FIFTH AMENDMENT


                              AMENDED AND RESTATED
                                 LOAN AGREEMENT


                             LEASECOMM CORPORATION,
                                  AS BORROWER,

                            THE LENDERS NAMED HEREIN



                                JANUARY 27, 1999


                                 LOAN AGREEMENT

"Amendment") made as of the 27th day of January, 1999 by and among LEASECOMM
CORPORATION, a Massachusetts corporation (the "Borrower"), FLEET BANK, N.A., a
national banking association, in its individual corporate capacity, and FIRST
UNION NATIONAL BANK (as successor to CORESTATES BANK, N.A.), a national banking
association, (individually, a "Lender" and, collectively, the "Lenders"), and
FLEET BANK, N.A., as agent for the Lenders (the "Agent"). Capitalized terms used
herein and not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed thereto
in the Loan Agreement.

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

                  WHEREAS, the Borrower, the Lenders and the Agent are parties
to a Loan Agreement dated as of July 29, 1993, as amended and restated as of
July 28, 1995, as further amended by the First Amendment to Amended and Restated
Loan Agreement made as of October 30, 1995, the Second Amendment to Amended and
Restated Loan Agreement made as of August 6, 1996, the Third Amendment to Loan
Agreement and Consent made as of the August 11, 1998, and the Fourth Amendment
to Amended and Restated Loan Agreement made as of July 31, 1998 (the "Loan
Agreement") pursuant to which, INTER ALIA, the Lenders agreed to make available
to the Borrower a revolving credit and term loan facility;

                  WHEREAS, PNC Bank, National Association, State Street Bank and
Trust Company and Sanwa Business Credit Corporation have determined to withdraw
as Lenders under the Loan Agreement;

                  WHEREAS, the Borrower has requested that the Loan Agreement be
amended as hereinafter set forth;

                  WHEREAS, the Lenders are willing to amend the Loan Agreement
on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth;

                  NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the
mutual agreements herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:

1.       AMENDMENTS.  The Loan Agreement is hereby amended as follows:

         (a) the definition of "BANK OF BOSTON FACILITY" set forth in Section
         1.1 of the Loan Agreement is hereby amended by adding to the end
         thereof before the "." the words ", as such facility shall be amended
         from time to time."

         (b) The definition of "BORROWING BASE" set forth in Section 1.1 of the
         Loan Agreement is hereby amended by (i) deleting "50%" from part (iii)
         of the first sentence thereof and substituting in lieu thereof "75%"
         (ii) inserting the words "or (iii) with respect to Eligible Lease
         Receivables relating to Federal Funds Rate Loans, the Borrowing Rate
         applicable to each such Federal Funds Rate Loan as of such date" in the
         second sentence thereof before the words "and (b) determination" and
         (iii) inserting at the end of the first sentence thereof the words
         "(iv) in the case of Eligible Installment Finance Contracts, an amount
         equal to 75% of receivables then due and unpaid with respect to each
         Eligible Installment Finance Contract"


         (c) The definition of "COMMITMENT" set forth in Section 1.1 of the Loan
         Agreement is hereby amended by deleting the names of the Lenders and
         the amounts set forth opposite the Lenders' names at the end of such
         definition and replacing such names and amounts with the following:

                 "Fleet Bank, N.A.                          $30,000,000

                  First Union National Bank                 $25,000,000"

         (d) The definition "COMMITMENT TERMINATION DATE" set forth in Section
         1.1 of the Loan Agreement is hereby amended to read in its entirety as

                  "COMMITMENT TERMINATION DATE" - July 31, 2000, unless
         extended pursuant to Section 2.14 hereof."

         (e) The definition "EQUIPMENT" set forth in Section 1.1 of the Loan
         Agreement is hereby amended by (i) inserting the words "microticket
         equipment leased to commercial end-users, restaurant equipment, other
         equipment costing less than $15,000" after the words "office

         (f) The definition "INTEREST PERIOD" set forth in Section 1.1 of the
         Loan Agreement is hereby amended by inserting the words "or Eligible
         Installment Finance Contracts" after the words ""Eligible Rental

         (g) The definition "LEASE" set forth in Section 1.1 of the Loan
         Agreement is hereby amended by inserting the words "or installment
         sales contract" after the words "any lease agreement"

         (h) The following definitions shall be added to Section 1.1 of the Loan
         Agreement in their correct alphabetical position:

                  'CONTRACTOR' - a Person who is engaged in the business of
                  selling and providing service related contracts.

                  'ELIGIBLE INSTALLMENT FINANCE CONTRACT' - an Installment 
                  Finance Contract:

                  (a)      Which is in full force and effect;

                  (b)      Which is assignable by the Contractor thereunder;

                  (c) Which provides that the customer's obligations thereunder
                  are absolute and unconditional, and not subject to defense,
                  deduction, set-off or claim and as to which no defenses,
                  set-offs, claims or counterclaims exist or have been asserted;

                  (d) Which is not subject to any Lien other than that in favor
                  of the Agent on behalf of the Lenders and in which the Agent
                  has a duly perfected first priority security interest under
                  the UCC; and

                  (e) Under which no payment is more than 90 days past due.

                  `INSTALLMENT FINANCE CONTRACT' - an agreement between a
                  Contractor and a customer providing for the sales and/or the
                  performance of services by the Contractor and the payment by
                  the customer for such services over time.



                  `FEDERAL FUNDS RATE' - for any day, a fluctuating interest
                  rate per annum equal to the weighted average of the rates on
                  seven-day Federal funds transactions with members of the
                  Federal Reserve System arranged by Federal funds brokers, as
                  published for such day (or, if such day is not a Business Day,
                  for the next preceding Business Day) by the Federal Reserve
                  Bank of New York, or, if such rate is not so published for any
                  day that is a Business Day, the average of the quotations for
                  such day on such transactions received by the Agent from three
                  Federal funds brokers of recognized standing selected by the

                  `FEDERAL FUNDS RATE LOAN' - a Loan the interest on which is
                  determined on the basis of the Federal Funds Rate.

         (i) The second sentence of Section 2.1(a) of the Loan Agreement is
         hereby amended by (i)deleting the phrase "parts (i) through (iv)" and
         inserting in lieu thereof the phrase "parts (i) through (vi)" and (ii)
         inserting new sub-parts (v) and (vi) after sub-part (iv) as follows:

                  "or (v) in the case of Loans based upon Eligible Rental
                  Contracts, the aggregate outstanding principal amount of all
                  such Loans exceed 20% of the Commitment;"

         (j) Section 2.1(b) of the Loan Agreement is hereby amended by adding
         the words ", Federal Funds Rate Loans" after the words "Prime Rate
         Loans" and before the words "and Libor Loans" in each of the first and
         third sentences thereof.

         (k) Clause (x) of Section 2.1(c) of the Loan Agreement is hereby
         amended by inserting the words "or Eligible Installment Finance
         Contracts" after the words "Eligible Leases" both times such phrase

         (l) Clause (x) of part(ii) of Section 2.1(d) of the Loan Agreement is
         hereby amended by inserting the words "or Eligible Installment Finance
         Contracts" after the words "Eligible Leases"

         (m) Section 2.2 of the Loan Agreement is hereby amended by inserting
         the words "or a Federal Funds Rate Loan" after the words "conversion of
         a Prime Rate Loan" in the first sentence thereof and after the words
         "borrowing of a Prime Rate Loan" in the second sentence thereof.

         (n) Section 2.3(a) of the Loan Agreement is hereby amended by
         renumbering sub-parts "(vi)" and "(vii)" to be "(vii)" and "(viii)",
         respectively, and adding a new sub-part (vi) as follows:

                  "(vi) a statement that such Eligible Installment Finance
                  Contracts, subject to the acceptance by the Agent of the
                  applicable obligor thereunder, satisfy the conditions to
                  qualify as Eligible Installment Finance Contracts,"

         (o) Section 2.3(b)(iii) of the Loan Agreement is hereby amended by (i)
         deleting "50%" and substituting in lieu thereof "75%" and (ii) adding a
         new subsection (v) thereof following sub-section (iv) thereof, which
         shall read in its entirety as follows:

                  "(v) With respect to Loans based upon Eligible Installment
                  Finance Contracts, the amount of each such Loan shall be an
                  amount equal to 75% of the receivables then due and unpaid on
                  such Eligible Installment Finance Contracts, discounted to
                  present value (which calculation shall not take into account
                  payments due and payable under such Eligible Installment
                  Finance Contracts beyond 60 months after the commencement date



                  of such Eligible Installment Finance Contracts) by a
                  percentage equal to the Borrowing Rate applicable to such Loan
                  as of the applicable Borrowing Date."

         (p) Section 2.5(a) of the Loan Agreement is hereby amended by deleting
         ".25% per annum" and substituting in lieu thereof ".275% per annum."

         (q) Section 2.5(b) of the Loan Agreement is hereby amended to read in 
         its entirety as follows:

                  "(b) The Borrower shall pay to the Agent $70,000 per year,
                  which fee shall be payable quarterly in advance on January
                  ___, 1999 and on the First Business Day of each April, July,
                  October and January thereafter, for so long as the Loan
                  Agreement is in effect."

         (r) Section 2.6(a) of the Loan Agreement is hereby amended by (i)
         inserting at the beginning thereof before the words "The aggregate" the
         subheading "(i)", (ii) inserting after the words "Eligible Equipment"
         the words "and Eligible Installment Finance Sales Contracts" in subpart
         (i) thereof, and (iii) adding three new subparts (ii), (iii) and (iv)
         as follows:

                  "(ii) If the percentage of the Borrowing Base attributable to
                  Eligible Lease Receivables, Net Book Value and receivables due
                  and unpaid on Eligible Installment Finance Contracts of any
                  single obligor that is an end user under an Eligible Lease or
                  Eligible Rental Contract or direct obligor under an Eligible
                  Installment Finance Contract exceeds an amount equal to 5% of
                  the Borrowing Base as of the date of any Borrowing Base
                  Report, the Borrower shall immediately, but in any event not
                  later than the next due date for the Borrowing Base Report
                  required to be delivered to the Agent pursuant to Section 5.10
                  hereof, cause the Borrowing Base to be increased by granting
                  to the Agent, as agent for the Lenders pursuant to the
                  Security Agreement, a Lien pursuant to and as contemplated by
                  Section 2.22 hereof and the Security Documents on additional
                  Eligible Leases and Eligible Rental Contracts and Eligible
                  Equipment and Eligible Installment Finance Contracts or other
                  security acceptable to the Lenders, in their sole discretion,
                  such that, after giving effect to the grant of such Lien, such
                  percentage no longer exceeds an amount equal to 5% of the
                  Borrowing Base.

                  (iii) If the percentage of the Borrowing Base attributable to
                  Eligible Lease Receivables and Net Book Value for which the
                  Eligible Equipment is microticket equipment leased to consumer
                  end-users exceeds 20% of the Borrowing Base as of the date of
                  any Borrowing Base Report, the Borrower shall immediately, but
                  in any event not later than the next due date for the
                  Borrowing Base Report required to be delivered to the Agent
                  pursuant to Section 5.10 hereof, cause the Borrowing Base to
                  be increased by granting to the Agent, as agent for the
                  Lenders pursuant to the Security Agreement, a Lien pursuant to
                  and as contemplated by Section 2.22 hereof and the Security
                  Documents on additional Eligible Leases and Eligible Rental
                  Contracts and Eligible Equipment and Eligible Installment
                  Finance Contracts or other security acceptable to the Lenders,
                  in their sole discretion, such that, after giving effect to
                  the grant of such Lien, such percentage no longer exceeds an
                  amount equal to 20% of the Borrowing Base.

                  (iv) If the percentage of the Borrowing Base attributable to
                  Eligible Lease Receivables and Net Book Value regarding
                  Eligible Equipment located in a single state exceeds 20% of
                  the Borrowing Base as of the date of any Borrowing Base


                  Report, the Borrower shall immediately, but in any event not
                  later than the next due date for the Borrowing Base Report
                  required to be delivered to the Agent pursuant to Section 5.10
                  hereof, cause the Borrowing Base to be increased by granting
                  the Agent, as agent for the Lenders pursuant to the Security
                  Agreement, a Lien pursuant to and as contemplated by Section
                  2.22 hereof and the Security Documents on additional Eligible
                  Leases and Eligible Rental Contracts and Eligible Equipment
                  and Eligible Installment Finance Contracts or other security
                  acceptable to the Lenders, in their sole discretion, such
                  that, after giving effect to the grant of such Lien, such
                  percentage no longer exceeds an amount equal to 20% of the
                  Borrowing Base."

         (s) The last sentence of Section 2.6(b) of the Loan Agreement is hereby
         amended by inserting after the words "Eligible Rental Contracts" the
         words "and Eligible Installment Finance Contracts"

         (t)      Section 2.7 of the Loan Agreement is hereby amended to read in
         its entirety as follows:

                  "SECTION 2.7      CONVERSION OF LOANS.

                           Subject to Sections 2.17 and 2.19 hereof, the
                  Borrower shall have the option to convert any Prime Rate Loan,
                  into a Federal Funds Rate Loan or Libor Loan, any Federal
                  Funds Rate Loan into a Prime Rate Loan or Libor Loan, or any
                  Libor Loan into any Prime Rate Loan or Federal Funds Rate
                  Loan; provided, however, that in the case of any conversion of
                  such Loan, (a) the Borrower shall give to the Agent notice of
                  each such conversion as provided in Section 2.2; and (b) no
                  Loan may be converted if, on the proposed date of conversion,
                  an Event of Default or Default has occurred and is

         (u)      Section 2.8 of the Loan Agreement is hereby amended to read in
         its entirety as follows:

                  "SECTION 2.8      USE OF PROCEEDS OF LOANS.

                           The proceeds of each Loan hereunder may be used by
                  the Borrower solely to finance or refinance (i) Eligible
                  Equipment covered by Eligible Leases and Eligible Rental
                  Contracts or (ii) Eligible Installment Finance Contracts
                  referred to in the Borrowing Computation relating to such
                  Loan, and for no other purpose whatsoever."

         (v) Subsections (i) and (ii) of Section 2.9(a) of the Loan Agreement
         are hereby amended and restated in their entirety as follows:

                  "(i) with respect to any Revolving Credit Loan, (x) during
                  such periods that such Loan (or any portion thereof) is a
                  Prime Rate Loan, the Prime Rate; (y) during such periods that
                  such Loan (or any portion thereof) is a Libor Loan, Libor plus
                  1.75%; and (z) during such periods that such Loan (or any
                  portion thereof) is a Federal Funds Rate Loan, the Federal
                  Funds Rate plus 1.75%; and

                  (ii) with respect to any Term Loan, (x) during such periods
                  that such Loan (or any portion thereof) is a Prime Rate Loan,
                  the Prime Rate plus .50%; and (y) during such periods that
                  such Loan (or any portion thereof) is a Libor Loan, Libor plus
                  2.50%; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that any Term Loans outstanding on
                  August 6, 1996 that are Libor Loans shall bear interest at the
                  rate established and in effect with respect thereto as of such
                  date; and (z) during such periods that such Loan (or any
                  portion thereof) is a Federal Funds Rate Loan, the Federal
                  Funds Rate plus 1.75%"



         (w)      Section 2.9(d) of the Loan Agreement is hereby amended to read
         in its entirety as follows:

                  "(d) Subject to Section 2.7 hereof, the Borrower shall be
                  permitted to convert any Loan, or any portion thereof, in an
                  amount equal to or exceeding $500,000."

         (x) Section 2.13(a) of the Loan Agreement is hereby amended by adding a
         new subpart (iii) after subpart (ii) as follows:

                  "and (iii) each borrowing of a Federal Funds Rate Loan (other
                  than a Conversion Term Loan) and each prepayment of a Federal
                  Funds Rate Loan shall be in an amount at least equal to
                  $500,000 or some greater integral multiple of $100,000."

         (y) Section 2.16(b) of the Loan Agreement is hereby amended by adding
         the words "or Federal Funds Rate Loan" after the words "Prime Rate
         Loans" therein.

         (z) Section 2.17 of the Loan Agreement is hereby amended by adding the
         words "or Federal Funds Rate Loan" after the words "Prime Rate Loans"

         (aa) Section 2.18 of the Loan Agreement is hereby amended by adding the
         words "or Federal Funds Rate Loan" after the words "Prime Rate Loans"
         each time such phrase occurs therein.

         (ab) The fourth sentence of Section 2.21 of the Loan Agreement is
         hereby amended and restated in its entirety as follows:

                  "Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event the Agent shall
                  have made an advance on behalf of a Lender without prior
                  notice not to do so, the Borrower shall, on demand from the
                  Agent, repay to the Agent that amount so made available with
                  interest thereon, in respect of each day during the period
                  commencing on and including the date such advance was made by
                  the Agent until the date the Agent recovers such amount at a
                  rate per annum equal to (i) with respect to any Revolving
                  Credit Loan, (x) during such periods that such Loan (or any
                  portion thereof) is a Prime Rate Loan, the Prime Rate; (y)
                  during such periods that such Loan (or any portion thereof) is
                  a Libor Loan, Libor plus 1.75%; and (z) during such periods
                  that such Loan (or any portion thereof) is a Federal Funds
                  Rate Loan, the Federal Funds Rate plus 1.75% or (ii) with
                  respect to any Term Loan, (x) during such periods that such
                  Loan (or any portion thereof) is a Prime Rate Loan, the Prime
                  Rate plus .50%; and (y) during such periods that such Loan (or
                  any portion thereof) is a Libor Loan, Libor plus 2.50%;"

         (ac) Section 2.22(a)(ii) of the Loan Agreement is hereby amended and
         restated in its entirety as follows:

                  "(ii) subject to the provisions of the Security Agreement, the
                  Borrower shall hold, as collateral custodian for the Agent,
                  all originally executed Leases included in the Collateral."

         (ad) Section 2.22(a) of the Loan Agreement by adding a new subsection
         "(v)" at the end thereof as follows:

                  "(v) if the Borrowing Base value attributable to Eligible
                  Lease Receivables or Net Asset Value for any installment sale
                  contract (x) is greater than $10,000, then the Borrower shall
                  file appropriate UCC financing statements against the obligor
                  of such installment


                  sale contract or (y) is greater than $35,000, then the 
                  Borrower shall name the Agent as assignee of such security 

         (ae) Section 4.2(f) of the Loan Agreement is hereby amended and
         restated in its entirety as follows:

                  "(f)  Reserved."

         (af) Section 6.9(a)(ii) of the Loan Agreement is hereby amended and
         restated in its entirety as follows:

                  "(ii) a Consolidated Tangible Net Worth of not less than the
                  sum of (i) 85% of the Consolidated Tangible Net Worth as of
                  December 31, 1997, and (ii) 50% of the aggregate amount of
                  Consolidated Net Income of the Guarantor and its Subsidiaries,
                  including the Borrower, for each of the fiscal quarters ending
                  on or after March 31, 1998 but without deducting therefrom any
                  amount of Consolidated Net Deficit for any of such fiscal

         (ag) Section 6.9(a)(iii) of the Loan Agreement is hereby amended and
         restated in its entirety as follows:

                  "(iii)   an  allowance  for  bad  debt  of the  Guarantor  and
                  its  Subsidiaries,  including  the  Borrower, of at least 7% 
                  of Gross Lease Installments;"

         (ah) Section 6.12 of the Loan Agreement is hereby amended to read in
         its entirety as follows:

                  "SECTION 6.12     BORROWING BASE.

                           Make such prepayments or pledge such additional
                  security, from time to time, as required by Section 2.6

         (ai) Section 7.4 of the Loan Agreement is hereby amended by (A)
         inserting after the words "surviving entity, (ii)" the words "the total
         consideration paid by the Borrower (x) in connection with any single
         such transaction shall not exceed $10,000,000 and (y) in connection
         with all such transactions during any fiscal year shall not exceed
         $20,000,000 in the aggregate, (iii)", (B) deleting "(iii)" and
         inserting in lieu thereof "(iv)" and (C) deleting "(iv)" and inserting
         in lieu thereof "(v)".

         (aj) Section 7.7(b) of the Loan Agreement is hereby amended by
         inserting after the words "Eligible Equipment" the words "or Eligible
         Installment Finance Contracts"

         (ak) Exhibit H to the Loan Agreement is hereby deleted in its entirety
         and Exhibit B attached hereto is hereby substituted in lieu thereof.

2. CONDITIONS PRECEDENT. Prior to or simultaneously with the entry by the
Borrower into this Amendment and as a condition precedent to the effectiveness
of this Amendment:

         (a) DOCUMENTS. The Agent shall have received with sufficient original
         counterparts for each Lender (i) this Amendment duly executed by the
         Borrower and each Lender, (ii) the Confirmation of Guaranty annexed to
         this Amendment duly executed by the Guarantor, (iii) an amendment to
         the Security Agreement in form and substance satisfactory to the Agent
         and (iv) such UCC financing statements and related documents as the
         Agent shall require in connection therewith.


         (b) CORPORATE ACTION. The Borrower shall have taken all corporate
         action required to be taken to authorize the execution, delivery and
         performance of this Amendment, the agreements, documents and
         instruments referred to herein and the transactions contemplated hereby
         and thereby.

         (c) CORPORATE DOCUMENTS AND CERTIFICATES. The Borrower and the
         Guarantor shall have delivered to the Agent, with sufficient original
         counterparts for each Lender, an officer's certificate, in form and
         substance satisfactory to the Agent, confirming the following:

                  (i) None of its organizational documents have been amended
                  since the date(s) as of which copies of said organizational
                  documents were certified to the Agent pursuant to the Fourth
                  Amendment to Loan Agreement and Consent made as of July 31,
                  1998 except that the name of the Guarantor has been changed
                  from Boyle Leasing Technologies, Inc. to Micro Financial,

                  (ii)  Specimen signature(s) of the person(s) authorized to 
                  execute this Amendment;

                  (iii) The execution, delivery and performance of this
                  Amendment has been authorized by resolutions of the Board of
                  Directors of the Borrower and the Guarantor, copies of which
                  shall be attached to such officer's certificate; and

                  (iv) Each of the Borrower and the Guarantor remains in good
                  standing in its respective jurisdiction of incorporation and
                  in each jurisdiction in which it is qualified to do business.

         (d) BANK OF BOSTON FACILITY. The Bank of Boston Facility shall have
         been amended to reflect the amendments set forth herein (or shall be
         amended subject only to effectiveness of the amendments set forth
         herein) to the extent the provisions being amended pursuant to this
         Amendment are contained therein, and the Agent shall have received
         evidence satisfactory to it to such effect.

         (e) PROCEEDINGS AND DOCUMENTS. All proceedings in connection with the
         transactions contemplated by this Amendment and all documents incident
         thereto, including, without limitation, the Certificate of
         Incorporation Amendments, shall be reasonably satisfactory in form and
         substance to the Agent, and the Agent and each Lender, upon request by
         such Lender, shall have received all information and such counterpart
         originals or certified or other of such documents as the Agent may
         reasonably request prior to the date hereof.

         (f)      COMPLIANCE.

                  (i) The Borrower and the Guarantor shall have complied and
                  shall then be in compliance with all of the terms, covenants
                  and conditions of the Loan Agreement as amended by this
                  Amendment; and

                  (ii) The representations and warranties contained in Article 3
                  of the Loan Agreement shall be true and correct on the date
                  hereof; and

                  (iii) No Default or Event of Default shall have occurred, and
                  the Agent and each Lender shall have received a Compliance
                  Certificate dated the date hereof certifying, INTER ALIA, that
                  the conditions set forth in this Section 2 are satisfied on
                  such date.

         (g) LEGAL MATTERS. All legal matters incident to the effectiveness of
         this Amendment shall be satisfactory to counsel to the Agent.


         (h)      LETTERS OF WITHDRAWAL.

                  (i) The Agent shall have received a letter of withdrawal duly
                  executed and delivered by Sanwa Business Credit Corporation
                  ("Sanwa"), evidencing Sanwa's agreement to withdraw as a
                  Lender under the Loan Agreement; provided that Sanwa shall
                  remain as a Lender under the Loan Agreement only with respect
                  to existing Libor Loans and only until the end of the current
                  Interest Period for each such Loan.

                  (ii) The Agent shall have received a letter of withdrawal duly
                  executed and delivered by State Street Bank and Trust Company
                  ("State Street"), evidencing State Street's agreement to
                  withdraw as a Lender under the Loan Agreement; provided that
                  State Street shall remain as a Lender under the Loan Agreement
                  only with respect to existing Libor Loans and only until the
                  end of the current Interest Period for each such Loan.

                  (iii) The Agent shall have received a letter of withdrawal
                  duly executed and delivered by PNC Bank, National Association
                  ("PNC"), evidencing PNC's agreement to withdraw as a Lender
                  under the Loan Agreement; provided that PNC shall remain as a
                  Lender under the Loan Agreement only with respect to existing
                  Libor Loans and only until the end of the current Interest
                  Period for each such Loan.


The Borrower hereby reaffirms as of the date hereof each and every security
interest and lien granted in favor of the Agent and the Lenders under the Loan
Documents, and agrees and acknowledges that such security interests and liens
shall continue from and after the date hereof, in each case after giving effect
to the Loan Agreement as amended by this Amendment, and the obligations secured
thereby and thereunder shall include Borrower's obligations under the Loan
Agreement as amended by this Amendment. Each such reaffirmed security interest
and lien remains and shall continue to remain in full force and effect and is
hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed.


         (a) On and after the date hereof, each reference in the Loan Agreement
         to "this Agreement", "hereunder", "hereof", "herein" or words of like
         import, and each reference in the other Loan Documents, shall mean and
         be a reference to the Loan Agreement as amended hereby.

         (b) Except as specifically amended herein, the Loan Agreement shall
         remain in full force and effect in accordance with its terms.


6.       FURTHER ASSURANCES. Each of the parties hereto hereby agrees to do such
further acts and things and to execute, deliver and acknowledge such additional
agreements, powers and instruments as any other party hereto may reasonably
require to carry into effect the purposes of this Amendment.

7.       COSTS AND EXPENSES. The Borrower hereby agrees to pay all reasonable 
costs and expenses of the Agent (including reasonable attorneys' fees and 
expenses) incurred in connection with the negotiation, preparation, execution 
and delivery of this Amendment.


8.       COUNTERPARTS; FACSIMILE SIGNATURES. This Amendment may be executed in 
any number of counterparts and by different parties on different counterparts, 
but all such counterparts shall together constitute but one agreement. Execution
and delivery of this Amendment by facsimile transmission shall constitute 
execution and delivery of this Amendment for all purposes, with the same force 
and effect as execution and delivery of an originally manually signed copy 

9.       HEADINGS. Section headings in this Amendment are included herein for
convenience of reference only and shall not constitute a part of this Amendment
or be given any substantive effect.




                  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this
Amendment to be duly executed as of the date first above written.


                                      LEASECOMM CORPORATION

                                         By: /s/ Peter R. Bleyleben
                                         Name: Peter R. Bleyleben
                                         Title:  Authorized Signatory


                                      FLEET BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION
                                      Fleet Bank, N.A.
                                      1185 Avenue of the Americas
                                      New York, New York  10036
                                      Attention:      Mr. Harris C. Mehos
                                                      Vice President
                                      Telecopier:     (212) 819-6212

                                          By: /s/  James Fox
                                          Name:  James Fox
                                          Title:  Authorized Signatory



                                      FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK 
                                      (successor to CORESTATES BANK, N.A.)
                                      1339 Chestnut Street
                                      Mailstop:  PA4827
                                      Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  19101-7618
                                      Attention:        Ms. Theresa Smith
                                                        Vice President
                                      Telecopier:       (215) 786-7704

                                          By: /s/ S. Scott Gates
                                          Name:  S. Scott Gates
                                          Title:  Authorized Signatory


                                     FLEET BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, 
                                       as Agent

                                          By: /s/ James Fox
                                          Name:  James fox
                                          Title:  Authorized Signatory



                            CONFIRMATION OF GUARANTY

                  The undersigned Guarantor of the Obligations under the Loan
Documents hereby consents and agrees to the amendment on the date hereof,
pursuant to the Fifth Amendment to Amended and Restated Loan Agreement (the
"Fifth Amendment"), of the Amended and Restated Loan Agreement dated as of July
28, 1995, as amended by the First Amendment to Amended and Restated Loan
Agreement made as of October 30, 1995, the Second Amendment to Amended and
Restated Loan Agreement made as of August 6, 1996, the Third Amendment to Loan
Agreement and Consent made as of August 11, 1997, and the Fourth Amendment to
Amended and Restated Loan Agreement made as of July 31, 1998, acknowledges
receipt of a copy of the Fifth Amendment and agrees that its guaranty of the
payment and performance of the Obligations pursuant to the Guaranty dated as of
July 29, 1993 remains in full force and effect and shall continue to apply to
the Obligations, after giving effect to the Fifth Amendment. The undersigned
hereby reaffirms as of the date hereof each and every representation and
warranty made pursuant to the Guaranty, and confirms that each and every such
representation and warranty is true and correct on and as of the date hereof as
if made on and as of such date.

Dated: as of January 27, 1999

                                         MicroFinancial, Inc. (formerly known as
                                         Boyle Leasing Technologies, Inc.)

                                             By: /s/ Peter R. Bleyleben
                                             Name: Peter R. Bleyleben
                                             Title:  Authorized Signatory
