PROTEON, INC.

                                    COMPUTATION OF PRIMARY AND FULLY DILUTED
                                            (LOSS) INCOME PER SHARE
                                                 (in thousands)

                                         Three months ended            Nine months ended
                                     September 28,  September 30,  September 28,   September 30,
                                         1996           1995           1996            1995
                                     -------------  -------------  -------------   -------------
Net (Loss) Income                      $(1,763)       $ 1,558        $(3,967)        $ 6,649
                                       =======        =======        =======         =======

Weighted average number of
   common shares outstanding            15,521         15,456         15,499          15,388

Weighted average common
   equivalent shares                        --            241             --             266
                                       -------        -------        -------         -------

Weighted average number of
   common and common equivalent
   shares outstanding used to
   calculate per share data             15,521         15,697         15,499          15,654
                                       =======        =======        =======         =======

Net (loss) income per share
   Primary                             $ (0.11)       $  0.10        $ (0.26)        $  0.42
                                       =======        =======        =======         =======

   Fully diluted                       $ (0.11)       $  0.10        $ (0.26)        $  0.42
                                       =======        =======        =======         =======
