MIDAMERICAN FUNDING, LLC
                                (In Thousands)

                                                   FUNDING              MHC INC. (PREDECESSOR)
                                         --------------------------  ---------------------------
                                              MARCH 12, 1999 -             JANUARY 1, 1999 -
                                             SEPTEMBER 30, 1999             MARCH 11, 1999
                                         --------------------------  ---------------------------
                                                   SUPPLEMENTAL (a)             SUPPLEMENTAL (a)
                                                  -----------------            -----------------
                                                   ADJUST-    AS               ADJUST-     AS
                                                    MENT   ADJUSTED              MENT   ADJUSTED
                                                  -------  --------            ------- ---------
Income from continuing operations ...... $108,628  $   --  $108,628    $16,789   $ --   $16,789
Pre-tax (gain) loss of less than 50%
 owned persons..........................      (22)     --       (22)      (343)    --      (343)
                                         -------- -------  --------   -------- ------- --------
                                          108,606      --   108,606     16,446     --    16,446
                                         -------- -------  --------   -------- ------- --------
Add (Deduct):
Total income taxes......................   77,348      --    77,348     21,377     --    21,377
Interest on long-term debt .............   65,174   1,031    66,205     14,814    702    15,516
Other interest charges..................    5,486      --     5,486      3,145     --     3,145
Preferred stock dividends of
 subsidiary.............................    2,337      --     2,337        836     --       836
Preferred stock dividends of subsidiary
 trust..................................    3,990      --     3,990      1,995     --     1,995
Interest on leases......................       98      --        98         38     --        38
                                         -------- -------  --------   -------- ------- --------
                                          154,433   1,031   155,464     42,205    702    42,907
                                         -------- -------  --------   -------- ------- --------
 EARNINGS AVAILABLE FOR FIXED CHARGES ..  263,039   1,031   264,070     58,651    702    59,353
                                         -------- -------  --------   -------- ------- --------
Fixed Charges:
Interest on long-term debt..............   65,174   1,031    66,205     14,814    702    15,516
Other interest charges..................    5,486      --     5,486      3,145     --     3,145
Preferred stock dividends of subsidiary
 trust..................................    3,990      --     3,990      1,995     --     1,995
Interest on leases......................       98      --        98         38     --        38
                                         -------- -------  --------   -------- ------- --------
 Subtotal...............................   74,748   1,031    75,779     19,992    702    20,694
                                         -------- -------  --------   -------- ------- --------
Preferred stock dividends of
 subsidiary.............................    2,337      --     2,337        836     --       836
Ratio of net income before income taxes
 to net income..........................   1.6970      --    1.6970     2.2129     --    2.2129
                                         -------- -------  --------   -------- ------- --------
Preferred stock dividend requirements
 before income taxes....................    3,966      --     3,966      1,850     --     1,850
                                         -------- -------  --------   -------- ------- --------
 FIXED CHARGES.......................... $ 78,714  $1,031  $ 79,745    $21,842   $702   $22,544
                                         -------- -------  --------   --------  ------- --------
RATIO OF EARNINGS TO FIXED CHARGES .....      3.3      --       3.3        2.7     --       2.6
                                         ======== =======  ========   ========  ======= ========


                                                           MHC INC. (PREDECESSOR)
                                             TWELVE MONTHS ENDED        TWELVE MONTHS ENDED
                                              DECEMBER 31, 1998          DECEMBER 31, 1997
                                         --------------------------  --------------------------
                                                   SUPPLEMENTAL (a)            SUPPLEMENTAL (a)
                                                  -----------------           -----------------
                                                   ADJUST-    AS              ADJUST-     AS
                                                    MENT   ADJUSTED             MENT   ADJUSTED
                                                  -------  --------           -------  --------
Income from continuing operations ...... $131,318  $   --  $131,318  $139,332  $   --  $139,332
Pre-tax (gain) loss of less than 50%
 owned persons..........................     (720)     --      (720)    2,234      --     2,234
                                         -------- -------  -------- --------- ------- ---------
                                          130,598      --   130,598   141,566      --   141,566
                                         -------- -------  -------- --------- ------- ---------
Add (Deduct):
Total income taxes......................   80,013      --    80,013    68,390      --    68,390
Interest on long-term debt..............   80,908   2,931    83,839    89,898   3,760    93,658
Other interest charges..................   14,611      --    14,611    10,034      --    10,034
Preferred stock dividends of
 subsidiary.............................    4,952      --     4,952     6,488      --     6,488
Preferred stock dividends of subsidiary
 trust..................................    7,980      --     7,980     7,980      --     7,980
Interest on leases......................      212      --       212       268      --       268
                                         -------- -------  -------- --------- ------- ---------
                                          188,676   2,931   191,607   183,058   3,760   186,818
                                         -------- -------  -------- --------- ------- ---------
 EARNINGS AVAILABLE FOR FIXED CHARGES ..  319,274   2,931   322,205   324,624   3,760   328,384
                                         -------- -------  -------- --------- ------- ---------
Fixed Charges:
Interest on long-term debt..............   80,908   2,931    83,839    89,898   3,760    93,658
Other interest charges..................   14,611      --    14,611    10,034      --    10,034
Preferred stock dividends of subsidiary
 trust..................................    7,980      --     7,980     7,980      --     7,980
Interest on leases......................      212      --       212       268      --       268
                                         -------- -------  -------- --------- ------- ---------
 Subtotal...............................  103,711   2,931   106,642   108,180   3,760   111,940
                                         -------- -------  -------- --------- ------- ---------
Preferred stock dividends of
 subsidiary.............................    4,952      --     4,952     6,488      --     6,488
Ratio of net income before income taxes
 to net income..........................   1.5872      --    1.5872    1.4690      --    1.4690
                                         -------- -------  -------- --------- ------- ---------
Preferred stock dividend requirements
 before income taxes....................    7,860      --     7,860     9,531      --     9,531
                                         -------- -------  -------- --------- ------- ---------
 FIXED CHARGES.......................... $111,571  $2,931  $114,502  $117,711  $3,760  $121,471
                                         -------- -------  -------- --------- ------- ---------
RATIO OF EARNINGS TO FIXED CHARGES .....      2.9      --       2.8       2.8      --       2.7
                                         ======== =======  ======== ========= ======= =========

Note: (a) Amounts in the supplemental columns are to reflect MidAmerican
Energy's portion of the net interest component of payments to Nebraska Public
Power District under a long-term purchase agreement for one-half of the
plant capacity from Cooper Nuclear Station.


                                                                  EXHIBIT 12.1

                           MIDAMERICAN FUNDING, LLC
                                (In Thousands)

                                                                MHC INC. (PREDECESSOR)
                                                    TWELVE MONTHS ENDED        TWELVE MONTHS ENDED
                                                     DECEMBER 31, 1996          DECEMBER 31, 1995
                                                -------------------------- ---------------------------
                                                          SUPPLEMENTAL (a)            SUPPLEMENTAL (a)
                                                         -----------------           -----------------
                                                          ADJUST-    AS              ADJUST-     AS
                                                           MENT   ADJUSTED             MENT   ADJUSTED
                                                         -------  --------           ------- --------
Income from continuing operations.............. $143,761  $   --  $143,761  $119,705  $   --  $119,705
Pre-tax (gain) loss of less than 50% owned
 persons.......................................     (698)     --      (698)    9,079      --     9,079
                                                -------- -------  -------- --------- ------- ---------
                                                 143,063      --   143,063   128,784      --   128,784
                                                -------- -------  -------- --------- ------- ---------
Add (Deduct):
Total income taxes.............................   98,422      --    98,422    66,803      --    66,803
Interest on long-term debt.....................  102,909   3,615   106,524   105,550   4,595   110,145
Other interest charges.........................   10,941      --    10,941     9,449      --     9,449
Preferred stock dividends of subsidiary .......   10,401      --    10,401     8,059      --     8,059
Preferred stock dividends of subsidiary trust .      288      --       288        --      --        --
Interest on leases.............................      375      --       375     1,088      --     1,088
                                                -------- -------  -------- --------- ------- ---------
                                                 223,336   3,615   226,951   190,949   4,595   195,544
                                                -------- -------  -------- --------- ------- ---------
 EARNINGS AVAILABLE FOR FIXED CHARGES .........  366,399   3,615   370,014   319,733   4,595   324,328
                                                -------- -------  -------- --------- ------- ---------
Fixed Charges:
Interest on long-term debt.....................  102,909   3,615   106,524   105,550   4,595   110,145
Other interest charges.........................   10,941      --    10,941     9,449      --     9,449
Preferred stock dividends of subsidiary trust .      288      --       288        --      --        --
Interest on leases.............................      375      --       375     1,088      --     1,088
                                                -------- -------  -------- --------- ------- ---------
 Subtotal......................................  114,513   3,615   118,128   116,087   4,595   120,682
                                                -------- -------  -------- --------- ------- ---------
Preferred stock dividends of subsidiary .......   10,401      --    10,401     8,059      --     8,059
Ratio of net income before income taxes to net
 income........................................   1.6384      --    1.6384    1.5229      --    1.5229
                                                -------- -------  -------- --------- ------- ---------
Preferred stock dividend requirements before
 income taxes..................................   17,041      --    17,041    12,273      --    12,273
                                                -------- -------  -------- --------- ------- ---------
 FIXED CHARGES................................. $131,554  $3,615  $135,169  $128,360  $4,595  $132,955
                                                -------- -------  -------- --------- ------- ---------
RATIO OF EARNINGS TO FIXED CHARGES.............      2.8      --       2.7       2.5      --       2.4
                                                ======== =======  ======== ========= ======= =========


                                                    MHC INC. (PREDECESSOR)
                                                     TWELVE MONTHS ENDED
                                                      DECEMBER 31, 1994
                                                           SUPPLEMENTAL (a)
                                                           MENT   AS ADJUSTED
                                                         -------  -----------
Income from continuing operations.............. $123,098  $   --    $123,098
Pre-tax (gain) loss of less than 50% owned
 persons.......................................     (270)     --        (270)
                                                -------- -------  -----------
                                                 122,828      --     122,828
                                                -------- -------  -----------
Add (Deduct):
Total income taxes.............................   60,457      --      60,457
Interest on long-term debt.....................  101,267   5,428     106,695
Other interest charges.........................    6,446      --       6,446
Preferred stock dividends of subsidiary .......   10,551      --      10,551
Preferred stock dividends of subsidiary trust .       --      --          --
Interest on leases.............................    1,211      --       1,211
                                                -------- -------  -----------
                                                 179,932   5,428     185,360
                                                -------- -------  -----------
 EARNINGS AVAILABLE FOR FIXED CHARGES .........  302,760   5,428     308,188
                                                -------- -------  -----------
Fixed Charges:
Interest on long-term debt.....................  101,267   5,428     106,695
Other interest charges.........................    6,446      --       6,446
Preferred stock dividends of subsidiary trust .       --      --          --
Interest on leases.............................    1,211      --       1,211
                                                -------- -------  -----------
 Subtotal......................................  108,924   5,428     114,352
                                                -------- -------  -----------
Preferred stock dividends of subsidiary .......   10,551      --      10,551
Ratio of net income before income taxes to net
 income........................................   1.4524      --      1.4524
                                                -------- -------  -----------
Preferred stock dividend requirements before
 income taxes..................................   15,324      --      15,324
                                                -------- -------  -----------
 FIXED CHARGES................................. $124,248  $5,428    $129,676
                                                -------- -------  -----------
RATIO OF EARNINGS TO FIXED CHARGES.............      2.4      --         2.4
                                                ======== =======  ===========

Note: (a) Amounts in the supplemental columns are to reflect MidAmerican
Energy's portion of the net interest component of payments to Nebraska Public
Power District under a long-term purchase agreement for one-half of the
plant capacity from Cooper Nuclear Station.
