Exhibit 10.7


                              39899 BALENTINE DRIVE

                                NEWARK, CA 94560





Managed by:

NEWARK, CA 94560


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.      BASIC LEASE TERMS ................................................  1

2.      TERM; POSSESSION; SURRENDER.......................................  4

        2.1    Term.......................................................  4
        2.2    Possession.................................................  4
        2.3    Surrender..................................................  4

3.      BASE RENT.........................................................  4

4.      ADDITIONAL RENT...................................................  5

        4.1    Real Estate Taxes..........................................  5
               (a) Definitions............................................  5
               (b) Time of Payment........................................  6
        4.2    Operating Expenses.........................................  6
               (a) Definitions............................................  6
               (b) Time of Payment; Records and Inspection................  7
        4.3    Consumer Price Index.......................................  8
               (a) Escalation.............................................  8
               (b) Definition.............................................  8
        4.4    Other Elements of Additional Rent..........................  8
        4.5    Late Payment...............................................  8

5.      SECURITY DEPOSIT..................................................  8

6.      CONSTRUCTION; ALTERATIONS.........................................  9

        6.1    Initial Construction.......................................  9
        6.2    Alteration; Lessee's Work..................................  9
        6.3    Removal or Retention of Alterations........................  9

7.      HOLDING OVER......................................................  9

8.      USE...............................................................  10

        8.1    Basic Use..................................................  10
        8.2    Specific Matters...........................................  10

9.      LESSEE'S TAX......................................................  10


        9.1    Taxes On Lessee or its Property............................  10
        9.2    Certain Reimbursement of Lessor............................  11

10.     CONDITION OF PREMISES.............................................  11

11.     BUILDING SERVICES.................................................  11

        11.1   Utilities .................................................  11
        11.2   Excess Usage by Lessee.....................................  11
        11.3   Public Facilities; Cleaning and Janitorial.................  12
        11.4   Addition Work or Service; Cost as Additional Rent..........  12
        11.5   No Warranty; Waiver of Lessor's Liability..................  12


        LESSEE............................................................  12

        12.1   Lessor's Consent Required..................................  12
               (a) Effect of Unapproved Sublet............................  12
               (b) Certain Effects of Consent.............................  13
        12.2   Lessor's Right to Terminate................................  13
        12.3   Change in Ownership of Lessee..............................  13
               (a) Corporation or Partnership.............................  13
               (b) Proprietorship.........................................  13
               (c) Notice to Lessor.......................................  14

13.     CARE OF PREMISES..................................................  14

        13.1   Lessee's Repairs...........................................  14
        13.2   Lessor's Repairs...........................................  14

14.     RIGHTS RESERVED TO LESSOR.........................................  14

15.     DAMAGE TO PROPERTY; INJURY TO PERSON; INSURANCE...................  15

        15.1   Indemnification............................................  15
        15.2   Waiver of Certain Claims...................................  16
        15.3   Lessee's Insurance.........................................  16
        15.4   Personalty; Leasehold Improvements.........................  16

16.     FIRE OR CASUALTY..................................................  16

        16.1   Repair; Termination of Lease...............................  16
        16.2   Lessee's Property..........................................  17

17.     ACCESS............................................................  17


18.     CONDEMNATION......................................................  17

        18.1   Substantial Taking.........................................  17
        18.2   Insubstantial Taking.......................................  17
        18.3   Compensation...............................................  17

19.     ABANDONMENT.......................................................  18

20.     SALE BY LESSOR....................................................  18

21.     MUTUAL RELEASE; WAIVER OF SUBROGATION.............................  18

22.     WAIVER............................................................  18

        22.1   Effect of Waivers and Consents.............................  18
        22.2   Certain Waivers by Lessee..................................  19

23.     ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATE..............................................  19

        23.1   Obligation to Provide Certificate..........................  19
        23.2   Effect of Failure to Provide...............................  19

24.     INTEREST ON PAST DUE OBLIGATIONS..................................  19

25.     DEFAULTS; REMEDIES; EARLY TERMINATION.............................  19

        25.1   Default Defined............................................  19
        25.2   Remedies...................................................  20
               (a) In General.............................................  20
               (b) Reletting..............................................  20
               (c) Injunctive Relief......................................  21
        25.3   Re-entry: Authorities and Effects..........................  21
        25.4   Additional Remedies:  Termination; Costs...................  21
               (a) Termination; Damages...................................  21
               (b) Recovery of Costs and Expenses.........................  21

26.     NOTICES...........................................................  21

27.     INABILITY TO PERFORM..............................................  21

28.     SUBORDINATION.....................................................  22

29.     SUBSTITUTION OF PREMISES..........................................  22


30.     BROKERAGE.........................................................  22

31.     EXCULPATION.......................................................  22

32.     SECURITY..........................................................  23

33.     MISCELLANEOUS.....................................................  23

        EXHIBIT A   --  Site Plan of Premises

        EXHIBIT B   --  Location of Premises

        EXHIBIT B1  --  Space Plan of Premises

        EXHIBIT C   --  Rules and Regulations

        EXHIBIT D   --  Acknowledgement of Lease Commencement

        EXHIBIT E   --  Addendum

        EXHIBIT E1  --  Amended Space Plan


                                  OFFICE LEASE

                        Located at 39899 Balentine Drive
                                Newark, CA 94560
                   (hereinafter referred to as the "Building")

        THIS LEASE, made this 12th day of JULY, 1993 by and between

               AJ Partners Limited Partnership ("Lessor"); and


                       a Massachusetts Corporation having its principal place of
                       business at:

                       281 Winter Street
                       Waltham, MA  02154-8716 ("Lessee")

                                WITNESSETH: That,

        Lessor hereby leases to Lessee and the Lessee hereby leases from the
Lessor the Premises described herein for the term, the rent, and subject to the
covenants and conditions herein set forth:

                              1. BASIC LEASE TERMS

        This Paragraph 1 contains the basic Lease terms agreed to between Lessor
and Lessee and referred to elsewhere in this Lease. Each reference in this Lease
to any of the basic Lease terms shall be construed to incorporate all the terms
provided herein under each such basic Lease term:

1.1     PROJECT

        The Building (including the Premises) together with the land upon which
        it is located and all improvements on such land, the legal description
        of which is set forth on Exhibit A annexed hereto (the "Project").


        (a)    PREMISES. The Premises shall be and mean 365 located on the third
               floor of the building as designated on the plan attached hereto
               as Exhibit B.

        (b)    RENTABLE AREA. Lessor and Lessee conclusively and finally agree
               that the Premises consist of 2,933 rentable square feet (the
               "Rentable Area"), and 2,550 usable square feet.

                                                          Lessor's Initials ____
                                                          Lessee's Initials ____



        109,626 square feet

1.4     BASE RENT

        (a)    Base Annual Rent:

               Mos 1-16       $13.80 per square foot per year.
               Mos 17-32      $14.40 per square foot per year.
               Mos 33-48      $15.00 per square foot per year.

        (b)    Base Monthly Rent:

               Months 1 - 16      $3,372.95/month
               Months 17 - 32     $3,519.60/month
               Months 33 - 48     $3,666.25/month

        (c)    "Aggregate Annual Rent" means Base Annual Rent multiplied by the
               Rentable Area of the Premises.


        (a)    Base Tax Amount: $(INCLUDED IN OPERATING AMOUNT) per rentable
               square foot per year.

        (b)    Base Operating Amount: $5.55 per rentable square foot per year.

        (c)    Base Consumer Price Index: NOT APPLICABLE.

        (d)    CPI Percentage: NOT APPLICABLE.

1.6     TERM

        The term ("Term") of this Lease shall be for FORTY-EIGHT (48) months and
        shall commence (the "Commencement Date") at 12:01 a.m. on SEPTEMBER 1,
        1993, or such earlier time and date as Lessor permits Lessee to take
        possession of the Premises, and shall conclude at 11:59 p.m. on AUGUST
        31, 1997, (the "Expiration Date").

1.7     USE

        The Premises shall be used as general business offices and for related
        uses, specifically LEASE ADMINISTRATION AND COLLECTIONS, and for no
        other purpose whatsoever.



                                                          Lessor's Initials ____
                                                          Lessee's Initials ____


        (a)    Comprehensive General Liability: One Million Dollars
               ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence.

        (b)    Property Damage: One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) per

        (c)    Workers Compensation: $ N/A.

        (d)    Bodily Injury: One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) per person,
               One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence.

1.10    BROKER: Draper and Kramer of California, Inc.


               Draper and Kramer of California, Incorporated
               as Manager for AJ Partners Limited Partnership
               39899 Balentine Drive
               Newark, CA  94560

1.12    RENT

        The term "Rent" means Base Rent and Additional Rent, collectively.

1.13    INTEREST ON PAST DUE OBLIGATION: ten percent (10%) per month.


        (a)    Lessor to improve the premises in accordance with the preliminary
               space plan (exhibit B-1) within standard building finish;
               improvements not to exceed Forty thousand Four Hundred Fifty
               dollars ($40,450.00); any improvements over and above that
               amount, and any changes to the preliminary space plan will be the
               sole cost of tenant.

        (b)    In consideration for this lease, Lessor and Lessee agree that
               certain lease dated January 3, 1991, for the premises commonly
               known as 39899 Balentine Drive, Suite 265 in Newark, CA 94560,
               shall terminate upon commencement of this lease.


2.1     TERM

        The Term of this Lease is as specified in Paragraph 1 hereof.


                                                          Lessor's Initials ____
                                                          Lessee's Initials ____


        If the Lessor shall be unable to give possession of the Premises on the
        Commencement Date for any reason whatsoever (including, but not limited
        to, the Premises not being ready for occupancy), the Lessor (and its
        employees, agents and contractors) shall not be subject to any liability
        for the failure to give possession on said date. Under such
        circumstances, unless the delay is the fault of the Lessee (which fault
        shall include, but not be limited to, Lessee's failure to provide Lessor
        with plans and specifications relating to any alteration of the Premises
        in a timely manner) the Rent shall not commence until the Premises are
        available for occupancy by the Lessee, and no such failure to give
        possession on the date of commencement of the Term shall in any wise
        affect the validity of this Lease or the obligations of the Lessee
        hereunder, nor shall same be construed in any wise to extend the term of
        this Lease. If, at the Lessee's request, the Lessor shall make the
        Premises available to the Lessee prior to the date of commencement of
        the Term for the purpose of decorating, furnishing and equipping the
        Premises, the use of the Premises for such work shall not create a
        landlord-tenant relationship between the parties nor constitute
        occupancy of the Premises within the meaning of the next sentence or of
        Paragraph 2.2 hereof, but the provisions of this Lease concerning
        indemnification, insurance and waiver of claims shall apply. If, with
        the consent of the Lessor, the Lessee shall enter into occupancy of the
        Premises to do business therein prior to the date of commencement of the
        Term, all provisions of this Lease shall apply and the Rent shall accrue
        and be payable from the date of occupancy and the Term shall then


        Upon the termination or expiration of this Lease and the Term hereby
        created or upon the termination of Lessee's right of possession, whether
        by lapse of time or at the option of Lessor by exercise of default
        remedies or elsewise, Lessee will at once surrender possession of the
        Premises to Lessor in good order, repair and condition, ordinary wear
        excepted, and remove all effects therefrom. Without limiting the
        generality of the foregoing, Lessee agrees to remove, at the termination
        of this Lease, the items of personal property to which Lessee is
        entitled under Paragraph 6.3 hereof. All damage to the Premises or the
        Project arising out of Lessee's moving of property in or out of the
        Building or Project, including damage to floors due to overloading,
        shall be fully repaired at Lessee's sole cost and expense. If Lessee
        shall fail or refuse to remove all such property from the Premises,
        Lessee shall be conclusively presumed to have abandoned the same, and
        the title thereto shall thereupon, at Lessor's option upon written
        notice to Lessee of Lessor's exercise of such option, pass to Lessor
        without any cost either by set off, credit allowance or otherwise, and
        Lessor may, at its option as defined under this section, accept the
        title to such property, or, at Lessee's expense, (a) remove the same or
        any part thereof in any manner that Lessor shall choose and (b) store
        the same without incurring liability to Lessee or any other person.


                                                          Lessor's Initials ____
                                                          Lessee's Initials ____


        Lessee shall pay Lessor the Base Monthly Rent in lawful money of the
United States which shall be legal tender at the time of payment, in advance on
the first day of each calendar month during the Term (or earlier as contemplated
by Paragraph 2.2 hereof), at Lessor's Mailing Address (as set forth in Paragraph
1) or at such other place as Lessor may from time to time so designate in
writing, except that the first month's rent shall be paid upon the execution
hereof. Rent shall be paid, in every instance, without notice, deduction or
setoff. The installment of rent payable for any portion, less than all, of a
calendar month shall be a pro rata portion of the Rent payable for a full
calendar month.



        Lessee shall pay to Lessor, as Additional Rent, in addition to Base Rent
        and other amounts due Lessor, an amount (the "Tax Contribution") equal
        to the product of: (1) the Rentable Area of the Premises; multiplied by
        (2) the amount by which Taxes Per Foot exceeds the Base Tax Amount.

        (a)    DEFINITIONS

               (i)     "Taxes Per Foot" means Taxes divided by the Total
                       Rentable Area of the Project (being initial Rentable Area
                       of the Project increased or reduced by any additions or
                       deletions of rentable area to or from the Project);

               (ii)    "Taxes" means and includes:

                       (1)    all real estate taxes and assessment (whether
                              general or special), sewer rents, rates and
                              charges, transit taxes, rent tax (as hereinafter
                              defined), and any other federal, state or local
                              governmental charge, tax or the like, general,
                              special, ordinary or extraordinary, which may now
                              or hereafter be levied or assessed against or in
                              connection with the Project or any element
                              thereof, or with respect to the ownership,
                              leasing, management control or operation thereof,
                              including state equalization factor, if any;

                       (2)    ad valorem or other taxes for or upon Lessor's
                              personal property used in, on, around or in
                              conjunction with the Project;

                       (3)    any taxes or the like which shall be levied in
                              lieu of any of the above stated taxes, including,
                              but not limited to, any ax, assessment, levy or
                              charge on rents received from the Project or any
                              portion thereof, or a charge, fee, or a tax on
                              Lessor which is otherwise related to the Project,
                              or an income or franchise tax;

                                                          Lessor's Initials ____
                                                          Lessee's Initials ____


                       (4)    any assessment, special assessments or
                              installments thereof (including interest on such
                              installments) against the Project which shall be
                              required to be, or may be, paid during the
                              calendar year in respect to which Taxes are being
                              determined, provided, however, the amount of
                              special assessments to be included shall be
                              limited to the amount of the installment (plus any
                              interest payable thereon) of such special
                              assessment which would have been required to have
                              been paid during such year if the Lessor had
                              elected to have such special assessment paid over
                              the maximum period of time permitted by law; and

                       (5)    the fees and costs associated with contesting the
                              foregoing (including, but not to be limited to,
                              such expenses as relate to seeking or obtaining
                              reductions in and refunds of Taxes, including but
                              not limited to the expenses of contesting the
                              amount or validity of any taxes, charges or
                              assessments, including, but not limited to,
                              appraisers' fees, experts' fees and other costs
                              incurred without regard to the tax year involved,
                              such expense to be applicable to the year in which
                              such charges are incurred).

               (iii)   "Rent Tax" means and includes any excise, sales or
                       transaction privilege tax imposed or levied by any
                       government or government agency upon Lessor as a result
                       of Lessor's receipt of any payment from Lessee, and also
                       means and includes any tax or other charge based in whole
                       or in part upon the value of this Lease, or upon receipt,
                       payment or right to collect Rent hereunder; provided,
                       however, there is excluded herefrom any tax, charge,
                       assessment or the like which is imposed in lieu of real
                       estate taxes and other ad valorem taxes.

        (b)    TIME OF PAYMENT

               Lessee shall pay the Tax Contribution to Lessor with respect to
               each calendar year in monthly installments at the same time and
               place as installments of Base Monthly Rent are to be paid, in an
               amount estimated from time to time by Lessor by a written notice
               to Lessee. Upon receipt by Lessor of all bills for Taxes
               attributable to a calendar year, Lessor shall furnish Lessee with
               a written statement of the actual Tax Contribution for such
               calendar year. If the total amount paid by Lessee during any
               calendar year of the Term is less than the actual Tax
               Contribution due from Lessee for such calendar year as shown on
               such statement, Lessee shall pay the deficiency to Lessor within
               fifteen (15) days after demand therefor by Lessor. If the total
               amount paid by Lessee during any calendar year exceeds the actual
               Tax Contribution due from Lessee for such calendar year, such
               excess shall be credited against payments hereunder next due. If
               no such payments are next due, such excess shall be refunded by
               Lessor. The 

                                                          Lessor's Initials ____
                                                          Lessee's Initials ____


               amount of any refund of Taxes received by Lessor. The amount of
               any refund of Taxes received by Lessor shall be credited against
               Taxes for the year in which such refund is received.


        Lessee shall pay to Lessor, as Additional rent, in addition to Base Rent
        and other amounts due Lessor, an amount (the "Operating Contribution")
        equal to the product of: (1) the Rentable Area of the Premises
        multiplied by (2) the amount by which Operating Expenses Per Foot
        exceeds the Base Operating Amount.

        (a)    DEFINITIONS

               (i)     "Operating Expenses Per Foot" means Operating Expenses
                       divided by the Total Rentable Area of the Project (being
                       the Initial Rentable Area increase or reduced by any
                       additions or deletions of rentable area to or from the

               (ii)    "Operating Expenses" means and includes all cost and
                       expenses incurred or paid by or on behalf of Lessor with
                       respect to the operation, maintenance, repair, or
                       replacement of the Project (except same relating to the
                       premises of individual tenants when the expense is
                       reimbursed to Lessor by the tenant or an insurer)
                       including, but not limited to, the following: the cost of
                       electricity (except electricity used in the Premises or
                       in other demised premises, if the cost thereof is billed
                       directly to Lessee and the tenants of such other demised
                       premises) all utilities, steam, water, fuel, heating,
                       lighting, air-conditioning, window cleaning, janitorial
                       service security service; all insurance (including, but
                       not limited to, fire, extended coverage, liability,
                       workman's compensation, rent loss, elevator, any other
                       insurance carried in good faith by Lessor and applicable
                       to the Project), painting (but not painting of the space
                       of individual tenant), uniforms, supplies, sundries, and
                       sales or use taxes on supplies or services; costs of
                       compensation, wages, salaries and so-called fringe
                       benefits (including Social Security taxes, unemployment
                       insurance taxes, cost for providing coverage for
                       disability benefits, cost of any pensions,
                       hospitalization, welfare or retirement plans) of all
                       persons engaged in the operation, maintenance and repair
                       of the Project, or any other similar or like expenses
                       incurred under the provisions of any collective
                       bargaining agreement, or any other cost or expense which
                       Lessor pays or incurs to provide benefits for employees
                       so engaged in the operation, maintenance and repair of
                       the Project; the charges of any agent or independent
                       contractor who, under contract with Lessor or its
                       representatives, does any of the work of operating,
                       maintaining or repairing of the Project; management fees;
                       legal and accounting expenses; or any other expense or

                                                          Lessor's Initials ____
                                                          Lessee's Initials ____


                       charge, whether or not hereinbefore mentioned, which in
                       accordance with generally accepted management principles
                       would be considered as an expense of maintaining,
                       operating, or repairing the Project. If any Operating
                       Expense, though paid in one year, relates to more than
                       one calendar year, at the option of Lessor, such expense
                       may be proportionately allocated among such related
                       calendar years.

                       Operating Expenses shall also include the cost, as
                       reasonable amortized by the Lessor, of any capital
                       improvement made after completion of initial construction
                       of any improvements in the Project which reduces other
                       Operating Expenses, but in an amount not to exceed such
                       reduction for the relevant year. For purposes of
                       determining Operating Expenses for any year, if the
                       entire Rentable Area shall not have been occupied for any
                       part of the year, Operating Expenses shall include the
                       amount of such expenses that would reasonably have been
                       incurred had the entire Rentable Area been occupied.

                       Operating Expenses shall not include franchise or income
                       taxes imposed on the Lessor, except to the extent
                       hereinbefore provided, nor the cost to the Lessor of any
                       work or service performed in any instance for any tenant
                       (including the Lessee) at the cost of such tenant.
                       Installations of capital improvements for individual
                       tenants within their demised premises is not to be
                       included in Operating Expenses.

                       If Lessor makes any capital improvement during the term
                       of this Lease in order to comply with safety or any other
                       requirements of any federal, state or local law or
                       governmental regulation, then the reasonable annual
                       amortization of the cost of such improvement (with
                       reasonable interest thereon) shall be deemed an Operating
                       Expense in each of the calendar years during which such
                       amortization occurs.


               (i)     PAYMENT. Lessee shall pay the Operating Contribution to
                       Lessor with respect to each calendar year in monthly
                       installments at the same time and place as Base Monthly
                       Rent is to be paid, in an amount reasonably estimated
                       from time to time by Lessor by a written notice to
                       Lessee. As promptly as practicable following the close of
                       each calendar year, Lessor shall deliver to Lessee a
                       certificate specifying, in reasonable detail, the amount
                       of Operating Expenses for such calendar year; Lessee
                       shall pay any deficiency to Lessor as shown by such
                       certificate within fifteen (15) days after receipt
                       thereof. If the total amount paid by Lessee during any
                       calendar year exceeds the actual Operating Contribution
                       due from Lessee for such calendar year, such excess shall
                       be credited against payments next 

                                                          Lessor's Initials ____
                                                          Lessee's Initials ____


                       due hereunder. If no such payments are next due, such
                       excess shall be refunded by Lessor.

               (ii)    RECORDS AND INSPECTION. Lessor shall cause to be kept
                       books and records with an appropriate system of accounts
                       and accounting practices consistently maintained. Lessee
                       shall have the right for sixty (60) days after receipt of
                       the certificate, during normal business hours after
                       reasonable notice, to inspect records pertinent to
                       Lessor's calculations and Lessor shall make all pertinent
                       bills and the like available for Lessee's inspection. The
                       certificate of Lessor shall constitute a determination
                       which is final and conclusive on both Lessor or Lessee,
                       unless Lessee asserts in a writing addressed to Lessor
                       specified error(s) in Lessor's certificate within sixty
                       (60) days after delivery thereof.


        (a)    ESCALATION

               In the event of the Base Consumer Price Index set forth in
               Paragraph 1 above shall be less than the Consumer Price Index for
               the month of January of each calendar year during the Term of
               this Lease, Lessee shall pay to Lessor on a monthly basis, as
               Additional Rent, a sum equal to one-twelfth of the following: the
               CPI Percentage of the Aggregate Annual Rent multiplied by the
               percentage by which the Consumer Price Index for January of such
               calendar year exceeds the Base Consumer Price Index. Lessor shall
               notify Lessee of any such Additional Rent as soon as reasonably
               practicable after the beginning of each calendar year during the
               Lease Term; Lessee shall be required to pay Additional Rent based
               on increases in the Consumer Price Index with respect to the
               period between the beginning of the calendar year and the date of
               receipt of the Lessor's notice of such increased rent with the
               payment of Rent next due. In the event that the Base Consumer
               Price Index is not set forth in Paragraph 1, then such shall be
               the Consumer Price Index for the month which includes the
               Commencement Date; if the CPI Percentage is not set forth in
               Paragraph 1, then such shall be thirty percent (30%).

        (b)    DEFINITION

               "Consumer Price Index" or "CPI" means the Consumer Price Index -
               All Urban Consumer - for San Francisco/Oakland (all items) of the
               U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. If the manner in which the
               Consumer Price Index is determined by the Bureau of Labor
               Statistics shall be substantially revised, and adjustment shall
               be made in such revised index which would produce results
               equivalent, as nearly as possible, to those which would have been
               obtained if the Consumer Price Index had not been so revised. If
               the Consumer Price Index shall become unavailable to 

                                                          Lessor's Initials ____
                                                          Lessee's Initials ____


               the public because publication is discontinued, or otherwise,
               Lessor will substitute therefor a comparable index base upon
               changes in the cost of living or purchasing power of the consumer
               dollar published by any other governmental agency or, if no such
               index shall be available, then a comparable index published by a
               major bank or other major financial institution or by a major


        All costs and expenses which Lessee assumes or agrees to pay to Lessor
        pursuant to this Lease shall be deemed Additional Rent and shall be paid
        to Lessor without any deduction or set-off whatsoever. In the event of
        non-payment of such cost and expenses, Lessor shall have all the rights
        and remedies herein provided for in case of non-payment of Rent.


        Any remedies for non-payment of Rent notwithstanding, if the monthly
        payment of Rent is not received by Lessor on or before the fifth (5th)
        day of the month for which such Rent is due, or if any other payment due
        Lessor by Lessee is not received by Lessor on or before the fifth (5th)
        day of the month following the month in which Lessee was invoiced, a
        service charge of ten percent (10%) of such past due amount shall become
        due and payable in addition to such amounts owed under this Lease.


        Lessee has deposited with lessor the sum of set forth in Paragraph 1 as
a Security Deposit to secure the full and faithful performance of every
provision of this Lease to be performed by Lessee. If Lessee defaults with
respect to any provision of this Lease, including, but not limited to, the
provisions relating to the payment of Rent or any other sum, or for the payment
of any other amount which Lessor may spend or become obligated to spend by
reason of Lessee's default or to compensate Lessor for any other loss or damage
which Lessor may suffer by reason of Lessee's default, Lessor may use, apply or
retain the Security Deposit, or any portion thereof, to reimburse or compensate
itself or cure such default. If any portion of said deposit is so used or
applied, Lessee shall, within five (5) days after written demand therefor,
deposit cash with Lessor in an amount sufficient to restore the security deposit
to its original amount and Lessee's failure to do so shall be a material breach
of this Lease. Lessor shall not be required to keep this security deposit
separate from its general funds and Lessee shall not be entitled to interest on
such deposit. If Lessee shall fully and faithfully perform every provision of
this Lease to be performed by it, the security deposit or a balance thereof
shall be returned to lessee (or, at Lessor's option, to the last assignee of
Lessee's interests hereunder) at the expiration of the Lease term.



                                                          Lessor's Initials ____
                                                          Lessee's Initials ____


        Lessor agrees to cause the Premises to be completed or modified (the
        "Work") in accordance with the plans, specifications and agreements
        approved by both parties, which are attached to and made a part of this
        Lease. Lessor will not be obliged to construct or install at its expense
        any improvements or facilities of any kind other than those called for
        on the attached specifications and agreements. Lessor agrees to commence
        and complete the Work with reasonable diligence.


        Lessee shall make no alterations, modifications, additions or
        improvements (including initial tenant improvement) to the Premises
        without the prior written consent of Lessor, which consent shall not be
        unreasonably withheld Lessor may impose, as a condition of such consent,
        such requirements as Lessor in its sole discretion may deem reasonable
        or desirable, including, without limiting the generality of the
        foregoing, requirements as to the manner in which, the time or times at
        which, and the contractor by whom such work shall be done, insurance and
        bonding standards, and advance waivers of lien.


        All alterations, additions, improvements, modification, fixtures,
        partitions, counter, railings, wall coverings, window treatments and the
        like shall become or remain the property of Lessor and shall be
        surrendered with the Premises, as a part thereof, at the end of the term
        hereof, except that the Lessor may, by written notice to Lessee given at
        least thirty (30) days prior to the end of the Term, require Lessee to
        remove any or all partitions, alterations, additions, improvements,
        modifications, fixtures, counters, railings, wall coverings, window
        treatments and the like installed by or for Lessee, and to repair any
        damage to the Premises from such removal.


        If the Lessee retains possession of the Premises or any part thereof
after the expiration of the Term or termination of the Lease or of Lessee's
right to possession of the Premises, the Lessee shall pay the Lessor monthly
rent at one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the monthly rate (including, but not
limited to, Base Rent, Tax Contribution and Operating Contribution) payable by
Lessee with respect to the last full calendar month prior to such expiration or
termination for the time the Lessee thus remains in possession and, in addition
thereto, shall pay the Lessor for all damages, consequential as well as direct,
sustained by reason of the Lessee's retention of possession. The provision of
this Paragraph do not exclude the Lessor's rights of re-entry or any other right
hereunder, it being expressly understood that a hold over is a material breach
of this Lease.

8.  USE

                                                          Lessor's Initials ____
                                                          Lessee's Initials ____


8.1     BASIC USE

        Lessee shall use and occupy the Premises for the purposes set forth in
        Paragraph 1 hereof and for no other purpose.


        Lessee shall:

        (i)    Not use or permit upon the Premises anything that would
               invalidate any policies of insurance now or hereafter carried on
               the Project or that will increase the rate of insurance on the
               Premises or on the Project;

        (ii)   Pay all extra insurance premiums which may be caused by the use
               which Lessee shall make of the Premises;

        (iii)  Not use or permit upon the Premises anything that may be
               dangerous to life or limb;

        (iv)   Not in any manner deface or injure the Building, the Project or
               any part thereof or overload any floor of the Premises;

        (v)    Not do anything or permit anything to be done upon the Premises
               in any way tending to create a nuisance, or tending to disturb
               any other lessee in the Building or the occupants of neighboring
               property, or tending to injure the reputation of the Project;

        (vi)   Comply with all governmental, health and police requirements and
               regulations respecting the Premises and the Project;

        (vii)  Not use the Premises for lodging or sleeping purposes or for any
               immoral or illegal purpose, nor conduct or permit to be conducted
               upon the Premises any activity contrary to any of the laws of the
               United States of America or the state in which the Project is
               located or which is contrary to the ordinances of the
               municipality in which the Project is located nor commit or suffer
               to be committed any waste upon the Premises or the Project.

        (viii) Not take or permit to be taken or fail to take any action which
               permits or causes any mechanic's lien or other lien, charge or
               order for money to be filed against Lessor, all or any portion of
               the Premises or all or any portion of the Project.

        (ix)   Lessee shall not exhibit, sell or offer for sale on the Premises,
               in the Building or on the Project any article or thing without
               the advance consent of Lessor.

                                                          Lessor's Initials ____
                                                          Lessee's Initials ____


        (x)    Abide by the Rules and Regulations of the Project, as same may
               exist from time to time or be amended by Lessor, the current
               Rules and Regulations being appended hereto as EXHIBIT C.



        Lessee shall pay, prior to delinquency, all taxes assessed against or
        levied upon Lessee's fixtures, furnishings, equipment and other personal
        property located in or upon the Premises. Lessee shall cause said
        fixtures, furnishings, equipment and other person property to be
        assessed and billed separately from the Lessor, Project or Premises. In
        the event any or all of Lessee's fixtures, furnishings or equipment and
        other personal property shall be assessed and taxes with said Project or
        Premises or to Lessor, Lessee shall pay to Lessor its share of such
        taxes within fifteen (15) days after delivery to Lessee by Lessor of a
        statement in writing setting forth the amount of such taxes applicable
        to lessee's personal property.


        Lessee shall, simultaneously with the payment of any sums required
        hereunder, reimburse Lessor for any excise, sales or transaction
        privilege tax imposed or levied by any government or governmental agency
        upon Lessor as a result of Lessor's receipt of any such payment.


        Lessee's taking possession shall be conclusive evidence as against the
Lessee that the Premises were in good order and satisfactory condition when
Lessee took possession. No promise of Lessor to alter remodel or improve the
Premises or the Building and no representation respecting the condition of the
Premises or the Building have been made by Lessor to Lessee, other than as may
be contained herein or in a separate rider or work letter attached hereto and
made a part hereof.



        Lessor agrees to furnish to the Premises during reasonable hours of
        generally recognized business days, to be determined by Lessor, and
        subject to the Rules and Regulations, water, heat, electricity, air
        conditioning, and any other customary utilities required, in Lessor's
        sole judgment, for the comfortable use and occupation of the Premises.
        Lessor (and its employees and agents) shall not be liable for, and
        Lessee shall not be entitled to, any abatement or reduction of Rent by
        reason of Lessor's failure to furnish any of the 

                                                          Lessor's Initials ____
                                                          Lessee's Initials ____


        foregoing when such failure is due to any cause beyond the reasonable
        control of Lessor. Lessor (and its employees and agents) shall not be
        liable, under any circumstances, for loss, however occurring, through or
        in connection with or incidental to failure to furnish any of the
        foregoing, regardless of the reason for such failure; it is understood
        that Lessee shall carry insurance against these risks with waiver of
        subrogation in favor of Lessor (and its employees and agents). Lessor
        may cause any utility to be separately metered and to be billed directly
        to Lessee; in such instance, Lessee shall promptly pay all utility bills
        when due.


        Lessee will not, without the written consent of Lessor, use any
        apparatus or device in the Premises, including, but without limitation
        thereto, electronic data processing machines, punch card machines and
        machines using current in excess of 110 volts, which will in any way
        increase the amount of electricity, water, heat, ventilation, cooling or
        other utilities, which would otherwise be furnished or supplied for use
        of the Premises as general office space; nor connect with electric
        current (except through existing electrical outlets in the Premises) or
        water pipes, any apparatus or device for the purposes of using electric
        current, water or other utilities. If consumption of electricity, water,
        heat, air conditioning or other utilities by Lessee exceeds or can be
        expected to exceed that required for normal office use as specified, or
        should Lessee request the use of this service at other than the normal
        operating hours, Lessor reserves the right to change for such service.
        Lessor reserves the right, at Lessor's sole discretion, to separately
        assess an extra monthly charge against Lessee (which shall be Additional
        Rent) in an amount which, in Lessor's reasonable judgment, compensates
        for such excess usage. If Lessee refuses to pay upon demand of Lessor
        such extra monthly charge, such refusal shall constitute a breach of the
        obligation to pay Rent under this Lease and shall entitle Lessor to the
        rights hereinafter granted for such breach and to cease provision of
        such utility service beyond normal requirements. Whenever heat
        generating machines or equipment are used in the Premises which affect
        the temperature otherwise maintained by the air conditioning system,
        Lessor reserves the right to install supplementary air conditioning
        units in the Premises, and the cost thereof, including the cost of
        installation and the cost of operation and maintenance thereof, shall be
        paid by Lessee to Lessor upon demand by Lessor as Additional Rent.


        Lessor shall provide public restroom supplies, public area lamp
        replacement, window washing with reasonable frequency, and janitor and
        cleaning services to the Premises with reasonable frequency during the
        times and in the manner that such janitor services are customarily
        furnished in general office Building in the area.


                                                          Lessor's Initials ____
                                                          Lessee's Initials ____


        Should Lessee require any additional work or service, other than
        services described above or supplied other tenants of the Building
        without separate or additional charge, Lessor may, on terms to be agreed
        and upon reasonable advance notice by Lessee, furnish such additional
        service and Lessee agrees to pay the Lessor as Additional Rent such
        charges as may be agreed on, but in no event at a charge less than
        Lessor's actual cost plus overhead for the additional services provided,
        it being agreed that the cost to the Lessor of such additional services
        shall be excluded from Operating Expense.


        It is understood that Lessor does not warrant that any of the services
        referred to above, or any other services which Lessor may supply, will
        be free from interruption. Lessee acknowledges that any one or more of
        such services may be suspended by reason of operation of law, mechanical
        breakdown, or other causes beyond the reasonable control of Lessor,
        including, but not limited to, acts of God, acts of civil disobedience
        or strikes. No such interruption or discontinuance of service shall be
        deemed an eviction or disturbance of Lessee's use and possession of the
        Premises, or any part thereof, or render Lessor (and its employees and
        agents) liable to Lessee for damages by abatement of rent or otherwise,
        or relieve Lessee from performance of Lessee's obligation under this



        Lessee shall not, either voluntarily or by operation of law, sell,
        assign, hypothecate or transfer this Lease, or sublet the Premises or
        any part thereof, or permit the Premises or any part thereof to be
        occupied by anyone other than Lessee or Lessee's employee, without the
        prior written consent of Lessor in each instance. Lessor's consent shall
        not be unreasonably withheld; provided, however, that the proposed
        assignee or sublessee must be reasonably satisfactory to Lessor as to
        credit and character and must occupy the Premises for office purposes
        consistent with Paragraph 8 of this Lease and Lessor's commitments to
        other tenants. Lessee shall notify Lessor's of its intent to assign or
        sublet in writing and shall provide Lessor with a copy of the proposed
        sublease or assignment and with any information requested by Lessor;
        Lessor shall inform Lessee of its decision within thirty (30) days after
        receipt of such notice and all requested information.


               Any sale, assignment, mortgage, transfer or subletting of this
               Lease or the Premises which is not in compliance with the
               provisions of this Paragraph 12 shall be a material breach of
               this Lease and shall, at Lessor's option, by void and without
               effect; with respect thereto Lessor shall have all remedies for
               default, including, but not limited to, the right to terminate
               this Lease.

                                                          Lessor's Initials ____
                                                          Lessee's Initials ____



               The consent of Lessor to any assignment or subletting shall not
               be construed as relieving Lessee or any assignee or sublessee
               from obtaining the express written consent of Lessor to any
               further assignment or subletting or as releasing Lessee from any
               liability or obligation hereunder (including, but not limited to,
               the obligation to pay Rent), whether or not then accrued;
               further, any sublessee or assignee shall be bound by all of the
               terms and conditions of this Lease (including, but not limited
               to, this Paragraph 12).


        The Lessor reserves the right, should the Lessee request such assignment
        or subletting, to release the Lessee from the terms and provisions of
        this Lease and the Lessor shall have thirty (30) days to make such
        determination. Should the Lessor exercise this right, then the Lease
        shall terminate as set forth in Paragraph 2.3 as of the date notice is
        given the Lessee.



               If Lessee is a corporation or partnership and if the ownership
               thereof shall materially change at any time or from time to time
               during the term of this Lease from the present composition of
               same, or if a substantial portion of the assets of Lessee shall
               be sold, assigned or transferred with or without a specific
               assignment of this Lease, or, if Lessee shall merge or
               consolidate with any firm or corporation, Lessor, at its option,
               may, by giving sixty (60) days prior written notice to Lessee,
               declare such change a breach of this Lease subject to the
               remedies provided for breach in Paragraph 25 hereof.

               (i)     CORPORATION

                       Ownership of a corporation shall be deemed to have
                       materially changed if a number of its shares of any class
                       or series which constitute thirty-three percent (33%) of
                       the number thereof outstanding from time to time shall be
                       transferred by either the owners thereof or by the
                       corporation, and such transfer or shares shall not first
                       have been approved in advance in writing by Lessor (which
                       approval will not be unreasonably withheld).

               (ii)    PARTNERSHIP

                       Partnership ownership shall be deemed to have materially
                       changed if one-third or more of the partners or if
                       persons or entities holding one-third or 

                                                          Lessor's Initials ____
                                                          Lessee's Initials ____


                       more of the partnership interests have changed at any
                       time during the Term of this Lease, or one or more
                       general partners of a limited partnership have changed at
                       any time during the Term hereof and such change has not
                       been approved in advance in writing by Lessor (which
                       approval will not be unreasonably withheld).


               If Lessee is a sole proprietorship, Lessor shall have the option,
               without prejudice to the remedies available to it hereunder or
               otherwise, to terminate this Lease in the event of Lessee's
               incapacity or death upon sixty (60) days' prior written notice to
               Lessee or his legal representative. If the ownership shall change
               or a new party or person acquires an interest without Lessor's
               prior written consent (which will not be unreasonably withheld),
               such shall be a breach of this Lease and subject to the remedies
               set forth in Paragraph 25 hereof.

        (c)    NOTICE TO LESSOR

               Lessee shall immediately give written notice to Lessor of any
               change in ownership contemplated by this Paragraph 12.3.



        Lessee, at Lessee's own expense, shall take good care of the Premises
        and shall be responsible for the repair of all damage to the Premises
        (including, but not limited to, leasehold improvements, fixtures,
        carpeting and wall coverings) and the Project, and shall replace or
        repair all damaged or broken fixtures, lamps, ballasts, glass and
        appurtenance which are made necessary as a result of any use, misuse,
        neglect or negligence of Lessee, its employees, agents or invitees.
        Lessor shall effect such repairs, and Lessee shall pay Lessor the cost
        thereof, as Additional Rent, upon being billed for same, or Lessor shall
        have the right to deduct the same from the Security Deposit held by
        Lessor. Lessor may, but shall not be required to, enter the Premises at
        all reasonable times to make any repairs as Lessor shall desire or deem
        necessary to the Premises or to the Building of which the Premises form
        a part or to any equipment in or servicing such Building or as Lessor
        may be required to do by the order or decree of any court or by any
        other governmental authority.


        Except as otherwise provided herein, Lessor shall repair and maintain
        the Building (including the plumbing, heating, air conditioning and
        electrical systems), grounds, common areas, facilities and other
        elements of the Project, the cost of such being 

                                                          Lessor's Initials ____
                                                          Lessee's Initials ____


        Operating Expenses. Lessor shall not be liable for any failure to make
        any repairs or to perform any maintenance unless written notice of the
        need for such repairs or maintenance is given to Lessor by Lessee, and
        unless Lessor then fails to commence such repairs or perform such
        maintenance within a reasonable period of time and thereafter fails to
        use due diligence in so doing. Except as provided in Paragraph 16
        hereof, there shall be no abatement of rent and no liability of Lessor
        (and its employees and agents) by reason of any entry to or interference
        with Lessee's business arising from the making of any repairs or
        effectuation of any maintenance in or to any portion of the Building or
        the Premises or the Project or in or to fixtures, appurtenances and
        equipment therein or thereon. Lessee waives the right to make repairs at
        Lessor's expense under any provision of statutory or common law now or
        thereafter in effect.


        Lessor has, and shall retain, all rights with respect to the Premises,
Building and Project not expressly granted to Lessee hereunder; such right are,
and shall be, exercisable without notice and without liability to Lessee for
damage or injury to property, person or business and without effecting an
eviction, constructive or actual, or disturbance of Lessee's use or possession
or giving rise to any claims for set off or abatement of Rent. Such rights
include, but are not limited to, the following:

        (i)    To change the Building's name or street address.

        (ii)   To install, affix and maintain any and all signs on the exterior,
               interior and/or roof of the Building.

        (iii)  To designate and/or approve, prior to installation, all types of
               window shades, blinds, drapes, awnings, window ventilators and
               other similar equipment and control all internal lighting, that
               may be visible from the exterior lobbies, hallways or other
               common areas.

        (iv)   To show the Premises to prospective tenants at reasonable hours
               and if vacated by Lessee, to prepare the Premises for

        (v)    To retain at all times, and to use in appropriate instances, keys
               to all doors within and into the Premises. No lock shall be
               changed and no new lock shall be installed without the prior
               written consent of Lessor.

        (vi)   To decorate and to make repairs, alterations, additions or
               improvements, whether structural or otherwise, in and about the
               Building in any part thereof and for such purposes to enter upon
               the Premises and, during the continuance of any such work, to
               temporarily close doors, entryways, public space and corridors in
               the Building and to interrupt or temporarily suspend obligations
               hereunder so long as the Premises are reasonable accessible.

                                                          Lessor's Initials ____
                                                          Lessee's Initials ____


        (vii)  To have and retain a paramount title to the Premises, free and
               clear of any act of Lessee purporting to burden or encumber it.

        (viii) To grant or deny to anyone the right to conduct any business or
               render any services in or to the Building or the Project,
               provided such exclusive right shall not operate to exclude Lessee
               from the use expressly permitted herein.

        (ix)   To require all furniture and similar items to be moved into
               and/or out of the Building and Premises only at such times and in
               such manner as Lessor shall direct in writing. Movements of
               Lessee's property into or out of the Building and within the
               Building are entirely at the risk and responsibility of Lessee,
               and Lessor reserves the right to require permits before allowing
               any such property to be moved into or out of the Building.

        (x)    To approve or disapprove in writing the placing of vending or
               dispensing machines of any kind in or about the Premises.

        (xi)   To have access for Lessor and other tenants of the Building or
               the Project to any mail chutes located on the Premises according
               to the rules of the United States Post Office.

        (xii)  To close the Building after regular working hours and on
               Saturday, Sunday and legal holidays, subject, however, to
               Lessee's right to admittance under such regulations as Lessor may
               prescribe from time to time.



        Lessee shall, and does hereby agree to indemnify and hold Lessor and its
        employees and agents harmless from any and all loss, cost, liability,
        damage or claims arising from Lessee's use of the Premises or the
        conduct of its business or from any activity, work or thing done,
        permitted or suffered by Lessee (or any of its employees, agents or
        invitees) in or about the Premises or the Project, and shall further
        indemnify and hold Lessor and its employees and agents harmless from any
        and all loss, cost, liability, damage or claims arising from any breach
        or default in the performance of any obligation on Lessee's part to be
        performed under the terms of this Lease, or arising from any act,
        failure to act or negligence of Lessee, or any of its agents or
        employees, and from all costs, attorneys' fees, expenses and liabilities
        incurred as a result of any such claim or any action or proceeding
        brought thereon; and in case any action or proceeding be brought against
        Lessor or its employees and agents by reason of any such claim, Lessee,
        upon notice from Lessor, shall defend the same at Lessee's expense by
        counsel satisfactory to Lessor. Lessee, as a material part of the
        consideration to Lessor, hereby assumes all risk of 

                                                          Lessor's Initials ____
                                                          Lessee's Initials ____


        damage to property or injury to persons, in, upon, or about the Premises
        from any cause which does not result solely and directly from the
        negligence of Lessor, and Lessee hereby waives all claims in respect
        thereof against Lessor and agrees to carry insurance sufficient to
        protect against all such claims (with waiver of subrogation in Lessor's


        Lessor and its employees and agents or anyone authorized to act for
        Lessor shall not be liable for any damage to property entrusted to
        employees of Lessor, Lessor's agent or the Project, nor for the loss of
        or damage to any property by theft or otherwise, nor for any injury or
        damage to persons or property resulting from fire, explosion, falling
        plaster, steam, gas, electricity, water or rain which may leak from any
        part of the Building or from the pipes, appliances or plumbing works
        therein, or from the roof, street or subsurface, or from any other place
        resulting from dampness or any other cause whatsoever which does not
        result solely and directly from the negligence of Lessor. Lessor or its
        agents shall not be liable for interference with the natural light, nor
        shall Lessor be liable for any latent defect in the Premises or in the
        Building. Lessee shall give prompt notice to Lessor of any fire,
        accident or defect discovered within the Premises or the Building.


        Lessee agrees to carry at its own expense throughout the term of the
        Lease, insuring both Lessor (and its employees and agents) and Lessee,
        insuring both Lessor (and its employees and agents) and Lessee,
        comprehensive public liability insurance and such other insurance
        specified in Paragraph 1 hereof, all of which shall be in the amounts
        specified in Paragraph 1, insurance customarily carried by entities in
        businesses similar to that of Lessee in customary amounts for the size
        of Lessee's business, and such other insurances as Lessor may reasonably
        request; all insurance shall be placed with insurance companies approved
        by Lessor. Lessee shall deliver a Certificate of Insurance to Lessor
        prior to the date of occupancy of the Premises and said insurance policy
        shall list and protect Lessor and Lessee as their interests may appear
        and shall contain an endorsement stating that the insurer agrees to give
        no less than thirty (30) days' prior written notice to Lessor in the
        event of modification or cancellation thereof.


        Lessee shall carry insurance for the FULL REPLACEMENT VALUE of its
        personal property and leasehold improvements, trade fixtures and the
        like; Lessor (and its employees and agents) shall be a named or
        additional insured on all such policies.



                                                          Lessor's Initials ____
                                                          Lessee's Initials ____


        If the Premises or the Building (including machinery and equipment used
        in its operation) or the Project is wholly or partially destroyed or
        damaged by fire or other casualty which is covered by the usual form of
        fire and extended coverage insurance, and if such destruction or damage
        is not caused by the act or neglect of Lessee, its agents or servants,
        then Lessor shall be obligated to repair and restore the same with
        reasonable promptness, unless Lessor elects to terminate this Lease as
        hereinafter set forth. In the event the Premises or the Building or the
        Project is wholly or partially destroyed or damaged as a result of any
        cause, other than the perils covered by the usual form of fire and
        extended coverage insurance, or in the event the Premises or the
        Building or the Project is destroyed or damaged by any fire or casualty
        to the extent of not less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the
        replacement cost thereof, then Lessor shall have the option to terminate
        this Lease by giving notice to Lessee within sixty (60) days after the
        occurrence of such damage or destruction. If Lessor does not terminate
        this Lease as provided above, it shall proceed to complete the necessary
        restoration or repairs with reasonable diligence and this Lease shall
        continue in full force and effect; provided, however, that if any
        destruction or damage not caused by the act or neglect of Lessee, its
        agents or servant, renders the Premises untenantable, and if this Lease
        is not terminated as provided herein by reason of such damage or
        destruction, then Rent shall abate during the period beginning with the
        date of such destruction or damage and ending with the date when the
        Premises are again rendered tenantable by an amount bearing the same
        ratio to the total amount of Rent due for such period that the
        untenantable portion of the Premises bears to the entire Premises.


        Lessor shall in no event be obligated to repair any injury or damage by
        fire or other cause or to make any repairs or replacements of any items,
        improvements, alterations, modifications or the like installed or
        effected by or for the Lessee or at its expense.


        Lessor, and any one authorized by Lessor, shall have the right to enter
the Premises at all reasonable times for the purpose of examining or inspecting
the same, showing the same to prospective purchasers or lessees of the Premises,
Project or Building, and making such alterations, repairs, improvements or
additions to the Premises or to the Project or Building of which they are a part
as Lessor may deem necessary or desirable. If Lessee shall not personally be
present to open and permit an entry into the Premises at any time when such
entry by Lessor is necessary or permitted hereunder, Lessor may enter by means
of a master key or may enter forcibly, without liability to Lessee except for
any failure to exercise due care of Lessee's property, and without breaching the
terms of this Lease.


                                                          Lessor's Initials ____
                                                          Lessee's Initials ____



        If all or any part of the Premises or the Project is permanently taken
        or condemned by any competent authority for any public use or purpose
        (including a deed given in lieu of condemnation), or if any adjacent
        property or street is so taken or is improved, and such taking,
        condemnation or improvements renders the Premises substantially
        untenantable, this Lease shall terminate as of the date title vests in
        such authority or such improvements is completed, and Base Rent and
        Additional Rent shall be apportioned as of such date.


        If any part of the Premises or the Project is taken or condemned for any
        public use or purpose (including a deed given in lieu of condemnation),
        or if any adjacent property or street is so taken or so improved, and
        this Lease is not terminated pursuant to Paragraph 18.1 hereof, Lessor,
        upon receipt and to the extent of the award in condemnation or proceeds
        of sale, shall make necessary repairs and restoration (exclusive of
        leasehold improvements and personal property installed by Lessee) to
        restore the Premises remaining to as near its former condition as
        circumstances will permit, and to the Project to the extent necessary to
        constitute the portion of same not so taken or condemned as a complete
        architectural unit. In the event of any taking or condemnation described
        in this Paragraph 18.2, the Rentable Area of the Premises stated in
        Paragraph 1 hereof and the Rentable Area of the Project as specified in
        this Lease, shall, for the period of such taking, be reduced,
        respectively, for all purposes under this Lease (including the
        calculation of Rent) by the number of square feet of rentable area of
        the Premises, if any, and the Project, if any, so taken or condemned.


        Lessor shall be entitled to receive the entire price or award from any
        such sale, taking or condemnation without any payment to Lessee, and
        Lessee hereby assigns to Lessor all of Lessee's interest, if any, in
        such award; provided, however, Lessee shall have the right separately to
        pursue against the condemning authority an award in respect of the loss,
        if any, to leasehold improvements paid for by Lessee without any credit
        or allowance from Landlord and the expense of relocation.


        Lessee shall not vacate or abandon the Premises at any time during the
Term, and if Lessee shall abandon, vacate or surrender said Premises or be
dispossessed by process of law or otherwise, any personal property belonging to
Lessee and left in the Premises shall be conclusively presumed to be abandoned
and may be kept or disposed of by Lessor as provided in Paragraph 2.3 and
Paragraph 7 hereof. Any such vacation, abandonment, surrender or dispossession
shall be a material breach of this Lease, and Lessor shall have all remedies set

                                                          Lessor's Initials ____
                                                          Lessee's Initials ____


forth herein or otherwise available at law, equity or elsewise with respect
thereto. The Premises shall be deemed "abandoned" as defined in Paragraph


        In the event of a sale or conveyance by Lessor of the Project, the
Premises or the Building, the same shall operate to release Lessor from any
future liability upon or with respect to this Lease and any of the covenants or
conditions, express or implied, herein contained in favor of Lessee, and in such
event Lessee agrees to look solely to the successor in interest of Lessor in and
to this Lease with respect to such matters and the performance of Lessor's
obligations hereunder. This Lease shall not be affected by any such sale, and
Lessee agrees to attorn to such successor in interest. If any security deposit
has been made by Lessee hereunder, Lessor may transfer such security deposit to
such successor in interest and thereupon Lessor shall be discharged from any
further liability in reference thereto.


        Lessor and Lessee each hereby release the other, and the management
agent of the Project, from any and all liability or responsibility for any
direct or consequential loss, injury or damage to the Premises, its contents,
caused by fire or any other casualty, during the Term of this Lease, even if
such fire or other casualty may have been caused by the negligence (but not the
willful act) of the other party or one for whom such party may be responsible.
Inasmuch as the above mutual waivers will preclude the assignment of any
aforesaid claim by way of subrogation (or otherwise) to an insurance company (or
any other person), each party hereto agrees if required by said policies to give
to each insurance company which has issued to it fire and other property
insurance, written notice of the terms of said mutual waivers, and to have said
insurance policies properly endorsed, if necessary, to prevent the invalidation
of said insurance coverage by reason of said waivers.



        No waiver by Lessor of any provision of this Lease or any breach by
        Lessee hereunder shall be deemed to be a waiver of any other provision
        hereof, or of any subsequent breach by Lessee of the same or any other
        provision. Lessor's consent to or approval of any act by Lessee
        requiring Lessor's consent or approval shall not be deemed to render
        unnecessary the obtaining of Lessor's consent to or approval of any
        subsequent act of Lessee whether or not similar to the act so consented
        to or approved. No act done by Lessor or anyone authorized by Lessor
        during the term of this Lease shall be deemed an acceptance of a
        surrender of the Premises, and no agreement to accept such surrender
        shall be valid unless in writing and signed by Lessor. No agent or
        employee of Lessor or of any entity authorized by Lessor shall have any
        power to accept the keys to the Premises prior to the termination of
        this Lease, and the delivery of the keys to any such 

                                                          Lessor's Initials ____
                                                          Lessee's Initials ____


        employee or agent shall not operate as a termination of the Lease or a
        surrender of the Premises.

22.2    Certain Waivers by Lessee

        Except as provided in Paragraph 25 relating to Lessor's remedies, Lessee
        hereby expressly waives the service of any notice of intention to
        terminate this Lease or to re-enter the Premises and waives the service
        of any demand for payment of rent or for possession and waives the
        service of any other notice or demand prescribed by any statute or other



        Lessee shall, at any time and from time to time, upon not less than ten
        (10) days' prior written notice from Lessor, execute, acknowledge and
        deliver to Lessor a statement in writing (i) certifying that this Lease
        is unmodified and in full force and effect (or if modified, stating the
        nature of such modification and certifying that this Lease, as so
        modified, is in full force and effect) and the dates to which the rental
        and other charges are paid in advance, if any; (ii) acknowledging that
        there are not, to Lessee's knowledge, any uncured defaults on the part
        of Lessor hereunder, or specifying such default if they are claimed. Any
        such statement may be relied upon by any prospective purchaser or
        encumbrancer of all or any portion of the real property of which the
        Premises are a part.


        Lessee's failure to deliver such statement within such time shall be
        conclusive upon Lessee (i) that this Lease is in full force and effect,
        without modification except as may be represented by Lessor, (ii) that
        there are no uncured defaults in Lessor's performance, (iii) that no
        rental has been paid in advance, and (iv) that any other matters
        submitted for verification are true. Lessee's failure to provide such
        statement within the specified time shall be a material breach of this


        Any amount due from Lessee to Lessor hereunder which is not paid when
due shall bear interest at the rate specified in Paragraph 1 hereof (or if none
is so specified at the rate of one and one half percent (1-1/2%) per month from
the due date until paid, unless otherwise specifically provided herein, but the
payment of such interest shall not excuse or cure any default by Lessee under
this Lease.

        If the interest rate specified in this Lease is higher than the rate
permitted by law, the interest rate is hereby decreased to the maximum legal
interest rate permitted by law.

                                                          Lessor's Initials ____
                                                          Lessee's Initials ____




        The occurrence of any one or more of the following events shall
        constitute a material default ("Default") and breach of this Lease by

        (i)    The vacating, surrender or abandonment of the Premises by lessee
               or dispossession by process of law or otherwise. Lessee shall be
               deemed to "abandoned" the Premises for all purposes of this
               Paragraph 25 in the event Lessee shall not use the Premises in
               the conduct of its business for ten (10) or more consecutive
               business days, unless Lessee is prevented from doing so by fire,
               act of God, casualty or other cause (other than financial or
               business causes) beyond Lessee's reasonable control; such non-use
               of the Premises shall not be deemed an abandonment thereof if
               Lessee continues to pay Rent unless the Premises are on the
               ground floor.

        (ii)   The failure of Lessee to make any payment of Rent or any other
               payment required to be made by Lessee hereunder, as and when due,
               where such failure shall continue for a period of five (5) days
               after written notice thereof from Lessor to Lessee.

        (iii)  The failure by Lessee to observe or perform any of the covenants,
               conditions or provisions of this Lease to be observed or
               performed by Lessee, other than described above, where such
               failure shall continue for a period of fifteen (15) days after
               written notice thereof from Lessor to Lessee.

        (iv)   The making by Lessee of any general assignment, or general
               arrangement for the benefit of creditors; the filing by or
               against Lessee of a petition to have Lessee adjudged a bankrupt
               or a petition for reorganization or arrangement under any law
               relating to bankruptcy (unless, in the case of a petition filed
               against Lessee, the same is dismissed within sixty (60) days; the
               appointment of a trustee or receiver to take possession of
               substantially all of Lessee's assets located at the Premises or
               of Lessee's interest in this Lease, where possession is not
               restored to Lessee within thirty (30) days; or the attachment,
               execution or other judicial seizure of substantially all of
               Lessee's assets located at the Premises or of Lessee's interest
               in this Lease where such seizure is not discharged within thirty
               (30) days.

25.2    REMEDIES

        (a)    IN GENERAL

                                                          Lessor's Initials ____
                                                          Lessee's Initials ____


               In the event of any Default by Lessee, at any time thereafter,
               and without limiting Lessor in the exercise of any other right or
               remedy which Lessor may have by reason of such default or breach,
               Lessor may: (i) without terminating the Lease or Lessee's right
               to possession of the Premises, hold Lessee responsible for all
               terms of this Lease and all damages (including, but not limited
               to, consequential damages) resulting from the Default, (ii)
               terminate Lessee's right to possession of the Premises and
               re-enter the Premises with or without terminating this Lease and
               hold Lessee responsible for all terms of this Lease and all
               damages (including, but not limited to, consequential damages)
               resulting from the Default; (iii) distrain for Rent; or (iv)
               pursue any other remedy at law, in equity, by statute or elsewise
               available. In the event that Lessor elects to terminate Lessee's
               right to possession of the Premises, Lessee shall surrender the
               Premises as specified in Paragraph 2.3 hereof.

        (b)    RELETTING

               Lessor shall have no obligation to attempt to relet. Upon
               re-entering the Premises, Lessor may relet the Premises or any
               part thereof (but giving priority to the letting of other
               available space in the Project) for such term, on such conditions
               and at such rental as Lessor may deem advisable with the right to
               make alterations and repairs to the Premises. Should Lessor elect
               to relet, rental received by Lessor from reletting shall be
               applied in this order: first, to any indebtedness other than rent
               due under this Lease; second, to the payment of any costs of such
               reletting; third, to the payment of the cost of any alteration
               and repairs to the Premises; fourth, to the payment of Rent due
               and unpaid under this Lease; and the remainder, if any, shall be
               held by Lessor and applied in payment of future Rent as the same
               becomes due and payable under this Lease. Should rentals received
               from such reletting during any month be less than that agreed to
               be paid during that month by Lessee under this Lease, then Lessee
               immediately shall pay and be liable for such deficiency to

        (c)    INJUNCTIVE RELIEF

               In the event of any violation or attempted violation of this
               Lease or of any of the terms, covenants or provisions hereof by
               Lessee, Lessor shall be entitled to equitable relief (including
               but not limited to, restraint by injunction) without waiting for
               such violation or attempted violation to become a Default.


        Upon any re-entry pursuant hereto, Lessor may remove therefrom all
        personal property, fixtures, signs and other property, and such property
        may be removed and stored in any place for the account and at the
        expense and risk of Lessee. Lessee hereby waives all claims for damages
        which may be caused by the re-entry of Lessor and taking possession 

                                                          Lessor's Initials ____
                                                          Lessee's Initials ____


        of the Premises, or the removing or storage of the property as herein
        provided, and will save Lessor harmless from any loss, cost or damages
        occasioned thereby, and no such re-entry shall be considered or
        construed to be forcible entry or detainer.

               No such re-entry or taking possession by Lessor shall be
        construed as an election on its part to terminate this Lease unless a
        written notice of such intention is given to Lessee.



        At any time that as Default exists, and notwithstanding any reletting 
               without termination or other action Lessor may have taken in
               relation to such Default, Lessor may elect to terminate this
               Lease; such election shall be effected by written notice to
               Lessee. Should Lessor at any time terminate this Lease for any
               Default, in addition to any other remedy Lessor may have, Lessor
               may recover from Lessee all damages Lessor may incur by reason
               of such breach, including, without limitation, consequential
               damages, the cost of recovering the Premises and the present
               worth (at the time of such termination) of the Rent and charges
               equivalent to rent as reserved in this Lease for the remainder
               of the Term.


               Lessee shall reimburse Lessor for all costs and expenses
               (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees)
               incurred by Lessor in conjunction with the enforcement of the
               terms of this Lease and the exercise of any remedies.


        All notices to be given by one party to the other under this Lease shall
be in writing, mailed or delivered to each as follows:

               (a)     To Lessor at the Mailing Address specified in Paragraph 1

               (b)     To Lessee at either the Premises or its principal place
                       of business specified above.

        Such addresses may be changed by written notice to the other party.
Mailed notices shall be sent by United States certified or registered mail,
postage prepaid. Such notices shall be deemed to have been given upon posting in
the United States mail.


                                                          Lessor's Initials ____
                                                          Lessee's Initials ____


        This Lease and the obligations of Lessee hereunder shall not be affected
or impaired because Lessor is unable to fulfill any of its obligations hereunder
or is delayed in doing so, if such inability or delay is caused by reason of any
strike, other labor dispute, FORCE MAJEURE or other cause beyond the reasonable
control of Lessor.


        Lessor expressly reserves the right, at any time or from time to time,
to place liens and encumbrances on and against the Premises and the Project,
superior in lien and effect to this Lease and the estate created hereby;
provided, however, that any such lien or encumbrances shall provide that the
holder thereof will recognize Lessee's rights hereunder, notwithstanding any
foreclosure of such lien or encumbrance.

        If Lessor's interest in the Property is acquired by any ground Lessor,
beneficiary under a Deed of Trust, mortgagee, or purchaser at a foreclosure
sale, Lessee shall attorn to the transferee of or successor to Lessor's interest
in the Property and recognize such transferee or successor as Lessor under the
Lease. Tenant waives the protection of any statute or rule of law which gives,
or purports to give, Lessee any right to terminate this Lease or surrender
possession of the Property upon the transfer of Lessor's interest.


        Lessor may, at its election, upon thirty (30) days' written notice to
Lessee of its desire to do so, exclude the specified leased Premises from the
Lease and substitute other premises (which will, thereafter, be the "Premises")
within the Project therefore, upon the following terms and conditions:

        (a)    The substituted premises shall contain approximately the same
               square footage as the specified leased Premises, without increase
               of rental and shall be usable for Lessee's purpose.

        (b)    Any and all costs necessary or incidental to Lessee's move to the
               substituted premises shall be at the sole cost and expense of
               Lessor and free of all cost and expense to Lessee.

        (c)    Upon the expiration of thirty (30) days after such written notice
               to Lessee, the substituted premises shall be considered the
               leased Premises described in the Lease, for all uses and
               purposes, as though originally leased unto Lessee at the time of
               the execution and delivery of this Lease, and the specified
               leased Premises shall be considered excluded from the Lease.

        Lessee's failure to cooperate and to move to the substitute premises in
a timely and orderly fashion shall be a material breach hereof and shall be
deemed to be a holdover of the Premises.

                                                          Lessor's Initials ____
                                                          Lessee's Initials ____



        Lessee represents and warrants that it has dealt with no broker, agent
or other person in connection with this transaction except as identified in
Paragraph 1 hereof and that no broker, agent or other person brought about this
transaction, other than the Broker identified in Paragraph 1, and the Lessee
agrees to indemnify and hold Lessor harmless from and against any claim by any
other broker, agent or other person claiming a commission or other form of
compensation by virtue of having dealt with or for Lessee with regard to this
leasing transaction. The provisions of this Paragraph shall survive the
termination of this Lease.


        Neither Lessor nor any present or future general or limited partner of
Lessor, or its or their assigns, nor their respective partners, agents,
officers, or employees, shall have any personal liability or any kind or nature,
for or by reason of any matter or thing whatsoever, under or in connection with
this Lease. Lessee shall look solely to the Project for satisfaction of any
claim against Lessor or arising under this Lease. The limitation of liability
provided in this Paragraph is in addition, and not in limitation of, any
applicable limitation on liability provided by law or by any other contract,
agreement or instrument.


        Lessor has no obligation or responsibility whatsoever to provide or
oversee security or security services for the Premises, the Building or the
Project; but Lessor may, in its sole discretion, provide security or retain a
security service. Lessee (for itself, its employees and agents and any person
claiming through Lessee) hereby releases Lessor and Lessor's employees, agents
and manager from , and waives any and all claims for loss of or damage to person
or property sustained by Lessee (or any employees or agents, or any persons
claiming through Lessee) or by any occupant of the Project, Building or the
Premises or any part thereof relating to, resulting from or in any way deriving
from the effectiveness, sufficiency, insufficiency or absence of security or
security services for or with respect to the Premises, the Building or the


        (a)    All rights and remedies of Lessor under this Lease shall be
               cumulative and none shall exclude any other rights and remedies
               allowed by law.

        (b)    The provisions hereof shall apply without regard to the number or
               gender of words and expressions unused herein.

        (c)    Each of the provisions of this Lease shall extend to and shall,
               as the case may require, bind or inure to the benefit, not only
               of Lessor and of Lessee, but also 

                                                          Lessor's Initials ____
                                                          Lessee's Initials ____


               their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors and
               assigns, provided this clause shall not permit any assignment
               contrary to the provisions of Paragraph 12 hereof.

        (d)    Submission of this instrument for examination shall not bind
               Lessor in any manner, and no lease or obligation of Lessor shall
               arise until this instrument is signed and delivered by Lessor and

        (e)    No rights to light or air over any property, whether belonging to
               lessor or any other person, are granted to Lessee by this Lease.

        (f)    Lessor shall not be responsible to Lessee for the nonperformance
               by any other tenant or occupant of the Building of any of the
               Rules and Regulations established by the Lessor for the Building.

        (g)    Clauses, plats and riders, if any, signed by Lessor and Lessee
               and endorsed on or affixed to this Lease are a part hereof.

        (h)    Time is of the essence with respect to the performance of every
               provision of this Lease in which time of performance is a factor.

        (i)    The paragraph captions contained in this Lease are for
               convenience only and shall not be considered in the construction
               or interpretation of any provision hereof.

        (j)    This Lease contains all of the agreements of the parties hereto
               with respect to any matter covered or mentioned in this Lease,
               and no prior agreement or understanding pertaining to any such
               matter shall be effective for any purpose. No provision of this
               Lease may be amended or added to except by an agreement in
               writing signed by the parties hereto or their respective
               successors in interest.

        (k)    This Lease shall be governed by and controlled pursuant to the
               laws of the state in which the Project is located.

        (l)    No receipt of money by the Lessor from the Lessee after the
               termination of this Lease or Lessee's right to occupancy of the
               Premises, or after the service of any notice, or after the
               commencement of any suit, or after final judgment for possession
               of the Premises shall reinstate, continue or extend the term of
               this Lease or affect any such notice, demand or suit or imply
               consent for any action for which Lessor's consent is required.

        (m)    This Lease shall not be recorded without the consent of Lessor.

        (n)    In the absence of fraud, no person, firm or corporation, or the
               heirs, legal representative, successors and assigns, respectively
               thereof, executing this Lease 

                                                          Lessor's Initials ____
                                                          Lessee's Initials ____


               as agent shall ever be deemed or held individually liable
               hereunder for any reason or cause whatsoever.

        (o)    In the event of variation or discrepancy, the Lessor's original
               copy of the Lease shall control.

        (p)    If because of any act or omission of Lessee, its employees,
               agents, contractors or subcontractors, any mechanic's lien or
               other lien, charge or order for the payment of money shall be
               filed against Lessor, or against all or any portion of the
               Premises or the Building of which the Premises are a part or the
               Project, Lessee shall, at its own cost and expense, cause the
               same to be discharged of record or give the Lessor a surety bond
               of at least 200% of the lien, within thirty (30) days after the
               filing thereof, and Lessee shall indemnify and save harmless
               Lessor, its employees and agents against and from all costs,
               liabilities, suits, penalties, claims and demands, including
               reasonable attorneys' fees resulting therefrom.

LESSOR:  AJ Partners Limited Partnership        LESSEE:

By:  Draper and Kramer of California, Inc.      Leasecomm Corporation
     a California Corporation                   a         Corporation

Its: Manager

/s/ Richard J. Loeber                           /s/ Stephen E. Obana FOR
- ----------------------------------              --------------------------------

By:  Richard J. Loeber                          By:  Mike Lannon

Its: Vice President                             Its: Vice President

/s/ Lawrence A. Cohen
- ---------------------------------

By:  Lawrence A. Cohen

Its: Senior Vice President

                                                          Lessor's Initials ____
                                                          Lessee's Initials ____



        This Acknowledgement is executed as of _______ day of 1993 with
reference to that certain Lease Agreement ("Lease") dated JULY 12, 1993, by and

        Lessor and Lessee hereby acknowledge and agree as follows:

        1.     That the Lessee accepted possession of the Demised Premises (as
               described in said Lease) on _________________ 1993, and
               acknowledged that the premises are as represented by Lessor and
               in good order, condition and repair; and that the improvements,
               if any required to be constructed for Lessee by Lessor under this
               Lease, have been so constructed and are satisfactorily completed
               in all respects.

        2.     That all conditions of said Lease to be performed by Lessor
               prerequisite to the full effectiveness of said Lease have been
               satisfied and that Lessor has fulfilled all of its duties of an
               inducement nature.

        3.     The Commencement Date under the said Lease is _________________
               1993. The Termination Date under the said Lease is
               ________________ 1997, subject to any applicable provisions of
               the Lease for extension or early termination thereof.

        4.     That said Lease is in full force and effect and that the same
               represents the entire agreement between Lessor and Lessee
               concerning said Lease.

        5.     That there are no existing defenses which Lessee has against the
               enforcement of said Lease by Lessor and no offsets or credits
               against rentals.

        6.     That the minimum rental obligations of said Lease is presently in
               effect and that all rents, charges and other obligations on the
               part of the Lessee under said Lease commenced to accrue on 
               ________________, 1993.

        7.     That the undersigned Lessee has no notice of prior assignment,
               hypothecation or pledge of said Lease or of rents thereunder.

LESSOR: AJ Partners Limited Partnership         LESSEE

By:  Draper and Kramer of California, Inc.      Leasecomm Corporation
     a California Corporation

Its: Manager

- ----------------------------------        --------------------------------------

                                                          Lessor's Initials ____
                                                          Lessee's Initials ____


By:  Richard J. Loeber                          By:  Mike Lannon

Its: Vice President                             Its:

- ----------------------------------

By:  Lawrence A. Cohen

Its: Senior Vice President

                                                          Lessor's Initials ____
                                                          Lessee's Initials ____


                            FIRST AMENDMENT TO LEASE
                                 by and between
                   AJ PARTNERS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, as Lessor

        This First Amendment to Lease (hereinafter called "First Amendment") is
following facts:

A.      Lessor and Lessee are parties to that certain Lease dated July 12, 1993,
        (hereinafter called the "Lease"), which commenced on September 1, 1993,
        covering approximately 2,933 rentable square feet commonly known as
        39899 Balentine Drive, Suite 365 in Newark, California 94560 (the

        NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and obligations
contained herein, Lessor and Lessee hereby amends and supersedes the following
paragraphs of said Lease as follows:

LESSEE'S PRINCIPAL OFFICE:    Leasecomm Corporation
                              950 Winter Street
                              Waltham, MA 02154-876

PARAGRAPH 1.4          BASE RENT: The Base Rent for the Premises shall be:
                       $4,106.20 per month for September 1, 1997 through
                       December 31, 1998; $4,399.50 per month for January 1,
                       1999 through April 30, 2000; and $4,692.80 per month for
                       May 1, 2000 through August 31, 2001.

PARAGRAPH 1.5          ADDITIONAL RENT: The base operating amount for the 
                       period of September 1, 1997 through August 31, 2001,
                       shall be modified to the 1997 Base Year.

PARAGRAPH 1.6          TERM: The lease term shall be extended for a period of 
                       forty-eight (48) months commencing at 12:01 a.m. on
                       September 1, 1997 (the "Extension Commencement Date") and
                       shall conclude at 11:59 p.m. on August 31, 2001 (the
                       "Expiration Date").

PARAGRAPH 1.8          SECURITY DEPOSIT: Lessee's security deposit shall be 


                       (a)    Comprehensive General Liability: One Million 
                       Dollars ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence and Two Million
                       Dollars ($2,000,000.00) aggregate.

                                                          Lessor's Initials ____
                                                          Lessee's Initials ____


                       (b)    Automotive Liability: One Million Dollars
                       ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence for non-owned vehicles and
                       hired vehicles.

                       (c)    Workers Compensation: Proof of workers 
                       compensation insurance.

                       (d)    Employer's Liability: Five Hundred Thousand
                       Dollars ($500,000.00) per accident.

PARAGRAPH 1.10         LESSOR'S BROKER: Birtcher Property Services.

                       LESSEE'S BROKER: None.


                              AJ Partners Limited Partnership
                              c/o Birtcher Property Services
                              39899 Balentine Drive, Suite 115
                              Newark, CA 94560


                       (a)    Lessee shall not cause or permit the release,
                       discharge, or disposal nor the presence, use,
                       transportation, generation or storage of any Hazardous
                       Materials (as hereinafter defined) in, on, under, about,
                       to, or from the Premises by either Lessee, Lessee's
                       employees, agents, contractors, or invitees (collective
                       the "Lessee") other than the use of such materials in the
                       minimum quantities reasonably necessitated by the
                       Lessee's regular business activities.

                       (b)    Lessee further agrees and covenants to Lessor, its
                       agents, employees, affiliates and shareholders
                       (collectively, the "Lessor") the following:

                              (i)     To comply with all Environmental Laws in 
                       effect, or may come into effect, applicable to the Lessee
                       or Lessee's use and occupancy of the Premises;

                              (ii)    To immediately notify Lessor, in writing,
                       of any existing, pending or threatened (a) investigation,
                       inquiry, claim or action by any governmental authority in
                       connection with any Environmental Laws; (b) third party
                       claims; (c) regulatory actions; and (d) contamination of
                       the Premises;

                                                          Lessor's Initials ____
                                                          Lessee's Initials ____


                              (iii)   Lessee shall at Lessee's expense,
                       investigate, monitor, remediate, and/or clean up any
                       Hazardous Material or other environmental condition on,
                       about, or under the Premises required as a result of
                       Lessee's use or occupancy of the Premises;

                              (iv)    To keep the Premises free of any lien 
                       imposed pursuant to any Environmental Laws; and

                              (v)     To indemnify, defend, and save Lessor
                       harmless from and against any and all claims (including
                       personal injury, real or personal property damage),
                       actions, judgments, damages, penalties, fines, costs,
                       liability, interest or attorney's fees that arise,
                       directly or indirectly from Lessee's violation of any
                       Environmental Laws or the presence of any Hazardous
                       Materials on, under or about the Premises;

                       (c)    The Lessee's obligations, responsibilities, and
                       liabilities under this Section shall survive expiration
                       of the Lease.

                       (d)    For purposes of this Section, the following 
                       definitions apply:

                              (i)     "Hazardous Materials" shall mean: (1) any
                       "hazardous waste" and/or "hazardous substance" defined
                       pursuant to any Environmental Laws; (2) asbestos or any
                       substance containing asbestos; (3) polychlorinated
                       biphenyl's; (4) lead; (5) radon; (6) pesticide; (7)
                       petroleum or any other substance containing hydrocarbons;
                       (8) any substance which, when on the Premises, is
                       prohibited by any Environmental Laws; and (9) any other
                       substance, materials, or waste which (i) by any
                       Environmental Laws requires special handling or
                       notification of any governmental authority in its
                       collection, storage, treatment, or disposal or (ii) is
                       defined or classified as hazardous, dangerous, or toxic
                       pursuant to any legal requirement.

                              (ii)    "Environmental Law" shall mean: any and
                       all federal, state, and local laws, statutes, codes,
                       ordinances, regulations, rules or other requirements,
                       relating to human health or safety or to the environment,
                       including, but not limited to, those applicable to the
                       storage, treatment, disposal, handling, and release of
                       any Hazardous Materials, all as amended or modified from
                       time to time.

        In consideration for this renewal, Lessor shall shampoo the carpets in
the entire premises. Except as otherwise noted, all other terms and conditions
of the Lease which commenced on September 1, 1993, shall remain in full force
and effect.

                                                          Lessor's Initials ____
                                                          Lessee's Initials ____


        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Lessor and Lessee execute this First Amendment to
Lease on this 26TH day of August 1997.

LESSOR:                                 LESSEE:

By:  Birtcher Property Services         a Massachusetts Corporation
     a California Corporation
Its: Manager

/s/ Lynda L. Bettini                    /s/ Richard F. Latour
- --------------------------------        ----------------------------------------
By:  Lynda L. Bettini                   By:  Richard F. Latour
Its: Vice President                     Its: Executive Vice President

/s/ Michael S. Buzar
- --------------------------------
By:  Michael S. Buzar
Its: Senior Vice President

                                                          Lessor's Initials ____
                                                          Lessee's Initials ____


                                    EXHIBIT A

              [Diagram of Ground Level Floorplan and Parking Areas]

                       [Diagram of Third Level Floor Plan]


                                    EXHIBIT B

                            [Diagram of Third Floor]


                                   EXHIBIT B1

                             [Diagram of Suite 365]