Filed pursuant to Rule 424(b)(4)
                                                Registration No. 333-40649


                                 CONSYGEN, INC.

                                  COMMON STOCK


      Of the estimated 2,898,986 shares of Common Stock, $.003 par value (the
"Common Stock") of ConSyGen, Inc., a Texas corporation ("ConSyGen" or the
"Company"), offered hereby, an estimated 211,416 shares are being sold by the
Company upon conversion of outstanding convertible notes and 2,687,570 are being
sold by certain stockholders of the Company (the "Selling Stockholders"). See
"Selling Stockholders." There can be no assurance that the convertible notes
will be converted.

      The Common Stock is quoted on the National Association of Securities
Dealer's OTC Bulletin Board ("OTC Bulletin Board") under the symbol "CSGI." On
December 8, 1997, the last reported sale price of the Common Stock was $6.50
per share.




                                                  Price to                   Proceeds to               Proceeds to
                                                 Public (1)                 Company(2)(3)                Selling
- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------- ------------------------ -----------------------
Per Share...................               $           6.75(1)/$4.73(3)        $     4.73                $      6.75
- ------------------------------------------ ---------------------------- ------------------------ -----------------------
Total ......................               $18,141,098(1)/$1,000,000(3)        $1,000,000                $18,141,098
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      (1) Estimated based on the last reported sale of the Common Stock on the
          OTC Bulletin Board on November 13, 1997.

      (2) Before deducting expenses payable by the Company estimated to be

      (3) Assumes conversion of $1.0 million of long-term debt, at an assumed
          conversion rate of $4.73 per share (70% of $6.75, the closing price of
          the Common Stock, as quoted on the OTC Bulletin Board on November 13,
          1997), into approximately 211,416 shares of Common Stock. There can be
          no assurance that such long-term debt will be converted into Common


                               DECEMBER 9, 1997.



                               PROSPECTUS SUMMARY

The following is qualified in its entirety by the more detailed information
(including the financial statements and notes thereto) appearing elsewhere in
this Prospectus.

                                   THE COMPANY

         The Company's business consists solely of the business of its wholly
owned subsidiary, ConSyGen, Inc., an Arizona corporation ("ConSyGen-Arizona").
ConSyGen-Arizona commenced business in 1979 for the purpose of developing and
marketing vertical market software for the hotel and airline industries. In
addition to providing these software packages, for many of its clients,
ConSyGen-Arizona converted these applications from proprietary Honeywell
computers to open systems (UNIX-compliant hardware), using an
internally-developed approach which automated the conversion process. Until
1995, ConSyGen-Arizona licensed its proprietary computer software, which was
used in the hotel and airline industries, and also provided software maintenance
services. In 1996, ConSyGen-Arizona discontinued its practice of software
licensing and providing software maintenance services.

         In 1991, in response to growing business demand for migration of older
software applications from mainframe computers to open systems, ConSyGen-Arizona
commenced development of a fully-automated capability to allow clients to move
software applications from mainframes to open systems, while simultaneously
performing migration to alternative databases and providing replacement of
existing languages (primarily, COBOL). This process, also known as "down-sizing"
or "re-hosting", was designed to move application software from expensive,
inflexible, proprietary mainframe computers to newly-available, lower-cost
open-system computers, thereby opening up more effective environments, while
substantially reducing operating costs. After significant research and
development, an automated software conversion toolset - ConSyGen Conversion(SM)-
was completed. See "Risk Factors Absence of Proven Technology/Market

         Full automation of this otherwise-manual process offered the
significant benefit of eliminating most of the manual conversion tasks, thereby
reducing effort, time and expense, while improving accuracy and reducing testing

         In early 1996, ConSyGen-Arizona commenced the extension of the existing
conversion capability to deal specifically with the Year 2000 problem; that is
the inability of a software application to recognize the Year 2000.
ConSyGen-Arizona's objective was to develop a fully-automated process for the
identification and correction of date occurrences in software applications.
Although under continuous development, the Company's ConSyGen 2000(SM) toolset,
which provides automated date conversions, has been used to complete several
pilot (non-revenue generating) Year 2000 conversion projects, and patents are
pending on the technology. See "Risk Factors - Absence of Proven
Technology/Market Acceptance." Automation of the process by which software is
made compliant for the Year 2000 and beyond, as compared with a manual process,
offers the benefits of speed; accuracy; reduced staffing, time and cost; and
higher confidence in the delivered result. Client staff involvement is reduced
to project-related tasks (such as test planning), and to confirmation of some
date origins and cross-references in the software.

         ConSyGen-Arizona now concentrates on the marketing and provision of
services related to its primary software products - ConSyGen 2000 and ConSyGen
Conversion. Marketing is performed by ConSyGen directly, through selected
teaming partners, and through a representative program.

         Although the Company is actively marketing its ConSyGen 2000 and
ConSyGen Conversion toolsets, the Company is not currently generating any
significant revenue, either from its ConSyGen 2000 or its ConSyGen Conversion
toolset. See "Risk Factors - Absence of Proven Technology/Market Acceptance."
Although the Company has completed several pilot (non-revenue generating) Year
2000 conversion projects, the Company has not yet completed a revenue generating
Year 2000 conversion project. The Company did complete several revenue
generating migration projects from 1993 to 1995, but the Company has not since
completed such a project. Instead, the Company's efforts have been focused on
the further development of its ConSyGen Conversion toolset, including extending
the toolset to cover new hardware environments. Such further development and
extension of the toolset was necessary, as the toolset was limited in
application to Honeywell/BULL systems and did not perform conversions with
sufficient speed. The Company recently entered into a revenue generating
contract with Lender's Service, Inc., a subsidiary of Merrill Lynch, pursuant to
which the Company will provide conversion services, including both migration and
Year 2000 correction services.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                  THE OFFERING

Common Stock Offered by the Company (1)..................................        211,416 shares
Common Stock Offered by Selling Stockholders.............................        2,687,570 shares
Common Stock to be Outstanding after the Offering........................        15,265,494 shares(2)

Use of Proceeds..........................................................        Conversion of long-term debt.
                                                                                 See "Use of Proceeds."

OTC Bulletin Board Symbol................................................        CSGI

- -------------------------

(1) Assumes conversion of $1.0 million of long-term debt, at an assumed
    conversion rate of $4.73 per share (70% of $6.75, the closing price of the
    Common Stock, as quoted on the OTC Bulletin Board on November 13, 1997),
    into approximately 211,416 shares of Common Stock. There can be no assurance
    that such long-term debt will be converted into Common Stock.

(2) Does not include: (i) outstanding warrants to purchase 1,400,000 shares of
    Common Stock, at an exercise price of $5.00 per share, of which 1,300,000
    are currently exercisable; and (ii) outstanding options to purchase
    2,270,000 shares of Common Stock, at a weighted average exercise price of
    $2.82, of which approximately 1,185,250 are currently exercisable.


                                                                                                                    THREE MONTHS
                                                                   YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,                       ENDED AUGUST 31,
                                                                   ------------------------                       ----------------
                                 5 MONTHS ENDED
                                  MAY 31, 1997      1996        1995         1994        1993        1992        1997         1996
                                  ------------      ----        ----         ----        ----        ----        ----         ----
CONSOLIDATED INCOME                                                                         (unaudited)              (unaudited)
   Revenues                        $    20          $ 44        $ 329        $ 790       $ 854      $ 819        $  6         $ -

   Net loss                         (1,648)       (6,621)      (1,120)        (655)       (595)       (50)       (744)       (1,351)

   Weighted average common
       shares outstanding       13,700,231     9,438,062    6,116,661    5,958,327   3,500,000  1,000,000  13,919,831     8,076,889

   Net loss per
       common share                  (0.12)        (0.70)       (0.18)       (0.11)      (0.17)     (0.05)      (0.05)        (0.17)

                                                                                                               AUGUST 31, 1997
                                                                         DECEMBER 31,                      ------------------------
                                  MAY 31, 1997      1996        1995         1994        1993        1992  ACTUAL AS ADJUSTED(1)(2)
                                  ------------      ----        ----         ----        ----        ----  ------------------------
CONSOLIDATED BALANCE                                                                        (unaudited)              (unaudited)
   Cash and cash equivalents          $ 21          $ 83           $3          $14          $1          -        $ 51     $   5,759

   Working capital (deficit)          (857)         (820)      (1,460)        (795)     (3,363)    (6,853)       (295)        5,159

   Total assets                        211           222          173           64         230        423       1,004         6,210

   Long-term debt                    1,000           -            -            -           -          -         1,000           -

   Stockholders' equity (deficit)   (1,720)         (742)      (1,392)        (779)     (3,325)    (6,819)       (947)        5,508

(1)     Assumes conversion of $1.0 million of long-term debt, at an assumed
        conversion rate of $4.73 per share (70% of $6.75, the closing price of
        the Common Stock, as quoted on the OTC Bulletin Board on November 13,
        1997), into approximately 211,416 shares of Common Stock. There can be
        no assurance that such long-term debt will be converted into Common

(2)     Gives effect to the following transactions: (i) the receipt of $504,000
        (net of finder's fee) in payment of subscription receivable and the
        issuance of the related 100,000 shares; (ii) the sale in September 1997
        of 52,000 shares of Common Stock, for net proceeds of approximately
        $312,000; (iii) the sale in October 1997 of 900,000 shares of Common
        Stock at a price of $5.8625 per share, for net proceeds of approximately
        $5.1 million; (iv) the issuance in October 1997 of 31,000 shares of
        Common Stock in payment of current indebtedness in the amount of
        approximately $250,000; and (v) the issuance of 20,000 shares of Common
        Stock to a consultant of the Company as consideration for services
        rendered and to be rendered.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



                                  RISK FACTORS

         An investment in the shares of Common Stock offered hereby involves a
high degree of risk. In addition to the other information in this Prospectus,
the following risk factors should be considered carefully in evaluating the
Company and its business before purchasing the shares of Common Stock offered

continuing to develop its ConSyGen Conversion and ConSyGen 2000 tool sets, and
there can be no assurance that such toolsets will perform to market
expectations, be well received, or generate substantial revenues, if any. The
Company is not currently generating any significant revenue from either its
ConSyGen 2000 or its ConSyGen Conversion toolset, or otherwise. Although the
Company is currently working on a revenue generating year 2000 conversion, the
Company has yet to complete a year 2000 conversion on a commercial basis with
its ConSyGen 2000 toolset. Moreover, the Company has not completed a revenue
generating migration project with its ConSyGen Conversion toolset since 1995.
There can be no assurance that the Company's ConSyGen 2000 toolset will enable
the Company to successfully convert software programs on a commercial basis so
that they are year 2000 compliant. Nor can there be any assurance that the
Company's ConSyGen Conversion toolset will enable the Company to successfully
perform migration projects on a commercial basis. Failure of the Company's
ConSyGen 2000 or ConSyGen Conversion toolsets to enable successful year 2000
conversions and migrations will have a material adverse effect on the price of
the Company's common stock and the Company's business, financial condition and
results of operations. There can be no assurance that the Company will be able
to compete effectively in the market for its services. The failure of the
Company to penetrate its target market would have a material adverse effect upon
its operations and prospects. Market acceptance of the Company's services will
depend upon the ability of the Company to demonstrate the advantages of its
toolsets over competing technologies.

         ACCUMULATED DEFICIT; NET LOSSES. The Company has not been profitable
and had accumulated losses at August 31, 1997 of approximately $19.6 million.
Management believes that the Company's long-term ability to continue as a going
concern is dependent upon obtaining adequate long-term financing and the
achievement of profitability. The Company has not yet generated significant
revenue from either its ConSyGen 2000 or ConSyGen Conversion toolset, or
otherwise. Nor has the Company completed a Year 2000 conversion on a commercial
basis with its ConSyGen 2000 toolset. Moreover, the Company has not since 1995
completed a migration project using its ConSyGen Conversion toolset. There can
be no assurance that the Company will be able to generate significant revenue
from services related to either its ConSyGen 2000 or ConSyGen Conversion
toolset. See "Risk Factors - Absence of Proven Technology/Market Acceptance."
Nor can there be any assurance that the Company will be able to obtain adequate
long term financing. See "Risk Factors -- Future Capital Needs." The failure of
the Company to generate significant revenue from its conversion services or
obtain adequate long term financing will have a material adverse effect on the
Company's ability to continue as a going concern. There can be no assurance that
the Company will be successful in achieving these goals.

has yet to generate any revenue from providing year 2000 conversion services,
the Company currently devotes significant resources to developing services that
address the year 2000 problem. Although the Company believes that the demand for
services relating to the year 2000 problem will continue to exist for a limited
time beyond the year 2000, eventually, the demand for such services will be
non-existent. Moreover, the Company is not currently generating any significant
revenue from its ConSyGen Conversion toolset, the toolset it uses to migrate
software applications from mainframe environments to open systems. There can be
no assurance that the Company will be able to diversify and develop and market
products and services (including its ConSyGen Conversion toolset) to enable the
Company to generate business from non-Year 2000 related services. The failure of
the Company to generate business unrelated to the year 2000 market will have a
material adverse effect on the Company's business, financial condition and
results of operations.



         SHARES ELIGIBLE FOR FUTURE SALE. Sales of substantial amounts of Common
Stock in the public market, or the perception that such sales may occur, could
adversely affect the prevailing market price of the Common Stock. Upon
completion of this Offering, the Company will have approximately 15,265,494
shares of Common Stock outstanding. Of those shares, approximately 6,860,102
shares will be freely tradable without restriction under the Securities Act of
1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"). Upon completion of the Offering,
8,593,610 shares of Common Stock will be eligible for sale in the public market
without registration, subject to certain volume and other limitations, pursuant
to Rule 144 under the Securities Act. The remaining shares of Common Stock held
by existing stockholders, including shares issuable upon exercise of warrants,
will become eligible for sale under Rule 144 or otherwise at various times
thereafter. The Company is obligated to register under the Securities Act shares
of Common Stock held by certain stockholders of the Company. Except for
approximately 100,000 of such shares, all of such shares are registered on the
Registration Statement, of which this Prospectus is a part. In addition, there
are currently outstanding warrants to purchase 1,400,000 shares of Common Stock,
of which 1,300,000 are currently exercisable, and options to purchase 2,270,000
shares of Common Stock, of which 1,211,250 are currently exercisable. The
Company may in the future file a registration statement on Form S-8 registering
the shares issuable upon exercise of these options. If any portion of the Shares
of Common Stock registered hereunder or issuable upon exercise of the
outstanding warrants or options are sold in the public market, such sales may
have a material adverse effect on the market price of the Common Stock. See
"Risk Factors - Limited Trading Market." The sale of such shares may also have a
material adverse effect on the Company's ability to raise needed capital.

         DEVELOPMENT OF NEW TECHNOLOGIES. The Company's success is dependent
upon the successful development and marketing of its current and future services
and products, as well as upon generating substantial revenue. The likelihood of
the Company's success must be considered in light of the problems, expenses,
difficulties, complications and delays frequently encountered in connection with
the development of new technologies. These include, but are not limited to,
competition, the need to develop customer support capabilities and market
expertise, and setbacks in product development, market acceptance and sales and

         FUTURE CAPITAL NEEDS. The Company's future capital requirements will
depend on many factors, including the Company's ability to generate cash flow
from operations, if any, continued progress in its research and development
programs, the development of superior technologies by the Company's competitors,
and the Company's ability to market its services successfully. See "Risk Factors
- - Accumulated Deficit, Net Losses", " - Absence of Proven Technology/Market
Acceptance," and "- Development of New Technologies." The Company may need to
raise additional funds in the future through equity and/or debt financings. Any
such financings will result in dilution to the Company's then existing
stockholders, and any financing, if available at all, may not be on terms
favorable to the Company. There can be no assurance that the Company will be
able to obtain needed financing or that the terms of such financing will be
favorable to the Company. If adequate funds are not available, there would be a
material adverse effect on the Company's ability to continue as a going concern.

         LIMITED TRADING MARKET. There is currently a very limited public market
for the Common Stock of the Company. There can be no assurance that the current
limited public trading market for the Company's Common Stock is sustainable.
Because there is only a very limited public trading market for the Company's
Common Stock, the price of the Common Stock, as quoted on the OTC Bulletin
Board, is highly volatile. See "Price Range of Common Stock." The sale of a
small number of shares of Common Stock could cause the quoted price of the
Common Stock to drop dramatically. Due to the volatility of the market price of
the Company's Common Stock, an investor may not be able to dispose of the Common
Stock without losing all or a substantial portion of its investment. See "Risk
Factors - Shares Eligible for Future Sale."

highly dependent on the knowledge and experience of its key officers for its
growth and profitable operation. The Company relies heavily, at present, on its
four key officers, Ronald I. Bishop, President and CEO; Robert L. Stewart,
Chairman, Jeffrey Richards, Vice President, Sales and Marketing, and James
Vales, Vice President, Operations. While the



Company will hire and train others to assist them,  should they become unable to
serve or leave the Company in the near future, such an event may have a material
adverse effect on the Company.  The Company does not currently hold key man life
insurance policies on any such officers.  The ability of the Company to generate
revenues in the future will depend in part on its success in adding and managing
a  significant   number  of  management,   research  and  product   development,
operations,  marketing,  sales and sales support personnel.  Due to the level of
technical and marketing  expertise necessary to support and market the Company's
service offerings, the Company must attract and retain highly qualified and well
trained  personnel.  There are a limited  number of persons  with the  requisite
skills to serve in these positions and it may become increasingly  difficult for
the Company to hire and retain such personnel. Competition for such personnel is
intense,  and there can be no assurance that the Company will be able to attract
and retain such personnel.

         COMPETITION. The Company's business is extremely competitive. Many of
the Company's competitors have greater market recognition and greater financial,
technical, marketing and human resources than the Company. There can be no
assurance that the Company will be able to compete successfully against existing
companies or new entrants to the marketplace. Furthermore, the development by
competitors of new or improved products and technologies may render the
Company's services or proposed services obsolete or less competitive, which
could have a material adverse effect on the Company.

         TECHNOLOGICAL OBSOLESCENCE. The market in which the Company operates is
characterized by extensive research and development and rapid technological
change, resulting in relatively short life cycles for the Company's service
offerings. Development by others of new or improved products, processes or
technologies may make the Company's services or proposed services or products
obsolete or less competitive. The Company will be required to devote substantial
efforts and financial resources to enhance its existing services and to develop
new services or products.

         CONTROLLING SHAREHOLDER. More than a majority of the outstanding shares
of Common Stock is beneficially owned by Robert L. Stewart, Chairman of the
Company. Mr. Stewart will be able to control the board of directors and the
Company for the foreseeable future.

         NO ANTICIPATED DIVIDENDS. The Company has not paid any cash dividends
on its capital stock since its inception and does not intend to pay any
dividends in the foreseeable future. Although the Company has not had any
earnings to date, the Company intends to retain any future earnings for use in
its business operations.

services as complex as those offered by the Company frequently result in errors
or failures, especially when first introduced or when subsequently modified The
Company has in the past encountered difficulties while performing pilot
conversion services. There can be no assurance that the Company will not in the
future encounter further difficulties while performing conversion services on a
commercial basis, resulting in loss of revenue or delay in market acceptance,
diversion of development resources, damages to the Company's reputation,
increased service and warranty costs, and legal claims for damages, any of which
could have a material adverse effect on the Company. The Company does not have
insurance to cover potential liabilities related to the provision of defective
conversion services.

         IMMEDIATE AND SUBSTANTIAL DILUTION. Investors purchasing shares from
the selling stockholders in this offering will incur immediate and substantial
dilution of $6.38 (95%) per share between the adjusted net tangible book value
per share after this offering, $.37, and the estimated public offering price of
$6.75 (the closing price of the Common Stock on November 13, 1997, as quoted on
the OTC Bulletin Board. The holders of the convertible notes acquiring shares
from the Company upon conversion of the such notes will incur immediate and
substantial dilution of $4.36 (92%) per share between the adjusted net tangible
book value per share after this offering, $.37, and the assumed conversion price
of $4.73 (70% of $6.75, the closing price of the Common Stock on November 13,
1997, as quoted on the OTC Bulletin Board).


         INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. The Company's ability to compete effectively
depends to a significant extent on its ability to protect is proprietary
information. The Company relies primarily upon confidentiality procedures, trade
secrets and trademark and trade name laws to protect its intellectual property
rights. The Company generally enters into confidentiality agreements with its
customers, key employees and its marketing partners, and generally controls
access to its technology, software and other proprietary information. Despite
these precautions, it may be possible for competitors or customers to copy all
or part of the Company's technology or obtain information from the Company which
the Company regards as proprietary. Furthermore, there can be no assurance that
others will not independently develop technology similar to that developed or
planned by the Company. Although the Company intends to defend its intellectual
property, there can be no assurance that the steps taken by the Company to
protect its proprietary information will be adequate to prevent misappropriation
of its technology or that the Company's competitors will not independently
develop technologies that are substantially equivalent or superior to the
Company's technology.

         The Company is also subject to the risk of alleged infringement of
intellectual property rights of others. Although the Company believes that its
software does not infringe on the proprietary rights of others and has not
received any written notice of claimed infringement, because of the rapid
technological development of the computer industry, certain of the Company's
technologies could infringe on existing proprietary rights of third parties. If
any such infringement exists or occurs there can be no assurance that any
necessary licenses or rights could be obtained on terms satisfactory to the
Company, if at all. Further, in such event, the Company may be required to
modify the infringing technology. There can be no assurance that the Company
would be able to do so in a timely manner, upon acceptable terms and conditions
or at all, and the failure to do so could have material adverse effect on the
Company. In addition, litigation may be necessary to enforce the Company's
intellectual property rights, to determine the validity and scope of the
proprietary rights of others or to defend against claims of infringement or
invalidity. Such litigation could result in substantial costs and diversion of
resources and could have a material adverse effect on the Company.

         NASD REVIEW. The National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc.
("NASD") in December 1996 advised the Company that it was conducting a review of
trading in the Company's Common Stock following the acquisition of ConSyGen,
Inc., a privately held Arizona corporation ("ConSyGen-Arizona"). The NASD made a
written inquiry of the Company to which the Company responded in writing in
January 1997. The NASD made inquiry with respect to, among other things, a
private placement by ConSyGen-Arizona, the acquisition of ConSyGen-Arizona by
the Company, and issuances of Common Stock by the Company during 1996. The NASD
has not yet responded in writing to the Company's written response. Subsequent
to the Company's written response, the NASD made verbal inquiries primarily
focused on participation by NASD members in private placements. The NASD has not
made any inquiry of the Company for approximately eight months. The outcome of
the NASD review could have a material adverse effect on the Company and the
price of and trading market for the Company's Common Stock.

                                 USE OF PROCEEDS

         Of the estimated 2,898,986 shares of Common Stock offered hereby, an
estimated 211,416 shares are being sold by the Company upon conversion of $1.0
million in convertible notes and 2,687,570 shares are being sold by the Selling
Stockholders. The only proceeds to the Company upon conversion of the
outstanding convertible notes will be the discharge of $1 million of long-term
debt. There can be no assurance that the convertible notes will be converted.
The Company will not receive any proceeds from the sale of Common Stock by the
Selling Stockholders.

                                 DIVIDEND POLICY

         The Company has not paid any dividends on its capital stock since the
its inception. The Company's current policy is to retain any future earnings to
finance the continuing development of its business. Any future



determination to pay cash dividends will be at the discretion of the Board of
Directors and will be dependent upon the Company's financial condition,
operating results, capital requirements, general business conditions and such
other factors as the Board of Directors deems relevant.

                           PRICE RANGE OF COMMON STOCK

         The Company's Common Stock is quoted on the OTC Bulletin Board under
the symbol "CSGI." The following table sets forth the range of high and low
sales prices as quoted on the OTC Bulletin Board for the period from September
10, 1996, when public trading for the Company's Common Stock commenced, through
November 13, 1997.

FISCAL YEAR ENDING MAY 31, 1997                             HIGH            LOW
                                                            ----            ---
Second Quarter (commencing September 10, 1996)...........  $16.25         $3.50
Third Quarter............................................   13.25          6.50
Fourth Quarter ..........................................   13.125         8.50
                                                            14.25          7.00


First Quarter ...........................................   15.00          7.00
Second Quarter (through November 13, 1997)...............   10.9375        6.75

         The last reported sale price of the Common Stock on the OTC Bulletin
Board on November 13, 1997 was $6.75 per share. As of November 13, 1997, there
were approximately 347 holders of record of the Company's Common Stock.




        The following table sets forth as of August 31, 1997 (i) the actual
capitalization of the Company, and (ii) the capitalization of the Company, after
giving effect to certain transactions and after deducting estimated offering
expenses payable by the Company. This table should be read in conjunction with
the Consolidated Financial Statements and related notes thereto appearing
elsewhere in this Prospectus.

                                               AUGUST 31, 1997      AUGUST 31, 1997     
                                                   ACTUAL         AS ADJUSTED(1)(2)(3) 
                                               --------------        --------------     
Current notes and loans payable                $     558,592         $    308,018       
                                               ==============        ==============     
Long-term debt                                 $   1,000,000         $    -----         
                                               --------------        --------------     
Stockholders' equity (deficit)                                                          
     Common  stock,  $.003 par  value;                                                  
     40,000,000  shares  authorized;                                                    
     issued and outstanding: 13,919,831                                                 
     shares (actual) and 15,265,494                                                     
     shares (as adjusted)                             41,760               45,796       
     Additional paid-in capital                   18,121,325           25,235,944       
     Common stock subscribed, 100,000 shares         504,000              ------        
     Accumulated deficit                         (19,613,596)         (19,773,596)      
                                               --------------        --------------     
       Total stockholders' equity (deficit)         (946,511)           5,508,144       
                                               --------------        --------------     
           Total capitalization                $      53,489         $  5,508,144       
                                               ==============        ==============     

  (1)    Assumes conversion of $1.0 million of long-term debt, at an assumed
         conversion price of $4.73 per share (70% of $6.75, the closing price of
         the Common Stock, as quoted on the OTC Bulletin Board on November 13,
         1997), into approximately 211,416 shares of Common Stock. There can be
         no assurance that such long-term debt will be converted into Common

  (2)    Gives effect to the following transactions (i) the receipt of $504,000
         (net of finder's fee) in payment of subscription receivable and the
         issuance of the related 100,000 shares; (ii) the sale in September 1997
         of 52,000 shares of Common Stock, for net proceeds of approximately
         $312,000; (iii) the sale in October 1997 of 900,000 shares of Common
         Stock at a price of $5.8625 per share, for net proceeds of
         approximately $5.1 million; (iv) the issuance in October 1997 of
         approximately 31,000 shares of Common Stock in payment of current
         indebtedness in the amount of approximately $250,000 ; and (v) the
         issuance of 20,000 shares of Common Stock to a consultant of the
         Company in exchange for service to be rendered.

  (3)    Does not include: (i) outstanding warrants to purchase 1,400,000 shares
         of Common Stock, at an exercise price of $5.00 per share, of which
         1,300,000 are currently exercisable; and (ii) outstanding options to
         purchase 2,270,000 shares of Common Stock, at a weighted average
         exercise price of $4.01, of which 1,211,250 are currently exercisable.




         As of August 31, 1997, as adjusted (before giving effect to the assumed
conversion of $1.0 million of long term debt), the Company had net tangible book
value of approximately $4.6 million, or $.31 per share of Common Stock. "Net
tangible book value per share" represents the amount of total tangible assets
less total liabilities divided by the number of outstanding shares of Common
Stock. Investors purchasing shares from the Selling Stockholders in this
offering will incur immediate and substantial dilution of $6.38 (95%) per share
between the adjusted net tangible book value per share after this offering,
$.37, and the estimated public offering price of $6.75 (the closing price of the
Common Stock on November 13, 1997 as quoted on the OTC Bulletin Board). The
holders of the convertible notes acquiring shares from the Company upon
conversion of such notes will incur immediate and substantial dilution of $4.36
(92%) per share between the adjusted net tangible book value per share after
this offering, $.37, and the assumed conversion price of $4.73 (70% of $6.75 the
closing price of the Common Stock on November 13, 1997, as quoted on the OTC
Bulletin Board). Upon conversion of the convertible notes, the net tangible book
value per share of the Common Stock will increase from $.31 to $.37.

         The foregoing gives effect to the following transactions (i) the
receipt of $504,000 (net of finder's fee) in payment of subscription receivable
and the issuance of the related 100,000 shares; (ii) the sale in September 1997
of 52,000 shares of Common Stock, for net proceeds of approximately $312,000;
(iii) the sale in October 1997 of 900,000 shares of Common Stock at a price of
$5.8625 per share, for net proceeds of approximately $5.1 million; (iv) the
issuance in October 1997 of approximately 31,000 shares of Common Stock in
payment of current indebtedness in the amount of approximately $250,000 ; (v)
the issuance of 20,000 shares of Common Stock to a consultant of the Company in
exchange for service to be rendered; and (v) the conversion of $1.0 Million of
long-term debt, at an assumed conversion price of $4.73 per share (70% of $6.75,
the closing price of the Common Stock, as quoted on the OTC Bulletin Board on
November 13, 1997), into approximately 211,416 shares of Common Stock. There can
be no assurance that such long-term debt will be converted into Common Stock.




        The following table contains certain selected consolidated financial
data of the Company and is qualified in its entirety by the more detailed
Consolidated Financial Statements and Notes thereto included elsewhere in this
Prospectus. The statement of operations data for the five months ended May 31,
1997 and for the years ended December 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994, and the balance
sheet data as of May 31, 1997, December 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994 have been
derived from the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Company, which
statements have been audited by Wolinetz, Gottlieb & Lafazan, P.C., independent
accountants, and are included elsewhere in this Prospectus. The unaudited
financial data as of August 31, 1997, December 31, 1993 and 1992 and for the
three months ended August 31, 1997 and 1996, and the years ended December 31,
1993 and 1992 have been prepared on a basis consistent with the audited
consolidated financial statements and, in the opinion of management, include all
adjustments (consisting only of normal recurring adjustments) necessary to
present fairly the financial condition and results of operations for the periods
presented. The results for the three months ended August 31, 1997, are not
necessarily indicative of the results that may be expected for the year ending
May 31, 1998. This data should be read in conjunction with the Consolidated
Financial Statements and related Notes thereto and "Management's Discussion and
Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" appearing elsewhere


                                                                                                                    THREE MONTHS
                                                                   YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,                       ENDED AUGUST 31,
                                                                   ------------------------                       ----------------
                                 5 MONTHS ENDED
                                  MAY 31, 1997      1996        1995         1994        1993        1992        1997         1996
                                  ------------      ----        ----         ----        ----        ----        ----         ----
CONSOLIDATED INCOME                                                                         (unaudited)              (unaudited)
   Revenues                        $    20          $ 44        $ 329        $ 790       $ 854      $ 819        $  6         $ -

   Net loss                         (1,648)       (6,621)      (1,120)        (655)       (595)       (50)       (744)       (1,351)

   Weighted average common
       shares outstanding       13,700,231     9,438,062    6,116,661    5,958,327   3,500,000  1,000,000  13,919,831     8,076,889

   Net loss per
       common share                  (0.12)        (0.70)       (0.18)       (0.11)      (0.17)     (0.05)      (0.05)        (0.17)

                                                                         DECEMBER 31,                          AUGUST 31, 1997
                                                                         ------------                          ---------------
                                  MAY 31, 1997      1996        1995         1994        1993        1992  ACTUAL AS ADJUSTED(1)(2)
                                  ------------      ----        ----         ----        ----        ----  ------------------------
CONSOLIDATED BALANCE                                                                        (unaudited)              (unaudited)
   Cash and cash equivalents          $ 21          $ 83           $3          $14          $1          -        $ 51     $   5,759

   Working capital (deficit)          (857)         (820)      (1,460)        (795)     (3,363)    (6,853)       (295)        5,159

   Total assets                        211           222          173           64         230        423       1,004         6,210

   Long-term debt                    1,000           -            -            -           -          -         1,000           -

   Stockholders' equity (deficit)   (1,720)         (742)      (1,392)        (779)     (3,325)    (6,819)       (947)        5,508


(1) Assumes conversion of $1.0 million of long-term debt, at an assumed
    conversion price of $4.73 per share (70% of $6.75, the closing price of the
    Common Stock, as quoted on the OTC Bulletin Board on November 13, 1997),
    into approximately 211,416 shares of Common Stock. There can be no assurance
    that such long-term debt will be converted into Common Stock.

(2) Gives effect to the following transactions: (i) the receipt of $504,000 (net
    of finder's fee) in payment of subscription receivable and the issuance of
    the related 100,000 shares; (ii) the sale in September 1997 of 52,000 shares
    of Common Stock, for net proceeds of approximately $312,000; (iii) the sale
    in October 1997 of 900,000 shares of Common Stock at a price of $5.8625 per
    share, for net proceeds of approximately $5.1 million; (iv) the issuance in
    October 1997 of 31,000 shares of Common Stock in payment of current
    indebtedness in the amount of approximately $250,000; and (v) the issuance
    of 20,000 shares of Common Stock to a consultant of the Company as
    consideration for services rendered and to be rendered.




         This Prospectus contains forward-looking statements which involve risks
and uncertainties. The Company's actual results may differ significantly from
the results discussed in the forward-looking statements. Factors that might
cause such a difference include, but are not limited to, those discussed in
"Risk Factors."

         The following discussion and analysis should be read in conjunction
with the Company's Consolidated Financial Statements and the Notes thereto
appearing elsewhere in this Prospectus.


         ConSyGen, Inc., a Texas corporation (the "Company"), was incorporated
on September 28, 1988 as C-Square Ventures, Inc. The Company was formed for the
purpose of obtaining capital in order to take advantage of domestic and foreign
business opportunities which may have profit potential. On March 16, 1989, the
Company (then C Square Ventures, Inc.)
completed an initial public offering.


         The Company entered into an agreement, dated as of August 28, 1996, to
acquire 100% of the issued and outstanding shares of ConSyGen, Inc., a privately
held Arizona corporation formed on October 11, 1979 ("ConSyGen-Arizona") (f/k/a
International Data Systems, Inc.). Immediately prior to the acquisition
transaction, the Company effected a 1-for-40 reverse split of its Common Stock.
The Company closed the acquisition of ConSyGen-Arizona on September 5, 1996. As
a result of the acquisition, ConSyGen-Arizona became a wholly-owned subsidiary
of the Company. The transaction has been treated as a reverse acquisition
(purchase), with ConSyGen-Arizona being the acquirer and the Company being the
acquired company.

         The Company and its wholly-owned subsidiary, ConSyGen-Arizona, are
herein collectively referred to as the "Company."


         In March 1997, the Company raised $1,000,000 before deducting finder's
fees of $100,000 through a private placement of convertible notes (the "Notes")
in the principal amount of $1,000,000. The Notes are unsecured, bear interest at
the rate of 6% per annum, are payable in March 2000, and are convertible into
Common Stock of the Company. The principal amount of the Notes is convertible
into Common Stock of the Company at a rate equal to the lesser of (1) $10.85 per
share or (2) that price which is equal to 70% of the average closing bid price
of the Common Stock for the five trading days preceding the date of conversion.
The Common Stock issuable upon conversion of the Notes is registered for
issuance on the Registration Statement, of which this prospectus is a part.

         In June 1997, the Company raised approximately $1,080,000, before
deducting a finder's fee of approximately $80,000, through the private placement
of 120,000 shares of Common Stock.

         In late August and early September, 1997, the Company raised $882,500,
before deducting a finder's fee of $66,000, through the private placement of
152,000 shares of Common Stock.

         In September 1997, the Company sold 900,000 shares of Common Stock in a
private placement for gross proceeds of $5,276,250. In connection with this
offering, the Company paid a finder's fee consisting of approximately $185,000
in cash and 31,500 shares of Common Stock. The net proceeds of this offering
were approximately $5.1 million.




         The Company's fiscal year end is May 31. Effective January 1, 1997, the
Company's wholly-owned subsidiary, ConSyGen, Inc., an Arizona corporation
("ConSyGen-Arizona"), changed its fiscal year from December 31 to May 31 to
coincide with the fiscal year end of its parent company, ConSyGen. Since the
Company's acquisition of ConSyGen-Arizona has been accounted for as a reverse
acquisition (purchase), with ConSyGen-Arizona being the acquirer and the Company
being the acquired company, only the historical operations of ConSyGen-Arizona
are presented for periods through the date of acquisition. Subsequent to the
acquisition date, the consolidated operations of the Company are presented.
Accordingly, the financial statements presented are for the 5 month period ended
May 31, 1997, and for the years ended December 31, 1996, 1995, and 1994.

        Although the Company is actively marketing its ConSyGen 2000 and
ConSyGen Conversion toolsets, the Company is not currently generating any
significant revenue, either from its ConSyGen 2000 or its ConSyGen Conversion
toolset, or otherwise. See "Risk Factors - Absence of Proven Technology/Market
Acceptance." Although the Company has completed several pilot (non-revenue
generating) Year 2000 conversion projects, the Company has not yet completed a
revenue generating Year 2000 conversion project. The Company did complete
several revenue generating migration projects from 1993 to 1995, but the Company
has not since completed such a project. Instead, the Company's efforts have been
focused on the further development of its ConSyGen Conversion toolset, including
extending the toolset to cover new hardware environments. Such further
development and extension of the toolset was necessary, as the toolset was
limited in application to Honeywell/BULL systems and did not perform conversions
with sufficient speed. The Company recently entered into a revenue generating
contract with Lender's Service, Inc., a subsidiary of Merrill Lynch, pursuant to
which the Company will provide conversion services, including both migration and
Year 2000 correction services.

Quarterly Periods Ended August 31, 1997 and 1996

         Net Losses. For the quarter ended August 31, 1997, the Company incurred
net losses of $744,000, compared with net losses of $1,351,000 for the
comparable prior quarter, a decrease of $607,000. An explanation of these losses
is set forth below.

         Revenues. For the quarters ended August 31, 1997 and 1996, the Company
had no operating revenue. The Company has abandoned its software licensing and
maintenance business and is now focused on the development of software for use
in providing conversion services, including Year 2000 conversion services, and
the marketing of such services. In September, 1997, the Company signed a revenue
generating contract with Lender's Service, Inc., a subsidiary of Merrill Lynch,
pursuant to which the Company will provide conversion services, including both
migration and Year 2000 correction services.

         Software Development Expenses. For the quarter ended August 31, 1997,
software development expenses were $284,000, compared with approximately
$211,000 for the quarter ended August 31, 1996, an increase of approximately
$73,000. The increase in software development expenses is primarily attributable
to the Company's hiring of additional personnel dedicated to the development of
software for use in providing conversion services, including Year 2000
conversion services.

         General and Administrative Expenses. For the quarter ended August 31,
1997, general and administrative expenses were approximately $334,000, compared
with approximately $1,011,000 for the three months ended August 31, 1996, a
decrease of $677,000. This decrease in general and administrative expenses was
primarily attributable to a decrease of $889,000 in non-cash compensation
expenses (related to stock issued for services), offset by the following: a
$113,000 increase in expenses associated with the Company's status as a public
company, consisting primarily of professional fees in the amount of $92,000 and
other expenses of $21,000; a



$30,000 increase in sales and marketing expense; a $12,000 increase in rent
expense; a $21,000 increase in expenses associated with hiring new personnel;
and a $36,000 increase in salaries and other general expenses.

         Depreciation and Amortization Expense. For the quarter ended August 31,
1997, depreciation and amortization expense was approximately $21,000, compared
with $67,000 for the comparable prior period, a decrease of $46,000. This
decrease is attributable primarily to a $54,000 decrease in amortization of debt
issuance expense, partially offset by an $8,000 increase in depreciation
expense. The decrease in amortization of debt issuance expense is primarily
attributable to certain debt issuance expenses having been fully amortized.

Five Months Ended May 31, 1997 and 1996

         The Company's subsidiary, ConSyGen-Arizona, changed its fiscal year end
date from December 31, to May 31, effective as of January 1, 1997. Accordingly,
the comparable five month period ended May 31, 1996 is included in the year
ended December 31, 1996. Management of the Company believes that a comparison of
the five month periods ended May 31, 1997 and 1996 is not relevant to an
understanding of the Company's financial condition and results of operations,
because prior to the acquisition of ConSyGen-Arizona in September 1996, the
Company had no operations.

YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1996, 1995 AND 1994

         Net Losses. For the year ended December 31, 1996, the Company incurred
net losses of $6.6 million, compared with net losses of $1.1 million in 1995 and
$655,000 in 1994. An explanation of these losses is set forth below.

         Revenues. For the years ended December 31, 1996, 1995, and 1994, the
Company had revenues of $44,000, $329,000 and $790,000, respectively. The
decreases in operating revenue are primarily attributable to the Company's
abandonment of its software licensing and maintenance business. The Company
abandoned software licensing and maintenance so that it could focus on the
development of software for use in providing conversion services, including Year
2000 conversion services.

         Cost of Sales. For the years ended December 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994,
cost of sales were $0, $200,000 and $213,000, respectively. The $200,000
decrease in cost of sales from 1995 to 1996 was attributable to the abandonment
of the Company's software licensing and maintenance business.

         Software Development Costs. For the years ended December 31, 1996,
1995, and 1994, software development costs were $740,000, $492,000, and
$588,000, respectively. The $248,000 increase in software development costs from
1995 to 1996 was primarily attributable to the Company's shift in focus from
software maintenance to the development of software for use in providing
conversion services, including Year 2000 conversion services. The $96,000
decrease in software development costs from 1994 to 1995 was primarily
attributable to the Company's transition from providing software maintenance
services to providing conversion services, as well as limited capital resources.

         General and Administrative Expenses. For the year ended December 31,
1996, general and administrative expenses were approximately $5,650,000,
compared with approximately $594,000 for the year ended December 31, 1995, an
increase of $5,056,000. This increase in general and administrative expenses was
primarily attributable to an increase in non-cash charges of $4,868,000, related
to the issuance of Common Stock to consultants for services, and increased
professional fees and salaries and related expenses. General and administrative
expenses of $594,000 in 1995 compared with $577,000 for the year ended December
31, 1994, an increase of approximately $17,000. This increase in general and
administrative expenses was primarily attributable to an increase in non-cash
charges of $300,000, related to the issuance of Common Stock to consultants for
services, partially offset by a decrease of $283,000 in other general and
administrative expenses. This decrease in



other general and administrative expenses was attributable to a decrease in
activity relating to the Company's transition from providing software
maintenance services to providing conversion services, as well as limited
capital resources.

         Depreciation and Amortization Expense. For the year ended December 31,
1996, depreciation and amortization expense was approximately $117,000, compared
with $50,000 for the year ended December 31, 1995, an increase of $67,000. This
increase is attributable primarily to a $59,000 increase in amortization of debt
issuance expenses incurred in connection with obtaining debt financing.
Depreciation and amortization expense of $50,000 in 1995 compared with $8,000
for the year ended December 31, 1994, an increase of $42,000. This increase is
attributable primarily to amortization of $40,000 of debt issuance expense
incurred in connection with obtaining debt financing.


         At August 31, 1997 the Company was experiencing a working capital
deficiency and has historically incurred substantial and recurring losses. For
the three months ended August 31, 1997, the Company did not generate any
operating revenue. The Company continues, however, to incur substantial costs
and expenses in connection with its business operations and the development of
its software. In September, 1997, the Company signed a revenue generating
contract with Lender's Service, Inc., a subsidiary of Merrill Lynch, pursuant to
which the Company will provide conversion services, including both migration and
Year 2000 correction services.

         The Company's cash balances were approximately $51,000 at August 31,
1997, compared with $21,000 at May 31, 1997. The Company had a working capital
deficit of approximately $295,000 at August 31, 1997, compared with a working
capital deficit of approximately $857,000 at May 31, 1997, a decrease in the
working capital deficit of approximately $562,000. This decrease in the working
capital deficit is primarily attributable to a stock subscription in the amount
of $504,000 (net of finder's fees), and an increase in cash and cash equivalents
in the amount of $30,000.

         In September 1997, the Company sold 900,000 shares of Common Stock in a
private placement for gross proceeds of $5,276,250. In connection with this
offering, the Company paid the following finder's fee: approximately $185,000 in
cash and 31,500 shares of Common Stock. The net proceeds of this offering were
approximately $5.1 million, the receipt of which has remedied the working
capital deficit that existed at August 31, 1997. The Company intends to use the
net proceeds of this $5.1 million offering for working capital and general
corporate purposes, including for the Company's sales and marketing efforts. The
Company believes that it now has sufficient capital to fund its continuing
operations for approximately twelve months.

         As of November 1997, the Company has committed to spend approximately
$12,500 for capital expenditures, consisting of $6,250 for computer equipment
and $6,250 for furniture and fixtures. The Company will fund these expenditures
out of currently available cash.


         Increases in the inflation rate are not expected to affect the
Company's operating expenses. Although the Company has no current plans to
borrow additional funds, if it were to do so at variable interest rates, any
increase in interest rates would increase the Company's cost of borrowed funds.


         The Company's operations are not affected by seasonal fluctuations,
although the Company's cash flows may at times be affected by fluctuations in
the timing of cash receipts from large contracts.




         ConSyGen, Inc., a Texas corporation (the "Company"), was incorporated
on September 28, 1988 as C-Square Ventures, Inc. The Company was formed for the
purpose of obtaining capital in order to take advantage of domestic and foreign
business opportunities which may have profit potential. On March 16, 1989, the
Company (then C Square Ventures, Inc.) completed an initial public offering.


         The Company entered into an agreement, dated as of August 28, 1996, to
acquire 100% of the issued and outstanding shares of ConSyGen, Inc., a privately
held Arizona corporation formed on October 11, 1979 ("ConSyGen-Arizona") (f/k/a
International Data Systems, Inc.). Immediately prior to the acquisition
transaction, the Company effected a 1-for-40 reverse split of its Common Stock.
The Company closed the acquisition of ConSyGen-Arizona on September 5, 1996. As
a result of the acquisition, ConSyGen-Arizona became a wholly-owned subsidiary
of the Company. The transaction has been treated as a reverse acquisition
(purchase), with ConSyGen-Arizona being the acquirer and the Company being the
acquired company.

         For a description of the changes in capitalization of the Company in
connection with the acquisition, see the Company's Consolidated Financial
Statements and the Notes thereto appearing elsewhere in this Prospectus.

         The Company and its wholly-owned subsidiary, ConSyGen-Arizona, are
herein collectively referred to as the "Company."


         In March 1997, the Company raised $1,000,000 before deducting finder's
fees of $100,000 through a private placement of convertible notes (the "Notes")
in the principal amount of $1,000,000. The Notes are unsecured, bear interest at
the rate of 6% per annum, are payable in March 2000, and are convertible into
Common Stock of the Company. The principal amount of the Notes is convertible
into Common Stock of the Company at a rate equal to the lesser of (1) $10.85 per
share or (2) that price which is equal to 70% of the average closing bid price
of the Common Stock for the five trading days preceding the date of conversion.

         In June 1997, the Company raised approximately $1,080,000, before
deducting a finder's fee of approximately $80,000, through the private placement
of 120,000 shares of Common Stock at a price of $9.00 per share.

         In late August and early September, 1997, the Company raised $882,500,
before deducting a finder's fee of $66,000, through the private placement of
152,000 shares of Common Stock.

         In September 1997, the Company sold 900,000 shares of Common Stock in a
private placement for gross proceeds of $5,276,250. In connection with this
offering, the Company paid a finder's fee consisting of approximately $185,000
in cash and 31,500 shares of Common Stock. The net proceeds of this offering
were approximately $5.1 million.


         The Company's business consists solely of the business of its wholly
owned subsidiary, ConSyGen-Arizona. ConSyGen-Arizona commenced business in 1979
for the purpose of developing and marketing vertical market software for the
hotel and airline industries. In addition to providing these software packages,
for many of its clients, ConSyGen-Arizona converted these applications from
proprietary Honeywell computers to open systems (UNIX-compliant hardware), using
an internally-developed approach which automated the conversion



process. Until 1995, ConSyGen-Arizona licensed its proprietary computer
software, which was used in the hotel and airline industries, and also provided
software maintenance services. In 1996, ConSyGen-Arizona discontinued its
practice of software licensing and providing software maintenance services.

         In 1991, in response to growing business demand for migration of older
software applications from mainframe computers to open systems, ConSyGen-Arizona
commenced development of a fully-automated capability to allow clients to move
software applications from mainframes to open systems, while simultaneously
performing migration to alternative databases and providing replacement of
existing languages (primarily, COBOL). This process, also known as "down-sizing"
or "re-hosting", was designed to move application software from expensive,
inflexible, proprietary mainframe computers to newly-available, lower-cost
open-system computers, thereby opening up more effective environments, while
substantially reducing operating costs. After significant research and
development, an automated software conversion toolset - ConSyGen ConversionSM -
was completed. See "Risk Factors - Absence of Proven Technology/Market

         Full automation of this otherwise-manual process offered the
significant benefit of eliminating most of the manual conversion tasks, thereby
reducing effort, time and expense, while improving accuracy and reducing testing

         In early 1996, ConSyGen-Arizona commenced the extension of the existing
conversion capability to deal specifically with the Year 2000 problem; that is
the inability of a software application to recognize the Year 2000.
ConSyGen-Arizona's objective was to develop a fully-automated process for the
identification and correction of date occurrences in software applications.
Although under continuous development, the Company's ConSyGen 2000SM toolset,
which provides automated date conversions, has been used to complete several
pilot (non-revenue generating) Year 2000 conversion projects, and patents are
pending on the technology. See "Risk Factors - Absence of Proven
Technology/Market Acceptance." Automation of the process by which software is
made compliant for the Year 2000 and beyond, as compared with a manual process,
offers the benefits of speed; accuracy; reduced staffing, time and cost; and
higher confidence in the delivered result. Client staff involvement is reduced
to project-related tasks (such as test planning), and to confirmation of some
date origins and cross-references in the software.

         ConSyGen-Arizona now concentrates on the marketing and provision of
services related to its primary software products - ConSyGen 2000 and ConSyGen
Conversion. Marketing is performed by ConSyGen directly, through selected
teaming partners, and through a representative program.

         Although the Company is actively marketing its ConSyGen 2000 and
ConSyGen Conversion toolsets, the Company is not currently generating any
significant revenue, either from its ConSyGen 2000 or its ConSyGen Conversion
toolset, or otherwise. See "Risk Factors - Absence of Proven Technology/Market
Acceptance." Although the Company has completed several pilot (non-revenue
generating) Year 2000 conversion projects, the Company has not yet completed a
revenue generating Year 2000 conversion project. The Company did complete
several revenue generating migration projects from 1993 to 1995, but the Company
has not since completed such a project. Instead, the Company's efforts have been
focused on the further development of its ConSyGen Conversion toolset, including
extending the toolset to cover new hardware environments. Such further
development and extension of the toolset was necessary, as the toolset was
limited in application to Honeywell/BULL systems and did not perform conversions
with sufficient speed. The Company recently entered into a revenue generating
contract with Lender's Service, Inc., a subsidiary of Merrill Lynch, pursuant to
which the Company will provide conversion services, including both migration and
Year 2000 correction services.




         Awareness and recognition of the year 2000 problem has been spreading
rapidly as the next millennium approaches. The year 2000 problem relates to the
highly-publicized inability of many existing computer systems to process
information or logic completely or accurately involving the year 2000 and
beyond. The problem results from the traditional use of two-digit date fields to
perform computations and decision-making functions. For example, a program using
a two-digit date field may misinterpret "00" as the year 1900 rather than as
2000. As a result, many legacy systems are at risk. For example, unless year
2000 compliance is completed in certain systems, credit cards and ATM cards may
expire prematurely and insurance policies that span three to seven years may not
be able to be written. These date-dependent programs are ubiquitous in legacy
software applications used in many critical business operations.

         Many organizations lack the internal resources to address adequately
the year 2000 problem in a timely manner. One industry source estimates that the
overall cost of solving the year 2000 problem worldwide will be in the range of
$300 to $600 billion. Another industry source estimates that for an average
company with 35,000 programs, it would take 75 to 150 person-years to complete
the necessary analysis and coding for year 2000 compliance, which translates
into a three-year period for a team of 25 to 50 programmers. A number of
solutions providers, including the Company, have developed special programs to
meet the needs of year 2000 compliance.

         The Company believes that over the next three years most organizations
will attempt to acquire cost-effective solutions for the year 2000 problem. As a
result, the Company anticipates that demand for year 2000 tools and solutions
will grow significantly. Since the problem requires a large number of programs
and systems to be corrected, it is anticipated that most organizations will not
have adequate internal resources to perform all the year 2000 conversions tasks.
Consequently, most organizations will attempt to utilize highly-automated
solutions and in many cases to outsource the conversion to service providers who
can achieve economies of scale by setting up procedures, or "factories", that
utilize automation tools and well-defined processes for year 2000 compliance. In
addition, the Company believes that the year 2000 problem will cause many
organizations to explore further the possibility of migrating all or portions of
their legacy systems to client/server systems.

The Company believes that the following are the major approaches to Year 2000

- -        MANUAL APPROACHES - conversions are performed manually by programmers.
         The drawbacks of this approach include that there may not be sufficient
         personnel available with the skills requisite to do the work, the
         length of time required to perform manual conversions, the high rate of
         error, and, since there is no assurance that all of a client's systems
         are found or corrected, in-depth and prolonged testing is required.

- -        TOOLS - Basic software products designed to read through client
         programs, and to identify anything resembling a date. Having acquired
         these often-expensive tools, clients are required to train staff in
         their use. This approach, though faster than a purely manual approach,
         is still very lengthy, arduous, and error-prone, and does not ensure
         that all of a client's programs are actually being examined or that all
         dates are being found.

- -        TOOL-ASSISTED - To obviate the problem of client staff shortages, many
         service providers have arisen, using a combination of tools and
         specialized staff. Although the quality and range of these new tools is
         improving dramatically, and although many of the vendors describe their
         service as "automated", there is still a level of manual programming
         required. This approach, though faster than a client could provide, is
         still error-prone, and does not ensure that all of a client's programs
         are actually being examined or that all dates are being found.

         The Company believes that it offers the only fully-automated Year 2000
correction service. This means that 100% of a client's code is collected and
analyzed automatically, date fields are identified automatically, and the
correction of the identified and confirmed date fields is done automatically.


         The Company believes that ConSyGen 2000's ability to both identify and
to automatically convert software, so that it is compliant for the Year 2000 and
beyond, is unique among the various solutions being offered and that its fully
automated Year 2000 conversion service offers several advantages, including
consistency of changes throughout all cross-referenced date fields and programs,
error reduction, reduced testing, and reduced conversion time. The Company
believes that it is well positioned to take advantage of the significant market
opportunity presented by the Year 2000 problem. However, as described above, the
Company is not currently generating any significant revenue from Year 2000
related services or otherwise. Although the Company has completed several pilot
(non-revenue generating) Year 2000 conversion projects, the Company has not yet
completed a revenue generating Year 2000 conversion project. See "Risk Factors -
Absence of Proven Technology/Market Acceptance."

         The Company has begun an aggressive marketing campaign, both
domestically and internationally. The Company has appointed teaming partners in
the US, Canada, and South-East Asia. These partners market the ConSyGen 2000
service to their clients, and also provide other related services.


         There are many thousands of mainframe computers installed worldwide.
The recent advent of "open-system" computers, using UNIX-compliant operating
systems (such as Hewlett-Packard and Sun Microsystems), particularly when
combined with new relational databases (such as Oracle or Sybase), has provided
mainframe computer users with the option of more efficient, less expensive
technology which also provides substantially-enhanced performance and business

         The result is the "down-sizing" movement (also known as "re-hosting",
or "migration"), now established in all areas of computing in government and
commercial organizations in the U.S. and internationally. The Company believes
that users of older mainframe computers are attempting to reduce the high costs
associated with supporting and maintaining their computers, and are now actively
replacing them with new equipment operating under standard operating systems
with more modern languages and with relational database technology.

         The Company believes that the market for conversion services worldwide
is significant. The Company believes that it is likely that this market will
grow significantly as newer technologies arise to replace currently-acceptable
environments. Since the Company has now extended the capabilities of the
ConSyGen Conversion toolset to cover automated date correction - the ConSyGen
2000 toolset - there is new interest in the capabilities of ConSyGen Conversion
among many organizations, and the potential to provide platform conversion
services along with Year 2000 correction services presents an additional
marketing opportunity with respect to both services.

         Since the ConSyGen Conversion toolset is designed to address the
migration of software from any brand of hardware, the market for the Company's
ConSyGen Conversion toolset is virtually all mainframe computers used by
business or government, both domestically and internationally. The Company
believes that the market with the most immediate need for conversion services
consists of mainframe-dependent organizations which are dissatisfied with their
mainframe systems and with their mainframe providers. The Company believes that
users of Honeywell/BULL and other older mainframes computers manufactured by
Burroughs, Sperry, Unisys, Tandem, Digital and a steadily-increasing section of
IBM are becoming dissatisfied with their hardware and related support services.
The Company believes that the conversion market is expanding as businesses
dispose of obsolescent hardware in favor of new, open systems which provide the
client with the ability to move readily between hardware platforms.

         Although other companies claim they have an automated solution, the
Company believes that it is the first provider of a fully-automated software
conversion toolset, and that, as a result, it is well positioned to benefit as
businesses and governments dispose of obsolescent hardware in favor of new open


         With respect to its ConSyGen Conversion toolset, the Company is
currently concentrating its marketing efforts on those organizations which
require immediate conversions, namely, organizations using mainframe computers
with declining user bases. For a variety of reasons, there has been an overall
decline in Bull users internationally. As these organizations move their
applications from Bull systems to open environments, the need for software
conversion services will increase.

         The Company is also concentrating its conversion marketing activities
on businesses/governments who seek to convert their software systems to those
standard environment components now most in demand:

   -     UNIX Operating Systems: Those who want to convert to modern computer
         hardware utilizing UNIX-standard operating systems (e.g.,
         Hewlett-Packard, Sun Microsystems, etc.).

   -     Relational  Technology:  Those who want to incorporate  Relational
         Database Management Systems (e.g., Oracle, Sybase, Informix)
         into their application software.

   -     Enhanced Programming Languages: Those who want converted code to be in
         the most recent versions of ANSI-standard procedural languages, such as
         MicroFocus COBOL; those who wish to introduce interpretive languages,
         such as Oracle's SQL*Forms/PL*SQL or PowerSoft's PowerBuilder, or those
         who wish to enhance their on-line operations and to ease the transition
         to graphic-based processing.

         The Company has determined that the foregoing are the most desirable
target environments, and these components are the ones most frequently selected
by organizations needing conversions. ConSyGen Conversion provides a rapid and
efficient conversion capability into open systems, relational database design
and modern programming languages.

         The Company has entered the down-sizing market with what it believes to
be a completely new alternative - a fully-automated software conversion service.
Through ConSyGen Conversion's capability to efficiently migrate existing
software from mainframes to alternative environments with no loss or change in
the underlying business functionality, the Company believes it is now well
positioned to take advantage of the market opportunity created by the demand for
migration services. However, as described above, the Company is not currently
generating any significant revenue from its ConSyGen Conversion related services
or otherwise. Although the Company completed several revenue generating
migration projects from 1993 to 1995, since 1995, the Company has not yet
completed a revenue generating migration project. See "Risk Factors Absence of
Proven Technology/Market Acceptance."


         Although the actual identification and conversion of Year 2000
occurrences in client programs is performed automatically through the ConSyGen
2000 toolset, there are a range of associated tasks in a Year 2000 conversion
project, and each project is managed according to the following phases:

         Impact Assessment - ConSyGen offers an optional impact assessment
service. ConSyGen does not require the performance of an impact assessment to
provide pricing for a conversion project. Since the conversion project is fully
automated, and since ConSyGen's pricing is based on the number of lines of
client code (not on the number of identified date occurrences), ConSyGen will
provide a fixed-price quotation based on the client's estimate of its system's
size. The fixed price may be varied if the actual system size exceeds the
client's estimate by more than 10%.

         Date Estimation - ConSyGen uses a proprietary parser to review all
received client source entities, and generates a report of all identified
candidate date fields, summarized by source entity. A detailed report,
identifying each candidate date field, is also available to project staff.



         Cataloging - on receipt of client source entities (control language
programs, application programs, copy members, and data definitions), ConSyGen
conducts a cataloging exercise, in which client code is analyzed in detail in
order to identify and report any missing source entities, any programs without
initiating control programs, any system utilities, and any non-standard
technical conditions (e.g., other languages) within the applications. If
necessary, ConSyGen will extend the ConSyGen 2000 toolset to accommodate these
non-standard technical conditions.

         This process is iterative, and is repeated until all source members
have been received and read, and all technical issues have been resolved. At
completion of cataloging, ConSyGen 2000 will have confirmed that all of the
client's environment has been received in a form that can be read and processed
by the toolset, and the exact size of the client's environment, with exact line
and entity counts, which is then used to confirm the fixed price for the

         The cataloging exercise will also generate a detailed hierarchical
report of all of the relationships within the client's environment. This report
is used to enable the client to define the composition of the converted code
deliverables ("Work Units") and to prepare test plans. Since the ConSyGen 2000
toolset can convert several million lines of code in a single overnight pass,
Work Units may be as large as the client requires (e.g., 1 million lines); they
will be converted and delivered in a client-defined sequence to enable a regular
and manageable approach to the preparation of test plans and to testing.

         The successful completion of this cataloging exercise means that there
will be substantially less errors due to missing programs during the automated
identification and conversion exercises, and that a full set of data
cross-references will be able to be established in preparation for the
conversion process.

         Identification - From the information derived during the cataloging
exercise, all source components will be searched automatically to identify all
date occurrences using known date identifiers, client-specified naming
conventions for date occurrences, and data fields with known implicit or
explicit date characteristics. All procedural logic involving date occurrences
or date-holding data variables will be automatically identified to provide a
basis for determining translation rules for both storage locations and the
procedural logic.

         ConSyGen 2000 will search all client information and will report the
first use of each date condition ("origin"). As far as possible, the desired new
date formats will be identified automatically for each original occurrence and
will be matched with the origin date occurrence and all of its cross-referenced
date fields within the client's programs. This provides an efficient and
accurate method of preparing the system for conversion.

         Conversion - The Company believes that ConSyGen's Year 2000 conversion
service is fully automated. There is no manual intervention by ConSyGen or the
client in the actual conversion process, and there is no requirement for any
manual modifications to the delivered code. ConSyGen expects that there will be
only a limited number of errors in the delivered code, and any identified errors
will be corrected rapidly and fully by re-translation of the affected Work Unit.

         Data Conversion - After conversion, the Company generates
extract/re-load and data re-population programs, to assist the client to correct
data in their data files and databases, and to allow the client to prepare for
testing. Actual change of the data is the client's responsibility.

         Testing - The client is responsible for testing of the converted
programs, using test plans which will be prepared on the basis of reports
generated by the Company during the project. The Company will supervise the
performance of a set of tests on the initial set of programs delivered to the

         The Company expects a Year 2000 conversion project to take a total of
approximately one month. The portion of the project performed by the Company is
expected to take approximately one to two weeks. The time necessary for the
Company to complete its portion of the project is not generally dependent on the
size of the applications involved. The Company expects to staff a Year 2000
conversion project with two employees on a


part-time basis. The Company currently has the capacity to simultaneously
perform a total of eight to ten Year 2000/migration projects.


         Development of the ConSyGen Conversion toolset commenced in 1991. From
1993 to 1995, the toolset was utilized in completing several revenue generating
contracts involving conversions from mainframe environments to open systems and
proprietary platforms (for example, converting Honeywell/BULL computer systems
to Hewlett-Packard, Sun and IBM). Since 1995, the Company has not generated any
revenue from conversion services. Instead, the Company's efforts have been
focused upon further development of the ConSyGen Conversion toolset, including
extending the toolset to cover new hardware environments. Such further
development and extension of the toolset was necessary, as the toolset was
limited in application to Honeywell/BULL systems and did not perform conversions
with sufficient speed. The Company recently entered into a revenue generating
contract with Lender's Service, Inc., a subsidiary of Merrill Lynch, pursuant to
which the Company will provide conversion services, including both migration and
Year 2000 correction services.

         Although the actual conversion or migration between hardware platforms
is performed automatically through the ConSyGen Conversion toolset, there are a
range of associated tasks in a conversion project, and the project is managed
according to the following five phases:

         Strategy and Requirements Phase - During this phase, the joint
Company/client team is formed, the major technical and scope directions of the
project are defined and the project work plan is created. The Company takes all
of the client's source code and performs a cataloging exercise, resulting in a
comprehensive view of the code statistics and internal dependencies; this
information is used during the design phase of the project to define the work
units for delivery of the translated code.

         The Company uses the cataloging of information about the client's code
to generate a repository, which will be used to identify non-standard coding and
system conditions, to generate the maps relating the source and target systems,
and to generate target code. The Company will also identify any additional
constructs for inclusion in the toolset.

         Analysis and Design Phase - This phase involves a detailed examination
of the functionality of the source system. The project team will conduct a
series of sessions during which the application system will be de-composed to
its component functions, entities, and data, and then will be re-modeled in an
efficient database design which will reflect the client's chosen design
objectives. Additionally, any agreed re-engineering tasks will be defined and
embodied into the final design or into the toolset.

         During this phase, the project team will use the cataloging information
to establish the toolset's acceptance criteria, and will commence the
preparation of detailed test plans designed to verify the toolset's accuracy.

         Data Conversion Phase - The Company will convert the data required for
testing of the first delivered work unit, and the client will analyze the
accuracy of its data, in anticipation of the data conversion and transfer
exercise to be conducted during preparation for moving the converted code to

         Translation Phase - During this phase, the Company uses the toolset to
translate the original source code, and conducts internal testing to establish
the accuracy and consistency of the translation results. The first delivered
translated code (known as a verification work unit (VWU)), is tested by the
client against its own test plans to verify the toolset's accuracy. On
acceptance of the VWU, the Company is then ready to commence the progressive
delivery of the remaining translated code, separated into manageable units.



         Transition and Documentation Phase - The client will be responsible
during this phase for internal systems and acceptance testing, data migration,
and migration of the translated code into production. The Company's primary
activities during this phase are the preparation of systems and operations
documentation, and the provision of on-going support during the client's
preparation for transition to production.

         The Company expects a migration project to take a total of
approximately three to four months. The portion of the migration project
performed by the Company is expected to take approximately one month. The time
necessary for the Company to complete a project is not generally dependent on
the size of the applications involved. The Company expects to staff a migration
project with two employees on a part-time basis. The Company currently has the
capacity to simultaneously perform a total of eight to ten migration/Year 2000

         The Company believes that its ConSyGen Conversion solution offers the
         following benefits:

 -       New environment - Through use of the ConSyGen Conversion toolset, the
         Company is able to move the client into a new "open" hardware
         environment, which offers the Client several benefits, including
         preservation of existing software functionality; translation of
         existing code into a new language; substitution of a new database
         design; ability to operate under a new hardware environment;
         introduction of new , tools; and identification and resolution of the
         Year 2000 date problem.

- -        Reduced Migration time - The average "legacy" software system usually
         consists of several million lines of application software code. A
         manual conversion or re-write of an average existing legacy system may
         involve years of intensive work with the involvement of a large group
         of costly technical staff. Further, manual conversions do not provide
         as reliable a result as an automated conversion. The ConSyGen
         Conversion automated software conversion approach is done in the
         context of a project involving only limited client staff resources
         which are needed to coordinate project decision issues and to perform
         client-specific project tasks. The Company believes that the ConSyGen
         Conversion approach significantly reduces total conversion time, as
         compared with a manual approach, and is less costly than a manual

  -      Reduced Migration cost - Manually rewriting software, whether using
         internal or external resources is costly. Using external resources
         usually results in conversion costs averaging several dollars per line
         of code, and costs as high as $8.00 per line are not uncommon. The cost
         of software package replacement carries the additional costs of
         re-training, internal modifications and additions, organizational
         disruption and change, and on-going maintenance and license fees. Since
         the Company's automated software conversion approach is done
         automatically, the Company is able to offer conversion projects at
         guaranteed fixed prices which are materially lower than a manual


         The Company markets its products and services to a range of business
and governmental organizations. The Company's sales and marketing efforts are
implemented through its direct sales force, supported by promotion through trade
articles and trade shows that address the software maintenance market, its
independent sales representative program, and arrangements with system
integrators that provide computer related services to end-users.

         The Company seeks to distribute its services through direct sales,
independent sales representatives, and system integrators that provide computer
related services to end-users, including year 2000 compliance services. In
general, under the arrangements with systems integrators, the integrator will
contract with the Company to provide conversion services, including year 2000
correction services to the integrator's customers. The Company believes that
this approach affords it the opportunity to have its services marketed to a
broader range of potential customers. The Company has entered into such
arrangements with several corporations, including Unisys, Strategia Corporation,
Agiss Software Corporation, SCB Computer Technology, and Millennium Enterprises.



addition, the Company has implemented an independent sales representative
program, under which the Company engages individuals on a non-exclusive basis to
refer conversion business to the Company, including year 2000 conversions. The
Company currently has ten independent sales representatives. The Company intends
to enter into additional distribution and/or marketing arrangements,
particularly with service providers or strategic systems integrators, for its
software products.


         The market for The Company's software products and solutions, including
its solutions for the year 2000 problem and client/server migration, is
intensely competitive and is characterized by rapid change in technology and
user needs and the frequent introduction of new products. The Company's
principal competitors in the software tools market include CCD Online, Progeni,
Forecross, and Alydaar.

         The Company believes that the principal factors affecting competition
in the software tools market include product performance and reliability,
product functionality, ability to respond to changing customer needs, ease of
use, training, quality of support and price. The primary competitive factors in
the solutions markets, including the year 2000 compliance market, are price,
service, the expertise and experience of the service personnel and the ability
of such personnel to provide solutions to application problems. Other than
technical expertise and, with respect to the year 2000 compliance market, the
limited time available until the year 2000 arrives, there are no significant
proprietary or other barriers to entry that could prevent potential competitors
from developing or acquiring similar tools or providing competing solutions in
the Company's market.

         The Company's ability to compete successfully in the sale of its
conversion services will depend in large part upon its ability to attract new
customers, enhance its product and respond effectively to continuing
technological change by developing new products and solutions. The Company
believes that its tools will enable it to compete effectively with other service
providers/tool vendors for the year 2000 market and the systems migration
market. The Company believes that its primary competitive advantages are cost,
performance, including speed and accuracy, and support.


         The Company plans to continue to expend a significant portion of its
available funds on research and development to enhance the functionality and
performance of its ConSyGen Conversion and ConSyGen 2000 toolsets. The Company's
development of new products has been accomplished primarily with in-house
development personnel and resources.

         As of November 13, 1997, the Company had 12 employees engaged in
product development. All of the Company's research and development employees are
located at the Company's Phoenix, Arizona headquarters. In addition to
developing new products, the Company seeks to continually improve its existing

         During the five (5) months ended May 31, 1997 and the years ended
December 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994, research and development expenditures were
$335,000, $740,000, $492,000 and $558,000, respectively.


         The Company had 29 employees as of November 13, 1997, including two in
sales and marketing, 12 in research, development and support, and 15 in
corporate operations and administration. The future success of the Company will
depend in large part upon its continued ability to attract and retain highly
skilled and qualified personnel. Competition for such personnel is intense in
the computer software industry, particularly for talented software developers,
service consultants and sales and marketing personnel. None of the Company's
employees is


represented by a collective bargaining agreement. The Company believes that its
relations with its employees are good.


         The Company's principal administrative, research and development,
customer support and marketing facilities are located in approximately 5,000
square feet of space in Phoenix, Arizona. The Company occupies these premises
under a lease agreement expiring October 31, 1998. The Company believes that its
facilities are adequate for its current needs and that suitable additional space
will be available as needed.


         The Company is not currently party to any legal proceedings.





         The directors and executive officers of the Company and their ages are
as follows:

                 NAME                 AGE                    POSITION
                 ----                 ---                    --------
Ronald I. Bishop...............       60      President, Chief Executive Officer and Director
Robert L. Stewart..............       79      Chairman of the Board
Leslie F. Stewart..............       43      Secretary, Director

- ----------------

        Ronald I. Bishop, has served as President, Chief Executive Officer, and
a director of the Company and ConSyGen-Arizona since January 15, 1997. From
September, 1986 to January 1, 1995, Mr. Bishop served as Vice President and
Director of Operations of Motorola Computer Group for Asia, and from January 2,
1995 to January 3, 1997, he served as Vice President and Director of Operations
for Motorola Computer Group for South America.

        Robert L. Stewart, is the Chairman of the Board of the Company and
ConSyGen-Arizona. He has served in this capacity at the Company since its
acquisition of ConSyGen-Arizona, and at ConSyGen-Arizona since 1980. Mr. Stewart
previously served as President and Chief Executive Officer of ConSyGen-Arizona
from 1980 until January 15, 1997 and as President and Chief Executive Officer of
the Company from the time of the acquisition until January 15, 1997.

        Leslie F. Stewart, is the Secretary and a director of the Company and
ConSyGen-Arizona. He has served in these capacities at the Company since its
acquisition of ConSyGen-Arizona and at ConSyGen-Arizona since 1980. Mr. Stewart
is the son of Robert L. Stewart, Chairman of the Board of the Company.

        During the fiscal year ended May 31, 1997, the Company did not have a
compensation committee, and all deliberations concerning executive officer
compensation and all determinations with respect thereto were made by the
Company's Board of Directors, consisting of Robert L. Stewart, Ronald I. Bishop
and Leslie F. Stewart. Messrs. Bishop and Stewart are also executive officers of
the Company.

        All directors hold office until the next annual meeting of stockholders
or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. Executive officers of
the Company are elected annually by and serve at the pleasure of the Board of




        The following table sets forth all compensation awarded to, earned by or
paid to the Company's Chief Executive Officer and each of the Company's
executive officers whose total annual salary and incomes exceeded $100,000 for
all services rendered in all capacities to the Company and its subsidiaries for
each of the Company's last three fiscal years.

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE
                               ANNUAL COMPENSATION

                                                            OTHER          LONG-TERM       SECURITIES
      NAME AND           YEAR      SALARY      BONUS        ANNUAL        COMPENSATION     UNDERLYING       ALL OTHER
PRINCIPAL POSITION(1)    ENDED       ($)        ($)     COMPENSATION          AWARDS       OPTIONS (#)   COMPENSATION(3)
- ------------------       -----    ---------  ---------  ------------      ------------     -----------   ------------
Ronald I. Bishop        5/31/97    $26,250      --           --               --            400,000(2)        --
  President & CEO

Robert L. Stewart       5/31/97    $65,250      --           --               --              --              --
  Former President &

Carl H. Canter          5/31/97      --         --           --               --              --              --
  Former President &    5/31/96      --         --           --               --              --            $36,000
  CEO                   5/31/95      --         --           --               --              --            $36,000

- ---------------

(1)      Mr. Bishop has served as President and CEO of the Company since January
         15, 1997. Mr. Stewart served as President and CEO of the Company from
         September 5, 1996, the date the Company acquired ConSyGen-Arizona,
         through January 15, 1997. Mr. Canter served as President and CEO of the
         Company until September 4, 1996.

(2)      In September 1997, options to purchase an additional 500,000 shares of
         Common Stock were granted to Mr. Bishop. The options had an original 
         exercise price of $5.50 per share. In November 1997, Mr. Bishop
         surrendered options to purchase a total of 900,000 shares of Common
         Stock in exchange for replacement options to purchase a total of
         900,000 shares with an exercise price of $4.00 per share. Of these
         900,000 options, options to purchase 561,500 shares are immediately
         exercisable and the remaining 338,500 become exercisable in twenty-two
         equal monthly installments, commencing one month from the date of
         grant. The options were granted under the 1997 Amended and Restated
         Non-Qualified Stock Option Plan.

(3)      Represents amounts accrued by the Company and payable to The Canter
         Corporation, a consulting firm controlled by Mr. Canter, for consulting
         services provided by The Canter Corporation to the Company. In
         connection with the acquisition, The Canter Corporation forgave this

(4)      See "Certain Transactions."


         None of the Company's employees are subject to employment agreements
with the Company.


         The following table sets forth the aggregate number and value of
options exercisable and unexercisable by the named executive officers during the
fiscal year ended May 31, 1997.



                        OPTION GRANTS IN LAST FISCAL YEAR

                                             INDIVIDUAL GRANTS
                                                                                       REALIZABLE VALUE
                           NUMBER OF                                                      AT ASSUMED
                           SECURITIES     % OF TOTAL                                   ANNUAL RATES OF
                           UNDERLYING      OPTIONS                                       STOCK PRICE
                            OPTIONS       GRANTED TO      EXERCISE                     APPRECIATION FOR
                            GRANTED      EMPLOYEES IN      PRICE      EXPIRATION       OPTION TERM (2)(3)
NAME                          (#)        FISCAL YEAR      $/SHARE        DATE        5% ($)       10%($)
- ----                          ---        -----------      -------        ----        ------       ------
Ronald I. Bishop,         400,000(1)(2)     19.00%         8.875        3/18/07    $2,232,576   $5,657,786
  President and CEO

- ------------

(1)      Options are immediately exercisable as of the date of grant.

(2)      In September 1997, options to purchase an additional 500,000 shares of
         Common Stock were granted to Mr. Bishop. The options had an original
         exercise price of $5.50 per share. In November 1997, Mr. Bishop
         surrendered options to purchase a total of 900,000 shares of Common
         Stock in exchange for replacement options to purchase a total of
         900,000 shares with an exercise price of $4.00 per share. Of these
         900,000 options, options to purchase 561,500 shares are immediately
         exercisable and the remaining 338,500 become exercisable in twenty-two
         equal monthly installments, commencing one month from the date of
         grant. The options were granted under the 1997 Amended and Restated
         Non-Qualified Stock Option Plan. At December 8, 1997, the potential
         realizable value at assumed annual rates of stock price appreciation of
         5% and 10% for the option term were $5,929,034 and $11,551,500,

(3)      The 5% and 10% assumed rates of annual compounded stock price
         appreciation are mandated by the rules of the Securities and Exchange
         Commission and do not represent the Company's estimate or projection of
         future Common Stock prices.

                          FISCAL YEAR-END OPTION VALUES

                                                                     NUMBER OF SECURITIES
                                           SHARES        VALUE      UNDERLYING UNEXERCISED          VALUE OF UNEXERCISED IN-THE
                                         ACQUIRED ON    REALIZED      OPTIONS AT 5/31/97            -MONEY OPTIONS AT 5/31/97($)
NAME                                     EXERCISE (#)    ($)(1)    EXERCISABLE/UNEXERCISABLE      EXERCISABLE/UNEXERCISABLE(2)(3)
- ----                                     ----------      ------    -------------------------      -------------------------------
Ronald I. Bishop,                             --           --              400,000/0                   $1,850,000/0
  President and CEO

- -----------

(1)      The "value realized" reflects the appreciation on the date of exercise
         (based on the excess of the fair market value of the shares on the date
         of exercise over the exercise price). However, because the executive
         officers may keep the shares they acquired upon the exercise of the
         options (or sell them at a different price), these amounts do not
         necessarily reflect cash realized upon the sale of those shares.

(2)      Based on the excess of the last sale price of the Company's Common
         Stock on June 2, 1997, as quoted on the OTC Bulletin Board ($13.50),
         over the option exercise price ($8.875).

(3)      In September 1997, options to purchase an additional 500,000 shares of
         Common Stock were granted to Mr. Bishop. The options had an original
         exercise price of $5.50 per share. In November 1997, Mr. Bishop
         surrendered options to purchase a total of 900,000 shares of Common
         Stock in exchange for replacement options to purchase a total of
         900,000 shares with an exercise price of $4.00 per share. Of these
         900,000 options, options to purchase 561,500 shares are immediately
         exercisable and the remaining 338,500 become exercisable in twenty-two
         equal monthly installments, commencing one month from the date of
         grant. The options were granted under the 1997 Amended and Restated
         Non-Qualified Stock Option Plan. At December 8, 1997, the value of
         exercisable/unexercisable unexercised in-the-money options were
         $1,403,750 and $846,250, respectively.



                              CERTAIN TRANSACTIONS

       On September 5, 1996, the Company acquired all the issued and outstanding
capital stock of ConSyGen-Arizona, from the stockholders of such corporation,
including Robert L. Stewart, who was the controlling stockholder of
ConSyGen-Arizona, Inc. In connection with the acquisition, the stockholders of
ConSyGen-Arizona surrendered 9,275,000 shares of Common Stock, being all the
issued and outstanding capital stock of ConSyGen-Arizona, of which 8,187,000
shares were surrendered by Robert L. Stewart, the former controlling stockholder
of ConSyGen-Arizona, who, in connection with the acquisition, acquired control
of the Company. For a more detailed description of the acquisition, see the
Company's Consolidated Financial Statements and the Notes thereto appearing
elsewhere in this Prospectus.

       At December 31, 1995, Robert L. Stewart, then Chairman and President of
ConSyGen-Arizona, had advanced an aggregate of $859,000 to ConSyGen-Arizona on
an as-needed basis to fund its continuing operations. These advances were
unsecured, non-interest bearing and had no stated maturity. In June 1996,
ConSyGen-Arizona issued 700,000 shares of its Common Stock to The Loreto F.
Stewart and Robert L. Stewart Family Trust, a trust of which Mr. Stewart is the
sole trustee (the "Trust"), in satisfaction of $350,000 of the indebtedness to
Mr. Stewart. Leslie F. Stewart, Robert L. Stewart's son and Secretary and
Director of the Company, is a beneficiary of the Trust. The shares were valued
at $0.50 per share, which was management's best estimate of fair market value at
the time of issuance. Further, in June 1996, Robert L. Stewart forgave an
additional $350,000 of indebtedness of ConSyGen-Arizona owed to him, without
additional consideration. During 1996, Mr. Stewart advanced an additional
$11,000 to ConSyGen-Arizona on an unsecured, non-interest bearing basis. Cash
principal payments were made to Robert L. Stewart during 1996 in the amount of
$37,000. During the five months ended May 31, 1997, additional cash principal
payments were made in the amount of $5,000. At May 31, 1997, the Company was
indebted to Mr. Stewart in the amount of $129,000. During the three months ended
August 31, 1997, Robert L. Stewart repaid $23,000 of indebtedness of the Company
to certain individuals, and the Company became obligated to repay Mr. Stewart
such $23,000. This advance was unsecured and non-interest bearing. Accordingly,
at August 31, 1997, the Company was indebted to Robert L. Stewart in the amount
of approximately $152,000. As described below, this amount was repaid to Mr.
Stewart in October 1997 through the issuance of 18,610 shares of Common Stock.

       In June 1996, ConSyGen-Arizona issued an aggregate of 1,777,006 shares of
Common Stock to the Trust in consideration of services rendered by Mr. Robert L.
Stewart to ConSyGen-Arizona from its inception through the date of issuance.
These shares were valued at $0.50 per share, which was management's best
estimate of fair market value at the time of issuance. In September 1996, the
Company issued 400,000 shares of Common Stock to The Canter Corporation for
services rendered. The Canter Corporation is controlled by Carl H. Canter, who
was at the time of issuance the President of the Company. These shares were
valued at $1.00 per share, which was management's best estimate of fair market
value at the time of issuance. In addition, in connection with the acquisition
of ConSyGen-Arizona, the Canter Corporation forgave approximately $72,000 of
indebtedness owed by the Company to the Canter Corporation for consulting
services rendered.

       In May 1997, the Trust sold 300,000 shares of Common Stock in a private
sale. In connection with such transaction, the Company agreed to use its best
efforts to register such shares for resale by the purchasers under the
Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"). The Company had
previously obligated itself to file a registration statement under the
Securities Act with respect to other previously issued shares. The Company is
registering the shares sold by the Trust on the registration statement, of which
this prospectus is a part, which the Company was already obligated to file.

       In October 1997, the Company issued 18,610 and 1,302 shares of Common
Stock to Robert L. Stewart and Leslie F. Stewart, respectively, in payment of
$151,665 and $10,609 of indebtedness of the Company to Robert L. Stewart and
Leslie F. Stewart, respectively. The effective price per share was $8.15.
Simultaneously with these transactions, the Company also issued an aggregate of
approximately 10,800 shares to unrelated third parties in payment of
approximately $88,000 of indebtedness of the Company to such persons. The
effective price per share of $8.15 paid by such unrelated third parties was the
same as that paid by Robert L. and Leslie F. Stewart.



                             PRINCIPAL STOCKHOLDERS

         The following table sets forth certain information as of November 13,
1997 concerning the beneficial ownership of the Company's Common Stock by (i)
each director of the Company, (ii) each of the executive officers, (iii) each
person who is known by the Company to beneficially own more than 5% of the
outstanding shares of Common Stock and (iv) all executive officers and directors
as a group. This information is based upon information received from or on
behalf of the named individuals. Unless otherwise noted, the beneficial owners
listed have sole voting and investment power with respect to the shares listed
except to the extent shared by spouses under applicable law.

Name and Address                        Amount and Nature of         Percent of
of Beneficial Owner**                   Beneficial Ownership         Class
- ---------------------                   --------------------         -----------
Robert L. Stewart                          7,740,610 (1)(5)            51.4%
c/o ConSyGen, Inc.
10201 South 51st St.
Suite 140
Phoenix, AZ  805044

Leslie F. Stewart                             35,677 (2)                 *

Ronald I. Bishop                             588,500 (3)                3.7%

All  executive  officers a                 8,364,787 (1)(2)(3)(5)      53.4%
nd directors as a
group (3 persons)

Howard R. Baer                               817,000 (4)                5.4%
c/o Carriage House Capital
2530 South Rural Road
Tempe, Arizona 85282

Trinidad Cranbourne                        1,000,000 (5)                6.6%
96 Pokfulam Road
11-F Flat B-2
YY Mansion, Hong Kong

- ---------------------------
*  Less than 1% of the outstanding Common Stock.
** Address provided for beneficial owners of more than 5% of the Common Stock.

(1)      Includes 6,722,000 shares owned of record by The Loreto F. Stewart &
         Robert L. Stewart Family Trust, a trust of which Robert L. Stewart is
         the sole trustee.

(2)      Includes (i) 1,302 shares of Common Stock issued to Mr. Stewart in
         payment of $10,609 in indebtedness owing to Mr. Stewart by the Company
         and (ii) 34,375 shares of Common Stock which Mr. Stewart has the right
         to purchase upon exercise of outstanding options, exercisable within 60

(3)      Includes 587,500 shares of Common Stock which Mr. Bishop has the right
         to purchase upon exercise of outstanding options, exercisable within 60

(4)      Includes (i) 287,000 shares of Common Stock owned of record by an
         entity controlled by Mr. Baer and (ii) 200,000 shares of Common Stock
         which Mr. Baer has the right to acquire upon exercise of immediately
         exercisable warrants.



(5)      Includes 1,000,000 shares owned of record by GEO Co. Ltd. ("GEO"),
         which, in addition to being controlled by Robert L. Stewart through his
         equity ownership of GEO, is controlled by Trinidad Cranbourne, Robert
         L. Stewart's daughter. Mr. Stewart, through his equity ownership of
         GEO, effectively has voting and investment control of these shares. Ms.
         Cranbourne also has voting and investment control of these shares.



                              SELLING STOCKHOLDERS

The following table sets forth certain information as of November 13, 1997
concerning the beneficial ownership of the Company's Common Stock by the
stockholders of the Company who are offering shares hereby (the "Selling
Stockholders"). This information is based upon information received from or on
behalf of the named individuals. Unless otherwise noted, the beneficial owners
listed have sole voting and investment power with respect to the shares listed
except to the extent shared by spouses under applicable law. Except for 981,390
of the shares of Common Stock offered by Robert L. Stewart, all shares of Common
Stock being offered by Selling Stockholders are being registered hereunder
pursuant to contractual registration rights or similar obligations on behalf of
the Company.

                                 Beneficial Ownership                                   Beneficial Ownership
                                  Prior to Offering                                        After Offering
                              ---------------------------                          --------------------------------
   Name and Address           Number of     Percentage of    Number of Shares      Number of          Percentage of
 of Beneficial Owner**         Shares         Ownership       Being Offered         Shares              Ownership
 ---------------------         ------         ---------       -------------         ------              ---------
Robert L. Stewart(1)         7,740,610        51.4%            1,000,000           6,740,610             44.2% (14)
c/o ConSyGen, Inc.
10201 South 51st St.
Suite 140
Phoenix, AZ  85044

Leslie F. Stewart(2)            35,677         *                   1,302              34,375                 *

M.H. Meyerson & Co. Inc.       150,000         *                  58,333              91,667                 *

Innovative Research            106,300         *                 106,300                   0                 *
Associates, Inc.(4)

Ming Sum Yeung(5)              190,000         1.2%              190,000                   0                 *

Wor Foon Yeung(6)              170,000         1.1%              170,000                   0                 *

Shu Kin Yeung(7)                40,000         *                  40,000                   0                 *

Yuen Chi Kan(8)                120,000         *                 120,000                   0                 *

Joseph and Frank Ciolli         50,000         *                  20,000              30,000                 *

Kevin C. Baer(9)               335,500         2.2%                2,000             333,500              2.2%

Robert H. and Delores M.        34,900         *                  15,000              19,900                 *

Ameritech International         15,000         *                  15,000                   0                 *

Irvington International          3,600         *                   3,600                   0                 *

Martin E. Janis &               30,000         *                  10,000              20,000                 *
Company, Inc.(11)

Michael Block(12)                6,300         *                   6,300                   0                 *

GFS, Inc.(13)(Khan)             18,900         *                  18,900                   0                 *

COFEP, S.A.                     10,000         *                  10,000                   0                 *



                                 Beneficial Ownership                                   Beneficial Ownership
                                  Prior to Offering                                        After Offering
                              ---------------------------                          --------------------------------
   Name and Address           Number of     Percentage of    Number of Shares      Number of          Percentage of
 of Beneficial Owner**         Shares         Ownership       Being Offered         Shares              Ownership
 ---------------------         ------         ---------       -------------         ------              ---------
Rabobank (Switzerland)         237,000         1.5%              237,000                   0                 *

Dominick Company AG             40,000         *                  40,000                   0                 *

Pat Finance AG                  63,000         *                  63,000                   0                 *

Rover SRL                       30,000         *                  30,000                   0                 *

Yamaco Ltd.                    110,000         *                 110,000                   0                 *

Cedar Globe Hedge Fund          10,000         *                  10,000                   0                 *

Rodney R. Schoemann             50,000         *                  50,000                   0                 *

Remaco Invest AG               350,000         2.3%              350,000                   0                 *

Tom Warner                       6,381         *                   6,381                   0                 *

Harvey Dietrich                  4,454         *                   4,454                   0                 *

- --------------------------
 *  Less than 1% of the outstanding Common Stock.
 ** Address provided for beneficial owners of more than 5% of the Common Stock.

 (1)     Includes (i) 6,722,000 shares owned of record by The Loreto F. Stewart
         & Robert L. Stewart Family Trust, a trust of which Robert L. Stewart is
         the sole trustee and (ii) 1,000,000 shares owned of record by GEO,
         which is controlled by Robert L. Stewart through his equity ownership,
         and with respect to which Mr. Stewart shares voting and investment

 (2)     Includes 1,302 shares of Common Stock issued to Mr. Stewart in payment
         of $10,609 in indebtedness owing to Mr. Stewart by the Company and
         options to purchase 34,375 shares of Common Stock, exercisable within
         60 days.

 (3)     Represents shares issued pursuant to a consulting agreement between
         M.H. Meyerson & Co., Inc. and the Company.

 (4)     Includes 100,000 shares issued pursuant to a consulting agreement
         between Innovative Research Associates, Inc. and the Company and 6,300
         shares issued as a finder's fee in connection with a financing

 (5)     Includes 100,000 shares purchased in a private transaction from the
         Loreto F. Stewart and Robert L. Stewart Family Trust, of which Robert
         L. Stewart is sole trustee.

 (6)     Includes 50,000 shares purchased in a private transaction from the
         Loreto F. Stewart and Robert L. Stewart Family Trust, of which Robert
         L. Stewart is sole trustee.

 (7)     Includes 30,000 shares purchased in a private transaction from the
         Loreto F. Stewart and Robert L. Stewart Family Trust, of which Robert
         L. Stewart is sole trustee.

 (8)     Includes 120,000 shares purchased in a private transaction from the
         Loreto F. Stewart and Robert L. Stewart Family Trust, of which Robert
         L. Stewart is sole trustee.

 (9)     Includes 130,000 shares of Common Stock which Mr. Baer has the right
         to acquire upon exercise of immediately exercisable warrants. 

(10)     Represents 3,600 shares issued as a finder's fee in connection with a
         financing transaction.



(11)     Represents 30,000 shares issued pursuant to a consulting agreement
         between Martin E. Janis & Company, Inc. and the Company.

(12)     Represents 6,300 shares issued to Mr. Block as a finder's fee in
         connection with a financing transaction.

(13)     Represents 18,900 shares issued to GFS, Inc. as a finder's fee in
         connection with a financing transaction.

(14)     Assumes conversion of $1.0 million of long-term debt, at an assumed
         conversion rate of $4.73 per share (70% of $6.75, the closing price of
         the Common Stock as quoted on the OTC Bulletin Board on November 13,
         1997), into approximately 211,416 shares of Common Stock. There can be
         no assurance that such long-term debt will be converted into Common



                          DESCRIPTION OF CAPITAL STOCK

         The authorized capital stock of the Company consists of 40,000,000
shares of Common Stock, $.003 par value (referred to herein as "Common Stock").


         As of November 13, 1997, there were 15,054,078 shares of Common Stock
outstanding, held of record by approximately 347 stockholders.

         The holders of Common Stock are entitled to one vote per share on all
months to be voted on by stockholders and an entitled to receive such dividends,
if any, as may be declared from time to time by the Board of Directors from
funds legally available therefor. The holders of Common Stock do not have
cumulative voting rights in the election of directors. Upon liquidation or
dissolution of the Company, the holder of Common Stock are entitled to receive
all assets available for distribution to the stockholders. The Common Stock has
no preemptive or other subscription rights, and there are no conversion rights
or redemption or sinking fund provisions with respect to such shares. All of the
shares of Common Stock are fully paid and nonassessable.


         The Company's Articles of Incorporation, as amended (the "Amended
Articles"), and By-Laws eliminate, subject to certain exceptions, the personal
liability of directors to the Company or its stockholders for monetary damages
for breaches of fiduciary duties as directors to the extent permitted by state
law. The Amended Articles and By-Laws do not provide for the elimination of or
any limitation on the personal liability of a director for intentional
misconduct, or in situations where a director is found not to have acted in good
faith or where liability is prescribed by law. These provisions of the Amended
Articles and By-Laws may limit the remedies available to a stockholder in the
event of breaches of any director's duties to such stockholder or the Company.

         The Company has entered into indemnification agreements with each of
the directors and officers. The indemnification agreements provide that the
Company will pay certain amounts incurred by a director or officer in connection
with any civil or criminal action or proceeding and specifically including
actions by or in the name of the Company (derivative suits) where the
individual's involvement is by reason of the fact that he is or was a director
or officer. Such amounts include, to the maximum extent permitted by law,
attorney's fees, judgments, civil or criminal fines, settlement amounts and
other expenses customarily included in connection with legal proceedings. Under
the indemnification agreements, a director or officer will not receive
indemnification if he is found not to have acted in good faith in the reasonable
belief that his action was in the best interests of the Company.


         The Transfer Agent and Registrar for the Common Stock is Interwest
Transfer, Inc.



                         SHARES ELIGIBLE FOR FUTURE SALE

         Upon completion of this Offering, the Company will have approximately
15,265,494 shares of Common Stock outstanding. Of those shares, approximately
6,860,102 shares will be freely tradable without restriction under the
Securities Act. Upon completion of the Offering, 8,593,610 shares of Common
Stock will be eligible for sale in the public market without registration,
subject to certain volume and other limitations, pursuant to Rule 144 under the
Securities Act. The remaining shares of Common Stock held by existing
stockholders, including shares issuable upon exercise of warrants, will become
eligible for sale under Rule 144 or otherwise at various times thereafter. The
Company is obligated to register under the Securities Act shares of Common Stock
held by certain stockholders of the Company. Except for approximately 100,000 of
such shares, all of such shares are registered on the Registration Statement, of
which this Prospectus is a part. In addition, there are currently outstanding
warrants to purchase 1,400,000 shares of Common Stock, of which 1,300,000 are
currently exercisable, and options to purchase 2,270,000 shares of Common Stock,
of which 1,211,250 are currently exercisable. The Company may in the future file
a registration statement on Form S-8 registering the shares issuable upon
exercise of these options. If any portion of the Shares of Common Stock
registered hereunder or issuable upon exercise of the outstanding warrants or
options are sold in the public market, such sales may have a material adverse
effect on the market price of the Common Stock. See "Risk Factors - Limited
Trading Market." The sale of such shares may also have a material adverse effect
on the Company's ability to raise needed capital.

                              PLAN OF DISTRIBUTION

         Certain shares of Common Stock of the Company are being sold by the
Company upon conversion of certain outstanding convertible notes. See "Business
- - Recent Financings." The price and manner of sale of the shares of Common Stock
offered by the Selling Stockholders hereunder are in the sole discretion of the
Selling Stockholder. The shares of Common Stock offered hereby may be offered
through any of several methods, such as ordinary brokerage transactions at
market prices or in privately negotiated transactions at prices agreed upon by
the parties. Neither the Company nor the Selling Stockholder has any agreement,
arrangement or understanding with any broker or dealer entered into prior to the
effective date of the Registration Statement of which this Prospectus is a part
with respect to the sale of the Common Stock offered hereby.

                                  LEGAL MATTERS

         Certain legal matters in connection with this Offering will be passed
upon for the Company by Brown, Rudnick, Freed & Gesmer, Boston, Massachusetts.


         The consolidated balance sheets of ConSyGen, Inc. as of May 31, 1997
and December 31, 1996, and the consolidated statements of operations, changes in
stockholders' deficit, and cash flows for the five months ended May 31, 1997 and
each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 1996, included in this
prospectus, have been included herein in reliance on the report of Wolinetz,
Gottlieb & Lafazan, P.C., independent accountants, given on the authority of
that firm as experts in accounting and auditing.

                             ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

        The Company has filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission
("Commission"), Washington, D.C. 20549, a Registration Statement on Form S-1
("Registration Statement") under the Securities Act with respect to the Common
Stock offered hereby. This Prospectus does not contain all of the information
set forth in the Registration Statement and the exhibits and schedules thereto.
For further information with respect to the



Company and the Common Stock, reference is made to the Registration Statement
and the exhibits and schedules thereto. Statements contained in this Prospectus
as to the contents of any contract or other document are not necessarily
complete and, in each instance where such contract or document is filed as an
exhibit to the Registration Statement, reference is made to the copy of such
contract or document filed as an exhibit to the Registration Statement, each
such statement being qualified in all respects by such reference. Copies of the
Registration Statement, including the exhibits thereto, may be inspected without
charge at the Commission's principal office at 450 Fifth Street, N.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20549, and at the Commission's regional offices located at
Seven World Trade Center, 13th West Madison Street, Northwestern Atrium Center,
Suite 1400, Chicago, Illinois 60661-2511. Copies of materials can also be
obtained at prescribed rates from the Public Reference Section of the Commission
at 450 Fifth Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20549. The Commission maintains a
World Wide Web site on the Internet at http://www.sec.gov that contains
registration statements, reports, proxy and information statements and other
information regarding registrants that file electronically with the Commission.

         The Company intends to distribute to its stockholders annual reports
containing consolidated financial statements audited by its independent
accountants and will make available copies of quarterly reports for the first
three quarters of each fiscal year containing unaudited consolidated financial



                                 CONSYGEN, INC.


Report of Independent Accountants .........................................................................   F-2

Consolidated Balance Sheet as of May 31, 1997 and
  December 31, 1996 .......................................................................................   F-3

Consolidated Statement of Operations for the Five Months Ended
  May 31, 1997 and the Years Ended  December 31, 1996,
    1995 and 1994 .........................................................................................   F-4

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Stockholders' Deficit for the
  Period January 1, 1994 to May 31, 1997 ..................................................................   F-5

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for the Five Months Ended
  May 31, 1997 and the Years Ended December 31, 1996,
    1995, and 1994 ........................................................................................   F-7

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, May 31, 1997 ..................................................   F-9

Consolidated Balance Sheet as of August 31, 1997 (Unaudited) ..............................................   F-24

Consolidated Statement of Operations for the Three Months
  Ended August 31, 1997 and 1996 (Unaudited) ..............................................................   F-25

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Stockholders' Deficit
  for the Three Months Ended August 31, 1997(Unaudited) ...................................................   F-26

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for the Three Months
  Ended August 31, 1997 and 1996 (Unaudited) ..............................................................   F-27

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements,
  August 31, 1997 (Unaudited) .............................................................................   F-29


- ---------------------------------

The Board of Directors and Stockholders
ConSyGen, Inc. (A Texas Corporation)

We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheet of ConSyGen, Inc. (a
Texas corporation) and its subsidiary as of May 31, 1997 and December 31, 1996,
and the related consolidated statements of operations, changes in stockholders'
deficit, and cash flows for the five months ended May 31, 1997 and the years
ended December 31, 1996, 1995 and 1994. These financial statements are the
responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to express an
opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes
assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by
management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in
all material respects, the consolidated financial position of ConSyGen, Inc. (a
Texas corporation) and its subsidiary as of May 31, 1997 and December 31, 1996,
and the consolidated results of their operations and their cash flows for the
five months ended May 31, 1997 and the years ended December 31, 1996, 1995 and
1994 in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

The accompanying financial statements have been prepared assuming that the
Company will continue as a going concern. As discussed in Note 1 to the
financial statements, the Company has incurred recurring losses from operations
and has a working capital and stockholders' deficit. These factors raise
substantial doubt about the Company's ability to continue as a going concern.
Management's plans in regard to these matters are described in Notes 12 and 13.
The financial statements do not include any adjustments that might result from
the outcome of this uncertainty.

                                              WOLINETZ, GOTTLIEB & LAFAZAN, P.C.

Rockville Centre, New York
July 15, 1997


                          CONSYGEN, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET


                                                                  May 31,      December 31,
                                                                   1997           1996
                                                                   ----           ----
Current Assets:
  Cash and Cash Equivalents                                   $     21,483    $     83,204
  Accounts Receivable                                                 --              --
  Debt Issuance Expense (Net of Accumulated
     Amortization of $55,556 in 1997 and $139,000 in 1996)          33,336          50,000
  Prepaid Expenses                                                  18,225          10,976
                                                              ------------    ------------

         Total Current Assets                                       73,044         144,180
                                                              ------------    ------------

Furniture and Equipment (Net of Accumulated Depreciation
  of $112,063 in 1997 and $102,583 in 1996)                         72,031          72,513
                                                              ------------    ------------

Other Assets:
  Debt Issuance Expense - Net of Current Portion                    61,108            --
  Other Assets                                                       4,596           5,283
                                                              ------------    ------------

         Total Other Assets                                         65,704           5,283
                                                              ------------    ------------

Total Assets                                                  $    210,779    $    221,976
                                                              ============    ============


Current Liabilities:
  Notes Payable                                               $    259,507    $    343,507
  Loans Payable                                                    160,000         160,000
  Loans Payable - Related Parties                                  139,177         143,877
  Accounts Payable                                                  62,704          97,199
  Accrued Liabilities                                              308,899         219,801
                                                              ------------    ------------

         Total Current Liabilities                                 930,287         964,384

Long-Term Debt                                                   1,000,000            --
                                                              ------------    ------------

         Total Liabilities                                       1,930,287         964,384
                                                              ------------    ------------

Commitments and Contingencies

Stockholders' Deficit:
  Common Stock, $.003 Par Value, 16,666,666 Shares
    Authorized, Issued and Outstanding 13,796,231 Shares
    in 1997 and 13,686,231 Shares in 1996                           41,389          41,059
  Additional Paid-In Capital                                    17,108,689      16,438,365
  Accumulated Deficit                                          (18,869,586)    (17,221,832)
                                                              ------------    ------------
         Total Stockholders' Deficit                            (1,719,508)       (742,408)
                                                              ------------    ------------

Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Deficit                   $    210,779    $    221,976
                                                              ============    ============

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.



                          CONSYGEN, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY

                                           For The
                                      Five Months Ended              For The Year Ended
                                      ----------------- --------------------------------------------
                                           May 31,                       December 31,
                                        ------------    --------------------------------------------
                                            1997            1996             1995            1994
                                        ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------

Revenues                                $     20,000    $     43,552    $    328,546    $    790,466
                                        ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------

Costs and Expenses:
  Cost of Sales                                 --              --           199,561         213,068
  Software Development                       334,868         740,000         492,399         587,552
  General and Administrative Expenses      1,211,502       5,650,179         593,710         576,981
  Interest Expense                            56,348         157,210         112,779          59,788
  Depreciation and Amortization               65,036         117,231          50,494           8,215
                                        ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------

         Total Costs and  Expenses         1,667,754       6,664,620       1,448,943       1,445,604
                                        ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------

Net Loss                                $ (1,647,754)   $ (6,621,068)   $ (1,120,397)   $   (655,138)
                                        ============    ============    ============    ============

Weighted Average Common Shares
  Outstanding                             13,700,231       9,438,062       6,116,661       5,958,327
                                        ============    ============    ============    ============

Net Loss Per Common Share               $       (.12)   $       (.70)   $       (.18)   $       (.11)
                                        ============    ============    ============    ============

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.



                          CONSYGEN, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
               FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1, 1994 THROUGH MAY 31, 1997

                                                                      Additional                      ------------
                                                Common Stock            Paid-In       Accumulated     Stockholders'
                                           -----------------------   ------------    ------------     ------------
                                           Shares           Amount      Capital         Deficit          Deficit
                                           ------           ------   ------------    ------------     ------------

Balance - January 1, 1994                 5,499,994        $16,500    $5,483,500    $ (8,825,229)    $(3,325,229)

  Issuance of ConSyGen-Arizona
    Common Stock as Payment of Debt         500,000          1,500       498,500            --           500,000

  Debt Cancellation by Related Party           --             --       2,680,210            --         2,680,210

  Interest on Loans                            --             --          21,493            --            21,493

  Net Loss                                     --             --            --          (655,138)       (655,138)
                                          ---------        -------    ----------    ------------     -----------

Balance - December 31, 1994               5,999,994         18,000     8,683,703      (9,480,367)       (778,664)

  Issuance of ConSyGen-Arizona
    Common Stock for Services               700,000          2,100       347,900            --           350,000

  Interest on Loans                            --             --          67,016            --            67,016

  Debt Issuance Expense                        --             --          90,000            --            90,000

  Net Loss                                     --             --            --        (1,120,397)     (1,120,397)
                                          ---------        -------    ----------    ------------     -----------

Balance - December 31, 1995
  (Carried Forward)                       6,699,994         20,100     9,188,619     (10,600,764)     (1,392,045)
                                          ---------        -------    ----------    ------------     -----------

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.



                          CONSYGEN, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
               FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1, 1994 THROUGH MAY 31, 1997

                                                                       Additional                         Total
                                                                       ----------                     ------------
                                                  Common Stock           Paid-In      Accumulated     Stockholders'
                                             ---------------------     ----------     -----------     ------------
                                             Shares         Amount       Capital        Deficit          Deficit
                                             ------         ------     ----------     -----------     ------------

Balance - December 31, 1995
  (Brought Forward)                        6,699,994        $20,100    $ 9,188,619   $(10,600,764)    $(1,392,045)

  Issuance of ConSyGen-Arizona
     Common Stock for Services                98,000            294         48,706           --            49,000

  Issuance of ConSyGen-Arizona
    Common Stock as Payment of Debt          700,000          2,100        347,900           --           350,000

  Donated Capital - Debt Cancellation
     by Stockholder                             --             --          350,000           --           350,000

  Issuance of ConSyGen-Arizona
    Common Stock for Services              1,777,006          5,331        883,172           --           888,503

  Interest on Loans                             --             --           90,802           --            90,802

  Effect of Reverse Acquisition              111,231            334         (7,134)          --            (6,800)

  Issuance of Common Stock
     for Services                          4,126,352         12,379      4,267,078           --         4,279,457

  Issuance of Common Stock as
    Payment of Debt                          173,648            521      1,182,022           --         1,182,543

  Donated Capital - Debt Cancellation           --             --           87,200           --            87,200

  Net Loss                                      --             --             --       (6,621,068)     (6,621,068)
                                          ----------        -------    -----------   ------------     -----------
Balance - December 31, 1996               13,686,231         41,059     16,438,365    (17,221,832)       (742,408)
  Interest on Loans                             --             --           14,404           --            14,404
  Issuance of Common Stock                                  
    for Services                             110,000            330        655,920           --           656,250
  Net Loss                                      --             --             --       (1,647,754)     (1,647,754)
                                          ----------        -------    -----------   ------------     -----------
Balance - May 31, 1997                    13,796,231        $41,389    $17,108,689   $(18,869,586)    $(1,719,508)
                                          ==========        =======    ===========   ============     ===========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                          CONSYGEN, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY

                                                       For The
                                                     Five Months                For The Year Ended 
                                                        Ended                      December 31,    
                                                        May 31,     -----------------------------------------            
                                                         1997           1996           1995            1994
                                                     -----------    -----------    -----------     ----------

Cash Flows From Operating Activities:
  Net Loss                                          $(1,647,754)   $(6,621,068)   $(1,120,397)     $(655,138)
  Adjustments to Reconcile Net Loss to Net Cash
   Provided (Used) by Operating Activities:
     Depreciation                                         9,480         18,231         10,494          8,215
     Stock Issued for Services                          656,250      5,167,961        300,000           --
     Change in Allowance for Doubtful Accounts             --             --          (15,910)          --
     Loss on Abandonment                                   --             --             --           29,016
     Amortization of Debt Issuance Expense               55,556         99,000         40,000           --
     Loan Interest - Additional Paid-In  Capital         14,404         90,802         67,016         21,493
     Changes in Operating Assets and Liabilities:
     Accounts Receivable                                   --            1,876         35,381        149,164
     Prepaid Expenses and Other Assets                   (6,562)        (9,470)        11,502          2,497
     Accounts Payable                                    (4,495)       (26,802)        13,603          9,934
     Accrued Liabilities                                 89,098         43,905         90,658         83,357
     Deferred Revenues                                     --           (7,386)        (1,215)         8,601
                                                    -----------    -----------    -----------      ---------

         Net Cash  (Used) by Operating
             Activities                                (864,023)    (1,242,951)      (568,868)      (342,861)
                                                    -----------    -----------    -----------      ---------

Cash Flows From Investing Activities:
  Purchases of Furniture and Equipment                   (8,998)       (30,227)       (60,927)        (9,594)
                                                    -----------    -----------    -----------      ---------

         Net Cash (Used) by Investing Activities         (8,998)       (30,227)       (60,927)        (9,594)
                                                    -----------    -----------    -----------      ---------

Cash Flows From Financing Activities:
  Proceeds of Debt Financings                         1,000,000      1,123,700           --             --
  Proceeds of Loans and Notes Payable                      --          305,396        212,492         50,000
  Payments of Loans and Notes Payable                   (84,000)       (50,000)        (3,200)        (8,700)
  Proceeds of Loans Payable - Related Parties              --           11,271        433,407        324,802
  Payments of Loans Payable - Related Parties            (4,700)       (37,404)       (23,351)       (87,175)
  Repayment of Loans Receivable - Related Parties          --             --             --           86,167
  Payments for Debt Issuance Expense                   (100,000)          --             --

         Net Cash Provided  by Financing
             Activities                                 811,300      1,352,963        619,348        365,094
                                                    -----------    -----------    -----------      ---------

Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and
  Cash Equivalents                                      (61,721)        79,785        (10,447)        12,639

Cash and Cash Equivalents - Beginning of Period          83,204          3,419         13,866          1,227
                                                    -----------    -----------    -----------      ---------

Cash and Cash Equivalents - End of Period           $    21,483    $    83,204    $     3,419      $  13,866
                                                    ===========    ===========    ===========      =========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                          CONSYGEN, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY

                                                                For The
                                                              Five Months
                                                                 Ended                      For The Year Ended
                                                           -----------------    ----------------------------------------
                                                                 May 31,                       December 31,
                                                           -----------------    ----------------------------------------
                                                                  1997             1996            1995           1994
                                                           -----------------    -----------     ---------    -----------

Supplemental Cash Flow Information:

  Cash Paid for Interest                                          $182          $     3,300      $ 24,491     $   14,919
                                                                  ====          ===========      ========     ==========

  Cash Paid for Income Taxes                                      $ --          $      --        $   --       $     --
                                                                  ====          ===========      ========     ==========

Supplemental Disclosure of Non-Cash Financing Activities:       

  Cancellation of Debt  into  Additional
     Paid-In Capital - Related Parties                            $ --          $   350,000      $   --       $2,680,210
                                                                  ====          ===========      ========     ==========

  Issuance of Common Stock as Debt Issuance
    Expense                                                       $ --          $    49,000      $ 50,000     $     --
                                                                  ====          ===========      ========     ==========

  Issuance of Common Stock as Payment of
    Debt - Related Parties                                        $ --          $   350,000      $   --       $  500,000
                                                                  ====          ===========      ========     ==========

  Debt Issuance Expense as Additional Paid-In
    Capital                                                       $ --          $      --        $90,000      $    --
                                                                  ====          ===========      ========     ==========

  Effect of Reverse Acquisition - Accounts
    Payable Acquired                                              $ --           $    6,800      $   --       $     --
                                                                  ====           ==========      ========     ==========

  Issuance of Common Stock as Payment of Debt                     $ --           $1,182,543      $   --       $     --
                                                                  ====           ==========      ========     ==========

  Cancellation of Debt into Additional Paid-In
    Capital                                                       $ --           $   87,200      $   --       $     --
                                                                  ====           ==========      ========     ==========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.



                          CONSYGEN, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                                  MAY 31, 1997


                  HISTORY OF CONSYGEN, INC., (f/k/a C SQUARE VENTURES, INC.)

                  ConSyGen, Inc., a Texas corporation ("ConSyGen-Texas'), was
incorporated on September 28, 1988 as C Square Ventures, Inc. ConSyGen-Texas was
formed for the purpose of obtaining capital in order to take advantage of
domestic and foreign business opportunities which may have profit potential. On
March 16, 1989, ConSyGen-Texas (then C Square Ventures, Inc.) completed an
initial public offering.

                  On September 5, 1996, ConSyGen-Texas acquired 100% of the
issued and outstanding shares of ConSyGen, Inc., a privately held Arizona
corporation formed on October 11, 1979 ("ConSyGen-Arizona") (f/k/a International
Data Systems, Inc.). On June 25, 1996, International Data Systems, Inc. changed
its name to ConSyGen, Inc. Immediately prior to the acquisition transaction,
ConSyGen-Texas effected a 1-for-40 reverse split of its common stock. In
connection with the acquisition, ConSyGen-Texas issued an aggregate of 9,275,000
shares of its common stock directly to the stockholders of ConSyGen-Arizona in
exchange for all of the issued and outstanding shares of ConSyGen-Arizona. Upon
the closing of the acquisition, the Company issued 3,850,000 shares of common
stock to various consultants for services rendered. Such shares were registered
under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, pursuant to a Registration
Statement on Form S-8. In addition, the Company issued 150,000 shares of common
stock to a consultant for services to be rendered. These 4,000,000 shares were
valued at $1.00 per share, which was management's best estimate of fair market
value at the time of issuance. The exchange resulted in ConSyGen-Arizona's
stockholders holding a larger portion of voting rights of ConSyGen-Texas than
was held after the acquisition by the persons who were ConSyGen-Texas
stockholders prior to the acquisition (approximately 69% at closing). In
connection with the acquisition, outstanding options to purchase 1,275,000
shares of ConSyGen-Arizona's common stock granted under its Non-Qualified Stock
Option Plan were terminated and ConSyGen-Texas adopted a new Non-Qualified Stock
Option Plan (see Note 11). In addition, ConSyGen-Arizona terminated warrants to
purchase 1,000,000 shares of its common stock in connection with the
acquisition, and ConSyGen-Texas issued replacement warrants to purchase
1,000,000 shares of its common stock (see Note 11). As a result of the
acquisition, ConSyGen-Arizona became a wholly-owned subsidiary of
ConSyGen-Texas. The transaction has been treated as a reverse acquisition
(purchase) with ConSyGen-Arizona being the acquirer and ConSyGen-Texas being the
acquired company. Consequently, only the historical operations of
ConSyGen-Arizona are presented for the periods through September 5, 1996.
Subsequent to the acquisition, ConSyGen-Texas changed its name to ConSyGen, Inc.
(A Texas corporation).

                  ConSyGen-Texas and its wholly-owned subsidiary
ConSyGen-Arizona are hereafter collectively referred to as the "Company".


                  ConSyGen-Texas' business consists solely of the business of
its wholly-owned subsidiary, ConSyGen-Arizona. The Company is currently engaged
in the business of rendering automated software conversion services, including
"year 2000" conversions, although it did not realize any significant operating
revenue from its conversion business during fiscal 1997. Until 1995,
ConSyGen-Arizona licensed its proprietary computer software used in the hotel
and airline industries, and provided software maintenance services. In 1996
ConSyGen-Arizona discontinued its practice of software licensing and providing
maintenance services.



                          CONSYGEN, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                                  MAY 31, 1997


                  BASIS OF PRESENTATION

                  The accompanying financial statements have been prepared
assuming that the Company will continue as a going concern. The Company has
suffered recurring losses from operations and at May 31, 1997 had a working
capital deficit of approximately $857,000 and a deficiency in stockholders'
equity of approximately $1,720,000. These factors raise substantial doubt about
the Company's ability to continue as a going concern. Continuation of the
Company is dependent on (1) achieving sufficiently profitable operations and (2)
obtaining adequate financing. Management's plans in this regard include forming
additional strategic alliances with computer hardware and consulting firms and
implementation of an independent sales representative program (see Note 12). In
addition, in June 1997 the Company raised net proceeds of approximately $1
million through the private sale of its common stock. In late August 1997, the
Company accepted subscriptions to purchase an aggregate 100,000 shares of Common
Stock for aggregate consideration of $504,000 (net of finders fees). The Company
expects to receive the proceeds of these subscriptions ($504,000) in early
September, 1997 (see Note 13). The Company intends to raise additional funds.
However, the success of these planned measures cannot be determined at this
time. The financial statements do not include any adjustment relating to the
recoverability and classification of asset carrying amounts or the amount and
classification of liabilities that might result should the Company be unable to
continue as a going concern.

                  FISCAL YEAR

                  ConSyGen-Texas' fiscal year end is May 31. Effective January
1, 1997, ConSyGen-Arizona changed its fiscal year from December 31 to May 31 to
coincide with the fiscal year end of its parent company, ConSyGen-Texas. Since
ConSyGen-Texas' acquisition of ConSyGen-Arizona has been accounted for as a
reverse acquisition (purchase), with ConSyGen-Arizona being the acquirer and
ConSyGen-Texas being the acquired company, only the historical operations to
ConSyGen-Arizona are presented for periods through the date of acquisition.
Subsequent to the acquisition date, the consolidated operations of the Company
are presented. Accordingly, the financial statements presented are for the five
month period ended May 31, 1997 and for the years ended December 31, 1996, 1995,
and 1994.



                  The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of
ConSyGen-Texas and its wholly-owned subsidiary, ConSyGen-Arizona. Significant
intercompany accounts and transactions have been eliminated in consolidation.

                  USE OF ESTIMATES

                  The preparation of financial statements in conformity with
generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates
and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and
disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial
statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the
reporting period. Actual results could differ from these estimates.



                          CONSYGEN, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                                  MAY 31, 1997


                  REVENUE RECOGNITION

                  Revenue is recognized in accordance with Statement of Position
91-1, "Software Revenue Recognition". Accordingly, revenue from software
licensing is recognized when delivery of the software has occurred, a signed
noncancelable license agreement has been received from the customer and any
remaining obligations under the license agreement are insignificant. Revenue
which related to insignificant obligations was deferred and was recognized as
the obligations were fulfilled. Revenue in 1995 and 1994 from software license
fees that were related to the Company's obligation to provide certain
post-contract customer support without charge for the first year of the license
was unbundled from the license fee at its fair value and was deferred and
recognized straight-line over the contract support period. Revenue from annual
or other renewals of maintenance contracts (including long-term contracts) was
deferred and recognized straight-line over the term of the contracts. In 1996,
the Company discontinued its practice of software licensing and entering into
maintenance contracts. Conversion service revenue is recognized upon completion
of the conversion service.


                  The Company considers all highly liquid investments with a
maturity of three months or less at the time of purchase to be cash equivalents.


                  Furniture and equipment is stated at cost, less accumulated
depreciation. Deprecation is computed by both straight-line method and
accelerated methods over the estimated useful lives of the related assets, which
approximate five years.

                  DEBT ISSUANCE EXPENSE

                  Costs associated with the Company's debt financing
transactions have been capitalized. These costs include the value of common
stock issued, both by the Company or directly from a significant stockholder, as
consideration for obtaining various loans. Such costs are being amortized over
the terms of the related loans.


                  Research and development expenditures, including the cost of
software development, are expensed as incurred.



                          CONSYGEN, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                                  MAY 31, 1997


                  EMPLOYEE STOCK PLANS

                  The Company accounts for its stock option plans in accordance
with provisions of the Accounting Principle Board's Opinion No. 25 (APB 25),
"Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees." In 1995, the Financial Accounting
Standards Board released Statement of Financial Accounting Standard No. 123
(SFAS 123), "Accounting for Stock Based Compensation." SFAS 123 provides an
alternative to APB 25 and is effective for fiscal years beginning after December
15, 1995. The Company will continue to account for its employee stock option
plans in accordance with the provisions of APB 25, and therefore will be
required to disclose certain pro-forma information in the notes to its financial
statements. SFAS 123 is not expected to have a material effect on the Company's
financial condition or results of operations.


                  The estimated fair value of financial instruments has been
determined by the Company using available market information and valuation
methodologies. Considerable judgment is required in estimating fair values.
Accordingly, the estimates may not be indicative of the amounts the Company
could realize in a current market exchange. The carrying amounts of cash,
accounts receivable and accounts payable approximate fair value.

                  LOSS PER SHARE

                  Prior to the acquisition, the computation of net loss per
share is based on the weighted average number of outstanding common shares of
ConSyGen-Arizona. Following the acquisition, shares presented are adjusted for
the effect of the reverse acquisition. Common stock equivalents have not been
included in this calculation since their inclusion would be antidilutive.

                  In February 1997, the Financial Accounting Standards Board
issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standard No. 128, Earnings per Share
(SFAS 128). SFAS 128, which applies to entities with publicly held common stock,
simplifies the standards for computing earnings per share previously required in
APB Opinion No. 15, Earnings per Share, and makes them comparable to
international earnings per share standards. SFAS 128 is effective for financial
statements issued for periods ending after December 15, 1997, including interim
periods. Earlier adoption is not permitted. Management is currently reviewing
the provisions of SFAS 128, however, it does not believe that adoption of this
new accounting pronouncement will have a material impact on the calculation and
presentation of earnings per share.


                  Loans payable to related parties with interest imputed at 10%
per annum,  are due on demand and are unsecured (see Note 9).



                          CONSYGEN, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                                  MAY 31, 1997


                  Notes payable consist of the following:

                                                                                           May 31,              December 31,
                                                                                        -------------         ----------------
                                                                                            1997                    1996
                                                                                        -------------         ----------------
                  Note payable, bearing interest at 10% per annum, no stated
                  maturity and unsecured. As additional consideration to the
                  lender for making the loan, a significant stockholder
                  personally transferred to the lender 30,000 shares of his
                  common stock, valued at $1.00 per share. The value of such
                  shares has been capitalized as debt issuance expense.                 $   30,000            $    30,000

                  Note payable, bearing interest at 10% per annum, due July 31,
                  1996 and unsecured. Since August 1, 1996, the Company has been
                  in default under the terms of the Note, and interest has been
                  accruing at the default rate of 18% per annum. As additional
                  consideration to the lender for making the loan, a significant
                  stockholder personally transferred to the lender 60,000 shares
                  of his common stock, valued at $1.00 per share. The value of
                  such shares has been capitalized as debt issuance expense.               100,000                100,000

                  Note payable, bearing interest at the prime rate, 
                  original maturity June 30, 1989 and unsecured.                            23,000                 23,000



                          CONSYGEN, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                                   MAY 31,1997

NOTE 4 -          Notes Payable (Continued)

                                                                                          May 31,           December 31,
                                                                                       ------------       ---------------
                                                                                           1997                 1996
                                                                                       ------------       ---------------

                  Note payable, bearing interest at 10% per
                  annum, due on demand and unsecured.                                     23,317               23,317

                  Note payable, bearing interest at 10% per annum, payable on
                  demand, and unsecured. As additional consideration to the
                  lender for making the loan, the Company issued 25,000 shares
                  of its common stock to the lender valued at $1.00 per share.
                  The value of such shares has
                  been capitalized as debt issuance expense.                              25,000               25,000

                  Note payable, with interest imputed at 10% per
                  annum, no stated maturity and unsecured.                                23,190               23,190

                  Note payable, with interest imputed at 10% per
                  annum, no stated maturity and unsecured.                                 5,000                5,000

                  Note payable, bearing interest at 10% per annum,
                  payable on demand, and unsecured.                                         -                  84,000

                  Note payable, bearing interest at 10% per annum, payable on
                  demand and unsecured. As additional consideration to the
                  lender for making the loan, the Company issued 50,000 shares
                  of its common stock to the lender valued at $1.00 per share.
                  The value of such shares has been capitalized as debt issuance
                  expense.                                                                30,000               30,000
                                                                                       ---------            ---------

                                                                                       $ 259,507            $ 343,507
                                                                                       =========            =========



                          CONSYGEN, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                                  MAY 31, 1997


                  Loans payable consist of the following:

                                                                         May 31,      December 31,
                                                                       ---------      ------------
                                                                          1997            1996
                                                                       ---------      ------------

                  Loan payable, with interest imputed at 10% per
                  annum, due on demand and unsecured.                  $  52,000       $  52,000

                  Loan payable, non-interest bearing, due on
                  demand and unsecured.                                    8,000           8,000

                  Loan payable, with interest imputed at 10% per
                  annum, due on demand and unsecured.                    100,000         100,000
                                                                       ---------       ---------
                                                                       $ 160,000       $ 160,000
                                                                       =========       =========

NOTE 6 -          LONG-TERM DEBT

                  In March 1997, ConSyGen-Texas raised $1,000,000, before
deducting finder's fees of $100,000, through a private placement of convertible
notes (the "Notes") in the principal amount of $1,000,000. The Notes are
unsecured, bear interest at the rate of 6% per annum, are payable in March 2000,
and are convertible into common stock of ConSyGen-Texas. The principal amount of
the Notes is convertible into common stock of ConSyGen-Texas at a rate equal to
the lesser of (1) $10.85 per share (115% of the closing bid price of the common
stock on March 21,1997); or (2) that price which is equal to 70% of the average
closing bid price of the common stock for the five trading days preceding the
date of conversion. ConSyGen-Texas is obligated to register the shares of common
stock issuable upon conversion of the Notes, under the Securities Act of 1933,
as soon as practicable after the closing date. The Notes provide that if the
underlying shares are not registered within 90 days of closing, ConSyGen-Texas
is obligated to pay penalties amounting to 2% of the principal amount of the
Notes. In addition, the Company is obligated to pay penalties equal to 3% of the
principal amount of the Notes for each subsequent month after expiration of the
90 day period during which the underlying shares are not registered under the
Securities Act of 1933. At July 15, 1997, the underlying shares had not been
registered under the Securities Act of 1933. ConSyGen-Texas may compel
conversion of the Notes at any time after the expiration of six months after the
effective date of the Registration Statement. The Notes are redeemable, at a
price equal to 130% of the principal amount of the Notes, in the event that the
price of ConSyGen-Texas' common stock is less than the bid price on March 21,



                          CONSYGEN, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                                  MAY 31, 1997



                  The Company's corporate offices are leased under a
noncancelable operating lease, as amended, which expires October 31, 1998.
Rental expense aggregated $31,503 for the five months ended May 31, 1997, and
$61,434, $49,884 and $48,144 for the years ended December 31, 1996, 1995 and
1994, respectively. Future minimum rental payments are as follows:

                          Year Ending
                            May 31,
                            1998                                  $ 87,586
                            1999                                    37,090


                  LEGAL PROCEEDINGS

                  From time to time, the Company may be named in legal actions
which are incidental to the industry in which the Company operates. Currently,
the Company is not a party to any legal proceedings.

                  NASD REVIEW

                  The National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. ("NASD")
in December 1996 advised the Company that it is conducting a routine review of
trading in ConSyGen-Texas' common stock following the acquisition of
ConSyGen-Arizona. The NASD made a written inquiry of the Company, to which the
Company responded in writing in January 1997. The NASD made inquiry with respect
to, among other things, a private placement by ConSyGen-Arizona, the acquisition
of ConSyGen-Arizona by ConSyGen-Texas, and issuance of common stock by the
Company during 1996. The NASD has not yet responded in writing to the Company's
written response. Although it is not possible to determine the outcome of this
review, the outcome could have a material adverse effect on the Company and the
price of and trading market for the Company's common stock.

NOTE 8 -          INCOME TAXES

                  The Company accounts for income taxes in accordance with
Statement of Financial Accounting Standards, No. 109, "Accounting for Income
Taxes". Deferred income taxes are provided with respect to differences between
results of operations for financial reporting purposes and income tax purposes.
For the five months ended May 31, 1997, and the years ended December 31, 1996,
1995 and 1994, the Company generated net operating losses.

                  Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recorded based on
differences between the financial statement and tax bases of assets and
liabilities and the tax rates in effect when those differences are expected to
reverse. Effective May 31, 1997, the Company will file its federal corporation
income tax return on a consolidated basis. As of May 31, 1997, the Company had a
net operating loss carryforward (NOLC) for federal income tax purposes of
approximately $16,000,000, which begins to expire in 1998. Pursuant to Section
382 of the Internal Revenue Code, due to changes in the ownership of the
Company, the utilization of these loss carryforwards may be subject to an annual



                          CONSYGEN, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                                  MAY 31, 1997


                  For income tax purposes, the NOLC may be used by the Company
to offset future taxable income. However, due to the Company's historical
operating results, the Company has placed a 100% valuation reserve on the NOLC.
The following table sets forth the components of deferred taxes at:

                                                          May 31,     December 31,
                                                           1997          1996
                                                      ------------    ------------
                  Deferred Tax Assets                 $      -        $    10,000
                  Net Operating Loss Carryforwards      6,000,000       5,880,000
                  Less:  Valuation Reserve             (6,000,000)     (5,890,000)
                                                      ------------    ------------

                                                      $     -0-       $     -0-
                                                      ============    ============

                  Income tax benefit attributable to net loss differed from the
amounts computed by applying the statutory Federal Income tax rate applicable
for each period as a result of the following:

                                                     Five Months Ended          Year Ended
                                                        May 31, 1997         December 31, 1996
                                                        ------------         -----------------
         Computed "expected" tax benefit               $   337,000              $ 2,251,000
         Decrease in tax benefit resulting
             Net operating loss for which no
               benefit is currently available             (337,000)              (2,251,000)
                                                       ------------             -----------

                                                       $     -0-                $     -0-
                                                       ============             ===========


                  A significant shareholder, who is also an officer and director
of the Company, and his relatives and affiliates have advanced funds to the
Company on an as needed basis. As of May 31, 1997 and December 31, 1996, such
shareholder and relatives had outstanding advances of $139,177 and $143,877 (see
Notes 3 and 10). In May 1997, in connection with the significant stockholder's
private sale of 300,000 shares of common stock of the Company to certain
individuals, the Company agreed to use its best efforts to register such shares
for resale by such individuals under the Securities Act of 1933 within 120 days
of the closing of the sale.



                          CONSYGEN, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                                  MAY 31, 1997


                  In February 1994, ConSyGen-Arizona converted $500,000 of a
loan payable to a significant shareholder into 500,000 shares of common stock.
In addition, an affiliate of a significant shareholder canceled certain loans it
had made to ConSyGen-Arizona in the amount of $2,680,210. This amount was
credited to ConSyGen-Arizona's additional paid-in capital.

                  In October 1995, ConSyGen-Arizona's board of directors
increased the number of its authorized shares of common stock to 20,000,000 and
changed the stated par value of such shares from $1 to $.01 per share. All
periods presented have been retroactively adjusted to reflect this change.

                  In November 1995, ConSyGen-Arizona issued 700,000 shares of
common stock to advisors and consultants of ConSyGen-Arizona as consideration
for services rendered, including 100,000 shares issued to a consultant as a
retainer for services to be rendered. For accounting purposes the shares were
valued at $.50 per share, which was management's best estimate of fair value at
the date of issuance. The accompanying financial statements include a charge of
$300,000 for the issuance of 600,000 of such shares, which is included in
general and administrative expenses. In addition, $50,000 has been capitalized
and subsequently amortized as debt issuance expense in connection with the
issuance of the remaining 100,000 shares.

                  ConSyGen-Arizona has recognized a financial (imputed) interest
charge on loans and notes payable as to which there were originally no stated
interest rates. The interest has been charged to operations and credited to
additional paid-in capital and is summarized as follows:

                                             Five Months Ended                        Year Ended
                                             -----------------       --------------------------------------------
                                                  May 31,                             December 31,
                                             -----------------       --------------------------------------------                 
                                                   1997                 1996             1995             1994
                                                -----------          -----------      ----------        ---------

         Significant Stockholder                $    5,854            $  72,179        $  65,516        $  21,493
         Others                                      8,550               18,623            1,500              -
                                                -----------           ----------       ----------       ---------

                                                $   14,404            $  90,802        $  67,016        $  21,493
                                                ===========           ==========       ==========       =========

                  During 1996, ConSyGen-Arizona issued to a significant
shareholder, who is also an officer and director of the Company, an aggregate of
2,477,006 shares of common stock, of which 700,000 were issued in satisfaction
of a $350,000 loan payable to such stockholder, and the remaining 1,777,006
shares were issued as compensation for services rendered by such person in his
capacity as an officer and director of ConSyGen-Arizona. In addition, such
shareholder forgave, without further consideration, an additional $350,000 of
indebtedness of ConSyGen-Arizona owed to him. In addition, 98,000 shares of
common stock were issued to certain individuals as consideration for advancing
funds to ConSyGen-Arizona. For accounting purposes, all the shares were valued
at $.50 per share, which was management's best estimate of fair value at the
date of issuance.

                  During 1996 the Company issued to a consultant for services
100,000 shares of common stock valued at $1.00 per share, which was management's
best estimate of fair value at date of issuance.



                          CONSYGEN, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                                  MAY 31, 1997


                  DEBT FINANCINGS

                  During 1995 ConSyGen-Arizona entered into an agreement with a
consultant, as supplemented in 1996, under which the consultant agreed to assist
ConSyGen-Arizona in obtaining financing. As noted above, ConSyGen-Arizona issued
100,000 shares of its common stock to the consultant as a retainer for services
to be rendered. In 1996 such consultant assisted ConSyGen-Arizona in raising
approximately $1,200,000 in a private placement of debt. The debt bore interest
at a rate of 10% per annum, was unsecured, and was to be repaid in one year. As
additional consideration to the lenders, ConSyGen-Arizona agreed to issue
warrants to purchase an aggregate of 1,000,000 shares of ConSyGen-Arizona's
common stock at an exercise price of $5.00 per share. The warrants would have
become exercisable one year from the date of the loan, had a term of two years
and were callable upon 60 days notice. As described in Note 11, in connection
with ConSyGen-Texas' acquisition of ConSyGen-Arizona, ConSyGen-Arizona
terminated these warrants and ConSyGen-Texas reserved for issuance new warrants
to purchase 1,000,000 shares of ConSyGen-Texas common stock on the same terms
and conditions.

                  Following the loan transaction in September 1996, the
Company's consultant transferred common stock of ConSyGen-Texas held by it to
the lenders in exchange for ConSyGen-Arizona's debt. As a result of this
transaction, ConSyGen-Arizona's obligation to repay the lenders was extinguished
and ConSyGen-Arizona became obligated to repay such consultant. Subsequently,
ConSyGen-Texas and the consultant agreed that ConSyGen-Texas would issue an
aggregate of 200,000 shares of its common stock to such consultant, of which
173,648 shares was in cancellation of ConSyGen-Arizona's debt acquired by the
consultant from the lenders and 26,352 shares were as payment for services.

                  In May 1997, the Company entered into a new agreement with the
consultant which supersedes all prior agreements with the consultant. Under this
agreement, the Company (1) granted the consultant, until June 1998, a right of
first refusal with respect to future financings and (2) issued the consultant
100,000 shares of common stock, in full satisfaction of all amounts owing under
all existing arrangements with the consultant. These 100,000 shares, which are
restricted under the Securities Act of 1933, were valued at $6.00 per share. In
addition, the Company issued the consultant warrants to purchase 300,000 shares
of common stock (see Note 13). The consultant agreed to provide such consulting
services as the Company may request until June 1998. In addition, the consultant
would be entitled to receive compensation, in an amount to be agreed upon, if
any individual previously introduced by the consultant to the Company makes an
investment in the Company.



                          CONSYGEN, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                                  MAY 31, 1997



                  On September 5, 1996, ConSyGen-Texas, pursuant to an exchange
agreement, acquired 100% of the issued and outstanding shares of
ConSyGen-Arizona directly from the stockholders of ConSyGen-Arizona. Immediately
prior to the acquisition, ConSyGen-Texas effected a 1-for-40 reverse split of
its common stock. In connection with the acquisition, ConSyGen-Texas issued an
aggregate of 9,275,000 shares of its common stock in exchange for all of the
issued and outstanding shares of ConSyGen-Arizona. Upon the closing of the
acquisition, ConSyGen-Texas issued 3,850,000 shares of common stock to various
consultants for services rendered. Such shares were registered under the
Securities Act of 1933, as amended, pursuant to a Registration Statement on Form
S-8. In addition, ConSyGen-Texas issued 150,000 shares of common stock to a
consultant for services to be rendered. These 4,000,000 shares were valued at
$1.00 per share, which was management's best estimate of fair market value at
the time of issuance. The accompanying financial statements include a charge of
$4,000,000 for the issuance of such shares, which is included in general and
administrative expenses. In connection with the acquisition, ConSyGen-Arizona
terminated all options and warrants to acquire its common stock, and
ConSyGen-Texas simultaneously adopted replacement options and warrants (see Note

                  The exchange resulted in ConSyGen-Arizona's shareholders
holding a larger portion of the voting rights of ConSyGen-Texas than was held
after the acquisition by the persons who were ConSyGen-Texas stockholders prior
to the acquisition (approximately 69% at closing). The transaction has been
treated as a reverse acquisition (purchase) with ConSyGen-Arizona being the
acquirer and ConSyGen-Texas being the acquired company. Subsequent to the
acquisition, ConSyGen-Texas changed its legal name to ConSyGen, Inc.


                  In October 1995, ConSyGen-Arizona's Board of Directors
approved the ConSyGen-Arizona Non-Qualified Stock Option Plan (the "1995 Plan"),
which covered 1,275,000 shares of ConSyGen-Arizona's common stock. Under the
terms of the 1995 Plan, the exercise price per share may not be less than the
par value of ConSyGen-Arizona's common stock. Options may be granted for terms
of up to five years from the date of grant. At December 31, 1995, options to
purchase an aggregate of 1,275,000 shares were granted under the 1995 Plan. The
1995 Plan and all options outstanding thereunder were terminated effective as of
September 5, 1996, the closing of the ConSyGen-Texas acquisition. ConSyGen-Texas
adopted a new non-qualified stock option plan (the "1996 Plan") on September 5,
1996, covering 1,500,000 shares. At May 31, 1997, options to purchase an
aggregate of 1,225,000 shares were outstanding under the 1996 Plan.



                          CONSYGEN, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                                  MAY 31, 1997


                  On March 1, 1997, ConSyGen-Texas adopted the ConSyGen, Inc.
1997 Non-Qualified Stock Option Plan (the "1997 Plan") , which reserves for
issuance options to purchase 1,000,000 shares of common stock. In March 1997,
the Company granted options to the President and Chief Executive Officer of the
Company to purchase up to 400,000 shares of common stock at an exercise price of
$8.875 per share. The options expire 10 years from the date of grant. At the
date of grant, the options were immediately exerciseable.

                  Effective as of the closing of the ConSyGen-Texas acquisition,
ConSyGen-Arizona terminated warrants to purchase 1,000,000 shares of its common
stock, which were issuable in connection with ConSyGen-Arizona's $1,200,000 debt
financing in 1996. ConSyGen-Texas simultaneously reserved for issuance
replacement warrants to purchase 1,000,000 shares of its common stock on the
same terms. These warrants have an exercise price of $5.00 per share, become
exerciseable in August of 1997, expire in September 1998 and are callable upon
60 days notice.

                  The following tables summarize the activity under the 1995,
1996 and 1997 Plans along with common stock warrant activity for the periods

                                                                                    Price of         Average
                                                               Options               Option          Exercise
                                                             Outstanding             Grants           Price
                                                             -----------             ------           -----
Outstanding at December 31, 1994                                   -                    -

   Granted                                                    1,275,000             $    .01

Outstanding at December 31, 1995                              1,275,000                 -              $   .01

   Terminated                                                (1,275,000)                -                 -
   Replacement  Options                                       1,275,000             $   1.00              -
   Terminated                                                  (450,000)                                  -
   Granted                                                      375,000             $   1.00              -
   Granted                                                       50,000             $   6.50              -
                                                             ----------                                -------

Outstanding at December 31, 1996                              1,250,000              .                 $  1.00

   Granted                                                      405,000             $8.88-$10.
   Terminated                                                   (25,000)
                                                             ----------                                -------

Outstanding at May 31, 1997                                   1,630,000                                $  3.11
                                                             ==========                                =======



                          CONSYGEN, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                                  MAY 31, 1997


                                                                                  Price of            Average
                                                                Warrants           Warrant            Exercise
                                                              Outstanding          Grants              Price
                                                              ----------         ----------          --------
Outstanding at December 31, 1995                                    -                                   

   Granted                                                     1,000,000         $   5.00

Outstanding at December 31, 1996                               1,000,000                              $  5.00

   Granted                                                          -

Outstanding at May 31, 1997                                    1,000,000                              $  5.00
                                                               =========                              =======

                  At December 31, 1996, 293,750 options and 0 warrants to
purchase shares were exercisable. The weighted average exercise price of the
exercisable options is $1.

                  At May 31, 1997, 698,750 options and 0 warrants to purchase
shares were exercisable. The weighted average exercise price of the exercisable
options is $5.58.

                  At May 31, 1997 the average life of outstanding options and
warrants was 9.5 years and 1.3 years respectively and the average life of
exercisable options was 9.5 years.

         Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 123 "Accounting for
Stock-Based Compensation", requires companies to measure employee stock
compensation plans based on the fair value method of accounting. However, the
Statement allows the alternative of continued use of Accounting Principles Board
(APB) Option No. 25, "Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees," with pro forma
disclosure of net income and earnings per share determined as if the fair value
based method had been applied in measuring compensation cost. The Company
adopted the new standard in 1996 and elected the continued use of APB Opinion
No. 25. Pro forma disclosure has not been provided, as the effect on 1996 net
earnings was immaterial.



                          CONSYGEN, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                                  MAY 31, 1997


                  The Company's sales and marketing strategy includes an
independent sales representative program, and entering into alliances with
system integrators that provide computer related services to end-users. Under
the sales representative program, the Company engages individuals on a
non-exclusive basis to refer business to the Company. In general, under the
alliances with systems integrators, the systems integrator will contract with
the Company to provide conversion services, including Year 2000 correction
services, to the integrator's customers. The Company believes that this approach
affords it the opportunity to have its services marketed to a wide range of
potential customers. The Company has entered into such alliances with several
major corporations, including Unisys Corporation, Strategia Corporation, Agiss
Software Corporation, SCB Computer Technology, and Millenium Enterprises.



                  In June 1997 the Company sold 120,000 shares of its common
stock at $9.00 per share in a private placement for gross proceeds of
$1,080,000. In connection with the sale, the Company paid a 7% cash commission
and issued 3,600 shares of common stock as a finders fee. The Company has agreed
to use its best efforts to register the shares under the Securities Act of 1933,
as amended, within 120 days from the date of sale.

                  In late August 1997, the Company accepted subscriptions to
purchase an aggregate 100,000 shares of Common Stock for aggregate consideration
of $504,000 (net of finders fees). The Company expects to receive the proceeds
of these subscriptions ($504,000) in early September, 1997.


                  In July, 1997, in connection with the new agreement with the
Company's consultant (see Note 10), the Company agreed to issue the consultant
warrants to purchase 300,000 shares of common stock at a price of $5.00 per
share. The shares of common stock issuable upon exercise of these warrants will
be restricted securities under the Securities Act of 1933. The warrants are
immediately exerciseable, expire two years from the date of grant, and are
callable upon 60 days notice.


                  In July 1997, the Company amended its Articles of
Incorporation to increase its authorized common shares from 16,666,666 to


                          CONSYGEN, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET
                                 AUGUST 31, 1997


Current Assets:
  Cash and Cash Equivalents                                                                      $   51,084
  Stock Subscriptions Receivable                                                                    560,000
  Debt Issuance Expense - Net                                                                        33,336
  Prepaid Expenses                                                                                   10,425

         Total Current Assets                                                                       654,845

Furniture and Equipment - Net                                                                       291,617

Other Assets:
  Debt Issuance Expense - Net of Current Portion                         $      52,775
  Other Assets                                                                   4,596

         Total Other Assets                                                                          57,371
Total Assets                                                                                     $1,003,833


Current Liabilities:
  Notes Payable                                                                                  $  236,317
  Loans Payable                                                                                     160,000
  Loans Payable - Related Parties                                                                   162,275
  Accounts Payable                                                                                  114,947
  Accrued Liabilities                                                                               276,805

         Total Current Liabilities                                                                  950,344

Long-Term Debt                                                                                    1,000,000

         Total Liabilities                                                                        1,950,344

Stockholders' Deficit:
  Common Stock, $.003 Par Value, 40,000,000 Shares
    Authorized, Issued and Outstanding 13,919,831 Shares                 $      41,760
  Additional Paid-In Capital                                                18,121,325
  Common Stock Subscribed, 100,000 Shares                                      504,000
  Accumulated Deficit                                                      (19,613,596)

         Total Stockholders' Deficit                                                               (946,511)

Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Deficit                                                      $1,003,833

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.



                          CONSYGEN, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY

                                                      For The Three Months
                                                            August 31,
                                                      1997             1996
                                                 -------------     -------------

       Interest Income                             $     5,915      $      -
                                                   -----------      -----------

Costs and Expenses:

       Software Development                            284,045          210,560
       General and Administrative Expenses             333,813        1,010,658
       Interest Expense                                110,664           62,980
       Depreciation and Amortization                    21,403           67,216
                                                   -----------      -----------

              Total Costs and Expenses                 749,925        1,351,414
                                                   -----------      -----------

       Net Loss                                    $  (744,010)     $(1,351,414)
                                                   ===========      ===========

       Weighted Average Common Shares Outstanding   13,919,831        8,076,889
                                                   ===========      ===========

       Net Loss Per Common Share                   $      (.05)     $      (.17)
                                                   ===========      ===========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.



                          CONSYGEN, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                   FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED AUGUST 31, 1997

                                                                   Additional                                     Total
                                                                   ----------                                  ------------
                                             Common Stock            Paid-In     Common Stock    Accumulated   Stockholders'
                                          ------------------       ----------    ------------    -----------   ------------
                                          Shares      Amount         Capital      Subscribed       Deficit       Deficit
                                          ------      ------       ----------    ------------    -----------   ------------

Balance - June 1, 1997                  13,796,231   $41,389      $17,108,689      $   -        $(18,869,586)   $(1,719,508)

Sale of Common Stock,
  Net of Offering Costs                    120,000       360        1,004,040          -                -         1,004,400

Common Stock Issued as
  Finder's Fees                              3,600        11              (11)         -                -              -

Interest on Loans                             -         -               8,607          -                -             8,607

Subscription for 100,000
  Shares of Common Stock,
  Net of Finder's Fees                        -         -                -          504,000             -           504,000

Net Loss                                      -         -                -             -            (744,010)      (744,010)
                                        ----------   -------      -----------      --------     ------------    -----------

Balance - August 31, 1997               13,919,831   $41,760      $18,121,325      $504,000     $(19,613,596)   $  (946,511)
                                        ==========   =======      ===========      ========     ============    ===========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.



                          CONSYGEN, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY

                                                         For The Three Months
                                                              August 31,
                                                          1997           1996
                                                     ------------   ------------
Cash Flows From Operating Activities:
  Net Loss                                           $  (744,010)   $(1,351,414)
  Adjustments to Reconcile Net Loss to Net
    Cash (Used) by Operating Activities:
      Depreciation                                        13,070          4,883
      Stock Issued for Services                             --          888,503
      Amortization of Debt Issuance Expense                8,333         62,333
      Loan Interest - Additional Paid-In Capital           8,607         16,430
      Changes in Operating Assets and Liabilities:
        Accounts Receivable                                 --           13,265
        Prepaid Expenses                                   7,800           --
        Accounts Payable                                  52,243        (52,030)
        Accrued Liabilities                              (88,094)       (30,560)
                                                     -----------    -----------

         Net Cash (Used) by Operating Activities        (742,051)      (448,590)
                                                     -----------    -----------

Cash Flows From Investing Activities:
  Purchases of Furniture and Equipment                  (232,656)       (11,644)
                                                     -----------    -----------

         Net Cash (Used) by Investing Activities        (232,656)       (11,644)
                                                     -----------    -----------

Cash Flows From Financing Activities:
  Proceeds of Debt Financing                                --          481,000
  Proceeds of Loans and Notes Payable                       --           34,908
  Payments of Loans and Notes Payable                    (23,190)       (50,000)
  Proceeds of Loans Payable - Related Parties             23,190           --
  Payments of Loans Payable - Related Parties                (92)        (1,549)
  Proceeds on Sale of Common Stock                     1,080,000           --
  Commissions on Sale of Common Stock                    (75,600)          --
                                                     -----------    -----------

         Net Cash Provided by Financing Activities     1,004,308        464,359
                                                     -----------    -----------

Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents                 29,601          4,125

Cash and Cash Equivalents - Beginning of Period           21,483           --
                                                     -----------    -----------

Cash and Cash Equivalents - End of Period            $    51,084    $     4,125
                                                     ===========    ===========


The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


                          CONSYGEN, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY

                                                                           For The Three Months
                                                                                 August 31,
                                                                              1997          1996
                                                                           ----------   --------

Supplemental Cash Flow Information:
  Cash Paid for Interest                                                   $   95,000   $  1,559
                                                                           ==========   ========

  Cash Paid for Income Taxes                                               $     --     $   --
                                                                           ==========   ========

Supplemental Disclosure of Non-Cash Financing Activities:

  Cancellation of Debt into Additional Paid-In Capital - Related Parties   $     --     $350,000
                                                                           ==========   ========

  Issuance of Common Stock as Debt Issuance Expense                        $     --     $ 24,000
                                                                           ==========   ========

  Issuance of Common Stock as Payment of Debt - Related Parties            $     --     $350,000
                                                                           ==========   ========

  Issuance of Common Stock as Finder's Fees on Sale of Common Stock        $   21,600   $   --
                                                                           ==========   ========

  Common Stock Subscribed - Net of Finder's Fees                           $  504,000   $   --
                                                                           ==========   ========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.



                          CONSYGEN, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                                 AUGUST 31, 1997


                  The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of
ConSyGen, Inc., a Texas corporation ("ConSyGen-Texas") and its wholly-owned
subsidiary, ConSyGen, Inc., an Arizona corporation ("ConSyGen-Arizona").
Significant intercompany accounts and transactions have been eliminated.

                  ConSyGen-Texas and its wholly-owned subsidiary
ConSyGen-Arizona are hereafter collectively referred to as the "Company".

                  In the opinion of the Company, the accompanying unaudited
consolidated financial statements reflect all adjustments (which include only
normal recurring adjustments) necessary to present fairly the results of
operations and cash flows for the periods presented.

                  Results of operations for interim periods are not necessarily
indicative of the results of operations for a full year due to external factors
which are beyond the control of the Company.



                  In June 1997 the Company sold 120,000 shares of its common
stock in a private placement for gross proceeds of $1,080,000. In connection
with the sale, the Company paid finder's fees of $75,600 and issued 3,600 shares
of common stock valued at $21,600. These shares were sold in a private placement
exempt from registration under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended ("the
Act"), pursuant to Regulation D promulgated thereunder.

                  In late August 1997, the Company accepted subscriptions to
purchase 100,000 shares of common stock for aggregate consideration of $504,000,
net of $56,000 in finder's fees. On September 9, 1997, the Company received the
net proceeds (504,000) of these subscriptions. These shares were sold in a
private placement exempt from registration under the Act, pursuant to Regulation
D promulgated thereunder.


                  In July 1997, in connection with the new agreement with the
Company's consultant the Company agreed to issue the consultant warrants to
purchase 300,000 shares of common stock at a price of $5.00 per share. The
shares of common stock issueable upon exercise of these warrants will be
restricted securities under the Act. The warrants are immediately exerciseable,
expire two years from the date of grant, and are callable upon 60 days notice.


                  In July 1997, the Company amended its Articles of
Incorporation to increase its authorized common shares from 16,666,666 to



                          CONSYGEN, INC. AND SUBSIDIARY
                                 AUGUST 31, 1997


                  In early September 1997, the Company accepted subscriptions to
purchase an additional 52,000 shares of common stock for aggregate consideration
of $312,500, net of $10,000 in finder's fees. The Company has since received the
net proceeds ($312,500) of these subscriptions. These share were sold in a
private placement exempt from registration under the Act, pursuant to Regulation
D promulgated thereunder.

                  On September 10, 1997, the Company granted Ronald I. Bishop,
President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company, options to purchase
500,000 shares of common stock pursuant to the Company's 1997 Amended and
Restated Non Qualified Stock Option Plan. The option had a term of 10 years, and
the original exercise price was $5.50 per share. In November 1997, Mr. Bishop
surrendered options to purchase a total of 900,000 shares of Common Stock in
exchange for replacement options to purchase a total of 900,000 shares with an
exercise price of $4.00 per share. Of these 900,000 options, options to purchase
561,500 are immediately exerciseable and the remaining 338,500 become
exerciseable in 22 equal monthly installments commencing one month from the date
of grant.

                  In September 1997, the Company sold 900,000 shares of Common
Stock in a private placement for gross proceeds of $5,276,250. In connection
with this offering, the Company paid the following finder's fees: approximately
$185,000 in cash and 31,500 shares of Common Stock. The net proceeds of this
offering were approximately $5.1 million. These shares were sold in a private
placement exempt from registration under the Act, pursuant to Regulation D
promulgation thereunder.

                  In October 1997, the Company issued approximately 31,000
shares of common stock, including approximately 19,900 shares to related
parties, in connection with the payment of indebtedness in an aggregate amount
of approximately $250,000.

                  In November 1997, the Company issued to a consultant for
services rendered warrants to purchase an aggregate of 100,000 shares of common
stock at an exercise price of $5.00 per share. The warrants become fully
exercisable in November 1998.






                       TABLE OF CONTENTS

Prospectus Summary...........................      2
Risk Factors.................................      4
Use of Proceeds..............................      7
Dividend Policy..............................      7
Price Range of Common Stock..................      8
Capitalization...............................      9
Dilution.....................................     10
Selected Consolidated Financial Data.........     11
Management's Discussion and Analysis of
  Financial Condition and Results of
  Operations.................................     12
Business.....................................     16
Management...................................     26
Certain Transactions.........................     29
Principal Stockholders.......................     30
Selling Stockholders.........................     32
Description of Capital Stock.................     35
Shares Eligible for Future Sale..............     36
Plan of Distribution.........................     36
Legal Matters................................     36
Experts......................................     36
Additional Information.......................     36
Index to Consolidated Financial Statements       F-1



                                 CONSYGEN, INC.

                                  COMMON STOCK




                                DECEMBER 9, 1997
