LOAN AGREEMENT AND CONSENT

(this "Amendment") made as of the 11th day of August, 1997 by and among
LEASECOMM CORPORATION, a Massachusetts corporation (the "Borrower"), FLEET BANK,
N.A. (formerly known as NatWest Bank N.A.), a national banking association, in
its individual corporate capacity, SANWA BUSINESS CREDIT CORPORATION, a Delaware
corporation, CORESTATES BANK, N.A., a national banking association, PNC BANK,
NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, a national banking association, and STATE STREET BANK AND
TRUST COMPANY, a Massachusetts trust company (individually, a "Lender" and,
collectively, the "Lenders"), and FLEET BANK, N.A. (formerly known as NatWest
Bank N.A.), as agent for the Lenders (the "Agent"). Capitalized terms used
herein and not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed thereto
in the Loan Agreement.


           A.   The Borrower, the Lenders and the Agent are parties to a Loan
Agreement dated as of July 29, 1993, as amended and restated as of July 28,
1995, as further amended by the First Amendment to Amended and Restated Loan
Agreement made as of October 30, 1995 and the Second Amendment to Amended and
Restated Loan Agreement made as of August 6, 1996 (the "Loan Agreement")
pursuant to which, INTER ALIA, the Lenders agreed to make available to the
Borrower a revolving credit and term loan facility;

           B.   The Borrower has requested that State Street Bank and Trust
Company ("State Street Bank") be added as an additional Lender under the Loan
Agreement and that the Loan Agreement be amended in certain respects as
hereinafter set forth;

           C.   The Lenders are willing to admit State Street Bank as an
additional Lender and to amend the Loan Agreement, subject to the terms and
conditions hereinafter set forth; and

           D.   The Borrower wishes the Lenders to consent to certain amendments
to the Certificate of Incorporation of the Borrower and the Lenders are willing
to consent to such amendments;

           NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual
agreements herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:


                (a)   Subject to its execution of this Amendment Agreement,
           State Street Bank shall be a party to the Loan Agreement and assume
           all of the rights and obligations of a Lender under the Loan
           Agreement. Every reference to "Lender" or "Lenders" in the Loan
           Agreement shall be deemed to include State Street Bank


                (b)   State Street Bank hereby (i) represents and warrants that
           it is authorized to became a party to the Loan Agreement; (ii)
           appoints and authorizes Fleet Bank, N.A. to serve as its Agent under
           the Loan Agreement and the Security Documents, as contemplated by
           Section 9.1 of the Loan Agreement, and hereby irrevocably authorizes
           such Person, as Agent, to take such action on its behalf under the
           Loan Agreement and the Security Documents, and to exercise such
           powers, and perform such duties under the Loan Agreement and the
           Security Documents as are specifically delegated to or required of
           the Agent by the terms of the Loan Agreement and the Security
           Documents, together with all such other powers as are reasonably
           incidental thereto, including, without limitation, the right to
           release collateral in accordance with Section 2.6(b) of the Loan
           Agreement; and (iii) agrees that it will abide and be bound by all of
           the terms, covenants and agreements, and perform all of the
           obligations, which by the terms of the Loan Agreement are required to
           be abided and performed by it as a Lender, and shall be entitled to
           all of the rights, benefits and privileges available or accruing to
           Lenders under the Loan Documents. Notwithstanding the foregoing to
           the contrary, State Street Bank shall not participate in the two
           Libor Loans outstanding under the Loan Agreement which mature on
           November 28, 1998 and August 2, 1999, respectively. All notices,
           requests, reports and other communications pursuant to the Loan
           Agreement to be delivered to State Street Bank as Lender shall, for
           purposes of Section 11.9 of the Loan Agreement, be addressed to State
           Street Bank at its address set forth immediately above its signature
           to this Amendment except as such address may be changed in accordance
           with Section 11.9 of the Loan Agreement.

           2.   AMENDMENTS. The Loan Agreement is hereby amended as follows:

                (a)   The definition of "COMMITMENT" set forth in Section 1.1 of
           the Loan Agreement is hereby amended by deleting the names of the
           Lenders and the amounts set forth opposite the Lenders' names at the
           end of such definition and replacing such names and amounts with the

                      "Fleet Bank, N.A.                       $ 30,000,000

                      CoreStates Bank, N.A.                     25,000,000

                      Sanwa Business Credit Corporation         25,000,000

                      PNC Bank, National Association            15,000,000

                      State Street Bank and Trust Company       10,000,000

                      Total:                                  $105,000,000"

                (b)   The parenthetical phrase "(which calculation shall not
           take into account rental payments due and payable under such Eligible
           Leases beyond 48


           months after the commencement date of such Eligible Leases)" in the
           definition of "BORROWING BASE" in Section 1.1 of the Loan Agreement,
           and in each of Sections 2.3(b)(i) and 2.3(b)(ii) of the Loan
           Agreement, is hereby amended and restated in its entirety, in each
           instance where it appears, as follows:

                      "(which calculation shall not take into account rental
                      payments due or payable under such Eligible Leases beyond
                      60 months after the commencement date of such Eligible

                (c)   The definition of "COMMITMENT TERMINATION DATE" in
           Section 1.1 of the Loan Agreement is hereby amended and restated in
           its entirety as follows:

                      "'COMMITMENT TERMINATION DATE' - July 31, 1999, unless
                      extended pursuant to Section 2.14 hereof."

                (d)   The definition of "EQUIPMENT" in Section 1.1 of the Loan
           Agreement is hereby amended by adding "stand-alone automated teller
           machines, non-fixture food preparation machines for use by
           restaurants," to such definition, immediately before "bank credit
           card authorization terminals."

                (e)   The definition of "PRINCIPAL OFFICE" in Section 1.1 of the
           Loan Agreement is hereby amended and restated in its entirety as

                      "'PRINCIPAL OFFICE' - the principal office of the Agent,
                      which office is currently located at 592 Fifth Avenue, New
                      York, New York 10036."

                (f)   The second sentence of Section 2.1(a) of the Loan
           Agreement is hereby amended and restated to read in its entirety as

                      "Such Loans shall be made by the Lenders on a PRO RATA
                      basis, calculated for each Lender based on its Commitment
                      Percentage at the date of the making of such Loan;
                      PROVIDED, HOWEVER, at no time shall (i) the aggregate
                      outstanding principal amount of all Loans exceed the
                      Commitment or the principal amount of the Loans of any
                      Lender exceed such Lender's Commitment, (ii) in the case
                      of Loans based upon Operating Leases, the aggregate
                      outstanding principal amount of all such Loans exceed the
                      Sub-limit, (iii) in the case of Loans based upon Eligible
                      Security Equipment Lease and/or Monitoring Agreements, the
                      aggregate outstanding principal amount of all such Loans
                      exceed 25% of the Commitment or (iv) in the case of Loans
                      based upon Eligible Leases, the aggregate 


                      outstanding principal amount of all Loans based on
                      Eligible Leases with an original term of more than 48
                      months exceed 10% of the aggregate outstanding principal
                      amount of all Loans; and no Loan will be made hereunder
                      if, after giving effect thereto and to all other Loans
                      being made concurrently therewith, any of the foregoing
                      limits in parts (i) through (iv) shall be exceeded."

                (g)   Section 2.1(c) of the Loan Agreement is hereby amended and
           restated to read in its entirety as follows:

                      "(c) The Borrower shall pay to the Agent for the benefit
                      of the Lenders the principal amount outstanding of each
                      Credit Period Term Loan in consecutive equal monthly
                      installments equal in number to the weighted average
                      remaining number of (x) monthly payments due under the
                      Eligible Leases relating to such Loan without giving
                      effect to amounts due and payable more than 60 months
                      after the commencement date of such Eligible Leases
                      (subject to Sections 2.1(a) and (d)), and (y) months
                      remaining to fully amortize in accordance with GAAP the
                      Net Book Value of the Eligible Equipment subject to
                      Eligible Rental Contracts relating to such Loan, in each
                      case as specified in the Borrowing Computations with
                      respect thereto, with a payment being due on the first
                      Business Day of each calendar month following the
                      applicable Borrowing Date; provided, however, that all
                      principal of and interest on all Credit Period Term Loans
                      shall be paid in full on the fourth anniversary of the
                      Commitment Termination Date."

                (h)   Part (ii) of Section 2.1(d) of the Loan Agreement is
           hereby amended and restated to read in its entirety as follows:

                      "(ii) the Borrower shall have delivered to each Lender a
                      duly completed and executed Conversion Term Note, in form
                      and substance satisfactory to the Agent, be converted to
                      Conversion Term Loans the principal amount of which shall
                      be payable by the Borrower to the Agent in consecutive
                      monthly installments, (provided that the last installment
                      shall be in an amount sufficient to pay the entire
                      outstanding amount of such Loan) equal in number to the
                      weighted average remaining number of (x) monthly payments
                      under the Eligible Leases relating to such Loans and (y)
                      months remaining to fully amortize in accordance with GAAP
                      the Net Book Value of any Eligible Rental 


                      Contracts relating to such Loan without giving effect to
                      amounts due and payable more than 48 months after the,
                      commencement date of such Eligible Leases and Eligible
                      Rental Contracts, as specified in the Borrowing
                      Computations with respect thereto, with a payment being
                      due on the first Business Day of each calendar month
                      following the Commitment Termination Date; PROVIDED,
                      HOWEVER, that all principal of and interest on all
                      Conversion Term Loans shall be paid in full on the fourth
                      anniversary of the Commitment Termination Date."

                (i)   The first sentence of Section 2.5(a) of the Loan Agreement
           is hereby amended by deleting ".425% per annum" and substituting in
           lieu thereof ".25% per annum."

                (j)   Subsection (i) of Section 2.9(a) of the Loan Agreement is
           hereby amended and restated in its entirety as follows:

                      "(i) with respect to any Revolving Credit Loan, (x) during
                      such periods that such Loan (or any portion thereof) is a
                      Prime Rate Loan, the Prime Rate; and (y) during such
                      periods that such Loan (or any portion thereof) is a Libor
                      Loan, Libor plus 1.85%;"

                (k)   Subsection (ii)(y) of Section 2.9(a) of the Loan Agreement
           is hereby amended to add the following proviso immediately prior to
           the end thereof:

                      "PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that any Term Loans outstanding on
                      August 6, 1996 which are Libor Loans shall bear interest
                      at the rate established and in effect with respect thereto
                      as of such date."

                (l)   Part (i) of the fourth sentence of Section 2.21 of the
           Loan Agreement is hereby amended and restated in its entirety as

                      "(i) with respect to any Revolving Credit Loan, (x) during
                      such periods that such Loan (or any portion thereof) is a
                      Prime Rate Loan, the Prime Rate; and (y) during such
                      periods that such Loan (or any portion thereof) is a Libor
                      Loan, Libor plus 1.85%."

Lenders hereby consent, pursuant to Section 7.12 of the Loan Agreement, to the
amendment by the Borrower of its Certificate of Incorporation in the form
annexed hereto as Exhibit A ("Certificate of Incorporation Amendments"),
effective as of the date thereof.


           4.   CONDITIONS PRECEDENT. Prior to or simultaneously with the entry
by the Borrower into this Amendment and as a condition precedent to the
effectiveness of this Amendment:

                (a)   DOCUMENTS. The Agent shall have received with sufficient
           original counterparts for each Lender (i) this Amendment duly
           executed by the Borrower and each Lender and (ii) the Confirmation of
           Guaranty annexed to this Amendment duly executed by the Guarantor
           and, for State Street Bank and each Lender whose Commitment shall
           have changed pursuant to Section 2(a) of this Amendment, substitute
           Revolving Credit Notes and Credit Period Term Notes in the amount of
           the Commitment of such Lender, as set forth in Section 2(a) of this
           Amendment, duly executed by the Borrower.

                (b)   CORPORATE ACTION. The Borrower shall have taken all
           corporate action required to be taken to authorize the execution,
           delivery and performance of this Amendment, the agreements, documents
           and instruments referred to herein and the transactions contemplated
           hereby and thereby.

                (c)   CORPORATE DOCUMENTS AND CERTIFICATES. The Borrower and the
           Guarantor shall have delivered to the Agent, with sufficient original
           counterparts for each Lender, an officer's certificate, in form and
           substance satisfactory to the Agent, confirming the following:

                      (i)   None of its organizational documents have been
                      amended since the date(s) as of which copies of said
                      organizational documents were certified to the Agent
                      (except for the Certificate of Incorporation Amendments);

                      (ii)  Specimen signature(s) of the person(s) authorized to
                      execute this Amendment;

                      (iii) The execution, delivery and performance of this
                      Amendment has been authorized by resolutions of the Board
                      of Directors of the Borrower and the Guarantor, copies of
                      which shall be attached to such officer's certificate; and

                      (iv)  Each of the Borrower and the Guarantor remains in
                      good standing in its respective jurisdiction of
                      incorporation and in each jurisdiction in which it is
                      qualified to do business.

                      (v)   There shall have been no amendment, waiver or other
                      modification to the Bank of Boston Facility.

                (d)   PROCEEDINGS AND DOCUMENTS. All proceedings in connection
           with the transactions contemplated by this Amendment and all
           documents incident


           thereto, including, without limitation, the Certificate of
           Incorporation Amendments, shall be reasonably satisfactory in form
           and substance to the Agent, and the Agent and each Lender, upon
           request by such Lender, shall have received all information and such
           counterpart originals or certified or other of such documents as the
           Agent may reasonably request prior to the date hereof.

                (e)   COMPLIANCE.

                      (i)    The Borrower and the Guarantor shall have complied
                      and shall then be in compliance with all of the terms,
                      covenants and conditions of the Loan Agreement as amended
                      by this Amendment; and

                      (ii)   The representations and warranties contained in
                      Article 3 of the Loan Agreement shall be true and correct
                      on the date hereof; and

                      (iii)  No Default or Event of Default shall have occurred,
                      and the Agent and each Lender shall have received a
                      Compliance Certificate dated the date hereof certifying,
                      INTER ALIA, that the conditions set forth in this Section
                      4(e) are satisfied on such date.

                (f)   LEGAL MATTERS. All legal matters incident to the
           effectiveness of this Amendment shall be satisfactory to counsel to
           the Agent.

           5.   REAFFIRMATION OF SECURITY INTEREST. The Borrower hereby
reaffirms as of the date hereof each and every security interest and lien
granted in favor of the Agent and the Lenders under the Loan Documents, and
agrees and acknowledges that such security interests and liens shall continue
from and after the date hereof, in each case after giving effect to the Loan
Agreement as amended by this Amendment, and the obligations secured thereby and
thereunder shall include Borrower's obligations under the Loan Agreement as
amended by this Amendment. Each such reaffirmed security interest and lien
remains and shall continue to remain in full force and effect and is hereby in
all respects ratified and confirmed.


                (a)   On and after the date hereof, each reference in the Loan
           Agreement to "this Agreement", "hereunder", "hereof", "herein" or
           words of like import, and each reference in the other Loan Documents,
           shall mean and be a reference to the Loan Agreement as amended

                (b)   Except as specifically amended herein, the Loan Agreement
           shall remain in full force and effect in accordance with its terms.



           8.   FURTHER ASSURANCES. Each of the parties hereto hereby agrees to
do such further acts and things and to execute, deliver and acknowledge such
additional agreements, powers and instruments as any other party hereto may
reasonably require to carry into effect the purposes of this Amendment.

           9.   COSTS AND EXPENSES. The Borrower hereby agrees to pay all
reasonable costs and expenses of the Agent (including reasonable attorneys' fees
and expenses) incurred in connection with the negotiation, preparation,
execution and delivery of this Amendment.

           10.  COUNTERPARTS; FACSIMILE SIGNATURES. This Amendment may be
executed in any number of counterparts and by different parties on different
counterparts, but all such counterparts shall together constitute but one
agreement. Execution and delivery of this Amendment by facsimile transmission
shall constitute execution and delivery of this Amendment for all purposes, with
the same force and effect as execution and delivery of an originally manually
signed copy hereof.

           11.  HEADINGS. Section headings in this Amendment are included herein
for convenience of reference only and shall not constitute a part of this
Amendment or be given any substantive effect.



           IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment to
be duly executed as of the date first above written.


                                         LEASECOMM CORPORATION

                                         By: /s/ Peter Bleyleben


                                         FLEET BANK, N.A.

                                         (formerly known as NatWest Bank N.A.)
                                         Fleet Bank, N.A.
                                         592 Fifth Avenue
                                         New York, New York 10036
                                         Attention: Mr. Harris C. Mehos
                                                    Vice President
                                         Telecopier: (212) 819-6515

                                         By: /s/ Harris Mehos

                                         SANWA BUSINESS CREDIT CORPORATION
                                         Sanwa Business Credit Corporation
                                         One South Wacker Drive
                                         Chicago, Illinois 60606
                                         Attention: Ms. M. Gail Fitzpatrick
                                                    Vice President
                                         Telecopier: (312) 853-1366

                                         By: /s/ M. Gail Fitzpatrick


                                         CORESTATES BANK, N.A.
                                         Corestates Bank PNB
                                         1500 Market Street West Tower
                                         Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19101-7618
                                         Attention: Ms. Verna R. Prentice
                                                    Vice President
                                         Telecopier: (215) 973-6054

                                         By: /s/ Verna R. Prentice

                                         PNC BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION
                                         PNC Bank, National Association
                                         1600 Market Street
                                         Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103
                                         Attention: Ms. Ann Fryland
                                                    Vice President
                                         Telecopier: (215) 585-4769

                                         By: /s/ A. Fryland

                                         STATE STREET BANK AND TRUST COMPANY
                                         State Street Bank and Trust Company
                                         225 Franklin Street
                                         Boston, Massachusetts 02110-2804
                                         Attention: F. Andrew Beise
                                                    Vice President,
                                                    Large Corporate Department
                                         Telecopier: (617) 664-4971

                                         By: /s/ L. Anne Boutiette



                                 FLEET BANK, N.A.
                                 (formerly known as NatWest Bank N.A.), as Agent

                                 By: /s/ Harris Mehas                  
