EXHIBIT 10(c)(i)

                            FOURTH AMENDMENT TO THE
                             UST CORP. PENSION PLAN

WHEREAS, The UST Corp. Pension Plan (the "Plan") was amended and restated
effective January 1, 1989; and

WHEREAS, Section 17.1 of the Plan gives UST Corp. the authority to amend the
Plan; and

WHEREAS, the Employer desires to amend the Plan in a manner which will expand
eligibility for early retirement effective January 1, 1995; and

WHEREAS, it is necessary to amend the Plan to comply with the Tax Reform Act of
1986 and other applicable laws; and

WHEREAS, the Sponsoring Employer intends that the Plan and Trust shall continue
to be recognized as a qualified pension plan under Sections 401(a) and 501(a)
of the Code;

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, the Plan is hereby amended
effective as of January 1, 1989, unless otherwise specified herein as follows:

         1.    Section 1.9 shall be amended effective January 1, 1994 by
               replacing the first sentence of the third paragraph with the

               "In no event shall a Participant's Compensation taken into
               account under the Plan for any Plan Year commencing on or after
               January 1, 1989 exceed $200,000 ($150,000 for Plan Years
               beginning after December 31, 1993) or such other amount as the
               Secretary of the Treasury may determine for such Plan Year under
               Section 401(a)(17) of the Code.  Any change to the amount set
               forth in the preceding sentence as may be determined by the
               Secretary of the Treasury shall apply only to Compensation taken
               into account for the Plan Year in which such change is

         2.    Section 4.1 shall be amended effective January 1, 1994 by adding
               the following paragraph to the end thereof:

               "In the case of a Participant whose Compensation for a Plan Year
               prior to January 1, 1994 exceeded $150,000, such Participant's
               Accrued Benefit shall not be less than the Accrued Benefit
               determined as of December 31, 1993."

         3.    Section 5.4(b) shall be amended by adding the following
               parenthetical phrase "(or April 1, 1990, if later)" immediately
               after the phrase "attains age 70 1/2," which appears in the
               first paragraph.
         4.    Section 6.1 shall be amended effective January 1, 1995 by
               replacing "ten or more years" with "five or more years."

         5.    Section 8.3 shall be amended effective January 1, 1995 by
               deleting the phrase "who has completed ten or more years of
               Vesting Service."

         6.    Section 9.2 shall be amended effective January 1, 1995 by
               replacing the phrase "If the Participant had completed ten or
               more years of Vesting Service, the" with "The."

         7.    Section 10.4(f) shall be amended in its entirety to read as

               "(f)   Restriction on Payment Options.  An election of an
                      optional form of payment under Section 10.3 shall not be
                      effective unless the benefit payable under the form of
                      payment elected satisfies the requirements of Proposed
                      Income Tax Regulation 1.401(a)(9)-2 or other applicable

         8.    Section 10.5(a) shall be amended by replacing:

               "(iii) The rights of the Participant's Spouse; and

               (iv)   The right to revoke and the effect of revocation of the 
                      Participant's election."


               "(iii) The rights of the Participant's Spouse;

               (iv)   The right to revoke and the effect of revocation of the
                      Participant's election;

               (v)    The eligibility conditions and material features of the
                      optional forms of payment available under the Plan;

               (vi)   The relative values of the optional forms of payment
                      available under the Plan; and

               (vii)  Such other information as may be required under
                      applicable regulations.

               The notice described above is not required if the Actuarial
               Equivalent value of the Participant's nonforfeitable Accrued
               Benefit is less than or equal to $3,500 on the date the
               Participant's benefit commences.

               If the Actuarial Equivalent value of the Participant's vested
               Accrued Benefit does

               not exceed $3,500 on the date the Participant's benefit 
               commences, the notice furnished by the Benefits Committee shall 
               include an explanation of:  (1) the rules under which a 
               distribution may be made in a direct rollover to an eligible 
               retirement plan; (2) the tax withholding rules for direct 
               rollovers and for the 60-day rollover option; and (3) the 
               requirements for favorable tax treatment in accordance with 
               applicable law."

         9.    Section 10.9 shall be amended by adding the following paragraph
               to the end thereof:

               "Notwithstanding any provision of the Plan to the contrary, all
               distributions under the Plan shall comply with the requirements
               of Section 401(a)(9) of the Code."

        10.    A new Section 10.12 shall be added effective January 1, 1993 to
               read as follows:

               "This Section 10.12 shall apply only to distributions made
               pursuant to Section 10.6.

               Notwithstanding any provision of the Plan to the contrary, if
               any distribution to a Participant, surviving Spouse or Alternate
               Payee (i) is made on or after January 1, 1993, (ii) totals $200
               or more, and (iii) constitutes an "eligible rollover
               distribution" (within the meaning of Section 402(c)(4) of the
               Code), the individual may elect on a form provided by the
               Benefits Committee to have all or part of such eligible rollover
               distribution paid in a direct rollover to an "eligible
               retirement Plan" selected by the individual.  For this purpose,
               an "eligible retirement Plan" means:

               (a)    an individual retirement account described in Section
                      408(a) of the Code;

               (b)    an individual retirement annuity (other than an endowment
                      contract) described in Section 408(b) of the Code;

               (c)    with respect to Participants and Alternate Payees only, a
                      qualified defined contribution plan and exempt trust
                      described in Sections 401(a) and 501(a) of the Code
                      respectively, the terms of which permit the acceptance of
                      rollover contributions; or

               (d)    with respect to Participants and Alternate Payees only,
                      an annuity plan described in Section 403(a) of the Code.

               If an election is made to have only a part of an eligible
               rollover distribution paid in a direct rollover, the amount of
               the direct rollover must total $500 or more.

               If the Participant, Participant's surviving Spouse or Alternate
               Payee does not make

               a timely election whether or not to directly roll over the
               distribution, such distribution shall be made directly to the
               applicable individual.

               Direct rollovers shall be accomplished in accordance with
               procedures established by the Benefits Committee."

        11.    Section 12.1(b) shall be amended effective January 1, 1987 by
               replacing the second sentence with the following:

               "The adjustment required pursuant to the preceding sentence for
               any year shall be the cost of living adjustment that is
               effective as of the January 1 that occurs in such year.  No such
               adjustment shall be taken into account before the year for which
               such adjustment first takes effect."

        12.    Section 12.1(f) shall be amended effective January 1, 1987 by
               deleting the last sentence which reads as follows:

               "This paragraph shall be applied separately with respect to each
               change in benefit structure as defined by Section 415(b)(5)(D)
               of the Code and regulations."

        13.    Section 12.2 shall be amended effective January 1, 1987 by
               adding the following paragraph to the end thereof:

               "If the sum of a Participant's defined benefit plan fraction and
               defined contribution plan fraction determined as of December 31,
               1986 would have exceeded 1.0 had the provisions of this Article
               12 as in effect after December 31, 1986 been used to compute
               such sum, an amount shall be subtracted from the numerator of
               the defined contribution plan fraction (not exceeding such
               numerator) so that the sum of the defined contribution plan
               fraction and defined benefit plan fraction as of the first day
               of the Limitation Year beginning in 1987 does not exceed 1.0.
               Such amount shall be equal to the product of:

               (i)    the sum of the defined contribution plan fraction plus
                      the defined benefit plan fraction as of the determination
                      date minus one, times

               (ii)   the denominator of the defined contribution plan fraction
                      as of the determination date."

        14.    Section 12.4 shall be amended effective January 1, 1994 by
               replacing paragraphs (b) through (e) with the following:

               "(b)   For purposes of this Section 12.4, the following terms
               shall have the

                      indicated meaning:

                      (i)     "Benefits" means the sum of the Participant's
                              Accrued Benefit and all other benefits to which
                              he is entitled under the Plan, but excluding any
                              death benefit provided for by insurance on the
                              Participant's life.

                      (ii)    "Restricted Participant" means, with respect to a
                              Plan Year, a highly compensated employee who is a
                              Participant and who, if there are more than 25
                              highly compensated employees, is one of the 25
                              highly compensated employees with the highest
                              Total Annual Pay.  An individual who is a
                              Restricted Participant in a Plan Year shall be a
                              Restricted Participant in a subsequent Plan Year
                              only if he satisfies the conditions of the
                              previous sentence in that subsequent Plan Year.
                              If more than one individual has the same Total
                              Annual Pay, the younger individual shall be
                              deemed to have the higher Total Annual Pay.

                      (iii)   "Total Annual Pay" means, with respect to any
                              Plan Year, (A) in the case of a highly
                              compensated employee who is not currently
                              employed by an Employer or an Affiliated
                              Employer, the greater of his compensation (as
                              defined under Section 415 of the Code for the
                              Plan Year he ceased to be employed by an Employer
                              or Affiliated Employer or his earnings for the
                              Plan Year immediately preceding that Plan Year
                              and (B) in the case of a highly compensated
                              employee who is currently employed by an Employer
                              or Affiliated Employer, the greater of his
                              earnings for the Plan Year in question or for the
                              prior Plan Year.

               (c)    Subject to paragraph (d) below, a Restricted Participant
                      may not receive his benefits under this Plan in the form
                      of a single sum payment, or other benefit form under
                      which payments during a single year would exceed the
                      annual payments that would be made on behalf of the
                      Participant under a single life annuity that is the
                      Actuarial Equivalent of his Benefits.

               (d)    The limitation of paragraph (c) above shall not apply to:

                      (i)     payment of benefits attributable to transferred
                              balances from defined contribution plans or to
                              employee contributions,

                      (ii)    any payment, if the value of Plan assets after
                              such payment equals or exceeds 110 percent of the
                              value of the Plan's "current liabilities" (within
                              the meaning of Section 412(1)(7) of the Code),

                      (iii)   any payment, if the value of the Restricted
                              Participant's Benefits is less than one percent
                              of the value of such "current liabilities," or

                      (iv)    any payment, if the value of the Restricted
                              Participant's Benefits does not exceed $3,500.

               (e)    In the event that Congress provides by statute, or the
                      Internal Revenue Service provides by regulation or
                      ruling, that the limitations set forth in this Section
                      12.4 are not necessary for the Plan to meet the
                      requirements of Section 401(a) or other applicable
                      provisions of the Code then in effect, such limitations
                      shall become void and shall no longer apply without the
                      necessity of further amendment to the Plan."

        15.    A new Section 12.5 shall be added to read as follows:


                      Notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan to the
                      contrary, in calculating the Accrued Benefit (including
                      the right to any optional benefit provided under the
                      Plan) of any Participant, such Participant shall accrue
                      no additional benefit under the Plan on or after the
                      Effective Date to the extent that such additional benefit
                      accrual exceeds the benefit which would otherwise accrue
                      in accordance with the terms of the Plan as amended to
                      comply with the qualification requirements described in
                      IRS Regulations Section 1.401(b)-1(b)(2)(ii)."

         16.   Section 13.4 shall be amended by adding the phrase "and
               discretion" immediately following "The Benefits Committee shall
               have such power."

         17.   Section 14.5 shall be amended by adding the following paragraph
               to the end thereof:

               "The Plan Administrator or the Sponsoring Employer may direct
               the Trustee to pay from the Trust Fund any or all expenses of
               administering the Plan, to the extent such expenses are
               reasonable.  The Plan Administrator or the Sponsoring Employer
               will determine what constitutes a reasonable expense of
               administering the Plan, and whether such expenses shall be paid
               from the Trust Fund.  Any such expenses not paid out of the
               Trust Fund shall be paid by the Sponsoring Employer; provided,
               however, that to the extent permitted by ERISA, the Plan
               Administrator or the Sponsoring Employer may direct the Trustee
               to reimburse the Sponsoring Employer out of the Trust Fund for a
               reasonable expense of administering the Plan which is paid by
               the Sponsoring Employer prior to a determination with respect to


         18.   A new Section 16.5 shall be added to read as follows:


                    Nothing herein shall prohibit return to an Employer, within
                    one year after payment, of excess sums contributed to the
                    Trust Fund as a result of a mistake of fact.

                    Each Employer contribution is hereby conditioned on the
                    current deductibility of the contribution under Section 404
                    of the Code, and to the extent such contribution deduction
                    is disallowed, the contribution shall be returned to the
                    Employer within one year after the date of disallowance."

         19.   A new Section 16.6 shall be added to read as follows:


                    All benefits payable under this Plan shall be paid or
                    provided for solely from the Trust Fund, and neither any
                    Employer nor its shareholder, directors, employees, or any
                    member of the Benefits Committee shall have any liability
                    or responsibility therefor.  Except as otherwise provided
                    by law, no Employer assumes any obligations under this Plan
                    except those specifically stated in the Plan."

         20.   Section 17.1 is amended in its entirety to read as follows:

               "17.1  AMENDMENT

                      (a)    The Sponsoring Employer, by written action of its
                             Board (or, to the extent permitted by resolution
                             of such Board, by action of the Benefits Committee
                             or a duly authorized officer of the Sponsoring
                             Employer), shall have the right at any time and
                             from time to time to amend, in whole or in part,
                             any or all of the provisions of this Plan.  No
                             such amendment shall, however:

                               (i)   Authorize or permit any part of the Trust
                                     Fund (other than such part as is required
                                     to pay taxes and administrative expenses)
                                     to be used for or diverted to purposes
                                     other than for the exclusive benefit of
                                     the Participants or their Beneficiaries or
                                     estates prior to the satisfaction of all
                                     liabilities with respect to the

                                     Participants or their Beneficiaries or 

                              (ii)   Cause any reduction in the Accrued Benefit
                                     of any Participant, or the elimination of
                                     any optional forms of benefit payment or
                                     retirement type subsidies (as defined in
                                     applicable regulations) except as
                                     permitted by law;

                             (iii)   Cause or permit any portion of the Trust
                                     Fund to revert to or become the property
                                     of the Employer except to the extent
                                     provided under Sections 17.2 and 16.5; or

                              (iv)   Amend the Plan or Trust in such manner as
                                     would increase the duties or liabilities
                                     of the Trustee or affect his fee for
                                     services hereunder, unless the Trustee
                                     consents thereto in writing;

                             unless such modification or amendment is necessary
                             or appropriate to enable the Plan or Trust Fund to
                             qualify under Section 401(a) of the Code, or to
                             retain for the Plan or Trust Fund its qualified

                      (b)    If any Plan amendment changes the vesting schedule
                             set forth in Section 8.1, each Participant who has
                             completed at least three years of Vesting Service
                             on the effective date of the change in vesting
                             schedule shall have his vesting percentage
                             computed in accordance with the vesting schedule
                             which produces the highest vested benefit.

                      (c)    All provisions of this Plan, and all benefits and
                             rights granted hereunder, are subject to any
                             amendments, modifications or alterations which are
                             necessary from time to time to qualify this Plan
                             under Section 401(a) of the Code, to continue the
                             Plan as so qualified or to comply with any other
                             provision of law. Accordingly, notwithstanding any
                             other provision of this Plan, the Sponsoring
                             Employer may amend, modify, or alter this Plan
                             with retroactive effect in any respect or manner
                             necessary to qualify this Plan under Section
                             401(a) of the Code, or to continue this Plan as so
                             qualified or to comply with any other provision of
                             applicable law.

                      (d)    If the effect of any amendment is to increase the
                             current liability (as defined in Section
                             401(a)(29)(E) of the Code) under the Plan for a
                             Plan Year, and the funded current liability
                             percentage of the Plan for the Plan Year in which
                             the amendment would otherwise take effect is less
                             than sixty percent (60%), including the amount of
                             the unfunded current liability under the Plan
                             attributable to the amendment, the amendment

                         shall not take effect until the Employer or Sponsoring
                         Employer (or any Affiliated Employer) provides 
                         security to the Plan.  The form and amount of the 
                         security shall satisfy the requirements of Section
                         401(a)(29)(B) and (C) of the Code.  The security may 
                         be released provided the requirements of Section 
                         401(a)(29)(D) of the Code are satisfied."
         21.   Section 17.2 is hereby amended by inserting the phrase ", by
               written resolution of the Board," immediately following the
               phrase "In the event."

         22.   Section 17.5 is hereby amended by inserting the phrase ", by
               written resolution of the Board," immediately following the
               phrase "In the event."

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, UST Corp. has caused this Amendment to be executed by its
duly authorized officer and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto this 20th
day of December, 1994.

                                        UST Corp.

                                        By:   /s/ Neal F. Finnegan
