Exhibit 10(e)(v)

Deferred Compensation Plan
Master Plan Document

Deferred Compensation Plan
Master Plan Document

                              TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.  In General........................................................  1

2.  Defined Terms.....................................................  1

3.  Deferral Election.................................................  3
        (a)  In general...............................................  3
        (b)  First year of participation..............................  3
        (c)  Limits...................................................  3
        (d)  Form of election; irrevocability.........................  3

4.  Accounts; Credits.................................................  4
        (a)  Deferral credits.........................................  4
        (b)  Notional earnings........................................  4
        (c)  FICA/Medicare taxes, etc. ...............................  4

5.  Payment of Deferred Amounts.......................................  5
        (a)  Form and timing of distributions; in general.............  5
        (b)  Distributions upon death.................................  6
        (c)  Hardship.................................................  6
        (d)  Other Withdrawals........................................  7
        (e)  Computation of installment payments, etc.................  7
        (f)  Section 162(m)...........................................  7
        (g)  Taxes....................................................  7

6.  Assignment........................................................  7

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Master Plan Document

7.  Plan To Be Unfunded, etc. ........................................  8

8.  No Contract of Employment.........................................  8

9.  Amendment and Termination.........................................  8

10. Administration of the Plan........................................  9

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Deferred Compensation Plan
Master Plan Document

                              CABOT CORPORATION
                          DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN

        1. IN GENERAL.  Cabot Corporation (the "Company") has established this
Deferred Compensation Plan (the "Plan") to further its business interests by
providing eligible employees an opportunity to defer some or all of their
compensation on an unfunded, nonqualified basis as hereinafter provided.  The
Plan shall be effective January 1, 1995.

        2. DEFINED TERMS.  As used in the Plan, the following terms have the
meanings associated with them below:

              -  "Account":  A memorandum account maintained by the     
              Administrator to reflect the Employer's unfunded deferred
              compensation obligation to a  Participant hereunder, including
              where the context requires any  sub-account.

              -  "Administrator":  The Benefits Committee of the Company,     
              whose members are appointed by the Board and serve at the Board's
              pleasure, or such other committee, person or persons as the Board
              may designate. The term "Administrator" shall also include
              delegates of any of the foregoing.

              -  "Board":  The Board of Directors of the Company.

              -  "Code":  The federal Internal Revenue Code, as amended.

              -  "Consultant":  An individual performing consulting   
              services for an Employer (other than as an employee) who is
              designated by the Administrator as eligible to participate in the
              Plan, provided that such designation has not been revoked by the

              -  "CRISP":  The Cabot Retirement Incentive Savings Plan        
              as from time to time amended and in effect.

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Deferred Compensation Plan
Master Plan Document

              - "Earnings Measure":  An interest rate, stock index, bond
              index, mutual fund or other objective external measure of
              investment performance specified by the Administrator for
              purposes of measuring and crediting notional earnings under
              Section 4(b) below.

              - "Eligible Employee":  An individual employed by an       
              Employer who is (i) determined by the Administrator to qualify as
              a "highly compensated or management" employee for purposes of
              Sections 201(a)(2), 301(a)(3) and 401(a)(1) of ERISA, and (ii)
              designated by the Administrator as eligible to participate in the
              Plan, provided that such designation has not been revoked by the

              - "Eligible Pay":  Except as otherwise determined by the      
              Administrator, Eligible Pay shall include (i) in the case of an
              Eligible Employee: base salary, amounts payable under the
              Company's short-term incentive program, and sales incentive
              bonuses; and (ii) in the case of a Consultant: the consulting
              fees payable by the Employer.  The Administrator in its
              discretion may include other categories of remuneration in, or
              exclude categories of remuneration from, the definition of
              "Eligible Pay," either in general or in particular cases.

              - "Employer":  The Company and its Subsidiaries, or any of    
              them.  Except as otherwise specified by the Administrator,
              however, participation in the Plan shall be limited to Eligible
              Employees employed by, or Consultants providing services to, the
              Company or one of the Subsidiaries listed in Appendix A hereto.

              - "ERISA":  The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of
              1974, as amended.

              - "Moody's Rate":  The rate described in Section 5(e) below.

              - "Participant":  A Consultant or an Eligible Employee who 
              participates in the Plan.

              - "Subsidiary":  A corporation in which the Company holds,   
              directly or indirectly, stock possessing 50% of the total voting
              power, and any other corporation or unincorporated trade or
              business that the Board designates as a Subsidiary for purposes
              of the Plan.

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Master Plan Document

        3. Deferral Election

          (a) IN GENERAL.  Each Eligible Employee and Consultant may elect to
        defer hereunder a specified portion or percentage of his or her Eligible
        Pay to be earned in any calendar year.  Except as the Administrator may
        otherwise determine, Eligible Pay is earned in a year if (i) in the case
        of base salary or Consultant's fees paid on a periodic basis, it would
        normally be paid in that year; or (ii) in the case of other Eligible
        Pay, it is neither vested nor determinable at the beginning of the year
        but becomes determinable at some point during the year.  Each such
        deferral election shall be made by the Participant's delivery to the
        Administrator of a deferral election form on or before the date
        specified by the Administrator, but in any case (except as provided in
        (b) below) prior to the first day of the calendar year to which the
        deferral election relates.

          (b) FIRST YEAR OF PARTICIPATION.  Notwithstanding (a) above, an
        individual who first becomes eligible to participate in the Plan during
        the course of a calendar year may elect to defer a specified portion or
        percentage of his or her Eligible Pay for the remainder of the year by
        delivering to the Administrator a deferral election form within 30 days
        of being notified of eligibility, such election to take effect as of the
        first day of the month next following receipt by the Administrator of
        such form or forms (the "initial effective date").  An election under
        this paragraph shall be effective only as to Eligible Pay earned in the
        period commencing on the initial effective date and ending on the last
        day of the year, as determined by the Administrator under principles
        similar to those set forth in (a)(i) and (a)(ii) above.

          (c) LIMITS.  Except as otherwise determined by the Administrator, the
        maximum amount of Eligible Pay that an Eligible Employee may elect to
        defer for any year shall be 50% of his or her base salary plus 100% of
        any other Eligible Pay.  An Eligible Employee who elects to defer any
        Eligible Pay for a year must defer at least $2,000.  The $2,000 minimum
        shall apply on a prorated basis with respect to a partial year election
        under (b) above.  A Consultant may defer any portion or all of his or
        her consulting fees for any year.

          (d) FORM OF ELECTION; IRREVOCABILITY. Each deferral election shall be
        made in writing on a form prescribed by the Administrator.  The
        Administrator may condition the effectiveness of any election upon the
        delivery by the Participant of such other form or forms as the
        Administrator may prescribe.  A deferral election applicable to Eligible
        Pay to be earned in a particular calendar year shall be irrevocable once
        that year has begun (or, in the case of an initial year of participation
        described in (b) above, once the 30-day election period has expired).

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Master Plan Document

        4. ACCOUNTS; CREDITS.  For each Participant, the Administrator shall
maintain one or more Accounts reflecting deferrals and notional earnings as
hereinafter provided.

          (a) DEFERRAL CREDITS.  Each amount deferred by a Participant under
        Section 3 above shall be credited to the Participant's Account in the
        year the amount would have been paid absent the deferral.  In addition,
        there shall be credited to the Account of each Participant who is an
        Eligible Employee: (i) for the year to which the Participant's deferral
        election relates, an amount equal to 10% of any base salary elected to
        be deferred by the Participant from that year; provided, that
        Participants who also participate in the Company's supplemental plans
        (or any of them) shall not be eligible for the additional credit
        described in this clause; and (ii) subject to Treas. Regs. Section
        1.401(k)-1(e)(6), if the Participant is a participant in CRISP, an
        additional credit equal to the amount, if any, of matching contributions
        that would have been made for the benefit of such Participant under
        CRISP but for a reduction thereunder attributable to the limitations of
        Sections 401(k) and 401(m) of the Code, provided that the Participant
        has elected to participate in CRISP to the maximum extent permitted by
        Section 401(k) of the Code.  Notional earnings under (b) below shall be
        calculated as though all amounts deferred under the preceding two
        sentences for a calendar year had been credited to the Participant's
        Account as of the first day of such year (or as of the date
        participation in the Plan commences, in the case of a Participant's
        first year of participation described in Section 3(b) above).

          (b) NOTIONAL EARNINGS. Not less frequently than annually, the
        Administrator shall adjust each Participant's Account to reflect
        notional earnings.  Notional earnings shall be based on such Earnings
        Measures as the Administrator shall specify.  The Administrator may, but
        need not, permit Participants to (i) select the Earnings Measures that
        will apply to their Accounts from among those specified by the
        Administrator, and (ii) change such Measures prospectively at any time.
        The Administrator shall have the absolute discretion at any time to
        alter or amend the Earnings Measures used in valuing and adjusting
        Accounts; provided, that the Administrator may not, without the written
        consent of the affected Participant, alter any Earnings Measure
        retroactively to the extent that the effect of such alteration would be
        to reduce the balance of the Participant's Account below what it was
        immediately prior to such alteration.  Nothing herein shall be construed
        as obligating the Administrator or any Employer to set aside assets or
        establish a trust or other fund for purposes of the Plan.

          (c) FICA/MEDICARE TAXES, ETC. To the extent any amount deferred or
        credited hereunder to the Account of a Participant is treated as "wages"
        for FICA/Medicare or FUTA tax purposes on a current basis rather than
        when distributed, all as determined by 

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Deferred Compensation Plan
Master Plan Document

        the Administrator, then the Administrator shall require that the
        Participant either (i) timely pay such taxes in cash by separate check
        to the Employer, or (ii) make other arrangements satisfactory to the
        Employer (e.g., additional withholding from other wage payments) for the
        payment of such taxes.  To the extent a Participant fails to pay or
        provide for such taxes as required, the Administrator may suspend the
        Participant's participation in the Plan or reduce amounts credited or to
        be credited hereunder.

        5. PAYMENT OF DEFERRED AMOUNTS.  The Participant's Employer shall make
distributions of Account balances as provided in this Section.  All
distributions shall be in cash.

          (a) FORM AND TIMING OF DISTRIBUTIONS; IN GENERAL.  Amounts credited to
        a Participant's Account for any year under Section 4(a) above (the
        "deferral year"), adjusted for notional earnings under Section 4(b)
        above, shall be paid as the Participant elects either

            (i) upon the expiration of a fixed period of years, but in no event
          earlier than the third anniversary of the beginning of the deferral
          year (a "fixed-period election"), or

            (ii) upon termination of the Participant's employment or consulting
          relationship with the Employer.

        A fixed-period election shall not be effective for any deferral year
        unless made prior to the beginning of the deferral year or within 30
        days of being notified of eligibility to participate, in the case of an
        initial year of participation described in Section 3(b) above, and once
        made shall be irrevocable.  Amounts distributable pursuant to a
        fixed-period election shall be paid in a lump sum.  If the Participant's
        employment or consulting relationship with the Employer terminates prior
        to the payment date specified in any fixed-period election, amounts that
        would otherwise have been payable under (i) above pursuant to such
        election shall instead be paid in a lump sum upon such termination.

        A Participant shall be deemed to have elected a distribution under (ii)
        above as to any portion of his or her Account for which an effective
        fixed-period election has not been made. Subject to such rules as the
        Administrator may prescribe, a Participant may elect to have amounts
        distributable under (ii) above paid either in a lump sum or in equal
        monthly installments over a period of five, ten or fifteen years (a
        "form of payment election"), and may change such election at any time
        prior to termination of employment or termination of the consulting
        relationship.  However, a Participant may have only one form of payment
        election in effect at any time, and it shall control the manner in which
        the entirety of the Participant's Account distributable under (ii) above
        will be paid.  Moreover, except for a Participant's initial form of
        payment election made in connection 

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Deferred Compensation Plan
Master Plan Document

        with his or her commencement of participation in the Plan, no such
        election or  change in election shall be effective unless made more than
        three years prior to termination of the Participant's employment or
        consulting relationship with the Company.  In the absence of any
        effective form of payment election, all amounts distributable to a
        Participant under the Plan shall be paid in a lump sum.  The
        Adminisitrator may also in its discretion accelerate the distribution
        under (ii) above, including payment of a lump sum, to a Participant who
        elected an installment payout and who terminates employment prior to age
        55 with less than 10 years of service with all Employers.

          (b) DISTRIBUTIONS UPON DEATH.  Each Participant shall designate in
        writing, on such form as the Administrator shall prescribe, a
        beneficiary or beneficiaries to receive any amounts remaining to be paid
        hereunder at the Participant's death; but if no such beneficiary
        designation is in effect at the time of the participant's death, or if
        the Participant's beneficiary(ies) do(es) not survive the Participant,
        the Administrator shall cause any such remaining benefits to be paid to
        the executor or administrator of the Participant's estate.  If death
        occurs prior to the commencement or completion of installment
        distributions to the Participant, the Administrator reserves the right
        to distribute the remaining balance of the decedent's Account to the
        designated beneficiary(ies), or to the decedent's estate where
        applicable, in a lump sum or other form of payment.  The spouse of a
        married Participant who has not consented in writing, on such form as
        the Administrator may prescribe, to a designation by the Participant of
        one or more non-spouse beneficiary(ies) shall be treated as the
        designated primary beneficiary for 50% of any portion of the
        Participant's Account remaining undistributed at the Participant's death
        (or such larger amount as the Participant shall have specified in his or
        her beneficiary designation, if any, in effect at the time of the
        Participant's death).  If application of the preceding sentence results
        in the Participant's spouse being treated as the designated primary
        beneficiary for any portion of the Participant's Account which would
        otherwise have been distributed to others, the Administrator shall
        reduce the amount payable to the other designated beneficiary(ies), if
        any, in such equitable manner as it deems appropriate under the

          (c) HARDSHIP.  If a Participant suffers an unforeseeable financial
        emergency (caused by an event beyond the Participant's control) prior to
        the payment in full of his or her Account, the Participant may apply in
        writing for an extraordinary distribution under this paragraph.  If the
        Administrator in its discretion determines that an unforeseeable
        financial emergency has occurred, the Participant's Employer will pay
        the Participant an amount equal to the lesser of (i) the then balance of
        the Participant's Account, or (ii) the amount determined by the
        Administrator to be necessary to meet the emergency (including
        applicable taxes).

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Deferred Compensation Plan
Master Plan Document

          (d) OTHER WITHDRAWALS.  A Participant may at any time elect to
        withdraw the entirety of his or her Accounts less a 10% withdrawal
        penalty (in addition to any applicable tax withholding).  Any such
        election shall be made in such manner and upon such prior notice as the
        Administrator may prescribe.  A Participant who elects a withdrawal
        under this Section 5(d) shall thereby be barred from future
        participation in the Plan and shall cease to be a Participant.

          (e) COMPUTATION OF INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS, ETC.  If any Account is to be
        distributed in installments, the amount of each such installment shall
        be determined so as to result in equal installments over the installment
        period, applying the following special rules and assumptions: (i) the
        Earnings Measure used to measure notional earnings with respect to the
        declining Account balance over the course of the installment period
        shall be a fixed rate equal to the average of the Moody's Rate for the
        year in which the installment distributions are to commence and the
        preceding four calendar years, and (ii) notional earnings (calculated
        using the Earnings Measure described in (i) above) shall be determined
        by assuming that the Account is reduced at the beginning of each year in
        the installment period by the aggregate amount of the installment
        payments to be made for that year.  For purposes of this paragraph, the
        Moody's Rate for any calendar year is the interest rate specified in
        Moody's Bond Record under the heading of "Moody's Corporate Bond Yield
        Averages -- Av. Corp.", as published for the month of November preceding
        the calendar year.

          (f) SECTION 162(m).  Notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan,
        prior to a Change in Control (as that term is defined in CRISP as in
        effect immediately prior to such a Change) the Administrator may defer
        payment of any portion of a distribution hereunder if in the judgment of
        the Administrator such deferral is necessary to avoid disallowance of a
        deduction under Section 162(m) of the Code.  Amounts so deferred shall
        continue to be credited with notional earnings under Section 4(b) and
        shall be paid on the earlier of (i) the date Section 162(m) would no
        longer limit the deductibility of such payment, as reasonably determined
        by the Administrator, or (ii) the date of the Change in Control (as so

          (g) TAXES.  All distributions under the Plan shall be subject to
        reduction for applicable tax withholding.

        6. ASSIGNMENT.  Each Employer's obligations under the Plan shall be
binding upon its successors and assigns.  The rights of Participants and
beneficiaries under the Plan are not subject in any manner to anticipation,
alienation, sale, transfer, assignment, pledge, encumbrance, attachment, or
garnishment by creditors of such Participants and beneficiaries.

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Master Plan Document

Any attempt by any person other than Participants or their beneficiaries to
bring a claim under the Plan shall be null and void.

        7. PLAN TO BE UNFUNDED, ETC.  The Plan is intended to be a "pension
plan" (within the meaning of Section 3(2) of ERISA) that is unfunded for ERISA
and tax purposes and that qualifies for the exemptions described in ERISA
Sections 201(a)(2), 301(a)(3) and 401(a)(1).  The Administrator shall be the
"plan administrator" of the Plan and shall have discretion to construe its
terms and determine each Eligible Employee's or Participant's eligibility for
deferrals or distributions hereunder.  If any person claims any benefit
hereunder, the Administrator shall make and communicate its decision with
respect to the claim within 90 days from the date the claim was received. 
Where special circumstances require additional time for processing the claim,
the ninety-day response period may be extended by the Administrator to 180
days.  If the Administrator does not render a written determination prior to
the expiration of such 90-day (or 180-day) period, the claim will be deemed
denied.  If a claim hereunder is denied, the claimant may, within 60 days of
such denial, appeal the denial by written request for review delivered to the
Board or its designate, which request may include a request to review pertinent
documents and to submit issues and comments in writing.  The Board or its
designate shall render a decision on the appeal within 60 days (or, if special
circumstances require an extension of the time for processing, 120 days) after
receipt of the request for review; but if no written decision is rendered
within such period(s), the appeal will be deemed denied.

Nothing in this Section or in Section 4(b) shall be construed as prohibiting
the Employer from establishing and maintaining a "rabbi trust" or similar trust
or account in connection with the Plan, so long as the maintenance and funding
of such a trust or account does not jeopardize the unfunded status of the Plan
under ERISA or effective tax deferral under the Code.

        8. NO CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT.  By participanting in the Plan, each
Participant expressly acknowledges and agrees that (i) nothing in the Plan in
its operation, including deferrals hereunder, limits the right of the Company
or any other Employer to terminate the employment or other services of the
Participant at any time, with or without cause, and that (ii) neither he or
she, nor his or her beneficiaries, will claim lost compensation or tax benefits
associated with discontinuance of participation in the Plan as damages or as a
measure of damages in connection with any termination of employment or other

        9. AMENDMENT AND TERMINATION.  The Board may terminate the Plan at any
time and may amend the Plan at any time and from time to time, including
amendments with retroactive effect; provided, that no such action shall,
without the consent of the affected Participant, reduce the balance of any
Participant's Account below what it was immediately prior to the taking of such

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Master Plan Document

action; and further provided, that upon and following a Change in Control (as
defined in CRISP as in effect immediately prior to such a Change), no amendment 
shall result in the further deferral of payments that have been delayed by
reason of the operation of Section 5(e) above.  If it determines such action to
be necessary to preserve or reinstate the Plan's status as a "top hat" plan
under Sections 201(a)(2), 301(a)(3) or 401(a)(1) of ERISA, or to ensure
effective tax deferral under the Plan, the Administrator may at any time
exclude any individual from participation in the Plan and cause his or her
Account to be promptly distributed, or may make such changes in the deferral or
distribution rules hereunder as are reasonably determined by the Administrator
to be necessary to accomplish such result or results.  Upon termination of the
Plan in general or as to any Participant or group of Participants, the
Administrator may, but need not, provide for immediate distribution of Accounts
to the affected Participants.

        10. ADMINISTRATION OF THE PLAN.  The Administrator shall have full
power to interpret and administer the Plan and determine the eligibility of any
person for benefits hereunder and the amount of any such benefit, in its
discretion.  Without limiting the foregoing, the Administrator shall have full
discretionary power and authority, not inconsistent with the express provisions
of the Plan, to select those individuals who may participate in the Plan; to
determine their remuneration eligible for deferral under the Plan; to determine
their eligibility to commence receipt of benefits and the form of benefits
(including, without limitation, any determination as to the proper treatment of
leaves of absence and other periods of service to the Employer); to adopt,
alter, and repeal such rules, guidelines and procedures for administration of
the Plan and for its own acts and proceedings as it shall deem advisable; to
prescribe the form of any election under the Plan; and otherwise to supervise
the administration of the Plan.

        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has signed this Plan Document as of the
1st day of January 1995.

                                By:  Karen M. Morrissey

                                Its: Vice President

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Deferred Compensation Plan
Master Plan Document

                                  Appendix A

Employers Participating in the Plan
- -----------------------------------
Cabot Corporation
Distrigas of Massachusetts Corporation

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