GALILEO INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                          QUARTER ENDED MARCH 31, 2001


Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets as of March 31, 2001
(unaudited) and December 31, 2000                                     2

Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income for the quarters
ended March 31, 2001 and 2000 (unaudited)                             3

Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the
quarters ended March 31, 2001 and 2000 (unaudited)                    4

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Stockholders' Equity
for the quarter ended March 31, 2001 (unaudited)                      5

Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements                  6

                   GALILEO INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                (In thousands, except share data)

                                                     March 31,   December 31,
                                                        2001        2000
                                                    ----------  -------------
Current assets:
   Cash and cash equivalents                         $ 10,580     $ 2,460
   Accounts receivable, net                           271,249     192,199
   Other current assets                                51,798      50,036
                                                    ----------  ----------
Total current assets                                  333,627     244,695
Property and equipment, at cost:
   Land                                                 6,470       6,470
   Buildings and improvements                          76,499      76,452
   Equipment                                          424,721     416,406
                                                    ----------  ----------
                                                      507,690     499,328
   Less accumulated depreciation                      298,623     288,651
                                                    ----------  ----------
Net property and equipment                            209,067     210,677
Computer software, net                                164,359     160,270
Intangible assets, net                                694,279     720,212
Other noncurrent assets                               141,661     143,405
                                                    ----------  ----------
                                                   $1,542,993  $1,479,259
                                                    ==========  ==========

Current liabilities:
   Accounts payable                                  $ 72,262    $ 76,913
   Accrued commissions                                 44,671      34,471
   Income taxes payable                                49,656       1,234
   Other accrued liabilities                          120,392     111,630
   Long-term debt, current portion                    187,654     212,654
                                                    ----------  ----------
Total current liabilities                             474,635     436,902

Pension and postretirement benefits                    83,531      79,285
Deferred tax liabilities                               28,902      35,398
Other noncurrent liabilities                           30,420      28,046
Long-term debt, less current portion                  434,392     434,392
                                                    ----------  ----------
Total liabilities                                   1,051,880   1,014,023
Stockholders' equity:
   Special voting preferred stock: $.01 par value;
     7 shares authorized; 3 shares issued and
     outstanding                                            -           -
   Preferred stock: $.01 par value; 25,000,000 shares
     authorized; no shares issued                           -           -
   Common stock:  $.01 par value;  250,000,000 shares
     authorized; 105,344,901 and 105,232,696 shares
     issued; 87,737,783 and 88,311,977 shares
     outstanding                                        1,053       1,052
   Additional paid-in capital                         684,024     682,988
   Retained earnings                                  399,639     357,008
   Unamortized restricted stock grants                 (1,763)     (1,963)
   Accumulated other comprehensive income              (7,462)     (4,493)
   Common stock held in treasury, at cost:
     17,607,118 and 16,920,719 shares                (584,378)   (569,356)
                                                    ----------  ----------
Total stockholders' equity                            491,113     465,236
                                                    ----------  ----------
                                                   $1,542,993  $1,479,259
                                                    ==========  ==========

        See accompanying notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.


                        GALILEO INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                 (Unaudited, in thousands, except share data)

                                                           Ended March 31,
                                                          2001          2000
                                                          ----          ----

   Electronic global distribution services             $ 442,546     $ 421,306
   Information and network services                       23,307        19,432
                                                     ------------  ------------
                                                         465,853       440,738
Operating expenses:
   Cost of operations                                    163,645       134,004
   Commissions, selling and administrative               197,990       180,734
   Special charge - services agreement                         -        19,725
   Special charge - in-process research and development
    write-off                                                  -         7,000
                                                     ------------  ------------
                                                         361,635       341,463
                                                     ------------  ------------
Operating income                                         104,218        99,275

Other income (expense):
   Interest expense, net                                 (10,488)       (9,275)
   Other, net                                             (3,444)       (2,384)
                                                     ------------  ------------
Income before income taxes                                90,286        87,616

Income taxes                                              39,726        40,216
                                                     ------------  ------------
Net income                                              $ 50,560      $ 47,400
                                                     ============  ============
Weighted average shares outstanding                   87,978,305    90,678,954
                                                     ============  ============
Basic earnings per share                                  $ 0.57        $ 0.52
                                                     ============  ============
Diluted weighted average shares outstanding           88,236,155    90,902,545
                                                     ============  ============
Diluted earnings per share                                $ 0.57        $ 0.52
                                                     ============  ============


        See accompanying notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.


                        GALILEO INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                        (Unaudited, in thousands)

                                                             Ended March 31,
                                                            2001         2000
                                                            ----         ----

Operating activities:

   Net income                                            $ 50,560     $ 47,400
   Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
    provided by operating activities:
      Depreciation and amortization                        60,299       42,969
      Write-off of in-process research and development          -        7,000
      Gain on sale of assets                                 (783)        (169)
      Deferred income taxes, net                           (9,244)     (13,978)
      Changes in operating assets and liabilities,
          net of effects from acquisition of businesses:
        Accounts receivable, net                          (77,959)     (76,410)
        Other current assets                                 (597)      12,089
        Noncurrent assets                                  (2,446)        (418)
        Accounts payable and accrued commissions            8,491       23,845
        Accrued liabilities                                10,509         (226)
        Income taxes payable                               48,490       53,780
        Noncurrent liabilities                              6,630         (383)
      Other                                                 3,649        1,437
                                                        ----------   ----------

Net cash provided by operating activities                  97,599       96,936

Investing activities:
   Purchase of property and equipment                     (25,815)      (6,276)
   Purchase and capitalization of computer software       (18,388)      (7,735)
   Proceeds on sale of assets                               2,287          169
   Acquisition of businesses, net of $11,613 cash acquired      -     (101,214)
   Other investing activities                                   -       (5,000)
                                                        ----------   ----------

Net cash used in investing activities                     (41,916)    (120,056)

Financing activities:
   Borrowings under credit agreements                      19,000      135,000
   Repayments under credit agreements                     (44,000)           -
   Dividends paid to stockholders                          (7,929)      (8,091)
   Repurchase of common stock for treasury                (15,022)     (57,393)
   Payments of capital lease obligations                     (416)         (29)
   Other financing activities                               1,037           21
                                                        ----------   ----------

Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities       (47,330)      69,508
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash                      (233)        (297)
                                                        ----------   ----------

Increase in cash and cash equivalents                       8,120       46,091
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period            2,460        1,794
                                                        ----------   ----------

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period               $ 10,580     $ 47,885
                                                        ==========   ==========

        See accompanying notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.


                                                GALILEO INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                                        (Unaudited, in thousands, except share data)

                                                                                Voting                   Additional
                                                                              Preferred       Common      Paid - in     Retained
                                                                                Stock         Stock        Capital      Earnings
                                                                             ------------- ------------- ------------ -------------


Balance at December 31, 2000                                                 $           - $       1,052 $    682,988 $     357,008
Comprehensive income:
   Net income                                                                            -             -            -        50,560
   Other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax:
    Unrealized holding losses on marketable securities                                   -             -            -             -
    Reclassification adjustment for gains included
      in net income                                                                      -             -            -             -
    Foreign currency translation adjustments                                             -             -            -             -
    Cash flow hedge- net derivative losses                                               -             -            -             -

   Other comprehensive income (loss)

Comprehensive income
Amortization of restricted stock grants                                                  -             -            -             -
Issuance of 84,505 shares of common stock under
   employee stock option plans                                                           -             1          683             -
Issuance of 27,700 shares of common stock under
   employee stock purchase plan                                                          -             -          353             -
Repurchase of 686,399 shares of common stock
   for treasury                                                                          -             -            -             -
Dividends paid ($0.09 per share)                                                         -             -            -        (7,929)
                                                                             ------------- ------------- ------------ --------------

Balance at March 31, 2001                                                    $           - $       1,053 $    684,024 $     399,639
                                                                             ============= ============= ============ =============

                                                                              Unamortized     Other
                                                                              Restricted   Comprehensive   Treasury
                                                                              Stock Grants    Income        Stock        Total
                                                                             ------------- ------------- ----------- --------------


Balance at December 31, 2000                                                   $    (1,963)  $    (4,493) $ (569,356)   $   465,236
Comprehensive income:
   Net income                                                                            -             -           -         50,560
   Other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax:
    Unrealized holding losses on marketable securities                                   -          (427)          -           (427)
    Reclassification adjustment for gains included
      in net income                                                                      -          (686)          -           (686)
    Foreign currency translation adjustments                                             -        (1,364)          -         (1,364)
    Cash flow hedge- net derivative losses                                               -          (492)          -           (492)
   Other comprehensive income (loss)                                                                                         (2,969)
Comprehensive income                                                                                                         47,591
Amortization of restricted stock grants                                                200             -           -            200
Issuance of 84,505 shares of common stock under
   employee stock option plans                                                           -             -           -            684
Issuance of 27,700 shares of common stock under
   employee stock purchase plan                                                          -             -           -            353
Repurchase of 686,399 shares of common stock
   for treasury                                                                          -             -     (15,022)       (15,022)
Dividends paid ($0.09 per share)                                                         -             -           -         (7,929)
                                                                             ------------- ------------ ------------  --------------

Balance at March 31, 2001                                                      $    (1,763)  $    (7,462)  $(584,378)  $    491,113
                                                                             ============= ============= ============ ==============

                                  See accompanying notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.


                       GALILEO INTERNATIONAL, INC.


     The   accompanying   unaudited   interim   condensed   consolidated
financial  statements of Galileo  International,  Inc.  (herein referred
to  as  the  "Company",  "we",  "us",  and  "our")  have  been  prepared
pursuant to the rules of the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  for
quarterly   reports  on  Form  10-Q  and  do  not  include  all  of  the
information  and note  disclosures  required  by  accounting  principles
generally  accepted  in the United  States of America.  The  information
furnished  herein  includes  all   adjustments,   consisting  of  normal
recurring  adjustments,   which  are,  in  the  opinion  of  management,
necessary  for a fair  presentation  of results for the interim  periods

     The  results of  operations  for the  quarter  ended March 31, 2001
are not  necessarily  indicative  of the results to be expected  for the
year ending December 31, 2001.

     These financial  statements  should be read in conjunction with the
audited  financial   statements  and  notes  to  the  audited  financial
statements  for  the  year  ended  December  31,  2000  included  in the
Company's  Annual  Report on Form 10-K  filed  with the  Securities  and
Exchange Commission on March 13, 2001.


     Basic  earnings  per share for the  quarters  ended  March 31, 2001
and  2000  is   calculated   based  on  the  weighted   average   shares
outstanding  for the period.  Diluted  earnings per share is  calculated
as if the Company  had  additional  Common  Stock  outstanding  from the
beginning  of the  year or the  date of  grant  for all  dilutive  stock
options,  net of assumed  repurchased  shares using the  treasury  stock
method.  This  resulted in an increase in the  weighted  average  number
of shares  outstanding  for the  quarters  ended March 31, 2001 and 2000
of 257,850 and 223,591, respectively.


     The Company  recorded a special  charge of $1.7 million  during the
quarter ended  September 30, 2000 related to the  integration  of Travel
Automation   Services   Limited   ("Galileo   UK")  into  the  Company's
operations.  The  special  charge  was  comprised  of  $1.4  million  in
severance  costs related to the  termination  of 29 employees,  and $0.3
million in facilities  expenses.  As of March 31, 2001,  $0.9 million of
severance   related  costs  have  been  paid  and  charged  against  the
liability  and  19  employees  have  been   terminated.   The  estimated
remaining  liabilities  at March 31,  2001 and  December  31,  2000 were
$0.8  million and $1.1  million,  respectively,  and are included in the
accompanying condensed consolidated balance sheets.


     In 1993 the Company,  formerly  Covia  Partnership,  combined  with
The  Galileo  Company  Ltd.  and   consolidated   its  two  data  center
facilities  resulting in the closing of the Swindon,  U.K.  data center.
In connection  therewith,  the estimated cost of the  consolidation  was
charged  to  expense.  At March 31,  2001 and  December  31,  2000,  the
estimated  remaining   liabilities,   principally  related  to  facility
closure  costs,  were $6.7 million and $7.0 million,  respectively,  and
are  included  in  the  accompanying   condensed   consolidated  balance


     Outstanding long-term debt consists of the following at March 31,
2001 and December 31, 2000:

    (In millions)                           March 31,    December 31,
                                              2001          2000
                                           ------------  ------------
    Five-year credit agreement                 $ 400.0       $ 400.0
    16-month credit agreement                    187.0         212.0
    Term loan                                     34.4          34.4
    Other                                          0.7           0.7
                                           ------------  ------------
                                                 622.1         647.1
    Less current portion of long-term debt       187.7         212.7
                                           ------------  ------------
    Long-term debt                             $ 434.4       $ 434.4
                                           ============  ============

     As of March 31,  2001,  the  effective  interest  rate for  amounts
outstanding under the two credit agreements was 5.7%.


     On  February  22,  2001,  the  Board of  Directors  of the  Company
adopted a  stockholder  rights plan (the  "Plan").  Under the Plan,  the
Company  declared  a  dividend   distribution  of  one  Preferred  Stock
Purchase  Right (a  "Right")  for  each  share  of  Common  Stock of the
Company  outstanding  at the  close of  business  on March 8,  2001 (the
"Record Date"),  pursuant to the terms of a Rights  Agreement,  dated as
of February  22, 2001 (the  "Rights  Agreement").  The Rights  Agreement
also provides,  subject to specified  exceptions and  limitations,  that
shares of Common Stock issued or delivered  from the Company's  treasury
after the Record  Date will be entitled  to and  accompanied  by Rights.
The  Rights  are  in  all  respects  subject  to  and  governed  by  the
provisions  of  the  Rights   Agreement.   The  Rights  initially  trade
together  with  the  Company's  Common  Stock  and are not  exercisable.
Under certain  circumstances  specified in the Rights Agreement,  and in
the absence of further action by the Company's  Board of Directors,  the
rights  generally  will  become  exercisable  and  allow  the  holder to
purchase  from the  Company  one  one-hundredth  of a share of  Series H
Junior  Participating  Ordinary  Preferred Stock at an initial  purchase
price of $90. The Board  authorized the issuance of 2,500,000  preferred
shares under the Plan,  none of which has been  issued.  The Rights will
become  exercisable  at a  specified  period of time  after  any  person
becomes the beneficial  owner of 15% or more of the  outstanding  shares


Common   Stock  or  commences  a  tender  or  exchange  offer  which, if
consummated,  would result in any person  becoming the beneficial  owner
of 15% or more of the Common Stock,  in each case,  without the approval
of the  Board.  If any person  becomes  the  beneficial  owner of 15% or
more of the  outstanding  Common  Stock,  each  Right will  entitle  the
holder,  other  than the  acquiring  person,  to  purchase,  for $90,  a
number of  shares of the  Common  Stock  having a market  value of $180.
For persons  who, as of February  22,  2001,  beneficially  owned 15% or
more of the  outstanding  Common Stock,  the Plan  "grandfathers"  their
current level of ownership,  so long as they do not purchase  additional
shares  that  result  in  ownership  of 20% or more  of the  outstanding
Common  Stock.  The  Company's  Board of  Directors  may, at its option,
redeem  all  rights  for $0.01  per Right at any time  prior to the time
the  Rights  become  exercisable.  The  Rights  will  expire on March 8,
2011,  unless  earlier  redeemed,  exchanged  or amended by the Board of

     For the quarter ended March 31, 2001,  the Company  accounted for a
$0.7 million  unrealized holding loss on  available-for-sale  marketable
equity  securities in accordance with Statement of Financial  Accounting
Standards  No.  115,  "Accounting  for Certain  Investments  in Debt and
Equity  Securities".  The after tax effect of $0.4  million is  included
as a separate component of Stockholders' Equity.

     The Company also accounted for a $0.8 million net  derivative  loss
on  cash  flow  hedges  in  accordance   with   Statement  of  Financial
Accounting  Standards No. 133,  "Accounting  for Derivative  Instruments
and  Hedging  Activities"  ("FAS  133").  The after  tax  effect of $0.5
million is included as a separate component of Stockholders' Equity.

     During  2000,  the  Board of  Directors  authorized  an  additional
$250.0 million share  repurchase  program.  The Company began purchasing
shares under this  program in June 2000,  after  completion  of a $750.0
million  program which had been authorized in 1999.  Repurchased  shares
are held in treasury for the purpose of providing  available  shares for
possible  resale in future  public or private  offerings,  and for other
general  corporate  purposes.  The  purchases  are  funded  through  the
Company's  available  working  capital  and  borrowing  facilities.  The
amount,  timing and price of any  repurchases  of the  Company's  Common
Stock depend on market  conditions  and other  factors.  For the quarter
ended March 31, 2001, the Company  repurchased  686,399 of its shares in
the open  market  at a total  cost of  $15.0  million.  As of March  31,
2001, the Company held a total of 17,607,118 shares in treasury.

     Comprehensive  income  for the  quarter  ended  March 31,  2000 was
$46.8  million,  comprised  of net income of $47.4  million,  unrealized
holding  gains on  securities  of $0.3  million,  and  foreign  currency
translation adjustments of $(0.9) million.


     At March 31,  2001,  the  Company  owned  1,106,564  non-marketable
depository  certificates  representing  beneficial  ownership  of common
stock  of  Equant  N.V.   ("Equant"),   a   telecommunications   company
affiliated   with   Societe    Internationale   de    Telecommunications


Aeronautiques  ("SITA").  In November 2000,  Equant  announced a planned
merger with France  Telecom's  Global One business.  In connection  with
this  planned  merger,  the  SITA  Foundation  signed  an  agreement  to
exchange  all of its  Equant  shares  for France  Telecom  shares.  As a
result,  each of the Company's  depository  certificates are expected to
represent  the right to receive the  economic  benefit of  approximately
 .4545 France  Telecom  shares.  France Telecom is listed on the New York
Stock  Exchange  under the  ticker:  FTE.  This merger is expected to be
completed  by June 30,  2001,  at which time the  Company  will have the
option to participate in an orderly resale process.

     The Company's  carrying value of these depository  certificates was
nominal at March 31, 2001 and  December 31,  2000.  Any future  disposal
of such depository  certificates may result in significant  gains to the


                                        Quarter Ended
    (In millions)                         March 31,
                                       2001         2000
    Cash paid for:                     ----         ----
    Interest                        $    9.8   $     13.5
    Income taxes                         0.7          0.6
