SCHEDULE 14A
                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

                      THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

Filed by the Registrant [X]

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]

Check the appropriate box:

[ ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ]  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[X]  Definitive Proxy Statement
[X]  Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-11(c) or Section 240.14a-12

                         THE NEIMAN MARCUS GROUP, INC.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]  No fee required.

[ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

     (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


     (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


     (3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
          pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11:


     (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


     (5)  Total fee paid:


[ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid
     previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
     or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     (1)  Amount Previously Paid:


     (2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


     (3)  Filing Party:


     (4)  Date Filed:


THE                                                The Neiman Marcus Group, Inc.
NEIMAN                                             27 Boylston Street
MARCUS                                             Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
GROUP                                              (617) 232-0760

                                                      August 10, 1999

Dear Stockholder:

     You are cordially invited to attend a Special Meeting of stockholders of
The Neiman Marcus Group, Inc. ("Neiman Marcus" or the "Company") to be held on
Wednesday, September 15, 1999, at 10:00 a.m., at the Company's headquarters,
located at 27 Boylston Street (Route 9), Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts 02467.

     At the Special Meeting, you will be asked to consider and vote upon four
proposals. The first of these proposals will facilitate the tax-free
distribution by Harcourt General, Inc. ("Harcourt General") to its common
stockholders of 21,440,960 shares of Neiman Marcus common stock held by Harcourt
General (the "Distribution"), representing approximately 81% of the total shares
held by Harcourt General. Harcourt General currently owns approximately 53.9% of
the outstanding shares of Neiman Marcus common stock and following the
Distribution will own approximately 10%.

     The Distribution is expected to benefit Neiman Marcus stockholders by:

     - putting control of Neiman Marcus in the hands of its public stockholders
       by eliminating Harcourt General as a majority stockholder;

     - increasing the liquidity and public float of Neiman Marcus common stock
       by nearly doubling the number of shares held by Neiman Marcus' public

     - resulting in Neiman Marcus being more widely followed by the equity
       research community because of its broader stockholder base; and

     - facilitating the use of Neiman Marcus common stock as an acquisition
       currency and as a source of capital.

     In order for the Distribution to be tax-free to Harcourt General and its
stockholders, current tax law requires that the shares of Neiman Marcus common
stock to be distributed to Harcourt General's common stockholders in the
Distribution have the right to elect at least 80% of the Neiman Marcus Board.
Accordingly, the proposal provides for the recapitalization of Neiman Marcus
(the "Recapitalization") so that Harcourt General will become the holder of all
the shares of a new class of Neiman Marcus common stock, called Class B Common
Stock, having the right to elect at least 82% of the Neiman Marcus Board. All
the shares of Class B Common Stock will be distributed to Harcourt General's
common stockholders as promptly as practicable following the Recapitalization.
Except with respect to the election of directors, the Class B Common Stock will
be substantially identical to the existing Neiman Marcus common stock.

     As a technical matter, you will be voting to adopt an agreement and plan of
merger (the "Merger Agreement") as a means to effect the Recapitalization.
Adoption of the Merger Agreement will constitute approval of amendments to
Neiman Marcus' Restated Certificate of Incorporation that are necessary to
effect the Recapitalization.

     You will also be asked to consider and vote upon certain governance and
authorized capital amendments to the Restated Certificate of Incorporation,
which are described in detail in the accompanying Proxy Statement. Neiman Marcus
believes that the governance amendments are necessary to foster Neiman Marcus'
long-term growth as an independent company following the Distribution and to
protect Neiman Marcus stockholders from unsolicited takeover proposals at a
price below Neiman Marcus' intrinsic value. The governance amendments would fix
the size of the Neiman Marcus Board and require approval of two-

thirds of the outstanding shares of Neiman Marcus common stock for certain
business transactions (for the first five years following the Distribution). The
authorized capital amendment would provide Neiman Marcus with enhanced financing
flexibility by increasing Neiman Marcus' authorized capital stock and creating a
new class of low-voting common stock.


     Neiman Marcus has conditioned the Recapitalization on the approval of the
Merger Agreement by the holders of two-thirds of the outstanding shares of
Neiman Marcus common stock, including the 53.9% of the outstanding shares held
by Harcourt General, and by the holders of a majority of the shares of Neiman
Marcus common stock voting in person or by proxy at the Special Meeting, other
than the shares held by Harcourt General. Each of the governance and authorized
capital amendments requires the approval of a majority of the outstanding shares
of Neiman Marcus common stock. The adoption of the governance and authorized
capital amendments is assured because Harcourt General has agreed to vote its
Neiman Marcus shares in favor of their adoption. The governance and authorized
capital amendments will not be implemented, however, unless the Merger Agreement
is approved.

     As many of you may know, my family and I currently own approximately 28% of
the outstanding shares of Harcourt General. Following the Distribution, we will
own approximately 28% of the Neiman Marcus Class B Common Stock and
approximately 12% of the total equity of Neiman Marcus. We look forward to
becoming stockholders of Neiman Marcus and participating with you in its future


     Thank you for your continued support.

                                          Very truly yours,
                                          /s/ Richard A. Smith
                                          RICHARD A. SMITH

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

THE                                                The Neiman Marcus Group, Inc.
NEIMAN                                             27 Boylston Street
MARCUS                                             Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
GROUP                                              (617) 232-0760

                                                                 August 10, 1999


                        TO BE HELD ON SEPTEMBER 15, 1999

     A special meeting of stockholders of The Neiman Marcus Group, Inc. ("Neiman
Marcus" or the "Company") (including any adjournments or postponements thereof,
the "Special Meeting") will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, September 15,
1999, at the Company's headquarters, 27 Boylston Street (Route 9), Chestnut
Hill, Massachusetts for the following purposes:

     1.  Merger Agreement Proposal.  To consider and vote upon a proposal to
         adopt an Amended and Restated Agreement and Plan of Merger dated as of
         July 1, 1999 (as amended, supplemented or otherwise modified from time
         to time, the "Merger Agreement"), among Neiman Marcus, Harcourt
         General, Inc. ("Harcourt General") and Spring Merger Corporation, a
         wholly owned subsidiary of Harcourt General ("Merger Sub"), providing
         for the merger of Merger Sub with and into Neiman Marcus, with Neiman
         Marcus as the surviving corporation (the "Merger"). As a result of the
         Merger, (i) Harcourt General will become the holder of 21,440,960
         shares of a new class of Neiman Marcus common stock having the right to
         elect at least 82% of the Neiman Marcus Board, all of which shares will
         be distributed by Harcourt General to its common stockholders as
         promptly as practicable following the Merger, while all other shares of
         Neiman Marcus common stock will be entitled to elect up to 18% of the
         Neiman Marcus Board and (ii) the Company's Restated Certificate of
         Incorporation will be amended to incorporate the changes necessary to
         effect the recapitalization of Neiman Marcus described in the Proxy
         Statement accompanying this notice;

     2.  Board Size Proposal.  To consider and vote upon a proposal to amend the
         Company's Restated Certificate of Incorporation to (i) increase the
         minimum number of directors on the Neiman Marcus Board from three to
         six, (ii) set forth the range of the number of directors permitted as
         between six and nine and (iii) require that the actual number of
         directors be determined exclusively by resolution of the Neiman Marcus

     3.  Supermajority Voting Proposal.  To consider and vote upon a proposal to
         amend the Company's Restated Certificate of Incorporation to include a
         provision requiring approval of 66- 2/3% of the total voting power of
         the outstanding shares of Neiman Marcus common stock to approve any
         merger or consolidation, any sale, lease, exchange or other disposition
         of all or substantially all of Neiman Marcus' assets and, unless
         approved by two-thirds of the members of the Neiman Marcus Board, any
         issuance of voting securities of Neiman Marcus that would require
         stockholder approval;

     4.  Authorized Capital Proposal.  To consider and vote upon a proposal to
         amend the Company's Restated Certificate of Incorporation to increase
         Neiman Marcus' authorized capital from 200,000,000 shares of common
         stock to 250,000,000 shares of common stock (consisting of 100,000,000
         shares of Class A Common Stock, 100,000,000 shares of Class B Common
         Stock and 50,000,000 shares of a new Class C Common Stock having
         one-tenth ( 1/10) of one vote per share) and 50,000,000 shares of
         preferred stock; and

     5.  To transact such other business as may properly come before the Special

     Holders of record on August 2, 1999 of the Company's common stock will be
asked to consider and act upon the foregoing items.

     All stockholders are cordially invited to attend the meeting.

                                          By Order of the Board of Directors

                                               Eric P. Geller


                               TABLE OF CONTENTS


SUMMARY.....................................................    1

THE SPECIAL MEETING.........................................    8

  STATEMENTS................................................    9

CERTAIN CONSIDERATIONS......................................   10
  Potential Antitakeover Effects of the Governance
     Amendments and Rights Plan.............................   10
  Ownership of Neiman Marcus Common Stock by the Smith
     Family.................................................   10
  The Tax-free Distribution May Result in Significant
     Limitations on the Company's Ability to Engage in
     Certain Transactions...................................   10
  Stock Sales Following the Distribution May Affect the
     Company's Stock Price..................................   10

ADOPTION OF THE MERGER AGREEMENT............................   11
  Background of the Recapitalization and the Distribution...   11
  Description of the Recapitalization Amendments............   14
  Neiman Marcus' Reasons for the Recapitalization...........   15
  Recommendation of the Neiman Marcus Board.................   18
  Required Vote.............................................   18
  Interests of Certain Persons in the Recapitalization and
     the Governance and Authorized Capital Amendments.......   18
  Effects of the Recapitalization on Outstanding Shares.....   19
  Tax Matters...............................................   20
  The Retained Shares.......................................   21
  Neiman Marcus Board Following the Recapitalization and the
     Distribution...........................................   21
  Management of Neiman Marcus Following the Recapitalization
     and the Distribution...................................   21
  New York Stock Exchange Approvals.........................   22
  Federal Securities Law Consequences.......................   22
  No Appraisal Rights.......................................   22

THE MERGER AGREEMENT........................................   23
  The Merger................................................   23
  Conditions to the Merger..................................   23
  Termination...............................................   24

THE DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENT..................................   25
  The Distribution..........................................   25
  Conditions to the Distribution............................   25
  Other Agreements..........................................   26
  Indemnification Against Certain Tax and Other
     Liabilities............................................   28
  Other Matters.............................................   28
  Termination...............................................   29


  AMENDMENTS................................................   30
  General...................................................   30
  Purpose and Effects of the Governance Amendments..........   30
  Purpose and Effects of the Authorized Capital Amendment...   31
  The Governance Amendments and the Authorized Capital
     Amendment..............................................   32
     Proposal Two: Board Size Proposal......................   32
     Proposal Three: Supermajority Voting Proposal..........   33
     Proposal Four: Authorized Capital Proposal.............   33
  Recommendation of the Neiman Marcus Board.................   34
  Required Vote.............................................   34
  Existing Charter and By-law Provisions with Possible
     Antitakeover Effects...................................   34
  Description of By-laws Amendment..........................   35
  No Vote Required..........................................   36
  Rights Plan...............................................   37

  OF NEIMAN MARCUS..........................................   38

  Board of Directors........................................   42
  Executive Officers........................................   43

STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS.......................................   44

WHERE YOU CAN FIND MORE INFORMATION.........................   44

INDEX OF DEFINED TERMS......................................   45

Appendix A -- Amended and Restated Agreement and Plan of
  Merger....................................................  A-1

Appendix B -- Amended and Restated Distribution Agreement...  B-1

Appendix C -- Proposed Amended and Restated Certificate of
  Incorporation.............................................  C-1

Appendix D -- By-Laws Amendment.............................  D-1



     This summary is qualified by the more detailed information set forth in
this Proxy Statement, which should be read in its entirety. Certain capitalized
terms not defined herein are defined elsewhere in the Proxy Statement. See
"Index of Defined Terms."


     Neiman Marcus is engaged in the high-end specialty retail business,
operating through Neiman Marcus Stores, Bergdorf Goodman and NM Direct. The 31
Neiman Marcus stores in premier retail locations nationwide and the two Bergdorf
Goodman stores on Fifth Avenue and 58(th) Street in Manhattan offer high-end
fashion apparel and accessories primarily from leading designers. NM Direct,
Neiman Marcus' direct marketing operation, offers a mix of apparel and home
furnishings which is complementary to the Neiman Marcus Stores merchandise and
also publishes Chef's Catalog, a leading direct marketer of gourmet cookware and
high-end kitchenware. The principal executive offices of Neiman Marcus are
located at 27 Boylston Street, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts 02467, (617)


     Harcourt General, which owns approximately 53.9% of the outstanding Neiman
Marcus common stock, is a leading global multiple-media publisher and service
provider for the educational, assessment, training and professional information
markets. Harcourt General's publishing and educational services businesses are
organized into three main operating groups: Education; Lifelong Learning &
Assessment; and Worldwide Scientific, Technical and Medical (STM). The Education
Group consists of Harcourt General's K-12, supplemental and college education
publishing operations and its trade publisher. The Lifelong Learning &
Assessment Group includes testing, professional education, distance learning,
career counseling and technology-based training for information technology and
human resources professionals. The Worldwide STM Group is comprised of Harcourt
General's scientific, technical and medical publishing businesses and its
international publishing and distribution operations. The principal executive
offices of Harcourt General are located at 27 Boylston Street, Chestnut Hill,
Massachusetts 02467, (617) 232-8200.


MERGER AGREEMENT..............   At the Special Meeting, the Neiman Marcus
                                 stockholders will be asked to consider and vote
                                 upon a proposal to adopt an Amended and
                                 Restated Agreement and Plan of Merger dated as
                                 of July 1, 1999 (as amended, supplemented or
                                 otherwise modified from time to time, the
                                 "Merger Agreement"), among Neiman Marcus,
                                 Harcourt General and Spring Merger Corporation,
                                 a wholly owned subsidiary of Harcourt General
                                 ("Merger Sub"), providing for the
                                 recapitalization (the "Recapitalization") of
                                 Neiman Marcus and the amendment of its Restated
                                 Certificate of Incorporation (the
                                 "Recapitalization Amendments"). The Merger
                                 Agreement is attached hereto as Appendix A. The
                                 purpose of the Recapitalization is to permit
                                 the tax-free distribution by Harcourt General
                                 to its common stockholders of 21,440,960 shares
                                 of Neiman Marcus common stock held by Harcourt
                                 General (the "Distribution"). The
                                 Recapitalization Amendments are necessary to
                                 effect the Recapitalization. Adoption of the
                                 Merger Agreement will constitute approval of
                                 the Recapitalization and the Recapitalization

TRANSACTIONS..................   The Recapitalization and the Distribution
                                 (collectively, and including the
                                 Recapitalization Amendments, the Governance


                                 Amendments (as defined below) and the
                                 Authorized Capital Amendment (as defined
                                 below), the "Transactions") are expected to,
                                 among other things (i) put control of Neiman
                                 Marcus in the hands of its public stockholders
                                 by eliminating Harcourt General as a majority
                                 stockholder; (ii) increase the liquidity and
                                 public float of Neiman Marcus common stock by
                                 increasing the shares held by the Company's
                                 public stockholders from approximately 23
                                 million shares to approximately 44 million
                                 shares; (iii) result in Neiman Marcus being
                                 more widely followed by the equity research
                                 community because of its broader stockholder
                                 base; and (iv) facilitate the use of Neiman
                                 Marcus common stock as an acquisition currency
                                 and as a source of capital. See "Adoption of
                                 the Merger Agreement -- Neiman Marcus' Reasons
                                 for the Recapitalization."

THE RECAPITALIZATION..........   The Recapitalization is being effected because
                                 current tax law requires that in order for the
                                 Distribution to be tax-free to Harcourt General
                                 and its stockholders, Harcourt General is
                                 required to own, at the time of the
                                 Distribution, capital stock of Neiman Marcus
                                 having the right to elect at least 80% of the
                                 Neiman Marcus Board, and is required to
                                 distribute all of such stock to its
                                 stockholders in a single transaction. At this
                                 time, the shares held by Harcourt General
                                 represent approximately 53.9% of the total
                                 voting power of Neiman Marcus. Accordingly,
                                 Neiman Marcus' Restated Certificate of
                                 Incorporation will be amended to create a new
                                 class of common stock, called Class B Common
                                 Stock, par value $.01 per share (the "Class B
                                 Common Stock"), having the right to elect at
                                 least 82% of the Neiman Marcus Board. The Class
                                 B Common Stock will be issued to Harcourt
                                 General in exchange for 21,440,960 of the
                                 26,429,502 shares of Neiman Marcus common stock
                                 held by Harcourt General, by means of the
                                 merger of Merger Sub with and into Neiman
                                 Marcus, with Neiman Marcus as the surviving
                                 corporation (the "Merger"). All other
                                 outstanding shares of Neiman Marcus common
                                 stock will be converted in the Merger into
                                 Class A Common Stock, par value $.01 per share,
                                 of Neiman Marcus (the "Class A Common Stock").
                                 Except for voting rights with respect to the
                                 election of directors, the Class B Common Stock
                                 will be substantially identical to the Class A
                                 Common Stock (including with respect to voting
                                 rights on fundamental transactions affecting
                                 Neiman Marcus).

THE DISTRIBUTION..............   Following the Recapitalization, Harcourt
                                 General will promptly distribute to its common
                                 stockholders, on a pro-rata basis, all of the
                                 shares of Class B Common Stock that it receives
                                 in the Recapitalization. The terms of the
                                 Distribution are set forth in the Amended and
                                 Restated Distribution Agreement, dated as of
                                 July 1, 1999 (as amended, supplemented or
                                 otherwise modified from time to time, the
                                 "Distribution Agreement"), between Neiman
                                 Marcus and Harcourt General, a copy of which is
                                 attached hereto as Appendix B. See "The
                                 Distribution Agreement."

RETAINED SHARES...............   Harcourt General will retain, through a wholly
                                 owned subsidiary, 4,988,542 shares of Class A
                                 Common Stock, or approximately 10% of the total
                                 outstanding shares of Neiman Marcus common


                                 following the Distribution (the "Retained
                                 Shares"). These shares will be retained by
                                 Harcourt General to preserve its flexibility to
                                 raise capital for general corporate purposes,
                                 including financing acquisitions and/or
                                 reducing indebtedness incurred in prior
                                 acquisitions. Harcourt General has agreed to
                                 vote the Retained Shares on all matters in
                                 proportion to the votes cast affirmatively or
                                 negatively by all other holders of Class A
                                 Common Stock. Harcourt General intends to, and
                                 has represented to the Internal Revenue Service
                                 that it will, dispose of the Retained Shares as
                                 market conditions permit and, in any event,
                                 within five years of the Distribution. Harcourt
                                 General has agreed, for a two year period
                                 following the Distribution, to provide Neiman
                                 Marcus with a right of first offer to purchase
                                 the Retained Shares in certain circumstances.
                                 See "The Distribution Agreement -- Other
                                 Agreements -- Right of First Offer with Respect
                                 to Retained Shares." In order to facilitate an
                                 orderly distribution of the Retained Shares,
                                 Neiman Marcus has agreed to provide Harcourt
                                 General with certain registration rights in
                                 respect of the Retained Shares.

  DISTRIBUTION................   Richard A. Smith, Chairman of Neiman Marcus,
                                 and Robert A. Smith and Brian J. Knez, the
                                 Co-Chief Executive Officers of Neiman Marcus,
                                 and members of their families currently
                                 beneficially own in the aggregate approximately
                                 28% of the outstanding shares of Harcourt
                                 General, and will beneficially own the same
                                 percentage of the Class B Common Stock
                                 following the Distribution. The Smith family
                                 intends to enter into a stockholders' agreement
                                 with respect to the Class B Common Stock,
                                 effective upon the consummation of the
                                 Distribution, relating to the terms upon which
                                 they can dispose of their shares. Harcourt
                                 General has agreed with Neiman Marcus to use
                                 commercially reasonable best efforts to obtain
                                 the agreement by each member of the Smith
                                 family not to transfer such shares for a period
                                 of 180 days following the date of the
                                 Distribution. See "Adoption of the Merger
                                 Agreement -- Interests of Certain People in the
                                 Recapitalization and the Governance and
                                 Authorized Capital Amendments -- Description of
                                 Smith Family Stockholders Agreement."

     Adoption of the Merger Agreement will constitute approval of amendments to
Neiman Marcus' Restated Certificate of Incorporation that are necessary to
effect the Recapitalization. Following is a summary of the material terms of the
Recapitalization Amendments.


  Authorization of
     Class A Common Stock and
     Class B Common Stock.....   As described above, the Neiman Marcus common
                                 stock will be reclassified into Class B Common
                                 Stock, having the right to elect at least 82%
                                 of the Neiman Marcus Board, and Class A Common
                                 Stock, having the right to elect up to 18% of
                                 the Neiman Marcus Board. See "Adoption of the
                                 Merger Agreement -- Description of the
                                 Recapitalization Amendments -- Authorization of
                                 Class A Common Stock and Class B Common Stock."


  Creation of Class A and
     Class B Directors........   The Neiman Marcus Board is separated into three
                                 classes (Class I, Class II and Class III), only
                                 one of which is scheduled for re-election each
                                 year. Following the Merger, in addition to this
                                 class designation, one director will be
                                 designated a "Class A Director" and the
                                 remaining seven directors will be designated
                                 "Class B Directors." Vincent M. O'Reilly, who
                                 is currently a Class III director, will become
                                 the Class A Director upon consummation of the
                                 Transactions. Thereafter, the Class A Director
                                 will be elected by the holders of the Class A
                                 Common Stock (and the holders of Class C Common
                                 Stock, par value $.01 per share, of Neiman
                                 Marcus (the "Class C Common Stock"), if any)
                                 and the Class B Directors will be elected by
                                 the holders of the Class B Common Stock. All
                                 directors will remain in the class of directors
                                 (Class I, Class II or Class III) of which such
                                 director is currently a member. This special
                                 class voting right may be discontinued at any
                                 time after five years following the
                                 Distribution upon a resolution of the Neiman
                                 Marcus Board and approval by the holders of a
                                 majority of the outstanding shares of the Class
                                 A Common Stock and the Class C Common Stock,
                                 voting together as a class, and of the Class B
                                 Common Stock, voting separately as a class. See
                                 "Adoption of the Merger
                                 Agreement -- Description of the
                                 Recapitalization Amendments -- Authorization of
                                 Class A Common Stock and Class B Common Stock"
                                 and "-- Creation of Class A and Class B

 Vacancies to be Filled Only
     by Class.................   The Company's Restated Certificate of
                                 Incorporation (as amended by the
                                 Recapitalization Amendments, the Governance
                                 Amendments and the Authorized Capital
                                 Amendment, the "Amended and Restated
                                 Certificate of Incorporation") will provide
                                 that any vacancy in the office of a Class A
                                 Director or Class B Director (each a "Class")
                                 may be filled only by the vote of the majority
                                 of the remaining directors in the Class in
                                 which such vacancy exists (or the sole
                                 remaining director in such Class), unless there
                                 are no such directors in such Class, in which
                                 case the vacancy will be filled by the vote of
                                 the stockholders of such Class. All newly-
                                 created directorships resulting from an
                                 increase in the authorized number of directors
                                 will first be allocated to a Class and then
                                 filled by the vote of the majority of the
                                 directors in the Class in which such
                                 newly-created directorships exist (or the sole
                                 remaining director in such Class), unless there
                                 are no such directors in such Class, in which
                                 case the newly-created directorships will be
                                 filled by the vote of the stockholders of such
                                 Class. See "Adoption of the Merger
                                 Agreement -- Description of the
                                 Recapitalization Amendments -- Vacancies to be
                                 Filled Only by Class; Only by Board."

                               AND PROPOSAL FOUR

     The Governance Amendments include changes to the Restated Certificate of
Incorporation that Neiman Marcus believes are necessary to foster Neiman Marcus'
long-term growth as an independent company following the Distribution and to
protect Neiman Marcus stockholders from unsolicited takeover proposals at a
price below Neiman Marcus' intrinsic value. The Authorized Capital Amendment is
intended to provide


Neiman Marcus with sufficient authorized capital stock for future issuances and
otherwise to provide enhanced financing flexibility by creating a class of
low-voting common stock. Following is a summary of the material terms of the
Governance and Authorized Capital Amendments.

PROPOSAL......................   At the Special Meeting, you will be asked to
                                 consider and vote upon a proposal (the "Board
                                 Size Proposal") to amend the Company's Restated
                                 Certificate of Incorporation to increase the
                                 minimum number of directors on the Neiman
                                 Marcus Board from three to six, and to include
                                 a provision establishing the range of directors
                                 from six to nine. This provision will also
                                 state that the actual number of directors will
                                 be determined exclusively by resolution of the
                                 Neiman Marcus Board. This provision may not be
                                 altered or repealed without the vote of at
                                 least 66- 2/3% of the combined voting power of
                                 the Company's outstanding stock entitled to
                                 vote generally in the election of directors,
                                 voting together as a single class. The Board
                                 Size Proposal will ensure that the holders of
                                 the Class A Common Stock will have the right to
                                 elect at least one director. This change will
                                 also have the effect of making it more
                                 difficult for any person or group of persons to
                                 gain control of the Neiman Marcus Board by
                                 prohibiting such person or group of persons
                                 from increasing the size of the board and
                                 filling the newly created directorships without
                                 board approval. See "Adoption of the Governance
                                 and Authorized Capital Amendments -- The
                                 Governance Amendments and the Authorized
                                 Capital Amendment -- Proposal Two: Board Size

VOTING PROPOSAL...............   At the Special Meeting you will be asked to
                                 consider and vote upon a proposal (the
                                 "Supermajority Voting Proposal") to amend the
                                 Company's Restated Certificate of Incorporation
                                 to include a provision requiring the approval
                                 of 66- 2/3% of the total voting power of the
                                 outstanding shares of Neiman Marcus stock
                                 entitled to vote generally in the election of
                                 directors to approve any merger or
                                 consolidation, any sale, lease, exchange or
                                 other disposition of all or substantially all
                                 of Neiman Marcus' assets and, unless approved
                                 by two-thirds of the members of the Neiman
                                 Marcus Board, any issuance of voting securities
                                 of Neiman Marcus that would require stockholder
                                 approval. This provision is intended to foster
                                 the long-term growth of the Company following
                                 the Distribution but will cease to be effective
                                 on the fifth anniversary of the Distribution.
                                 See "Adoption of the Governance and Authorized
                                 Capital Amendments -- The Governance Amendments
                                 and the Authorized Capital
                                 Amendment -- Proposal Three: Supermajority
                                 Voting Proposal."

                                 Each of the amendments that you are being asked
                                 to consider pursuant to Proposals Two and Three
                                 are collectively referred to herein as the
                                 "Governance Amendments."

CAPITAL PROPOSAL..............   At the Special Meeting you will be asked to
                                 consider and vote upon a proposal (the
                                 "Authorized Capital Proposal") to amend the
                                 Company's Restated Certificate of Incorporation
                                 to increase Neiman Marcus' authorized capital
                                 from 200,000,000 to 250,000,000 shares of
                                 common stock (consisting of 100,000,000 shares


                                 Class A Common Stock, 100,000,000 shares of
                                 Class B Common Stock and 50,000,000 shares of
                                 Class C Common Stock) and 50,000,000 shares of
                                 preferred stock. No Class C Common Stock will
                                 be issued and outstanding immediately following
                                 the Recapitalization. When and if issued, the
                                 Class C Common Stock will have one-tenth
                                 ( 1/10) of one vote per share, and will vote
                                 with the Class A Common Stock for the election
                                 of the Class A Director. The Neiman Marcus
                                 Board believes that such an increase in the
                                 Company's authorized capital will ensure that
                                 there remains a sufficient authorized number of
                                 shares of common stock and preferred stock
                                 after the Recapitalization for potential future
                                 stock splits, sales of the Company's securities
                                 to raise additional capital, acquisitions of
                                 other companies or their businesses or assets,
                                 establishing strategic relationships with third
                                 parties, or providing options or other stock
                                 incentives to Neiman Marcus employees,
                                 consultants or others. The Class C Common Stock
                                 is being authorized to provide Neiman Marcus
                                 with enhanced financing flexibility by enabling
                                 Neiman Marcus to issue equity to raise capital
                                 or to use as an acquisition currency with
                                 minimal dilution to the voting rights of
                                 existing stockholders. See "Adoption of the
                                 Governance and Authorized Capital
                                 Amendments -- The Governance Amendments and the
                                 Authorized Capital Amendment -- Proposal Four:
                                 Authorized Capital Proposal."
                                 The amendment that you are being asked to
                                 consider pursuant to Proposal Four is referred
                                 to herein as the "Authorized Capital Amendment"
                                 and, together with the Governance Amendments,
                                 the "Governance and Authorized Capital

                              THE SPECIAL MEETING

SPECIAL MEETING...............   The special meeting of stockholders (including
                                 any adjournments or postponements thereof, the
                                 "Special Meeting") of The Neiman Marcus Group,
                                 Inc. will be held on Wednesday, September 15,
                                 1999, at 10:00 a.m., at the Company's
                                 headquarters located at 27 Boylston Street
                                 (Route 9), Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts.

RECOMMENDATION................   The Neiman Marcus Board, upon the
                                 recommendation of a committee consisting of the
                                 directors of Neiman Marcus who are not
                                 affiliated with Harcourt General (the
                                 "Independent Committee"), has unanimously
                                 approved the Merger Agreement, the Merger and
                                 each of the Governance and Authorized Capital
                                 Amendments and has determined that the Merger
                                 Agreement, the Merger and each of the
                                 Governance and Authorized Capital Amendments
                                 are advisable and favorable to and, therefore,
                                 fair to and in the best interests of Neiman
                                 Marcus and its stockholders other than Harcourt
                                 General. THE NEIMAN MARCUS BOARD RECOMMENDS
                                 THAT YOU VOTE "FOR" THE ADOPTION OF THE MERGER
                                 AGREEMENT AND EACH OF THE GOVERNANCE AND
                                 AUTHORIZED CAPITAL AMENDMENTS.

RECORD DATE...................   August 2, 1999 (the "Record Date").

REQUIRED VOTE.................   Each outstanding share of Neiman Marcus common
                                 stock is entitled to one vote on each matter
                                 which may properly come before the Special
                                 Meeting. Because certain of the Recapitaliza-


                                 tion Amendments require approval by two-thirds
                                 of the outstanding shares of Neiman Marcus
                                 common stock, adoption of the Merger Agreement
                                 requires approval by two-thirds of the
                                 outstanding shares of Neiman Marcus common
                                 stock, including shares held by Harcourt
                                 General. Harcourt General currently owns
                                 approximately 53.9% of the Company's
                                 outstanding common stock and has agreed to vote
                                 such shares in favor of adoption of the Merger
                                 Agreement. In addition, although not required
                                 by law, the Neiman Marcus Board has required
                                 and Harcourt General has agreed that the
                                 Recapitalization will be implemented only if
                                 the Merger Agreement is also adopted by the
                                 holders of a majority of the shares of Neiman
                                 Marcus common stock, voting in person or by
                                 proxy at the Special Meeting, other than the
                                 shares held by Harcourt General.

                                 Approval of each of the Governance Amendments
                                 and the Authorized Capital Amendment requires
                                 the affirmative vote of a majority of the
                                 outstanding shares of Neiman Marcus common
                                 stock. The adoption of each of the Governance
                                 Amendments and the Authorized Capital Amendment
                                 is assured because Harcourt General, which owns
                                 approximately 53.9% of the outstanding shares
                                 of Neiman Marcus common stock, has agreed to
                                 vote its Neiman Marcus shares in favor of their
                                 adoption. Accordingly, no action by any other
                                 Neiman Marcus stockholder is necessary to
                                 approve the Governance Amendments and the
                                 Authorized Capital Amendment. The Governance
                                 Amendments and the Authorized Capital Amendment
                                 will not be implemented by the Company,
                                 however, unless the Merger Agreement is also

CERTIFICATES..................   The stock certificates you currently hold will
                                 continue to represent an equal number of shares
                                 of Class A Common Stock of Neiman Marcus. No
                                 physical exchange of stock certificates is

                        WHO TO CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION

     If you have any questions about this Proxy Statement or its contents,
please call:

                            MacKenzie Partners, Inc.
                                156 Fifth Avenue
                            New York, New York 10010
                         Call Collect at (212) 929-5500
                        Call Toll Free at (800) 322-2885


                              THE SPECIAL MEETING

     This Proxy Statement is furnished in connection with the solicitation of
proxies by the Neiman Marcus Board for use at the Special Meeting to be held at
10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, September 15, 1999, at the Company's headquarters, 27
Boylston Street (Route 9), Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, and at any adjournments
or postponements thereof. All shares will be voted in accordance with the
instructions contained in the proxy, but if the proxies which are signed and
returned do not specify a vote for any Proposal, the proxies will be voted "FOR"
the adoption of each of the Proposals described in this Proxy Statement. Any
proxy may be revoked by a stockholder at any time before it is exercised by
providing written notice of revocation to the Secretary of Neiman Marcus (at the
address set forth above), by executing a proxy bearing a later date, or by
voting in person at the Special Meeting. The mailing of this Proxy Statement and
accompanying form of proxy is expected to commence on or about August 10, 1999.

     In addition to solicitations of proxies by mail, Neiman Marcus' officers,
directors or employees may solicit proxies by telephone or personal
communication. All costs of soliciting proxies, including reimbursement of fees
of certain brokers, fiduciaries and nominees in obtaining voting instructions
from beneficial owners, will be borne by Neiman Marcus. In addition, Neiman
Marcus has retained MacKenzie Partners, Inc. to assist in the solicitation of
proxies and will pay such firm a fee estimated not to exceed $8,500, plus
reimbursement of expenses.

     The Neiman Marcus Board has fixed the close of business on August 2, 1999
as the record date for determining the stockholders having the right to vote at
the Special Meeting. At the meeting, each share of Neiman Marcus common stock is
entitled to one vote. At the close of business on the Record Date, there were
49,039,035 shares of Neiman Marcus common stock outstanding and entitled to vote
at the meeting.

     Pursuant to the Merger Agreement, the vote required for adoption of the
Merger Agreement is (a) approval by two-thirds of the outstanding shares of
Neiman Marcus common stock, including shares held by Harcourt General, and (b)
approval by the holders of a majority of the shares of Neiman Marcus common
stock present in person or by proxy at the Special Meeting and voting on such
proposal, other than the shares held by Harcourt General. The vote required for
adoption of each of the Governance Amendments and the Authorized Capital
Amendment is approval by the holders of a majority of the outstanding shares of
Neiman Marcus common stock. The approval of each of the Governance Amendments
and the Authorized Capital Amendment is assured because Harcourt General, which
owns approximately 53.9% of the outstanding shares of Neiman Marcus common
stock, has agreed to vote its Neiman Marcus shares in favor of their adoption.
Accordingly, no action by any other Neiman Marcus stockholder is necessary to
approve the Governance Amendments and the Authorized Capital Amendment. The
Governance Amendments and the Authorized Capital Amendment will not be
implemented by the Company, however, unless the Merger Agreement is also
approved as described above.

     The required quorum for the transaction of business at the Special Meeting
is a majority of the issued and outstanding shares of Neiman Marcus common stock
on the Record Date. Abstentions and broker non-votes each will be included in
determining the number of shares present at the Special Meeting for the purpose
of determining the presence of a quorum. Because Neiman Marcus is seeking the
affirmative vote of the holders of two-thirds of the outstanding shares of
Neiman Marcus common stock entitled to vote thereon to adopt the Merger
Agreement and the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the
outstanding shares of Neiman Marcus common stock to adopt each of the Governance
Amendments and the Authorized Capital Amendment, abstentions and broker
non-votes will have the same effect as votes against such matters. Neiman Marcus
and Harcourt General have agreed that the adoption of the Merger Agreement will
also require the approval by the holders of a majority of the shares of Neiman
Marcus common stock, other than Harcourt General, that are present in person or
by proxy at the Special Meeting and vote on such proposal. Abstentions and
broker non-votes will not be counted in such vote and therefore will not have
any effect on the ability to gain such approval.




     As of the Record Date, Harcourt General owned 26,429,502 shares of Neiman
Marcus common stock, representing approximately 53.9% of the shares outstanding
as of such date. Harcourt General has agreed to vote its shares of Neiman Marcus
common stock to adopt each of the Proposals described in this Proxy Statement.
In addition, as of the Record Date executive officers and directors of the
Company beneficially owned 368,737 shares of Neiman Marcus common stock,
representing less than 1% of the shares outstanding as of such date, excluding
beneficial ownership of such shares which may be deemed to be attributed to such
executive officers and directors through their ownership interest in Harcourt



                          STOCKHOLDERS SHOULD NOT SEND


     Statements in this proxy statement referring to the expected future plans
and performance of the Company or statements preceded by, followed by or
otherwise including the words "believes," "expects," "anticipates," "intends,"
"estimates," or similar expressions, are forward-looking statements. For those
statements, the Company claims the protection of the safe harbor for
forward-looking statements contained in the Private Securities Litigation Reform
Act of 1995. Actual future results may differ materially from such statements.
Factors that could affect future performance of the Company include, but are not
limited to: changes in economic conditions or consumer confidence; changes in
consumer preferences or fashion trends; delays in anticipated store openings;
adverse weather conditions, particularly during peak selling seasons; changes in
demographic or retail environments; competitive influences; failure of the
Company or third parties to be Year 2000 compliant; significant increases in
paper, printing and postage costs; and changes in the Company's relationships
with designers and other resources. For more information see the Company's other
filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. See "Where You Can Find
More Information."


                             CERTAIN CONSIDERATIONS

     Neiman Marcus stockholders should carefully consider the factors described
below before voting on the Proposals set forth in this Proxy Statement.


     The Governance Amendments, together with the By-laws Amendment and the
proposed stockholders' rights plan (the "Rights Plan") to be adopted by the
Neiman Marcus Board, may discourage unsolicited takeover bids from third parties
or efforts to remove incumbent management, or make such actions more difficult
to accomplish. See "Adoption of the Governance and Authorized Capital
Amendments -- Purpose and Effects of the Governance Amendments," "-- Purpose and
Effects of the Authorized Capital Amendment" and "Adoption of the Governance and
Authorized Capital Amendments -- Rights Plan."


     Richard A. Smith, Chairman of Neiman Marcus, and Robert A. Smith and Brian
J. Knez, the Co-Chief Executive Officers of Neiman Marcus, and members of their
families currently hold approximately 28% of the equity securities of Harcourt
General and will own the same percentage of the Class B Common Stock following
the Distribution. As a result of the distribution of the Class B Common Stock to
the Smith family and the adoption of the Governance and Authorized Capital
Amendments, these individuals and their families may have the opportunity to
exert substantial influence over the election of directors and certain other
corporate actions of Neiman Marcus. See "Adoption of the Merger
Agreement -- Interests of Certain Persons in the Recapitalization and the
Governance and Authorized Capital Amendments -- Ownership by the Smith Family
Following the Distribution."


     Neiman Marcus has agreed that until two years after the Distribution, it
will not merge or consolidate with or into any other corporation or take certain
other actions which would have the effect of causing or permitting one or more
persons to acquire stock representing a 50% or greater interest in Neiman
Marcus, unless prior to taking any such action it obtains a legal opinion or an
IRS ruling that such actions will not result in the Distribution failing to
qualify as a tax-free distribution. In addition, Neiman Marcus has agreed to
indemnify Harcourt General for additional taxes that may become payable by
Harcourt General or its stockholders if attributable to any actions taken by it
at any time, subject to certain exceptions. This indemnification obligation may
render Neiman Marcus less attractive to a potential acquiror. Also as a result
of this indemnification obligation, Neiman Marcus may be reluctant to undertake
acquisitions using stock as consideration or effect a sale of the Company,
particularly within the two-year period following the Distribution. Neiman
Marcus expects, however, that the Governance Amendments and the Rights Plan will
assist in ensuring that Neiman Marcus is not subject to an unsolicited
transaction that would result in the indemnity being payable. See "-- Potential
Antitakeover Effects of the Governance Amendments and Rights Plan" and "Adoption
of the Merger Agreement -- Tax Matters."


     Some of Harcourt General's common stockholders may sell all or a
substantial portion of the shares of Class B Common Stock they receive in the
Distribution in the public market which could result in downward pressure on the
Company's stock price. In addition, Harcourt General intends to, and has
represented to the Internal Revenue Service that it will, dispose of the
Retained Shares as market conditions permit and, in any event, within five years
of the Distribution. Although Harcourt General intends to dispose of such shares
in a manner intended to mitigate the market impact of such sales, such
additional sales could also impact the market adversely. See "Adoption of the
Merger Agreement -- The Retained Shares."


                        ADOPTION OF THE MERGER AGREEMENT
                                 (PROPOSAL ONE)


     Harcourt General has held a substantial equity position in Neiman Marcus
since August 1987, when Neiman Marcus was formed. Since 1991, when it acquired
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (now known as Harcourt, Inc.), Harcourt General has
been involved in the business of publishing educational, scientific and
professional materials and providing educational services and resources. In
1993, Harcourt General completed the spin-off to its common stockholders of GC
Companies, Inc., which operates a nationwide circuit of motion picture theaters
under the "General Cinema" name.

     In early April 1999, Harcourt General senior management approached the
members of the Neiman Marcus Board who are not affiliated with Harcourt General
(the "Independent Directors") to advise them that Harcourt General was
evaluating the possibility of distributing to its stockholders on a tax-free
basis all or a portion of its equity interest in Neiman Marcus. Harcourt General
senior management explained to the Independent Directors that it had considered
alternatives to the Distribution, including a possible sale of Neiman Marcus (or
its stake in Neiman Marcus) and maintaining the status quo with Neiman Marcus
continuing as a majority-owned subsidiary of Harcourt General. Harcourt General
senior management advised the Independent Directors that it was considering the
Distribution because it would result in Harcourt General becoming a "pure play"
company, with a greater ability to take advantage of the prospects for expansion
and growth in the publishing and educational services industries. Harcourt
General advised Neiman Marcus that it expects that the Distribution could both
improve Harcourt General's ability to raise equity capital and provide Harcourt
General with a more effective acquisition currency. Harcourt General also
expressed its belief that the separation of Neiman Marcus from Harcourt General
would improve the ability of Harcourt General and its affiliates to provide more
attractive equity incentives to existing management and to better compete for
top employees.

     Harcourt General further advised the Independent Directors that it believed
that the Distribution could offer significant benefits to Neiman Marcus
stockholders as well by: (i) putting control of Neiman Marcus in the hands of
its public stockholders by eliminating Harcourt General as a majority
stockholder; (ii) increasing the liquidity and public float of Neiman Marcus
common stock by increasing the shares held by Neiman Marcus public stockholders
from about 23 million shares to about 44 million shares; (iii) resulting in
Neiman Marcus being more widely followed by the equity research community
because of its broader stockholder base; and (iv) facilitating the use of Neiman
Marcus common stock as an acquisition currency and as a source of capital.

     To ensure a full and fair evaluation of the proposed Transactions, the
Neiman Marcus Board formed a committee of its independent directors consisting
of Walter J. Salmon (Chairman), Matina S. Horner, Vincent M. O'Reilly and Jean
Head Sisco. The Independent Committee retained the law firm of Choate, Hall &
Stewart and the investment banking firm of J.P. Morgan Securities Inc. ("J.P.
Morgan") to assist it in evaluating the proposed Transactions. J.P. Morgan
provided to the Independent Committee certain advice and assistance with respect
to the structuring and planning of the Transactions and advised the Independent
Committee with respect to the negotiation of the principal terms and conditions
of the Transactions. J.P. Morgan will receive customary fees for its services as
financial advisor to the Independent Committee in connection with the
Transactions. J.P. Morgan also provides advice to Neiman Marcus and Harcourt
General from time to time on other matters, for which it receives customary

     In mid-April 1999, Harcourt General delivered to the representatives of the
Independent Committee a summary of the preliminary terms of the proposed
Recapitalization and proposed Distribution, including a summary of certain
proposed amendments to Neiman Marcus' Restated Certificate of Incorporation and
By-laws and a proposed Rights Plan. Harcourt General advised these
representatives of its belief that the amendments to the Restated Certificate of
Incorporation and By-laws and the Rights Plan are intended to foster the
long-term growth of Neiman Marcus as an independent corporation and to protect
Neiman Marcus stockholders from unsolicited takeover proposals at a price below
Neiman Marcus' intrinsic value. Following a


series of telephone conversations, on April 27, 1999, representatives of
Harcourt General, its legal advisors, Simpson Thacher & Bartlett, and its
financial advisors, Lazard Freres & Co. LLC, met with representatives of the
Independent Committee to discuss the terms of the proposed Transactions. At that
meeting, Harcourt General also advised the representatives of the Independent
Committee that Harcourt General was proposing that Harcourt General's
stockholders adopt amendments to its charter authorizing a new class of common
stock which would have one-tenth ( 1/10) of one vote per share in all matters.
Harcourt General's management advised the Independent Committee that it was not
prepared to consummate the Distribution unless it was conditioned upon receipt
of the approval of Harcourt General's stockholders of the charter amendments
authorizing the creation of such class.

     Following the April 27 meeting, representatives of Harcourt General
delivered to the representatives of the Independent Committee drafts of the
Merger Agreement dated as of May 14, 1999 (the "Original Merger Agreement"), the
Distribution Agreement dated as of May 14, 1999 (the "Original Distribution
Agreement"), proposed amendments to the Restated Certificate of Incorporation
and By-laws, proposed amendments to Harcourt General's Restated Certificate of
Incorporation and By-laws and a proposed Rights Plan. On May 6, 1999, Walter J.
Salmon, Jean Head Sisco and Vincent M. O'Reilly met telephonically to discuss
the proposed Transactions and the draft documents prepared by Harcourt General
and its representatives. During the meeting, the legal and financial advisors to
the Independent Committee made presentations concerning the proposed
Transactions and responded to questions from the Independent Directors. On May
10, 1999, all four members of the Independent Committee met telephonically to
discuss further the proposed Transactions. After a discussion of the proposed
Transactions and a presentation by its advisors of certain issues raised by the
draft documents, the members of the Independent Committee requested through
their counsel, Choate, Hall & Stewart, that certain changes be made in the terms
of the proposed Transactions.

     Over the next several days, representatives of the Independent Committee
and representatives of Harcourt General negotiated regarding the terms of the
proposed Transactions and agreed to the following changes from such proposed
terms, among others:

     - Harcourt General agreed that the unqualified indemnity it sought from
       Neiman Marcus for any taxes imposed on Harcourt General and its
       consolidated group as a result of actions taken by Neiman Marcus
       following the Distribution would not apply if (i) Harcourt General or its
       executive officers or directors who are also executive officers and/or
       directors of Neiman Marcus ("Shared Representatives") were to solicit
       certain acquisition transactions and other business combinations
       involving Neiman Marcus for a two-year period following the date of the
       Distribution Agreement, (ii) any Shared Representative, upon receiving an
       unsolicited transaction proposal, did not either promptly reject such
       proposal or refer it to a member of the Independent Committee or (iii)
       Harcourt General breached any representations that it made in support of
       obtaining a legal opinion or a letter ruling from the Internal Revenue
       Service to the effect that any such actions taken by Neiman Marcus would
       not result in the Distribution being deemed to be taxable, unless in the
       case of (i) and (ii) the Independent Committee waived such action;

     - Neiman Marcus would disclose in a footnote to its annual audited
       financial statements the existence, scope and material terms of the
       indemnity obligation described above;

     - The Restated Certificate of Incorporation would be amended to increase
       the minimum number of directors on the Neiman Marcus Board to six to
       ensure that the holders of Class A Common Stock (voting with the holders
       of Class C Common Stock, if any) would be assured of having at least one
       representative on the Neiman Marcus Board;

     - The proposed terms of the Rights Plan, which would have provided for a
       definition of "Acquiring Person" as any person or group that became a
       holder of 15% or more of either (i) the Class B Common Stock or (ii)
       collectively, the voting power represented by the Class A Common Stock
       and the Class C Common Stock, would be modified so that part (ii) of the
       definition of Acquiring Person would relate to the voting power
       represented by the Class A Common Stock, Class B Common Stock and Class C


       Common Stock, thereby allowing a person or group to acquire up to 15%
       (rather than approximately 7 1/2%) of the total equity of Neiman Marcus
       without triggering the Rights Plan;

     - The proposed terms of the Rights Plan, which would have permitted the
       Smith family to acquire shares of Class B Common Stock representing an
       additional 10% of the total shares of outstanding Class B Common Stock
       and an unlimited additional amount of shares of Class A Common Stock and
       Class C Common Stock, would be modified so that the Smith family could
       not acquire more than an additional 6% of the total shares of outstanding
       Class B Common Stock and/or an additional 6% of the total voting power
       represented by the Class A Common Stock, Class B Common Stock and Class C
       Common Stock considered together;

     - Harcourt General agreed that, until the second anniversary of the
       Distribution Date, it would not sell, within any 60-day period, a portion
       of the Retained Shares representing more than 5% of the outstanding
       shares of Neiman Marcus common stock without giving Neiman Marcus a right
       of first offer;

     - Harcourt General agreed that it would use commercially reasonable best
       efforts to obtain the agreement of each member of the Smith family to
       refrain from selling any of the shares of Class B Common Stock acquired
       by them in the Distribution for a period of 180 days following the
       Distribution; and

     - Harcourt General agreed that it would vote all the shares of Neiman
       Marcus common stock owned by it in favor of the adoption of the Merger
       Agreement and each of the Governance Amendments and the Authorized
       Capital Amendment.

     On May 14, 1999, the Independent Committee met, together with
representatives of Choate, Hall & Stewart and representatives of J.P. Morgan, to
consider the Original Merger Agreement, including the Recapitalization
Amendments, the Governance and Authorized Capital Amendments, the Original
Distribution Agreement, the proposed Rights Plan and other matters related to
the proposed Transactions. At this meeting, presentations were made by
representatives of Choate, Hall & Stewart and J.P. Morgan regarding the proposed
Transactions, and the Independent Directors had an opportunity to ask questions
of the representatives regarding the proposed Transactions. After a careful
evaluation of the proposed Transactions and their anticipated effect on the
Company and its stockholders, the Independent Committee determined that the
Original Merger Agreement, including the Recapitalization Amendments, and the
Governance and Authorized Capital Amendments are advisable and favorable to and,
therefore, fair to and in the best interests of the Company and its stockholders
other than Harcourt General and approved the Original Merger Agreement, the
Merger and the Governance and Authorized Capital Amendments.

     Upon the Independent Committee's recommendation, the Neiman Marcus Board
unanimously determined that the Original Merger Agreement, the Merger and the
Governance and Authorized Capital Amendments are advisable and favorable to and,
therefore, fair to and in the best interests of the Company and its stockholders
other than Harcourt General, and approved the Original Merger Agreement, the
Merger and the Governance and Authorized Capital Amendments.

     Between June 14 and July 1, 1999 certain technical changes, which are
described herein, were made to the Original Merger Agreement and the Original
Distribution Agreement. Accordingly, the Independent Committee subsequently
approved the Merger Agreement, and the Neiman Marcus Board, by unanimous written
consent dated as of August 9, 1999, subsequently (i) determined that the Merger
Agreement, the Merger and the Governance and Authorized Capital Amendments are
advisable and favorable to and, therefore, fair to and in the best interests of
Neiman Marcus and its stockholders other than Harcourt General, (ii) approved
the Merger Agreement, the Merger and the Governance and Authorized Capital
Amendments and (iii) determined to recommend that the Neiman Marcus stockholders
vote "FOR" the adoption of the Merger Agreement and each of the Governance and
Authorized Capital Amendments.

     The Harcourt General Board of Directors also met on May 14, 1999 to
consider the Distribution and certain other matters and unanimously approved the
Original Merger Agreement and the Original Distribution Agreement. As a result
of these negotiations, on May 17, 1999, Neiman Marcus and Harcourt General


announced the proposal to effect the Distribution on the terms set forth in this
Proxy Statement.


     If the stockholders of Neiman Marcus adopt the Merger Agreement, the
Company's Restated Certificate of Incorporation will, upon filing of the
certificate of merger relating to the Recapitalization (the "Certificate of
Merger") with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware, be amended and
restated to incorporate the Recapitalization Amendments. As a result, adoption
by the stockholders of the Merger Agreement will constitute approval of the
Recapitalization Amendments. The Recapitalization Amendments include the changes
necessary to permit the Distribution to be tax-free to Harcourt General and its

     In order for the Distribution to be tax-free to Harcourt General and its
stockholders, Harcourt General must own, at the time of the Distribution,
capital stock of Neiman Marcus having the right to elect at least 80% of the
Neiman Marcus Board, and Harcourt General must distribute all of such stock to
its stockholders in a single transaction. The Recapitalization Amendments are
technically necessary to effect the Distribution and (i) provide the holders of
the Class B Common Stock with the power to elect at least 82% of the Neiman
Marcus Board, (ii) provide for the designation of Class A Directors and Class B
Directors and all matters relating thereto and (iii) provide that vacancies on
the Neiman Marcus Board may be filled only by the directors (or if there are no
such directors, by the stockholders) of the class in which such vacancy exists
(Class A or Class B). Following is a discussion of the material terms of the
Recapitalization Amendments.

     - Authorization of Class A Common Stock and Class B Common Stock.  The
       150,000,000 shares of authorized common stock of Neiman Marcus will be
       divided between 75,000,000 shares of Class A Common Stock and 75,000,000
       shares of Class B Common Stock. The Class A Common Stock and the Class B
       Common Stock will be substantially identical except for the fact that the
       holders of Class A Common Stock (and the Class C Common Stock, if any)
       will have the power to elect 18% of the Neiman Marcus Board (or the next
       lowest whole number) and the holders of the Class B Common Stock will
       have the power to elect 82% of the Neiman Marcus Board (or the next
       highest whole number). This special class voting right of the Class A
       Common Stock and Class B Common Stock with respect to the election of
       directors may be terminated, if first approved by the Neiman Marcus
       Board, at any annual or special meeting of stockholders held at any time
       after the fifth anniversary of the Distribution, if then approved by a
       majority of the outstanding shares of the Class A Common Stock and the
       Class C Common Stock, voting together as a class, and a majority of the
       outstanding shares of the Class B Common Stock, voting separately as a
       class. Prior to the fifth anniversary of the Distribution, a vote of
       66 2/3% of the Company's outstanding common stock, voting together as a
       class (together with the vote of a majority of the outstanding shares of
       each class voting separately as a class, as required by the Delaware
       General Corporation Law (the "DGCL")), would be required to amend this
       provision of the Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation.
       Except as described above and except as required by law, the holders of
       the Class A Common Stock, Class B Common Stock and Class C Common Stock
       will vote together as one class on all other matters (including
       acquisitions and other fundamental transactions) with each share of Class
       A Common Stock and Class B Common Stock having one vote and each share of
       Class C Common Stock having one-tenth (1/10) of one vote.

     - Creation of Class A and Class B Directors.  Currently, the Neiman Marcus
       Board is divided into three classes, designated Class I, Class II and
       Class III. The Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation will
       provide for a further classification of the Neiman Marcus Board into two
       additional classes, with Vincent M. O'Reilly, who is currently a Class
       III director, being designated the "Class A Director" and the remaining
       seven directors being designated "Class B Directors." Thereafter, the
       director designated a Class A Director will be elected by the holders of
       the Class A Common Stock and Class C Common Stock (if any) and the
       directors designated as Class B Directors will be elected by the holders
       of the Class B Common Stock. All directors will remain in the class of
       directors (Class I, Class II or Class III) of which they are currently


     - Vacancies to be Filled Only by Class; Only by Board.  The Amended and
       Restated Certificate of Incorporation will provide that any vacancy in
       the office of a Class A Director or Class B Director will be filled only
       by the vote of the majority of the remaining directors in the Class in
       which such vacancy exists (or the sole remaining director in such Class),
       unless there are no such directors in such Class, in which case the
       vacancy will be filled by the vote of the stockholders entitled to elect
       the members of the Class in which the vacancy exists. All newly-created
       directorships resulting from an increase in the authorized number of
       directors will first be allocated to a Class and then filled only by the
       vote of the majority of the directors in the Class in which such
       newly-created directorships exist (or the sole remaining director in such
       Class), unless there are no such directors in such Class, in which case
       such newly created directorships will be filled by the vote of the
       stockholders of such Class. In the event that there is only one Class A
       Director and he or she resigns, dies or is removed for cause, it is
       possible that there will be no Class A Director until the next annual
       meeting of stockholders.


     The Neiman Marcus Board, upon the recommendation of the Independent
Committee, has unanimously determined that the Merger Agreement, the Merger and
the Governance and Authorized Capital Amendments are advisable and favorable to
and, therefore, fair to and in the best interests of Neiman Marcus and its
stockholders other than Harcourt General. In arriving at this determination, the
Neiman Marcus Board and the Independent Committee considered a number of
factors, which are listed below.

     Expected Benefits of the Transactions to Neiman Marcus and its
Stockholders.  The Independent Committee and the Neiman Marcus Board considered
the following expected benefits of the Transactions:

     - The Independent Committee and the Neiman Marcus Board considered that the
       Transactions will put control of Neiman Marcus in the hands of its public
       stockholders by eliminating Harcourt General as a majority stockholder;

     - The Independent Committee and the Neiman Marcus Board considered that the
       Transactions will significantly increase the liquidity and public float
       of Neiman Marcus common stock by increasing the shares held by the
       Company's public stockholders from about 23 million shares to about 44
       million shares;

     - The Independent Committee and the Neiman Marcus Board considered that the
       Transactions are expected to result in Neiman Marcus being more widely
       followed by the equity research community because of its broader
       stockholder base;

     - The Independent Committee and the Neiman Marcus Board considered that the
       Transactions are expected to facilitate the use of Neiman Marcus common
       stock as an acquisition currency and as a source of capital; and

     - The Independent Committee and the Neiman Marcus Board considered that,
       because the Board Size Proposal would increase the minimum number of
       directors on the Neiman Marcus Board from three to six, the holders of
       the Class A Common Stock (voting with the holders of Class C Common
       Stock, if any) will be assured of the right to elect at least one

     Economic and Financial Factors.  The Independent Committee and the Neiman
Marcus Board considered certain economic and financial factors associated with
the Transactions, such as the effect of the Recapitalization and the
Distribution on the expected trading price of both classes of Neiman Marcus
common stock following the Distribution and the impact on Neiman Marcus'
financial position following the Distribution. In this regard they considered
the following factors:

     - The Independent Committee and the Neiman Marcus Board considered that the
       Transactions are structured to be tax-free to Neiman Marcus stockholders;

     - The Independent Committee considered the advice of J.P. Morgan that the
       Transactions and the adoption of the Rights Plan, taken as a whole,
       should be favorable to the stockholders of Neiman Marcus other than
       Harcourt General;


     - The Independent Committee considered advice from J.P. Morgan as to the
       potential effect of two classes of common stock and the potential
       volatility of the market for and liquidity of the Class A Common Stock;

     - The Independent Committee considered the advice from J.P. Morgan that,
       following the Transactions, Neiman Marcus would likely retain its credit
       rating from Standard & Poor's Corporation and would likely gain equity
       research coverage;

     - The Independent Committee and the Neiman Marcus Board considered the
       potential adverse impact on the market price of the Neiman Marcus common
       stock for an indeterminate period following the Distribution as a result
       of sales of the Class B Common Stock by stockholders of Harcourt General;

     - The Independent Committee and the Neiman Marcus Board considered the
       potential adverse market impact of sales by Harcourt General of the
       Retained Shares following the Distribution; and

     - The Independent Committee and the Neiman Marcus Board considered that
       Harcourt General has agreed (i) that until the second anniversary of the
       Distribution Date, it will not sell, in any 60-day period, shares of
       Class A Common Stock representing 5% or more of the outstanding Neiman
       Marcus common stock without first offering those shares to Neiman Marcus
       and (ii) to vote the Retained Shares on all matters in proportion to the
       votes cast affirmatively or negatively by all other holders of Class A
       Common Stock.

     Governance Matters.  The Independent Committee and the Neiman Marcus Board
considered that, as a result of the Recapitalization and the Distribution,
Neiman Marcus might be more vulnerable to third parties seeking to acquire
control of Neiman Marcus and/or the Neiman Marcus Board. In that regard they
considered the following factors:

     - The Independent Committee and the Neiman Marcus Board considered the
       restrictions on the ability of the Company to undertake a sale or certain
       other transactions following the Distribution, which, if undertaken,
       could impair the tax-free status of the Distribution to Harcourt General
       and its stockholders, as well as the reduced likelihood of such a
       transaction because of the potential liability to Neiman Marcus
       associated with the loss of such status;

     - The Independent Committee and the Neiman Marcus Board considered the
       Company's obligation to indemnify Harcourt General in the event that
       Neiman Marcus takes any actions which result in the Distribution failing
       to qualify as a tax-free distribution, and the circumstances under which
       such indemnity would not apply, particularly if Harcourt General or its
       executive officers or directors that are also executive officers or
       directors of Neiman Marcus take certain actions as described under "--
       Tax Matters" and "The Distribution Agreement -- Other Agreements -- No

     - The Independent Committee considered the responses to the due diligence
       inquiries it made in determining that neither Harcourt General nor Neiman
       Marcus nor the executive officers and directors of Harcourt General that
       were also executive officers or directors of Neiman Marcus appeared to
       have had any contacts prior to entering into the Merger Agreement and the
       Distribution Agreement as part of a plan or intention to effect a sale of
       Neiman Marcus; see "-- Tax Matters;"

     - The Independent Committee and the Neiman Marcus Board considered the
       benefits of having the protections of certain of the Governance and
       Authorized Capital Amendments in place following the Distribution when
       the Company may be vulnerable to an unsolicited takeover proposal,
       particularly during the first two years following the Distribution, when
       the risk to Neiman Marcus of liability under the tax indemnity is
       greatest, as well as the potential impact of certain of the
       Recapitalization Amendments and the Governance and Authorized Capital
       Amendments and the proposed Rights Plan on the ability of a third party
       to acquire control of Neiman Marcus or the Neiman Marcus Board;

     - The Independent Committee and the Neiman Marcus Board considered the risk
       that the dual class structure could lead to a person or group gaining
       control of the Neiman Marcus Board by acquiring a majority of the Class B
       Common Stock, even though such person or group would require two or three
       annual elections to gain control;


     - The Independent Committee and the Neiman Marcus Board considered that the
       ability of the holders of Class B Common Stock to elect at least 82% of
       the Neiman Marcus Board will not provide such holders with materially
       different rights than Harcourt General currently possesses because
       Harcourt General presently has the ability to elect the entire Neiman
       Marcus Board; and

     - The Independent Committee considered that, although the vote of Harcourt
       General would be sufficient to approve each of the Governance and
       Authorized Capital Amendments, none of the Governance and Authorized
       Capital Amendments would be implemented unless the Merger Agreement was
       adopted as described under "-- Required Vote."

     Other Factors Considered.  The Independent Committee and the Neiman Marcus
Board considered other factors in making their determination that the Merger
Agreement, the Merger and the Governance and Authorized Capital Amendments are
advisable and favorable to and, therefore, fair to and in the best interests of
Neiman Marcus and its stockholders other than Harcourt General:

     - The Independent Committee and the Neiman Marcus Board considered the fact
       that the Distribution would be conditioned upon approval by Harcourt
       General's common stockholders of the authorization of a class of
       low-voting common stock;

     - The Independent Committee and the Neiman Marcus Board considered that
       Harcourt General's senior management had considered and rejected (i) a
       possible sale of Neiman Marcus (or Harcourt General's stake in Neiman
       Marcus) because it was an inopportune time to sell and (ii) maintaining
       the status quo with Neiman Marcus continuing as a majority-owned
       subsidiary of Harcourt General because of Harcourt General's belief that
       the inherent differences in the industries in which Harcourt General and
       Neiman Marcus operate were negatively affecting the valuation of both

     - The Independent Committee and the Neiman Marcus Board considered the
       limitations on seeking alternatives to the Distribution because of
       Harcourt General's control of a majority of the outstanding shares of
       Neiman Marcus common stock;

     - The Independent Committee and the Neiman Marcus Board considered the
       benefits to be realized by Richard A. Smith, Robert A. Smith and Brian J.
       Knez, together with their family members, as a result of the
       Transactions, including that each of Messrs. Smith, Smith and Knez would
       retain their positions as officers and directors of Neiman Marcus
       following the Distribution; see "-- Management of Neiman Marcus Following
       the Recapitalization and the Distribution" and "Certain Considerations --
       Ownership of Neiman Marcus Common Stock by the Smith Family;"

     - The Independent Committee and the Neiman Marcus Board considered the
       management and director overlap between the Company and Harcourt General
       and the continuation of the accounting, financial, legal, tax, human
       resources and other corporate services provided by Harcourt General to
       NMG pursuant to the Intercompany Services Agreement; see "-- Management
       of Neiman Marcus Following the Recapitalization and the Distribution;"

     - The Independent Committee and the Neiman Marcus Board considered the
       terms of the Merger Agreement, the Distribution Agreement, the
       Recapitalization Amendments, the Governance Amendments, the Authorized
       Capital Amendment and the By-laws Amendment, and the likelihood that the
       conditions to the Transactions would be satisfied.

     After a detailed consideration of these factors, the Independent Committee
and the Neiman Marcus Board concluded that the Merger Agreement, the Merger and
the Governance and Authorized Capital Amendments are advisable and favorable to
and, therefore, fair to and in the best interests of Neiman Marcus and its
stockholders other than Harcourt General. The discussion and factors described
above were the factors considered by the Independent Committee and by the Neiman
Marcus Board, as specified, in their assessment of the Transactions. The
Independent Committee and the Neiman Marcus Board did not quantify or attach any
particular weight to the various factors that they considered in reaching their
respective determinations. Different members may have assigned different weights
to different factors. In reaching their respective


determinations, the Independent Committee and the Neiman Marcus Board took the
various factors into account collectively and did not perform a factor-by-factor




     Each outstanding share of Neiman Marcus common stock is entitled to one
vote on each matter which may properly come before the Special Meeting. Because
certain of the Recapitalization Amendments require approval by two-thirds of the
outstanding shares of Neiman Marcus common stock, adoption of the Merger
Agreement requires approval by two-thirds of the outstanding shares of Neiman
Marcus common stock, including shares held by Harcourt General. Harcourt General
currently owns approximately 53.9% of the Company's outstanding common stock and
has agreed to vote such shares in favor of adoption of the Merger Agreement. In
addition, although not required by law, the Neiman Marcus Board has required and
Harcourt General has agreed that the Recapitalization will be implemented only
if the Merger Agreement is also adopted by the holders of a majority of the
shares of Neiman Marcus common stock voting in person or by proxy at the Special
Meeting, other than shares held by Harcourt General.


     In considering the recommendation of the Neiman Marcus Board, the Company's
stockholders should be aware that certain officers and directors of Neiman
Marcus may have certain interests in the Recapitalization and the Governance and
Authorized Capital Amendments that are or may be different from, or in addition
to, the interests of the Neiman Marcus public stockholders:

          Ownership by the Smith Family Following the Distribution.  Richard A.
     Smith, Robert A. Smith and Brian J. Knez and members of their family
     currently hold approximately 28% of the equity securities of Harcourt
     General and will own the same percentage of the Class B Common Stock
     following the Distribution and approximately 12% of the outstanding equity
     of Neiman Marcus. As a result, the Smith family can be expected to exert
     substantial influence over the election of Neiman Marcus directors
     following the Distribution. The Independent Committee and the Neiman Marcus
     Board approved the acquisition by the Smith family of these shares of Class
     B Common Stock in the Distribution, as well as any subsequent transaction
     that would cause the Smith family to become an "interested stockholder" for
     purposes of Section 203 of the DGCL, so that the Smith family will not be
     prohibited by Section 203 from engaging in certain business combinations
     with Neiman Marcus. The Smith family has advised Neiman Marcus that it does
     not have any present intention of effecting any such business combination.
     As a condition to the Distribution, Neiman Marcus has agreed to adopt the
     Rights Plan to improve the ability of the Neiman Marcus Board to protect
     and advance the interests of the Company and its stockholders in the event
     of an unsolicited proposal to acquire a significant interest in Neiman
     Marcus. The Rights Plan would grandfather the shares to be acquired by the
     Smith family in the Distribution so long as the Smith family does not
     collectively acquire shares that would, relative to their ownership on the
     date of the Distribution, represent approximately an additional 6% of the
     outstanding shares of Class B Common Stock or approximately an additional
     6% of the total number of votes entitled to be cast generally (other than
     in an election of directors) by the holders of all common stock of Neiman
     Marcus then outstanding. The authorization of the Class C Common Stock,
     which will have only one-tenth (1/10)


     of one vote per share, will allow the Company to issue a substantial amount
     of equity without materially diluting the voting power of the current
     stockholders, including the Smith family.

          Description of Smith Family Stockholders Agreement.  It is anticipated
     that certain members of the Smith family will enter into a stockholders
     agreement (the "Stockholders Agreement") prior to the consummation of the
     Transactions that will govern the shares of Class B Common Stock (the
     "Family Stock") received by the Smith family members in the Distribution.
     The Stockholders Agreement is expected to provide that the Family Stock
     will be subject to a three-year lock-up during which the Smith family will
     be prohibited from transferring such shares, subject to certain exceptions.
     Following the three-year lock-up period, the Family Stock will be subject
     to a right of first refusal pursuant to which any party to the Stockholders
     Agreement desiring to transfer shares of Family Stock (an "Offeror
     Stockholder"), either in response to an offer from a third party or on the
     open market, must first offer to sell such shares to the other parties to
     the Stockholders Agreement and, to the extent that such parties do not buy
     all the shares, then to the Company. If the desired transfer is in response
     to an offer from a third party and the other parties to the Stockholders
     Agreement and the Company do not collectively subscribe to the full amount
     of such shares in response to the right of first refusal, the Offeror
     Stockholder may sell all of the shares of Family Stock subject to the third
     party offer to such third party. If the Offeror Stockholder desires to sell
     shares on the open market, only the number of shares of Family Stock that
     the other parties to the Stockholders Agreement and the Company do not
     elect to purchase in response to the right of first refusal may be sold on
     the open market.

          The three-year lock-up and the right of first refusal will not apply
     in the case of: (i) transfers to certain Smith family members,
     corporations, or partnerships controlled by Smith family members, trusts
     for the benefit of holders of Family Stock or Smith family members and
     charitable organizations, so long as all transferees agree to be bound by
     the terms of the Stockholder's Agreement; (ii) transfers occurring as the
     result of the merger, consolidation or sale of substantially all of the
     stock of the Company with a non-affiliated company and (iii) redemptions of
     Family Stock by the Company. Upon the death of a party to the Stockholders
     Agreement, the Family Stock owned by such party will be free from the
     three-year lock-up, but will remain subject to the right of first refusal.
     Any charitable organization that acquires Family Stock would be free of
     both the three-year lock-up and the right of first refusal.

          Directors and Officers of Harcourt General and Neiman Marcus.  Each of
     Richard A. Smith, Robert A. Smith and Brian J. Knez will remain directors
     of the Company following the Distribution. In addition, Richard A. Smith
     will continue to serve as Chairman of Neiman Marcus and Harcourt General,
     as well as Chief Executive Officer of Harcourt General. Robert A. Smith and
     Brian J. Knez will continue to serve as the Co-Chief Executive Officers of
     Neiman Marcus and President and Co-Chief Operating Officers of Harcourt
     General. On November 1, 1999, Richard A. Smith will step down as Chief
     Executive Officer of Harcourt General and will be succeeded by Robert A.
     Smith and Brian J. Knez as Co-Chief Executive Officers of Harcourt General.
     John R. Cook, a director and the Company's Senior Vice President and Chief
     Financial Officer is also the Senior Vice President and Chief Financial
     Officer of Harcourt General. Mr. Cook will retain his positions with both
     Harcourt General and the Company following the Distribution. All of the
     Company's officers who are also officers of Harcourt General will retain
     their current positions at both companies. See "Board of Directors and
     Management of Neiman Marcus."


     The Company's Class A Common Stock and Class B Common Stock will be
substantially identical in all respects except for voting rights with respect to
the election of the Neiman Marcus Board. The holders of Class A Common Stock
(together with any Class C Common Stock that may be issued in the future) will
be entitled to elect that number of directors that constitutes 18% of the
authorized number of members of the Neiman Marcus Board (or, if such 18% is not
a whole number, then the nearest lower whole number). Each director elected by
the holders of the Class A Common Stock and Class C Common Stock will be
designated a "Class A Director." Each share of Class A Common Stock will have
one vote in the election of the Class A Director and each share of Class C
Common Stock will have one-tenth ( 1/10) of one vote in the election of the
Class A Director. The holders of Class B Common Stock will be entitled to elect
the remaining directors of the Company, each of which will be designated a
"Class B Director."



     Harcourt General has requested in a ruling request (the "Ruling Request")
and expects to receive a ruling from the Internal Revenue Service (the "IRS
Ruling") to the effect that, for U.S. federal income tax purposes, (i) the
Recapitalization will be a tax-free transaction under Section 354 of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), and (ii) the
Distribution will be tax-free to Harcourt General and its stockholders under
Section 355 of the Code.

     Implementation of the Recapitalization will be tax-free for federal income
tax purposes to Neiman Marcus and its stockholders based upon the facts and law
as of the date of this Proxy Statement. To preserve the tax-free status of the
Distribution, Neiman Marcus has agreed (i) to comply with and otherwise not take
action inconsistent with each representation and statement made to the Internal
Revenue Service in the Ruling Request and (ii) that for a period of two years
after the date of the Distribution, Neiman Marcus will maintain its status as a
company engaged in the active conduct of a trade or business. If Neiman Marcus
fails to comply with this obligation or takes or fails to take any other action
(including those described below without regard to when such actions occur) and
such failure, act or omission contributes to the Distribution not being tax-free
to Harcourt General or its stockholders, Neiman Marcus will generally be
required to indemnify Harcourt General and each member of the consolidated group
of which Harcourt General is a member, for any taxes incurred by Harcourt
General, any member of its group or any stockholder of Harcourt General, arising

     Under Section 355(e) of the Code, the Distribution will be taxable to
Harcourt General if the Distribution is part of a plan (or series of related
transactions) pursuant to which one or more persons acquire directly or
indirectly stock representing a 50% or greater interest (based on either vote or
value) in Harcourt General or Neiman Marcus. Acquisitions that occur during the
two-year period before the Distribution or the two-year period after the
Distribution are subject to a rebuttable presumption that they are "part of a
plan." If Harcourt General becomes subject to tax under Section 355(e), its tax
liability will be based upon the difference between the fair market value of the
Class B Common Stock at the time of the Distribution and its adjusted basis in
such stock at that time, and will be substantial.

     Accordingly, under the Distribution Agreement, Neiman Marcus has agreed
that until two years after the Distribution Date, it will not (i) merge or
consolidate with or into any other corporation, (ii) liquidate or partially
liquidate, (iii) sell or transfer all or substantially all of its assets in a
single transaction or series of related transactions, (iv) redeem or otherwise
repurchase any Neiman Marcus stock, other than in accordance with the Right of
First Offer (see "The Distribution Agreement -- Other Agreements -- Right of
First Offer with Respect to Retained Shares") or except as permitted under the
Internal Revenue Service procedures applicable to spin-offs or (v) take any
other action or actions which in the aggregate (and taking into account the
Recapitalization) would have the effect of causing or permitting one or more
persons to acquire directly or indirectly stock representing a 50% or greater
interest (within the meaning of Section 355(e) of the Code) in Neiman Marcus,
unless prior to taking any such action set forth in the foregoing clauses (i)
through (v), Neiman Marcus has obtained (and provided to Harcourt General) a
written opinion in form and substance reasonably acceptable to Harcourt General
of a law firm reasonably acceptable to Harcourt General, or Harcourt General has
obtained (at the reasonable request and at the expense of Neiman Marcus) a
supplemental ruling from the Internal Revenue Service, that such action or
actions will not result in (i) the Distribution failing to qualify under Section
355(a) of the Code or (ii) the Neiman Marcus shares failing to qualify as
qualified property for purposes of Section 355(c)(2) of the Code by reason of
Section 355(e) of the Code. Harcourt General has agreed to cooperate with Neiman
Marcus in obtaining such opinion or, as the case may be, to use its commercially
reasonable best efforts in obtaining any supplemental ruling reasonably
requested by Neiman Marcus, including, where appropriate, by providing written
representations as to factual events that transpired prior to the Distribution


     In addition, under the Distribution Agreement, Harcourt General has agreed
that neither it nor certain of its executive officers or directors will solicit
offers or proposals regarding certain transaction proposals, including a merger
of the Company and a sale of substantially all of its assets, for two years
following the Distribution. If Harcourt General breaches this provision, it may
lose the tax indemnification provided by Neiman Marcus. See "The Distribution
Agreement -- Other Agreements -- No Solicitation."


     Harcourt General will retain, through a wholly owned subsidiary, 4,988,542
shares of Class A Common Stock, or approximately 10% of the total outstanding
shares of Neiman Marcus common stock following the Distribution. These shares
will be retained by Harcourt General to preserve its flexibility to raise
capital for general corporate purposes, including financing acquisitions and/or
reducing indebtedness incurred in prior acquisitions. Harcourt General has
agreed to vote the Retained Shares on all matters in proportion to the votes
cast affirmatively or negatively by all other holders of Class A Common Stock.
Harcourt General intends to, and has represented to the Internal Revenue Service
that it will, dispose of the Retained Shares as market conditions permit and, in
any event, within five years of the Distribution. Harcourt General has agreed,
for a two-year period following the Distribution, to provide Neiman Marcus with
a right of first offer to purchase the Retained Shares under certain
circumstances. See "The Distribution Agreement -- Other Agreements -- Right of
First Offer with Respect to Retained Shares."


     Each member of the Neiman Marcus Board will remain a director of the Neiman
Marcus Board following the consummation of the Transactions. Vincent M. O'Reilly
will become the Class A Director upon consummation of the Transactions. The
composition of the Neiman Marcus Board otherwise will not be affected by the
Recapitalization or the Distribution. See "Board of Directors and Management of
Neiman Marcus."


     At the same meeting at which it approved the Merger Agreement, the Neiman
Marcus Board voted unanimously to elect Brian J. Knez as Co-Chief Executive
Officer of Neiman Marcus, to serve along with Robert A. Smith. All persons who
are presently executive officers of Neiman Marcus, many of whom are also
executive officers of Harcourt General, are expected to continue to serve in
such capacities following the consummation of the Transactions. See "Board of
Directors and Management of Neiman Marcus."

     Under the terms of an intercompany services agreement (the "Intercompany
Services Agreement"), which has been in place since 1987, Harcourt General
provides certain accounting, financial, legal, tax, human resources and other
corporate services to the Company, including the services of certain officers of
Harcourt General who are also officers of the Company, in consideration of a fee
based on Harcourt General's direct and indirect costs of providing the corporate
services. The Intercompany Services Agreement can be terminated in whole or in
part by either party upon 180 days' written notice. The termination of the
agreement or any services provided thereunder, amendments to the agreement and
determination as to the level of fees are subject to the approval of a committee
of the Neiman Marcus Board consisting solely of directors who are independent of
Harcourt General. The fees paid by the Company to Harcourt General pursuant to
the Intercompany Services Agreement were $5.4 million in 1998, $5.7 million in
1997 and $6.9 million in 1996. The Distribution Agreement provides that Harcourt
General and Neiman Marcus will enter into an Amended and Restated Intercompany
Services Agreement pursuant to which Harcourt General will continue to provide
corporate services to Neiman Marcus on substantially the same terms described
above. The Amended and Restated Intercompany Services Agreement is expected to
provide for certain indemnification provisions from each of Harcourt General and
the Company to the other and to allow Harcourt General to terminate the
agreement without notice if a change of control of the Company were to occur or
if a third party were to acquire the right to elect a majority of the Neiman
Marcus Board. See "-- Interests of Certain Persons in the Recapitalization and
the Governance and Authorized Capital Amendments."



     Neiman Marcus is in the process of obtaining the necessary approval from
the New York Stock Exchange, Inc. (the "NYSE") in order to effect the
Recapitalization. The Neiman Marcus common stock is currently listed on the NYSE
under the symbol "NMG." Following the Recapitalization and Distribution, the
Class A Common Stock is expected to be listed on the NYSE under the symbol "NMG
A" and the Class B Common Stock is expected to be listed on the NYSE under the
symbol "NMG B."


     All shares of Class B Common Stock received by stockholders of Harcourt
General following the Recapitalization and Distribution will be freely
transferable, except that shares of Class B Common Stock received by persons who
are deemed to be affiliates of Neiman Marcus may be resold by them only in
transactions permitted by the resale provision of Rule 144 promulgated under the
Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"), or otherwise in
compliance with (or pursuant to an exemption from) the registration requirements
of the Securities Act. Persons deemed to be affiliates of Neiman Marcus are
those individuals or entities that control, are controlled by, or are under
common control with, Neiman Marcus and generally include the executive officers
and directors of Neiman Marcus, as well as certain members of the Smith family.

     Because Harcourt General is an affiliate of Neiman Marcus, and will
continue to be following the Distribution due to its continued ownership of the
Retained Shares and the overlap of certain officers and directors of the two
companies, Harcourt General will not be able to freely sell the Retained Shares.
Accordingly, Harcourt General has requested, and Neiman Marcus has agreed to
provide, to ensure an orderly sale of the Retained Shares, two demand
registration rights and two shelf registration rights with respect to the
Retained Shares. The terms of such registration rights will be contained in a
registration rights agreement having customary terms to be entered into between
Harcourt General and Neiman Marcus on the Distribution Date.


     Holders of Neiman Marcus common stock are not entitled to appraisal rights
under Section 262 of the DGCL in connection with the Merger or any of the



                              THE MERGER AGREEMENT

     The description of the Merger Agreement contained in this Proxy Statement
does not purport to be complete and is qualified in its entirety by reference to
the Merger Agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto as Appendix A. All
stockholders are urged to read carefully the Merger Agreement in its entirety.


     The Company, Harcourt General and Merger Sub have entered into the Merger
Agreement pursuant to which the Recapitalization will be implemented. If the
stockholders of the Company vote to adopt the Merger Agreement, the Company's
Restated Certificate of Incorporation will automatically be amended, upon the
filing of the Certificate of Merger, to implement the Recapitalization
Amendments. In addition, the Merger Agreement provides that if stockholders of
the Company holding a majority of the outstanding shares of Neiman Marcus common
stock vote to adopt each of the Governance Amendments and the Authorized Capital
Amendment, the Governance Amendments and the Authorized Capital Amendment will
become effective upon the filing of the Certificate of Merger. The adoption of
each of the Governance Amendments and the Authorized Capital Amendment is
assured because Harcourt General, which owns approximately 53.9% of the Neiman
Marcus common stock, has agreed to vote its Neiman Marcus shares in favor of
their adoption. Accordingly, no action by any other Neiman Marcus stockholder is
necessary to approve the Governance Amendments and the Authorized Capital
Amendment. The Governance Amendments and the Authorized Capital Amendment will
not be implemented by the Company, however, unless the Merger Agreement is
adopted by the holders of Neiman Marcus common stock as described under
"Adoption of the Merger Agreement -- Required Vote."

     The Merger Agreement provides that prior to the effective time of the
Recapitalization (the "Effective Time"), Harcourt General will contribute
21,440,960 shares of Neiman Marcus common stock (the "Contributed Shares") to
Merger Sub. As of the Effective Time, Merger Sub will be merged with and into
the Company, its separate corporate existence will cease and the Company will be
the surviving corporation. All of the shares of Merger Sub common stock
outstanding immediately prior to the Effective Time will be converted into
21,440,960 fully paid and non-assessable shares of the Company's Class B Common
Stock; each of the Contributed Shares will automatically be canceled and will
cease to exist; and each other share of Neiman Marcus common stock other than
the Contributed Shares will be converted into one share of Class A Common Stock.
As a result of the Recapitalization, Harcourt General will own 21,440,960 shares
of Class B Common Stock, all of which shares will be distributed by Harcourt
General to its common stockholders as promptly as practicable following the
Recapitalization, and 4,988,542 shares of Class A Common Stock. Each other
stockholder of the Company will own the same number of shares of Class A Common
Stock as the number of shares of Neiman Marcus common stock such stockholder
owned prior to the Recapitalization.


     The obligations of the Company, Harcourt General and Merger Sub to
consummate the Recapitalization are subject to the satisfaction (or waiver by
each of them, except that the first condition below may not be waived) of the
following conditions:

     - The Merger Agreement shall have been adopted by the holders of (i) a
       majority of the shares of Neiman Marcus common stock present in person or
       by proxy at the Special Meeting and voting on such proposal (other than
       shares held directly or indirectly by Harcourt General) and (ii)
       two-thirds of the shares of Neiman Marcus common stock outstanding and
       entitled to vote thereon (including shares held directly or indirectly by
       Harcourt General);

     - No court, arbitrator or governmental body, agency or official shall have
       issued any order, and there shall not be any statute, rule or regulation,
       restraining or prohibiting the consummation of the Merger and no
       proceeding challenging the Merger Agreement or the transactions
       contemplated thereby or seeking to prohibit, alter, prevent or materially
       delay the Merger shall have been instituted by any governmental authority
       before any court, arbitrator or governmental body, agency or official and
       be pending;


     - All actions by or in respect of or filings with any governmental
       authority required to permit the consummation of the Merger shall have
       been obtained, except those that would not reasonably be expected to have
       a material adverse affect on any party's ability to consummate the
       transactions contemplated by the Merger Agreement; and

     - All the conditions to the Distribution set forth in the Distribution
       Agreement, other than the consummation of the Merger, shall have been

     The obligations of Harcourt General and Merger Sub to consummate the
Recapitalization are also subject to the satisfaction (or waiver by Harcourt
General) of the following conditions:

     - Harcourt General shall have received the IRS Ruling;

     - The common stockholders of Harcourt General shall have approved an
       amendment to Harcourt General's Restated Certificate of Incorporation
       authorizing a new class of common stock having one-tenth ( 1/10) of one
       vote per share; and

     - The Class B Common Stock shall have been approved for listing on the
       NYSE, subject to official notice of issuance.


     The Merger Agreement may be terminated and the Merger may be abandoned at
any time prior to the Effective Time (notwithstanding any approval of the Merger
Agreement by the stockholders of the Company):

     - By mutual written consent of the Company and Harcourt General;

     - By either the Company or Harcourt General, if there shall be any law or
       regulation that makes consummation of the Merger illegal or otherwise
       prohibited or if any judgment, injunction, order or decree enjoining the
       Company or Merger Sub from consummating the Merger is entered and such
       judgment, injunction, order or decree shall become final and

     - By the Company, Merger Sub or Harcourt General, if there shall be any law
       or regulation that makes consummation of the Distribution illegal or
       otherwise prohibited or if any judgment, injunction, order or decree
       enjoining Harcourt General from consummating the Distribution is entered;

     - By Harcourt General or the Company in the event the Distribution
       Agreement is terminated, including termination of the Distribution
       Agreement by Harcourt General in its sole discretion;

     - By Harcourt General or the Company if the Company's stockholders do not
       vote to adopt the Merger Agreement, as described under "Adoption of the
       Merger Agreement -- Required Vote;" or

     - By Harcourt General if Harcourt General's common stockholders do not
       approve the amendment to Harcourt General's Restated Certificate of
       Incorporation discussed above.

     If the Merger Agreement is terminated, it shall become void and of no
effect without any liability on the part of any party thereto.


                           THE DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENT

     The description of the Distribution Agreement contained in this Proxy
Statement does not purport to be complete and is qualified in its entirety by
reference to the Distribution Agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto as
Appendix B. All stockholders are urged to read carefully the Distribution
Agreement in its entirety.


     The Board of Directors of Harcourt General will declare the Distribution on
a date following the satisfaction or waiver of all conditions to the
Distribution (the "Declaration Date"). Harcourt General will appoint a
distribution agent to effect the Distribution (the "Distribution Agent") and
will cause the Distribution Agent to distribute, on or as soon as practicable
following the Declaration Date (the "Distribution Date"), on a pro-rata basis to
the holders of record of Harcourt General common stock on the record date for
the Distribution (the "Distribution Record Date"), all the shares of Class B
Common Stock held by Harcourt General on the Distribution Date. In response to
Neiman Marcus' requests that no fractional shares of Class B Common Stock be
issued in the Distribution, the Distribution Agent will aggregate all fractional
shares that would otherwise be distributed and sell them in an orderly manner
after the Distribution Date in the open market and, after completion of such
sales, distribute a pro-rata portion of the net proceeds from such sales to each
stockholder of Harcourt General who would otherwise have received a fractional


     The Board of Directors of Harcourt General will declare the Distribution
following the satisfaction or waiver by Harcourt General, as determined by
Harcourt General in its sole discretion, of the conditions set forth below
(conditions which have already been satisfied are not included):

     - The IRS Ruling shall have been obtained in form and substance
       satisfactory to Harcourt General in its sole discretion, and shall
       continue in effect; and Harcourt General and Neiman Marcus shall have
       complied with all conditions set forth in such ruling that are required
       to be complied with prior to the Distribution;

     - Any material governmental approvals and consents necessary to consummate
       the Distribution and the other transactions contemplated by the
       Distribution Agreement and by the Merger Agreement shall have been
       obtained and shall be in full force and effect;

     - No order, injunction or decree issued by any court or agency of competent
       jurisdiction or other legal restraint or prohibition preventing the
       consummation of the Distribution and the other transactions contemplated
       by the Distribution Agreement and by the Merger Agreement shall be in
       effect and no other event outside the control of Harcourt General shall
       have occurred or failed to occur that prevents the consummation of the

     - The transactions contemplated by the Distribution Agreement shall be in
       compliance with applicable federal and state securities and other
       applicable laws;

     - Each of Neiman Marcus and Harcourt General shall have received such
       consents, and shall have received executed copies of such agreements or
       amendments of agreements, as Harcourt General shall deem appropriate in
       connection with the completion of the Distribution or the transactions
       contemplated by the Distribution Agreement and the Merger Agreement;

     - The Recapitalization shall have been consummated;

     - A registration statement on Form 8-A in respect of the shares of Class B
       Common Stock shall have been filed with the Securities and Exchange
       Commission (the "Commission") and there shall be no impediment to the
       certification by the NYSE to the Commission of the listing of the Class B
       Common Stock;

     - The Class B Common Stock shall have been approved for listing on the
       NYSE, subject to official notice of issuance;


     - The common stockholders of Harcourt General shall have approved an
       amendment to the Harcourt General Certificate of Incorporation creating a
       class of low-voting common stock;

     - The Board of Directors of Harcourt General shall have received a
       customary opinion as to the legality of the dividend constituting the
       Distribution under Delaware law;

     - The Board of Directors of Harcourt General shall have received a
       customary opinion as to the Distribution not constituting a sale, lease,
       exchange or other disposition of all or substantially all of its assets;

     - Each of the representations and warranties of Neiman Marcus set forth in
       the Distribution Agreement shall have been true and correct when made and
       shall be true and correct as of the Declaration Date; and Neiman Marcus
       shall have performed or complied with all agreements and covenants
       required to be performed by it under the Distribution Agreement and the
       Merger Agreement at or prior to the Declaration Date; and Harcourt
       General shall have received a certificate of the chief financial officer
       of Neiman Marcus as to the foregoing;

     - All actions and other documents and instruments deemed necessary or
       advisable in connection with the transactions contemplated by the
       Distribution Agreement shall have been taken or executed, as the case may
       be, in form and substance satisfactory to Harcourt General; and

     - No event or development shall have occurred which the Board of Directors
       of Harcourt General determines, in its sole discretion, makes the
       Distribution not in the best interests of Harcourt General and/or its

     The foregoing conditions are for the sole benefit of Harcourt General and
are not intended to give rise to or create any duty on the part of Harcourt
General to waive or not waive any such condition. Even if all conditions are
satisfied, the Board of Directors of Harcourt General has reserved the right to
abandon or defer the Distribution.

     Each of Neiman Marcus and Harcourt General has agreed that the Declaration
Date will occur as soon as reasonably practicable following the satisfaction or
waiver of the conditions to the Distribution set forth above. The parties have
agreed to cause their respective Boards of Directors to meet telephonically or
at the same location on the Declaration Date and each will take such corporate
action at such meeting as is required to effect the transactions contemplated by
the Distribution Agreement and the Merger Agreement. Immediately following such
meetings, Neiman Marcus is required to take all actions required to consummate
the Recapitalization in accordance with the terms of the Merger Agreement,
including the filing of the Certificate of Merger relating to the
Recapitalization with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware.

     In connection with the Distribution, Neiman Marcus and Harcourt General
have agreed to take all reasonable steps necessary and appropriate to cause the
conditions to the declaration of the Distribution to be satisfied on the
Declaration Date, including actions with respect to securities or blue sky laws,
the listing on the NYSE of the Class B Common Stock, the preparation and filing
of the Form 8-A described above and the transactions contemplated by the Ruling


     The Distribution Agreement contains other agreements of Neiman Marcus and
Harcourt General as outlined below:

     - Agreement to Vote.  The Distribution Agreement provides that Harcourt
       General has agreed to vote, or cause to be voted, all shares of Neiman
       Marcus common stock owned directly or indirectly by it in favor of the
       adoption of the Merger Agreement and each of the Governance Amendments
       and the Authorized Capital Amendment.

     - Intercompany Services Agreement.  The Distribution Agreement provides
       that Harcourt General and Neiman Marcus will enter into an Amended and
       Restated Intercompany Services Agreement, pursuant to which Harcourt
       General will continue to provide corporate services to Neiman Marcus.


       See "Adoption of the Merger Agreement -- Management of Neiman Marcus
       Following the Recapitalization and the Distribution."

     - No Solicitation.  The Distribution Agreement provides that neither
       Harcourt General nor any Shared Representative may solicit any offers or
       proposals regarding (i) any merger, reorganization, share exchange,
       consolidation, business combination, recapitalization, liquidation,
       dissolution or similar transaction involving Neiman Marcus, (ii) any
       purchase or sale of all or substantially all of the assets of Neiman
       Marcus or (iii) any issuance or other sale or transfer of any equity
       interest in Neiman Marcus held by Harcourt General (collectively, a
       "Transaction Proposal"). The obligations set forth in clauses (i) and
       (ii) above will terminate two years following the Distribution Date and
       the obligations set forth in clause (iii) will terminate on the
       Distribution Date. Upon receipt of an unsolicited Transaction Proposal,
       Harcourt General or any Shared Representative, as the case may be, must,
       in Harcourt General's sole discretion, either (x) promptly reject such
       Transaction Proposal, subject to the fiduciary obligations of any Shared
       Representative to Neiman Marcus or its stockholders or to such Shared
       Representative's obligations as an executive officer of Neiman Marcus, or
       (y) refer such Transaction Proposal to an Independent Director and to the
       Independent Committee's counsel. In the event that the Independent
       Directors determine that such Transaction Proposal should be discussed
       further with the party making such Transaction Proposal, the Independent
       Directors will notify Harcourt General in writing, signed by a majority
       of the Independent Directors of Neiman Marcus. Harcourt General and the
       Shared Representatives will be permitted to take such steps as they deem
       appropriate, in their good faith judgment, in connection with such
       Transaction Proposal without being deemed to violate the no-solicitation
       covenant. The sole remedy for breach by Harcourt General or any of the
       Shared Representatives of the foregoing agreements shall be the
       elimination of the indemnity obligation of Neiman Marcus described under
       "Adoption of the Merger Agreement -- Tax Matters," unless such breach is
       waived by the Independent Directors.

     - Right of First Offer with Respect to Retained Shares.  The Distribution
       Agreement provides that, until the second anniversary of the Distribution
       Date, Harcourt General shall not, and shall not permit any subsidiary to,
       sell, exchange or transfer ("Transfer") any Retained Shares, other than
       to a direct or indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Harcourt General, to
       Neiman Marcus or pursuant to a bona fide merger, tender offer, exchange
       offer, consolidation or other similar transaction in which the
       opportunity to Transfer shares is made available on the same basis to all
       holders of Class A Common Stock, a number of shares of Class A Common
       Stock in any 60-day period representing 5% or more of the outstanding
       shares of Class A Common Stock and Class B Common Stock, taken together,
       unless Harcourt General shall have given to Neiman Marcus at least ten
       days' prior written notice of such intended Transfer (the "Right of First
       Offer") that it or its subsidiary is considering effecting such a
       Transfer (a "Transferor's Notice"). Such notice must state (i) the number
       of shares of Class A Common Stock that Harcourt General or its subsidiary
       may Transfer (the "Offered Securities") and (ii) the price, if
       applicable, at which Harcourt General or its subsidiary would be willing
       to Transfer the Offered Securities, other than in a "block trade" or
       other public offering (a "Public Sale"), including to a third party (the
       "Private Price"), and/or if Harcourt General or its subsidiary
       anticipates the possibility of a Transfer of such shares in a Public
       Sale, a statement to such effect. Upon receipt of the Transferor's
       Notice, Neiman Marcus, acting through the Neiman Marcus Board, will have
       ten days (the "Offer Period") to elect to purchase the Offered Securities
       at a price in cash equal to (x) the Private Price or (y) if no Private
       Price has been stated by Harcourt General, the closing price on the NYSE
       Composite Transactions Tape (the "NYSE Tape") on the trading day
       immediately preceding the date of the Transferor's Notice. The foregoing
       Right of First Offer will not apply to any Transfer for shares of stock
       or other property, so long as the transferee in any such Transfer agrees
       in writing to be bound by these provisions of the Distribution Agreement.
       If Neiman Marcus does not exercise its Right of First Offer, then
       Harcourt General or its subsidiary will have the right, for a period
       ending upon the later of (i) 120 days from the expiration of the Offer
       Period, (ii) 45 days after such time as a registration statement filed
       with respect to such Offered Securities shall be declared effective by
       the Commission or (iii) 15 days after the expiration of such time as the
       parties to any transaction reasonably require to comply with applicable
       United States federal and state laws and regulations, to Transfer all or
       any portion of the Offered Securities at a price no less than (i) if


       the Transferor's Notice sets forth a Private Price, the Private Price or
       (ii) if the Transferor's Notice does not set forth a Private Price, (A)
       in a Public Sale, 90% of the low sales price on the NYSE Tape on the
       trading day on which such Transfer is made (as opposed to the settlement
       date of such Transfer) or (B) in a Transfer other than a Public Sale, the
       low sales price on the NYSE Tape on the trading day on which an agreement
       to Transfer is made. If Harcourt General or its subsidiary does not
       Transfer all or any portion of the Offered Securities within the time
       period provided for above, the Right of First Offer will again become
       applicable with respect to any Transfer of shares of Class A Common Stock
       by Harcourt General or its subsidiary.

     - Registration Rights Agreement.  The Distribution Agreement provides that
       on the Distribution Date, Harcourt General and Neiman Marcus will enter
       into a registration rights agreement providing for two demand
       registration rights and two shelf registration rights with respect to the
       Retained Shares, and otherwise containing customary provisions reasonably
       acceptable to both Harcourt General and Neiman Marcus.

     - Smith Family.  The Distribution Agreement provides that Harcourt General
       shall use its commercially reasonable best efforts to procure the
       agreement of each member of the Smith family currently reporting its
       ownership of Harcourt General Common Stock on Schedule 13D under the
       Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange Act") (the "Smith
       Stockholders") that, for a period of 180 days from the Distribution Date,
       such Smith Stockholder shall not Transfer any shares of Class B Common
       Stock held by such Smith Stockholder other than to any other Smith
       Stockholder or any other person to whom such Smith Stockholder would be
       permitted to transfer shares of Class B Stock of Harcourt General in
       accordance with Harcourt General's Restated Certificate of Incorporation
       (including for bona fide estate planning or charitable purposes);
       provided, however, that such Smith Stockholder shall be permitted to
       Transfer shares of Class B Common Stock pursuant to a bona fide tender
       offer, exchange offer, merger, consolidation or similar transaction in
       which the opportunity to Transfer shares is made available on the same
       basis to all holders of Class B Common Stock.

     - Disclosure of Indemnification Obligations.  The Distribution Agreement
       provides that Neiman Marcus will disclose in its audited consolidated
       financial statements included in its Annual Report on Form 10-K, the
       existence, scope and material terms of its indemnification obligations in
       the Distribution Agreement, for a period commencing on the Distribution
       Date and ending on the earlier to occur of (i) the date that is five
       years from the Distribution Date and (ii) such time as the Independent
       Directors of Neiman Marcus determine such disclosure is no longer


     In addition to the tax indemnities described under "Adoption of the Merger
Agreement -- Tax Matters," the Distribution Agreement provides for assumptions
of liabilities and cross indemnities designed to allocate financial
responsibility for former, current and future liabilities arising out of or in
connection with the businesses of each respective party.


     - Under the Distribution Agreement, Neiman Marcus and Harcourt General have
       agreed to provide to the other party, subject to certain conditions,
       access to certain corporate records and information.

     - The Distribution Agreement provides that, except as specifically set
       forth in the Distribution Agreement or the Merger Agreement, all costs
       and expenses incurred in connection with the Distribution Agreement and
       the Merger Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereby will be
       paid by the party incurring such costs and expenses.



     Prior to the filing of the Certificate of Merger, the Distribution
Agreement may be terminated:

     - By and in the sole discretion of Harcourt General without the approval of
       Neiman Marcus or its stockholders; however, if, at the time of such
       termination, Neiman Marcus is not in breach of any of its obligations
       under the Distribution Agreement or the Merger Agreement, Harcourt
       General will be obligated to pay the reasonable out-of-pocket expenses of
       Neiman Marcus incurred in connection with the Distribution Agreement, the
       Merger Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereby.

     - By Neiman Marcus only upon material breach by Harcourt General of a
       representation, warranty or covenant contained in the Distribution
       Agreement, which breach would have a material adverse effect on the
       business, operations, assets, liabilities, condition (financial or
       otherwise), results of operations or prospects of Neiman Marcus after
       giving effect to the Distribution.

     In the event of termination of the Distribution Agreement by either party,
except as set forth above, no party will have any liability of any kind to any
other party or any other person. After the filing of the Certificate of Merger,
the Distribution Agreement may not be terminated except by an agreement in
writing signed by both parties and a majority of the Independent Directors of
Neiman Marcus.



     The description of the Governance and Authorized Capital Amendments
contained in this Proxy Statement does not purport to be complete and is
qualified in its entirety by reference to the proposed Amended and Restated
Certificate of Incorporation, a copy of which is attached hereto as Appendix C.
All stockholders are urged to read carefully the proposed Amended and Restated
Certificate of Incorporation in its entirety.


     The Governance Amendments include changes to the Restated Certificate of
Incorporation that Neiman Marcus believes are necessary to foster Neiman Marcus'
long-term growth as an independent company following the Distribution and to
protect Neiman Marcus stockholders from unsolicited takeover proposals at a
price below Neiman Marcus' intrinsic value. The Authorized Capital Amendment
includes changes to the Restated Certificate of Incorporation intended to
provide Neiman Marcus with maximum financing flexibility.

     The Neiman Marcus Board has also approved amendments to Neiman Marcus'
By-laws (the "By-laws Amendment"). Under the terms of the Company's Restated
Certificate of Incorporation, the directors of the Company have the power to
amend the By-laws without stockholder approval. As a result, no stockholder
approval was required to effect the By-laws Amendment. The By-laws Amendment
requires the stockholders of the Company to provide advance written notice to
the Secretary of the Company, and to meet certain additional requirements,
before bringing any business before an annual meeting of stockholders. The
By-laws Amendment also contains a provision that no stockholder may bring any
business to be considered at a special meeting other than that specified in the
notice of special meeting. As described below, the By-laws Amendment contains
changes necessary to conform the By-laws to the Company's Restated Certificate
of Incorporation. These changes will become effective only if the Neiman Marcus
stockholders vote to adopt the Merger Agreement and each of the Governance and
Authorized Capital Amendments, and, in such event, will become effective
immediately prior to the filing of the Certificate of Merger with the Secretary
of State of the State of Delaware. See "-- Description of By-laws Amendment."

     Neiman Marcus has agreed to adopt the Rights Plan upon the consummation of
the Distribution. The Rights Plan is expected to define an "Acquiring Person"
thereunder as any person or group that becomes a holder of 15% or more of (a)
the Class B Common Stock or (b) the total voting power represented by the Class
A Common Stock, Class B Common Stock and, if any, Class C Common Stock
outstanding. This may have the effect of discouraging third parties from
acquiring or seeking to acquire substantial blocks of common stock of Neiman
Marcus. In particular, it may discourage third parties from seeking to gain
control of the Neiman Marcus Board by acquiring shares of Class B Common Stock
or otherwise seeking to acquire or gain control of Neiman Marcus by means of a
transaction which is not negotiated with the Neiman Marcus Board. See "-- Rights


     The proposed Recapitalization and Distribution may make it easier for a
single person or group of related persons to gain control over the Neiman Marcus
Board. Prior to the Recapitalization and Distribution, a person seeking to elect
a majority of the Neiman Marcus Board would need to hold or control the vote of
a majority of the total outstanding shares of Neiman Marcus common stock.
Because Harcourt General currently holds approximately 53.9% of the Neiman
Marcus common stock, there is at present no possibility of a person other than
Harcourt General gaining control of the Neiman Marcus Board without Harcourt
General's consent. Following the Recapitalization and Distribution, however,
holders of Class B Common Stock will have the right to elect 82% of the Neiman
Marcus Board. Thus, a person or group of related persons could gain control of
the Neiman Marcus Board by acquiring a majority of the outstanding Class B
Common Stock (or the votes represented thereby), although such person or group
would require two or three annual elections of directors to obtain such control.
Since the outstanding Class B Common Stock will represent only 43.7% of the
total outstanding shares of Neiman Marcus Common Stock, the special class voting
right of the Class B Common Stock would permit a person or group to gain control
of the Neiman Marcus Board by


acquiring only 21.9% of Neiman Marcus' total outstanding equity securities. In
addition, Harcourt General will no longer be the majority stockholder of Neiman
Marcus with effective control over the Company, and approximately 90% of the
outstanding Neiman Marcus common stock will be publicly held following the
Distribution. For these reasons, the Transactions could render Neiman Marcus
more susceptible to unsolicited takeover bids from third parties, including
offers below the intrinsic value of Neiman Marcus or other offers that would not
be in the best interests of Neiman Marcus' stockholders.

     In order to mitigate the concerns described above, the Governance
Amendments, together with the By-laws Amendment, are intended to make it more
difficult for a potential acquiror of the Company to take advantage of Neiman
Marcus' new capital structure to acquire Neiman Marcus by means of a transaction
which is not negotiated with the Neiman Marcus Board, and thus reduce the
vulnerability of the Company to an unsolicited takeover proposal. These
amendments are designed to enable the Company, particularly in the initial years
of its existence as a corporation independent from Harcourt General, to develop
its business in a manner which will foster its long-term growth, with the threat
of a takeover not deemed by the Neiman Marcus Board to be in the best interests
of the Company and its stockholders, and the potential disruption entailed by
such a threat, reduced to the extent practicable. Separating Neiman Marcus from
Harcourt General as a result of the Distribution would, absent these amendments,
increase the Company's vulnerability to such attempted takeovers. In addition,
as discussed above under "Adoption of the Merger Agreement -- Tax Matters," the
Company has agreed to indemnify Harcourt General for tax liabilities in certain
circumstances if the Distribution becomes subject to Federal tax. The likelihood
of the Distribution losing its tax-free status, and thus the likelihood of the
Company being subject to liability under the tax indemnification provisions of
the Distribution Agreement, increases if the Company is acquired. By making a
takeover proposal more difficult, the Governance Amendments and the By-laws
Amendment also protect the Company and its stockholders from potential
liabilities resulting from the loss of the tax-free status of the Distribution.

     The Neiman Marcus Board believes that, when companies do not have measures
in place to address unsolicited takeover bids, such companies can be and are
acquired, and that changes in control of companies can and do occur, at prices
below the best price that might otherwise be attainable. Many companies have put
provisions in place which effectively require negotiations with the board of
directors. Harcourt General has specifically advised the Independent Committee
that it does not believe that it is now an appropriate time to sell Neiman
Marcus, as it believes the current share price to be below the Company's
intrinsic value. The Neiman Marcus Board desires to provide the Company with the
flexibility to grow its business without being subject to either unsolicited
takeover proposals at an inadequate price or unfair takeover tactics.

     The Governance Amendments, together with the By-laws Amendment and the
proposed Rights Plan, may reduce the ability of stockholders to influence the
governance of the Company (although they should not preclude proxy contests for
election to the Neiman Marcus Board).


     The Authorized Capital Proposal would increase the Company's authorized
capital and create a new class of low-voting stock. See "-- Proposal Four:
Authorized Capital Proposal." The increase in the number of authorized shares of
the Company's Class A Common Stock and Class B Common Stock and any subsequent
issuance of such shares also could have the effect of delaying or preventing a
change in control without further action by the stockholders. Shares of the
Company's authorized and unissued common stock could (within the limits imposed
by applicable law and NYSE rules) be issued in one or more transactions that
would make a change in control more difficult, and therefore less likely. The
low-voting stock is being authorized to provide Neiman Marcus with sufficient
authorized capital stock for future issuances and otherwise to provide enhanced
financing flexibility and the ability to issue equity to raise capital or to use
as an acquisition currency with minimal dilution to the voting rights of
existing stockholders.

     If the Authorized Capital Proposal is adopted, the Neiman Marcus Board
would be able to issue such additional shares without further stockholder
approval, except as may be required by applicable law or exchange rules. In
addition, Neiman Marcus stockholders have no statutory preemptive rights with
respect to future issuances of Neiman Marcus common stock or preferred stock.
The Neiman Marcus Board has no


present agreement or arrangement, plan or understanding with respect to the
issuance of any such additional shares, other than under its existing employee
benefits plans. The increase in the Company's authorized capital will not have
any immediate effect on the rights of existing Neiman Marcus stockholders. To
the extent that the additional authorized shares are issued in the future,
however, they will decrease the then-existing stockholders' percentage equity
ownership and, depending on the price at which they are issued, could be
dilutive to the then-existing stockholders. In addition, because the Class C
Common Stock will have only one-tenth ( 1/10) of one vote per share, the Company
will be able to do each of the following without significantly diluting the
relative voting interests of existing stockholders, including the Smith family:
(i) raise equity capital; (ii) make acquisitions using stock as consideration;
and (iii) contribute to existing and future employee benefit and incentive
plans, including stock option plans.


     In determining to approve the Governance Amendments, the Independent
Committee and the Neiman Marcus Board determined that it would be beneficial to
have the protections of the Rights Plan and the Governance Amendments in place
following the Distribution when the Company may be vulnerable to an unsolicited
takeover proposal, particularly during the first two years following the
Distribution, when the risk to Neiman Marcus of liability under the tax
indemnity is greatest. In determining to approve the Authorized Capital
Amendment, the Independent Committee and the Neiman Marcus Board determined that
it would be beneficial to provide Neiman Marcus with maximum financing
flexibility following the Distribution. Following is a description of the
material terms of each of the Governance and Authorized Capital Amendments.

     - Proposal Two: Board Size Proposal.  In order to ensure that the holders
       of the Class A Common Stock will have the right to elect at least one
       director, if this proposal is adopted, the minimum number of directors on
       the Neiman Marcus Board will be increased from three to six, and the
       provision setting forth the range of directors will be included in Neiman
       Marcus' Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation. The Amended
       and Restated Certificate of Incorporation will provide that the Neiman
       Marcus Board will consist of not less than six nor more than nine persons
       and that the exact number of directors will be fixed from time to time
       exclusively by the Neiman Marcus Board pursuant to a resolution adopted
       by a majority of the Neiman Marcus Board. The effect of this provision is
       that the stockholders of Neiman Marcus, acting on their own, will no
       longer have the power, without first obtaining board approval, to amend
       the By-laws to increase the size of the board and fill the new
       directorships with their own representatives. The provisions currently
       set forth in the Restated Certificate of Incorporation and By-laws would
       allow such action, by vote of the holders of two-thirds of the
       outstanding shares of Neiman Marcus common stock. The Restated
       Certificate of Incorporation, without giving effect to the Board Size
       Proposal, would permit any new directorships so created to be filled by
       the stockholders by majority vote of those voting, if not first filled by
       the Neiman Marcus Board. Such a course of action will no longer be
       possible if the Board Size Proposal is adopted. In effect, this change
       will eliminate any opportunity of the Neiman Marcus stockholders to
       circumvent the Company's staggered board. Both the Independent Committee
       and the Neiman Marcus Board believe that it is important to support and
       reinforce the Company's staggered board in light of the increased
       vulnerability that Neiman Marcus will have to unsolicited takeover
       proposals following the Distribution. Preserving a staggered board will
       help ensure that the incumbent board of directors will be given the time
       and opportunity to evaluate any proposals for acquisition of control of
       the Company and assess and develop alternatives without the pressure
       created by the threat of imminent loss of control, in a manner consistent
       with their responsibility to the Company's stockholders. The Neiman
       Marcus Board believes, therefore, that removing the threat of imminent
       loss of control will permit it more effectively to represent the
       interests of all stockholders, including responding to demands or actions
       by any stockholder or group. This provision will require the affirmative
       vote of the holders of at least 66 2/3% of the combined voting power of
       all the Neiman Marcus common stock, voting together as a single class, to
       alter, amend, rescind or repeal this provision of the Amended and
       Restated Certificate of Incorporation or to adopt any provision
       inconsistent with such provision.


     - Proposal Three: Supermajority Voting Proposal.  If this proposal is
       adopted, the Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation will
       include a provision requiring the approval of 66 2/3% of the total voting
       power of the outstanding shares of Class A Common Stock, Class B Common
       Stock and Class C Common Stock, if any, voting together as a single
       class, to effect or consummate: (i) any merger or consolidation of the
       Company with or into any other corporation; (ii) any sale, lease,
       exchange or other disposition of all or substantially all of the assets
       of the Company to or with any other person; or (iii) any issuance by the
       Company of any voting securities of the Company which issuance would
       require approval by the stockholders of the Company pursuant to the DGCL
       or the rules of any exchange on which the voting securities of the
       Company are listed, other than an issuance by the Company of voting
       securities as required by any stockholder rights plan adopted by the
       Company, unless such issuance has been approved by a resolution adopted
       by not less than two-thirds of all the directors then in office. The
       foregoing requirement will not apply, and the provisions of the DGCL
       relating to the requisite percentage of stockholder approval, if any,
       will apply to any merger or other transaction described in the preceding
       subparagraphs (i), (ii) or (iii) if the other party to the merger or
       other transaction is a subsidiary of the Company. A subsidiary of the
       Company is defined as any corporation more than 50% of the voting
       securities of which are owned directly or indirectly by the Company.
       Stockholders should note that the Smith family will own approximately 12%
       of the outstanding equity securities of Neiman Marcus following the
       Recapitalization and would have the ability to own as much as 18% without
       triggering the Rights Plan. As a result, the Smith family could have
       significant influence with respect to any transaction subject to the
       supermajority voting provisions. See "-- Rights Plan." Stockholders
       should also note that, while Harcourt General will continue to hold the
       Retained Shares representing approximately 10% of equity securities of
       Neiman Marcus, Harcourt General has agreed to vote such shares in
       proportion to the votes cast by the other stockholders of Class A Common
       Stock, and thus the Retained Shares would not provide Harcourt General
       with power to block transactions to which the supermajority voting
       provisions apply.

     - Proposal Four: Authorized Capital Proposal.  If this proposal is adopted
       the Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation will provide for an
       increase in the authorized number of shares of common stock and preferred
       stock which Neiman Marcus may issue. Currently the Company's Restated
       Certificate of Incorporation authorizes the issuance of 150,000,000
       shares of common stock and 50,000,000 shares of preferred stock. If the
       Merger Agreement (including the Recapitalization Amendments) is adopted
       by the holders of the Neiman Marcus common stock, the 150,000,000 shares
       of common stock would be divided between 75,000,000 shares of Class A
       Common Stock and 75,000,000 shares of Class B Common Stock. If the
       Authorized Capital Proposal is adopted, the Amended and Restated
       Certificate of Incorporation will increase the authorized capitalization
       of the Company to 250,000,000 shares of common stock (consisting of
       100,000,000 shares of Class A Common Stock, 100,000,000 shares of Class B
       Common Stock and 50,000,000 shares of Class C Common Stock) and
       50,000,000 shares of preferred stock. The Neiman Marcus Board believes
       that such an increase in the authorized number of shares of Class A
       Common Stock and Class B Common Stock will ensure that there remains a
       sufficient authorized number of shares after the Recapitalization for
       potential future stock splits, sales of the Company's securities to raise
       additional capital, acquisitions of other companies or their businesses
       or assets, establishing strategic relationships with third parties, or
       providing options or other stock incentives to Neiman Marcus employees,
       consultants or others. The purpose of authorizing the Class C Common
       Stock is to permit the Company to do each of the following without
       significantly diluting the relative voting interests of existing
       stockholders: (i) raise equity capital; (ii) make acquisitions using
       stock as consideration; and (iii) contribute to existing and future
       employee benefit and incentive plans, including stock option plans.
       Stockholders should note that the Smith family currently holds
       approximately 28% of the equity securities of Harcourt General and will
       own the same percentage of the Class B Common Stock following the
       Recapitalization, which will represent approximately 12% of the total
       voting power of Neiman Marcus. The issuance of any Class C Common Stock
       would have the effect of diluting the equity interest of the Smith family
       along with all other equity holders without substantially diluting the
       Smith family's voting power with respect to the election of directors or





     The stockholders of Neiman Marcus are being asked to adopt the Board Size
Proposal, the Super-majority Voting Proposal and the Authorized Capital Proposal
at the Special Meeting. Approval of each of these Proposals requires the
affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding shares of Neiman Marcus common
stock. The adoption of each of the Governance Amendments and the Authorized
Capital Amendment is assured because Harcourt General, which owns approximately
53.9% of the outstanding shares of Neiman Marcus common stock, has agreed to
vote its Neiman Marcus shares in favor of their adoption. Accordingly, no action
by any other Neiman Marcus stockholder is necessary to approve the Governance
Amendments and the Authorized Capital Amendment. Unless the Merger Agreement is
adopted by the holders of Neiman Marcus common stock as described under
"Adoption of the Merger Agreement -- Required Vote," however, the Governance
Amendments and the Authorized Capital Amendment will not be implemented by the


     Stockholders should note that, in addition to certain provisions contained
in the Governance Amendments and the By-laws Amendment, the Company's current
Restated Certificate of Incorporation and By-laws contain the following
provisions that may discourage unsolicited takeover bids from third parties or
efforts to remove incumbent management, or make such actions more difficult to

     - The Restated Certificate of Incorporation authorizes the Company to issue
       50,000,000 shares of preferred stock, and empowers the Neiman Marcus
       Board to set the voting and other rights of the preferred stockholders.
       Such "blank check" preferred stock is available for issuance without
       further action by stockholders, unless such action is required by
       applicable law or the rules of any exchange on which the securities may
       be listed. Such "blank check" preferred stock could discourage a person
       from acquiring the Company's common stock because of the possibility that
       the Neiman Marcus Board would issue such preferred stock with terms that
       significantly disadvantage the rights of the Company's common

     - The Restated Certificate of Incorporation provides that the Neiman Marcus
       Board be divided into three classes of directors, only one which is
       scheduled for re-election each year. Because a person considering the
       acquisition of voting control of the Company would be entitled to replace
       only one-third of the Neiman Marcus Board at each annual meeting, such a
       person might be dissuaded from seeking the substantial equity position
       required for voting control without the ability to install a board which
       would be responsive to such person's wishes during the period immediately
       following such person's acquisition of control. In addition, because of
       the Company's classified board, the DGCL requires that directors may only
       be removed for cause, thus making it more difficult for a third party to
       oust current directors.

     - Both the Restated Certificate of Incorporation and the By-laws (with
       respect to the By-laws) provide that the affirmative vote of the holders
       of at least 66 2/3% of the combined voting power of all of the securities
       of the Company which are entitled to vote generally for the election of
       directors of the Company, voting together as a single class, is required
       to alter, amend, rescind or repeal certain provisions of the Restated
       Certificate of Incorporation or the By-laws or to adopt any provision
       inconsistent therewith. These provisions in the Restated Certificate of
       Incorporation are: (i) Article Seventh concerning the ability of
       stockholders to call special meetings of the stockholders; (ii) Article


       Eighth concerning the ability of stockholders to take action by written
       consent; (iii) Article Ninth concerning the creation of a staggered board
       and the filling of board vacancies; and (iv) Article Eleventh concerning
       the ability of stockholders to amend provisions of the Restated
       Certificate of Incorporation and By-laws. These provisions in the By-laws
       are: (i) Section 3 of Article II concerning special meetings of the
       stockholders; (ii) Sections 1, 2 and 10 of Article III concerning the
       number, election, vacancies and nomination of directors; (iii) Article
       VIII concerning indemnification; and (iv) Article IX concerning amendment
       of the By-laws. Such "supermajority" voting requirements may discourage
       or deter a person from attempting to obtain control of the Company by
       making it more difficult to amend the Company's Restated Certificate of
       Incorporation or By-laws to eliminate provisions that have an
       antitakeover effect or that protect the interests of minority

     - The Restated Certificate of Incorporation provides that any action
       required or which may be taken by the holders of the Company's common
       stock may not be taken by written consent. This provision precludes a
       majority stockholder from taking unannounced action. The inability of a
       majority stockholder to act without a meeting might impact upon such
       person's decision to purchase voting securities of the Company. For
       example, a person may be discouraged or deterred from attempting to
       obtain control of the Company if a necessary ingredient of such action is
       to take action immediately and without any prior notice.

     - The By-laws provide that for a stockholder to nominate a person for a
       directorship, the stockholder must provide written notice to the
       Company's Secretary of the stockholder's intention, no later than (i)
       with respect to an election to be held at an annual meeting of the
       stockholders, 90 days prior to the anniversary date of the immediately
       preceding annual meeting and (ii) with respect to an election to be held
       at a special meeting of the stockholders for the election of directors,
       the close of business on the 10th day following the date on which notice
       of such meeting is first given to stockholders. This By-laws provision
       may have the effect of precluding the conduct of business at a particular
       stockholders meeting if the proper procedures are not followed, and may
       discourage or deter a third party from attempting to obtain control, even
       if such attempt might be beneficial to the Company and its stockholders.

     - The Restated Certificate of Incorporation provides that special meetings
       of the stockholders of the Company may not be called by stockholders. The
       inability of a stockholder to call a special meeting might impact upon a
       person's decision to purchase voting securities of the Company. For
       example, a person may be discouraged or deterred from attempting to
       obtain control of the Company if a necessary ingredient of such action is
       to take action immediately at a special meeting and without waiting until
       an annual meeting.


     The Neiman Marcus Board has unanimously approved the By-laws Amendment.
Reference is made to the full text of the amendment to the Company's By-laws,
which is attached hereto as Appendix D. The following summary is qualified in
its entirety by such reference.

     The By-laws Amendment requires that, at any Annual Meeting of stockholders,
only such business shall be conducted as shall have been brought before the
meeting (i) pursuant to the Company's notice of meeting, (ii) by or at the
direction of the Neiman Marcus Board or (iii) by a stockholder of the Company
who is a stockholder of record at the time of giving of the notice provided for
in the By-laws, who is entitled to vote at such meeting and who complies with
the notice procedures set forth below.

     For business to be properly brought before an Annual Meeting of
stockholders pursuant to clause (c) above, the stockholder must have given
written notice thereof to, either by personal delivery or by United States mail,
postage prepaid, and such notice must have been received by, the Secretary of
the Company, not


later than ninety days prior to the anniversary date of the immediately
preceding Annual Meeting. Such notice shall set forth:

     - The name and address, as they appear on the Company's books, of the
       stockholder who is proposing such business, and the name and address of
       the beneficial owner, if any, on whose behalf the proposal is made;

     - The number and class of shares of stock of the Company that are
       beneficially owned on the date of such notice by the stockholder, or the
       beneficial owner on whose behalf the proposal is made;

     - A representation that the stockholder is a holder of record of stock of
       the Company entitled to vote at such meeting and intends to appear in
       person or by proxy at the meeting to propose such business;

     - A description of the business desired to be brought before the meeting
       and the reasons for conducting such business at the meeting;

     - Any material interest of such stockholder of record and the beneficial
       owner, if any, on whose behalf the proposal is made, in such business;

     - A statement as to whether such stockholder of record, and the beneficial
       owner, if any, intend to solicit proxies in support of such proposal.

     The presiding officer of the meeting shall determine and declare to the
meeting whether or not such business was properly brought before the meeting in
accordance with the procedures described above, and at such officer's
discretion, may declare such business not properly brought before the meeting
and shall not recognize the bringing of such business.

     The By-laws Amendment also provides that at any special meeting of the
stockholders of Neiman Marcus, only such business as is specified in the notice
of special meeting may be brought before such meeting. Accordingly, the
stockholders of Neiman Marcus may not raise any other matters for consideration
at the Special Meeting.

     The By-laws Amendment contains provisions necessary to conform the By-laws
to the Company's Restated Certificate of Incorporation. These changes will
become effective only if the Neiman Marcus stockholders vote to adopt the Merger
Agreement and each of the Governance and Authorized Capital Amendments.
Specifically, the By-laws Amendment increases the minimum number of directors on
the Neiman Marcus Board from three to six.

     In addition, the By-laws Amendment provides that, except as otherwise fixed
pursuant to the provisions of Article Fourth or Article Ninth of the Company's
Restated Certificate of Incorporation, any vacancy in the office of a Class A
Director or Class B Director will be filled only by the vote of the majority of
the remaining directors in the Class in which such vacancy exists (or the sole
remaining director in such Class), unless there are no such directors in such
Class, in which case the vacancy will be filled by the vote of the stockholders
entitled to elect the members of the Class in which the vacancy exists. All
newly-created directorships resulting from an increase in the authorized number
of directors will first be allocated to a Class and then filled only by the vote
of the majority of the directors in the Class in which such newly-created
directorships exist (or the sole remaining director in such Class), unless there
are no such directors in such Class, in which case such newly-created
directorships will be filled by the vote of the stockholders of such Class.


     The provisions of the By-laws Amendment not subject to the adoption by the
stockholders of the Merger Agreement were adopted by the Neiman Marcus Board at
its May 14, 1999 meeting, and are already effective. The other provisions of the
By-laws Amendment will become effective immediately prior to the filing of the
Certificate of Merger. The By-laws Amendment does not require stockholder
approval. A description of the By-laws Amendment is included in this Proxy
Statement for informational purposes only.



     Neiman Marcus has agreed that upon consummation of the Distribution, it
will adopt the Rights Plan in order to improve the ability of the Neiman Marcus
Board to protect and advance the interests of Neiman Marcus and its stockholders
in the event of an unsolicited proposal to acquire a significant interest in the
Company. The Rights Plan is expected to provide that a Right (a "Right") to
purchase one share of Neiman Marcus common stock will be issued by the Company
to holders of the Company's outstanding common stock in the form of a dividend
of one Right for each share of common stock. The Rights also will be attached to
all future issuances of common stock until the Rights Distribution Date (as
defined below). Rights become exercisable on the date (the "Rights Distribution
Date") that is the earlier of: (i) the tenth day following the public
announcement that a person or group (an "Acquiring Person") has acquired
beneficial ownership of 15% or more of (a) the Class B Common Stock or (b) the
total voting power represented by the Class A Common Stock, Class B Common Stock
and, if any, Class C Common Stock outstanding (the "Trigger Percentage") or (ii)
the tenth business day (or such later date as may be determined by the Neiman
Marcus Board) following the commencement or announcement of an intention to make
a tender offer or exchange offer by any person which would result in such person
owning at least the Trigger Percentage. Rights will be redeemable at a price of
$.01 per Right, by the vote of the Neiman Marcus Board, at any time prior to the
time a person becomes an Acquiring Person.

     In the event that any person becomes an Acquiring Person, each holder of a
Right (other than Rights held by the Acquiring Person, which will thereupon
become void) will thereafter have the right to receive upon exercise of the
Right at the then-current exercise price that number of shares of the class of
the Company's common stock to which such Right relates having a market value on
that date of two times the exercise price of the Right (the "flip-in right"). If
the flip-in right is exercised, the Acquiring Person's voting and economic
interest in the Company would be dramatically diluted by the issuance by the
Company of large numbers of its shares of common stock to its current
stockholders other than the Acquiring Person at a reduced price.

     The Rights Plan will grandfather the shares to be acquired by the Smith
family in the Distribution so long as the Smith family does not collectively
acquire shares that would, relative to their ownership on the date of the
Distribution, represent approximately an additional 6% of the outstanding shares
of Class B Common Stock or approximately an additional 6% of the total number of
votes entitled to be cast generally (other than in an election of directors) by
the holders of all classes of common stock of Neiman Marcus then outstanding.


                          MANAGEMENT OF NEIMAN MARCUS

     The following table sets forth information as of August 2, 1999 (except as
indicated in Notes 5 through 11 below) with respect to the beneficial ownership
of Neiman Marcus common stock prior to and after the Transactions by (i) each
person known to the Company to own beneficially more than 5% of the outstanding
shares of Neiman Marcus common stock or Harcourt General common stock, (ii) each
executive officer named in the Summary Compensation Table included in the
Company's proxy statement for its Annual Meeting of Stockholders held on January
15, 1999, (iii) each director of the Company, and (iv) all current executive
officers and directors as a group. There may be other persons that own shares of
both Neiman Marcus common stock and Harcourt General common stock who would own,
collectively, following the Distribution, in excess of 5% of the total voting
power of Class A Common Stock and Class B Common Stock.

                               NUMBER OF
                                SHARES         PERCENT OF             NUMBER OF              PERCENT OF TOTAL
                                 OWNED        COMMON STOCK       SHARES AND PERCENT            COMMON STOCK
                             PRIOR TO THE     PRIOR TO THE         OF CLASS OWNED                 OWNED
 ------------------------   ---------------   ------------    -------------------------   ----------------------
                                                               CLASS A        CLASS B**
                                                              ---------       ---------
Harcourt General, Inc.(2)
27 Boylston Street                                            4,988,542/
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467...    26,429,502          53.9%            18.1%             --            10.2%
Smith Family
c/o Richard A. Smith
Harcourt General, Inc.
27 Boylston Street
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467...            --            --               --       6,012,557/28.0%      12.3%
Richard A.
Smith(2)(3)(4)(17)........            --              *               *       4,139,425/19.3%       8.4%
Nancy L. Marks(2)(3)(4)
c/o Harcourt General, Inc.
27 Boylston Street
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467...            --            --               --       3,028,812/14.1%       6.2%
Gabelli Funds, Inc.(5)
One Corporate Center                                          4,475,000/
Rye, NY 10580.............     4,475,500           9.1%            16.2%             --             9.1%
PRIMECAP Management
225 South Lake Avenue                                         4,069,100(6)/   1,110,420(10)/
Pasadena, CA 91101........     4,069,100(6)        8.3%            14.7%            5.2%           10.6%
Neuberger Berman, LLC
605 Third Avenue                                              1,951,550(7)/   1,179,215(11)/
New York, NY 10158........     1,951,550(7)        4.0%             7.1%            5.5%            6.4%
FMR Corp. (8)
82 Devonshire Street
Boston, MA 02109..........            --            --               --       1,310,940/6.1%        2.7%
Boston Partners Asset
Management L.P. (9)
One Financial Center
Boston, MA 02111..........            --            --               --       1,249,200/5.8%        2.5%
Burton M. Tansky(12)......       151,980              *         151,980/*            --                *
Gerald A. Sampson(13).....        73,158              *          73,158/*            --                *
Stephen Elkin(14).........        98,648              *          98,648/*            --                *
Dawn Mello(15)............        24,880              *          24,880/*            --                *
Matina S. Horner(16)......         3,688              *           3,688/*            --                *
Vincent M. O'Reilly(16)...         1,779              *           1,779/*            --                *
Walter J. Salmon(16)......        10,921              *          10,921/*            --                *
Jean Head Sisco(16).......         3,683              *           3,683/*            --                *


                               NUMBER OF
                                SHARES         PERCENT OF             NUMBER OF              PERCENT OF TOTAL
                                 OWNED        COMMON STOCK       SHARES AND PERCENT            COMMON STOCK
                             PRIOR TO THE     PRIOR TO THE         OF CLASS OWNED                 OWNED
 ------------------------   ---------------   ------------    -------------------------   ----------------------
                                                               CLASS A        CLASS B**
                                                              ---------       ---------
Robert A. Smith(2)(3)(4)
  (17)(18)................            --              *               *         301,004/1.4%              *
Brian J. Knez(2)(3)(4)
  (17)(19)................            --              *               *         228,878/1.1%              *
John R. Cook(20)..........            --              *               *          5,190/*                  *
All current executive
officers and directors as
a group (20
persons)(21)..............       368,737              *         368,737/1.3%  4,696,516/21.9%          10.3%

- ---------------

   * Less than 1%.

  ** Assumes a distribution ratio of three-tenths ( 3/10) of a share of Class B
     Common Stock for each share of Harcourt General common stock.

 (1) Unless otherwise indicated in the following footnotes, each stockholder
     referred to above has sole voting and dispositive power with respect to the
     shares listed.

 (2) Richard A. Smith, Chairman of the Company and Chairman and Chief Executive
     Officer of Harcourt General, his sister, Nancy L. Marks, and certain
     members of their families (including Robert A. Smith, Co-Chief Executive
     Officer and a director of the Company and President and Co-Chief Operating
     Officer of Harcourt General, and Brian J. Knez, a director and Co-Chief
     Executive Officer of the Company and President and Co-Chief Operating
     Officer of Harcourt General) may be regarded as controlling persons of
     Harcourt General, and therefore of the Company. The shares of Harcourt
     General Class B Stock and Harcourt General Common Stock beneficially owned
     by the Smith family constitute approximately 28% of the aggregate number of
     outstanding equity securities of Harcourt General. Each share of Harcourt
     General voting stock entitles the holder thereof to one vote on all matters
     submitted to Harcourt General's stockholders, except that each share of
     Harcourt General Class B Stock (virtually all of which is beneficially
     owned by the Smith family) entitles the holder thereof to ten votes on the
     election of directors at any Harcourt General stockholders' meeting under
     certain circumstances. Accordingly, as to any elections in which the
     Harcourt General Class B Stock would carry ten votes per share at a
     Harcourt General stockholders' meeting, the Smith family would have
     approximately 80% of the combined voting power of the Harcourt General
     voting securities.

     Under the definition of "beneficial ownership" in Rule 13d-3 of the Rules
     and Regulations promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
     amended, the Smith family and the members of Harcourt General's Board of
     Directors may be deemed to be the beneficial owners of the securities of
     the Company beneficially owned by Harcourt General in that they may be
     deemed to share with Harcourt General the power to direct the voting and/or
     disposition of such securities. However, this information should not be
     deemed to constitute an admission that any such person or group of persons
     is the beneficial owner of such securities.

 (3) Certain of the shares included in the table have been counted more than
     once because of certain rules and regulations of the Commission. The total
     number of shares owned by, or for the benefit of, Richard A. Smith, Nancy
     L. Marks and members of their families is as shown for the "Smith Family
     Group". See Note 4.

 (4) The Smith Family Group includes Richard A. Smith, Chairman of the Company
     and Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Harcourt General; Nancy L.
     Marks, Mr. Smith's sister; Robert A. Smith, Co-Chief Executive Officer and
     a director of the Company and President and Co-Chief Operating Officer of
     Harcourt General and Brian J. Knez, a director and Co-Chief Executive
     Officer of the Company and President and Co-Chief Operating Officer of
     Harcourt General, who are, respectively, the son and son-in-law of Richard
     A. Smith; Jeffrey R. Lurie, a director of Harcourt General and the son of
     Nancy L. Marks; other members of their families and various family
     corporations, trusts and charitable foundations. It is anticipated that
     certain members of the Smith Family Group will enter into the


     Stockholders Agreement prior to the consummation of the Transactions. See
     "Adoption of the Merger Agreement -- Interests of Certain Persons in the
     Recapitalization and the Governance and Authorized Capital Amendments."

     Some shares of Class B Common Stock owned beneficially by the members of
     the Smith Family Group may not be subject to the Stockholders Agreement.
     The total number of shares held by the Smith Family Group and as to which
     the Smith Family Group is deemed to be the beneficial owner is 6,012,557
     shares of Class B Common Stock. Based on the total number of shares of
     Common Stock outstanding as of August 2, 1999, the 6,012,557 shares of
     Class B Common Stock would constitute 28.0% of the outstanding shares of
     Class B Common Stock and would constitute 12.3% of the outstanding shares
     of Common Stock. Members of the Smith Family Group possess sole or shared
     voting power over all of the shares shown in the table.

 (5) The information reported is based on a Schedule 13D dated August 18, 1997
     filed with the Commission by the Gabelli Funds, Inc. and its affiliates
     (collectively, the "Gabelli Affiliates"). The Gabelli Affiliates have sole
     voting power with respect to 4,372,500 shares, and sole dispositive power
     with respect to all of the shares, reported in the table.

 (6) The information reported is based on a Schedule 13G dated September 9, 1998
     filed with the Commission by PRIMECAP Management Company with respect to
     its ownership of Neiman Marcus common stock. PRIMECAP Management Company
     has sole voting and shared dispositive power with respect to all of the
     shares reported in the table.

 (7) The information reported is based on a Schedule 13G dated February 9, 1999
     filed with the Commission by Neuberger Berman, LLC with respect to its
     ownership of Neiman Marcus common stock. Neuberger Berman, LLC has sole
     voting power with respect to 880,450 shares reported in the table, and
     shared dispositive power with respect to all of the shares reported in the

 (8) The information reported is based on a Schedule 13G dated February 12, 1999
     filed with the Commission by FMR Corp. with respect to its ownership of
     Harcourt General common stock. FMR Corp. has sole voting power with respect
     to 260,052 shares and sole dispositive power with respect to all of the
     shares reported in the table.

 (9) The information reported is based on a Schedule 13G dated February 12, 1999
     filed with the Commission by Boston Partners Asset Management L.P. with
     respect to its ownership of Harcourt General common stock. Boston Partners
     Asset Management L.P. has shared voting and dispositive power with respect
     to all of the shares reported in the table.

(10) The information reported is based on a Schedule 13G dated September 9, 1998
     filed with the Commission by PRIMECAP Management Company with respect to
     its ownership of Harcourt General common stock. PRIMECAP Management Company
     has sole voting power and dispositive power with respect to 781,400 shares
     and shared dispositive power with respect to 2,929,000 shares reported in
     the table.

(11) The information reported is based on information provided by Neuberger
     Berman, LLC as of February 11, 1999 with respect to its ownership of
     Harcourt General common stock. Neuberger Berman, LLC has sole voting power
     with respect to 20,020,643 shares, shared voting power with respect to
     1,686,500 shares, and shared dispositive power with respect to all of the
     shares reported in the table.

(12) Includes 106,580 shares of Common Stock which are subject to outstanding
     options exercisable within 60 days of August 2, 1999. Also includes 21,900
     shares of restricted stock over which Mr. Tansky has voting but not
     dispositive power.

(13) Includes 29,840 shares of Common Stock which are subject to outstanding
     options exercisable within 60 days of August 2, 1999. Also includes 9,600
     shares of restricted stock over which Mr. Sampson has voting but not
     dispositive power.

(14) Includes 64,840 shares of Common Stock which are subject to outstanding
     options exercisable within 60 days of August 2, 1999. Also includes 11,600
     shares of restricted stock over which Mr. Elkin has voting but not
     dispositive power. Also includes 7,531 shares of Common Stock allocated to
     Mr. Elkin


     under the Company's Employee Savings Plan ("ESP") as to which Mr. Elkin
     shares voting power with the trustee of the ESP.

(15) Includes 11,480 shares of Common Stock which are subject to outstanding
     options exercisable within 60 days of August 2, 1999. Also includes 5,200
     shares of restricted stock over which Ms. Mello has voting but not
     dispositive power.

(16) Dr. Horner, Mr. O'Reilly, Mr. Salmon and Mrs. Sisco hold, respectively,
     3,688, 979, 979, and 2,549 Common Stock based units which are included in
     the table. These directors do not have voting or dispositive power with
     respect to these Common Stock based units.

(17) The members of the Board of Directors of Harcourt General, including
     Richard A. Smith, Robert A. Smith, and Brian J. Knez, may be deemed to be
     the beneficial owners of the securities of the Company owned by Harcourt
     General. However, this information should not be deemed to be an admission
     that any such person or group is the beneficial owner of such securities.

(18) Includes shares of Class B Common Stock distributable on 14,600 shares of
     restricted Harcourt General Common Stock over which Mr. Knez has voting but
     not dispositive power. All of the shares reported for Mr. Knez are included
     in the shares owned by the Smith Family Group. See Note 4.

(19) Includes shares of Class B Common Stock distributable on 14,600 shares of
     restricted Harcourt General Common Stock over which Mr. Smith has voting
     but not dispositive power. All of the shares reported for Mr. Smith are
     included in the shares owned by the Smith Family Group. See Note 4.

(20) Includes shares of Class B Common Stock distributable on 7,300 shares of
     restricted Harcourt General Common Stock over which Mr. Cook has voting but
     not dispositive power.

(21) Excludes the beneficial ownership of securities of the Company which may be
     deemed to be attributed to Richard A. Smith, Robert A. Smith, and Brian J.
     Knez (see Notes 2, 3, 4 and 17 above). Includes (i) 212,740 shares of
     Common Stock which are subject to outstanding options exercisable within 60
     days of August 2, 1999, (ii) 48,300 shares of restricted stock over which
     individuals in the group have voting but not dispositive power, (iii) 7,531
     shares of Common Stock allocated to individuals in the group under the ESP
     as to which such individuals share voting power with the trustee of the
     ESP, and (iv) the 8,195 Common Stock based units referred to in Note 16




     Set forth below are the names, ages at August 2, 1999, and principal
occupations for the last five years of each director of the Company.

NAME                                   AGE                     PRINCIPAL OCCUPATION
- ----                                   ---                     --------------------
Richard A. Smith.....................  74    Chairman of the Company and Chairman and Chief Executive
                                               Officer of Harcourt General.

Robert A. Smith......................  40    Co-Chief Executive Officer of the Company; President and
                                             Co-Chief Operating Officer of Harcourt General.

Matina S. Horner, Ph.D...............  60    Executive Vice President of the Teachers Insurance and
                                               Annuity Association - College Retirement Equities Fund
                                               (TIAA-CREF) and President Emerita of Radcliffe

Brian J. Knez........................  41    Co-Chief Executive Officer of the Company; President and
                                               Co-Chief Operating Officer of Harcourt General.

Walter J. Salmon.....................  68    Stanley Roth Sr. Professor of Retailing (Emeritus since
                                               1997), Graduate School of Business Administration,
                                               Harvard University.

John R. Cook.........................  58    Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the
                                               Company and of Harcourt General.

Jean Head Sisco......................  74    Partner in Sisco Associates, international management

Vincent M. O'Reilly..................  62    Distinguished Senior Lecturer, Carroll School of
                                               Management, Boston College.

  Class I Directors -- Terms expire at 2001 Annual Meeting of Stockholders

     RICHARD A. SMITH -- Director since 1987; Chairman of the Company and of
Harcourt General; Chief Executive Officer of the Company (until December 1998)
and of Harcourt General since January 1997 and prior to December 1991; Chairman,
President (until November 1995) and Chief Executive Officer of GC Companies,
Inc. since December 1993; Director of Harcourt General and GC Companies, Inc.
Mr. Smith is the father of Robert A. Smith and the father-in-law of Brian J.
Knez. To become a Class B Director.

     ROBERT A. SMITH -- Director since 1997; Co-Chief Executive Officer of the
Company since May 1999; Chief Executive Officer of the Company from December
1998 until May 1999; President and Chief Operating Officer of the Company from
January 1997 to December 1998; President and Co-Chief Operating Officer of
Harcourt General since January 1997; Group Vice President of the Company and of
Harcourt General prior to January 1997; President and Chief Operating Officer of
GC Companies, Inc. since November 1995; Director of Harcourt General. Mr. Smith
is the son of Richard A. Smith and the brother-in-law of Brian J. Knez. To
become a Class B Director.

  Class II Directors -- Terms expire at 2002 Annual Meeting of Stockholders

     MATINA S. HORNER, PH.D. -- Director since 1993; Executive Vice President of
the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association-College Retirement Equities Fund
(TIAA-CREF) and President Emerita of Radcliffe College since 1989; Director of
Boston Edison Company. To become a Class B director.

     BRIAN J. KNEZ -- Director since 1998; Co-Chief Executive Officer of the
Company since May 1999; President and Co-Chief Operating Officer of Harcourt
General since January 1997; President (until November 1998) and Chief Executive
Officer of Harcourt, Inc. since May 1995; President of the Scientific,
Technical, Medical and Professional Group of Harcourt, Inc. prior thereto;
Director of Harcourt General. Mr. Knez is the son-in-law of Richard A. Smith and
the brother-in-law of Robert A. Smith. To become a Class B Director.


     WALTER J. SALMON -- Director since 1987; Stanley Roth Sr. Professor of
Retailing (Emeritus since 1997), Graduate School of Business Administration,
Harvard University; Director of Hannaford Bros. Co., The Quaker Oats Company,
Circuit City Stores, Inc., Luby's Cafeterias, Inc., Harrah's Entertainment,
Inc., Cole National Corporation and PetsMart, Inc. To become a Class B Director.

  Class III Directors -- Terms expire at 2000 Annual Meeting of Stockholders

     JOHN R. COOK -- Director since 1998; Senior Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer of the Company and of Harcourt General. To become a Class B

     JEAN HEAD SISCO -- Director since 1987; Partner in Sisco Associates,
international management consultants; Director of Textron, Inc., Newmont Mining
Corporation and its principal subsidiary, Newmont Gold Company, Washington
Mutual Investors Fund, Chiquita Brands International, Inc., The American Funds
Tax-Exempt Series I and K-Tron International, Inc. To become a Class B Director.

     VINCENT M. O'REILLY -- Director since 1997; Distinguished Senior Lecturer,
Carroll School of Management, Boston College since October 1997; Executive Vice
Chairman of Coopers & Lybrand from October 1994 until October 1997; Chief
Operating Officer or Deputy Chairman of Coopers & Lybrand from 1988 to October
1994; Director of EatonVance Corp. and Teradyne, Inc. To become a Class A


     Set forth below are the names, ages at August 2, 1999 and principal
occupations of each executive officer of the Company who is not also a director
of the Company. All such persons have been elected to serve until the next
annual election of officers and their successors are elected or until their
earlier resignation or removal.

NAME                                   AGE                            TITLE
- ----                                   ---                            -----
Burton M. Tansky.....................  61    President of the Company and Chairman and Chief
                                               Executive Officer of Neiman Marcus Stores.

Gerald A. Sampson....................  58    President and Chief Operating Officer of Neiman Marcus

Stephen C. Elkin.....................  56    Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Bergdorf

Dawn Mello...........................  67    President of Bergdorf Goodman.

Eric P. Geller.......................  52    Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of
                                               the Company and Harcourt General.

Peter Farwell........................  56    Vice President - Corporate Relations of the Company and
                                               Harcourt General.

Paul F. Gibbons......................  47    Vice President and Treasurer of the Company and Harcourt

Gerald T. Hughes.....................  42    Vice President - Human Resources of the Company and
                                               Harcourt General.

Catherine N. Janowski................  38    Vice President and Controller of the Company and
                                               Harcourt General.

Gail S. Mann.........................  48    Vice President - Corporate Law of the Company and
                                               Harcourt General.

Michael F. Panutich..................  51    Vice President - General Auditor of the Company and
                                               Harcourt General.

Paul J. Robershotte..................  45    Vice President - Strategy and Business Development of
                                               the Company and Harcourt General.


                             STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

     The Neiman Marcus Board knows of no other matters which are likely to be
brought before the meeting. If any other matters should be properly brought
before the meeting, it is the intention of the persons named in the enclosed
proxy to vote, or otherwise act, in accordance with their judgment on such

     In order for stockholder proposals which are submitted pursuant to Rule
14a-8 of the Exchange Act to be considered by the Company for inclusion in the
proxy material for the Annual Meeting of stockholders to be held in January 2000
(the "Annual Meeting"), they must be received by the Secretary of the Company by
August 10, 1999. For proposals that stockholders intend to present at the Annual
Meeting outside the processes of Rule 14a-8 of the Exchange Act, unless the
stockholder notifies the Secretary of the Company of such intent by October 25,
1999, any proxy that management solicits for such Annual Meeting will confer on
the holder of the proxy discretionary authority to vote on the proposal so long
as such proposal is properly presented at the meeting.

     In order for suggestions by stockholders for nominees for director to be
considered by the Nominating Committee, they must be received by the Secretary
of the Company by October 18, 1999.

     All such communications to the Secretary of the Company must be in writing
and must be received by the Company at its principal executive offices (27
Boylston Street, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts 02467) by the applicable date.


     The Company files reports, proxy statements and other information with the
Commission. You may read and copy any reports, statements or other information
filed by the Company at the Commission's public reference facilities located at
Room 1024, 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Judiciary Plaza, Washington, D.C. 20549 and
at the following Regional Offices of the Commission: 7 World Trade Center, Suite
1300, New York, NY 10048 and Citicorp Center, 500 West Madison Street, Suite
1400, Chicago, IL 60661. Please call the Commission at 1-800-SEC-0330 for
further information on the public reference rooms. The Neiman Marcus common
stock is listed on the NYSE under the symbol "NMG," and such material relating
to the Company may also be inspected at the offices of the NYSE, 20 Broad
Street, New York, NY 10005. Certain of such reports, statements and other
information filed by the Company are also available on the Internet at the
Commission's World Wide Web site at http://www.sec.gov.


                             INDEX OF DEFINED TERMS

TERM                                                          PAGE
- ----                                                          ----
Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation...........     4
Annual Meeting..............................................    44
Acquiring Person............................................    37
Authorized Capital Amendment................................     6
Authorized Capital Proposal.................................     5
Board Size Proposal.........................................     5
By-laws Amendment...........................................    30
Certificate of Merger.......................................    14
Class.......................................................     4
Class A Common Stock........................................     2
Class B Common Stock........................................     2
Class C Common Stock........................................     4
Code........................................................    20
Commission..................................................    25
Company.....................................................     1
Contributed Shares..........................................    23
Declaration Date............................................    25
DGCL........................................................    14
Distribution................................................     1
Distribution Agent..........................................    25
Distribution Agreement......................................     2
Distribution Date...........................................    25
Distribution Record Date....................................    25
Effective Time..............................................    23
ESP.........................................................    41
Exchange Act................................................    28
Family Stock................................................    19
flip-in right...............................................    37
Governance Amendments.......................................     5
Governance and Authorized Capital Amendments................     6
Harcourt General............................................     1
Independent Committee.......................................     6
Independent Directors.......................................    11
Intercompany Services Agreement.............................    21
IRS Ruling..................................................    20
J.P. Morgan.................................................    11
Merger......................................................     2
Merger Agreement............................................     1
Merger Sub..................................................     1
Neiman Marcus...............................................     1
NYSE........................................................    22
NYSE Tape...................................................    27
Offered Securities..........................................    27
Offer Period................................................    27


TERM                                                          PAGE
- ----                                                          ----
Offeror Stockholder.........................................    19
Original Distribution Agreement.............................    12
Original Merger Agreement...................................    12
Private Price...............................................    27
Public Sale.................................................    27
Recapitalization............................................     1
Recapitalization Amendments.................................     1
Record Date.................................................     6
Retained Shares.............................................     3
Right.......................................................    37
Right of First Offer........................................    27
Rights Distribution Date....................................    37
Rights Plan.................................................    10
Ruling Request..............................................    20
Securities Act..............................................    22
Shared Representatives......................................    12
Smith Stockholders..........................................    28
Special Meeting.............................................     6
Stockholders Agreement......................................    19
Supermajority Voting Proposal...............................     5
Transaction Proposal........................................    27
Transactions................................................     2
Transfer....................................................    27
Transferor's Notice.........................................    27
Trigger Percentage..........................................    37


                                                                      APPENDIX A
amending and restating the AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER dated as of May 14, 1999
(this "Agreement"), among THE NEIMAN MARCUS GROUP, INC., a Delaware corporation
(the "Company"), HARCOURT GENERAL, INC., a Delaware corporation ("Harcourt
General") and SPRING MERGER CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation and a
wholly-owned subsidiary of Harcourt General ("Merger Sub").

     WHEREAS, Harcourt General will own 21,440,960 shares of common stock, par
value $.01 per share, of the Company ("Common Stock") immediately prior to the
Merger (as defined below), and Harcourt General will own through HGI Investment
Trust, a wholly owned subsidiary of Harcourt General ("HGI"), 4,988,542 shares
of Common Stock (the "Retained Shares") immediately prior to the Merger,
totaling 26,429,502 shares of Common Stock;

     WHEREAS, Harcourt General owns all of the issued and outstanding shares of
common stock, par value $.01 per share, of Merger Sub ("Merger Sub Common

     WHEREAS, prior to the effectiveness of the Merger, Harcourt General plans
to contribute to Merger Sub 21,440,960 of its 26,429,502 shares of Common Stock
(the "Contributed Shares");

     WHEREAS, Harcourt General and the Company desire that Merger Sub merge with
and into the Company (the "Merger") upon the terms and subject to the conditions
set forth in this Agreement in accordance with the General Corporation Law of
the State of Delaware (the "DGCL"), pursuant to which all the issued and
outstanding shares of Merger Sub Common Stock shall be converted into shares of
a new class of common stock designated as Class B Common Stock, par value $.01
per share, of the Company ("Class B Common Stock") and all the issued and
outstanding shares of Common Stock (other than the Contributed Shares held by
Merger Sub, which shall be canceled with no securities or other consideration
issued in exchange therefor) shall be converted into Class A Common Stock
("Class A Common Stock") and shall remain issued and outstanding;

     WHEREAS, Harcourt General has announced its intention, subject to the
satisfaction of certain conditions, to distribute all the shares of Class B
Common Stock, on a pro rata basis, to the holders of the common stock of
Harcourt General following consummation of the Merger (the "Distribution");

     WHEREAS, simultaneously with the execution hereof, the Company and Harcourt
General are entering into a Distribution Agreement dated as of the date hereof
(the "Distribution Agreement"), which provides for the Distribution and certain
other matters;

     WHEREAS, the Boards of Directors of the Company and Merger Sub by
resolutions duly adopted have approved the terms of this Agreement and of the
Merger, have declared the advisability of this Agreement and of the Merger and
determined them to be fair to and in the best interests of the Company and
Merger Sub and their respective subsidiaries, and have directed the submission
of this Agreement to their respective stockholders for approval; and

     WHEREAS, the Merger is intended to constitute a reorganization within the
meaning of Section 368(a)(1)(E) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as

     NOW, THEREFORE in consideration of the premises and the mutual agreements
and provisions herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:

                                   ARTICLE I

                                   THE MERGER

     SECTION 1.1.  The Merger.  (a) Upon the terms and subject to the conditions
of this Agreement, at the Effective Time (as defined below), Merger Sub shall be
merged with and into the Company in accordance


with the DGCL, whereupon the separate corporate existence of Merger Sub shall
cease, and the Company shall be the surviving corporation (the "Surviving

     (b) Following satisfaction or waiver of all conditions to the Merger, the
Company and Merger Sub shall file a certificate of merger with the Secretary of
State of the State of Delaware and make all other filings or recordings required
by the DGCL in connection with the Merger. The Merger shall become effective at
such time as the certificate of merger is duly filed with the Secretary of State
of the State of Delaware or at such later time as is specified in the
certificate of merger (the "Effective Time").

     (c) At and after the Effective Time, the Merger shall have the effects set
forth in the DGCL. Without limiting the foregoing and subject thereto, from and
after the Effective Time, the Surviving Corporation shall possess all the
rights, privileges, powers and franchises and be subject to all of the
restrictions, disabilities and duties of the Company and Merger Sub, all as
provided under the DGCL.

     SECTION 1.2.  Effect on Capital Stock.  At the Effective Time:

     (a) All of the shares of Merger Sub Common Stock outstanding immediately
prior to the Effective Time shall be converted in the aggregate into and become
21,440,960 fully paid and non-assessable shares of Class B Common Stock of the
Surviving Corporation, and shall have the rights and privileges as set forth in
the Surviving Corporation Certificate of Incorporation (as defined in Section

     (b) Each of the Contributed Shares shall automatically be canceled and
shall cease to exist and no stock of the Surviving Corporation or other
consideration shall be delivered in exchange therefor; and

     (c) Each share of Common Stock (other than the Contributed Shares to be
canceled in accordance with Section 1.2(b)), including shares held in the
treasury, if any, and shares held by HGI, shall be converted into "Class A
Common Stock."

     SECTION 1.3.  Share Certificates.  (a) As soon as practicable after the
Effective Time:

          (i) the Surviving Corporation shall deliver, or cause to be delivered,
     to Harcourt General a number of certificates issued in the names of such
     persons, in each case, as Harcourt General shall direct, representing in
     the aggregate 21,440,960 shares of Class B Common Stock which Harcourt
     General has the right to receive upon conversion of shares of Merger Sub
     Common Stock pursuant to the provisions of Section 1.2(a) hereof;

          (ii) the Surviving Corporation shall cancel the share certificate or
     certificates representing the shares of Common Stock owned directly by
     Merger Sub; and

          (iii) the share certificates representing shares of Common Stock that
     remain issued and outstanding under Section 1.2(c) hereof or that remain
     treasury shares under Section 1.2(c) hereof shall not be exchanged and
     shall continue to represent an equal number of shares of Class A Common
     Stock of the Surviving Corporation without physical substitution of share
     certificates of the Surviving Corporation for existing share certificates
     of the Company.

     (b) Any dividend or other distribution declared or made with respect to any
shares of capital stock of the Company, whether the record date for such
dividend or distribution is before or after the Effective Time, shall be paid to
the holder of record of such shares of capital stock on such record date,
regardless of whether such holder has surrendered its certificates representing
Class A Common Stock or received certificates representing Class B Common Stock
pursuant to Section 1.3(a)(i).

                                   ARTICLE II

                           THE SURVIVING CORPORATION

     SECTION 2.1.  Certificate of Incorporation.  At the Effective Time, the
Certificate of Incorporation of the Company as in effect immediately prior to
the Effective Time shall be the Certificate of Incorporation of the Surviving
Corporation, except that such Certificate of Incorporation shall be amended as
set forth in Exhibit A-1 hereto, with such changes thereto as are set forth in
Exhibit A-1 to reflect, if approved by the vote


of the holders of a majority of the outstanding Common Stock, each of the Board
Size Amendment, the Supermajority Voting Amendment and the Authorized Capital
Amendment (as defined in Section 3.1 below). The Certificate of Incorporation of
the Surviving Corporation that becomes effective pursuant to this Section 2.1 is
herein referred to as the "Surviving Corporation Certificate of Incorporation."

     SECTION 2.2.  By-Laws.  (a) At the Effective Time, the By-Laws of the
Company as in effect immediately prior to the Effective Time shall be the
By-Laws of the Surviving Corporation. The By-Laws of the Surviving Corporation
are herein referred to as the "Surviving Corporation By-Laws."

     SECTION 2.3.  Directors and Officers.  (a) The Surviving Corporation's
Board of Directors initially shall consist of eight members as identified on
Exhibit B-1 hereto. From and after the Effective Time, until the earlier of
their removal or resignation or until their successors are duly elected or
appointed and qualified in accordance with applicable law, the directors of the
Surviving Corporation shall consist of the directors of the Company in office at
the Effective Time. At the Effective Time, the directors of the Surviving
Corporation shall be divided into two classes pursuant to the Surviving
Corporation Certificate of Incorporation. One director of the Surviving
Corporation shall be designated a "Class A Director" and will remain in the
class of which such director is currently a member that designates the
expiration of such director's term. Each of the remaining seven directors of the
Surviving Corporation shall be designated a "Class B Director" and each will
remain in the class of which each such director is currently a member that
designates the expiration of such director's term. The director of the Company
that is expected to be designated as the "Class A Director" shall be identified
by the Board of Directors of the Company from the directors of the Company that
are not affiliated with Harcourt General on or prior to the date on which the
Proxy Statement referred to in Section 3.2 is mailed to the Company's

     (b) From and after the Effective Time, until the earlier of their removal
or resignation or until their successors are duly appointed and qualified in
accordance with applicable law and the Surviving Corporation By-Laws, the
officers of the Company shall be the officers of the Surviving Corporation.

                                  ARTICLE III


     SECTION 3.1.  Stockholders Meeting.  The Company shall, as soon as
practicable following the date of this Agreement, duly call, give notice of,
convene and hold, a meeting of its stockholders (the "Stockholders Meeting") for
the purpose of considering, as four separate proposals, (i) the adoption of this
Agreement; (ii) the approval of an amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation
of the Company establishing a range for the number of directors on the Surviving
Corporation's Board of Directors from six to nine, the actual number to be
determined exclusively by resolution of the Surviving Corporation's Board of
Directors, a provision that prohibits the alteration or repeal of this provision
without the vote of at least 66- 2/3% of the total voting power of the
outstanding shares of the Surviving Corporation's voting stock, voting together
as a single class, and related provisions in Article Twelfth of the Certificate
of Incorporation as set forth in Exhibit A-1 hereto to become effective in the
Merger at the Effective Time (the "Board Size Amendment"); (iii) the approval of
an amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation of the Company providing for a
requirement that the approval of 66- 2/3% of the total voting power of the
outstanding shares of the Surviving Corporation's common stock is necessary to
approve any merger or consolidation, any sale, lease, exchange or other
disposition of all or substantially all of the Surviving Corporation's assets
and, unless approved by two-thirds of the Surviving Corporation's Board of
Directors, any issuance of voting securities of the Surviving Corporation that
would require stockholder approval and related provisions in Article Thirteenth
of the Certificate of Incorporation as set forth in Exhibit A-1 hereto to become
effective in the Merger at the Effective Time (the "Supermajority Voting
Amendment") and (iv) the approval of an amendment to the Certificate of
Incorporation of the Company providing for an increase in authorized capital and
the creation of a new Class C Common Stock having one-tenth ( 1/10) of one vote
per share and related provisions in Article Fourth of the Certificate of
Incorporation as set forth in Exhibit A-1 hereto to become effective in the
Merger at the Effective Time (the "Authorized Capital Amendment"). The Company
hereby represents and warrants to Harcourt General that a committee of
independent directors of the Company's Board of Directors has approved the
Merger, this


Agreement, the Board Size Amendment, the Supermajority Voting Amendment and the
Authorized Capital Amendment, has determined that the Merger, this Agreement,
the transactions contemplated by the Distribution Agreement, the Board Size
Amendment, the Supermajority Voting Amendment and the Authorized Capital
Amendment are advisable and favorable to and, therefore, fair to and in the best
interests of the stockholders of the Company other than Harcourt General, and
has recommended that the stockholders of the Company vote in favor of the
adoption of this Agreement, the Board Size Amendment, the Supermajority Voting
Amendment and the Authorized Capital Amendment. The Company shall, through a
committee of independent directors of its Board of Directors, continue to
recommend to its stockholders adoption of this Agreement, the Board Size
Amendment, the Supermajority Voting Amendment and the Authorized Capital
Amendment and shall not withdraw such recommendation.

     SECTION 3.2.  Filings; Other Actions.  (a) Subject to the provisions of
this Agreement and the Distribution Agreement, the Company shall prepare and
file with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") as soon as
reasonably possible following the execution hereof a proxy statement for the
solicitation of proxies in favor of (i) the adoption of this Agreement, (ii) the
approval of the Board Size Amendment as an amendment to the Certificate of
Incorporation of the Company to become effective in the Merger at the Effective
Time, (iii) the approval of the Supermajority Voting Amendment as an amendment
to the Certificate of Incorporation of the Company to become effective in the
Merger at the Effective Time and (iv) the approval of the Authorized Capital
Amendment as an amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation of the Company to
become effective in the Merger at the Effective Time (the "Proxy Statement").
The Company shall use all reasonable efforts to have the Proxy Statement cleared
by the SEC for mailing in definitive form as promptly as practicable after such
filing. The Company and Harcourt General shall cooperate with each other in the
preparation of the Proxy Statement and any amendment or supplement thereto, and
the Company shall notify Harcourt General of the receipt of any comments of the
SEC with respect to the Proxy Statement and of any requests by the SEC for any
amendment or supplement thereto or for additional information, and shall provide
to Harcourt General promptly copies of all correspondence between the SEC and
the Company or any of its advisors with respect to the Proxy Statement. The
Company shall give Harcourt General and its counsel appropriate advance
opportunity to review the Proxy Statement and all responses to requests for
additional information by and replies to comments of the SEC, and shall
incorporate therein any comments Harcourt General may deliver to the Company
with respect thereto, before such Proxy Statement, response or reply is filed
with or sent to the SEC. The Company agrees to use its best efforts, after
consultation with Harcourt General and its advisors, to respond promptly to all
such comments of, and requests by, the SEC and to cause the Proxy Statement to
be mailed to the holders of its common stock entitled to vote at the
Stockholders Meetings at such time as shall be requested by Harcourt General.

     (b) The Company agrees promptly to furnish to Harcourt General all copies
of written communications (and summaries of the substance of all oral
communications) received by it, or any of its affiliates or representatives
from, or delivered by any of the foregoing to, any federal, state or local or
international court, commission, governmental body, agency, authority, tribunal,
board or other governmental entity (each a "Governmental Entity") in respect of
the transactions contemplated hereby.

     SECTION 3.3.  Best Efforts.  Except in the case of Harcourt General to the
extent that it shall have exercised its right to terminate the Distribution
Agreement in accordance with the terms thereof, upon the terms and subject to
the conditions set forth in this Agreement, each of the parties hereto agrees to
use its best efforts to take, or cause to be taken, all actions, and to do, or
cause to be done, and to assist and cooperate with the other party in doing, all
things necessary, proper or advisable to consummate and make effective, in the
most expeditious manner practicable, the Merger and the other transactions
contemplated by this Agreement and the Distribution Agreement, including, but
not limited to (i) the obtaining of all necessary actions or non-actions,
waivers, consents and approvals from all Governmental Entities and the making of
all necessary registrations and filings (including filings with Governmental
Entities) and the taking of all reasonable steps as may be necessary to obtain
an approval or waiver from, or to avoid an action or proceeding by, any
Governmental Entity, (ii) the obtaining of all necessary consents, approvals or
waivers from third parties, (iii) the defending of any lawsuits or other legal
proceedings, whether judicial or administrative, challenging this Agreement or
the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby, including seeking to
have any


stay or temporary restraining order entered by any court or other Governmental
Entity with respect to the Merger or this Agreement vacated or reversed, (iv)
the execution and delivery of any additional instruments necessary to consummate
the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and (v) taking such other
actions as are necessary, including agreeing to such other amendments to or
modifications of this Agreement to obtain a favorable tax ruling from the
Internal Revenue Service as to the Federal income tax consequences of the Merger
and Distribution.

     SECTION 3.4.  Merger Sub Approval.  The Board of Directors of Merger Sub
has approved and declared advisable the Merger and this Agreement, has
determined that the Merger is fair to and in the best interests of its
stockholders and has recommended that its stockholders adopt this Agreement. As
promptly as possible following the execution of this Agreement, Harcourt
General, as sole stockholder of Merger Sub, shall execute a written consent
adopting this Agreement.

     SECTION 3.5.  Harcourt General Approval.  Harcourt General agrees to vote,
or cause to be voted, all of the shares of Common Stock owned by it and any of
its subsidiaries in favor of the adoption of this Agreement, the Board Size
Amendment, the Supermajority Voting Amendment and the Authorized Capital

     SECTION 3.6.  Stockholders Rights Plan.  The Company agrees that prior to
the Distribution, it will adopt a stockholders rights plan substantially in the
form attached hereto as Exhibit D-1.

                                   ARTICLE IV

                            CONDITIONS TO THE MERGER

     SECTION 4.1.  Conditions to the Obligations of the Company.  The
obligations of the Company to consummate the Merger are subject to the
satisfaction (or waiver by the Company, except that the condition set forth in
Section 4.1(a) may not be waived) of the following conditions:

          (a) a proposal to adopt this Agreement has been approved by the
     holders of (i) two-thirds of the shares of Common Stock outstanding and
     entitled to vote thereon and (ii) a majority of the shares of Common Stock
     (other than shares held directly or indirectly by Harcourt General) present
     in person or by proxy at the Stockholders Meeting and voting on such

          (b) no court, arbitrator or governmental body, agency or official
     shall have issued any order, and there shall not be any statute, rule or
     regulation, restraining or prohibiting the consummation of the Merger or
     the Distribution and no proceeding challenging this Agreement or the
     transactions contemplated hereby or seeking to prohibit, alter, prevent or
     materially delay the Merger or the Distribution shall have been instituted
     by any Governmental Entity before any court, arbitrator or governmental
     body, agency or official and be pending;

          (c) all actions by or in respect of or filings with any Governmental
     Entity required to permit the consummation of the Merger shall have been
     obtained, except those that would not reasonably be expected to have a
     material adverse affect on any party's ability to consummate the
     transactions contemplated by this Agreement; and

          (d) all the conditions to the Distribution set forth in the
     Distribution Agreement, other than the consummation of the Merger, shall
     have been satisfied.

     SECTION 4.2.  Conditions to the Obligations of Harcourt General and Merger
Sub.  The obligations of Harcourt General and Merger Sub to consummate the
Merger are subject to the satisfaction (or waiver by Merger Sub, except that the
condition set forth in Section 4.2(a) may not be waived) of the following

          (a) a proposal to adopt this Agreement has been approved by the
     holders of (i) two-thirds of the shares of Common Stock outstanding and
     entitled to vote thereon and (ii) a majority of the shares of Common Stock
     (other than shares held directly or indirectly by Harcourt General) present
     in person or by proxy at the Stockholders Meeting and voting on such


          (b) Harcourt General shall have received a favorable tax ruling from
     the Internal Revenue Service as to the Federal income tax consequences of
     the Merger and the Distribution;

          (c) no court, arbitrator or Governmental Entity shall have issued any
     order, and there shall not be any statute, rule or regulation, restraining
     or prohibiting the consummation of the Merger or the Distribution and no
     proceeding challenging this Agreement or the transactions contemplated
     hereby or seeking to prohibit, alter, prevent or materially delay the
     Merger or the Distribution shall have been instituted by any Governmental
     Entity before any court, arbitrator or governmental body, agency or
     official and be pending;

          (d) the Class B Common Stock shall have been approved for listing on
     the New York Stock Exchange, subject to official notice of issuance;

          (e) all actions by or in respect of or filings with any governmental
     body, agency, official, or authority required to permit the consummation of
     the Merger and the Distribution shall have been obtained, except those that
     would not reasonably be expected to have a material adverse affect on any
     party's ability to consummate the transactions contemplated by this

          (f) the stockholders of Harcourt General shall have approved the
     amendment to Harcourt General's Restated Certificate of Incorporation
     attached hereto as Exhibit C-1; and

          (g) all the conditions to the Distribution set forth in the
     Distribution Agreement, other than the consummation of the Merger, shall
     have been satisfied.

                                   ARTICLE V


     SECTION 5.1.  Termination.  This Agreement may be terminated and the Merger
may be abandoned at any time prior to the Effective Time (notwithstanding any
approval of this Agreement by the stockholders of the Company):

          (a) by mutual written consent of the Company and Harcourt General;

          (b) by either the Company or Harcourt General, if there shall be any
     law or regulation that makes consummation of the Merger illegal or
     otherwise prohibited or if any judgment, injunction, order or decree
     enjoining the Company or Merger Sub from consummating the Merger is entered
     and such judgment, injunction, order or decree shall become final and

          (c) by the Company, Merger Sub or Harcourt General, if there shall be
     any law or regulation that makes consummation of the Distribution illegal
     or otherwise prohibited or if any judgment, injunction, order or decree
     enjoining Harcourt General from consummating the Distribution is entered;

          (d) by Harcourt General or the Company in the event the Distribution
     Agreement is terminated;

          (e) by Harcourt General or the Company if, after a vote on the matter
     by the Company's stockholders at the Stockholders Meeting, the condition
     set forth in Sections 4.1(a) and 4.2(a) is not satisfied; or

          (f) by Harcourt General if, after a vote on the matter by Harcourt
     General's stockholders at a meeting called for such purpose, the condition
     set forth in Section 4.2(f) is not satisfied.

     SECTION 5.2.  Effect of Termination.  If this Agreement is terminated
pursuant to Section 5.1, this Agreement shall become void and of no effect with
no liability on the part of any party hereto.


                                   ARTICLE VI


     SECTION 6.1.  Notices.  All notices and other communications hereunder
shall be in writing and hand delivered or mailed by registered or certified mail
(return receipt requested) or sent by any means of electronic message
transmission with delivery confirmed (by voice or otherwise) to the parties at
the following addresses (or at such other addresses for a party as shall be
specified by like notice) and will be deemed given on the date on which such
notice is received:

        To Harcourt General or Merger Sub:

        c/o Harcourt General, Inc.
        27 Boylston Street
        Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts 02467
        Telecopy: (617) 278-5567
        Attn: Chief Executive Officer

        with a copy to:

        Simpson Thacher & Bartlett
        425 Lexington Avenue
        New York, New York 10017
        Telecopy: (212) 455-2502
        Attn: John G. Finley, Esq.

        To the Company:

        The Neiman Marcus Group, Inc.
        27 Boylston Street
        Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts 02467
        Telecopy: (617) 278-5567
        Attn: Chief Executive Officer


        The Independent Directors of the Company
        c/o The Secretary of the Company
        The Neiman Marcus Group, Inc.
        27 Boylston Street
        Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts 02467
        Telecopy: (617) 278-5567

        with a copy to:

        Choate Hall & Stewart
        Exchange Place
        53 State Street
        Boston, Massachusetts 02109
        Telecopy: (617) 248-4000
        Attn: Andrew L. Nichols, Esq.

     SECTION 6.2.  Successors and Assigns.  The provisions of this Agreement
shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their
respective successors and assigns; provided that no party may assign, delegate
or otherwise transfer any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement
without the consent of the other party hereto, except that Merger Sub may at any
time prior to the mailing of the Proxy Statement assign all of its rights and
obligations under this Agreement to any other wholly-owned subsidiary of
Harcourt General, and in the case of such assignment, the parties hereto agree
to amend this Agreement to so provide.


     SECTION 6.3.  Governing Law.  This Agreement shall be construed in
accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of Delaware.

     SECTION 6.4.  Counterparts; Effectiveness.  This Agreement may be signed in
any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original, with the same
effect as if the signatures thereto and hereto were upon the same instrument.
This Agreement shall become effective when each party hereto shall have received
counterparts hereof signed by the other party hereto.


     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be
duly executed by their respective authorized officers as of the day and year
first above written.

                                          THE NEIMAN MARCUS GROUP, INC.

                                          By /s/ ERIC P. GELLER
                                            Name: Eric P. Geller
                                            Title: Senior Vice President,
                                             General Counsel and Secretary

                                          HARCOURT GENERAL, INC.

                                          By /s/ JOHN R. COOK
                                            Name: John R. Cook
                                            Title: Senior Vice President and
                                             Chief Financial Officer

                                          SPRING MERGER CORPORATION

                                          By /s/ JOHN R. COOK
                                            Name: John R. Cook
                                            Title: President


                                                                      APPENDIX B
                                                                  EXECUTION COPY



                             HARCOURT GENERAL, INC.


                         THE NEIMAN MARCUS GROUP, INC.

                            DATED AS OF JULY 1, 1999

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

ARTICLE I.     DEFINITIONS.................................................     B-2
  SECTION 1.1  General.....................................................     B-2
  SECTION 1.2  References; Interpretation..................................     B-5

  SECTION 2.1  The Distribution and Other Transactions.....................     B-5
  SECTION 2.2  Declaration Date; Further Assurances........................     B-8
  SECTION 2.3  Representations and Warranties..............................     B-8
  SECTION 2.4  Certain Post-Distribution Transactions......................    B-10
  SECTION 2.5  Certain Limitations on Actions by Harcourt General..........    B-11
  SECTION 2.6  Right of First Offer........................................    B-11
  SECTION 2.7  Smith Family................................................    B-12

ARTICLE III.   INDEMNIFICATION.............................................    B-12
  SECTION 3.1  Indemnification by Neiman Marcus............................    B-12
  SECTION 3.2  Indemnification by Harcourt General.........................    B-12
  SECTION 3.3  Procedures for Indemnification..............................    B-12
  SECTION 3.4  Indemnification Payments....................................    B-14

ARTICLE IV.    COVENANTS...................................................    B-14
  SECTION 4.1  Access to Information.......................................    B-14
  SECTION 4.2  Confidentiality.............................................    B-14
  SECTION 4.3  Retention of Records........................................    B-14
  SECTION 4.4  Litigation Cooperation......................................    B-15
  SECTION 4.5  Other Matters...............................................    B-15
  SECTION 4.6  No Solicitation.............................................    B-15
  SECTION 4.7  Registration Rights Agreement...............................    B-15
  SECTION 4.8  Disclosure of Indemnification Obligations...................    B-15

ARTICLE V.     MISCELLANEOUS...............................................    B-16
  SECTION 5.1  Complete Agreement; Construction............................    B-16
  SECTION 5.2  Counterparts................................................    B-16
  SECTION 5.3  Survival of Agreements......................................    B-16
  SECTION 5.4  Expenses....................................................    B-16
  SECTION 5.5  Notices.....................................................    B-16
  SECTION 5.6  Waivers.....................................................    B-17
  SECTION 5.7  Amendments..................................................    B-17
  SECTION 5.8  Assignment..................................................    B-17
  SECTION 5.9  Successors and Assigns......................................    B-17
  SECTION 5.10 Termination.................................................    B-17
  SECTION 5.11 Subsidiaries................................................    B-17
  SECTION 5.12 Third Party Beneficiaries...................................    B-17
  SECTION 5.13 Title and Headings..........................................    B-18
  SECTION 5.14 Exhibits and Schedules......................................    B-18
  SECTION 5.15 GOVERNING LAW...............................................    B-18
  SECTION 5.16 Consent to Jurisdiction.....................................    B-18
  SECTION 5.17 Severability................................................    B-18



amending and restating the DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENT, dated as of May 14, 1999
(this "Agreement"), between HARCOURT GENERAL, INC., a Delaware corporation
("Harcourt General"), and THE NEIMAN MARCUS GROUP, INC., a Delaware corporation
("Neiman Marcus").

     WHEREAS, Harcourt General will own, immediately prior to the
Recapitalization (as defined below), 21,440,960 shares of Common Stock, par
value $.01 per share, of Neiman Marcus ("Common Stock") and HGI Investment
Trust, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Harcourt General ("HGI"), will own 4,988,542
shares of Common Stock (the "Retained Shares");

     WHEREAS, simultaneously with the execution hereof, Neiman Marcus and Spring
Merger Corporation, a Delaware corporation and a wholly-owned subsidiary of
Harcourt General ("Merger Sub"), are entering into an Amended and Restated
Agreement and Plan of Merger dated as of the date hereof (as amended,
supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time, the "Recapitalization
Agreement"), pursuant to which, among other things, Merger Sub will merge with
and into Neiman Marcus with the following consequent capital stock changes: (i)
21,440,960 shares of the Common Stock held by Harcourt General will be
contributed to Merger Sub and, as of the Declaration Date (as defined herein),
will automatically be canceled and retired with no securities or other
consideration issued in exchange therefor, (ii) all of the common stock of
Merger Sub, owned by Harcourt General, will be converted into 21,440,960 shares
of a new Class B Common Stock, par value $.01 per share, of Neiman Marcus
("Class B Common Stock" and, together with the Class A Common Stock, the "Neiman
Marcus Common Stock"), which class of stock will be entitled to elect at least
82% of the members of the board of directors of Neiman Marcus and in all other
respects will be substantially identical to the Class A Common Stock and (iii)
all other shares of Common Stock will be converted into Class A Common Stock,
par value $.01 per share, of Neiman Marcus ("Class A Common Stock"), including
4,988,542 shares of Common Stock held by HGI, which class of stock shall be
entitled to elect up to 18% of the members of the board of directors of Neiman
Marcus (the "Recapitalization");

     WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of Harcourt General has determined that it
is appropriate, desirable and in the best interests of Harcourt General and its
stockholders to distribute on the Distribution Date all the shares of Class B
Common Stock that Harcourt General will receive in the Recapitalization, on the
terms and subject to the conditions set forth in this Agreement, to the holders
of record of the Common Stock, par value $1.00 per share, of Harcourt General
and the Class B Stock, par value $1.00 per share, of Harcourt General
(collectively, "Harcourt General Common Stock"), as of the Distribution Record
Date (as defined herein), on a pro rata basis (the "Distribution");

     WHEREAS, Harcourt General will submit a request for a ruling (as it may be
amended from time to time, the "Ruling Request") from the Internal Revenue
Service to the effect that the Distribution will be a tax-free distribution
within the meaning of Section 355 of the Code (as defined herein);

     WHEREAS, each of Harcourt General and Neiman Marcus has determined that it
is necessary and desirable to set forth the principal corporate transactions
required to effect the Distribution and the Recapitalization and to set forth
other agreements that will govern certain other matters following the


     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agreements, provisions and
covenants contained in this Agreement, the parties hereby agree as follows:

                                   ARTICLE I.


     SECTION 1.1 General.  As used in this Agreement, the following terms shall
have the following meanings:

          (a) "Action" shall mean any action, suit, arbitration, inquiry,
     proceeding or investigation by or before any court, any governmental or
     other regulatory or administrative agency, body or commission or any
     arbitration tribunal.

          (b) "Affiliate" shall mean, when used with respect to a specified
     person, another person that controls, is controlled by, or is under common
     control with the person specified. As used herein, "control" means the
     possession, directly or indirectly, of the power to direct or cause the
     direction of the management and policies of such person, whether through
     the ownership of voting securities or other interests, by contract or

          (c) "Assets" shall mean assets, properties and rights (including
     goodwill), wherever located (including in the possession of vendors or
     other third parties or elsewhere), whether real, personal or mixed,
     tangible, intangible or contingent, in each case whether or not recorded or
     reflected or required to be recorded or reflected on the books and records
     or financial statements of any Person.

          (d) "Authorized Capital Amendment" shall mean an amendment to the
     Neiman Marcus Certificate of Incorporation providing for an increase in
     authorized capital and the creation of a new class of low-vote common stock
     having one-tenth (1/10) of one vote per share.

          (e) "Business Entity" shall mean any corporation, partnership, limited
     liability company or other entity which may legally hold title to Assets.

          (f) "Class A Common Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in the
     recitals hereto.

          (g) "Class B Common Stock" shall have the meaning set forth in the
     recitals hereto.

          (h) "Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended,
     and the Treasury regulations promulgated thereunder, including any
     successor legislation.

          (i) "Commission" shall mean the U.S. Securities and Exchange

          (j) "Declaration Date" shall mean the date on which (i) the Harcourt
     General Board of Directors shall declare the dividend constituting the
     Distribution and (ii) the certificate of merger effecting the
     Recapitalization shall be filed with the Secretary of State of the State of

          (k) "DGCL" shall mean the General Corporation Law of the State of

          (l) "Distribution" shall have the meaning set forth in the recitals

          (m) "Distribution Agent" shall mean the distribution agent selected by
     Harcourt General to effect the Distribution.

          (n) "Distribution Date" shall mean the date determined by the Board of
     Directors of Harcourt General following the consummation of the
     Recapitalization for the mailing of certificates of Class B Common Stock to
     stockholders of Harcourt General in the Distribution.

          (o) "Distribution Record Date" shall mean the date determined by the
     Board of Directors of Harcourt General as the record date for the
     determination of the holders of record of Harcourt General Common Stock
     entitled to receive shares of Class B Common Stock in the Distribution.


          (p) "Effective Time" shall mean immediately prior to the midnight, New
     York time, that ends the 24-hour period comprising the Distribution Date.

          (q) "Exchange Act" shall mean the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
     amended, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

          (r) "Form 8-A" shall mean a Neiman Marcus registration statement on
     Form 8-A pursuant to which the Class B Common Stock shall be registered
     under the Exchange Act, including all amendments thereto.

          (s) "Governance Amendments" shall mean (i) an amendment to the Neiman
     Marcus Certificate of Incorporation establishing a range for the number of
     directors on the Neiman Marcus Board of Directors from six to nine, the
     actual number to be determined exclusively by resolution of the Neiman
     Marcus Board of Directors, and a provision that prohibits the alteration or
     repeal of this provision without the vote of 66 2/3% of the total voting
     power of the outstanding shares of Neiman Marcus voting stock voting
     together as a single class and (ii) an amendment to the Neiman Marcus
     Certificate of Incorporation providing for a requirement that the approval
     of 66 2/3% of the total voting power of the outstanding shares of Neiman
     Marcus is necessary to approve any merger or consolidation, any sale,
     lease, exchange or other disposition of all or substantially all of Neiman
     Marcus' assets and unless approved by two-thirds of the Neiman Marcus Board
     of Directors, any issuance of voting securities of Neiman Marcus that would
     require stockholder approval.

          (t) "Governmental Authority" shall mean any federal, state, local,
     foreign or international court, government, department, commission, board,
     bureau, agency, official or other regulatory, administrative or
     governmental authority.

          (u) "Harcourt General Business" shall mean each and every business
     conducted at any time by Harcourt General or any Subsidiary of Harcourt
     General (other than Neiman Marcus and its subsidiaries) prior to the
     Effective Time, except the Neiman Marcus Business.

          (v) "Harcourt General Common Stock" shall have the meaning set forth
     in the recitals hereto.

          (w) "Harcourt General Group" shall mean Harcourt General and each
     Person (other than any member of the Neiman Marcus Group) that is a
     Subsidiary of Harcourt General immediately prior to the Effective Time.

          (x) "Harcourt General Indemnitees" shall mean Harcourt General, each
     member of the Harcourt General Group, each of their respective present and
     former directors, officers, employees and agents and each of the heirs,
     executors, successors and assigns of any of the foregoing except Neiman
     Marcus Indemnitees; provided that any Person who is a present or former
     director, officer, employee or agent (or is an heir, executor, successor or
     assign of such Person) of Harcourt General or any member of the Harcourt
     General Group (excluding the Neiman Marcus Group) shall be covered by this
     definition in such capacity.

          (y) "Harcourt General Liabilities" shall mean collectively, all
     Liabilities of Harcourt General or any Subsidiary of Harcourt General
     (other than Neiman Marcus and its Subsidiaries) immediately prior to the
     Effective Time, except the Neiman Marcus Liabilities.

          (z) "Indemnifiable Losses" shall mean any and all losses, Liabilities,
     claims, damages, demands, costs or expenses (including reasonable
     attorneys' fees and any and all out-of-pocket expenses) reasonably incurred
     in investigating, preparing for or defending against any Actions or
     potential Actions or in settling any Action or potential Action or in
     satisfying any judgment, fine or penalty rendered in or resulting from any

          (aa) "Indemnifying Party" shall have the meaning set forth in Section

          (bb) "Indemnitee" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.3.


          (cc) "Intercompany Services Agreement" shall mean the agreement, dated
     as of July 24, 1987, between Harcourt General (formerly General Cinema
     Corporation) and The Neiman Marcus Group, Inc.

          (dd) "IRS Ruling" shall have the meaning set forth in Section

          (ee) "Liabilities" shall mean any and all losses, claims, charges,
     debts, demands, actions, causes of action, suits, damages, obligations,
     payments, costs and expenses, sums of money, accounts, reckonings, bonds,
     specialties, indemnities and similar obligations, exonerations, covenants,
     contracts, controversies, agreements, promises, doings, omissions,
     variances, guarantees, make whole agreements and similar obligations, and
     other liabilities, including all contractual obligations, whether absolute
     or contingent, matured or unmatured, liquidated or unliquidated, accrued or
     unaccrued, known or unknown, whenever arising, and including those arising
     under any law, rule, regulation, Action, threatened or contemplated Action
     (including the costs and expenses of demands, assessments, judgments,
     settlements and compromises relating thereto and attorneys' fees and any
     and all costs and expenses, whatsoever reasonably incurred in
     investigating, preparing or defending against any such Actions or
     threatened or contemplated Actions), order or consent decree of any
     governmental or other regulatory or administrative agency, body or
     commission or any award of any arbitrator or mediator of any kind, and
     those arising under any contract, commitment or undertaking, including
     those arising under this Agreement or the Recapitalization Agreement, in
     each case, whether or not recorded or reflected or required to be recorded
     or reflected on the books and records or financial statements of any

          (ff) "Material Adverse Effect" shall mean, with respect to any Person,
     any change, effect, event, occurrence or development that is, individually
     or in the aggregate, materially adverse to the business, operations,
     assets, liabilities, condition (financial or otherwise), results of
     operations or prospects of such Person.

          (gg) "Neiman Marcus" shall have the meaning set forth in the heading
     of this Agreement.

          (hh) "Neiman Marcus Business" shall mean each and every business
     conducted at any time prior to, on or after the Effective Time by Neiman
     Marcus or any Subsidiary of Neiman Marcus or other Business Entity
     controlled by Neiman Marcus, whether or not such Subsidiary is a Subsidiary
     of Neiman Marcus or such Business Entity is controlled by Neiman Marcus on
     the date hereof.

          (ii) "Neiman Marcus Group" shall mean Neiman Marcus and each Person
     that is a Subsidiary of Neiman Marcus immediately prior to the Effective

          (jj) "Neiman Marcus Indemnitees" shall mean Neiman Marcus, each member
     of the Neiman Marcus Group, each of their respective present and former
     directors, officers, employees and agents and each of the heirs, executors,
     successors and assigns of any of the foregoing.

          (kk) "Neiman Marcus Liabilities" shall mean, collectively, any and all
     Liabilities whatsoever that arise out of, result from, are related to, or
     are enforceable against, Neiman Marcus or any Subsidiary of Neiman Marcus
     or any Business Entity controlled by Neiman Marcus, whether or not such
     Subsidiary was a Subsidiary of Neiman Marcus or such Business Entity was
     controlled by Neiman Marcus prior to, on or after the date hereof, or the
     ownership or operation of the Neiman Marcus Business, whether such
     Liabilities arise before, on or after the Effective Time and whether known
     or unknown, fixed or contingent, including:

             (i) any and all Liabilities arising from or based upon "controlling
        person" liability relating to the Proxy Statement (or any amendment
        thereto) or any other report or document filed by Neiman Marcus with the
        Commission at any time before, on or after the Effective Time; and

             (ii) any and all Liabilities that are expressly contemplated by
        this Agreement or the Recapitalization Agreement (or the Schedules
        hereto or thereto) as Liabilities to be assumed by Neiman Marcus or any
        member of the Neiman Marcus Group or to remain with Neiman Marcus or any
        member of the Neiman Marcus Group, and all Liabilities of Neiman Marcus
        under this Agreement and the Recapitalization Agreement.


          (ll) "NYSE" shall mean the New York Stock Exchange, Inc.

          (mm) "Person" shall mean any natural person, Business Entity,
     corporation, business trust, joint venture, association, company,
     partnership, other entity or government, or any agency or political
     subdivision thereof.

          (nn) "Proxy Statement" shall have the meaning set forth in the
     Recapitalization Agreement.

          (oo) "Recapitalization" shall have the meaning set forth in the
     recitals hereto.

          (pp) "Recapitalization Agreement" shall have the meaning set forth in
     the recitals hereto.

          (qq) "Securities Act" shall mean the Securities Act of 1933, as
     amended, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

          (rr) "Subsidiary" shall mean any corporation, partnership or other
     entity of which another entity (i) owns, directly or indirectly, ownership
     interests sufficient to elect a majority of the Board of Directors (or
     persons performing similar functions) (irrespective of whether at the time
     any other class or classes of ownership interests of such corporation,
     partnership or other entity shall or might have such voting power upon the
     occurrence of any contingency) or (ii) is a general partner or an entity
     performing similar functions (e.g., a trustee).

          (ss) "Third Party Claim" shall have the meaning set forth in Section

     SECTION 1.2  References; Interpretation.  References in this Agreement to
any gender include references to all genders, and references to the singular
include references to the plural and vice versa. The words "include", "includes"
and "including" when used in this Agreement shall be deemed to be followed by
the phrase "without limitation". Unless the context otherwise requires,
references in this Agreement to Articles, Sections, Exhibits and Schedules shall
be deemed references to Articles and Sections of, and Exhibits and Schedules to,
such Agreement. Unless the context otherwise requires, the words "hereof",
"hereby" and "herein" and words of similar meaning when used in this Agreement
refer to this Agreement in its entirety and not to any particular Article,
Section or provision of this Agreement.

                                  ARTICLE II.

                               CERTAIN COVENANTS

     SECTION 2.1  The Distribution and Other Transactions.

     (a) The Distribution.  Subject to the conditions set forth in Section
2.1(b) of this Agreement, on the Declaration Date the Board of Directors of
Harcourt General shall declare the Distribution upon the terms set forth in this
Agreement. To effect the Distribution, Harcourt General shall cause the
Distribution Agent to distribute, on the Distribution Date, on a pro rata basis
and taking into account Section 2.1(c), to the holders of record of Harcourt
General Common Stock on the Distribution Record Date, all shares of Class B
Common Stock held by Harcourt General on the Distribution Date. During the
period commencing on the date the certificates representing shares of Class B
Common Stock are delivered to the Distribution Agent and ending upon the date(s)
on which certificates evidencing such shares are mailed to holders of record of
Harcourt General Common Stock on the Distribution Record Date or on which
fractional shares of Class B Common Stock are sold on behalf of such holders,
the Distribution Agent shall hold the certificates representing shares of Class
B Common Stock on behalf of such holders. Harcourt General shall deliver to the
Distribution Agent the share certificates representing the shares of Class B
Common Stock held by Harcourt General which are to be distributed to the holders
of Harcourt General Common Stock in the Distribution. Neiman Marcus agrees, if
required by Harcourt General, to provide all certificates evidencing shares of
Class B Common Stock that Harcourt General shall require in order to effect the


     (b) Conditions to the Distribution.  The Harcourt General Board of
Directors shall declare a dividend constituting the Distribution on the
Declaration Date following the satisfaction or waiver by Harcourt General, as
determined by Harcourt General in its sole discretion, of the conditions set
forth below:

          (i) A private letter ruling from the Internal Revenue Service shall
     have been obtained, and shall continue in effect, providing that, among
     other things, the Recapitalization and the Distribution will qualify as
     tax-free transactions for federal income tax purposes under Sections 354
     and 355 of the Code (the "IRS Ruling"); such ruling shall be in form and
     substance satisfactory to Harcourt General in its sole discretion; and
     Harcourt General and Neiman Marcus shall have complied with all conditions
     set forth in such ruling that are required to be complied with prior to the

          (ii) Any material governmental approvals and consents necessary to
     consummate the Distribution and the other transactions contemplated hereby
     and by the Recapitalization Agreement shall have been obtained and shall be
     in full force and effect;

          (iii) No order, injunction or decree issued by any court or agency of
     competent jurisdiction or other legal restraint or prohibition preventing
     the consummation of the Distribution and the other transactions
     contemplated hereby and by the Recapitalization Agreement shall be in
     effect and no other event outside the control of Harcourt General shall
     have occurred or failed to occur that prevents the consummation of the

          (iv) The transactions contemplated hereby shall be in compliance with
     applicable federal and state securities and other applicable laws;

          (v) Each of Neiman Marcus and Harcourt General shall have received
     such consents, and shall have received executed copies of such agreements
     or amendments of agreements, as Harcourt General shall deem appropriate in
     connection with the completion of the Distribution or the transactions
     contemplated by this Agreement and the Recapitalization Agreement;

          (vi) The Recapitalization shall have been consummated;

          (vii) The Form 8-A shall have been filed with the Commission and there
     shall be no impediment to the certification by the NYSE to the Commission
     of the listing of the Class B Common Stock;

          (viii) The Class B Common Stock shall have been approved for listing
     on the NYSE, subject to official notice of issuance;

          (ix) The stockholders of Harcourt General shall have approved an
     amendment to the Harcourt General Certificate of Incorporation creating a
     class of low-vote common stock;

          (x) The Board of Directors of Harcourt General shall have received an
     opinion of Lazard Freres as to the fairness of the Distribution to the
     Harcourt General stockholders from a financial point of view;

          (xi) The Board of Directors of Harcourt General shall have received a
     customary opinion as to the legality of the dividend constituting the
     Distribution under Delaware law;

          (xii) The Board of Directors of Harcourt General shall have received a
     customary opinion as to the Distribution not constituting a sale, lease,
     exchange or other disposition of all or substantially all of its assets;

          (xiii) Each of the representations and warranties of Neiman Marcus set
     forth in this Agreement shall have been true and correct when made and
     shall be true and correct as of the Declaration Date; and Neiman Marcus
     shall have performed or complied with all agreements and covenants required
     to be performed by it under this Agreement and the Recapitalization
     Agreement at or prior to the Declaration Date; and Harcourt General shall
     have received a certificate of the chief financial officer of Neiman Marcus
     as to the foregoing;

          (xiv) All actions and other documents and instruments deemed necessary
     or advisable in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby shall
     have been taken or executed, as the case may be, in form and substance
     satisfactory to Harcourt General; and


          (xv) No event or development shall have occurred which the Board of
     Directors of Harcourt General determines, in its sole discretion, makes the
     Distribution not in the best interests of Harcourt General and/or its

The foregoing conditions are for the sole benefit of Harcourt General and shall
not give rise to or create any duty on the part of Harcourt General to waive or
not waive any such condition.

     (c) Sale of Fractional Shares.  In response to the request of Neiman Marcus
that no fractional shares of Class B Common Stock be distributed in the
Distribution, Harcourt General shall appoint the Distribution Agent as agent for
each holder of record of Harcourt General Common Stock who would receive in the
Distribution any fractional share of Class B Common Stock. The Distribution
Agent shall aggregate all such fractional shares and sell them in an orderly
manner after the Distribution Date in the open market and, after completion of
such sales, distribute a pro rata portion of the net proceeds from such sales,
based upon the gross selling price of all such fractional shares, to each
shareholder of Harcourt General who would otherwise have received a fractional
share. Harcourt General shall reimburse the Distribution Agent for its
reasonable costs, expenses and fees (including selling expenses) in connection
with the sale of fractional shares of Class B Common Stock and the distribution
of the proceeds thereof in accordance with this Section 2.1(c).

     (d) Other Actions.  (i) Harcourt General and Neiman Marcus shall prepare
and mail, at such time as determined by Harcourt General, to the holders of
Harcourt General Common Stock, such information concerning Neiman Marcus, its
business, operations and management, the Distribution and the tax consequences
thereof and such other matters as Harcourt General shall reasonably determine or
as may be required by law. Neiman Marcus agrees to cooperate with Harcourt
General in the preparation of, and provide any information reasonably requested
by Harcourt General for inclusion in, such mailing. Harcourt General and Neiman
Marcus will prepare, and Neiman Marcus will, to the extent required under
applicable law, file with the Commission any such documentation, including any
no action letters or other requests for interpretive or regulatory assistance,
if any, which Harcourt General determines are necessary or desirable to
effectuate the Distribution and the other transactions contemplated hereby and
by the Recapitalization Agreement and Harcourt General and Neiman Marcus shall
each use its reasonable best efforts to obtain all necessary approvals from the
Commission with respect thereto as soon as practicable.

     (ii) Harcourt General and Neiman Marcus shall take all such action as may
be necessary or appropriate under the securities or blue sky laws of the United
States (and any comparable laws under any foreign jurisdiction) in connection
with the Distribution and the other transactions contemplated hereby and by the
Recapitalization Agreement.

     (iii) Neiman Marcus shall prepare and file, and shall use its reasonable
best efforts to have approved, subject to official notice of issuance, an
application for the listing on the NYSE of the Class B Common Stock to be
distributed in the Distribution.

     (iv) Subject to Section 2.1(d)(vii), Neiman Marcus shall prepare and file
the Form 8-A (which may include or incorporate by reference information
contained in the Proxy Statement) with the Commission as promptly as practicable
following the execution hereof, and shall use its best efforts to cause the Form
8-A to become effective under the Exchange Act immediately following the
consummation of the Recapitalization on the Declaration Date or as soon
thereafter as practicable.

     (v) On or prior to the Distribution Date, each of Harcourt General and
Neiman Marcus shall consummate those other transactions in connection with the
Distribution (including the Recapitalization) that are contemplated by the
Ruling Request and any related submissions by Harcourt General to the Internal
Revenue Service.

     (vi) In addition to those matters specifically set forth above, Harcourt
General and Neiman Marcus also shall take all reasonable steps necessary and
appropriate to cause the conditions set forth in Section 2.1(b) to be satisfied
and to effect the Distribution on the Distribution Date.

     (vii) Neiman Marcus agrees that it shall not file with the Commission any
report or other document that contains any disclosure relating to the
Distribution, this Agreement, the Recapitalization Agreement or any of


the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby without the prior written
consent of Harcourt General with respect to such disclosure, which consent shall
not be unreasonably withheld.

     (viii) Prior to the Distribution Date, Neiman Marcus shall not amend, and
the Neiman Marcus Board of Directors shall not approve any amendment to, Neiman
Marcus's restated Certificate of Incorporation, other than the Governance
Amendments, the Authorized Capital Amendment and the amendments to the
Certificate of Incorporation that will take effect upon the filing of the
certificate of merger with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware in
connection with the Recapitalization in accordance with the terms of the
Recapitalization Agreement.

     (ix) Harcourt General agrees to vote, or cause to be voted, all shares of
Neiman Marcus Common Stock owned by it in favor of the adoption of the
Recapitalization Agreement, the Governance Amendments and the Authorized Capital

     (x) Harcourt General and Neiman Marcus shall enter into an Amended and
Restated Intercompany Services Agreement, pursuant to which Harcourt General
will continue to provide corporate services to Neiman Marcus.

     (xi) Except as set forth above in clause (x), all agreements and
arrangements existing on the date hereof between Harcourt General or any of its
Subsidiaries on the one hand and Neiman Marcus and any of its Subsidiaries on
the other hand, whether written or oral, shall continue in full force and effect
in accordance with their terms and consistent with past practice from the date
hereof, through the Distribution Date and thereafter.

     SECTION 2.2  Declaration Date; Further Assurances.  (a) The parties agree
that the Declaration Date shall occur as soon as reasonably practicable
following the satisfaction or waiver of the conditions to the declaration of the
Distribution set forth in Section 2.1(b). To the extent any action of the Board
of Directors of Neiman Marcus or Harcourt General is necessary to consummate the
Distribution, the parties shall cause their respective Boards of Directors to
meet telephonically or at the same location on the Declaration Date and each
shall take such corporate action at such meeting as shall be required to effect
the transactions contemplated hereby and by the Recapitalization Agreement.
Immediately following such meetings, Neiman Marcus shall take all actions
required to consummate the Recapitalization in accordance with the terms of the
Recapitalization Agreement, including the filing of the certificate of merger
relating to the Recapitalization with the Secretary of State of the State of

     (b) Subject to Harcourt General's right to terminate this Agreement in
accordance with Section 5.10, in case at any time after the date hereof any
further action is reasonably necessary or desirable to carry out the
Recapitalization or Distribution or any other purpose of this Agreement or the
Recapitalization Agreement, the proper officers of each party to this Agreement
shall take all such necessary action, and shall execute and deliver all
necessary instruments related thereto. Without limiting the foregoing, and
subject as aforesaid, Harcourt General and Neiman Marcus shall use their
respective reasonable best efforts to take, or cause to be taken, all actions
and to do, or cause to be done, all things, reasonably necessary, proper or
advisable under applicable laws, regulations and agreements or otherwise to
consummate and make effective the transactions contemplated by this Agreement,
including, without limitation, promptly to obtain all consents and approvals, to
enter into all amendatory agreements (including, without limitation, agreeing to
such other amendments or modifications of this Agreement in order to obtain the
IRS Ruling), to make all filings and applications that may be required for the
consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and the
Recapitalization Agreement, including all applicable governmental and regulatory
filings, and to permit each other to review and comment on all correspondence
and filings related to the foregoing.

     SECTION 2.3  Representations and Warranties.  (a) Neiman Marcus hereby
represents and warrants to Harcourt General as follows:

          (i) Organization; Good Standing.  Neiman Marcus is a corporation duly
     incorporated, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the
     State of Delaware and has all corporate power required to consummate the
     transactions contemplated hereby and by the Recapitalization Agreement.


          (ii) Authorization.  The execution, delivery and performance by Neiman
     Marcus of this Agreement and the Recapitalization Agreement and the
     consummation by Neiman Marcus of the transactions contemplated hereby and
     thereby have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate action on the
     part of Neiman Marcus, other than the approval of the Recapitalization by
     the stockholders of Neiman Marcus. Each of this Agreement and the
     Recapitalization Agreement constitutes, and each other agreement or
     instrument executed and delivered or to be executed and delivered by Neiman
     Marcus pursuant to this Agreement or the Recapitalization Agreement will,
     upon such execution and delivery, constitute a legal, valid and binding
     obligation of Neiman Marcus, enforceable against Neiman Marcus in
     accordance with its terms, subject to the effects of bankruptcy,
     insolvency, fraudulent conveyance, reorganization, moratorium and other
     similar laws relating to or affecting creditors' rights generally, general
     equitable principles (whether considered in a proceeding in equity or at
     law) and an implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing.

          (iii) Consents and Filings.  Except (w) for the filing of a
     certificate of merger in connection with the Recapitalization and any other
     filings required to be made with the Secretary of State of the State of
     Delaware, (x) for the IRS Ruling, (y) for the filing of the Proxy Statement
     and the Form 8-A and any other reports or documents required to be filed
     under the Exchange Act and (z) for any filings required to be made with the
     NYSE, no consent of, or filing with, any Governmental Entity which has not
     been obtained or made is required for or in connection with the execution
     and delivery of this Agreement or the Recapitalization Agreement by Neiman
     Marcus, and the consummation by Neiman Marcus of the transactions
     contemplated hereby or thereby.

          (iv) Noncontravention.  Except in the case of any consents that will
     be obtained prior to the Distribution Date, the execution, delivery and
     performance of this Agreement and the Recapitalization Agreement by Neiman
     Marcus does not, and the consummation by Neiman Marcus of the transactions
     contemplated hereby and thereby will not, (i) violate any applicable
     federal, state or local statute, law, rule or regulation, (ii) violate any
     provision of the Certificate of Incorporation or By-Laws of Neiman Marcus
     or (iii) violate any provision of, or result in the termination or
     acceleration of, or entitle any party to accelerate any obligation or
     indebtedness under, any mortgage, lease, franchise, license, permit,
     agreement, instrument, order, arbitration award, judgment or decree to
     which Neiman Marcus or any of its Subsidiaries is a party or by which any
     of them are bound, except for, in the case of clause (iii) above, such
     violations that would not result in a Material Adverse Effect with respect
     to Neiman Marcus or prevent Harcourt General from complying with the terms
     and provisions of this Agreement or the Recapitalization Agreement in any
     material respect.

          (v) Litigation.  There are no actions or suits against Neiman Marcus
     pending, or to the knowledge of Neiman Marcus, threatened which seek to,
     and Neiman Marcus is not subject to any judgments, decrees or orders which,
     enjoin or rescind the transactions contemplated by this Agreement or the
     Recapitalization Agreement or otherwise prevent Neiman Marcus from
     complying with the terms and provisions of this Agreement or the
     Recapitalization Agreement in any material respect.

          (vi) Change of Control Adjustments.  Except as would not result in a
     Material Adverse Effect with respect to Neiman Marcus and except in the
     case of any consents that will be obtained prior to the Distribution Date,
     neither the Recapitalization nor the Distribution nor any of the other
     transactions contemplated hereby or by the Recapitalization Agreement will
     (x) constitute a "change of control" or otherwise result in the increase or
     acceleration of any benefits, including to employees of Neiman Marcus,
     under any agreement to which Neiman Marcus or any of its Subsidiaries is a
     party or by which it or any of its Subsidiaries is bound, or (y) result in
     any adjustment of the number of shares subject to, or the terms of,
     including exercise price, any outstanding employee stock options of Neiman

     (b) Harcourt General hereby represents and warrants to Neiman Marcus as

          (i) Organization; Good Standing.  Harcourt General is a corporation
     duly incorporated, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of
     the State of Delaware and has all corporate power required to consummate
     the transactions contemplated hereby.


          (ii) Authorization.  The execution, delivery and performance by
     Harcourt General of this Agreement and the consummation by Harcourt General
     of the transactions contemplated hereby have been duly authorized by all
     necessary corporate action on the part of Harcourt General, other than the
     formal declaration of the Distribution. This Agreement constitutes, and
     each other agreement or instrument executed and delivered or to be executed
     and delivered by Harcourt General pursuant to this Agreement will, upon
     such execution and delivery, constitute, a legal, valid and binding
     obligation of Harcourt General, enforceable against Harcourt General in
     accordance with its terms, subject to the effects of bankruptcy,
     insolvency, fraudulent conveyance, reorganization, moratorium and other
     similar laws relating to or affecting creditors' rights generally, general
     equitable principles (whether considered in a proceeding in equity or at
     law) and an implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing.

          (iii) Consents and Filings.  Except (w) for the filing of a
     certificate of merger in connection with the Recapitalization, a
     certificate of amendment to the Harcourt General Certificate of
     Incorporation and any other filings required to be made with the Secretary
     of State of the State of Delaware, (x) for the IRS Ruling, (y) for the
     filing of the Proxy Statement, the Form 8-A and a proxy statement in
     respect of the proposed amendment to Harcourt General's Certificate of
     Incorporation referred to in Section 2.1(b)(ix) and any other reports or
     documents required to be filed under the Exchange Act and (z) for any
     filings required to be made with the NYSE, no material consent of, or
     filing with, any Governmental Entity which has not been obtained or made is
     required for or in connection with the execution and delivery of this
     Agreement by Harcourt General, and the consummation by Harcourt General of
     the transactions contemplated hereby.

          (iv) Noncontravention.  Except in the case of any consents that will
     be obtained prior to the Distribution Date, the execution, delivery and
     performance of this Agreement and the Recapitalization Agreement by
     Harcourt General does not, and the consummation by Harcourt General of the
     transactions contemplated hereby and thereby will not, (i) violate any
     applicable federal, state or local statute, law, rule or regulation, or
     (ii) violate any provision of the Certificate of Incorporation or By-Laws
     of Harcourt General or (iii) violate any provision of, or result in the
     termination or acceleration of, or entitle any party to accelerate any
     obligation or indebtedness under, any mortgage, lease, franchise, license,
     permit, agreement, instrument, order, arbitration award, judgment or decree
     to which Harcourt General or any of its Subsidiaries is a party or by which
     any of them are bound, except for, in the case of clause (iii) above, such
     violations that would not prevent Harcourt General from complying with the
     terms and provisions of this Agreement or the Recapitalization Agreement in
     any material respect.

     SECTION 2.4  Certain Post-Distribution Transactions.  (a)(i) Neiman Marcus
shall comply and shall cause its Subsidiaries to comply with and otherwise not
take action inconsistent with each representation and statement made to the
Internal Revenue Service in connection with the request by Harcourt General for
a ruling letter in respect of the Distribution as to certain tax aspects of the
Distribution and (ii) until two years after the Distribution Date, Neiman Marcus
will maintain its status as a company engaged in the active conduct of a trade
or business, as defined in Section 355(b) of the Code.

     (b) Neiman Marcus agrees that until two years after the Distribution Date,
it will not (i) merge or consolidate with or into any other corporation, (ii)
liquidate or partially liquidate, (iii) sell or transfer all or substantially
all of its assets (within the meaning of Rev. Proc. 77-37, 1977-2 C.B. 568) in a
single transaction or series of related transactions, (iv) redeem or otherwise
repurchase any Neiman Marcus stock (other than as described in Section
4.05(1)(b) of Rev. Proc. 96-30, 1996-1 C.B. 696), or (v) take any other action
or actions which in the aggregate (and taking into account the Recapitalization)
would have the effect of causing or permitting one or more persons to acquire
directly or indirectly stock representing a 50 percent or greater interest
(within the meaning of Section 355(e) of the Code) in Neiman Marcus, unless
prior to taking any such action set forth in the foregoing clauses (i) through
(v), Neiman Marcus has obtained (and provided to Harcourt General) a written
opinion in form and substance reasonably acceptable to Harcourt General of a law
firm reasonably acceptable to Harcourt General, or Harcourt General has obtained
(at the reasonable request and at the expense of Neiman Marcus) a supplemental
ruling from the Internal Revenue Service, that such action or actions will not
result in (i) the Distribution failing to qualify under Section 355(a) of the
Code or (ii) the Neiman Marcus shares failing to qualify as qualified property
for purposes of Section 355(c)(2) of


the Code by reason of Section 355(e) of the Code. Harcourt General agrees to
cooperate with Neiman Marcus in obtaining such opinion or, as the case may be,
to use its commercially reasonable best efforts in obtaining any supplemental
ruling reasonably requested by Neiman Marcus, including, where appropriate, by
providing written representations as to factual events that transpired prior to
the Distribution Date.

     (c) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, if Neiman Marcus (or
any of its Subsidiaries) fails to comply with any of its obligations under
Sections 2.4(a) and 2.4(b) above or takes or fails to take any action (including
any action referred to in Section 2.4(a) or clauses (i) through (v) of Section
2.4(b) without regard to when such action occurs) on or after the Distribution
Date, and such failure to comply, action or omission contributes to a
determination that (i) the Distribution fails to qualify under Section 355(a) of
the Code or (ii) the Neiman Marcus shares fail to qualify as qualified property
for purposes of Section 355(c)(2) of the Code by reason of Section 355(e) of the
Code, then Neiman Marcus shall indemnify and hold harmless Harcourt General and
each member of the consolidated group of which Harcourt General is a member from
and against any and all federal, state and local taxes, including any interest,
penalties or additions to tax, imposed upon or incurred by Harcourt General, any
member of its group or any stockholder of Harcourt General as a result of the
failure of the Distribution to qualify under Section 355(a) of the Code or the
application of Section 355(e) (including any taxes payable by reason of any
payment made pursuant to this Section 2.4(c)). The obligation of Neiman Marcus
to indemnify Harcourt General pursuant to the preceding sentence shall not be
affected by the delivery of any legal opinion or supplemental ruling under
Section 2.4(b), unless the circumstances described in clause (i) or (ii) of this
Section 2.4(c) shall occur solely by reason of (x) the failure of a
representation made by Harcourt General pursuant to the last sentence of Section
2.4(b) to be true and correct in all material respects, (y) a material omission
in any such representation or (z) a breach by Harcourt General or any of the
Shared Representatives (as defined in Section 4.6) of any of the covenants
contained in Section 4.6; provided, however, that in the event that Harcourt
General or any of the Shared Representatives shall have breached any of such
covenants, which breach shall have been disclosed to a director of Neiman Marcus
that is not affiliated with Harcourt General (an "Independent Director"), and
notwithstanding such breach, a majority of the Independent Directors shall
determine (as evidenced in writing) to proceed with a Transaction Proposal (as
defined in Section 4.6), the indemnity provided by this Section 2.4(c) shall not
be affected.

     SECTION 2.5  Certain Limitations on Actions by Harcourt General.  Subject
to the representations and undertakings required by Harcourt General to be made
in order to obtain the IRS Ruling, following the Distribution, in matters
requiring a vote of the holders of Class A Common Stock, for such time as
Harcourt General holds the Retained Shares, Harcourt General will vote the
Retained Shares in proportion to the votes cast affirmatively or negatively by
all other holders of Class A Common Stock voting.

     SECTION 2.6  Right of First Offer.  (a) Commencing immediately after the
consummation of the Distribution, and prior to the second anniversary of the
Distribution Date, Harcourt General shall not, and shall not permit any
Subsidiary to, sell, exchange or transfer ("Transfer"), other than to a direct
or indirect wholly owned Subsidiary of Harcourt General, Neiman Marcus or
pursuant to a bona fide merger, tender offer, exchange offer, consolidation or
other similar transaction in which the opportunity to Transfer shares is made
available on the same basis to all holders of Class A Common Stock, a number of
shares of Class A Common Stock in any 60-day period representing 5% or more of
the outstanding shares of Class A Common Stock and Class B Common Stock, taken
together, unless Harcourt General shall have given to Neiman Marcus at least ten
days' prior written notice (the "Right of First Offer") that it or its
Subsidiary is considering effecting such a Transfer (a "Transferor's Notice").
Such notice shall state (i) the number of shares of Class A Common Stock that
Harcourt General or its Subsidiary may Transfer (the "Offered Securities") and
(ii) the price, if applicable, at which Harcourt General or its Subsidiary would
be willing to Transfer the Offered Securities, other than in a "block trade" or
other public offering (a "Public Sale"), including to a third party (the
"Private Price"), and/or if Harcourt General or its Subsidiary anticipates the
possibility of a Transfer of such shares in a Public Sale, a statement to such
effect. Upon receipt of the Transferor's Notice, Neiman Marcus, acting through
its Board of Directors, shall have ten days (the "Offer Period") to elect to
purchase the Offered Securities at a price in cash equal to (x) the Private
Price or (y) if no Private Price has been stated by Harcourt General, the
closing price on the New York Stock Exchange


Composite Transactions Tape (the "NYSE Tape") on the trading day immediately
preceding the date of the Transferor's Notice. The foregoing Right of First
Offer shall not apply to any Transfer for shares of stock or other property, so
long as the transferee in any such Transfer shall agree in writing to be bound
by the provisions of this Section 2.6.

     (b) If Neiman Marcus does not exercise its Right of First Offer, then
Harcourt General or its Subsidiary shall have the right, for a period ending
upon the later of (i) 120 days from the expiration of the Offer Period, (ii) 45
days after such time as a registration statement filed with respect to such
Offered Securities shall be declared effective by the Commission or (iii) 15
days after the expiration of such time as the parties to any transaction
reasonably require to comply with applicable United States federal and state
laws and regulations, to Transfer or, in the case of Harcourt General, cause its
Subsidiary to Transfer all or any portion of the Offered Securities at a price
no less than (i) if the Transferor's Notice sets forth a Private Price, the
Private Price or (ii) if the Transferor's Notice does not set forth a Private
Price, (A) in a Public Sale, 90% of the low sales price on the NYSE Tape on the
trading day on which such Transfer is made (as opposed to the settlement date of
such Transfer) or (B) in a Transfer other than a Public Sale, the low sales
price on the NYSE Tape on the trading day on which an agreement to Transfer is
made. If Harcourt General or its Subsidiary does not Transfer or, in the case of
Harcourt General, cause its Subsidiary to Transfer all or any portion of the
Offered Securities within the time period provided for in this Section 2.6(b),
the Right of First Offer in this Section 2.6 shall again become applicable with
respect to any Transfer of shares of Class A Common Stock by Harcourt General or
its Subsidiary.

     (c) If Neiman Marcus exercises its Right of First Offer, the closing of the
purchase of the Offered Securities with respect to which such right has been
exercised shall take place on the 15th day after the later of (i) the date
Neiman Marcus gives notice of such exercise and (ii) the expiration of such time
as the parties may reasonably require in order to comply with applicable United
States federal and state laws and regulations, which in no event shall be more
than 45 days after the date specified in clause (c)(i).

     (d) Upon exercise by Neiman Marcus of its Right of First Offer under this
Section 2.6, Neiman Marcus and Harcourt General or, if applicable, its
Subsidiary, shall be legally obligated to consummate the purchase contemplated
thereby and shall use their respective reasonable best efforts to make all
necessary filings and to secure any approvals required and to comply as soon as
practicable with all applicable United States federal and state laws and
regulations in connection therewith; provided, however, that Harcourt General or
its Subsidiary may determine, at any time prior to the consummation of a
Transfer to Neiman Marcus, not to Transfer or, in the case of Harcourt General,
cause its Subsidiary to Transfer the Offered Securities, in which case all of
the provisions of this Section 2.6 shall again become applicable with respect to
any Transfer of shares of Class A Common Stock by Harcourt General or its

     SECTION 2.7  Smith Family.  Harcourt General shall use its commercially
reasonable best efforts to procure the agreement of each member of the Smith
family currently reporting its ownership of Harcourt General Common Stock on
Schedule 13D under the Exchange Act (the "Smith Stockholders") that, for a
period of 180 days from the Distribution Date, such Smith Stockholder shall not
Transfer any shares of Class B Common Stock held by such Smith Stockholder other
than to any other Smith Stockholder or any other Person to whom such Smith
Stockholder would be permitted to transfer shares of Class B Stock of Harcourt
General in accordance with the Harcourt General Certificate of Incorporation
(including for bona fide estate planning or charitable purposes); provided,
however, that such Smith Stockholder shall be permitted to Transfer shares of
Class B Common Stock pursuant to a bona fide tender offer, exchange offer,
merger, consolidation or similar transaction in which the opportunity to
Transfer shares is made available on the same basis to all holders of Class B
Common Stock.

                                  ARTICLE III.


     SECTION 3.1  Indemnification by Neiman Marcus.  Except as otherwise
specifically set forth in any provision of this Agreement, Neiman Marcus shall
indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Harcourt General Indemnitees from and
against any and all Indemnifiable Losses of the Harcourt General Indemnitees


out of, by reason of or otherwise in connection with the Neiman Marcus
Liabilities or alleged Neiman Marcus Liabilities, including any breach by Neiman
Marcus of any representation, warranty, covenant or other provision of this
Agreement or the Recapitalization Agreement.

     SECTION 3.2  Indemnification by Harcourt General.  Except as otherwise
specifically set forth in any provision of this Agreement, Harcourt General
shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Neiman Marcus Indemnitees from and
against any and all Indemnifiable Losses of the Neiman Marcus Indemnitees
arising out of, by reason of or otherwise in connection with the Harcourt
General Liabilities or alleged Harcourt General Liabilities, including any
breach by Harcourt General of any representation, warranty, covenant or other
provision of this Agreement or the Recapitalization Agreement.

     SECTION 3.3  Procedures for Indemnification.

     (a) Third Party Claims.  If a claim or demand is made against a Neiman
Marcus Indemnitee or a Harcourt General Indemnitee (each, an "Indemnitee") by
any person who is not a party to this Agreement (a "Third Party Claim") as to
which such Indemnitee is entitled to indemnification pursuant to this Agreement,
such Indemnitee shall notify the party which is or may be required pursuant to
the terms hereof to make such indemnification (the "Indemnifying Party") in
writing, and in reasonable detail, of the Third Party Claim promptly (and in any
event within 15 business days) after receipt by such Indemnitee of written
notice of the Third Party Claim; provided, however, that failure to give such
notification shall not affect the indemnification provided hereunder except to
the extent the Indemnifying Party shall have been actually prejudiced as a
result of such failure (except that the Indemnifying Party shall not be liable
for any expenses incurred during the period in which the Indemnitee failed to
give such notice). Thereafter, the Indemnitee shall deliver to the Indemnifying
Party, promptly (and in any event within five business days) after the
Indemnitee's receipt thereof, copies of all notices and documents (including
court papers) received by the Indemnitee relating to the Third Party Claim. Any
Indemnitee shall cooperate with the Indemnifying Party in the defense or
prosecution of any Third Party Claim, including by providing or causing to be
provided records and witnesses as soon as reasonably practicable after receiving
any request therefor from or on behalf of the Indemnifying Party.

     If a Third Party Claim is made against an Indemnitee with respect to which
a claim for indemnification is made pursuant to Section 3.1 or Section 3.2
hereof, the Indemnifying Party shall be entitled to participate in the defense
thereof and, if it so chooses and acknowledges in writing its obligation to
indemnify the Indemnitee therefor, to assume the defense thereof with counsel
selected by the Indemnifying Party; provided that such counsel is not reasonably
objected to by the Indemnitee. Should the Indemnifying Party so elect to assume
the defense of a Third Party Claim, the Indemnifying Party shall, within 30 days
(or sooner if the nature of the Third Party Claim so requires), notify the
Indemnitee of its intent to do so, and the Indemnifying Party shall thereafter
not be liable to the Indemnitee for legal or other expenses subsequently
incurred by the Indemnitee in connection with the defense thereof; provided,
that such Indemnitee shall have the right to employ counsel to represent such
Indemnitee if, in such Indemnitee's reasonable judgment, a conflict of interest
between such Indemnitee and such Indemnifying Party exists in respect of such
claim which would make representation of both such parties by one counsel
inappropriate, and in such event the fees and expenses of such separate counsel
shall be paid by such Indemnifying Party. If the Indemnifying Party assumes such
defense, the Indemnitee shall have the right to participate in the defense
thereof and to employ counsel, subject to the proviso of the preceding sentence,
at its own expense, separate from the counsel employed by the Indemnifying
Party, it being understood that the Indemnifying Party shall control such
defense. The Indemnifying Party shall be liable for the fees and expenses of
counsel employed by the Indemnitee for any period during which the Indemnifying
Party has failed to assume the defense thereof (other than during the period
prior to the time the Indemnitee shall have given notice of the Third Party
Claim as provided above). If the Indemnifying Party so elects to assume the
defense of any Third Party Claim, all of the Indemnitees shall cooperate with
the Indemnifying Party in the defense or prosecution thereof, including by
providing or causing to be provided, records and witnesses as soon as reasonably
practicable after receiving any request therefor from or on behalf of the
Indemnifying Party.


     If the Indemnifying Party acknowledges in writing responsibility for a
Third Party Claim, then in no event will the Indemnitee admit any liability with
respect to, or settle, compromise or discharge, any Third Party Claim without
the Indemnifying Party's prior written consent (which shall not be unreasonably
withheld); provided, however, that the Indemnitee shall have the right to
settle, compromise or discharge such Third Party Claim without the consent of
the Indemnifying Party if (i) the Indemnitee releases the Indemnifying Party
from its indemnification obligation hereunder with respect to such Third Party
Claim, (ii) such settlement, compromise or discharge is solely for money damages
and would not otherwise adversely affect the Indemnifying Party and (iii) such
settlement, compromise or discharge does not subject the Indemnifying Party to
any equitable remedy. If the Indemnifying Party acknowledges in writing
responsibility for a Third Party Claim, the Indemnifying Party shall be
permitted to enter into, and the Indemnitee shall agree to, any settlement,
compromise or discharge of a Third Party Claim that the Indemnifying Party may
recommend and that by its terms obligates the Indemnifying Party to pay the full
amount of the liability in connection with such Third Party Claim and releases
the Indemnitee completely in connection with such Third Party Claim and that
would not otherwise adversely affect the Indemnitee or subject the Indemnitee to
any equitable remedy; provided, however, that the Indemnitee may refuse to agree
to any such proposed settlement, compromise or discharge if the Indemnitee
agrees that the Indemnifying Party's indemnification obligation with respect to
such Third Party Claim shall not exceed the amount that would be required to be
paid by or on behalf of the Indemnifying Party in connection with such proposed
settlement, compromise or discharge; and provided further that the Indemnifying
Party shall not agree to any other settlement, compromise or discharge of a
Third Party Claim not described above without the prior written consent of the
Indemnitee, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld. If an Indemnifying
Party elects not to assume the defense of a Third Party Claim, or fails to
notify an Indemnitee of its election to do so as provided herein, such
Indemnitee may compromise, settle or defend such Third Party Claim.

     (b) In the event of payment by an Indemnifying Party to any Indemnitee in
connection with any Third-Party Claim, such Indemnifying Party shall be
subrogated to and shall stand in the place of such Indemnitee as to any events
or circumstances in respect of which such Indemnitee may have any right or claim
relating to such Third-Party Claim against any claimant or plaintiff asserting
such Third-Party Claim. Such Indemnitee shall cooperate with such Indemnifying
Party in a reasonable manner, and at the cost and expense of such Indemnifying
Party, in prosecuting any subrogated right or claim.

     (c) The remedies provided in this Article III shall be cumulative and shall
not preclude assertion by any Indemnitee of any other rights or the seeking of
any and all other remedies against any Indemnifying Party.

     SECTION 3.4  Indemnification Payments.  Indemnification required by this
Article III shall be made by periodic payments of the amount thereof during the
course of the investigation or defense, as and when bills are received or loss,
liability, claim, damage or expense is incurred.

                                  ARTICLE IV.


     SECTION 4.1  Access to Information.  (a) Other than in circumstances in
which indemnification is sought pursuant to Article III (in which event the
provisions of such Article will govern), from and after the Distribution Date,
each of Neiman Marcus and Harcourt General shall afford to the other and its
authorized accountants, counsel and other designated representatives reasonable
access during normal business hours, subject to appropriate restrictions for
classified, privileged or confidential information, to the personnel,
properties, books and records of such party and its Subsidiaries insofar as such
access is reasonably required by the other party and relates to such other
party's performance of its obligations under this Agreement or the
Recapitalization Agreement or such party's financial, tax and other reporting

     (b) A party providing information or access to information to the other
party under this Article IV shall be entitled to receive from the recipient,
upon the presentation of invoices therefor, payments for such amounts, relating
to supplies, disbursements and other out-of-pocket expenses, as may be
reasonably incurred in providing such information or access to information.


     SECTION 4.2  Confidentiality.  Each of Neiman Marcus and its Subsidiaries
and Harcourt General and its Subsidiaries shall keep, and shall cause its
consultants and advisors to keep, confidential all information concerning the
other parties in its possession, its custody or under its control (except to the
extent that (A) such information has been in the public domain through no fault
of such party or (B) such information has been later lawfully acquired from
other sources by such party or (C) this Agreement or the Recapitalization
Agreement or any other agreement entered into pursuant hereto or thereto permits
the use or disclosure of such information) to the extent such information (i)
relates to or was acquired during the period up to the Effective Time or
pursuant to Section 4.1, or (ii) is based upon or is derived from information
described in the preceding clause (i), and each party shall not (without the
prior written consent of the other) otherwise release or disclose such
information to any other person, except such party's auditors and attorneys,
unless compelled to disclose such information by judicial or administrative
process or unless such disclosure is required by law and such party has used
commercially reasonable efforts to consult with the other affected party or
parties prior to such disclosure.

     SECTION 4.3  Retention of Records.  Except as otherwise required by law or
agreed to in writing, each party shall preserve and retain all information
relating to the other party's business in accordance with the record retention
policies of such party as may be in effect from time to time. Notwithstanding
the foregoing, any party may destroy or otherwise dispose of any information at
any time; provided that prior to such destruction or disposal (i) such party
shall provide no less than 90 days prior written notice to the other party,
specifying the information proposed to be destroyed or disposed of and (ii) if
the recipient of such notice shall request in writing prior to the scheduled
date for such destruction or disposal that any of the information proposed to be
destroyed or disposed of be delivered to such requesting party, the party
proposing the destruction or disposal shall promptly arrange for the delivery of
such of the information as was requested at the expense of the requesting party.

     SECTION 4.4  Litigation Cooperation.  Each of Harcourt General and Neiman
Marcus shall use reasonable efforts to make available to the other party, upon
written request, its officers, directors, employees and agents as witnesses to
the extent that such persons may reasonably be required in connection with any
Action arising out of (i) the business of such other party and its predecessors,
if any, in which the requesting party may from time to time be involved,
provided, that such Action does not involve a claim between either of Harcourt
General or Neiman Marcus against the other or (ii) the matters contained in
Section 2.4 hereof.

     SECTION 4.5  Other Matters.  Each of Harcourt General and Neiman Marcus
shall negotiate in good faith to execute prior to the Distribution Date such
further certificates, agreements and other documents (including, without
limitation, with respect to transition services, intellectual property, employee
benefits and insurance matters) which are necessary or appropriate to consummate
or implement the transactions contemplated hereby and by the Recapitalization

     SECTION 4.6  No Solicitation.  (a) Harcourt General agrees that neither it
nor any executive officer of Harcourt General named on Schedule 4.6 to this
Agreement or any director of Harcourt General who is also an executive officer
or director of Neiman Marcus (a "Shared Representative") shall solicit any
offers or proposals regarding (i) any merger, reorganization, share exchange,
consolidation, business combination, recapitalization, liquidation, dissolution
or similar transaction involving Neiman Marcus, (ii) any purchase or sale of all
or substantially all of the assets of Neiman Marcus or (iii) any issuance or
other sale or transfer of any equity interest in Neiman Marcus held by Harcourt
General (collectively, a "Transaction Proposal"). The obligations set forth in
clauses (i) and (ii) of this Section 4.6(a) shall terminate on the date that is
two years following the Distribution Date and the obligations set forth in
clause (iii) of this Section 4.6(a) shall terminate on the Distribution Date.

     (b) Upon receipt of an unsolicited Transaction Proposal, Harcourt General
or any Shared Representative, as the case may be, shall, in Harcourt General's
sole discretion, either (i) promptly reject such Transaction Proposal, subject
to the fiduciary obligations of any Shared Representative to Neiman Marcus or
its stockholders or to such Shared Representative's obligations as an executive
officer of Neiman Marcus, or (ii) refer such Transaction Proposal to Walter J.
Salmon or another Independent Director and to the Person designated pursuant to
Section 5.5 to receive copies of any notices delivered to Neiman Marcus and the


Independent Directors of Neiman Marcus. In the event that the Independent
Directors determine that such Transaction Proposal should be discussed further
with the party making such Transaction Proposal, the Independent Directors shall
notify Harcourt General in writing, signed by a majority of the Independent
Directors of Neiman Marcus. Harcourt General and the Shared Representatives
shall be permitted to take such steps as they deem appropriate, in their good
faith judgment, in connection with such Transaction Proposal without being
deemed to violate this Section 4.6. The sole remedy for breach by Harcourt
General or any of the Shared Representatives of this Section 4.6 shall be the
elimination of the indemnity obligation of Neiman Marcus set forth in Section
2.4(c), as provided in the last sentence of Section 2.4(c), except as provided
in the proviso to such last sentence of Section 2.4(c).

     SECTION 4.7  Registration Rights Agreement.  On the Distribution Date,
Harcourt General and Neiman Marcus will enter into a registration rights
agreement providing for two demand registration rights and two shelf
registration rights with respect to the shares of Class A Common Stock to be
held by Harcourt General following the Distribution Date, and otherwise
containing customary provisions reasonably acceptable to both Harcourt General
and Neiman Marcus.

     SECTION 4.8  Disclosure of Indemnification Obligations.  Neiman Marcus
agrees to disclose from time to time, in its audited consolidated financial
statements included in its Annual Report on Form 10-K, the existence, scope and
material terms of its indemnification obligations pursuant to Section 2.4(c),
for a period commencing on the Distribution Date and ending on the earlier to
occur of (i) the date that is five years from the Distribution Date and (ii)
such time as the Independent Directors of Neiman Marcus determine such
disclosure is no longer necessary.

                                   ARTICLE V.


     SECTION 5.1  Complete Agreement; Construction.  This Agreement and the
Recapitalization Agreement, including the Exhibits and Schedules hereto and
thereto, shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties with respect
to the subject matter hereof and thereof and shall supersede all previous
negotiations, commitments and writings with respect to such subject matter.

     SECTION 5.2  Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in one or more
counterparts, all of which shall be considered one and the same agreement, and
shall become effective when one or more such counterparts have been signed by
each of the parties and delivered to the other parties.

     SECTION 5.3  Survival of Agreements.  Except as otherwise contemplated by
this Agreement, all covenants and agreements of the parties contained in this
Agreement shall survive the Distribution Date.

     SECTION 5.4  Expenses.  Except as set forth on Schedule 5.4 or as otherwise
set forth in this Agreement or in the Recapitalization Agreement, all costs and
expenses incurred in connection with the preparation, execution, delivery and
implementation of this Agreement and the Recapitalization Agreement, and the
Distribution and the other transactions contemplated hereby and thereby shall be
charged to and paid by the party incurring such costs and expenses.

     SECTION 5.5  Notices.  All notices and other communications hereunder shall
be in writing and hand delivered or mailed by registered or certified mail
(return receipt requested) or sent by any means of electronic message
transmission with delivery confirmed (by voice or otherwise) to the parties at
the following addresses (or at such other addresses for a party as shall be
specified by like notice) and will be deemed given on the date on which such
notice is received:

       To Harcourt General:

        Harcourt General, Inc.
        27 Boylston Street
        Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts 02467
        Telecopy: 617-278-5567
        Attn: Chief Executive Officer


       with a copy to:

        Simpson Thacher & Bartlett
        425 Lexington Avenue
        New York, New York 10017
        Telecopy: 212-455-2502
        Attn: John G. Finley, Esq.

        To Neiman Marcus:

        The Neiman Marcus Group, Inc.
        27 Boylston Street
        Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts 02467
        Telecopy: 617-278-5567
        Attn: Chief Executive Officer


        The Independent Directors of Neiman Marcus
        c/o The Secretary of Neiman Marcus
        The Neiman Marcus Group, Inc.
        27 Boylston Street
        Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts 02467
        Telecopy: 617-278-5567

        with a copy to:

        Choate Hall & Stewart
        Exchange Place
        53 State Street
        Boston, Massachusetts 02109
        Telecopy: 617-248-4000
        Attn: Andrew L. Nichols, Esq.

     SECTION 5.6  Waivers.  The failure of any party to require strict
performance by any other party of any provision in this Agreement will not waive
or diminish that party's right to demand strict performance thereafter of that
or any other provision hereof.

     SECTION 5.7  Amendments.  Subject to the terms of Section 5.10 hereof, this
Agreement may not be modified or amended except by an agreement in writing
signed by each of the parties hereto.

     SECTION 5.8  Assignment.  This Agreement shall not be assignable, in whole
or in part, directly or indirectly, by any party hereto without the prior
written consent of the other party hereto, and any attempt to assign any rights
or obligations arising under this Agreement without such consent shall be void.

     SECTION 5.9  Successors and Assigns.  The provisions to this Agreement
shall be binding upon, inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the parties
and their respective successors and permitted assigns. In addition, the
provisions of this Agreement shall be binding upon any person that acquires,
directly or indirectly, 50% or more of the (i) voting power, in an election of
directors or otherwise, represented by the outstanding common stock, (ii) shares
of outstanding common stock or (iii) assets of Neiman Marcus on or after the
Distribution Date, but Neiman Marcus shall not enter into any agreement with
respect to the foregoing or permit to be consummated any such transaction unless
and until a writing shall be signed by any such person and delivered to Harcourt
General whereby such person agrees to assume the obligations of Neiman Marcus

     SECTION 5.10  Termination.  This Agreement (including Article III hereof)
may be terminated and the Distribution may be amended, modified or abandoned at
any time prior to the filing of the certificate of merger relating to the
Recapitalization by and in the sole discretion of Harcourt General without the


of Neiman Marcus or the stockholders of Neiman Marcus; provided that if, at the
time of such termination Neiman Marcus is not in breach of any of its
obligations hereunder or under the Recapitalization Agreement, Harcourt General
shall pay the reasonable out-of-pocket expenses of Neiman Marcus incurred in
connection with this Agreement, the Recapitalization Agreement and the
transactions contemplated hereby and thereby. This Agreement may be terminated
by Neiman Marcus only upon material breach by Harcourt General of a
representation, warranty or covenant contained in this Agreement, which breach
would result in a Material Adverse Effect with respect to Neiman Marcus after
giving effect to the Distribution. In the event of termination of this Agreement
by either party hereto, except as set forth in the next preceding sentence, no
party shall have any liability of any kind to any other party or any other
person. After the filing of the certificate of merger relating to the
Recapitalization, this Agreement may not be terminated except by an agreement in
writing signed by both parties and a majority of the Independent Directors of
Neiman Marcus.

     SECTION 5.11  Subsidiaries.  Each of the parties hereto shall cause to be
performed, and hereby guarantees the performance of, all actions, agreements and
obligations set forth herein to be performed by any Subsidiary of such party or
by any entity that is contemplated to be a Subsidiary of such party on or after
the Distribution Date.

     SECTION 5.12  Third Party Beneficiaries.  Except as provided in Article III
relating to Indemnitees, this Agreement is solely for the benefit of the parties
hereto and their respective Subsidiaries and Affiliates and should not be deemed
to confer upon third parties any remedy, claim, liability, reimbursement, claim
of action or other right in excess of those existing without reference to this

     SECTION 5.13  Title and Headings.  Titles and headings to sections herein
are inserted for the convenience of reference only and are not intended to be a
part of or to affect the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.

     SECTION 5.14  Exhibits and Schedules.  The Exhibits and Schedules shall be
construed with and as an integral part of this Agreement to the same extent as
if the same had been set forth verbatim herein.

     SECTION 5.15  Governing Law.  This Agreement shall be governed by and
construed in accordance with the Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
applicable to contracts made and to be performed in the Commonwealth of

     SECTION 5.16  Consent to Jurisdiction.  Each of the parties irrevocably
submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of (a) the Supreme Court of the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and (b) the United States District Court for the
District of Massachusetts, for the purposes of any suit, action or other
proceeding arising out of this Agreement or any transaction contemplated hereby.
Each of the parties agrees to commence any action, suit or proceeding relating
hereto either in the United States District Court for the District of
Massachusetts or if such suit, action or other proceeding may not be brought in
such court for jurisdictional reasons, in the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth
of Massachusetts. Each of the parties further agrees that service of any
process, summons, notice or document by U.S. registered mail to such party's
respective address set forth above shall be effective service of process for any
action, suit or proceeding in Massachusetts with respect to any matters to which
it has submitted to jurisdiction in this Section 5.16. Each of the parties
irrevocably and unconditionally waives any objection to the laying of venue of
any action, suit or proceeding arising out of this Agreement or the transactions
contemplated hereby in (i) the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts, or (ii) the United States District Court for the District of
Massachusetts, and hereby further irrevocably and unconditionally waives and
agrees not to plead or claim in any such court that any such action, suit or
proceeding brought in any such court has been brought in an inconvenient forum.

     SECTION 5.17  Severability.  In the event any one or more of the provisions
contained in this Agreement should be held invalid, illegal or unenforceable in
any respect, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining
provisions contained herein and therein shall not in any way be affected or
impaired thereby. The parties shall endeavor in good-faith negotiations to
replace the invalid, illegal or unenforceable provisions with valid provisions,
the economic effect of which comes as close as possible to that of the invalid,
illegal or unenforceable provisions.


     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be duly
executed as of the day and year first above written.

                                         HARCOURT GENERAL, INC.

                                         By:       /s/ JOHN R. COOK
                                           Name:   John R. Cook
                                           Title:  Senior Vice President and
                                                   Chief Financial Officer

                                         THE NEIMAN MARCUS GROUP, INC.

                                         By:      /s/ ERIC P. GELLER
                                           Name:   Eric P. Geller
                                           Title:  Senior Vice President,
                                                   General Counsel and Secretary


                                                                      APPENDIX C



                         THE NEIMAN MARCUS GROUP, INC.


     The following represents a restatement of the current Certificate of
Incorporation of The Neiman Marcus Group, Inc. (the "Corporation"), together
with proposed changes as indicated by the italicized text:

     THE NEIMAN MARCUS GROUP, INC., a Delaware corporation organized on June 2,
1987 under the name Specialty Store Company (the "Corporation") does hereby
certify that, pursuant to Section 245 of the General Corporation Law of the
State of Delaware, the Corporation's Certificate of Incorporation is hereby
restated to read in its entirety as follows:

     First: The name of the Corporation is The Neiman Marcus Group, Inc.
(hereinafter the "Corporation").

     Second: The address of the registered office of the Corporation in the
State of Delaware is 1209 Orange Street, in the City of Wilmington, County of
New Castle. The name of its registered agent at that address is The Corporation
Trust Company.

     Third: The purpose of the Corporation is to engage in any lawful act or
activity for which a corporation may be organized under the General Corporation
Law of the State of Delaware (the "GCL").


     1. AUTHORIZED STOCK.  The total number of shares which the Corporation is
authorized to issue is [three hundred million (300,000,000) shares](1) [two
hundred million shares (200,000,000)](2). [Two hundred fifty million
(250,000,000)](3) [One Hundred fifty million (150,000,000)](4) shares shall be
designated common stock (the "Common Stock") [, of which [one hundred million
(100,000,000)](5) [Seventy-Five million (75,000,000)](6) shares shall be
designated Class A Common Stock (the "Class A Common Stock"), [one hundred
million (100,000,000)](7)[Seventy-Five million (75,000,000)](8) shares shall be
designated Class B Common Stock (the "Class B Common Stock") [and fifty million
(50,000,000) shares shall be designated Class C Common Stock (the "Class C
Common Stock")].(9) Fifty million (50,000,000) shares shall be designated
preferred stock (the "Preferred Stock"), all of which are presently undesignated
as to series. Each

- ---------------
 (1)If the Merger Agreement is adopted and the Authorized Capital Amendment is
    approved, the total number of authorized shares will be increased from
    200,000,000 to 300,000,000.
 (2)If either the Merger Agreement is not adopted or the Authorized Capital
    Amendment is not approved, the total number of authorized shares will remain
 (3)If the Merger Agreement is adopted and the Authorized Capital Amendment is
    approved, the total number of authorized shares of Common Stock will be
    increased from 150,000,000 to 200,000,000.
 (4)If either the Merger Agreement is not adopted or the Authorized Capital
    Amendment is not approved, the total number of authorized shares of Common
    Stock will remain unchanged.
 (5)If the Merger Agreement is adopted and the Authorized Capital Amendment is
    approved, the total number of authorized shares of Class A Common Stock will
    be 100,000,000.
 (6)If the Merger Agreement is adopted and the Authorized Capital Amendment is
    not approved, the total number of authorized shares of Class A Common Stock
    will be 75,000,000.
 (7)If the Merger Agreement is adopted and the Authorized Capital Amendment is
    approved, the total number of authorized shares of Class B Common Stock will
    be 100,000,000.
 (8)If the Merger Agreement is adopted and the Authorized Capital Amendment is
    not approved, the total number of authorized shares of Class B Common Stock
    will be 75,000,000.
 (9)If the Merger Agreement is adopted and the Authorized Capital Amendment is
    approved, then the Restated Certificate of Incorporation will be amended to
    authorize the creation of a new Class C Common Stock.


     share of Preferred Stock shall have a par value of $0.01 and each share of
Common Stock shall have a par value of $0.01.

     [2. Common Stock.(10) The Class A Common Stock, the Class B Common Stock
and the Class C Common Stock shall be identical in all respects, except as
otherwise expressly provided herein. The relative powers, preferences, rights,
qualifications, limitations and restrictions of the shares of Class A Common
Stock, Class B Common Stock and Class C Common Stock shall be as follows:

          (a) CASH DIVIDENDS. Subject to the rights and preferences of the
     Preferred Stock as set forth in any resolution or resolutions of the Board
     of Directors providing for the issuance of such stock pursuant to this
     Article Fourth, and except as otherwise provided for herein, the holders of
     Class A Common Stock, Class B Common Stock and Class C Common Stock are
     entitled to receive dividends out of assets legally available therefor at
     such times and in such per share amounts as the Board of Directors may from
     time to time determine; PROVIDED that whenever a cash dividend is paid, the
     same amount shall be paid in respect of each outstanding share of Class A
     Common Stock, Class B Common Stock and Class C Common Stock.

          (b) STOCK DIVIDENDS. If at any time a dividend is to be paid in shares
     of Class A Common Stock, shares of Class B Common Stock or shares of Class
     C Common Stock (a "stock dividend"), such stock dividend may be declared
     and paid only as follows: only Class A Common Stock may be paid to holders
     of Class A Common Stock, only Class B Common Stock may be paid to holders
     of Class B Common Stock and only Class C Common Stock may be paid to
     holders of Class C Common Stock. Whenever a stock dividend is paid, the
     same rate or ratio of shares shall be paid in respect of each outstanding
     share of Class A Common Stock, Class B Common Stock and Class C Common

          (c) PROPERTY DIVIDENDS. If at any time a dividend is to be paid in
     rights to purchase shares of Series A Preferred Stock, shares of Series B
     Preferred Stock or shares of Series C Preferred Stock (a "rights dividend")
     (including in each case with adjustments that will, under certain
     circumstances, constitute rights to purchase Class A Common Stock, Class B
     Common Stock and Class C Common Stock, respectively), such rights dividend
     may be declared and paid only as follows: only rights to purchase Series A
     Preferred Stock may be paid to holders of Class A Common Stock, only rights
     to purchase Series B Preferred Stock may be paid to holders of Class B
     Common Stock and only rights to purchase Series C Preferred Stock may be
     paid to holders of Class C Common Stock. Whenever any other property
     dividend is paid, the same rate or ratio of shares or other property shall
     be paid in respect of each outstanding share of Class A Common Stock, Class
     B Common Stock and Class C Common Stock. The references in this paragraph
     to any series of preferred stock contemplate the issuance of such preferred
     stock pursuant to a stockholders rights plan adopted by the Corporation.

          (d) STOCK SUBDIVISIONS AND COMBINATIONS. The Corporation shall not
     subdivide, reclassify or combine stock of any class of Common Stock without
     at the same time making a proportionate subdivision, reclassification or
     combination of shares of the other classes.

          (e) VOTING. Voting power shall be divided between the classes of stock
     as follows:

             (i) Subject to Sections (2)(e)(ii) and (2)(e)(iv) of this Article
        Fourth, with respect to the election of directors, holders of Class A
        Common Stock and holders of Class C Common Stock, voting together as a
        class, shall be entitled to elect that number of directors which
        constitutes 18% of the authorized number of members of the Board of
        Directors (or, if such 18% is not a whole number, then the nearest lower
        whole number) (the "Class A Directors"). Each share of Class A Common
        Stock shall have one vote in the election of the Class A Directors and
        each share of Class C Common Stock shall have one-tenth (1/10th) of one
        vote in the election of the Class A Directors. Subject to Section
        (2)(e)(ii) of this Article Fourth, holders of Class B Common Stock shall
        be entitled to elect

- ---------------

(10)This new Section 2 of Article Fourth will be added to the Restated
    Certificate of Incorporation if the Merger Agreement and the Authorized
    Capital Amendment are approved. This new Section 2 specifies the relative
    rights of the Class A, Class B and Class C Common Stock.


        the remaining directors (the "Class B Directors"). The initial Class A
        Director shall be designated by a majority of the directors of the
        Corporation as of the effectiveness of this Amendment, and the holders
        of Class A Common Stock and Class C Common Stock, voting together as a
        class, shall be entitled to vote for the election or replacement of such
        Class A Director in satisfaction of their "Special Voting Rights" as
        defined in clause (ii) below, at the next election of directors of the
        Class (e.g. Class I, Class II or Class III) in which such director
        serves are elected. Each share of Class B Common Stock shall have one
        vote in the election of Class B Directors. For purposes of this Section
        (2)(e)(i), references to the authorized number of members of the Board
        of Directors shall not include any directors which the holders of any
        shares of any series of Preferred Stock have the right to elect.

             (ii) For purposes of this Section (2)(e)(ii), "Special Voting
        Rights" means the different voting rights of the holders of Class A
        Common Stock and Class C Common Stock, on the one hand, and holders of
        Class B Common Stock, on the other hand, with respect to the election of
        the applicable percentage of the authorized number of members of the
        Board of Directors as described in Section (2)(e)(i). If approved by the
        Board of Directors, at any annual or special meeting of stockholders of
        the Corporation held at any time after the fifth anniversary of the
        distribution by Harcourt General, Inc. to its stockholders of all of the
        Class B Common Stock owned by it (the "Fifth Year Anniversary"), a
        majority of the outstanding shares of the Class A Common Stock and Class
        C Common Stock, voting together as a class, and a majority of the
        outstanding shares of the Class B Common Stock, voting separately as a
        class, may vote to eliminate the Special Voting Rights, in which case
        Section (2)(e)(i) of this Article Fourth shall have no further force or
        effect, and thereafter holders of Common Stock shall have voting rights
        as are specified in Section (2)(e)(iv) of this Article Fourth and shall
        be entitled to elect all members of the Board of Directors. This Section
        (2)(e)(ii) shall not be amended prior to the Fifth Year Anniversary
        without the affirmative vote of the holders of at least 66 2/3% of the
        combined voting power of all of the Voting Stock, voting together as a
        single class, together with any vote of the holders of any class of
        stock required by law.

             (iii) Unless the Special Voting Rights have been eliminated in
        accordance with Section (2)(e)(ii) of Article Fourth, all newly-created
        directorships resulting from an increase in the authorized number of
        directors shall be allocated between Class A Directors and Class B
        Directors such that at all times the number of Class A directorships
        shall be 18% of the authorized number of members of the Board of
        Directors (or, if such 18% is not a whole number, then the nearest lower
        whole number) and the remaining directorships shall be Class B

             (iv) Except as otherwise specified herein or required by law, the
        holders of Class A Common Stock, Class B Common Stock and Class C Common
        Stock shall in all matters not otherwise specified in this Section
        (2)(e) of this Article Fourth vote together as one class (including,
        without limitation, with respect to increases or decreases in the
        authorized number of shares of any class of stock of the Corporation and
        without the vote of any class voting separately as a class), with each
        share of Class A Common Stock and Class B Common Stock having one vote
        and each share of Class C Common Stock having one-tenth (1/10th) vote.

             (v) Every reference in this Restated Certificate of Incorporation
        or the Corporation's Amended and Restated By-laws to a majority or other
        proportion of shares of stock shall refer to such majority or other
        proportion of the votes of such shares of stock.

          (f) MERGER OR CONSOLIDATION. The Corporation shall not enter into any
     consolidation of the Corporation with one or more other corporations, a
     merger of the Corporation with another corporation, a reorganization of the
     Corporation or other similar combination of the Corporation with one or
     more third parties, in which each holder of a share of Class A Common
     Stock, Class B Common Stock and Class C Common Stock is not entitled to
     receive with respect to such share the same kind and amount of shares of
     stock and other securities and property (including cash) receivable upon
     such consolidation, merger, reorganization or other combination as each
     other holder of a share of Class A Common Stock,


     Class B Common Stock and Class C Common Stock; PROVIDED that, in any such
     transaction, the holders of shares of Class A Common Stock, Class B Common
     Stock and Class C Common Stock may each receive different kinds of shares
     of stock that differ to the extent and only to the extent that the Board of
     Directors determines in good faith that such shares differ with respect to
     the rights of holders of such shares as the Class A Common Stock, Class B
     Common Stock and Class C Common Stock differ as provided herein.

          (g) LIQUIDATION. In the event of any liquidation, dissolution or
     winding up of the Corporation, the holders of the Class A Common Stock,
     Class B Common Stock and Class C Common Stock shall participate equally per
     share in any distribution to stockholders, without distinction between

     [2. COMMON STOCK.(11) The Class A Common Stock and the Class B Common Stock
shall be identical in all respects, except as otherwise expressly provided
herein. The relative powers, preferences, rights, qualifications, limitations
and restrictions of the shares of Class A Common Stock and Class B Common Stock
shall be as follows:

          (a) CASH DIVIDENDS. Subject to the rights and preferences of the
     Preferred Stock as set forth in any resolution or resolutions of the Board
     of Directors providing for the issuance of such stock pursuant to this
     Article Fourth, and except as otherwise provided for herein, the holders of
     Class A Common Stock and Class B Common Stock are entitled to receive
     dividends out of assets legally available therefor at such times and in
     such per share amounts as the Board of Directors may from time to time
     determine; PROVIDED that whenever a cash dividend is paid, the same amount
     shall be paid in respect of each outstanding share of Class A Common Stock
     and Class B Common Stock.

          (b) STOCK DIVIDENDS. If at any time a dividend is to be paid in shares
     of Class A Common Stock or shares of Class B Common Stock (a "stock
     dividend"), such stock dividend may be declared and paid only as follows:
     only Class A Common Stock may be paid to holders of Class A Common Stock
     and only Class B Common Stock may be paid to holders of Class B Common
     Stock. Whenever a stock dividend is paid, the same rate or ratio of shares
     shall be paid in respect of each outstanding share of Class A Common Stock
     and Class B Common Stock.

          (c) PROPERTY DIVIDENDS. If at any time a dividend is to be paid in
     rights to purchase shares of Series A Preferred Stock or shares of Series B
     Preferred Stock (a "rights dividend") (including in each case with
     adjustments that will, under certain circumstances, constitute rights to
     purchase Class A Common Stock and Class B Common Stock, respectively), such
     rights dividend may be declared and paid only as follows: only rights to
     purchase Series A Preferred Stock may be paid to holders of Class A Common
     Stock and only rights to purchase Series B Preferred Stock may be paid to
     holders of Class B Common Stock. Whenever any other property dividend is
     paid, the same rate or ratio of shares or other property shall be paid in
     respect of each outstanding share of Class A Common Stock and Class B
     Common Stock. The references in this paragraph to any series of preferred
     stock contemplate the issuance of such preferred stock pursuant to a
     stockholders rights plan adopted by the Corporation.

          (d) STOCK SUBDIVISIONS AND COMBINATIONS. The Corporation shall not
     subdivide, reclassify or combine stock of either class of Common Stock
     without at the same time making a proportionate subdivision,
     reclassification or combination of shares of the other class.

          (e) VOTING. Voting power shall be divided between the classes of stock
     as follows:

             (i) Subject to Sections (2)(e)(ii) and (2)(e)(iv) of this Article
        Fourth, with respect to the election of directors, holders of Class A
        Common Stock shall be entitled to elect that number of directors which
        constitutes 18% of the authorized number of members of the Board of
        Directors (or, if such 18% is not a whole number, then the nearest lower
        whole number) (the "Class A Directors"). Each share of Class A Common
        Stock shall have one vote in the election of the Class A Directors.

- ---------------

(11)This new Section 2 of Article Fourth will be added to the Restated
    Certificate of Incorporation if the Merger Agreement is approved, but the
    Authorized Capital Amendment is not approved. This new Section 2 specifies
    the relative rights of the Class A Common Stock and the Class B Common


        Subject to Section (2)(e)(ii) of this Article Fourth, holders of Class B
        Common Stock shall be entitled to elect the remaining directors (the
        "Class B Directors"). The initial Class A Director shall be designated
        by a majority of the directors of the Corporation as of the
        effectiveness of this Amendment, and the holders of Class A Common Stock
        shall be entitled to vote for the election or replacement of such Class
        A Director in satisfaction of their "Special Voting Rights" as defined
        in clause (ii) below, at the next election of directors of the Class
        (e.g. Class I, Class II or Class III) in which such director serves are
        elected. Each share of Class B Common Stock shall have one vote in the
        election of Class B Directors. For purposes of this Section (2)(e)(i),
        references to the authorized number of members of the Board of Directors
        shall not include any directors which the holders of any shares of any
        series of Preferred Stock have the right to elect.

             (ii) For purposes of this Section (2)(e)(ii), "Special Voting
        Rights" means the different voting rights of the holders of Class A
        Common Stock, on the one hand, and holders of Class B Common Stock, on
        the other hand, with respect to the election of the applicable
        percentage of the authorized number of members of the Board of Directors
        as described in Section (2)(e)(i). If approved by the Board of
        Directors, at any annual or special meeting of stockholders of the
        Corporation held at any time after the fifth anniversary of the
        distribution by Harcourt General, Inc. to its stockholders of all of the
        Class B Common Stock owned by it (the "Fifth Year Anniversary"), a
        majority of the outstanding shares of the Class A Common Stock and a
        majority of the outstanding shares of the Class B Common Stock, voting
        separately, may vote to eliminate the Special Voting Rights, in which
        case Section (2)(e)(i) of this Article Fourth shall have no further
        force or effect, and thereafter holders of Common Stock shall have
        voting rights as are specified in Section (2)(e)(iv) of this Article
        Fourth and shall be entitled to elect all members of the Board of
        Directors. This Section (2)(e)(ii) shall not be amended prior to the
        Fifth Year Anniversary without the affirmative vote of the holders of at
        least 66 2/3% of the combined voting power of all of the Voting Stock,
        voting together as a single class, together with any vote of the holders
        of any class of stock required by law.

             (iii) Unless the Special Voting Rights have been eliminated in
        accordance with Section (2)(e)(ii) of Article Fourth, all newly-created
        directorships resulting from an increase in the authorized number of
        directors shall be allocated between Class A Directors and Class B
        Directors such that at all times the number of Class A directorships
        shall be 18% of the authorized number of members of the Board of
        Directors (or, if such 18% is not a whole number, then the nearest lower
        whole number) and the remaining directorships shall be Class B

             (iv) Except as otherwise specified herein or required by law, the
        holders of Class A Common Stock and Class B Common Stock shall in all
        matters not otherwise specified in this Section (2)(e) of this Article
        Fourth vote together as one class (including, without limitation, with
        respect to increases or decreases in the authorized number of shares of
        any class of stock of the Corporation and without the vote of any class
        voting separately as a class), with each share of Class A Common Stock
        and Class B Common Stock having one vote.

             (v) Every reference in this Restated Certificate of Incorporation
        or the Corporation's Amended and Restated By-laws to a majority or other
        proportion of shares of stock shall refer to such majority or other
        proportion of the votes of such shares of stock.

          (f) MERGER OR CONSOLIDATION. The Corporation shall not enter into any
     consolidation of the Corporation with one or more other corporations, a
     merger of the Corporation with another corporation, a reorganization of the
     Corporation or other similar combination of the Corporation with one or
     more third parties, in which each holder of a share of Class A Common Stock
     and Class B Common Stock is not entitled to receive with respect to such
     share the same kind and amount of shares of stock and other securities and
     property (including cash) receivable upon such consolidation, merger,
     reorganization or other combination as each other holder of a share of
     Class A Common Stock and Class B Common Stock; PROVIDED that, in any such
     transaction, the holders of shares of Class A Common Stock and Class B
     Common Stock may each receive different kinds of shares of stock that
     differ to the extent and only to the extent that the Board of Directors
     determines in good faith that such shares differ with respect


     to the rights of holders of such shares as the Class A Common Stock and
     Class B Common Stock differ as provided herein.

          (g) LIQUIDATION. In the event of any liquidation, dissolution or
     winding up of the Corporation, the holders of the Class A Common Stock and
     Class B Common Stock shall participate equally per share in any
     distribution to stockholders, without distinction between classes.]

     The Board of Directors is hereby authorized from time to time to provide by
resolution for the issuance of shares of Preferred Stock in one or more series
not exceeding the aggregate number of shares of Preferred Stock authorized by
this Certificate of Incorporation, as amended from time to time; and to
determine with respect to each such series the voting powers, if any (which
voting powers if granted may be full or limited), designations, preferences and
relative, participating, optional or other special rights, and the
qualifications, limitations or restrictions relating thereto; including without
limiting the generality of the foregoing, the voting rights relating to shares
of Preferred Stock of any series (which may be one or more votes per share or a
fraction of a vote per share, which may vary over time and which may be
applicable generally or only upon the happening and continuance of stated events
or conditions), the rate of dividend to which holders of Preferred Stock of any
series may be entitled (which may be cumulative or noncumulative), the rights of
holders of Preferred Stock of any series in the event of liquidation,
dissolution or winding up of the affairs of the Corporation, the rights, if any,
of holders of Preferred Stock of any series to convert or exchange such shares
of Preferred Stock of such series for shares of any other class or series of
capital stock or for any other securities, property or assets of the Corporation
or any subsidiary (including the determination of the price or prices or the
rate or rates applicable to such rights to convert or exchange and the
adjustment thereof, the time or times during which the right to convert or
exchange shall be applicable and the time or times during which a particular
price or rate shall be applicable), whether or not the shares of that series
shall be redeemable, and, if so, the terms and conditions of such redemption,
including the date or dates upon or after which they shall be redeemable, and
the amount per share payable in case of redemption, which amount may vary under
different conditions and at different redemption dates, and whether any shares
of that series shall be redeemed pursuant to a retirement or sinking fund or
otherwise and the terms and conditions of such obligation.

     Before the Corporation shall issue any shares of Preferred Stock of any
series, a certificate setting forth a copy of the resolution or resolutions of
the Board of Directors, fixing the voting powers, designations, preferences, the
relative, participating, optional or other rights, if any, and the
qualifications, limitations and restrictions, if any, relating to the shares of
Preferred Stock of such series, and the number of shares of Preferred Stock of
such series authorized by the Board of Directors to be issued shall be made
under seal of the Corporation and signed by and shall be filed and a copy
thereof recorded in the manner prescribed by the GCL. The Board of Directors is
further authorized to increase or decrease (but not below the number of such
shares of such series then outstanding) the number of shares of any series
subsequent to the issuance of shares of that series.

     Fifth:  The directors shall have concurrent power with the stockholders to
make, alter, amend, change, add to or repeal the By-Laws of the Corporation.

     Sixth:  Whenever a compromise or arrangement is proposed between the
Corporation and its creditors or any class of them and/or between the
Corporation and its stockholders or any class of them, any court of equitable
jurisdiction within the State of Delaware may, on the application in a summary
way of the Corporation or of any creditor or stockholder thereof or on the
application of any receiver or receivers appointed for the Corporation under the
provisions of Section 291 of the GCL or on the application of trustees in
dissolution or of any receiver or receivers appointed for the Corporation under
the provisions of Section 279 of the GCL, order a meeting of the creditors or
class of creditors, and/or of the stockholders or class of stockholders of the
Corporation, as the case may be, to be summoned in such manner as the said court
directs. If a majority in number representing three-fourths in value of the
creditors or class of creditors, and/or of the stockholders or class of
stockholders of the Corporation, as the case may be, agree to any compromise or
arrangement and to any reorganization of the Corporation as a consequence of
such compromise or arrangement, the said compromise or arrangement and the said
reorganization shall, if sanctioned by the court


to which the said application has been made, be binding on all the creditors or
class of creditors, and/or on all the stockholders or class of stockholders, of
the Corporation, as the case may be, and also on the Corporation.

     Seventh:  Except as otherwise fixed pursuant to the provisions of Article
Fourth of this Certificate of Incorporation relating to the rights of the
holders of any one or more classes or series of Preferred Stock issued by the
Corporation to call an annual or special meeting of stockholders, special
meetings of the stockholders of the Corporation may not be called by the
stockholders of the Corporation.

     Eighth:  Notwithstanding the GCL, any action required to be taken or which
may be taken by the holders of the Common Stock must be effected at a duly
called annual or special meeting of such holders and may not be taken by any
consent in writing by such holders.

     Ninth:  The directors shall be divided into three classes, designated Class
I, Class II and Class III. Each class shall consist, as nearly as may be
possible, of one third of the total number of directors constituting the entire
Board of Directors. Initially, Class I directors shall be elected for a one-year
term, Class II directors for a two-year term and Class III directors for a
three-year term. At the annual meeting of stockholders beginning in 1988,
successors to the class of directors whose term expires at that annual meeting
shall be elected for a three-year term. If the number of directors is changed,
any increase or decrease shall be apportioned among the classes so as to
maintain the number of directors in each class as nearly equal as possible, and
any additional director of any class elected to fill a vacancy resulting from an
increase in such class shall hold office for a term that shall coincide with the
remaining term of that class, but in no case will a decrease in the number of
directors shorten the term of any incumbent director. A director shall hold
office until the annual meeting for the year in which his term expires and until
his successor shall be elected and shall qualify, subject, however, to prior
death, resignation, retirement, disqualification or removal from office. [Any
vacancy on the Board of Directors that results from an increase in the number of
directors may be filled by a majority of the directors then in office, provided
that a quorum is present, and any other vacancy occurring in the Board of
Directors may be filled by a majority of the Board of Directors then in office,
even if less than a quorum, or by a sole remaining director. Any director
elected to fill a vacancy not resulting from an increase in the number of
directors shall have the same remaining term as that of his predecessor.](12)
[Any vacancy in the office of a director created by the death, resignation,
retirement, disqualification, removal from office of a director or other cause,
elected by (or appointed on behalf of) the holders of the Class B Common Stock,
on the one hand, or the holders of the Class A Common Stock and [any other class
of stock entitled to vote for the class of directors elected by the holders of
the Class A Common Stock](13), on the other hand, as the case may be, shall be
filled by the vote of the majority of the directors (or the sole remaining
director) elected by (or appointed on behalf of) such holders of Class B Common
Stock, on the one hand, or Class A Common Stock and [any other class of stock
entitled to vote for the class of directors elected by the holders of the Class
A Common Stock](14), on the other hand (or on behalf of whom that director was
appointed), as the case may be, unless there are no such directors in such
Class, in which case such vacancy shall be filled by the stockholders of such
Class, or the Special Voting Rights have been eliminated in accordance with
Section (2)(e)(ii) of Article Fourth, in which case such vacancy shall be filled
by the vote of the majority of the directors (or the sole remaining director),
regardless of any quorum requirements set out in the By-laws. Any director
elected to fill a vacancy not resulting from an increase in the number of
directors shall have the same remaining term as that of his predecessor.

     Unless the Special Voting Rights have been eliminated in accordance with
Section (2)(e)(ii) of Article Fourth, all newly-created directorships resulting
from an increase in the authorized number of directors shall be allocated
pursuant to Section (2)(e)(iii) of Article Fourth. Once such newly-created
directorships have been allocated as Class A Directors or Class B Directors,
such newly-created directorships shall be filled by the vote of the majority of
the directors in such Class (or the sole remaining director in such Class), as
the case shall be, unless there are no such directors in such Class, in which
case such vacancy shall be filled by the

- ---------------

(12)If the Merger Agreement is not adopted, this provision shall continue to
    apply and no new language will be added to Article Ninth. If the Merger
    Agreement is adopted, this provision will be deleted.

(13)This provision will include the Class C Common Stock if the Authorized
    Capital Amendment is approved.

(14)This provision will include the Class C Common Stock if the Authorized
    Capital Amendment is approved.


stockholders of such Class, or the Special Voting Rights have been eliminated in
accordance with Section (2)(e)(ii) of Article Fourth, in which case such vacancy
shall be filled by the vote of the majority of the directors (or the sole
remaining director), regardless of any quorum requirements set out in the

     In the event that there are no remaining directors, any vacancy in the
office of a director shall be filled by the vote of the majority of stockholders
who elected such director (or on whose behalf such director was appointed.)](15)

     Notwithstanding the foregoing, whenever pursuant to the provisions of
Article Fourth of this Certificate of Incorporation, the holders of any one or
more classes or series of Preferred Stock issued by the Corporation shall have
the right, voting separately by class or series, to elect directors at an annual
or special meeting of stockholders, the election, term of office, filling of
vacancies and other features of such directorships shall be governed by the
terms of this Certificate of Incorporation applicable thereto, and such
directors so elected shall not be divided into classes pursuant to this Article
Ninth unless expressly provided by such terms.

     Tenth:  No director shall be personally liable to the Corporation or any of
its stockholders for monetary damages for breach of fiduciary duty as a director
except for liability (i) for any breach of the director's duty of loyalty to the
Corporation or its stockholders, (ii) for acts or omissions not in good faith or
which involve intentional misconduct or a knowing violation of law, (iii)
pursuant to Section 174 of the GCL or (iv) for any transaction from which the
director derived an improper personal benefit. Any repeal or modification of
this Article Tenth by the stockholders of the Corporation shall not adversely
affect any right or protection of a director of the Corporation existing at the
time of such repeal or modification with respect to acts or omissions for or
with respect to any acts or omissions of such director occurring prior to such
repeal or modification.

     Eleventh:  Subject to Article Fifth and notwithstanding anything else
contained in this Certificate of Incorporation to the contrary, the affirmative
vote of the holders of at least 66 2/3% of the combined voting power of all of
the Voting Stock, voting together as a single class, shall be required to alter,
amend, rescind or repeal (A) Article Seventh, Article Eighth, Article Ninth or
this Article Eleventh or to adopt any provision inconsistent therewith or (B)
Section 3 of Article II, Sections 1, 2 and 10 of Article III, Article VIII or
Article IX of the By-Laws of the Corporation or to adopt any provision
inconsistent therewith.

     "Voting Stock" shall mean the securities of the Corporation which are
entitled to vote generally for the election of directors of the Corporation.

     [Twelfth:(16) Except as otherwise fixed pursuant to Article Fourth of this
Certificate of Incorporation relating to the rights of the holders of any one or
more classes or series of Preferred Stock issued by the Corporation acting
separately by class or series, to elect, under specified circumstances,
directors at an annual or special meeting of stockholders, the Board of
Directors shall consist of not less than six nor more than nine persons, the
exact number to be fixed from time to time exclusively by the Board of Directors
pursuant to a resolution adopted by a majority of the Board of Directors. The
affirmative vote of the holders of at least 66 2/3% of the combined voting power
of all of the Voting Stock, voting together as a single class, shall be required
to alter, amend, rescind or repeal this Article or to adopt any provision
inconsistent therewith.]

     [Thirteenth:(17) Notwithstanding anything else contained in this
Certificate of Incorporation to the contrary, the affirmative vote of the
holders of at least 66 2/3% of the combined voting power of the Voting Stock,
voting together as a single class, shall be required for the Corporation to
effect or consummate:

          (1) any merger or consolidation of the Corporation with or into any
     other corporation;

- ---------------

(15)If the Merger Agreement is adopted, the Restated Certificate of
    Incorporation will be amended to include these provisions regarding the
    filling of vacancies on the Board of Directors.

(16)If the Merger Agreement is adopted and the Board Size Amendment is approved,
    this new Article Twelfth will be added to the Restated Certificate of

(17)If the Merger Agreement is adopted and the Supermajority Voting Amendment is
    approved, this new Article Thirteenth will be added to the Restated
    Certificate of Incorporation. If the Board Size Amendment is not adopted,
    this Article will be renumbered as Article Twelfth.


          (2) any sale, lease, exchange or other disposition of all or
     substantially all of the assets of the Corporation to or with any other
     person; or

          (3) any issuance by the Corporation of any voting securities of the
     Corporation which issuance would require approval by the stockholders of
     the Corporation pursuant to the GCL or the rules of any exchange on which
     the voting securities of the Corporation are listed, other than an issuance
     by the Corporation of voting securities as required by any stockholder
     rights plan adopted by the Corporation, unless such issuance has been
     approved by a resolution adopted by not less than two-thirds of all the
     directors then in office;

     PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the foregoing requirement shall not apply, and the
     provisions of the GCL relating to the percentage of stockholder approval,
     if any, shall apply to any merger or other transaction described in the
     preceding subparagraphs (1), (2) or (3) if the other party to the merger or
     other transaction is a Subsidiary of the corporation.

     For purposes of this Article Thirteenth a "Subsidiary" is any corporation
     more than 50% of the voting securities of which are owned directly or
     indirectly by the Corporation; and a "person" is any individual,
     partnership, corporation or entity.

     The affirmative vote of the holders of at least 66 2/3% of the combined
     voting power of all of the Voting Stock, voting together as a single class,
     shall be required to alter, amend, rescind or repeal this Article or to
     adopt any provision inconsistent therewith.

     This Article Thirteenth shall be of no further force and effect from and
     after the Fifth Year Anniversary.]


                                                                      APPENDIX D

                               BY-LAWS AMENDMENT

                         THE NEIMAN MARCUS GROUP, INC.

     1. The By-laws of the Company in effect as of May 14, 1999 have been
amended by adding a new Section 7 at the end of Article II, as follows:

     "Section 7. Business Brought Before Meetings.  At any Annual Meeting of
     Stockholders, only such business shall be conducted as shall have been
     brought before the meeting (a) pursuant to the Corporation's notice of
     meeting, (b) by or at the direction of the Board of Directors or (c) by a
     stockholder of the Corporation who is a stockholder of record at the time
     of giving of the notice provided for in this Section 2, who shall be
     entitled to vote at such meeting and who complies with the notice
     procedures set forth in this Section 2. For business to be properly brought
     before an Annual Meeting of Stockholders pursuant to clause (c) above, the
     stockholder must have given written notice thereof to, either by personal
     delivery or by United States mail, postage prepaid, and such notice must
     have been received by, the Secretary of the Corporation, not later than
     ninety days prior to the anniversary date of the immediately preceding
     Annual Meeting. Such notice shall set forth: (a) the name and address, as
     they appear on the Corporation's books, of the stockholder who is proposing
     such business, and the name and address of the beneficial owner, if any, on
     whose behalf the proposal is made; (b) the number and class of shares of
     stock of the Corporation that are beneficially owned on the date of such
     notice by the stockholder, or the beneficial owner on whose behalf the
     proposal is made; (c) a representation that the stockholder is a holder of
     record of stock of the Corporation entitled to vote at such meeting and
     intends to appear in person or by proxy at the meeting to propose such
     business; (d) a description of the business desired to be brought before
     the meeting and the reasons for conducting such business at the meeting,
     (e) any material interest of such stockholder of record and the beneficial
     owner, if any, on whose behalf the proposal is made, in such business and
     (f) a statement as to whether such stockholder of record, and the
     beneficial owner, if any, intend to solicit proxies in support of such
     proposal. The presiding officer of the meeting shall determine and declare
     to the meeting whether or not such business was properly brought before the
     meeting in accordance with the procedures prescribed by these By-laws, and
     at such officer's discretion, may declare such business not properly
     brought before the meeting and shall not recognize the bringing of such

     At any Special Meeting of Stockholders, only such business shall be
     conducted as shall have been brought before the meeting pursuant to the
     Corporation's notice of Special Meeting."

     2. The By-laws of the Company in effect as of May 14, 1999 have been
amended by replacing the first and second sentences of Article IV, Section 1
with the following:

     "The officers of the Corporation shall be chosen by the Board of Directors
     and shall be one or more Presidents, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The Board
     of Directors, in its discretion, may also choose one or more Chief
     Executive Officers, Vice Presidents, Assistant Secretaries, Assistant
     Treasurers and other officers."

     3. Article III, Section 1 of the By-laws has been amended(1) by deleting
the word "three" in the phrase "not less than three nor more than nine persons"
in the first sentence of such section and substituting in lieu thereof the word
"six", and by deleting the second sentence of such section and substituting in
lieu thereof the following:

- ---------------

    (1) This provision of the By-laws Amendment is subject to the adoption by
the Neiman Marcus stockholders of the Merger Agreement and each of the
Governance and Authorized Capital Amendments, and shall be effective immediately
prior to the filing of the Certificate of Merger.


     "Except as provided in the Certificate of Incorporation or Section 2 of
     this Article, directors shall be elected by a plurality of the votes cast
     at Annual Meetings of Stockholders by the stockholders entitled to vote for
     the election of directors (or for the election of directors of a given
     class, as applicable), and each director so elected shall hold office until
     the annual meeting for the year in which his term expires and until a
     director of the same class succeeding such director is duly elected and
     qualified, or until his earlier resignation or removal."

     4. Article III, Section 2 of the By-laws has been amended(2) by deleting
such section in its entirety and substituting in lieu thereof the following:

     "Section 2.  Vacancies.  Except as otherwise fixed pursuant to the
     provisions of Article Fourth of the Certificate of Incorporation relating
     to the rights of the holders of any one or more classes or series of
     Preferred Stock issued by the Corporation, acting separately by class or
     series, to elect, under specified circumstances, directors at an annual or
     special meeting of stockholders, and except as otherwise provided pursuant
     to the provisions of Article Ninth thereof, relating to the power of the
     Board of Directors to fill newly-created directorships and vacancies in the
     Board of Directors, any vacancy in the office of a director created by the
     death, resignation, retirement, disqualification, removal from office of a
     director or other cause, elected by (or appointed on behalf of) the holders
     of the Class B Common Stock, par value $.01 per share, of the Corporation
     (the "Class B Common Stock") on the one hand, or the holders of the Class A
     Common Stock, par value $.01 per share, of the Corporation (the "Class A
     Common Stock"), and the Class C Common Stock, par value $.01 per share, of
     the Corporation (the "Class C Common Stock"), on the other hand, as the
     case may be, shall be filled by the vote of the majority of the directors
     (or the sole remaining director) elected by (or appointed on behalf of)
     such holders of Class B Common Stock, on the one hand, or Class A Common
     Stock and Class C Common Stock, on the other hand (or on behalf of whom
     that director was appointed), as the case may be, unless there are no such
     directors in such Class, in which case such vacancy shall be filled by the
     stockholders of such Class, or the Special Voting Rights (as defined in
     Section 2(e)(ii) of Article Fourth of the Certificate of Incorporation)
     have been eliminated in accordance with Section (2)(e)(ii) of Article
     Fourth of the Certificate of Incorporation, in which case such vacancy
     shall be filled by the vote of the majority of the directors (or the sole
     remaining director), regardless of any quorum requirements set out in these
     By-laws. Any director elected to fill a vacancy not resulting from an
     increase in the number of directors shall have the same remaining term as
     that of his predecessor.

     Unless the Special Voting Rights have been eliminated in accordance with
     Section (2)(e)(ii) of Article Fourth of the Certificate of Incorporation,
     all newly-created directorships resulting from an increase in the
     authorized number of directors shall be allocated pursuant to Section
     (2)(e)(iii) of Article Fourth of the Certificate of Incorporation. Once
     such newly-created directorships have been allocated as Class A Directors
     or Class B Directors (as such terms are defined in Section (2)(e)(ii) of
     Article Fourth of the Certificate of Incorporation), such newly-created
     directorships shall be filled by the vote of the majority of the directors
     in such Class (or the sole remaining director in such Class), as the case
     shall be, unless there are no such directors in such Class, in which case
     such vacancy shall be filled by the stockholders of such Class, or the
     Special Voting Rights have been eliminated in accordance with Section
     (2)(e)(ii) of Article Fourth of the Certificate of Incorporation, in which
     case such vacancy shall be filled by the vote of the majority of the
     directors (or the sole remaining director), regardless of any quorum
     requirements set out in these By-laws. Any director elected in accordance
     with the preceding sentence shall hold office until the annual meeting for
     the year in which his term expires and until a director of the same Class
     succeeding such director shall have been elected and qualified or until his
     earlier resignation or removal. No decrease in the number of authorized
     directors constituting the entire Board of Directors shall shorten the term
     of any incumbent director."

- ---------------

    (2) This provision of the By-laws Amendment is subject to the adoption by
the Neiman Marcus stockholders of the Merger Agreement and each of the
Governance and Authorized Capital Amendments, and shall be effective immediately
prior to the filing of the Certificate of Merger.


                                   DETACH HERE


                          THE NEIMAN MARCUS GROUP, INC.

                         SPECIAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                               SEPTEMBER 15, 1999

     Richard A. Smith, John R. Cook and Eric P. Geller, and each of them singly,
each with power of substitution, are hereby authorized to represent and vote all
shares of Common Stock of the undersigned at the Special Meeting of Stockholders
of The Neiman Marcus Group, Inc. to be held at Company headquarters, 27 Boylston
Street, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, on September 15, 1999 at 10:00 a.m. and at
any adjournments or postponements thereof (the "Special Meeting"). The
undersigned hereby revokes any Proxy previously given and acknowledges receipt
of the Notice of Special Meeting and Proxy Statement dated August 10, 1999.


- ---------------                                                  ---------------
     SIDE                                                             SIDE
- ---------------                                                  ---------------


                                  DETACH HERE


                    The Board of Directors recommends a vote "FOR" Proposals 1-4

                                                          FOR   AGAINST  ABSTAIN
                    1. Approval of proposal to adopt      [ ]     [ ]      [ ]
                       Amended and Restated Agreement
                       and Plan of Merger

                    2. Approval of Board Size Proposal    [ ]     [ ]      [ ]

                    3. Approval of Supermajority Voting   [ ]     [ ]      [ ]

                    4. Approval of Authorized Capital     [ ]     [ ]      [ ]

                         MARK HERE FOR ADDRESS CHANGE AND NOTE AT LEFT     [ ]

                         MARK HERE IF YOU PLAN TO ATTEND THE MEETING       [ ]

                         For joint accounts, each owner should sign. Executors,
                         Administrators, Trustees, etc. should give full title.

Signature: ______________ Date: _______  Signature: ______________ Date: _______
                                   DETACH HERE

                                AS TRUSTEE UNDER

                          THE NEIMAN MARCUS GROUP, INC.

                              EMPLOYEE SAVINGS PLAN
               THE NEIMAN MARCUS GROUP, INC. -- SEPTEMBER 15, 1999

     I hereby instruct the Trustee to vote (in person or by proxy) all shares of
Common Stock of The Neiman Marcus Group, Inc. which are credited to my account
under the above-referenced Plan at the Special Meeting of Stockholders of The
Neiman Marcus Group, Inc. to be held at the Company headquarters, 27 Boylston
Street, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, on September 15, 1999 at 10:00 a.m. and at
any adjournments or postponements thereof. The undersigned hereby revokes any
voting instruction previously given and acknowledges receipt of the Notice of
Special Meeting and Proxy Statement dated August 10, 1999.


- ---------------                                                  ---------------
     SIDE                                                             SIDE
- ---------------                                                  ---------------


                                  DETACH HERE

                    This Instruction Card is solicited by the Plan Trustee.

                    The Board of Directors recommends a vote "FOR" Proposals 1-4

                                                          FOR   AGAINST  ABSTAIN
                    1. Approval of proposal to adopt      [ ]     [ ]      [ ]
                       Amended and Restated Agreement
                       and Plan of Merger

                    2. Approval of Board Size Proposal    [ ]     [ ]      [ ]

                    3. Approval of Supermajority Voting   [ ]     [ ]      [ ]

                    4. Approval of Authorized Capital     [ ]     [ ]      [ ]

                         MARK HERE FOR ADDRESS CHANGE AND NOTE AT LEFT     [ ]

                         MARK HERE IF YOU PLAN TO ATTEND THE MEETING       [ ]

                         For joint accounts, each owner should sign. Executors,
                         Administrators, Trustees, etc. should give full title.

Signature: ______________ Date: _______  Signature: ______________ Date: _______

- ---------------------------------------       FIDELITY MANAGEMENT TRUST COMPANY




DATE:  AUGUST 10, 1999.

     As a participant in the Neiman Marcus Group, Inc. Employee Savings Plan,
which owns shares of Neiman Marcus Common Stock, you are entitled to instruct
the Trustee on how to vote the shares of Common Stock credited to your account
on matters scheduled to come before the Special Meeting of Stockholders of The
Neiman Marcus Group, Inc. to be held on September 15, 1999.

     A proxy statement, confidential voting instruction card and return envelope
are enclosed. Please complete, date and sign the voting instruction card and
mail it promptly in the return envelope to exercise your right to direct the
trustee with respect to shares of The Neiman Marcus Group, Inc. credited to your
account. The completed and signed voting instruction card must be received by
September 14, 1999. If your card is not received by September 14, 1999, the
shares credited to your account will not be voted.

     If you own shares of The Neiman Marcus Group, Inc. outside of the Employee
Savings Plan, you will receive similar materials for those shares in a separate
mailing. Please return both cards in their separate return envelopes if you wish
to fully participate in the matters being submitted to the stockholders of The
Neiman Marcus Group, Inc.
