendant increased competition within the defense
industry to continue over the next several years. Uncertainty continues to exist
on the size and scope of reductions in future defense budgets and their impact
on the company's defense-related business.  Further, there is the possibility
that funding limitations could result in a reduction, delay, or cancellation of
existing or emerging programs.  These factors have reduced the company's U.S.
government revenue and operating margins in recent fiscal years, and this trend
is expected to continue at least through FY1995, particularly in the defense
communications systems and acoustic and sensor systems areas.

        In FY1991, the Defense Information Systems Agency awarded the company a
one-year contract in support of the Defense Data Network, with up to four
one-year optional extensions.  The company is currently performing under the
third option year of the contract, valued at approximately $20 million, which
will continue the company's existing activities through October 1994.  The
company now expects to be awarded the fourth option year of the contract, valued
at approximately $15 million, which will continue these activities through
October 1995.  There can be no assurance that this activity will continue beyond
October 1995.  Approximately $21 million and $27 million of revenue has been
recorded under the contract in FY1994 and FY1993, respectively.

        The company conducts its commercial businesses in environments
characterized by intense competition, shortened product cycles and rapid
technological change, which require significant research and development
expenditures to develop new products which address emerging market requirements
and to improve its existing products.  The company's traditional commercial
businesses, consisting principally of X.25 network products and RS/Series data
analysis software products, continue to experience substantially lower revenue. 
In recent years, the company has been investing heavily in the development of
new products, primarily the LightStream ATM switch and the T/10 Integrated
Access Device in the networking area and BBN/Cornerstone data analysis software.

        Several important trends have adversely affected the company's X.25
network systems business, including the growth of desktop computing, the
widespread installation of local area networks, increased transmission circuit
speed and improved circuit quality.  These trends have led to market
requirements for networking technologies such as routers.  The company's X.25
network systems business has experienced significantly lower revenue for several
years.  The company has discontinued certain of its traditional X.25 products
and has substantially reduced its development and selling efforts relating to
this business.

        Sales of the LightStream 2010 ATM switch, released in October 1993, have
not been financially significant. Further, the emerging market for ATM products
is very competitive, particularly from communications companies with marketing,
distribution and resources more extensive than those available to LightStream. 
Accordingly, the success of LightStream's 2020 ATM switch, due to be released in
the fall of 1994, will depend upon the timely development of the ATM market, and
in particular the ATM enterprise switch market which is the market segment
targeted by LightStream, the technological superiority of LightStream's
products, their cost competitiveness and the development of strategic alliances
and distribution channels.  In the event these conditions are not achieved on a
timely basis, the company's financial results will be adversely impacted.

        For several years, the company has been developing the T/10 Integrated
Access Device designed to help customers consolidate traffic over a single
enterprise network. Development delays and limited functionality have
unfavorably affected the company's ability to generate sales, and revenue to
date from the T/10 has not been financially significant.  During FY1994,
spending relating to the T/10 business was significantly reduced from prior year
levels.  Effective April 1, 1994, the T/10 activities were merged into Systems
and Technologies.  The T/10 effort is now being primarily focused on a few
reseller opportunities, and accordingly, the future success of the T/10 is
highly dependent upon the timely development of these opportunities.



        The company's data analysis software products business has been affected
by the growth of distributed processing and the associated use of personal
computers, workstations, and other desktop computers.  Most of the company's
data analysis software products, primarily the RS/Series software, currently
operate on minicomputer systems.  As demand for minicomputer-based software
declines, the company is experiencing substantially lower RS/Series software
revenue and downward pressure on prices.

        In response to the trend toward desktop computing, Software Products
introduced its BBN/Cornerstone software during the fourth quarter of FY1993. 
BBN/Cornerstone software is the first of a new series of data analysis software
products specifically designed for use on desktop computers in a client/server
environment.  The initial release of BBN/Cornerstone software operates on
Unix-based workstations, utilizing a number of established graphical user
interfaces.  Planned subsequent releases in the second half of FY1995 will
operate on personal computers.  The company is also working to more tightly
integrate BBN/Cornerstone and its RS/Series software products.  To date, sales
of BBN/Cornerstone have been financially insignificant. Software Products also
develops health industry applications software, including BBN/Clintrial[TM]
software used to support clinical trials.  In FY1994, BBN/ClinTRACE[TM], an
adverse events tracking system, was also introduced to serve this market.

        Cost of services and products as a percentage of revenue was 66% in
FY1994 compared to 64% in FY1993.  The increase in the cost of sales percentage
is principally due to a lower proportion of products revenue primarily as a
result of the sale of the Advanced Simulation business and to competitive price
pressures in the company's defense-related business.  Services revenue, which
typically contributes lower margins than products sales, represented 85% of
total revenue in FY1994 compared to 75% in FY1993.

        The majority of the company's internally funded research and development
spending is currently directed principally toward the LightStream ATM products,
the T/10 and BBN/Cornerstone.  Research and development expenses in FY1994 were
$22.5 million compared to $34.0 million in FY1993.  The reduction in FY1994
reflects lower spending for the T/10 program and BBN/Cornerstone as well as the
sale of the Advanced Simulation business in FY1993.  The company's continued
significant investment in research and development is dependent upon the timely
market acceptance of its new products.

        Selling, general and administrative expenses decreased $10.9 million in
FY1994 from FY1993 primarily as a result of lower selling expenses in the
defense communications systems business and at Software Products as well as the
cost reduction actions taken in FY1993.

        Interest income increased $.7 million in FY1994 from FY1993 primarily in
connection with a state tax refund.

        Other income decreased $2.2 million in FY1994 from FY1993 primarily
reflecting the $3.2 million gain in FY1993 resulting from the sale of the
company's Advanced Simulation business and $.9 million in FY1994 resulting from
lower than expected costs associated with a previously divested contract.

        As of June 30, 1994, the company's cash and temporary investments,
which consisted primarily of money market funds and short term U.S. government
securities, were $67.1 million, an increase of $10.3 million from June 30,
1993.  The increase is primarily attributable to the investment by UB Networks,
Inc. in LightStream and cash proceeds from the sale of stock options.

        As a result of the FY1993 downsizing, the company has unutilized space
which it is in the process of subleasing.

        In December 1992, the Board of Directors of the company voted to suspend
the semiannual dividend of three cents per share.  The company currently has no
plans to reinstate a dividend.

        In January 1994, George H. Conrades became president and chief executive
officer, succeeding Stephen R. Levy who remains as chairman of the board. 

                                         MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF
                                   FINANCIAL CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS

Mr. Conrades, 55, a former senior vice president of IBM who spent more
than thirty years with that company, also became a director. In January 1994,
LightStream named Jonathan C. Crane its president and chief executive officer
and in June 1994, John T. Kish joined Software Products as its president and
chief executive officer.  In July 1994, Frank E. Heart, 65, president of the
company's Systems and Technologies Division, retired after 28 years with the
company.  Searches are currently in process for a chief executive of both the
newly formed speech and Internet subsidiaries, and the company is also actively
recruiting for a number of marketing and sales positions throughout the

- - -------------------------

        The management's discussion and analysis which follows reflects the
company's organization in effect prior to FY1994.  During FY1993 and FY1992, the
company was organized in three divisions: BBN Systems and Technologies, which
includes internetworking services, collaborative and acoustic technologies, and
simulation systems; BBN Communications, which concentrates on defense
communications systems and X.25 network products, and also included the
company's ATM and T/10 activities; and BBN Software Products, which develops,
markets and supports data analysis software products designed primarily for
manufacturing, engineering and health industry applications.  Effective July 1,
1993, BBN Systems and Technologies assumed responsibility for all of the
company's X.25 network systems and defense communications businesses and
performs virtually all government contracts for the company.

        The company reported a loss of $32.3 million, or $2.05 per share, on
revenue of $233.5 million in FY1993 compared to net income of $7.8 million, or
$.46 per share, on revenue of $258.0 million in FY1992.  Results for FY1993
included a restructuring charge of $20.5 million, or $1.30 per share, in
connection with downsizing and staff reductions, and a gain of $3.2 million, or
$.20 per share, from the sale of the company's Advanced Simulation business. 
Results for FY1992 included an extraordinary gain of $3.6 million, or $.22 per
share, from the purchase and early retirement of $9.8 million (face value) of
the company's 6% convertible subordinated debentures.
        The company reported a loss from operations (excluding the $20.5 million
restructuring charge) of $11.9 million in FY1993 compared to income from
operations of $6.9 million in FY1992.  Operating results for FY1993 reflected
significant losses at the former BBN Communications Division, arising from the
high level of investment the company was expending for network products (the
T/10 Integrated Access Device and the ATM switch), compounded by significant
revenue declines in its defense communications systems business and lower demand
for its mature X.25 network systems and data analysis software products.

        Revenue decreased $24.5 million, or 10%, in FY1993 compared to FY1992. 
The decrease primarily reflected significantly reduced defense communications
systems revenue and to a lesser extent lower revenue from the company's mature
X.25 network systems and data analysis software products.  These declines were
partially offset by a revenue increase in the areas of advanced internetworking
and acoustic systems.

        Cost of services and products as a percentage of revenue was 64% in
FY1993 compared to 57% in FY1992.  The increase in the cost of sales percentage
primarily related to competitive price pressures in the company's
defense-related business, declines in the company's X.25 network systems and
data analysis software products businesses and inventory provisions.  The lower
cost of sales percentage for FY1992 also included a $2.9 million benefit
relating the company's finalization of pricing in FY1992 for the Mobile
Subscriber Equipment program which was substantially completed FY1993.

        Research and development expenses were $34.0 million in FY1993 compared
to $33.7 million in FY1992.  A significant portion of the company's internally 
funded  research and development spending in FY1993 was directed toward the 
LightStream 2010, T/10 Integrated Access Device, BBN/Cornerstone software, 
and the 


GT-200 Computer Image Generator in the Advanced Simulation business.

        Selling, general and administrative expenses decreased $7.6 million in
FY1993 compared to FY1992 which primarily reflected lower sales and marketing
expenses at Software Products, lower sales expenses in the Advanced Simulation
business and reduced administrative expenses caused mainly by reduction in

        Interest income decreased $1.0 million in FY1993 compared to FY1992
primarily attributable to a decline in short-term interest rates in FY1993.

        In the fourth quarter of FY1993, the company sold the fixed assets,
inventory and technology of its Advanced Simulation business to a subsidiary of
Loral Corporation for $6.0 million in cash.  In connection with the sale, the
buyer assumed the lease obligation for the company's facility in Bellevue,
Washington and leased from the company certain space occupied by the Advanced
Simulation business in Massachusetts.  More than 100 employees of the Advanced
Simulation business moved to the buyer.  The company retained accounts
receivable of approximately $7.2 million associated with the Advanced Simulation
business which have been collected.  In FY1993, approximately $25.3 million of
the company's revenue related to this business.  Results for the fourth quarter
of FY1993 included a gain of $3.2 million in connection with the sale.

        In FY1993, the company adopted Statement of Financial Accounting
Standards No. 109, "Accounting for Income Taxes" ("SFAS 109").  The adoption 
of SFAS 109 did not have a material impact on the company's consolidated 
financial position and results of operations.

        The company recorded a restructuring charge of $20.5 million in the
second quarter of FY1993 primarily associated with employee severance and
related facilities costs.  Approximately one-half of the second quarter
restructuring charge related to the estimated cost of unutilized space.  The
remainder of the restructuring charge reflected the company's downsizing and
cost reduction efforts at its former BBN Communications Division, the
consolidation of the company's defense business within the BBN Systems and
Technologies Division, and the elimination of substantially all of the company's
internal manufacturing capability.
        In FY1993, the company consolidated a number of senior management
positions including those of chief executive officer and chief operating
officer.  The company also made management changes at its former BBN
Communications Division and BBN Systems and Technologies Division, including
replacing the presidents of those divisions.


                                           CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS

                                                                     Year Ended June 30
Dollars in thousands, except per-share data                 1994           1993            1992
- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Services                                           $   165,759     $   175,917     $   181,088 
     Products                                                30,345          57,536          76,908 
                                                            196,104         233,453         257,996 
Costs and expenses:
    Cost of services                                        118,147         120,411         116,376 
    Cost of products                                         11,938          27,973          30,520 
    Research and development expenses                        22,451          34,048          33,732 
    Selling, general and administrative expenses             52,012          62,874          70,490 
    Restructuring charge                                                     20,470 
                                                            204,548         265,776         251,118 
Income (loss) from operations                                (8,444)        (32,323)          6,878 
Interest income                                               2,190           1,446           2,452 
Interest expense                                             (4,606)         (4,511)         (4,830)
Minority interest                                             2,071 
Other income (expense), net                                     965           3,124            (347)
Income (loss) before extraordinary item                      (7,824)        (32,264)          4,153 
Extraordinary item                                                                            3,648 
Net income (loss)                                       $    (7,824)    $   (32,264)    $     7,801 
Per-share amounts:
    Income (loss) before extraordinary item             $     (0.48)    $     (2.05)    $      0.24
    Extraordinary item                                                                         0.22
    Net income (loss)                                   $     (0.48)    $     (2.05)    $      0.46
- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shares used in per-share calculations                    16,179,000      15,705,000      16,504,000

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial



                                                                              June 30
Dollars in thousands                                                    1994              1993
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current assets:
     Cash and temporary investments                                   $ 67,115          $ 56,835 
     Accounts receivable, net                                           41,503            49,676 
     Inventories, net                                                    1,114             1,830 
     Other current assets                                                3,592             6,742 
         Total current assets                                          113,324           115,083 
Property, plant and equipment, net                                      19,658            20,861 
Other assets                                                             2,958             4,701 
         Total assets                                                 $135,940          $140,645 
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current liabilites:
    Accounts payable                                                  $  4,279          $  2,891 
    Accrued compensation and retirement plan contributions               5,198             3,600 
    Accrued restructuring charges                                       12,566            18,343 
    Accrued contract costs                                               1,414             3,392 
    Other accrued costs                                                 18,418            17,529 
    Deferred revenue                                                    11,112            11,338 
        Total current liabilities                                       52,987            57,093 
6% convertible subordinated debentures due 2012                         73,510            73,510 

Minority interest                                                        2,172 

Commitments and contingencies

Shareholders' equity:
     Common stock $1.00 par value, authorized:  100,000,000 shares;
        issued: 1994, 21,253,890 shares; 1993, 20,710,223 shares        21,254            20,710 
     Additional paid-in capital                                         55,916            52,093 
     Foreign currency translation adjustment                               337              (206)
     Retained deficit                                                  (36,127)          (28,303)
                                                                        41,380            44,294 
     Less shares in treasury, at cost:  1994, 4,797,734 shares;
        1993, 4,817,936 shares                                          34,109            34,252 
          Total shareholders' equity                                     7,271            10,042 
          Total liabilities and shareholders' equity                  $135,940          $140,645 
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial


                                                                CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY

                                               Common                 Foreign
                                                Stock     Additional  Currency  Retained                       Total
                                                $1.00       Paid-In Translation Earnings        Treasury     Shareholders'
Dollars in thousands, except per-share data    Par Value    Capital  Adjustment (Deficit)        Shares         Equity
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
June 30, 1991                                   $20,082     $50,052     $ 225   $ (2,898)       $(22,988)       $ 44,473 
Stock option and other activity, net                  3          30                                                   33
Stock issued under
     employee stock purchase plan                   330       1,072                                                1,402 
Purchase of treasury shares                                                                      (10,541)        (10,541)
Foreign currency translation adjustment                                  (339)                                      (339)
Net income                                                                         7,801                           7,801 
Cash dividends - $.06 per share                                                     (942)                           (942)
June 30, 1992                                    20,415      51,154      (114)     3,961         (33,529)         41,887 
Stock option and other activity, net                 12          97                                                  109
Stock issued under
     employee stock purchase plan                   283         842                                                1,125 
Purchase of treasury shares                                                                         (723)           (723)
Foreign currency translation adjustment                                   (92)                                       (92)
Net loss                                                                         (32,264)                        (32,264)
June 30, 1993                                    20,710      52,093      (206)   (28,303)        (34,252)         10,042 
Stock option and other activity, net                359       1,393                                                1,752 
Stock issued under
     employee stock purchase plan                   185       1,334                                                1,519 
Sale of subsidiary stock                                        990                                                  990
Treasury shares issued                                          106                                  143             249
Foreign currency translation adjustment                                   543                                        543
Net loss                                                                          (7,824)                         (7,824)
June 30, 1994                                   $21,254     $55,916     $ 337   $(36,127)       $(34,109)       $  7,271 
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial




                                                                                Year Ended June 30
Dollars in thousands                                                      1994        1993         1992
- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash flows from operating activites:
     Net income (loss)                                                  $(7,824)    $(32,264)     $ 7,801 
     Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash
       provided by operating activites:
            Depreciation and amortization                                 9,136       11,700       14,449 
            Amortization of purchased and capitalized software            1,419        1,418        1,515 
            Gain from sale of Advanced Simulation business                            (3,191)
            Extraordinary gain                                                                     (3,648)
            Provision for allowances for accounts receivable                405          703        1,796 
            Provision for inventories                                                  2,293           83
            Restructuring charge                                                      20,470 
            Change in assets and liabilites:
               Accounts receivable                                        7,768       16,502       (5,425)
               Inventories                                                  716          983         (501)
               Income taxes, net                                           (276)       1,454         (831)
               Accounts payable and other liablities                      2,209       (1,223)         268
               Restructuring expenditures                                (5,777)      (6,651)      (1,797)
               Deferred revenue                                            (226)        (638)      (3,992)
               Other                                                      1,300        2,003       (1,326)
               Total adjustments                                         16,674       45,823          591
                  Net cash provided by operating activites                8,850       13,559        8,392 
Cash flows from investing activites:
     Additions to property, plant and equipment                          (6,938)      (7,942)     (11,668)
     Proceeds from sale of Advanced Simulation business                                6,000 
                  Net cash used by investing activites                   (6,938)      (1,942)     (11,668)
Cash flows from financing activites:
     Reduction of equipment loan and capital leases                         (62)        (589)      (1,597)
     Purchase of 6% convertible subordinated debentures                                            (6,190)
     Proceeds from employee stock purchase and option plans               3,217        1,234        1,435 
     Proceeds from sale of subsidiary stock                               5,000 
     (Purchase)/sale of treasury shares                                     213         (723)     (10,541)
     Dividends paid                                                                     (473)        (995)
                  Net cash provided (used) by financing activites         8,368         (551)     (17,888)
Net increase (decrease) in cash and temporary investments                10,280       11,066      (21,164)
Cash and temporary investments at beginning of the year                  56,835       45,769       66,933 
Cash and temporary investments at end of year                           $67,115     $ 56,835     $ 45,769 
- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial

                                      NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

- - ------------------------------------------

        The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the
company and its majority- and wholly-owned subsidiaries.  All significant
intercompany transactions and balances have been eliminated. Certain amounts
reported in prior years have been reclassified to be consistent with the current
year's presentation.

        Revenue from cost-reimbursement contracts, principally consisting of
services, is recorded as costs are incurred and fees are earned. Revenue from
fixed-price contracts, relating to services and certain systems, is recognized
using the percentage-of-completion method of accounting in the proportion that
costs incurred bear to total estimated costs at completion. Losses, if any, are
provided for in the period in which the loss is determined.  Products revenue is
recognized at the time of shipment.

        At the time a subsidiary sells its stock to unrelated parties at a price
in excess of its book value, the company's net investment in that subsidiary
increases.  If at that time the subsidiary is an operating entity and not
engaged principally in research and development, the company records the
increase as a gain in its consolidated statements of operations.  Otherwise, the
company records the increase as an equity transaction which is reflected in the
consolidated statements of shareholders' equity as a gain on the sale of
subsidiary stock.

        For purposes of the consolidated statements of cash flows, cash includes
all cash and temporary investments, generally with original maturities of three
months or less, carried at original cost plus accrued interest, which
approximates market value.  At June 30, 1994 and 1993, temporary investments
consisted principally of money market funds (invested in U.S. government
securities and other highly rated financial instruments) and U.S. government

        Inventories are stated at the lower of cost (using the first-in,
first-out method) or market.

        Property, plant and equipment is stated at cost less accumulated
depreciation and amortization.  Depreciation is computed over the assets'
estimated useful lives using the straight-line method.  Leasehold improvements
are amortized over the shorter of the lease period or their estimated useful
lives using the straight-line method. Maintenance and repairs are charged to
expense as incurred; improvements are capitalized.  Beginning in fiscal year
1994, the company's policy is to remove the amounts related to fully-depreciated
assets from its accounting records.

        The company capitalizes purchased software technology and certain
internally developed computer software costs to be sold or otherwise marketed to
customers.  Costs incurred internally after establishing technological
feasibility and before general release of a computer software product are
amortized over 3 years.  Costs incurred for purchased software technology
are amortized over periods up to 7 years.

        The assets and liabilities of the company's foreign subsidiaries are
translated at year-end exchange rates, and the related statements of operations
are translated at average exchange rates for the year.  Translation gains and
losses are accumulated as a separate component of shareholders' equity.
Transaction gains and losses, which are immaterial, are included in "Other 
income (expense), net" in the consolidated statements of operations.

        A deferred tax asset or liability is determined based on both the
difference between the financial statement and tax basis of assets and
liabilities as measured by the enacted tax rates which will be in effect when
these differences reverse, and the future tax benefit to be derived from tax
loss and tax credit carryforwards.  A valuation allowance has been established
to reflect the likelihood of realization of deferred tax assets.

        Net income (loss) per share is calculated based on the weighted average
number of common and common equivalent shares outstanding.  Common equivalent
shares result from the assumed exercise of dilutive stock options.  The
company's 6% convertible subordinated debentures are not considered common stock
equivalents for per-share calculations.  Common equivalent shares were
anti-dilutive in fiscal years 1994 and 1993 and, therefore, were excluded from
the net loss per-share calculation.



Accounts Receivable
- - -------------------
Consolidated accounts receivable consisted of the following:

                                                              June 30
Dollars in thousands                                     1994         1993
- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
U.S. government:    Billed                              $14,579      $19,747 
                    Unbilled                             18,237       22,855 
                                                         32,816       42,602 
                    Contract allowances                  (7,964)      (8,499)
                                                         24,852       34,103 
Other customers:    Billed                               15,874       15,013 
                    Unbilled                              1,187          973
                                                         17,061       15,986 
                    Allowances for doubtful accounts       (410)        (413)
                                                         16,651       15,573 
                                                        $41,503      $49,676 
- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Unbilled amounts represent receivables for work performed for which billings
had not been presented to the customers or which were not yet contractually
billable. Unbilled receivables, except for retentions, are generally billed
and collected within one year. Retentions amounted to $3,662,000 and
$6,078,000 at June 30, 1994 and 1993, respectively.  A significant portion of
the retentions at June 30, 1994 is anticipated to be collected after fiscal
year 1995.

- - -----------
Consolidated inventories consisted of the following:

                                                              June 30
Dollars in thousands                                     1994         1993
- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Materials and purchased parts                           $   71       $  998                  
Work in progress                                                        832
Finished goods                                           1,043 
                                                        $1,114       $1,830 
- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

The company has entered into outsourcing arrangements for the manufacture of
certain of its internetworking products.  Under these agreements, in the event
the company discontinues the manufacture and shipment of any of these
products, the company would be liable for the cost of the related materials on
hand at the manufacturer. The cost of these materials at June 30, 1994 (which
is not reflected in the company's accounting records) was approximately

Property, Plant and Equipment
- - -----------------------------
Consolidated property, plant and equipment consisted of the following:

                                                         June 30
Dollars in thousands                              1994           1993
- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Land                                            $  3,983      $  3,983 
Buildings                                          1,947         2,051 
Computer equipment and machinery                  79,034       114,029 
Furniture and fixtures                             5,184        10,335 
Leasehold improvements                            14,056        20,066 
Construction in progress                                           214
                                                 104,204       150,678 
Less accumulated depreciation and amortization    84,546       129,817 
                                                $ 19,658      $ 20,861 
- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------

In fiscal year 1994, the company eliminated from its accounts a significant
portion of the cost and accumulated depreciation of property, plant and
equipment which is fully depreciated and no longer in use.


                                      NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

- - -----------------------------------
        The 6% convertible subordinated debentures due 2012 (the "debentures") 
may be converted into the company's common stock at a price of $30.00 per 
share any time prior to maturity. The company has reserved 2,823,000 shares 
of its authorized but unissued common stock to be available for the conversion 
of the debentures. The debentures are unsecured obligations of the company and 
are subordinated in right of payment to all of the company's senior 
indebtedness. Debt issuance costs are being amortized over the term of the 
debentures. The unamortized balance at June 30, 1994 of $1,152,000 is 
included in "Other assets" in the consolidated balance sheets. The fair 
market value of the debentures, which is based on quoted market prices, 
was $50,722,000 at June 30, 1994.

        Beginning April 1, 1998, the company is required to contribute to a
sinking fund with annual payments equal to 5% of the aggregate principal amount
issued. The sinking fund is calculated to retire 70% of the original debentures
prior to maturity. The debentures are redeemable at the company's option.
However, redemption of the debentures prior to April 1, 1998 requires payment of
a premium.  None of the debentures have been redeemed.

        In August 1990, the Board of Directors authorized the company to expend
from time to time in open market or negotiated transactions up to $15,000,000
for the purchase at a discount of its debentures.  Any debenture purchased may
be utilized to satisfy sinking fund requirements.  In fiscal year 1992,
$6,190,000 was expended under this authorization for the purchase and early
retirement of $9,845,000 (face value) of debentures resulting in an
extraordinary gain of $3,648,000. No income taxes were applied to the
extraordinary gain primarily due to the availability of net operating loss
carryforwards.  As of June 30, 1994, $7,027,000 has been expended to date under
this authorization for the purchase and early retirement of $11,190,000 (face
value) of debentures.  By utilizing the $11,190,000 of debentures purchased by
the company, contributions to satisfy the annual sinking fund requirements can
be deferred until April 1, 2000.

- - ------

Operating lease commitments for real estate at June 30, 1994 consisted of the

                                   Real Estate
Dollars in thousands               Commitments
- - ----------------------------------------------
Year ending June 30     1995         $14,314 
                        1996          12,322 
                        1997          12,141 
                        1998          11,522 
                        1999           5,837 
                      Remainder       28,337 
Total minimum lease payments         $84,473 
- - ----------------------------------------------

        The company leases a majority of its facilities under long-term
operating leases which generally provide for renewal options and options to
purchase the leased property.  Although in most cases such leases will be
renewed or replaced by other leases in the normal course of business,
consolidation of certain of the company's leased facilities has resulted in
diminished need for such renewals and replacements.  The company is actively
pursuing subletting certain of its leased facilities.

        Total rent expenditures, net of sublet income, under all operating
leases and rental agreements amounted to $16,980,000, $18,180,000 and
$18,560,000 in fiscal years 1994, 1993 and 1992, respectively.

- - ------------

        The Board of Directors authorized the purchase of up to an aggregate of
2,000,000 shares of the company's common stock under which approximately 60,000
additional shares may be purchased.  In fiscal years 1993 and 1992, the company
purchased 178,500 shares and 2,112,000 shares, respectively, for $723,000 and
$10,541,000, respectively.  The fiscal year 1992 purchase included 988,000
shares purchased under a separately authorized transaction at a small discount
from the market price at the time of the transaction. Approximately 4,920,000
shares costing approximately $35,400,000 have been purchased under the
repurchase program and the other separately authorized transactions.


        In December 1993, in connection with his hiring, an executive officer of
the company made an investment of $212,500 in the company by purchasing from the
company 20,202 restricted shares of the company's common stock at a 15% discount
from the closing market price on the date of the transaction. The restricted
shares were treasury shares and were not registered under the Securities Act of
1933 and may not be sold, assigned, pledged, or otherwise transferred before the
lesser of two years or the filing of an effective registration statement under
the Act.

        The company has a Common Stock Rights Plan (the "plan") to protect the
interests of the company's shareholders.  Under the plan, holders of each share
of the company's common stock have the right to purchase one additional share of
common stock at $90 per share, subject to adjustment, exercisable under certain
defined conditions.  In the event that the rights become exercisable due to an
acquisition of the company or under certain other conditions, holders of the
rights would be entitled to purchase common stock of the surviving company
having a value of two times the exercise price of the rights.  The holder of a
right is not entitled to vote or receive dividends until the right is 
exercised. The rights are redeemable by action of the Board of Directors at 
$.01 per right. The company is not currently aware of any activities which 
would cause the rights to become exercisable.

- - ----------------------

        Under the company's stock option plan, key employees may be granted
options enabling them to purchase shares of the company's common stock at a
price of not less than 50% of the fair market value of the common stock on the
date of grant.  All options granted in fiscal years 1994, 1993 and 1992 were at
fair market value on the dates of grant.  The plan provides that directors who
are not employees of the company receive a non-qualified option for 10,000
shares. The plan also provides for granting of other stock-based awards at the
discretion of the Board of Directors and for granting of incentive stock
options.  Options vest generally over four years and expire not more than ten
years from the dates of grant.  Options which are cancelled become available for
future grants.

The changes in stock options outstanding for the three years ended 
June 30, 1994 were as follows:

                                                                     Range of
                                                       Number      Option Prices
Shares in thousands                                   of Shares      Per Share
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Outstanding at June 30, 1991 (40 exercisable)           1,153     $4.13 - $20.75
  Granted                                                 604      5.00 -   5.75
  Exercised                                                (3)     5.00
  Cancelled                                               (77)     5.00 -  20.75
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Outstanding at June 30, 1992 (141 exercisable)          1,677      4.63 -   7.63
  Granted                                                 170      5.00
  Exercised                                               (12)     5.00
  Cancelled                                              (318)     5.00 -  14.25
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Outstanding at June 30, 1993 (446 exercisable)          1,517      4.63 -   7.63
  Granted                                               1,374      9.75 -  15.25
  Exercised                                              (376)     5.00 -   6.88
  Cancelled                                               (65)     5.00 -  12.63
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Outstanding at June 30, 1994 (635 exercisable)          2,450      4.63 -  15.25
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Options granted in fiscal year 1994 include 350,000 conditional options which
are subject to shareholder approval at the 1994 Annual Meeting.

At June 30, 1994 and 1993, 73,000 shares and 1,051,000 shares, respectively,
of authorized but  unissued common stock were reserved and available for
granting additional options.  The shares reserved at June 30, 1994 do not
include the 350,000 conditional options granted in fiscal year 1994.

        In fiscal year 1994, LightStream Corporation, the company's 80%-owned
subsidiary, adopted a stock option plan under which its employees may be granted
options enabling the purchase of up to 1,300,000 shares at the fair value of the
common stock on the date of grant.  Additionally, under a separate plan 300,000
shares of LightStream Corporation's common stock issued to BBN at the time
LightStream Corporation was formed are reserved for award to employees of BBN.
Options granted under both of these plans are only exercisable 90 days after the
closing of an initial public offering of LightStream Corporation's common 
stock. As of June 30, 1994, options to purchase 1,229,000 shares of LightStream
Corporation's common stock were outstanding.  As of June 30, 1994, LightStream
Corporation had 11,300,000 shares of authorized common stock of which 10,000,000
shares were outstanding.

        In fiscal year 1994, Software Products Corporation, the company's
wholly-owned subsidiary, adopted a stock 
                                     NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

option plan under which employees of the company and Software Products
Corporation may be granted options enabling the purchase of up to 1,000,000     
shares at the fair value of the common stock on the date of grant. Options
granted under this plan are only exercisable 90 days after the closing  of an
initial public offering of Software Products Corporation's common stock. As of
June 30, 1994, options to purchase 940,000 shares of Software Products
Corporation's common stock were outstanding.  As of June 30, 1994, Software
Products Corporation had 11,000,000 shares of authorized common stock of which
10,000,000 shares were outstanding.

        Under the company's 1983 Stock Purchase Plan, an aggregate of 3,600,000
shares of common stock were made available for purchase by employees who have
completed at least six months of continuous service in the employ of the
company, upon exercise of options granted semi-annually. The options are
exercisable six months after grant, at the lower of 85% of the fair market value
of the common stock at the beginning or the end of the six-month period, but in
no event for less than the company's net book value per share as of the end of
the quarter next preceding the exercise, through accumulation of payroll
deductions ranging from 2% to 10% of each participating employee's compensation,
as defined, but in no event more than $3,000 or 400 shares during any six-month
option period prior to June 30, 1994.  Effective July 1, 1994, the maximum
number of shares a participant may acquire in any six-month option period is
1,000 through the accumulation of payroll deductions which may not exceed
        Options were exercised to purchase 185,000, 283,000 and 330,000 shares
for a total of $1,519,000, $1,125,000 and $1,402,000 in fiscal years 1994, 1993
and 1992, respectively.  At June 30, 1994, 687,000 shares of authorized but
unissued common stock were reserved for future issuance under this plan.

        The company has a defined contribution retirement plan covering
substantially all of its domestic employees.  The company's contribution to the
plan is discretionary and is based on a percentage of employees' eligible
compensation, as defined.  Employees may also contribute to the plan.  The
company's total costs pursuant its retirement plan were $5,517,000, $6,515,000
and $6,535,000 in fiscal years 1994, 1993 and 1992, respectively. Effective July
1, 1994, the company adopted an amendment to its retirement plan which has been
qualified under Section 401(k) of the Internal Revenue Code. Eligible employees
are permitted to contribute to the plan through payroll deductions within the
statutory limitations and subject to any limitations included in the plan.  The
plan provides for matching contributions by the company up to a maximum of $500
per employee annually.

        The company maintains incentive compensation plans for key employees,
including its executive management.  Awards under these plans are paid in
recognition of individual contribution to divisional or corporate performance as
determined by management or the Compensation and Stock Option Committee of the
Board of Directors.  Total costs pursuant to the company's incentive
compensation plans were $1,820,000, $510,000 and $460,000 in fiscal years 1994,
1993 and 1992, respectively.

- - ------------------------------
        The company performs research and development under contracts
principally with the U.S. government. Costs incurred under these contracts are
charged to "Cost of services" in the consolidated statements of operations as 
the related services revenue is recorded. Costs classified as "Research and
development expenses" in the consolidated statements of operations are costs
incurred under internally initiated programs, including independent research and
development as defined by government procurement regulations.

- - -----------------------------
        The company, like other companies doing business with the U.S.
government, is subject to routine audit, and in certain circumstances to
inquiry, review, or investigation, by U.S. government agencies, of its
compliance with government procurement policies and practices.  In April 1991,
the company was informed that it was the subject of an investigation by U.S.
government agencies of its compliance with certain government procurement
policies and practices.  No allegations have been made by the government
agencies.  Based upon government procurement regulations, under certain
circumstances a contractor violating or not complying with procurement
regulations can be subject to legal or administative proceedings, including
fines and penalties, as well as be suspended or debarred from contracting with
the government.  The company's policy has been and continues to be to conduct
its activities in compliance with all applicable rules and regulations.
        The company is subject to other legal proceedings and claims which arise
in the ordinary course of its business.  In the opinion of management, the
results of these other legal proceedings and claims will not have a material
effect on the company's consolidated financial position and results of




- - ------------
        In fiscal year 1993, the company adopted Statement of Financial
Accounting Standards No. 109, "Accounting for Income Taxes" ("SFAS 109"). As
permitted under the new statement, prior years' financial statements were not
restated. The cumulative effect of adopting SFAS 109 is not material.

                                                                               Year Ended June 30
Dollars in thousands                                                     1994         1993       1992
- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The components of domestic and foreign income (loss) 
  before income taxes were as follows:
Domestic                                                                $ (7,870)    $(31,014)  $ 4,526 
Foreign                                                                       46       (1,250)     (373)
Income (loss) before income taxes                                       $ (7,824)    $(32,264)  $ 4,153 
- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The provision (benefit) for income taxes consisted of the following:
Currently payable:
     Federal                                                            $            $          $
     State                                                                    50           78        63
     Foreign                                                                 105                     19
                                                                             155           78        82
     Federal                                                                (155)         (78)      (82)
Provision (benefit) for income taxes                                    $            $          $
- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The deferred provision (benefit) for income taxes consisted 
  of the following:
Net temporary differences without tax (provision) benefit               $ (2,169)    $  6,051   $(2,158)
Revenue not contractually billlable                                         (618)        (960)     (693)
Excess of book over tax depreciation and amortization                       (284)        (127)    1,185 
Provisions not currently deductible                                        3,109       (4,928)    1,696 
Other, net                                                                  (193)        (114)     (112)
Deferred provision (benefit) for income taxes                           $   (155)    $    (78)  $   (82)
- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The provision (benefit) for income taxes differs from the amount 
  computed using the statutory rate as follows:
Tax provision at the federal statutory rate                             $ (2,660)    $(10,970)  $ 1,412 
Net temporary differences without tax (provision) benefit                 (2,169)       6,051    (2,158)
Research and investment tax credits                                         (704)      (1,068)     (874)
Minority interest                                                           (704)
Domestic losses without current tax benefit                                6,098        6,016     1,600 
State taxes, net                                                              33           51        42
Other, net                                                                   106          (80)      (22)
                                                                        $            $          $
- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
No deferred taxes have been recognized in the consolidated balance 
  sheets at June 30, 1994 and 1993. The components were as follows:
Accruals and reserves not deducted for tax purposes                     $ 14,197     $ 16,389 
Net operating loss carryforwards                                          12,152        6,070 
Tax credit carryforwards                                                   7,346        6,185 
Depreciation and amortization                                              3,690        3,193 
Deferred revenue                                                          (3,586)      (4,204)
Other, net                                                                   622          523
                                                                        $ 34,421     $ 28,156 
Valuation allowance                                                      (34,421)     (28,156)
                                                                        $            $
- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The net operating losses and general business tax credits expire in fiscal
years 1997 through 2009. A portion of the net operating loss carryforward is
related to a fiscal year 1987 acquisition and is subject to certain


- - ----------------------------------
Cash paid and received for income taxes and interest was as follows:

                                         Year Ended June 30
Dollars in thousands                 1994       1993       1992
- - ----------------------------------------------------------------
Cash paid for:
     Income taxes                    $  215    $  246     $  452
     Interest                         4,438     4,453      4,914
Cash received for:
     Income tax refunds                 309     3,091        461

Income tax refunds received in fiscal year 1993 included $805,000 of    

- - --------------------

        Operating results for fiscal year 1993 included a restructuring charge
of $20,470,000 primarily associated with employee severance and related
facilities costs, reflecting a reduction of employment of approximately 300
employees in fiscal year 1993.

- - ------------

        Other income in fiscal year 1994 includes approximately $900,000
resulting from lower than expected costs associated with a previously divested
        In the fourth quarter of fiscal year 1993, the company sold the fixed
assets, inventory and technology of its Advanced Simulation business for
$6,000,000 in cash.  Results for the  fourth quarter of fiscal year 1993
included a gain of $3,191,000 in connection with the sale.

- - -----------------------------

        The company may enter into foreign exchange contracts to hedge certain
of its exposures to foreign currency fluctuations.  Gains or losses resulting
from these contracts are offset against the effects of the foreign currency
translation.  At June 30, 1994 and 1993, the company had foreign exchange
contracts with maturities of three months or less to sell $750,000 and
$1,940,000, respectively, of foreign currencies.

- - ------------------------------------

        In October 1993, the company and UB Networks, Inc. (formerly
Ungermann-Bass Inc.) combined technology, staff and other resources to form
LightStream Corporation, an ATM networking company, which is approximately 80%
owned by the company and a 20% minority interest owned by UB Networks, Inc.  The
company and UB Networks, Inc. contributed $15,000,000 and $5,000,000 in cash,
respectively, to fund the enterprise and each signed non-exclusive Original
Equipment Manufacturer agreements with LightStream Corporation under which both
the company and UB Networks, Inc. will distribute LightStream Corporation's
products.  The company recorded an increase of approximately $990,000 in both
its investment in LightStream Corporation and in its additional paid-in capital.



- - -------------------

        For fiscal year 1994, in order to provide a better understanding of the
company's performance, the company has revised its business segments:
"Internetworking" which consists of the networking activities of its Systems and
Technologies Division, including network services, defense communications, X.25
network systems and the T/10 Integrated Access Device business activities;
internet services; and the activities of its LightStream subsidiary; "Data
analysis software" which consists primarily of its Software Products subsidiary;
and "Collaborative systems and acoustic technologies" which includes the Systems
and Technologies Division's services in distributed computing, education
technology, speech processing (including HARK systems) and sensor systems and
acoustic engineering.  In fiscal years 1993 and 1992 the Collaborative systems
and acoustic technologies segment included the results of the company's former
simulation business.  The following is a summary of business segments
information for the fiscal years ended June 30, 1994, 1993 and 1992,
respectively.  Information for fiscal years 1993 and 1992 has been restated to
reflect the change in business segments. All data are shown net of intersegment

                                                                  Year Ended June 30
Dollars in thousands                                     1994            1993            1992
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Internetworking                                       $ 76,344        $ 91,936        $111,667 
  Data analysis software                                  35,760          38,151          43,438 
  Collaborative systems and acoustic technologies         84,000         103,366         102,891 
                                                        $196,104        $233,453        $257,996 
Income (loss) from operations:
  Internetworking                                       $(11,276)       $(32,411)       $  1,823 
  Data analysis software                                     309          (5,347)         (1,244)
  Collaborative systems and acoustic technologies          3,523           5,435           6,299 
  Unallocated corporate costs                             (1,000)
                                                        $ (8,444)       $(32,323)       $  6,878 
U.S. government sales:
  Internetworking                                       $ 48,884        $ 66,175        $ 80,633 
  Data analysis software                                   1,377           1,607           1,830 
  Collaborative systems and acoustic technologies         80,303          76,655          78,684 
                                                        $130,564        $144,437        $161,147 
Depreciation and amortization:
  Internetworking                                       $  4,835        $  5,862        $  7,558 
  Data analysis software                                   3,282           3,870           4,173 
  Collaborative systems and acoustic technologies          2,438           3,386           4,233 
                                                        $ 10,555        $ 13,118        $ 15,964 
Identifiable assets:
  Internetworking                                       $ 38,076        $ 34,865        $ 42,772 
  Data analysis software                                  15,954          16,602          21,951 
  Collaborative systems and acoustic technologies         23,085          28,913          46,930 
  Corporate                                               58,825          60,265          50,966 
                                                        $135,940        $140,645        $162,619 
Capital expenditures:
  Internetworking                                       $  3,677        $  3,315        $  4,306 
  Data analysis software                                   1,351           2,069           2,207 
  Collaborative systems and acoustic technologies          1,598           2,369           4,778 
  Corporate                                                  312             189             377
                                                        $  6,938        $  7,942        $ 11,668 

        Revenue includes U.S. export sales primarily to Western Europe and Japan
of $27,300,000, $51,100,000 and $52,800,000 in fiscal years 1994, 1993 and 1992,



                                              REPORT OF INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS

To the Shareholders and Board of Directors
Bolt Beranek and Newman Inc.
Cambridge, Massachusetts:

        We have audited the consolidated balance sheets of Bolt Beranek and
Newman Inc., at June 30, 1994 and 1993, and the related consolidated statements
of operations, shareholders' equity, and cash flows for each of the three years
in the period ended June 30, 1994. These financial statements are the
responsibility of the company's management. Our responsibility is to express an
opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.

        We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes
assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by
management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

        In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present
fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated financial position of Bolt
Beranek and Newman Inc., at June 30, 1994 and 1993, and the consolidated results
of its operations and its cash flows for each of the three years in the period
ended June 30, 1994, in conformity with generally accepted accounting


Boston, Massachusetts
August 11, 1994



Quarterly financial data for the years ended June 30, 1994 and 1993 was as follows:

                                                                    Three Months Ended         Year Ended
1994                                          Sept. 30        Dec. 31   March 31     June 30    June 30,   
Dollars in thousands, except per-share data     1993           1993       1994        1994        1994
- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Services                                   $42,795       $40,448    $40,847     $41,669    $165,759 
     Products                                     7,135         7,959      7,678       7,573      30,345 
                                                $49,930       $48,407    $48,525     $49,242    $196,104 
Gross margin                                    $16,083       $16,450    $15,634     $17,852    $ 66,019 
Loss from operations                             (1,524)       (2,528)    (2,356)     (2,036)     (8,444)
Net loss                                         (1,947)       (1,666)    (2,259)     (1,952)     (7,824)
Net loss per share                                 (.12)         (.10)      (.14)       (.12)       (.48)
Sales price of common stock:            High     14 3/4        13 7/8     21 1/2      16 5/8
                                        Low       7 3/8         8 3/8     11 3/4      10 1/8
- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                    Three Months Ended         Year Ended
1993                                            Sept. 30      Dec. 31  March 31     June 30      June 30, 
Dollars in thousands, except per-share data       1992         1992      1993         1993        1993
- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Services                                   $46,769       $42,031    $42,234     $44,883    $175,917 
     Products                                    17,750        17,722     12,579       9,485      57,536 
                                                $64,519       $59,753    $54,813     $54,368    $233,453 
Gross margin                                    $25,706       $22,383    $18,588     $18,392    $ 85,069 
Income (loss) from operations                       829       (24,342)    (5,704)     (3,106)    (32,323)
Net income (loss)                                   128       (25,135)    (6,640)       (617)    (32,264)
Net income (loss) per share                         .01         (1.61)      (.42)       (.04)      (2.05)
Sales price of common stock:            High      4 3/4         5 5/8      6 1/4       8 1/2
                                         Low      3 3/4         3 5/8      4 1/4       4 1/4
- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

During the second quarter of fiscal year 1993, the Company recorded a
restructuring charge of $20.5 million, or $1.30 per share (see accompanying
notes to consolidated financial statements).