The Board of Directors and Stockholder of 
Avis Rent A Car, Inc. 
Garden City, New York 

We have audited the accompanying consolidated statements of financial 
position of Avis Rent A Car, Inc. and subsidiaries (successor to Avis Rent A 
Car Systems Holdings, Inc. and subsidiaries, Avis International, Ltd. and 
subsidiaries, Avis Enterprises, Inc. and subsidiaries, Pathfinder Insurance 
Company and Global Excess & Reinsurance, Ltd., all previously wholly-owned by 
Avis, Inc., collectively the "Predecessor Companies"), (collectively referred 
to as "Avis Rent A Car, Inc." or the "Company") as of December 31, 1996 and 
as to the Predecessor Companies as of December 31, 1995, and the related 
consolidated statements of operations, stockholder's equity and cash flows 
for the period October 17, 1996 (Date of Acquisition) to December 31, 1996 
and as to the Predecessor Companies the related consolidated statements of 
operations, stockholder's equity and cash flows for each of the two years in 
the period ended December 31, 1995 and the period January 1, 1996 to October 
16, 1996. These consolidated financial statements are the responsibility of 
the Company's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on 
these consolidated financial statements based on our audits. 

We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing 
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to 
obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free 
of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, 
evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. 
An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and 
significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall 
financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a 
reasonable basis for our opinion. 

In our opinion, such consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all 
material respects, the consolidated financial position of the Company at 
December 31, 1996, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for 
the period October 17, 1996 to December 31, 1996 (period after the change in 
control referred to in Note 1 to the consolidated financial statements), and 
with respect to the Predecessor Companies as of December 31, 1995, and for 
each of the two years in the period ended December 31, 1995 and the period 
January 1, 1996 to October 16, 1996 (period up to the change in control 
referred to in Note 1 to the consolidated financial statements) in conformity 
with generally accepted accounting principles. 

As more fully discussed in Note 1 to the consolidated financial statements, 
the Predecessor Companies were acquired in a business combination accounted 
for as a purchase. As a result of the acquisition, the consolidated financial 
statements for the period subsequent to the acquisition are presented on a 
different basis of accounting than those for the periods prior to the 
acquisition and, therefore, are not directly comparable. 

/s/ Deloitte & Touche LLP 

New York, New York 
May 12, 1997 
(August 20, 1997 as to Note 15) 


                             AVIS RENT A CAR, INC. 
                                (IN THOUSANDS) 

                                                                   DECEMBER 31,    DECEMBER 31, 
                                                                       1995            1996 
                                                                  -------------- -------------- 
Cash and cash equivalents........................................   $   39,081      $   50,886 
Accounts receivable, net.........................................      194,971         311,179 
Due from affiliates, net.........................................                       61,807 
Prepaid expenses.................................................       35,053          40,155 
Vehicles, net....................................................    2,167,167       2,243,492 
Property and equipment, net......................................      140,992          98,887 
Other assets.....................................................       20,882          14,526 
Deferred income tax assets.......................................       81,974         113,660 
Cost in excess of net assets acquired, net.......................      144,778         196,765 
                                                                  -------------- -------------- 
    Total assets.................................................   $2,824,898      $3,131,357 
                                                                  ============== ============== 
Accounts payable.................................................   $  228,146      $  175,535 
Accrued liabilities..............................................      183,595         329,245 
Due to affiliates, net...........................................      385,687 
Current income tax liabilities...................................        6,696           4,790 
Deferred income tax liabilities..................................       27,990          35,988 
Public liability, property damage and other insurance 
 liabilities.....................................................      194,677         213,785 
Debt.............................................................    1,109,747       2,295,474 
                                                                  -------------- -------------- 
    Total liabilities............................................    2,136,538       3,054,817 
                                                                  -------------- -------------- 
Commitments and contingencies 

Stockholder's equity: 
 Common stock ($.01 par value, 1,000 shares authorized; 
  100 shares outstanding at December 31, 1996)...................        2,977              -- 
 Additional paid-in capital......................................      344,531          75,000 
 Retained earnings...............................................      340,596           1,184 
 Foreign currency translation adjustment.........................          256             356 
                                                                  -------------- -------------- 
    Total stockholder's equity...................................      688,360          76,540 
                                                                  -------------- -------------- 
    Total liabilities and stockholder's equity...................   $2,824,898      $3,131,357 
                                                                  ============== ============== 

See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements. 


                             AVIS RENT A CAR, INC. 
                                (IN THOUSANDS) 

                                           PREDECESSOR COMPANIES              OCTOBER 17, 1996 
                                --------------------------------------------      (DATE OF     
                                 YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,    JANUARY 1, 1996     ACQUISITION)    
                                --------------------------        TO                 TO        
                                    1994          1995     OCTOBER 16, 1996   DECEMBER 31, 1996                 
                                ------------ ------------  ---------------- -------------------                   
Revenue........................  $1,412,400    $1,615,951     $1,504,673          $362,844 
                                ------------ ------------  ---------------- ------------------- 
Cost and expenses: 
 Direct operating..............     664,993       724,759        650,750           167,682 
 Vehicle depreciation, net ....     266,637       324,186        275,867            66,790 
 Vehicle lease charges.........      42,778        86,916        100,318            22,658 
 Selling, general and 
  administrative...............     252,024       269,434        283,180            68,215 
 Interest, net.................     128,898       145,199        120,977            34,212 
 Amortization of cost in 
  excess of net assets 
  acquired ....................       4,754         4,757          3,782             1,026 
                                ------------ ------------  ---------------- ------------------- 
                                  1,360,084     1,555,251      1,434,874           360,583 
                                ------------ ------------  ---------------- -------------------  
Income before provision for 
 income taxes..................      52,316        60,700         69,799             2,261 
Provision for income taxes ....      30,213        34,635         31,198             1,040 
                                ------------ ------------  ---------------- ------------------- 
Net income.....................  $   22,103    $   26,065     $   38,601          $  1,221 
                                ============ ============  ================ =================== 

See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements. 


                             AVIS RENT A CAR, INC. 
                     (IN THOUSANDS, EXCEPT SHARE AMOUNTS) 

                                                         ADDITIONAL                CURRENCY 
                                               COMMON     PAID-IN     RETAINED    TRANSLATION 
                                                STOCK     CAPITAL     EARNINGS    ADJUSTMENT      TOTAL 
                                              -------- ------------  ---------- -------------  ---------- 
Balance, January 1, 1994.....................  $2,827     $318,125    $309,902      $(2,598)    $628,256 
Net income for the year ended December 
 31, 1994....................................                           22,103                    22,103 
Tax benefit of ESOP income tax deductions ...               13,104                                13,104 
Foreign currency translation adjustment .....                                         3,466        3,466 
Cash dividends...............................                           (8,578)                   (8,578) 
Stock dividends..............................     150                     (150) 
                                              -------- ------------  ---------- -------------  ---------- 
Balance, December 31, 1994...................   2,977      331,229     323,277          868      658,351 
Net income for the year ended December 
 31, 1995....................................                           26,065                    26,065 
Tax benefit of ESOP income tax deductions ...               13,302                                13,302 
Foreign currency translation adjustment .....                                          (612)        (612) 
Cash dividends...............................                           (8,746)                   (8,746) 
                                              -------- ------------  ---------- -------------  ---------- 
Balance, December 31, 1995...................   2,977      344,531     340,596          256      688,360 
Net income for the period ended October 
 16, 1996....................................                           38,601                    38,601 
Tax benefit of ESOP income tax deductions ...               12,939                                12,939 
Foreign currency translation adjustment .....                                         2,805        2,805 
Cash dividends...............................                           (1,398)                   (1,398) 
                                              -------- ------------  ---------- -------------  ---------- 
Balance, October 16, 1996....................  $2,977     $357,470    $377,799      $ 3,061     $741,307 
                                              ======== ============  ========== =============  ========== 
Avis Rent A Car, Inc. ($.01 par value, 1,000 
 shares authorized; 100 shares outstanding          
 at October 17, 1996 (Date of Acquisition)) .     $--     $ 75,000                              $ 75,000 
Net income for the period from 
 October 17, 1996 to December 31, 1996 ......                         $  1,221                     1,221 
Foreign currency translation adjustment for 
 the period October 17, 1996 to December 31, 
 1996........................................                                       $   356          356 
Additional minimum pension liability 
 for the period October 17, 1996 to December 
 31, 1996....................................                              (37)                      (37) 
                                              -------- ------------  ---------- -------------  ---------- 
Balance, December 31, 1996...................     $--     $ 75,000    $  1,184      $   356     $ 76,540 
                                              ======== ============  ========== =============  ========== 

See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements. 


                             AVIS RENT A CAR, INC. 
                                (IN THOUSANDS) 

                                                              PREDECESSOR COMPANIES               OCTOBER 17, 1996 
                                                  ----------------------------------------------      (DATE OF     
                                                    YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,    JANUARY 1, 1996     ACQUISITION)    
                                                  ----------------------------        TO                 TO         
                                                       1994          1995      OCTOBER 16, 1996   DECEMBER 31, 1996
                                                  ------------- -------------  ----------------  -------------------
Cash flows from operating activities: 
Net income.......................................  $    22,103    $    26,065     $    38,601         $   1,221 
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash 
 provided by operating activities: 
 Vehicle depreciation............................      291,360        342,048         306,159            71,343 
 Depreciation and amortization of property and 
  equipment......................................       12,782         13,387          12,333             2,212 
 Amortization of cost in excess of net assets 
  acquired.......................................        4,754          4,757           3,782             1,026 
 Amortization of debt issuance costs ............        3,454          2,660           2,423 
 Deferred income tax provision...................       19,384         25,852          22,342                33 
 Undistributed earnings of associated companies .          (65)          (376)           (232) 
 Provision for (benefit from) losses on accounts 
  receivable.....................................          305            (48)          1,238               227 
 Provision for public liability, property damage 
  and other insurance liabilities................       73,900         81,800          74,109            17,355 
 Change in operating assets and liabilities: 
  Decrease (increase) in accounts receivable ....           53        (22,644)       (204,137)           10,327 
  Decrease (increase) in prepaid expenses .......        4,640           (863)         (2,125)           (2,664) 
  (Increase) decrease in other assets............         (595)         1,988           3,266            (3,459) 
  (Decrease) increase in accounts payable .......      (44,087)        (5,733)         82,354           (18,712) 
  Increase (decrease) in accrued liabilities ....       26,399         42,176         101,069           (24,718) 
  Decrease in public liability, property damage 
   and other insurance liabilities...............      (72,363)       (71,159)        (56,364)          (16,015) 
                                                  ------------- -------------  ---------------- ------------------- 
   Net cash provided by operating activities ....      342,024        439,910         384,818            38,176 
                                                  ------------- -------------  ---------------- ------------------- 
Cash flows from investing activities: 
 Payments for vehicle additions..................   (3,218,613)    (2,553,324)     (2,325,460)         (561,117) 
 Vehicle deletions...............................    2,680,535      2,028,474       1,795,562           565,896 
 Payments for additions to property and 
  equipment......................................      (24,487)       (36,939)        (25,953)           (3,484) 
 Sales of property and equipment.................        2,898          3,715           1,849               361 
 Investment in associated companies..............         (100) 
 Investment in Canadian Licensees................                                      (3,134) 
                                                  ------------- -------------  ---------------- ------------------- 
  Net cash (used in) provided by investing 
   activities....................................     (559,767)      (558,074)       (557,136)            1,656 
                                                  ------------- -------------  ---------------- ------------------- 
Cash flows from financing activities: 
 Changes in debt: 
  Proceeds.......................................      423,502        320,940         519,167            63,903 
  Repayments.....................................     (161,523)      (287,271)       (267,317)         (133,457) 
                                                  ------------- -------------  ---------------- ------------------- 
  Net increase (decrease) in debt................      261,979         33,669         251,850           (69,554) 
 Deferred debt issuance costs....................       (4,637)        (5,515)         (2,604) 
 (Payments on) proceeds from intercompany loans .      (29,090)       104,209         (27,696)           (6,661) 
 Cash dividends..................................       (8,578)        (8,746)         (1,398) 
                                                  ------------- -------------  ---------------- ------------------- 
  Net cash provided by (used in) financing 
   activities....................................      219,674        123,617         220,152           (76,215) 
                                                  ------------- -------------  ---------------- ------------------- 
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash .........          119           (197)            260                94 
                                                  ------------- -------------  ---------------- ------------------- 
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash 
 equivalents.....................................        2,050          5,256          48,094           (36,289) 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of 
 period..........................................       31,775         33,825          39,081            87,175 
                                                  ------------- -------------  ---------------- ------------------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period ......  $    33,825    $    39,081     $    87,175         $  50,886 
                                                  ============= =============  ================ =================== 
 Cash paid during the period for: 
  Interest.......................................  $   131,877    $   149,885     $   135,733         $  28,170 
                                                  ============= =============  ================ =================== 
  Income taxes...................................  $     7,576    $     8,688     $     6,220         $     827 
                                                  ============= =============  ================ =================== 
  TRANSACTION -- Recapitalization at 
  Date of Acquisition ...........................  $        --    $        --     $        --         $ 666,307 
                                                  ============= =============  ================ =================== 

See accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements. 



                             AVIS RENT A CAR, INC. 



   The accompanying consolidated financial statements include Avis Rent A 
Car, Inc. (name changed from and formerly known as Rental Car System 
Holdings, Inc. which was incorporated on October 17, 1996) and subsidiaries 
(including the carved out corporate operations of HFS Car Rental, Inc. (name 
changed from and formerly known as, and hereinafter referred to as, Avis, 
Inc.), which is the holding company of Rental Car System Holdings, Inc., and 
Prime Vehicles Trust (the "Vehicle Trust")), Avis International, Ltd. and 
subsidiaries, Avis Enterprises, Inc. and subsidiaries, Pathfinder Insurance 
Company and Global Excess & Reinsurance, Ltd. (collectively referred to as 
"Avis Rent A Car, Inc."). All of the foregoing companies are ultimately 
wholly-owned subsidiaries of Avis, Inc., which was acquired by HFS 
Incorporated ("HFS") on October 17, 1996 (the "Date of Acquisition") for 
approximately $806.5 million. The purchase price was comprised of 
approximately $367.2 million in cash, $100.9 million of indebtedness and 
$338.4 million of HFS common stock. Prior to October 16, 1996, the 
above-named entities were wholly-owned by Avis, Inc. and are referred to 
collectively as the "Predecessor Companies". Avis Rent A Car, Inc. and the 
Predecessor Companies are referred to throughout the notes as the "Company". 
The major shareholder of Avis, Inc. was an Employee Stock Ownership Plan 
("ESOP") and the minority shareholder was General Motors Corporation 
("General Motors"). The Company purchases a significant portion of its 
vehicles, obtains financing, and receives certain financial incentives and 
allowances from General Motors (see Notes 2, 4, 7 and 14). As a result of the 
acquisition, the consolidated financial statements for the period subsequent 
to the acquisition are presented on a different basis of accounting than 
those for the periods prior to the acquisition and, therefore, are not 
directly comparable. On January 1, 1997, Avis, Inc. contributed the net 
assets of its corporate operations and all of its common stock ownership in 
Avis International, Ltd., Avis Enterprises, Inc., Pathfinder Insurance 
Company and Global Excess & Reinsurance, Ltd. to the Company. After the 
transfer, the remaining operations of Avis, Inc. consist of an investment in 
a wholly-owned subsidiary which owns the Avis trade names and trademarks. 
Pursuant to a plan developed by HFS prior to the Date of Acquisition, HFS 
will cause the Company to undertake an initial public offering ("IPO") within 
one year of the Date of Acquisition, which will reduce HFS' equity interest 
in the Company to 25%. HFS owns and operates the reservation system as well 
as the telecommunications and computer processing systems which service the 
rental car operations for reservations, rental agreement processing, 
accounting and vehicle control. HFS will charge a fee for such services (see 
Note 3). In addition, HFS will retain the Avis trade name and charge the 
Company a royalty fee for the use of the Avis name. 

   The acquisition was accounted for under the purchase method and includes 
the operations of the Company subsequent to the Date of Acquisition. A 
portion of this purchase price has been allocated to the estimated fair value 
of the Company. This estimate is calculated assuming that the Company is an 
independent franchisee of Avis, Inc. and is required to pay certain fees for 
use of the Avis trade name, reservation services and other franchise related 
services. HFS and its advisors have estimated that the value of the Company 
at the Date of Acquisition was $75 million. The value of the Company is 
expected to increase to approximately $300 million upon completion of the IPO 
(with the IPO proceeds retained by the Company) with HFS's equity interest to 
be reduced to 25% equal to $75 million. If the results of the IPO do not 
confirm the preliminary value as of the Date of Acquisition, then the 
allocated purchase price will be adjusted with a corresponding adjustment to 
cost in excess of net assets acquired. The estimated fair value of the 
Company has been allocated to individual assets and liabilities based on 
their estimated fair value at the Date of Acquisition. The final asset and 
liability fair values may differ from those set forth in the accompanying 
consolidated statement of financial position on December 31, 1996; however, 
the changes are not expected to have a material effect on the consolidated 
financial position of the Company. 


                            AVIS RENT A CAR, INC. 

    The preliminary purchase cost allocation at the Date of Acquisition has 
been allocated to the Company as follows (in thousands): 

Allocated purchase cost ...........................  $   75,000 
Fair Value of: 
 Liabilities assumed ..............................   3,145,395 
 Assets acquired ..................................   3,022,712 
Net Liabilities ...................................     122,683 
Excess of purchase price over net assets acquired    $  197,683 


   All material intercompany accounts and transactions have been eliminated. 


   Generally accepted accounting principles require the use of estimates, 
which are subject to change, in the preparation of financial statements. 
Significant accounting estimates used include estimates for determining 
public liability, property damage and other insurance liabilities, and the 
realization of deferred income tax assets. Management has exercised 
reasonableness at deriving these estimates. However, actual results may 


   Revenue is recognized over the period the vehicle is rented. 


   The Company considers deposits and short-term investments with an original 
maturity of three months or less to be cash equivalents. 


   Vehicles are stated at cost net of accumulated depreciation. In accordance 
with industry practice, when vehicles are sold, gains or losses are reflected 
as an adjustment to depreciation. Vehicles are generally depreciated at rates 
ranging from 10% to 25% per annum. Manufacturers provide the Company with 
incentives and allowances (such as rebates and volume discounts) which are 
amortized to income over the holding period of the vehicles. 


   Property and equipment is stated at cost net of accumulated depreciation 
and amortization. Depreciation is calculated using the straight-line method 
over the estimated useful life of the assets. Estimated useful lives range 
from five to ten years for furniture and office equipment, to thirty years 
for buildings. Leasehold improvements are amortized over the shorter of 
twenty years or the remaining life of the lease. Maintenance and repairs are 
expensed; renewals and improvements are capitalized. When depreciable assets 
are retired or sold, the cost and related accumulated depreciation are 
removed from the accounts with any resulting gain or loss reflected in the 
consolidated statement of operations. 


   Cost in excess of net assets acquired is amortized over a 40 year period 
and is shown net of accumulated amortization of $37.5 million and $1.0 
million at December 31, 1995 and 1996, respectively. 


                            AVIS RENT A CAR, INC. 


   In 1996, the Company adopted Statement of Financial Accounting Standards 
No. 121, "Accounting for the Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and for 
Long-Lived Assets to be Disposed of". The Company reviews the recoverability 
of its long-lived assets, including cost in excess of net assets acquired, 
when events or changes in circumstances occur that indicate that the carrying 
value of the assets may not be recoverable. The measurement of possible 
impairment is based on the Company's ability to recover the carrying value of 
the asset from the expected future pre-tax undiscounted future cash flows 
generated. The measurement of impairment requires management to use estimates 
of expected future cash flows. If an impairment loss existed, the amount of 
the loss would be recorded under the caption Costs and Expenses in the 
consolidated statement of operations. It is at least reasonably possible that 
future events or circumstances could cause these estimates to change. The 
adoption of this statement had no material effect on the consolidated 
financial statements of the Company. 


   Insurance liabilities on the accompanying consolidated statements of 
financial position include additional liability insurance, personal effects 
protection insurance, public liability and property damage ("PLPD") and 
personal accident insurance claims for which the Company is self-insured. The 
Company is self-insured up to $1 million per claim under its automobile 
liability insurance program for PLPD and additional liability insurance. 
Costs in excess of $1 million per claim are insured under various contracts 
with commercial insurance carriers. The liability for claims up to $1 million 
is estimated based on the Company's historical loss and loss adjustment 
expense experience and adjusted for current trends. 

   The insurance liabilities include a provision for both claims reported to 
the Company as well as claims incurred but not yet reported to the Company. 
This method is an actuarially accepted loss reserve method. Adjustments to 
this estimate and differences between estimates and the amounts subsequently 
paid are reflected in operations as they occur. 


   The assets and liabilities of foreign companies are translated at the 
year-end exchange rates. The resultant translation adjustment is included as 
a component of consolidated stockholder's equity. Results of operations are 
translated at the average rates of exchange in effect during the year. 


   The Company is included in the consolidated federal income tax return of 
HFS. Pursuant to the regulations under the Internal Revenue Code, the 
Company's pro rata share of the consolidated federal income tax liability of 
HFS is allocated to the Company on a separate return basis. The Predecessor 
Companies were included in the consolidated federal income tax return of 
Avis, Inc. The Company files separate income tax returns in states where a 
consolidated return is not permitted. In accordance with Statement of 
Financial Accounting Standards No. 109, "Accounting for Income Taxes" ("SFAS 
109"), deferred income tax assets and liabilities are measured based upon the 
difference between the financial accounting and tax bases of assets and 


   Costs of the defined benefit plans are actuarially determined under the 
projected unit credit cost method and include amounts for current service and 
interest on projected benefit obligations and plan assets. The Company's 
policy is to fund at least the minimum contribution amount required by the 
Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. 


   Advertising costs are expensed as incurred. Advertising costs were $60.4 
million, $48.4 million, $66.1 million and $10.3 million for the periods ended 
December 31, 1994, December 31, 1995, October 16, 1996 and December 31, 1996, 


                            AVIS RENT A CAR, INC. 


   The Company's operations include the storage and dispensing of gasoline. 
The Company accrues losses associated with the remediation of accidental fuel 
discharges when such losses are probable and reasonably estimable. Accruals 
for estimated losses from environmental remediation obligations generally are 
recognized no later than completion of the remedial feasibility study. Such 
accruals are adjusted as further information develops or circumstances 
change. Costs of future expenditures for environmental remediation 
obligations are not discounted to their present value. Recoveries from 
insurance companies and other reimbursements are generally not significant. 
In October 1996, the Accounting Standards Executive Committee of the American 
Institute of Certified Public Accountants issued Statement of Position 96-1 
Environmental Remediation Liabilities ("SOP 96-1"). SOP 96-1 provides 
guidance on the timing and measurement of liabilities associated with 
environmental remediation. The statement is effective for fiscal years 
beginning after December 15, 1996. The adoption of this statement is not 
expected to have a material effect on the results of operations or financial 
position of the Company. 


   Accounts receivable at December 31, 1995 and 1996 consist of the following 
(in thousands): 

                                          1995       1996 
                                       ---------- --------- 
Vehicle rentals.......................  $ 90,290   $ 94,480 
Due from vehicle manufacturers  ......    11,308     14,758 
Due from General Motors ..............    69,504    168,546 
Damage claims ........................     5,969     10,697 
Due from licensees ...................     3,297      3,903 
Other ................................    17,349     19,022 
                                       ---------- --------- 
                                         197,717    311,406 
Less allowance for doubtful accounts      (2,746)      (227) 
                                       ---------- --------- 
                                        $194,971   $311,179 
                                       ========== ========= 

   Amounts due from vehicle manufacturers include receivables for vehicles 
sold under guaranteed repurchase contracts and amounts due for incentives and 
allowances. Incentives and allowances are based on the volume of vehicles to 
be purchased for a model year, or from the manufacturers' willingness to 
encourage the Company to retain vehicles rather than return the vehicles back 
to the manufacturer or arise from the purchase of particular models not 
subject to repurchase under "buyback" arrangements. Incentives and allowances 
are amortized to income over the holding period of the vehicles (see Notes 4 
and 14). 


   Due (to) from affiliates, net at December 31, 1995 and 1996 consist of the 
following balances due to or from HFS or its consolidated subsidiaries which 
will be settled on or before the previously mentioned IPO (in thousands): 


                            AVIS RENT A CAR, INC. 

                                                   1995         1996 
                                              ------------- ----------- 
Note receivable from Wizard Co., Inc. (a)  ..                 $ 196,965 
Subordinated vehicle financing notes (b) ....  $  (180,000)    (247,500) 
Due to Avis, Inc. for tax advantaged vehicle 
 financing (c) ..............................   (1,000,000) 
Non-interest bearing advances (d) ...........      794,313      112,342 
                                              ------------- ----------- 
                                               $  (385,687)   $  61,807 
                                              ============= =========== 


(a)    Consists of a $194.1 million note receivable from Wizard Co., Inc., an 
       indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of HFS, plus accrued interest. The 
       note bears interest at 7.13% and is due on October 1, 2006 and is 
       guaranteed by HFS. 

(b)    Represents loans from Avis, Inc. to the Vehicle Trust, as described in 
       Note 7, to provide additional subordinated financing. The amounts 
       provided reduce, within certain limits, the amount of subordinated 
       financing required from other lenders. The loans are made under terms 
       of a credit agreement which terminates on October 29, 2003. At December 
       31, 1995 and 1996, the weighted average interest rate under these loans 
       was 11.16% and 10.75%, respectively. 

(c)    Represents a $1 billion ESOP related tax advantaged vehicle trust 
       financing consisting of loans under various agreements with banks, 
       insurance companies and vehicle manufacturer finance companies. The tax 
       advantaged notes were issued in September 1987 with a final maturity of 
       25 years and annual principal reductions commencing in 1998. At 
       December 31, 1995, the weighted average interest rate under these loans 
       was 6.0%. Included within the $1 billion ESOP related vehicle trust 
       financing is $118 million that is ultimately due to General Motors. 
       This loan was retired as of the Date of Acquisition. 

(d)    Primarily represents the transfer of assets from the Company to HFS and 
       subsidiaries, recorded in connection with the October 17, 1996 
       acquisition of Avis, Inc. by HFS, as well as intercompany transactions 
       relating to management, service and administrative fees since the Date 
       of Acquisition. The amounts due to or from HFS and subsidiaries are 
       interest free and are guaranteed by HFS. 

   Expense and (income) items of the Company include the following charges 
from (to) Avis, Inc. and subsidiaries prior to the Date of Acquisition for 
the period ended December 31, 1994, December 31, 1995 and October 16, 1996 
(in thousands). 

                                FOR THE YEARS ENDED   
                                   DECEMBER 31,       JANUARY 1, 1996
                               ---------------------        TO        
                                  1994       1995    OCTOBER 16, 1996
                               --------- ----------  ----------------
Vehicle related costs ........             $(3,954)      $(25,134) 
Data processing ..............  $28,671     29,833         30,209 
Employee benefits allocation     (2,975)    (3,385)        (2,776) 
Rent .........................   (1,730)    (2,188)        (2,459) 

   These charges seek to reimburse the affiliated company for the actual 
costs incurred. These amounts reflect the effect of various intercompany 
agreements, which are subject to renegotiation from time to time, and certain 
allocations which are based upon such factors as square footage, employee 
salaries, computer usage time, etc. 


                            AVIS RENT A CAR, INC. 

    Expense items of the Company include the following charges from HFS and 
affiliates of HFS for the period October 17, 1996 (Date of Acquisition) to 
December 31, 1996 (in thousands): 

 Reservations ................................  $10,900 
Data processing .............................     8,772 
Management, service and administrative fees       8,568 
Interest on intercompany debt, net ..........     2,561 
Rent ........................................       950 

   Reservations and data processing services are charged to the Company based 
on actual cost. Effective January 1, 1997, HFS will charge the Company a 
royalty fee of 4.0% of revenue for the use of the Avis trade name. On an 
unaudited pro forma basis, had the royalty fee been charged to the Company 
beginning on October 17, 1996, net income for the period October 17, 1996 to 
December 31, 1996 would have been reduced by $4.3 million resulting in a pro 
forma net loss of $3.1 million. 


   Vehicles at December 31, 1995 and 1996 consist of the following (in 

                                                              1995          1996 
                                                          ------------ ------------ 
Vehicles ................................................  $2,283,003    $2,250,309 
Vehicles acquired under long-term capital lease (Note 7)       95,084        19,324 
Buses and support vehicles ..............................      42,075        45,868 
Vehicles held for sale ..................................      42,332        36,378 
                                                          ------------ ------------ 
                                                            2,462,494     2,351,879 
Less accumulated depreciation ...........................    (295,327)     (108,387) 
                                                          ------------ ------------ 
                                                           $2,167,167    $2,243,492 
                                                          ============ ============ 

   Depreciation expense recorded for vehicles was $266.6 million, $324.2 
million, $275.9 million and $66.8 million, for the periods ended December 31, 
1994, December 31, 1995, October 16, 1996 and December 31, 1996, 
respectively. Depreciation expense reflects a net gain on the disposal of 
vehicles of $24.8 million, $17.8 million, $30.3 million and $4.5 million for 
the periods ended December 31, 1994, December 31, 1995, October 16, 1996 and 
December 31, 1996, respectively. It also reflects the amortization of certain 
incentives and allowances from various vehicle manufacturers (the most 
significant of which was received from General Motors) of approximately $74 
million, $77 million, $61 million and $14 million for the periods ended 
December 31, 1994, December 31, 1995, October 16, 1996 and December 31, 1996, 

   During the periods ended December 31, 1994, December 31, 1995, October 16, 
1996 and December 31, 1996, the Company purchased from General Motors $2.7 
billion, $2.0 billion, $1.8 billion and $0.4 billion of vehicles, net of 
incentives and allowances, respectively (see Notes 1 and 14). 

   In November 1988 and April 1990, the Company entered into seven year 
operating leases under which an original amount of $324.3 million of vehicles 
were leased, with the ability to exchange such leased vehicles for newly 
manufactured vehicles with the same value to the lessor. The leases are 
cancelable at the Company's option, however, additional costs may be incurred 
upon termination based upon the fair value of the vehicles at the time the 
option is exercised. At the termination of the leases, the Company may 
purchase the vehicles at the agreed upon fair market value or return them to 
the lessor. 


                            AVIS RENT A CAR, INC. 

    In December 1994, the Company entered into a financing arrangement 
whereby it may lease up to $503 million of vehicles. This arrangement was 
amended on October 17, 1996 to increase the amount to $650 million. Under 
this arrangement, at December 31, 1995 and 1996, there were $219 million and 
$322 million of vehicles under operating leases. The vehicles leased under 
this arrangement may be leased for periods of up to 18 months. The lease cost 
charged to the Company varies with the number of vehicles leased and the 
repurchase agreement offered by the vehicle manufacturer to the lessor and 
includes all expenses including the interest costs of the financing company. 

   The rental payments due in each of the years ending December 31 for the 
operating leases as described above are as follows (in thousands): 

1997 ...   $69,444 
1998 ...    15,388 

   Rental expense for those vehicles under operating leases as described 
above was $59.2 million, $106.1 million, $93.0 million and $16.1 million for 
the periods ended December 31, 1994, December 31, 1995, October 16, 1996 and 
December 31, 1996, respectively. 


   Property and equipment at December 31, 1995 and 1996 consist of the 
following (in thousands): 

                                                   1995       1996 
                                                ---------- --------- 
Land ..........................................  $ 19,702   $ 19,523 
Buildings .....................................    13,321     11,862 
Leasehold improvements ........................   139,938     48,898 
Furniture, fixtures and equipment .............    30,779     10,997 
Construction-in-progress ......................    15,813      9,946 
                                                ---------- --------- 
                                                  219,553    101,226 
Less accumulated depreciation and 
 amortization..................................   (78,561)    (2,339) 
                                                ---------- --------- 
                                                 $140,992   $ 98,887 
                                                ========== ========= 


   Accrued liabilities at December 31, 1995 and 1996 consist of the following 
(in thousands): 

                                    1995       1996 
                                 ---------- --------- 
Payroll and related costs  .....  $ 54,706   $ 73,142 
Taxes, other than income taxes      10,740     29,522 
Rents and property related  ....    10,594     30,889 
Interest .......................    12,081     18,531 
Sales and marketing ............    20,567     20,395 
Vehicle related ................    24,492     18,784 
Other various ..................    50,415    137,982 
                                 ---------- --------- 
                                  $183,595   $329,245 
                                 ========== ========= 


                            AVIS RENT A CAR, INC. 


   Debt outstanding at December 31, 1996 is not guaranteed by HFS and debt 
outstanding at December 31, 1995 and 1996 is comprised of the following (in 

                                                                1995          1996 
                                                            ------------ ------------ 
                  VEHICLE TRUST FINANCING 
Commercial paper...........................................  $    3,000 
Short-term vehicle trust financing--revolving credit 
 facilities ...............................................                $1,970,000 
Current portion of long-term debt .........................      56,000 
                                                            ------------ ------------ 
Total current portion of vehicle trust financing  .........      59,000     1,970,000 
                                                            ------------ ------------ 

Long-term vehicle trust revolving credit facilities  ......     476,000 
Vehicle manufacturer's floating rate notes due September 
 1998 ($50,719 senior at 8.50% and $16,281 subordinated at 
 10.00%) ..................................................                    67,000 
Vehicle manufacturer's floating rate notes due October 
 2001 ($63,731 senior at 7.16% and $54,269 subordinated at 
 8.91%) ...................................................                   118,000 
Floating rate notes due September 1998 ....................     115,000 
Insurance company notes due from December 1997 to December 
 1999 at 7.53% to 8.23% ...................................     112,000 
Insurance company notes due from June 1998 to June 2003 at 
 6.75% to 7.92% ...........................................     150,500 
                                                            ------------ ------------ 
  Total long-term portion of vehicle trust financing  .....     853,500       185,000 
                                                            ------------ ------------ 
                      OTHER FINANCING 
Short-term notes--foreign at 6.63% to 18.00% in 1995 and 
 3.89% to 13.00% in 1996 ..................................      37,264        65,516 
Short-term floating rate capital lease terminating in 1996       12,801 
Current portion of 7.50% capital lease terminating 
 November 1997 ............................................      19,153        40,169 
Current portion of long-term debt--other ..................      13,605         1,060 
                                                            ------------ ------------ 
  Total current portion of other financing ................      82,823       106,745 
                                                            ------------ ------------ 

7.50% capital lease terminating November 1997 .............      40,169 
Other domestic.............................................       3,974         2,916 
Debt of foreign subsidiaries: 
 Floating rate notes due April 1997 at 8.26% to 8.44%  ....      51,891 
 Floating rate notes due July 1997 at 9.42% to 9.63%  .....      10,378 
 Floating rate notes due February 1998 at 7.65% in 1995 
  and 4.75% in 1996 .......................................       8,012         2,935 
 Floating rate notes due August 1998 at 6.94% to 8.65%  ...                    27,878 
                                                            ------------ ------------ 
  Total long-term portion of other financing ..............     114,424        33,729 
                                                            ------------ ------------ 
                                                             $1,109,747    $2,295,474 
                                                            ============ ============ 


                            AVIS RENT A CAR, INC. 

    Currently, the primary source of funding for domestic vehicles is 
provided by the Vehicle Trust (a grantor trust). The Vehicle Trust consists 
of loans from banks, vehicle manufacturer finance companies and Avis, Inc. 
The Predecessor Companies' financing structure of the Vehicle Trust consisted 
of loans from banks, insurance companies, vehicle manufacturer finance 
companies and Avis, Inc. Amounts drawn against this facility may be used to 
purchase vehicles and pay certain expenses of the Vehicle Trust. The security 
for the Vehicle Trust financing facility consists of a lien on the vehicles 
acquired under the facility, which at December 31, 1995 and 1996, totaled 
approximately $1.9 billion and $2.1 billion, respectively, exclusive of 
related valuation reserves. The security for the Vehicle Trust financing 
facility also consists of security interests in certain other assets of the 
Vehicle Trust. In addition, the Vehicle Trust and its security agreement 
require that there be outstanding, at all times, subordinated debt in a 
specified percentage range (10% -25%) of the net book value of the vehicles 
owned by the Vehicle Trust. Pursuant to the agreement, the subordinated debt 
is to be provided by vehicle manufacturer finance companies and Avis, Inc. At 
December 31, 1995 and 1996, subordinated debt of $292.1 million and $318.0 
million, respectively, was required under the Vehicle Trust financing of 
which $180.0 million and $247.5 million, respectively, was due to Avis, Inc. 
(Note 3). 

   At December 31, 1995, the weighted average interest rate on commercial 
paper was 6.4%. For the periods ended December 31, 1994, December 31, 1995 
and October 16, 1996, the average outstanding borrowings of commercial paper 
were $19.9 million, $33.5 million and $30.4 million, respectively, with a 
weighted average interest rate of 5.3%, 6.5% and 6.0%, respectively. 

   The short-term notes are issued pursuant to a $2.5 billion revolving 
credit facility dated as of October 17, 1996 which matures on October 16, 
1997. At December 31, 1996, the weighted average interest rate on borrowings 
under this facility was 6.00%. For the period from October 17, 1996 to 
December 31, 1996, the average outstanding borrowings under this facility 
were $2.0 billion with a weighted average interest rate of 5.98%. This 
facility requires a fee of 1/8 of 1% on the committed amount. 

   The long-term vehicle trust revolving credit facility consisted of $850 
million revolving credit facility expiring on September 30, 1997. The 
interest rate on these loans is based on the London interbank rate ("LIBOR") 
plus a spread negotiated at the time of borrowing. At December 31, 1995, the 
weighted average interest rate on outstanding borrowings under this facility 
was 6.3%. For the periods ended December 31, 1994, December 31, 1995 and 
October 16, 1996, the average outstanding borrowings under this facility were 
$366.5 million, $288.0 million and $516.9 million, respectively, with a 
weighted average interest rate of 5.2%, 6.5% and 5.7%, respectively. This 
facility was retired on the Date of Acquisition. 

   The Company also had Vehicle Trust financing outstanding from vehicle 
manufacturer finance companies under terms of loan agreements dated October 
17, 1996. Under these agreements, the maximum amount of borrowings allowed is 
$267 million, of which up to $260 million may be used as subordinated debt. 
On December 31, 1996, $185 million was outstanding of which $70.5 million of 
the outstanding debt was deemed subordinated. At December 31, 1996, the 
weighted average interest rate of borrowings under this facility was 8.5%. 
For the period October 17, 1996 to December 31, 1996, the average outstanding 
borrowings under this facility was $185 million with a weighted average 
interest rate of 8.41%. The Predecessor Companies, through its parent, Avis, 
Inc., had substantially similar financing arrangements under a portion of a 
$1 billion ESOP related tax advantaged vehicle trust financing facility (Note 
3). At December 31, 1995, the outstanding borrowings under this arrangement 
was $185 million, of which $112.1 million was subordinated. The average 
borrowings under this facility for the periods ended December 31, 1994, 
December 31, 1995 and October 16, 1996 were $317.0 million, $268.2 million 
and $185.0 million, respectively. The weighted average interest rate on these 
average borrowings were 6.2%, 7.7% and 7.3%. 

   The floating rate notes were issued pursuant to a loan agreement, dated 
September 1, 1995, for a period of three years. The interest rate on these 
notes is based on the LIBOR, plus a spread of 0.45%. The 


                            AVIS RENT A CAR, INC. 

interest rate on these notes at December 31, 1995 was 6.2%. For the periods 
ended December 31, 1995 and October 16, 1996, the average outstanding 
borrowings under this facility were $35.1 million and $115.0 million, 
respectively, with a weighted average interest rate of 6.2% and 6.0%, 
respectively. The notes were retired on the Date of Acquisition. 

   In December 1992 and May 1993, the Company borrowed a total of $318.5 
million from a group of insurance companies. The maturities on these notes 
ranged from 3 to 10 years, with an average life, when issued, of 6.1 years. 
The effective interest rate on these notes was 7.3% at December 31, 1995. The 
average amounts outstanding for the periods ended December 31, 1994, December 
31, 1995 and October 16, 1996 were $318.5 million, $318.5 million and $287.1 
million, respectively, with a weighted average interest rate of 7.3%, 7.3% 
and 7.4%, respectively. These notes were retired as of the Date of 

   In November 1992, the Predecessor Companies entered into a five year 
capital lease under which $96.7 million of vehicles were leased. The lease is 
cancelable at the Company's option, however, additional costs may be incurred 
upon termination based upon the fair value of the vehicles at the time the 
option is exercised. At the termination of the lease, the Company may 
purchase the vehicles at an agreed upon fair market value or return them to 
the lessor. The future minimum lease payments due under the Company's capital 
lease obligation, which terminates on November 30, 1997, are $41.5 million 
(including interest of $1.3 million). 

   Included in total debt at December 31, 1995 and 1996 is indebtedness to 
General Motors of $10.1 million and $118.3 million, respectively (see Note 

   Under the terms of the Company's loan agreements, the Company must 
maintain a minimum net worth, minimum earnings and cash flow ratios. 

   Mandatory maturities of long-term obligations for each of the next five 
years ending December 31, and thereafter, are as follows (in thousands): 

1997 .........  $ 41,229 
1998 .........    98,950 
1999 .........     1,086 
2000 .........       209 
2001 .........   118,228 
Thereafter  ..       256 


   At December 31, 1995 and 1996, the Company has letters of credit/working 
capital agreements totaling $102.6 million and $102.6 million, respectively, 
which may be renewed biannually at the Company's option and the banks' 
discretion. The collateral for certain of these agreements consists of a lien 
on property and equipment and certain receivables with a carrying value of 
$140.9 million and $136.9 million, respectively. At December 31, 1995 and 
1996, the Company has outstanding letters of credit amounting to $47.6 
million and $55.1 million, respectively. 

   In addition, for certain of its international operations, the Company has 
available at December 31, 1995 and 1996, unused lines of credit of $176.9 
million and $224.3 million, respectively. The unused lines of credit 
agreements require an annual fee of 0.2% to 0.5% of the unused line. 


   The Company has entered into interest rate swap agreements to reduce the 
impact of changes in interest rates on certain outstanding debt obligations. 
These agreements effectively change the Company's interest rate exposure on 
$29.1 million and $44.0 million of its outstanding debt from a weighted 


                            AVIS RENT A CAR, INC. 

variable interest rate to a fixed rate of 7.7% and 7.1% at December 31, 1995 
and 1996, respectively. The variable interest element with respect to these 
interest rate swap agreements is reset quarterly. The interest rate swap 
agreements will terminate in March 1997, July 1998 and November 1998. The 
differential to be paid or received is recognized ratably as interest rates 
change over the life of the agreements as an adjustment to interest expense. 

   The net interest differential charged to interest expense for the periods 
ended December 31, 1994, December 31, 1995, October 16, 1996 and December 31, 
1996 was $179,000, $146,000, $582,000 and $285,000, respectively. The Company 
is exposed to credit risk in the event of nonperformance by counterparties to 
its interest rate swap agreements. Credit risk is limited by entering into 
such agreements with primary dealers only; therefore, the Company does not 
anticipate that nonperformance by counterparties will occur. Notwithstanding 
this, the Company's treasury department monitors counterparty credit ratings 
at least quarterly through reviewing independent credit agency reports. Both 
current and potential exposure are evaluated as necessary, by obtaining 
replacement cost information from alternative dealers. Potential loss to the 
Company from credit risk on these agreements is limited to amounts 
receivable, if any. 


   The carrying amount and the estimated fair value of the Company's interest 
rate swap agreements represent liabilities of approximately $123,600 and 
$843,100 at December 31, 1995, and $578,000 and $1.4 million at December 31, 
1996, respectively. 

   For instruments including cash and cash equivalents, accounts receivable 
and accounts payable, the carrying amount approximates fair value because of 
the short maturity of these instruments. The fair value of floating-rate debt 
approximates carrying value because these instruments re-price frequently at 
current market prices. The fair value of fixed-rate debt approximates 
carrying value. 

   The Company believes that it is not practicable to estimate the current 
fair value of the amounts due from (to) affiliates because of the related 
party nature of the instruments. 


   The provision for income taxes for the periods ended December 31, 1994, 
December 31, 1995, October 16, 1996 and December 31, 1996 consists of the 
following (in thousands): 

                                                                    OCTOBER 17, 1996 
                            YEARS ENDED DECEMBER                        (DATE OF 
                                    31,           JANUARY 1, 1996     ACQUISITION) 
                            --------------------        TO                 TO         
                               1994      1995    OCTOBER 16, 1996   DECEMBER 31, 1996
                            --------- ---------  ---------------- -------------------
 State.....................  $   735    $ 1,422       $ 2,176            $  719 
 Foreign ..................   10,094      7,361         6,680               288 
                            --------- ---------  ---------------- ------------------- 
                              10,829      8,783         8,856             1,007 
                            --------- ---------  ---------------- ------------------- 
 Federal ..................   16,020     19,057        19,614               (85) 
 Foreign ..................    3,364      6,795         2,728               118 
                            --------- ---------  ---------------- ------------------- 
                              19,384     25,852        22,342                33 
                            --------- ---------  ---------------- ------------------- 
Provision for income 
 taxes.....................  $30,213    $34,635       $31,198            $1,040 
                            ========= =========  ================ =================== 


                            AVIS RENT A CAR, INC. 

    The effective income tax rate for the periods ended December 31, 1994, 
December 31, 1995, October 16, 1996 and December 31, 1996 varies from the 
statutory U.S. federal income tax rate due to the following (dollars amounts 
in thousands): 

                                  YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 
                                   1994               1995 
                            ------------------ ------------------ 
Statutory U.S. federal 
 income tax rate...........  $18,311    35.0%   $21,245    35.0% 
Tax effect of foreign 
 operations and dividends      9,447    18.1      8,984    14.8 
Amortization of cost in 
 excess of net assets 
 acquired and other 
 intangibles ..............    1,633     3.1      1,633     2.7 
State income taxes, net of 
 federal tax benefit ......      478      .9        924     1.5 
Other non-deductible 
 business expenses ........                         550      .9 
Other .....................      344      .7      1,299     2.2 
                            --------- -------  --------- ------- 
Effective income tax rate .  $30,213    57.8%   $34,635    57.1% 
                            ========= =======  ========= ======= 


                                                OCTOBER 17, 1996 
                                                    (DATE OF 
                             JANUARY 1, 1996      ACQUISITION) 
                                    TO                 TO 
                             OCTOBER 16, 1996   DECEMBER 31, 1996 
                            -----------------   -----------------
Statutory U.S. federal 
 income tax rate...........  $24,429    35.0%   $   791     35.0% 
Tax effect of foreign 
 operations and dividends      5,134     7.4     (1,073)   (47.5) 
Amortization of cost in 
 excess of net assets 
 acquired and other 
 intangibles ..............    1,045     1.5        359     15.9 
State income taxes, net of 
 federal tax benefit ......    1,413     2.0        469     20.8 
Other non-deductible 
 business expenses ........      462      .6        494     21.8 
Other .....................   (1,285)   (1.8) 
                            --------- -------  --------- -------- 
Effective income tax rate .  $31,198    44.7%   $ 1,040     46.0% 
                            ========= =======  ========= ======== 

   In accordance with SFAS 109, the net deferred income tax assets at 
December 31, 1995 and 1996 include the following (in thousands): 

                                                                 1995        1996 
                                                             ----------- ----------- 
Accrued liabilities ........................................  $ 108,914    $ 171,050 
Net operating loss carryforwards ...........................     68,474       78,172 
Alternative minimum income tax credit carryforwards  .......      3,025        3,025 
                                                             ----------- ----------- 
                                                                180,413      252,247 
                                                             ----------- ----------- 
Tax depreciation in excess of book depreciation  ...........   (116,304)    (152,346) 
Tax amortization in excess of book amortization of cost in 
 excess of net assets acquired and difference in book and 
 tax basis of intangibles ..................................                 (13,547) 
Prepaids and other .........................................    (10,125)      (8,682) 
                                                             ----------- ----------- 
                                                               (126,429)    (174,575) 
                                                             ----------- ----------- 
Net deferred income tax assets..............................  $  53,984    $  77,672 
                                                             =========== =========== 

   The Company, under its tax disaffiliation agreement with HFS, has 
allocated alternative minimum tax net operating loss carryforwards of $139.8 
million. The net operating loss carryforward is $223.3 million. The net 
operating loss carryforwards expire as follows: 2001, $4.3 million; 2002, 
$2.5 million; 2005, $32.6 million; 2008, $23.7 million; 2009, $15.1 million. 
The Company also has available unused investment tax credits of approximately 
$5.8 million which expire on February 28, 2002. 


                            AVIS RENT A CAR, INC. 


   The Company, through its subsidiary, Avis Rent A Car System, Inc. 
("ARACS"), sponsors non-contributory defined benefit plans covering employees 
who are members of certain collective bargaining units and non-union 
full-time employees hired prior to December 31, 1983 who were age 25 or above 
on January 1, 1985. ARACS also contributes to union sponsored pension plans. 

   Through ARACS, the Company sponsors a Voluntary Investment Savings Plan 
under a "qualified cash or deferred arrangement" under Section 401(k) of the 
Internal Revenue Code. For the periods ended December 31, 1994, December 31, 
1995, October 16, 1996, and December 31, 1996, the cost of the plan was $1.6 
million, $1.7 million, $1.4 million and $352,000, respectively. Included in 
the Investment Savings Plan, ARACS sponsors a defined contribution plan for 
substantially all non-union full-time employees not otherwise covered. Costs 
for this plan are determined at 2% of each covered employee's compensation. 
Employer contributions and costs of the plan for the periods ended December 
31, 1994, December 31, 1995, October 16, 1996 and December 31, 1996 amounted 
to $1.7 million, $1.8 million, $1.5 million and $394,000, respectively. 

   The defined benefit plans provide benefits based upon years of credited 
service, highest average compensation and social security benefits. Annual 
retirement benefits, at age 65, are equal to 1 1/2% of the participating 
employee's final average compensation (average compensation during the 
highest five consecutive years of employment in the ten years prior to 
retirement) less 1 3/7% of the Social Security benefits for each year of 
service up to a maximum of 35 years. In addition, the plan provides for 
reduced benefits before age 65 and for a joint and survivor annuity option. 

   The Company also sponsors several foreign pension plans. The most 
significant of these is the Canadian pension plan. 

   The status of the defined benefit plans at December 31, 1995 and 1996 is 
as follows (in thousands): 

                                                                 U.S. PLANS 
                                                         SALARIED AND 
                                                          AS OF JUNE     BARGAINING   CANADIAN 
                                                           30, 1985         PLAN        PLAN 
                                                        -------------- ------------  ---------- 
Actuarial present value of accumulated benefit obligations: 
 Vested................................................    $(37,040)      $(5,327)     $(2,349) 
 Nonvested ............................................      (4,186)         (201) 
                                                        -------------- ------------  ---------- 
  Total ...............................................    $(41,226)      $(5,528)     $(2,349) 
                                                        ============== ============  ========== 

Actuarial present value of projected benefit 
 obligation............................................    $ 57,780       $ 5,528      $ 2,566 
Plan assets at fair value .............................      51,633         4,426        7,072 
                                                        -------------- ------------  ---------- 
Projected benefit obligation (in excess of) less than 
 plan assets ..........................................      (6,147)       (1,102)       4,506 
Unrecognized net actuarial loss (gain) ................       4,713           455         (557) 
Prior service cost (gain) not yet recognized in net 
 periodic pension cost ................................      (2,798)          996 
Remaining unrecognized obligation .....................                    (1,451) 
Unrecognized net transition asset .....................                                 (2,944) 
                                                        -------------- ------------  ---------- 
Pension (liability) asset included in the statement of 
 financial position....................................    $ (4,232)      $(1,102)     $ 1,005 
                                                        ============== ============  ========== 


                            AVIS RENT A CAR, INC. 

                                                                 U.S. PLANS 
                                                         SALARIED AND 
                                                          AS OF JUNE     BARGAINING   CANADIAN 
                                                           30, 1985         PLAN        PLAN 
                                                        -------------- ------------  ---------- 
Actuarial present value of accumulated benefit 
 Vested ...............................................    $(43,406)      $(7,147)     $(3,389) 
 Nonvested ............................................      (4,671)         (284) 
                                                        -------------- ------------  ---------- 
  Total ...............................................    $(48,077)      $(7,431)     $(3,389) 
                                                        ============== ============  ========== 
Actuarial present value of projected benefit 
 obligation ...........................................    $ 66,083       $ 7,431      $ 3,703 
Plan assets at fair value .............................      60,697         6,623        8,323 
                                                        -------------- ------------  ---------- 
Projected benefit obligation (in excess of) less than 
 plan assets ..........................................      (5,386)         (808)       4,620 
Unrecognized net actuarial loss (gain) ................       1,440            37         (336) 
Prior service cost not yet recognized in net periodic 
 pension cost .........................................                       878 
Remaining unrecognized obligation .....................                      (915) 
Unrecognized net transition asset .....................                                 (2,833) 
                                                        -------------- ------------  ---------- 
Pension (liability) asset included in the statement of 
 financial position....................................    $ (3,946)      $  (808)     $ 1,451 
                                                        ============== ============  ========== 

   Net pension costs of the defined benefit plans for the periods ended 
December 31, 1994, December 31, 1995, October 16, 1996 and December 31, 1996, 
include the following components (in thousands): 

                                                YEAR ENDED             YEAR ENDED 
                                             DECEMBER 31, 1994     DECEMBER 31, 1995 
                                           --------------------- ---------------------- 
                                              U.S.     CANADIAN     U.S.      CANADIAN 
                                             PLANS       PLAN       PLANS       PLAN 
                                           --------- ----------  ---------- ---------- 
Service cost--benefits earned during the 
 period ..................................  $ 2,820     $ 102     $  2,566     $  76 
Interest cost on projected benefit 
 obligation ..............................    3,708       271        4,069       304 
Return on assets--Actual loss (gain) on 
 plan assets .............................    1,626      (586)     (10,768)     (578) 
Net amortization of actuarial (gain) loss 
 and prior service cost ..................   (5,702)                 6,184 
Contributions to union plans and other  ..    2,057                  2,211 
Amortization of unrecognized net asset at 
 transition ..............................               (134)                  (130) 
                                           --------- ----------  ---------- ---------- 
Net pension cost (benefit) ...............  $ 4,509     $ (347)   $  4,262     $(328) 
                                           ========= ==========  ========== ========== 


                            AVIS RENT A CAR, INC. 

                                                                   OCTOBER 17, 1996 
                                                                       (DATE OF 
                                              JANUARY 1, 1996        ACQUISITION) 
                                                    TO                    TO 
                                             OCTOBER 16, 1996     DECEMBER 31, 1996 
                                           --------------------- -------------------- 
                                              U.S.     CANADIAN    U.S.     CANADIAN 
                                             PLANS       PLAN      PLANS      PLAN 
                                           --------- ----------  -------- ---------- 
Service cost--benefits earned during the 
 period ..................................  $ 2,401     $  59     $  302     $  28 
Interest cost on projected benefit 
 obligation ..............................    3,679       206        357        54 
Return on assets--Actual (gain) on plan 
 assets ..................................   (3,194)     (538)      (551)     (115) 
Net amortization of actuarial (gain) loss 
 and prior service cost ..................     (794)                 390 
Contributions to union plans and other  ..    2,029                  733 
Amortization of unrecognized net asset at 
 transition ..............................               (106)                 (28) 
                                           --------- ----------  -------- ---------- 
Net pension cost (benefit) ...............  $ 4,121     $ (379)   $1,231     $  (61) 
                                           ========= ==========  ======== ========== 

   At December 31, 1995 and 1996, the measurement of the projected benefit 
obligation was based upon the following: 

                                         1995                1996 
                                  ------------------  ------------------ 
                                    U.S.    CANADIAN    U.S.   CANADIAN 
                                   PLANS      PLAN     PLANS     PLAN 
                                  ------- ----------  ------- ---------- 
Discount rate ...................   7.50%     9.50%     7.75%     7.00% 
Compensation increase ...........   5.00      5.50      5.00      4.00 
Long-term return on plan assets     8.75      9.50      8.75      7.00 

   The U.S. plans' assets are invested in corporate bonds, U.S. government 
securities and common stock mutual funds. The Canadian plan's assets are 
invested in Canadian stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate and money 
market funds. 

   The Company also sponsors a non-qualified defined benefit pension plan. 
The liability for this unfunded plan was $4.6 million and $8.8 million at 
December 31, 1995 and 1996, respectively, and is included in accrued 
liabilities on the accompanying statement of financial position. The 
projected benefit obligation of the plan was $6.0 million and $10.0 million 
at December 31, 1995 and 1996, respectively. 


   The Company is committed to make rental payments under noncancelable 
operating leases relating principally to vehicle rental facilities and 
equipment. Under certain leases, the Company is obligated to pay certain 
additional costs, such as property taxes, insurance and maintenance. Airport 
concession agreements usually require a guaranteed minimum amount plus 
contingent fees which are generally based on a percentage of revenues. 


                            AVIS RENT A CAR, INC. 

    Operating lease payments and airport concession fees charged to expense 
for the periods ended December 31, 1994, December 31, 1995, October 16, 1996 
and December 31, 1996 are as follows (in thousands): 

                                                                 OCTOBER 17, 1996 
                         YEARS ENDED DECEMBER                        (DATE OF 
                                 31,            JANUARY 1, 1996    ACQUISITION) 
                        ----------------------        TO                TO         
                           1994        1995    OCTOBER 16, 1996  DECEMBER 31, 1996
                        ---------- ----------  ---------------- -------------------
Minimum fees...........  $102,104    $108,965      $ 88,787            $23,576 
Contingent fees .......    45,633      56,624        61,290             13,220 
                        ---------- ----------  ---------------- ------------------- 
                          147,737     165,589       150,077             36,796 
Less sublease rentals      (4,082)     (4,427)       (3,843)            (1,000) 
                        ---------- ----------  ---------------- ------------------- 
                         $143,655    $161,162      $146,234            $35,796 
                        ========== ==========  ================ =================== 

   Future minimum rental commitments under noncancelable operating leases 
amounted to approximately $338.0 million at December 31, 1996. The minimum 
rental payments due in each of the next five years ending December 31, and 
thereafter, are as follows (in thousands): 

1997 .........  $86,264 
1998 .........   62,400 
1999 .........   43,179 
2000 .........   32,669 
2001 .........   20,805 
Thereafter  ..   92,709 

   In addition to the Company's lease commitments, the Company has 
outstanding purchase commitments of approximately $1.5 billion at December 
31, 1996, which relate principally to vehicle purchases. 


                            AVIS RENT A CAR, INC. 


   The Company operates in the United States and in foreign countries. The 
operations within major geographic areas for the periods ended December 31, 
1994, December 31, 1995, October 16, 1996 and December 31, 1996 are 
summarized as follows (in thousands): 

                                                                              OCTOBER 17, 1996 
                                                                                  (DATE OF 
                                 YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31,   JANUARY 1, 1996     ACQUISITION) 
                                --------------------------        TO                 TO         
                                    1994          1995     OCTOBER 16, 1996   DECEMBER 31, 1996 
                                ------------ ------------  ----------------  ------------------
 United States.................  $1,241,465    $1,414,380     $1,313,619         $  312,194 
 Australia/New Zealand ........      92,929       113,744        105,401             31,107 
 Canada .......................      59,571        67,809         69,814             13,467 
 Other foreign operations  ....      18,435        20,018         15,839              6,076 
                                ------------ ------------  ---------------- ------------------- 
                                 $1,412,400    $1,615,951     $1,504,673         $  362,844 
                                ============ ============  ================ =================== 
Income (loss) before provision 
 for income taxes: 
 United States.................  $   21,759    $   32,122     $   48,098         $   (2,346) 
 Australia/New Zealand ........      14,736        17,198         15,884              4,706 
 Canada .......................       7,434         6,838          8,433             (1,752) 
 Other foreign operations  ....       8,387         4,542         (2,616)             1,653 
                                ------------ ------------  ---------------- ------------------- 
                                 $   52,316    $   60,700     $   69,799         $    2,261 
                                ============ ============  ================ =================== 
Total assets at end of period: 
 United States.................  $2,344,723    $2,535,621     $2,859,202         $2,750,119 
 Australia/New Zealand ........     109,649       133,629        115,082            120,216 
 Canada .......................      96,660        97,426        147,617            122,657 
 Other foreign operations  ....      52,081        58,222         65,796            138,365 
                                ------------ ------------  ---------------- ------------------- 
                                 $2,603,113    $2,824,898     $3,187,697         $3,131,357 
                                ============ ============  ================ =================== 


   Certain litigation has been initiated against the Company which has arisen 
during the normal course of operations. Since litigation is subject to many 
uncertainties, the outcome of any individual matter is not predictable with 
any degree of certainty, and it is reasonably possible that one or more of 
these matters could be decided unfavorably against the Company. The Company 
maintains insurance policies that cover most of the actions brought against 
the Company. Two legal actions have been filed against ARACS alleging 
discrimination in the rental of vehicles. HFS has agreed to indemnify the 
Company from any unfavorable outcome with respect to these matters upon the 
consummation of an IPO. The Company is currently not involved in any legal 
proceeding which it believes would have a material adverse effect upon its 
consolidated financial condition or results of operations. 


   The Company and Avis Europe, plc cooperate jointly in marketing and 
promotional activities, the exchange of reservations, the honoring of charge 
cards and vouchers, and the transfer of the related billings. A member of the 
board of directors and an executive officer of HFS serve on the board of Avis 
Europe Limited (formerly Cilva), the parent company of Avis Europe, plc. 


                            AVIS RENT A CAR, INC. 

    Vehicle manufacturers offer vehicle repurchase programs on an ongoing 
basis to assist in the acquisition and disposition of vehicles. These 
programs generally allow the Company, at its option, subject to certain 
provisions, to sell the vehicles back to the manufacturers at pre-determined 
prices. Amounts included under these programs are reflected in "Accounts 
receivable" (see Note 2). Under the terms of certain financing agreements 
with General Motors, the Company is required to purchase a significant 
percentage of its fleet from local dealers of General Motors subject to 
market conditions. In addition, the Company participates in an arrangement 
whereby General Motors provides payments for purchasing and promoting a 
specified number and mix of vehicles (see Note 4). At December 31, 1995 and 
1996, the Company has a $450.0 million and a $250.0 million line of credit, 
respectively, from General Motors which may be used for either ESOP or 
vehicle trust financing (see Note 7). Of this facility, $300.0 million and 
$200.0 million is available for subordinated debt at December 31, 1995 and 
1996, respectively. As of December 31, 1995 and 1996, the Company utilized 
$118.0 million of this facility, of which $93.4 million and $54.3 million was 
subordinated, respectively. This facility requires a fee of 1/4 of 1% on the 
unused portion. 


   On August 20, 1997, the Company purchased The First Gray Line Corporation 
and its subsidiaries for approximately $210 million, including expenses. The 
fair value of unaudited assets and liabilities, exclusive of cost in excess 
of the fair value of net assets acquired, at June 30, 1997 are $332.3 million 
and $296.3 million, respectively. The transaction is subject to customary 
closing conditions and regulatory approval. 

   On July 31, 1997, the Company refinanced all of its domestic debt. This 
debt was refinanced by utilizing a $3.65 billion asset-backed structure, 
which consisted of (i) a $2.0 billion Commercial Paper Program and (ii) a 
$1.65 billion Medium Term Note Issuance with maturities of 3 and 5 years. 

   ARACS is party to a $470.0 million secured credit agreement that provides 
for (i) a revolving credit facility in the amount of up to $125.0 million 
which is available on a revolving basis until December 31, 2000 (the "Final 
Maturity Date") in order to finance the general corporate needs of ARACS in 
the ordinary course of business (with up to $75.0 million of such amount 
available for the issuance of standby letters of credit to support worker's 
compensation and other insurance and bonding requirements of ARACS, the 
Company and their subsidiaries in the ordinary course of business), (ii) a 
term loan facility in the amount of $120.0 million to finance general 
corporate needs in the ordinary course of business, which will be repayable 
in four installments, the first three of which shall be in the amount of $1.0 
million payable on June 30, 1998, June 30, 1999 and June 30, 2000 and the 
remainder of which will be due on the Final Maturity Date, and (iii) a 
standby letter of credit facility of up to $225.0 million available on a 
revolving basis to fund (a) any shortfall in certain payments owing pursuant 
to fleet lease agreements and (b) maturing Commercial Paper Notes if such 
Commercial Paper Notes cannot be repaid through the issuance of additional 
Commercial Paper Notes or draws under the Liquidity Facility. Under terms of 
this facility, the Company will be required to meet the following covenants 
(i) certain maximum leverage ratios, (ii) certain minimum interest coverage 
ratios, and (iii) certain minimum fixed charge coverage. In addition, the 
Credit Facility prohibits the payment of cash dividends until the fiscal year 
ending December 31, 1998 and, thereafter, permits the payment of dividends 
only if the Company meets a minimum leverage ratio, the amount of such 
dividend does not exceed a designated percentage of the Company's cash flow 
and no default exists. Interest rates under these new facilities ranged from 
5.6% to 7.8% at July 31, 1997. 
