Exhibit (A)(3)(b)(iv)

Manulife Logo                                   BROKER/DEALER PRODUCER AGREEMENT

THIS AGREEMENT made this _____________ day of ____________19___________ BETWEEN:

                       (HEREINAFTER CALLED THE "COMPANY")
                                     - AND -

                       (hereinafter called the "Producer")

Witness that in consideration of the mutual covenants of the parties herein
contained, the parties hereto agree as follow:


     The Producer is hereby appointed an agent of the Company. It is understood
     and agreed that there is no corporate affiliation between the Company and
     the Producer and nothing contained herein shall be construed to create such

     In this Agreement, "Representative" refers to an individual who is a
     shareholder, associate or employee of the Producer, and who acts in the
     name of and on behalf of the Producer in soliciting, negotiating, or
     accepting from the public applications for life insurance products offered
     by the Company.

     In order for the Producer to remain sponsored by the Company, the Producer
     must have at least one (1) full-time Representative at all times. All
     Representative(s) of the Producer must hold appropriate licenses and must
     be appointed by the Company at all times.

     If the Producer through any of its Representative(s) desires to sell any
     variable life, annuity, or endowment products ("variable products")
     produced currently or in the future by the Company or one of its
     affiliates, it must also hold a valid dealer agreement with ManEquity, Inc.


     (a) The Producer through its Representative(s) shall canvass for
         applications for insurance and services offered by the Company and
         collect, in exchange for receipts furnished by the Company, money due
         or to become due to the Company in respect to applications and policies
         obtained by or through the Producer.

     (b) All applications for insurance products and services shall be signed by
         a licensed Representative(s) of the Agency.

     (c) The Producer shall ensure that its Representative(s) maintain a
         standard of knowledge and competence in the sale of the Company's
         products which is satisfactory to the Company.

     (d) The Producer and its Representative(s) shall comply with all applicable
         insurance laws and regulations. The Producer is required to obtain, and
         from time to time renew, a license to sell insurance within the
         state(s) in which the Producer intends to carry on business. The
         Producer shall also be required to obtain, and from time to time renew,
         a license for all of its Representative(s). If the Producer desires to
         sell any variable products offered by the Company, additional licensing
         is required under a ManEquity, Inc. dealer agreement.

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     (e) When requested by the Company, the Producer and/or its
         Representative(s) shall also purchase errors and omissions coverage in
         an amount acceptable to the Company.


     (a) The Producer and its Representative(s) shall not transact any business
         for the Company unless duly licensed as required by law. The Producer
         and its Representative(s) shall not transact any variable products
         business for the Company unless contracted to do so by ManEquity, Inc.

     (b) The Producer and its Representative(s) are not authorized to make
         contracts on behalf of the Company, or to alter or amend any of the
         provisions of the Company's contracts, or to waive forfeitures or bind
         the Company in any way not specifically authorized in writing by the
         Company. The Producer and its Representative(s) are not authorized to
         pay any premium or premiums or other payments on behalf of an
         applicant, policyholder, or beneficiary.

     (c) Neither the Producer not its Representative(s) shall induce producers,
         agents or brokers to leave the Company, or persuade policyholders to
         discontinue their policies, or otherwise do anything prejudicial to the
         Company's interest or that of its policyholders.


     (a)  Subject to Clause 5 "Regulations Governing Compensation and Credit"
          and Clause 6 "Joint Business", compensation shall be determined and
          shall be payable to the Producer while this Agreement is in force, in
          accordance with (1) the Company's Schedule of Commissions in force
          when an application for insurance is submitted to the Company and (2)
          any Schedule of Supplemental Income which may be entered into by the
          Producer and the Company and any amendments or supplements to those

     (b)  The Producer's basic compensation shall be by commission which shall
          be determined in accordance with the Schedule of Commissions. Other
          forms of compensation above and beyond those set out in the Schedule
          of Commissions and the Schedule of Supplemental Income, if any, may be
          specifically provided for or allowed as an option by the Company at
          its discretion. Commissions earned on the sale of variable products
          are paid by or on the behalf of ManEquity, Inc.

     (c)  The Schedule of Commissions and the Schedule of Supplemental Income,
          if any, and any amendments or supplements thereto, are subject to
          change by the Company at any time. No change shall affect commissions
          on Individual insurance products offered by the Company for which
          applications were submitted to the Company prior to the effective date
          of the change.


     (a) When a policy is changed, the compensation, if any, shall be determined
         by the Company.

     (b) The Company shall determine the compensation on any new policy when:

         i)   A policy on the same life has been  surrendered  or; lapsed 
              within six (6) months of the  application for the new policy; or

         ii)  The new policy appears to have replaced an existing policy or part
              of a policy within six (6) months of the date of application.

         The Producer shall immediately refund to the Company any excess
              compensation received on the new policy.

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     (c) If the Company returns any part of or all of premium(s) paid in respect
         to an issued policy, the Producer shall lose all right to any 
         compensation on such premiums. The Producer shall also immediately
         refund to the Company the amount of any compensation received on the 
         returned premium.

     (d) Where a policy has lapsed and the premium remains unpaid sixty (60)
         days beyond the expiration of the grace period, the Company shall have
         the right to take such policy out of the Producer's account of
         business. The Producer shall immediately refund any compensation paid
         in relation to such premiums not received by the Company and no further
         compensation shall be payable to the Producer thereon.

     (e) Where a policy has lapsed, the Producer shall immediately refund to the
         Company any compensation received on the lapsed policy pursuant to the
         Bonus provisions of the Schedule of Supplemental Income, if any.

     (f) The Company may adjust compensation so that compensation does not
         exceed the sales and surrender charges permitted by federal and state
         securities laws.


     (a) Any policy other than those policies issued by the Company that are
         deemed to be securities subject to regulation by the Securities and
         Exchange Commission, effected by the Producer in conjunction with any
         other producer, agent or broker of the Company, shall be considered as
         joint business and, unless otherwise agreed to, the amount of
         compensation shall be apportioned equally to each producer, agent or
         broker. The Company requires written notice from the agent of record of
         any such joint business and of the existence of any Agreement providing
         for unequal apportionment of compensation.

     (b) Any policy issued by the Company that is deemed a security subject to
         regulation by the Securities and Exchange Commission may not be sold
         jointly with any individual or firm not registered with the National
         Association of Securities Dealers and contracted with ManEquity, Inc.
         Any joint cases must be specified as such at the time the application
         is delivered to the company.


         The Company may set off against any claims by the Producer under this
         Agreement, and/or any attachment thereto, any debt or obligation or
         liability due at any time to the Company, or any of its affiliates,
         from the Producer as agent or otherwise, including but not limited to,
         compensation due the Company pursuant to Clause 5 of this Agreement.

         The Producer and/or its Representative(s) will become personally liable
         for the portion of any debit balance equal to advances on unearned
         compensation which appears in the Producer's Advance Account. Said
         portion of the debit balance shall be payable by the Producer upon
         demand of the Company. At the option of the Company, interest at the
         maximum rate permissible by state law will accrue on said portion of
         the debit balance from the time a debit balance occurs in such an
         account. The ledger account of the Company shall be competent and
         conclusive evidence of the state of accounts between the parties
         concerned. This right of offset shall be in addition to and shall not
         limit the Company's use of any other remedy available to it.


         The Producer shall promptly deliver to the Company all applications
         whether reported on favorably or unfavorably by the medical examiner
         and shall keep regular and accurate accounts of 

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         all transactions with or for the Company. All books of account,
         letters, documents, vouchers, status and service notices and other
         books and papers connected with the business of the Company and
         maintained by or in the possession of the Producer shall be open to the
         Company or its representative for the purposes of examination.


         The Producer shall immediately remit to the Company all monies received
         or collected by the Producer on behalf of the Company. The Producer
         shall not use any such monies for any other purpose.


         The Producer undertakes to notify the Company immediately in writing of
         any new Representative(s) or of any change in the employment status of
         any of the Producer's Representative(s). The Producer shall not add any
         new Representative(s) without first notifying the Company.

         Should the Company cease to sponsor the license of a Representative of
         the Producer for any reason, the Company shall give the Producer and
         the Representative fifteen (15) days notice in writing. Upon the
         effective date of the notice, the Representative shall immediately
         cease to act on behalf of, or in the name of, the Producer.


         Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time with or without
         cause by giving the other party fifteen (15) days' notice in writing.
         Termination shall not, however, release the Producer from any debt due
         the Company and until such debt shall have been paid, the obligations
         and covenants of the Producer as set out in this Agreement shall remain
         in force and effect.

         The Producer agrees that, in addition to the foregoing, the happening
         of any of the following events will also cause termination of this

         (a)      the bankruptcy or insolvency of the Producer;

         (b)      the winding up or dissolution of the Producer;

         (c)      the Producer ceasing to have its license sponsored by the 

         (d)      the Producer ceasing to hold a valid state license to sell
                  insurance products for the Company; 

         (e)      the Producer ceasing to hold a valid dealer agreement with 
                  ManEquity, Inc.


         To the extent permitted by federal or state security laws, upon
         termination of this Agreement, the Company shall pay the Producer or
         his/her successors and assigns, or his/her estate commissions on
         premiums paid to the Company after the termination of this Agreement on
         any policies put in force by the Producer under this Agreement.


         No rights or interest of the Producer in or under or by virtue of this
         Agreement shall be merged, or subject to sale or assignment without the
         prior consent of the Company.

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         All medical examination shall be made by a duly appointed medical
         examiner of the Company and the Company shall pay only such medical
         fees as are authorized by it.


         All amounts payable under this Agreement shall be payable in the lawful
         currency of the United States of America.


         The Company shall have no responsibility for the effect this Agreement
         may have on the federal, state or local taxes of the Producer. It is
         further agreed that the Producer is not relying on the Company for any
         advice relating to the effect of this Agreement on such taxes.


         In consideration of this Agreement, all existing agreements between the
         Company and the Producer shall terminate from the effective date of
         this Agreement, except as to compensation payable in accordance with
         such agreements.


         This Agreement shall be governed by and construed according to the laws
         of the state of CT .


         This Agreement becomes effective the _________ day of _________ 19____

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties to this Agreement have set their hands as of the
day and year first written above.

WITNESS:____________________________    ________________________________________
                                                   Authorized Signature

                                        THE MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY
                                        OF AMERICA
WITNESS:____________________________    ________________________________________
                                                   Producer Signature

                                        By: ____________________________________

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