Exhibit 10.19



1.       Sub-Lessor states:

a)       That it is a corporation duly organized in accordance with the General
         Law of Commercial Entities as evidenced by Public Instrument Number
         3,722 granted on June 30,1997 before Mr. Gabriel Moreno Lozano, Notary
         Public No. 7 for the City of Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico, and
         recorded in the Public Registry of Commerce under entry No. 5110571,
         Commerce Section, on July 4,1997.

b)       That Mr. Salvador Vargas Lara evidences his capacity as Controller with
         the power of attorney number 3,939 granted on October 21, 1997 before
         Mr. Gabriel Moreno Lozano Notary Public No. 7 for the City of Tijuana,
         Baja California, Mexico, and recorded in the Public Registry of
         Commerce under entry No. 5123768, Commerce Section, on December 11,

c)       That in accordance with Clause Thirteenth of a certain Lease Agreement
         dated July 22, 1997 executed between Banca Promex, S.A. and Sub-Lessor,
         Sub-Lessor has the authorization of Banca Promex, S.A. as trustee of
         Baja Del Mar, S.A. de C.V. to sublease all or part of the premises
         located at Paseo Reforma s/n B-1, Fracc. Rubio, Parque Industrial La
         Mesa, Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico and evidences such fact through
         the attached letter signed by Banca Promex, S.A.

d)       That the surface hereby subleased has a total area of 16,428.5 square
         feet, which is formed by the production area and 1,270 square fee of
         office space, located in the premises mentioned in the preceding

e)       That the premises referred to in paragraph c) above are suitable for
         the industrial purposes of the Sub-Lessee, both for its nature as well
         as for the place on which it is located according to the zoning rules
         currently in force.

f)       That its main offices are located at: Paseo Reforma s/n B-1, Fracc.
         Rubio, Parque Industrial La Mesa, Tijuana, Baja California.


2.       Sub-Lessee states.

a)       That it is a corporation duly organized in accordance with the General
         Law of Commercial Entities as evidenced by Public Instrument Number
         5,330 granted on March 5, 1999 before Mr. Gabriel Moreno Lozano, Notary
         Public No. 7 for the City of Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico.

b)       That Mr. William Ed. Campbell evidences his capacity through the Public
         Instrument mentioned in the preceding paragraph.

c)       That its main offices are located at: Paseo Reforma s/n B-1-A Fracc.
         Rubio, Parque Industrial La Mesa, Tijuana, Baja California.


I.       Purpose of the Agreement:

In accordance with the terms and conditions expressly set forth herein, the
purposes of this agreement are the following;

a)       Sub-Lessor delivers to the Sub-Lessee and likewise Sub-Lessee receives
         in sublease from Sub-Lessor a total area of 16,428.5 square feet
         consisting of production arm and 1,270 square feet of office space
         within the building located at Paseo, Reforma s/n B-1, Fracc. Rubio,
         Parque Industrial La Mesa, Tijuana, Baja California, (hereinafter the
         "Subleased Area").

b)       Sub-Lessee's employees may use common areas including but not limited
         to the following. restrooms, storage, reception, hall, etc.

c)       Sub-Lessee shall request written authorization from Sub-Lessor to carry
         out improvements to the Sub-leased Area. Likewise Sub-Lessor will
         request such authorization from the owner of the building. Such
         improvements in no way should cause damages to the general structure of
         the building. Sub-Lessee shall perform all the installations in
         accordance with the laws, rulings, decrees, ordinances and other
         governmental provisions.

II.      Term of the Sublease and Commencement Date.

a)       The Term will be for 12 months as of February 15, 1999 until February
         14, 2000. This Sublease shall be subject to renewal, at the option of
         Sub-Lessee and Sub-Lessor with 90 days written notice to successive
         one-year periods.

b)       Sub-Lessee may not transfer nor assign the rights aud obligations
         subject matter hereof.

III.     Rent.

a)       Sub-Lessee shall pay Sub-Lessor the amount of US$7,817-00 (SEVEN
         THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND SEVENTEEN 00/100) Dollars Currency of the
         United States of America, calculated at 043.25 cents Currency of the
         United States of America per each square foot ($.4325x 16,428.5) plus
         the corresponding VAT, as monthly rent for the sublease of the
         Subleased Area.

b)       The payments will be in advance on the first business day of each
         month, in Dollars of the United States of America, in equal monthly
         installments, or in the event the payment in Dollars is not permitted,
         the payment will be monthly payable at the equivalent in pesos as the
         exchange rate for sale.

c)       Such payment of rent shall be made at Sub-Lessor's domicile, mentioned
         in recital 1. Paragraph f).

d)       Sub-Lessee shall maintain the Subleased Area free from any lien.

IV.      Use.

The Subleased Area shall be used and occupied for Sub-Lessee's industrial use
which is permitted by law. Sub-Lessee shall be bound to comply with all
Governmental laws, rulings and provisions that may affect the Subleased Area, as
well as refrain from any act that may lead to damages and destruction of the
Subleased Area, or which constitutes disturbance or threat to other occupants of
the building.

V.       Insurance.

Effective as of July, 1999 Sub-Lessee shall reimburse prorata the insurance
premium paid by Sub-Lessor in Sub-Lessee's behalf for property damage to the
building. The corresponding insurance policy for the building should include
Sub-Lessee as a beneficiary and co-insured party.

VI.      Access to the Subleased Area.

A.       During Sub-Lessee's business hours, and in the event of emergency at
         all times, Sub-Lessor, or its authorized representatives will have the
         right to enter the Subleased property to inspect it and to carry out
         additional repairs or alterations, but without interfering with
         Sub-Lessee's operations. Sub-Lessor shall notify Sub-Lessee before
         entering the Sub-leased property and Sub-Lessee will have the right to
         accompany any of Sub-Lessor's representatives and its possible clients.

B.       Sub-Lessor agrees to indemnify Sub-Lessee, for any claim that may occur
         against Sub-Lessee for damages and injuries, or the death of any of
         Sub-Lessor's representatives once they enter the Sub-Leased Area under
         this clause except to the extent such damages or injuries or deaths are
         derived from the negligence of Sub-Lessee or its representatives or

VII.     Notices.

All notices referred to in this Agreement shall be addressed to the domiciles of
the parties mentioned in the recitals or any other domiciles that from time to
time may be notified by the parties. Such notices shall be in writing and will
have effect once the addressee receives them. A duplicate of the notices will be
sent by certified mail, prepaid postage to the domiciles that in an additional
manner any of the parties may request in writing.

VIII.    Damages or Destruction

A.       Total.

In the event all or a substantial part of the Sub-Leased Area is damaged or
destroyed by fire, acts of god or force majeure, in such a manner that
Sub-Lessee becomes unable to continue the operation of its businesses,
Sub-Lessor will determine within the Five (5) Days following such destruction if
the Sub-Leased Premises can be restored within the Two (2) following Months and
will notify Sub-Lessee such determination.

Should Sub-Lessor determine that the Sub-Leased Premises can not be restored
within the term of Two (2) Months, Sub-Lessee will have the right and option to
immediately terminate this Agreement through a written notice made to the other
party. Should Sub-Lessor determine that the Sub-Leased property can be restored
within such Two (2) Months, Sub-Lessor shall proceed in a diligent manner, to
rebuild the improvements. Should Sub-Lessor not finish such improvements within
the Two (2) Months period, Sub-Lessee shall have the right and option to
terminate this Agreement, without any penalty through the written notice made to
Sub-Lessor no later than Ten (10) Days after the expiration of such Two (2)
Months period.

B.       Partial.

In the event the damages caused to the Subleased Area do not prevent Sub-Lessee
to continue the normal operation of its businesses on the Subleased Area.
Sub-Lessor and Sub-Lessee, shall repair such damages rebuilding part of the
improvements that corresponds to Sub-Lessee in the understanding that within the
period required to carry out the repair works, the rent payable in accordance
with this Agreement by Sub-Lessee will be prorated in a manner equitable with
the interference, use and possession of Sub-Lessee of the Subleased Area caused
by such damages and repairs.

IX.      Limitation of Liability.

With exception of any willful or negligent acts or omissions by Sub-Lessor or
Sub-Lessee, Sub-Lessor and Sub-Lessee mutually agree to indemnify and hold each
other harmless for any and all loss or damage at said premises to the extent the
loss or damage is caused by the offending party.

X.       Peaceful use and enjoyment.

Sub-Lessor agrees that Sub-Lessee, through the payment of rent and other amounts
set forth herein and through the compliance of all the terms and provisions
hereof, will be able to occupy and enjoy in a legal and peaceful manner the
Subleased Area during the term of this Agreement.

XI.      Taxes.

A.       The taxes derived herefrom shall be at Sub-Lessor's expense.

The parties agree that this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State
of Baja California, Mexico, for everything related to the interpretation and
compliance hereof the parties expressly submit themselves to the jurisdiction of
the Courts of the City of Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico, waiving any other
forum that may correspond to them by virtue of their present or future

In witness hereof, the parties executed this Agreement by signing two originals
in the places and dates indicated below.

         SUB-LESSOR                                  SUB-LESSEE

    /s/ Salvador Vargas Lara                    /s/ William E. Campbell
- --------------------------------            -------------------------------
By: Mr. Salvador Vargas Lara                MEXICO, S.A. DE C.V.
Its: Legal Representative                   By:  Mr. William Ed Campbell
Place: Tijuana, B.C. Mexico                 Its:  Legal Representative
Date: April 09, 1999                        Place: Lincoln, Nebraska
                                            Date: April 7, 1999

          WITNESS                                     WITNESS

    /s/ Art Lolazo                                 /s/ Lorie Rogerson
- --------------------------------            -------------------------------