Finglas Technologies Limited

                                                    McKee Avenue
                                                    Dublin 11

                                                    Tel. 814 2000
                                                    Fax 864 0122

2nd July 1999

Centurion International Ltd
2a Alton Business Park
Gatehouse Way
Buckinghamshire HP19 3XU
United Kingdom

Re: Patent License Agreement dated 5 July 1999

Dear Sirs,

We refer to the Patent License Agreement between us dated the 5 July 1999 and
confirm that the Patents referred to therein are licensed to you to the
exclusion of any other party for the duration of the said Patent License
Agreement. We further confirm that the Patents referred to in the said Patent
License Agreement shall not be utilised by Finglas Technologies Limited for the
manufacture of moulded antenna products for the term of the Patent License
Agreement without the prior written consent of Centurion International Ltd.

Signed: /s/ James A. Boyle
       for and on behalf of
       Finglas Technologies Limited