AMENDMENT (this "Amendment"), dated as of October 30, 1998,
October 2, 1996 (as the same may be amended, supplemented or otherwise modified
from time to time, the "Credit Agreement"), by and among CENDANT CORPORATION, a
Delaware corporation (the "Borrower"), the financial institutions parties
thereto (the "Lenders"), and THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, a New York banking
corporation, as agent for the Lenders (in such capacity, the "Administrative

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

                  WHEREAS, the Borrower has requested that certain provisions
of the Credit Agreement be amended and waived as set forth herein, and;

                  WHEREAS, the Lenders are willing to agree to such amendments
and waivers on the terms set forth herein;

                  NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and mutual
covenants contained herein, the undersigned hereby agree as follows:

                  1. Defined Terms. Terms defined in the Credit Agreement and
used herein shall have the meanings given to them in the Credit Agreement.

                  2. Amendments to Section 1.

                  (a) Section 1 of the Credit Agreement is amended by adding
the following definition in alphabetical order:

                  "October Amendment Date" shall mean the Effective Date as
         defined in the Amendment to this Agreement dated as of October 30,

                  (b) Section 1 of the Credit Agreement is amended by deleting
the definition of "Avis" therefrom in its entirety.

                  (c) Section 1 of the Credit Agreement is amended by adding
the following to the definition of "Consolidated EBITDA" immediately after
clause (vii) thereof:

                  minus (viii) any cash expenditures during such period to the
                  extent such cash expenditures (x) did not reduce Consolidated
                  Net Income and (y) were applied against reserves that
                  constituted non-cash items which reduced Consolidated Net
                  Income during prior periods,

                  (d) Section 1 of the Credit Agreement is amended by adding at
the end of the first sentence of "Consolidated Interest Expense" the following:


                  minus, without duplication, any interest income of the
                  Borrower and its Consolidated Subsidiaries on a consolidated
                  basis during such period.

                  (e) Section 1 of the Credit Agreement is amended by deleting
clause (ii) from the definition of "Consolidated Net Income" and substituting
therefor the phrase "(ii) [INTENTIONALLY OMITTED]".

                  (f) Section 1 of the Credit Agreement is amended by deleting
the phrases "Avis and its Subsidiaries and" and "Avis and" each time they
appear in the definition of the term "Consolidated Total Indebtedness".

                  (g) Section 1 of the Credit Agreement is amended by deleting
from the definition of "GAAP" the phrase "Merger Effective Date" and
substituting therefor the phrase "October Amendment Date".

                  (h) Section 1 of the Credit Agreement is amended by amending
and restating the definition of "Merger Effective Date" in its entirety to read
as follows:

                  "Merger Effective Date" shall mean December 18, 1997.

                  (i) Section 1 of the Credit Agreement is amended by deleting
the phrase "Avis and its Subsidiaries and" from the definition of "Subsidiary".

                  3. Amendment to Section 2.9. Section 2.9 of the Credit
Agreement is amended by adding at the end of paragraph (b) the phrase "plus the
applicable margin, if any, for ABR Loans from time to time in effect pursuant
to Section 2.22".

                  4. Amendment to Section 2.22. Section 2.22 of the Credit
Agreement is amended by deleting such Section and substituting therefor the

                  SECTION 2.22  Certain Pricing Adjustments.

                  The Facility Fee and the applicable LIBOR Spread in effect
         from time to time shall be determined in accordance with the following


S&P/Moody's Rating Equivalent
of the Borrower's Senior            Facility Fee     Applicable LIBOR Spread
Unsecured Long-Term Debt          (In Basis Points)     (In Basis Points)
- ------------------------           ---------------       ---------------
A/A2 or better                           10.0                  27.5

A-/A3                                    12.5                  37.5

BBB+/Baa1                                15.0                  47.5

BBB/Baa2                                 17.5                  57.5

BBB-/Baa3                                22.5                  65.0

BB+/Ba1 or lower                         37.5                 112.5

                  In the event the S&P rating on the Borrower's senior
         unsecured long-term debt is not equivalent to the Moody's rating on
         such debt, the lower rating will determine the Facility Fee and
         applicable LIBOR Spread. In the event that the Borrower's senior
         unsecured long-term debt is rated by only one of S&P and Moody's, then
         that single rating shall be determinative. In the event that the
         Borrower's senior unsecured long-term debt is not rated by either S&P
         or Moody's, then the Facility Fee and the applicable LIBOR Spread
         shall be deemed to be calculated as if the lowest rating category set
         forth above applied. Any increase in the Facility Fee or the
         applicable LIBOR Spread determined in accordance with the foregoing
         table shall become effective on the date of announcement or
         publication by the Borrower or either such rating agency of a
         reduction in such rating or, in the absence of such announcement or
         publication, on the effective date of such decreased rating, or on the
         date of any request by the Borrower to either of such rating agencies
         not to rate its senior unsecured long-term debt or on the date either
         of such rating agencies announces it shall no longer rate the
         Borrower's senior unsecured long-term debt. Any decrease in the
         Facility Fee or applicable LIBOR Spread shall be effective on the date
         of announcement or publication by either of such rating agencies of an
         increase in rating or in the absence of announcement or publication on
         the effective date of such increase in rating. The applicable margin
         for ABR Loans shall be 1% less than the applicable LIBOR Spread (but
         not less than 0%).

                  5. Amendment to Section 2.24. Section 2.24 of the Credit
Agreement is amended by adding the following at the end thereof:

                  (l) Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Agreement,
         the Borrower may request that the Issuing Lender issue the RAC Letter
         of Credit on or prior to April 15, 1999 as long as, after giving
         effect thereto, the sum of the then current L/C Exposure plus the
         aggregate Loans then outstanding does not exceed the Total Commitment.
         The RAC Letter of Credit shall be a Letter of Credit issued under this
         Agreement provided that:


                           (i) The RAC Letter of Credit may be denominated in
                  United Kingdom Pounds Sterling as long as at the time of
                  issuance the Dollar Equivalent of the face amount of the RAC
                  Letter of Credit does not exceed $750,000,000.

                           (ii) The RAC Letter of Credit shall be deemed not to
                  be a utilization of the $100,000,000 available sublimit for
                  the issuance of the Letters of Credit under Section 2.24(a).

                           (iii) The Borrower's reimbursement obligations and
                  other payment obligations with respect to the RAC Letter of
                  Credit (including reimbursement obligations under paragraphs
                  (e) and (f) of this Section 2.24) shall be denominated in
                  Dollars and shall be calculated on the basis of the Dollar
                  Equivalent of the amount of any drawing under the RAC Letter
                  of Credit or the face amount of the RAC Letter of Credit or
                  any other amount with respect to the RAC Letter of Credit
                  denominated in United Kingdom Pounds Sterling. Each Lender's
                  funding and reimbursement obligations in respect of any
                  drawing shall be in Dollars and shall be based on the Dollar
                  Equivalent of the amount of such drawing calculated on the
                  date of the such drawing.

                           (iv) The L/C Exposure with respect to the RAC Letter
                  of Credit shall be equal to the Dollar Equivalent of the face
                  amount thereof and the Dollar Equivalent of all drafts
                  thereunder which have been presented and not yet paid or paid
                  but not reimbursed.

                           (v) The Borrower, in coordination with the
                  Administrative Agent, will implement and maintain internal
                  controls with the object of preventing the aggregate amount
                  of the Loans, Letters of Credit (other than the RAC Letter of
                  Credit) and the Dollar Equivalent of the RAC Letter of Credit
                  ("Total Exposure") from exceeding the Total Commitment. If,
                  at any time, the Total Exposure exceeds the Total Commitment,
                  then the Borrower shall immediately repay Loans, repay
                  reimbursement obligations in respect of Letters of Credit
                  and/or cause Letters of Credit to be cancelled or the amount
                  thereof to be reduced, as shall be necessary to cause the
                  Total Exposure to no longer exceed the Total Commitment.

                           (vi) Each Lender confirms that, in accordance with
                  Sections 2.24(a)(ii) and (d), it will purchase a
                  participating interest in the RAC Letter of Credit upon the
                  issuance thereof.

                           (vii) As used in this Section 2.24 the following
                  terms have the following meaning:

                                    "Dollar Equivalent" shall mean with respect
                           to any amount in respect of the RAC Letter of Credit
                           denominated in United Kingdom Pounds Sterling, at
                           any date of determination thereof, an amount in
                           Dollars equivalent to such amount calculated on the
                           basis of the Spot Rate of Exchange.


                                    "RAC Letter of Credit" shall mean a letter
                           of credit to be issued for the account of the
                           Borrower by The Chase Manhattan Bank, London Branch
                           to support the Borrower's payment obligations in
                           respect of the RAC Loan Notes.

                                    "Spot Rate of Exchange" shall mean, with
                           respect to United Kingdom Pounds Sterling, at any
                           date of determination thereof, the spot rate of
                           exchange in New York that appears on the display
                           page applicable to United Kingdom Pounds Sterling on
                           the Dow Jones System Incorporated Service (or such
                           other page as may replace such page on such service
                           for the purpose of displaying the spot rate of
                           exchange in New York); provided that if there shall
                           at any time no longer exist such a page on such
                           service, the spot rate of exchange shall be
                           determined by reference to another similar rate
                           publishing service selected by the Administrative
                           Agent and, if no such similar rate publishing
                           service is available, by reference to the published
                           rate of the Administrative Agent in effect at such
                           date for similar commercial transactions. Any
                           determination by the Administrative Agent of the
                           Spot Rate of Exchange shall be conclusive.
                           Notwithstanding the foregoing, for purposes of
                           calculating the fronting fee described in Section
                           2.24(f)(i)(c) and the commission described in
                           Section 2.24(f)(ii) for any period, the Spot Rate
                           shall be deemed to be the Spot Rate reasonably
                           determined from time to time by the Administrative
                           Agent and may be fixed from time to time by the
                           Administrative Agent to facilitate calculation of
                           such amounts.

                  6. Amendment to Section 3.4. Section 3.4 of the Credit
Agreement is amended by deleting such Section and substituting therefor the

         SECTION 3.4  Financial Statements of Borrower.

                           The (a) revised audited consolidated financial
         statements of the Borrower and its Consolidated Subsidiaries as of
         December 31, 1996 and December 31, 1997, and (b) unaudited
         consolidated balance sheets of the Borrower and its Consolidated
         Subsidiaries as of March 31, 1998 and June 30, 1998, together with the
         related unaudited statements of income, shareholders' equity and cash
         flows for such periods, fairly present the financial condition of the
         Borrower and its Consolidated Subsidiaries as at the dates indicated
         and the results of operations and cash flows for the periods indicated
         in conformity with GAAP subject to normal year-end adjustments in the
         case of the March 31, 1998 and June 30, 1998 financial statements.

                  7. Amendment to Section 3.5. Section 3.5 of the Credit
Agreement is amended by deleting such Section and substituting therefor the

         There has been no material adverse change in the business, assets,
         operations, or condition, financial or otherwise, of the Borrower and
         its Subsidiaries taken as a


whole from that disclosed in the revised audited consolidated financial
statements (including the footnotes thereto) of the Borrower referred to in
Section 3.4 for its 1997 fiscal year; provided, however, that the foregoing
representation is made solely as of the October Amendment Date.

                  8. Amendment to Section 3.6. Section 3.6 of the Credit
Agreement is amended by deleting the phrase "Merger Effective Date" and
substituting therefor the phrase "October Amendment Date".

                  9. Amendment to Section 3.8. Section 3.8 of the Credit
Agreement is amended by deleting the phrase "Merger Effective Date" and
substituting therefor the phrase "October Amendment Date".

                  10. Amendment to Section 3.10. Section 3.10 of the Credit
Agreement is amended by deleting the phrase "G,".

                  11. Amendment to Section 3.14. Section 3.14 of the Credit
Agreement is amended by deleting the phrase "Merger Effective Date" and
substituting therefor the phrase "October Amendment Date".

                  12. Amendment to Section 3.15. Section 3.15 of the Credit
Agreement is amended by (a) deleting each reference to the phrase "Merger
Effective Date" and substituting therefor the phrase "October Amendment Date"
and (b) deleting the phrase "September 1996" and substituting therefor the
phrase "October 1998".

                  13. Amendment to Section 6.1. Section 6.1 of the Credit
Agreement is amended by deleting from paragraph (a) the phrase "date hereof"
each time it appears and substituting therefor the phrase "October Amendment

                  14. Amendment to Section 9. Section 9 of the Credit Agreement
is amended by adding the following at the end thereof:

         SECTION 9.15.  Judgment.

                  (a) If for the purpose of obtaining judgment in any court it
         is necessary to convert a sum due hereunder in one currency into
         another currency, the parties hereto agree, to the fullest extent that
         they may effectively do so, that the rate of exchange used shall be
         that at which in accordance with normal banking procedures the
         Administrative Agent could purchase the first currency with such other
         currency on the Business Day preceding the day on which final judgment
         is given.

                  (b) The obligations of the Borrower in respect of this
         Agreement and any Note due to any party hereto or any holder of any
         bond shall, notwithstanding any judgment in a currency (the "judgment
         currency") other than the currency in which the sum originally due to
         such party or such holder is denominated (the "original currency"), be
         discharged only to the extent that on the Business Day following
         receipt by such party or such holder (as the case may be) of any sum
         adjudged to be 


         so due in the judgment currency such party or such holder (as the case
         may be) may in accordance with normal banking procedures purchase the
         original currency with the judgment currency; if the amount of the
         original currency so purchased is less than the sum originally due to
         such party or such holder (as the case may be) in the original
         currency, the Borrower agrees, as a separate obligation and
         notwithstanding any such judgment, to indemnify such party or such
         holder (as the case may be) against such loss, and if the amount of
         the original currency so purchased exceeds the sum originally due to
         any party to this Agreement or any holder of Notes (as the case may
         be), such party or such holder (as the case may be), agrees to remit
         to such Borrower, such excess. This covenant shall survive the
         termination of this Agreement and payment of the Loans and all other
         amounts payable hereunder.

                  15. Amendments to Schedules 3.6, 6.1 and 6.5. Schedules 3.6,
6.1 and 6.5 of the Credit Agreement are hereby amended by replacing such
Schedules with new Schedules 3.6, 6.1 and 6.5 in the forms of Schedules 3.6,
6.1 and 6.5, respectively, attached to this Amendment.

                  16. Effective Date. This Amendment shall become effective on
the date (the "Effective Date") on which:

                  (a) the Borrower, the Administrative Agent and the Required
Lenders under each Credit Agreement shall have duly executed and delivered to
the Administrative Agent this Amendment; and

                  (b) the Lenders shall have received the (i) revised audited
consolidated financial statements of the Borrower and its Consolidated
Subsidiaries as of December 31, 1997 and December 31, 1996, as adjusted for the
accounting irregularities disclosed in the Borrower's amended 1997 Form 10K/A
filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission and (ii) unaudited
consolidated financial statements of the Borrower and its Consolidated
Subsidiaries as of March 31, 1998 and June 30, 1998.

                  17. Representations and Warranties. The Borrower hereby
represents and warrants that (a) each of the representations and warranties in
Section 3 of each Credit Agreement shall be, after giving effect to this
Amendment, true and correct in all material respects as if made on and as of
the Effective Date (unless such representations and warranties are stated to
relate to a specific earlier date, in which case such representations and
warranties shall be true and correct in all material respects as of such
earlier date) and (b) after giving effect to this Amendment, no Default or
Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing.

                  18. No Other Amendments; Confirmation. Except as expressly
amended hereby, the provisions of the Credit Agreement and each of the
Fundamental Documents are and shall remain in full force and effect.

                  19. Governing Law. This Amendment and the rights and
obligations of the parties hereto shall be governed by, and construed and
interpreted in accordance with, the laws of the State of New York.


                  20. Counterparts. This Amendment may be executed by one or
more of the parties hereto on any number of separate counterparts, and all of
said counterparts taken together shall be deemed to constitute one and the same
instrument. This Amendment may be delivered by facsimile transmission of the
relevant signature pages hereof.


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have caused this Amendment to be
executed and delivered by their duly authorized officers as of the date first
above written.

                                                     CENDANT CORPORATION

                                           By: /s/ Michael Monaco
                                               Name:  Michael Monaco
                                               Title: Chief Financial Officer

                                           THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, as
                                           Administrative Agent and as a Lender

                                           By: /s/ Carol A. Ulmer
                                               Name:  Carol A. Ulmer
                                               Title: Vice President

                                           ABN-AMRO BANK N.V. NEW YORK




                                                 BANK OF AMERICA NT&SA

                                                 By: /s/ Steve A. Aronowitz
                                                  Name:  Steve A. Aronowitz
                                                  Title: Managing Director

                                                 BANK OF MONTREAL

                                                 By: /s/ Brian L. Banke
                                                  Name:  Brian L. Banke
                                                  Title: Director

                                                 THE BANK OF NEW YORK

                                                 By: /s/ Eliza S. Adams
                                                  Name:  Eliza S. Adams
                                                  Title: Vice President

                                                 THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA

                                                 By: /s/ S. Lockhart
                                                  Name:  S. Lockhart
                                                  Title: Vice President

                                                 BANK OF TOKYO-MITSUBISHI TRUST

                                                 By: /s/ William DiNicola
                                                  Name:  William DiNicola
                                                  Title: Vice President



                                                By: /s/ Russell Pomerantz
                                                 Name:  Russell Pomerantz
                                                 Title: Vice President

                                                By: /s/ Sean Reddington
                                                 Name:  Sean Reddington
                                                 Title: Vice President

                                                BAYERISCHE LANDESBANK
                                                 CAYMAN ISLANDS BRANCH


                                                BAYERISCHE HYPO-UND VEREINSBANK
                                                      AG, NEW YORK BRANCH




                                          CIBC INC.

                                          By: /s/ Gerald Girardi
                                             Name:  Gerald Girardi
                                             Title: Executive Director

                                          CITIBANK, N.A.


                                          COMERICA BANK

                                          By: /s/ Kimberly S. Kersten
                                            Name:  Kimberly S. Kersten
                                            Title: Vice President

                                          CREDIT LYONNAIS NEW YORK BRANCH

                                          By: /s/Vladimir Labun
                                            Name:  Vladimir Hurst
                                            Title: First Vice President-Manager


                                                   CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON

                                                   By: /s/ Bill O'Daly
                                                     Name:  Bill O'Daly
                                                     Title: Vice President

                                                   By: /s/ Kristin Lepri
                                                     Name:  Kristin Lepri
                                                     Title: Associate

                                                   DG BANK DEUTSCHE
                                                   GENOSSENSCHAFTSBANK, CAYMAN
                                                   ISLAND BRANCH



                                                   FIRST AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK


                                                   FIRST HAWAIIAN BANK



                                             THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BOSTON


                                             THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CHICAGO


                                             FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MARYLAND


                                             FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK


                                             FLEET NATIONAL BANK


                                             THE FUJI BANK, LIMITED
                                              NEW YORK BRANCH



                                             THE INDUSTRIAL BANK OF JAPAN,
                                              NEW YORK BRANCH

                                             By: /s/ Christian Giordano
                                               Name:  Christine Gioardano
                                               Title: Vice President

                                             MELLON BANK, N.A.

                                             By: /s/ Donald G. Cassidy, Jr.
                                               Name:  Donald G. Cassidy, Jr.
                                               Title: First Vice President

                                             MORGAN GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF
                                              NEW YORK


                                             THE NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY


                                             PNC BANK, N.A.

                                             By: /s/ Michael Nardo
                                              Name:  Michael Nardo
                                              Title: Vice President


                                             ROYAL BANK OF CANADA

                                             By: /s/ Sheryl L. Greenberg
                                              Name:  Sheryl L. Greenberg
                                              Title: Senior Manager

                                             THE SAKURA BANK, LIMITED

                                             By: /s/ Yasumasa Kikuchi
                                              Name:  Yasumasa Kikuchi
                                              Title: Senior Vice President

                                             THE SANWA BANK, LIMITED


                                             THE SUMITOMO BANK, LIMITED,
                                              NEW YORK BRANCH

                                             By: /s/ J. Bruce Meredith
                                              Name:  J. Bruce Meredith
                                              Title: Senior Vice President

                                             SUMMIT BANK



                                             THE TOKAI BANK LIMITED NEW YORK

                                             By: /s/ Shinichi Nakatani
                                              Name:  Shinichi Nakatani
                                              Title: Assistant General Manager

                                             UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF


                                             WESTDEUTSCHE LANDESBANK
                                             GIROZENTRALE, NEW YORK BRANCH

                                             By: /s/ Cynthia M. Niesen
                                              Name:  Cynthia M. Niesen
                                              Title: Managing Director

                                             By: /s/ Walter T. Duffy III
                                              Name:  Walter T. Duffy III
                                              Title: Associate

                                             BANKERS TRUST COMPANY

                                             By: /s/ James Reilly
                                               Name:  James Reilly
                                               Title: Vice President

                                                                   Schedule 6.1

                      Existing Indebtedness and Guarantees

Lease Agreement dated 11/29/91 between Days Inns of America, Inc. and John
Hancock Life Insurance Company in the amount of $373,970.

Lease Agreement dated 8/1/93 between Coldwell Banker Corporation and Pitney
Bowes in the amount of $22,805.

Lease Agreement dated 6/1/95 between Coldwell Banker Corporation and Xerox
Corporation in the amount of $652,331.

Unsecured borrowings by Coldwell Banker Corporation from Wells Fargo Bank in
principal amount of $27,000,000.

Prior to March 31, 1999, $100 million Credit Facility dated March 27, 1998
between Hebdo Mag Inc., the lenders thereto and the Canadian Imperial Bank of

                                                                   Schedule 6.5

                                 Existing Liens

      Liens in connection with leases of office equipment incurred in the
                         ordinary course of business.