SECRETARY OF STATE 
                           DIVISION OF CORPORATIONS 
                          FILED 07:00 PM 11/03/1993 
                               933075197 -2354937

                           CERTIFICATE OF RESTATED 
                         CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION 
                          ARCADE HOLDING CORPORATION 

   Michael J. Kluger and Paul Huston, being the President and Secretary, 
respectively, of Arcade Holding Corporation, a corporation organized and 
existing under and by virtue of the General Corporation Law of the State of 
Delaware (the "Company"), do hereby certify as follows: 

   FIRST: That the Company filed its original Certificate of Incorporation 
with the Delaware Secretary of State on October 13, 1993 (the "Certificate"). 

   SECOND: That the Company has not yet received any payment for any of its 

   THIRD: That in accordance with Sections 241 and 245 of the General 
Corporation Law of the State of Delaware, the Board of Directors of the 
Company, pursuant to the unanimous written consent of all of its members, 
adopted resolutions authorizing the Company to amend and restate the 
Certificate in its entirety to read as set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto 
and make a part hereof (the "Restated Certificate"). 

   IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being the President and Secretary 
hereinabove named, for the purpose of amending and restating the Certificate 
of Incorporation of the Company pursuant to the General Corporation Law of 
the State of Delaware, under penalties of perjury, do each hereby declare and 
certify that this is the act and deed of the Company and the facts stated 
herein are true, and accordingly have hereunto signed this Certificate of 
Restated Certificate of Incorporation this 3rd day of November, 1993. 

                                 ARCADE HOLDING CORPORATION 

                                 By: /s/ Michael Kluger 


/s/ Paul Huston 
- --------------------------------- 

                                  EXHIBIT A 
                          ARCADE HOLDING CORPORATION 
                                 ARTICLE ONE 

   The name of the corporation is Arcade Holding Corporation. 

                                 ARTICLE TWO 

   The address of the corporations' registered office in the State of 
Delaware is 32 Loockerman Square, Suite L-100, in the City of Dover, County 
of Kent 19901. The name of its registered agent at such address is The 
Prentice-Hall Corporation System, Inc. 

                                ARTICLE THREE 

   The nature of the business or purposes to be conducted or promoted is to 
engage in any lawful act or activity for which corporations may be organized 
under the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware. 

                                 ARTICLE FOUR 
                             A. AUTHORIZED SHARES 

   The total number of shares of capital stock which the Corporation has 
authority to issue is 108,000 shares, consisting of: 

     (1) 8,000 shares of Preferred Stock, par value $1.00 per share (the 
    "Preferred Stock"); and 

     (2) 100,000 shares of Common Stock, par value $.01 per share (the "Common 

Certain other capitalized terms used herein are defined in Section 9 hereof. 

                               B. COMMON STOCK 

   Section 1. Voting Rights. Except as otherwise required by applicable law, 
the holders of Common Stock shall be entitled to one vote per share on all 
matters to be voted on by the stockholders of the Corporation. 

   Section 2. Dividends. Subject to the preferential rights of the holders of 
Preferred Stock set forth in Part C of this ARTICLE FOUR and to the extent 
permitted under the General Corporation law of Delaware, dividends may be 
paid on the Common Stock as and when declared by the Board of Directors of 
the Corporation 

   Section 3. Liquidation. Subject to the preferential rights of the holders 
of Preferred Stock set forth in Part C of this ARTICLE FOUR, the holders of 
the Common Stock shall be entitled to participate ratably on a per share 
basis in all distributions to the holders of capital stock in any 
liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation. 

                              C. PREFERRED STOCK 

     Section 1. Dividends. 

   1A. General Obligation. When and as declared by the Corporation's board of 
directors and to the extent permitted under the General Corporation Law of 
Delaware, the Corporation shall pay preferential dividends to the holders of 
the Preferred Stock as provided in this Section 1. Except as otherwise 
provided herein, dividends on each share of the Preferred Stock (a "Share") 
shall accrue on a daily basis at the rate of 7% per annum of the sum of the 
Liquidation Value thereof plus all accumulated and unpaid dividends thereon, 
from and including the date of issuance of such Share to and including the 
date on which the Liquidation Value of such Share (plus all accrued and 
unpaid dividends thereon) is paid. Such dividends shall accrue whether or not 
they have been declared and whether or not there are profits, surplus or 
other funds of the Corporation legally available for the payment of 
dividends. Such dividends shall be cumulative such that all accrued and 
unpaid dividends shall be fully paid or declared with funds irrevocably set 
apart for payment before any dividend, distribution or payment may be made 
with respect to any Junior Securities. The date on which the Corporation 
initially issues any Share shall be deemed to be its "date of issuance" 
regardless of the number of times transfer of such Share is made on the stock 
records maintained by or for the Corporation and regardless of the number of 
certificates which may be issued to evidence such Share. 


   1B. Dividend Reference Dates. Each March 31, June 30, September 30 and 
December 31 of each year, beginning December 31, 1993 shall be a "Dividend 
Reference Date". To the extent not paid on a Dividend Reference Date, all 
dividends which have accrued on each Share outstanding during the three-month 
period (or other period in the case of the initial Dividend Reference Date) 
ending upon each such Dividend Reference Date shall be accumulated and shall 
remain accumulated dividends with respect to such Share until paid. On each 
Dividend Reference Date occurring after December 31, 1994, all dividends 
which have accrued on each Share outstanding during the three-month period 
ending upon each such Dividend Reference Date shall be payable in cash. 

   1C. Distribution of Partial Dividend Payments. Except as otherwise 
provided herein, if at any time the Corporation pays less than the total 
amount of dividends then accrued with respect to the Preferred Stock, such 
payment shall be distributed ratably among the holders of the Preferred Stock 
based upon the aggregate accrued but unpaid dividends on the Shares of 
Preferred Stock held by each such holder. 

     Section 2. Liquidation. 

   Upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation, each 
holder of Preferred Stock shall be entitled to be paid, before any 
distribution or payment is made upon any Junior Securities, an amount in cash 
equal to the aggregate Liquidation Value (plus all accrued and unpaid 
dividends) of all Shares held by such holder, and the holders of Preferred 
Stock shall not be entitled to any further payment or claim or right to any 
assets of the Corporation. If upon any such liquidation, dissolution or 
winding up of the Corporation, the Corporation's assets to be distributed 
among the holders of the Preferred Stock are insufficient to permit payment 
to such holders of the aggregate amount which they are entitled to be paid, 
then the entire assets to be distributed shall be distributed ratably among 
such holders based upon the aggregate Liquidation Value (plus all accrued and 
unpaid dividends) of the Preferred Stock held by each such holder. The 
Corporation shall mail written notice of such liquidation, dissolution or 
winding up, not less than 60 days prior to the payment date stated therein, 
to each record holder of Preferred Stock. Neither the consolidation or merger 
of the Corporation into or with any other entity or entities, nor the sale or 
transfer by the Corporation of all or any part of its assets, nor the 
reduction of the capital stock of the Corporation, shall be deemed to be a 
liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation within the meaning 
of this Section 2. 

   Section 3. Priority of Preferred Stock. So long as any Preferred Stock 
remains outstanding, neither the Corporation nor 


any Subsidiary shall redeem, purchase or otherwise acquire directly or 
indirectly any Junior Securities, nor shall the Corporation directly or 
indirectly pay or declare any dividend or make any distribution upon any 
Junior Securities except for dividends payable in shares of Common Stock 
issued upon the outstanding shares of Common Stock and except for cash 
dividends payable after the Loan Repayment Date upon the outstanding shares 
of Common Stock of up to 50% of Consolidated Net Income for the year 
preceding the year in which such dividend is to be paid so long as there is 
no Event of Noncompliance in existence at the time of payment of such cash 
dividend and no failure in existence at such time to pay in cash the full 
amount of accrued and unpaid dividends on the Preferred Stock (other than the 
amount accrued and unpaid as of December 31, 1994) on any Dividend Reference 
Date after January 1, 1995; provided that the Corporation may purchase shares 
of Common Stock from present or former employees of the Corporation and its 
Subsidiaries with the consent of the holders of at least 51% of the Preferred 

     Section 4. Redemptions. 

   4A. Scheduled Redemption. On December 31, 2001 (the "Scheduled Redemption 
Date"), the Corporation shall redeem all outstanding Shares at a price per 
Share equal to the Liquidation Value thereof plus accrued and unpaid 
dividends thereon. 

   4B. Optional Redemptions. The Corporation may at any time redeem all or 
any portion of Preferred Stock then outstanding. On any such redemption, the 
Corporation shall pay a price per Share equal to the Liquidation Value 
thereof plus all accrued and unpaid dividends thereon. 

   4C. Redemption Payment. For each Share which is to be redeemed, the 
Corporation shall be obligated on the Redemption Date to pay to the holder 
thereof (upon surrender by such holder at the Corporation's principal office 
of the certificate representing such Share) an amount in immediately 
available funds equal to the Liquidation Value of such Share (plus all 
accrued and unpaid dividends thereon). If the funds of the Corporation 
legally available for redemption of Shares on any Redemption Date are 
insufficient to redeem the total number of Shares to be redeemed on such 
date, those funds which are legally available shall be used to redeem the 
maximum possible number of Shares ratably among the holders of the Shares to 
be redeemed based upon the aggregate Liquidation Value of such Shares (plus 
all accrued and unpaid dividends thereon) held by each such holder. At any 
time thereafter when additional funds of the Corporation are legally 
available for the redemption of Shares, such funds shall immediately be used 
to redeem the balance of the Shares which the 


Corporation has become obligated to redeem on any Redemption Date but which 
it has not redeemed. 

   4D. Notice of Redemption. The Corporation shall mail written notice of 
each redemption of Preferred Stock (other than a redemption at the request of 
a holder or holders of Preferred Stock) to each record holder of such class 
not more than 60 nor less than 30 days prior to the date on which such 
redemption is to be made. Upon mailing any notice of redemption which relates 
to a redemption at the Corporation's option, the Corporation shall become 
obligated to redeem the total number of Shares specified in such notice at 
the time of redemption specified therein. In case fewer than the total number 
of Shares represented by any certificate are redeemed, a new certificate 
representing the number of unredeemed Shares shall be issued to the holder 
thereof without cost to such holder within three business days after 
surrender of the certificate representing the redeemed Shares. 

   4E. Determination of the Number of Each Holder's Shares to be Redeemed. The 
number of Shares of Preferred Stock to be redeemed from each holder thereof 
in redemptions hereunder shall be the number of Shares determined by 
multiplying the total number of Shares to be redeemed times a fraction, the 
numerator of which shall be the total number of Shares then held by such 
holder and the denominator of which shall be the total number of Shares then 

   4F. Dividends After Redemption. No Share is entitled to any dividends 
accruing after the date on which the Liquidation Value of such Share (plus 
all accrued and unpaid dividends thereon) is paid to the holder thereof. On 
such date all rights of the holder of such Share shall cease, and such Share 
shall be deemed to be not outstanding. 

   4G. Redeemed or Otherwise Acquired Shares. Any Shares which are redeemed 
or otherwise acquired by the Corporation shall be cancelled and shall not be 
reissued, sold or transferred. 

   4H. Other redemptions or Acquisitions. Neither the Corporation nor any 
Subsidiary shall redeem or otherwise acquire any Preferred Stock, except as 
expressly authorized herein or pursuant to a purchase offer made pro-rata to 
all holders of Preferred Stock on the basis of the number of Shares owned by 
each such holder. 


   4I. Special Redemptions. 

   (i) The term "Change in Ownership" shall mean any sale or issuance or 
series of sales or issuances of the Corporation's capital stock by the 
Corporation or any holders thereof, immediately after which (x) the owners 
(immediately after the closing under the Purchase Agreement) of Common Stock 
or of rights to acquire Common Stock, the senior executive officers of the 
Corporation or their respective Permitted Transferees in the aggregate no 
longer possess the voting power (under ordinary circumstances) to elect a 
majority of the Corporation's board of directors or (y) such owners, the 
senior executive officers of the Corporation or their respective Permitted 
Transferees in the aggregate no longer hold record and beneficial ownership 
of a majority of outstanding Common Stock; provided, however, that a Change 
in Ownership that occurs solely as a result of the State Board of 
Administration of Florida, Liberty Investment Partners IV, Limited 
Partnership and/or their respective Permitted Transferees disposing of shares 
of Common Stock and/or rights to acquire Common Stock shall not constitute a 
Change in Ownership for purposes of paragraphs 4I(i) and (ii). 

   (ii) If a Change in Ownership has occurred or the Corporation obtains 
knowledge that a Change in Ownership is to occur, the Corporation shall give 
prompt written notice of such Change in Ownership describing in reasonable 
detail the definitive terms and date of consummation thereof to each holder 
of Preferred Stock, but in any event such notice shall not be given later 
than five days after the occurrence of such Change in Ownership. The holder 
or holders of a majority of the Preferred Stock then outstanding may require 
the Corporation to redeem all or any portion of the Preferred Stock owned by 
such holder or holders at a price per Share equal to the Liquidation Value 
thereof (plus all accrued and unpaid dividends thereon) by giving written 
notice to the Corporation of such election prior to the later of (a) 20 days 
after receipt of the Corporation's notice and (b) 20 days prior to the 
consummation of the Change in Ownership (the "Expiration Date"). The 
Corporation shall give prompt written notice of any such election to all 
other holders of Preferred Stock within five days after the receipt thereof, 
and each such holder shall have until the later of (a) the Expiration Date or 
(b) ten days after receipt of such second notice to request redemption (by 
giving written notice to the Corporation) of all or any portion of the 
Preferred Stock owned by such holder. Upon receipt of such election(s), the 
Corporation shall be obligated to redeem the aggregate number of Shares 
specified therein on the later of (a) the occurrence of the Change in 
Ownership or (b) five days after the Corporation's receipt of such 
election(s). If in any case a proposed Change in Ownership does not occur, 
all requests for redemption in connection therewith shall be automatically 

   (iii) The term "Fundamental Change" shall mean (a) a sale or transfer of 
all or substantially all of the assets of the Corporation and its 
Subsidiaries on a consolidated basis (measured by either book value in 
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles consistently applied 
or fair market value 


determined in the reasonable good faith judgment of the Corporation's board 
of directors) in any transaction or series of transactions (other than sales 
in the ordinary course of business) and (b) any merger or consolidation to 
which the Corporation is a party, except for (A) a Qualified Merger of (B) a 
Reincorporation Merger. The term "Qualified Merger" shall mean a merger in 
which the Corporation is the surviving corporation and, after giving effect 
to such merger, (x) the rights, privileges and preferences of the Preferred 
Stock are not adversely affected thereby in any manner, (y) the owners 
(immediately after the closing under the Purchase Agreement) of Common Stock 
or of rights to acquire Common Stock, the senior executive officers of the 
Corporation or their respective Permitted Transferees in the aggregate 
continue to possess the voting power (under ordinary circumstances) to elect 
a majority of the Corporation's board of directors (unless this clause (y) is 
not true solely as a result of the State Board of Administration of Florida, 
Liberty Investment Partners IV, Limited Partnership and/or their respective 
Permitted Transferees disposing of shares of Common Stock and/or rights to 
acquire Common Stock in such merger) and (z) such owners, the senior 
executive officers of the Corporation or their respective Permitted 
Transferees in the aggregate continue to hold record and beneficial ownership 
of a majority of outstanding Common Stock (unless this clause (a) is not true 
solely as a result of the State Board of Administration of Florida, Liberty 
Investment Partners IV, Limited Partnership and/or their respective Permitted 
Transferees disposing of shares of Common Stock and/or rights to acquire 
Common Stock in such merger). The term "Reincorporation Merger" shall mean a 
merger of the Corporation into a Subsidiary of the Corporation or a merger of 
the Corporation into a newly formed corporation solely to change the state of 
incorporation so long as (1) the rights, privileges and preferences of the 
Preferred Stock are not adversely affected thereby in any manner, (2) the 
Preferred Stock is not exchanged for cash, securities or other property in 
connection therewith other than preferred stock of the surviving corporation 
having identical rights and (3) the holders of the Common Stock immediately 
prior to such merger own all of the common stock of the surviving corporation 
immediately after such merger. 

   (iv) If a Fundamental Change is proposed to occur, the Corporation shall 
give written notice of such Fundamental Change describing in reasonable 
detail the definitive terms and date of consummation thereof to each holder 
of Preferred Stock not more than 60 days nor less than 20 days prior to the 
consummation thereof. The holder or holders of a majority of the Preferred 
Stock then outstanding may require the Corporation to redeem all or any 
portion of the Preferred Stock owned by such holder or holders at a price per 
Share equal to the Liquidation Value thereof (plus all accrued and unpaid 
dividends thereon) by giving written notice to the Corporation of such 
election prior to the later of (a) 20 days prior to the consummation of the 
Fundamental Change or (b) 20 days after receipt of notice from the 
Corporation. The Corporation shall give prompt written notice of such 
election to all other holders of Preferred Stock (but in any event within 
five days prior to the consummation of the Fundamental Change), and each such 
holder shall have until two days after the receipt of such notice 


to request redemption (by written notice given to the Corporation) of all or 
any portion of the Preferred Stock owned by such holder. Upon receipt of such 
election(s), the Corporation shall be obligated to redeem the aggregate 
number of Shares specified therein upon the consummation of such Fundamental 
Change. If any proposed Fundamental Change does not occur, all requests for 
redemption in connection therewith shall be automatically rescinded. 

   (v) Redemptions made pursuant to this paragraph 4I shall not relieve the 
Corporation of its obligation to redeem Preferred Stock on the Scheduled 
Redemption Date pursuant to paragraph 4A. 

   Section 5. Events of Noncompliance. 

   5A. Definition. An Event of Noncompliance shall be deemed to have occurred 

   (i) the Corporation fails to pay on four consecutive Dividend Reference 
Dates, the full amount of accrued and unpaid dividends on the Preferred Stock 
(other than the amount accrued and unpaid as of December 31, 1994), whether 
or not such payment is legally permissible or is prohibited by any agreement 
to which the Corporation is subject, when each of such four consecutive 
Dividend Reference Dates is after January 1, 1995; 

   (ii) the Corporation fails to make any redemption payment with respect to 
the Preferred Stock which it is obligated to make hereunder, whether or not 
such payment is legally permissible or is prohibited by any agreement to 
which the Corporation is subject; 

   (iii) The Corporation breaches or otherwise fails to perform or observe 
any other covenant or agreement set forth herein or in the Purchase Agreement 
and the holders of at least 51% of the Preferred Stock give the Corporation 
written notice thereof, provided that no Event of Noncompliance shall be 
deemed to have occurred under this subparagraph (iii) if either (a) the 
Corporation has exercised, and continues to exercise, best efforts to 
expeditiously cure the Event of Noncompliance (if cure is possible) and such 
cure occurs within 30 days after the occurrence of such Event of 
Noncompliance or (b) the Event of Noncompliance is not material to the 
financial conditions, operating results, operations or assets of the 
Corporation and its Subsidiaries, taken as a whole, and does not materially 
adversely affect the rights of holders or Preferred Stock; 

   (iv) any representation or warranty contained in the Purchase Agreement is 
false or misleading on the date made or furnished and the facts or 
circumstances which cause such representation or warranty to be false or 
misleading are materially adverse to the financial condition, operating 
results, operations or assets of the Corporation and its Subsidiaries, taken 
as a whole, and the holders of at least 51% of the Preferred Stock give the 
Corporation written notice thereof; 


   (v) the Corporation or any subsidiary makes an assignment for the benefit 
of creditors or admits in writing its inability to pay its debts generally as 
they become due; or an order, judgment or decree is entered adjudicating the 
Corporation or any Subsidiary bankrupt or insolvent; or any order for relief 
with respect to the Corporation or any Subsidiary is entered under the 
Federal Bankruptcy Code; or the Corporation or any Subsidiary petitions or 
applies to any tribunal for the appointment of a custodian, trustee, receiver 
or liquidator of the Corporation or any Subsidiary or of any substantial part 
of the assets of the Corporation or any Subsidiary, or commences any 
proceeding (other than a proceeding for the voluntary liquidation and 
dissolution of a Subsidiary) relating to the Corporation or any Subsidiary 
under any bankruptcy, reorganization, arrangement, insolvency, readjustment 
of debt, dissolution or liquidation law of any jurisdiction; or any such 
petition or application is filed, or any such proceeding is commenced, 
against the Corporation or any Subsidiary and either (a) the Corporation or 
any such Subsidiary by any act indicates its approval thereof, consent 
thereto or acquiescence therein or (b) such petition, application or 
proceeding is not dismissed within 60 days; 

   (vi) a judgment in excess of $500,000 is rendered against the Corporation 
or any Subsidiary and, within 60 days after entry thereof, such judgment is 
not discharged or execution thereof stayed pending appeal, or within 60 days 
after the expiration of any such stay, such judgment is not discharged; or 

   (vii) the Corporation or any Subsidiary defaults in the performance of any 
obligation or agreement if the effect of such default is to cause an amount 
exceeding $500,000 to become due prior to its stated maturity. 

   5B. Consequences of Certain Events of Noncompliance. 

   (i) If an Event of Noncompliance has occurred and is continuing, the 
dividend rate on the Preferred Stock shall increase immediately by an 
increment of two percentage points. Any increase of the dividend rate 
resulting from the operation of this paragraph shall terminate as of the 
close of business on the date on which no Event of Noncompliance exists, 
subject to subsequent increases pursuant to this paragraph. 

   (ii) If an Event of Noncompliance has occurred and is continuing, the 
holder or holders of a majority of the Preferred Stock then outstanding may 
demand (by written notice delivered to the Corporation) immediate redemption 
of all or any portion of the Preferred Stock owned by such holder or holders 
at a price per Share equal to the Liquidation Value thereof (plus all accrued 
and unpaid dividends thereon). The Corporation shall give prompt written 
notice of such election to the other holders of Preferred Stock (but in any 
event within five days after receipt of the initial demand for redemption), 
and each such other holder may demand immediate redemption of all or any 
portion of such holder's Preferred Stock by giving written notice thereof to 
the Corporation within seven days after receipt of the Corporation's notice. 


Corporation shall redeem all Preferred Stock as to which rights under this 
paragraph have been exercised within 15 days after receipt of the initial 
demand for redemption. 

   (iii) If any Event of Noncompliance under paragraph 5A(i) or 5A(ii) has 
occurred and is continuing, the number of directors constituting the 
Corporation's board of directors shall, at the request of a majority of the 
Preferred Stock then outstanding, be increased by one member, and the holders 
of Preferred Stock shall have the special right, voting separately as a 
single class (with each Share being entitled to one vote) and to the 
exclusion of all other classes of the Corporation's stock, to elect an 
individual to fill such newly created directorship, to fill any vacancy of 
such directorship and to remove any individual elected to such directorship. 
The newly created directorship shall constitute a separate class of 
directors, and the director elected by the holders of the Preferred Stock 
shall be entitled to cast a number of votes on each matter considered by the 
board of directors (including for purposes of determining the existence of a 
quorum) equal to the sum of the number of voted entitled to be cast by all of 
the other directors plus one. The special right of the holders of Preferred 
Stock to elect members of the board of directors may be exercised at the 
special meeting called pursuant to this subparagraph (iii), at any annual or 
other special meeting of stockholders and, to the extent and in the manner 
permitted by applicable law, pursuant to a written consent in lieu of a 
stockholders meeting. Such special right shall continue until such time as 
there is no longer any Event of Noncompliance in existence, at which time 
such special right shall terminate subject to revesting upon the occurrence 
and continuation of any Event of Noncompliance which gives rise to such 
special right hereunder. 

   At any time when such special right has vested in the holders of Preferred 
Stock, a proper officer of the Corporation shall, upon the written request of 
the holder of at least 10% of the Preferred Stock then outstanding, addressed 
to the secretary of the Corporation, call a special meeting of the holders of 
Preferred Stock for the purpose of electing a director pursuant to this 
subparagraph. Such meeting shall be held at the earliest legally permissible 
date at the principal office of the Corporation, or at such other place 
designated by the holders of at least 10% of the Preferred Stock then 
outstanding. If such meeting has not been called by a proper officer of the 
Corporation within 10 days after personal service of such written request 
upon the secretary of the Corporation or within 20 days after mailing the 
same to the secretary of the Corporation at its principal office, then the 
holders of at least 10% of the Preferred Stock then outstanding may designate 
in writing one of their number to call such meeting at the expense of the 
Corporation, and such meeting may be called by such Person so designated upon 
the notice required for annual meetings of stockholders and shall be held at 
the Corporation's principal office, or at such other place designated by the 
holders of at least 10% of the Preferred Stock then outstanding. Any holder 
of Preferred Stock so designated shall be given access to the stock record 
books of the Corporation for the purpose of 


causing a meeting of stockholders to be called pursuant to this paragraph. 

   At any meeting or at any adjournment thereof at which the holders of 
Preferred Stock have the special right to elect a director, the presence, in 
person or by proxy, of the holders of a majority of the Preferred Stock then 
outstanding shall be required to constitute a quorum for the election or 
removal of any director by the holders of the Preferred Stock exercising such 
special right. The vote of a majority of such quorum shall be required to 
elect or remove any such director. 

   Any director so elected by the holders of Preferred Stock shall continue 
to serve as a director until the date on which no Event of Noncompliance 
under paragraph 5A(i) or 5A(ii) exists. After such date, the number of 
directors constituting the board of directors of the Corporation shall 
decrease to such number as constituted the whole board of directors of the 
Corporation immediately prior to the occurrence of the Event or Events of 
Noncompliance giving rise to the special right to elect directors. 

   (iv) If any Event of Noncompliance exists, each holder of Preferred Stock 
shall also have any other rights which such holder is entitled to under any 
contract or agreement at any time and any other rights which such holder may 
have pursuant to applicable law. 

   Section 6. Voting Rights. 

   Except as otherwise provided herein and as otherwise required by law, the 
Preferred Stock shall have no voting rights; provided that each holder of 
Preferred Stock shall be entitled to notice of all stockholders meetings at 
the same time and in the same manner as notice is given to the stockholders 
entitled to vote at such meeting. 

   Section 7. Registration of Transfer. 

   The Corporation shall keep at its principal office a register for the 
registration of Preferred Stock. Upon the surrender of any certificate 
representing Preferred Stock at such place, the Corporation shall, at the 
request of the record holder of such certificate, execute and deliver (at the 
Corporation's expense) a new certificate or certificates in exchange therefor 
representing in the aggregate the number of Shares represented by the 
surrendered certificate. Each such new certificate shall be registered in 
such name and shall represent such number of Shares as is requested by the 
holder of the surrendered certificate and shall be substantially identical in 
form to the surrendered certificate, and dividends shall accrue on the 
Preferred Stock represented by such new certificate from the date to which 
dividends have been fully paid on such Preferred Stock represented by the 
surrendered certificate. 


   Section 8. Replacement. 

   Upon receipt of evidence reasonably satisfactory to the Corporation (an 
affidavit of the registered holder shall be satisfactory) of the ownership 
and the loss, theft, destruction or mutilation of any certificate evidencing 
Shares of any class of Preferred Stock, and in the case of any such loss, 
theft or destruction, upon receipt of indemnity reasonably satisfactory to 
the Corporation (provided that if the holder is a financial institution or 
other institutional investor its own agreement shall be satisfactory), or, in 
the case of any such mutilation upon surrender of such certificate, the 
Corporation shall (at its expense) execute and deliver in lieu of such 
certificate a new certificate of like kind representing the number of Shares 
of such class represented by such lost, stolen, destroyed or mutilated 
certificate and dated the date of such lost, stolen, destroyed or mutilated 
certificate, and dividends shall accrue on the Preferred Stock represented by 
such new certificate from the date to which dividends have been fully paid on 
such lost, stolen, destroyed or mutilated certificate. 

   Section 9. Definitions. 

   "Common Stock" means, collectively, the Corporation's Common Stock and any 
capital stock of any class of the Corporation hereafter authorized which is 
not limited to a fixed sum or percentage of par or stated value in respect to 
the rights of the holders thereof to participate in dividends or in the 
distribution of assets upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the 

   "Consolidated Net Income" shall mean for any period the consolidated net 
after-tax income (or loss) of the Company and its Subsidiaries for such 
period determined in accordance with GAAP consistently applied; provided that 
in determining Consolidated Net Income hereunder, gains and losses from the 
sale or disposition of assets outside of the ordinary course of business and 
extraordinary items (determined in accordance with GAAP consistently applied) 
shall be excluded. 

   "GAAP" means United States generally accepted accounting principles, 
consistently applied. 

   "Junior Securities" means any of the Corporation's capital stock or equity 
securities other than the Preferred Stock. 

   "Liquidation Value" of any Share as of any particular date shall be equal 
to $1,000. 

   "Loan Repayment Date" means the date upon which the entire outstanding 
indebtedness and all other amounts due and owing under the Senior and 
Subordinated Loan Agreements between the Company's Subsidiary, Arcade, Inc., 
and the State Board of Administration of Florida, each dated as of November 
4, 1993, have been paid in full, and all rights of Arcade, Inc. to borrow 
funds under such Loan Agreements have been terminated. 


   "Permitted Transferees" shall have the meaning set forth in the 
Stockholders Agreement. 

   "Person" means an individual, a partnership, a corporation, an 
association, a joint stock company, limited liability company, a trust, a 
joint venture, an unincorporated organization and a governmental entity or 
any department, agency or political subdivision thereof. 

   "Purchase Agreement" means the Stock and Warrant Purchase Agreement, dated 
as of November 4, 1993 by and among the Corporation and certain investors, as 
such agreement may from time to time be amended in accordance with its terms. 

   "Redemption Date" as to any Share means the date specified in the notice 
of any redemption at the Corporation's option or at the holder's option or 
the applicable date specified herein in the case of any other redemption. 

   "Stockholders Agreement" means the Stockholders Agreement, dated as of 
November 4, 1993 by and among the Corporation and certain investors and other 
Persons, as such agreement may from time to time be amended in accordance 
with its terms. 

   "Subsidiary" means, with respect to any Person, any partnership, 
corporation, association, joint stock company, limited liability company, 
trust, joint venture, unincorporated organization or other business entity of 
which (i) if a corporation, a majority of the total voting power of shares of 
stock entitled (without regard to the occurrence of any contingency) to vote 
in the election of directors, managers or trustees thereof is at the time 
owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by that Person or one or more of 
the other Subsidiaries of that Person or a combination thereof, or (ii) if a 
partnership, limited liability company, joint stock company, association or 
other business entity, a majority of the partnership or other similar 
ownership interest thereof is at the time owned or controlled, directly or 
indirectly, by that Person or one or more Subsidiaries of that Person or a 
combination thereof. For purposes hereof, a Person or Persons shall be deemed 
to have a majority ownership interest in a partnership, limited liability 
company, joint stock company, association or other business entity if such 
Person or Persons shall be allocated a majority of partnership, limited 
liability company, joint stock company, association or other business entity 
gains or losses or shall be or control the managing director or a general 
partner of such partnership, limited liability company, joint stock company, 
association or other business entity. 

   Section 10. Amendment and Waiver. 

   No amendment, modification or waiver shall be binding or effective with 
respect to any provision of this ARTICLE FOUR without the prior written 
consent of the holders of a majority of the Preferred Stock outstanding at 
the time such action is taken; provided that no such action shall change (a) 
the rate at which or 


the manner in which dividends on the Preferred Stock accrue or the times at 
which such dividends become payable or the amount payable on redemption of 
the Preferred Stock or the times at which redemption of Preferred Stock is to 
occur, without the prior written consent of the holders of at least 90% of 
the Preferred Stock then outstanding or (b) the percentage required to 
approve any change described in clause (a) above, without the prior written 
consent of the holders of at least 90% of the Preferred Stock; and provided 
further that no change in the terms hereof may be accomplished by merger or 
consolidation of the Corporation with another corporation or entity unless 
the Corporation has obtained the prior written consent of the holders of the 
applicable percentage of the class of classes of the Preferred Stock then 

   Section 11. Notices. 

   Except as otherwise expressly provided hereunder, all notices referred to 
herein shall be in writing and shall be personally delivered or delivered by 
registered or certified mail, return receipt requested and postage prepaid, 
or by reputable overnight courier service, charges prepaid, and shall be 
deemed to have been given five business days after being so mailed or sent 
(i) to the Corporation, at its principal executive offices and (ii) to any 
stockholder, at such holder's address as it appears in the stock records of 
the Corporation (unless otherwise indicated by any such holder). 

                                 ARTICLE FIVE 

   The corporation is to have perpetual existence. 

                                 ARTICLE SIX 

   The By-Laws of the Corporation shall not be amended, modified or repealed 
unless approved by, in addition to any vote of the holders of any class or 
series of stock of the Corporation required by law or by this Certificate of 
Incorporation, the affirmative vote of the holders of not less than 75% of 
the outstanding shares of Common Stock. 

                                ARTICLE SEVEN 

   Meetings of stockholders may be held within or without the State of 
Delaware, as the by-laws of the corporation may provide. The books of the 
corporation may be kept outside the State of Delaware at such place or places 
as may be designated from time to time by the board of directors or in the 
by-laws of the 


corporation. Election of directors need not be by written ballot unless the 
by-laws of the corporation so provide. 

                                ARTICLE EIGHT 

   To the fullest extent permitted by the General Corporation Law of the 
State of Delaware as the same exists or may hereafter by amended, a director 
of this corporation shall not be liable to the corporation or its 
stockholders for monetary damages for a breach of fiduciary duty as a 
director. Any repeal or modification of this ARTICLE EIGHT shall not 
adversely affect any right or protection of a director of the corporation 
existing at the time of such repeal or modification. 

                                 ARTICLE NINE 

   The corporation expressly elects not to be governed by Section 203 of the 
General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware. 

                                  ARTICLE TEN

   The corporation reserves the right to amend, alter, change or repeal any 
provision contained in this certificate of incorporation in the manner now or 
hereafter prescribed herein and by the laws of the State of Delaware, and all 
rights conferred upon stockholders herein are granted subject to this 
reservation; provided however, that this Certificate of Incorporation shall 
not be amended, modified or repealed unless approved by, in addition to any 
vote of the holders of any class or series of stock of the Corporation 
required by law or by this Certificate of Incorporation, the affirmative vote 
of the holders of not less than 75% of the outstanding shares of Common 


                               STATE OF DELAWARE
                               SECRETARY OF STATE
                            DIVISION OF CORPORATIONS
                           FILED 11:00 AM 02/08/1995
                              950029554 - 2354937

                            CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT
                           ARCADE HOLDING CORPORATION

       Arcade Holding Corporation, a corporation organized and existing 
under and by virtue of the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware 
(the "Company"). 


   FIRST: That the Board of Directors of the Company, pursuant to the 
unanimous written consent of all of its members, adopted resolutions amending 
and restating Article Four, Part A, Article Four, Part C, Section 1B and 
Article Four, Part C, Section 5A(i) of the Restated Certificate of 
Incorporation of the Company to read in their entirety as follows: 

                             ARTICLE FOUR, PART A 

   The total number of shares of capital stock which the Corporation has 
authority to issue is 108,700 shares, consisting of: 

   (1)      8,700 shares of Preferred Stock, par value $1.00 per share (the 
            "Preferred Stock"); and 

   (2)      100,000 shares of Common Stock, par value $0.1 per share (the 
            "Common Stock"). 

   Certain other capitalized terms used herein are defined in Section 9 

                       ARTICLE FOUR, PART C, SECTION 1B 

   1B.  Dividend Reference Dates.   Each March 31, June 30, September 30 and 
December 31 of each year, beginning December 31, 1993 shall be a "Dividend 
Reference Date". To the extent not paid on a Dividend Reference Date, all 
dividends which have accrued on

each Share outstanding during the three-month period (or other period in the
case of the initial Dividend Reference Date) ending upon each such Dividend
Reference Date shall be accumulated and shall remain accumulated dividends with
respect to such Share until paid. On each Dividend Reference Date occurring on
or prior to December 31, 1994, all dividends which have accrued on each Share
outstanding during the three-month period ending upon each such Dividend
Reference Date (or other period in the case of the initial Dividend Reference
Date) shall be paid, in lieu of cash dividends, by the issuance on each such
Dividend Reference Date of additional Shares of Preferred Stock (including
fractional Shares) having an aggregate Liquidation Value at the time of such
payment equal to the amount of the dividend to be paid on such Dividend
Reference Date. On each Dividend Reference Date occurring after December 31,
1994, all dividends which have accrued on each Share outstanding during the
three-month period ending upon each such Dividend Reference Date shall be
payable in cash.

                     ARTICLE FOUR, PART C, SECTION 5A(i) 

     (i) the Corporation fails to pay, in the manner provided under Section 1B
of this Part C, on any Dividend Reference Date occurring on or prior to
December 31, 1994, the full amount of accrued and unpaid dividends on the
Preferred Stock or the Corporation fails to pay,in the manner required under
Section 1B of this Part C, on any four consecutive Dividend Reference Dates
occurring after December 31, 1994 the full amount of accrued and unpaid
dividends on the Preferred Stock (other than the amount accrued and unpaid as
of December 31, 1994), whether or not such payment is legally permissible or is
prohibited by any agreement to which the Corporation is subject, when each of
such four consecutive Dividend Reference Dates is after January 1, 1995;

   SECOND: That thereafter, pursuant to resolution of its Board of Directors, 
the amendments were submitted to the stockholders of the corporation for 
their approval, which approval was given by written consent pursuant to 
Section 228 of the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware. 

   THIRD:  That said amendments were duly adopted in accordance with the 
provisions of Section 242 of the General Corporation Law of the State of 


   IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Arcade Holding Corporation has caused this Certificate 
of Amendment to be signed by its Secretary this 8th day of February, 1995. 

                                        ARCADE HOLDING CORPORATION 

                                        /s/ JOSEPH WYGODA 
                                        Joseph Wygoda, Secretary 


                               STATE OF DELAWARE
                               SECRETARY OF STATE
                            DIVISION OF CORPORATIONS
                           FILED 12:00 PM 12/15/1997
                              971429235 - 2354937

                               AHC I MERGER CORP.
                           ARCADE HOLDING CORPORATION
                    (PURSUANT TO SECTION 253 OF THE GENERAL
                          CORPORATION LAW OF DELAWARE)

   AHC I Merger Corp., a Delaware corporation (the "Corporation"), does 
hereby certify: 

   FIRST:    That the Corporation is incorporated pursuant to the General 
Corporation Law of the State of Delaware (the"DGCL"). 

   SECOND:  That the Corporation owns all of the outstanding shares of each 
class of the capital stock of Arcade Holding Corporation, a Delaware 
corporation ("Holding"). 

   THIRD:   That the Corporation, by the following resolutions of its Board 
of Directors, duly adopted on the 15th day of December, 1997, authorized and 
approved the merger of the Corporation with and into Holding on the terms and 
conditions set forth in such resolutions: 

       WHEREAS, it is proposed that the Corporation be merged with and into 
its wholly-owned subsidiary, Holding, with Holding being the surviving 

       NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that, subject to the prior approval 
of the sole stockholder of the Corporation, the Corporation merge itself with 
and into Holding, its wholly-owned subsidiary, with Holding being the 
surviving corporation, pursuant to Section 253 of the DGCL (the "Merger"), and 
pursuant to and upon the consummation of the Merger, Holding will assume all 
of the Corporation's liabilities and obligations; 

       FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Merger be submitted to AHC I Acquisition 
Corp., a Delaware corporation and the sole stockholder of the Corporation 
("AHC I"), for its approval therof, and that the sole director of the 
Corporation hereby recommends that the sole stockholder approve the Merger; 

       FURTHER RESOLVED, that immediately upon the consummation of the 
Merger, each share of capital stock of Holding outstanding prior to the 
Merger shall be cancelled and automatically cease to be outstanding and each 
share of the 

capital stock of the Corporation therefore outstanding shall by virtue of the
Merger be converted into and exchangeable for one share of common stock of the
surviving entity in the Merger (such that Holding, as the surviving entity in
the Merger, shall have 1,000 shares issued and outstanding following the
Merger, all of which will be held by AHC I), and following the consummation of
the Merger, certificates evidencing the ownership of the capital stock in the
surviving entity will be issued upon the surrender of the certificates
previously evidencing the ownership of the outstanding capital stock of the

       FURTHER RESOLVED, that immediately upon the consummation of the 
Merger, Holding, as the surviving corporation of the Merger, shall change its 
corporate name to Arcade Marketing, Inc., and upon the effective date of the 
Merger, the name of Holding shall be so changed. 

       FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Board, the President, the 
Chief Financial Officer, any Vice President, the Treasurer, the Secretary and 
any Assistant Secretary (each a "Proper Officer") of the Corporation, any one 
of whom may act without the joinder of any of the others, be, and they hereby 
are, authorized, empowered, and directed, for, on behalf and in the name of 
the Corporation, to make, execute, certify and deliver and acknowledge a 
Certificate of Ownership and Merger (herein so called) setting forth these 
resolutions and the date of adoption thereof and to cause the same to be 
filed in the office of the Secretary of State of Delaware and to do or cause 
to be done any and all such other acts and things as they, or any of them, 
may deem necessary or advisable to make effective or implement the intent and 
purposes of the foregoing resolutions, and any such document so executed or 
act or thing done or caused to be done by them, or any of them, shall be 
conclusive evidence of their or his authority in so doing; and 

       FURTHER RESOLVED, that each Proper Officer of the Corporation, any 
one of whom may act without the joinder of any of the others, be, and they 
hereby are, authorized, empowered, and directed, for and on behalf and in the 
name of the Corporation, to take any further action and to do all things that 
they, or any of them, may deem necessary, appropriate or advisable to effect 
the Merger, including, without limitation, preparing and filing such 
regulatory applications, notices, or other documents as may be required by 
the appropriate regulatory authorities, and any such action taken by any 
Proper Officer shall be conclusive evidence of their of his authority in so 

   FOURTH:  That the Merger was approved on the 15th day of December, 1997, 
by the written consent of AHC I, the sole stockholder of the Corporation. 


       IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has caused this Certificate of 
Ownership and Merger to be signed this 15th day of December, 1997. 

                                            AHC I MERGER CORP. 

                                            By: /s/ DAVID WITTELS 

                                                   David Wittels 
                                                   Vice President and 
                                                   Assistant Secretary 

                               STATE OF DELAWARE
                              SECRETARY OF STATE
                           DIVISION OF CORPORATIONS
                           FILED 03:45 PM 12/15/1997
                              971429440 - 2354937

                                 ARCADE INC. 
                            ARCADE MARKETING, INC. 

                   (PURSUANT TO SECTION 253 OF THE GENERAL 
                         CORPORATION LAW OF DELAWARE) 

   Arcade Marketing, Inc. (formerly Arcade Holding Corporation), a Delaware 
corporation (the "Corporation"), does hereby certify: 

   FIRST: That the Corporation is incorporated pursuant to the General 
Corporation Law of the State of Delaware (the "DGCL"). 

   SECOND:  That the Corporation owns all of the outstanding shares of each 
class of the capital stock of Arcade, Inc., a Tennessee corporation, 
incorporated pursuant to the Tennessee Business Corporation Act. 

   THIRD:  That the Corporation, by the following resolutions of its sole 
director, duly adopted on the 15th day of December, 1997, authorized and 
approved the merger of Arcade into the Corporation on the terms and 
conditions set forth in such resolutions: 

     WHEREAS, it is proposed that Arcade Inc., a Tennessee corporation and a 
wholly-owned subsidiary of the Corporation ("Arcade"), be merged with and 
into the Corporation, with the Corporation being the surviving corporation. 

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Corporation merge its 
wholly-owned subsidiary, Arcade, into itself pursuant to Section 253 of the 
DGCL and Section 48-21-105 of the Tennessee Business Corporation Act (the 
"Merger"), and pursuant to and upon consummation of the Merger, assume all of 
Arcade's liabilities and obligations and cancel each share of capital stock 
of Arcade (heretofore outstanding so that such shares shall automatically 
cease to be outstanding; 

     FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Merger is intended to qualify as a tax-free 
liquidation of Arcade by means of a merger, pursuant to Sections 332 and 337 
of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended; 


     FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Board, the President, the 
Chief Financial Officer, any Vice President, the Treasurer, the Secretary and 
any Assistant Secretary (each a "Proper Officer") of the Corporation, any one 
of whom may act without the joinder of any of the others, be, and they hereby 
are, authorized, empowered, and directed, for and on behalf and in the name 
of the Corporation, to make, execute, certify and deliver and acknowledge 
Articles of Merger (herein so called) and a Certificate of Ownership and 
Merger (herein so called), which Certificate of Ownership and Merger shall 
set forth these resolutions and the date of adoption thereof, and to cause 
the Articles of Merger and Certificate of Ownership and Merger to be filed 
in the office of the Secretary of State of Tennessee and the Secretary of 
State of Delaware, respectively, and to do or cause to be done any and all 
such other acts and things as they, or any of them, may deem necessary or 
advisable to make effective or implement the intent and purposes of the 
foregoing resolutions, and any such document so executed or act or thing done 
or caused to be done by them, or any of them, shall be conclusive evidence of 
their or his authority in so doing; and 

   FURTHER RESOLVED, that each Proper Officer of the Corporation, any one of 
whom may act without the joinder of any of the others, be, and they hereby 
are, authorized, empowered, and directed, for and on behalf and in the name 
of the Corporation, to take any further action and to do all things that they, 
or any of them, may deem necessary, appropriate or advisable to effect 
the Merger, including, without limitation, preparing and filing such 
regulatory applications, notices, or other documents as may be required by 
the appropriate regulatory authorities, and any such action taken by any 
Proper Officer shall be conclusive evidence of their or his authority in so 

           [The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank] 


   IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Corporation has caused this Certificate of 
Ownership and Merger to be signed this 15th day of December, 1997. 

                                          ARCADE MARKETING, INC. 

                                          By: /s/ David Wittels 
                                               David Wittels 
                                               Vice President and 
                                               Assistant Secretary 


                               STATE OF DELAWARE
                              SECRETARY OF STATE
                           DIVISION OF CORPORATIONS
                           FILED 12:30 PM 06/22/1998
                              981240017 - 2354937

                           CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT 
                            ARCADE MARKETING, INC. 

   Arcade Marketing, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("Corporation"), pursuant 
to the provisions of the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware 
(the "DGCL"), does hereby certify that: 

   FIRST:  The name of the Corporation is Arcade Marketing, Inc. 

   SECOND:   The First Article of the Restated Certificate of Incorporation 
of the Corporation is hereby amended to read it its entirety as follows: 

                  "The name of the Corporation is AKI, Inc." 

   THIRD:  The aforesaid amendment to the Restated Certificate of 
Incorporation of the Corporation was duly adopted in accordance with the 
provisions of Section 242 of the DGCL and has been consented to in writing 
by the stockholder's in accordance with the provisions of Section 228 of the