FOURTH AMENDMENT dated as of November 2, 1998 (this "Fourth
Amendment"), to the Five Year Competitive Advance and Revolving Credit
Agreement, dated as of March 4, 1997 (as heretofore and hereafter amended,
supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time, the "Five Year Credit
Agreement"), among PHH Corporation (the "Borrower"), the Lenders referred to
therein and The Chase Manhattan Bank, as agent for the Lenders (in such
capacity, the "Administrative Agent").

                               W I T N E S S E T H

                  WHEREAS, the Borrower has requested that the Lenders amend
certain provisions of the Five Year Credit Agreement;

                  WHEREAS, the Lenders have agreed to such amendments only upon
the terms and subject to the conditions set forth herein;

                  NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the
mutual covenants herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:

                  SECTION 1. Defined Terms. Unless otherwise defined herein,
capitalized terms which are defined in the Five Year Credit Agreement are used
herein as therein defined.

                  SECTION 2. Amendments to Section 1. Section 1 of the Five Year
Credit Agreement is hereby amended by adding the following definition in proper
alphabetical order:

                  "Asset Securitization Subsidiary" shall mean (i) any
         Subsidiary engaged solely in the business of effecting asset
         securitization transactions permitted by this Agreement and activities
         incidental thereto or (ii) any Subsidiary whose primary purpose is to
         hold title or ownership interests in vehicles, mortgages, relocation
         assets and related assets under management.

                  SECTION 3. Amendments to Section 2. (a) Section 2.9 of the
Five Year Credit Agreement is hereby amended by adding at the end of paragraph
(b) the phrase "plus the applicable margin therefor from time to time in effect
in accordance with Section 2.22".

                  (b) Section 2.22 of the Five Year Credit Agreement is hereby
amended by deleting such Section and substituting therefor the following:

SECTION 2.22.  Certain Pricing Adjustments.

                  The Facility Fee and the applicable LIBOR Spread in effect
         from time to time shall be determined in accordance with the following

S&P/Moody's Rating                                    Applicable LIBOR 
Equivalent of the Borrower's       Facility Fee       Spread Spread (in Basis
senior unsecured long-term debt    (in Basis Points)  Points)
- -------------------------------    -----------------  -----------------------
A/A2 or better                           10.0                 27.5
A-/A3                                    12.5                 37.5
BBB+/Baa1                                15.0                 47.5
BBB/Baa2                                 17.5                 57.5
BBB-/Baa3                                22.5                 65.0
BB+/Ba1 or lower                         37.5                112.5

                  In the event the S&P rating on the Borrower's senior unsecured
         long-term debt is not equivalent to the Moody's rating on such debt,
         the lower rating will determine the Facility Fee and applicable LIBOR
         Spread. In the event that the Borrower's senior unsecured long-term
         debt is rated by only one of S&P and Moody's (for any reason, including
         if S&P or Moody's shall cease to be in the business of rating corporate
         debt obligations) or if the rating system of either S&P or Moody's
         shall change, then an amendment shall be negotiated in good faith (and
         shall be effective only upon approval by the Borrower and the
         Supermajority Lenders) to the references to specific ratings in the
         table above to reflect such changed rating system or the unavailability
         of ratings from such rating agency (including an amendment to provide
         for the substitution of an equivalent or successor ratings agency). In
         the event that the Borrower's senior unsecured long-term debt is not
         rated by either S&P or Moody's, then the Facility Fee and the
         applicable LIBOR Spread shall be deemed to be calculated as if the
         lowest rating category set forth above applied. Any increase in the
         Facility Fee or the applicable LIBOR Spread determined in accordance
         with the foregoing table shall become effective on the date of
         announcement or publication by the Borrower or either such rating
         agency of a reduction in such rating or, in the absence of such
         announcement or publication, on the effective date of such decreased
         rating, or on the date of any request by the Borrower to either of such
         rating agencies not to rate its senior unsecured long-term debt or on
         the date either of such rating agencies announces it shall no longer
         rate the Borrower's senior unsecured long-term debt. Any decrease in
         the Facility Fee or applicable LIBOR Spread shall be effective on the
         date of announcement or publication by either of such rating agencies
         of an increase in rating or in the absence of announcement or
         publication on the effective date of such increase in rating. The
         applicable margin for ABR Loans shall be 1% less than the applicable
         LIBOR Spread (but not less than 0%), including as the LIBOR Spread may
         be increased pursuant to the next paragraph.

                  In addition, on each day on which the Borrower's commercial
         paper is rated A2 or lower by S&P or P2 or lower by Moody's or is not
         rated by each of S&P and Moody's, the applicable LIBOR Spread shall be
         increased by .25% per annum. If the rating system with respect to
         commercial paper of either S&P or Moody's shall change, then an
         amendment shall be negotiated in good faith (and shall be effective
         only upon approval by the Borrower and the Supermajority Lenders) to
         reflect such changed rating system. Any decrease in the Borrower's
         commercial paper rating shall be deemed to become effective for
         purposes of this Section 2.22 on the date of announcement or
         publication by the Borrower or either such rating agency of a reduction
         in such rating or, in the absence of such announcement or publication,
         on the effective date of such decreased rating, or on the date of any
         request by the Borrower to either of such rating agencies not to rate
         its commercial paper or on the date either of such rating agencies
         announces it shall no longer rate the Borrower's commercial paper. Any
         increase in the Borrower's commercial paper rating shall be deemed to
         be effective for purposes of this Section 2.22 on the date of
         announcement or publication by either of such rating agencies of an
         increase in rating or in the absence of announcement or publication on
         the effective date of such increase in rating.

                  (c) Section 2.24 of the Five Year Credit Agreement is hereby
amended by adding to paragraph (f)(i)(A) thereof the phrase "plus any applicable
margin therefor from time to time in effect in accordance with Section 2.22"
immediately after the phrase "Alternate Base Rate".

                  SECTION 4. Amendments to Section 6. (a) Section 6.1 of the
Five Year Credit Agreement is hereby amended by (i) deleting the word "and" from
the end of paragraph (f), (ii) deleting the period at the end of paragraph (g)
and substituting therefor a semicolon and (iii) adding the following new
paragraphs at the end thereof:

                  (h) Indebtedness of any Asset Securitization Subsidiary
         incurred solely to finance asset securitization transactions as long as
         (i) such Indebtedness is unsecured or is secured solely as permitted by
         Section 6.5(n), and (ii) the lender (and any other party) in respect of
         such Indebtedness has recourse (other than customary limited recourse
         based on misrepresentations or failure of such assets to meet customary
         eligibility criteria), if any, solely to the assets securitized in the
         applicable asset securitization transaction and, if such Asset
         Securitization Subsidiary is of the type described in clause (i) of the
         definition of "Asset Securitization Subsidiary", the capital stock of
         such Asset Securitization Subsidiary; and

                  (i) Indebtedness consisting of the obligation to repurchase
         mortgages and related assets to the extent permitted by Section 6.12.

                  (b) Section 6.5 of the Five Year Credit Agreement is hereby
amended by (i) deleting the word "and" from the end of paragraph (l), (ii)
deleting the period at the 

end of paragraph (m) and substituting therefor a semi-colon and (iii) adding the
following new paragraphs at the end thereof:

                           (n) Liens securing Indebtedness and related
                  obligations of an Asset Securitization Subsidiary in respect
                  of one or more asset securitization transactions, which
                  Indebtedness is reported on a consolidated balance sheet of
                  the Borrower and its Subsidiaries, covering only the assets
                  securitized in the asset securitization transaction financed
                  by such Indebtedness and, if such Asset Securitization
                  Subsidiary is of the type described in clause (i) of the
                  definition of "Asset Securitization Subsidiary", the capital
                  stock of such Asset Securitization Subsidiary; and

                           (o) Liens on mortgages and related assets securing
                  obligations to repurchase such mortgages and related assets to
                  the extent such obligations are permitted by Section 6.12.

                  (c) Section 6.10 of the Five Year Credit Agreement is hereby
amended by adding immediately after the phrase "Special Purpose Vehicle
Subsidiaries" the phrase "and Asset Securitization Subsidiaries".

                  (d)  Section 6 of the Five Year Credit Agreement is hereby 
amended by adding the following new Section 6.12.

                  SECTION 6.12.  Limitation on Mortgage Repurchase Indebtedness.

                  Incur, assume or suffer to exist any Indebtedness (other than
         Indebtedness of Asset Securitization Subsidiaries incurred to finance
         asset securitization transactions permitted by this Agreement) in
         respect of the repurchase of mortgages and related assets if the
         aggregate principal amount of all such Indebtedness would exceed
         $900,000,000 at any time.

                  SECTION 5. Conditions to Effectiveness. This Fourth Amendment
shall become effective as of the date hereof (the "Effective Date") upon
execution and delivery by a duly authorized officer of each of the Borrower, the
Administrative Agent and the Required Lenders.

                  SECTION 6. Representation and Warranties. The Borrower
represents and warrants to each Lender that as of the Effective Date, before and
after giving effect to this Fourth Amendment: (I) no Default or Event of Default
has occurred and is continuing; (ii) the representations and warranties made by
the Borrower in or pursuant to the Five Year Credit Agreement or any Fundamental
Documents are true and correct in all material respects on and as of the
Effective Date as if made on such date (except to the extent that any such
representation and warranty expressly relates to an earlier date) and (iii) this
Fourth Amendment constitutes the legal, valid and binding obligation of the
Borrower, enforceable against it in accordance with its terms, except as such
enforcement may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, fraudulent conveyance,

moratorium or similar laws affecting creditors' rights generally, by general 
equitable principles (whether enforcement is sought by proceedings in equity or
at law) and an implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing.

                  SECTION 7. Continuing Effect of the Five Year Credit
Agreement. This Fourth Amendment shall not constitute an amendment or waiver of
or consent to any provision of the Five Year Credit Agreement not expressly
referred to herein and shall not be construed as an amendment, waiver or consent
to any action on the part of the Borrower that would require an amendment,
waiver or consent of the Administrative Agent or the Lenders except as expressly
stated herein. Except as expressly consented to hereby, the provisions of the
Five Year Credit Agreement are and shall remain in full force and effect.

                  SECTION 8. Expenses. The Borrower agrees to pay and reimburse
the Administrative Agent for all of its reasonable costs and out-of-pocket
expenses incurred in connection with the preparation, execution and delivery of
this Fourth Amendment and ancillary documents, including, without limitation,
the reasonable fees and disbursements of counsel to the Administrative Agent.

                  SECTION 9. Counterparts. This Fourth Amendment may be executed
in any number of counterparts by the parties hereto, each of which counterparts
when so executed shall be an original, but all counterparts taken together shall
constitute one and the same instrument.


                  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Fourth
Amendment to be executed and delivered by their respective duly authorized
officers as of the date first above written.

                                    PHH CORPORATION

                      By: /s/ David M. Johnson
                       Title: Senior Executive Vice President and CFO

                                    THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, individually
                                    and as Administrative Agent

                      By: /s/ Randolph Cates
                       Title: Vice President

                                    THE CHASE MANHATTAN BANK OF CANADA, as 
                                    Canadian Agent

                      By: /s/ Christine Chan            
                       Title: Vice President    

                      By: /s/ Arun K. Bery
                       Title: Vice President

                                    BANK OF AMERICA NT&SA

                      By: /s/ John Poralyko
                       Title: Managing Director

                                    BANK OF MONTREAL

                      By: /s/ Brian L. Banke
                       Title: Director

                                    THE BANK OF NEW YORK

                      By: /s/ Ronald R. Reedy
                       Title: Vice President

                                    THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA

                      By: /s/ J. Alan Edwards
                       Title: Authorized Signatory 

                                    THE BANK OF TOKYO-MITSUBISHI, LIMITED, 
                                    NEW YORK BRANCH

                      By: /s/ Michael C. Irwin
                       Title: Attorney-in-fact

                                    BANKERS TRUST COMPANY

                      By: /s/ Anthony LoGrippo
                       Title: Vice President

                                    CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE

                      By: /s/ Katherine Bass
                       Title: Authorized Signatory

                                    COMERICA BANK

                      By: /s/ Kimberly S. Kersten
                       Title: Vice President

                                    COMMERZBANK AG (NEW YORK BRANCH)

                      By: /s/ David J. Whitworth
                       Title: Senior Vice President

                      By: /s/ Oliver Welsch-Lehman
                       Title: Assistant Vice President

                                    CREDIT LYONNAIS NEW YORK BRANCH

                      By: /s/ Vladimir Labun
                       Title: First Vice President-Manager

                                    DEUTSCHE BANK AG NEW YORK AND/OR CAYMAN 
                                    ISLANDS BRANCHES

                      By: /s/ Suzanne R. Kissling
                       Title: Managing Director

                      By: /s/ Peter J. Bassier
                       Title: Vice President

                                    THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CHICAGO

                      By: /s/ Cory Helfand
                       Title: Vice President

                                    THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MARYLAND

                      By: /s/ Susan Elliot Benninghoff
                       Title: Vice President

                                    FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK

                      By: /s/ Ronald J. Bucci
                       Title: Vice President

                                    THE FUJI BANK, LTD. NEW YORK BRANCH

                      By: /s/ Raymond Ventura
                       Title: Vice President and Manager

                                    MELLON BANK, N.A.

                      By: /s/ Donald G. Cassidy, Jr.
                       Title: First VP

                                    MORGAN GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK

                      By: /s/ Robert Bottamidi
                       Title: Vice President

                                    NATIONSBANK, N.A.

                      By: /s/ John W.
                       Title: Managing Director

                                    ROYAL BANK OF CANADA

                      By: /s/ Sheryl L. Greenberg
                       Title: Senior Manager

                                    THE SUMITOMO BANK, LIMITED
                                    NEW YORK BRANCH

                      By: /s/ J. Bruce Meredith
                       Title: Senior Vice President

                                    WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A.

