STOCK PURCHASE AGREEMENT

                                  BY AND AMONG

                                BEC GROUP, INC.,

                            FOSTER GRANT GROUP, L.P.,

                         FOSTER GRANT HOLDINGS, INC. AND

                          ACCESSORIES ASSOCIATES, INC.

                          DATED AS OF NOVEMBER 13, 1996


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.  Definitions............................................................   2

2.  Purchase and Sale of Shares; Adjustment to Purchase Price;
    Excluded Liabilities ..................................................   5
    2.1    Purchase and Sale of Shares.....................................   5
    2.2    Consideration ..................................................   6
    2.3    Excluded Liabilities and Transfer of Dallas Property ...........   6
    2.4    Litigation Liabilities..........................................   7

3.  Closing  ..............................................................   8
    3.1    The Closing ....................................................   8
    3.2    Deliveries at the Closing ......................................   8
    3.3    Generally.......................................................   8

4.  Representations and Warranties of the Seller ..........................   8
    4.1    Organization, Qualification and Corporate Power.................   8
    4.2    Capitalization..................................................   9
    4.3    Financial Statements ...........................................   9
    4.4    Absence of Undisclosed Liabilities .............................  10
    4.5    Income Taxes ...................................................  10
    4.6    Litigation and Claims...........................................  11
    4.7    Status of Property Owned or Leased..............................  12
    4.8    Contracts and Other Instruments.................................  15
    4.9    Employee Benefits ..............................................  16
    4.10   Intellectual Property ..........................................  18
    4.11   Authority to Sell...............................................  21
    4.12   Environmental Matters...........................................  22
    4.13   Labor Practices.................................................  23
    4.14   Compliance with Laws, Permits and Licenses......................  23
    4.15   Directors, Officers and Key Employees ..........................  23
    4.16   Absence of Certain Changes......................................  24
    4.17   Insurance ......................................................  24
    4.18   Transactions With Interested Persons............................  25
    4.19   Brokers' Fees...................................................  25
    4.20   Sales Representatives...........................................  25
    4.21   Processes and Customer Lists....................................  25
    4.22   General Representation..........................................  25
    4.23   Non-Distributive Intent.........................................  25


5.  Representations and Warranties of the Purchaser........................ 26
    5.1    Organization.................................................... 26
    5.2    Authorization of Transaction.................................... 26
    5.3    Validity of Preferred Stock..................................... 26
    5.4    Litigation...................................................... 26
    5.5    Non-Distributive Intent ........................................ 27
    5.6    No Conflicts ................................................... 27
    5.7    Brokers' Fees................................................... 27
    5.8    Independent Investigation....................................... 27

6.  Conditions to the Obligations of the Purchaser and the Seller.......... 28
    6.1    Conditions to the Obligations of the Purchaser.................. 28
    6.2    Conditions to the Obligations of the Seller .................... 32

7.  Covenants and Agreements of the Purchaser and the Seller............... 33
    7.1    Confidentiality................................................. 33
    7.2    Best Efforts.................................................... 34
    7.3    Operation of Business .......................................... 34
    7.4    Full Access..................................................... 36
    7.5    Occupation of the Dallas Property............................... 36
    7.6    Payment of Certain Employee Bonuses............................. 36
    7.7    Further Assurances.............................................. 36
    7.8    Name Change..................................................... 36
    7.9    Bolle(R)Brand................................................... 36
    7.10   Non-Competition................................................. 37
    7.11   Income Taxes and Income Tax Preparation......................... 37
    7.12   Characterization of Certain Payments............................ 40
    7.13   Inventory Price Adjustment...................................... 40
    7.14   Certain Employee Benefits....................................... 40
    7.15   Hart-Scott Rodino............................................... 41
    7.16   Release of Guaranties........................................... 41

8.  Indemnification ....................................................... 41
    8.1    By the Seller................................................... 41
    8.2    By the Purchaser and AAi........................................ 42
    8.3    Limitations..................................................... 42
    8.4    Indemnity Procedures............................................ 43



9.  Miscellaneous.......................................................... 44
    9.1    Public Statements............................................... 44
    9.2    Survival of Representations, Warranties and Covenants........... 44
    9.3    No Third-Party Beneficiaries.................................... 45
    9.4    Entire Agreement ............................................... 45
    9.5    Succession and Assignment....................................... 45
    9.6    Counterparts.................................................... 45
    9.7    Headings and Recitals........................................... 45
    9.8    Notices......................................................... 45
    9.9    Governing Law................................................... 47
    9.10   Amendments and Waivers.......................................... 47
    9.11   Severability ................................................... 48
    9.12   Agreements, Documents and Instruments........................... 48
    9.13   Expenses........................................................ 48
    9.14   AAi Guaranty ................................................... 48


                            STOCK PURCHASE AGREEMENT

         STOCK PURCHASE AGREEMENT, dated as of November 13, 1996, by and among
BEC GROUP, INC., a Delaware corporation with offices at 555 Theodore Fremd
Avenue, Rye, New York 10580 (the "Seller"), FOSTER GRANT GROUP, L.P., a Delaware
limited partnership with offices at 1601 Valley View Lane, Dallas, Texas 75234
(the "Partnership"), FOSTER GRANT HOLDINGS, INC., a Delaware corporation with
offices at 1601 Valley View Lane, Dallas, Texas 75234 (the "Purchaser") and
Accessories Associates, Inc., a Rhode Island corporation with offices at 500
George Washington Highway, Smithfield, Rhode Island 02917 (the "AAi").

         WHEREAS, the Seller owns all of the issued and outstanding shares of
capital stock of The Bonneau Company, a corporation organized under Texas law
("Bonneau"), Opti-Ray, Inc., a corporation organized under New York law
("Opti-Ray"), and Asian Buying Source, Inc., a corporation organized under
Delaware law ("ABS");

         WHEREAS, Opti-Ray owns all of the issued and outstanding shares of
capital stock of O-Ray Holdings, Inc., a corporation organized under Delaware
law ("O-Ray Holdings");

         WHEREAS, Bonneau owns all of the issued and outstanding shares of
capital stock of BEC Distribution, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("BEC
Distribution"), Bonneau General, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("Bonneau
General"), Bonneau Holdings, a Delaware corporation ("Bonneau Holdings") and
Maximum Merchandising, Inc., a New York corporation ("MMI");

         WHEREAS, Bonneau General is the sole general partner, and Bonneau
Holdings and O-Ray Holdings are all of the limited partners, of the Partnership;

         WHEREAS, Bonneau, Opti-Ray and ABS, together with their respective
subsidiaries, and the Partnership (collectively, the "Foster Grant Group", and
individually, a "member" of the Foster Grant Group);

         WHEREAS, AAi owns all of the issued and outstanding shares of capital
stock of the Purchaser;

         WHEREAS, the Purchaser desires to acquire the Foster Grant Group from
the Seller, and the Seller desires to sell the Foster Grant Group to the

         WHEREAS, AAi desires to facilitate such transaction and in connection
therewith desires to guarantee the performance by the Purchaser of its
obligations hereunder and to enter into the agreements set forth herein;

         WHEREAS, in order to effect such purchase and sale, the Seller will
sell, and the Purchaser will purchase, all issued and outstanding shares of
capital stock owned by the Seller of Bonneau (the "Bonneau Shares"), Opti-Ray
(the "Opti-Ray Shares") and ABS (the "ABS

Shares") (the Bonneau Shares, ABS Shares and Opti-Ray Shares are collectively
referred to as the "Shares"), all in accordance with and subject to the terms
and conditions of this Agreement.

         NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto, in consideration of the mutual
promises contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the
receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged hereby, agree as

1.       DEFINITIONS. For purposes of this Agreement, the following terms shall
         have the following definitions:

         "AAi" has the meaning set forth in the preface, above.

         "ABS Shares" has the meaning set forth in the preface, above.

         "Affiliate" means, with respect to any Person, any other Person which
         directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by or is under common
         control with such Person and the officers, directors, and partners of
         such Person and such other Persons.

         "Bonneau Shares" has the meaning set forth in the preface, above.

         "Cash Consideration" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.2, below.

         "Closing" has the meaning set forth in Section 3.1, below.

         "Closing Date" is the date on which the Closing occurs.

         "Code" has the meaning set forth in Section 4.9(b), below.

         "Confidential Information" means all non-public information, of
         whatever kind and in whatever form, concerning the businesses and
         affairs of the Seller, the Foster Grant Group, the Purchaser and AAi,
         provided such information has been adequately identified as or can
         reasonably be construed to be confidential, and excluding the
         exceptions set forth in Section 7.1(b), below.

         "Contaminants" means (i) any pollutant, contaminant, petroleum, crude
         oil or any fraction thereof or hazardous substance (within the meaning
         of such terms under the Federal Comprehensive Environmental Response,
         Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, as amended (and any
         implementing regulations) ("CERCLA") or any similar applicable state or
         local legal requirements); (ii) any hazardous or toxic substance or
         material within the meaning of any law applicable to the Foster Grant
         Group; or (iii) any hazardous waste within the meaning of the Federal
         Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, as amended (and any
         implementing regulations) ("RCRA").

         "Contract" means any contract, agreement, letter agreement or other
         obligation, written or oral.

         "Copyrights" has the meaning set forth in Section 4.10(a).

         "Dallas Property" means the real property described more fully in
         Attachment I hereto, including the buildings located thereon, and
         located at 1601 Valley View Lane, Farmer's Branch, Texas 75234.

         "Closing Date" has the meaning set forth in Section 3.1, below.

         "Employee Benefit Plan" mean any (a) Employee Pension Benefit Plan
         (including any Multiemployer Plan), (b) Employee Welfare Benefit Plan,
         (c) other employee benefit, deferred compensation, excess benefit,
         stock and incentive plans, contracts, program, funds, or arrangements
         (whether written or oral, qualified or nonqualified, funded or
         unfunded, foreign or domestic, currently effective), or (d) any trust,
         escrow or similar agreement related thereto.

         "Employee Pension Benefit Plan" has the meaning set forth in ERISA Sec.

         "Employee Welfare Benefit Plan" has the meaning set forth in ERISA Sec.

         "Encumbrance" has the meaning set forth in Sec. 4.7(a)(ii).

         "Environmental Laws" means all federal, state and location
         environmental, health and safety laws, codes and ordinances and all
         rules, regulations and ecological standards promulgated thereunder,
         including without limitation, laws relation to emissions, discharges,
         releases or threatened releases of Contaminants, into the environment
         (including, without limitation, air, surface water, ground water, land,
         surface or subsurface strata) or otherwise relating to the manufacture,
         processing, distribution, use, treatment, storage, disposal,
         generation, refining, production, transportation or handling of

         "ERISA" means the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as

         "Excluded Liabilities" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.3, below.

         "Financial Statements" has the meaning set forth in Section 4.3, below.

         "Foster Grant Group" has the meaning set forth in the preface.

         "Income Tax" means any applicable federal, state, local, or foreign
         income tax, including any interest, penalty, or addition thereto.

         "Income Tax Return" means any federal, state, local, or foreign income
         tax return, declaration, report, claim for refund or information return
         or statement relating to Income Taxes, including any schedule or
         attachment thereto.

         "Indemnified Loss" has the meaning set forth in Section 8.1, below.

         "Indemnified Party" has the meaning set forth in Section 8.4(a), below.

         "Indemnifying Party" has the meaning set forth in Section 8.4(a),

         "Intellectual Property" has the meaning set forth in Section 4.10,

         "Last Balance Sheet" has the meaning set forth in Section 4.3, below.

         "Leases" has the meaning set forth in Section 4.7(a)(v).

         "Litigation Costs" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.4(b), below.

         "Litigation Liabilities" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.4(a),

         "Material Adverse Effect" means a material adverse effect upon the
         business, assets, financial condition, results of operations, income,
         properties or liabilities taken as a whole of either (i) the Foster
         Grant Group or of (ii) any member of the Foster Grant Group.

         "Mortgage" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.3, below.

         "Multiemployer Plan" has the meaning set forth in ERISA Sec. 3(37).

         "Net Working Capital" means the positive difference, if any, between
         (x) sum of (a) Net Receivables and (b) Net Inventory less (y) Accounts
         Payable representing amounts due to non-Affiliates, all determined in
         accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and consistent
         with prior practices of Foster Grant Group.

         "Opti-Ray Shares" has the meaning set forth in the preface, above.

         "Ordinary Course of Business" means the conduct of business consistent
         with past custom and practice; provided, that Purchaser acknowledges
         that Seller has actively sought to divest the Foster Grant Group, and
         Purchaser agrees that actions taken through the date of this Agreement
         and disclosed to Purchaser and any actions permitted by this Agreement
         to be taken by Seller prior to the Closing by Seller, members of the
         Foster Grant Group and/or the Partnership in connection with or in
         preparation for such proposed transaction, together with actions
         expressly contemplated by this Agreement, shall for the purposes of
         this Agreement be deemed to have been taken or done in the Ordinary
         Course of Business.

         "Partnership" has the meaning set forth in the preface.

         "Patents" has the meaning set forth in Section 4.10(a).

         "Person" means an individual, a partnership, a corporation, an
         association, a joint stock company, a trust, a joint venture, an
         unincorporated organization, or a governmental entity (or any
         department, agency, or political subdivision thereof).

         "Preferred Stock" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.2, below.

         "Purchase Price" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.2, below.

         "Records" has the meaning set forth in Section 7.4, below.

         "Security Interest" means any mortgage, pledge, lien, encumbrance,
         charge, or other security interest other than any of the following that
         has been disclosed to the Purchaser in this Agreement (a) mechanic's,
         materialmen's, and similar liens, (b) liens for taxes not yet due and
         payable (or for taxes that the taxpayer is contesting in good faith
         through appropriate proceedings), (c) purchase money, security
         interests, or liens, arising in the Ordinary Course of Business, and
         liens securing rental payments under capital lease arrangements, and
         (d) other liens arising in the Ordinary Course of Business and not
         incurred in connection with the borrowing of money.

         "Seller" has the meaning set forth in the preface above.

         "Seller's Knowledge" means (i) actual knowledge of the management of
         the Seller and of the senior management of the Partnership or (ii)
         knowledge that any such individual should or could reasonably be
         expected to discover or otherwise become aware of in the course of
         performing his or her duties and/or conducting a reasonably
         comprehensive investigation in connection with the negotiation of this
         Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby.

         "Shares" has the meaning set forth in the preface, above.

         "Subsidiary" means any corporation with respect to which a specified
         Person (or a Subsidiary thereof) owns a majority of the common stock or
         has the power to vote or direct the voting of sufficient securities to
         elect a majority of the directors.

         "Threshold" has the meaning set forth in Section 8.3(a), below.

         "Trademarks" has the meaning set forth in Section 4.10(a).


         2.1      PURCHASE AND SALE OF SHARES. Subject to the terms and
         conditions of this Agreement, the Seller shall sell, assign, transfer,
         and convey to the Purchaser at the Closing (as hereinafter defined) all
         of the issued and outstanding Bonneau Shares, which consist of 1,000
         shares of common stock, par value $1.00 per share; Opti-Ray Shares,


         which consist of 100 shares of common stock, no par value per share;
         and ABS Shares, which consist of 1,000 shares of common stock, par
         value $.001 per share.

         2.2      CONSIDERATION. (i) In consideration for the sale of the
         Shares, at the Closing the Purchaser shall deliver: $29,000,000 (the
         "Cash Consideration") in immediately available funds to the Seller,
         together with (ii) a certificate, registered in the Seller's name,
         representing 100 shares of Purchaser's Class A Non-Dividend Preferred
         Stock (the "Preferred Stock") having an aggregate face and liquidation
         value and such other rights as are described in SCHEDULE 5.3 hereto and
         (iii) an amount equal to all cash advances to the Foster Grant Group or
         any member of the Foster Grant Group made by the Seller and approved by
         AAi during the period from November 13, 1996 to the Closing Date
         provided, however, that notwithstanding any approval by AAi of any such
         advance, Purchaser shall not be obligated to make any payments under
         this clause (iii) in excess of the increase, if any, in the Net Working
         Capital on the Closing Date as determined by AAi's independent public
         accountants over $21,931,693 being the Net Working Capital determined
         at September 30, 1996 according to the Balance Sheet of such date.
         Purchaser and Seller shall make an estimate of the amount due hereunder
         on or prior to the Closing (the "Estimated Payment"). If the Estimated
         Payment shall be greater or less than the amount determined due under
         clause (iii) by Purchaser's accountant, then the party who shall have
         overpaid or underpaid, as the case may be, shall pay the amount due to
         the other party within ten (10) days. The Cash Consideration and the
         Preferred Stock are referred to hereinafter jointly as the "Purchase

         connection with the Purchaser's purchase of the Shares, the Purchaser
         will assume all liabilities of the Foster Grant Group (subject to the
         indemnification provisions set forth in Section 8.1, below) excluding:

                  (a)      any liabilities arising under or in connection with
                  that certain Contingency Agreement, dated as of June 30, 1993
                  between Benson Eyecare Corporation and Edwin Bonneau;

                  (b)      any liabilities arising under or in connection with
                  patent litigation previously initiated by Al-Site Corporation
                  against Bonneau and Pennsylvania Optical Company;

                  (c)      any liabilities arising under or in connection with a
                  mortgage attached to the Dallas Property dated March 31, 1995
                  by and between the Partnership as mortgagor, Seller as
                  guarantor and First Interstate Bank of Texas, N.A. (the
                  "Mortgage") and all amendments to the Mortgage. In connection
                  with this subsection 2.4(c), the Seller (or its designee)
                  shall on or before the Closing Date acquire from the
                  Partnership all right, title and interest in and to the Dallas
                  Property, and in connection therewith shall assume all
                  liability in connection with such existing mortgage.

                  (The foregoing liabilities are hereafter referred to as the
                  "Excluded Liabilities").

                  The Seller shall be solely responsible for satisfying and or
                  defending against any and all claims, demands or other
                  liabilities with respect to the Excluded Liabilities, and
                  shall have sole control and direction of any defense in
                  connection therewith; provided, that Purchaser shall, and
                  after the Closing Date shall cause the Foster Grant Group
                  and/or its members to, cooperate reasonably with the Seller in
                  connection with any such defense, and the Seller shall
                  reimburse promptly any and all direct out-of-pocket expenses
                  incurred in connection with or as a result of providing such


                  (a)      In connection with the Purchaser's purchase of the
                  Shares, the Purchaser will, subject to Section 2.4(b) below,
                  assume any and all liabilities of the Foster Grant Group
                  and/or the Partnership other than the Excluded Liabilities,
                  including (without limitation) liabilities arising out of any
                  litigation pending, threatened or commenced against any member
                  of the Foster Grant Group or the Partnership or pending,
                  threatened or commenced against the Seller and relating to the
                  Foster Grant Group or its business and not referred to in
                  Section 2.3 hereinabove, including any litigation or
                  administrative or governmental proceeding (i) pending prior to
                  the Closing Date or (ii) arising out of or relating to any
                  events occurring prior to the Closing Date, including, without
                  limitation, liabilities resulting from any past or present
                  violation of any environmental laws (the liabilities described
                  in this Section 2.4(a) are referred to as the "Litigation
                  Liabilities"). No such assumption of liability shall release
                  Seller from any breach of any representations or warranties
                  made by Seller herein. Without limiting the generality of the
                  foregoing, Purchaser, and after the Closing, the members of
                  the Foster Grant Group and the Partnership, shall be solely
                  responsible for defending against any such Litigation
                  Liabilities and shall have sole direction of any defense
                  thereof; provided, that Purchaser shall consult periodically
                  with Seller and its counsel regarding the status of individual
                  claims or cases and the Purchaser shall not enter into any
                  settlement agreement or otherwise compromise or settle any
                  Litigation Liability, claim or case without the prior written
                  consent of Seller, which approval shall not be withheld or
                  delayed unreasonably.

                  (b)      It is understood and agreed that, as between the
                  Purchaser and the Seller, Purchaser shall have no liability
                  for any direct out-of-pocket costs or expenses relating to or
                  arising from the Litigation Liabilities (including, without
                  limitation, defense costs, attorneys fees, amounts assessed as
                  damages and settlement costs) ("Litigation Costs") to the
                  extent such Litigation Costs exceed $500,000. Purchaser shall
                  be solely responsible for the first $100,000 of any and all
                  Litigation Costs, and Purchaser and Seller shall share equally
                  all Litigation Costs exceeding $100,000 and up to $500,000. To
                  the extent any such Litigation Costs are recoverable from
                  third parties or indemnified against by applicable insurance


                  policies, Purchaser shall seek to recover the same and Seller
                  shall be entitled to receive from the proceeds of any such
                  recovery (reduced by the legal fees and other expenses
                  incurred by Purchaser) fifty percent (50%) of all recoveries
                  in excess of $100,000 but less than $500,000 and one hundred
                  percent (100%) of all recoveries in excess of $500,000.

3.       CLOSING.

         3.1      THE CLOSING. The closing of the purchase of the Shares
         contemplated by this Agreement (the "Closing") shall take place at the
         offices of Hinckley, Allen & Snyder, at 1500 fleet Center, Providence,
         Rhode Island 02903, no more than five days after the conditions
         precedent to Purchaser's obligations have been satisfied or waived.

         3.2      DELIVERIES AT THE CLOSING. (i) The Seller shall deliver or
         cause the delivery to the Purchaser of the various certificates,
         instruments, and documents referred to in Section 6.1 below, including,
         without limitation, one or more share certificates representing all the
         Shares and registered in the name of Purchaser, or duly endorsed in
         blank and accompanied by stock powers duly endorsed in blank, in each
         case in proper form for transfer, and with all stock transfer and any
         other required documentary stamps affixed thereto; (ii) the Purchaser
         shall deliver or cause the delivery to the Seller of the various
         certificates, instruments, and documents referred to in Section 6.2
         below and (iii) the Purchaser shall deliver to the Seller the Purchase
         Price as provided in Section 2.2.

         3.3      GENERALLY. All proceedings to be taken and all documents to be
         executed and delivered at the Closing shall be deemed to have been
         taken, executed and delivered simultaneously as of the Closing Date
         unless otherwise expressly stated, and no proceeding shall be deemed
         taken or documents deemed executed or delivered until all have been
         taken, executed and delivered.

warrants to the Purchaser with respect to the Seller and on behalf of each
member of Foster Grant Group, as follows:

         owns directly all the outstanding shares of common stock of Bonneau,
         Opti-Ray and ABS. Bonneau owns directly all the outstanding shares of
         common stock of BEC Distribution, Bonneau General, Bonneau Holdings and
         MMI. Opti-Ray owns directly all the outstanding shares of common stock
         of O-Ray Holdings. Bonneau General is the sole general partner, and
         Bonneau Holdings and O-Ray Holdings are all of the limited partners, of
         the Partnership. Bonneau, Opti-Ray and ABS, together with their
         respective subsidiaries, including the Partnership, comprise all of the
         members of the Foster Grant Group. SCHEDULE 4.1 sets forth as to each
         member of the Foster Grant Group, its place of incorporation, principal
         place of business, jurisdictions in which it is qualified to do
         business, its authorized capitalization, its shares of common stock
         outstanding, and the record and beneficial owner of those shares. Each
         member of the Foster Grant Group is a corporation or a 

         partnership (in the case of the Partnership), duly organized or formed
         (in the case of the Partnership), validly existing, and in good
         standing under the laws of its jurisdiction of incorporation or
         formation (in the case of the Partnership). Each member of the Foster
         Grant Group has all requisite corporate or partnership (in the case of
         the Partnership) power and authority, and all necessary material
         consents, authorization, approvals, orders, licenses, certificates, and
         permits of and from, and declaration and filings with, all federal,
         state, local, and other governmental authorities and all courts and
         other tribunals, to own, lease, license, and use its properties and
         assets and to carry on the business in which it is now engaged, except
         where the failure to have the same would not have a Material Adverse
         Effect. Each member of the Foster Grant Group is duly qualified to
         transact the business in which it is engaged and is in good standing as
         a foreign corporation or partnership (in the case of the Partnership)
         in every jurisdiction in which its ownership, leasing, licensing, or
         use of property or assets or the conduct of the Foster Grant Group
         makes such qualification necessary, except where the failure to be so
         qualified would not have a Material Adverse Effect. No member of the
         Foster Grant Group is in violation or breach of, or in default with
         respect to, and term of its certificate of incorporation (or other
         charter document) or by-laws or in the case of the Partnership, its
         partnership agreement. Complete copies of the Articles of Incorporation
         and Bylaws or the Certificate and Agreement of Limited Partnership (in
         the case of the Partnership) of such member of the Foster Grant Group
         have been previously delivered to Purchaser and AAi.

         4.2      CAPITALIZATION. The authorized, issued and outstanding shares
         of capital stock or other equity interest of each member of the Foster
         Grant Group are set forth on SCHEDULE 4.1. None of the Shares are held
         in treasury. Each of such outstanding shares of capital stock or other
         equity interests is duly authorized, validly issued, fully paid, and
         nonassessable, has not been issued and is not owned or held in
         violation of any preemptive right of stockholders, and is owned of
         record and beneficially by those Persons set forth on SCHEDULE 4.1, in
         each case free and clear of all Security Interests, stockholders'
         agreements, and voting trusts, other than as set forth on SCHEDULE 4.2.
         There are no outstanding or existing options, warrants, conversion
         rights, subscriptions or other rights obligating any member of the
         Foster Grant Group to issue, deliver or sell any stock or securities or
         partnership interest (in the case of the Partnership) or any
         agreements, understandings or commitments to issue the same.

         4.3      FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. The Seller has delivered to the
         Purchaser true and correct copies of the unaudited consolidated balance
         sheet of the Foster Grant Group and the unaudited consolidated
         statements of income and cash flows of the Foster Grant Group as of and
         for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1995 (the "Last Balance Sheet"),
         which have been extracted from the Seller's audited financial
         statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 1995, together
         with the unaudited consolidated balance sheet and statements of income
         and cash flows of the Foster Grant Group as of and for the nine month
         period ended September 30, 1996 (which have been prepared by management
         of the Foster Grant Group) (all of the foregoing collectively referred
         to as the "Financial Statements"). The Last Balance Sheet and the
         September 30, 1996 Balance Sheet are attached hereto as EXHIBIT A and
         EXHIBIT B, respectfully. The Financial Statements, 


         subject to the purchase accounting entries detailed on the September
         30, 1996 Balance Sheet,: (a) have been prepared in accordance with the
         books of account and records of the Foster Grant Group; (b) fairly
         present, in all material respects, the Foster Grant Group's financial
         condition and the results of their operations at the dates and for the
         periods specified in those statements; and (c) have been prepared in
         accordance with generally accepted accounting principles consistently
         applied with all prior periods, except for changes noted therein.

         4.4      ABSENCE OF UNDISCLOSED LIABILITIES. No member of the Foster
         Grant Group has any material liabilities, commitments or obligations of
         any nature whatsoever, whether written, oral, absolute, accrued or
         contingent, which are required to be reflected or reserved against in
         the Financial Statements (or disclosed in a footnote thereto) in
         accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, except for
         those (a) disclosed or reflected as liabilities or reserved for on the
         Financial Statements, (b) incurred or accrued since September 30, 1996
         in the Ordinary Course of Business, or (c) set forth on SCHEDULE 4.4 or
         any other Schedule hereto and, to the Seller's Knowledge, there is no
         basis for assertion against any member of the Foster Grant Group of any
         such material liability, commitment or obligation.

         4.5      TAXES.

                  (a)      Each corporate member of the Foster Grant Group is a
         member of the Seller's consolidated tax group, and the Seller has paid
         or caused to be paid all federal, state, local, foreign, and other
         taxes, including without limitation income taxes, estimated taxes,
         alternative minimum taxes, excise taxes, sales taxes, use taxes,
         value-added taxes, gross receipts taxes, franchise taxes, capital stock
         taxes, employment and payroll-related taxes, withholding taxes, stamp
         taxes, transfer taxes and property taxes, whether or not measured in
         whole or in part by net income, and all deficiencies, or other
         additions to tax, interest, fines and penalties owed by it
         (collectively, "Taxes"), required to be paid by it through the date
         hereof, whether disputed or not, except as disclosed in SCHEDULE 4.5
         attached hereto.

                  (b)      Except as disclosed in SCHEDULE 4.5 attached hereto,
         the Seller has in accordance with applicable law filed (or has filed
         for available extensions) all federal, state, local and foreign tax
         returns required to be filed by it through the date hereof, and all
         such returns correctly and accurately set forth the amount of any Taxes
         relating to the applicable period. SCHEDULE 4.5 contains a description
         of those returns that have been audited or currently are the subject of
         an audit. Furthermore, SCHEDULE 4.5 contains a schedule of all
         examination reports and statements of deficiencies assessed against or
         agreed to by the Seller or any member of the Foster Grant Group.
         SCHEDULE 4.5 attached hereto sets forth all federal tax elections under
         the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), that are in
         effect with respect to each member of the Foster Grant Group or for
         which an application by any member of the Foster Grant Group is

                  (c)      Except as disclosed in SCHEDULE 4.5 attached hereto,
         neither the Internal Revenue Service nor any other governmental
         authority is now asserting or, to the best knowledge of the Seller,
         threatening to assert against the Seller or any member of the Foster
         Grant Group, any deficiency or claim for additional Taxes. Except as
         disclosed in SCHEDULE 4.5 attached hereto, no claim has ever been made
         by any authority in a jurisdiction where the Seller does not file
         reports and returns that the Seller is or may be subject to taxation by
         that jurisdiction. There are no material Security Interests on any of
         the assets of the Seller or any member of the Foster Grant Group that
         arose in connection with any failure (or alleged failure) to pay any
         tax. Neither the Seller nor any member of the Foster Grant Group has
         entered into a closing agreement pursuant to Section 7121 of the Code.

                  (d)      Except as set forth in SCHEDULE 4.5 attached hereto,
         there has not been any audit of any tax return filed by the Seller or
         any member of the Foster Grant Group since June 30, 1992 or, to the
         Seller's knowledge, prior thereto, no audit of any tax return of the
         Seller or any member of the Foster Grant Group is in progress, and
         neither the Seller nor any member of the Foster Grant Group has been
         notified by any tax authority that any such audit is contemplated or
         pending. Except as set forth in SCHEDULE 4.5, no extension of time with
         respect to any date on which a tax return was or is to be filed by the
         Seller or any member of the Foster Grant Group is in force, and no
         waiver or agreement by the Seller or any member of the Foster Grant
         Group is in force for the extension of time for the assessment or
         payment of any Taxes.

                  (e)      Neither the Seller nor any member of the Foster Grant
         Group have ever consented to have the provisions of Section 341(f)(2)
         of the Code applied to it. Neither the Seller nor any member of the
         Foster Grant Group have agreed to, and neither the Seller nor any
         member of the Foster Grant Group have been requested by any
         governmental authority to, make any adjustments under Section 281(a) of
         the Code by reason of a change in accounting method or otherwise.
         Neither the Seller nor any member of the Foster Grant Group have ever
         made any payments, is obligated to make any payments, or is a party to
         any agreement that under certain circumstances would obligate it to
         make any payments, that will not be deductible under Section 280G of
         the Code. The Seller disclosed in its consolidated federal income tax
         returns all positions taken therein that could give rise to a penalty
         for underpayment of federal Tax under Section 6662 of the Code. Neither
         the Seller nor any member of the Foster Grant Group ever had any
         liability for unpaid Taxes because it was a member of an "affiliated
         group" (as defined in Section 1504(a) of the Code). Except as set forth
         in SCHEDULE 4.5 attached hereto, none of the members of the Foster
         Grant Group are a party to any tax sharing agreement.

                  (f)      For purposes of this Section 4.5 all references to
         Sections of the Code shall include any predecessor provision to such
         Sections and any similar provisions of federal, state, local or foreign

         4.6      LITIGATION AND CLAIMS. Except as set forth on SCHEDULE 4.6:
         None of the members of the Foster Grant Group is involved in any
         pending or, to Seller's knowledge, threatened 

         litigation, action, suit, proceeding, claim or investigation which,
         singly or in the aggregate, could have a Material Adverse Effect upon
         the members of the Foster Grant Group, or which would prevent or hinder
         the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement
         including, without limitation, the execution, delivery and performance
         of any related documents; and no member of the Foster Grant Group is
         subject to or bound by any agreement, judgment, decree or order which
         could have a Material Adverse Effect upon the members of the Foster
         Grant Group.


                  (a)      REAL PROPERTY. The real property identified as being
         owned by the members of the Foster Grant Group on SCHEDULE 4.7 is
         collectively referred to herein as the "Owned Real Property"; the real
         property identified as being leased by the members of the Foster Grant
         Group on SCHEDULE 4.7 is collectively referred to herein as the "Leased
         Real Property"; the Owned Real Property and the Leased Real Property
         are collectively referred to herein as the "Real Property." The Owned
         Real Property constitutes all the real property owned by the members of
         the Foster Grant Group and the Leased Real Property constitutes all the
         real property leased by the members of the Foster Grant Group.

                           (i)      TITLE. Each member of the Foster Grant Group
         has good, clear, record, marketable and insurable fee simple title to
         the Owned Real Property owned by it, in all cases free and clear of all
         Encumbrances, liens, assessments, licenses, claims, rights of first
         offer or refusal, options, or options to purchase, or any covenants,
         conditions, restrictions, rights of way, easements, judgments or other
         encumbrances or matters affecting title, except as set forth on
         SCHEDULE 4.8. There are no leases, tenancies or occupancy rights of any
         kind affecting any of the Owned Real Property. Each member of the
         Foster Grant Group has a valid leasehold interest in all of the Leased
         Real Property leased by it, free and clear of all Encumbrances.

                           (ii)     SECURITY INTERESTS. All of the mortgages,
         deeds of trust, ground leases, security interests or similar
         encumbrances on the Real Property are set forth on SCHEDULE 4.8
         (collectively, the "Encumbrances"). All payments required under each
         Encumbrance to the date hereof have been made in full or are accrued in
         accordance with Section 4.3. There is not now, nor, as a result of the
         consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby, will there by,
         any default under the terms and provisions of any Encumbrance. No
         condition or fact does or will exist, as a result of the consummation
         of the transactions contemplated hereby, which, with the lapse of time
         or the giving of notice or both, would constitute a material default
         thereunder or result in any acceleration of the indebtedness secured
         thereby or any increase in the amount of interest, premiums or
         penalties payable on such indebtedness. SCHEDULE 4.8 also specifically
         indicates all Encumbrances which are, by their terms, by means of a
         separate guaranty or otherwise, recourse, in whole or in part, to the
         members of the Foster Grant Group.

                           (iii)    LEASES. All of the leases of any of the
         Leased Real Property (collectively, the "Leases") are as set forth on
         SCHEDULE 4.7. The copies of the Leases delivered or furnished by the
         Seller to AAi constitute all of the leases or tenancy agreements of or
         with respect to the Leased Real Property, and are complete and correct
         copies of each of the Leases. All Leases are currently in full force
         and effect. Each party to the Leases has performed all of its
         obligations under each of such Leases in all material respects and is
         not in default thereunder, and the Seller is not aware of any event or
         condition which exists or as a result of the passage of time or the
         giving of notice could result in a default under any such Lease. Except
         as disclosed on SCHEDULE 4.7, the consummation of the transactions
         contemplated by this Agreement will not result in any modification,
         termination, breach or default or require any consent under any such

                           (iv)     COMMISSIONS. There are no brokerage or
         leasing fees or commissions or other compensation due or payable on an
         absolute or contingent basis to any person, firm, corporation, or other
         entity with respect to or on account of any of the Leases, the
         Encumbrances or the Real Property, and no such fees, commissions or
         other compensation shall, by reason of any existing agreement, become
         due after the date hereof.

                           (v)      PHYSICAL CONDITION. There is no material
         defect in the physical condition of any of the Owned Real Property or
         the Leased Real Property. There is no material defect in any
         improvements located on or constituting a part of any of the Real
         Property, including, without limitation, the structural elements
         thereof, the mechanical systems (including without limitation all
         heating, ventilating, air conditioning, plumbing, electrical, elevator,
         security, telephone, utility, and sprinkler systems) therein, the roofs
         or the parking and loading areas (collectively, the "Improvements").
         All of the improvements located on or constituting a part of any of the
         Real Property, including, without limitation, the structural elements
         thereof, the mechanical systems therein, the roofs and the parking and
         loading areas are in generally good operating condition and repair and
         have been maintained in the Ordinary Course of Business, normal wear
         and tear excepted.

                           (vi)     UTILITIES. All water, sewer, gas, electric,
         telephone, drainage and other utility equipment, facilities and
         services required by law or necessary for the operation of the Real
         Property as it is now being operated and as required for operation are
         installed and connected pursuant to valid permits, are sufficient to
         service the Real Property and as a whole are in generally good repair
         and operating condition, normal wear and tear excepted. Neither the
         Seller nor any member of the Foster Grant Group has received any notice
         of and the Seller and each member of the Foster Grant Group has no
         knowledge of any fact, condition or proceeding which would result in
         the termination or impairment of the furnishing of, or any material
         increase in rates for, services to any of the Real Property of water,
         sewer, gas electric, telephone, drainage and other utility services,
         except ordinary and usual rate increases applicable to all customers
         (or all customers of a certain class) of a utility provider. To the
         best knowledge of the Seller, the facilities servicing the Real
         Property are in compliance, in all material respects, with all
         applicable governmental statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations.

                           (vii)    COMPLIANCE. Neither the Seller nor any
         member of the Foster Grant Group has received any notice from any
         municipal, state, federal or other governmental authority with respect
         to, and the Seller has no knowledge of, any violation of any zoning,
         building, fire, water, use, health, environmental or other statute,
         ordinance, code or regulation issued in respect of any of the Real
         Property that has not been heretofore corrected, and no such violation
         or violations now exist which would have a material adverse effect on
         the operation or Improvements on the Real Property. The construction,
         installation, use and operation of the Real Property or the
         Improvements thereon (including, without limitation, the construction,
         installation, use and operation of any signs located thereon) were
         completed and installed and are in compliance, in all material
         respects, with all applicable municipal and governmental laws,
         ordinances, regulations, licenses, permits and authorizations,
         including, without limitation, applicable building, zoning,
         environmental and fire safety laws and regulations, and there are
         presently in effect all material certificates of occupancy, licenses,
         permits, authorizations and approvals required by law or by any
         governmental or private authority having jurisdiction over any of the
         Real Property or any portion thereof, occupancy thereof or any present
         use thereof, including but not limited to such other permits as are
         necessary for the operation of the Real Property.

                           (viii)   GOVERNMENT APPROVALS. Neither the Seller nor
         any member of the Foster Grant Group has received any notice of and the
         Seller has no knowledge of any plan, study or effort by any
         governmental agency or authority which would adversely affect the
         present use, zoning or value of any of the Real Property or which would
         modify or realign any adjacent street or highway. All of the Real
         Property has access from a publicly dedicated roadway and all such
         access is at least the minimum access required by applicable
         subdivision or similar law for all Improvements constituting a part of
         the Real Property. All lessee improvements are in substantial
         accordance with applicable Lease requirements.

                           (ix)     REAL PROPERTY TAXES. Other than the amounts
         disclosed by the copies of the tax bills for the Owned Real Property
         delivered to AAi by Seller, no other taxes have been or, to the best
         knowledge of the Seller, will be assessed on any of the Owned Real
         Property or any portion thereof, in respect of the current tax year or
         any prior year, except as set forth in SCHEDULE 4.8.

                           (x)      SERVICE CONTRACTS. A complete and correct
         list of all material existing service, management, supply or
         maintenance and equipment lease contracts and other contractual
         agreements affecting the Real Property or any portion thereof (the
         "Service Contracts") as set forth on SCHEDULE. 4.8. Each of the Service
         Contracts is currently valid and in full force and effect and, with
         respect to each of the Service Contracts, no situation exists which,
         with the passage of time or notice or both, would cause any member of
         the Foster Grant Group to be in default thereunder, except where such
         default would not have a Material Adverse Effect.

                  (b)      PERSONAL PROPERTY. The personal property located on
         the Real Property is all of the personal property necessary for the
         continued operation of the business of each member of the Foster Grant
         Group as currently conducted. Except as specifically disclosed in
         SCHEDULE 4.8, each member of the Foster Grant Group has good and
         marketable title to all of the personal property owned by it. None of
         such personal property or assets is subject to any Encumbrance or other
         charge except as specifically disclosed in SCHEDULE 4.8. The Financial
         Statements reflect all material personal property of each member of the
         Foster Grant Group, subject to dispositions and additions in the
         ordinary course of business consistent with this Agreement. Except as
         otherwise specified in SCHEDULE 4.8, all material leasehold
         improvements, furnishings, machinery and equipment of the Foster Grant
         Group are in generally good repair, normal wear and tear excepted, have
         been well maintained, and conform in all material respects with all
         applicable ordinances, regulations and other laws.

         4.8      CONTRACTS AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS. Except as disclosed in
         SCHEDULE 4.8 hereto, neither the Partnership nor any member of the
         Foster Grant Group is a party to or bound by any executory oral or

                  (a)      Contract or agreement for the purchase of any
         materials or equipment necessary for the continued operation of the
         Foster Grant Group, except purchase orders in the Ordinary Course of

                  (b)      Contract or agreement providing for the purchase from
         a particular supplier of all or substantially all of the Foster Grant
         Group's requirements of any material product or other item sold or used
         by the Foster Grant Group in the Ordinary Course of Business;

                  (c)      Contract or commitment in connection with the Foster
         Grant Group which by its terms does not terminate or is not terminable
         without penalty by any member of the Foster Grant Group or any
         successor or assign within thirty (30) days after notice from such
         party thereto;

                  (d)      Contract or agreement related to the Foster Grant
         Group not made in the Ordinary Course of Business;

                  (e)      Contract or agreement with any officer, director or
         stockholder of the Foster Grant Group or with any Affiliate and which
         relates to the Foster Grant Group;

                  (f)      Employment, agency, consulting, or similar contract
         in connection with the members of the Foster Grant Group that cannot be
         canceled by it without cost or penalty on less than thirty (30) days'

                  (g)      License or secrecy agreements involving intellectual
         property rights or non-competition agreements;

                  (h)      Loan or guaranty agreement, credit agreement, note or
         other agreement or instrument evidencing indebtedness of any member of
         the Foster Grant Group to any third party or of any third party to any
         member of the Foster Grant Group, and any related forbearance, waiver
         or after amending agreement or any conditional sale agreement,
         sale-leaseback agreement, mortgage, pledge, indenture or other
         agreement or instrument evidencing a Security Interest or secured

                  (i)      Lease, sublease or other occupancy agreement
         affecting the Real Property or any option, right of first refusal or
         agreement for sale affecting such property in any material respect; or

                  (j)      Other contracts or agreements creating any material
         obligation on any member of the Foster Grant Group with respect to the
         Foster Grant Group or the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

                  The Seller has delivered to the Purchaser and AAi a correct
         and complete copy of each Contract (or, in the case of similar form
         Contracts, a copy of the form of such Contract together with a list of
         parties having executed such form) (as amended to date) listed on or
         described in SCHEDULE 4.8. Except as specifically disclosed on SCHEDULE
         4.8, the Foster Grant Group, or the relevant member thereof, has
         performed all material obligations required to be performed by it to
         date under all such Contracts. Except to the extent any of the same may
         have been terminated or expired prior to the Closing Date, or as
         disclosed in SCHEDULE 4.8, no member of the Foster Grant Group is, nor,
         to the Seller's knowledge, is any other party to any such contract,
         agreement, instrument, lease, or license in violation or breach of, or
         in default with respect to complying with, any material provision
         thereof, and each such contract, agreement, instrument, lease, or
         license is in full force and is the legal, valid, and binding
         obligation of such member of the Foster Grant Group, as the case may
         be, and is enforceable as to it in accordance with its terms, subject
         to bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium or other similar
         laws in effect relating to creditors rights generally, and that the
         remedy of specific performance and injunctive and other forms of
         equitable relief may be subject to general principles of equity.

         4.9      EMPLOYEE BENEFITS.  Except as set forth in SCHEDULE 4.9:

                  (a) Neither the Partnership nor any member of the Foster Grant
         Group has in the period since their respective dates of acquisition by
         the Seller contributed to a Multiemployer Plan, and to Seller's
         knowledge no member of the Foster Grant Group has contributed to any
         Multiemployer Plan prior to the acquisition by Seller. No member of the
         Foster Grant Group currently maintains, or is a participating employer
         in, or contributes to, any pension, profit-sharing, option, other
         incentive plan, or any other type of Employee Benefit Plan, or has any
         obligation to or customary arrangement with employees for bonuses,
         incentive compensation, vacations, severance pay, insurance, or other
         benefits. The Seller has furnished to the Purchaser copies of all
         material documents evidencing such plans, obligations, or arrangements
         referred to in SCHEDULE 4.9 (or written

         summaries of such plans, obligations, or arrangements to the extent not
         evidenced by documents) and copies of all documents evidencing trusts
         relating to any such plans.

                  (b)      There has been no violation of the reporting and
         disclosure requirements imposed either under ERISA or the Internal
         Revenue Code of 1986, as amended ("Code"), for which a penalty has been
         or may be imposed with respect to any such Employee Benefit Plan of the
         Foster Grant Group. There is no litigation, arbitration, claim,
         governmental or other proceeding (formal or informal), pending and, to
         the knowledge of the Seller, there is no litigation, arbitration,
         claim, governmental or other proceeding (formal or informal), or
         investigation threatened with respect to any such Employee Benefit Plan
         or related trust or with respect to any fiduciary, administrator, or
         sponsor (in its capacity as such) of any such Employee Benefit Plan. No
         event has occurred or (to the knowledge of the Seller) is threatened
         which would constitute a non-exempt prohibited transaction under
         Section 406 of ERISA.

                  (c)      Each Employee Benefit Plan has been maintained,
         operated and administered in accordance with its terms and any related
         document and agreements and complies in all material respects with the
         applicable requirements of ERISA and the Internal Revenue Code.

                  (d)      Each Employee Benefit Plan intended to qualify under
         the Internal Revenue Code Sec. 401(a) is so qualified, and each trust
         maintained in connection with each such plan is tax exempt under the
         Internal Revenue Code Sec. 501(a).

                  (e)      With respect to each Employee Benefit Plan that is a
         group health plan subject to Internal Revenue Code Sec. 4980B or
         162(k), the Foster Grant Group has complied in all material respects
         with the continuation coverage requirements of Internal Revenue Code
         Sec. 4980B and 162(k), as applicable, and Part 6 of Subtitle B of Title
         I of ERISA.

                  (f)      With respect to each Employee Benefit Plan that is a
         group health plan subject to section 1862(b)(1) of the Social Security
         Act (42 U.S.C. ss. 1395y(b)), the Foster Grant Group has complied in
         all material respects with the secondary payer requirements of section
         1862(b)(1) of such Act.

                  (g)      Any Employee Benefit Plan that provides for
         "parachute payments" within the meaning of Internal Revenue Code Sec.
         280G provides that "excess parachute payments" will not be paid

                  (h)      No Employee Benefit Plan is funded through a "welfare
         benefit fund" as defined in Internal Revenue Code Sec. 419(e).

                  (i)      The execution and performance of this Agreement will
         not constitute a stated triggering event under any Employee Benefit
         Plan that will result in the payment (whether of severance pay or
         otherwise) becoming due from the Foster Grant Group to

         any officer, employee or former employee (or dependents of such
         employee), or accelerate the time of payment or vesting, or increase
         the amount of compensation due to any employee, officer or trustee of
         the Foster Grant Group.

                  (j)      The Foster Grant Group has reserved all rights
         necessary to amend or terminate each of the Employee Benefit Plan,
         other than Employee Benefit Plans maintained or sponsored by Seller and
         with respect to which the members of the Foster Grant Group are
         participating employers.

                  (k)      Each "fiduciary" and every "plan official" (as
         defined in ERISA Sec. 412) of each Employee Benefit Plan is bonded to
         the extent required under ERISA Sec. 412.

         4.10     INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY.

                  (a)      Intellectual Property" means:

                           (i)      all rights and incidents of interest in and
         to all trademarks, service marks, trademark registrations, service mark
         registrations, and trade names (whether registered or arising under
         common law, state law, federal law or the law of a foreign country) and
         applications for registration of trademarks and service marks used in
         or necessary to the conduct of the business of the Foster Grant Group
         as of the Closing Date (collectively, "Trademarks"), including, without
         limitation, all and any rights to any variations thereof, together with
         the good will of the Foster Grant Group in connection with which each
         Trademark is used and which is symbolized by each such Trademark;

                           (ii)     all licenses granted by or to the Foster
         Grant Group and any other agreements to which the Foster Grant Group is
         a party which create rights in or to the Trademarks, or trade name
         properties described in subsection (i), above and in effect as of the
         Closing Date;

                           (iii)    all rights and incidents of interest in and
         to all works of authorship, including all copyrights, copyright
         registrations, certificates of copyright, copyrighted literary
         interests, applications for copyrights and all literary, property and
         author rights related thereto (collectively, "Copyrights") as of the
         Closing Date that are embodied in or associated with the assets of the
         Foster Grant Group or used in or necessary to the conduct of the
         business of the Foster Grant Group as of the Closing Date;

                           (iv)     all inventions, whether patentable or
         unpatentable and whether or not reduced to practice, all improvements
         thereto and letters patent, design patents and utility patents, all
         applications for grant of any such patents pending as of the Closing
         Date, industrial models, industrial designs, petty patents, patents of
         importation, patents of addition, utility models, certificate of
         invention and other government issued or granted indicia of invention
         ownership, together with all reissuances, continuations,
         continuations-in-part, revisions, extensions and reexaminations
         thereof, ("Patents"), that are owned by 

         Foster Grant Group or are part of or used in or necessary to the
         conduct of the business of the Foster Grant Group.

                           (v)      all renewals, modifications, and extensions
         of any items referred to in subsections (i) through (iv), above;

                           (vi)     all rights and incidents of interest in and
         to all technical documentation, trade secrets (including trade secret
         rights arising under common law, state law, federal law, and the law of
         a foreign country), designs, plans, new product development, formulas,
         know-how and show-how, that are as of the Closing Date part of, used in
         or necessary to the conduct of the business of the Foster Grant Group;

                           (vii)    all marketing, export, import, and licensing
         records, sales literature, supplier lists, vendor lists, customer
         lists, trade lists, sales forces and distributor networks, form manuals
         and forms, advertising, marketing and promotional materials and
         know-how, sales tools, and other customer or potential customer data or
         marketing and service information, customer contracts (whether form or
         custom-developed) that are as of the Closing Date used in or necessary
         for the conduct of the business of the Foster Grant Group;

                           (viii)   all rights to develop, manufacture, use or
         sell under all licenses in effect as of the Closing Date granted to the
         Foster Grant Group that are part of, used in or necessary to the
         conduct of the business of the Foster Grant Group;

                           (ix)     all rights and incidents of interest in and
         to all noncompetition confidentiality agreements in effect as of the
         Closing Date that were entered into or made in connection with the
         business of the Foster Grant Group;

                           (x)      all of the Foster Grant Group's software and
         computer programs, applicable to various environments ("Software"),
         including all such software and computer programs in human readable
         source code forms and in machine executable object code forms and all
         related specifications (including, without limitation, all logic
         architectures, algorithms and logic flows and all physical, functional,
         operating and design parameters), all work in progress relating to
         corrections, modifications or enhancements, current and prior versions,
         operating systems and procedures (including development methodology),
         designs, design revisions, related applications software in any
         language, concepts, ideas, processes, techniques, software design and
         test tools, third party software interfaces written by such party and
         all methods of implementation and packaging, together with all
         associated know-how and show-how and all related documentation,
         specifications, manuals and other materials relating thereto which are
         used to install, operate, maintain, correct, test, repair, enhance,
         modify, prepare derivative works based upon, design, develop, reproduce
         and package such software and computer programs.

                           (xi)     all goodwill associated with any of the
         foregoing and all rights to sue and recover damages for present and
         past infringement of any rights of ownership or use of any of the
         foregoing items listed in subsections (i) through (xi), above.

                           (xii)    Notwithstanding the foregoing, "Intellectual
         Property" does not include the names or marks "Benson", "BEC", "Bolle",
         "Optical Radiation Corporation" or "ORC" or any name or mark including
         or incorporating such names, or any right or license therein or

                  (b)      Except as set forth in SCHEDULE 4.10, the members of
         the Foster Grant Group own or are licensed to use (as the case may be)
         all rights and incidents of interest as of the Closing Date in and to
         all material Intellectual Property used in or intended for use in, part
         of or necessary for the operation of the business as presently
         conducted and as presently proposed to be conducted by the members of
         the Foster Grant Group. Each item of Intellectual Property owned or
         used by the Foster Grant Group immediately prior to the Closing Date
         will be owned or available for use by them on identical terms and
         conditions immediately subsequent to the Closing Date, and except as
         set forth in SCHEDULE 4.10, the Foster Grant Group is not in default
         under any agreement pursuant to which it uses or has the right to use
         any such Intellectual Property right. To Seller's Knowledge, the Foster
         Grant Group has taken all necessary and desirable action to maintain
         and protect each item of Intellectual Property that it owns. Except as
         set forth in SCHEDULE 4.10, no owned item of Intellectual Property has
         been abandoned except where and to the extent such abandonment has
         occurred in the ordinary course of business and does not have a
         Material Adverse Effect. To Seller's Knowledge, each item of
         Intellectual Property used by the Foster Grant Group pursuant to
         license or other authorization of a third party is used with the
         authorization of every other claimant thereto and the execution,
         delivery and performance of this Agreement by the Foster Grant Group
         will not impair such use.

                  (c)      Except as set forth in SCHEDULE 4.10, (i) to the
         Seller's Knowledge, none of the members of the Foster Grant Group have
         interfered with, infringed upon misappropriated or otherwise come into
         conflict with any Intellectual Property rights of any third party, and
         (ii) no member of the Foster Grant Group has received any unresolved
         charge, complaint, claim demand or notice alleging any such
         interference, infringement, misappropriation or violation (including
         any claim that the Foster Grant Group must license or refrain from
         using any intellectual property rights of any third party). Except as
         set forth in SCHEDULE 4.10, to the Seller's Knowledge, no third party
         has interfered with, infringed upon, misappropriated or otherwise come
         into conflict with any Intellectual Property rights of any member of
         the Foster Grant Group.

                  (d)      SCHEDULE 4.10 identifies each material Patent,
         Trademark, Copyright or other Intellectual Property covered by a
         governmental registration or registration certificate, or application
         for registration, whether from the United States or any foreign
         country, and identifies each license, agreement or other permission
         that the Foster Grant Group has granted to any third party with respect
         to any of its Intellectual Property 


         (together with any exceptions thereto). Except as set forth on SCHEDULE
         4.10, with respect to each item of Intellectual Property required to be
         identified therein:

                           (i)      the item is not subject to any outstanding
         injunction, judgment, order, decree, ruling or charge;

                           (ii)     no action, suit, proceeding, hearing,
         investigation, charge, complaint, claim or demand is pending, or the
         knowledge of the Foster Grant Group, is threatened which challenges the
         legality, validity, enforceability, use or ownership of the item;

                           (iii)    the Foster Grant Group has not licensed or
         permitted any third party to use any such item; and

                           (iv)     all royalties or other payments to any third
         party relating to or arising out of the Foster Grant Group's marketing,
         sale, or use of any Intellectual Property owed by the Foster Grant
         Group for the period up to and including the Closing Date have been
         paid or accrued consistent with Section 4.3.

                  (e)      The Foster Grant Group has the right to use the name
         "Foster Grant" in connection with its business in the United States and
         in such other countries where the name has been registered as a
         trademark and are identified in SCHEDULE 4.10; provided, that Eyecare
         Products, plc, a United Kingdom company holds all right, title and
         interest in and to the name "Foster Grant" throughout the whole of
         Europe and the Middle East (excluding Israel).

         4.11     AUTHORITY TO SELL. The Seller and the Partnership each has all
         requisite corporate (or partnership, as applicable) power and authority
         to execute, deliver, and perform this Agreement. This Agreement has
         been duly authorized, executed, and delivered by the Seller and the
         Partnership, is the legal, valid, and binding obligation of each of
         them, and is enforceable in accordance with its terms, subject to
         bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium or other similar
         laws in effect relating to creditors rights generally, and that the
         remedy relating to creditors rights generally, and that the remedy of
         specific performance and injunctive and other forms of equitable relief
         may be subject to general principles of equitable relief may be subject
         to general principles of equity. No material consent, authorization,
         approval, order, license, certificate, or permit of or form, or
         declaration or filing with, any federal, state, local, or other
         governmental authority or any court or other tribunal is required by
         the Seller or the Partnership for the execution, delivery, or
         performance of this Agreement by the Seller or the Partnership, other
         than the filings and approvals required by the Hart-Scott Rodino
         Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976. Except as set forth on SCHEDULE
         4.11, no consent of any party to any material contract, agreement,
         instrument, lease, license, arrangement, or understanding to which the
         Foster Grant Group is a party, or to which any of its material
         properties or assets are subject, is required for the execution,
         delivery, or performance of this Agreement (except such consents
         referred to in SCHEDULE 4.11 as have been obtained at or prior to the
         date of 

         this Agreement, copies of which have been delivered to the Purchaser);
         and the execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement will not
         violate, result in a breach of, conflict with, or (with or without the
         giving of notice or the passage of time or both) entitle any party to
         terminate or call a default under any such material contract,
         agreement, instrument, lease, license, arrangement, or understanding;
         or violate or result in a breach of any term of the certificate of
         incorporation (or other charter document) or by-laws, or partnership
         agreement, as applicable, of any member of the Foster Grant Group; or
         in any material respect, violate, result in a breach of, or conflict
         with any material law, rule, regulation, order, judgment, or decree
         binding on the Seller or any member of the Foster Grant Group or to
         which any of its material operations, business, properties, or assets
         are subject.

         4.12     ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS. Except as set forth on SCHEDULE 4.12,
         to the Seller's knowledge:

                  (a)      No Contaminants have at any time been treated,
         recycled or disposed of in any way by any member of the Foster Grant
         Group in or about any real estate owned, leased or operated by any
         member of the Foster Grant Group except as permitted under and in
         accordance with applicable law;

                  (b)      There are no locations not presently owned, leased or
         operated by any member of the Foster Grant Group where Contaminants
         from the operation of the business of any member of the Foster Grant
         Group have been stored, treated, recycled or disposed of except as
         permitted under and in accordance with applicable law;

                  (c)      There are no underground storage tanks located on or
         about real property owned, leased or operated by any member of the
         Foster Grant Group;

                  (d)      There are no past or continuing releases of
         Contaminants into the environment from real property owned, leased or
         operated by any member of the Foster Grant Group or from other
         locations where wastes from the operation of the Foster Grant Group's
         properties or business have been or are located;

                  (e)      No member of the Foster Grant Group has treated,
         stored or disposed of any hazardous waste (within the meaning of such
         terms under the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, as
         amended (and any implementing regulations)), or any similar state or
         local legal requirements except as permitted under and in accordance
         with applicable law; and

                  (f)      Neither the Seller nor any member of the Foster Grant
         Group has received any notice from any Person advising the Seller or
         any member of the Foster Grant Group that any member of the Foster
         Grant Group is potentially responsible for response costs with respect
         to a release or threatened release of Contaminants.

         4.13     LABOR PRACTICES. To Seller's Knowledge, there are no material
         claims for unfair labor practices or threatened between any member of
         the Foster Grant Group and any of their employees. No strikes, work
         slowdowns or stoppages or other labor disputes involving any member of
         the Foster Grant Group's employees are pending or, to the Seller's
         Knowledge, threatened. There is not pending any material grievance
         procedure or arbitration proceeding under any collective bargaining
         agreement covering any member of the Foster Grant Group's employees or
         former employees. Except as disclosed in SCHEDULE 4.6, no charges,
         audits, investigations or complaint proceedings are pending, or are to
         Seller's Knowledge threatened, before the Equal Employment Opportunity
         Commission or any state or local agency responsible for the prevention
         of unlawful employment practices. No member of the Foster Grant Group
         has experienced any work stoppage or other similar labor difficulty.

         disclosed on SCHEDULE 4.14, each member of the Foster Grant Group has
         complied with all material applicable laws, rules, regulations, codes,
         plans, injunctions, judgments, orders, decrees, rulings, and charges
         thereunder (collectively "Laws") of federal, state, local, and foreign
         governments (and all agencies thereof), except where the failure to
         comply would not have a Material Adverse Effect. Except as disclosed on
         SCHEDULE 4.14, no material expenditures or actions are, or will be,
         required by any member of the Foster Grant Group to bring the Foster
         Grant Group into compliance with such Laws. Except as set forth on
         SCHEDULE 4.14, to Seller's Knowledge, neither the Seller nor any member
         of the Foster Grant Group, nor any of their respective executive
         officers, employees or agents has received any written or oral notice
         of or citation for material noncompliance with any Laws including,
         without limitation, Environmental Laws (as defined herein), directly in
         connection with the Foster Grant Group. To the Seller's Knowledge
         except as set forth on SCHEDULE 4.14, there exists no fact, condition,
         situation or circumstance, which individually or in the aggregate, and
         after notice or lapse of time or both, would constitute material
         noncompliance with or give rise to material future liability with
         respect to any such Laws. All material permits and licenses required
         under applicable Laws to operate the Foster Grant Group as currently
         operated are listed in SCHEDULE 4.14 hereto.

         forth a true and complete list of the names and work addresses and
         total compensation received from Foster Grant Group or any member
         thereof of all current directors and officers of the members of the
         Foster Grant Group, and each other current employee of the Foster Grant
         Group who received base compensation of $50,000 or more in calendar
         year 1995 or as of October 31, 1996 would receive or accrue base
         compensation of $50,000 or more of projected remuneration for the
         calendar year 1996. Except as set forth in SCHEDULE 4.15 or in any
         Contract disclosed pursuant to Section 4.8, none of the persons listed
         therein have received any wage or salary increase or bonus since
         October 31, 1996, other than in the Ordinary Course of Business and
         consistent with the Foster Grant Group's policies and procedures, and
         there has not been any accrual for or commitment or agreement by any
         member of the Foster Grant Group to pay the same. Set forth on SCHEDULE
         4.15 is a correct and complete list of each employee of each member of
         the Foster Grant Group 

         whose employment terminated, whether voluntarily or involuntarily and
         whether temporarily or permanently, within thirty (30) days prior to
         the Closing Date. No member of the Foster Grant Group employs any
         person in a manner that violates any non-competition, non-disclosure or
         other similar agreement (including without limitation those entered
         into in connection with any former employment).

         4.16     ABSENCE OF CERTAIN CHANGES. Since September 30, 1996, there
         has not been:

                  (a)      Any change in the financial condition, properties,
                  assets, liabilities, or operations related to the Foster Grant
                  Group, which change by itself or in conjunction with all other
                  such changes, whether or not arising in the ordinary course of
                  business, has a Material Adverse Effect;

                  (b)      Any material Security Interest placed on any assets
                  of the Foster Grant Group that remains undischarged on the
                  Closing Date;

                  (c)      Any obligation, liability or commitment incurred by
                  any member of the Foster Grant Group that has a Material
                  Adverse Effect;

                  (d)      Any purchase, sale or other disposition or any
                  agreement or other arrangement for the purchase, sale or other
                  disposition of any of assets of the Foster Grant Group, other
                  than those that are immaterial or are in the Ordinary Course
                  of Business, except those expressly contemplated by this

                  (e)      Any lease, license or other agreement that has had a
                  Material Adverse Effect, other than as set forth on SCHEDULE

                  (f)      Any damage, destruction or loss, whether or not fully
                  covered by insurance, that has a Material Adverse Effect; or

                  (g)      Any other matter that has a Material Adverse Effect
                  that has not been disclosed herein or in a schedule or
                  attachment furnished herewith.

         4.17     INSURANCE. SCHEDULE 4.17 sets forth a list of all material
         insurance policies providing insurance coverage of any nature to the
         Foster Grant Group. The Seller has previously made available to the
         Purchaser a copy of all of such insurance policies, as amended to the
         date hereof. Such policies are sufficient for compliance in all
         material respects by the Foster Grant Group with all material
         requirements of law and all material agreements to which the Foster
         Grant Group is a party or by which any of its assets are bound. All of
         such policies are in full force and effect and to the knowledge of the
         Seller, are valid and enforceable in accordance with their terms, and
         the Foster Grant Group has complied with all material terms and
         conditions of such policies, including premium payments. None of the
         insurance carriers has provided written notice to the Seller an
         intention to cancel any such policy. Purchaser acknowledges that all
         such policies are 

         issued in the name of Seller and will remain the property of Seller in
         all respects from and after the Closing Date.

         4.18     TRANSACTIONS WITH INTERESTED PERSONS. Other than as disclosed
         on SCHEDULE 4.18 no officer, supervisory employee, director or
         shareholder of any member of the Foster Grant Group, and no spouse or
         children of any of such persons owns, directly or indirectly, on an
         individual or joint basis, any interest in or serves as an officer or
         director of any of the Foster Grant Group's customers, competitors or
         suppliers, or any organization that has a contract or arrangement with
         any member of the Foster Grant Group relating to the Foster Grant

         4.19     BROKERS' FEES. No finder, broker, or similar agent has acted
         on behalf of, or has been retained by the Seller or is entitled to any
         fee from the Sellers as a result of any of the transactions
         contemplated by this Agreement.

         4.20     SALES REPRESENTATIVES. Attached as SCHEDULE 4.20 is an
         accurate list of all sales agents, dealers, or distributors of any
         member of the Foster Grant Group. Copies of all written agreements
         currently or previously in effect with such representatives will be
         furnished to Buyer prior to Closing. Except as disclosed in SCHEDULE
         4.20, to its knowledge, no member of the Foster Grant Group has
         received notice of nor does any member of the Foster Grant Group have
         reason to believe that any sales representative listed on SCHEDULE 4.20
         intends to terminate its relationship with such member (notwithstanding
         the expiration of any written agency agreement) or to decline to renew
         any written agreement.

         4.21     PROCESSES AND CUSTOMER LISTS. Each member of the Foster Grant
         Group has the right to use, free and clear of any material claims or
         rights of others, its customer lists and all material processes
         required for or incident to the distribution or marketing of products
         in connection with the Foster Grant Group. To the Seller's Knowledge,
         the Foster Grant Group is not using or in any way making use of any
         confidential information or trade secrets of any third party.

         4.22     GENERAL REPRESENTATION. None of the information contained in
         this Agreement, the Financial Statements, or any of the related
         documents or schedules attached or related hereto is or will be
         materially false or misleading or contains any misstatement of fact or
         omits any fact necessary to be stated in order to make the statements
         herein or therein not misleading in any material respect. Neither the
         Seller nor any officer of the Foster Grant Group knows of any fact
         relating to the Foster Grant Group that has not been disclosed herein
         or in any document or schedule attached thereto or delivered in
         connection herewith and which has a Material Adverse Effect or
         materially and adversely affects the ability of the Seller to perform
         its obligations under this Agreement and related documents or to
         consummate the transactions contemplated herein.

         4.23     NON-DISTRIBUTIVE INTENT. The Seller is acquiring the Preferred
         Stock for its own account (and not for the account of others) for
         investment and not with a view to the 

         distribution thereof. The Seller will not sell or otherwise dispose of
         such Preferred Stock without registration under the Securities Act of
         1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"), or an exemption therefrom, and
         the certificate or certificates representing such Preferred Stock may
         contain a legend to the foregoing effect. The Seller understands that
         it may not sell or otherwise dispose of such Preferred Stock in the
         absence of either a registration statement under the Securities Act or
         an exemption from the registration provisions of the Securities Act.
         Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to preclude the Seller from
         disposing the Preferred Stock acquired by it under this Agreement in
         accordance with applicable federal and state securities laws.

represent and warrant to the Seller as follows:

         5.1      ORGANIZATION. The Purchaser and AAi are corporations duly
         organized, validly existing, and in good standing under the laws of the
         jurisdictions of their incorporation, with all requisite power and
         authority to own, lease, license, and use their properties and assets
         and to carry on the business in which they are now engaged and in which
         they contemplate engaging.

         5.2      AUTHORIZATION OF TRANSACTION. The Purchaser and AAi have all
         requisite corporate power and authority to execute, deliver, and
         perform this Agreement. All necessary corporate proceedings of the
         Purchaser and AAi have been duly taken to authorize the execution,
         delivery, and performance of this Agreement by the Purchaser and AAi.
         This Agreement has been duly authorized, executed, and delivered by the
         Purchaser and AAi, is the legal, valid, and binding obligation of the
         Purchaser and AAi, and is enforceable in accordance with its terms,
         subject to bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium or other
         similar laws in effect relating to creditors rights generally, and the
         remedies of specific performance and injunctive and other forms of
         equitable relief may be subject to general principles of equity.

         5.3      VALIDITY OF PREFERRED STOCK. Upon delivery to the Seller
         pursuant to the terms hereof, the Preferred Stock will be duly
         authorized, validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable, and the
         Seller will own the Preferred Stock free and clear of all liens,
         encumbrances, claims, charges or interests of others, subject to no
         restrictions with respect to transferability, other than applicable
         securities laws. At the Closing, the Purchaser's capital structure will
         be as described in detail in SCHEDULE 5.3 hereto, including (without
         limitation) a description of all classes of capital stock and their
         respective rights and numbers of shares authorized, issued and
         outstanding of each such class. Purchaser has not authorized or issued
         any other class of capital stock or any other instrument convertible
         into or exchangeable for capital stock of the Purchaser. There are no
         outstanding options, warrants or other rights granting any person a
         right to purchase or otherwise acquire capital stock of the Purchaser.

         5.4      LITIGATION. No action, suit, claim, arbitration, proceedings
         or investigation is pending or, to the knowledge of the Purchaser or
         AAi, threatened which questions or

         challenges the validity of this Agreement or any other agreement
         identified herein or any action taken or to be taken in connection with
         the transaction contemplated hereby or thereby.

         5.5      NON-DISTRIBUTIVE INTENT. The Purchaser is acquiring the Shares
         for its own account (and not for the account of others) for investment
         and not with a view to the distribution thereof. The Purchaser will not
         sell or otherwise dispose of such Shares without registration under the
         Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"), or an
         exemption therefrom, and the certificate or certificates representing
         such Shares may contain a legend to the foregoing effect. By virtue of
         its position, the Purchaser has access to the kind of financial and
         other information about the Foster Grant Group as would be contained in
         a registration statement filed under the Securities Act. The Purchaser
         understands that it may not sell or otherwise dispose of such Shares in
         the absence of either a registration statement under the Securities Act
         or an exemption from the registration provisions of the Securities Act.
         Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to preclude the Purchaser from
         disposing the Shares acquired by it under this Agreement in accordance
         with applicable federal and state securities laws.

         5.6      NO CONFLICTS. No consent, authorization, approval, order,
         license, certificate, or permit of or form, or declaration or filing
         with, any federal, state, local, or other governmental authority or any
         court or other tribunal is required by the Purchaser or AAi for the
         execution, delivery, or performance of this Agreement by the Purchaser,
         other than the filings and approvals required by the Hart-Scott Rodino
         Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976. No consent of any party to any
         material contract, agreement, instrument lease, license arrangement, or
         understanding to which the Purchaser or AAi is a party, or to which any
         of their properties or assets are subject, is required for the
         execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement by the Purchaser
         or AAi will not violate, result in a breach of, conflict with, or (with
         or without the giving of notice or the passage of time or both) entitle
         any party to terminate or call a default under any material contract,
         agreement, instrument, lease, license, arrangement, or understanding of
         the Purchaser or AAi; or violate or result in a breach of any term of
         the certificate of incorporation (or other charter document) or by-laws
         of the Purchaser or AAi; or violate, result in a breach of, or conflict
         with any law, rule, regulation, order, judgment, or decree binding on
         the Purchaser or AAi or to which any of their operations, business,
         properties or assets are subject.

         5.7      BROKERS' FEE. No finder, broker, or similar agent has acted on
         behalf of, or has been retained by the Purchaser or AAi and no finder,
         broker or similar agent is entitled to any fee as a result of any of
         the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, which fee the
         Purchaser and AAi represent will be paid by the Purchaser or AAi, as
         the case may be.

         5.8      INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION. Purchaser and AAi, or their
         independent accountants, attorneys and agents acting on its behalf, (i)
         have reviewed the Financial Statements, and has had the opportunity to
         review information related to the Financial Statements, (ii) have
         reviewed the corporate records of the members of the Foster Grant
         Group, material

         agreements and other information relating to the Foster Grant Group and
         such documents that have been made available to Purchaser or AAi by
         Seller and the Partnership in response to Purchaser's or AAi's due
         diligence requests, and (iii) have had the opportunity to ask questions
         of and receive such information from Seller and the Partnership, as
         well as the members of the Foster Grant Group, and their
         representatives, with respect to the Foster Grant Group and its
         business and operations, which Purchaser and AAi believe is material to
         their assessment of the Foster Grant Group and Purchaser's purchase of
         the Shares pursuant to this Agreement. Purchaser and AAi have (i) had
         access to the books and records, financial and otherwise, of the
         members of the Foster Grant Group and the Partnership, and have
         inspected such books and records as they have deemed appropriate in
         connection with their investigation of the Foster Grant Group, (ii)
         been afforded an opportunity to investigate and make inquiries
         regarding the condition of the members of the Foster Grant Group, the
         Partnership and the assets, financial and otherwise, of the Foster
         Grant Group, and in the course thereof has not received actual
         knowledge of any matters or things that are inconsistent with any
         representation or warranty of Seller contained in this Agreement or
         that may give rise to any liability on the part of Seller under the
         Agreement, and Purchaser and AAi are not relying on any representations
         (other than those contained in this Agreement), oral or otherwise, by
         Seller or any of its officers, employees, directors, shareholders,
         agents or representatives, in regard to the purchase of the Shares.


         obligations of Purchaser and AAi under this Agreement are subject, at
         the option of the Purchaser and AAi, to the following conditions:

                  (a)      The representations and warranties of the Seller and
                  the Partnership contained in this Agreement shall be true and
                  correct in all material respects on and as of the Closing Date
                  as though made on and as of such date, except for changes
                  contemplated by this Agreement.

                  (b)      The Seller shall have performed and complied in all
                  material respects with all covenants and agreements required
                  to be performed or complied with by it on or prior to the
                  Closing Date.

                  (c)      The parties to this Agreement shall have obtained at
                  or prior to the Closing all consents required for the
                  consummation of the transactions contemplated by this
                  Agreement from any party to any contract, agreement,
                  instrument, lease, license, arrangement, or understanding to
                  which any of them is a party, or to which any of their
                  respective businesses, properties, or assets are subject,
                  except where the failure to obtain the same would not have a
                  Material Adverse Effect.

                  (d)      There shall not be any injunction, judgment, order,
                  decree, ruling, or charge in effect preventing consummation of
                  any of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

                  (e)      The Seller shall have delivered to Purchaser and AAi
                  a certificate to the effect that each of the conditions
                  specified above in Section 6.1(a)-(n) is satisfied in all
                  material respects; provided, however, that with respect to the
                  condition set forth in Section 6.1(c), the Seller shall only
                  provide such certification with respect to those consents that
                  the Seller or any member of the Foster Grant Group is required
                  to obtain.

                  (f)      The Partnership shall have delivered to the Purchaser
                  and AAi a certificate to the effect that the condition
                  specified above in Section 6.1(a) is satisfied in all respects
                  with respect to the Partnership.

                  (g)      The Seller shall have delivered to the Purchaser and
                  AAi at the Closing: certified copies of each member of the
                  Foster Grant Group's Certificate or Articles of Incorporation
                  and By-laws; the partnership agreement; a good standing
                  certificate from the Secretary of State of each state of
                  incorporation of each member of the Foster Grant Group is
                  incorporated, as of a date not more than thirty (30) business
                  days prior to the Closing Date; original stock certificates or
                  other evidences of equity ownership of each member of the
                  Foster Grant Group. The Seller shall deliver at the Closing or
                  thereafter: all stock books, minute books and corporate
                  records of the Foster Grant Group; and all other material
                  original agreements computer disks, documents, books and
                  records relating to the Foster Grant Group and necessary to
                  conduct the Foster Grant Group as currently or heretofore
                  conducted. For the purposes of this paragraph, items described
                  herein and located on the premises of the Partnership or any
                  member of the Foster Grant Group shall be deemed delivered
                  upon Closing by virtue of Purchaser taking control of such

                  (h)      All directors of each member of the Foster Grant
                  Group shall have resigned at or prior to the Closing as
                  directors and members of all committees of the Board of
                  Directors in writing effective immediately after the Closing.
                  All non-employee officers of each member of the Foster Grant
                  Group shall have resigned at or prior to the Closing in
                  writing effective immediately after the Closing.

                  (i)      All applicable waiting periods in respect of the
                  transactions contemplated under this Agreement under the
                  Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976 shall
                  have expired at or prior to the Closing or there shall have
                  been an early termination of such periods in accordance with
                  the parties' (or their affiliates', as appropriate) request

                  (j)      AAi on the one hand and Marlin Capital, L.P. and its
                  affiliates (jointly, "Marlin"), on the other shall, at or
                  prior to the Closing, have executed and

                  delivered a Shareholder Agreement, containing terms and
                  conditions mutually agreed by and among such parties, pursuant
                  to which AAi and Marlin shall have each invested in Purchaser
                  $5,000,000; and all such commitments shall have been fully
                  funded on or before the Closing.

                  (k)      The parties to this Agreement shall have obtained at
                  or prior to the Closing an agreement by and between Purchaser
                  and Eyecare Products PLC ( the "Eyecare") granting Purchaser
                  the right to purchase from Eyecare, for Fair Market Value, the
                  trademarks assigned to Eyecare as provided under the terms and
                  conditions set forth in the Trademark Assignment and
                  Conditional Agreements between Kitty Little, plc and Bonneau
                  (the "Agreements"), if at any time after the Closing (i)
                  Seller has fewer than two (2) appointed individuals on the
                  Eyecare board of directors or (ii) Seller's ownership interest
                  in the issued and outstanding common stock of Eyecare
                  decreases to less than ten percent (10%). No provision of this
                  or any other agreement will in any way diminish any right held
                  by Purchaser under the Agreements, and in particular no
                  provision of this or any other agreement shall in anyway
                  diminish the buy back rights provided to Bonneau in the

                  (l)      At or prior to the Closing, a sales representative
                  agreement by and between the Partnership and Jacobs Marketing,
                  Inc., ("Jacobs") shall have been executed and a copy thereof
                  delivered to Purchaser whereby the Partnership agrees to
                  appoint and Jacobs agrees to act as the Partnership's
                  exclusive sales representative to Target Stores division of
                  Dayton Hudson Corporation under terms and conditions
                  reasonably satisfactory to Purchaser.

                  (m)      The Seller shall have executed and delivered to
                  Purchaser and AAi at or prior to the Closing a copy of a
                  settlement and release by and between Oakley, Inc., Seller and
                  Bonneau whereby the parties thereto forever discharge each
                  other from any and all claims, complaints, causes of action,
                  demands or liabilities with regard to the acts set forth in
                  Civil Action No. 96-3420 B CGA, United District Court for the
                  Southern District of California.

                  (n)      The Seller shall have delivered to Purchaser and AAi
                  a letter from Seller's accountants to the effect that Seller's
                  independent accountants agree to provide Purchaser and AAi
                  with (i) stand alone audited consolidated financial statements
                  for the Foster Grant Group for the years 1995 and 1996 and an
                  estimate of the costs of such audits; and (ii) at the
                  appropriate time in connection therewith, a written consent of
                  such accountants to permit the Purchaser and AAi to use the
                  stand alone audited financial statements described herein in
                  any registration statements prepared in connection with an
                  initial public offering by AAi, subject to being provided
                  normal satisfaction from the "Big Six" accounting firm then
                  auditing AAi.

                  (o)      Michael A. Aviles, at or prior to the Closing, shall
                  have executed and delivered to Purchaser an agreement
                  modifying certain provisions of his Offer of Employment dated
                  January 15, 1996, and any amendments thereto, and in
                  particular such modifications shall include the re-defining of
                  "severance" whereby Mr. Aviles shall not receive severance as
                  a result of the consummation of the transaction contemplated

                  (p)      At or prior to the Closing, the Seller shall have
                  delivered to the Purchaser and AAi a copy of the Finance and
                  Security Agreement by and between the Partnership and
                  NATIONSBANK, N.A. (the "Operating Loan"), and such agreement
                  shall be in a form and of a substance reasonably satisfactory
                  to the Purchaser and AAi, including (without limitation) the
                  right to draw down not less than 19 million dollars at the
                  Closing to be used towards the Purchase Price as set forth in
                  this Agreement.

                  (q)      At or prior to the Closing, the Seller shall have
                  delivered to the Purchaser a release of any and all
                  obligations of the Partnership as set forth in the Deed of
                  Trust and First Amendment to Loan Agreements dated May 3, 1996
                  by and between First Interstate Bank of Texas, N.A. (the
                  "Bank"), BEC Group, Inc. and the Partnership. Such release
                  shall be in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the
                  Purchaser and AAi.

                  (r)      At or prior to the Closing the Seller shall have
                  delivered to the Purchaser a release from any and all
                  liability and obligations of the Partnership under the Essilor
                  Indemnity Agreement dated as of February 11, 1996 by and
                  between Essilor International S.A. and BEC Group, Inc. to
                  which the Partnership is a party. Such release shall be in
                  form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Purchaser
                  and AAi.

                  (s)      The Purchaser and AAi shall have received from Kane
                  Kessler, P.C. counsel for the Seller, a favorable opinion,
                  dated as of the Closing Date and reasonably satisfactory in
                  form and substance to AAi and AAi's counsel, to the effect as
                  stated in 4.1, 4.2, and 4.6, as well as to the effect that the
                  consummation by the Seller of the transactions contemplated by
                  this Agreement and the documents described herein have been
                  duly authorized by all necessary corporate action of the

                  (t)      At or prior to the Closing, the Partnership shall
                  have conveyed the Dallas Property to the Seller (or its
                  designee), and the Seller (or its designee) shall have assumed
                  the existing mortgage on such Dallas Property; and Seller (or
                  such designee) and the Partnership shall have executed and
                  delivered a lease agreement, in accordance with Section 7.5
                  below, pursuant to which the Foster Grant Group shall lease
                  its current premises located at the Dallas Property.

                  (u)      Subject to Section 2.2 (iii), above, at or prior to
                  Closing, all intercompany loans and advances existing among
                  the Seller and the members of the Foster Grant Group shall
                  have been forgiven and released in full.

                  (v)      At or prior to the Closing, AAi will have concluded
                  discussions with HMG World Wide In Store Marketing, Inc. to
                  the effect that the terms and provisions of the Display
                  Purchase Agreement dated September 30, 1995 are in form and
                  substance reasonably satisfactory to the Purchaser and AAi.

         6.2      CONDITIONS TO THE OBLIGATIONS OF THE SELLER. The obligations
         of the Seller under this Agreement are subject, at the option of the
         Seller, to the following conditions:

                  (a)      The representations and warranties of the Purchaser
                  and AAi contained in this Agreement shall be true and correct
                  in all material respects on and as of the Closing Date as
                  though made on and as of such date, except for changes
                  contemplated by this Agreement.

                  (b)      The Purchaser and AAi shall have performed and
                  complied in all material respects with all covenants and
                  agreements required to be performed or complied with by it on
                  or prior to the Closing Date.

                  (c)      There shall not be any injunction, judgment, order,
                  decree, ruling, or charge in effect preventing consummation of
                  any of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

                  (d)      The Purchaser and AAi shall have delivered to the
                  Seller a certificate to the effect that each of the conditions
                  specified above in Section 6.2(a)-(l) is satisfied in all
                  material respects; provided, however, that with respect to the
                  condition set forth in Section 6.2(c), the Purchaser shall
                  only provide such certification with respect to consents the
                  Purchaser is required to obtain.

                  (e)      The Purchaser and the Partnership shall have
                  delivered the Purchase Price to the Seller.

                  (f)      The Purchaser shall have delivered to the Seller at
                  the Closing: a certified copy of the Purchaser's Certificate
                  or Articles of Incorporation and By-laws, and a good standing
                  certificate from the Secretary of State of the Purchaser's
                  state of incorporation, as of a date not more than thirty (30)
                  business days prior to the Closing Date.

                  (g)      All applicable waiting periods in respect of the
                  transactions contemplated under this Agreement under the
                  Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976 shall
                  have expired at or prior to the Closing or there shall have
                  been an early termination of such periods in accordance with
                  the parties' (or their affiliates', as appropriate) request

                  (h)      The Seller shall have received from Hinckley, Allen &
                  Snyder, counsel for the Purchaser and AAi, a favorable
                  opinion, dated as of the Closing Date and reasonably
                  satisfactory in form and substance to Seller and Seller's
                  counsel, to the effect as stated in 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3, as well
                  as to the effect that the consummation by the Purchaser and
                  AAi of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and the
                  documents described herein have been duly authorized by all
                  necessary corporate action of the Purchaser and AAi.


         The Purchaser and the Seller covenant and agree with each other as

         7.1      CONFIDENTIALITY.

                  (a)      In order to consummate the transactions contemplated
                  by this Agreement Confidential Information may be disclosed
                  among the parties. Therefore, the Seller, on its own behalf
                  and on behalf of each member of the Foster Grant Group, the
                  Partnership, on its own behalf, and the Purchaser agree that
                  in consideration of the other party's disclosure of
                  Confidential Information the receiving party hereunder shall:

                           (i)      treat and safeguard such Confidential
                           Information with at least the same degree of care as
                           it normally exercises to protect its own confidential
                           information but in no event with less than a
                           reasonable degree of care;

                           (ii)     restrict disclosure of Confidential
                           Information solely to its employees, advisors or
                           representatives ("Representatives") with a need to
                           know and not disclose such Confidential Information
                           to any other parties; and

                           (iii)    use the Confidential Information provided
                           hereunder only in connection with the performance of
                           its duties hereunder and for no other purposes.

                  (b)      The parties agree that the foregoing restrictions
                  shall not apply to information that:

                           (i)      is known by the recipient at the time of

                           (ii)     is or becomes, through no fault of the
                           recipient, available to the public;

                           (iii)    is obtained by the recipient from a third
                           party without breach of any agreement with, or
                           obligation or confidentiality to the disclosing

                           (iv)     is independently developed by the recipient
                           without use of Confidential Information received from
                           the disclosing party;

                           (v)      is required by law or court order to be

         If this Agreement is terminated for any reason whatsoever, each party
         shall (i) return to the other all tangible embodiments (and all copies)
         of such Confidential Information that are in its possession; (ii) not
         use any such Confidential Information in its own operations or (iii)
         not disclose any such Confidential Information to any Person for any
         purpose or reason whatsoever unless required to do so by law. Without
         limiting the generality of the foregoing, the existing Confidentiality
         Agreement between AAi and Seller, dated October 2, 1996, shall remain
         in full force and effect according to its terms.

         7.2      BEST EFFORTS. Subject to the terms and conditions provided in
         this Agreement, each of the parties shall use their respective best
         efforts in good faith to take or cause to be taken as promptly as
         practicable all reasonable actions that are within its power to cause
         to be fulfilled each of the conditions precedent to its obligations or
         the obligations of the other parties to consummate the transactions
         contemplated by this Agreement that are dependent upon its actions,
         including obtaining all necessary consents, authorizations, orders,
         approvals and waivers.

         7.3      OPERATION OF BUSINESS. The Seller and the Partnership, with
         respect to itself only, covenant with the Purchaser as follows: without
         the prior written consent of the Purchaser, between the date hereof and
         the Closing Date they shall not, in connection with the Foster Grant
         Group, cause or permit any member of the Foster Grant Group to, and no
         member of the Foster Grant Group shall in any material respect:

                  (a)      adopt, amend or modify any material employment or
                  personnel contract or plan, or increase the level of
                  compensation payable to any officer, director or employee of
                  the Foster Grant Group, other than increases not greater than
                  4% annually over the current level of compensation and in
                  accordance with past practice;

                  (b)      make any change in its authorized capital stock
                  including, without limitation, any stock split or
                  reclassification in respect of its outstanding capital stock,
                  or declaration, payment or setting aside for payment of any
                  dividend, fees, or other distribution, including the grant of
                  any stock options, in respect of any of the Foster Grant
                  Group's capital stock or any redemption, purchase or other
                  acquisition of any shares of the capital stock or other
                  securities of the Foster Grant Group;

                  (c)      sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of any assets of
                  the Foster Grant Group, except for sales of inventory in the
                  Ordinary Course of Business consistent with past practices;

                  (d)      incur any obligation or liability (fixed or
                  contingent) relating to the Foster Grant Group, except trade
                  or business obligations incurred in the Ordinary Course of
                  Business consistent with past practice;

                  (e)      cancel or compromise any material debt or claim, or
                  waive or release any rights of value other than in the
                  Ordinary Course of Business;

                  (f)      transfer, abandon, fail to maintain in good standing
                  or grant any rights under or with respect to any material
                  leases, licenses, agreements or Intellectual Property, or
                  enter into any agreement limiting the Foster Grant Group's
                  ability in any material respect to conduct its operations or
                  distribute its products anywhere in the world;

                  (g)      issue, sell, or otherwise dispose of any shares of
                  capital stock or any evidences of indebtedness or other
                  securities (except extensions or renewals or replacements of
                  evidences of indebtedness which extensions, renewals or
                  replacements are issued in the Ordinary Course of Business
                  consistent with past practice with respect to evidences of
                  indebtedness reflected in the Financial Statements);

                  (h)      except as expressly contemplated hereby, amend
                  articles of incorporation or bylaws or the partnership

                  (i)      enter into any material contract or arrangement other
                  than in the Ordinary Course of Business;

                  (j)      fail to maintain the material properties and assets
                  of the Foster Grant Group, whether owned or leased, in their
                  current operating condition and repair, reasonable wear and
                  tear excepted;

                  (k)      fail to maintain in full force and effect insurance
                  for the Foster Grant Group providing coverage and amounts of
                  coverage in accordance with its current and industry practice;

                  (l)      merge or consolidate with any other corporation or
                  acquire any stock, business, or substantially all of the
                  property or assets of any other Person;

                  (m)      do any act which, with or without the giving of
                  notice or the passage of time, or both, would result in a
                  material breach of or material default under any Contract
                  required to be listed in SCHEDULE 4.8;

                  (n)      enter into any material agreement or understanding to
                  do any of the foregoing; or

                  (o)      do or omit to do anything else that has a Material
                  Adverse Effect.

         7.4      FULL ACCESS. The Seller shall permit and shall cause each
         member of the Foster Grant Group to permit representatives of the
         Purchaser and AAi to have reasonable access at all reasonable times,
         and in a manner so as not to unreasonably interfere with the normal
         business operations of the Foster Grant Group, to all premises,
         properties, personnel, personnel records (including tax records),
         contracts, and documents ("Records") of or pertaining to the Foster
         Grant Group. The Purchaser shall treat and hold such Records in
         accordance with the provisions of Section 7.1 hereof.

         7.5      OCCUPATION OF THE DALLAS PROPERTY. The Purchaser and the
         Seller shall execute and deliver a Lease and Services Agreement, in
         form mutually agreed pursuant to which the Partnership shall occupy the
         space currently occupied by the Partner at the Dallas Property and
         pursuant to which the Seller shall provide the Partnership certain
         services to be agreed therein.

         7.6      PAYMENT OF CERTAIN EMPLOYEE BONUSES. The Purchaser shall pay
         (or shall cause Foster Grant Group to pay), no later than April 30,
         1997, up to $500,000 in the aggregate in bonuses to certain key
         employees, in accordance with Attachment II to SCHEDULE 4.15.

         7.7      FURTHER ASSURANCES. At any time and from time to time, each
         party agrees, at its or his expense, to take such actions and to
         execute and deliver such documents as may be reasonably necessary to
         effectuate the purposes of this Agreement.

         7.8      NAME CHANGE. On or before the Closing Date, Seller shall have
         effected a change of the corporate name of BEC Distribution, Inc. The
         Purchaser shall have designated a name of its choosing. In the event
         such name change has not been effected prior to Closing, the parities
         shall cooperate after the Closing to effect the name change. After the
         Closing Date or the Closing Date, whichever is earlier, the Purchaser,
         the members of the Foster Grant Group and the Partnership shall not
         have any right, title or other interest in or to the names "BEC",
         "Benson" or "Bolle" or any variations thereof or any names containing
         or incorporating such names.

         7.9      BOLLE(R) BRAND. The Purchaser agrees for itself and on behalf
         of the members of the Foster Grant Group and the Partnership, from and
         after the Closing, not to copy, or to sell, market or otherwise
         distribute products copying Bolle(R) brand products in violation of any
         applicable statute, law, ordinance or regulation; provided, that the
         parties acknowledge and agree hereby that the Foster Grant Group and
         the Partnership may, notwithstanding anything contained in this Section
         7.9 to the contrary, such, market and distribute any such product
         presently included in their product lines for the 1997 season.

         7.10     NON-COMPETITION. The Seller hereby agrees that for a period of
         three (3) years from the Closing Date, neither the Seller nor any other
         individual, partnership, firm, corporation, association, trust,
         unincorporated organization or other entity that directly or indirectly
         controls or is controlled by the Seller shall directly or indirectly
         engage in, own, manage, operate, join, assist, advise or control, any
         person, corporation or entity engaged in a business directly
         competitive with the Foster Grant Group as it exists as of the Closing
         Date. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary,

                  (i)      The restrictions set forth herein shall not apply to
                           or to be deemed in any way to restrict the existing
                           business, as of the Closing Date, of Seller Bolle(R)
                           America, Inc.; Optical Radiation Corporation; or
                           Eyecare Products, PLC; and

                  (ii)     The following shall not be deemed to be in violation
                           of the above restrictions:

                           (1)      ownership of publicly traded securities
                           having no more than 5% of the outstanding voting
                           power of any competitive entity, or

                           (2)      any association by the Seller or any of its
                           affiliates subsequent to the Closing Date which
                           results from the acquisition by the Seller or any of
                           its affiliates of an entity who is engaged in a
                           business directly competitive with the Foster Grant
                           Group, if such entity's gross revenues resulting from
                           such competitive activities are less than $10,000,000
                           per year.


                  (a)      The companies making up the Foster Grant Group shall
                  be included in the consolidated federal Income Tax Return
                  filed by the Seller for the period from January 1, 1996
                  through the end of the day on the Closing Date, and Seller
                  shall be responsible for making all required Income Tax
                  payments for such period pursuant to such consolidated Income
                  Tax Return. The parties agree that for the purpose of
                  preparing such consolidated federal Income Tax Return, as well
                  as any Income Tax Returns for which the taxable year does not
                  close at the end of the day on the Closing Date, there will be
                  an interim closing of the books of the members of the Foster
                  Grant Group and of the Partnership as of the end of the day on
                  the Closing Date and all payments (if any) representing
                  cancellation of options to purchase shares of the Seller held
                  by Foster Grant Group employees shall be treated as
                  extraordinary items within the meaning of Reg. Section
                  1.1502-76(b)(2)(ii)(C) which shall be allocated to the period
                  ending at the end of the day on the Closing Date for all tax

                  (b)      Seller shall be responsible for the preparation and
                  filing of all Income Tax Returns in respect of federal and
                  state income taxes for the Foster Grant Group, the Partnership
                  or any member of the Foster Grant Group for taxable years or


                  periods ending on or before the end of the day of the Closing
                  Date and shall be responsible for the payment of any Income
                  Taxes. The Seller shall also be responsible for preparing and
                  filing the Partnership's 1996 calendar year federal, state and
                  local Income Tax Returns. The Purchaser shall be responsible
                  for the preparation and filing of any other federal, state and
                  local Income Tax Returns for the Foster Grant Group, the
                  Partnership, or the members of the Foster Grant Group for
                  periods beginning after the Closing Date.

                  (c)      With respect to any period beginning before and
                  ending after the Closing Date, the determination of income,
                  losses and taxes for the portion of the year or period ending
                  on, and the portion of the year or period beginning after, the
                  Closing Date shall be made by an interim closing of the books
                  at the end of the day of the Closing Date, except that
                  extraordinary items shall be allocated in accordance with the
                  principles of Reg. Section 1.1502-76(b)(2)(ii)(C) and that any
                  exemptions, allowances or deductions that are calculated on a
                  calendar year basis and annual property taxes shall be
                  prorated on the basis of the number of days in the calendar
                  year elapsed through the Closing Date as compared to the
                  number of days in the calendar year elapsing after the Closing
                  Date. All such Income Tax Returns shall be prepared in
                  accordance with prior practice. Any taxes due with respect to
                  any such periods shall be pro rated in accordance with the
                  interim closing of the books as herein provided. In addition,
                  notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, the
                  Seller shall prepare the 1996 calendar year Income Tax Return
                  of the Partnership on the basis of an interim closing of the
                  books at the end of the day of the Closing Date and based on a
                  package of Income Tax information provided by Purchaser
                  covering the period from the day after the Closing date
                  through the end of the calendar year 1996 and delivered to
                  Seller no later than forty-five (45) days after the end of the
                  calendar year 1996. Except as indicated above, such package
                  shall be completed in accordance with the past practice of the
                  Seller as to the method of computation of taxable income and
                  other relevant measures of income.

                  (d)      At least thirty (30) days prior to the due date
                  (including extensions) for the filing of Seller's 1996
                  consolidated federal Income Tax Return, Seller shall provide
                  Purchaser, for its approval and the signature (with respect to
                  the Partnership income tax return) of the appropriate officers
                  or partners, copies of the Seller's 1996 consolidated federal
                  income tax return and the Partnership's 1996 calendar year
                  Income Tax Return or Returns. No later than thirty (30) days
                  before the due date thereof, Purchaser shall provide Seller,
                  for its approval, copies of all other Income Tax Returns for
                  which Seller may have an obligation for a portion or all of
                  the Incomes Taxes shown thereon. Approval by either party
                  shall not be unreasonably withheld, and signed Returns shall
                  be returned no less than fifteen (15) days prior to the due
                  date; notwithstanding the foregoing, the Purchaser's right to
                  approve the Seller's 1996 consolidated Income Tax Return shall
                  be limited to those items included therein which relate
                  directly to the Foster Grant Group or any member thereof. No
                  later than 5 business days before the due date for 

                  payments of Income Taxes with respect to any such Income Tax
                  Return prepared by Purchaser but for which Seller has an
                  obligation for a portion or all of the Income Taxes shown
                  thereon, Seller shall pay to Purchaser an amount equal to the
                  Income Taxes agreed to be allocable to Seller pursuant to this
                  Agreement, if any.

                  (e)      In addition to the foregoing, the parties agree to
                  cooperate with each other in the preparation of any Income Tax
                  Return and in the conduct of any audit or other proceedings
                  involving the Foster Grant Group or any member thereof, and to
                  provide each other such assistance and documents as may be
                  reasonably requested in connection with the preparation of any
                  return or the conduct of any audit or other proceeding. The
                  provisions of Section 8.4 shall apply to any audit or contest
                  of any Income Tax Return.

                  (f)      The Purchaser will not, nor will it permit members of
                  the Foster Grant Group, to make any changes in Income Tax
                  accounting methods or conventions, make or rescind any
                  election, or report or treat any specified item on any Income
                  Tax Return for any taxable period ending after the Closing
                  Date in a manner inconsistent with the manner in which such
                  specific item was reported or treated on any such Income Tax
                  Return for a taxable period ending on or prior to the Closing
                  Date, if such action would have an effect of either increasing
                  the Income Tax liability or reducing the Income Tax benefits
                  of the Foster Grant Group on or prior to the Closing Date or
                  of the Seller for any taxable period. The Purchaser agrees
                  that any sales of assets by the Foster Grant Group after the
                  Closing Date but before the end of the calendar year shall be
                  treated as an extraordinary item for Income Tax purposes.

                  (g)      If Purchaser or any member of the Foster Grant Group
                  receives any refund of Income Taxes or utilizes the benefit of
                  any overpayment of Income Taxes which relates to an income Tax
                  paid by Seller or the Foster Grant Group with respect to a
                  period ending on or prior to the Closing Date, the Purchaser
                  shall make a payment to Seller at the time of and equal to the
                  amount of the refund or overpayment utilized. Purchaser
                  agrees, that without the express permission of Seller, it will
                  not carry back to periods ending on or before the Closing Date
                  any loss or credit recognized by the Foster Grant Group
                  subsequent to the Closing Date.

                  (h)      In addition to (and not in limitation of) the
                  indemnities provided in Section 8, Seller shall indemnify and
                  save Purchaser and AAi harmless from any and all Taxes imposed
                  on Purchaser or AAi either (i) arising as a result of the
                  transactions contemplated by this Agreement; (ii) with respect
                  to or relating to any period ending on or before the Closing
                  Date, or, in the case of any taxable period that includes, but
                  does not end on, the Closing Date, the portion of said period
                  ending on the Closing Date; (iii) resulting from any member of
                  the Foster Grant Group ceasing to be affiliated with Seller;
                  and (iv) attributable to Seller for any taxable period.

                  (i)      Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement
                  to the contrary, the Seller shall have the benefit (without
                  reimbursement to the Partnership) of any tax losses through
                  the Closing Date, other than tax loss carry-forwards not
                  utilized as of such Closing Date.

         7.12     CHARACTERIZATION OF CERTAIN PAYMENTS. All payments paid by the
         Seller or the Purchaser under Sections 2.2 and 7.11 and Section 8 shall
         be treated for all tax purposes as adjustments to the Purchase Price.

         7.13     INVENTORY PRICE ADJUSTMENT. If the Purchaser or the Foster
         Grant Group (as the case may be) has not realized, and is not
         reasonably in a position to realize, within two (2) years from the
         Closing Date at least $15,355,000 from the inventory appearing on the
         September 30, 1996 Balance Sheet, the Seller will promptly pay the
         Purchaser the difference in cash; any amount due hereunder may be
         offset against the redemption of the Preferred Stock.


                  (a)      Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement
                  to the contrary, the Seller hereby acknowledges that the
                  Purchaser is not acquiring and shall not assume sponsorship of
                  any Employee Benefit Plan maintained by the Seller and in
                  which employees of the Foster Grant Group, the Partnership or
                  any members of the Foster Grant Group participate, including
                  (without limitation) the BEC Group, Inc. 401(K) Retirement
                  Plan and any group health and welfare insurance plans
                  sponsored by the Seller.

                  (b)      Effective on the Closing Date, all employees of the
                  Foster Grant Group, the Partnership and the members of the
                  Foster Grant Group shall cease to be active participants in
                  the BEC Group, Inc. 401(k) Retirement Plan (the "401(k)
                  Plan"), and they shall be fully vested in their account
                  balances under the Plan without regard to their years of
                  service under the Plan. The parties acknowledge and agree that
                  Seller shall, to the extent permitted by applicable law and
                  the effective terms and conditions of any such Employee
                  Benefit Plan other than the 401(k) Plan, permit employees of
                  the Foster Grant Group, the Partnership and the members of the
                  Foster Grant Group to participate in existing health and
                  welfare Employee Benefit Plans after the Closing Date for a
                  reasonable transition period, provided, that the Purchaser
                  hereby agrees to reimburse Seller any and all extraordinary,
                  out-of-pocket or other costs or expenses incurred by Seller as
                  a result of or in connection with the participation of any
                  such employees in any such Employee Benefit Plans, and the
                  Purchaser (for itself and, after the Closing Date, on behalf
                  of the Foster Grant Group, the Partnership and the members of
                  the Foster Grant Group) agrees that it (or such entities, as
                  appropriate) shall be solely responsible for all employer
                  contributions, costs, or other expenses relating to or
                  resulting from the participation of any such employees.

                  (c)      From and after the Closing Date, the Purchaser and
                  the Foster Grant Group shall be solely responsible for (i)
                  health insurance coverage with respect to any former employee
                  of the Foster Grant Group, the Partnership or any member of
                  the Foster Grant Group who (1) has in place, as of the Closing
                  Date, a valid health care contribution election pursuant to
                  Section 601 ET SEQ. of ERISA (known as "COBRA") or (2) has
                  retired from the employ of any such entities and is entitled
                  to coverage under any retiree or other medical plan, policy or

                  (d)      Nothing herein contained shall serve as a guarantee
                  to any of the individuals referred to in Section 7.14 (c)
                  above with regard to any health insurance coverage other than
                  health insurance coverage available to persons actively
                  employed by the Purchaser or AAi.

         7.15     HART- SCOTT RODINO The Purchaser and the Seller shall execute
         all filings required under the Hart- Scott Rodino Anti Trust
         Improvements Act of 1976 prior to the Closing. The Parties agree that
         any and all fees associated with such filings, excluding attorneys
         fees, shall be borne equally by the Purchaser and the Seller and each
         party agrees to submit its respective portion of the fee upon filing
         its submission.

         7.16     RELEASE OF GUARANTIES. From and after the Closing Date, the
         Purchaser shall cooperate, and shall cause the Foster Grant Group, to
         provide the Seller reasonable assistance in obtaining the release of
         any guaranties by Seller or its predecessor, Benson Eyecare
         Corporation, of obligations of the Foster Grant Group or any of its
         members. The Purchaser or the Foster Grant Group agrees to provide
         equivalent guaranties, to the extent reasonably requested. The Seller
         shall reimburse any direct out-of-pocket expenses and costs incurred as
         a result of cooperation provided under this Section 7.16.


         8.1      BY THE SELLER. The Seller and its respective successors and
         permitted assigns agree to indemnify the Purchaser and AAi (including
         each of their employees, directors and officers and agents), and any
         permitted successor or assignee of the Purchaser and AAi, to hold each
         of them harmless from and against any and all actual costs, losses,
         claims, obligations, liabilities, fines, penalties, damages,
         deficiencies, actions, suits, proceedings, demands, assessments,
         orders, judgments, costs and expenses, including fees, disbursements
         and expenses of attorneys, accountants and consultants of any kind or
         nature whatsoever (whether or not arising out of third-party claims and
         including all amounts paid in investigation, defense or settlement of
         the foregoing) sustained, suffered or incurred by any of them
         (hereafter, an "Indemnified Loss") in connection with, or incident to:

                  (a)      Conditions, circumstances or occurrences which
                  constitute or result in any breach of any representation,
                  warranty or covenant of the Seller on its own behalf or on
                  behalf of any member of the Foster Grant Group contained in

                  Agreement or in any agreement, Schedule or Exhibit referred to
                  herein or attached hereto, or in the Financial Statements or
                  in any other certificate or related document delivered at or
                  prior to the Closing, or by reason of any claim, action or
                  proceeding asserted or instituted arising out of any matter or
                  thing covered by any such representations, warranty or
                  covenants made by the Seller;

                  (b)      Any liabilities arising out of the Excluded

                  Provided, however, that no indemnification shall be payable
                  with respect to claims asserted by the Purchaser to the extent
                  the Indemnified Parties have insurance that would cover such
                  Indemnified Losses.

         8.2.     BY THE PURCHASER AND AAI. The Purchaser and AAi agree to
         indemnify the Seller (including its employees, directors and officers),
         and any other permitted successor or assignee of the Seller, to hold
         harmless from and against any and all Indemnified Losses incurred by
         any of them in connection with, or incident to:

                  (a)      conditions, circumstances or occurrences which
                  constitute or result in any breach in any representation,
                  warranty, covenant or agreement of the Purchaser contained in
                  this Agreement or in any Schedule or Exhibit referred to
                  herein attached hereto, or in any agreement referred to herein
                  or in any schedule, certificate or other related document
                  delivered at or prior to the Closing, or by reason of any
                  claim, action or proceeding asserted or instituted arising out
                  of any matter or thing covered by any such representations,
                  warranty or covenants made by the Purchaser or AAi (other than
                  as a result of a breach or violation actually known to the
                  Indemnified Party, hereafter defined, prior to the Closing).

                  (b)      any failure by the Purchaser, or, after the Closing
                  Date, by any member of the Foster Grant Group or the
                  Partnership, to pay amounts due third parties or other
                  indebtedness, or otherwise arising from or relating to (i)
                  obligations or liabilities of the members of the Foster Grant
                  Group or the Partnership (other than the Excluded Liabilities)
                  or (ii) the liabilities described in Section 2.6, above.

         Provided, however, that no indemnification shall be payable with
         respect to claims asserted by the Seller to the extent the Indemnified
         Parties have insurance that would cover such Indemnified Losses.

         8.3      LIMITATIONS.

                  (a)      No indemnification shall be payable by either party
                  through claims asserted by an Indemnified Party more than two
                  (2) years after the Closing Date, other than indemnification
                  claims based upon Income Tax liabilities of the Foster Grant
                  Group, with respect to which the Seller's obligation to
                  indemnify shall extend until the applicable statutes of
                  limitations on enforcement thereof has expired, but in no
                  event more than seven (7) years after the Closing Date, or
                  until the conclusion of

                  any proceeding commenced within such period. Seller and
                  Purchaser, respectively, shall not be liable for
                  indemnification under Section 8.1(a) or Section 8.2(a) unless
                  and until the aggregate amount of Indemnified Loss for the
                  Indemnified Party under the appropriate Section referred to
                  above shall equal or exceed $250,000 (the "Threshold"), and in
                  no case shall either party assert any claim for
                  indemnification under this Article 8 for any Indemnified Loss
                  included within such party's Threshold; provided, that,
                  notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing to the
                  contrary, the Threshold shall not apply in the case of an
                  Indemnified Loss described in Section 8.1(b) or Section
                  8.2(b). Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement
                  to the contrary, in no event shall Seller be liable for any
                  Indemnified Losses in excess of the Purchase Price, as
                  adjusted pursuant to this Agreement.

                  (b)      Notwithstanding anything contained in this Article 8
                  to the contrary, the parties have agreed to share in the
                  Litigation Costs as set forth more fully in Section 2.4(b),
                  above. Such agreed cost sharing shall apply with respect to
                  such Litigation Costs and the Litigation Liabilities, and
                  neither party shall assert a claim for indemnification under
                  this Article 8 unless and until the other party shall have
                  failed to perform its obligations under such Section 2.4, in
                  which case the Threshold provided in Section 8.3(a), above,
                  shall not apply; or, in the event aggregate Litigation Costs
                  exceed $500,000, in which case Purchaser may assert a claim
                  for indemnification hereunder and the Threshold provided in
                  Section 8.3(a) shall not apply.

         8.4      INDEMNITY PROCEDURES.

                  (a)      Any party entitled to indemnification hereunder
                  ("Indemnified Party") shall give prompt, written notice to the
                  other party ("Indemnifying Party") of any claim hereunder
                  specifying the amount and nature of the claim. The failure to
                  so notify an Indemnifying Party will not relieve the
                  Indemnifying Party of any liability that it may otherwise have
                  under this Agreement, unless such failure materially and
                  adversely prejudices the Indemnifying Party;

                  (b)      The Indemnifying Party shall have the right to take
                  such action as in its judgment is necessary or desirable to
                  contest any matter involving a third party that gives rise to
                  an Indemnified Loss and shall conduct at its expense the
                  defense, by counsel mutually and reasonably satisfactory to
                  the parties, of any claim or legal proceeding commenced by a
                  third party insofar as it relates to an Indemnified Loss;

                  (c)      The Indemnified party will not pay or satisfy any
                  obligation constituting and Indemnified Loss if it is advised
                  in writing that such amount is being contested in good faith
                  by the Indemnifying Party, and if and so long as the
                  Indemnifying Party in fact actively contests the same, or, in
                  the case of a proceeding described in clause (b) above,
                  actively defends the same as set forth in (b) above. No

                  settlement of any such proceeding shall be made without the
                  consent of the Indemnifying Party, which consent will not be
                  unreasonably withheld, delayed or conditioned. The Indemnified
                  Party shall have the right to participate in (but not to
                  control, unless the Indemnified Party, after receiving notice
                  of a claim, has failed to take any action with respect to such
                  claim) the defense of any such legal proceeding at its expense
                  by counsel of its choice and shall cooperate in the defense of
                  any such claim (including providing such access to its books,
                  records and properties as the Indemnifying Party shall
                  reasonably request with respect to any matter for which
                  indemnification is sought hereunder), but shall be entitled to
                  be reimbursed as provided herein for all costs and expenses
                  (including reasonable attorney's fees) incurred in connection
                  with cooperation furnished at the request of the Indemnifying
                  Party. The parties shall use all reasonable efforts to resolve
                  equitably and expeditiously any dispute between them as to an
                  Indemnified Loss, pursuant to Section 8.1 hereof.

                  (d)      With regard to claims of third parties for which
                  indemnification is payable hereunder, such indemnification
                  shall be paid the Indemnifying Party upon the earlier to occur
                  of: (1) the entry of a judgment against the Indemnified Party
                  and the expiration of any applicable appeal period, or if
                  earlier, five (5) days prior to the date that the judgment
                  creditor has the right to execute the judgment; (2) the entry
                  of an unappealable judgment or final appellate decision
                  against the Indemnified Party; or (3) a settlement of the
                  claim. With regard to other Indemnified Losses payable
                  hereunder, such indemnification shall be paid promptly by the
                  Indemnifying Party upon demand by the Indemnified Party.


         9.1      PUBLIC STATEMENTS. Except as may be required by law, or as
         otherwise provided under Section 7.1 of this Agreement, before any
         party hereto shall release any information concerning this Agreement
         that is intended for or may result in public dissemination thereof,
         they shall cooperate with the other party hereto, shall furnish drafts
         of all documents or proposed oral statements to each other for
         comments, and shall not release any such information without the
         consent of the other party hereto, which consent shall not be
         unreasonably withheld. Nothing contained herein shall prevent any party
         from furnishing any information required by law, rule or regulation,
         including the rules of a national securities exchange; or to any
         governmental authority if required to do so by law or court order.

         representations, warranties and covenants herein or in any attached
         schedule, certificate, statement or other supporting document shall be
         deemed to have been relied upon by the party in whose favor such
         provisions operate and, subject to applicable time and recovery
         limitations thereon in Section 8 hereof, shall survive the execution
         and delivery of this Agreement and the Closing Date and continue in
         full force and effect regardless of any investigation made by or on
         behalf of such party at any time, except to the extent that a party had

         specific knowledge of a breach or violation thereof prior to the
         Closing Date, which the party alleging such knowledge must prove by a
         preponderance of the evidence.

         9.3      NO THIRD-PARTY BENEFICIARIES. This Agreement shall not confer
         any rights or remedies upon any person other than the parties hereto
         and the Indemnified Parties and their respective successors and
         permitted assigns and other than the Foster Grant Group employees
         identified pursuant to the Schedules hereto as intended recipients of
         certain bonuses pursuant to Section 7.6 hereto.

         9.4      ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement, including the Schedules,
         Exhibits and other documents attached hereto and referred to herein,
         constitutes the entire agreement among the parties and supersedes and
         prior understandings, agreements, or representations by or among the
         parties, written or oral, to the extent they have related in any way to
         the subject matter hereof.

         9.5      SUCCESSION AND ASSIGNMENT. This Agreement shall be binding
         upon and inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties named
         herein and their respective successors (including, without limitation,
         successors by operation of law) and permitted assigns. No party may
         assign either this Agreement or any of its rights, interests, or
         obligations hereunder, except to a wholly-owned subsidiary, without the
         consent of the other party, which shall not be unreasonably withheld.

         9.6      COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed in one or more
         counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original but all of
         which together will constitute one and the same instrument.

         9.7      HEADINGS AND RECITALS. The section Headings and Recitals
         contained in this Agreement are inserted for convenience only and shall
         not affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.

         9.8      NOTICES. All notices, requests, demands, claims, and other
         communications hereunder will be in writing. Any notice, request,
         demand, claim, or other communication hereunder shall be deemed duly
         given if it is sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt
         requested, postage prepaid, and addressed to the intended recipient as
         set forth below:

                           If to the Seller:

                           BEC Group, Inc.
                           555 Theodore Fremd Avenue
                           Suite B-302
                           Rye, New York 10580
                           Telecopier: (914) 967-9405
                           Attn: Martin Franklin, CEO

                           with a copy to:

                           Kane Kessler, P.C.
                           1350 Avenue of the Americas
                           New York, New York 10019-4896
                           Attn: Robert Lawrence

                           If to the Purchaser:

                           Foster Grant Holdings, Inc.
                           1601 Valley View Lane
                           Dallas, Texas 75234
                           Attn: Duane DeSisto

                           with a copy to:

                           Stephen J. Carlotti, Esq.
                           Hinckley, Allen & Snyder
                           1500 Fleet Center
                           Providence, Rhode Island 02903

                           If to AAi:

                           Accessories Associates, Inc
                           500 George Washington Highway
                           Smithfield, Rhode Island 02917
                           Attn: Gerald F. Cerce

                           with a copy to:

                           Stephen J. Carlotti, Esq.
                           Hinckley, Allen & Snyder
                           1500 Fleet Center
                           Providence, Rhode Island 02903

         Any party may send any notice, request, demand, claim, or other
         communication hereunder to the intended recipient at the address set
         forth above using any other means (including personal delivery,
         expedited courier, messenger service, telecopy, telex, ordinary mail,
         or electronic mail), but no such notice, request, demand, claim, or
         other communication shall be deemed to have been duly given unless and
         until it actually is received by the intended recipient. Any party may
         change the address to which notices, requests, demands, claims, and
         other communications hereunder are to be delivered by giving the other
         parties notice in the manner herein set forth.

         9.9      GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by and
         construed in accordance with the internal substantive laws of the State
         of New York, without regard to its principles of conflicts of law.

         9.10     AMENDMENTS AND WAIVERS. No amendment of any provision of this
         Agreement shall be valid unless the same shall be in writing and signed
         by authorized representatives of the Purchaser, AAi and the Seller. No
         waiver by any party or any default,



         misrepresentation or breach of warranty or covenant hereunder, whether
         intentional or not, shall be deemed to extend to any prior or
         subsequent default, misrepresentation, or breach of warranty or
         covenant hereunder or affect in any way any rights incorporated herein
         by reference and made a part hereof.

         9.11     SEVERABILITY. Any term or provision of this Agreement that is
         invalid or unenforceable in any situation in any jurisdiction shall not
         affect the validity or enforceability of the offending term or
         provision in any other situation or in any other jurisdiction.

         9.12     AGREEMENTS, DOCUMENTS AND INSTRUMENTS. Unless otherwise
         expressly provided or unless the context requires otherwise, references
         to any agreement, document or instrument shall be deemed to mean and
         include such agreement, document or instrument as amended, modified or
         supplemented from time to time in accordance with the terms hereof.

         9.13     EXPENSES. Except as expressly provided in Section 7.15, above,
         each party agrees to pay, without right of reimbursement from the other
         party, the costs incurred by it incident to the performance of its
         obligations under this Agreement and the consummation of the
         transactions contemplated hereby, including, without limitation, costs
         incident to the preparation of this Agreement, and the fees and
         disbursements of counsel, accountants and consultants employed by such
         party in connection herewith.

         9.14     AAI GUARANTY. AAi hereby guarantees the full and complete
         performance by the Purchaser of all of the Purchaser's obligations
         under this Agreement, subject to the terms and conditions contained

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed this
Agreement as of the date first written above.

                                  FOSTER GRANT HOLDINGS, INC.

                                  By: /s/ Duane DeSisto
                                  Title: Treasurer

                                  BEC GROUP, INC.

                                  By: /s/ Martin Franklin
                                  Title: Chairman  


                                  FOSTER GRANT GROUP, L.P.

                                  By: /s/ Martin Franklin

                                  ACCESSORIES ASSOCIATES, INC.

                                  By: /s/ Duane DeSisto
                                  Title: Chief Financial Officer


                                  SCHEDULE 5.3
                                CAPITAL STRUCTURE

         Class A Preferred Non-Voting Stock:

                  Voting Rights:        None
                  Dividend Rights:      None
                  Convertible:          No
                  Redemption Date:      February 28, 2000

                  Redemption Pay-Out:   Will be redeemed by the Purchaser by
                                        payment of an amount determined with
                                        reference to the combined net sales of
                                        sunglasses, reading glasses and
                                        accessories by the Foster Grant Group
                                        and AAi for the year ending December 31,
                                        1999, determined in accordance with
                                        generally accepted accounting principles
                                        consistently applied and excluding an
                                        amount equal to the net sales determined
                                        in accordance with generally accepted
                                        accounting principles consistently
                                        applied, by AAi of such products for the
                                        year ending December 31, 1996, as

                  -----------------------------           ------------------

                  $90,000,000 or less:                         $1,000,000
                      >  $100,000,000:                         $2,000,000
                      >  $110,000,000:                         $4,000,000
                      >  $120,000,000:                         $6,000,000

                  The amount payable by Purchaser shall be prorated for net
                  sales between the targets specified above.

                  Optional Payment:     AAi will agree that Seller may, at its
                                        option, exchange the Preferred Stock for
                                        shares of AAi common stock in the event
                                        AAi completes an initial public offering
                                        ("IPO") at any time within three (3)
                                        years of the Closing Date. The Seller
                                        shall have sixty (60) days from the date
                                        of the closing of the IPO in which to
                                        exchange the Preferred Stock. In the
                                        event that the Seller shall fail to
                                        exchange the Preferred Stock in
                                        accordance with the terms of this
                                        Optional Payment, then the Seller shall
                                        forever forfeit the right and privilege
                                        to effect such exchange. The number of
                                        shares to be issued by AAi upon such
                                        exchange shall be equal to the maximum
                                        potential Redemption Pay-Out divided by
                                        the per share initial offering price,
                                        multiplied by .85. Any AAi shares so
                                        issued will be restricted securities.
                                        AAi will afford the holder "piggyback"
                                        registration rights.

         Common Stock:                  Ten thousand (10,000) shares of common
                                        stock, par value of $.01 per share.


                                                                    Exhibit 10.3

                                 BEC Group, Inc.
                            555 Theodore Fremd Avenue
                                   Suite B-302
                               Rye, New York 10580

                                                  December 11, 1996

Accessories Associates, Inc.
500 George Washington Highway
Smithfield, RI 02917


         Reference is made to that certain Stock Purchase Agreement dated
November 13, 1996 (the "Purchase Agreement") amongst BEC Group, Inc., Foster
Grant Holdings, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("Holdings") and Accessories
Associates, Inc., a Rhode Island corporation ("AAI"), and certain other persons,
whereby Holdings acquired all the issued and outstanding capital stock as well
as partnership interests in certain subsidiaries and affiliates of BEC. The
Purchase Agreement contemplated, and had as a condition to closing, a
satisfactory bank loan and security agreement amongst Holdings and its
subsidiaries and NationsBank, as agent for certain lenders (the "Financing
Agreement"). Capitalized terms contained herein referring to the Financing
Agreement shall have the same meaning as set forth in the Financing Agreement.

         Section 2.l.1(c) of the Financing Agreement provides that the Borrowers
therein will have the right to an over-advance of $2,000,000 for a limited
period of time provided that the Borrowers shall have caused to be provided to
the Agent a $2,000,000 irrevocable letter of credit in the form of Exhibit F to
the Financing Agreement. In order to induce you to close the transactions
contemplated by the Purchase Agreement, we agree that at your request if you
require the use of the over-line, we will provide to NationsBank one or more
letters of credit at no cost and expense to you in the amount of the over-line
drawing in the aggregate not to exceed $2,000,000 in the form of Exhibit F to
the Financing Agreement within five (5) days of receipt of written notice from
you. As part of the Purchase Agreement, you have delivered to us 100 shares of
the Series A Preferred Stock of Holdings. We agree that in the event that we
shall fail to provide the letters of credit as aforesaid, we will forthwith
return all shares of Series A Preferred Stock to you endorsed to the bank for
transfer or with blank stock powers attached, and we will 


thereby forfeit our interest in said Preferred Stock. You shall have the right
to specific performance to enforce the provisions requiring return of such
Preferred Stock if we fail to do so after being requested to do so under this
Agreement. If the foregoing is satisfactory to you, please acknowledge your
acceptance of this Agreement on the copy of this letter which is enclosed.

                                        Very truly yours,

                                        BEC Group, Inc.

                                        By: /s/ Ian Ashken


Foster Grant Holdings, Inc.

By: /s/ Duane DeSisto

Accessories Associates, Inc.

By: /s/ Duane DeSisto
