To:    Sam Yong

From:  Mariel Clark

Date:  October 29, 1993

Re:    Offer of Employment with Au Bon Pain Co., Inc.


     In order to summarize our several  conversations  regarding  your potential
employment  with Au Bon Pain Co.,  Inc.  (the  "Company"),  what  follows is the
Company's  understanding  of its agreement  with you on the  principal  terms on
which you are to be offered employment with the Company:


     You will be hired as an Executive Vice President,  with  responsibility for
international  business  development,  new business  development  and such other
responsibilities as may be assigned to you from time to time by the Co-Chairmen.
You will report to Mr.  Ronald M.  Shaich,  the  Co-Chairman.  Your  anticipated
employment commencement date is February 1, 1994. As is the case with all of the
Company's  senior  management  personnel,  you  will be  treated  as an  at-will
employee,  with  contractual  rights upon your  employment  being  terminated at
certain times and under certain  circumstances,  as more particularly  described
below. All other terms of your employment not specifically addressed herein will
be the same as similarly-situated senior management personnel of the Company.

Separation Agreement.

     You will enter into a separation agreement with the Company. This agreement
will cover  separation  terms in the event that your  employment  is  terminated
within  the two (2)  years  following  your  employment  commencement  date (for
purposes  hereof,  such two  (2)-year  period  is  referred  to as the  "Covered

     1. No separation payments will be owed or made to you if your employment is
terminated  during  the  Covered  Period by the  Company  for gross  misconduct,
including gross dereliction of duties.


     2. No separation  payments (other than those, if any, then customarily paid
by the Company to its senior managers under similar  circumstances) will be owed
or made to you if your employment is terminated  following the Covered Period by
the Company for any reason or for no reason.

     3. If during  the  Covered  Period,  your  employment  with the  Company is
terminated by the Company for any reason other than gross  misconduct,  then the
Company  will pay to you your "Base Pay" (as  defined  below) for the  remaining
portion of the Covered Period,  as and when the same would have been paid to you
had your  employment not been so  terminated.  For purposes  hereof,  "Base Pay"
shall mean your base salary and car  allowance,  determined  as of the effective
date of your employment termination.

     4. If during the Covered Period, you voluntarily  terminate your employment
with the Company for any reason or for no reason, and in so doing you provide to
the Company no less than 120 days' prior written  notice,  then the Company will
pay to you your Base Pay for the 120-day period  following the effective date of
an employment termination covered by this paragraph,  as and when the same would
have been paid to you had your employment not been so terminated.

     5. If during the Covered Period, you voluntarily  terminate your employment
with the  Company  for any reason or for no  reason,  and in so doing you DO NOT
provide to the  Company  the at least 120 days' prior  written  notice,  then no
separation payments will be owed or made to you.

     6. In addition to the foregoing separation payment arrangements,  if at any
time  during the Covered  Period and for one (1) year  thereafter  (the  "3-Year
Period"),  both Louis I. Kane and Ronald M.  Shaich  shall cease to serve as the
Co-Chairmen  of the Company and  thereafter,  but before the  expiration  of the
3-Year Period, your employment with the Company is terminated by the Company for
any reason  other than gross  misconduct,  then the Company will pay to you your
Base Pay for the remaining  portion of the 3-Year  Period,  as and when the same
would have been paid to you had your employment not been so terminated.

     A  separation  agreement  has been  attached to this  memorandum,  for your
review and  consideration.  When signed by you and the Company,  the  separation
agreement  shall   constitute  our  agreement   regarding   separation   payment
arrangements for you and shall supersede this memorandum in all respects.

Stock Options.


     1. Upon hire,  you will be granted a  fully-vested  option to purchase that
number of shares which equals  $300,000  divided by the closing price of a share
of Class A common stock on the trading day immediately preceding the grant date.
This option will terminate to the extent not then exercised (i) ninety (90) days
following  termination  of your  employment  by the Company for any reason other
than cause,  (ii) twelve (12) months following your death or termination of your
employment  by reason  of your  disability,  (iii)  thirty  (30) days  following
voluntary  termination by you of your employment by the Company, and (iv) in all
other  cases,  immediately  following  termination  of  your  employment  by the

     2.  Subject  to your  continuing  employment  with  the  Company,  you will
participate  in the  Company's  "Performance  Based Option  Program"  along with
similarly-situated  senior  management  personnel,   whereby  you  will  receive
additional  incentive-based  options to purchase shares of Class A common stock,
in amounts to be determined in  conjunction  with the Company's  annual  budget,
plan and incentive  processes.  These  options will be subject to  then-existing
plan provisions, including vesting schedules; currently, similar options contain
a 5-year vesting schedule, with options vesting 25% two years after grant and an
additional  25% three,  four and five years  after  grant.  In  addition,  these
options will be fully vested in the event that the Company is sold or if both of
the  Co-Chairmen  cease to hold  their  respective  positions  as such  with the
Company.  These  options will contain  termination  provisions  similar to those
described above.

     3. Subject to your continuing employment with the Company, you will receive
additional  options to purchase an aggregate of $300,000 worth of Class A common
stock.  These  options will be granted in twelve (12)  quarterly  traunches,  in
arrears on the last day of each calendar  quarter,  commencing with the calendar
quarter which  includes your  employment  commencement  date and  continuing for
twelve (12) consecutive calendar quarters, as follows:

                  Date                                Value
                  ----                                ------
                  03/31/94                            $25,000
                  06/30/94                            $25,000
                  09/30/94                            $25,000
                  12/31/94                            $25,000
                  03/31/95                            $25,000
                  06/30/95                            $25,000
                  09/30/95                            $25,000


                  12/31/95                            $25,000
                  03/31/96                            $25,000
                  06/30/96                            $25,000
                  09/30/96                            $25,000
                  12/31/96                            $25,000

     Termination of your employment, for any reason or for no reason, will cause
these  options to cease  being  granted,  but will not affect  your  rights with
respect to previously  granted options.  Each option will represent the right to
purchase that number of shares which equals $25,000 divided by the closing price
of a share of Class A common stock on the trading day immediately  preceding the
grant date.  These  options will be subject to  then-existing  terms,  including
vesting   schedules,   applicable   to  options   granted  under  the  Company's
"Performance  Based Option  Program."  These  options  will contain  termination
provisions similar to those described above.

     4. If the Company  achieves  $300,000,000 in annual sales (defined as sales
from Company-operated bakery/cafes plus development fees and franchise fees paid
to and received by the Company, excluding franchise royalty fees, and sales from
franchised cafes determined by the year-end audited financial  statements of the
Company)and  you are then  employed by the  Company,  then you will be granted a
fully-vested  option to purchase  that number of shares  which  equals  $600,000
divided  by the  closing  price  of a share  of  Class  A  common  stock  on the
immediately  preceding  trading  day.  In the event  that  prior to the  Company
achieving  $300,000,000 in annual sales (as defined above),  the Company is sold
or if both of the Co-Chairmen  cease to hold their respective  positions as such
with the Company, then you will receive a portion of these options, as follows:

          (a) If the event occurs within one (1) year following your  employment
     commencement date, then you will receive a fully-vested  option to purchase
     that number of shares which equals $200,000 divided by the closing price of
     a share of Class A common stock on the immediately  preceding  trading day;

          (b) If the  event  occurs  between  one (1)  year  and  two (2)  years
     following  your  employment  commencement  date,  then you will  receive  a
     fully-vested option to purchase that number of shares which equals $400,000
     divided  by the  closing  price of a share  of Class A common  stock on the
     immediately preceding trading day; and


          (c) If the  event  occurs  between  two (2)  years and three (3) years
     following  your  employment  commencement  date,  then you will  receive  a
     fully-vested option to purchase that number of shares which equals $600,000
     divided  by the  closing  price of a share  of Class A common  stock on the
     immediately preceding trading day.

     These  options  will  contain  termination   provisions  similar  to  those
described above.

     Forms of the option  agreements to be used for the foregoing  stock options
have been attached to this memorandum, for your review and consideration.


     1. Your initial  annual base salary will be $160,000.  This will be subject
to  review  annually  together  with  review  of  all  management  salaries,  in
accordance with Company policy,  based on (among other things) your  performance
and the Company's profitability.

     2. Your initial  incentive  compensation  will be based upon thirty percent
(30%) of your annual base salary; the actual incentive  compensation will depend
upon  achieving  an  agreed  set  of  plan  objectives.   Continuing   incentive
compensation  will be subject to review  annually  together  with  review of all
management incentive programs, in accordance with Company policy.

     3. You will receive an annual car allowance, initially set at $5,000.

     4. The Company will pay you $40,000  toward your expenses for relocation to

     5. As a member of the Company's senior  management,  you will be subject to
Company  policy  regarding  the purchase and sale of Company  stock.  Currently,
these policies include:

          (a) No more than 25% of your aggregate  stock holdings and options may
     be  sold  in one  year in any  single  transaction  or  related  series  of

          (b) No transaction  in the Company's  stock may be effected other than
     during the ten (10)-day  "window"  following  the release of the  Company's
     quarterly earnings statement.

          (c) You will be subject to the reporting  obligations  and short-swing
     profit  restrictions of section 16 


     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.  Essentially,  you will be required
     to report all  transactions in Company stock,  either monthly or at the end
     of each year; and if you buy and sell, or sell and buy, Company stock for a
     profit within any six (6)-month  period,  then the profit must be paid over
     to the Company.

     6.  Nothing  herein will be construed to obligate the Company to employ you
or, if the Company so chooses to employ you and you agree to such employment, to
continue your employment for any period of time.

                                           /s/ Sam Yong   11/2/93

                                           /s/ Mariel Clark  11/2/93