1 EXHIBIT 99.1 [ALTAREX LOGO] ALTAREX CORP. Notice of Annual and Special Meeting of Shareholders and Management Information Circular April 13, 1999 2 [ALTAREX LOGO] ALTAREX CORP. Registered Office: Executive Office: Campus Tower, Suite 300 Suite 125, 303 Wyman Street 8625 - 112 Street Waltham, Massachusetts Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E1 02451 ------------------------------------ NOTICE OF ANNUAL AND SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS ------------------------------------ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the annual and special meeting (the "Meeting") of holders of common shares ("Shareholders") of AltaRex Corp. (the "Corporation") will be held in the Angus Shaw Room at the Sheraton Grand Hotel, 10235 -101 Street, Edmonton, Alberta on May 19, 1999 at 2:30 p.m. (Edmonton time), for the following purposes: 1. to receive the annual report of the directors to the shareholders and the financial statements of the Corporation for the year ended December 31, 1998 and the auditors' report thereon; 2. to elect directors; 3. to appoint Ernst & Young LLP, Chartered Accountants, as auditors of the Corporation and to authorize the directors to fix their remuneration; 4. to consider and, if deemed advisable, pass, with or without variation, a resolution approving an amendment to the stock option plan of the Corporation (the "Plan") increasing the number of common shares of the Corporation reserved for issuance thereunder from 2,480,000 to 4,180,000, the full text of which is set out in Schedule "A" to the accompanying Management Information Circular of the Corporation (the "Circular"), all as more particularly described in the Circular; 5. to consider and, if deemed advisable, pass, with or without variation, a resolution approving an amendment to the Plan increasing the maximum exercise period of options granted under the Plan from five years to ten years, the full text of which is set out in Schedule "B" to the Circular, all as more particularly described in the Circular; 6. to consider and, if deemed advisable, pass, with or without variation, a resolution approving an amendment to the terms of certain options granted under the Plan extending the exercise period of such options from five years to ten years, the full text of which resolution is set out in Schedule "C" to the accompanying Circular, all as more particularly described in the Circular; and 7. to consider such other matters as may properly come before the Meeting or any adjournment thereof. 3 - 2 - The Board of Directors of the Corporation has fixed the close of business on April 12, 1999 as the record date (the "Record Date") for the purpose of determining Shareholders entitled to receive notice of the Meeting, but the failure of any Shareholder to receive notice of the Meeting does not deprive such Shareholder of the right to vote at the Meeting. If a person has acquired Common Shares of the Corporation after the Record Date, that person is entitled to vote those shares at the Meeting upon establishing share ownership and demanding the inclusion of his or her name on the list of shareholders of the Corporation not later than ten days before the date of the Meeting. By Order of the Board of Directors (Signed) Edward M. Fitzgerald Secretary Waltham, Massachusetts April 13, 1999 Shareholders who are unable to be present at the Meeting are requested to complete and return the enclosed form of proxy in the envelope provided for that purpose. The Board of Directors has specified that proxies must be received at the Calgary office of the Corporation's transfer agent, Montreal Trust Company of Canada, before 5:00 p.m. (Calgary time), on the last business day prior to the Meeting or, if such meeting is adjourned, such time on the business day immediately prior to the date to which such meeting is adjourned at the following address, or may be deposited with the Chairman of the Meeting prior to the commencement thereof: AltaRex Corp. c/o Montreal Trust Company of Canada Suite 600 530 - 8th Avenue S.W. Calgary, Alberta T2P 3S8 4 ALTAREX CORP. ANNUAL AND SPECIAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS To be held on May 19, 1999 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION CIRCULAR This Management Information Circular is furnished in connection with the solicitation of proxies by the management of AltaRex Corp. (the "Corporation") for use at the Annual and Special Meeting of the holders (the "Shareholders") of common shares (the "Common Shares") of the Corporation to be held in the Angus Shaw Room of the Sheraton Grand Hotel, 10235 - 101 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, at 2:30 p.m. (Edmonton time) on May 19, 1999 (the "Meeting"), for the purposes set forth in the notice of meeting which accompanies this Circular. The information contained herein is given as of April 13, 1999, except where otherwise indicated. There is enclosed herewith a form of proxy for use at the Meeting. Each Shareholder who is entitled to attend at meetings of Shareholders is encouraged to participate in the Meeting and Shareholders are urged to vote on matters to be considered in person or by proxy. APPOINTMENT AND REVOCATION OF PROXIES Those Shareholders desiring to be represented by proxy must deposit their respective forms of proxy with Montreal Trust Company of Canada ("Montreal Trust"), Attention: Corporate Trust Department, 6th Floor, 530 - 8th Avenue S.W., Calgary, Alberta T2P 3S8 by no later than 5:00 p.m. (Calgary time) on the last business day preceding the date of the Meeting, or any adjournment thereof. A proxy must be executed by the Shareholder or by his attorney authorized in writing, or if the Shareholder is a corporation, under its seal or by an officer or attorney thereof duly authorized. A proxy is valid only at the Meeting in respect of which it is given or any adjournment of the Meeting. The persons named in the enclosed form of proxy are directors and/or officers of the Corporation and will represent management of the Corporation at the Meeting. Each Shareholder submitting a proxy has the right to appoint a person to represent him, her or it at the Meeting other than the persons designated in the form of proxy furnished by the Corporation. The Shareholder may exercise this right by striking out the names of the persons so designated and inserting the name of the desired representative in the blank space provided, and depositing the proxy with Montreal Trust at the place and within the time specified above for the deposit of proxies. An instrument of proxy may be revoked by the person giving it at any time prior to the exercise thereof. If a person who has given a proxy attends personally at the Meeting at which such proxy is to be voted, such person may revoke the proxy and vote in person. In addition to revocation in any other manner permitted by law, a proxy may be revoked by instrument in writing executed by the Shareholder or his or her attorney duly authorized in writing, or if the Shareholder is a corporation, under its seal or by an officer or attorney thereof duly authorized, and deposited either with Montreal Trust at any time up to and including 5:00 p.m. (Calgary time) on the last business day preceding the Meeting or any adjournment thereof, at which the proxy is to be used, or with the Chairman of the Meeting, on the day of the Meeting or any adjourned meeting prior to the commencement thereof. Such revocation shall be deemed effective upon such deposit in either manner. 5 - 2 - EXERCISE OF DISCRETION The Common Shares represented by properly executed proxies designated in the printed portion of the accompanying form of proxy will be voted or withheld from voting on any ballot that may be called for, and, where the Shareholder specifies a choice with respect to any matter to be acted upon, such Common Shares will be voted in accordance with any specification so made. The persons appointed under the enclosed form of proxy are conferred with discretionary authority with respect to amendments or variations of those matters specified in the proxy and with respect to any other matters which may properly be brought before the Meeting or any adjournment thereof in accordance with their best judgement. As at the date of this Circular, the management of the Corporation know of no such amendment, variation, or other matter. 6 - 3 - Unless otherwise specified, proxies in the accompanying form will be voted in favour of: (a) the election of the nominees, hereinafter set forth, as directors of the Corporation; (b) the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP, Chartered Accountants, as auditors of the Corporation; (c) the resolution approving an amendment to the stock option plan of the Corporation (the "Plan") increasing the number of Common Shares reserved for issuance thereunder, the full text of which is set out in Schedule "A" hereto; (d) the resolution approving an amendment to the Plan increasing the maximum exercise period of options granted thereunder, the full text of which is set out in Schedule "B" hereto; and (e) the resolution approving the amendment to the expiry date of certain options granted under the Plan, the full text of which is set out in Schedule "C" hereto. QUORUM AND VOTING Shareholders present in person or represented by proxy representing not less than 10% of the outstanding Common Shares are necessary to provide a quorum at the Meeting. Voting at the Meeting will be by a show of hands, each Shareholder having one vote, unless a poll is requested or required, in which each Shareholder is entitled to one vote for each share held. Unless otherwise indicated herein, in order to approve a resolution proposed at the Meeting a majority of greater than 50% of the votes cast will be required. PERSONS MAKING THE SOLICITATION This solicitation is made on behalf of the management of the Corporation. The cost incurred in the preparation and mailing of this Circular and the accompanying proxy will be borne by the Corporation. In addition to the use of mail, proxies may be solicited by personal delivery, telephone or any form of electronic communication or by directors, officers and employees of the Corporation who will not be directly compensated therefor. RECORD DATE The Board of Directors has fixed the close of business on April 12, 1999 as the record date (the "Record Date") for the purpose of determining Shareholders entitled to receive notice of the Meeting. The failure of any Shareholder to receive notice of the Meeting does not deprive such Shareholder of the right to vote at the Meeting. If a person has acquired Common Shares after the Record Date, that person is entitled to vote those Common Shares at the Meeting upon establishing ownership of the Common Shares and demanding the inclusion of his, her or its name on the list of holders of Common Shares maintained by the Corporation not later than ten days before the date of the Meeting. PRINCIPAL HOLDERS OF VOTING SECURITIES As at April 13, 1999, the Corporation had outstanding 16,512,613 Common Shares. The following table sets forth the particulars, as at the date of this Circular, with respect to those persons who, to the knowledge of the directors or officers of the Corporation, beneficially own or exercise control or direction over more than 10% of the Common Shares (being the only class of shares of the Corporation outstanding): 7 - 4 - Percentage of Common Name Number of Common Shares Shares - ---- ----------------------- ------ DR. ANTOINE A. NOUJAIM 3,924,700 Common Shares (1) 23.8% (1) (1) This number does not include 375,000 Common Shares issuable upon the exercise of stock options held by Dr. Noujaim which are exercisable at a price of $1.80 per share until July 26, 2001. As of the date hereof, to the knowledge of the directors and officers of the Corporation, there are no other persons who are holders of record or are beneficial owners, directly or indirectly, of shares conferring over 10% of the voting rights attached to the issued and outstanding Common Shares. Except as disclosed above, as at the date hereof, the current directors and officers of the Corporation as a group own directly or indirectly or exercise control or direction over a total of 508,159 Common Shares representing approximately 3.1% of the issued and outstanding Common Shares. PARTICULARS OF MATTERS TO BE ACTED UPON Election Of Directors At the Meeting, it is proposed that six directors be elected and hold office until the next annual meeting of Shareholders or until their successors are elected or appointed. There are currently seven directors of the Corporation. In accordance with the Business Corporations Act (Alberta) and pursuant to the by-laws of the Corporation, the current directors of the Corporation cease to hold office at the close of the Meeting. The following table sets forth, in respect of each nominee, all positions currently held with the Corporation, principal occupation or employment within the preceding five years, and the approximate number of Common Shares of the Corporation beneficially owned, directly or indirectly, or over which voting control is exercised as of April 13, 1999. The information contained below is based upon information furnished by the respective nominee and by the Corporation, other than the information provided below with respect to the Common Shares which was provided to the Corporation by the respective nominee. The Corporation has not received notice of, and management is not aware of, any proposed nominees in addition to those named. Each of the nominees is currently a director of the Corporation. Mr. Georges Hibon, currently a director of the Corporation, has decided not to stand for election as a director for the ensuing year. Management extends its appreciation to Mr. Hibon for his contribution to the Corporation. 8 - 5 - Number of Common Office or Position in the Corporation, if any, Shares Owned Name, Municipality of Residence and Principal Occupation within the Last Beneficially or Subject and Director Since Five Years to Control or Direction Dr. Antoine A. Noujaim Chairman of the Board of Directors and 3,924,700(1) Edmonton, Alberta Chief Scientific Officer. President and December 1, 1995 Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation from November 1995 to February 22, 1998; President of Biomira Research Inc., from 1994 to 1995; Senior Vice President of the Immunoconjugate Division of Biomira Inc. from 1989 to 1994; Director of Biomira Inc. from 1985 to 1995. Richard E. Bagley President, Chief Executive Officer and 50,000 Weston, Massachusetts Director of the Corporation since February February 23, 1998 23, 1998. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of ProScript Inc. from September, 1995 to February, 1998. President and Chief Executive Officer of ImmuLogic Pharmaceutical Corporation from 1990 to 1994. William R. McMahan Director of the Corporation. President of 197,159(2) Calgary, Alberta Oxbow Capital Corporation and Oxbox July 15, 1996 Investments Inc. from October, 1993 to present. Prior thereto, he was Director of International Marketing, Oxbow Resources Limited from January, 1992 to October, 1993. Mr. McMahan is also the President, Chief Executive Officer and Director of Oxbow Equities Corp., a mutual fund company listed on The Toronto Stock Exchange. Jean-Claude Gonneau Director of the Corporation. Managing 11,000 Paris, France Director, Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette (an January 29, 1997 investment dealer). The Honourable Monique Begin Director of the Corporation. Professor Nil Ottawa, Ontario Emeritus, University of Ottawa. Dean, May 14, 1998 Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ottawa from 1990 to 1997. Minister of National Health and Welfare for the Government of Canada from September 1977 to September 1984. 9 - 6 - Number of Common Office or Position in the Corporation, if any, Shares Owned Name, Municipality of Residence and Principal Occupation within the Last Beneficially or Subject and Director Since Five Years to Control or Direction Dr. Jim A. Wright Director of the Corporation. Founder Nil Toronto, Ontario Chairman, President and Chief Scientific May 14, 1998 Officer of GeneSense Technologies Inc. since 1987. Terry Fox Senior Research Scientist of the National Cancer Institute of Canada since 1990. Associate Director, Manitoba Institute of Cell Biology since 1989. Professor of Microbiology, Biochemistry and Moleculer Biology at the University of Manitoba. Note: (1) Also see "Principal Shareholders". (2) These shares are directly held by 668355 Alberta Ltd. Mr. McMahan is a director of 668355 Alberta Ltd. and a trust established for the benefit of his family is a major shareholder of 668355 Alberta Ltd. The Corporation is required, pursuant to the Business Corporations Act (Alberta), to appoint annually from among its members an audit committee comprised of not less than three members. At present the Audit Committee consists of Dr. Jim A. Wright, The Honourable Monique Begin and Jean-Claude Gonneau. Appointment Of Auditors It is proposed that Ernst & Young LLP, Chartered Accountants be appointed as the auditors of the Corporation to hold office until the next annual meeting of Shareholders at a remuneration to be fixed by the Board of Directors of the Corporation. Ernst & Young was initially appointed as auditor of the Corporation on July 15, 1996 and has served continuously as auditors since that date. Amendment of Share Option Plan The Corporation has approved, subject to approval by the Shareholders and any necessary regulatory approval, an amendment to the Corporation's share option plan (the "Plan"). The amendment to the Plan would, upon approval by Shareholders, (i) increase the maximum number of Common Shares reserved for issuance under the Plan from 2,480,000 to 4,180,000 Common Shares, and (ii) increase the maximum exercise period of options granted under the Plan from five years from the date of grant to ten years from the date of grant. As at April 13, 1999, an aggregate of 2,255,499 options to acquire Common Shares were currently outstanding under the Plan. See "Stock Options". In accordance with the rules of The Toronto Stock Exchange (the "TSE"), the proposed amendment to the Plan must be approved by the affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast in person or by proxy at the Meeting, other than by insiders of the Corporation to whom shares may be issued pursuant to the Plan or by associates of such persons. To the best of the Corporation's knowledge there were, as at April 13, 1999, 4,933,859 Common Shares held by insiders of the Corporation and their associates which will not be counted for purposes of determining such approval. 10 - 7 - The Board of Directors has determined that the proposed amendments to the Plan are in the best interests of the Corporation and the Shareholders. The Board of Directors recommends that Shareholders vote in favour of the resolutions in this regard, the full text of which are set out in Schedule "A" and Schedule "B" to this Circular, respectively. Unless specified in the enclosed form of proxy that Common Shares represented by the form of proxy shall be voted against these resolutions, the persons designated in the enclosed form of proxy intend to vote "For" each of these resolutions. Amendment to the Term of Certain Outstanding Options The Corporation has approved, subject to approval by Shareholders and any necessary regulatory approval, an amendment to the terms of certain outstanding options granted under the Plan extending the exercise period of such options from five years from the original date of grant to ten years from the original date of grant. The outstanding options which will be so amended are listed in Exhibit "1" to Schedule "C" to this Circular. In accordance with the rules of the TSE, the proposed amendment to such options must be approved by the affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast in person or by proxy at the Meeting, other than by the holders of such options or by their associates. To the best of the Corporation's knowledge there were as of April 13, 1999 4,933,859 Common Shares held by persons to whom such options were granted and their associates, which will not be counted for purposes of determining such approval. The Board of Directors has determined that the proposed amendment to such options, as listed in Exhibit "1" to Schedule "C" to the Circular, is in the best interests of the Corporation and the Shareholders. The Board of Directors recommends that Shareholders vote in favour of the resolution in this regard, the full text of which is set out in Schedule "C" to this Circular. Unless specified in the enclosed form of proxy that Common Shares represented by the form of proxy shall be voted against this resolution, the persons designated in the enclosed form of proxy intend to vote "For" the resolution. 11 - 8 - EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION Compensation of Executive Officers The following table sets forth the compensation paid to Richard E. Bagley, Dr. Antoine A. Noujaim, Dr. R. Madiyalakan, Dr. Thomas Sykes and Blaine Schamber (the "Named Executive Officers") for each of the fiscal years ended December 31, 1998 and 1997 and the period from July 17, 1996 to December 31, 1996. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Annual Compensation Long-Term ------------------- Compensa- tion Awards ----------- Common Other Annual Shares All Other Compen- Under Compen- Name and Salary Bonus sation Options sation Principal Position Year (5) ($) ($) ($) Granted (#) ($)(4) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Richard E. Bagley (1) 1998 315,179 Nil Nil 825,000 Nil President and Chief - - - - - - Executive Officer - - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dr. Antoine A. Noujaim (1) 1998 220,000 Nil Nil Nil 6,880 Chairman of the Board, 1997 220,000 Nil Nil Nil 6,312 Chief Scientific Officer and 1996 78,602 Nil Nil 375,000 Nil Former President and Chief Executive Officer - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dr. R. Madiyalakan (2) 1998 131,706 Nil Nil Nil 32,991 Former Vice-President, 1997 105,000 5,771 Nil 10,000 3,997 Planning and Chief 1996 36,559 Nil Nil 25,000 465 Scientific Officer - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dr. Thomas Sykes 1998 167,135 Nil Nil Nil 51,589 Vice-President, Preclinical 1997 105,000 Nil Nil 10,000 4.269 and Support Operations 1996 36,559 Nil Nil 25,000 465 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Blaine Schamber(3) 1998 116,250 Nil Nil 40,000 11,021 Controller; previously Vice- 1997 105,000 Nil Nil 10,000 4,206 President, Finance and 1996 35,941 Nil Nil 25,000 464 Corporate Development - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Notes: (1) Dr. Noujaim became an officer of the Corporation on July 17, 1996. Dr. Noujaim ceased to be the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation on February 23, 1998 and Mr. Richard E. Bagley was appointed President and Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation on that date. (2) Dr. Madiyalakan ceased to be an officer of the Corporation in September 1998. He currently serves as a consultant to the Corporation under a services agreement that expires on September 30, 1999 and the amounts which appear on the table do not include compensation earned thereunder. 12 - 9 - (3) Mr. Schamber ceased to be the Vice President, Finance and Corporate Development of the Corporation in July, 1998. He currently serves as Controller of the Corporation. (4) Compensation under the column "All Other Compensation" is with respect to employee benefits such as health care, life insurance and a group retirement savings plan. The aggregate amount of perquisites and other personal benefits, securities and property did not exceed the lesser of $50,000 and 10 percent of the total annual salary and bonus of the Named Executive Officer. (5) 1996 figures are for the period from July 17, 1996 to December 31, 1996. 1997 and 1998 figures are for the period from January 1 to December 31 of those years. Stock Options Granted to Named Executive Officers The following table details information with respect to the grant of options by the Corporation to the Named Executive Officers during the financial year of the Corporation ended December 31, 1998. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OPTION GRANTS DURING THE MOST RECENTLY COMPLETED FINANCIAL YEAR - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARKET VALUE OF COMMON SHARES COMMON % OF TOTAL UNDERLYING SHARES UNDER OPTIONS EXERCISE OR BASE OPTIONS ON THE OPTIONS GRANTED TO PRICE DATE OF GRANT GRANTED EMPLOYEES IN ($/COMMON ($/COMMON EXPIRATION NAME # FINANCIAL YEAR SHARE) SHARE) DATE - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Richard E. Bagley 825,000 57% $3.00 $3.00 March 4, 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blaine J. Schamber 40,000 3% $2.18 $2.18 May 13, 2003 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following table details information with respect to all options of the Corporation exercised by the Named Executive Officers during the last financial year of the Corporation and all options held by the Named Executive Officers and outstanding on December 31, 1998. AGGREGATED OPTION EXERCISES DURING THE MOST RECENTLY COMPLETED FINANCIAL YEAR END AND FINANCIAL YEAR-END OPTION VALUES VALUE OF UNEXERCISED COMMON SHARES UNEXERCISED OPTIONS IN-THE-MONEY OPTIONS ACQUIRED ON AGGREGATE AT DECEMBER 31, AT DECEMBER 31, 1998 EXERCISE VALUE REALIZED 1998 EXERCISABLE/ EXERCISABLE/ NAME (#) ($) UNEXERCISABLE(#) UNEXERCISABLE($)(1) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Richard E. Bagley Nil Nil Nil/825,000 NA/NA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dr. Antoine A. Noujaim Nil Nil 250,000/125,000 NA/NA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dr. Thomas R. Sykes Nil Nil 26,666/8,334 NA/NA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Blaine J. Schamber Nil Nil 26,666/48,334 NA/NA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dr. R. Madiyalakan Nil Nil Nil/26,666 NA/NA - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: (1) None of the unexercised options were in-the-money as at December 31, 1998. 13 - 10 - Employment Agreements The Corporation entered into a letter agreement with Richard E. Bagley dated February 28, 1998 which provides that if Mr. Bagley's employment is terminated without cause he will receive U.S. $250,000, which is equivalent to severance pay of one year's salary. The Corporation entered into a letter agreement with Dr. Thomas Sykes dated March 25, 1998 as amended on April 21, 1998 which provides that, if Dr. Sykes' employment is terminated without cause prior to the year 2000, he will receive U.S.$150,000 equivalent to severance pay of one year's salary. Thereafter, if terminated without cause, he will receive U.S. $75,000 equivalent to severance pay of six months salary. The Corporation entered into an employment contract with Mr. Schamber dated January 1, 1997. This agreement is for a three year term and is renewable on an annual basis for additional and successive one year terms upon the expiration of the initial three year term and each successive one year term at a salary mutually agreeable by the Corporation and Mr. Schamber. If Mr. Schamber is terminated at any time during the initial three year term of his employment contract, then he shall be entitled to the lesser of the balance of his salary for the initial three year term of the employment contract and one year's salary. Composition of Compensation Committee The composition of the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors of the Corporation (the "Compensation Committee") consists of William R. McMahan, Dr. Anthony A. Noujaim and Richard E. Bagley. Mr. McMahan is the Chairman of the Compensation Committee. Each of the members of the Compensation Committee, as a director of the Corporation, has received options to purchase Common Shares pursuant to the Corporation's stock option plan. See "Stock Options". As a director of the Corporation, Mr. McMahan receives an annual fee. See "Executive Compensation - Compensation of Directors". As officers of the Corporation, Messrs. Noujaim and Bagley receive certain compensation. See "Executive Compensation - Compensation of Executive Officers". Report on Executive Compensation It is the task of the Compensation Committee to periodically review the compensation structure of the Corporation with respect to its executive officers to ensure that the Corporation continues to attract and retain quality and experienced individuals to its management team and to motivate these individuals to perform to the best of their ability and in the best interests of the Corporation. The Compensation Committee makes recommendations with respect to the compensation of the Corporation's executive officers to the Board of Directors, which gives final approval with respect to any executive compensation matters and issues. The primary objectives of the Corporation's executive compensation program are to enable the Corporation to attract, motivate and retain outstanding individuals and to align their success with that of the Corporation's shareholders through the achievement of strategic corporate objectives and creation of shareholder value. The level of compensation paid to an individual is based on the individual's overall experience, responsibility and performance. Factors also to be considered are the compensation levels of similarly situated positions in the biopharmaceutical industry and other labour markets in which the Corporation competes for employees. The Compensation Committee compares remuneration for executive officers of the Corporation to the remuneration for similar executives in the relevant labour markets. In 14 - 11 - the case of newly hired employees, the individual's performance and compensation level in his or her prior positions will also be a determining factor. The key components for the compensation of the executive officers of the Corporation are base salaries, bonuses and stock options. It is the policy of the Corporation that the base salaries paid to its executive officers, in addition to the criteria set out above, reflect the individual responsibility and experience of the executive officer and the contribution that is expected from the executive officer. Base salaries and bonuses are reviewed by the Compensation Committee on an annual basis to ensure that these criteria are satisfied. Stock options under the Corporation's stock option plan are granted by the Board of Directors to executive officers from time to time as a long-term performance incentive. This report submitted on behalf of the Compensation Committee: Messrs. McMahan, Noujaim and Bagley. Compensation of Directors Effective in 1998, each director of the Corporation, with the exception of Dr. Noujaim and Mr. Bagley, receives a fee of U.S. $10,000 per annum. Further, all directors are eligible to receive stock options and are entitled to receive reimbursement of their reasonable out-of-pocket disbursements incurred on the business of the Corporation. In the aggregate, a total of $71,501 in fees was paid to members of the Board of Directors during the period from January 1, 1998 to December 31, 1998. Directors and Officers Liability Insurance The Corporation provides liability insurance for directors and officers of the Corporation. The policy does not distinguish between the liability insurance for its directors and officers, the coverage being the same for both groups. The premium for the 12-month period ended December 31, 1998 was approximately $32,000 all of which was borne by the Corporation. The policy limit is $5,000,000 per year with a corporate deductible of $25,000 per loss. The individual directors and officers of the Corporation are insured against losses arising from claims against them for certain of their acts, errors or omissions in such capacity. The Corporation is insured against losses arising out of any liability to indemnify a director or officer. Performance Graph The following performance graph compares the yearly increase in the Corporation's cumulative total shareholder return on the Common Shares since August 2, 1996 (the first trading day on the TSE for the Common Shares following July 17, 1996), with the cumulative total shareholder return on the TSE 300 Index and the TSE Biotech/Pharmaceutical Index, assuming the reinvestment of dividends, where applicable, for a comparable period. [Graph which compares yearly increase in the Corporation's cumulative total shareholder return on its Common Shares Since August 2, 1996] 15 - 12 - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDEX AUGUST 2, DECEMBER 31, DECEMBER 31, 1997 DECEMBER 31, 1998 1996 1996 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AltaRex $100 $107.1 $51.0 $7.8 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TSE 300 Index $100 $118.2 $133.6 $129.3 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TSE Biotech/ $100 $132.3 $125.6 $168.7 Pharmaceutical Index - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDEBTEDNESS OF DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS No individual who is, or at any time during the most recent completed financial year of the Corporation was, a director, executive officer or senior officer of the Corporation, nor any proposed nominee for election as a director of the Corporation, nor any associate of any one of them is, or at any time since the beginning of the most recent completed financial year of the Corporation has been, indebted to the Corporation or any of its subsidiaries or was indebted to another entity, which such indebtedness is, or was at any time during the most recent completed financial year of the Corporation, the subject of a guarantee, support agreement, letter of credit or other similar arrangement or understanding provided by the Corporation or any of its subsidiaries, except for Dr. Thomas Sykes. Table Of Indebtedness Of Directors, Executive Officers And Senior Officers - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LARGEST AMOUNT OUTSTANDING NAME AND INVOLVEMENT DURING FISCAL YEAR ENDED AMOUNT OUTSTANDING AS PRINCIPAL POSITION OF ALTAREX DECEMBER 31, 1998 OF THE DATE HEREOF - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Thomas Sykes, Lender U.S. $25,000 U.S. $25,000 Vice-President, Pre-Clinical and Support Operations - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Sykes was granted a U.S. $25,000 loan in connection with his relocation from Edmonton, Alberta to Waltham, Massachusetts. This loan bears no interest during its stated term and is due in its entirety on May 14, 2003. Any overdue amounts will bear interest at 9.5% per annum until paid. STOCK OPTIONS The Plan is designed to develop the interest of the directors, officers, employees and other persons who provide ongoing services to the Corporation and its subsidiaries in the growth and development of the Corporation by providing such persons with the opportunity to acquire an increased proprietary interest in the Corporation and to better enable the Corporation and its Subsidiaries to attract and retain persons of desired experience and ability. An amendment to the terms of the Plan has been approved by the Board of Directors and Shareholders are being asked to approve such amendment at the Meeting. See "Particulars of Matters to be Acted Upon - Amendment to Stock Option Plan". 16 - 13 - The maximum number of Common Shares which may be reserved for issuance to any person under the Plan or any other previously established or proposed share compensation arrangement of the Corporation in respect of all options granted to any one person at any one time may not exceed 5% of the issued and outstanding Common Shares. The maximum number of Common Shares reserved for issuance at any time pursuant to the Plan is currently 2,480,000 but will be increased to 4,180,000, subject to the approval of Shareholders at the Meeting and applicable regulatory approval. The vesting and expiry date of options granted under the Plan are determined by the Board of Directors at the time the options are granted provided that the expiry date shall not be later than 5 years from the date of grant of such option. Subject to the approval of Shareholders at the Meeting and applicable regulatory approval, the maximum expiry date of options granted under the Plan will be increased to 10 years from the date of grant of such option and the expiry date of certain outstanding options will be extended. See "Particulars of Matters to be Acted Upon". The exercise price of options granted under the Plan is fixed by the Board of Directors and shall either be the closing price of the Common Shares on the TSE on the first date preceeding the date of grant or alternatively the weighted average of the trading prices of the Common Shares for the five days proceeding the date of grant. As at April 13, 1999, there were outstanding options to purchase a total of 2,255,499 Common Shares under the Plan and the following table sets out in detail all stock options issued and outstanding under the Plan. - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GROUP NUMBER OF SHARES DATE OF GRANT EXERCISE PRICE EXPIRY DATE UNDER OPTION PER SHARE - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Directors (excluding 382,500 July 26, 1996 1.80 July 26, 2001 Executive Officers) 12,500 July 8, 1997 3.68 July 8, 2002 (six in total) 30,000 January 22, 1998 2.96 January 22, 2003 100,000 May 21, 1998 2.18 May 21, 2003 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Executive Officers 25,000 July 26, 1996 1.80 July 26, 2001 (four in total) 10,000 February 11, 1997 5.90 February 11, 2002 824,130 March 4, 1998 3.00 March 4, 2003 870 July 6, 1998 3.00 July 6, 2003 175,000 September 15, 1998 0.91 September 15, 2003 175,000 December 23, 1998 0.53 December 23, 2003 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Employees 108,500 July 26, 1996 1.80 July 26, 2001 (28 in total) 13,333 February 4, 1997 6.00 February 4, 2002 10,000 February 11, 1997 5.90 February 11, 2002 14,000 July 8, 1997 3.68 July 8, 2002 3,000 November 7, 1997 3.30 November 7, 2002 10,000 February 1, 1998 2.84 February 1, 2003 105,000 May 21, 1998 2.18 May 21, 2003 50,000 August 4, 1998 1.15 August 4, 2003 50,000 November 30, 1998 0.80 November 30, 2003 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 - 14 - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Group Number of Shares Date of Grant Exercise Price Expiry Date - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSULTANTS - ----------- Dr. Terry Allen 5,000 July 8, 1997 3.68 July 8, 2002 Dr. Richard Baum 10,000 July 8, 1997 3.68 July 8, 2002 Dr. Beatrice Leveugle 5,000 July 8, 1997 3.68 July 8, 2002 Dr. Gerry Miller 5,000 July 8, 1997 3.68 July 8, 2002 Dr. John Samuels 5,000 July 8, 1997 3.68 July 8, 2002 Dr. Constantine Bona 10,000 July 8, 1997 3.68 July 8, 2002 Dr. Jean-Francois Chatal 10,000 July 8, 1997 3.68 July 8, 2002 Dr. David Goodwin 10,000 July 8, 1997 3.68 July 8, 2002 Dr. James Lown 10,000 July 8, 1997 3.68 July 8, 2002 Dr. Dean Mann 10,000 July 8, 1997 3.68 July 8, 2002 Dr. Paul Muller 10,000 July 8, 1997 3.68 July 8, 2002 Dr. Aldo Serafini 10,000 July 8, 1997 3.68 July 8, 2002 Dr. David Wishart 5,000 November 7, 1997 3.30 November 7, 2002 Dr. R. Madiyalakan 26,666 September 30, 1998 0.72 October 30, 1999 Genome Securities Inc. 25,000 July 17, 1998 1.40 July 17, 2003 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERESTS OF INSIDERS IN MATERIAL TRANSACTIONS Except as described elsewhere herein, none of the Corporation's insiders, proposed nominees for election as directors of the Corporation or their associates and affiliates, has any material interest in any transaction with the Corporation since the commencement of the Corporation's last financial year. BOARD APPROVAL The contents and the sending of this Circular have been approved by the Board of Directors of the Corporation. By Order of the Board Of Directors /s/ Edward M. Fitzgerald Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Secretary 18 - 15 - CERTIFICATE The foregoing contains no untrue statement of a material fact and does not omit to state a material fact that is required to be stated or that is necessary to make a statement not misleading in light of the circumstances in which it was made. /s/ Richard E. Bagley /s/ Edward M. Fitzgerald President and Chief Executive Officer Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Secretary Waltham, Massachusetts April 13, 1999 19 SCHEDULE "A" Amendment to Stock Option Plan BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1. The stock option plan of the Corporation (the "Plan") be and is hereby amended such that the maximum number of Common Shares which may be reserved for issuance for all purposes at any time pursuant to the Plan shall be increased from 2,480,000 to 4,180,000. 2. Any officer or director of the Corporation is hereby authorized, for and on behalf of the Corporation, to execute and deliver such documents and instruments and to take such other actions as such officer or director may determine to be necessary or advisable to implement this resolution and the matters authorized hereby, such determination to be conclusively evidenced by the execution and delivery of such documents or instruments and the taking of any such actions. 20 SCHEDULE "B" Amendment to Stock Option Plan BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1. The stock option plan of the Corporation (the "Plan") be and is hereby amended such that the maximum date after which an option granted under the Plan shall expire is extended from five years from the date of grant to ten years from the date of grant. 2. Any officer or director of the Corporation is hereby authorized, for and on behalf of the Corporation, to execute and deliver such documents and instruments and to take such other actions as such officer or director may determine to be necessary or advisable to implement this resolution and the matters authorized hereby, such determination to be conclusively evidenced by the execution and delivery of such documents or instruments and the taking of any such actions. 21 SCHEDULE "C" Amendment to Certain Outstanding Option Grants 1. The terms of the outstanding options granted under the stock option plan of the Corporation which are listed in Exhibit "1" to this resolution are hereby amended in each case such that the current expiry date of such option grant is extended to the new expiry date specified in such Exhibit in respect thereof. 2. Any officer or director of the Corporation is hereby authorized for and on behalf of the Corporation, to execute and deliver such documents and instruments and to take such other actions as such officer or director may determine to be necessary or advisable to implement this resolution and the matters authorized hereby, such determination to be conclusively evidenced by the execution and delivery of such documents and instruments and the taking of actions. 22 EXHIBIT "1" to SCHEDULE "C" NUMBER OPTION GRANTEE OF OPTIONS CURRENT EXPIRY DATE NEW EXPIRY DATE - -------------- ---------- ------------------- --------------- William R. McMahan 7,500 July 26, 2001 July 26, 2006 Jean-Claude Gonneau 10,000 July 8, 2002 July 8, 2007 William R. McMahan 2,500 July 8, 2002 July 8, 2007 Kate Agopsowicz 2,000 July 26, 2001 July 26, 2006 Donna Bortnick 1,250 July 26, 2001 July 26, 2006 Trudy Chimko 3,750 July 26, 2001 July 26, 2006 Sue Edwards 2,000 July 26, 2001 July 26, 2006 Xiaomei Geng 3,750 July 26, 2001 July 26, 2006 Walter Korz 5,000 July 26, 2001 July 26, 2006 Michelle Kuzma 3,750 July 26, 2001 July 26, 2006 Corlaine Legge 3,750 July 26, 2001 July 26, 2006 Celia Lo 2,000 July 26, 2001 July 26, 2006 Birgit Schultes 6,250 July 26, 2001 July 26, 2006 Connie Sykes 25,000 July 26, 2001 July 26, 2006 James Tasker 12,500 July 26, 2001 July 26, 2006 Thomas Woo 12,500 July 26, 2001 July 26, 2006 Thomas R. Sykes 25,000 July 26, 2001 July 26, 2006 Blaine Schamber 25,000 July 26, 2001 July 26, 2006 Antoine Noujaim 375,000 July 26, 2001 July 26, 2006 Blaine Schamber 10,000 February 11, 2002 February 11, 2007 Thomas R. Sykes 10,000 February 11, 2002 February 11, 2007 Robert Anthony Newman 13,333 February 4, 2002 February 4, 2007 Dr. Terry Allen 5,000 July 8, 2002 July 8, 2007 Dr. Richard Baum 10,000 July 8, 2002 July 8, 2007 Dr. Beatrice Leveugle 5,000 July 8, 2002 July 8, 2007 Dr. Gerry Miller 5,000 July 8, 2002 July 8, 2007 Dr. John Samuels 5,000 July 8, 2002 July 8, 2007 Dr. Constantin Bona 10,000 July 8, 2002 July 8, 2007 Dr. Jean-Francois Chatal 10,000 July 8, 2002 July 8, 2007 Dr. David Goodwin 10,000 July 8, 2002 July 8, 2007 Dr. James Lown 10,000 July 8, 2002 July 8, 2007 Dr. Dean Mann 10,000 July 8, 2002 July 8, 2007 Dr. Paul Muller 10,000 July 8, 2002 July 8, 2007 Dr. Aldo Serafini 10,000 July 8, 2002 July 8, 2007 Jim Pankovich 4,000 July 8, 2002 July 8, 2007 Dr. Weimin Qi 5,000 July 8, 2002 July 8, 2007 Dr. Ting Wang 5,000 July 8, 2002 July 8, 2007 Dr. David Wishart 5,000 November 7, 2002 November 7, 2007 Christian Hanson 3,000 November 7, 2002 November 7, 2007 George Hibon 30,000 January 22, 2003 January 22, 2008 Glenn Neumann 10,000 February 1, 2003 February 1, 2008 Richard E. Bagley 824,130 March 4, 2003 March 4, 2008 Richard E. Bagley 870 March 4, 2003 March 4, 2008 Monique Begin 30,000 May 21, 2003 May 21, 2008 Jean-Claude Gonneau 20,000 May 21, 2003 May 21, 2008 William R. McMahan 20,000 May 21, 2003 May 21, 2008 Jim Wright 30,000 May 21, 2003 May 21, 2008 Donna Bortnick 1,000 May 21, 2003 May 21, 2008 Trudy Chimko 5,000 May 21, 2003 May 21, 2008 23 - 2 - NUMBER OPTION GRANTEE OF OPTIONS CURRENT EXPIRY DATE NEW EXPIRY DATE - -------------- ---------- ------------------- --------------- Wendy Garinther 1,500 May 21, 2003 May 21, 2008 Walter Korz 5,000 May 21, 2003 May 21, 2008 Marc Legault 4,000 May 21, 2003 May 21, 2008 Dan Liu 1,500 May 21, 2003 May 21, 2008 Robert Anthony Newman 12,000 May 21, 2003 May 21, 2008 Heather Schramm 2,000 May 21, 2003 May 21, 2008 Birgit Schultes 25,000 May 21, 2003 May 21, 2008 Louise Tan 5,000 May 21, 2003 May 21, 2008 Haiyan Xia 1,500 May 21, 2003 May 21, 2008 Denzhu Xu 1,500 May 21, 2003 May 21, 2008 Blaine Schamber 40,000 May 21, 2003 May 21, 2008 Genome Securities Inc. 25,000 July 17, 2003 July 17, 2008 Robert Anthony Newman 25,000 August 4, 2003 August 4, 2008 Birgit Schultes 25,000 August 4, 2003 August 4, 2008 Edward Fitzgerald 175,000 September 15, 2003 September 15, 2008 Joseph McPherson 50,000 November 30, 2003 November 30, 2008 Christopher Nicodemus 175,000 December 23, 2003 December 23, 2008