WASHINGTON, DC 20549


                                   FORM 8-K/A
                                AMENDMENT NO. 2

                                 CURRENT REPORT
                     PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE
                        SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

Date of report (Date of earliest event reported): July 11 (April 25, 1997)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              (Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)

          Delaware                     0-26530                33-0668235
 ---------------------------    --------------------      -------------------
(State or Other Jurisdiction    (Commission File No.)        (IRS Employer 
      of Incorporation)                                   Identification No.)

Symphony Towers, 750 B Street, Suite 1920, San Diego, CA               92101
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Address of principal executive offices)                            (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code:  (619) 239-4242

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Former name or former address, if changed since last report)


(a) Financial Statements of Businesses Acquired.

The audited combined financial statements for the radio stations acquired 
from Southern Skies and Arkansas Skies for the years ended 
December 31, 1995 and 1994 are set forth in the Prospectus dated March 4, 1996,
contained in the Registration Statement filed by the Company with the
Securities and Exchange Commission (File No. 333-1186), which is incorporated 
herein by reference. 

     The audited combined financial statements for the radio stations serving 
the Little Rock, Arkansas market acquired from Southern Skies Corporation and
Arkansas Skies Corporation ("Southern Skies Little Rock Acquisition") as of
and for the year ended December 31, 1996, and the unaudited financial
information as of March 31, 1997 and for the three month periods
ended March 31, 1997 and 1996 follow.

                       KPMG Peat Marwick LLP Letterhead

                        INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT

The Boards of Directors
Southern Skies Corporation
Arkansas Skies Corporation:

We have audited the accompanying combined balance sheet of the Little Rock,
Arkansas Radio Station Operations (KSSN and KMVK) of Southern Skies
Corporation and Arkansas Skies Corporation Sold to Triathlon Broadcasting
Company as of December 31, 1996, and the related combined statements of
operations and radio station equity and cash flows for the year then ended.
These combined financial statements are the responsibility of Southern Skies
Corporation's and Arkansas Skies Corporation's management. Our responsibility
is to express an opinion on these combined financial statements based on our

We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards.
Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the combined financial statements are free
of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis,
evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the combined financial
statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and
significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall
combined financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides
a reasonable basis for our opinion.

As described in note 1(a) to the combined financial statements, the Radio
Stations had no separate legal status or existence and the accompanying
combined financial statements exclude material assets, liabilities, and
expenses, that would not be comparable to those future combined financial
statements resulting from the radio station operations acquired.

In our opinion, the combined financial statements referred to above present
fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Little Rock,
Arkansas Radio Station Operations (KSSN and KMVK) of Southern Skies
Corporation and Arkansas Skies Corporation Sold to Triathlon Broadcasting
Company as of December 31, 1996, and the results of their operations and
their cash flows for the year then ended in conformity with generally accepted
accounting principles.

                                                  KPMG Peat Marwick LLP

Little Rock, Arkansas
April 7, 1997, except as
 to note 6, which is as
 of April 25, 1997

                        OPERATIONS (KSSN AND KMVK) OF
                          SOUTHERN SKIES CORPORATION
                        AND ARKANSAS SKIES CORPORATION
                                   SOLD TO
                            TRIATHLON BROADCASTING

                            Combined Balance Sheet

                              December 31, 1996


Current assets:
 Cash                                                                 $  118,911
 Trade accounts, receivable, net of allowance for doubtful
  accounts of $58,373                                                    816,507
 Prepaid expenses and other current assets                                 1,806
           Total current assets                                          937,224

Property and equipment (note 2)                                        1,309,213
 Less accumulated depreciation                                         1,082,928
           Net property and equipment                                    226,285

Goodwill, net of accumulated amortization                              1,318,937
Other intangible assets, net of accumulated amortization (note 3)      1,436,947
Other assets                                                              13,395

               Liabilities and Radio Station Equity

Current liabilities:
 Accounts payable                                                        431,011
 Other accrued expenses and liabilities                                  262,923
            Total current liabilities                                    693,934

Radio station equity                                                   3,238,854

Commitments and contingencies (notes 5 and 6)

See accompanying notes to combined financial statements.

                        OPERATIONS (KSSN AND KMVK) OF
                          SOUTHERN SKIES CORPORATION
                        AND ARKANSAS SKIES CORPORATION
                                   SOLD TO
                            TRIATHLON BROADCASTING

                       Combined Statement of Operations
                           and Radio Station Equity

                              December 31, 1996

Gross revenues                                                      $ 4,651,852
Less commissions                                                        512,707
  Net revenues                                                        4,139,145

 Operating expenses                                                     815,400
 Selling expenses                                                     1,633,888
 General and administrative expenses                                    695,870
 Depreciation and amortization (notes 2 and 3)                          669,084

  Excess of revenues over operating expenses                            324,903

Interest expense                                                        739,581
  Net loss                                                             (414,678)

Radio station equity - beginning of year                              4,109,169
Distibutions (note 4)                                                  (455,637)
Radio station equity - end of year                                  $ 3,238,854

See accompanying notes to combined financial statements.

                        OPERATIONS (KSSN AND KMVK) OF
                          SOUTHERN SKIES CORPORATION
                        AND ARKANSAS SKIES CORPORATION
                                   SOLD TO
                            TRIATHLON BROADCASTING

                       Combined Statement of Cash Flows

                              December 31, 1996

Cash flows from operating activities:
 Net loss                                                             $(414,678)
 Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash provided
  by operating activities:
   Depreciation                                                          67,708
   Amortization of intangibles                                          601,376
   Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
    Accounts receivable                                                  27,301
    Prepaid expenses and other assets                                    (3,254)
    Accounts payable                                                     77,766
    Other accrued expenses and liabilities                              150,100

     Net cash provided by operating activities                          506,319

Cash flows from investing activities - purchase of property
 and equipment                                                          (23,205)

Cash flows from financing acitivities - distributions                  (455,637)

Net increase in cash                                                     27,477

Cash at beginning of year                                                91,434
Cash at end of year                                                   $ 118,911

See accompanying notes to combined financial statements.

                        OPERATIONS (KSSN AND KMVK) OF
                          SOUTHERN SKIES CORPORATION
                        AND ARKANSAS SKIES CORPORATION
                                   SOLD TO
                            TRIATHLON BROADCASTING

                    Notes to Combined Financial Statements

                         Year ended December 31, 1996

(1) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

    (a) Organization and Operations

        Southern Skies Corporation ("Southern Skies") and Arkansas Skies
          Corporation ("Arkansas Skies") (collectively, "Companies") own and
          operate radio broadcasting stations. Southern Skies owns and operates
          an FM station (KSSN) in Little Rock, Arkansas and an AM/FM station
          (KZSN) located in Wichita, Kansas. Arkansas Skies owns an FM station
          (KMVK) located in Benton, Arkansas. Southern Skies operates KMVK under
          a local marketing agreement dated September 3, 1993, with Arkansas
          Skies. Under this agreement, Southern Skies has agreed to provide all
          programming, accounting, financial and administrative functions to 
          KMVK. Southern Skies is responsible for all expenses associated with
          the local marketing agreement and receives all revenue from the sale
          of advertising time. In return, fees are paid to Arkansas Skies as
          set forth in the agreement.

        Southern Skies is owned by one individual ("stockholder"). Arkansas
          Skies is owned 51% by the stockholder and 49% by the stockholder's
          spouse. Because of the common control and management aspects of the
          Companies, the accompanying financial statements are presented on a
          combined basis.

        The accompanying combined financial statements include the accounts of
          the Little Rock, Arkansas Radio Station Operations (KSSN and KMVK) of
          Southern Skies and Arkansas Skies ("the Radio Stations") sold to
          Triathlon Broadcasting Company ("Triathlon") pursuant to a
          sales agreement between Triathlon, Southern Skies and Arkansas Skies
          (note 6). The Radio Stations have no separate legal status or 
          existence. These combined financial statements are presented as if
          the Radio Stations had existed as an entity separate from the 
          Companies and include the historical assets, liabilities, revenues
          and expenses that are directly related to the Radio Stations'
          operations. These combined financial statements also include an 
          allocation of the Companies' interest expense related to the
          debt incurred by the Companies in connection with the acquisition
          and operation of the Radio Stations.

        Certain intangible assets, long-term debt, notes payable to 
          stockholders and accrued interest are not included in the 
          accompanying combined balance sheet as these assets are not being
          purchased nor are the liabilities being assumed by Triathlon under
          the terms of the purchase agreement. Additionally, all expenses
          that are "non-operational" in nature, including but not limited to,
          amortization of certain intangible assets and certain corporate
          expenses, have been excluded from the accompanying combined
          financial statements.



                        OPERATIONS (KSSN AND KMVK) OF
                          SOUTHERN SKIES CORPORATION
                        AND ARKANSAS SKIES CORPORATION
                                   SOLD TO
                            TRIATHLON BROADCASTING

                    Notes to Combined Financial Statements

        The financial information presented herein reflects the financial 
          position, results of operations and cash flows of the Radio Stations 
          and is not necessarily indicative of the financial position or results
          of operations had the Radio Stations actually operated as a separate
          stand-alone entity during the reporting period. The results of
          operations do not necessarily reflect any trends or future prospects
          for the Radio Stations as an independent entity.

        Radio station equity represents the cumulative earnings, which have not
          been distributed to Southern Skies or Arkansas Skies, of the radio
          stations adjusted for all non-operational activities.

(b)     Use of Estimates

        The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally
          accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates
          and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and
          liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at 
          the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of 
          revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results
          could differ from those estimates.

(c)     Property and Equipment

        Property and equipment are recorded at cost. Depreciation is computed
          by the straight-line method based on the estimated useful lives of
          the respective assets. Leasehold improvements are amortized over
          the lesser of the estimated useful lives of the assets or the 
          lease term (note 2).

(d)     Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets

        The cost of acquired radio stations is allocated first to identifiable
          assets and liabilities based on estimated fair market values. The
          excess of cost over identifiable assets and liabilities is recorded
          as goodwill and amortized on a straight-line basis over a period of
          40 years. Accumulated amortization of goodwill approximated $351,500
          at December 31, 1996. Costs allocated to identifiable intangible
          assets are amortized over the remaining estimated useful lives of 
          the assets as determined by underlying contract terms, independent
          appraisals or asset lives for existing assets (note 3).



                        OPERATIONS (KSSN AND KMVK) OF
                          SOUTHERN SKIES CORPORATION
                        AND ARKANSAS SKIES CORPORATION
                                   SOLD TO
                            TRIATHLON BROADCASTING

                    Notes to Combined Financial Statements

        The Radio Stations continually assesses the recoverability of goodwill
          by determining whether the amortization of the goodwill balance
          over its remaining life can be recovered through undiscounted future
          operating cash flows of the acquired radio stations. The amount of
          goodwill impairment, if any, is measured based on projected 
          discounted future operating cash flows using a discount rate 
          reflecting Southern Skies' average cost of funds. The assessment of
          the recoverability of goodwill will be impacted if estimated operating
          cash flows are not achieved. At this time, the Radio Stations believe
          that no significant impairment of goodwill has occurred and that no
          reduction of the estimated useful lives is warranted.

(e)     Income Taxes

        The Companies operate as Subchapter S corporations for income tax 
          purposes. Income tax benefits have not been provided in the
          accompanying financial statements as the results of operations
          are reported to the Companies' stockholders for inclusion in their
          individual tax returns.

(f)     Revenues and Accounts Receivable
        Revenues are primarily derived from local, regional and national
          advertising and network compensation. Advertising revenues are 
          recognized upon the airing of commercials, while network revenues
          are recognized monthly as earned. Revenues are presented net of
          advertising agency and national sales representatives' commissions.

        Financial instruments which potentially subject the Radio Stations to
          concentrations of credit risk consist primarily of trade receivables.
          All of the Radio Stations' receivables are from a large number of
          customers located primarily in Central Arkansas. Accordingly, the
          Radio Stations' credit risk is affected by general economic conditions
          in this area.

(g)     Barter Transactions

        The Radio Stations exchange unsold advertising time for products and
          services. These transactions are reported at the estimated fair 
          market value of the product or service received. Barter revenues
          are recorded when the commercials are broadcast and barter expenses
          are recorded when merchandise or services are used. If merchandise
          or services are received prior to the broadcast of a commercial, a
          liability is recorded. Likewise, a receivable is recorded if a
          commercial is broadcast before the goods or services are received.



                        OPERATIONS (KSSN AND KMVK) OF
                          SOUTHERN SKIES CORPORATION
                        AND ARKANSAS SKIES CORPORATION
                                   SOLD TO
                            TRIATHLON BROADCASTING

                    Notes to Combined Financial Statements

        The statement of operations and radio station equity includes barter 
          revenues of $799,000 and barter expenses of $770,000 for the year
          ended December 31, 1996.

(h)     Advertising Costs

        All advertising costs are expensed as incurred.

(i)     Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and Long-Lived Assets to Be Disposed Of

        The Radio Stations adopted the provisions of SFAS No. 121, "ACCOUNTING
	  BE DISPOSED OF," on January 1, 1996. This Statement requires that
          long-lived assets and certain identifiable intangibles be reviewed
          for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate
          that the carrying amount of an asset may not be recoverable. 
          Recoverability of assets to be held and used is measured by a 
          comparison of the carrying amount of an asset to future net cash flows
          expected to be generated by the asset. If such assets are considered
          to be impaired, the impairment to be recognized is measured by the
          amount by which the carrying amount of the assets exceed the fair
          value of the assets. Assets to be disposed of are reported at the 
          lower of the carrying amount of fair value less costs to sell. 
          Adoption of this Statement did not have a material impact on the
          Radio Stations' combined financial position, results of operations,
          or liquidity.

(j)     Fair Value of Financial Instruments

	  INSTRUMENTS," defines the fair value of a financial instrument
          as the amount at which the instrument could be exchanged in a 
          current transaction between willing parties. The carrying value of
          cash, trade accounts receivable and accounts payable approximates
          fair value because of the short maturity of those instruments.

(k)     Interest Expense

        Interest expense allocated to the Radio Stations has been determined
          by applying the ratio of the Radio Stations' average assets to total
          average assets of the Companies to total interest expense incurred
          by the Companies during 1996, as management considers this allocation
          method to be reasonable for the operation of the Radio Stations.



                        OPERATIONS (KSSN AND KMVK) OF
                          SOUTHERN SKIES CORPORATION
                        AND ARKANSAS SKIES CORPORATION
                                   SOLD TO
                            TRIATHLON BROADCASTING

                    Notes to Combined Financial Statements

(2)     Property and Equipment

        A summary of property and equipment at December 31, 1996 follows:

                                                  Life in years
           Building and leasehold improvements       20 - 31.5     $  165,478
           Equipment and furnishings                  2 - 7         1,143,735

(3)     Other Intangible Assets
        A summary of other intangible assets at December 31, 1996 and their
          amortization period follows:

                                                  period in years
          Favorable lease                            14 - 28       $1,000,000
          FCC license                                  10           3,196,300
          Less accumulated amortization                             2,759,353

(4)    Related Party Transactions

       Periodically, the Radio Stations receive available funds from or
         pay expenses on behalf of their sister radio station, KZSN, or on 
         behalf of Southern Skies or Arkansas Skies. Such amounts are reflected
         as distributions in the accompanying statement of operations and radio
         station equity.

(5)    Commitments

       At December 31, 1996, all of the assets of the Radio Stations were 
         pledged as collateral on certain debt incurred by Southern Skies and
         Arkansas Skies. For the year ended December 31, 1996, Southern Skies
         was not in compliance with certain financial covenants of the debt
         agreements and is in default under the debt agreements. Although
         the lender has a right to call the debt at any time as a result of
         the default, it has not indicated any intention to do so. Management
         of the Companies expect to get waivers from the lender as a result of
         the purchase agreement discussed in note 6.



                        OPERATIONS (KSSN AND KMVK) OF
                          SOUTHERN SKIES CORPORATION
                        AND ARKANSAS SKIES CORPORATION
                                   SOLD TO
                            TRIATHLON BROADCASTING

                     Notes to Combined Financial Statements

(6)     Subsequent Event

        On February 8, 1996, as amended on November 26, 1996, the Companies
          agreed in principle to sell virtually all the assets of their radio
          station operations to Triathlon for $23,117,000 (consisting of cash
          of $22,617,000 and common stock of Triathlon having a quoted market
          value of approximately $500,000), including, but not limited to,
          all property, equipment, and FCC licenses for the operation of KSSN,
          KZSN, and KMVK. On January 9, 1997, the sale of KZSN was consummated
          and on April 25, 1997, the sale of KSSN and KMVK was consummated
          whereby Triathlon now owns and operates all of the radio station
          operations of the Companies.

                        OPERATIONS (KSSN AND KMVK) OF
                          SOUTHERN SKIES CORPORATION
                        AND ARKANSAS SKIES CORPORATION
                                   SOLD TO
                            TRIATHLON BROADCASTING

                            Combined Balance Sheet

                               March 31, 1997


Current assets                       $    758,830

Property and equipment, net               214,738
Intangible assets, net                  2,631,466

Other assets                               63,606
                                     $  3,668,640


Current liabilities                  $    211,419
Long term liabilities                     722,500

Radio stations' equity:                 
 Balance at December 31, 1996           3,238,854
 Net loss                                (113,953)
 Distributions                           (390,180)
                                     $  3,668,640

             See notes to combined financial statements

                        OPERATIONS (KSSN AND KMVK) OF
                          SOUTHERN SKIES CORPORATION
                        AND ARKANSAS SKIES CORPORATION
                                   SOLD TO
                            TRIATHLON BROADCASTING

                      Combined Statements of Operations

                                                    3 Months Ended
                                                       March 31,
                                                  1997          1996
                                                  ----          ----

Net revenue                                   $  809,891      $  690,513
Station operating expenses                       633,182         694,527
Depreciation and amortization                    131,234         177,935
                                              ----------      ----------
Operating income (loss)                           45,475        (181,949) 
Interest expense                                (160,051)       (309,936)
Other income                                         623             891
                                              ----------      ----------
Net loss                                      $ (113,953)     $ (490,994)
                                              ==========      ==========

             See notes to combined financial statements

                        OPERATIONS (KSSN AND KMVK) OF
                          SOUTHERN SKIES CORPORATION
                        AND ARKANSAS SKIES CORPORATION
                                   SOLD TO

                       Combined Statements of Cash Flows

                                                                  3 months 
                                                                  March 31,
                                                             1997          1996
                                                             ----          ----
Net cash provided by operating activities                 $  341,387    $  293,311

Net cash used by investing activities-
  Plant & Equipment                                           (3,479)              

Net cash used in financing activities-Distributions         (390,180)     (302,464)
                                                          ----------    ----------

Net decrease in cash                                         (52,272)       (9,153)

Cash at beginning of period                                  118,911        24,257
                                                          ----------   -----------

Cash at end of period                                     $   66,639    $   15,104
                                                          ==========    ===========

             See notes to combined financial statements

                              Page 1

                         OPERATIONS (KSSN AND KMVK) OF
                        SOUTHERN SKIES CORPORATION AND
                          ARKANSAS SKIES CORPORATION
                                    SOLD TO



     Southern Skies Corporation ("Southern Skies") and Arkansas Skies
Corporation ("Arkansas Skies") (collectively, "Companies") own and operate
radio broadcasting stations. Southern Skies owns and operates an FM radio 
station (KSSN) in Little Rock, Arkansas. Arkansas Skies owns and operates an
FM radio station (KMVK) in Benton, Arkansas. Southern Skies operates KMVK 
under a local marketing agreement with Arkansas Skies whereby Southern Skies
has agreed to provide all programming, accounting, financial and 
administrative functions to KMVK.

     The accompanying combined financial statements include the combined
financial position, results of operations and cash flows of KSSN and KMVK
(collectively, "Stations") after eliminating all significant
interdivisional accounts and transactions between the stations; as they are
under common control and subject to the sale described below.

     On January 9, 1997 and April 25, 1997, respectively, Triathlon
Broadcasting Company ("Triathlon") purchased radio stations KZSN-FM and
KZSN-AM, both operating in the Wichita, Kansas market, and the Stations,
from the Companies for an aggregate purchase price of $22.6 million, 46,189
shares of Triathlon's Class A Common Stock and will pay $750,000 pursuant
to a non-competition agreement with one of the principals of Southern Skies.


     The accompanying unaudited consolidated financial statements have been
prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for
interim financial information. Accordingly, they do not include all of the
information and footnotes required by generally accepted accounting principles
for complete financial statements. In the opinion of management, all
adjustments (consisting of normal recurring adjustments) considered necessary
for a fair presentation have been included, except that certain intangible
assets, long-term debt, notes payable to stockholders and accrued interest are
not included in the accompanying combined balance sheet as these assets were
not purchased nor were liabilities assumed by Triathlon under the terms of
the asset purchase agreement between the Companies and Triathlon (see Note 1).
Operating results for an interim period are not necessarily indicative of the
results that may be expected for a full year.

(b) Pro Forma Financial Information

The unaudited pro forma financial information of Triathlon Broadcasting Company
("Company") for the year ended December 31, 1996 and as of and for the 
three months ended March 31, 1997 follows:


The Pro Forma Condensed Combined Balance Sheet as of March 31, 1997 is 
presented as if, at such a date, the Company had completed the acquisitions of
radio stations KSSN - (FM) and KMVK - (FM) (the "Southern Skies Little Rock
Acquisition") and KOLL - (FM) (the "KOLL Acquisition"), received proceeds from
additional borrowings under the Company's credit facility with AT&T Commercial 
Finance Corporation (the "Credit Facility"), and received proceeds from the 
subsequent sale of KSSN - (FM), KMVK - (FM) and KOLL - (FM) (the "Little Rock

The Pro Forma Condensed Combined Statements of Operations for the year ended
December 31, 1996 and for the three months ended March 31, 1997 gives effect to
the following transactions as if they had occurred as of January 1, 1996: (i) 
the acquisitions of KTGL - (FM) and KZKX - (FM) (the "Lincoln Acquisition"), 
KIBZ - (FM), KKNB - (FM) and KHAT-AM (the "Rock Steady Acquisition"), KTNP -
(FM) (formerly KRRK - (FM)) (the "93.3, Inc. Acquisition"), KXKT - (FM) (the 
"Valley Acquisition"), KALE-AM and KIOK - (FM) (the "Sterling Acquisition"), 
KISC - (FM), KNFR - (FM) and KAQQ-AM (the "Silverado Acquisition"), KVOR-AM, 
KSPZ - (FM), KTWK-AM, KVUU - (FM), KEYF - (AM), KEYF (FM), KEYN - (FM), 
KUDY-AM, KKZX - (FM), KEGX - (FM) and KTCR-AM (the "Pourtales Acquisition"),
KZSN - (FM) and KZSN-AM (the "Southern Skies Wichita Acquisition" and together 
with the Southern Skies Little Rock Acquisition, the "Southern Skies 
Acquisition"); (ii) the Little Rock Disposition; and (iii) the financing and
other costs of the acquisitions.

No adjustments have been made to the Pro Forma Condensed Combined Statements of
Operations to reflect the Southern Skies Little Rock Acquisition since the 
related stations are subject to the Little Rock Disposition. The Company has 
been operating KOLL - (FM) under a local marketing agreement since March 15, 
1996, therefore the Pro Forma Condensed Combined Statements of Operations 
eliminate such operations which are subject to the Little Rock Disposition.

The above acquisitions have been accounted for using the purchase method of 
accounting. The total cost of each acquisition has been allocated to the 
tangible and intangible assets of the stations acquired and liabilities assumed
based on their respective fair values. The allocations of the purchase price 
assumed in the pro forma financial statements are preliminary. The Company does
not expect that the final allocations will materially differ from the 
preliminary allocations. The Southern Skies Little Rock Acquisition which
closed on April 25, 1997 was the subject of an agreement, as amended, dated
November 26, 1996 which also included the acquisition of two radio stations in 
Wichita, Kansas which closed in January 1997. See Note 2 to the Pro Forma 
Condensed Combined Balance Sheet for reallocation of amounts recorded by the 
Company for the Southern Skies Wichita Acquisition.

In the opinion of management, all adjustments necessary to fairly present this 
pro forma information have been made. These Pro Forma Condensed Combined 
Financial Statements have been prepared utilizing, and should be read in 
conjunction with (i) the Company's Consolidated Financial Statements as of and
for the year ended December 31, 1996 (including in the Company's Transition 
Report on Form 10KSB); (ii) the Company's Condensed Consolidated Financial 
Statements as of and for the three months ended March 31, 1997 (included in 
the Company's Form 10QSB; and (iii) the historical financial statements of the 
sellers of the Lincoln Acquisition (consisting of KZKX - (FM), Inc., KTGL 
Corporation, KZKX and KTGL, divisions of Pourtales Radio Partnership), the Rock
Steady Acquisition (consisting of Rock Steady, Inc.), the 93.3, Inc. 
Acquisition (consisting of 93.3, Inc.), the Valley Acquisition (consisting of 
Valley Broadcasting, Inc.), the Sterling Acquisition (consisting of KALE/KIOK
Radio Station, a unit of Sterling Realty Organization), the Silverado 
Acquisition (consisting of KAQQ-AM, KISC - (FM) and KNFR - (FM), divisions of 
Silverado Broadcasting Company, Inc.), the Pourtales Acquisition (consisting of 
Springs Radio, Inc., KVUU/KSSS, Inc., KOTY - (FM), Inc., KEYF Corporation, 
Fourth Street Broadcasting, Inc., and KTCR/KEGX, KEYF, KUDY/KKZX and KEYN, 
divisions of Pourtales Radio  Partnership), the KOLL Acquisition (consisting of
KOLL - (FM), a division of Southern Starr Broadcasting Group, Inc. and 
KOLL - (FM), a division of Southern Starr of Arkansas, Inc.) and the Southern 
Skies Acquisition (consisting of Southern Skies Corporation and Arkansas Skies 
Corporation) all included, as applicable, in the Prospectus, dated March 4, 
1996, and Item 7(a) included elsewhere herein. The pro forma information does 
not purport to be indicative of the results that would have been reported had 
such events actually occurred on the dates specified, nor is it indicative of 
the Company's future results if the aforementioned transactions are completed.

Each of the sellers of the acquired radio stations has its own historical 
financial and operating structures and may include or exclude items which may 
affect the comparability of certain items. Management believes that the pro 
forma results are a better indicator of the Company's performance in that pro
forma numbers reflect the proposed capital structure and acquisition prices.

                            MARCH 31, 1997

                                 BROADCASTING     PRO FORMA        PRO FORMA 
                                   COMPANY       ADJUSTMENTS       COMBINED 
                               -------------- ---------------   ------------- 
ASSETS                           $  7,608,000   $  9,000,000 (1)  $ 9,785,841 
Current assets                                    (6,822,159)(2) 

Property and equipment, net         7,737,000                       7,737,000 
Intangible assets, net             76,566,000     (2,516,111)(2)   74,049,889

Assets held for sale                              20,000,000 (2)           -- 

Other assets                       13,807,000    (10,480,839)(2)    3,326,161
                               -------------- ---------------   ------------- 
                                 $105,718,000   $(10,819,109)     $94,898,891 
                               ============== ===============   ============= 

Current liabilities              $  4,660,000   $   (447,005)(2)  $ 4,212,995 
Long term liabilities              30,358,000      9,000,000 (1)   19,358,000 

Non-compete payable                   300,000        375,000 (2)      675,000 
Deferred taxes                      7,630,000                       7,630,000 
Deferred compensation                  96,000                          96,000 
Stockholder's equity               62,674,000        252,896 (2)   62,926,896 
                               -------------- ---------------   ------------- 
                                 $105,718,000   $(10,819,109)     $94,898,891 
                               ============== ===============   ============= 

                           TRIATHLON BROADCASTING COMPANY 
                       FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED MARCH 31, 1997 

                                            TRIATHLON         SOUTHERN         LITTLE
                                           BROADCASTING     SKIES WICHITA        ROCK           PRO FORMA 
                                             COMPANY         ACQUISITION    DISPOSITION         COMBINED 
                                         --------------   ---------------   -----------     -------------- 
                                           (HISTORICAL)          (5)             (6)       
Net revenue                                $ 5,660,780         $46,397        $224,321        $ 5,482,856 
Station operating expenses                   4,406,149          34,698         208,556          4,232,291 
Depreciation and amortization                  751,671              --             274            751,397 
Corporate expenses                             490,400              --              --            490,400 
Deferred compensation                          100,464              --              --            100,464 
                                         --------------   ---------------   -----------     -------------- 
Operating (loss) income                        (87,904)         11,699          15,491            (91,696) 
Interest expense                              (764,123)             --         (87,304)          (676,819) 
Other income                                   194,623              --              --            194,623 
                                         --------------   ---------------   -----------     -------------- 
Net (loss) income                             (657,404)        $11,699        $(71,813)          (573,892) 
                                                          ===============   ===========     
Preferred stock dividend requirement        (1,376,824)                                        (1,376,824) 
                                         --------------                                     -------------- 
Net loss to common shares                  $(2,034,228)                                       $(1,950,716) 
                                         ==============                                     ============== 
Net loss per common share                  $     (0.42)                                       $     (0.40) 
                                         ==============                                     ==============
Weighted average common shares                                                         
 outstanding                                 4,861,568                                (13)      4,887,789 

                         TRIATHLON BROADCASTING COMPANY 
                      FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1996

                                  TRIATHLON    DURING THE YEAR    SOUTHERN       LITTLE 
                                 BROADCASTING  ENDED DECEMBER   SKIES WICHITA     ROCK        PRO FORMA         PRO FORMA 
                                   COMPANY        31, 1996       ACQUISITION  DISPOSITION    ADJUSTMENTS         COMBINED 
                               -------------- --------------- --------------- -----------  ---------------    -------------- 
                                 (HISTORICAL)        (4)             (5)          (6) 
Net revenue                      $18,963,101     $ 3,434,842     $2,687,337     $797,284    $  (296,221)(11)  $23,991,775 
Station operating expenses        13,678,117       3,087,384      1,889,942      623,456       (296,221)(11)   17,735,766 
Depreciation and amortization      1,426,759         875,367         69,515          273        481,452 (7)     2,852,820 
Corporate expenses                 1,719,283         448,571             --           --       (367,854)(8)     1,800,000 
Deferred compensation                365,992              --             --           --                          365,992 
DOJ information costs                300,000              --             --           --             --           300,000 
                               -------------- --------------- --------------- ---------- ---------------    -------------- 
Operating income (loss)            1,472,950        (976,480)       727,880      173,555       (113,598)          937,197 
Interest expense                  (2,581,423)       (188,938)      (348,326)          --       (598,869)(9)    (3,717,556) 
Other income (expense)               669,637        (635,633)      (486,829)          --      1,108,484 (10)      655,659 
                               -------------- --------------- --------------- ---------- ---------------    -------------- 
Income (loss) before 
 extraordinary item                 (438,836)    $(1,801,051)    $ (107,275)    $173,555    $   396,017        (2,124,700) 
                                              =============== =============== ========== ===============    
requirement                       (4,414,523)                                                           (12)   (5,507,296) 
                               --------------                                                               -------------- 
Net loss before extraordinary 
 item applicable to common 
 shares                          $(4,853,359)                                                                 $(7,631,996) 
                               ==============                                                               ============== 
Net loss before extraordinary       
 item per common share           $     (0.97)                                                                 $     (1.56) 
                                 ============                                                                 ============ 
Weighted average common shares 
 outstanding                       4,841,600                                                            (13)    4,887,789 




(1) To reflect the proceeds for additional borrowings under the Credit 

(2) To reflect the purchase price of approximately $20 million for the radio 
stations subject to the Southern Skies Little Rock Acquisition and KOLL 
Acquisition. The aggregate purchase price includes fees and expenses of 
$652,865, including fees to The Sillerman Companies of $239,500. Consideration
for the radio stations included the issuance of 23,725 shares of the Company's 
Class A Common Stock and a note for $375,000 payable over five years. Deposits 
and advances to one of the sellers aggregating $10,112,500 were also applied 
against the amounts due at closing. The Company has also reallocated a portion
of amounts previously recorded in connection with Southern Skies Wichita 
Acquisition to the purchase price of Southern Skies Acquisition to the purchase
price of Southern Skies Little Rock, in accordance with generally accepted 
accounting principles, to reflect the subsequent sales price of the radio 
station so that no gain or loss will be recognized in connection with the 
disposition of this part of the Southern Skies Acquisition.

(3) To reflect proceeds to be received from Little Rock Disposition, which
will be applied to amounts outstanding under the Credit Facility.

                                  - 5 -


(4) Includes the historical results of operations for stations acquired by 
    the Company during the year ended December 31, 1996, for periods prior to 
    their acquisition, as follows: 

                               LINCOLN      ROCK STEADY     93.3 INC.       VALLEY 
                            -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- 
Net revenue ...............    $151,856       $353,297      $150,460       $338,119 
Station operating 
 expenses..................     109,942        330,054       125,311        212,794 
Depreciation and 
 amortization .............      39,556         47,963        28,704         50,366 
Corporate expenses ........          --             --            --             -- 
                           -------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- 
Operating income (loss)  ..       2,358        (24,720)       (3,555)        74,959 
Interest income ........... 
Interest expense ..........        (489)       (60,919)           --             -- 
Other income (expense)  ...     (17,806)         2,593            --             -- 
                           -------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- 
Net income (loss) .........    $(15,937)      $(83,046)     $ (3,555)      $ 74,959 
                           ============== ============== ============= ============== 


                               STERLING      SILVERADO      POURTALES 
                            ACQUISITION(D) ACQUISITION(E)  ACQUISITION 
                            -------------- --------------  ----------- 
Net revenue ...............   $117,530      $ 433,825    $ 1,889,755 
Station operating 
 expenses..................    203,345        424,221      1,681,716 
Depreciation and 
 amortization .............     11,007        119,379        578,393 
Corporate expenses ........         --             --        448,571 
                           ------------- ------------- ------------- 
Operating income (loss)  ..    (96,822)      (109,775)      (818,925) 
Interest income ........... 
Interest expense ..........         --             --       (127,530) 
Other income (expense)  ...         --          1,245       (621,665) 
                           ------------- ------------- ------------- 
Net income (loss) .........   $(96,822)     $(108,530)   $(1,568,120) 
                           ============= ============= ============= 

- ------------ 
(a)    For the period from January 1, 1996 through January 23, 1996. 
(b)    For the period from January 1, 1996 through June 12, 1996. 
(c)    For the period from January 1, 1996 through April 9, 1996. 
(d)    For the period from January 1, 1996 through April 18, 1996. 
(e)    For the period from January 1, 1996 through February 29, 1996. 
(f)    For the period from January 1, 1996 through November 21, 1996. 

(5) Represents the historical results of operations for stations acquired by 
    the Company on January 9, 1997 pursuant to the Southern Skies Wichita 
    Acquisition, for periods prior to their acquisition. 

(6) Represents elimination of the historical results of operations of 
    KOLL--(FM) which the Company has been operating under a local marketing 
    agreement since March 15, 1996. This station will be sold in connection 
    with the Little Rock Disposition. 

                               - 6 -

 (7)    To reflect the incremental additional amortization expense relating 
        to the acquisitions based on the preliminary purchase price 
        allocations. The actual depreciation and amortization expense may 
        change upon final determination of the fair value of the net assets 
 (8)    To adjust corporate expenses to reflect the incremental additional 
        corporate office costs for a larger station for an entire year, 
        offset by the elimination of expenses of the acquired stations not 
        expected to be incurred by the Company. 
 (9)    To adjust interest expense to reflect outstanding borrowings for 
        entire period. Proceeds from the Little Rock Disposition will be used 
        to reduce debt, and therefore, interest expense has been adjusted 
(10)    To eliminate non-operating expenses that are not expected to be 
        incurred by the Company. 
(11)    To adjust for JSA/LMA fees. 
(12)    To reflect the full year dividend requirement for the Company's 
        preferred stock. 
(13)    To reflect the weighted average number of common stock outstanding 
        for a full year. 

                              - 7 -           


  23.    Consent of KPMG Peat Marwick LLP


	Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities and Exchange Act of
1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf
by the undersigned thereto duly authorized.

                                             TRIATHLON BROADCASTING COMPANY

July 11, 1997                                By: /s/ Jan E. Chason
                                             Name:  Jan E. Chason
                                             Title: Chief Financial Officer
                                                    and Treasurer