AMENDED AND RESTATED
                         CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION OF
                               CLARUS CORPORATION
               (Under Section 242 of the General Corporation Law)

The undersigned, being the Chief Administrative Officer of CLARUS CORPORATION, a
Delaware corporation, hereby certifies that:

1.   (a) The name of the Corporation is CLARUS CORPORATION (the "Corporation").

     (b) The date of filing the original Certificate of Incorporation of the
         Corporation with the Secretary of State of Delaware was November 20,

2.   Article IV of the Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation of the
     Corporation shall be amended by supplementing such article to include the
     following new Section 7:

"Section 7.   Limitation on Acquisition of Shares.

         (a)      Certain Acquisitions Prohibited.

                     (i) If an individual, partnership, firm, corporation,
         association, trust, unincorporated organization or other entity, as
         well as any syndicate or group deemed to be a person under Section
         14(d)(2) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (each a
         "Person"), shall attempt to purchase or acquire in any manner
         whatsoever, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, by operation of law
         or otherwise, any shares of capital stock of the Corporation or any
         option, warrant or other right to purchase or acquire capital stock of
         the Corporation (such warrant, option, or security being an "Option")
         or any securities convertible into or exchangeable for capital stock of
         the Corporation or any interest in any other entity that directly,
         indirectly or constructively owns any shares of capital stock of the
         Corporation (any such purchase or acquisition being an "Acquisition"),
         in each case, whether voluntary or involuntary, of record, by operation
         of law or otherwise (provided, however, that a transaction that is a
         pledge (and not an acquisition of tax ownership for U.S. federal income
         tax purposes) shall not be deemed an Acquisition, but a foreclosure
         pursuant thereto shall be deemed to be an Acquisition), and such
         Acquisition shall affect the percentage of capital stock that is
         treated as owned by a five percent stockholder (within the meaning of
         Section 382 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the
         "Code") and the Treasury Regulations promulgated thereunder) with
         respect to the Corporation (a "Five Percent Stockholder"), then such
         Person shall be a "Restricted Holder", and such Acquisition shall not
         be permitted except as authorized pursuant to this Article IV, Section
         7; provided, however, that for purposes of determining the existence
         and identity of, and the amount of capital stock owned by, any Five
         Percent Stockholders or Restricted Holders, the Corporation is entitled
         to rely

         conclusively on (a) the existence and absence of filings of Schedules
         13D and 13G (or any similar schedules) as of any date and (b) its
         actual knowledge of the ownership of its capital stock. For purposes of
         this Article IV, Section 7, "capital stock" shall include the Common
         Stock, par value $.0001 of the Corporation.

                     (ii) The restrictions contained in this Article IV, Section
         7, are for the purpose of reducing the risk that any change in stock
         ownership may jeopardize the preservation of the Corporation's U.S.
         federal, state and local income tax attributes under Code Section 382
         or equivalent provisions of state or local law (collectively, the "Tax
         Benefits"). In connection therewith, and to provide for the effective
         policing of these provisions, a Restricted Holder who proposes to
         effect an Acquisition, prior to the date of the proposed Acquisition,
         request in writing (a "Request") that the Board of Directors of the
         Corporation review the proposed Acquisition and authorize or not
         authorize the proposed Acquisition pursuant to subsection (c) hereof. A
         Request shall be mailed or delivered to the Secretary of the
         Corporation at the Corporation's principal place of business or
         telecopied to the Corporation's telecopier number at its principal
         place of business. Such Request shall be deemed to have been delivered
         when actually received by the Secretary of the Corporation. A Request
         shall include (a) the name, address and telephone number of the
         Restricted Holder, (b) a description of the interest proposed to be
         Acquired by the Restricted Holder, (c) the date on which the proposed
         Acquisition is expected to take place, (d) the name of the intended
         transferor of the interest to be Acquired by the Restricted Holder, and
         (e) a Request that the Board of Directors authorize, if appropriate,
         the Acquisition pursuant to subsection (c) hereof and inform the
         Restricted Holder of its determination regarding the proposed
         Acquisition. If the Restricted Holder seeks to effect an Acquisition,
         at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors
         following the tenth business day after receipt by the Secretary of the
         Corporation of a Request, the Board of Directors will act to determine
         whether to authorize the proposed Acquisition described in the Request
         under subsection (c) hereof. The Board of Directors shall conclusively
         determine whether to authorize the proposed Acquisition, in its sole
         discretion and judgment, and shall immediately cause the Restricted
         Holder making the Request to be informed of such determination.

                  (b) Effect of Unauthorized Acquisition. Any Acquisition
         attempted to be made in violation of this Article IV, Section 7, will
         be null and void. In the event of an attempted or purported Acquisition
         by a Restricted Holder in violation of this Article IV, Section 7, the
         Corporation shall be deemed to be the agent for the transferor of the
         transferred interest ("Prohibited Shares"). The Corporation shall be
         such agent for the limited purpose of consummating a sale of the
         Prohibited Shares to a Person who is not a Restricted Holder (an
         "Eligible Transferee"), which may include, without limitation, the
         transferor. The record ownership of the Prohibited Shares shall remain
         in the name of the transferor until the Prohibited Shares have been
         sold by the Corporation or its assignee, as agent, to an Eligible
         Transferee. Neither the Corporation, as agent, nor any assignee of

         its agency hereunder, shall be deemed to be a stockholder of the
         Corporation nor be entitled to any rights of a stockholder of the
         Corporation, including, but not limited to, any right to vote the
         Prohibited Shares or to receive dividends or liquidating distributions
         in respect thereof, if any, but the Corporation or its assignee shall
         only have the right to sell and transfer the Prohibited Shares on
         behalf of and as agent for the transferor to another person or entity;
         provided, however, that an Acquisition to such other person or entity
         does not violate the provisions of this Article IV, Section 7. The
         rights to vote and to receive dividends and liquidating distributions
         with respect to the Prohibited Shares shall remain with the transferor.
         The intended transferee shall not be entitled to any rights of
         stockholders of the Corporation, including, but not limited to, the
         rights to vote or to receive dividends and liquidating distributions
         with respect to the Prohibited Shares. In the event of a permitted sale
         and transfer, whether by the Corporation or its assignee, as agent, the
         proceeds of such sale shall be applied first, to reimburse the
         Corporation or its assignee for any expenses incurred by the
         Corporation acting in its role as the agent for the sale of the
         Prohibited Shares, second, to the extent of any remaining proceeds, to
         reimburse the intended transferee for any payments made to the
         transferor by such intended transferee for such shares, and the
         remainder, if any, to the original transferor.

                  (c) Authorization of Acquisition of Capital Stock by a
         Restricted Holder. The Board of Directors may authorize an Acquisition
         by a Restricted Holder, if, in its sole discretion and judgment it
         determines that the Acquisition is in the best interests of the
         Corporation and its stockholders. In deciding whether to approve any
         proposed Acquisition by a Restricted Holder, the Board of Directors may
         seek the advice of counsel with respect to the Corporation's
         preservation of the Tax Benefits and may request all relevant
         information from the Restricted Holder with respect to all capital
         stock directly or indirectly owned by such Restricted Holder. Any
         Person who makes a Request of the Board of Directors pursuant to this
         subsection (c) to effect an Acquisition shall reimburse the
         Corporation, on demand, for all reasonable costs and expenses incurred
         by the Corporation with respect to any proposed Acquisition, including,
         without limitation, the Corporation's reasonable costs and expenses
         incurred in determining whether to authorize that proposed Acquisition.

                  (d) Certain Indirect Prohibited Acquisitions. In the event an
         Acquisition would be in violation of this Article IV, Section 7, as a
         result of attribution to the intended transferee of the ownership of
         capital stock by a Person (an "Other Person") who is not controlling,
         controlled by or under common control with the intended transferee,
         which ownership is nevertheless attributed to the intended transferee,
         the restrictions contained in this Article IV, Section 7, shall not
         apply in a manner that would invalidate any Acquisition to such Other
         Person, and the intended transferee and any Persons controlling,
         controlled by or under common control with the intended transferee
         (collectively, the "Intended Transferee Group") shall automatically be
         deemed to have transferred to the Corporation, sufficient capital stock
         (which capital stock shall (i) consist only of

         capital stock held legally or beneficially, whether directly or
         indirectly, by any member of the Intended Transferee Group, but not
         capital stock held through any Other Person, other than shares held
         through a Person acting as agent or fiduciary for any member of the
         Intended Transferee Group, (ii) be deemed transferred to the
         Corporation, in the inverse order in which it was acquired by members
         of the Intended Transferee Group, and (iii) be treated as Prohibited
         Shares) to cause the intended transferee, following such transfer to
         the Corporation, not to be in violation of the restrictions contained
         in this Article IV, Section 7; provided, however, that to the extent
         the foregoing provisions of this subsection (d) would not be effective
         to prevent an Acquisition in violation of this Article IV, Section 7,
         the restrictions contained in this Article IV, Section 7, shall apply
         to such other capital stock owned by the intended transferee (including
         capital stock actually owned by Other Persons), in a manner designed to
         minimize the amount of capital stock subject to the restrictions
         contained in this Article IV, Section 7, or as otherwise determined by
         the Board of Directors to be necessary to prevent an Acquisition in
         violation of the restrictions contained in this Article IV, Section 7
         (which capital stock shall be treated as Prohibited Shares).

                  (e) Prompt Enforcement; Further Actions. After learning of an
         Acquisition by a Restricted Holder, the Corporation shall demand the
         surrender, or cause to be surrendered, to it, the certificates
         representing the Prohibited Shares, or any proceeds received upon a
         sale of the Prohibited Shares, and any dividends or other distributions
         made with respect to the Prohibited Shares. If such surrender is not
         made within 30 business days from the date of such demand, the
         Corporation may institute legal proceedings to compel such transfer;
         provided, however, that nothing in this subsection (e) shall (i) be
         deemed inconsistent with the Acquisition of the Prohibited Shares being
         deemed null and void pursuant to subsection (b) hereof, (ii) preclude
         the Corporation in its discretion from immediately bringing legal
         proceedings without a prior demand, or (iii) cause any failure of the
         Corporation to act within the time periods set forth in this subsection
         (c) to constitute a waiver or loss of any right of the Corporation
         under this Article IV, Section 7.

                  (f) Damages. Any Restricted Holder who knowingly violates the
         provisions of this Article IV, Section 7, and any persons controlling,
         controlled by or under common control with such a Restricted Holder,
         shall be jointly and severally liable to the Corporation for, and shall
         indemnify and hold the Corporation harmless against, any and all
         damages suffered as a result of such violation, including but not
         limited to damages resulting from a reduction in or elimination of the
         Corporation's ability to utilize its Tax Benefits, and attorneys' and
         auditors' fees incurred in connection with such violation.

                  (g) Legend on Certificates. All certificates for shares of
         Common Stock issued by the Corporation shall conspicuously bear the
         following legend: "The Amended and Restated Certificate of
         Incorporation, as amended (the "Certificate of Incorporation") of the
         Corporation contains restrictions prohibiting

         the purchase or acquisition (collectively, the "Acquisition") of any
         capital stock without the authorization of the Board of Directors of
         the Corporation (the "Board of Directors"), if such Acquisition affects
         the percentage of capital stock that is treated as owned by a five
         percent stockholder (within the meaning of Section 382 of the Internal
         Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code") and the Treasury
         Regulations promulgated thereunder), and such Acquisition would, in the
         sole discretion and judgment of the Board of Directors, jeopardize the
         Corporation's preservation of its U.S. federal income tax attributes
         pursuant to Section 382 of the Code and is not otherwise in the best
         interests of the Corporation and its stockholders. The Corporation will
         furnish without charge to the holder of record of this certificate a
         copy of the Certificate of Incorporation, containing the
         above-referenced restrictions on acquisitions of stock, upon written
         request to the Corporation at its principal place of business."

                  (h) Conditions to Acquisition; Responsibilities of Transfer
         Agent. The Corporation may require, as a condition to the registration
         of the Acquisition of any of its capital stock or the payment of any
         distribution on any of its capital stock, that the intended transferee
         or payee furnish to the Corporation all information reasonably
         requested by the Corporation with respect to all the direct or indirect
         ownership interests in such capital stock. The Corporation may make
         such arrangements or issue such instructions to its stock transfer
         agent as may be determined by the Board of Directors to be necessary or
         advisable to implement this Article IV, Section 7, including, without
         limitation, instructing the transfer agent not to register any
         Acquisition of capital stock on the Corporations stock transfer records
         if it has knowledge that such Acquisition is prohibited by this Article
         IV, Section 7, and/or authorizing such transfer agent to require an
         affidavit from a intended transferee regarding such Person's actual and
         constructive ownership of capital stock and other evidence that an
         Acquisition will not be prohibited by this Article IV, Section 7, as a
         condition to registering any Acquisition.

                  (i) Authority of Board of Directors to Interpret. Nothing
         contained in this Article IV, Section 7, shall limit the authority of
         the Board of Directors to take such other action to the extent
         permitted by law as it deems necessary or advisable to protect the
         Corporation and preserve the Tax Benefits. Without limiting the
         generality of the foregoing, in the event of a change in law making one
         or more of the following actions necessary or desirable, the Board of
         Directors may, by adopting a written resolution of the Board of
         Directors, modify the definitions of any terms or conditions set forth
         in this Article IV, Section 7, or modify the definitions of any terms
         or conditions of this Article IV, Section 7, as appropriate to prevent
         an ownership change for purposes of Section 382 of the Code as a result
         of any changes in applicable Treasury Regulations or otherwise;
         provided, however, that the Board of Directors shall not cause there to
         be such acceleration, extension, change or modification unless it
         concludes in writing that such action is reasonably necessary or
         advisable to preserve the Tax Benefits or that the continuation of
         these restrictions is no longer reasonably necessary  for the

         preservation of the Tax Benefits, and its conclusion is based
         upon a written opinion of tax counsel to the Corporation. The
         Corporation and the members of the Board of Directors shall be fully
         protected in relying in good faith upon the information, opinions,
         reports or statements of the chief executive officer, the chief
         financial officer or the chief accounting officer of the Corporation
         (or the person or persons performing the functions of such officers) or
         of the Corporation's legal counsel, independent auditors, transfer
         agent, investment bankers or other employees and agents in making the
         determinations and findings contemplated by this Article IV, Section 7,
         and the members of the Board of Directors shall not be responsible for
         any good faith errors made in connection therewith.

                  (j) Severability. If any part of the provisions of this
         Article IV, Section 7, are judicially determined to be invalid or
         otherwise unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not
         affect the remainder of the provisions of this Article IV, Section 7,
         which shall be thereafter interpreted as if the invalid or
         unenforeceable part were not contained herein, and, to the maximum
         extent possible, in a manner consistent with preserving the ability of
         the Corporation to utilize to the greatest extent possible the
         Corporation's Tax Benefit.

                  (k) Expiration. The provisions of this Article IV, Section 7,
         shall apply until such time as the Board of Directors determines in its
         sole discretion that the provisions of this Article IV, Section 7, are
         no longer necessary for the preservation of the Corporation's Tax

3.   The amendment of the Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation
     herein certified was duly adopted by stockholders of the Corporation at the
     2003 annual meeting of the Corporation in accordance with the provisions of
     Section 242 of the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware (the
     "Delaware Code"), and written notice of such meeting was given to all
     stockholders in accordance with Section 222 of the Delaware Code.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, CLARUS CORPORATION, has caused this Certificate to be signed
and attested by its duly authorized officers, this 29th day of July 2003.

                                     CLARUS CORPORATION

                                     By: /s/ Warren B. Kanders
                                         Name:  Warren B. Kanders
                                         Title: Executive Chairman