EX 10.5
                         MANAGEMENT SERVICES AGREEMENT

         Management Services Agreement dated as of October ____, 1997
("Agreement") by and between Bolle Inc., a Delaware corporation ("Bolle"), and
BEC Group, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("BEC").

                              W I T N E S S E T H

         WHEREAS, BEC is experienced in the overall management and direction of
corporations which design, develop, manufacture and distribute products for
specialized markets throughout the world; and;

         WHEREAS, Bolle, a manufacturer of sunglasses, eyeglasses and goggles,
desires to engage BEC to provide managerial and other advisory services to
Bolle and its subsidiaries, and BEC desires to accept such engagement;

         NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants
and agreements hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto, desiring to be
legally bound, do hereby agree as follows:

         1. ENGAGEMENT OF BEC. Bolle hereby engages BEC, and BEC hereby accepts
such engagement, to provide managerial and other advisory services on a
continuing basis to Bolle and its subsidiaries, upon the terms and conditions
hereinafter set forth.

         2. SERVICES.

                  2.1 SCOPE OF SERVICES. Subject to the terms and conditions
                  hereof, BEC shall provide on a continuing basis to Bolle and
                  its subsidiaries such managerial and advisory services
                  relating to Bolle and its subsidiaries, as are specified in
                  Section 2.2 hereof and as Bolle may reasonably request from
                  time to time having regard to BEC's experience and expertise,
                  personnel and the remuneration payable to BEC under this
                  Agreement. Under no circumstances shall BEC be required to
                  provide the services of outside professionals or consultants
                  in fulfilling its obligations hereunder, except on such terms
                  and conditions as may be agreed between the parties from time
                  to time.

                  2.2 SPECIFIC SERVICES. The services BEC shall provide to
                  Bolle and its subsidiaries hereunder shall include, but not
                  be limited to, the following:

                           (a) advice and assistance as to the general and
                           corporate policies and strategic planning and
                           direction of Bolle and its subsidiaries and, in
                           connection therewith, make available the services of
                           Martin E. Franklin and Ian G.H. Ashken;

                           (b) making available personnel of BEC to serve as
                           directors on the boards of directors of Bolle and
                           its subsidiaries and on committees of such board of
                           directors as Bolle and its subsidiaries may
                           reasonably request;

                           (c) advice and assistance in dealing with
                           regulators, including, without limitation, public
                           hearings involving Bolle or any of its subsidiaries
                           before governmental and regulatory bodies;

                           (d) advice and assistance involving investor
                           relations for Bolle, including without limitation,
                           communication with Bolle's investors, analysts and
                           securities regulators and the preparation and filing
                           by Bolle of disclosure documents and reports
                           required to be filed by it in accordance with
                           applicable securities laws, rules and regulations;

                           (e) advice and assistance with respect to the
                           financial affairs of Bolle and its subsidiaries,
                           including, without limitation, the evaluation of
                           budgets, business plans, capital expenditure
                           proposals and financial projections for Bolle and
                           its subsidiaries, monitoring of Bolle's operational
                           results (including those of its subsidiaries) and
                           consultation with management of Bolle with respect
                           to those results;

                           (f) advice and assistance in connection with the
                           raising by Bolle or any of its subsidiaries of
                           external debt or equity capital and dealings by
                           Bolle and its subsidiaries with their respective
                           bankers and other sources of financial assistance;

                           (g) advice and assistance in connection with
                           interest rate risk management, foreign exchange
                           management and excess cash investment;

                           (h) advice and assistance in connection with the
                           acquisition and divestiture of related operations;

                           (i) advice and assistance with regard to community
                           relations and public relations programs;

                           (j) advice, assistance and coordination in pension
                           planning matters;

                           (k) advice, assistance and coordination involving
                           insurance matters, including, without limitations,
                           risk management, planning, disaster advice and
                           coordination of insurance programs with affiliated

                           (l) advice and assistance in connection with Bolle's
                           relationship with external auditors and internal
                           audits conducted to review the corporate operations
                           and affairs of Bolle and its subsidiaries,
                           (including, without limitation, assistance in
                           identifying areas in which operational improvements
                           can be made);


                           (m) advice and assistance in further developing
                           policies and procedures for Bolle and its
                           subsidiaries relating to financial, accounting,
                           human resource and benefits matters;

                           (n) monitoring international developments and new
                           business opportunities and consulting with
                           management of Bolle regarding same.

         3. FEES AND EXPENSES.

                  3.1 MANAGEMENT FEE. In consideration of the services to be
                  rendered by BEC hereunder, Bolle shall pay to BEC a monthly
                  fee of $60,000 (the "Management Fee"), together with any
                  relevant sales taxes during each year that this Agreement
                  remains in effect. The Management Fee shall be paid in
                  arrears within five (5) days after the end of each month
                  included within the term of this Agreement.

                  3.2 EXPENSES. If, during the term of this Agreement, BEC
                  incurs any identifiable, reasonable out-of-pocket expenses
                  (including, without limitation, travel and living expenses)
                  in respect of the services rendered by BEC hereunder, BEC
                  shall be entitled to obtain reimbursement from Bolle of such
                  expenses upon providing Bolle with an invoice setting forth
                  the particulars of the expenses for which BEC is claiming
                  reimbursement hereunder. Notwithstanding the foregoing, BEC
                  shall not be entitled to reimbursement for any known single
                  item of expense in excess of $10,000 unless such expense
                  shall have been pre-approved by the President of Bolle. Any
                  amount due BEC under this Section 3.2 shall be paid by Bolle
                  within five (5) days after the end of the month in which the
                  invoice covering such amount was delivered to Bolle.

                  3.3 LATE PAYMENTS. Notwithstanding any provision contained
                  herein to the contrary, if and to the extent that payment of
                  any of the amounts described in Section 3.1 or 3.2 hereof
                  would result in Bolle or any of its subsidiaries being in
                  default under any agreement with a bank or similar lending
                  institution, Bolle may defer payment thereof until such time,
                  but only until such time, as the payment would not result in
                  Bolle being in default under such agreement, provided that if
                  such default continues for more than three (3) months BEC
                  shall not be obligated to provide any services pursuant to
                  this Agreement until such time as all outstanding amounts
                  have been paid in accordance with this Agreement. Any payment
                  to be made to BEC pursuant to this Agreement that is not paid
                  when due (including, without limitation, pursuant to the
                  deferment contemplated in the preceding sentence) shall bear
                  interest from the date such payment is due until the date
                  such payment is made at a rate per annum equal to the prime
                  rate of the New York City branch of NationsBank, N.A. during
                  such period, adjusted on a daily basis for changes in that
                  rate, plus 2% per annum.

         4. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. BEC assumes no responsibility to Bolle
hereunder other than as expressly set forth herein. BEC shall not be liable to
Bolle hereunder except for actual damages where BEC has acted in bad faith or
has been grossly negligent in the performance of


its obligations hereunder. Bolle agrees to indemnify and hold harmless BEC from
and against any and all losses, damages, claims, liabilities, deficiencies,
costs and expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees) ("Losses") incurred
or suffered by BEC or any of its subsidiaries, arising from or in connection
with the services provided by BEC or any of its subsidiaries pursuant to this
Agreement other than Losses suffered or incurred as a result of BEC's bad faith
or gross negligence in the performance of its obligations hereunder.

         5. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. BEC shall act as the independent contractor
of Bolle. BEC shall not be the legal agent of Bolle for any purpose whatsoever
and therefore has no right or authority to make or underwrite any promise,
warranty or representation, to execute any contract or otherwise to assume any
obligation or responsibility in the name of or on behalf of Bolle, except to
the extent hereafter specifically authorized in writing by Bolle. BEC shall
advise all third parties with whom it deals in the performance of services
hereunder of such lack of authority. Bolle shall not be bound by or liable to
any third party for any act or for any obligation or debt incurred by BEC
toward such third party, except to the extent hereafter specifically agreed to
in writing by Bolle.

         6. TERMS. The initial term of this Agreement shall commence as of the
date hereof and shall continue through and include the third anniversary of the
date hereof. Thereafter, the term of this Agreement shall automatically
continue in full force and effect for succeeding one-year periods unless either
party hereto shall give notice of termination to the other no later than ninety
(90) days prior to the expiration of the initial term, or any renewal term then
in effect, as the case may be. The respective rights and obligations of Bolle
and BEC which have accrued hereunder at the time of expiration of this
Agreement shall not be affected by such expiration.

         7. MISCELLANEOUS.

                  7.1 NOTICES. All notices and other communications required or
                  permitted hereunder shall be in writing. Notices and other
                  communications shall be delivered personally (including by
                  any reputable overnight courier) or sent by certified or
                  registered mail, postage prepaid, or by telecopier and shall
                  be deemed received, in the case of personal delivery, when
                  delivered, in the case of mailing, on the third day after
                  mailing, and in the case of telecopy transmission, upon

                  All notices and other communications given pursuant to this
                  Agreement shall be addressed as follows:

                  (a)      If to Bolle, to it at:

                           Bolle Inc.
                           3890 Elm Street
                           Denver, CO 80207
                           Telecopier:  (303) 321-6952
                           Attention:  Mr. Gary Kiedaisch


                  (b)      If to BEC, to it at:

                           BEC Group, Inc.
                           555 Theodore Fremd Avenue
                           Suite B-302
                           Rye, New York  10580
                           Telecopier:  (914) 967-9405
                           Attention:  Mr. Martin E. Franklin
                  Either party hereto may change the person to whom or the
                  address or telecopier number to which notices and other
                  communications are to be given hereunder, but any such notice
                  or other communication shall be effective only when actually
                  received by the other party hereto.

                  7.2 ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement contains the entire
                  agreement between the parties hereto with respect to the
                  subject matter hereof and supersedes any and all prior
                  arrangements, agreements or understandings, whether written
                  or oral. During the initial term of this Agreement, no
                  amendment, modification or waiver of any of the terms or
                  provisions of Section 3 hereof shall be valid or binding
                  unless set forth in writing and signed by Bolle and BEC. No
                  other amendment, modification or waiver of any of the terms
                  or provisions hereof shall be valid or binding unless set
                  forth in writing and signed by Bolle and BEC.

                  7.3 NON-WAIVER. The waiver of, or failure to take action with
                  regard to, any breach of any term or condition of this
                  Agreement shall not be deemed to constitute a continuing
                  waiver or a waiver of any other breach of the same or any
                  other term or condition.

                  7.4 HEADINGS. The headings contained in this Agreement are
                  for reference purposes only and shall not affect in any way
                  the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.

                  7.5 COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed in more than
                  one counterpart and if so executed, each of such counterparts
                  shall be deemed to be an original, and, when executed by both
                  parties hereto, all such counterparts shall be read together
                  as one agreement.

                  7.6 SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. This Agreement shall be binding
                  upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their
                  successors and assigns, but may not be assigned by either
                  party without the prior written consent of the other.

                  7.7 SEVERABILITY. If any term or provision of this Agreement
                  shall be held or determined to be unenforceable, the balance
                  of this Agreement shall nevertheless be valid and enforceable
                  subject to an equitable revision to be negotiated by the
                  parties hereto with the objective of maintaining the original
                  balance between their respective rights and obligations.


                  7.8 GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be enforced, governed
                  and construed by and interpreted under the laws of the State
                  of New York applicable to contracts made and to be performed
                  wholly within such State without giving effect to the
                  principles of conflict of laws thereof.

                  7.9 FURTHER ASSURANCES. Each party hereto shall cooperate,
                  shall take such further action and shall execute and deliver
                  such further documents as may be reasonably requested by any
                  other party in order to fulfill the purposes of this

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Agreement has been executed by the parties
hereto as of the date first above written.

                                     BOLLE INC.


                                     BEC GROUP, INC.

