* Confidential Treatment Requested

                                                                   EXHIBIT 10.28

     Agreement dated as of August 31, 1995 by and between

     ASTRA HASSLE AB, Karragatan 5, S-431 83 Molndal, Sweden (hereinafter
     referred to as "ASTRA")


     GENOME THERAPEUTICS CORPORATION, 100 Beaver Street, Waltham, MA 02154 USA
     (hereinafter referred to as "GTC").

     1.           BACKGROUND

     1.1          ASTRA is the inventor of, and possesses, patents and other
                  rights referable to a pharmaceutical speciality with the non
                  proprietary name OMEPRAZOLE for the treatment of acid related
                  diseases, such as ulcer. Observations have been made that
                  there is a connection between ulcer disease and Helicobacter
                  Spp. ASTRA is engaged in research seeking development of
                  eradication therapies for Helicobacter spp and is in
                  possession of certain genomic sequence information related to
                  Helicobacter SPP.

     1.2          GTC is involved in Helicobacter spp research, and has
                  developed a Helicobacter Data Base and GTC Helicobacter
                  Technology (as those terms are defined below).

     1.3          ASTRA and GTC desire to enter into a collaboration based on
                  the Helicobacter Data Base of GTC and on GTC Helicobacter
                  Technology to develop a pharmaceutical product and/or Vaccine
                  and/or diagnostic product effective against gastrointestinal
                  infection or any other disease caused by Helicobacter spp. For
                  the purpose of this collaboration ASTRA and GTC have jointly
                  agreed upon a research plan, attached hereto as Exhibit 1.

     2.           DEFINITIONS

     2.1          The terms "ASTRA" and "GTC" as used in this Agreement shall
                  include any corporation or other entity worldwide directly or
                  indirectly controlled by, controlling, or under common control
                  with, ASTRA and GTC, respectively, and for such purpose
                  control shall mean the direct or indirect ownership of at
                  least fifty percent (50%) of the voting interest in such
                  corporation or other entity or the power to direct the
                  management of such corporation or other entity.
* Confidential Treatment Requested

     2.2          The term "CPI" as used in this Agreement shall mean the
                  Consumer Price Index for all Urban Consumers (1982-1984=100)
                  issued by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States
                  Department of Labor or its successor index.

     2.3          The term "Effective Date" as used in this Agreement shall mean
                  the date first above written.

     2.4          The term "GTC Helicobacter Technology" as used in this
                  Agreement shall have the meaning set forth in Article 5.

     2.5          The term "Helicobacter Data Base" as used in this Agreement
                  shall mean GTC's Helicobacter Spp DNA sequence data base and
                  any and all electronic and hard copy data related thereto.

     2.6          The terms "Pharmaceutical Product", "Vaccine Product" and
                  "Diagnostic Product", as used in this Agreement shall have the
                  meanings set forth in Article 4.5.

     2.7          The term "Product" as used in this Agreement shall mean
                  collectively Pharmaceutical Product, Vaccine Product and
                  Diagnostic Product or any one or more of them and
                  Pharmaceutical Product, Vaccine Product and Diagnostic Product
                  shall each be a "Product Category".

     2.8          The term "Research Collaboration" as used in this Agreement
                  shall mean the collaboration to be performed under the
                  Research Plan.

     2.9          The term "Research Plan" as used in this Agreement shall mean
                  the research plan attached hereto as Exhibit 1, hereto, as
                  subsequently amended, improved or modified from time to time.

     2.10         The term          *              as used in this Agreement
                  shall have the meaning set forth in Article 6.

     2.11         The term "Resulting Technology" as used in this Agreement
                  shall have the meaning set forth in Article 6.

     2.12         The term "Software Technology" as used in this Agreement shall
                  have the meaning set forth in Article 7.

     2.13         The term "Vaccine" as used in this Agreement shall mean an
                  infectious agent or component(s) thereof administered to a
                  human being or other mammals in order to elicit a protective
                  or therapeutic specific immune response against an infectious
                  agent; such agent or component(s) does also include synthetic
                  or recombinantly produced antigens or epitopes or genetic
                  material encoding corresponding antigens or epitopes.

     2.14         The grant of a license on an exclusive basis means that the
                  licensor may not use or exploit the licensed technology itself
                  nor grant a third party such rights.

* Confidential Treatment Requested


     3.1          GTC undertakes to use all reasonable efforts to perform the
                  tasks assigned to it according to the Research Plan.

     3.2          For the purpose of the Research Collaboration , the parties
                  shall establish:

                  a     A JOINT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE responsible for the
                        management and coordination of the Research
                        Collaboration  consisting of two representatives of
                        senior management from each party.  The chairman will be
                        designated by ASTRA from among the four representatives.
                        Decisions will be taken by majority vote except that in
                        the case of a deadlock the Chairman shall cast the
                        deciding vote.  Material changes in the Research Plan
                        shall be subject to the approval of the Joint Management
                        Committee.  In the event the Joint Management Committee
                        shall approve a change of direction and/or scope of the
                        Research Collaboration and such change would in the
                        absence of additional funding have an adverse economic
                        impact upon GTC, the parties agree to negotiate in good
                        faith an increase in the funding to be provided
                        hereunder by ASTRA so as to avoid such adverse economic
                        impact upon GTC and GTC shall not be required to incur
                        any additional expense until such agreement is in place.

                  b     A JOINT RESEARCH COMMITTEE responsible for the day to
                        day activities consisting of three representatives from
                        each party with the possibility to call in additional
                        members on an ad hoc basis. In case it is not possible
                        to reach consensus, the issue will be decided by the
                        Joint Management Committee.

       3.3        During the term of this Agreement, GTC shall not,  *

                                               , without ASTRA's prior written
                  consent given at its own discretion. However, GTC may search
                  and otherwise access all its databases including Helicobacter
                  spp and utilize information with respect thereto in its other
                  research programs provided (i) GTC  *

                  and (ii)  *


       3.4        ASTRA has disclosed to GTC prior to the execution of this
                  Agreement certain ongoing research collaborations with third
                  parties involving Helicobacter spp. ASTRA may enter into
                  further collaborations related to Helicobacter spp with other
                  parties and GTC is prepared to collaborate with such parties,
                  reasonably acceptable to GTC, on behalf of ASTRA.

* Confidential Treatment Requested

       4.         REMUNERATION

       4.1        As the entire consideration of all services rendered and
                  rights granted under this Agreement, ASTRA shall pay to GTC
                  the compensation specified in this Article 4.

       4.2        a)    A non-refundable license fee of       *       to be paid
                        upon the Effective Date of this Agreement in same day
                        federal funds                  *

                                                               payable to GTC

                  b)    A non-accountable non-refundable allowance of    *
                                      in reimbursement of capital and other
                        expenditures incurred, or to be incurred, by GTC in
                        connection with the Research Collaboration payable upon
                        the Effective Date of this Agreement in same day federal

                  c)    A research incentive fee of       *       to be paid
                        within thirty (30) days after GTC shall have notified
                        ASTRA that scientists of GTC engaged in the Research
                        Collaboration have devoted not less than * man-years to
                        such research but in no event earlier than      *

       4.3        a)    Research support of       *      per man-year in
                        reimbursement of scientists of GTC actually engaged in
                        the  Research Collaboration payable in advance of each
                        quarter to which the same is attributable based upon
                        reasonable estimates (but after giving effect to any
                        debit or credit balance at the end of the prior period).
                        Within thirty (30) days following the end of each
                        quarter, GTC shall provide ASTRA with a written
                        statement specifying the scientists performing Research
                        Collaboration and the time devoted thereto by each of
                        them during the preceding quarter and a calculation of
                        the amount due for such quarter and the debit or credit
                        balance at the end of such quarter.  GTC will provide,
                        and ASTRA will support, a minimum of *  scientist man-
                        years for the first twelve (12) month period following
                        the Effective Date, a minimum of  * scientist man-years
                        for the ensuing twelve (12) month period and a minimum
                        of * scientist man-years for the subsequent six (6)
                        month period.  The number of scientist man-years in
                        excess of the minimum shall be subject to the approval
                        of ASTRA. The scientific man-years for any period
                        specified above or subsequently agreed upon, if any,
                        shall be spread during the period in such manner as may
                        be reasonably required by the normal course of the
                        Research Collaboration.  It is the expectation of the
                        parties that approximately      *     of the scientist
                        man-years for any such period shall be in relation to
                                        *                   .

                  b)    ASTRA shall reimburse GTC for each scientist engaged in
                        the Research Collaboration terminated by GTC for
                        customary out of pocket severance expense for a period
                        not exceeding six (6) months incurred by GTC as a result
                        of any reduction requested by ASTRA in

* Confidential Treatment Requested

                        the number of man-years required under this Agreement
                        provided that ASTRA's responsibility for severance for
                        each twelve (12) month period following the Effective
                        Date shall not exceed a number of scientists equal to
                        the aggregate decrease in the number of scientist
                        man-years for such year and further provided that ASTRA
                        shall have no responsibility for the first three
                        scientists terminated during such year. In order to
                        avoid scientist being terminated by GTC as aforesaid GTC
                        shall use all reasonable efforts to find other tasks for
                        scientists detached from the Research Collaboration.

                  c)    In order to make possible the control of the
                        calculations and payments provided for in this 4.3, the
                        records of the scientist performing Research
                        Collaboration  are open to inspection within two (2)
                        years after  the end of each calendar year by an
                        independent certified public accountant engaged and paid
                        by ASTRA and to whom GTC shall have no reasonable
                        objection.  Such accountant shall either confirm the
                        accuracy of the statement by GTC or provide the
                        necessary correction thereto but he shall not otherwise
                        disclose any records or other information.  In the event
                        that any such inspection shows an over- reporting and
                        overpayment GTC shall repay any additional sum that
                        would not have been payable had GTC reported correctly,
                        plus interest at the rate of 1.5% per month and, if such
                        overpayment is in excess of five percent (5%) for any
                        twelve (12) month period, GTC shall pay the cost of such
                        examination as well.

       4.4        MILESTONE PAYMENTS if and when the following events occur
                  payable within thirty (30) days after occurrence of the
                  respective event. However in relation to items a) (i)-(ii)
                  below ASTRA shall pay the respective amount thirty (30) days
                  following the receipt by ASTRA of a written statement from GTC
                  confirming the occurrence of the event, supported by adequate
                  documents reflecting the results of such events in reasonable

       a)                                                              Pharmaceutical         Vaccine
                                                                       Product                Product


* Confidential Treatment Requested


       b)         Diagnostic Product


* Confidential Treatment Requested


                  For the purpose of 4.4 b)                   *


       4.5        (a)   "PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCT" shall mean only such
                        pharmaceutical product (whether related to Helicobacter
                        Spp or not) as (i)                *

                                   described under Article 4.4 a) (i) above or
                        (ii) satisfies the definition set forth in (d) below.

                  (b)   "VACCINE PRODUCT" shall mean only such Vaccine (whether
                        related to Helicobacter Spp or not) as (i)      *
                                                      under Article 4.4 a) (ii)
                        above or (ii) satisfies the definition set forth in (d)
                        below. "Therapeutic Vaccine Product" shall mean a
                        Vaccine Product documented for therapeutic use.
                        "Prophylactic Vaccine Product" shall mean a Vaccine
                        Product documented for prophylactic use.

                  (c)   "DIAGNOSTIC PRODUCT" shall mean only such diagnostic
                        product (whether related to Helicobacter Spp or not) as
                        (i)               *                specified in Article
                        4.4 b) (i)-(iii) or (ii) satisfies the definition set
                        forth in (d) below.

                  (d)   In addition to the above items (a) - (c) the terms
                        Pharmaceutical Product, Vaccine Product and Diagnostic
                        Product shall comprise any product (whether related to
                        Helicobacter Spp or not) (i) protected by the claims of
                        (x) a valid product patent of GTC           *
                                                       where such patent has
                        been licensed to ASTRA under this Agreement on an
                        exclusive basis or (y) other patent of GTC covering any
                        technology licensed to ASTRA under this Agreement   *

                                                              or (ii) containing
                                 *          in the case of a Pharmaceutical
                        Product or     *     in the case of a Vaccine Product or
                        Diagnostic Product                 *

* Confidential Treatment Requested


                  The milestone payments set forth in 4.4 a) (i) through (v)
                  shall be payable only once in each Product Category. The
                  milestone payments set forth in 4.4 b) (i) through (iii),
                  shall be payable     *    . All other milestone payments shall
                  be payable                        *
                            A Product shall be different from another Product if
                  its mechanism of action is different and/or it is covered by a
                  different product patent.

       4.6        (a)   ASTRA shall pay to GTC a royalty on Net Sales of:

                        (i)    each Pharmaceutical Product and each Therapeutic
                               Vaccine Product sold in the amount of   *  for
                               cumulative Net Sales of less than        *
                                                        and   *  of cumulative
                               Net Sales of                  *                or
                               more, and                    *

                        (ii)   each Diagnostic Product and Prophylactic Vaccine
                               Product sold in the amount of  * for cumulative
                               Net Sales of less than           *
                                                           and   *  of
                               cumulative Net Sales of            *
                                           *               or more.

                        The above Net Sales amounts shall be cumulative so long
                        as a royalty is payable hereunder with respect to each
                        Product. Commencing on the first anniversary of the
                        Effective Date the above amounts of         *
                                         and                  *
                                               and all amounts payable to GTC
                        hereunder after the first anniversary of the Effective
                        Date shall be adjusted annually by multiplying such
                        amounts by the fraction CPI current / CPI 1995 where CPI
                        current equals the CPI most recently published prior to
                        anniversary of the Effective Date in the applicable
                        year, and CPI 1995 equals the CPI for the month in which
                        the Effective Date shall occur.

                  (b)   In the event that ASTRA is (i) paying a royalty to a
                        third party with respect to the sale of a Product   *
                        (ii)                        *

                                                                        then Net
                        Sales of such Product for the purpose of computing
                        royalties shall be reduced by      *           provided
                        that reduction of Net Sales because of payment of a
                        royalty shall not result in a reduction of the royalty
                        otherwise payable

* Confidential Treatment Requested

                        to GTC in an amount in excess of the royalty to the
                        third party and further provided that any such reduction
                        shall continue only so long as such royalty is being

                   (c)  In the event ASTRA should grant a sublicense for a
                        Product to a third party, ASTRA shall pay to GTC  *

                        (i)         *         of payments from such sublicensee
                        (net of withholding taxes to the extent ASTRA receives
                        no credit therefor) in the nature of license fees,
                        milestone payments, royalties or otherwise in
                        consideration of the sublicense which can be in cash as
                        well as property (tangible or intangible) and/or
                        services to the extent it represents the excess over the
                        then fair market value of the property (tangible or
                        intangible) and/or services exchanged therefore.

                               In the event that ASTRA is (x) paying a royalty
                               to a third party with respect to the sale of a
                               Product   *     (y)  

                                                *                  then the
                               payment to GTC under (i) shall be     *
                                    of the payment from such sublicense;
                               provided that reduction of the amount payable to
                               GTC because of payment of a royalty shall not
                               exceed the royalty actually paid to the third
                               party and further provided that any such
                               reduction shall continue only so long as such
                               royalty is being paid.


                        (ii) the royalty amount that would have been
                        payable hereunder on the Net Sales of such
                        sublicensee if its sales of the Product had been
                        sold by ASTRA.

                               For the purpose of (ii) the Net Sales of a
                               licensee shall be cumulative with the Net Sales
                               of ASTRA for the same Product and the royalty
                               reduction provisions of 4.6(b) shall apply.

* Confidential Treatment Requested

                        Payment to GTC shall be made within forty-five (45) days
                        after receipt by ASTRA of the payment from the
                        sublicensee to which the same is attributable and
                        adjustments, if necessary, shall be made when the Net
                        Sales of the sublicensee have been determined. ASTRA
                        shall furnish GTC with a complete and accurate copy of
                        each sublicense-contract regarding technology licensed
                        hereunder by GTC to ASTRA not less than ten (10) days
                        after the execution thereof. With respect to each such
                        sublicense, ASTRA shall furnish to GTC the same reports
                        that ASTRA receives from such sublicensee regarding any
                        payment from such sublicensee to ASTRA with respect to
                        which GTC is entitled to a payment from ASTRA hereunder.
                        GTC agrees to keep each sublicense-contract and the
                        related reports confidential and use the same only for
                        the purpose of verifying the accuracy of payments made
                        by ASTRA to GTC hereunder. If a sublicensee is
                        compensating ASTRA in other than cash then the payment
                        to GTC shall be based upon the then fair market value

                  (d)   The term "Net Sales" as used herein shall mean the
                        actual gross selling prices charged by ASTRA for the
                        Products in bona fide sales to third parties as per
                        invoices covering the sales of such Products less only
                        the deductions taken by ASTRA to determine its net sales
                        for purposes of the Group Consolidated Statement of
                        Earnings of Astra AB disseminated to its shareholders
                        and the public generally.

                  (e)   ASTRA shall for each calendar quarter following the
                        launch of a Product, no later than sixty (60) days
                        following each quarter prepare and mail a statement
                        showing the total Net Sales in respect of which
                        royalties according to this Article 4. are payable.
                        Payments of such royalties shall be effected
                        simultaneously with mailing the statement.

                        Such statements shall contain at least the following
                        information: (i) the number of packages of each Product
                        sold by ASTRA in each country; (ii) the Net Sales and
                        (iii) the amount of royalty due. Such statement shall be
                        certified as by an officer of ASTRA. If no royalties are
                        due to GTC for any reporting period, the written report
                        shall so state.

                  (f)   Upon GTC's request ASTRA shall for each Product furnish
                        GTC with a supplement to the statement required in (e)
                        above with respect to the U.S. and one other country to
                        be specified by GTC in its notice of request to ASTRA
                        setting forth each category (eg. freight, insurance,
                        etc.) of the deductions taken by ASTRA from the actual
                        gross selling prices charged by ASTRA for the Products
                        to determine Net Sales to the extent consistent with the
                        then existing bookkeeping for such country and stating
                        the total amount of deductions for each such category.
                        GTC may only make such request once in any twelve month
                        period. Specification by GTC of a particular country in
                        one twelve month period shall not preclude the
                        specification of the same or a different country in
                        another twelve month period.

* Confidential Treatment Requested

                  (g)   ASTRA's obligation to pay royalty and other
                        remunerations set out above in this Article 4.6 shall
                        for each country and each separate Product remain in
                        force for so long as ASTRA is the holder of a valid
                        product patent protecting the respective Product or in
                        case of a Product not protected by a valid product
                        patent of ASTRA until    *     following the commercial
                        launch of the Product in each country.

                  (h)   All payments due hereunder shall be payable in United
                        States dollars. Conversion of foreign currency to U.S.
                        dollars shall be made at the conversion rate existing in
                        the United States (as reported by the Wall Street
                        Journal) on the last working day of each royalty period.
                        Such payments shall be without deduction of exchange,
                        collection or other charges except charges of receiving
                        bank                        *
                                     Late payments shall be subject to an
                        interest charge of one and one half percent (1.5%)  per

                 (i)    If transfer to U.S. dollars is subject to administrative
                        authorization, ASTRA undertakes to file the transfer
                        application with the competent authorities supported by
                        all requisite documentation, and to apply its reasonable
                        efforts to obtain such authorization and effect the
                        remittance within the period laid down above.  ASTRA
                        further agrees to effect the transfer within thirty (30)
                        days following the date on which authorization shall
                        have been granted, provided that ASTRA shall not be
                        obligated to pay before the date stipulated above.

                 (j)    If for any reason beyond the control of ASTRA the
                        transfer of payments under this Section 4 are not
                        effected within the period hereinabove provided or
                        within such further period of time that GTC may allow,
                        ASTRA shall settle such payments as soon as the
                        impediment has ceased to exist.

                 (k)    In order to make possible the control of the
                        calculations and payments provided for in this 4.6, the
                        records of sales of  Products entitling GTC to royalty
                        and other payments under this 4.6 are open to inspection
                        within two (2) years after  the end of each calendar
                        year by an independent certified public accountant
                        engaged and paid by GTC and to whom ASTRA shall have no
                        reasonable objection.  Such accountant shall either
                        confirm the accuracy of the statement by ASTRA or
                        provide the necessary correction thereto but he shall
                        not otherwise disclose any records or other information.
                        In the event that any such inspection shows an
                        under-reporting and underpayment ASTRA shall pay any
                        additional sum that would have been payable to GTC had
                        ASTRA reported correctly, plus interest at the rate of
                        1.5% per month and, if such underpayment is in excess of
                        five percent (5%) for any twelve (12) month period,
                        ASTRA shall pay the cost of such examination as well

       4.7       ASTRA shall pay to GTC within thirty (30) days following the
                    *    and each subsequent anniversary of the Effective Date
                 the sum of     *       as LICENSE MAINTENANCE FEE for the year
                 of the term of this Agreement except that no such payment shall
                 be required for any such year in which (a)

* Confidential Treatment Requested

                 a milestone payment of at least      *      is also payable (if
                 a lesser or no milestone is payable, ASTRA may satisfy this
                 condition by paying the difference) or (b) ASTRA is supporting
                 at least    *       man-years at GTC engaged in the research
                 under this Agreement. In case termination of this Agreement
                 shall become effective on a date not being the anniversary of
                 the Effective Date the above sum of      *       shall be

       4.8       Except as otherwise specifically provided herein, ASTRA shall
                 not be obligated to pay any remuneration to, or to absorb any
                 cost or expenses of, GTC.


       5.1       GTC hereby grants to ASTRA, and ASTRA accepts, subject to the
                 terms and conditions hereof, under GTC's patents and other
                 intellectual property rights from time to time an exclusive
                 worldwide perpetual, sublicensable license to use and exploit
                 GTC's existing and future (to the extent not included in the
                 Resulting Technology with respect to which ASTRA will  *
                                   ) Helicobacter spp inventions (patentable or
                 not), products, formulae, processes, techniques, discoveries,
                 improvement, information, data and knowledge, as amended,
                 improved or modified from time to time (herein collectively
                 referred to as "GTC Helicobacter Technology") to develop,
                 research, manufacture, use, sell and distribute pharmaceutical
                 products, Vaccines and diagnostic products (whether related to
                 Helicobacter Spp or not) including, without limitation,
                 Pharmaceutical Products, Vaccine Products and Diagnostic
                 Products. The term GTC Helicobacter Technology shall include,
                 but not be limited to, the Helicobacter Data Base and the
                 elements described in Exhibit 2 hereto.


       6.1                               *                       any and all
                 inventions (patentable or not), products, formulae; processes,
                 techniques, discoveries, improvements, information, data and
                 knowledge and any other results conceived, developed or
                 generated under the Research Collaboration, as exemplified in
                 Exhibit 3 hereto, (whether related to Helicobacter Spp or not),
                 and all intellectual property and other rights related thereto
                 hereinafter collectively referred to as "Resulting Technology".
                 Although       *        is "whether related to Helicobacter Spp
                 or not", the parties acknowledge that GTC's obligations with
                 respect to the Research Collaboration are limited to   *
                 Helicobacter Spp. Without affecting       *          to the
                 Resulting Technology the inventorship of all inventions
                 included in Resulting Technology shall be determined in
                 accordance with the patent laws of the United States.   *
                 GTC shall be the owner of        *              and ASTRA shall
                 have under GTC's patents and other intellectual property rights
                 from time to time a non-exclusive         *             license
                 (but without the right to grant sublicenses         *
                              ) to use and exploit the          *
                 conceived, developed or generated by GTC as a result of the

* Confidential Treatment Requested

                 research to be performed under this Agreement to develop,
                 research, manufacture, use, sell and distribute pharmaceutical
                 products, Vaccines and diagnostic products (whether related to
                 Helicobacter Spp or not) including, without limitation,
                 Pharmaceutical Products, Vaccine Products and Diagnostic
                 Products.                          *


       7.1       Software and components thereof, either existing or developed,
                 needed to pursue searches in the Helicobacter Data Base and to
                 process, interpret or analyze the data therefrom including
                 reconstruction of gene components is herein collectively
                 referred to as "Software Technology". Software Technology does
                 not include any software used in the creation of, as opposed to
                 access to or analysis, processing and interpretation of the
                 Helicobacter Data Base. To the extent Software Technology is
                 proprietary to GTC, ASTRA shall have a non-exclusive,
                 perpetual, worldwide license (but without the right to grant
                 sublicenses                *                 ) to use the same
                 for access to, and analysis, processing and interpretion of,
                 the Helicobacter Data Base and for no other purpose. The
                 Software Technology which is not proprietary to GTC and the
                 Software Technology which is in the public domain is listed in
                 Exhibit 5 hereto. GTC has              *

                                                                   ASTRA shall
                 obtain licenses to Software Technology which is not proprietary
                 to GTC at no expense to GTC.

       7.2       Promptly following the Effective Date, GTC shall deliver to
                 ASTRA electronic and hard copies of the annotated Helicobacter
                 Data Base as well as an outline of the methodologies and
                 procedures used to obtain data and for sequence analysis.
                 Current updates will be furnished to ASTRA periodically not
                 less than on a monthly basis provided there is information that
                 requires updating. 

       7.3       ASTRA will also have direct access to raw sequence data via GTC
                 and to other work resulting from the collaboration under this
                 Agreement including, but not limited to, targeted sequencing
                 data, comparative sequence data, gene mapping data,
                 representational difference analysis data, structural modelling
                 data, gene expression and protein expression data, gene
                 mutation data, molecular genetic methodologies and
                 technologies, protein purification procedures, and biochemical
                 and screening assay methodologies.

* Confidential Treatment Requested

       7.4       Upon request and from time to time, ASTRA will also have access
                 to the           *           conceived, developed or generated
                 by GTC as a result of the research to be performed under this
                 Agreement, the GTC Helicobacter Technology and the Resulting
                 Technology, including, without limitation, (i) samples of all
                 plasmids/E. coli strains carrying these plasmids which have
                 been sequenced and used to construct the Helicobacter Data
                 Base, (ii) provisions of strain which has been sequenced, and
                 access to other Helicobacter strains in GTC collection and
                 (iii) all gene libraries, mutants and vectors constructed,
                 genes subcloned, amplified PCR products, proteins purified
                 under work described in Exhibit 1 "Research Plan" or other work
                 resulting from the collaboration.

       7.5       To the extent practicable, ASTRA's access as contemplated by
                 this Article 7 will at all times be via computer network with
                 24 hours accessibility except for downtime required to maintain
                 or otherwise service the database. Except for access via
                 computer network, ASTRA's access will be during normal business
                 hours and upon reasonable notice granting ASTRA treatment and
                 priority not less favorable than granted to GTC's other


       8.1       Each party agrees to use all reasonable efforts to see to it
                 that all its employees and other persons engaged by it, are
                 committed in such a way that the rights to the GTC Helicobacter
                 Technology,          *           Software Technology, to the
                 extent proprietary to GTC, and the Resulting Technology are
                 secured to the effect described in Articles 5.1 and 6.1.

       8.2       The procurement, maintenance, defense and actions for
                 infringement of patents and other intellectual property rights
                 related to Resulting Technology and (for so long as ASTRA's
                 license according to Article  5  is on an exclusive basis) GTC
                 Helicobacter Technology, excluding           *            (the
                 "IP-Rights") are the concern of ASTRA. ASTRA shall handle such
                 matters at its own cost and discretion subject to Articles 8.3
                 - 8.4:

       8.3       GTC shall at ASTRA's expense cooperate fully in the
                 preparation, filing, prosecution, maintenance, defense and
                 actions for infringement of the IP-Rights, executing all
                 papers and instruments and taking other reasonable measures or
                 requiring members of GTC to execute such papers and instruments
                 or to take other reasonable measures so as to enable ASTRA to
                 accomplish the foregoing, Article 8.2, in its own name in any
                 country. Each party shall provide to the other prompt notice as
                 to all substantial matters which come to its attention and
                 which relates to the preparation, filing, prosecution
                 maintenance, defense or infringement of the IP-Rights.

       8.4       If ASTRA or its sublicensee elects to commence an action for
                 infringement and GTC is a legally indispensable party to such
                 action, GTC shall have the right to assign to ASTRA all of
                 GTC's right, title and interest in each patent which is the
                 subject of such action. In the event that GTC makes such an
                 assignment, such assignment shall be irrevocable, and such
                 action by

* Confidential Treatment Requested

                  ASTRA on that patent or patents shall thereafter be brought or
                  continued without GTC as a party.  Notwithstanding any such
                  assignment to ASTRA by GTC and regardless of whether GTC is or
                  is not an indispensable party, GTC shall cooperate fully with
                  ASTRA in connection with any such action.  In the event that
                  any patent is assigned to ASTRA by GTC, pursuant to this
                  paragraph, such assignment shall require ASTRA to continue to
                  meet its obligations under this Agreement as if the assigned
                  patent or patent application were still licensed to ASTRA.

     8.5          No settlement, or consent judgment of any suit to which GTC is
                  a party may be entered into without the consent of GTC, which
                  consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.  No consent shall
                  be required if the relief against GTC is solely monetary and
                  ASTRA agrees to hold GTC harmless therefrom.

     8.6          Recoveries or reimbursements from actions for infringement as
                  contemplated by this Article 8 shall first be applied to
                  reimburse ASTRA and GTC for litigation costs. Recoveries or
                  reimbursements representing lost sales or profits of a Product
                  shall be shared by ASTRA  *  and GTC  * .  Any remaining
                  recoveries or reimbursements representing infringement of GTC
                  Helicobacter Technology shall be shared by ASTRA  *  and GTC
                   * . Any remaining recoveries or reimbursements representing
                  infringement of Resulting Technology shall be retained by

     8.7          In the event that a declaratory judgment action alleging
                  invalidity of any of the GTC Helicobacter Technology shall be
                  brought against ASTRA or GTC, GTC at its sole option, shall
                  have the right to intervene at its own expense subject to
                  ASTRA's right to control the process.

     8.8          ASTRA may, at its own discretion, renounce its claims to
                  certain rights included in the IP-Rights, whereupon ASTRA
                  shall have no responsibilities or liabilities in relation to
                  such IP-Rights. ASTRA shall promptly notify GTC of any such
                  renouncement and GTC shall have the option of acquiring such
                  IP-Rights without paying any compensation to ASTRA.

     9            CONFIDENTIALITY

     9.1          Each party hereby agrees and undertakes to hold and maintain
                  in strict confidence and not disclose to any third party for
                  any reason any  information of a confidential nature about the
                  other party's or its collaborators research, development, use
                  manufacture, sale or distribution of products which a party
                  may learn in connection with the activities contemplated by
                  this Agreement and not to use such information for other
                  purposes than performing the Research Collaboration and
                  pursuing to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
                  Furthermore, ASTRA agrees and undertakes (except with regard
                  to bona fide collaborators bound by obligations of
                  confidentiality similar to those contained herein) to hold and
                  maintain in strict confidence and not disclose to any third
                  party for any reason any information about         *         .

* Confidential Treatment Requested

                  The restrictions of confidentiality and use set forth above in
                  this Article 9.1 shall not apply to information:

                  a)     which at the time of disclosure is in the public

                  b)     which after disclosure becomes part of the public
                         domain by publication or otherwise except by breach of
                         the undertakings hereunder by the receiving party;

                  c)     which the receiving party can establish by competent
                         proof was in its possession at the time of disclosure
                         and was not acquired, directly or indirectly, from the
                         disclosing party;

                  d)     which the receiving party can establish by competent
                         proof was subsequently developed by the receiving party
                         without access to information of the disclosing party;

                  e)     which the receiving party can establish by competent
                         proof was lawfully  received from a third party without
                         restriction on confidentiality.

     9.2                    *                GTC agrees and undertakes to

                                             pursuing to the terms and
                  conditions of this Agreement.

     9.3          It is understood that ASTRA shall             *

                  and when GTC should terminate this Agreement pursuant to
                  Article 10.2, 10.3 or 10.7 then ASTRA shall        *
                                                       in accordance with the
                  rules set out in Article 9.1.

     9.4          In order to secure the obligations set forth in Article 9 the
                  parties agree to exercise every reasonable precaution to
                  prevent and restrain the unauthorized disclosure and use of
                  information subject to confidentiality, including restricting
                  access to such information to such of its employees as are
                  bound to keep such information confidential and need to have
                  such access for the purpose of this Agreement.

     9.5          The undertakings set forth in this Article 9 shall be valid
                  during the term of this Agreement and     *     years

* Confidential Treatment Requested

     10.          TERM

     10.1         (a)   This Agreement shall become effective as of the date
                        first above written and shall,  remain in force until
                        terminated as herein provided. This Agreement shall
                        terminate automatically when ASTRA cease to be under  an
                        obligation to effect the royalty payments specified in
                        Article 4.6.

                  (b)   The Research Collaboration  shall become effective as of
                        the date first above written and shall remain in force
                        for a period of     *     years, provided that ASTRA
                        shall have the right to terminate the Research
                        Collaboration by       *        prior written notice to
                        GTC given at any time after the   *     anniversary of
                        the date hereof. Termination of the Research
                        Collaboration contemplated by this Agreement shall have
                        no effect on the term of this Agreement.

     10.2         In the event ASTRA fails to make payments due hereunder, GTC
                  shall have the right to terminate this Agreement upon sixty
                  (60) days written notice specifying such failure and its claim
                  of right to terminate, unless ASTRA makes such payments plus
                  interest within the sixty (60) days notice period.  If
                  payments are not so made GTC may immediately terminate this

     10.3         In the event that either party shall be in default in the
                  performance of any of its material obligations under this
                  Agreement (other than as provided in 10.2 above which shall
                  take precedence over any other default), and if the default
                  has not been remedied within ninety (90) days after the date
                  of notice in writing specifying  such default and its claim of
                  right to terminate, the other may terminate this Agreement by
                  written notice in addition to any other remedies available to
                  it by law or equity.

     10.4         Notwithstanding Articles 10.2 and 10.3 a party shall not have
                  the right to terminate this Agreement in the event the other
                  party has initiated a procedure pursuant to Article 12 to
                  resolve the dispute for which termination is being sought.

     10.5         (a)   In the event ASTRA  any time  following the     *
                        anniversary of the Effective Date  upon request by GTC
                        is unable to reasonably demonstrate that it or its
                        collaborators are [actively] engaged in research,
                        development or commercialization of the GTC Helicobacter
                        Technology or the Resulting Technology, GTC may
                        terminate this Agreement by written notice with the
                        consequences elaborated under Article 11.1 .  In making
                        this determination there shall be taken into account the
                        normal course of such programs conducted with sound and
                        reasonable business practices and judgment which have
                        had commercial success.

* Confidential Treatment Requested

                  (b)    Notwithstanding, the diligence required by 10.5 (a)
                         shall not apply  for any year of the term of this
                         Agreement in which a milestone payment of at least
                             *   is also payable (if a lesser or no milestone is
                         payable, ASTRA may satisfy this condition by paying the
                         difference or all, as the case may be) or ASTRA is
                         supporting at least    *      man-years at GTC engaged
                         in the research under this Agreement.

                  (c)    In the event ASTRA any time following the      *
                         anniversary of the Effective Date  upon request by GTC
                         is unable to reasonably demonstrate that it or its
                         collaborators are actively engaged in research,
                         development or commercialization of the GTC
                         Helicobacter Technology or the Resulting Technology  in
                         Pharmaceutical Products  or Vaccine Products,  GTC may
                         terminate this Agreement by written notice, with the
                         consequences elaborated under Article 11.1.  In making
                         this determination there shall be taken into account
                         the normal course of such programs conducted with sound
                         and reasonable business practices and judgment which
                         have had commercial success.

                  (d)    In the event ASTRA  any time  following the    *
                         anniversary of the Effective Date  upon request by GTC
                         is unable to reasonably demonstrate that it or its
                         collaborators are actively engaged in research,
                         development or commercialization of the GTC
                         Helicobacter Technology or the Resulting Technology  in
                         Diagnostic Products, GTC may convert the licenses
                         granted to ASTRA under this Agreement into
                         non-exclusive licenses with respect to diagnostic
                         products by written notice,  with the consequences
                         elaborated under Article 11.2.  In making this
                         determination there shall be taken into account the
                         normal course of such programs conducted with sound and
                         reasonable business practices and judgment which have
                         had commercial success.

                  (e)    Notwithstanding, the diligence required by Article 10.5
                         (c) shall not apply for any year of the term of this
                         Agreement in which milestone payments of at least
                              *       are also payable (if a lesser or no
                         milestone is payable, ASTRA may satisfy this condition
                         by paying the difference or all, as the case may be).

                  (f)    Notwithstanding, the diligence required by 10.5 (d)
                         shall not apply for any year of the term of this
                         Agreement in which a milestone payment of at least
                              *       is also payable (if a lesser or no
                         milestone is payable, ASTRA may satisfy this condition
                         by paying the difference or all, as the case may be) or
                         ASTRA is supporting at least     *     man-years at GTC
                         engaged in the research under this Agreement.

     10.6         ASTRA may, at its own discretion, terminate this Agreement by
                        *        prior written notice to GTC given at any time
                  after the sixth anniversary of the Effective Date.

* Confidential Treatment Requested

     10.7         In the event that either party shall become insolvent, shall
                  make an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or shall have
                  a petition in bankruptcy filed for or against it, the other
                  shall have the right to terminate this entire Agreement
                  immediately upon giving such party written notice of such


     11.1         In the event this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Article
                  10.1 (a), 10.5 (a) or (c) or 10.6

                  (a)    ASTRA s exclusive  license of the GTC Helicobacter
                         Technology contemplated by Article 5 will be converted
                         into a non-exclusive license all other term and
                         conditions remaining unchanged.

                  (b)    With respect to IP-Rights included in the Resulting
                         Technology, (i) ownership of all patents invented
                         solely by GTC shall be assigned to GTC and GTC shall be
                         deemed to have granted ASTRA a non-exclusive license
                         thereto on the same terms and conditions as with regard
                         to the GTC Helicobacter Technology, and (ii) ownership
                         of all patents invented solely by ASTRA or jointly with
                         GTC shall        *          and, except for IP-Rights
                         representing ASTRA's proprietary interest in a Product,

                                        .  Invented solely by a party means not
                         invented jointly with the other party or a collaborator
                         of the other party.

                  (c)    ASTRA's non-exclusive  license of the       *
                                      conceived, developed or generated by GTC
                         as a result of the research to be performed under this
                         Agreement contemplated by Article 6 will remain

                  (d)    ASTRA's non-exclusive  license of the Software
                         Technology which is proprietary to GTC contemplated by
                         Article 7 will remain unchanged.

                  (e)    Notwithstanding the above, in the event this Agreement
                         is terminated pursuant to Article 10.5 (c) and ASTRA or
                         its collaborators are engaged in research, development
                         or commercialization of the GTC Helicobacter Technology
                         or Resulting Technology in Diagnostic Product, ASTRA's
                         exclusive license of the GTC Helicobacter Technology,
                                   *           and Software Technology shall
                         remain unchanged as far as concerns diagnostic products
                         and IP-Rights included in the Resulting Technology
                         relating to diagnostic products shall remain with ASTRA
                         and being subject to no right of GTC.

* Confidential Treatment Requested

     11.2         In the event GTC should convert ASTRA's exclusive license
                  under this Agreement with respect to diagnostic products into
                  a non-exclusive license pursuant to Article 10.5 (d) by reason
                  of ASTRA being unable to reasonably demonstrate that it or its
                  collaborators are actively engaged in research, development or
                  commercialization of the GTC Helicobacter Technology or the
                  Resulting Technology with respect to Diagnostic Products, then
                  this Agreement shall nevertheless remain in effect in
                  accordance with the terms hereof except that ASTRA shall no
                  longer have  an exclusive license under the GTC Helicobacter
                  Technology, Software Technology which is proprietary to GTC or
                  the            *          conceived, developed or generated by
                  GTC as a result of the research to be performed under this
                  Agreement with respect to diagnostic products and      *

                  under the Resulting Technology.

     11.3         The              *               under 11.1 (b)(ii) and 11.2
                  above shall not apply to Resulting Technology arising out of
                  BONA FIDE collaborations by   *   with third parties if and to
                  the extent                    *                         by
                  undertakings to third parties resulting from such
                  collaboration and not primarily for the purpose of     *

     11.4         If this Agreement is terminated by GTC pursuant to Articles
                  10.2 , 10.3  or 10.7 and without limiting any remedies which
                  GTC may have at law or in equity by reason of such

                  (a)    the license of the GTC Helicobacter Technology, the
                                   *           conceived, developed or generated
                         by GTC as a result of the research to be performed
                         under this Agreement and the Software Technology which
                         is proprietary to GTC will terminate and ASTRA will
                         have no license with respect thereto

                  (b)    GTC will be the owner of all patents and IP-Rights
                         included in the Resulting Technology whether or not
                         invented by GTC and ASTRA will have no license with
                         respect thereto, and

                  (c)    except for the technology covered by such patents and
                         IP-Rights with respect to which GTC will thereupon have
                         exclusive rights,                *


     11.5         In the event this Agreement is terminated by ASTRA pursuant to
                  Article 10.3 or 10.7 and without limiting any remedies which
                  ASTRA may have at law or in equity by reason of such

                  a)     GTC shall be deemed to have assigned to ASTRA all its
                         rights, titles and interest in and to the GTC
                         Helicobacter Technology, and

* Confidential Treatment Requested

                  b)     ASTRA will                  *                      the
                         Resulting Technology.

                  c)     GTC shall be deemed to have granted to ASTRA in
                         perpetuity, a non-exclusive worldwide, sublicensable,
                         royalty free, license under the         *
                         conceived, developed or generated by GTC as a result of
                         the research to be performed under this Agreement and
                         Software Technology proprietary to GTC.

     11.6         Upon termination, each party undertakes to execute all
                  documents and to take all reasonable actions necessary or
                  advisable to carry out the foregoing and to procure its
                  employees and other persons engaged by it to do so.

     11.7         The obligation of ASTRA to pay royalties and milestones
                  hereunder shall survive termination except for termination by
                  ASTRA pursuant to Articles 10.1, 10.3 and 10.7.  Termination
                  shall not affect financial obligations hereunder accruing
                  prior thereto.


     12.1         This Agreement shall be governed and interpreted in accordance
                  with the law of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts applicable
                  to agreements executed and to be performed therein.

     12.2         Subject to the limitation stated in the final sentence of this
                  section, any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or
                  in connection with this Agreement, or the breach, termination
                  or invalidity thereof, shall be exclusively settled under the
                  then rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of the
                  International Chamber of Commerce by three arbitrators
                  appointed in accordance with the said Rules.  The demand for
                  arbitration shall be filed within 180 days after the
                  controversy or claim has arisen.  Such arbitration shall be
                  held in London, England.  The award through arbitration shall
                  be final and binding.  Each party may enter any such award in
                  a court having jurisdiction or may make application to such
                  court for judicial acceptance of the award and an order of
                  enforcement, as the case may be.  Notwithstanding the
                  foregoing, either party may, without recourse to arbitration,
                  assert against the other party a third-party claim or
                  cross-claim in any action brought by a third party, to which
                  the subject matter of this Agreement may be relevant.


     13.1         Each party hereby represents and warrants to the other as 

                  (a)    It is a corporation duly organized, validity existing
                         and is in good standing under the laws of the
                         jurisdiction of its incorporation, is qualified to do
                         business and is in good standing as a foreign
                         corporation in each jurisdiction in which the conduct
                         of its business or the ownership of its properties
                         requires such qualification and has all


* Confidential Treatment Requested

                         requisite power and authority, corporate or otherwise,
                         to conduct its business as now being conducted, to own,
                         lease and operate its properties and to execute,
                         deliver and perform this Agreement.

                  (b)    The execution, delivery and performance by it of this
                         Agreement (including the grant of the rights and
                         licenses referable to GTC Helicobacter Technology and
                                  *            conceived, developed or generated
                         by GTC as a result of the research to be performed
                         under this Agreement and Software Technology which is
                         proprietary to GTC ) has been duly authorized by all
                         necessary corporate action and do not and will not

                         (i)   require any consent or approval of its

                         (ii)  violate any provision of any law, rule,
                               regulation, order, writ, judgment, injunction,
                               decree, determination or award presently in
                               effect having applicability to it or any
                               provision of its charter or by-laws, or

                         (iii) result in a breach or constitute a default
                               under any agreement, mortgage, lease, license,
                               permit, patent or other instrument or obligation
                               to which it is a party or by which it or its
                               assets may be bound or affected.

                  (c)    No authorization, consent, approval, license, exemption
                         of, or filing or registration with, any court or
                         governmental authority or regulatory body is required
                         for the due execution, delivery or performance by it of
                         this Agreement (including the grant  of the rights and
                         licenses by GTC referable to GTC Helicobacter
                         Technology and           *            conceived,
                         developed or generated by GTC as a result of the
                         research to be performed under this Agreement and
                         Software Technology which is proprietary to GTC)

                  (d)    This Agreement is a legal, valid and binding obligation
                         of such party, enforceable against it in accordance
                         with its terms and conditions. It is not under any
                         obligation to any person, contractual or otherwise,
                         that is conflicting or inconsistent in any respect with
                         the terms of this Agreement (including the grant of the
                         rights and licenses by GTC referable to GTC
                         Helicobacter Technology and          *             and
                         Software Technology which is proprietary to GTC)  or
                         that would impede the diligent and complete fulfillment
                         of its obligations hereunder.

                  (e)    It is not debarred or suspended from receiving
                         contracts from the United States, or Swedish government
                         or other governmental authority or agency.

                  (f)    Each party has disclosed to the other in good faith any
                         and all material information relevant to the subject
                         matter of this Agreement to such party's ability to
                         observe and perform its obligations hereunder,    *


* Confidential Treatment Requested


     13.2         GTC represents and warrants to ASTRA that, to the best of the
                  information, knowledge and belief of GTC's officers:

                  (a)                         *

                  (b)    GTC has the right to grant the license of GTC
                         Helicobacter Technology and, to the extent proprietary
                         to GTC, Software Technology,

                  (c)    GTC has not granted any license or sublicense or other
                         rights to the GTC Helicobacter Technology     *

                  (d)    Without prejudice to the generality of the forgoing,

                  (e)                           *

                                        GTC and, when ASTRA has        *

                         ASTRA will, subject to the terms and conditions of

                         all rights conferred upon it under this Agreement
                         including but not limited to,          *

                                                 GTC except as set forth in
                                        above and except that GTC shall    *

                                                       except to the extent that
                                         , and                 *

                  (f)    Subject only to ASTRA                 *

                                                       under this Agreement in
                         accordance with the terms and provisions set forth
                         herein excluding                 *

* Confidential Treatment Requested


                         ASTRA.  GTC undertakes               *

                                excluding any                *
                                                ASTRA.          *

                         The foregoing representations in 13.2 shall not survive
                         termination of this Agreement if terminated by GTC
                         pursuant to 10.2, 10.3 and 10.7.

     14.          MISCELLANEOUS

     14.1         The parties agree to comply with all applicable laws and
                  regulations.  In particular, it is understood and acknowledged
                  that the transfer of certain commodities and technical data is
                  subject to United States laws and regulations controlling the
                  export of such commodities and technical data, including all
                  Export Administration Regulations of the United States
                  Department of Commerce.  These laws and regulations, among
                  other things, prohibit or require a license for the export of
                  certain types of technical data to certain specified
                  countries.  ASTRA hereby agrees and gives written assurance
                  that it will comply with all United States laws and
                  regulations controlling the export of commodities and
                  technical data, that it will be solely responsible for any
                  violation of such by ASTRA or sublicensees, and that it will
                  defend and hold GTC harmless in the event of any legal action
                  of any nature occasioned by such violation.

                  RESULTING TECHNOLOGY,           *           OR SOFTWARE

     14.3         GTC acknowledges that ASTRA, in addition to the Research
                  Collaboration, has, and will continue individually, and
                  together with third parties, the research, development,
                  manufacture, and sale of pharmaceutical products, vaccine
                  products, and diagnostic products against i.a.
                  gastrointestinal infection or other disease caused by
                  Helicobacter Spp which

                  (i)    may                   *

                  (ii)   may                  *                  and

                  (iii)  for which                    *

                             pursuant to this Agreement.


* Confidential Treatment Requested

                  GTC further acknowledges and agrees that GTC will be entitled
                  to milestone payments and Net Sales royalty only with respect
                  to such Products as are defined as Pharmaceutical Products,
                  Vaccine Products and Diagnostic Products hereunder.

                  Neither party makes any representation or warranty to the
                  other as to whether or not a Product will be developed under
                  this Agreement.

     14.4         (a)    ASTRA shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless GTC and
                         its current or former directors, governing board
                         members, trustees, officers, faculty, medical and
                         professional staff, employees, students and agents and
                         their respective successors, heirs and assigns (the
                         "Indemnities"), against any liability, damage, loss or
                         expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees and
                         expenses of litigation) incurred by or imposed upon the
                         Indemnities or any one of them in connection with any
                         claims, suits, actions, demands or judgments arising
                         out of any theory of product liability (including, but
                         not limited to actions in the form of tort, warranty,
                         or strict liability) concerning any product, process or
                         service made, used or sold pursuant to any right or
                         license granted under this Agreement provided, however
                         that the Indemnitee gives reasonable notice to ASTRA of
                         any such claim or action, tender the defense of such
                         claim or action to ASTRA and assists ASTRA, at ASTRA s
                         expense, in defending such claim or action and does not
                         compromise or settle such claim or action without ASTRA
                         s prior written consent, provided, however, that ASTRA
                         s indemnification of the Indemnitee hereunder shall not
                         extend to any cost, claim, suit, expense or damage
                         which arises or results from negligence or intentional
                         misconduct of the Indemnitee, or any third party for
                         whom GTC is responsible.

                  (b)    ASTRA agrees, at its own expense, to provide attorneys
                         reasonably acceptable to GTC to defend against any
                         actions brought or filed against any party indemnified
                         hereunder with respect to the subject of indemnity
                         contained herein, whether or not such actions are
                         rightfully brought.

     14.5         This Agreement is nonassignable and any purported assignment
                  hereof will be null and void without the prior written consent
                  of the other except that either party may assign this
                  Agreement to a transferee of all or substantially all of the
                  business to which this Agreement relates.

     14.6         Written notices required to be given under this Agreement
                  shall be addressed as follows:

                  If to GTC:

                  100 Beaver Street
                  Waltham, MA 02154

                  Attention:  Vice President, Business Development


* Confidential Treatment Requested

                  If to ASTRA:



                  Attention:  Hans G. Nilsson, Ph.D.

                  or such other address as either party may request in writing.

     14.7         Should a court of competent jurisdiction later consider any
                  provision of this Agreement to be invalid, illegal, or
                  unenforceable, it shall be considered severed from this
                  Agreement. All other provisions, rights and obligations shall
                  continue without regard to the severed provision, provided
                  that the remaining provisions of this Agreement are in
                  accordance with the intention of the parties.

     14.8         During the term of the research collaboration contemplated by
                  this Agreement and for a period of      *       thereafter
                  ASTRA HASSLE AB, including  its Massachusetts research group,
                  and GTC will not, directly or indirectly solicit or encourage
                  any employee of  the other party involved in the Research
                  Collaboration to leave the employment of the other party.

     14.9         GTC acknowledges that it is GTC's responsibility to attract
                  and retain personnel qualified to perform its obligations
                  under this Agreement and that such obligation is an essential
                  part of this Agreement. In particular, during the term of the
                  Research Collaboration GTC will use all reasonable efforts to

     14.10        All press or other announcements which may be made or sent out
                  by ASTRA or GTC in respect of this Agreement or the
                  collaboration contemplated thereby shall          *
                                           .  Exempted from the above are
                  announcements which one party is required to make under the
                  rules of the relevant stock exchanges or applicable laws and
                  regulations in which case the one party shall consult with the
                  other party if time permits and reasonably observe the
                  comments of the other party given as soon as possible.  The
                  obligation to consult shall not apply to disclosures in
                  respect of this Agreement or the collaboration contemplated
                  thereby required in reports required to be filed with
                  governmental authorities or submitted to shareholders provided
                  that such disclosure substantially is in relation to
                  information which have previously been announced after
                  consultation with the other party.

* Confidential Treatment Requested

     14.11        Nothing in this Agreement is intended or shall be deemed to
                  constitute a partnership, agency, employer, employee or joint
                  venture relationship between the parties. Neither party shall
                  incur any debts or make any commitments for the other.

     14.12        No right, express or implied, is granted by this Agreement to
                  use in any manner any trade name or trademark of GTC or ASTRA
                  in connection with the performance of this Agreement or the
                  exploitation of any license granted hereunder or otherwise;
                  each party may make any legally required reference to the
                  other in connection with such manufacture or sale of Product.

     14.13        This Agreement, including the Exhibits attached hereto (which
                  shall form an integral part of this Agreement), constitutes
                  and contains the entire understanding and agreement of the
                  parties, and cancels and supersedes any and all prior
                  negotiations, correspondence and understandings and
                  agreements, whether verbal or written, between the parties
                  respecting the subject matter hereof. No waiver, modification
                  or amendment of any  provision of this Agreement shall be
                  valid or effective unless made in writing and signed by a duly
                  authorized officer of each of the parties.


In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement in two (2)
copies on the date first above written.


By: /s/ Hakan Mogren                      By: /s/ Robert J. Hennessey
    -----------------------                   ---------------------------
Name:  Hakan Mogren                       Name:   Robert J. Hennessey

Title: Group Chief                        Title:  Chairman,
       Executive Officer                          Chief Executive Officer


* Confidential Treatment Requested

                                                                       EXHIBIT 1

                                "RESEARCH PLAN"





* Confidential Treatment Requested


* Confidential Treatment Requested


* Confidential Treatment Requested




* Confidential Treatment Requested




* Confidential Treatment Requested


* Confidential Treatment Requested

                                                                       EXHIBIT 2

                          GTC Helicobacter Technology


* Confidential Treatment Requested


* Confidential Treatment Requested


* Confidential Treatment Requested


* Confidential Treatment Requested

                                                                       EXHIBIT 3

                             Resulting Technology 

     Resulting Technology includes:


* Confidential Treatment Requested

                                                                       EXHIBIT 4


     includes:  *

     1)   *

     2)   *

* Confidential Treatment Requested

                                                                       EXHIBIT 5

                              Software Technology







                     *                   homology searching; part of


                     *                   database searching

                     *                   hypertext browser

                     *                   finding
* Confidential Treatment Requested

                                                                EXHIBIT 5 -cont-

                              Software Technology
                              Copies of Agreements

                                     [ * ]

* Confidential Treatment Requested

                                                                       EXHIBIT 6


     GTC Consultants



     related to patent applications   *



     Third Party     *



     * Persons retained by   *