OF A PRIVATE UNLIMITED COMPANY

                                   No. 2819572

                              I hereby certify that

                                    PACE (UK)

is this day incorporated under the Companies Act 1985 as a private company and
that the Company is unlimited.

Given under my hand at the Companies Registration Office, Cardiff the 19 MAY


                                                 an authorized officer

                         The Companies Acts 1985 to 1989
                    Unlimited Company Having A Share Capital

                             ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION
                                    PACE (UK)
                           Incorporated on 19 May 1993

                            Company Number : 2819572

                         The Companies Acts 1985 to 1989
                    Unlimited Company Having A Share Capital

                            MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION


                                    PACE (UK)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.  The Company's name is Pace (UK).

2.  The Company's registered office is to be situated in England and Wales.

3.  The Company's objects are:

    (a)  (i)    to carry on the businesses of promoters, producers, and
                organizers of theatrical entertainments of every description; to
                promote and organize amusements and pastimes of all kinds; to
                carry on the businesses of proprietors and managers of places of
                entertainment and amusement of all kinds; to carry on businesses
                as agent, proprietors and managers of entertainers generally; to
                hire the services of all types of entertainers and to supply the
                services of all types of entertainers on such terms as may be
                thought fit; to act as proprietors and operators of all
                businesses connected with gramophone records, record sleeves and
                covers, sound and visual recording equipment and all related
                appliances of all kinds; to present, produce, manage, conduct
                and represent, such musical and other entertainments as the
                Company from time to time thinks fit; to purchase or otherwise
                acquire and obtain exclusive and other interests in all forms of
                intellectual property including without limitation copyrights
                and rights of representation, and any other rights of or in
                songs, plays, music, cinematograph and other films, operas, and
                other works, and to licence, sale or otherwise dispose of or
                deal with all or any of the same;

         (ii)   to acquire by any means for investment, development, resale or
                otherwise and to deal in all forms of property and any buildings
                thereon of any tenure or of any interest therein and to create,
                sell, reserve and deal in freehold and leasehold ground rents,
                and to make advances upon the security of such property and/or
                buildings or any interest therein and whether erected or in the
                course of erection and whether on first mortgage or subject to a
                prior mortgage or mortgages; and generally by any means to deal
                in all types of property and buildings (whether real or
                personal) and to turn the same to account and deal with in any
                way as may seem expedient; and manage any buildings, land or
                other property as aforesaid, and to collect income whether

                by way of rent or otherwise and to supply to occupiers and
                tenants services of any description and all conveniences and
                amenities commonly \ required therewith; to acquire and
                take-over undertakings or businesses of all kinds and to carry
                on or dispose of, remove or put an end to the same or otherwise
                deal with the same as may seem expedient; and to carry on all or
                any of the businesses of mortgage and insurance brokers and
                agents, estate agents and managers, land, estate and property
                developers, repairers and jobbers, building and civil
                engineering contractors, surveyors, valuers and auctioneers,
                builders merchants, plant hire specialist and contractors,
                general farmers, merchants of, and dealers in plant, vehicles,
                machinery and appliances of all kinds, plumbers, decorators and
                painters, haulage and transport contractors, electricians and
                general engineers;

    (b)  to carry on any other trade or business whatever, which can in the
         opinion of the Directors be advantageously carried on in connection
         with or ancillary to any of the businesses of the Company;

    (c)  to purchase, take on lease or in exchange, hire or otherwise acquire
         and hold for any estate or interest any lands, buildings, easements,
         rights, privileges, concessions, patents, patent rights, licences,
         secret processes, machinery, plant, stock-in-trade, and any real or
         personal property of any kind necessary or convenient for the purposes
         of or in connection with the Company's business or any branch or
         department thereof;

    (d)  to erect, construct, lay down, enlarge, alter and maintain any roads,
         railways, tramways, sidings, bridges, reservoirs, shops, stores,
         factories buildings, works, plant and machinery necessary or convenient
         for the Company's business, and to contribute to or subsidize the
         erection, construction and maintenance of any of the above;

    (e)  to borrow or raise or secure the payment of money for the purposes of
         or in connection with the Company's business, and for the purposes of
         or in connection with the borrowing or raising of money by the Company
         to become a member of any building society;

    (f)  to issue and deposit any securities which the Company has power to
         issue by way of mortgage, and also by way of security for the
         performance of any contracts or obligations of the Company or of its
         customers or other persons or corporations having dealings with the
         Company, or in whose businesses or undertakings the Company is
         interested, whether directly or indirectly;

    (g)  to receive money on deposit or loan upon such terms as the Company may
         approve, and to guarantee the obligations and contracts of customers
         and others;

    (h)  to establish and maintain or procure the establishment and maintenance
         of any non-contributory or contributory pension or superannuation funds
         for the benefit of,

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         and give or procure the giving of donations, gratuities, pensions,
         allowances, or emoluments to any persons who are or were at any time in
         the employment or service of the Company, or of any company which is
         for the time being the Company's holding or subsidiary company as
         defined by Section 736 of the Companies Act 1985 or otherwise
         associated with the Company in business or who are or were at the time
         directors or officers of the Company or of any such other company as
         aforesaid, and the wives, widows, families and dependants of any such
         persons, and also to establish and subsidize or subscribe to any
         institutions, associations, clubs or fund calculated to be for the
         benefit of or to advance the interests and well-being of the Company or
         of any such other company as aforesaid, or of any such persons as
         aforesaid, and to make payments for or towards the insurance of any
         such persons as aforesaid, and to subscribe or guarantee money for
         charitable or benevolent objects or for any exhibition or for any
         public, general or useful object; and to establish, set up, support and
         maintain share purchase schemes or profit-sharing schemes for the
         benefit of any employees of the Company or of any company which is for
         the time being the Company's holding or subsidiary company as defined
         by Section 736 of the Companies Act 1985 and to do any of the matters
         aforesaid, either alone or in conjunction with any such other company
         as aforesaid;

    (i)  to draw, make, accept, endorse, negotiate, discount and execute
         promissory notes, bills of exchange and other negotiable instruments;

    (j)  to invest and deal with the moneys of the Company not immediately
         required for the purposes of its business in or upon such investments
         or securities and in any such manner as may from time to time be

    (k)  to purchase or otherwise acquire and undertake all or any part of the
         business, property, assets, liabilities and transactions of any person,
         firm or company carrying on any business which this Company is
         authorized to carry on;

    (l)  to sell, improve, manage, develop, turn to account, exchange, let on
         rent, royalty, share of profits or otherwise, grant licences, easements
         and other rights in or over, and in any other manner deal with or
         dispose of all or any of the property and assets for the time being of
         the Company for such consideration as the Company may think fit;

    (m)  to subscribe or guarantee money for or organize or assist any national,
         local, charitable, benevolent, public, general or useful object, or for
         any exhibition or for any purpose which may be considered likely
         directly or indirectly to further the objects of the Company or the
         interests of its members;

    (n)  to distribute among the members in specie any property of the Company,
         or any proceeds of sale or disposal of any property of the Company;

                                      - 5 -

    (o)  to do all or any of the above things in any part of the world, and
         either as principals, agents, trustees, contractors or otherwise, and
         either alone or in conjunction with others, and either by or through
         agents, trustees, subcontractors or otherwise;

    (p)  to do all such things as are incidental or conducive to the above
         objects or any of them.

And it is hereby declared that the objects of the Company as specified in each
of the foregoing paragraphs of this clause (except only if and so far as
otherwise expressly provided in any paragraphs) shall be separate and distinct
objects of the Company and shall not be in any way limited by reference to any
other paragraph or the name of the Company.

                                      - 6 -

         WE, the several persons whose names, addresses and descriptions are
         subscribed are desirous of being formed into a Company in pursuance of
         this Memorandum of Association and we respectively agree to take the
         number of shares in the capital of the Company set opposite our
         respective names.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Names, Addresses and Descriptions                              Number of Shares
of Subscribers                                         taken by each Subscriber
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pace Milton Keynes Inc                                                      One
515 Post Oak Boulevard
Suite 300
Texas 77027

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Face U.K. Holding Corporation                                               One
515 Post Oak Boulevard
Suite 300
Texas 77027
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

DATED 21 April 1993

WITNESS to the above signatures:-

1819 Augusta, No. 341
Houston, Texas 77057

Legal Assistant

                                      - 7 -

                         The Companies Acts 1985 to 1989
                    Unlimited Company Having A Share Capital

                             ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION


                                    PACE (UK)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.  Regulations 3, 32, 34 and 35 of Table A shall not apply to the Company, but
    the articles hereinafter contained and, subject to the modification
    hereinafter expressed, the remaining regulations of Table A shall constitute
    the Articles of Association of the Company.

2.  The words "at least seven clear days' notice" shall be substituted for the
    words "at least fourteen clear days' notice" in Regulation 38 of Table A.

3.  The share capital of the company is $1,000 divided into 1,000 shares of $1

4.  The Company may by Special Resolution:-

    (a)  increase the share capital by such sum to be divided into shares of
         such amount as the resolution may prescribe;

    (b)  consolidate and divide all or any of its share capital into shares of a
         larger amount than its existing shares;

    (c)  sub-divide its shares, or any of them, into shares of a smaller amount
         than its existing shares;

    (d)  cancel any shares which at the date of the passing of the resolution
         have not been taken or agreed to be taken by any person;

    (e)  reduce its share capital and any share premium account in any way.

5.  Regulations 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28 of Table A shall not apply to the
    Company, and the following shall instead be substituted

                               TRANSFER OF SHARES

    No transfer of any share or any interest therein may be made by any member
    of the Company."

                                      - 8 -

6.  Upon the dissolution, bankruptcy or insolvency of any member or upon the
    occurrence of a similar or analogous event with respect to any member under
    the laws of any jurisdiction including, without limitation, under the
    Bankruptcy Code of the United States (a "Bankruptcy Event"), each member
    shall do all things necessary to bring about the voluntary winding-up of the
    Company and, in this regard, the members appoint each other to be their
    attorney for the purpose of executing such documents (including proxy forms)
    as may be necessary to give effect to this section; provided , however, that
    if, for any reason, the Company or any successor to the Company, as the case
    may be, shall not be placed into voluntary liquidation within 60 days of the
    occurrence of the relevant Bankruptcy Event, each of the members agrees that
    the Company, or any such successor, as the case may be, shall be wound-up by
    the Court and consents to the other petitioning the High Court of Justice of
    England and Wales for this purpose and further agrees not to oppose any such

                                      - 9 -

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Names, Addresses and Descriptions of Subscribers
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pace Milton Keynes Inc
515 Post Oak Boulevard
Suite 300
Texas 77027
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Face U.K. Holding Corporation
515 Post Oak Boulevard
Suite 300
Texas 77027
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

DATED 21 April 1993

WITNESS to the above signatures:-

1819 Augusta, No. 341
Houston, Texas 77057

Legal Assistant

                                     - 10 -

                                    PACE (UK)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                              ELECTIVE RESOLUTIONS

1.  That the appointment of Ernst & Young as the auditors of the Company be

2.  That, in accordance with Section 252 of the Companies Act 1985, the Company
    elects to dispense with the laying of accounts and reports before the
    Company in general meeting.

3.  That, in accordance with Section 366A of the Companies Act 1985, the Company
    elects to dispense with the holding of an Annual General Meeting.

4.  That, in accordance with Section 386 of the Companies Act 1985, the Company
    elects to dispense with the obligation to reappoint auditors annually.

SIGNED:           [illegible]                       DATE:    September 12, 1994
       ----------------------------------------          ----------------------

for and on behalf of PACE MILTON KEYNES INC.

SIGNED:           [illegible]                       DATE:    September 12, 1994
       ----------------------------------------          ----------------------

for and on behalf of PACE UK HOLDING CORPORATION

Note: These resolutions shall take effect on the date of the last signature to

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