Exhibit (A)(3)(b)(i)

Manulife Logo                                         MANEQUITY, INC. AGREEMENT

THIS AGREEMENT made this ______________________ day of _______________  19______


MANEQUITY, INC., a Colorado corporation with its Home Office at Toronto, Canada
                       (hereinafter called the "Company")

                 (hereinafter called the "Sales Representative")


WHEREAS, the Sales Representative agrees to sell and the Company agrees to
authorize him/her to sell such securities as the Sales Representative is
licensed to sell with the Company and the Company desires to and has the lawful
authority to sell.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these premises, it is hereby agreed between
the parties as follows: 

1. Warranty of Qualification
   The Sales Representative hereby represents and warrants that all
   representations made on all Federal, State and National Association of
   Securities Dealers, Inc. (NASD) Registration Forms are current, accurate and
   correct and that he/she has read, understands and agrees to abide by the
   provisions of this Agreement to the extent that such terms and conditions
   govern his/her performance within his/her respective registration category.
   The authority of the Sales Representative is limited by the registration
   category designated by the Sales Representative with respect to his/her
   association with the Company as indicated on all Federal, State and NASD
   Registration Forms.

   The Sales Representative hereby represents and warrants that he/she is a
   Registered Representative in good standing with the NASD and is duly
   authorized and licensed under the applicable state securities laws.

   The Sales Representative further represents and warrants that he/she is
   thoroughly familiar with the Securities Laws, Codes and Rules and Regulations
   of the United States and of the state(s) in which he/she is qualified to do
   business and of the Rules and Regulations of the NASD and Regulations of the
   Company, and as such that he/she shall transact all authorized Company
   business in strict accordance therewith.

2. Sales Practices
   The Sales Representative agrees to adhere strictly to the NASD Rules of the
   Association with regard to sales literature and other advertising material.
   All such literature must be submitted to and approved by the Company prior to
   its use by the Sales Representative.

   The Sales Representative is not authorized to and may not send any written
   correspondence to customers of the Company or prospective investors unless
   he/she forwards, on a quarterly basis for review and approval by a Registered
   Principal, copies of all such correspondence to the Home Office of the

   It is also agreed and understood that the Sales Representative shall keep and
   maintain such records as will comply with the Rules and Regulations of the
   NASD and shall open such records to inspections and review by the Company as
   the Company shall deem advisable from time to time. The Sales 

                                  Page 1 of 4
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  Manulife Financial and the block design are registered service marks of The
 Manufacturers Life Insurance Company and are used by it and its subsidiaries:
   The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company (U.S.A.), The Manufacturers Life
               Insurance Company of America, and ManEquity, Inc.

Form AG0176US(0797)
   Representative in addition acknowledges receipt of the ManEquity Policy
   Statement and agrees to follow the rules and regulations contained therein.
   Said Policy Statement and other publications, as amended and modified from
   time to time, are incorporated in this Agreement by reference as though fully
   set out herein.

3. License Fees
   All initial and renewal license and registration fees shall be paid by the
   Sales Representative

4. (a)Authority
      The Sales Representative shall be free to exercise his/her discretion as
      to the manner, time and place and the persons from whom he/she shall
      choose to solicit and sell securities as aforesaid subject only to the
      provisions of this Agreement and such Rules and Regulations herein before
      set forth and as may be prescribed from time to time hereafter. The Sales
      Representative further agrees not to engage in the business of selling
      securities for any other broker/dealer during the term of this Agreement
      without the expressed written consent of each employing broker/dealer.

      The Sales Representative shall have no greater than is herein expressly
      granted and no greater authority shall be implied from the grant or denial
      of authority specifically mentioned herein. Nothing herein contained shall
      be construed to create the relationship of employer and employee between
      the Company and the Sales Representative.

5. (a)Limit of Warranty
      The Sales Representative shall have no authority of any kind for or on
      behalf of the Company to accept any transactions of any kind or to make,
      modify or discharge contracts on behalf of the Company or in any way to
      bind the Company to any statement, promise, or representation, or to waive
      any of the Company's rights or requirements, rules or regulations, or to
      receive any money due or to become due to the Company except payments,
      made pursuant to sales solicited by him/her in the manner prescribed by
      the Company or except as may be authorized by the Company in writing. The
      Sales Representative shall have no power to bind the credit of the Company
      in any manner and further agrees to pay any and all expenses incurred by
      him/her in the performance of this Agreement. The Sales Representative
      shall have no authority to make any settlement or agreement regarding any
      claim that may be made against the Company unless specifically authorized
      in writing by an Officer of the Company in each such case. All orders for
      the purchase of any security shall be subject to the acceptance thereof by
      the Company at its Home Office in Toronto, Canada. The Sales
      Representative shall have no authority to appoint or employ on behalf of
      the Company other Sales Representatives or employees without the prior
      written consent of an Officer of the Company and any such appointee shall
      have no authority to incur any expense or obligation of any kind or nature
      in the name or on behalf of the Company.

      The Sales Representative shall have no authority to settle or institute
      any legal proceeding for any cause in connection with a transaction of the
      Company's business unless such action shall have been approved in advance
      in writing by an Officer of the Company and it is agreed and understood
      that the Sales Representative shall indemnify and save the Company
      harmless from any and all expenses, costs and damages resulting from or
      growing out of any unauthorized acts or transactions by said Sales

6. Bond Requirement
   The Sales Representative shall furnish a bond, or bonds, as the Company may
   require. Upon failure or inability of the Sales Representative to renew such
   bond or bonds at any time as the Company may 

                                  Page 2 of 4
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Manulife Financial and the block design are registered service marks of The
 Manufacturers Life Insurance Company and are used by it and its subsidiaries:
   The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company (U.S.A.), The Manufacturers Life
               Insurance Company of America, and ManEquity, Inc.

Form AG0176US(0797)
   require, this Agreement shall automatically terminate. the Sales
   Representative agrees in addition to the foregoing, to promote the best
   interests of the Company as contemplated by this Agreement and so to conduct
   himself/herself as not to affect adversely the business, good standing or
   reputation of himself/herself or the Company.

7. Return of Records and Material
   Upon Termination of this Agreement, the Sales Representative shall return to
   the Company any and all sales materials, records, correspondence and other
   data belonging to the Company.

8. Statement of Account
   The Company will furnish to the Sales Representative a statement of his/her
   sales and all compensation earned together with payment for all compensation
   due and payable in accordance with such statement less any indebtedness due
   to the Company as indicated by said statement or other instrument.

9. Amendments
   It is expressly agreed and understood that the Company retains the right to
   amend or modify this Agreement in writing to the Sales Representative as it
   shall deem necessary from time to time.

10. Transmittal of Monies, Orders and Applications
   The Sales Representative shall transmit to the Company or its designated
   fiduciary, immediately upon receipt, all monies, orders and applications
   received from all sales. The Sales Representative may not under any
   circumstances commingle monies received from sales with any other monies.

11. (a)  Compensation
         For all sales sold by the Sales Representative and for all other
         services rendered by him/her under this Agreement, the Company shall
         pay to the Sales Representative the compensation set out in the
         attached schedule(s). Such schedule(s), as modified or amended from
         time to time, is/are incorporated in this Agreement by reference as
         though fully set out.

    (b)  The Sales Representative hereby agrees that, upon termination of this
         Agreement, he/she will be entitled to receive commissions on variable
         life and annuity policies sold by the Sales Representative to the
         extent that such commissions are payable under the terms of his/her
         Agreement with the insurance company issuing such policies and to the
         extent permitted by federal or state laws.

12. Provisions Not Waived
   Failure of the Company at any time to declare a breach or termination of this
   Agreement because of any violation or violations of its provisions shall not
   be deemed a waiver or waivers of said provisions on the part of the Company
   in case of any subsequent violations by the Sales Representatives.

13. Assignment
   This Agreement is not transferable. No rights or interest issuing herefrom
   shall be subject to assignment, except with the prior written consent of an
   Officer of the Company.

14. Termination and Amendment - Effective Notice
   This Agreement may be terminated by either party hereto, or amended by the
   Company, at any time, with or without cause, upon 10 days written notice
   given to the other party, provided that if the Sales Representative shall at
   any time fail in the performance of any of the conditions, promises or
   agreements contained herein upon his/her part to be performed, then at the
   option of the Company, this Agreement may be terminated immediately and
   without notice. In the event the Company terminates the Agreement with notice
   or amends this Agreement in writing, said notice or amendment shall be

                                  Page 3 of 4
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Manulife Financial and the block design are registered service marks of The
 Manufacturers Life Insurance Company and are used by it and its subsidiaries:
   The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company (U.S.A.), The Manufacturers Life
               Insurance Company of America, and ManEquity, Inc.

Form AG0176US(0797)
   delivered personally or mailed to the last known address of the Sales
   Representative appearing on the Company's records and shall be an effective
   notice of termination or amendment of this Agreement as of the time the
   notice of amendment is deposited in the United States Mail or the time of
   actual receipt, if earlier. In the event the Sales Representative terminates
   this Agreement, the notice of said termination shall be delivered personally
   or addressed and mailed to the Home Office of the Company in Toronto, Canada,
   with a copy to the Sales Representative's NASD Supervisor and shall be an
   effective notice of termination of this Agreement as of the time the same is
   deposited in the United States Mail, or the time of actual receipt, if

15. Execution and Interpretation of Entire Agreement
   This Agreement shall take effect upon the date of the execution hereof and
   shall revoke and cancel all prior Agreements which have existed between the
   parties hereto relative to the sale of securities. The construction and
   interpretation of this Agreement shall be determined in accordance with the
   laws of the State of Colorado and any and all representations made by the
   parties hereto unless otherwise amended as provided herein.

16. Effective Date
   This Agreement become effective the ___________day of _____________ 19 _____

   IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto affix their signatures on the year and
   day first above written.

                                                  Sales Representative

                                                  NASD Supervisor

Accepted by ManEquity, Inc., this _________________ day of ____________ 19 ____

                                                  By __________________________

                                  Page 4 of 4
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Manulife Financial and the block design are registered service marks of The
 Manufacturers Life Insurance Company and are used by it and its subsidiaries:
   The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company (U.S.A.), The Manufacturers Life
               Insurance Company of America, and ManEquity, Inc.

Form AG0176US(0797)