AMTRAN, INC. CALCULATION OF "EARNINGS" AND "FIXED CHARGES" UPDATED: 9/30/02 12 MOS 9 MOS 12/31/00 9/30/01 -------- ------- EARNINGS: Pre-tax income (loss) from continuing operations (19,929,584) 3,438,017 Fixed charges 59,308,914 56,288,226 Less: capitalized interest add-back (3,208,442) (11,387,813) ------------------------------------- TOTAL EARNINGS 36,170,888 48,338,430 ===================================== FIXED CHARGES: Interest expense 31,453,004 21,344,316 Interest capitalized during period * 3,208,442 11,387,813 Debt issue cost amortization 2,253,335 2,451,250 Bank commitment fees 403,633 367,597 Interest portion of rental expense 21,990,500 20,737,250 ------------------------------------- TOTAL FIXED CHARGES 59,308,914 56,288,226 DEFICIENCY OF EARNINGS AVAILABLE TO COVER FIXED CHARGES (23,138,026) (7,949,797) RATIO OR EARNINGS TO FIXED CHARGES n/a n/a Interest Portion of rental expense is the aircraft rent and other rent expense *25% * Represents interest capitalized on deposits made using operating funds or PDP debt. Total capitalized interest 15,220,574 22,739,968 Cap'd int on deferred Boeing payments (10,633,726) (11,352,155) Cap'd int on late Boeing payments (1,378,406) Other - ------------------------------------- Cap'd int on operating funds (reduction of int expense) 3,208,442 11,387,813 ===================================== AMTRAN, INC. CALCULATION OF "EARNINGS" AND "FIXED CHARGES" UPDATED: 9/30/02 12 MOS 9 MOS 12/31/01 9/30/02 -------- ------- EARNINGS: Pre-tax income (loss) from continuing operations (116,074,192) (133,707,774) Fixed charges 77,850,305 72,829,293 Less: capitalized interest add-back (14,278,797) (5,672,979) ------------------------------------- TOTAL EARNINGS (52,502,684) (66,551,460) ===================================== FIXED CHARGES: Interest expense 30,082,000 25,979,000 Interest capitalized during period * 14,278,797 5,672,979 Debt issue cost amortization 3,242,980 2,646,175 Bank commitment fees 439,278 225,389 Interest portion of rental expense 29,807,250 38,305,750 ------------------------------------- TOTAL FIXED CHARGES 77,850,305 72,829,293 DEFICIENCY OF EARNINGS AVAILABLE TO COVER FIXED CHARGES (130,352,989) (139,380,753) RATIO OR EARNINGS TO FIXED CHARGES n/a n/a Interest Portion of rental expense is the aircraft rent and other rent expense *25% * Represents interest capitalized on deposits made using operating funds or PDP debt. Total capitalized interest 29,036,004 6,082,128 Cap'd int on deferred Boeing payments (14,757,207) -409,149 Cap'd int on late Boeing payments Other ------------------------------------- Cap'd int on operating funds (reduction of int expense) 14,278,797 5,672,979 ===================================== Page 1 of 1