PATENT LICENCE AGREEMENT

         THIS AGREEMENT is dated the 5 day of July 1999 BETWEEN FINGLAS
TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED whose registered office is situated at McKee Avenue,
Finglas Dublin 11 (hereinafter "Finglas" which expression shall include its
successors, administrators and permitted assigns) a Company organized and
existing under the Laws of Ireland of the One Part AND CENTURION INTERNATIONAL,
LIMITED having its registered office at 2A Alton Business Park, Gatehouse Way,
Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP 19 3XU, United Kingdom (hereinafter "Licensee"
which expression shall include its successors, administrators and permitted
assigns) a Company organized and existing under the Laws of England and Wales of
the Other Part.


A.       Finglas is the owner and proprietor of certain registered Patents
         specified in the First Schedule hereto.

B.       Finglas is willing to grant to the Licensee, and the Licensee is
         willing to accept, a Licence to use the Patents in accordance with the
         provisions of this Agreement.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration for the mutual payments and provisions herein
contained, this Agreement witnesseth as follows:


In this Agreement the following words shall have the following meanings:


"IMPROVEMENTS"                      Any development to the inventions claimed in
                                    the Patents which comprise an original
                                    inventive step.

"INVENTIONS"                        The inventions claimed in the Patents.

"LICENSED PRODUCTS"                 Any and all products that are manufactured
                                    by the Licensee or its sub Licensees and are
                                    within any of the claims of the Patents.

"PARTIES"                           Finglas and the Licensee and "Party" shall
                                    mean either of them.

"PATENTS"                           Any and all of the Patents and Patent
                                    Applications referred to in the attached
                                    Schedule including any continuations,
                                    continuations in part, extensions,
                                    re-issues, divisions and including any
                                    patents, supplementary protection
                                    and similar rights that are based on or
                                    derive priority from the foregoing.

2.       GRANT

2.1      LICENCE

         Finglas hereby grants to the Licensee, subject to the provisions of
         this Agreement, a Licence to use the Patents with the right to
         sub-licence subject to Clause 2.3 below, to import, develop,
         manufacture, have manufactured, use and sell Licensed Products or to
         use the Inventions in any Licensed Products in any part of the world.


         The Parties shall execute such formal Licences as may be necessary or
         appropriate for registration with Patent Offices and other relevant


         The Licensee shall be entitled to grant sub licences of its rights
         under this Agreement to any person without prejudice to the continuing
         obligations of the Licensee; and provided that within 30 days of the
         grant of any sub licence, the Licensee shall provide to Finglas a true
         copy of it and that the sub licence shall include obligations on the
         sub licensee which are equivalent to the obligations on the Licensee
         under this Agreement.


3.1      In respect of the period up to and including the 31st December 1999,
         the Licensee shall pay to Finglas royalties as follows:

         (a)      On the Commencement Date, the sum of IR pound sterling 50,000.

         (b)      Within 30 days of the Commencement Date the sum of IR pound
                  sterling 50,000.

3.2      In respect of the period 1st January 2000 up to and including 31st
         December 2000, the Licensee shall pay to Finglas a royalty of IR pound
         sterling 50,000 on the first working day after the 1st January 2000.

3.3      In respect of the period from 1st January 2001 and thereafter until the
         expiration of this agreement as set forth in Clause 6.1, the Licensee
         shall pay to Finglas royalties of IR pound sterling 1 per annum on the
         first working day of each year.

3.4      All sums due under this Agreement:

         (a)      are exclusive of Value Added Tax which, where applicable,
                  would be paid by the Licensee to Finglas in addition;

         (b)      shall be paid in Irish Punts;

         (c)      shall be paid without deduction of Income Tax or other taxes,
                  charges or duties that may be imposed, except and insofar as
                  the Licensee is required to deduct the same to comply with
                  applicable laws despite all reasonable cooperation on the part
                  of the Licensee;

         (d)      shall be made by the due date failing which Finglas may charge
                  interest on any outstanding amount on a daily basis at a rate
                  equivalent to 4% above the Midland Bank base lending rate then
                  in force.

3.5      The Licensee agrees to cooperate with Finglas at Finglas' reasonable
         cost to procure permission from the United Kingdom Inland Revenue
         authorities to have the royalties paid gross without deduction of tax.


         The Parties shall inform each other promptly if either of them becomes
         aware of any infringement or potential infringement of any of the


5.1      Finglas warrants, represents and undertakes as follows:

         (a)      Finglas has not previously granted any Licences to use the
                  Patents to any third party.

         (b)      Finglas shall not grant any Licences to use the Patents to any
                  third party for the duration of this Agreement without the
                  consent of the Licensee.

         (c)      The Patents are not subject to any encumbrance, mortgage,
                  charge, (fixed or floating), pledge, lien, hypothecation,
                  trust, right of set-off or any third party security right or
                  interest (legal or equitable), including right of assignment
                  by way of security, reservation of title or any other security
                  interest of any kind.

         (d)      Finglas shall not transfer the Patents to any third party
                  (other than the Licensee, its holding company or any
                  subsidiary of the Licensee or its holding company) for the
                  duration of this Agreement.


         Each of the Licensee and Finglas acknowledges that in entering into
         this Agreement it does not do so in reliance on any representation,
         warranty or other provision except as expressly provided in this
         Agreement and any conditions, warranties or other terms implied by
         statute or common law are excluded from this Agreement to the fullest
         extent permitted by law.

5.1.2    Without limiting the scope of clause 5.1.2. nothing in this Agreement
         or the Licence granted hereunder shall be construed:

         (a)      as a representation or warranty that the Patents or any of
                  them are valid or subsisting or (in the case of patent
                  applications) will proceed to grant save that Finglas will not
                  withdraw any of the Patents which comprise patent applications
                  without prior consent of the Licensee;

         (b)      as a representation or warranty that the activities licensed
                  hereunder or any of them are not an infringement of any
                  intellectual property rights of any third parties;

         (c)      as a representation or warranty that the inventions or any
                  other information communicated by Finglas to the Licensee
                  under or in connection with this Agreement will produce
                  Licensed Products of satisfactory quality or fit for the
                  purpose for which the Licensee intended;

         (d)      as imposing any obligation on Finglas to bring or prosecute
                  actions or proceedings against third parties for infringement
                  or to defend any action or proceedings for revocation of any
                  of the Patents save that Finglas shall provide reasonable
                  cooperation and assistance to the Licensee, at Licensee's cost
                  in respect of any such actions or proceedings.

5.2      INDEMNITY

         The Licensee shall indemnify Finglas against any loss, damages, costs
         or expenses which are awarded against or incurred by Finglas as a
         result of any claim or threatened claim concerning the use by the
         Licensee or any of its sub Licensees of the Patents or otherwise in
         connection with the manufacture, use or sale of, or any other dealing
         in, any of the Licensed Products by Licensee or any of its sub


         To the extent permitted by law, the maximum limit of either party's
         liability under this Agreement whether in contract, tort, negligence,
         breach of statutory duty or otherwise

         shall be IR pound sterling 50,000 in aggregate. The parties agree no
         claim shall be brought against thE other under this Agreement for any
         amount less than IR pound sterling 10,000 (save in respect of payment
         obligations of the Licensee).

5.4      Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, Finglas shall
         not be liable to Licensee in contract, tort, negligence, breach of
         statutory duty or otherwise for any loss, damage, costs or expenses of
         any nature whatsoever incurred or suffered by Licensee or its
         affiliates of an indirect or consequential nature including and without
         limitation any economic loss or other loss of turnover, profits,
         business or goodwill.



         This Agreement and the Licences granted hereunder shall come into
         effect on the Commencement Date, shall continue in force until the date
         on which all the Patents have expired or been revoked without a right
         of further appeal, until the Parties agree to terminate this Agreement
         or until Finglas no longer owns the Patents.

7.       GENERAL

7.1      AMENDMENT

         This Agreement may only be amended in writing signed by duly authorized
         representatives of Finglas and the Licensee.

7.2      NO AGENCY

         Neither Party shall act or describe itself as the Agent of the other
         nor shall it make or represent that it has authority to make any
         commitments on the other's behalf.


7.3.1    Subject to Clause 7.3.2 below, neither Party shall assign, mortgage,
         charge or otherwise transfer any rights or obligations under this
         Agreement nor any of the Patents or rights under the Patents without
         the prior written consent of the other Party save to the other Party or
         any United Kingdom incorporated subsidiary of either Party or a United
         Kingdom incorporated subsidiary of either Party's holding company.

7.3.2    Either Party may assign all its rights and obligations under this
         Agreement together with its rights in respect of the Patents to any
         Company to which it transfers all or part of its assets or business, or
         to any United Kingdom incorporated subsidiary of the Party conducting
         the transfer or a United Kingdom incorporated subsidiary company of

         Party's holding company provided that the Assignee undertakes to the
         reasonable satisfaction of the other Party to be bound by and perform
         the obligations of the Assignor under this Agreement.


         In this Agreement the headings are used for convenience only and shall
         not affect its interpretation.


         The validity, construction and performance of this Agreement shall be
         governed by the Law of the Republic of Ireland and shall be subject to
         the exclusive jurisdiction of the Irish Courts.

7.6      SURVIVAL

         This agreement shall be binding upon and endure for the benefit of the
         successors, administrators and permitted assigns of the Parties.


         (a)      Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, all claims or
                  controversies between the parties (or their permitted
                  assignees) arising out of or related to this Agreement shall
                  be finally determined by arbitration in accordance with the
                  rules in effect from time to time of the Chartered Institute
                  of Arbitrators in Ireland by one Arbitrator (selected in
                  default of Agreement between the parties by the President for
                  the time being of the Law Society of Ireland) who is
                  knowledgeable concerning the Law governing the dispute and
                  such Arbitration shall constitute an Arbitration for the
                  purposes of the Arbitration Acts 1954 to 1980.

         (b)      The arbitration shall take place in Dublin, Ireland and the
                  Language of the arbitration shall be English.

         (c)      The arbitrator shall be empowered to permit reasonable
                  discovery and shall have the authority to award all forms of
                  relief determined to be just and equitable. Any arbitral award
                  rendered pursuant to this clause shall be final and binding on
                  Buyer and Seller and may be enforced in any court of competent
                  jurisdiction. For this and any other purpose, each of Buyer
                  and Seller (i) waives any bond, surety or other security that
                  might be required of any other party with respect thereto, and
                  (ii) agrees that any part may make service on any other Party
                  by sending or delivering a copy of the process to such Party
                  at the address and in the manner

                  provided for the giving of notices in Section 7.9 below or in
                  any other manner permitted by law.

         (d)      In all instances of arbitration, the costs of arbitration
                  shall be borne by the unsuccessful party, except in the event
                  that determination of success is not clear- cut, in which case
                  the costs of arbitration shall be allocated by the arbitrator,
                  having due regard for the nature of the dispute, the
                  contentions of the parties and his or her decision on the
                  merits of the dispute.

7.8      NOTICES

         All notices, demands, and other communications given or delivered under
         this Agreement will be in writing and will be deemed to have been given
         when personally delivered, mailed by first class mail or recorded post
         or delivered by express courier service or telecopied. Notices, demands
         and communications will, unless another address is specified in
         writing, be sent to the address indicated above in the case of Licensee
         for the attention of Gary Kuck and in the case of Finglas for the
         attention of Peter Crowley.

                                   SCHEDULE I

     Plated Helix (II)       UK              N/A              C766.00/S
     Top Loading Cylinder    Ireland         S66918           (S950767)

                                 *  *  *  *  *

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Agreement to be
executed by their duly authorized representatives the day and year first above

SIGNED for and on behalf of
FINGLAS TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED               /s/ James A. Boyle
in the presence of:                        /s/ Michael G. McGinley

SIGNED for and on behalf of                /s/ Gary L. Kuck
in the presence of:                        /s/ V. Stoiljkovic
